Repair Design Furniture

Shower for indoor plants. Hot shower for indoor plants. Two things to be careful about

This is a great awakening from hibernation.

Typically, a hot shower is used once a month. More often it is not worth it, so as not to wash out from the soil nutrients(if more often, then only by covering the ground). The procedure is best done in the evening to leave the plants in the bathroom overnight.

The main thing is that there must be drainage in the pot, light soil so that hot water did not stagnate. If the pot doesn't have a drain hole, don't use hot water, or even water that feels warm to you. For plants without drainage, a shower is possible only with cool water (like rain).

However, as a rule, all indoor plants are planted in pots with drain holes, so there is no problem to use just hot water.

Water the plant abundantly half an hour before the procedure. This can be done in the bathroom. Let stand after watering, and then - wash properly!

A hot shower can be arranged as soon as for the trunk and foliage by covering the ground with a bag, or fully spilling soil too.

Hot water removes all excess salts from the substrate, so this real salvation if you notice that the soil is covered with a salt crust, or if you realize that you have "overfed" the plant with fertilizers.

How hot is it?

About the same as for yourself. The water should not burn your hand. Consider that you are preparing a shower for yourself: this temperature will suit the plant. Hot nice shower!

First procedures indoor plants with a hot shower, it is better to carry out at a water temperature of about 35-38 0 С, and then from time to time you can increase the temperature by about 5 degrees. But your hand must tolerate it well. Otherwise, there is a risk of scalding the roots.

The jet should not be too powerful.

How long and what to do next?

For small plants - about 10-15 seconds, adult plants up to 30 seconds, large plants (if you can put them in the bath) can take longer.

We scald everything: pot, ground, stem, leaves on both sides. This is most effective.

Best collected in a bath a whole group of plants, rinse all of them well, and close the bath with a curtain, arranging the most efficient steam bath... This is a great way to reanimate plants.

by the way: a couple of drops of dishwashing liquid will not only clean the foliage even better, but will also keep any insects at bay ... away from your plants... Prepare a container of several liters with hot water, drop a couple of drops of the product, shake, wipe-rinse the leaves at the very end of the procedure. You do not need to wash off.

After the shower, leave the plant in the bathroom for at least three hours, removing the trays so that the glass excess water... To prevent the plant from getting cold, it is better to cover the door to the bath. After a few hours, open the door, let the plant stand in the bath for a little more, and then you can take it out to its usual place. It is undesirable to put on a cold windowsill (only when the plant and pot are completely cool). Protect the first days from the draft.

Watering the plant after such a procedure may not be necessary for two weeks, but it all depends on the size of the pot, the dryness of the air.

After the soil is completely dry, during the next watering, you can feed the plant with complex fertilizer so that the soil is not depleted.

If the plant is affected by pests, first rinse the leaves (covering the soil so as not to introduce pests into it), and only then a hot shower. After the procedure, it is advisable to wash the leaves and trunk green plant soap.

Benefits of the procedure

A hot shower acts on plants in much the same way as on ourselves, bringing them out of a stressful state. In plants, leaves unfold, new shoots and leaves appear, wilting and foliage stops. Growth intensifies, the tips stop drying, the leaves stop turning yellow, spotting disappears.

If you do this routinely, you can forget about spraying.

The root system begins to actively grow and strengthen.

This plant needs resuscitation.

A hot shower works wonders!

Which plants benefit from a hot shower?

All plants with large leaves, all moisture-loving, tropical, bromeliads.

It is especially useful for weakened plants, in the absence of flowering for a long time, for rehabilitation, as an aid during treatment from pests.

Gardenia, spathiphyllum, aglaonema, dracaena, arrowroot, guzmania, syngonium, fittonia, calathea, ferns, dieffenbachia, hamidorea, ficus, stromanta, ivy, anthurium and many other plants react well to a hot shower.


For flowering plants, we do not use a hot shower, but sprinkle with hot water (without touching the flowers). But it is not so effective, because the effect of a steam room is not obtained. It is better to let the plant bloom, and only then arrange hot procedures (and it is also desirable to have time before flowering).

Do not use after transplant. only when the plant is rooted.

Do not use on plants with velvety pubescent leaves (Saintpaulia, Gloxinia, Begonia).

Caution for plants with young leaves to avoid scalding. For delicate leaves, make the water less hot.

In autumn and winter, you should not send cacti and succulents to the shower. In general, these plants do not need to be watered in winter.

