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Why constantly hurts head and spin. Dizziness and headache: the main causes of symptoms. Harmful habits: tobacco and alcohol

Most often, headache and dizziness are one-time symptoms that arise due to the impact of certain factors on the human body. However, if this ailment is repeated every day, and it is impossible to understand the reasons for its appearance independently, then it is necessary to seriously think about your health and consult a doctor. A medical professional will diagnose, establish the cause of pain in the head (cefalgia) and will help to get rid of them forever.

Causes of development of symptoms

People often wonder why it hurts, and also the head is spinning. The reasons for such a state are rather diverse and are divided into two types - primary (not related to diseases) and secondary (manifested due to any pathologies). Consider more these reasons.


These factors include:

It should be borne in mind that even the unlock pains that appear due to permanent overwork are ultimately capable of becoming chronic.

Therefore, to determine the main factor, due to which such manifestations arise, is an urgent need. Before visiting the doctor, it is impossible to apply painkillers in large quantities.


Among the reasons for secondary cefalgia are the following:

Saving negative sensations

To understand the reasons for the appearance of the ailment, it is necessary to evaluate the operation of the vestibular apparatus, as well as the nervous system. To do this, contact such specialists as a neurologist, an ophthalmologist and a otolaryngologist. Sometimes to understand the exact cause of the illness, a long-term monitoring of the patient with the implementation of clinical studies is required.

In order to prescribe the treatment of headaches and dizziness, the doctor finds out the reasons for their appearance through the following surveys:

The treatment of such angle must be carried out only in compliance with the following principles:

  • the complete implementation of all the appointments of the specialist;
  • elimination of factors that provoke attacks;
  • maintaining the right time regime;
  • exception of bad habits.

With severe dizziness:

  • anticholinergic preparations (ephedrine);
  • tranquilizers (Lorazepam);
  • phenothiazines (Promethazine).

To get rid of the pain in my head, the doctor discharges:

  • calcium antagonists (verapamil or naitardipine);
  • beta-adrenoblockers (propanol or acebutolol);
  • antidepressants (northriptyline or amitriptyline);
  • antihistamines (zetrin);
  • anticonvulsant preparations (phenobarbital).

Medical exercises and massage courses are also appointed to eliminate dizziness. If the disease is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, the doctor writes out:

  1. Metoclopramide.
  2. Cerukal.

Preventive measures are mandatory for people suffering from frequent dizziness and cepalgia. They include the following actions:

The causes of dizziness and pain in the head are very diverse, however, with timely treatment, it is possible to significantly reduce or get rid of these unpleasant manifestations. With highly pronounced symptoms, the appeal to doctors is mandatory. It will help to get the right and timely treatment and keep the ability to live normally and work.

At least one day, but everyone could face that he occasionally hurts and spins his head.

Such a phenomenon is associated with a busy way of life, inadequate day of the day or constant stressful situations.

However, in some cases the causes are much more serious. In such a situation, such symptoms as weakness, nausea, sharp head pain in the temporal part, etc. are added to the dizziness and painful sensations.

Therefore, in the process of identifying such pathology, it is necessary to contact a specialist in a mandatory.

Basic symptomatics

Cefalgia is primary and secondary:

  • The primary form is not accompanied by another disease. It belongs to the migraine, the pain of a pulsating nature, one-sided (most often hurts forehead, eye area, temple). The attack is accompanied by visual disorders, light intolerance of light, noise, smells, sometimes - vomiting. Another type is a coezional cephalgium, a graceful pain in the head, accompanied by the tension of the muscles of the head and neck. The attack can be caused by stress, long work on a computer, dehydration, weather, fatigue.
  • The secondary form is a symptom of another disease. These pains may have different reasons. They are diverse on localization, intensity, frequency, gravity.

To which doctor to contact

Often after physical exertion or mental overvoltage of people deteriorates well-being. The character of pain can be diverse. Possible compressive, governors, pulsating, pain in one side of the head.

Pains during loads are often functional. They may arise for many reasons:

  • Temperature differences and atmospheric pressure;
  • Stressful state during exercise;
  • Heat and stuffiness indoors;
  • Dehydration is often the cause of pain in the head;
  • Abundant food before training;
  • Excess weight people often suffer from hypoxia under loads.

The probability of the disease is higher in people who have specialty: a programmer, an accountant, driver who spend many hours at a computer or constantly strain the muscles of the eyes and neck.

Stubborn cephalgia arising regularly requires a mandatory appeal to the doctor to eliminate serious pathology and in time to assign proper treatment.

The primary reception should make the therapist. He will conduct a general inspection, measure blood pressure, will write directions for tests and direct to narrow specialists.

With unpleasant sensations in the head and neck, it is good to have a home tonometer, with which you can track pressure jumps in different life situations. The rise of blood pressure after physical exertion may often be the cause of pain syndrome.

The direction to the otolaryngologist does the doctor gives to exclude chronic otitis, sinusitis or inflammation of the hymoroshi sinuses (sinusitis).

The doctor can give direction to the oculist to identify changes in the eye day and possible defects of view.

Most of the causes of discomfort in the head are associated with neurological symptoms, therefore the treatment of diseases accompanied by a neurologist's syndrome is engaged in the treatment of pain in the head.

Causes of malaise

Causes of primary headaches:

  • migraine;
  • voltage;
  • physical (including sexual) activity;
  • trighemal Vegetative Cefalgia.

Causes of secondary headaches:

  • fatigue, insomnia, stress, menopause, premenstrual syndrome;
  • neuralgia (violation of the pain management system);
  • violations of the circulatory system, especially the blood supply to the brain, hypertension;
  • bad posture, difference in leg lengths, scoliosis, spinaller overload, cervical spine disorders;
  • food allergies, hystamine intolerance;
  • inflammation of the middle ear;
  • hemorrhage in the brain, stroke, thrombosis of the brain veins;
  • kidney disease;
  • inflammation of jaws and teeth;
  • eye disease;
  • sunshine, sun burns;
  • infectious diseases;
  • diseases, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract;
  • head injuries;
  • brain swelling;
  • meningitis, meningoencephalitis;
  • glaucoma;
  • syndrome apnea in a dream;
  • excessive use of analgesics;
  • an undesirable effect of drugs and vaccines.


The vestibular migraine is accompanied by the development of vestibular symptoms or dizziness in combination with migraine. To determine the cause of disorders and estimate the state of the nervous system, a number of diagnostic research is necessary.

Neurologist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist and other narrow-profile specialists are diagnosed with similar violations. To identify pathological conditions, prescribe:

  1. Ultrasound Doppler. In its course, the main arteries of the head are investigated.
  2. Audiographic studies.
  3. Ophthalmological examination.
  4. Computer and magnetic resonance tomography.
  5. Radiography.
  6. Electrocardiography.

With such symptoms, the skull and the cervical spine are necessarily investigated. Laboratory studies may also be needed, including a common blood test, determining blood glucose levels.


This condition concerns each modern person. Stress causes hard work, constantly present noise ... stress cannot be avoided, but it can be softened. It is important to learn to relax, find out what the situation is the most stressful, try to minimize its impact or at least change your attitude to the problem.

What could it be?

