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Drainage system of air conditioner: concept, installation. Drainage pipe for air conditioner - Car Airkul Why need a drainage hole in the air conditioner

Air conditioning - Popular household appliances used to maintain a comfortable microclimate indoor. And, like any other apparatus with a complex design, it contains a variety of replaceable details. Including siphon, connecting and drainage tubes. These elements can be considered auxiliary, in fact, without them it is difficult, and most often it is impossible to do.

For example, it concerns the siphon. This device is used to remove condensed moisture from the air conditioner. Some owners of climatic installations do not pay the dripping out of them due attention, because, usually it is possible to just drain down the window. But it is not wrong from the point of view of ethics and aesthetics. Dripping, and sometimes plowing from the height of moisture can get on random passersby. And if the house is a private low-storey, that is, another problem: condensate accumulates around the facade in the form of ugly puddles, which, besides, do not have the most beneficial effect on the state of the foundation. The installation of the siphon allows all this to avoid and make the operation of the air conditioner aesthetic and more comfortable from a practical point of view.

This is a fairly simple device that takes condensate directly into the sewer system. Initially, the moisture accumulates inside the siphon, as soon as its amount becomes sufficient, the special shutter is triggered and the water is merged into the sewer. And in order to do not pull out the pipe, the siphon is equipped with a special valve that does not let unpleasant smells into the room.

Depending on the type of design, siphons are:

  • outdoor - located in front of;
  • built-in - harnessed in the thickness of the wall;
  • transparent - made of translucent plastics, so their condition is very easy to track, noticing overflow and contamination.
  • Siphons for air conditioners are manufactured by both Russian and foreign manufacturers, each of which offers several models of such devices. They differ in the type of thread on the connecting elements, which should be considered when choosing a siphon. Built-in siphons have different depth indicators to which they can be immersed in the wall, which is also important to know before buying. The main indicator for which the effectiveness of such equipment is estimated is its throughput. For household needs, siphons with medium characteristics are suitable, and for industrial - exclusively with high.

    The correct operation of the air conditioner is impossible and without special drainage tubes. They are part of a discharge complex along with a siphon. Suitable on the size and length of the tube, correctly mounted and hermetically fixed, will allow to get rid of condensed moisture unhindered and timely. Drainage can be made of hoses or capillary tubes. Hoses are made from PVC and have a larger diameter than the tube. To give them stiffness and stability inside, they have a spiral. They are mounted along with the main air conditioning system, laying along the walls and connecting with the sewage, and then covered with thermal insulation. Capillary tubes are usually applied complete with drainage pumps, they are used if moisture cannot be dedicated naturally, and you must first pump out. They are also made of durable, but flexible plastic, have a small diameter - 2-6 mm - and are often transparent. They can be easily assembled even in difficult conditions and indoors where there is no possibility to install another drainage system for air conditioning.

    Drainage hoses and capillary pipes are an important functional part of the operating system of the air conditioner. In the correct manner, the drainage complex is needed in order to divert the aqueous concentrates outside the cooling process outside the air conditioners equipped with air conditioning.

    This system is formed from the selected amount of drainage hoses, which are hermetically and securely connected to the main distribution unit of the air conditioning system. Under normal conditions, drainage hoses are installed at an angle to the pallet of the inner unit of the air conditioner, which ensures the natural drainage of moisture. If the location of the air conditioner does not allow this to do, special drainage pumps are used, for the functioning of which capillary tubes are laid.

    Drainage hoses (pipes)

    Traditionally, drainage pipes are flexible polyvinyl chloride hoses (PVC), fortified from damage to the inner spiral. They can be used to transfer air, chemical active gases, cold vapors, smoke, are not recommended for the use of gases to distillation with the possibility of sparking or with hot steam. Special design allows the drainage hose to be flexible and maintain high stability to fractures and bendes, withstand adverse weather conditions and low temperatures. Typically, these pipes are white and supplied in the bays of 25-30m in different diameter.

    Inside the premises, drainage pipes are usually paved together with other communication and functional systems of the air conditioner in one box. They are installed along the walls and through specially prepared holes are removed beyond the limits of residential premises or connected with sewage system. At the same time, all the technological holes must be carefully cleaned of garbage and, if necessary, strengthened. After installing drainage pipes, electrical wiring and air mains, they are closed with insulating materials, as a role that various natural and synthetic soft fillers are used capable of ensuring tightness and withstand sharp temperature differences over a long period of time.

    Often, a variety of hoses are installed as temporary measures for repair, including ordinary rubber, but this leads to a rapid occurrence of leaks in the most inconvenient places from the beggars. For reliable and high-quality work, it is important to use only specialized pipes for drainage systems.

