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How to behave in order not to sin. The right way is not sinful. Who am I without fuss

How to be if a person has no confidence that he will not repeat the sins in which he confused? Does it make sense to confess the same thing? What mistakes of believers the priest often faces during confession? Archpriest Nikolai Markovsky, rector of the Pokrovsky temple of the village. Zaitsevo, readily answered our questions.

Before talking about repentance, you need to figure it out what it is. Repentance - one of the most amazing gifts that the fallen man received from the Lord, because no matter how much we sin, no matter how much you retreat from God and nor betray him, he still leaves us the opportunity to return to him, moves the bridge for which we can return. This bridge is repentance.

Repentance is repentance in their own sins, but before repenting, a person must realize them, to miss themselves, to understand that he is sin and unworthy before God's face. Repentance has several stages: awareness of sin, repentance in him, confessing him before God and, of course, the desire to change. When a person passes through all these stages, he really rises. Each Christian must necessarily come to Christ with his sins and ask for forgiveness for making them, voluntarily or unwittingly.

Alas, our life almost completely consists of sin. Wherever they stop, everywhere we fall into it: there they were not told the word, they were condemned ... We are all constantly sin. As a priest, I will say: a very big trouble, when a person comes up to confession and says: "Batyushka, and I have nothing to repent. I did not kill anyone, did not rob, nothing bad did in principle. What do I confess? " When a person does not see his own sinfulness, it is a sign of spiritual illness. Here we approach the question of why repent, if you still sin.

I would like to bring such an allegory: a person is sick - let's say, he has a cough. He is not treated. Where it leads? - To bronchitis, and then to pneumonia. If it is not treated, a person will just die. So the bodily disease works. Sin is spiritual illness, and it also needs to be treated. Medicine from her - repentance. If a person does not die and says: "Why do I repent, I will still sin," then such a person will just die spiritually. He will walk, eat, drink, do something, but his soul will be dead. Repentance cleans us from the sins that we voluntarily or involuntarily collect throughout life. We are sinless not even every day, but every minute. That is why you need to have the will to come to the temple and confess. There is this not to do, we will fall into sin more and more.

There are no holy people among us. We can not promise to God that after confession anymore will not do what confessional. Of course, every Christian has a desire to correct his life, but there are no guarantees that you do not fall into the same sin: the demon tempts man, does not leave him. The main thing is that we have the strength to rise and go on. It is necessary to gain them in order to correct, and repentance helps find these forces. Yes, someone will not be able to immediately stop doing some sin, but if he is able to repeat it a little less often, starts to control himself - this is a step that brings close to God. If a person could repent once again and no longer repeat sins, then it would be enough to go to the confession several times - and we would be holy. Alas, everything is different in life.

Sainted worships rushed to the end of their days. When the Holy Starta, who was lying on her deathbed, came to her brotherhood and said: "Father, you prayed all my life, rushed in my sins and certainly earned my life eternal," he answered: "I don't know if I put the beginning of my own Salvation. " As far as this man aware of his sinfulness before God! Having confessed, we have the intention not to repeat your sins and try this intention to implement. If a person will repeat some sin, he needs to find his strength to confess him, fight him further. Our life is the road to God, and the road is not easy.

Since we are talking about repentance, I would like to say a few words about the standard errors faced by priests for confession.

The first: often people begin to tell the priest about their lives: turmoil, relatives, work, some circumstances. It is necessary to realize: we come to God to concern to tell him about their sins, and not to a psychologist or buddy. If you already approached the aalo, on which the cross and the gospel lie, we must talk about a particular sin. You know what they sinned and what they ask for forgiveness from the Lord, "you need to focus on this.

The second mistake: often people come to confession with the finished wordings, constantly repeat the same phrases: "Afford, word, thinking, all feelings, led and unknown." Repentance for them turned into some kind of formula, in the rite. Heart and soul such repentance does not touch at all. Obviously, the person came just to make a ritual. With such repentance, you do not need to approach God, we can't deceive it. It is necessary to go to analog with an open heart, with the desire to correct your sinful life. Confession is the sacrament and mystery, a conversation of a man with God. No need to resort to it for a tick.