The reasons why the person hurts and the head is spinning, many. The most common of them:

  • strong eye fatigue;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • migraine;
  • stressful situations;
  • harsh lifts from bed; · tumors;
  • hypertension;
  • card and brain injuries;
  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • the consequence of bad habits;
  • hypotension;
  • infections;
  • vegeta dystonia;
  • stroke.

Excessive fatigue

This reason for weak dizziness and pain in the head is not dangerous, as it is easy to remove. A modern man spends a lot of time on the Internet, constantly uses gadgets.

TV, computer, smartphone - all this gives a serious eye load. Pouring sensations arise both in the evening after work and day.

Office workers spend a lot of time at a computer in an unnatural position, which causes chronic overvoltage of the muscles of the neck and back, the whole body seems to be pulling. To avoid such consequences, let's rest, control the number of hours spent with gadgets.


Chronic disease, as a result of which cholesterol plaques are installed on the walls of the brain vessels. There is a violation of the blood supply to certain parts of the brain, which flows less nutrients.

Characterized dizziness and headache, scattered attention, worsening memory, weakness, fatigue, can sleep.


The neuralgic disease, which focuses in one part (in the temporal area to the left or right, often hurts forehead) and manifests themselves. For the illness, the nausea, the intolerance of bright light, loud sounds, gulp pain. You often hurt your eyes, they will even get fat.
Pain can last all day, while intensifying from any activity. Having anesthetizing is not a way out of this situation. The disease temporarily muffled tranquilizers and neuroleptics, without eliminating the causes of the disease.

Stressful situations

A sharp discharge of a large amount of adrenaline into the blood at excitement and stressful situations is the normal response of the body. After a short period of time, the adrenaline content comes to normal.

The emission of the hormone leads to a narrowing of blood vessels, as a result, the brain receives less oxygen and nutrients, which provokes head steering and pain. It happens that the pain constantly presents a week or more.

  • dizziness;
  • insomnia;
  • reducing body weight;
  • heartbeat may be rapid;
  • emotional instability.

Slow down the bed

This problem is often found in people with weakened vessels: in adolescents and the elderly. It happens from a sharp rise in the alarm clinic when the reaction of the heart and blood vessels is delayed.

A brain tumor

General nonspecific symptoms of malignant tumors are manifested at different stages, among them there is often anemia caused by certain disorders in the tissues. When oncology, the head can sharply spin, the pain rolling the attacks, it happens often. Characterized by a pale, impotence, fainting, may be sick, tear, throw in the heat. Patients often observed a breakdown, increased sweating, sharp pressure change.


It is considered one of the common cardiovascular diseases. The disease in which blood pressure is increased, occurs at the age of 30-60 years and is chronically, improvements and deterioration are observed periodically.

Explicit signs of hypertension:

  • constant headaches that arise at night or early in the morning after awakening;
  • pain in the heart;
  • violation of vision, feeling of criminalization in the eyes;
  • noise in the head, ears;
  • dyspnea after light exercise.

Head injuries

A concussion of the brain is accompanied by a short-term loss of consciousness at the time of injury. Characteristic:

  • vomiting;
  • strong headaches;
  • damage in the eyes;
  • head circle;
  • drowsiness, accompanied by yawn;
  • coordination loss;
  • weakness.

In the post-traumatic period, the same symptoms are observed. There is no vomiting and loss of consciousness, since these symptoms are once and typical only at the time of injury.

Cervical osteochondrosis

Dizziness with this disease is caused by the insufficient intake of oxygen and nutrients in the human brain, as they say frequent headaches.

Feelings arise after sleep, can no longer upper limbs, sometimes pain spreading to the spine. Accompanied by fatigue, lethargy. Dizziness is enhanced with sharp turns, neck slopes, often the reason lies in the incorrectly chosen pillow - too soft or too tough.

Harmful habits: tobacco and alcohol

In addition to the overall destructive impact on the body, smoking and abuse of alcoholic beverages has a negative effect on the brain vessels. A hangover is a post-taking state after drinking alcoholic beverages.

This may be the reason that the head is spinning and hurts. An unpleasant feelings are present in the abdomen, or rather in the stomach. If the problem does not pass on the second day, it is recommended to go to the doctor.

Smoking leads to an increase in blood pressure, the nutrition of heart muscles is disturbed, blood vessels are narrowed - this is a small part of possible health risks.


The disease is opposite to hypertension, that is, blood pressure is lowered, the vessels are expanding. Deals are often found in the elderly. In hypotension, shelves, weakness is noted, the sluggish state of the body. Loss of equilibrium and cloudiness reason occurs even when it is inserted from the chair, while sometimes the head does not hurt.

Infectious diseases

Inflammatory processes in the human body cause headaches, light dizziness. These unpleasant sensations are additional nonspecific symptoms.

Ecology, lack of regime (constant lack of sleep) and strong excitement, overvoltage cause vascular failure, often occurring in adolescence.

From which the pressure drops, may be dark in the eyes, heavily hurts his head, spinning. ICC and pain in the head are interrelated, their treatment must be carried out comprehensively.


A sharp impaired blood circulation of the brain arises as a result of atherosclerosis, hypertension or brain anomalies. Severity and pain in the head - one of the signs of stroke. The pain appears as a consequence of blood entering the brain of man and mixing with cerebral liquid, after which it can sharply become bad.

A person can hurt, the cervical department, the loss of consciousness occurs. Patients who have suffered a stroke note the frequent darkening in the eyes and dizziness after the disease.

Overting eyes

For the condition when a headache, and dizziness appears almost daily, frengerity (hypermetropium) is often responsible, in which the eye voltage causes strong discomfort. Feeling, the head of the head and in the eye area occurs with long reading or work at the computer. The biggest problem is that many people are far-sighted, not knowing about it, thanks to the effective accommodation of the eyes. Nevertheless, constant effort or tension is the main reason why the head often hurts and spins.


Prevention measures that reduce the frequency of manifestation and the intensity of unpleasant sensations in the head suggest:

  • Compliance with the routine of the day.
  • Make breaks in the process of working at the computer every half an hour, in the process of which it is optimally moving (perform gymnastic exercises).
  • Walking on the street, constantly airing the room. In some cases, dizziness and discomfort in the head are formed in a stuffy room.
  • Relaxation and meditation, effectively restoring mental state.
  • The massage of the cervical and collar zone effectively eliminates pain in the head, provoked by osteochondrosis.

Despite a significant number of factors that cause pain, weakness and dizziness, most of them in the period of timely appeal to the doctor, successfully treated.

Observing medical prescriptions, it is possible to significantly lower the unpleasant symptoms or eliminate them to the fullest.

The current rhythm of life, stressful situations, mental tension and improper environmental situation are often leading to the formation of unpleasant sensations in the head.

With such a disease, everyone could face. However, it should be noted that the headache sometimes acts as symptoms of a dangerous disease.

Therefore, before starting therapy, you need to accurately establish the causes of the disease.


With high pressure, dizziness and pain in the occipital part of the head are caused by the narrowing of the vessels and excessive blood flow, which paradoxically causes a lack of cerebral blood supply. If the head turned, but nothing hurts, keep in mind the possibility of high pressure. Dizziness is a kind of alarm signal.

Important! The consequence of hypertension without treatment can be bleeding into the brain.

What measures should take

So, what to do if the head is spinning and hurts. In fact, there are several solutions.

