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Self-assessment of man as the most important component of his "I-concept. Self-esteem - what it is: concept, structure, species and levels. Self-confinement correction

A person is a social and developing outside of society normally will not be able. Throughout life, personality, interacting with society, develops and knows new borders of themselves. What the individual will be in this society, largely depends on the environment itself. People change under the influence of the rules and norms given by the society, and this is changing and their attitude to themselves. What will be the environment of a person, what will be his role in this society and as a person will put himself to society, mainly depends on internal characteristics man. Temperament, character, self-esteem is asked the tempo of our movement in the life path.

Self-esteem personality

Human self-esteem affects his attitude to himself, this is how he appreciates its capabilities, strength and skills. It is the center of personality development and has a huge impact on the adaptation of a person in a new society, a group. This is not a constant - it develops and changes depending on the events taking place in a person's life. Basically, self-consciousness and self-esteem are laid in a person since childhood and gradually develop in I-concept. Her presence is in any behavioral act of personality. However, a person will behave in a critical situation, as important issues will solve and whether it will be decided to fulfill certain tasks, it will be directly dependent on the level of self-assessment of a person at the time of decision.

3 types of self-esteem in psychology

Self-esteem is divided into three types: understated, overestimated and medium (adequate). People with different levels Self-assessment in the same situation will behave differently.

Improved self-esteem is the result of the wrong, possibly powerful or excessive caregoting. Such education leads to intrinsicity and its strength and, as a result, to an understated assessment of himself. People with low self-esteem are very wounded and often closed, not sociable, misintermetative. Such behavior leads to a complex of inferiority, the development of depressive states. As a rule, such people tend to dissect their role in society, trying by no means all out. Customers of modern psychologists are increasingly people with understated self-esteem. This problem can be solved. You can work on it.

A high self-evaluation

About the overestimated self-esteem of the individual is evidenced by the reluctance of a person to look at his mistakes, disassemble them and recognize. Personality with overwhelmed self-esteem is inclined to idealize itself and exaggerate its significance for the environment. Such people are characterized by dominant feelings, demonstrating themselves. Sometimes a person is difficult to live with an overestimated self-esteem. Understanding and awareness of this will be the first step to correct the situation, i.e. you can make self-esteem adequate. But in general, this type of self-esteem gives an identity confidence that is good driving power. Such people live under the motto "I can", "I can", "I want." They dominate such qualities as persistence and desire.

People with adequate self-esteem really evaluate their strength and opportunities in relation to the case, which is before them. Such personalities set themselves clear goals that are achieved, soberly look at things. Just adequate self-esteem speaks of the maturity of the person. The more mature personality is, the more adequate self-esteem.


What self-esteem is formed at the exit of development, will affect the level and quality of the life of the individual in society. Realizing itself, understanding and taking a certain way, a person builds life plans, creates his environment and lives in this world. Being an important link in the development of individuality, the self-assessment of a person determines the level of confidence and satisfaction with his life.

How personality belongs to itself, "programms" her for further accomplishments. Self-perception plays a big role in the life of everyone, so it should not be overlooked. The basic knowledge of this will not damage anyone, but most likely they will even benefit. They will help to highlight problem moments and, if possible, adjust. The article refers to the concept of self-assessment, its formation, the possibility of changes allocated for the species and levels.

What is self-esteem

Self-assessment is the level of adoption of yourself, the ability to critically analyze your own capabilities. She is inextricably linked with love for himself. A man with a bunch of complexes will not be able to experience this feeling until they get rid of them. Self-assessment affects how much the individual is easy to communicate with others, to carry out the goals, develop. Those who she is underestimated, have serious difficulties in all areas.

The problem of understated self-esteem is that its owners refuse to change. Often they are sure that such an attitude towards himself remains for life. This is an erroneous opinion, because many factors affect the self-perception; It cannot be the same throughout life.