The third mistake - when a person believes that he is in front of the priest. It should be understood that every priest has its own sins of WHO and a small trolley. We are not confused before the father, but before the Lord itself. The priest is just a witness, he stands nearby for the terrible court, to testify that the person has been confidential to these sins. When I say to confession: "Forgive me, honest Father!" - I have nothing to forgive. It is necessary to ask for forgiveness.

In conclusion, I want to wish: Trust God! Do not be afraid of him, do not run away from it, do not feel about repentance as a beautiful rite. Live with God, and then the Lord will utter your whole life.

Recorded Ekaterina Shcherbakov

The Gospel of Luke is read in the Virgin Holidays (Lux 10: 38-42) about how the Lord comes to the house to Marfe and Mary, - such a familiar and familiar passage that you know almost by heart. And from this somehow he has not touched the heart for a long time, because everything is understandable. You hear one line and already know what the following words will be. And that Maria "the blessing part of the election", too, is known for a long time.

Some authors, for example, Bibleist Ilya Yakovlevich Grits, urge to read the Scripture with an open look, as if the first time, with surprise and try to hear what exactly speaks. Read slowly, listening to every word, thinking, maybe over some verse or even one word, which today was heard as a particularly important. Vladyka Anthony Surozhsky says a lot about it. Eh, not an easy task - to hear something new in such an old and familiar text.

Jesus in my apartment?

"At that time, Jesus entered one village." Has entered. Came himself. He may not know and did not know how it often happened, but he comes himself. And comes not only for beautiful sermons in front of thousands of listeners, and enters life, in the usual daily life of people and just set up(For example, Matt. 4:13) With them - lives in the same house, eats at one table.

If I kind of believe that God is always there, can I assume that Jesus come to my area and in my house? If I were a resident of those villages, what would my reaction be on the news, what did he come to our village? I do not know how you, but it seems to me, I would first be confused and frightened. And then the question is, whether everything is in my relationship with God, if I am, as it turns out, I am first afraid. Of course, I would be wildly interesting, and I wanted to run on him to see, and maybe touch (hello to the Apostle Fome), but I don't believe my eyes. But what's next?

"Marfa accepted him to his house." Someone did not accept him. Not every person we can easily invite you to visit, let me in our intimate space - to your home. The house is a place where you can be yourself, where you do not need to observe the decency, where you can relax, walk in the mint coat, roar or swear, laugh to colic in your stomach or inflate and silence. It is not by chance that we are often very decent people with colleagues or friends, in society, in humans, and completely wild and sometimes difficult for loved ones at home. D. aboutma can already without any bill, as the soul fell. Of course, house but There are different and all sorts of home traditions, but in general, still aboutma We are without a corset and makeup.

Marfa took his house to his house, let him in. She failed to relax, she fussing a lot, tries for guests, but she took it. Interestingly, here's honestly, and I was ready to let Christ in my house, in my Moscow Khrushchev apartment? To put it so close? To put there, where am I not very good and is not always decent? To be with him not only when I am piously standing in the temple, that is, I come to him in his house, and when I am evoky and tired and I will not ... Would I like him to live with me under one ceiling every day? What would I like that?

I do not know how you, and I seem like I can not say confident "yes." And it is scary. And then then be surprised that God in my life is so little, if I am not ready to let him into my life until the end? On the other hand, it seems to me that if it were possible, like this simply live With Jesus, together, ride with him in the subway, go to work, cook food, make cleaning and a lot of things to do together - all the time with him - then it would have been sinful with him to be sinful.

You are angry with the crowd in the subway, and Near Jesus - and somehow everything changes immediately. Gave you colleagues, and next he - and it became so no matter. You want to condemn the neighbor, and you look at him, as he is with you, too, too, looks at this terrible neighbor with such infinite love and to her and to me, oddly enough that it becomes no longer before condemnation. And this is not a volitional effort, because, they say, I decided not to condemn anyone more, which, as you know, does not lead to anything. This is a sultural change, the transformation from the inside, because next to himself. Did the holy fathers written about this, when did they speak about the memory of God inequainous?

