Repairs Design Furniture

The simplest magneto-mechanical pendulum - as an example of the implementation of the principles of creating various types of perpetual MD. Experiments, experiments, theory, practice, solutions to the tasks Eternal magnetic pendulum with their own hands

In other houses they are - large vintage watches in the polished closet red Tree, with a pendulum and two big brilliant chain weights. In such hours, something mysterious lies - through them, it is like that itself speaks with us and about the past, and about the present, and about the future ...
I dreamed about a clock with a pendulum for a very long time, but they were somehow not inherited from the second grandmothers, and they asked for them for them, for which you could buy a completely decent car type VAZ.

But once in the store I got on the eyes of ordinary wall-mounted electronic watches - and precisely with such a dial as I saw in dreams. Thilly thinking, I bought them - they were not expensive at all. I bought because in my thoughts instantly appeared - the clock that I had so long had dreamed and which was different from the electronic only with a wardrobe with a glazed door and measuringly swinging pendulum. But the wardrobe and the pendulum I will try to do myself!

The housing for the clock turned out from the old bookshelf - I swallowed it along the two unequal parts, and the smaller of them width 120 mm became the basis of the cabinet. Well, from the skulls left after this operation, I cut out the workpiece for the door, glued them epoxy resin And glazed. By the way, for fastening the glass quite approached the W-shaped plastic profile - This is usually used to install "engines" in cabinets and book shelvesHowever, he has not badly replaced the headquarters when the door is glazed.

The greatest complexity caused pendulum mechanism. Of course, it would be possible to design a real pendulum, which sets the accuracy of the e-watch movement, but there was no reason to create such a complex device, and I developed a much simpler electromechanical device, completely imitating the movement of the pendulum.

The pendulum is a rod made from a polished duraluminum tube with a diameter of 12 × 1 mm, having a suspension point on a line dividing it in a 1: 2 ratio. Suspension hinge is a steel bracket with screw in it with two M5 mounting screws with conical terminal parts. The pendulum rod is dried, respectively, two cylindrical holes with a diameter of 2 mm. At the bottom of the pendulum, a decorative disk is fixed and the cargo is the first one from the CD, and the second is from the steel strip. If necessary, reducing or increasing the cargo, you can change the frequency of the oscillations of the pendulum.

1-electronic clock; 2- locker housing; 3 electromagnet; 4-anchor pendulum; 5-door of the locker; 6-jumper for fastening switches; 7-loop; 8-pin switch petal; 9-closer; 10-hinge pendulum; 11-shelf for fastening electronic hours and pendulum; 12-rod pendulum; 13 - imitation of watch weights; 14-imitation of the pendulum disk; 15-rear case wall; 16-load pendulum

1-pin petal (foil textolite S2); 2 - connecting wire; 3 - switch housing (D16 sheet 1.5); 4-washer (polyethylene); 5 - Screw center for return spring; 6-return spring; 7-rod springs centering

A-pendulum begins to move, while the closer concerns the contact petal of the first switch, including the electromagnet power supply chain; B-Using an anchor approach to the axis of the electromagnet, the contact petal clenches from the closer and the power supply circuit of the electromagnet is broken; In - after stopping in the dead point, the pendulum starts movement in the opposite direction, the closer towards the second switch's contact petal and includes the electromagnet power supply.

The numbers in the diagram are indicated:

1-electromagnet; 2-anchor pendulum; 3-closer; 4-rod pendulum; 5-axis of swing pendulum; 6-switches

Anchor is fixed in the upper part of the rod, an anchor is fixed - they will need a 4 mm thick strip for it. To mount it on the rod in the hole, drilled in anchor, the thread M12x0.5 mm is cut.