Alcohol tinctures

If the plant is small and you have time and patience, wipe the plant with a damp cotton swab with diluted alcohol (only for smooth, loose leaves!) To clean the leaves. Also it will help to remove spider mite, which usually lives on the underside of the leaves, not on top. This is an option if you do not want or cannot get a shower.

Instead of pure alcohol, you can buy at the pharmacy alcohol tincture eucalyptus, calendula, etc., this is also and additional protection against pests.

And remember: Houseplants can help increase your vitality and give you a sense of extra energy. Plants can have a positive effect on your mental health, help improve family relationships, give you insight into more high quality life. Take care of them, they are worth it! Plus, they never go out of style and can live with you all your life!

A hot shower for indoor plants is a great awakening from hibernation. But not only. After all, indoor plants require attention and care. The leaves of plants have pores through which they breathe. The dust settling on the leaves clogs the pores and prevents breathing. The plant can get sick, so to keep your indoor plants beautiful and healthy, you need to give them a hot shower once a month!

For this, plants in pots must first be watered, dry plants cannot be sent to the shower immediately! After half an hour, put in the bath, slightly tilt the pot with one hand, and pour hot water on the flowers from the shower with the other for 20-30 seconds. The water temperature is 50-70 degrees, such as the hand can tolerate. The movement should not be directed, but sliding back and forth. We scald everything: pot, ground, stem, leaves on both sides.

We leave the plants in the bathroom for several hours to allow the water to drain. Better to leave it overnight, let it breathe in moist air.

Then you can put the plants in place or even in a new place - after such a procedure, they easily survive the move.

You don't have to water for ten days.

After a hot shower:

Falling and yellowing of leaves stops;
drying of the tips and leaf spot stops;
new leaves quickly appear and non-expanded leaves spread;
plants quickly recover from stress.
Of course, you may not feel any visible benefit from one procedure. This should be done regularly, but not more often than once a month. And then you can refuse to spray the plants.

As with many treatment methods, there are contraindications here:

Flowering plants you should not do a hot shower, it is better to just spray the leaves with hot water from a spray bottle (bypassing the flowers);

Transplanted plants also cannot be given a hot shower until they take root, they can only be sprayed with warm water;
plants with pubescent leaves, such as saintpaulias, gloxinias, begonias, cannot be moistened with water at all, they may die from excess moisture.
houseplants. I will give the reviews of flower growers, which I read on the forum on the topic "Hot shower for indoor plants":

Svetlana: I give my houseplants a hot shower once a month and they love it very much! And calathea, and spathiphyllum, and ficus are simply transformed!

Alina: Two days ago I made a hot shower for a dying spathiphyllum. He just died. The leaves hung like rags. And nothing helped: neither a transplant, nor a bulkhead of roots. 5 hours after the shower, the leaves stood like young! And today, for the first time in 1.5 years, the first bud has appeared! I'm happy!

Oksana: My plants like hot showers. I see if the plant is standing, does not give new leaves for a long time, I take it under a hot shower. In a few days, new leaves are coming.

Natalya: My ficus began to wither, and after a hot shower, I already watch the young leaves.

Zhanna: After bathing in a hot shower, my Decembrist threw away so many buds that I lose count. A hot shower is a MIRACLE!

Lyubov: I saved many of my flowers with a hot shower - the begonia did not grow at all, and after a hot shower it even bloomed, one rose froze and then a hot shower helped - I'm waiting for flowering. Then I made a hot shower for all my flowers and, apparently, they are happy!

I also want to note that spraying from a spray bottle does not have the same effect as a hot shower. The atomizer sprays water in very small droplets, they cool in the air. And when you arrange a shower, you get a steam room in the bathroom, the leaves are washed, moisture is collected, and when you take them out, they are like cucumbers.

In any case, flowers will love a hot shower, they love care. It will definitely not be superfluous!

Yellowing and drying of leaves stops, plants grow stronger and come out of stress.

Before starting the procedure, make sure that it will not harm your plants. After all, it is not equally useful for everyone.

A hot shower is contraindicated:

  • Plants with pubescent leaves such as violets, gloxinia, begonias. For them, getting water on the leaves is dangerous.
  • Flowering plants. The water should not touch the flowers, but the leaves can be sprayed with hot water from a spray bottle.
  • Transplanted plants. Flowers after transplantation must first take root in a new place, take root.