Unlike me, Marfa and Maria let him down to themselves. And Marfa cottons, tries about the big treat - as it is clear! Surely one of us would lead yourself the same. But for a long time you will not last. If guests come and you jump around them, then how many days you have enough? On then they are guests ... And if someone came for a long time and now lives with you in the house? Sooner or later, he will see you as you are when you are no longer trying to please and appear in our projection as it is. Jesus lived in some houses, that is, it was not just a guest for a day or two. He ate and slept under one roof. What was that people? What would be me?

Who am I without a fuss?

In modern Russian translation, the 10th verse sounds like this: "Martha was all the troubles about the big treat ...". " There was all B."- How it may be important that we can not be completely in something, not to be completely captured by the bustle and care, when there is no me, but there are only these concerns. It is difficult not to "be in" when it is necessary and then it is necessary to think about money, about children, about health, about work, and a lot about what else, and all this is terribly important and will disappear without me and will definitely fail. And after all, this can take away from us at some point, in contrast to the good part, which is not taken away from Mary.

I do not know how you, and I can't think so that something from what I am not going and worried about, once disappeared or it became unimportant, or left from under my control and began to exist without my influence. That's it my affairs my projects my Friends, etc. And maybe, so I am so much around them is nothing that I can't imagine myself without them. I have all this all "mine", and what will remain? Who am I then? If I'm not a teacher, not a wife, not a mother, not a daughter, not a friend, not the mistress, etc., then who am I? Who am I in my nude before God? And do I exist in the separation from the fact that "mine", what am I "I have"? What in the dry residue? Heavy questions, and I don't want to think about them, because it is difficult ...

Marfa behaves, as if we were told today, without complexes: directly turns to the guest with a complaint about the sister and a request to give her an indication to be helped to help, and not sitting without a case. It does not appeal to Mary, but goes to a third party that in itself is not very cool. It is interesting that the Lord does not tell her, they say that you complain about the relative, go with her myself, and something else in this spirit, which would be very clear in such a situation. Well, I would say so, probably in his place. He addresses her personally and speaks of the main thing, that is, shows it the right hierarchy of priorities.

And what Mary? "Sitting at the legs of the Lord, he listened to his word." And that's it. Nothing more did not do. Strange such ... lazy? Incompretation? Indifferent? Maybe Martha suspects her in this, and this is also quite understandable. Guests came, and she sat down and that's it. Does not care about the neighbor - about your sister, it does not help. It does not experience what they will think about it, does not try at least for decency to behave differently. Not quite normal some. And how it is important to us sometimes just nothing to do. Just silence, sit down and listen, as I advised Vladyka Anthony with one of his parishioner. Just affect yourself be but not to act. Be, not fuss. Listen, not to taitor. Sit down and silence, understanding who I am and who you are ...

We tend to make mistakes and bind. We are not perfect, our actions, words and intentions are not perfect. But, being people believers, we can always seek for the best, to improve and give away from sinful. Thanks to the grace of the Most High and the Light Islam, we gradually can get rid of their sinful nature. If we do not resist sin, it will weaken our souls and give away from Almighty Allah. The need for self-control Allah Allah said: "The same who was afraid to appear in front of his Lord and held herself from passions, there will be paradise" (79: 40-41).

A person is not perfect, but his self-control could become perfect. Sins can be avoided if you control yourself and take into account some points:

1. Know your enemy.

The most important strategy in the confrontation is to know your enemy. The more you know your enemy, the easier it is your struggle. Life is the struggle against Shaitan - the enemy of our souls. We must learn it and know the tactics that he uses to knock down a person from the way.

2. She strives for the help of the Most High.

Allah helps someone who seeks him. You will make a step towards him, and he runs to you. Allah is always near. At any time of the day we can refer to him with a request. Ask Allah to protect you from evil, temptations and temptations of this world and give your heart to Iman, which will not allow you to fall into sin.

3. Dedicate the time to Allah.

Daily connection with the Almighty (commemoration, Namaz, reading the Koran) is the main self-control rule. A man who dedicates himself and his time to Allah is protected from bad and endowed with a blessing. Dedicate more time to Allah and religion, it will allow you to focus on the main things and tightly hold onto the raft.

