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Year of monkeys sign Aquarius characteristic. The most important! What girl is he needed? Full characteristic of the child of Aquarius, born a year of monkey

Compatibility Horoscope: Year of Monkey Zodiac sign Aquarius Characteristic Woman is the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Another "Konk" of these signs of signs is creative enthusiasm. Monkey-Aquarius can have several talents at once. They do not love gray everyday life and strive for sparkling pastime.

Male Aquarius - Monkey

Enforceable pragmatists - so generally can be called a strong half of this combination of signs. Such men can become successful in the specialties with mathematical calculations where it is required to "turn on the brains in full". They are intended to be inventors or outstanding scientists. They say about them: a rare category of men who can predict situations for hundreds of steps forward. That is why they perfectly behave their own business.

But if business qualities are developed in such a monkey-aquale, well and stable, then here is a love sphere for them, rather, a speedless passion. Such wars are quickly cooled and practically not able to experience attachment to some kind of one woman. They quickly get tired of monotonous novels.

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Woman Aquarius - Monkey

Ladies of such a controversial union of signs - cunning tempts and creative nature. Thanks to the thin taste and being endowed with many abilities from nature, they confidently achieve their goals in their careers. The speed of the reaction and the negative desire to "learn forever" are the main qualities of such ladies.


These people are able to literally attract other people with their incredible charm and children's immediacy. They behave quite calmly, without emotions. Some consider them real breadcrumbs that are not able to experience feelings. This is not so in practice: they are sensitive, especially to someone else's grief, but at the same time they never show it. They can rejoice, sadness only in the company of close friends or relatives. But at the same time they must necessarily have a good relationship. Aquarius, born a year of monkeys, try to maintain friendly relationships.

Men of this sign are different:

Such people with great joy get acquainted with other people, as well as with other countries, cultures, religions, however, remain faithful to the chosen religion. They can believe anything, they prefer to use magic and their amulets, but more in order to simply believe in themselves. Despite the fact that they have a lot of familiar, but they prefer to communicate only with a narrow circle of friends, they are simply not enough for more. They are good friends, ready to come to the rescue if she is required to someone. They need to be expected to support, help afford, but they do not like when they are too poured.

Aquarius Monkey: Characteristics

Since the monkey is a fairly direct sign, and Aquarius is a person of the future, different qualities will be combined in it. Such people have a developed taste, imagination. It is exactly from them actors and artists. Among them are such famous people like Justin Timberlake, Elijah Wood. Such people up to old age are very energetic, sociable and enterprising. They are easily able to build a career and establish new connections. Visiting them can be found the elite, they try to live by means, but they may not be enough for life. However, at the expense of the entrepreneurial vein, they almost never remain without money.

Men This sign is different in the mathematical warehouse of the mind, of which the inventors are obtained who have truly stunning abilities. They study well in childhood and junior, achieve significant results. They have an inquisitive mind, they are looking for an exceptionally scientific explanation for everything. They are pretty cold-blooded, for this reason can become doctors, but they sometimes interfere with laziness. The monkey is a fairly unpredictable creation, which is looking for something interesting, it requires new impressions.

Aquarius monkey is always active. Such people from childhood are full of energy, they are rather impressionable, but do not show it to anyone. They can periodically manifest themselves on the literary or the pictorial field. They have a thrust for harmony in music, visual art, pottery. Most of all, practical activities are suitable, and not simple theorization. They know how to make hands different things. It is enough to know with the principle of work, and they create something, build. They feel good in nature, for this reason they should often go to nature and fill with energy, as they spend it at work.

Such people are strategists, for this reason they are well managed to manage the business, calculate their steps and the steps of competitors. They are quite active, never stand still, develop, attend some courses. And constantly monitor its appearance, especially if they often go into people. They have their own kind of style that does not look like others. They are focused in fashion trends and dress exclusively in expensive stores. For them, it is important how they look and what impression is produced on new acquaintances. They have a lot of influential dating, they are popular with girls and almost never stay alone.

If you want to get more information about what he, a monkey-aquarius, then look at this video. It will certainly be useful for you!

