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Presentation on heroism. What is "courage"? Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Ushakova courage, calm courage, the presence of the spirit in trouble, danger. Soul resistance and. Performances of pre-trained students

Radded war, his bloody harvest. How many years have worn how many new worries survived! Time rushes forward, time to a new rushing turns, but no one is forgotten, and forever is not forgotten! Radded war, his bloody harvest. How many years have worn how many new worries survived! Time rushes forward, time to a new rushing turns, but no one is forgotten, and forever is not forgotten!

The beginning of the war. The beginning of the war. Incidentally war. Wars initially. Battle for Moscow. Battle for Moscow. Battime for Moscow. Battle for Moscow. Leningrad blockade. Blockade Leningrad. Leningrad Blockade. Leningrad Blockade. A radical fracture during the war (Stalingrad and Kursk battle). The fundamental fracture during the war (Stalingrad and Kursk battle). Aknown fracture during the war (Stalingrad and Kursk battle). The proclasty fracture during the war (Stalingrad and Kursk battle). Victory. Victory. Published.

August 30 began a battle for Moscow. The Germans managed to approach the city by 20 - 25 km. Only the heroism of ordinary soldiers saved the position. 28 Panfilov's heroes stopped 50 German tanks, sacrificing themselves. V. Pamfilov. The feat of the Guardian Panfilov. Battle for Moscow

I. Nikolaev. Leningrad. Winter GG. Queue for bread. In September 1941, the blockade of Leningrad began, which launched 900 days. Residents of the city received a day in the city of bread, but continued to fight and work, the release of the products needed. On Ice, the Ladoga was laid "Road of Life". In September 1941, the blockade of Leningrad began, which launched 900 days. Residents of the city received a day in the city of bread, but continued to fight and work, the release of the products needed. On Ice, the Ladoga was laid "Road of Life". Leningrad blockade

Despite the difficulty, the city tried to live in a normal life. The blockade claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of Leningrad residents, but the city survived January 18, 1944, the Red Army finally removed the blockade. V. Serov, I. Silver, A. Kuznetsov. Breakthrough blockade of Leningrad January 18, 1943. Leningrad blockade

No in the history of mankind of war is more cruel and terrible than the Great Patriotic War! There is no bright and immortal in history and the rake than the unreleased courage of the victory soldier. Let's bow the bright memory of the soldiers of the soldiers of the soldiers of the soldiers!

Answer questions: What is patriotism? What is patriotism? Do you consider yourself a patriot? Do you consider yourself a patriot? What do you think, at what time is the Patriotic feelings expressed in a brighter? What do you think, at what time is the Patriotic feelings expressed in a brighter? How do you understand what war is? How do you understand what war is? Why did the Great Patriotic War receive such a name? Why did the Great Patriotic War receive such a name? Who are the fascists? Who are the fascists? Due to what our army won? Due to what our army won? Tell us about the exploits of Soviet people during the Great Patriotic War, tell about the exploits of the Soviet people during the Great Patriotic War of the lesson

1. Choose the correct answer: the commander, under the command of which decisive victories in the Great Patriotic War were obsessed: a) A. Suvorov; b) G. Zhukov; c) M. Kutuzov. 1. Choose the correct answer: the commander, under the command of which decisive victories in the Great Patriotic War were obsessed: a) A. Suvorov; b) G. Zhukov; c) M. Kutuzov. 2. When was the Victory Parade on Red Square? a) May 9, 1945; b) June 24, 1945; c) September 2, 1945 2. When was the victory parade on Red Square? a) May 9, 1945; b) June 24, 1945; c) September 2, 1945 3. In place of which Russian city on the order of Hitler should have occurred? a) Leningrad; b) Moscow; c) Smolensk. 3. In place of which Russian city by order Hitler had to arise the sea? a) Leningrad; b) Moscow; c) Smolensk. 4. So in our story they call the war in which the fate of the Motherland, the Fatherland: a) is domestic; b) civilian; c) world. 4. So in our story they call the war in which the fate of the Motherland, the Fatherland: a) is domestic; b) civilian; c) world. Total test

Where did the Red Army inflicted the first defeat of the fascists? a) on the Kursk arc; b) in the breakthrough of the blockade of Leningrad; c) in the battle for Moscow. 6. Underlightened: a) Battle for Moscow; b) Stalingrad battle; c) Kulikovsky battle. 7. Restore the sequence of events, putting the numbers from 1 to 4: End of World War II ____ End of World War II ____ Stalingrad Battle. ____ Stalingrad battle. ____ Taking Berlin. ____ Taking Berlin. ____ Breakthrough Leningrad blockades. ____ Breakthrough Leningrad blockades. ____ Total test