  1. It is worth adopting painkillers capable of stopping pain syndrome for a while. These include funds such as Citramon, but-shpa, Pentalgin. But they have a temporary effect, so they cannot cope with pain once and forever.
  2. If a headache is hurting, you can stop the unpleasant tightness sign by adjusting the power mode. It is also necessary to pay special attention to changes in the quality of life as a whole.
  3. If necessary, constantly engage in the computer, it is important to regularly take breaks every few minutes. But this does not mean that it is necessary to constantly run no smoke.
  4. It is also worth practicing gymnastics, the purpose of which is the destruction of stagnant phenomena in the field of the cervical spine, as well as to strengthen the spine muscles.

If a patient has a stress reaction, and often dizziness occurs, it is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner, which will prescribe qualitative treatment and will assist in the fight against this ailment.

Pathological reasons

Some pains can be very dangerous, being a signal about bleeding into the brain or even the presence of a tumor.

Brain tumor

The most serious is the pain caused by brain tumors. With intracranial tumors, Cefalgia occurs in 60% of cases. It often represents the first symptom of pituitary tumors, cerebellum. Soreness is rarely noted in slow-growing tumors located in asymptomatic zones (especially in frontal fractions). In particular, meningiomas are clinically "dumb" for a long time.

Most often, the pain wears a tensional character, less frequent migraine. In the case of the frontal localization of tumors, progressive changes in personality, behavior, apathy, fatigue are recorded. Sometimes the first symptom has an epileptic attack. Depending on the localization, as well as the possibility of transferring pressure to remote structures, neurological signs and / or an increase in the symptoms of intracranial hypertension are manifested.

Vascular pathology

The most risky brain vascular disease is subarachnoid hemorrhage. We are talking about bleeding from the aneurysm of one of the brain arteries in extensive spaces. The patient is sick, illuminated, he has pain and the head is spinning.

Inflammation of the nervous system is a relatively common neurological disorder. Depending on the location of the disease, the disease is divided into:

  • inflammation of the brain (encephalitis);
  • inflammation of brain shells (meningitis);
  • inflammation of the spinal cord (myelitis).

Important! The lesions of nerve endings are called radiculitis, nerves - neuritis. These diseases can be combined in various ways.

Head injuries

This is an extensive and very diverse group. The increase in the number of injuries of the head and the cervical spine is explained by the factors of civilization: 45% of injuries are accounted for by an accident, 30% - for falling, 20% - on workers and sports injuries.

Each brain after injury reacts in different ways. Even after the brain shake hurts and the head is spinning every day.

The nature of the pain is diverse. It is accompanied by other symptoms, such as:

  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • fuzziness or split vision;
  • photophobia;
  • tinnitus;
  • hearing impairment;
  • increased sensitivity;
  • anxiety;
  • depression;
  • fatigue;
  • sleep disorders;
  • reduced libido.

Most often there is a chronic headache of the tension type.

Vegetative pathology

Vegetative nerves themselves rarely cause serious problems, but one of them is very common. It is a dizziness called a vazval syncope. Signs arise due to a decrease in blood pressure and blood supply to the brain.


The fact that the head hurts and is spinning due to disorders of the cervical spine can be identified by type of pain - usually it gives to the eye area. The back of the head often hurts the back of the head, the symptoms also include tingling in their hands, are not rare swelling (tumor) of eductions.

"Dangerous" causes of headaches and dizziness

There are dangerous diseases that lead to substantial discomfort and dizziness.

Usually, these are diseases that are directly affected by health and, in some cases, the life of the patient.

They need a mandatory and immediate visit to the specialist.

  • Atherosclerosis. The disease, during the period of the vascular walls in the brain, cholesterol plaques are deposited. Bloodstock is disturbed in some brain departments, which penetrates a smaller amount of nutrients. As a result, the patient is worried about dizziness and a feeling of falling, headache, attention and memorization decreases, nausea, weakness and other symptoms are noted. Difficulties appear with sleep, the implementation of the most simple cases provokes the decline of forces.
  • Head injury. During the various kinds of heads of head, the accidents are formed by the injuries of the skull and brain, the result of which the swelling becomes in the brain. This can lead to dizziness and painful sensations. In addition, the patient has a common weakness, chills, strong nausea, disorientation in space, excessive drowsiness.
  • New formation in the brain. Extremely dangerous disease, during which pain is grasp. Dizziness has specific nature: there is a sense of flooring from under legs, rotation of things. The severity of such symptoms varies from the size of the outflow and its location. The disease accompanies the shaky gait, nausea, vomit reflex. The patient sweats intensively, the hell significantly changes. There is a possibility of formation of epilepsy.
  • Migraine. An unpleasant disease leading to significant discomfort, which concentrates in the temples with the right or left side. Dizziness often appears during the period of the so-called aura - symptoms, which precedes painful discomfort. In some cases, the head is spinning and after the formation of unpleasant sensations.
  • Osteochondrosis in the cervical department. A fairly popular disease, during which the structure is changing or the location of the vertebrae and disks is changing, as a result of which the vessels are squeezed. This leads to the inadequate entry of oxygen and nutrient elements inside the brain, in connection with which pain and dizziness appear, often observed in the morning, intensifying throughout the day. Answering an unpleasant feeling is able to sleep on an overly hard or soft pillow. The patient's fatigue increases, drowsiness, numbness, appears, in the process of sudden turns of the head marked dizziness.
  • Hypertension. High blood pressure difficulties are primarily undergoing people in old age. The disease is accompanied by dizziness, head pain, noise in the ears, "flies" in the eyes, reducing motor activity, drowsiness and other symptoms. In some cases, there is a feeling of "heat inside."
  • Hypotension. During her, hell decreases. The elderly is often sick of this disease. Symptoms of the disease are the following: weakness, malaise, pale facial, nausea and vomiting reflex. The head is spinning in the process of getting out of the chair.
  • VDC The constant disorder of the neurological state, provoking an increase in or reducing the tone of internal organs, including brain vessels. The disease is often observed in adolescence.
  • Abuse of alcoholic beverages and tobacco. Such detrimental habits, in addition to the general destructive impact on the body, adversely affect the vessels in the brain. When smokers for a long period of time refuse smoking, it leads to discomfort in the head and deterioration of thinking. After taking the alcohol the next day, a hangmest syndrome appears - the brain intoxication with ethanol, capable of provoking the brain swelling. At this stage, headaches and dizziness are constantly being observed.
  • The head is spinning and during the various kinds of diseases in the inner ear - the body that is responsible for the equilibrium. Causes: Infectious lesions, inflammatory processes, injuries. Similar symptoms cause drugs against allergic reactions, antibacterial and sedatives.

What to do when the head hurts and spiz

First of all, these signs should not be underestimated. We must visit the doctor who, if necessary, will send the patient to the ENT specialist, a neurologist. If the head began to root and spin suddenly, sharply, discomfort is accompanied by a vomiting, pallhery - this may be a warning of a serious disease (brain siperfusion, brain vessel blocking). Each type of dizziness and cephalgia is a signal of violation occurring in the body.

Surveys for pain

If pain and dizziness are often bothering, it is necessary to apply a visit to the attending specialist - a neuropathologist or therapist. They guide the patient to other highly specialized doctors, which identify the general nature of the disease. There are several diagnostic methods that are desirable to pass:

  • general analysis of blood fluid;
  • angiography.

