Repairs Design Furniture

What is a frame of a brusade house. Frame house or bar - what better for permanent residence. Comparison of strength and durability

Wood is one of the most eco-friendly materials used in the construction of individual housing. The construction industry offers a large selection of wood construction technologies. Our fellow citizens have received widespread methods of low-rise construction, like frame houses and houses from Bruus. We will conduct a comparative analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of these types of suburban structures in terms of their year-round use.

Brous houses are divided into several types
depending on the type of timber, which is used

  • normal;
  • solid profiled;
  • glued.

The first two types are budget options and are used for country buildings. When erecting a residential country cottage, the most popular appearance is glued bar. It is a high-quality building material that is quite suitable for capital house-building.

The modern frame house is also capable of providing a comfortable stay. The main condition for this is the use of modern technologies, compliance with construction norms and the use of quality materials. Among all the famous types of frameworks for year-round residence are the most suitable houses on technology 3D framework. The parameters of this skeleton house and we will compare with the characteristics of buildings from the glued timber.

Both mentioned construction technologies - and glued bar, and 3D frame - can be considered fully considered as the most advanced and significant potential for further development. In houses from glued timber
and the triple carcass was surprisingly united by two components - the traditional of wood and technological innovation. Indicated construction methods of buildings belong to the premium class and are approximately
in one price category. They largely have similar characteristics that determine the basic properties of luxury housing, but they have and fundamental differences.

We will try to figure out which houses are better: from glued timber
Or on the patented 3D framework technology?

Bruus design elements
and frame houses

The glued timber is obtained by gluing in special hydraulic presses of several lamella
of the pre-sawdowed logs of coniferous wood, which are most suitable for the production of this material. Synthetic glue is used as a fastening. As a result, it turns out structures with a mass of positive qualities. Such a bar is withstanding heavy loads, steady
to a wet environment, protected from the formation of fungi
and mold. Unfortunately, the indisputable pluses of the glued bar are reduced to zero if the material is made
of low-quality raw materials or with violation of technology. Even a small inconsistency of any of the production stages affects the quality of the finished material, visually
not always explicit. The defective glued timber under load can simply be able to open over time.

Bearing construction constructions using 3D technology frames are collected from solid wood of the highest grade dried in special chambers. Planed sawn timber chamber drying has a smooth smooth surface and in its strength characteristics
not inferior to the glued bruus. Dry sawn timber is very environmentally friendly, absolutely does not absorb moisture, durable, retains geometry at any loads and in it
mold is not formed. In the planed lumber, there are completely no adhesives and other chemical compositions, so its environmentality is indisputable.

Unlike the brusal wall of the frame house have a multi-layered structure. Constructive technology
3D frame consists of a triple biased frame
with jumpers for cells. The slab basalt insulation is inserted into these cells, overlapping all the wooden elements of the triple frame. This method of laying thermal insulation makes country housing in the most energy efficient and fireproof. Outside the walls are trimmed by a special membrane
and slab material that protect designs
from external influences.

Design features
Both types of houses

Construction of any country house always begins
with design. Build houses from glued timber
and the frame is not an exception. The first and most responsible stage before the construction is the creation of an architectural project, in which the internal premises and the appearance of future housing are carefully thought out.

Style solutions of frame houses and bar are somewhat different. Glued timber - this is a wooden texture
with subservards in places of intersections of the inner walls
with external. "Chalet" in this form look great.
But in other styles, for example, High Tech or Tehno, in essence, without alternatives. To achieve a variety in finishing a brusade house, only combining various colors
and shades. Tree involves naturalness
and naturalness, and this somewhat limits the fantasy of designers when creating a harmonious house from a bar.

But architectural features and finishing materials that are used in frame construction, the houses from the glued timber can only envy. In various versions of finishing, the frameworks are almost impossible to distinguish from stone or wooden cottages.

Therefore, if you choose from the point of view of architecture, what option is better: skeleton or bar, the answer is obvious. Buildings from wood are definitely beautiful and have a certain charm, but the choice of their stylistic solutions is very limited. Frame houses due to the extensive nomenclature of facing materials provide a wide scope for experiments. Such a dwelling can be built in any of the well-known architectural styles.

Technology and deadlines for the construction of houses
from a bar and with a carrier wooden frame

Stages of construction of frame houses and from a bar, like all other buildings, are very similar inherently. The main difference in the projects under consideration lies in the technology of assembling wall structures.

Houses from Bruus

The houses from the glued bar are built on the principle of the designer. Each element with the desired number is placed on each other and is adjusted in the grooves. In the lower and upper parts of the bar have spikes and ridges. This constructive feature allows you to assemble the bars into a log house on the principle of "spike-groove" when the spikes of the upper wheel are tightly included in the lower grooves, forming a reliable connection. Additionally, the bars fasten with wooden bellows or metal studs.

