Repairs Design Furniture

Simple wood milling machine from the printer. How to create a homemade CNC machine from the printer? About stepper motor calipers and guides

Step-by-step instructions for creating a CNC machine with their own hands easily and quickly, without extra costs.

CNC machine from printer with your own hands

You will also need conventional tools, such as drill, drills, screwdriver and others.

Step 1st: Find the old printer or scanner

To make a homemade CNC machine from the printer, first needed to be stockpit. This stage is the most pleasant in the process of assembling the machine, since it is attempts to find that trash from which people seek to get rid of. You can use your materials or buy them. But if you reducing the machine costs as much as possible, the best option will be the CNC from the old printer. Here are the items that you need to find:

  • Tablet scanner
  • Old printer

After executing the procedure described above, promote pieces of plastic, suitable on the rod (2 pcs. On each rod), to the desired places, and align them, then place the sheets on top. Then turn the design and glue them.

Repeat the procedure for each axis.

For Yasi Y.

Now, it's time to drill holes required to fix billets when processing on a planned CNC from the printer.

Step 5th: Installation of the electric motor

Depending on how the electric motor you took, you will need various fasteners to install it, since they all differ from each other.

It is advisable to use stepper electric motors from printers due to the ease of their installation, but the electric motors from the scanners will also work well.

In the course of the third step, you had to drill holes to install the electric motor, and now you can only consolidate it.

The choice of a suitable type of connecting coupling, with which the stepper motor is connected to the threaded rod, depends on the type of engine existing at your disposal.

In this case, an elongated nut was used as a connector, but you can make it from plastic - the main thing is that it has sufficient dimensions.

All you need to do is drill a hole in the center of the rod from the engine side, corresponding to the diameter of the stepping motor shaft, then drill the hole with a diameter of 8 mm under the threaded rod on the other side.

After that, cut the thread from the side, on which the hole is with a diameter of 8 mm, and glue parts of each other.

Step 6: Making Threads

After you installed the nut, it's time to fix the threaded rod and glue the nut to one of the rectangular plates with dimensions of 38x44x12 mm.

It is necessary to make sure that the center of the nut with the threaded compound coincides with the center of the threaded rod.

After performing this procedure, you must turn out the node similar to the one is shown below.

Necessary materials:

Repeat the procedure described above for each axis.

Step 7th: It's time to glue

Now you have to be prepared all three axes, so it's time to align them and glue.

A piece of white plexiglass with dimensions of 508x304x6 mm was used as a piece of 508x304x6 mm, which can be purchased in the store of goods from plastic.

You can use a piece of smaller size, but it is undesirable.

As soon as you have a base and homemade CNC, the machine from the printer already begins to circumvent its features, stick the axis "X" to it, and then glue the axis "y" to the plastic base of the top of the x axis. You must have a node similar to the one is shown below.

To perform this procedure, use acrylic glue.

By the way, it is also suitable for gluing foamed PVC.

After that, glue the axis "z" to a piece of plexiglass with dimensions of 203x101x6 mm.

Necessary materials:

Step 8: And where is the z axis?

Do not worry - they also did not forget about it. Go ahead.

Now we need to make an attachment for a multifunctional tool on a sheet of plexiglas located on the "Z" axis.

To do this, use a clip for fastening pipes and the clamp - you can purchase them in any construction store at a very low price.

It is necessary to make a small ledge to fix the multifunctional tool on the plexiglass sheet, since the clip is deformed when you insert a multifunctional tool into it.

Place the clamp of the plexigla sheet at the top of the protrusion and stick it.

Necessary materials:

Step 9th: Paradise Sting

Now that the mounting for a multifunction tool on the axis "z" is installed, it's time to install the plexiglas and a sheet that connects them together.

To do this, it is necessary to make a square hole in the center of the sheet from the plexiglass with dimensions of 10 "x16" x5 / 16 "to turn through it the axis" z ".

After that, the thick piece of the plexiglass should be installed for the support of the axis "Z".

Now glue the axis "z to a piece of plexiglass" and make sure that the latter performs above the upper edge of at least 1/16 "to ensure the presence of a flat face.

Necessary materials:

Step 10th: What high racks!

Now it is time to glue the racks with dimensions 1 1/2 "x16" x1 "to the top of the axis" z "from the plexiglas, then glue them to the lower base.

Necessary materials:

Step 11th: We already finished?!

The answer to this question will be "no", but in relation to the mechanical part of the design is so. You also need to work on an electronic part of the machine, and how to do it - learn in the second part of the article, which will be published soon.

