Repair Design Furniture

Wood clock. Pendulum clock deer Table clock made of plywood drawings

Try to cut out such a craft. It will certainly appeal to your loved ones by placing it in a conspicuous place, for example, on a shelf. To make this craft, you will need the following:

Sawing tools.

Preparing your desktop

First of all, you need to prepare your table on which you will work. It should not have unnecessary things and every tool should be at hand. Not everyone has their own desktop and probably already thought about creating it. Making a table is not difficult - it is difficult to choose a place for it in the house. The ideal option is a warmed balcony, where you can do crafts at any time. I already wrote about table preparation in a separate article and tried to describe the whole process of its creation in as much detail as possible. If you don't know how to prepare your workplace, then read the following Article. After you have completed the process of creating a table, try to start choosing your future craft.

Choosing quality material

The main material is plywood. Her choice is always difficult. Each of us must have faced such a problem as delamination of plywood from the end part and asked such a question, why such delamination? Well, it's mostly due to low-quality plywood. If you took the jigsaw in your hands not for the first time, then you can pick up plywood from the remnants of the previous craft. If you are new to sawing and you do not have plywood, then buy it at a hardware store. Choosing material for sawing is always difficult. You should always choose plywood carefully, more often look at the defects of the tree (knots, cracks) and draw conclusions. The complexity of choosing plywood lies in the fact that no matter how you miscalculate its flaws and shelf life. For example, you bought plywood, cleaned it, translated the drawing, and suddenly it began to delaminate. Of course, this happened to almost everyone and it is oh so unpleasant. So it is better to pay attention when choosing and choose good plywood. I wrote a special Article, which describes step by step all the principles of choosing plywood.

Stripping plywood

We clean our plywood with sandpaper. As you already know, “Medium-grained” and “Fine-grained” skins are used to clean plywood in sawing. In construction stores, you probably saw skins (sandpaper in a different way), and they are what we need. In the work you will need "Coarse-grained", "Medium-grained" and "Fine-grained" skin. Each of them has its own property, but a completely different coating, in which it is classified. “Coarse-grained” skin is used for processing rough plywood, i.e. which has many defects, chips, as well as cracks.
"Medium-grained" skin is used for processing plywood after "Large" skins and has a slight coating. "Fine-grained" or otherwise "Nulevka". Such sandpaper serves as the final process of stripping plywood. It gives plywood smoothness, and therefore plywood will be pleasant to the touch. Sand the prepared plywood in stages, starting with medium-grained and ending with fine emery. Grind along the layers, not across. A well sanded surface should be even, perfectly smooth, glossy in the light and silky to the touch. How best to prepare plywood for sawing and which sandpaper is better to choose Read here. After stripping, check the plywood for burrs and small bumps. If there are no visible defects, then you can proceed to the process of translating the drawing.

Drawing translation

For me, the translation of a drawing has always been the main process in my work. I will tell you a couple of rules, as well as tips for high-quality translation of the drawing. Many transfer the drawing to plywood not only with a pencil and copy, but also with the help of the Black Tape, glue the drawing with plywood, then wash off the drawing with water and the drawing markings remain on the plywood. In general, there are many ways, but I will talk about the most common method. To transfer the drawing to the prepared plywood, you must use a copy, a ruler, a sharp pencil and a non-writing pen. Fix the drawing in plywood with buttons or just hold it with your left hand. Check if the drawing fits the dimensions. Arrange the drawing of the clock so that the plywood sheet is used as economically as possible. Translate the drawing with a non-writing pen and ruler. You should not rush, because your future craft depends on the drawing.

Drilling holes in pieces

As you have already noticed, there are parts of the grooves in the details that need to be cut from the inside. To cut out such details, it is necessary to drill holes in them using a hand drill or, as in the old fashioned way, make holes with an awl. By the way, the diameter of the hole must be at least 1 mm, otherwise you can damage the elements of the drawing, which, alas, are sometimes difficult to restore. In order not to damage your desktop when drilling holes, you need to place a plank under the workpiece so as not to damage the desktop. Drilling holes alone is always difficult, so ask a friend to help you with your business.