What will be the treatment will affect the cause of this phenomenon, as well as the conclusion from the doctor.

During pregnancy

Headache is one of the first, but not too common signs of pregnancy caused by hormonal changes in the body, an increase in blood volume. The pain and circulation of the head during pregnancy occurs more often than at another time. Cefalgia is caused by various reasons. At the later stages of pregnancy, especially at the end of the 3rd trimester, it can be a sign of preeclampsia.

During pregnancy, it is recommended to avoid medicines if their use is not necessary. To facilitate the condition (in severe cases, after consulting with the doctor), paracetamol-based preparations can be used (paracetamol, pandol, paralen).

Important! During pregnancy, it is forbidden to take acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) or ibuprofen (ibalgin, ibuprofen, nurofen).

Safe medicines and tablets

When planning a visit to the doctor, the patient should be ready to answer questions, as often arises pain syndrome, and what is its intensity. This will help the doctor to develop the right tactics of treatment.

Groups of preparations are effective in episodic bounty

Medicines for the treatment of pathology-nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). They possess an anesthetic effect, relieve inflammation, eliminate the ethnicity.

Often prescribe:

  • Ibuprofen-400 mg per day;
  • Ketoprofen-100 mg / s;
  • Naproxen-500 mg / s;
  • Meloxicami-7.5-15 mg / s;
  • Celecoxib-200 mg / s.

Most NSAIDs have a negative side effect: with long-term use, they adversely affect the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, up to the development of drug gastritis.

Medicines for meloxico and celecoxib-preparations of a new generation that do not have a negative impact on the gastrointestinal tract. By cons of the use of these drugs include a relatively high price.

Analgesics are often used at home to remove the attack. They do not treat the disease, but only remove pain. Preparations of this group are suitable for the relief of episodic attacks, but their systematic use leads to the occurrence of abucession syndrome.

In the attack of pain, paracetamol-100 mg, cititamon, analgin-500mg or Mig 200-400 mg can be taken.

If at the examination, the appearance of cefalgia was found after the load as a result of increasing blood pressure, the doctor will write preparations appointed at the early stage of the development of hypertension. These include: vasodinating agents, ACE inhibitors, diuretics, calcium channel blockers.

An independent purpose of itself antihypertensive drugs is unacceptable. Self-meditation leads to severe consequences.

With muscular tension, as part of complex treatment, drugs of the Miorolaxant groups are used. They relax the spashed muscles of the head and neck, removing the pain of spastic nature, help the restoration of blood flow.

Often prescribe:

  • Middokalm-150-450 mg per day;
  • Sirdalud (Tizanidine) -4 mg / c;
  • Baclofen-15 mg / s.

In comprehensive treatment, nootropic drugs are often prescribed: phenibut, nootropyl, glycine. Nootropics have an activating effect on the brain functions, increase its resistance to damaging factors. Preparations improve cerebral circulation, eliminate the effects of crank-brain injuries.

Sedatives in the complex with major drugs lead to muscle relaxation and reduce the tone of vessels. Reception of tranquilizers helps removal of pain, but this type of drugs quickly causes drug dependence with cancellation syndrome.

Sedative means to which is not addictive: Afobazol, Ataraks; Alcohol tinctures Valerians, mother-in-law, Maryina root.

With strong attacks, a combination of drugs is used: Sirdalud 2 mg + aspirin 500 mg or analgin 250 mg + sedative.

It has proven itself the use of vitamin complexes of the V. Vitamins B1, B6, B12, favorably act on the central nervous system, restore the structure of nerve tissues. Often prescribe vitamin complexes: neuromulitivitis, Milgamma, Neurovitan.

If the bouts of pain are repeated more often 10 times a month, they prescribe a course treatment with a ibuprofen dose of 400 mg per day for 2-3 weeks and treatment with muscle relaxants for 2-4 weeks.

Uniform diagram of pain syndrome does not exist. Depending on the cause, each patient needs an individual selection of drugs.

When you need to contact a specialist

With headache and dizziness consult a doctor if:

  • discomfort appears repeatedly without a certain reason;
  • signs arose suddenly, they are very intense;
  • symptoms last longer than 1st day, do not react to medicines;
  • manifestations appeared after the head injury or other serious injury;
  • symptoms are accompanied by other difficulties;
  • he hurts and spins a child in a child.

When contact your doctor

It is quite simple to differentiate the conventional headache caused by non-disease. The following signs may indicate dangers:

  1. nausea;
  2. vomiting;
  3. the head is spinning;
  4. faint condition;
  5. ringing or noise in the ears;
  6. weakness;
  7. nerve tick;
  8. hallucinations;
  9. visual disorders;
  10. increase body temperature.

In a situation where the head spins and hurts, it is necessary to contact a highly qualified doctor without delay.


The treatment depends on the reason why the head hurts and spizes. In some cases, there may be a serious reason, even threatening life. The main goal of therapy is the treatment of the cause. To relieve migraine, sleep, relaxation, analgesics, lifestyle change is recommended.

Medical methods

The pain can be overcome with non-receptible drugs, such as paracetamol or bruphen. However, these methods will not cure the cause. The novelty among drugs is Migralgin, which is used in the treatment of sharp attacks. In the case of secondary headaches, it is necessary to eliminate the cause; Helps:

  • reduction of blood pressure;
  • rehabilitation (when problems with the cervical spine);
  • sufficient sleep and drink mode;
  • suitable movement, etc.

Non-media methods

Non-media therapy includes the following actions:

  • regime measures;
  • aromatherapy - Use of Essential Oils (Mandarin, Eucalyptus, Lemon, Jasmine, Rose, Basil, Mint, Melissa, Lavender, Chamomile);
  • cold or warm compresses;
  • changes in nutrition - restriction of products and beverages causing headaches and dizziness, especially histamine and histamolybererators;
  • sufficient and appropriate movement;
  • massage, rehabilitation, physiotherapy, Dorna method.

Folk Methods

Try a tea mixture of the following plants:

  • hop;
  • ginger;
  • chamomile;
  • melissa;
  • lavender;
  • mint;
  • rosemary.

Take 1 tsp. Each herb, fill ½ l boiling water, insist 10 minutes. Drink during the day.

A proven assistant with headaches and dizziness is a medicine letter. Fill 2 tsp. Herbs 250 ml boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. This tea can not only drink, but also to use as compresses.

Folk remedies from headaches

In certain situations, it is possible to remove pain in the head possible through the usual means of traditional medicine.

However, it should be remembered that it is possible to apply them only after the implementation of medical diagnosis and consultation with a specialist.

The most common belongs to the following:

  • Cinnamon tincture. In 1 cup with boiling water added 1/8 h. L. Ground cinnamon. This means is approximately 30 minutes. It is necessary to take it 2 throat with an interval of 60 minutes.
  • Broth of the Zverkoy. A similar medicinal grass is characterized by a rather strong effect. Prepared by a similar means, pouring 1 l. Cheese glass boiling water. The finished mass is placed in a saucepan and put on a small fire. It warms up for 15 minutes. It is cooled and fastened. You need to use three times a day at a quarter of a cup.
  • Lemon. It is necessary to cut into the citrus small slices. Sprinkle with sugar and eat. When this agent is not suitable, it is permissible to pour a lemon boiling water. The tool is insisted, then a small amount of sugar is added and drunk.
  • Apple vinegar. This remedy has proven itself in the fight against migraine. In the process of food intake, a mixture is taken from 1/3 of Art. l. Apple vinegar and honey.
  • Valerian tincture. This recipe effectively eliminates pain in the head that is caused by overvoltage. 1 glass boiling water poured 1 st. l. Dry and crushed medicinal plant root. Water baths are heated for 25 minutes. Then you need to insist the means for about 30 minutes in a warm place. Through water, a decoction is brought to the number of 200 g. This medicine should be used three times a day for half an hour before meals.