The "engine" of the pendulum is an electromagnet - it is possible to make it from the output transformer or throttle from the old lamp receiver or a broadcast loudspeaker. You only need to go through its core consisting of basic W-shaped and closing rectangular plates, and the latter should be removed (they will not need for an electromagnet), and from the first to add a new core in the form of a thick letter "sh". The winding will have to rewind in accordance with the value of the current, which can provide a source - for example, a charger for mobile phone. Practice has shown that when using the source direct current The 5V voltage is quite suitable from the PE type wire with a diameter of 0.3 mm when winding it up before filling the frame. By the way, keep winding the most convenient with the help of a hand drill fixed in test Tisca. The frame itself will have to fix on the threaded rod with the help of two pairs of washers and nuts, and the rod - in the cartridge drill.

Unfortunately, with the help of only one electromagnet, the pendulum will not be able to move into motion - two switches will be required, including an electromagnet only in those moments when the pendulum anchor moves in its direction.

Each of the switches consists of a contact petal made from one-sided foil textolite. The petal is hingedly fastened in a duralumin case and is held in a vertical position with a pair of springs.

The process of commuting the electromagnet is shown in the diagram. When the armature moves to the electromagnet, the closure installed on the pendulum rod touches the conducting side of the first switch's contact petal, including the power of the electromagnet. The latter begins to attract an anchor to himself, but when approaching the center of an electromagnet, the contact petal clenches from the closer, breaking the power circuit, and the pendulum continues in the inertia. Next, on the path of the closer - the isolated side of the contact petal of the second switch, so the closer will unlamordably dismiss it and continue to move to the stop in the dead point, and then swings towards the electromagnet, and halfway the closer will touch the second switch of the second switch to it, which turns on electromagnet. Well, then the process will be repeated until the device is connected to the current source.

Here, actually, and that's it.

Assembly of the pendulum mechanism does not represent complexity. The main thing here is to provide a minimum gap between the anchor and the electromagnet (about 0.5 mm) and adjust the position of the contact lobes of the switch relative to the closer. To bring the pendulum in motion, it is enough to just swing it.

The clock will be indistinguishable from real old pendulum, if the door of the doors will be suspended on the chains two "Giri" - make them the easiest way from the trimming of duralumin pipes, which should be polished to the mirror glitter.

In addition, the accuracy of the perception of hours will greatly influence the thoroughness of the finishes of their corps.

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The properties of the electromagnet found the work of a huge number of devices and machines. Most peters in modern electric clock also operates under the action of an electromagnet. Let's try to figure out the reasons, Curtains make a tirelessly swinging the electric pendulum, and we will make it a small model yourself.

To do this, we will need: homemade electromagnet, the same as we made when the electrical call device, tin, one or two batteries or a lowering transformer.

The pendulum cuts out of tinted pattern shown in Figure 1. The inner hole is knocked out by the chisel along the drawing lines, hitting the hammer along its handle. To do this, tinted with a drawing applied on it placed on a flat board of solid wood. Then, thoring sharp holes of the hole, cut out the entire figure of the pendulum with conventional scissors on an external contour. After that, again, over the small file, all the edges, and the bottom strip - the tongue - roll into a small tube. In the rolled form, it will serve as a conventional duckling end of the pendulum. In the upper part of the figure, drill or put a steel selection of a small hole, the edges of which should be thoroughly gluing a shallow sandpaper. This small hole is used to wear a pendulum on. steel thick needle or knitting needles cut, scored in the upper part vertical stand C (Fig. 2).

Pendulice must be hung on the needle so that his bottom part, rolled up with a tube, accounted for just above the ends of the protruding poles of the magnet, almost touching them, but
When swinging, the protruding core ends would not mind.

To avoid friction of the pendulum about a wooden rack, put on the axis a small segment of the copper tube with well-polished edges. On the sides of the top protrusion of the pendulum, you need to install two copper carnations. They will hold the pendulum from too big sweeps.

The electric current is supplied from the battery or transformer (4 - 6 volts), according to the scheme indicated in Figure 2. All locations of the connections of the wire must be well cleaned and soldered.