4. Avoid situations that can lead to sin.

Muslim should be very careful to avoid sins and situations that can bring to them. Very often, a person does not intend to sin, but the situation and the situation in which he turned out to contribute to this. Therefore, giving yourself from such situations, man protects himself from sin.

5. Know the consequences.

Sin is an obstacle that separates a person from Allah and as a result can make us a slave of his desires, thereby destroying all our lives. Many lives are destroyed only because people cross the borders of the forbidden, installed by Allah. Remember that Allah blessed us with a healthy body and sound consciousness, and ungratefulness for it will lead to severe punishment.

6. Measurement of Allah.

Often thinking about anything leads to the fact that this is embodied. Therefore, avoid bad thoughts that will cause temptation. Try to think about blessing and fill your thoughts with the remembrance of Allah, which will benefit your life.

7. Urgent repentance.

If you stumbled and committed sin, it should be remembered that sin does not withdraw a person from religion. Allah's grace is more than any sin, committing repentance, we are aware of the perfect and asking sincere forgiveness from the all-friendly and all-air-fuel, expressing their humility and submission.


How to live and not sin?

"Alcoholism is a sin that changes consciousness, and develops into a serious illness," says Guest "Forgiveness Sunday" (97.2 FM) Archpriest Igor Fomin

Elena Chinkova:

Let's talk today on the topic, more than ever related to the righteousness, and to sinners. Namely: how to live and not sin? Is there any such recipe?

Father Igor, the first question is. Now we are observing within a few months for events in the Middle East. All boils, the people unequivocally expressed their "fee" to the rulers, shouts: Get out, it's time to resign! Nevertheless, some heavyweights cling to power as they can. Doesn't the politician sin in this case against himself, against his conscience, against the people to which he should serve?

Archpriest Igor Fomin:

Absolutely unacceptable thing. Of course, the ruler has the right to punish, delay the belt when it is difficult. But the ruler is a father who should take care of his children, about his people. Moreover, the father is not forced, but selected. So, he is still accountable and responsible for his people. Moreover, it is impossible to kill. How to live and not sin in this case? We just need to put the powers. If you presented a impeachment, as it is now customary to speak, then, naturally, you need to leave.

Elena Chinkova:

Is it difficult to a political leader, in this case, the head of state, to live according to the rules? After all, we all know that politics - the craft is very dirty, and in any case of the current friends will ever have to pass, sell, betray.

Archpriest Igor Fomin:

I believe that everything depends on the policy. Indeed, the politician is honest as a politician cannot take place. We see more or less honest, but in the current political elite it is probably very rare. But such people can be. Watching what principles. What do you put in the chapter angle, what do your principles serve, what do your actions, actions? How to live and not sin? Here the person should have the principles brought up on morality. For a Christian, it is first of all, of course, the Gospel, the Holy Scripture, with the help of which he sails along this turbulent life. In fact, the Lord for this came to raise a person again to the paradise height that the first person was put in paradise. Please note that a person put in paradise, let's say, the boss on all, the ruler over the whole world, he managed, he himself develops, is improving, approaching God with his morality. But sin was briefed into the life of the first people, and we see that the first stories (I mean stories before Christ) is a constant degradation of a person down. And it comes to such a state that the person himself cannot help himself. He needs he who would put him again on this height, made it possible to get up on this height. Christ comes. He makes it possible to stand up again to this height - through his sacrifice, through his blood. And the man again put on a height in the Christian world. And the person accepting Christ rises. But again there is a degradation. What was two thousand years old and the fact that now, of course, the sky and the earth.

Elena Chinkova:

But the principle of "Eye OK" - sin or not?

Archpriest Igor Fomin:

Yes, sin. It's just anger in the highest instance. It is impossible to defeat sin. I agree with what can be accepted in the language, which is understandable to a person. Well, if a hooligan went to the bus and begins to pester everyone, to call everyone, there will be no sin on everyone, here there will be no sin if some of the men get up and give him into his eyes.