To know what fir a head is spinning every day, weakness appears, nausea, constantly worried about pain and other symptoms, you must consult with your doctor.

Medical events

Any activities aimed at treating the symptoms of weakness, dizziness and pain in the head, it is important to apply relying on the help of a specialist. Where can be given recommendations for proper nutrition, receiving medicines and exercises. Training functions of the vestibular apparatus. In rare cases, this is the use of precursor intervention.

It should also be taken into account that temporal epilepsy, basilar migraine, trunk stroke, bacterial labyrinthitis, tumor, is treated depending on the etiology of the causes of each disease. In this case, drugs with a vestibularity effect or antihistamines can be used if the pain is systematic.

Among the antihistamine drugs is Promethazine and Meclosin. Sometimes here can be included with diazepams together with the Laurempam, they refer to the group of tranquilizers necessary to remove the symptoms of anxiety. In the case of manifestation of vomiting with nausea, metoclopramide is prescribed.

If the pain in the head has a long time, then to eliminate such a nota, the doctor may write a recipe for the purchase of mannitol, euphilline or diazepama. In some cases, Betagisteine \u200b\u200bhydrochloride has a similar composition with histamines can be added to the addition to all other drugs.

Dizziness as a symptom of the disease

Headache very often acts as a concomitant symptom of many diseases, in the event of which it is necessary to immediately proceed to treatment:

  • Osteochondrosis of the neck.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Neof formation in the brain area.
  • Diseases and damage to the inner ear, vestibular apparatus.
  • Rheumatism.
  • Meniery disease.
  • Hepatitis of different shapes and genotype.
  • Depression.
  • Stroke, ischemic attack.
  • Elevated blood pressure.
  • Ortostatic collapse.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.

Diagnosis of pathologies will include not only inspection and patient survey, but also doppler image of the neck and head vessels, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, biochemical blood test, ultrasound examination, sometimes even a radiograph is required. The treatment will depend on the severity of the disease, the age category of the patient, well-being and lifestyle.

Headache and temperature during pregnancy

In a pregnant woman, the causes of headaches and temperature may be the same violations as any adult person. However, the temperature and headache during pregnancy may be due to the special condition of the body during the toasting.

For example, a small subfebrile temperature is observed in the first weeks of pregnancy, and this is considered the norm. Such an increase is caused by the impact of progesterone - hormone, which highlights the placenta.

Progesterone affects the thermostat of the brain (hypotalllamus). Many women have a thermometer testimony remain elevated for several months of pregnancy.

If the indicators exceed 38 s, consult a doctor immediately. It may be an infection, and many of them are very dangerous for the emerging child.

The headache in a woman can be due to the toxicosis of pregnant women (gestosis). This is a complication of normally proceeding pregnancy.

Most women have gestosis manifest in light shape, and does not threaten the health of the fetus and mother. Very often its symptom is an increase in blood pressure - hypertension. It is the fluctuations of blood pressure indicators that can cause spasm of vessels, and ultimately - a pulsating or peeling headache.

It is important to remember that pregnant women are contraindicated with such painkillers and antipyretic, as aspirin, analgin and triphane (as well as all medicines based on them). Active substances of such drugs can cause disorders of the development of the fetus, which has been proven by numerous studies.

The most sensitive periods of pregnancy - the first trimester and the last couple of weeks of the ninth month. At this time, the best solution will refuse to receive any medicines.

If the headache is pronounced, paracetamol or ibuprofen can be taken, after reading the instruction and selecting the desired dosage. It is recommended to consult with your doctor if such symptoms are concerned often.

Dizziness when taking drugs, due to bad habits

It is also worth considering the fact that the head is strongly spinning and nauseous as a result of the reception of some medicines. Therefore, before their reception, it is worth not only to consult with a specialist, but also carefully familiarize themselves with the insertion-instruction, which indicates side effects from the drug intake. If dizziness and nausea during therapy is only enhanced, it is necessary to abandon the means or reduce the dosage that the doctor adjusts.

Dizziness happens due to admission:

  • Snow pills.
  • Antiallergic means.
  • Tranquilizers.
  • Oral contraceptives.

It is not to be surprised that the nausea and dizziness arises as a result of a tobacco and consumption of alcoholic beverages. These habits negatively affect not only the state of the vessels, heart, but also on the activity of the brain and the body as a whole.

The most common causes of dizziness

The most common causes of dizziness, which lead to fatigue, drowsiness:

  • Insomnia.
  • Draised sleep and rest mode.

Also, such deviations can also be attributed:

  • Stressing situation that provoked the emission of adrenaline into blood.
  • Tobacco
  • Strict and long diet.
  • Heat or sunshine.
  • Physical exercise.
  • Sharp change of body position.
  • The period of tooling the child, especially in the first months.
  • Receiving some medicines;
  • Sharp reduction in blood pressure.
  • Increased hemoglobin and blood sugar content.

The above reasons for dizziness are considered rare and temporary, so do not worry, it is better to relax. After an unpleasant symptom disappears, it is worth considering your lifestyle and food, and also pay attention to recreation and work. If necessary, conduct an adjustment.

Diagnosis of diseases

After there are signs of one or another pathology, it is necessary to seek help from a specialist. If there was any head injury on the eve of the symptoms of pathology, then you should not hide with an appeal to a surgeon or traumatologist. Perhaps it will be about the closed brain injuries, the treatment of which is carried out in the hospital.

Strong dizziness and nausea under normal pressure

During pregnancy, it is also worth contacting the gynecologist for the consultation, but most often many women are simply worried about this period and, starting with 2 trimesters, enjoy the excellent time to wear the fetus.

As for the pathologies of the digestive organs, it is not necessary to do without consultation of the gastroenterologist and treatment. In order to correctly diagnose, the specialist is appointed to pass a number of laboratory and instrumental research. Laboratory includes a clinical analysis of blood and biochemistry, the main indicators of which are bilirubin, asat and amylase, amylase.

Often, patients are invited to hand over the analysis. The instrumental methods of diagnosis include radiography and ultrasound of the abdominal organs, fibrogastroduodenoscopy (FGDS), if necessary, CT or MRI.

With the help of ultrasound, it is possible to determine the nature of the development of the digestive organs, to detect the size and density of the organs, identify various deviations in the operation of the digestive system, check the presence of cystic formations and other benign and malignant tumors.

On a conventional X-ray and contrasting x-ray, it is possible to identify damage to the internal organs, the presence of foreign objects in them, pathological formations (cysts, hematomas, tumors, etc.), foreign gases and fluids in the hollow organs. Contrast radoscopy helps determine the condition of mucous membranes, perforations, pathological narrowings or expansion of lumen in the intestine, neoplasms.