Sawing details

There are many rules for sawing, but you need to be based on the most common ones. First of all, you need to cut out the internal parts, only then along the outer pattern. There is no need to rush when cutting. The main thing is to always keep the jigsaw straight at an angle of 90 degrees when cutting. Cut out the parts along the lines you marked exactly. The movements of the jigsaw should always be smooth up and down. Also, don't forget to watch your posture. Try to avoid bevels and bumps. If you get off the line while sawing, don't worry. Such bevels, irregularities can be removed with flat files or “Coarse-grained” sandpaper.


When sawing, we often get tired. Often fingers get tired as well as eyes, which are always in suspense. At work, of course, everyone gets tired. In order to reduce the load, you need to do a couple of exercises. Exercises you can see here. Do the exercises several times during the work.

Stripping Details

It is always necessary to clean the details of future crafts carefully. At the very beginning of work, you already cleaned the plywood with sandpaper. Now you have to do a small part of plywood stripping. With a “medium-grained” sandpaper, clean the edges of the parts and the back of the plywood. "Fine-grained" skin is considered the final stage of cleaning parts. Fine sandpaper is better to clean the front of the parts. When processing plywood, take your time. You can also use a rounded file, with which it is convenient to clean the inside of the holes. Try to get the details without burrs and bumps.

Assembly of parts

Assembling the details of our crafts here is not so difficult. In order to carry out the correct assembly of parts, you need to read the following Article, which details all the details of the assembly. After the parts are assembled into one common craft without any problems, then proceed to gluing them.

We glue the details

It is necessary to glue the parts of the shelf with PVA or titan glue. You don't need to pour a lot of glue. It is better to tie the assembled craft on glue with a strong thread, tighten it and put it to dry. The craft sticks together for about 10-15 minutes.

burning crafts

To decorate our craft with a pattern (for example, along the edges of the craft), you will need an electric burner. Beautifully burn out the pattern can be very difficult. To burn out patterns, you must first draw a pattern with a pencil. You can read how to work with an electric burner and add patterns to a shelf here.

DIY varnishing

If desired, you can transform our craft by coating it with varnish “On Wood”, preferably colorless. Read how best to Varnish crafts. Try to choose a quality varnish. Lacquering is done with a special brush "For glue". Do not hurry. Try not to leave visible streaks and scratches on the craft.

The selection of plywood depends on the size of the parts, in this case you will need a lot of plywood. Before transferring the drawing to plywood, clean it with a sandpaper with a large grain, and finish with a fine one. DOWNLOAD DRAWING. Pendulum clock.

First of all, you need to prepare your table on which you will work. It should not have unnecessary things and every tool should be at hand. Not everyone has their own desktop and probably already thought about creating it. Making a table is not difficult - it is difficult to choose a place for it in the house. The ideal option is a warmed balcony, where you can do crafts at any time. I already wrote about table preparation in a separate article and tried to describe the whole process of its creation in as much detail as possible. If you don't know how to prepare your workplace, then read the following Article. After you have completed the process of creating a table, try to start choosing your future craft.

The main material is plywood. ? Well, it's mostly due to low-quality plywood. If you took the jigsaw in your hands not for the first time, then you can pick up plywood from the remnants of the previous craft. If you are new to sawing and you do not have plywood, then buy it at a hardware store. Choosing material for sawing is always difficult. You should always choose plywood carefully, more often look at the defects of the tree (knots, cracks) and draw conclusions. For example, you bought plywood, cleaned it, translated the drawing, and suddenly it began to delaminate. Of course, this happened to almost everyone and it is oh so unpleasant. So it is better to pay attention when choosing and choose good plywood. I wrote a special Article, which describes step by step all the principles of choosing plywood.