They have a disheighted taste, for this reason their house is decorated and decorated simply at the height. They try to make money honest labor to be secure. And I must say that they have it. Among the apes-monkeys are both ordinary workers and people influential. And in any work, they manage to achieve significant success due to their hardworking, harness and hardness. They can also work with information, they get good teachers and teachers, they are able to change their knowledge as efficiently as possible.

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They are very active, but sometimes there are completely unpredictable. All this is explained by the fact that they are very impulsive, solutions take instantly. Due to activity, they are not suitable for sitting, which will be associated with papers and counting. They prefer to behave on an equal footing with young people, among them there is a lot of business wan. They always look well, follow their appearance, they have enough work, literally put it. They are achieved in their activities of significant results.

They are superbly suitable activities of the guide, since they have developed memory, organizational abilities, and they also have incredible sociability. They only need to sometimes keep themselves in their hands, as very emotional and active. This can help yoga and meditation. They should pay more time to their family, as children are mainly growing unattended, as they work for a long time. Of these, good leaders are obtained, as they know how to work with people.

Women of this sign are characterized in the following features:

They have a strong charm, they are tricky, a little naive in life, they can come across the most real alphony, which only enjoy their money and connections. There are many influential men around them who are ready to care for, please. And they gladly take gifts and courtship, but rarely comes to the creation of a family, as they are very appreciated and love their freedom and independence. They are rapidly tied to people. When their friends leave for another country, they can fall into a real depression, from which they will not go long.

Monkey women are very noble and independent. They represent sincere people who are ready to provide some help, support, send to the true path. These women have good creative abilities, dress and look elegant. They rarely can be seen without hairstyles or without makeup, as they prefer to look beautiful. It is very appreciated by men. Such women, despite their employment, are very gentle with their beloved. They are very responsible and efficient. But they are afraid to lose their own freedom, so long remain lonely. They are very passionate people, learn new languages, try to be in the center of events.

In conclusion, I would like to say that such people are very sociable and immediate. They are quite easy to find a common language with others, but they will certainly be protected from stress, as they are very emotional.

Horoscope sign zodiac Aquarius born in year monkey

Both the sign of the zodiac and the oriental sign of the year of birth of a person possess individual properties, qualities and conditions that are mainly manifested in the characteristics of a person and its relationship in society.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that Zodiac and Eastern Year are formed from twelve parallel vertical levels, on the basis of which people show certain behavioral methods and respond to individual conditions in the circumstances in the form of a relationship of interacting people.

The zodiac sign forms tactical abilities in the character of a person and is one of the twelve levels of behavior techniques.

The oriental birth sign forms the conditions and laws of the external environment for a person, his relationship with the surrounding people in which he uses his behavior technique assigned by the zodiac sign. The year of birth forms one of the twelve levels of its self-realization for a person. The eastern sign is called a strategy, as it forms a field of activity for a person and on this field Eastern sign manifests laws and principles of attitude to the people around the people.

Aquarius - the twelfth zodiac sign in the natural hierarchy of society. The people of this sign of the zodiac in nature are logical, pragmatic, silently volitional globalists.

Specialty of the sign of the zodiac Aquarius - " president, Representative of Public Associations" The man of this sign of the zodiac is able to generalize the mass of the information, squeezing it into several words or proposals. Aquarius lives according to the principle: " Show them their face " Will may show interacting people their positive or negative character qualities in behavior or general policy. Aquarius apparently manipulates people and work processes. It is effectively and consistently composed, controls close and interacting people. Aquarius adheres to their benefits, he is inclined to risk his security. Aquarius communicates with people on the basis of benefits, benefits for themselves and interacting. Aquarius competitors wins absolute inosphet or sudden dictatorship, cruelty and insensitive actions. Aquarius strictly punishes interacting people for assumed errors. This person doubts all, almost without exception. Aquarius simplifies its self-realization, applying the recommendations of authoritative sources. In life, seeks to use the best of the well-known and possible.

Oriental Monkey Year Sign – 1908, 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028, 2040, 2052.