Such work takes quite a long time, although at first glance it may seem quite the opposite, so by the time you complete the execution of all the procedures described above, the instruction for the manufacture of the screen will be ready.

All the necessary plastic can be found in the garbage container with plastic, and the rest has purchased in the building of building materials and a local specialized store of metal products.

At first, the CNC machine from the printer can work on a stepping electric motor from the printer, and it will be good to cope with its tasks, but will be better if you decide to get a more powerful engine.

Ready! You made a CNC from the printer with your own hands, almost (or completely) for free.

To the question of how to make a CNC machine, you can answer briefly. Knowing that the homemade milling machine with CNC, in general, is a difficult device having a complex structure, designer is preferably:

  • acquire drawings;
  • purchase reliable components and fasteners;
  • prepare a good tool;
  • have a turning and drilling machines with CNC to quickly make.

It will not hurt to watch a video - a kind of instruction learning - where to start. And I will start with the preparation, I will buy everything you need, I will deal with the drawing - this is the correct decision of the novice designer. Therefore, the preparatory stage preceding the assembly is very important.

Work preparatory stages

To make a homemade CNC for milling, there are two options:

  1. Take the finished chassis set of details (specially selected nodes), from which we collect equipment yourself.
  2. Find (make) all components and start assembling CNC machine with your own hands, which would have answered all the requirements.

It is important to determine the purpose, dimensions and design (how to do without a picture of the CNC homemade machine), find the schemes for its manufacture, acquire or make some details that are needed for this, get the move screws.

If it is decided to create a CNC machine with your own hands and do without ready-made sets of nodes and mechanisms, fasteners, you need the scheme assembled on which the machine will work.

Usually, finding a fundamental scheme of the device, first simulate all parts of the machine, prepare technical drawings, and then on them on turning and milling machines (sometimes it is necessary to use both drilling components) manufacturers from plywood or aluminum. Most often, work surfaces (called another desk) - plywood with a thickness of 18 mm.

Assembling some important machine knots

In the machine that you started collecting personally, it is necessary to provide a number of responsible nodes that ensure the vertical movement of the working tool. In this list:

  • screw transmission - rotation is transmitted using a toothed belt. It is good because they do not slip on the pulleys, evenly transferring efforts on the shaft of milling equipment;
  • if a stepper motor (shd) is used for a mini-machine, it is desirable to take a carriage from a more overall model of the printer - more powerful; Old matrix printing devices had enough powerful electric motors;

  • for a three-way device, you will need three shd. Well, if each there is 5 control wires, the mini-machine functionality will increase. It is worth estimating the value of the parameters: supply voltage, winding resistance and angle of turning shd per step. To connect each SD, a separate controller is needed;
  • with the help of screws, the rotational movement from the shd is converted into linear. To achieve high accuracy, many consider it necessary to have ball-screw pairs (SVP), but this is not cheap component. Picking for the installation of blocks a set of nuts and fastening screws, choose them with plastic inserts, this reduces friction and eliminates the backlash;

  • instead of a stepping type engine, you can take a conventional electric motor, after a small refinement;
  • the vertical axis, which provides the movement of the tool in 3D, encompassing the entire coordinate table. It is made of aluminum stove. It is important that the axis sizes are adjacent to the dimensions of the device. If there is a muffle furnace, the axis can be pulled in size in the size of the drawings.

Below is the drawing made in three projections: side view, rear, and from above.

Maximum attention - bed

The required stiffness machine is ensured by the bed. It is installed onto a movable portal, a system of rail guides, shd, work surface, z axis and spindle.

For example, one of the creators of the CNC homemade machine, the carrier frame made Maytec aluminum profile - two parts (cross section 40x80 mm) and two end plates with a thickness of 10 mm from the same material, connecting the elements by aluminum corners. The design is amplified, a frame of smaller profiles is made inside the frame in the form of a square.

The bed is mounted without using welded connections (welds are poorly removed to carry the vibration loads). It is better to use T-shaped nuts as an attachment. On the end plates, an installation of the bearings block is provided for installation of the running screw. You need a sliding bearing and spindle bearing.

The main task made by its own hand the machine with CNC CNC was determined by the manufacture of aluminum parts. Since it was approached by the workpiece with a maximum thickness of 60 mm, he made the clearance of a portal 125 mm (this is the distance from the top transverse beam to the working surface).