How self-esteem is formed

Its foundations are laid in childhood. After infant age, the child begins to realize the essence of comparisons, self-esteem appears in its system of concepts. Parents should be careful with the statements to the son or daughter. The phrases like "Alina learns better in all subjects" or "But Dima to his fourteen has already learned the second language" do not motivate children. Rather, such expressions are forced to hate them and Alina, and Dima, and sometimes parents who bring a blow to self-esteem. A child / teen should not think that he needs to deserve love of loved ones or try to overtake the peers in the far-fingered race. He is needed primarily support and faith. On the contrary, the capture also does not lead to the formation of an adequate assessment.

Adults who inspire the child that he is the most talented, and the rest of him are not suitable at the notes, provide a bear service. Pupils on praise, even released from the puberty period, not capable of self-criticism. It prevents them from developing, eradicating their own shortcomings. Some of those who at one time received an "overdose" compliments and flattering, in adulthood become scored, unhwashes. Such a model of behavior is the result of a combination of parental actions and harsh reality. Understanding that in its own uniqueness it is not unique, leads a person to depression and other mental disorders.

In addition, a number of other factors affect self-esteem, among which environment (classmates, classmates, work colleagues, relatives), income, education. Many complexes come from the school. The victims of traffacent will cope with fear for a long time, to phobiams are subject to the end of their lives. Highly beats a comparison of its own material situation with income more successful. But evaluation itself is not static; It changes during life, the level depends on the efforts of its owner.

Types of self-esteem

There are three main types. Their names are used not only in psychology, but also in everyday life. Often you can hear phrases like "he has inadequate self-esteem." The classification helps to figure out how personality evaluate themselves how much their opinion is approximate to objectivity.

Adequate self-esteem - View, characteristic, unfortunately, for a minority of people. His owners know how to refer to their abilities, do not deny the shortcomings, trying to get rid of them. In addition, the focus is on strengthswhich are actively developing. Few capable of adequate self-criticism. Often, you can observe two extremes - or brute force with self-vaccination, or overestimated self-conceit.

Radical qualities are signs of a second type of self-esteem, which is customary distorted (inadequate). Her education is almost always the result of complexes, explicit or hidden. Often, in an overpriced self-esteem lies insecurity, trying to seem better in the eyes of the rest. Improved is different in that its owner directly broadcasts its own complexes - speaks of them around them, behaves accordingly (stiffness, pressure, difficulties in communication).

There is another type inherent in most - mixed. Under it it is meant that in certain moments of life, a person belongs in different ways. He is able to adequately evaluate the actions / actions, to devote the time of excessive self-criticism, while sometimes overestimaling his own skills. Alas, most people do not work out the balance, and such "fluctuations" are fraught with problems with the psyche.

Self-confinement levels

The main levels, like species, stand out three. They demonstrate the degree of love for themselves, the ability to see both positive and negative traits, Proximity to balance. Levels are associated with species, but still there are differences, which will be discussed.


The first one unloved by everyone. From low self-esteem trying to get rid of all available methods. There are thousands of techniques telling how to deal with complexes, and some of them are effective. Level refers to distorted perception; It is characterized by the inability to praise, undertaking advantages, high level anxiety permanent comparisons with other, more successful. Those who have problems with pride, easy to offend - just just over them to joke or hint at the lack of appearance / knowledge. Low self-esteem Creates a lot of inconvenience. It really stands with her.


One of the indicators that a person has no serious problems with mental health. He knows how to listen to inner voice, analyzes your own misses, is able to let the jokes in their address. At the same time, such a person will not allow it to be insulted, forced to make useless tiring work, ignored rights. To this level, it is worth striving, because it is recognized as optimal.


The third level is inherent in those who focus on their strong qualities, losing sight of the shortcomings. It is no less dangerous than low. This type of self-perception does not apply to adequate. Owners high self-esteem Easily ignore constructive criticism. They are hard to come out of the comfort zone, they oppose this by all means. The invariosity of beliefs, the rejection of others is a big problem. Her danger lies also in the complexity of recognition. It is believed that the Yaros defending his position is strong, confident, reliable. But there is I. back side Medals: unshakable beliefs inhibit development, do not give the opportunity to recognize, try something new.

According to the final - self-esteem directly depends on the conditions of residence, education and environment. but adverse factors - I have no reason to put a cross on yourself. With a great desire, the attitude towards itself is successfully adjusted, and there are many examples when scored, indecisive men and women turned into liberated, strong personalities. It all begins with awareness of problems, the desire to change for the better and, of course, efforts.