8. Install the correspondence (Spend arrows): * 8. Install the match (Spend arrows): * Kursk arc battle for Moscow Blockade Leningrad Beginning of the Great Patriotic War Defenders of the Brest Fortress The biggest tank battle feathers of the guardsman - Panfilovtsev road life 8888 Total test

1. Choose the correct answer: the commander, under the command of which decisive victories in the Great Patriotic War were obsessed: a) A. Suvorov; b) G. Zhukov; c) M. Kutuzov. 1. Choose the correct answer: the commander, under the command of which decisive victories in the Great Patriotic War were obsessed: a) A. Suvorov; b) G. Zhukov; c) M. Kutuzov. 2. When was the Victory Parade on Red Square? a) May 9, 1945; b) June 24, 1945; c) September 2, 1945 2. When was the victory parade on Red Square? a) May 9, 1945; b) June 24, 1945; c) September 2, 1945 3. In place of which Russian city on the order of Hitler should have occurred? * a) Leningrad; b) Moscow; c) Smolensk. 3. In place of which Russian city by order Hitler had to arise the sea? * a) Leningrad; b) Moscow; c) Smolensk. 4. So in our story they call the war in which the fate of the Motherland, the Fatherland: a) is domestic; b) civilian; c) world. 4. So in our story they call the war in which the fate of the Motherland, the Fatherland: a) is domestic; b) civilian; c) world final test

5. Where did the Red Army inflicted the first defeat of the fascists? a) on the Kursk arc; b) in the breakthrough of the blockade of Leningrad; c) in the battle for Moscow. 6. Underlightened: a) Battle for Moscow; b) Stalingrad battle; c) Kulikovsky battle. 7. Restore the sequence of events, putting the numbers from 1 to 4: End of World War II ____ End of World War II ____ Stalingrad Battle. ____ Stalingrad battle. ____ Taking Berlin. ____ Taking Berlin. ____ Breakthrough Leningrad blockades. ____ Breakthrough Leningrad blockades. ____ 567 Total Test

5. Where did the Red Army inflicted the first defeat of the fascists? a) on the Kursk arc; b) in the breakthrough of the blockade of Leningrad; c) in the battle for Moscow. 6. Underlightened: a) Battle for Moscow; b) Stalingrad battle; c) Kulikovsky battle. 7. Restore the sequence of events, putting the numbers from 1 to 4: End of World War II __4__ End of World War II __4__ Stalingrad Battle. __1__ Stalingrad Battle. __1__ Taking Berlin. __3__ Take Berlin. __3__ Breakthrough of Leningrad blockades. __2__ Blood Blockads of Leningrad. __2__ 567 Total Test

8. Install the correspondence (Swipe the arrows): * 8. Install the match (Spend arrows): * Kursk arc Battle for Moscow Blockade Leningrad Beginning of the Great Patriotic War Defenders of the Brest Fortress The biggest tank battle of the feat of the guardsman - Panfilovtsev road life 8 Final test