With this study, you can reveal the condition of the mucous membranes of internal organs, the presence of ulcers, polyps, bleeding, etc. If necessary, you can re-jeep off a small section of the mucous membrane for further diagnosis for atypical cells.

Pregnancy or menstrual cycle

In women, the listed features are manifested during periods of pregnancy and blood loss. The main disease is absent. Treatment is not required. Causes are hormonal restructuring. Nausea with certain odors. The body temperature may vary from the norm to 37 degrees. It is enough to relax, stroll outdoor.
During pregnancy, drowsiness accompanies the listed symptoms. Some kind of acidic products helps to cope with nausea. The problem lasts the first trimester. During blood loss, there is airsdown for up to three days. With the cessation of menstrual discharge, symptoms disappear. Their appearance of women is celebrated a few days before the start of menstruation. The use of drugs would be inappropriate.

High temperature effect

Human weakness, headache and dizziness, can, long stay under the sun. That is why it should not be left under the sun in the most sun, when high risk get a headache of a pulsating character, feel weakness in the body due to the increasing headguor of the head.

In some cases, if a strong dehydration of the body occurred, sunbathing can easily go to the unconscious state. Therefore, to exclude the risk of getting a sunshine, with a strong sun, it is better to be in the shade and more drinking fluid, use a headdress.

The same applies to lovers for a long time to steam in the sauna, many people have such a passion to adversely affect their well-being. For example, they may appear such symptoms:

  • Headache and dizziness.
  • Strong weakness in the body.
  • The victim begins vomiting his sick.

Under the influence of high temperatures, if such symptoms began to manifest, it is important to provide assistance to the affected. The same can happen if a long time is in a poorly ventilated room or transport.

Effective treatment begins with diagnostics

To identify the disease, you need to turn to the therapist and a neurologist - only a competent specialist can put an accurate diagnosis. In some cases, assistance will need a gastroenterologist, otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, oncologist, gynecologist.

Experts will conduct a complete examination, which includes several core points:

  • cT scan;
  • general blood analysis;
  • ultrasonic Doppler;
  • electrocardiogram.


What to take as fast self-help:

Folk remedies

Treatment of herbs and tinctures takes off symptoms and speeds up the process of cure, but the traditional medicine is better combined with the reception of drugs. Improve blood circulation and remove pain syndrome help:

  1. Herbal collection. You will need: Fresh leaves of mint or melissa (10-15 g per 400 ml), Valerian root. This composition boil on low heat for 20 minutes, then add 15 g of green tea or soluble coffee. Chilled drink to eat on an empty stomach, three times a day on a tablespoon.
  2. Balm "Deadly Strength". You will need: 100 ml of 10% camphor oil, 30 ml of fir oil, 10 ml of juniper essential oil. Ingredients mix and shake, stored in the shade. This means lubricate all lymph nodes: whiskey, over eyebrows, headings, ears and around them, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nose and mouth.


Especially effectively will combine folk methods with massage and self-massage. Massage is a universal way to reduce pain, as it practically does not have contraindications. Highlight 3 massage techniques from headaches:

  1. Point. The technique came to us from Eastern medicine, the location of the points is separate science. The main points of exposure: the temporal area along the hair growth line, the occipital flow, the inner angle of the eye (closer to the briefs region).
  2. Cervical. The technique lies in rubbing and thorough kneading areas of suffering. After the session, the body will need recovery, it is better to lie in a vertical position for 15 minutes.
  3. Common. The session begins with warming up, then movement becomes more intense. Such a massage stimulates the work of the vessels, has a relaxing effect, reduces muscle spasm.

Preventive action

  1. Compliance with the regime of the day.
  2. Regular outdoor walks, mobile lifestyle.
  3. Proper nutrition. It is recommended to add products rich in calcium, magnesium, vitamin E, namely vegetables, nuts, vegetable oils.
  4. Sports.
  5. Massage and self-massage courses.
  6. Compliance with drinking mode.
  7. Rejection of bad habits.
  8. Breaks in your computer every 40-50 minutes.
  9. Properly organized workplace.

Concomitant symptomatics

In addition to the fact that the patient has a head and nausea, other symptoms arise that may depend on related diseases:

  • Violations of the vestibular apparatus, which is localized in the field of the inner ear, is accompanied by such signs as: dizziness, nausea and vomit urge, increased selection of sweat, deviations from the blood pressure rate, rapid pulse. Symptoms and their severity in this situation can envy on the position of the body.
  • Otitis. Especially accompanied by pain in the ear.
  • Migraine is a dangerous deviation that leads to serious violations with well-being. A person is afraid of sounds, noise, light, and the pain and degree of nausea are too strong. In this situation, independent therapy is contraindicated.
  • Poisoning with products and alcoholic beverages is not only accompanied by dizziness and nausea, but also by vomit.
  • In case of problems with vision, coordination, eye sensitivity, which leads to a vertigo.
  • With one-sided deafness, the head, weakness, nausea is spinning. This violation may be a concomitant symptom of neoplasm in the brain area.

What if the head is spinning and nauseous for a long period of time? It is worth consulted by a neuropathologist or psychotherapist and begin therapy, as many diseases and pathologies can lead to irreversible consequences. Not only medicines can be used in the treatment, but also folk remedies.

When this state occurs suddenly, you should not worry and immediately take drugs. Sometimes it is enough just to calm down, drink herbal tea or take a bath to normalize well-being.

The lesion of the vestibular apparatus and nerve

Why is the head and sick with the defeat of the vestibular apparatus and nerve? Because there is a breakdown between the bonds between the structures of the brain and the inner ear that can provoke diseases such as:

  • Meniery disease.
  • Insufficient blood supply to the brain.
  • Neof formation of the spinal cord.
  • Nevnoma of auditory nerve.
  • Inflammation of the brain and other.

Dizziness, which is associated with the lesion of the vestibular apparatus and the nerve there are two types:

  • Peripheral vertigo - It is observed in the defeat and diseases of the inner ear.
  • Central Vertigo - develops in patients as a result of a stroke, brain neoplasms or cerebellum.

The condition when the head is spinning and weakness, it is even a completely healthy person and this is normal, especially if it is observed after a long trip or riding a swing. Therefore, if dizziness and nausea arose as a result of these provoking factors should not worry, as this is a completely normal reaction of the body to certain stimuli. Nevertheless, dizziness may occur not only as a result of minor provoking factors, but also testify to the development of serious diseases, therefore requires a complete examination and establishing the cause.

In today's times, it takes almost the very first place when the reasons for a psychosomatic nature are reflected on the human well-being in the form of a deterioration in the work of the cardiovascular system. Often it can warn about the initial stage of the development of ischemic or hypertonic ailments.

In this case, the patient may begin to disturb the very strong headache, the symptoms of which are often localized in any section of the brain. For example, if the reasons for this are associated with hypertensive disease, there will be a temple, a frontal-temporal or tempororal area to hurt. The time of day at the same time does not matter, the pain appears quite unexpectedly. Often, under such circumstances, the patient feels stupid, brutal or new headaches. In addition to him, the following symptoms arise:

  • Pallor skin.
  • Dizziness.
  • Total weakness in the body.