We clean our plywood with sandpaper. As you already know, “Medium-grained” and “Fine-grained” skins are used to clean plywood in sawing. In construction stores, you probably saw skins (sandpaper in a different way), and they are what we need. In the work you will need "Coarse-grained", "Medium-grained" and "Fine-grained" skin. Each of them has its own property, but a completely different coating, in which it is classified. “Coarse-grained” skin is used for processing rough plywood, i.e. which has many defects, chips, as well as cracks.

"Medium-grained" skin is used for processing plywood after "Large" skins and has a slight coating. "Fine-grained" or otherwise "Nulevka". Such sandpaper serves as the final process of stripping plywood. It gives plywood smoothness, and therefore plywood will be pleasant to the touch. Sand the prepared plywood in stages, starting with medium-grained and ending with fine emery. How best to prepare plywood for sawing and which sandpaper is better to choose Read here. After stripping, check the plywood for burrs and small bumps. If there are no visible defects, then you can proceed to the process of translating the drawing.

For me, the translation of a drawing has always been the main process in my work. I will tell you a couple of rules, as well as tips for high-quality translation of the drawing. Many transfer the drawing to plywood not only with a pencil and copy, but also with the help of the Black Tape, glue the drawing with plywood, then wash off the drawing with water and the drawing markings remain on the plywood. In general, there are many ways, but I will talk about the most common method. To transfer the drawing to the prepared plywood, you must use a copy, a ruler, a sharp pencil and a non-writing pen. Fix the drawing in plywood with buttons or just hold it with your left hand. Check if the drawing fits the dimensions. Arrange the drawing of the clock so that the plywood sheet is used as economically as possible. Translate the drawing with a non-writing pen and ruler. You should not rush, because your future craft depends on the drawing.

As you have already noticed, there are parts of the grooves in the details that need to be cut from the inside. By the way, the diameter of the hole must be at least 1 mm, otherwise you can damage the elements of the drawing, which, alas, are sometimes difficult to restore. In order not to damage your desktop when drilling holes, place a plank under the workpiece so as not to damage the desktop. Drilling holes alone is always difficult, so ask a friend to help you with your business.

There are many rules for sawing, but you need to be based on the most common ones. First of all, you need to cut out the internal parts, only then along the outer pattern. There is no need to rush when cutting. The main thing is to always keep the jigsaw straight at an angle of 90 degrees when cutting. Cut out the parts along the lines you marked exactly. The movements of the jigsaw should always be smooth up and down. Also, don't forget to watch your posture. Try to avoid bevels and bumps. If you get off the line while sawing, don't worry. Such bevels, irregularities can be removed with flat files or “Coarse-grained” sandpaper.

When sawing, we often get tired. Often fingers get tired as well as eyes, which are always in suspense. At work, of course, everyone gets tired. In order to reduce the load, you need to do a couple of exercises. Exercises you can see here. Do the exercises several times during the work.

It is always necessary to clean the details of future crafts carefully. At the very beginning of work, you already cleaned the plywood with sandpaper. Now you have to do a small part of plywood stripping. With a “medium-grained” sandpaper, clean the edges of the parts and the back of the plywood. "Fine-grained" skin is considered the final stage of cleaning parts. Fine sandpaper is better to clean the front of the parts. When processing plywood, take your time. You can also use a rounded file, with which it is convenient to clean the inside of the holes. Try to get the details without burrs and bumps.

Assembling the details of our crafts here is not so difficult. In order to carry out the correct assembly of parts, you need to read the following Article, which details all the details of the assembly. After the parts are assembled into one common craft without any problems, then proceed to gluing them.

It is necessary to glue the parts of the shelf with PVA or titan glue. You don't need to pour a lot of glue. It is better to tie the assembled craft on glue with a strong thread, tighten it and put it to dry. The craft sticks together for about 10-15 minutes.