  • Memorial dates of February
  • February 2 - the defeat day of the fascist troops in the Battle of Stalingrad. On this day, after long battles, the city of Hero Volgograd (Stalingrad) was released from the German-fascist invaders.
  • February 8 - the day of the young hero-anti-fascist. Deals with the memory of young boys and girls of all countries, those who fought and died for the freedom and happiness of people.
  • February 15 - the day of memory of warriors - internationalists. This is a holiday, and the day of memory and grief about all the soldiers who died in Afghanistan.
  • February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day. The public holiday of all defenders of our republic, who carry the service so that we live calmly.
  • Afghanistan hurts
  • Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten.
  • But not to forget - you need to remember.
  • And to remember - you need to know.
  • Without you, son, stayed,
  • Hair has tripled.
  • My white stork flew away
  • I took and flew ...
  • Soul broke like a bird -
  • It is not easy to catch.
  • Without you, native, not sleep.
  • Do not be angry with your mother ...
  • Does not take, son, fatigue,
  • Dusk powered.
  • My white stork flew away
  • I took and flew ...
  • From February 17 to February 20, an exhibition of drawings on the conclusion of Soviet troops from Afghanistan was held in Dosha No. 140
  • You think the fallen silent!
  • Of course, yes - you say.
  • Not right!
  • They scream.
  • Still knocking
  • Hearts alive
  • And they touch the nerves.
  • They scream not somewhere
  • And in us
  • For us shout ...
  • And you will be alive,
  • Invisible sensitive hands.
  • They want to be a monument to them
  • There was land
  • With five continents.
  • 1979-1989
  • They performed the soldier's duty
  • And to the end, the Motherland remained
  • And we look at the story again
  • So that today's day to measure the Day of War.
  • On February 19 in Dosh No. 140, the evening of the memory of warriors - internationalists, prepared by the 9th grade students, took place.
  • Eternal glory and eternal memory in these candles that the guys of our school have lit agencies from the corner of the memory to the warriors-to-nylist.
  • The whole school honored the memory of the Afghan soldiers of a minute of silence.
  • In the next, 26th anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan, we give tribute to the courage and memory to the commercialists, Afghan soldiers. Our duty to these heroic people is to remember their feat and transfer the memory of them to new generations.
  • Choir 5-6 Classes Dosh # 140 performs a song dedicated to a soldier who has not returned from the war.
  • Everything can be crushed, to sleep, betray the caustion,
  • Asphalt and claim to concrete.
  • Blow up the cathedral as an excess structure
  • At the site of the cemetery to build a stadium.
  • Everything can be confused, which is collected by centuries,
  • Everything can be silent, grieving threatening ...
  • And only human memory
  • Relieve and destroy it is impossible!
  • In the end of the evening, schoolchildren sang a song about the world.
  • After all, all the children of Donbass now want only one -
  • The world !!!
  • 1941-1945
  • 1979-1989
  • 2014-…
  • Our era is often called cruel. So it became for our history. Wars anyway, rowed every generation: someone fought with a weapon in her hands, someone had seen close to war, someone mourned dead.
  • Battles end, and the story is eternal. Leaning and the Great Patriotic War, Afghan War. But the native land is moaning again from explosions. And now it is defended by those who have recently lived next door or sat with us at one desk.
  • Herbs rage above the ground
  • The clouds are floating like dresses.
  • And one thing - that on the right -
  • This is me, it's me, that's me,
  • And I do not need fame ...
  • Nothing needless
  • I and those floating nearby.
  • We would live, and the whole reward;
  • We would live, we would live,
  • we would live ...
  • And we sail somewhere.
  • This pain does not subside.
  • Where are you, live water?
  • Oh, why the war happens?
  • Oh, why
  • Why are we killed? ..
  • Youth who died in the war - as seized from year to spring.
  • In early February, a graduate of our school was killed in the fight
  • Vainylenko Philipp Olegovych(06.02.1997-14.02.2015).
  • He recently turned 18 ...
  • Light memory to all those who have not returned from the war, who became a part of silence, who lay down in the mountains and did not wake up from an undeclared war.
  • February 23, Donbass celebrates the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. In this solemn day, we honor all who are involved in this high rank: from coated with gray and crowned front-line victims to young people, which only recently put on a military uniform. And this does not break anything. We are witnesses of radical changes that are happening in our Donetsk. But for us the memory of the victory is sacred.
  • Congratulations on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, we wish good health, happiness, creative inspiration and success in the hard work of the Defender of the Motherland.
  • What did he imagine?
  • Why did Germany attacked the Soviet Union? (enslave, destroy, break, subordinate).
  • When did the Great Patriotic War begins? (June 22, 1941).


Not be slave schism
And we are not slaves
For the happiness of free life
Do not feel sorry to fold!
From here our impact
Getting started.
Sacred hatred is ours
Restores are black!
No old country is native,
Happiness - to serve you.
We go, we will death despise
Do not die, but live!
Evgeny Bereznitsky.

This is one of the pages in the calendar, painted in black. And the other sheet is red with a victorious salute. And on this leaf, what date? ( May 9, 1945)

They are called. Day of memory and grief (attack of fascist Germany and the holiday of the victory of the Soviet people).

Two days calendar. And between them lay Long winst victory.


In front of our homeland
We will consider glorus
All who blood is their own
Core with her.
War was waged
War was bloody
Thousands of four hundred eighteen days.

We have been done
All in the name of the Motherland,
And we will listen to
His motherland.
Everything is now under the power to us
If we have passed 1418 days. (

During the war, it was conducted ( 6 giant battles about 40 offensive operations.)

Heroes of the Soviet Union.

  • What do you think they became heroes? (Made a feat) What? But not only people became heroes, the heroes became the cities.

Cities Heroes

  • What cities - Heroes know? Why?