Good day Dear blog readers!
"In order for you to appreciate you, you need to appreciate yourself." If you do not apply to yourself with respect, you should not expect the same from others. People subconsciously read what kind of relationship we expect. And do not disappoint us.

Therefore, if you do not appreciate yourself, then others will do the same. Therefore, today we will deal with what is self-esteem and that it gives a person.

  • Self-esteem: What is it?
  • Do I need to evaluate yourself?
  • What is self-esteem

Self-esteem: What is it?

Roughly speaking, self-esteem is how a person assesses its capabilities and personal qualities.

To determine self-esteem, three criteria are most often used:

  1. What does a person think about himself?
  2. What does a person feel about herself? (proud or more often feels humiliated, worthless);
  3. How does a person behave? (You can stay timidly, intimidated, confidently, brazenly, etc.).

Having answered all three questions, you can make an assessment. The result obtained and will reflect the attitude of a person to himself.

But do not think that such a procedure occurs once in life, and then the result is preserved. We evaluate yourself every second. This is especially visible for women.

Admit someone who did not look at yourself in every showcase, every time I am convinced that today it looks at all 100. And on the contrary, if the stars did not come together and the woman slept, did not have time to make up, just in a bad mood (needed to emphasize), it is unlikely that it will be Catch your reflection.

So self-examination is a process, it lasts all our conscious life.

However, it happens that "evaluation" depends not only on our sensation, but from what they say to us. This is especially affected by children.

If the baby praises (for business, of course), then he will be better to himself in adulthood.

And if the child constantly shows that he is not enough good relationship, Being adults, he will spend most of his life to prove others that he is no worse. And another question will bring his pleasure this process.

Do I need to evaluate yourself?

Evaluate yourself. However, as you already understood, self-esteem is a difficult thing. If something happened today, you are on horseback. And tomorrow everything may be wrong and rosy.

The need for self-esteem:

  1. Gives the concept that now happens in your life. Moving in the right direction or what you do makes you feel unhappy;
  2. Helps to find strengths of their character;
  3. Makes it possible to detect and eliminate negative sides character;

Attention! During the assessment, you should not compare ourselves with others. Believe me, there will always be one who is above, smarter, more and more well done in life. Such an estimation and comparison will sooner or later lead to a decrease in faith in itself, disappointment in his life or even depression.

So if you so need to compare yourself with someone, then remember yourself for a couple of years younger and spend comparative analysis. Note, in what aspects you have become stronger and smarter. And in what direction it is worth a little more.

How is self-assessment?

We learn to evaluate yourself from childhood. And since the child does not have critical thinking And all the information received is perceived as a clean one hundred percent truth, an adult man continues to evaluate himself just as he told him in childhood.

Therefore, if you have children, you should not intercept them or force them to strive for the ideal. Praise or punishment should always be relevant. By the way, if you punish children, then be sure to explain what it is.

Note! If you do not help the child on time (and the mechanisms of formation of self-assessment are inflicted since childhood and before adolescence inclusive), then in adulthood, a person has difficulty finding their place in the world and the establishment of social contacts.

What is self-esteem

In psychological literature there is a huge number of classifications.

Most frequently used types:

  • Low

In this case, a person treats too critical to himself. Constantly seeks to ideal. In childhood, a person often heard from his parents that he is not familiar and nothing comes.

With this upbringing, uncertainty is developing. In adulthood, at low self-esteem, it is difficult to make decisions, to take the initiative or take responsibility.

Relevant to himself is humiliating, you can not realize yourself in life (both personal and professional) and get a complex of inferiority;

  • Normal (adequate)

It is characterized by a person's ability to realistically assess its potential and opportunities. At the same time there is an optimal level of criticality to itself, which helps to develop and achieve new goals.

Adequate assessment of their forces is complemented by such qualities as readiness to change, the ability to maintain internal equilibrium, initiative;

  • Overgrown

Such people are distinguished by arrogance, they can often be compared with Narcissus from the myth well-known to us. The opinion of such a person often diverges with the opinion of others, while he always remains confident in its right.