This uneasy installation process

Collect homemade CNC machines, after preparing components, better strictly according to the drawings so that they work. The assembly process, applying the running screws, should be performed in such a sequence:

  • the knowledgeable sample begins with fastening on the body of the first two shd - behind the vertical axis of the equipment. One is responsible for the horizontal movement of the milling head (rail guides), and the second for moving in the vertical plane;
  • the movable portal moving along the X axis carries the milling spindle and the caliper (z axis). The higher the portal will be, the greater the workpiece can be processed. But the high portal, in the processing process, reduces the resistance to emerging loads;

  • for the attachment of the Z axis, the linear guides use the front, rear, upper, middle and lower plates. There, make a lodgment of the milling spindle;
  • the drive is collected from carefully selected nuts and studs. To fix the motor shaft and attach to the heel, use the rubber winding of the thick electric circular. As a retainer, there may be screws inserted into a nylon sleeve.

Then the assembly of the rest of the nodes and aggregates of the homemade begins.

Intim the electronic stuffing machine

To make your own CNC hands the machine and manage it, it is necessary to operate correctly selected numerical control, high-quality circuit boards and electronic components (especially if they are Chinese), which will allow on the CNC machine to implement all the functionality, processing a piece of complex configuration.

In order for no problems in management, self-made CNC machines, among the nodes, are required:

  • stepper engines, some stopped for example NEMA;
  • the LPT port through which the CNC control unit can be connected to the machine;
  • drivers for controllers, they are installed on the milling mini machine, connecting in accordance with the scheme;

  • switching fees (controllers);
  • 36V power supply unit with a downstream transformer converting to 5V to power the control circuit;
  • laptop or PC;
  • the button responsible for an emergency stop.

Only after that the CNC machines are tested (at the same time, the sample will make its trial start, downloading all programs), the existing disadvantages are detected and eliminated.

Instead of imprisonment

As you can see, make a CNC that will not give way to Chinese models - real. Having made a set of spare parts with the desired size, having high-quality bearings and fastened enough for the assembly, this task is under power to those interested in software technology. The example does not seem to search for a long time.

In the photo below - some samples of machine tools that have numerical management, which are made by the same craftsmen, not professionals. No detail was made hastily, an arbitrary size, but a suitable block with great accuracy, with careful recovery of the axes, using high-quality driving screws and with reliable bearings. True statement: As you collect, you will work.

The CNC is the processing of dural billet. Such a machine that gathered the craftsman, you can perform many milling works.

Another sample of the assembled machine, where the Fiberboard plate is used as a desktop on which the manufacture of a printed circuit board is possible.

Everyone who starts to make the first device will soon go to other machines. Perhaps he wants to test herself as a collector of a drilling unit and, unnoticed, will replenish the army of the craftsmen who gathered a lot of self-made devices. Classes of technical creativity will make the life of people in an interesting, diverse and rich.

The machine from the printer is easy. To do this, it is enough to have equipment that is not sorry to disassemble on parts. The CNC machine can be made with a stepping type electric motor. With it, you can carry out milling or engraving of various wood blanks, plastics, some metals. Homemade aggregates from the printer (CNC) can provide high processing speeds - up to 2 mm per second.

What will serve as the basis?

Making a homemade CNC machine from the printer is possible from the equipment of the matrix type. You can use any, which is available, regardless of the brand of the manufacturer. Also for high-quality management and efficient operation of aggregates from the printer, other parts are needed - engine, carriages, gear belts, guides, various gears.

Necessary materials and tools

For the manufacture of CNC machines, they will need such materials:

  • plywood (used for the device body, therefore should have a thickness of at least 15 mm);
  • aluminum corners that have 20 mm shelves;
  • self-tapping screws to connect the main elements of the aggregate;
  • bearings 608 (3 pcs.);
  • m8 bolts with a length of 2.5 cm (several);
  • stud M8;
  • rubber hose;
  • m8 nuts (2 pcs.);
  • dremel;
  • linear type bearings (4 pcs.);
  • bracket 80;
  • glue.

The milling machine will not work, if not to prepare some tools - pliers, screwdriver, vice, hacksaw, file, sideboard. If you manage to find an electric door, work will also greatly ease.