Frame houses

The 3D frame home is somewhat different. The triple wooden frame is erected first, then three-layer insulation of the contour of the structure is produced
and the protective membranes are mounted. After that, wall structures from two sides are sewn with slab or finishing material.

The construction of the houses under consideration is possible at any time of the year. The construction time of the frame and the bar is somewhat different. For example, the "box" at home along with the Foundation in the 3D frame is built in just 1-2 months,
and from the glued bar, taking into account the production
3-4 months.

Laying Communications for the timing and cost of work
in frame and brusade houses is also fundamentally different. Installation of electrical cables inside the baster walls is a rather difficult task. To do this, drill channels, and after laying
in them, pipes, given the future shrinkage of the structure. The whole process can take more than 2 months and is expensive. In the House of Technology 3D Frame All hidden communications are included in the basic bundle and, unlike the house of the bar, are easily paired in a special air gap inside the walls.

Any country cottage needs a finish.
Let's try to figure out the stages of finishing works of a brusal and frame house.

In the production of glued bar is covered with transport septic, ends are processed by special wax,
but this processing is only temporary protection.

The full finish of the walls of the house from the bar is a serious work that consists of several stages:

  • grinding the surface of the wall timber;
  • protection with special compositions;
  • wax removal from end surfaces;
  • grinding and protection of end surfaces;
  • intermediate and finishing coating (performed only at positive temperatures).

It is also necessary to take into account that objects made of glued wood and further need caring care. To prevent the rapid aging of the material and change its color, the facade needs to be regularly treated with special impregnations.
(Ideally, every spring), and, moreover, produce grinding and painting of external walls every 5-7 years.

Frame houses, like bar, also needed finishing. Make it is possible at the construction stage. For example, houses on technology 3D frame, due to the increased strength of wall structures, do not need outside
in the slab casing material. Instead of OSB-3, the external walls can immediately be sewed by any finishing panels or imitation of the bar. Facades of a frame house
do not require constant care (except for imitation of timber)
and can be performed in any style solutions.

As we see, both technology construction of houses belong
to pre-faithful. Taking into account all the stages of construction,
from the foundation to the device of communications and finishing, the delivery of the brusade house for the use of owners occurs in about 7-10 months. Stage of readiness at home
according to the technology of the 3D frame, from the beginning of construction work, it allows you to get under-key country housing in 4-5 months.

Energy efficiency frameworks
and bruschers houses

The main task when choosing a house construction technology for year-round accommodation is not only the strength and durability, but also the ability of the structure to maintain the most comfortable microclimate with minimal costs.

Specialists of the Profile Department of Engineering and Building Faculty of St. Petersburg State University, a study of the heat engineering properties of building structures was carried out. The task was set to determine that warmer: 3D frame or brusade house. Evaluation of the energy efficiency of buildings was carried out in accordance with the new requirements of SNiP 23-02-2003 "Thermal protection of buildings". For Moscow and the Moscow region, the standard for resistance to heat transfer is on average equal
3.1 m2 × ⁰C / W.

To determine the thermal conductivity of the glued bar, the wall was studied from the mentioned material with a thickness of 200 mm. The actual heat transfer resistance was 2.05 m2 × ⁰C / W. The heat loss indicator clearly does not reach the standards specified by SNiP.

Given the importance and fulfilling the requirements of the new SNiP, the wall thickness in the houses from the glued bar for permanent residence should be at least 400 mm.
In practical terms, build country brusade houses
it is impossible from such a thick wall.

Thus, a wall of glued timber with a thickness of 200 mm
in its pure form, it can not be used for the construction of permanent residence houses. Increased standards forced to produce additional insulation of brusade houses.

At the same time, the thermal conductivity indicator for the wall, built using the 3D framework technology, is at the level of 5.07 m2 × ⁰C / W, which is 2.5 times higher than the adhesive timber indicators.

Such high energy efficiency of the frame house is achieved due to the three-layer structure of the warming of enclosing structures, due to which the "cold bridges" is completely eliminated in the outer walls.
Three layers of thermal insulation shifted relative to each other
and overlap all the elements of the wooden frame. In addition, from the outside of the building an additional layer of insulation closed places of overlapping joints, so
throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe walls there are no through freezers.

Buildings on 3D technology framework refer to the category of "power-premissive". During the operation of the room, it is possible to die with any type of energy, even electricity, and at the same time significantly save. Buildings long hold inner heat, so
their residents are absolutely not terrible long-term emergency disabling power systems.