Elena Chinkova:

Rather, sin is silent.

Archpriest Igor Fomin:

Yes. But this is not the "OKO OCO". The eye for the eye is the principle when you were offended, and you go to the same opportunity in the same way to offend another person.

Elena Chinkova:

And then how to respond to violence, any manifestation of aggression, so that, let's say so, do not go out?

Archpriest Igor Fomin:

The gospel clearly divides two positions: the reaction to any public events, cases .... It is appropriate to say that "there is no greater love than putting his soul for his soul." Suppose, Alexander Sailors is not an example of suicide, this is an example of the feat, an example of higher love. And the second position is a personal position. When you hit one cheek, you substitute the other cheek. But here you have to look at whom they hit who hit and under what circumstances.

Elena Chinkova:

Is there any single recipe for all denominations, or have all different?

Archpriest Igor Fomin:

We are talking naturally about Christian confessions. The recipe is the Holy Scripture, the Gospel. If a person has a goal of life is to achieve love, then, naturally, everything starts working to achieve Christ to achieve this love. If a person has other self-merchant plans (let's say, collect funds for the celebration of your anniversary), then, of course, it will be all under it. The morality here will be very little, he will be able to steal, and to distort the understanding of the Holy Scriptures, adjust oneself, to justify himself. But it's not right. We must redo the sacred writer.

Elena Chinkova:

And the vacation of sins does not encourage a person to new sins? The man sinned, sinned hard, comes to confession, the father letters his sins, he begins to live with a new sheet, conscience no longer gnaws, and, maybe he starts someone again and make some misdeeze.

Archpriest Igor Fomin:

When we come to confession, we are thereby declaring that I repented in these sins and will not make them anymore, at least I would try to make them anymore. The principle that I will do now, and tomorrow I will show, it does not work here. If a person lives in such principles, the church noticed that these people usually dying do not have time to walk before confession. With confession there should be a new person, an updated person, and live in a new way.

Elena Chinkova:

And what and happens?

Archpriest Igor Fomin:

Not always, unfortunately. We are people weak, so confession we need constantly. But man begins to try at least not to make any sin. You said that conscience does not stake him. I would like to pay attention to it. When a person lives wrong, he falls like something.

Elena Chinkova:

That is, this is immediately a sinner?

Archpriest Igor Fomin:

His unrighteous actions. He goes to the doctor, the doctor operates him. He comes out of the hospital, so joyful and happy, the inflammation has passed, the tests are good. And then looks, and he has a cut, as a reminder that you can't do that or another. In fact, when a person with confession comes out, he is experiencing the same. He has no more than this sin, no more than this sinful disease. But his conscience will be impaired as that scar, remind you that you were already a criminal. The sinner is a criminal.

Elena Chinkova:

This, depending on which sin. I heard here to paint the hair - too sin. Was it a criminal?

Archpriest Igor Fomin:

Let's do that. You can eat ice cream and not sin, but you can eat ice cream and sin. Looking for what you paint hair. If you want to look good, there is no sin in it. If you care for yourself, there is no sin in this. But if you do it specifically for some seduction, you already need to think about it.

Elena Chinkova:

And if a woman just looks good, is she a potential sinner?

Archpriest Igor Fomin:

It looks good, not depraved.

Elena Chinkova:

I can not not ask about the sensational dress code in Saying. Is it needed?

Archpriest Igor Fomin:

I think he really needs. The dress code that the father of Vsevolod Chaplin said, usually coming from the inside. That is, morality is brought up, and then the person does not allow himself to wear a skirt with a nasal handkerchief.

Elena Chinkova:

And to re-educate such 20-30-year-old young ladies late?

Archpriest Igor Fomin:

Yes, at least in 80! The fact is that in Christ Jesus there are no age or some other restrictions. After Soviet times, a lot of people came in solid, mature age - and at 40, and 60, and in 80 years. And many things were revised in their lives. And they got.

Elena Chinkova:

In general, from your personal experience (I understand that you keep the secret of confession), Muscovites are terrible sinners?