The year of the monkey forms a natural strategy, a field for relationships at the eleventh level of circumstances. People born in the year of monkeys are furnished with relationships with expectant, cunning and prudent people who seek power. Regardless of the sign of the zodiac to a man born in the year of the monkey, it is necessary to participate in workflows in which interacting people mainly occupy the positions " advisors or mentors" Interactive people show interest in man born in the year of the monkeys to use it in their prudent calculations or take advantage of its capabilities and resources. The surrounding people regardless of their signs of the zodiac and oriental years in a relationship with a man born in the year of the monkeys, exhibit an increased logical wisdom and pragmatism. Interactive people with a man born in the year of the monkeys, behave on the principle of the sign of the Zodiac Gemini: " Does it make sense to show your face ».

Horoscope Aquarius born a year Monkey.

Such a combination of signs is manifested by highly active behavior and desire for leadership in a person who has a relationship with expectant people who interact mainly with benefits and minimal expenses for themselves. Aquarius affects the mood of those surrounding people with their concretely pronounced positions. It is able to apply a high speed of behavior, cruelty and "dry" logic based on the information of past events. The year of the monkey forms arrogant conditions in which all relationships with interacting people are based on benefit, caustic and interest. The zodiac sign of the Aquarius, born in the year of the monkey, is in conditions of circumstances in which the interacting people are prone to cunning actions and try to minimize information about themselves. At the same time, Aquarius is able to acquire the surrounding masses of people to solve their and common tasks. Interactive people tend to obey this person by virtue of his relationships in society, relations with the authorities of people, his dictatorship and tyranny. Aquarius has a tendency to easily use in circumstances other people's results and opportunities. The year of the monkeys contributes to relations with people who are reproducing many times for their service. Aquarius is fond of various pleasures, because of its misfortune, in many respects, infringes close and interacting people. With threats can immediately resort to violence. The man of this sign of the zodiac is arrogant, prone to atheism, does not believe in ideas. Aquarius can use someone else's responsibility for its profit. He is able to overturn relationships due to the threat of personal security or the loss of benefits in relations. Aquarius is disharmonic, it is based on positions: "I doubt, prove." The year of the monkey drinks this person wisdom and the cunning of interacting people. Interactive people tend to obey this person only when they see the benefit of relationships with him, they instantly show their harmonious and positive initiative, impulsively taking the leadership of the sign of the zodiac Aquarius.

Much more details to get the characteristics of the signs of the zodiac and year of birth you can in the programs " Individual scanner "And" Crown of Education " These programs eliminate the terminology of horoscopes, zodiac or oriental years. The programs use the terminology of psychology, theology and physics. This combination forms a new scientific approach to the information structure of a person called " Psychosis ».

Horoscope Aquarius-Monkey

Creative nature on a high-lit-monkey horoscope will always be applied to your intelligence. With the first acquaintance, they seem independent. Having learned them closer, you realize that these people crave love and understanding.

Aquarius-monkey will always find a way out of difficult situations. He is sociable and soft in communication with people. If it is set in purpose, it will definitely achieve it. Aquarii-monkeys are not greedy by nature, so generously gifted by the presents of friends.

In all, they are repelled from their own intuition. They should characterize a large team on active and fruitful work. Aquarius-monkey is full of perseverance, determination and hardness of the spirit.

Unfortunately, the constancy in love relationships is pretty. They rarely decide to marry even with those who have long known.

Horoscope combining Aquarius with other eastern signs:

Horoscope combining other zodiac signs with oriental signs:

Horoscope for January 2018

Chinese animal calendar by year!

Character of women monkeys - Aquarius: These women live in an imaginary world. At the same time, they absolutely do not lose touch with the present, looking for benefits in certain situations. They do not like the landiness of life, so they often fly into the world of dreams. They always focus on their desires in life and at the same time reach all goals. That is why these women often achieve an excellent position, despite the complexity of the world's reception.

By nature, these are kind, honest and generous personals. They know how to set goals. Often the goals seem crazy, but it does not prevent them from achieving them. They are observed, it is the masters of details that can take advantage of this quality to achieve their goals. They are stubborn, which allows them to overcome vital difficulties. Often they are difficult for them to achieve their goals, but they attach all their strength to this and achieve success.