Periodic shower is recommended for plants such as spathiphyllum, dieffenbachia, ferns, aglaonema, dracaena, rose, calathea, stromanthus, guzmania, gardenia, syngonium, chamedorea, fittonia, ficus, anthurium, arrowroot, ivy.

Hot shower rules for plants

1. The best time for a hot shower - evening. Water the plant abundantly half an hour before the "bath".

2. Bring the flower into the bathroom and cover the soil with a plastic bag or plastic wrap. If the plant has good drainage and light soil, then it can be left uncovered and too

spill with hot water. If there is no drainage, then hot water in this case will linger in the pot and harm the roots.

3. Adjust the water temperature. For a test shower, do not take very hot water. Try a temperature of 35-38 ° C for a start. If the plant has tolerated the procedure well, then the next time you can make it hotter. Check the water temperature by hand. It should not burn the skin. The best temperature for a shower is 50 ° C, but you can increase it up to 60 ° C. Be aware that extremely hot water can burn young leaves.

4. The duration of the procedure depends on the size of the plant. A small flower needs 10 seconds, large plants with big amount leaves should be processed for 30 seconds, but no more.

5. Having decided on the temperature and duration of the procedure, get down to business. The water in the shower should not flow too much so as not to damage the plant. Tilt

pot and spill the flower in a sliding motion to drain the water into the bathroom. The leaves need to be poured on both sides. If drainage allows, scald the soil and the pot itself.

6. After the "bath", leave the plant in the bathroom for a few hours or overnight. Do not place it in drafts until it dries properly. After the procedure, the plant can not be watered for about 10 days.

7. A hot shower is recommended once a month. If the soil is covered, then it is permissible twice a month. When the earth is scalded, not only harmful elements are washed out of it, but also organic substances, so the plant will need additional fertilizing to restore the nutrient medium.

If done correctly, positive results are visible the very next day.

Good afternoon friends!

My story today is about flower care and probably a little-known procedure.

Hot shower for indoor plants- excellent awakening from hibernation. But not only. After all, indoor plants require attention and. The leaves of plants have pores through which they breathe. The dust settling on the leaves clogs the pores and prevents breathing. The plant can get sick, so to keep your indoor plants beautiful and healthy, you need to give them a hot shower once a month!

How to make a hot shower for flowers

This is a hot shower, not a sprinkling of warm water. I'll tell you right away how to do it correctly.

  1. First of all, plants in pots need to be watered, dry plants cannot be immediately sent to the shower !
  2. Half an hour after watering, put in the bath, tilt the pot with one hand, and pour hot water over the plants from the shower with the other for 20-30 seconds. The water temperature is 50-70 degrees, such as the hand can tolerate. The movement should not be directed, but sliding back and forth and very fast. We scald everything: pot, ground, stem, leaves on both sides.
  3. We leave the flowers in the bathroom for several hours to allow the water to drain. Better to leave it overnight, let it breathe in moist air.
  4. Then you can put flowers in or even in a new place - after such a procedure, they easily survive the move.

After treatment with a shower, the plants can not be watered for ten days.

The benefits of a hot shower for plants

After a hot shower:

  • the falling and yellowing of leaves stops;
  • drying of the tips and leaf spot stops;
  • new leaves quickly appear and non-expanded leaves spread;
  • plants quickly recover from stress.

Of course, you may not feel any visible benefit from one procedure. This should be done regularly, but no more than once a month ... And then you can refuse to spray the plants.

Spraying with hydrogen peroxide solution gives almost the same effect. Read here, and about other home dressings for flowers as well.


As with many treatment methods, there are also contraindications. Do not do a hot shower:

  • flowering plants, it is better to simply spray the leaves with hot water from a spray bottle (bypassing the flowers)
  • transplanted plants, until they take root, can only be sprayed with warm water
  • plants with pubescent leaves, such as saintpaulias, gloxinia, begonias, geraniums. They cannot be moistened with water at all, they can die from excess moisture.


I will give the testimonials of florists, which I read on the forum on the topic “ Hot plant shower»:

- Svetlana: I give my houseplants a hot shower once a month and they love it! And calathea, and spathiphyllum, and ficus are simply transformed!

- Alina: Two days ago I gave a hot shower to a dying man. He just died. The leaves hung like rags. And nothing helped: neither a transplant, nor a bulkhead of roots. 5 hours after the shower, the leaves stood like young! And today, for the first time in 1.5 years, the first bud has appeared! I'm happy!