The main causes of all this is the increased level of tone of arterioles and arteries, resulting in a deterioration in the total current of blood. This can also include the increase in the pulse and the pulsing pain in the head.

Headaches are the most common health disorder in developed countries. According to experts, more than 600 million people suffer from various types of headaches (cefalgia). Sometimes the condition is accompanied by a deterioration of vision, stomach disorder. Frequently present light, sensitivity to noise and smells, fast fatigue and drowsiness, other problems. Often at the same time hurts and spin the head. In addition to overvoltage, such symptoms may cause diseases, including serious.

Causes of combination of dizziness headaches

Headache is most often associated with changes in cerebral circulation. Or the blood supply is reduced, for example, when pressure drops, or vice versa, brain vessels are expanding. Both disorders may be dizziness.

Basic symptomatics

Cefalgia is primary and secondary:

  • The primary form is not accompanied by another disease. It belongs to the migraine, the pain of a pulsating nature, one-sided (most often hurts forehead, eye area, temple). The attack is accompanied by visual disorders, light intolerance of light, noise, smells, sometimes - vomiting. Another type is a coezional cefalgia, accompanied by the tension of the muscles of the head and neck. The attack can be caused by stress, long work on a computer, dehydration, fatigue.
  • The secondary form is a symptom of another disease. These pains may have different reasons. They are diverse on localization, intensity, frequency, gravity.

Causes of malaise

Causes of primary headaches:

  • migraine;
  • voltage;
  • physical (including sexual) activity;
  • trighemal Vegetative Cefalgia.

Causes of secondary headaches:

  • fatigue, insomnia, stress, menopause, premenstrual syndrome;
  • neuralgia (violation of the pain management system);
  • violations of the circulatory system, especially the blood supply to the brain, hypertension;
  • bad posture, difference in leg lengths, scoliosis, spinaller overload, cervical spine disorders;
  • food allergies, hystamine intolerance;
  • inflammation of the middle ear;
  • hemorrhage in the brain, stroke, thrombosis of the brain veins;
  • kidney disease;
  • inflammation of jaws and teeth;
  • eye disease;
  • sunshine, sun burns;
  • infectious diseases;
  • diseases, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract;
  • head injuries;
  • brain swelling;
  • meningitis, meningoencephalitis;
  • glaucoma;
  • syndrome apnea in a dream;
  • excessive use of analgesics;
  • an undesirable effect of drugs and vaccines.


This condition concerns each modern person. Stress causes hard work, constantly present noise ... stress cannot be avoided, but it can be softened. It is important to learn to relax, find out what the situation is the most stressful, try to minimize its impact or at least change your attitude to the problem.

Overting eyes

For the condition when a headache, and dizziness appears almost daily, frengerity (hypermetropium) is often responsible, in which the eye voltage causes strong discomfort. Feeling, the head of the head and in the eye area occurs with long reading or work at the computer. The biggest problem is that many people are far-sighted, not knowing about it, thanks to the effective accommodation of the eyes. Nevertheless, constant effort or tension is the main reason why the head often hurts and spins.


This non-infective inflammatory damage of the vessel wall, in which fat is deposited on its wall. The vessel narrows, slows down the blood flow.

Atherosclerosis manifestations are very diverse, depend on the area in which the affected vessel is located. A person can hurt the affected area, sometimes there is dizziness, headache, chills due to insufficient blood flow.


This is a chronic disease of vascular origin arising from the narrowing and subsequent expansion of the vessels in the head and neck. We are talking about a widespread disease that manifests periodic attacks at different intervals (the attack can last up to 3 days). When migraine can, temple, eye area, often spin the head.


  • discomfort appears repeatedly without a certain reason;
  • signs arose suddenly, they are very intense;
  • symptoms last longer than 1st day, do not react to medicines;
  • manifestations appeared after the head injury or other serious injury;
  • symptoms are accompanied by other difficulties;
  • he hurts and spins a child in a child.

First aid for dizziness

Sit down, lower your head between the knees, until the dizziness starts to retreat. Alternatively, try to breathe as much as possible and deeper. Deep breathing will help if the head hurts or spins by restoring the carbon dioxide balance in the body. Another way to facilitate the state is to press the point between the eyebrows.


The treatment depends on the reason why the head hurts and spizes. In some cases, there may be a serious reason, even threatening life. The main goal of therapy is the treatment of the cause. To relieve migraine, sleep, relaxation, analgesics, lifestyle change is recommended.

Medical methods

The pain can be overcome with non-receptible drugs, such as paracetamol or bruphen. However, these methods will not cure the cause. The novelty among drugs is Migralgin, which is used in the treatment of sharp attacks. In the case of secondary headaches, it is necessary to eliminate the cause; Helps:

  • reduction of blood pressure;
  • rehabilitation (when problems with the cervical spine);
  • sufficient sleep and drink mode;
  • suitable movement, etc.

Non-media methods

Non-media therapy includes the following actions:

  • regime measures;
  • aromatherapy - Use of Essential Oils (Mandarin, Eucalyptus, Lemon, Jasmine, Rose, Basil, Mint, Melissa, Lavender, Chamomile);
  • cold or warm compresses;
  • changes in nutrition - restriction of products and beverages causing headaches and dizziness, especially histamine and histamolybererators;
  • sufficient and appropriate movement;
  • massage, rehabilitation, physiotherapy, Dorna method.

Folk Methods

Try a tea mixture of the following plants:

  • hop;
  • ginger;
  • chamomile;
  • melissa;
  • lavender;
  • mint;
  • rosemary.

Take 1 tsp. Each herb, fill ½ l boiling water, insist 10 minutes. Drink during the day.

A proven assistant with headaches and dizziness is a medicine letter. Fill 2 tsp. Herbs 250 ml boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. This tea can not only drink, but also to use as compresses.

When you can solve the problem yourself

If the head is spinning and, strong chicken broth will help. This soup relaxes the upper respiratory tract, improves blood circulation in vessels.

Lock whiskey with lemon slices.

Moisten a handkerchief or napkin in apple vinegar. Attach your forehead, plunge half an hour.


You can prevent headache and dizziness by adjusting nutrition, sufficient sleep, suitable sports activities. An important role is played by positive thinking, an active approach to life. It is recommended to limit the consumption of caffeine, alcohol, nicotine. The opponent of headaches and dizziness is vitamin B2, magnesium, potassium, calcium, zinc. A good action is tea from mint, chamomiles, melissa with adding honey.

If it hurts and spin the head, what to do? When there is such a symptom, then there is some reason. Sometimes it is a painful condition habitual. It can even be ignored for some time, although dizziness may well end the faint, and the pain can become unbearable.

In injuries of the head, the flu is often peculiar to overestimate its capabilities, which leads to sad consequences. In a situation with headache and dizziness, the principle acts: the earlier the patient will turn to the doctor, the greater the chance of recovery. The source of unpleasant symptoms is the key to the elimination of the problem once and for all. The correct diagnosis is the pledge of longevity. The symptom when the head spins and hurts, a few simple means will help to eliminate. What means to choose?

If health is normal, and the head hurts and spins, what is the reason? Headaches and dizziness under normal health are situational.

  • fatigue;
  • depletion;
  • adrenaline rush;
  • overheat;
  • bad weather;
  • magnetic storms;
  • poisoning.