Women Monkey - Aquarius in love and relationships: At an early age, the relationship ratio will be filled with fantastically bright emotions. This will oppress the partner, so the novels of youth will not bring them anything but disappointment. When they become rational, they will be able to properly build relationships. In adulthood, they have a great chance to find a suitable partner who will share their dreams and even embody them.

Women Monkey - Aquarius in Finance and Career: Career elevation for them will be difficult. This is due to their frequent immersion in dreams. However, when setting goals, they will be able to achieve a lot. The financial side of life will not be stable because they do not know how to dispose of money. Often they make thoughtless spending that could be excluded. They will be able to balance this side of life only with age, but also not all 100%.

Women Monkey - Aquarius in Family and Marriage: In adulthood, their family will be the happiest. This is due to the ability to manage its emotions. Also to maturity, they begin to evaluate the value of family relations. As a result, they become good husbands and wives. Of these, good parents can get if they just wish it. With children, the relationship is smooth and stable, more often friendly. They should not put pressure on children, and then they will simply adore.

Council women monkeys - Aquarius: These women should be more serious. Care from reality can be fatal for their career and relationships. It is worth trying to find exciting features in real life, to bloom it with special colors of his imagination. Then they will not jeopardize their careers and other spheres of life. In the rest, they should adhere to their individuality, because their nature is quite bright and interesting.

Woman Aquarius: characteristics, compatibility, oriental horoscope

From January 20 to February 18, people of one of the most mysterious signs of the zodiac - Aquarius are born. Their elements are air, so they are so easy to rise and at the same time are elusive, because their essence is freedom.

Aquarius Woman: General Sign Characteristics

Representatives of this sign of the zodiac are often called unpredictable and extravagant. It is not standard to think, active and sociable - all this about them. Especially surprising in the communication of Women Aquarius.

  • They are characterized by adventurism, mischief and recklessness. They will easily involve you in the whirlwind of the endless fun. In their company, it is easy to relax and start creating the most unimaginable things, because women-aquaries never shy their joyful gusts.
  • Girls and women born under this sign of the zodiac, a wide circle of friends. They are frequent visitors to noisy parties and homemade gatherings, as well as truly know how to be friends.
  • However, freedom is important for them: in communication, relationships and in work. Therefore, among these people, travelers, photographers, journalists, etc. are often found. No other sign gives such a number of freelancers, as well as people without a certain kind of activity. These ladies are incredibly important to know that their nobody restricts - remember this, trying to keep the Girl-Aquarius or an indispensable employee born under this sign.
  • Women-aquaries are easily falling in love, but this does not mean that they are so easy to bind to themselves. Feelings can disappear at the same speed as appeared. In addition, household and economic burdens become a deadly poison for the Aquarius romantic rods.
  • Impressive success in building a career (and this, despite dislike for conventions and rigid frames, a frequent phenomenon in the biography of representatives of this sign) is also a consequence of freedom and independence, independence and desire for independence.
  • Next to the woman-aquer is not easy: it has to run behind it. Bright, cheerful, attracting attention and forever young. She believes in friendship between a man and a woman, which often becomes the cause of jealousy from her husband.
  • Aquarius are beautiful moms. They usually manage to find a golden middle between the "zeal" and "cuckoo". It is in principle that it is in principle, and congenital curiosity and friendliness saves from the second. As a result, most often they have close friendship and trust relationships. However, discipline in such a family will never be at the height.
  • These women look very original, throwing down the tradition and strict mod rules. They like to experiment and shock, and the appearance in this case gives the widest field of activity.

The influence of the year of birth

Some of the most difficult personalities are born under this zodiac - Aquarius. Woman's sign characteristic will be more complete if you match the date of birth and year.