Archpriest Igor Fomin:

That's how I will not solve, of course, to say, sinners Muscovites or not. I generally against when they come to confession and say: I sin, like everything. What it means to be honest, I can not understand. You can only sin it personally.

Elena Chinkova:

And the real righteous exist? It seems to me that someone necessarily stupns in something, in the end, even if even in some small one.

Archpriest Igor Fomin:

God's law is not a procrusteo bed, where you need to cut someone, pull someone, and someone will come down. It is not even the rules of movement that it is necessary to move the road to the green light, observe markup, etc. This is life, and a person who lives in the law of God, sometimes it can criticize some commandments, but at the same time not to commit sin. This is also a very interesting point. We have now talked about Alexandra Matrosov. This is a bright example. It would seem that he knew that he would die, rushed to this jot and died. But this is not suicide.

Elena Chinkova:

Igor's father, so you said that the diseases are lying on sinners as if in punishment. What are the righteous, we are completely healthy?

Archpriest Igor Fomin:

No, I did not quite say that. I spoke about the disease as an example, compared with sin. But the disease is not always punishment. Diseases in Orthodoxy are called a visit to God. That is, the Lord visited for something. Not for something, but for something. This is a very important point. So let's not consider the disease as a punishment. The righteous also suffers, it is also amazed by diseases. The church does not deprive the person of any difficulties of earthly life, does not give him some material goods or something else. But it gives the correct awareness of your state at the moment. I feel sick - yes, maybe maybe. And the church talks about how to root, as it should be transferred.

Elena Chinkova:

And how to transfer?

Archpriest Igor Fomin:

The disease, as I said, is given for something. A person should think that I need to do for the future ...

Elena Chinkova:

How to understand what?

Archpriest Igor Fomin:

Question "For what?" - This is a dead end. We immediately roll in the claim to the Lord: Yes, I am good, white and fluffy. And the question "For what?" gives a perspective to a person further develop moral and live.

Call from the radio luster of hope:

I decided to start fighting three concrete sins. How should I do - repent only in these three sins? In addition, I decided to impose on yourself with a boutine and do not start to the communion until the fruit of repentance. Can a person himself impose such a dopey, or only a priest? And how to successively fight sins further, if these manage to beat somehow?

Archpriest Igor Fomin:

Not only in these three sins need to repent. If you notice any other sins behind you, they also need to repent and try not to do. But pay special attention to the sequence that worries you most. That is, it is very clearly priorities that you will pay more attention to. John Zlatoust has a very interesting statement on this issue. He says it's like a fight. If you attacked you a whole flock of robbers, choose the main and his beatings, not paying attention to others, which will also deliver you inconvenience and cause pain. A, having broken it, take over the other. That is, here you need to choose that you are most tormented, and pay attention to this sin.

About the epitias. I would not advise you to impose on myself a member, especially with such a wording that there is no fruit, I will not pass. When you see the fruits, you need to think very seriously: do they have these fruits, is it not self-exchanger, is it not self-confeding? When a person begins to evaluate himself (I am good or bad), this is not our business, it is not our path. Let us (good or bad) speak out of the outside world, let the Lord appreciates us. And we must try to live according to commandments, according to the rules that are directed, naturally, on us. I do not recommend that you impose on yourself. Especially such terrible, like excommunication from the communion.

Call from the radio cider Boris Ivanovich:

John Zlatoust said that you need to believe in God, but do not believe the priests, because of these many scammers. Is not a fraud that some old woman comes to the church, begins to pray, and they take money from her that oh her-her. And then build yourself beautiful, cars buy expensive cars.

Archpriest Igor Fomin:

If the old woman comes to the temple, then no one takes money from her. Man himself is free, buy a candle or not to buy, submit a note or not to file. Many, let's say, in our temple just fit the priest, give a note. Well, can not pass money. The temple is not a museum where it is necessary to buy a ticket to get inside. Come in, pray, participate in the sacraments. The sacrament of confession, the sacrament of communion, the main sacraments are always free. If somewhere they take money for them, I would be very grateful to you if we heard about it.