In Figure 2, you see a thin, elastic launch-breaker P. The breaker provides uninterrupted swing ^ pendulum. The first span of the pendulum must be made with a slight movement of the finger, bringing it the side to the interrupter. At the same time, the electrical chain closes through one of the top brass, the current will run over the winding of the electromagnet, and its core instantly attracted the lower weighty end of the anchor. As soon as the bottom of the pendulum dies down, the chain will open and the pendulum will switch to the opposite direction. Here, the other side side of the pendulum will come again the breaker, which will make the magnet attract the pendulum down.

So the pendulum will be swollen until you disconnect the entire model from the current source - transformer or batteries.

A very busy model of an electrician can be made in the form of a swing, and on the seat to strengthen the figure of Pinocchio, cut out of paper or traffic jam. The little man is a favorite hero of the guys - will take off and go down the mysterious way.

The electric swing is a good gift for the child, and when a strong assembly can be developed by the idea before, for example, an office souvenir. The first toy makes up the simplest holy scheme (although of course it is better to do on the board), consisting of a transistor, diode and a particularly wound coil, hidden in the bottom . The "seat" swing is a magnet, it is better to choose neodymium, they are now fully, although it will completely come down and the usual one.

The coil is wrapped with a double wire cross section of each approximately 0.25-0.3 about 1,500 turns, i.e. In parallel 2. copper wires and dangle on the coil. The scheme shows that the end of the first wire is connected to the beginning of the second. The form of the coil chose from the logical considerations of oval, because A magnet passing over it will be better interacting in the length of the larger diagonal of the ellipse. The core did not use so you can experiment with him. Motion is better carefully, the turn to the turn, but not necessarily.

Transistor direct conductivity, you can take MP39 ... 42, a diode any, the battery is normal at 1.5 volts. For convenience, it is better to make a switch. I will bring for forgiveness for the handicraft assembly, but I did it in school years on a bare enthusiasm in a scheme from the old father's notepad with schemes, so it's really unknown where it came from, and I just wanted to see how soon works.

It starts simply, turn on the device and push the magnet, after a couple of seconds you will notice how intensively starts the pendulum. The system will work better if it turns out to create a resonance, i.e. Equality of the frequency of the scheme and its own frequency of the pendulum, which is calculated by the formula. Here it is achieved fitting all the parameters of the pendulum. Fasten the rod is better on 2 bearings, and not on the 1st as I have.

For a child, during a good assembly, you can develop an idea to, for example, an office souvenir.

The basis of the toy is the simplest hitch schema (although of course it is better to do on the board), consisting of a transistor, diode and a particularly wound coil hidden in the bottom. The "seat" swing is a magnet, it is better to choose neodymium, they are now fully, although it will completely come down and the usual one.

The coil is wrapped with a double wire cross section of each approximately 0.25-0.3 about 1,500 turns, i.e. In parallel, 2 copper wires are taken and dangled on the coil. The scheme shows that the end of the first wire is connected to the beginning of the second. The form of the coil chose from the logical considerations of oval, because A magnet passing over it will be better interacting in the length of the larger diagonal of the ellipse. The core did not use so you can experiment with him. Motion is better carefully, the turn to the turn, but not necessarily.

Transistor direct conductivity, you can take MP39 ... 42, a diode any, the battery is normal at 1.5 volts. For convenience, it is better to make a switch.

I apologize for the handicraft assembly, but I did it in school years on the naked enthusiasm in the scheme from the old father's notepad with schemes, so it's really unknown, where she came from, and I just wanted to see how it works as soon as possible.

It starts simply, turn on the device and push the magnet, after a couple of seconds you will notice how intensively starts the pendulum. The system will work better if it turns out to create a resonance, i.e. Equality of the frequency of the scheme and its own frequency of the pendulum, which is calculated by the formula. Here it is achieved fitting all the parameters of the pendulum. Fasten the rod is better on 2 bearings, and not on the 1st as I have.