Manufacturing technology

  1. From plywood, it is necessary to cut the walls of the housing - the side 37x37 cm, the rear 34x37 cm, 9x34 front. The fixation of these items should be made using self-tapping screws, having done small holes by electric drill.
  2. On the Y axis, you can use corners as guides. They are attached to the side walls at a distance of 3 cm from the bottom. For a more accurate installation in the right place, 2 mm spool is made. The corners themselves (recommended length 34 cm) are screwed using self-tapping screws.
  3. The working surface should be formed from the corners of a length of 14 cm. One bearing is fixed below, and from above two. During the execution of this operation, it is necessary to comply with high accuracy, which will ensure the correct movement of the countertop.
  4. At a distance of 5 cm from the bottom on the Y axis, the hole for the engine is drilled with a diameter of 2.2 cm. Also on the front wall of the case should be done holes with a size of 7 mm. It is necessary to set the stroke screw support bearing.
  5. Screw the stroke can be made independently from the construction stiletto.
  6. A rubber hose coupling is installed. It quenches the vibration from the screw of the progress and increases the service life of the motor bearings. For the manufacture of the coupling, pick a hose having the same diameter as the axis of the motor. From one end it is put on the pulley of the drive and glue. On the other hand, the hose is attached to the stroke screw.
  7. The nut is done with a screw hole with a diameter of 2.5 mm and M3 thread. After that, it is twisted on the axis.
  8. On the axes, the guides from the printer are installed.
  9. Finished carriages are installed on the axis.
  10. To obtain the Z axis, the base of the plywood is 6 mm thick, which is made using PVA glue. Subsequently, bearings are installed on it using epoxy resin. Also make a hoding nut using the former scheme. Guides - from the printer.
  11. Instead of the spindle in a homemade machine, a dense will be set with a bracket holder. This node is fixed to the Z axis using self-samples.
  12. The supports for the carriage z axis are also made from plywood (base 15x9 cm, bottom and top 9x5 cm). On the top board make a hole under the bearing, and on the bottom - under the guides.
  13. After assembling all elements of the z axis, they are mounted on the housing.

For most homemade craftsmen, the manufacture of such an unit, like a CNC milling machine with their own hands - something at the level of the fantastic plot, because such cars and mechanisms are complex in the design, structural and electronic understanding of the device.

However, possessing the necessary documentation under hand, as well as the required materials, devices, a mini-milling homemade apparatus, equipped with CNC, to make itself perfectly possible.

This mechanism is allocated to the accuracy of the processing, easy to manage mechanical and technological processes, as well as excellent performance and quality performance indicators.

Principle of operation

Innovative milling machines with blocks on computer control is intended to perform complex drawings on semi-finished products. The design is required to possess the electronic component. In the complex, this will allow maximum to automate workflows.

For modeling milling mechanisms, it is originally required to familiarize themselves with the fundamental elements. The actuator acts in the role of the actuator, which is mounted in the spindle located on the shaft of the electric motor. This part is fixed on the basis. It is capable of moving in two coordinate axes: x and y. To fix the blanks, construct and install the supporting table.

The electrical adjustment unit is articulated with electric route. They will move the carriage regarding the processed billets or semi-finished products. According to such technology, 3D graphic images are performed on wooden planes.

The sequence of performance of this mechanism with CNC:

  1. Writing a working program, at the expense of which the working body will be moved. For this procedure, it is best to use specialized electronic complexes designed to perform adaptation in "handicraft" copies.
  2. Mounting semi-finished products on a table.
  3. Software output on CNC.
  4. Running mechanisms, controlling the passage of automatic equipment manipulations.

To obtain the maximum level of automation in the 3D mode, correctly match the circuit and designate certain components. Experts strongly advise initially study production specimens before the construction of a milling machine with their own hands.

Scheme and drawing

CNC milling machine circuit

The most responsible phase in the manufacture of a self-made analogue is the search for the optimal progress of the equipment. It directly depends on the overall characteristics of the processed billets and the need to achieve a certain quality in processing.

For the need to obtain all the necessary functions of the equipment, the best option is the manufacture of a mini-milling machine with your own hands. Thus, you will be confident not only in the assembly and its quality, but also technological properties, it will be known to be known how to serve it.

Components of transmissions

The most successful option is the design of 2 carriages moving via perpendicular axes X and Y. As the core is better to use metal grinding bars. Mobile mobile carriages are "dressed" on them. For the correct manufacture of transmission, we prepare stepper electromotors, as well as a set of screws.

For improved automation of working processes of CNC milling machines, designed personally, it is required to contemplate the electronic component to the smallest detail. It is divided into the following components:

  • used to carry out electrical energy into stepper motors and maintains the controller chip. Chassis is considered to be a modification of 12V 3A;
  • its purpose is to serve commands to engines. To properly perform all the specified transactions of the CNC milling machine, it will be enough to use a simple scheme to perform control of the operation of 3 engines;
  • drivers (Software). Also is an element of adjusting the movable mechanism.

Video: CNC milling machine with their own hands.

Components for homemade milling machine

The next, and responsible step in the construction of milling equipment is a selection of components for the construction of a self-made unit. The optimal output from this situation is the use of submitted parts and devices. As a basis for table copies of 3D machines, it is possible to take solid wood (beech, housing), aluminum / steel or organic glass.