    Capillary hoses (tubes)

    These products are usually used complete with specially installed drainage pumps. Their use is the only solution for those situations where it is impossible to ensure condensate condensate with the usual way. Modern technologies for the production of drainage pumps allow you to install equipment at any necessary places, as well as use electronic water control sensors, which ensures reliable and accurate result.
    Depending on the size of the premises, pumps are used by the most of the different power and performance, while the further output paths in the form of wastewater or sewage, the greater the capillary hose does not apply. These tubes are made of durable plastic, which, depending on the manufacturer, can be both color and transparent. Capillary hoses have high flexibility and relatively small diameter - usually 6mm external and 2mm internal, which ensures the simplicity of their gasket even in the most hard-to-reach places of residential and industrial premises.

    This section of the catalog presents drainage hoses, tubes and additional accessories for condensate removal from air conditioning systems. Flexible drainage hose, metal-plastic and polypropylene tubes, capillary hoses, drainage tees and adapters. Reinforced drainage hoses are presented in windings 25 and 30 meters. Also, in stock, PVC hose on a cut from 1 meter. For high-quality compounds, connectors are presented, such as: drainage and capillary hoses, 15mm hose connector, T-shaped tee, Y-shaped tee, tee for capillary hose.
    To prevent odors from sewage systems in our assortment, always in stock VECAM siphons and check valves for drainage.

    Condensate hoses and accessories.

    Drainage hoses for air conditioners, as well as various accessories to help carry out the quick and professional installation of condensate removal. In assortment as a flexible drainage hose for air conditioners and metal-plastic, polypropylene pipes.

    The most common breakdown of split-systems with which our compatriots face is flowing. It is rather unpleasant when water drips water from the indoor unit to the equipment and furniture items. It is much worse if the leakage of the air conditioner leads to the closure of the wiring and the failure of the road of household appliances. The main reason for "crying" climate techniques, as a rule, is a scored drainage system. On how to clean the drainage tube of split-system on its own and will be told in this article.

    Why "crying" air conditioning?

    As mentioned above, the air conditioner flows, most likely due to the scored drainage system. When operating a split-system on a heat exchanger of the evaporative unit, condensate is inevitably formed, which flows into a special pallet, and from there, by drainage tube, is removed beyond the placement.

    But during the operation of the air conditioner, dust sticks to the wet heat exchanger, dust wool particles and other contaminants that did not delay the filter. Pollution along with condensate fall into the pallet, and from it to the drain tube. The whole problem is that the diameter of the drainage tube is only about 10 mm. Dust and dirt from the air conditioner are very simply clogged with drain holes, there is nowhere to go condensate and he simply leaks out of the pallet.

    This is the most common cause of the appearance of climate techniques. But in some case, the flow of climate techniques indicate more complex problems, for example:

    • Frozening condensate on the heat exchanger. The evaporator appears to appear in the case of a decrease in air conditioning performance. The reason for this may be a decrease in the volume of refrigerant in the system, scored filters and heat exchanger itself. When thawing, the moisture will not fall into the pallet as it should be, but on the internal elements of the block to flash on the floor.
    • The pressure regulator failed. The drop in the pressure in the system leads to a decrease in the temperature of the heat exchanger of the evaporative unit. From here, go out and leakage as in the first case.
    • In some models of air conditioners, a special pump is used to remove condensate from the pallet. When it exits, the moisture is not pumped out and overflows.
    • Condensate level sensor breakage.

    There are more banal causes of leakage, such as icing and incorrect installation of a split system. How to clean climate techniques at home, will be told further.

    If there are problems with pressure, pump and the amount of refrigerant, it is possible to solve them only with the help of the service center masters. Only a specialist can accurately diagnose the cause of the fault that caused the leakage.

    Drainage System Cleaning Instructions

    First of all, you should know that cleaning the scored tube with wire or other folk remedies gives a positive result, but not long. Most often, the person will not have time to speak by solving the problem, like dust accumulated on the heat exchanger, again scores the drainage system and the air conditioner starts to flow again. That is why experts recommend cleaning the drainage system and parallel to clean the filters, the heat exchanger of the indoor unit of the air conditioner.

    The last step in cleaning is to disinfection of the system. To do this, it is necessary to process the pallet for collecting condensate and filters of coarse purge chlorhexidine, which is sold without a recipe on any pharmacy. Very nice if you fill a certain amount of preparation in the drain tube, for its disinfection. After 15 minutes, rinse the tube with ordinary water. It will remove the remnants of the dirt and the drug, in addition, you can make sure that the drainage system is cleaned from the cloth and will work in normal mode.

    Next, with a soft brush and vacuum cleaner, clean the heat exchanger from dust and build a split system. As you can see, in some cases, solve the problem of "crying" climate machinery is completely simple. From this article, you learned how to clean the drainage tube of the air conditioner at home, in case of pollution.

    The reasons for the flow of climate techniques there are quite a lot. Better, if professionals will be treated for diagnostics and troubleshooting.

    Recently, air conditioners have become almost a mandatory detail of the arrangement of any apartment or a private house. In order for the air conditioner to perform the functions for it perfectly, it is necessary to establish it correctly, observing all the nuances and the requirements of the GOST. You should take care of drainage Climate installation, because otherwise condensate will constantly assemble under it. The problem is that the drainage system is not installed in all systems. It has to be thought out independently: a pump and a drainage pipe for air conditioning will be required. We will talk about the last detail in more detail.