As can be seen from the results of the studies of the comparison of the frame and brusade house,
3D frame has much better thermal conductivity indicators, as the three-layer wall provides home unsurpassed thermal protection.

Strength characteristics, indicators
durability and reliability of buildings

The glued bar is a solid building material. Elements made by gluing lamellae,
not subject to deformation processes. The properties of the bearing brusade design under the influence of loads change little. The dense docking of the bars and the production of the structure with minimal gaps in general increases the reliability of the building.

True, the walls of the glued bar are not protected
from external influences. Temperature change, humidity
and ultraviolet does not most likely affect
on the durability of wooden structures. Therefore, after construction, to preserve the presentable species, wooden walls should be regularly handled.

Also during the construction of such a house should be considered
that even though shrinkage of glued bar is much smaller than
in profiled or logs, but it is still there. House
from the glued bar on average, 5 cm on the floor. Because of this, cracks can appear in the walls, respectively, the operational parameters of wall structures are reduced.

Innovative 3D frame provides high building stability to deformation processes. Reliability of a frame house from a chamber drying bar
it does not depend on the quality of gluing supporting structures. The durability of the structure guarantees the natural strength of the dried wood and the technological features of the triple carcass.

It is known that frame houses, in contrast to the bars,
in principle, not subject to shrinkage. Outer walls
according to the technology of the 3D frame, not one, but from three rigidly bonded frames. The location of the bearing elements has a cross structure - two vertical and horizontal framework between them. A single powerful wall structure with a thickness of 250 mm with strong vertical and horizontal connections is created. Thanks to this method of construction, the spatial rigidity of structures is significantly reinforced. The triple walls of the frame house do not give shrinkage and absolutely
do not give way to the strength of the glued bruus.

Another important factor in the reliability of suburban housing is the fire safety of the wooden structure. The glued bar is quite resistant to ignition, since in production is treated with all sorts of antipele impregnations. But if you do not care and regularly do not cover the walls of a bar with flame retardant compositions, it will burn as well as ordinary wood.

Here the undoubted advantage over the brusade has
3D frame house. The latter without any chemical impregnation structurally has the highest degree of fire resistance. All elements of the triple frame are blocked by non-combustible basalt insulation (class NG). Wooden structures do not come into contact with each other, so there is no possibility of spreading fire inside the walls. On fire safety analogs 3D frames among wooden houses today simply
does not exist.

As for durability, glued wood, with proper processing and timely care, most likely has a long service life. But the "dew point" is located inside the material itself and gradually destroys the wood. In the Russian conditions, the construction of glued timber is operated relatively recently, therefore data on the behavior of this material is absent in 30-50 years. The quality and service life of the adhesive composition used is also of great importance.

All wooden elements of a 3D frame house from a chamber drying bar are inside the wall design and are securely protected from external influences. In the external contour of the building, direct freecystures are completely excluded, therefore the "dew point" is not located inside the wall, but in the zone of the external ventilation gap. Any moisture immediately leaves out, and the walls are always in a dry state. Thanks to 3D construction technology, the safety and durability of the wall materials of the frame house has many times more than the brusade.

Cost of construction and operation
Frame and Bruce Buildings

As mentioned above, houses on the 3D framework technology and the glued bar are approximately one price category. But the differences in the formation of the cost of compared technologies still exist.

If we consider the average production rates at home
from glued bar, then initially determine
with the thickness of the material used, which is recommended by manufacturers during the construction of a house for year-round residence. The thickness of the standard wall glued bar is 200 mm. Sellers usually say that this size is enough.

So, the most common equipment of a brusade house:

  • R / B foundation.
  • Wall kit from glued bar 200 mm.
  • Roof with insulation 200 mm.
  • Windows, entrance doors.

Cost of construction from glued timber thick
200 mm in this package varies from 32,000
up to 43,000 rubles. For m2 axial area of \u200b\u200bthe structure. There are no floors and ceilings (only overlapping), no engineering communications.

And now consider the basic configuration "Premium House 3D Frame":

  • R / B foundation.
  • Wall kit from a triple frame with cross insulation 250 mm.
  • Roof with cross insulation 300 mm.
  • Floors and ceilings with insulation and noise insulation 200 mm.
  • Internal partitions with noise insulation.
  • Windows, entrance doors.
  • Hidden engineering communications.

The cost of building a house on technology 3D Frame varies from 26,000 to 37,000 rubles. per m2. The price depends
from the area of \u200b\u200bthe house (the more house, the cheaper M2)
and the complexity of the project. In this configuration, housing is rented, fully finished under the finish finish.

As you can see, even with a more complete set, the price of the house according to the technology of the 3D framework from the best European materials by about 15-20% lower than from the glued bar.