For the normal operation of the complex as a whole requires the development of the design of the calipers. At the time of their movement, hesitations are not unacceptable, it will cause incorrect milling. Consequently, before assembly, components are checked for reliability.

Practical tips on choosing the components of the CNC milling machine:

  • guides - steel well-polished rods ø12 mm applied. The length of the axis x is about 200 mm, y - 100 mm;
  • sugper mechanism, optimal material - textolite. Standard playground dimensions are 30 × 100 × 50 mm;
  • step-by-step motors - engineering experts advise to apply samples from 24V printing device, 5a. They have a sufficiently significant capacity;
  • the unit of fixing the working body, it can also be built using the textolite. The configuration directly depends on the existing tool in stock.

The order of constructing milling equipment with CNC

After completing the selection of all necessary components, it is possible to completely unhindered to construct their own oversized milling mechanism equipped with CNC. Before proceeding to direct design, once again check the components, their parameters and quality of manufacture are monitored. This will continue to help avoid premature failure of the mechanism chain.

Specialized fasteners are used for reliable fixing equipment equipment. Their constructive and execution directly depend on the future scheme.

The list of necessary actions for the assembly of small equipment with CNC to perform the process of milling:

  1. Mounting the guide axes of the caliper element, fixing on the extreme parts of the machine.
  2. Tear calipers. It is required to move along the guides to the moment the smooth movement is formed.
  3. Tightening screws for fixing the caliper device.
  4. Fastening components based on the working mechanism.
  5. Mounting driving screws and couplings.
  6. Installation of marching motors. They are fixed to couplings bolts.

Electronic components are located in an autonomous cabinet. This provides minimization of failures in performance in the process of carrying out technological operations by the mill. The plane for mounting the work machine is obliged to be without drops, because the design does not provide level control screws.

After completing the above, proceed to performing trial tests. First, you need to install a lightweight program for performing milling. In the process of work, it is necessary to continuously check all the passages of the working body (cutters). Parameters that are subject to continuous control: depth and processing width. This specially refers to 3D processing.

Thus, referring to the above written information, the manufacture of milling equipment with their own hands, gives a whole list of benefits to ordinary purchased counterparts. Firstly, this design will approach the intended volumes and types of work, secondly, maintainability is ensured, as it is built from healthy materials and devices and, thirdly, this option is inexpensive.

Having experience designing such equipment, further repair does not take much time, downtime will be reduced to a minimum. Such equipment can be useful to your neighbors in the country area to perform their own repair work. By leasing such equipment, you will help your neighbor in labor, expect to help in the future.

Having understood with the constructive and functional features of milling machines, as well as the load that will fall on it, you can safely be taken for its manufacture, based on the practical information given in the course of the text. Design and follow the tasks of without any problems.

Video: Homemade CNC milling machine on wood.

In this review, I will tell you from which details and components a given printer was collected. I will show how the main nodes are arranged. And also make the starting machine on Arduino. Turn on the spindle.

The idle software for starting the machine with such a connection scheme see. This example is very simple, but it has a fairly large number of flaws.

For the assembly of the CNC, the machine from the parts from the printer was used:

  1. 3 Matrix Printer A3 format.
  2. Furniture guides: 2 pairs of 500 mm. And one pair is 300 mm.
  3. Board 25x100, 25x25 bar, 8 mm thick plywood.
  4. Power supply from a computer.
  5. Drivers L298 4 pcs.
  6. Construction and furniture corners.
  7. Self-tapping screws, screws, nuts and hairpins M10.
  8. Telephone wires, wires from a computer.
  9. A variable resistor from the car.
  10. Engine from a car compressor.
  11. Stepper motor from the scanner.
  12. Brass collet.

Briefly what was used in CNC STINKE:

Axis x PU machine made of two bases from matrix printers A3 format. Using bars 25x25, the base of printer bases is made and two furniture guides with a length of 500 mm are fixed on the bars. On the furniture guides from above, a sheet of plywood was fixed with 8 mm.

Y axis machine on Arduino.located on the portal, which is made of three boards 25x100 mm. To move, an engine from a matrix printer and belt transmission is used. Guides are also furniture-long 500 mm.

Axis Z. CNC Fastened to the guide axes Y. To move, a stepper motor taken from the scanner was used. The transfer of the screw made from the pylon M10. Guides furniture length 300 mm. Connected at an angle of 90 degrees for rigidity.

Spindle Machine ChP.It is made from the engine taken from the non-working automotive compressor. On the motor shaft is fixed by Cangga.

Manages the machine. Drivers L298. To reduce voltage from 12 volts to 8, transistors are used.

See also Video:

Milling on a self-made CNC milling machine.