  • So aquatic, born in the year of rat, especially appreciate friendship. For her, they are ready to come from their own affairs and desires. However, they are impulsive in relationships, so they do not like to associate themselves with marriage bonds.
  • A woman born under the signs of Aquarius and a bull combines amazing poetry and pragmatic realism. She knows how to quickly understand with urgent affairs and dive into your beautiful air world. Because of this, it is sometimes difficult for her to find a satellite of life, because she is looking for romantic nature.
  • Tigress-Aquarius is a free artist. Most often they are unusually good, therefore, they enjoy special success at the opposite sex. However, it is not so easy to keep them.
  • The most home representative of Aquarius, that was born in the year of the rabbit or cat. These are optimistic and cheerful people, however, sometimes they are distinguished by excessive idealism.
  • Dragon and Aquarius - an amazing combination of fire and air. These women are distinguished by the very bright and emotional perception of the world. They are incredibly energetic and manage to lead to "excellent" and the house, and work. However, it is very difficult to find a man to find a man with such perfect representatives of beautiful sex.
  • A woman who combines the signs of the Aquarius and the snake, on the one hand of the cherry, clever and cunning, and on the other hand, seeks a simple family happiness.
  • The combination of Aquarius and the horse suggests that you are a highly intelligent personality. These women are distinguished by cunning and dodging. Among them are those who are ready to achieve their own goals to lead a dishonest game. Nevertheless, these people usually do not wait for the trick and differ in amazing naivety.
  • In the world of art, those women-aquities that appeared in the year of the goat are often found. They not only possess special talents, but also have a very bright desire to rotate in a circle of bohemia.
  • If the Aquarius female was born in the year of the monkey, then, most likely, it is prone to experiments both in work and in relations with people. This also applies to families. It is these people who often make scientific discoveries.
  • Rooster Aquarius is one of the most secret representatives of the sign. This girl is prone to easy relationship, tolerate cannot fail. It easily goes towards new adventures and hobbies, while the company does not need a company in this long path.
  • The drain, born in the year of the dog, will amaze you with the absence of a korear and aspiration for material well-being. This woman will do something, just if she likes it. Otherwise, it will not be attracted even platinum mountains.
  • Woman Aquarius, which was born in the year of pig, is distinguished by an extraordinary charm and mysteriousness. She loves to play in life - both with others and with himself.

Love and relations

Bright and sociable woman is not always capable of a rapid manifestation of feelings. Even if her love for a partner is strong, she does not consider it necessary to effectively declare it. Such is the nature of the air signs of the zodiac.

Despite the sometimes immancy behavior of water, it is unlikely that they can be called a truly passionate. Of course, temporary outbreaks of physical attraction are possible, but in general, most representatives are distinguished by restraint. In this, the essence of the sign - not to surrender to anyone, but to maintain its withdrawal even at the moment of physical intimacy with your loved one.

Also, these women are unlikely to simulate treason or other vitally important misconduct. It's all about the internal level of comfort. Women Aquaries always choose the situation in which they will feel harmonious. They are not peculiar to torment and doubt, they completely obey their intuition.

However, in relations with Aquarius there is one amazing plus - a durable trust thread. These women will never start checking your phone, torment empty suspicions and torment you attacks of jealousy.

Fine reasons for quarrels are not for them them, as well as scandals, hysterics and squabbles. If everything suits them - they are with you, if not - they leave.

Aquarius - Woman: Compatible with other signs

Astrologers promise ideal and harmonious unions with crayfish, weights and twins. A bright relationship is waiting for a couple with a bird. But the temperamental lions and scorpions aerial-aquaries are unlikely to appreciate. The union of contradictory natur can also be durable if there is a drain and calf. Perfect each other and two Aquarius. By the way, this is a rare case, when two representatives of one sign of the zodiac will be able to get along with one roof.

Aquarius will agree to the bonds of marriage only, provided that it is convinced: this event does not connect it to hand and legs.

In the family life, the Woman Aquarus opens from the new side. The most ordinary things she makes unusual. In addition, the representative of this sign will remain freedom-loving and independent, and the stamp in the passport is unlikely to fix it. The only thing that remains there is someone near, just take it as a given.

However, if she meets a partner who can accept these qualities as positive, then it will make it truly happy in family life by man. The most suitable pair for her will be a man striving for calm, mental and complete mutual attention to relationships.

It is often difficult to work with a woman-aquiet. They do not accept any rules and canons. And the stronger they are trying to limit them with some kind of framework, the more actively they perform for their borders: late, do not observe the dress code and the general schedule. It is important for them to not see external restrictions. If there is no pressure from outside, and the process itself is fascinating, women are ready to work in their pleasure at 12 o'clock per day.