How to determine the level of self-esteem

Determine the level of self-esteem is quite simple. To do this, it is enough to undergo a psychological test.

Attention! Do not use popular tests, they are unlikely to compose to all the rules, and therefore no one can vouch for the accuracy of the result.

As one of the professional tests, I propose M. Rosenberg method. To fill it, you do not need to spend a lot of time, because it consists of 10 questions.

Note! All, without exception, psychological tests have one feature: the result resulting after a while may not be relevant.

For example, today, you fill in the Test M. Rosenberg and it turns out that the level of self-esteem (self-esteem) is low. But the day after tomorrow you will learn that your job has liked the boss, that he wrote to you a huge award.

What do you think, if you get the test immediately after this news, will self-esteem be left at the same level? I think she will definitely rise!

You should also not forget that all of us are bad days when it seems to us that we are not suitable for anything. This, of course, is unpleasant, but most often so our brain signals us about fatigue (physical or psychological). Therefore, in this case, after a few days of rest, you will again feel okay.

And one more thing: if you have understated self-esteem and it does not work out in any way, I recommend contacting a specialist. Remember that if you are in a similar condition for a long time, you can spoil yourself all my life. Do you need it?

So, today I have everything. I sincerely hope that you are fine with the level of self-esteem. If not, remember that everything is fixable.

The main thing is to work on yourself. In the following articles, we will also discuss the features of working with self-esteem, so subscribe to blog updates. And do not forget to share interesting materials With friends in social networks.

See you!

With you, a practitioner psychologist Maria Dubynin.)

Self-satisfaction As a component of self-consciousness represents how a person appreciates himself, his capabilities and its place among other people. With the finished self-esteem, a person is not born, it is formed in the process of socialization due to the mechanisms of the interiorization (the inclusion of other people's assessments in the inner plan, the use of them as self-esteem) and identification (setting itself in place of another person, assessing their personality from the standpoint of this person).

Self-esteem can be high adequate; medium; overwhelmed; understated; Low. The level of self-assessment of the child depends on the conditions of family education. Conditions of formation low self-esteem The child in the family: the unfair relationship between the Father and the Son; The requirement from a child of unconditional obedience and constant accuracy, a conflict-free relationship with peers; The failure of the child. High adequate self-esteemforming a child if the father performs the function of the family chapter; in the family a democratic style of communication; Parents are successful people, and children know about their achievements; Parents have high expectations for children (R. Burns, 1986).

There is evidence that self-esteem is usually among the first child in the family. Average self-esteem is formed during liberal education in the family. Strict demands on the child in the family in due respect for his personality, contribute to the early formation of the skills of self-regulation and high adequate self-esteem (R. Berns, 1986).

Self-esteem can be optimal and non-optimal. To optimal referred High adequate self-esteem. Possessing such self-esteem, a person respects himself, satisfied with himself, seeks to self-improvement. Such a person tries not to overestimate himself, but also does not apply to strongly critical. If self-esteem Inadequately overestimatedthen a person has an idealized image of self . When experiencing failure, it emotionally repels objective assessments of the results and fair comments, which violates his idea of \u200b\u200bitself to preserve high self-esteem. Self-esteem can be inadequately understated. In this case, a person shows uncertainty, does not set himself difficult goals, too critical to himself. Too high or low self-esteem can lead to conflicts . With an overwhelmed self-esteem, they arise due to the fact that the person is negligible refers to other people when understated - a man, demanding to himself, shows even greater demanding to others.

Self-assessment is associated with the level of personality claims. Level of claims -this personality self-assessment level, manifested in the degree of difficulty of the objectives that the individual puts in front of him. The level of claims is formed under the influence of good luck and failures on life path man. With the adequate level of claims a person poses such a goal that can really achieve. The high adequate level of claims is characterized by the fact that a person puts high goals that are fully achievable with enhanced work. The moderate level of claims is characterized by the fact that a person solves a successful range of tasks of medium complexity and does not seek to improve its achievements. For heard grades he it takes for unbearable tasks, fails. Low-level claims are characterized by the fact that man selects simple goals, which is explained by low self-esteem or "social cunning". In the latter case, having a high self-esteem, a person avoids responsibility.