Others original species hours. The clock proposed in this instruction is also electronic, but used to reference time the oscillatory movement of the pendulum. These are the so-called clock with a free pendulum.

The accuracy of such hours depends on the design of its pendulum, from minimizing the effect of temperature, on the energy supply method supporting the oscillatory movement of the pendulum and getting energy from the pendulum. In classic mechanical clock is responsible for this capture mechanism and a set of gears.

For the accuracy of the clock as much as possible, the pendulum should fluctuate absolutely freely, not burdened by mechanisms. And the energy is transmitted by very small portions at the moment when the pendulum is in the lower position and only in the case when the amplitude of the pendulum oscillation decreases below the permissible value. The transfer of energy in too large doses, causes an increase in the amplitude of oscillations, which leads to a decrease in accuracy. The amplitude of the oscillations of the pendulum should not exceed several degrees.

Circuit diagram of the watch

The basis pendulum watch The design with a neodymium magnet attached at the end of the bearing. Based on the induction coil. As a result, the movement of the pendulum directly above the coil, a voltage is induced in the coil, which is transmitted to the Pic12F683 microprocessor, which analyzes the induced voltage and at the desired moment it fits a voltage pulse to the coil that supports the movement of the pendulum.

  • When the magnet at the end of the pendulum approaches the coil - in the coil induced tension negative,
  • when it passes above the middle of the coil - the voltage is zero,
  • when leaving is a positive value.

The amplitude of the pulses induced in the coil depends on the speed of moving the magnet over the coil, and, consequently, from the amplitude of the pendulum oscillations. By measuring the voltage after a strictly defined passage time through the pendulum point of equilibrium, it is possible to evaluate the amplitude of oscillations, and therefore whether the oscillation stimulator should be provided, or not. The higher the system is the quality of the system, the less often it will be necessary to create this impulse.

To display the time, a quartz clock mechanism was used, driven by a battery 1.5 V. in it, remove the plate with a quartz resonator and the diagram using only the mechanism itself. Connections of the coil engine connect to the ports of the microcontroller. MK generates momentum every second in turn on one on one, then on the second output of the coil.

A total of several different hours with different length of the pendulum were made. The biggest pendulum with a long 1000 mm, where the oscillation semi-period was exactly 1 second. There were still 1/3 seconds (110 mm) and 1/4 seconds (60 mm) with a half-period of oscillations. Thus, the impulse for stepper Engine It was formed, respectively, on the first, third or fourth passage of the pendulum above the equilibrium point.

Clock feed on lithium-ion battery Type 18650, they are enough for several months of work. For the processor, the LM385-1.2 stabilizer, which gives a voltage of 1.2 volt. When the processor detects that the battery voltage fell below 3.28 V, it is alarm every two seconds. The timer can also work with the battery of Sex to 2 B, but such a deep discharge should be avoided due to the possibility of damage to the battery.

Induction coil must have several thousand turns. In these hours, 2000-3000 turns of the wire 0.12 were winding. The coils do not have a core and wound on the frame with a diameter of 6 mm. The stem of the pendulum must be made from the material with a small thermal expansion coefficient, a rod from carbon fiber is well suited. The length of the pendulum should be chosen so as to obtain the required period of oscillations. It is necessary to take into account the possibility of accurate adjustment of the oscillation period, which is the additional cargo located on the pendulum - brass nut, the rotation of which changes the mass distribution on the pendulum.

Caution: Next to the magnet at the end of the pendulum should not be ferromagnetic materials - steel nails and screws. Also be careful with brass and copper elements. Moving in their immediate intimacy, the magnet excites the vortex currents in them, which slow down the movement of the magnet. Therefore, the foundation of the clock should be made of wood, plastic, laminate, marble, etc.

The electronic circuit contains only a processor to the stand, stabilodon via a resistor 100 kΩ and connectors for the battery, coils and a stepper motor. Collected a scheme for a small pCBcut from a universal plate. HEX files containing processor firmware -.