- Oksana: My plants love hot showers. I see if the plant is standing, does not give new leaves for a long time, I take it under a hot shower. In a few days, new leaves are coming.

- Natalia: My ficus began to wither, and after a hot shower, I already watch the young leaves.

- Jeanne: After bathing in a hot shower, my Decembrist threw away so many buds that I lose count. A hot shower is a MIRACLE!

- Love: I saved many of my flowers with a hot shower - the begonia did not grow at all, and after a hot shower it even bloomed, one rose froze and then a hot shower helped - I'm waiting for flowering. Then I made a hot shower for all my flowers and, apparently, they are happy!

I also want to note that spraying from a spray bottle does not have the same effect as a hot shower. The atomizer sprays water in very small droplets, they cool in the air. And when you arrange a shower, you get a steam room in the bathroom, the leaves are washed, moisture is collected, and when you take them out, they are like cucumbers.

Anyway hot shower for indoor plants like it, they love care. It will definitely not be superfluous!

Yes, you heard right - it's hot! Many times I have heard advice on how it is useful to bathe your plants in boiling water.

A hot shower for indoor plants is also a great awakening from hibernation. But not only. A "hot shower" for your plants with a water temperature of 40-50 ° C is a very effective procedure for caring for indoor plants. Often, the result of even one such procedure can be seen with the naked eye within a week.

A hot shower is a revitalizing shake-up for indoor plants, it has a tonic and revitalizing effect on them, invigorates and strengthens them.

But, I will note, you need to treat a hot soul with caution, not all plants will be happy with it. As with many methods of treatment, there are contraindications here:

flowering plants should not do a hot shower, it is better to simply spray the leaves with hot water from a spray bottle (bypassing the flowers);
transplanted plants also cannot be given a hot shower until they take root, they can only be sprayed with warm water;
plants with pubescent leaves, such as saintpaulias, gloxinias, begonias, cannot be moistened with water at all, they may die from excess moisture.

Hot shower technology and notes on it.

A hot shower very rarely has a negative effect on plants; personally, I have not had such cases yet. To make everyone happy, just follow a few simple rules.

The technology for conducting a hot shower for indoor plants is approximately as follows:
About an hour before the procedure, the plant needs to be watered. A hot, dry shower can "cook" a plant.
The temperature of the shower water is approximately 40-50 ° C. The water should be warm, maybe slightly hot, but the hand should be free to tolerate it.
If you do not plan to spill soil with the leaf shower, you can cover it with cling film or a bag.
We turn on the shower, spray smaller and water the plant at different angles, washing out all the pores and veins inaccessible to rags and sponges. Depending on the size of the plant, the duration of the procedure ranges from 30 seconds to 1 minute.
After the procedure, it is important not to chill the plant: if it is cool in the apartment, it is better to leave freshly washed plants in the bathroom for several hours so that they dry out a little and come to their senses.
After watering the soil during the shower, the plants do not need to be watered for a week or two, depending on the size of the plant and the pot.

A few more comments. In the phalaenopsis orchid, after water procedures, I shake out the water from the axils of the leaves so that they do not rot. Before the shower, I cover the soil with cling film for Nolina - after all, the plant comes from arid places, you should not flood it. Our biggest hot shower lovers are Phalaenopsis, Aglaonema, Spathiphyllum and Chlorophytum. In phalaenopsis, the turgor (density) of the leaves improves before our eyes, after the shower, the aglaonema stopped shedding the lower leaves and released several new ones, and in spathiphyllum and chlorophytum, the edges of the leaves stopped turning yellow and began to tie several new leaves at once.

Hot shower for phalaenopsis orchid

Some plants like hot showers, while others are indifferent to it.

Here are some plants that can be prescribed hot showers:

Affelandra, Alokazia, Strelitzia, Anthurium, Adenium, Scindapsus, Croton, Aglaonema, Coleus, Cordilina, Dracaena, Clivia, Zameokulkas, Gardenia, Phalaenopsis orchid, Fuchsia, Maranta, Dendrobium Orchid, Diafariuma, Monstera, Calfarium Citrus.

Here are some plants that welcome this procedure with a bang:
the Rose

The listed plants, even without any shower, feeling normal, respond to hot douches very gratefully, literally within a week releasing new leaves and shoots and rapidly starting to grow.

Calamondin, ficus and phalaenopsis after shower.