When solving the question "What house is profitable?", Other costs should be taken into account. The content of the skeleton house will cost the owners to a much smaller amount than the brusade.

When operating a building from a bar for heating, it will always have to pay a round sum, and taking into account the annual increase in the cost of energy carriers the content of such a house, for example, the people of the retirement age, can become simply inappropriate. In addition, it is necessary to regularly carry out wall processing with special compositions, which is also quite expensive.

Taking into account the named factors, the answer to the question "What is cheaper house from a bar or frame?" - The advantage is clearly in favor of the latter.


Summing up the study of the issue, "What is better home from glued timber or frame?", The answer becomes obvious.
The totality of technical and economic indicators, the terms of construction and energy efficiency of the 3D technology clearly exceeds a competitor from the bar.

Comparing the advantages and disadvantages of the construction technologies with a 3D frame and a bar of the bar, you can state the following:

The 3D framework described in the article on the patented 3D framework has exceptionally high mechanical strength, energy efficiency and fire safety. The construction and maintenance of such buildings will cost much cheaper and this is another plus in their favor.

The final decision in any case remains for the customer of construction, and yet, you should carefully look at
for innovative housing construction technology with three-layer walls.

Many customers adding to Wood-timber, begin to communicate with the question, what kind of construction to give preference, skew house, or brusade?

At the same time as the main criteria. affecting the final choice, they consider two:

  • The cost of the finished house;
  • His durability and quality.

So that customers can weigh the independent decision on this issue should have at least the primary idea of \u200b\u200bthe advantages and disadvantages of these construction options.

Comparative analysis

The customer's own opinion can be formalized after it will hold a primary comparison of the construction options under consideration for three basic parameters:

  1. Frame house and building from a bar. Qualitative differences.
  2. The complexity of assembly and installation.
  3. The cost of the necessary building and finishing materials.

1. Currently, the vast majority of developers seek to live in environmentally friendly homes.

Considering the frame and brusade house-building from this point of view, it can be stated that they are based on the use of natural wood.

But the bar is a tree without impurities. And the frameworks are formed using chipboard, OSP, plywood. And for their manufacture, chemical adhesive compositions are applied. Not always safe for human health.

The first conclusion - from the point of view of ecological purity, the timber wins.

If the structure is intended for year-round residence, the question of heat rescue becomes one of the main.

Theoretically, the frame version is not inferior at this indicator the house built from the bar. However, frame buildings are not able to accumulate and retain heat. They quickly cooled after the cessation of heating.

The brusade house greatly warms up and accumulates heat, so it is able to save it for a long time. Therefore, accommodation in it is more comfortable and costs cheaper (from the point of view of heating costs).

The second conclusion is a brusade house, in this question, is an undisputed leader.

The third factor that has a direct impact on the choice is the ventilation of the building. In the houses of a frame type requires the arrangement of a technically complex and expensive ventilation system. It is explained by the fact that the elements of the frame house almost do not let the air.

The bar freely "breathes", forming an optimal microclimate for a person.

Three - zero in favor of a bar.

2. Questions of construction

This is the second question that is compared. It, in turn, it is advisable to consider stages:

  • The rate of building a building;
  • Complexity of construction and installation work;
  • Total time to fulfill the construction of the house building.

At the first position, the frame house confidently ranks first. The structure is raised quickly and, after completion of construction, the house is fully prepared for its settlement.

Brusade building requires more time to complete construction, which is explained:

  • The need to arrange a more durable foundation (this requires additional time);
  • The bar is stacked by the piece;
  • Installation is technically more complex and places increased requirements for the quality of work.

The delivery house is also possible. However, the final finish can be performed only in a few months (taking into account the shrinkage).

In terms of reliability, the brusade house is also much more preferable to frame. The walls of the latter multi-layered, second, monolithic.

The deadlines for the operation of the object erected over the framework technology do not exceed 20 years. Bruce houses can stand up to half a century.

The implementation of the design of the architect and the designer is better managed by frame houses. It is these technologies that make it possible to build the structure of a complex configuration.

Building from a bar can also be given almost any shape. But it will cost much more expensive, and will take more time. But after completing the work, the house from the bar will have greater attractiveness and reliability.

3. Cost

This indicator can be ahead, comparing the construction of the structure according to a single project from compared materials. We will specify that it is considered exclusively the cost of materials.

The results of the aggregate assessment of the desired construction materials are shown that the frame house is comparable at cost or more expensive at home from the bar.


If you evaluate all the information you studied unbiased, it should be stated that the profiled bar wins according to the overwhelming majority of indicators.

Having ordered the construction of the house from the profiled bar in the Wood-timber company, the client will receive a building that has excellent thermal insulation and strong walls, designed for long-term exploitation and at an optimal price.