Frequent symptom manifestations may indicate the disease. It may be:

  • migraine;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • blood pressure disorders;
  • head injuries;
  • heart diseases;
  • disorders of the vestibular apparatus;
  • diabetes.

Suspecting the presence of a disease, it is better to consult a doctor. It is necessary to prepare for the fact that the diagnosis will require additional diagnostics.

The pain is called signals from receptors. Entering the brain, they are interpreted as pain. These signals carry information about the presence of irritants dangerous to the body and perform a protective function. With a certain strength of the incoming pulse, pain shock is possible with temporarily limited capacity. The human threshold has individual parameters and is based on chemical components in cell structures (membrane). Power of the pulse of pain exceeding the threshold destroys the chains of transmitting cells. Any impulse is a chemical reaction at the cellular level.

Since the pain change the chemical composition of transmitting cells, most often, except the tablets, nothing will help. But who does not know the legend about the super supporting person to turn off the pain? This legend is confirmed by numerous evidence that always leave the field for doubt. Can a person of the power of Will orders the brain to influence the chemical composition of the cell? This would change the natural processes in the body. So the mechanism of self-destruction can be launched. Is it profitable to obey the body?

Head - body portion consisting of bone and soft tissues. It contains extremely valuable education: the brain, carotid artery, muscles, tendons, cartilage. Another cervical spine, eyes, ears, nose and socially involved appearance. Very important part of the body, often requiring delicate circulation. What exactly hurts?

Pain may have characteristics. They must be able to inform themselves and the doctor. The pain can be stupid, sharp, stinging, cutting, pulsating. In what place the head hurts? The unpleasant sensations can be in the temporal, occipital regions. Eye and nasal sinuses, face can hurt. Frequent, periodic, regular, permanent pains are the nature of sensations for a period spent on observation. It is desirable to tell in detail about the sensations of a specialist. This will facilitate the task of collecting information, identifying and eliminating the cause.

Massage - and everything will pass

There is a stereotype that frequent headaches can not be easy to eliminate. They can occur at the end of the working day and be a symptom of fatigue. The head can hurt constantly at a completely healthy person. The head is the center, a combination of visual, auditory, olfactory and taste receptors. Receptors can be overloaded. It's too noisy around, for the whole day of your eyes tired, an unpleasant smell in a room or on the street, something is very bitter and sour from food - this is why the head can be worn and accelerated. In order to avoid frequent headaches and dizziness from stress, a person is quite simple techniques. If you look at, stress for the body today everywhere. Life is one big stress. Should I endure frequent headache? Why does the overload happen? The so-called mental activity can cause an overvoltage of the eyes.

Physical work - changes in body temperature, pressure. Prolonged immobility is a surge. To always feel well and not provoke frequent overload, it is necessary to alternate mental and exercise, regularly be in the fresh air. What to do, if the head began to hurt and spin, but there are no pills at hand? Perhaps you need to eat something delicious. Most likely, the body lack glucose. To avoid frequent sensory overloads will help a good sleep, full-fledged vacation, and stuffing procedures.

Pleasant smell can often help. This is an additional positive load on the smell and the corresponding receptors of perception. What smell will help, go homeopathy. Even your favorite perfume or an unusual pleasant smell, air freshener may come. The mood improves, the pain will disappear, the natural light in the body will appear.

Music often helps. The rumor is based on the principle of perception of vibration of the eardrum. Morse alphabet is interpreted by the brain. Sound with a certain frequency of vibration will improve well-being. The noise of rain, waves, the depths of the ocean, the bell ringing, the sound of the organ, pipes are the simplest sounds that will help to remove the symptom.

Spectatical images also affect. Characteristics of the light spectrum, the irritant drops will help to relax overpriced receptors. Receptions of light exposure: Frequent or rare flicker, alternations, color shade, light spectrum, artificial lighting, sunlight.

The massage of the face and skin of the head will create a load on the tactile perception. Here are the clusters of muscles and nerve endings. Their stimulation will remove spasm, increase blood circulation. The quality of touches is important. To start special mass makers will not need. Even with frequent touch to face of a massage character, there is no effect on the eyelids, the ears, the base of the nose.

Using tingling a nail plate, a light vibration from friction palm, it is very easy to achieve good results. It is important not to overdo it. Light touch to face, the skin of the head, the neck is rather unusual, quickly become obsessive. There will be an overload that I would like to remove.

When need to be alerted?

Additional symptom indicates the severity of the problem. Most likely, it is necessary to consult a doctor if, in addition to headaches, are present:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • fainting;
  • noise, ringing in the ears;
  • nervous ticks;
  • sound hallucinations;
  • loss of vision;
  • visual hallucinations;
  • temperature;
  • tremor.

Migraine is strong headaches. A person exhaust frequent attacks, sometimes they happen every day. This is a hereditary, chronic disease. Migraine and simply frequent headache is impossible. The attacks are accompanied by a common weakness, emissibility.

These pain and dizziness are hard to endure on the legs. Despite the existence of drugs with high efficiency, the physiology of the pathological process has little studied. Frequent migraine is difficult to endure, but the treatment is expensive.

A concussion of the brain is a cranial and brain injury that just get into everyday life. It is easily treated, in comparison with other species, but they may not pay attention to it, I first treat it out seriously. What are the signs of the obtained concussion of the brain? It is accompanied by loss of consciousness. Breathing is surrounded, the pulse changes. Possible vomiting. One of the symptoms is the confusion of consciousness. The memory of the occurred or previous events is partially lost. The temperature does not increase, dizziness, weakness, nausea, noise in the head, etc. The brain concussion is severe injury, for the treatment of which it is necessary to comply with bed regime.

Problems with blood supply in the brain - a serious phenomenon. With insufficient blood supply to fabrics may die. The destruction of the cells of the brain will lead to violations in the work of the whole organism. Without oxygen, the brain can live a few minutes. Headache and dizziness with circulatory disorders have such features: manifest themselves in the form of frequent ripples, there are additional symptoms, weakness appears. Understanding is the headache of moderately. The phrase is suitable for it: "It happened and worse." But circulatory disorders will soon be given themselves to know the deterioration of the state.

So, the headache is an abnormal state.

Modern person should not forget about it. Sometimes it is necessary to treat yourself more carefully, to show great discipline, correctly plan your time and life. Looking for a reason to listen to yourself.


Hello. You are so unbalanced that it will be possible to get the result not earlier than in 2-3 weeks or even a little later. Let's start with the fact that Valerian helps not everyone. If you drink sedatives, you can cause even greater drowsiness, weakness. Spend an experiment. But observance needs all sides strictly. 1. Sleep - by the clock - fall asleep no later than 22.30. Substitute - you can in 6 and later. In front of the sleepystap of warm milk with a teaspoon of honey. An hour before sleep - no computer. During the day, half hour mode, then get up, get a minute of 3-5 minutes, you can work half an hour again, that is, cyclically. Be sure to get out for half an hour on just walking in a good, active pace. It is important in nutrition - in small portions every 3 hours, so that the blood level is maintained. And extremely important - liquid - enough. Remove the drinks containing tonic - the type of coca-cola, drink and simply clean water, coffee - in the morning. The breakfast would be good about 100-150 ml of fresh orange juice. In days, ten - good performance will appear, tachycardia will begin to calmly later. And in the summer - an active sea rest is more swimming. Restore.