Call from Rodion's Radioist:

Igor's father, we come to this world naked, we leave from this world. But, unfortunately, for some reason, billionaires are poorly divided with orphans, with shelters. Why not share - greedy or misunderstand? The second question about hunters and fishermen. Are they sinners or how?

Archpriest Igor Fomin:

Fortunately, the Lord does not feel wealth. Therefore, I can not say greedy or not. Probably, each person decides independently, where to invest. I come across those people (and even millionaires), which are actively helping both orphanages, and the elderly, and large families. I know such people.

Elena Chinkova:

Do they advertise it?

Archpriest Igor Fomin:

No, do not advertise. We produce a wonderful magazine "Thomas". And here is one of the people who helps this magazine, never over 15 years old on the pages of our magazine did not present in any way, not even the names of his name. In fact, many people help.

About fishermen and hunters. There is no such person who would have lived an hour and did not sin. So the hunter and fisherman. If it is a passion, it is natural, sin if a person cannot live without bloody and day. If this is his profession, if a person has lived at the expense of this, then this is a completely normal phenomenon.

Call from the Ilya Radio Sewer:

Tell me one thing. This summer, I met the theory of Fomenko and Nosovsky, where they are in the root are revised, based on some astronomical calculations, it is enough argued that our story, including the history of Christ, has large chronological errors, and it happened not in that place where modern Israel is now, and in Turkey. How does the Orthodox Church relate to these theories?

Archpriest Igor Fomin:

These theories have no scientific attack. Nosovsky and Fomenko are mathematics. We are now very common not in our field to make some discoveries. I read it, consulted with fundamental historians. Nobody supports neither nasal nor Fomenko. Although Fomenko itself is a very interesting person, open, kind. But there is a silence of certain factors and hypertrophing of others.

Call from Radio Listeur Natalia:

Alcoholism is a disease or sin?

Archpriest Igor Fomin:

This is a sin that changes consciousness, which then develops into such a disease. It is like kleptomania. The man himself first begins to steal, and then can not stop. Sin in what is an alcoholic? In weakness. I know a lot of temples (they are not always in large cities, they are mostly scattered in rural areas), where the tickets are engaged in this problem, and are very successful. I can give such an example. Anonymous alcoholics. Calculation in the West - about 50-60%. We, if it is associated with the church, is cured to 90%. This is a big percentage.

Elena Chinkova:

With us in touch Oleg. Are you righteous, sinner? Who do you think?


Righteous people probably never happen. I am very interested in the questions of the Baptism of Russia and Nikonovsky split. Who was the righteous, and who was the sinner? Not everyone wanted to be baptized and not everyone wanted to take a new rite.

Archpriest Igor Fomin:

The baptism of Russia seems so that everyone was driven into the Dnieper and baptized. Forced them to believe and abandon their pagan idols. But, of course, it is not. Baptism can not be violent simply by definition. If it is made forcibly, it is not valid. Do you want to say that all of Russia was baptized forcibly, only thanks to the prince Vladimir and his squad? Of course not. But over time, the Russian man perceived baptism, Orthodoxy as an integral part of himself. In Belarus, introduced the article of the Constitution that Orthodoxy is a state-based religion. It would be wonderful if we in Russia, although we and secular society, gave tribute to Orthodoxy as a state-forming religion.

About Nikon. He started not just reform, but the correction of those errors, which over time in the abundance they were engaged in the liturgical texts, and in rites, etc. But pay attention, not all people wanted, as you said, take a new rite. And not everyone accepted. There were also the people who were engaged in self-immolation. True, the Old Believer Church split into a lot of denominations. But the Orthodox Church always goes towards the Old Believers to restore liturgical communication. From the side of the Old Believers, we do not accept us under any kind, they consider us the servants of the Antichrist, etc. I think it is completely illiterate.

Call from the radio listening agent Yuri Ivanovich:

Batyushka, tell me what to do? I am an Orthodox person, but now as if who cursed. It dies three years ago the granddaughter of 3 years (the year is sick of cancer). The wife was disabled, children were practically disabled. Once I was engaged in charity, even went to Kiev station, bought these "doxhara" different, fed homeless children. Now I myself became a beggar. Approached the organization, there was not a single decent person who could help. Enchanted circle, I do not know just what to do.