Which house is better - frame or bar? What is cheaper? These are some of the most popular questions and materials of these are the most popular customers of private houses.

Running forward, immediately let's voice the conclusion: there are no definite response to these questions. On one single reason: both the timber and the framework have different options in different price segments.

Tell in order

The main thing that affects the choice of material is a seasonality of residence in the future house and the construction region. The best houses from the bar or frame houses will be the most optimally suitable for you on the season and region of living.

House for Seasonal Accommodation

If the house is located in the regions with a soft winter or is designed for seasonal accommodation - it is more profitable to build a frame house by the simplest option: a frame from a bar / boards, insulation, vaporizolation, covering budget materials for internal and external finishes.

Such a house is rapidly built, does not give a shrinkage, and the requirements for the foundation are minimal. The use of natural materials makes such houses eco-friendly, and the technology is quite warm for such conditions.

An alternative can serve a panel house from SIP panels - it is a sandwich panel with a thickness of 17-22 cm, where there is between two OSB (OSB) - plates (oriented inlet stove, consists of several layers of wood chips, which connects with a resin) Insulation - most often expanded polystyrene foam.

Such a house is still easier and faster than frame, you can do it in any season, the requirements for the foundation are also minimal. The only thing that the spears will break down and opponents of this technology are environmentally friendly and combustibility of materials. It is necessary to understand that these two points depend on how high-quality materials are used. If these disadvantages were essential, the SIP panels would not be such a popular building material in Canada and the United States.

And if you prefer a clean tree, then what house from the bar is cheaper and easier to build? If the customer wants an inexpensive, but a wooden house for seasonal residence, an alternative can be a mini-timber house - this is a profiled bar often in size 45x145 (half of the width of the usual timber). Due to the smaller width, it will dry faster in the chambers and is therefore more accessible for the price than the usual massive bar. Usually suggestions on the construction of houses from the mini-bar contain precisely a dry lumber, which means the possibility of building a turnkey without waiting for shrinkage (although even in a dry bar, a slight shrinkage is present, and this should be considered when installing windows and doors).

Traditional in Russia, but a more time-consuming way to build country houses for seasonal residence - construction from a conventional planed small cross section (usually up to 100x150 mm) of natural humidity. Such houses must necessarily have a shrink period before the start of finishing and installation of windows and doors. Preparation and docking of a bar, the back of the corners in this embodiment requires certain carpentry professionalism, but at the cost of construction such houses will be no more expensive of houses from the above materials.

House for permanent residence in the middle lane of Russia

If we consider houses for permanent residence in the regions with traditional Russian winters and temperature drops, then a lot of choices are recruited between frame and brusade houses.

The main difference in housework construction technologies for permanent and seasonal residence is the level of thermal insulation. In brusade houses for permanent residence, a high level of thermal insulation is achieved by a thickness of a timber (contour walls), methods of joints of angles, interventional insulation, floor and roof device.

And in frame houses - the composition of the "sandwich", which is filled by the carrier frame, as well as the floor and roof device and the exception of cold bridges.

Houses for permanent residence from the bar are, as you know, three main species:

  • normal planed bar
  • profiled bar
  • glued bar

Recently, new modifications of the bar are coming out in the arena, designed to save the customer from the shortcomings of the massive timber - shrinkage and deformation, insufficient thermal insulation at low cross section. Most often, they are moving on the market called: double, warm, batch bar and structurally not far from frame, because the contour remains wooden, and insulation the insulation of different types (from polystyrene foam and mineral wool to bulk insulation, up to sawdust).

Obviously, the most important advantages of bruschers are their environmental friendliness, naturalness of origin and psychological acceptance, as well as the availability of material and the understandability of construction technology.

Frame houses for permanent residence contain a more massive frame and a more complex content designed to increase the strength of the design, thermal insulation, to provide vaporizoation and windproof. For example, you can meet such a phenomenon like "frame houses from glued timber" - here it is understood that the frame racks are made from the glued bar to avoid deformation.

In frame houses, in contrast to the bar, it is assumed to be a variety of options for internal and external finishes - from the lining and imitation of the bar before plaster. Also more architecturally complex may be the projects of such houses.

It is the frame houses most often called energy efficient, because Their design makes it possible to eliminate the air permeability of the walls and organize effective domestic communications (ventilation, heating) to minimize heat loss and reduce financial investments to ensure comfortable all-season accommodation.

So what is cheaper - frame houses or bars?

Interestingly, the plug of proposals on both categories of houses is more or less the same, and its extreme values \u200b\u200bdiffer in order. Houses from the bar and frame houses are comparable at cost, and it is possible to make a decent choice, only by studying the features of the technology in binding to your needs, wishes, living conditions and terrain, where the house will be built.