Student 1.
- The Great Patriotic War began on June 22, 1941 and ended with the victory of our people on May 9, 1945. An expensive price went to our people victory. Almost four years, 1418 days, wage went. These were years of deprivation, grief, hard work. The cities and villages are ruined, the fields are burned, the dreams and hopes of Soviet people are torn away. The guys and girls went to the front, barely finished school. It is believed that only men fought on the front only men. This is not so! During the years, many Russian girls and women courageously fought on the front.

More than 7 million people died in Russia. At the same time, these were years of courage, selfless love for his homeland.

Motherland highly appreciated the feats of Soviet soldiers, rewarding them with orders and medals, honored the title

Pupil 2.:
- After World War II, Afghanistan, who had the status of a neutral state, was actually in the sphere of Soviet influence. The decision to enter troops to Afghanistan was made on December 12, 1979. February 15, 1989 became the day when the account was over the losses of our soldiers, officers serving. And the result is pecled. More than 13 thousand mothers and fathers did not wait for their sons, they did not hear: "Mom, I came ..." In the absolute majority of "limited contingent" in Afghanistan, the youth, which fell to war almost from school bench. People who did not have almost life experiences unexpectedly found themselves in a foreign country, in an unusual hostile environment, in extreme circumstances.

Student 3.:kimov
"War in Afghanistan for our soldiers ended, but in December 1994 a new, no less bloody war in Chechnya began. We know a lot about this war, but there are episodes that never know. In this war, our soldiers - 18-20-year-old boys who have recently studied in our schools, which, maybe someone knew from us "

- Heroes of these wars and their close people are among us, our population. Let's remember them.
(Transferring a lit candle, students show photos and tell the pre-prepared information about the soldiers of different wars).

- It's impossible to tell everyone at once, but the memory of them is alive. What was the mother who lost his son? Mountain, grief, grief and loss! You can not forget his eyes, smile, tears, his joyful laughter and Mahanye hand. Attention on the screen.

IV. Teacher:

Throughout the entire centuries-old history of our Motherland, the people above all appreciated the loyalty to the Fatherland, the courage and courage of the heroes fighting for the triumph of good and justice. In oral folk art, ideas about the ideal of a person were reflected. What are they? Remember Russian epics, heroic fairy tales ...

Performances of prepared students.

They tell, as in the fight against evil in Russian folk fairy tales, a simple peasant son, even not the best among their brothers, becomes writing by a handsome man, as he showed the courage, courage, resourcefulness and courage, dexterity and trick. The beauty of the hero is in his modesty, kindness, in the disinterested ministry of the people, ready for any minute to sacrifice their lives for the sake of happiness of people.

-What helped survive? (Support for comrades, advice)

-How do you think why the hero of ballads stayed alive? What helped him?

-What character traits showed people during the war?


The highest manifestation of the beauty of a person is expressed in the care of the prosperity of his homeland, in willingness at any moment to stand on her defense. Love their homeland - it means to be proud of her achievements, to be useful to their people, fight everything that prevents us from living. From what interests a citizen lives, how even the small, but socially valuable tasks are involved in the decision, readiness for the feat.

3. Continuation of the conversation.

Work in parach : Think and answer in about p.

Discussion by students questions.

Guys, is it possible to show courage not only in war? How to do it? Can you give examples?
(Answer students, including examples of the guys of heroes of saving peers, who are told in the news)
- Now I offer you to divide into groups and develop a plan that will provide real practical assistance to veterans and all those who need it. Thus, we can get closer to these people and be useful:
1. Preparation of gifts.
2. Conduct a shave "Clean Home", "Clean Yard" (help in cleaning).
3. Promotion "Joy to House" (visiting veterans, congratulations).
4. Organization of veterans meetings.
5. Creating a school Internet museum "No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten!". (including information and photos about veterans of all wars, drawings and compositions of students on patriotic education and about heroes, photos and reports of events held within the framework of the Promotion).
V. Summing up.
- Guys tell me, what do you remember most from today's lesson? What are your conclusions for yourself?
(Pupil Answer)
- Was war, was victory. And for the fact that our boys know about the war only at first, thanks, we can tell our veterans that experienced all the war and survived, winning a victory.