To decorate our craft with a pattern (for example, along the edges of the craft), you will need an electric burner. Beautifully burn out the pattern can be very difficult. To burn out patterns, you must first draw a pattern with a pencil. You can read how to work with an electric burner and add patterns to a shelf here.

Read how best to Varnish crafts. Try to choose a quality varnish. Lacquering is done with a special brush "For glue". Do not hurry. Try not to leave visible streaks and scratches on the craft.

Good day to all dear friends! In today's article, I would like to show you an interesting homemade product to decorate your room. Namely, how to make a “mechanical watch”, a homemade product is essentially very simple to manufacture, and absolutely everyone, even a child, can make it. We will use cheap plywood as the main material, and the mechanism itself can be purchased from our Chinese friends or taken from old watches that are already tired. Well, let's not waste time and start assembling homemade products.

For this DIY we need:

Plywood sheet (30x30cm will be more than enough)
- Clock mechanism with arrows
- Dominoes (will serve as clock face numbers)
- Ice cream sticks
- Battery (for clockwork).

Of the tools we will also need:

- Manual jigsaw
- Electric jigsaw (optional)
- Sandpaper
- Drill with drills
- Hot glue
- Ruler
- Compass
- Marker
- Square.

To begin with, let's take a sheet of plywood, a square sheet with dimensions of 30 × 30 cm will be enough. On the sheet of plywood you have taken, using a ruler and a compass, draw a circle with a radius of 10 cm. This circle will be the size of the clock (i.e. 20 cm) , if you have a desire to make the clock larger then make the circle larger. After that, inside the circle just drawn, three more circles should be drawn according to the dimensions indicated below. That is, with radii of 7 cm, 4 cm, and 3 cm.

Then, to create a simple “pattern”, we need a Ruler and a square, or, like the author of a homemade product, a square with a ruler. We draw two lines through the centers of the circle so that they are perpendicular to each other, for a more accurate result it is better to use a square.

We continue to draw lines on plywood. Parallel to the lines just drawn at a distance of 1 cm, draw more lines. In the end, it should look something like the one shown in the photo below. Mark the parts to be cut with a marker.

After doing the above steps, proceed to sawing. First, let's cut out the very base of the clock. To do this, we will use an electric jigsaw, but if you don’t have one, you can use the simplest manual jigsaw. First, we cut out about 5 mm from the edge, and then we carefully cut the edges along the contour more accurately.

Then we need to cut out the “patterns” marked with a marker inside the circle. To do this, you will need to take a drill and a manual jigsaw. Just take a drill with a thicker drill and drill a through hole. After the through hole has been drilled, remove the blade from the manual jigsaw, and put it back on the jigsaw through the previously made hole so that the blade is inside the plywood. And we actually drink. We do this with all four parts.

For aesthetics, the workpiece should be sanded with at least simple sandpaper. For grinding, first use a larger sandpaper, and then a smaller one.

In the center of the workpiece we make a through hole for the installation of the clock mechanism. The hole in diameter should be slightly larger than the diameter of the seats of the clock hands.

Now let's make the hands of the clock. Namely, we will make our own minute and hour hands. To make arrows, we need ice cream sticks, and in order to distinguish arrows, we need sticks from different ice cream. If you cannot find two different ice cream sticks, then you can take two identical ones, but change one of them. To install our arrows on the mechanism, one through hole should be made in them. For the hour hand, you need a 5.5 mm drill, and for the minute hand, 3.5 mm (no more, no less).

Let's make a dial. To do this, take a wooden blank and turn it over with the clean side up. And now we should stick or draw numbers on the dial. The author of the homemade product decided to make a very unusual dial and used dominoes as numbers. To do this, take a set of dominoes and take out one domino from it with the sum of dots on them from 1 to 12. We will glue the dominoes to the plywood using hot glue. First glue the numbers 12, 3, 6, and 9, and then all the rest.

For the next step, we need the clock mechanism itself, and we will install it. To do this, turn the dial over again and use the same hot glue to glue the mechanism to the dial, as shown in the photo below.