As soon as the question concerns the construction of a wooden house, the developer can easily be in front of the choice - use a bar or frame?

To answer this question, and show all the pros and cons of the materials and types of structure, you can conduct a comprehensive analysis that will consist of:

  • Qualitative differences between the brusade and frame house.
  • Ease of installation and build build.
  • The cost of material.

Bruce or frame

Taking into account the fact that some parameters of the analysis can be made the first digression and talk about environmental friendliness. This is a very important point to which modern developers will pay much attention.

On the one hand, both options are based on wood, but if it is precisely natural wood without extraneous impurities, then in the framework of plywood shields, chipboard, and this is already a hint of various chemical compounds, some of which are dangerous for man.

In the issue of ecology, preference can be given to Brusa!

Warm house

The next moment is the comfort of the house, its heat resistant. And to the question of which house is warmer frame or brusal, you can give an unequivocal answer - the bar.

Here you can spend very interesting observations. On the one hand, the frame version of the structure in thermal conductivity is not inferior to Brusa.

On the other hand, the skeleton house is not capable of properly to hold it, accumulate, so to speak, therefore, after the building is heated, it cools pretty quickly, if not to maintain a constant temperature in the heating system.

The house from the bar, on the contrary, is ideally warming up and is able to accumulate heat, thus cooling, it remains warm long. This is a conversation not only about comfort, but also about the cost-effective energy consumption.

Another point that can play a role in choosing, what to build a brusade or a frame house can play ventilation. The fact is that when framework construction it is necessary to pay great attention to the ventilation system. This is due to the fact that the elements of the frame house undergo a preliminary "factory" drying, and practically do not pass air.

While the timber, wood, has the ability to freely "breathe" passing air through the pores. This instantly affects the atmosphere indoors. The air here is constantly clean and fresh.


The next analysis point will imply a comparison of materials and houses from the point of view of construction work, and this is:

  • Speed. Each material has an approximate speed with which you can build a house.
  • Easy work. Installation can be viewed as an element of independent work, which ultimately affects the estimate.
  • Time from the start of construction to commissioning. In this case, we are talking about the time that is required for the shrinkage of houses.

The rate of construction. Here, in a kind of competition, who will be erected will be raised faster, a ram or a skeleton, the frame type is defeated without options.

The frame house is built very quickly, dried wood is used in operation, and after the construction you can instantly enter. House is ready to operate.

The house from the bar, of course, is built slightly longer in time, due to the following moments:

  • There is a need for a more massive foundation. If we are talking about concrete work, then this is at least 5-7 days.
  • The laying of the bar is conducted by single elements if the designer of the house is not used.
  • Installation itself requires more accurate performance, attention and time.

Important! You can enter the house from a bar almost immediately after the construction, but the decoration of the structure will still have to lead in a few months. Here you need time to shrink at home.

It should be noted that the instructions for the software involves two options, it is:

  • The profiled material in which the grooves are made and put it quite easily.
  • which is cheaper, but also requires a more labor-intensive process of installation and finishing, plus additional thermal insulation.

Important! Here it should also be noted that the house of non-planed material will have to simultane at least a year, and all this time it will give shrinkage, and the structure of the profiled timber will require 2 times less time on the shrinkage.


Most developers are absolutely confident that it is the brusal version of the structure that has increased reliability and durability, and here the following differences can be noted here:

  • Frame house, these are several layers of fine finishes, between which the insulation is located. Functionally such a structure does not boast of strength. Walls are easily opened and destroyed.
  • The timber wall, it is wood, which in itself is a strong material, and a ram in 150 mm, for example, this is a serious obstacle.

From the point of view of reliability, the answer to the question is that there is a better frame house or from a bar, an explicit advantage wins the brusade option.

Important! The service life of houses is completely different. A frame building is able to be in operation for no more than 20 years, after which the entire structure of the entire structure will be required, with the replacement of all reference racks.

Architectural nuances

In the event that the project of the house implies a rather complicated facade, on which there will be many complex geometric figures, then preference is given to the frame type. In addition, the framework allows you to implement projects of the structures of the wrong geometric shape.

For example, houses are not rectangular or square type, build, applying frame technology is much easier. The framework allows you to recreate even the most difficult projects.

On the other hand, the timber allows you to recreate the same complex geometric forms. Modern styling technologies, factory elements, will allow building complex projects, the truth will be needed much more time. But when all the work is finished, it turns out a beautiful and unusual and reliable house.

As for the internal planning of houses, it is quite difficult to compare here, with your own hands you can lay a bar as designated in the project, or add certain nuances from yourself. And in the frame and in the brusade house, the internal layout depends entirely on the developer.