Archpriest Igor Fomin:

The question naturally lies in the spiritual plane. I would recommend you to find such a chicken priest with whom you can solve this issue. I do not think your situation is hopeless. Since you take an active life position, judging by the words you say, you are not all lost. Find a priest that is not indifferent, and he will help you.

Call from the radio listening agent Alexey Alekseevich, Kharkov:

Now a big invasion of non-vetons who speak the following things: if a person is bad, something happened to him, it means that he himself is to blame himself, and God punishes him. I would very much asked for all Orthodox priests - more often remind that this does not mean that a person is punished by God. People who suffer, do not necessarily suffer in their own reason.

Archpriest Igor Fomin:

They are not for something they suffer, they have something inconvenience in this life for something.

Alexey Alekseevich:

Yes. Perceive the disease in a more constructive sense. Not in the destructive sense that you need to look for shortages, sins, etc., and you need to do something good, the best is to look for a way out.

And the second moment. Little replica. I very much doubt the effectiveness of drug addiction in non-constitutional sects. And that's why. Yes, indeed, a person can abandon alcohol, from drugs, they pray very much there, even by day, reach ecstasy. But what happens then? A person refuses half a year, maybe for a year. But after that, as a rule, he gets schizophrenia.

Asks Katya
Alexander Lance answers, 03/01/2014

Question: "I am very sinful. Each time I repeat and say that I will not be so much. But then I can not restrain anger or resentment again and I do and say a bunch of bad. How can I get on the right way? How can I say my past? Could it be What is the result of any damage? "

Peace to you, Katya!

If we talk about damage, then we all spoiled. Apostle Paul said this as:

"I know that it does not live in me, that is, in my flesh, good; Because the desire for good is in me, but to make it, I do not find it. Good, whom I want, I do not do, and evil who do not want to do "().

See? Paul knew about your problem not by the hearse, but from my own experience. Further, he, revealing this topic, says that and you probably could say: I understand how wonderful and perfectly live according to God's law, and my flesh does not want this and always trying to subordinate my mind all the time. Unpleasant position however! Therefore, Paul exclaims: "Poor I am a man! Who will save me from this body of death? " () Who will save me from subordination of my fallen flesh?!

Do you know how Paul is responsible for this question?

He says he lives now in Christ according to the law of the Spirit and thanks to this state of affairs free from the laws of its fallen flesh.

"The law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus liberated me from the law of sin and death" ()

Please pay special attention to the fact that the Bible nowhere does not support the view that you need or can somehow salty your past. The Bible argues that with the past we partingWhen we accept Jesus Nazaryan with your Savior. And this happens exclusively at the expense of our faith:

I am a terrible person
-Iisus died instead of me
-Iisus gave me his righteousness
-I accept his death and his life as his own
-I start to grow in his righteousness, becoming such as he

This means only one thing: Gradually, all the layers of evil will be filmed with me, my thinking will be updated, my views on life, people, God to change, my consciousness will get rid of what is a lie. In theology, this is called sanctification. And simple words, it process Growth in Christ, as a baby must first be born, and then grow, becoming an adult man.

And then the most important point. Due to what is the baby grow? Due to what he eats, right? We are all when they were small, at least once heard something like: "If you don't eat, you will not grow up." So the same principle is valid in our spiritual life. If you want to grow and become strong in confronting temptations, then you need to eat well and regularly! Do you know that the word of God is food for a believer person? Believers must eat the words of God, i.e. Read, try to understand and try to live, as stated.

"Like newborn babies, love pure verbal milk, in order to save you in salvation"

The Lord Jesus himself commands us to explore the Scriptures! () Not stories about Scripture, not stories about the holy people, but the Scriptures themselves!

So, Katya, if you are really looking for victories over sin, you need to stop giving God to the promises that you can never hold back, but reading the Bible, to start knowing God, who will give you strength and wisdom to confront sin in any situation. He may and want to do it for you. Read the Bible, forgive God about understanding, ask him about the liberation he said about.

With love in the Savior Jesus Christ,


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