    During the operation of the air conditioner, inside its system occurs sharp drop temperature. He takes the air from the street, and there always keeps a certain level of humidity, so on the walls of some elements of the air conditioner is formed condensate. Usually it is displayed from the system by means of a conventional tube, which is included in the device kit.

    Some come very simply and remove this very pipe to the street. On the one hand, such a solution is simple and convenient, but not for others, especially if you live in an apartment building.

    Outside, puddles are formed, the flow of water can get to the facade of the building and over time to spoil it strongly.

    Best to remove water in SewageFor this, the drainage pipe is required. It is connected to the pump, which provides a continuous removal of water.

    As a result, a completely autonomous system is obtained. You do not need to constantly monitor her work and check the drainage system.

    Pipes for air conditioner can be 2 different speciesAlthough recently only one is most often used.


    Drainage pipes used for air conditioners are more often from plastic. It may be polyvinyl chloride or polyethylene. Both materials are distinguished by a resistance to a wet medium, high throughput and good strength at normal load.

    Plastic pipes used to remove condensate from the climatic installation, can be divided into 2 types: smooth and corrugated.

    Smooth More accessible by price, so they are often used in a set of budget models of air conditioners. Such pipes are usually performed from polyethylene or polypropylene, because these materials are more elastic. However, with sharp bends and breaks without fittings, it is not necessary.

    Fitting - This is an additional element that occurs in each pipe system. In our case, they are used to create bends, although more extensive functions can be performed in other industries.

    Fittings allow you to avoid quick breakage of pipes that do not differ in particular flexibility.

    Of course, such an element is convenient, but not only when installed. If the nearest duration of the drainage pipe and sewage connection is quite far from the installation itself, the fittings will have to use quite a lot, which will slow down the installation process itself, and in addition, will increase the total cost of all installation.

    On the replacement of smooth pipes, you can choose a more perfect option, corrugated Designs. They have a very interesting shape of the walls, it is made in the form of a harmonica. Due to this, such pipes acquire excellent elasticity, but at the same time they retain all the advantages of plastic.

    A similar pipe is installed without using additional devices. It can be bent at any angle.

    For the manufacture of such pipes, a wide variety of types of plastic can be used, even polyvinyl chloride, which in itself does not differ in particular elasticity.

    Considering that PVC is somewhat cheaper than other types of plastic, as a result, the cost of the corrugated pipe can even be on the same level with a simpler smooth design.

    Corrugated walls allow the pipe to be more resistant to different loads, but it also has limitations. Corrugated tube can suffer in the middle, which is why its throughput will significantly reduce. Such breaks usually occur in the most hard-to-reach places, and a person may not notice a long time that the operation of the air conditioner is difficult.

    Size and price

    For air conditioning drainage, small pipes are used, with a diameter of not more than 32 mm. It is simply no longer needed, because such elements do not have to deal with serious loads. The length of the pipe depends on the specific case - how strongly the immediate connection point of the air conditioner and sewage pipe is removed.

    Typically, drainage pipes are already included in the design of the air conditioner, and they do not need to be purchased separately. But, if this part of the system has become unusable, its replacement will not be too expensive. Typically, the meter of such a pipe costs from 30 rubles for a smooth design and from 50 rubles - for corrugated.

    Today we will analyze one of the most important materials for installation - the drainage tube of the air conditioner. A very common malfunction during the operation of the "split" is when the water begins to flow from the indoor unit. To minimize the possibility of such a malfunction, I will tell you several nuances when installing drainage. Also, today we will consider which tubes and hoses are applied by installers of air conditioners.

    The main cause of the occurrence of flows from the indoor unit is clogging of the drainage tube. The second reason I had to face, less common is the factory deficiency of the condensate collection system in the inner block. But I will try to tell about them in other articles, and today we will analyze the first reason in detail.

    Very often we have to deal with the problem of clogging drainage. Of our practice there are two most common cases:

    • when the drainage tube is clogged in the process of "natural" operation (pollution accumulates in the internal unit);
    • when the drainage becomes a favorite insect habitat (bees or bumblebees fly, they make spider sockets).

    The likelihood of each of the situations depends largely on what a drainage hose is applied. Yes, yes, it is the choice of "correct" drainage will reduce the likelihood of leaks.

    Types of drainage tubes for air conditioning that are used by installers

    Rigid drainage tubes:

    Soft drainage hoses:

    I saw air conditioners equipped with other drainage (electrical wiring corrugations, hoses from washing machines and others), but I don't even see the meaning in our article.

    What a drainage for the air conditioner is better to use

    As we see the types of hoses, everyone has their own pros and cons. Metal-plastic drainage and garden hose on bends can be blocked by escaping the hole for draining condensate.
    Thin-walled soft drainage (as well as various corrugations) may be damaged during the drainage through the hole. Hard plastic drainages more attract insects. But flexible specialized air conditioner hose has more prosthan minuses. Since it is not squeezed on turns and has a rigid protective braid that does not disappear.