From the point of view of speed, the frame and here wins, but if it is decided to build all of the timber, and even more so of the profiled tree, then the inner partitions and layout do not deliver difficulties.

The only, but significant advantage in this case is the structure of natural wood. If, for example, grinding a bar, and then cover with varnish, then the texture of the tree will look much more beautiful than the decoration of the frame type, albeit with the panels under the tree.

There are some nuances and regards to build time, or rather the time of the year. If the frame option can be erected when you like, at a temperature and weather conditions suitable for work, the bar is still best used in the cold season.

It is determined by the fact that the house is calmly passes the first stage of shrinkage, its walls are not exposed to direct sunlight, which does not allow wood to crack.


To answer the question of what is cheaper frame or timber, it is necessary to consider options through the prism of a fully identical project. And in this case it turns out that the brusade option can be more economically more profitable. It is worth, however, emphasize that the conversation is only about the cost of materials.

The cost of the brusade house consists of the price of wood, and the cost of the frame of the following materials:

  • Wood.
  • Decoration Materials.
  • Waterproofing.
  • Heat insulation.
  • Front work.

It ultimately it turns out that the box of the frame house is not cheaper, but even more expensive than the brusade type. The price in this case may not fully affect the choice of the type of construction, but the role plays essential.

Unlike concrete, wood has a high level of environmental material. In the face of any developer there is a choice - what is better to use for the construction of a wooden house frame or still a bar?

To get a full response to the question, it is best to analyze both materials on such characteristics:

  1. Strength and durability.
  2. The difference in price for the material and the calculation of its cost.
  3. The speed of construction and simplicity of work.
  4. Ecology.
  5. Constructive architectural abilities.
  6. Pros and cons.

Consider each of the items in more detail in order to understand which of the wood materials will receive priority.

Comparison of strength and durability

Considering the strength of the materials you can safely give preference than frame buildings. The fact is that the operation period of the frame, even if different chemicals and antiseptics are used to increase its longevity period, is about 25 a maximum of 30 years. After a certain time interval, such a design requires a mandatory replacement of carrier racks that are extended from the negative impact of natural factors.

The construction, made of timber, is able to serve about 50 years, while without various deformations and changes in operational characteristics. In such houses you need to consider one small detail. Before they began to produce many, the profiled material was used, which was not at all processed in the factory conditions.

After going to the society of glued wood, the service life of the houses from the bar increased significantly and is over 80 years.

Many developers believe that the version of the brusade buildings is much more reliable and more durable. It is worth noting their differences:

  • The house of the frame is represented as several layers of finishes, the gaps of which are filled with insulation. This type is completely non-functional and does not have a sufficient level of strength. The walls of this house can easily be destroyed and open.
  • The house of brushed walls is represented in the form of wood with sufficient strength from nature. A thickness of 150 mm thick is a very reliable obstacle.

From the point of view of strength and durability, much better than the brusade option.

Price difference

The most important moment for any developer is a pricing policy, namely the total cost of housing. This criterion is very important and it is he who is guided by the future owner of the construction.

For some reason, the majority of the population believes that much lower in cost than built from BRUSEV, but this is not so. If you understand well, the price of both options is approximately at the same level.

You can make sure that you can read more in more detail each of them:

  • First, the bar is not so expensive as the advertisement of various companies, since the material is more than enough and the production is developed at a good level.
  • Secondly, the bar does not require various additional work and exterior decoration, thanks to its beautiful and aesthetic appearance. While for framework buildings, both internal and external finishes are required.
  • Thirdly, frame structures require immediate calculation both for the material and for facing work due to short construction time. The cost of a house from a bar can be quietly distributed for two seasons, since the rows of its construction are somewhat longer.

Tip! If we consider both materials in completely identical projects, then the option of a bar may be much more profitable at cost.

Calculation of the cost of a brusade house

The cost of this house consists only of the price of wood. By itself, this material is more expensive than the frame, but much lower at the cost of it with a complete set of insulating materials. However, such a case concerns only one-piece bars. If we are talking about high-tech projects using, then the construction will carry the costs somewhat higher than the foreseen level.

Tip! More expensive, the construction can only be in the case when the glued bruster will additionally make an outdoor finish.

In the pricing for glued bar or frame, there are a number of important factors in favor of the first option:

  1. When building a house from a bar, all means go to the purchase of glued timber, not counting the cost of booking the foundation. Regardless of its high price, which is reimbursed in full lack of costs of housing walls.
  2. The glued wood, designed according to the latest technologies, and the specialist strongly does not recommend carrying it out, especially since the timber has a natural beauty and style. Therefore, the developer will significantly save on the purchase of finishing materials, which will significantly reduce the final cost of housing.
  3. The proclinted bars are designed according to the "tire-groove" system, in which all components of the design elements are tightly connected to each other. Houses made of this material do not require the installation of heat and waterproofing layers.