Monuments Novoaltaisk

In the young city, Novoaltais has its own memorable places. This is a memorial complex "Grief and Glory". This is a monument to our soldiers who died during Grozny in the war. Square, dedicated to the memory of the Hero of the USSR I.I. Grigorieva. Memorial Stela of Novoaltaisk, containing the message to descendants. Bust Founder of the historical and local history museum - an honorary citizen of Novoaltaysk - Marusina Vasily Yakovlevich - Cavaller of the Order of Lenin. Vasily Marusin often organized search hikes, from where the exhibits brought to the museum. All materials collected by Marusin became the first-axis museum collection of Novoaltaisk. There are in Novoaltaisk and sculptural compositions cut from wood. They decorate the squares and parks of the city, reflecting the culture and belief of the peoples who lived in these parts at different times.

The memorial set of soldiers-Novoaltians, who died during the Second World War is located on the central square of the city. Opened on November 3, 1967. Authors - Novoaltai artists V.F. Stems and I.F. Gentle. Obelisk of the pyramidal shape in the form of a shot-down 12-meter stele. On Obelisk there are bas-reliefs, testifying to the life of the country of the military years: depicting soldiers bringing an oath going into the battle of fighters - on the one hand, the rear workers on the other. In the center - the inscription: "The soldiers-Novoaltians who gave life to their homeland in the harsh days of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945." On November 6, 1973, Eternal Flames were lit with the obelisk of grief and glory and pylons were installed with memorial plaques. The right to light the eternal flame was granted by the Hero of the Soviet Union to the honorary citizen of the city of Andrei Zemlyanov. 756 surnames were originally entered on the memorial boards. Since then, the sorrowful list has been updated repeatedly.

Square, dedicated to the memory of the Hero of the USSR I.I. Grigorieva

Grigoriev, Ivan Ivanovich

Grigoriev, Ivan Ivanovich

(1922 - 08.05.1945) - Pilot Stormzovik, Hero of the Soviet Union (1945), Guard Senior Lieutenant. A participant in the Great Patriotic War from June 1943 fought consisting of 93 GW. Shap, was a squadron commander. Made 155 military departures to the storming, in 31 air battle killed 5 enemy aircraft. He died in battle. Bust installed in Novoaltaisk.

Reader 6:

On the old stone colors of the cooler cloth -

Flowers in the sweep of summer, as if the Order.

Posthumous rewards in the war.

Victory parades are rated throughout the country.

Live flowers look, naive and gentle.

They are not needed world and bombs.

Quickly sing words not about the war.

About the day Covenants, not touched war.

About the center of home, insomnia in the spring.

And the world lives, risking becoming dead ash.

And copper grieves, leaky, over the century, above the ground.

And over the colors of the color of the cooler cloth,

Where the day before the summer, flowers are like an order.

Throughout our long-suffering land, in cities and villages, we see fraternal graves, majestic monuments and just small plates.

Where would you go, nor rode you,
But here is stopped -
The grave of this road
All my heart bother
And for you and for me
He did everything he could ...
I did not regret my battle
And the homeland is saved.
- and loyalty, and courage,
And sorrow from a fius
You fell for homeland,
You are with us, comrades.
We will be the same
In any test
I swear a minute of silence.

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"Presentation for the lesson of courage" about civil debt, courage and heroism ""

Courage lesson "On civil debt, courage and heroism"

Prepared primary school teacher



Noscova Natalia Mikhailovna

Courage is not a fashion, Ambulance, fast, Courage - the essence of a man Durable, long, eternal. If the grains of courage With soil make friends. Male at the time of ripeness Grains by ear with courage. .

Our great victory is 69!




Long verst victory

  • 6 giant battles
  • about 40 offensive operations.

  • How can you prepare yourself for a feat?
  • In what situations did you have to show courage, courage?
  • How do you develop your will, dedication, courage?
  • What is your love for homeland manifest?


Courage lesson

Courage - One of the virtues, reflecting moral strength when overcoming fear. Courage often acts as the ability to endure suffering, including physical pain.

  • A courageous person does not have to be strong physically and deprived of fear.
  • A courageous man is the one who can overcome herself.
  • Each of us is able to manifest the power of character in everyday life. Start immediately from great acts will not work - to this you need to prepare.
  • Do not forget that every person has a different character. For many, even a campaign to the dentist can be a small victory over his fear 

  • With the words "Defender of the Fatherland", many people have associations with a soldier, compressing in the hands of a machine, vigilantly peering in the distance ...
  • However, every famous warrior was once a child. And, of course, he became a hero not just like that. So what should be done to become a hero?

Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov

  • Named Alexander in honor of Alexander Nevsky. Childhood spent in the father's estate in the village. Suvorov grew weak, often sick. Father prepared him for the civil service, however, from the children's years, Suvorov showed a craving for a military case and taking advantage of the richest father's library, studied artillery, fortification, military history. Having decided to become a military, Suvorov began to temper and engage in physical exercises. Great influence on the fate of Suvorov, General Abram Hannibal was a friend of the family of Suvorov and the great-grandfather Alexander Pushkin. Noticing that during the game in the soldiers, Alexander dismantled well in the tactical difficulties of Mañeraul, Hannibal influenced his father, so that he chose a military career for his son.
  • So, thanks to its iron character, Alexander Vasilyevich reached fame and respect that did not die to the present day.

Timur and his team

The fact that the force of nature needs to be taken from the very childhood, very clearly showed Arkady Gaidar in his story "Timur and his team". Timur boy and his friends have been idols for a long time for Soviet youth.

Despite the fact that many people considered them hooligans, not knowing about their activities, they continued to secretly help mothers, wives, children who went to the front of men.

After the release of the book, the groups of "Timurovtsev" were increasingly began to appear, which made a different good deed absolutely disinterestedly. This movement was preceded by modern volunteer organizations.

Do not forget that the courage is inherent not only to men, but also to women. There are many confirmations in history and literature.

Women fought in wars on a par with men, treated wounded, worked in the rear and died from hunger, giving up the last ...

Now I am little surprised by a policeman or a military woman.

How to become a strong person

Overcome yourself. Start with small and then you can achieve the results that you will be proud of.

Get out sports. At least make charging in the morning. Courage does not consist in one physical strength, but it never hurts.

Control your behavior and emotions. It does not always work, so you need to have the strength to respond to your actions. Unwillingness to recognize their mistakes and ask for forgiveness will not raise you in any eyes. Even in your own.

  • Help others. It does not matter, save someone from the evil dog or collect the swinging apples from the broken package.
  • Do self-development. Find an interesting hobby, read good books.

And the most important thing…

  • Always smile  A kind smile will raise the mood around you and yourself.

Everything can native land! It may feed warm and delicious bread, drink to spring water, admire with its beauty. And only to protect itself, she cannot ... Therefore, the protection of the Fatherland and the native land is the duty of those who eat her bread, drinking her water, admires her beauty. For many centuries, more than once had to defend the freedom and independence of their homeland. The people remember their legendary guarage heroes: Ilya Muromets, Dobryna Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich. In the eyelids, it remains to this day, lives a good memory of Russian warrior, as the most courageous fearless, honest, devotional fatherland, and faithful in friendship. About the Russian prince Igor Svyatoslavovic and the courage of warriors, his squads were preserved and told in Russian epic. The word about the regiment of Igor. And again in 1830, the army of the Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy broke the Tatar-Mongolian hordes on the Kulikol field.

On the feat of the soldiers and the Russian nobility during the Patriotic War of 1812, the Great Russian writer Lion Tolstoy in the novel of the war and the world told. But Russian soldiers rested for a long time. Forty-first! June. Year and month of the struggle of nationwide. Even the dust of time to tighten this date can not. The country was rising and the front went onto the front, the kumachey stars on the canvases banners belonging.

Two and a half thousand kilometers who died on a kilometer, 22 people for every two meters of land died daily, 800 people per hour, 30 people every minute ... those who died in the ratio of those years. This means: every sixth resident of our country died during the war. The soldiers fought in the name of the world and dreamed of the future in the transfers between the battles, in close dugouts and cold trenches. They believed that the world was saved from fascism would be beautiful. And this faith gave them strength, gave faith, hope. Make them courageous. The Great Patriotic War ended ... But the wars did not end.

Ten terrible years continued war in Afghanistan. Officially, it was called the implementation of international debt. We all know how many of our guys crawled in the Afghan land. They fulfilled their duty with honor, but did those who sent them to this war? The war ended in Afghanistan, but again the mother does not sleep, spending their sons to serve in the army. All new and new hotties flasl on the map of our country, and among them the word Chechnya has become terrible. Russian soldiers who returned from the Chechen war brought with them as if updated love for their homeland. They to some extent returned to us a high concept of patriotism, courage, military debt.

Let's summarize: the protagonist of Russian epic. The most famous names of the eponymists - Ilya Muromets, Alesha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich Old Name of the Russian Troops - Raint Main Battle of the Patriotic War of 1812 - Borodino Battle The Great Farm - The Great Patriotic Most Valiant Army - The Russian Law on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland Day was adopted in 1995 The most courageous people are Russians.