Then we should decide where and how the clock will be installed, that is, they will be desktop or wall. The author decided to make his clock wall, and therefore made, and then glued the following mount (see photo below).

All photos from the article

Each of us can make an excellent souvenir - a plywood clock - with our own hands. Moreover, for this it is not at all necessary to have complex skills, because for the successful implementation of this project, skill and imagination are enough.

How to make a plywood clock and how to decorate it, we will tell in our article.

Materials and tools

Despite the fact that the task before us is not difficult, it should be taken on only after careful preparation. And at the first stage, it is worth purchasing all the necessary materials, as well as checking the availability of a tool that we will definitely need in our work:

Stage Instruments materials
  • a computer with a graphic or text editor;
  • ruler;
  • compass;
  • pencil.
  • paper or tracing paper;
  • copy paper.
Case manufacturing
  • drill with a drill for wood;
  • manual or electric jigsaw for curly cutting;
  • screwdriver.
  • plywood up to 10 mm thick for the base.
  • plywood up to 5 mm thick for making numbers and decor;
  • sandpaper;
  • clockwork.
  • fine-grained skin for wood;
  • airbrush or brush;
  • sponge for decoupage.
  • paint for wood;
  • clear or tinted varnish;
  • craquelure;
  • napkins for decoupage.

It's always nice to make something with your own hands. And if the thing turns out to be necessary and beautiful, such that you can give it as a gift, then this is quite good. You can make plywood watches, drawings for which you can make yourself or find on the Internet. Such watches can be painted with paints, and decoupage done on them, and pasted over with various objects - shells, beads, etc.

Plywood clock is a beautiful and necessary thing, it will decorate any home.

In addition, plywood is a very convenient material to work with, as it is easily processed, so any ideas can be realized with its help.

Plywood blank

In general, it is not so difficult to transfer the figure onto plywood using a stencil and cut it out with a jigsaw, but you should still familiarize yourself with some of the nuances of the work before taking up the tools.
Prepare carefully. To make a plywood clock you will need:

The blank of the clock face from plywood is cut out with a manual jigsaw.

  1. Clock face drawing.
  2. Manual jigsaw (it is desirable to have at least 2 files - a small one and a larger one).
  3. Hacksaw (rough cutting is done with it).
  4. File.
  5. Rotary or drill.
  6. Wire cutters.
  7. Pliers.
  8. Chisel.
  9. Screwdriver.
  10. Finished clockwork.

Read also:

And which is better to choose.

And what are its characteristics.

More about bakelite plywood can be found.

watch making

When all the tools are ready to go, it's time to print the drawings and transfer the image to a sheet of plywood. To make a small wall clock, you need a sheet measuring 35 by 35 cm. This will be the diameter of the dial. You can make it larger or smaller as you wish. Here are the blueprints for making simple plywood clocks.

Then the clock mechanism is inserted into the center of the workpiece.

Use a jigsaw to cut a circle along the outline of the pattern on plywood and sand it with fine sandpaper to make the edge smooth and even. Drill a hole in the middle of the circle and clean it with sandpaper. If you have not yet marked the location of the numbers, then do it with a simple pencil. Each number is 30 degrees apart from the other. Or take exact measurements from the drawing.

Draw a sketch of the future drawing with a simple pencil and decorate it. It is better to use acrylic paints or oil paints (they will dry longer - from a day). If you choose gouache, then it will need to be additionally varnished for wood. Many use "yacht" varnish, it is the most reliable. In this case, the product will dry, as in the case of oil paints, for about a day.

If you decide to decorate the clock with different beads and decor items, then the best option is to put them on a glue gun.

Just try to do everything carefully so that the work does not turn out sloppy.

And in general, the manufacture of any product requires precision, especially when it comes to such things as watches. Take drawings carefully and slowly, cut out just as carefully and decorate using imagination and scrupulousness. Only then your creation will not be ashamed to hang on the wall. Good luck to you!