If you compare the cost of trimming material, thermal insulation, finishing and operation of masters for frame housing, then the brusade buildings may be much cheaper.

Calculation of the cost of a skeleton house

The cost of housing from frame wood consists of such materials:

  • Wood.
  • Hydro and thermal insulation.
  • Front work.
  • Decoration Materials.

Frame houses will be cheaper in price, in the case when they are performed according to old technologies, at that time there was no large range of material. Modern material has a low competitive price, but for long-term work, such technology will be too expensive in heating and maintaining the construction.

With the construction of houses from this material, additional heat-insulating, waterproof, noise absorbing and wind alpine materials are now used. They form the structure of wall structures from several layers. Due to the data set of materials, the costs increase several times.

The total cost of buildings depends on the material that will be used for the construction of vertical racks, horizontal strapping, etc. In this situation, both ordinary timber and metal products can be applied.

Tip! If any metal is used to create a housing frame, then its cost will instantly increase by approximately 20-30%.

The presence of different nuances in the technology of construction of structures from the frame requires special knowledge, which increases costs due to costs of specialists.

Tip! The price for 1 m2 of the frame-shield construction depends on the choice of insulation material and the trim. For example, if you use the SIP panels, the house will be built faster, and its cost is lower, and quite the opposite when you use OSB-plates.

Construction difference

From the point of view of construction materials, materials should be analyzed in accordance with such points:

  1. The rate of construction.
  2. Easy work.
  3. The time required for construction from the very beginning to putting it into operation.

In terms of speed, the frame house bypassing a bar several times. The construction of the construction occurs very quickly, and due to the use of dried wood, after commissioning, you can immediately enter.

Brusade house is built a little longer because of such moments:

  • For housing, a reliable foundation is required, which is about 5-7 days.
  • The laying of elements is carried out isolated, if you do not apply the designer for the house.
  • For installation requires more concentration of attention, accuracy of performance and time.

Tip! You can enter the house from the bar immediately after delivery, but the finish can be carried out only a few months later, since it takes time to shrink the construction.

There are two options for building a house from Bruusyev:

  1. From profiled material with special grooves, which is very easy to put.
  2. With unstrogenous bars, which are low at a price, but with more labor-intensive installation and finishing. Plus, they require additional thermal insulation.

Tip! The house with a non-planed material should be surviving about a year until it is to settle, and from the profiled - about 6 months.

Comparison of ecology

Having preferred some kind of housing, the parameters of its safety are important. Great chagrin causes modern materials on the decoration of frame-shield structures. They do not fully meet the required indicators and environmental standards, so the bar of this indicator wins the carcass.

The structure of the bar is perfectly held heat inside the room. Therefore, the cost of heating the brusade house will be lower than that of a frame building with a high level of heat transfer.

Comparison of constructive architectural opportunities

When the construction of the house is planned for a complex project with different geometric elements or incorrect configurations, the frame option is leading, since the technology of this construction provides for the creation of unusual, complex and interesting designs.

The structures from the bar are somewhat simpler, but they do not infer at all in terms of beauty and their natural air forms. With the help of modern technologies, you can create and more complex elements simply will take a few more time. For laying a bar, there are specially designed fasteners that allow you to apply fantasy to this material to the maximum.

Advantages and disadvantages

Benefits of a skeleton house


  1. The speed of construction.
  2. Low cost of materials.
  3. No shrinkage.
  4. Resistance to the effects of natural factors.
  5. One-time payment for construction.
  6. Lack of expensive foundation.


  1. Lifecycle - 25-30 years.
  2. High costs for finishing materials.
  3. For stacking requires specialists who know all the nuances of technology.

Benefits of a brusade house


  1. Reliable and durable walls.
  2. Lifetime over 80 years.
  3. Easy installation that does not require additional workers.
  4. The cost of material can be divided into two seasons, thanks to the possibility of phased construction.
  5. Does not require the facade finish.
  6. It has excellent heat insulation.


  1. It is necessary to wait shrinkage.
  2. Requires a lot of time on the construction.


The construction of the house is very important, to which you should approach with all seriousness and attentiveness. Each developer independently determines which material it is worth to give up greater preference. According to all the information provided, preference gets construction from a bar.

Tip! Choosing material for construction, consider the climatic conditions of the territory where the house will be located. In addition, pay attention to the GOST standards that perfectly describe the rules for the construction of different buildings.