Enterprise, curiosity, originality and ambitiousness - distinctive features of representatives of this type. They are charismatic, resourceful and intelligent, thanks to which they cause sympathy from others.

Features of the personality of the Aquarius of the Year of the Monkey

Such people can gain success in science or art. Aquarii-monkeys can clearly analyze the prospects, choose optimal ways to achieve goals. They are well assigned new information and benefit from it. Men born during this period are inclined to official, but also are able to offer innovative ideas and exercise creativity. Aquarii monkeys can make a significant contribution to the development of the case and bring it to a logical completion. They are not accustomed to stop before difficulties, if they consider their mission important and necessary.

The character of the monkey-man of the sign of the Aquarius

The owners of this combination of signs in moderation are emotional, good-natured, hospitable. They love to fantasize, sometimes fall into oblivion, but quickly return to reality. Aquarii-monkeys show selectivity in communicating with others, so they do not have a lot of friends. They try not to trust people secrets, behave prudently and carefully. They strive for harmony, but periodically suffer because of perfectionism.

Personal life of water-monkey men

Such men pay attention to mysterious and charming women. Aquarii-monkeys avoid banalities and a standard approach to relationships. They want to fill a personal life with bright events and impressions. Aquari-monkeys do not rush with marriage and very strictly evaluate the prospects for relations. If something does not suit them, they will easily break up.

Who can never be predicted, so it was born under the auspices of these two characters. Aquatic monkeys are not only not predictable, but also completely elusive in life. The thrust for surprises and non-standard solutions becomes their unshakable credo.

Actually precisely these explosive qualities, and even thirst for permanent changes and unexpected lenses, they attract others. As a rule, such people become raw materials and entire community leaders. Monkey-Aquarius - their soul and charm "in one bottle", because imagination and fantasies do not leave monkey aquities or on a moment! ...

This is an explanation of whether such sociable people are simply not able to suffer with loneliness. They are contacting and easily "internship" by relationships and buddies. However, this does not mean that they are also just admitted to the closed space of their real friends. In this issue, Monkey-Aquaries are very selective and conservative because they acquire friends for life.

Another "Konk" of these signs of signs is creative enthusiasm. Monkey-Aquarius can have several talents at once. They do not love gray everyday life and strive for sparkling pastime.

Male Aquarius - Monkey

Enforceable pragmatists - so generally can be called a strong half of this combination of signs. Such men can become successful in the specialties with mathematical calculations where it is required to "turn on the brains in full". They are intended to be inventors or outstanding scientists. They say about them: a rare category of men who can predict situations for hundreds of steps forward. That is why they perfectly behave their own business.
But if business qualities are developed in such a monkey-aquale, well and stable, then here is a love sphere for them, rather, a speedless passion. Such wars are quickly cooled and practically not able to experience attachment to some kind of one woman. They quickly get tired of monotonous novels.

Woman Aquarius - Monkey

Ladies of such a controversial union of signs - cunning tempts and creative nature. Thanks to the thin taste and being endowed with many abilities from nature, they confidently achieve their goals in their careers. The speed of the reaction and the negative desire to "learn forever" are the main qualities of such ladies.

But as soon as the matter is approaching the love relationship, women-aquatic monkeys can escape ... right from under the crown. It's guilty to the insane fear to lose personal freedom.

East Zodiacal - Your zodiacal sign gives you a certain set of characteristics, but also an annual oriental sign also gives you certain qualities, and interacting with each other these signs can give the third character, and endow you, the so-called combination character. In addition, signs can be in harmony, and can also dissemble with each other.

If you are born in January or February You can find out your sign to know your mark to the East-spontaneous horoscope page. After all, the onset of the new year on the Chinese calendar does not coincide with the onset of our new year on January 1, and depends on the lunar cycle.

Choose your signs
Oriental signs:
Rat bull tiger cat dragon snake horse goat monkey rooster dog boar
Zodiac signs:
Aries Taurus Twins Cancer Lev Deva Scales Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Fish

Monkey - Aquarius


The perfect horoscope to become a big boss, because along with a strong nervous system, the horoscope gives the ability to take care of your subordinates and accurately guess the will of the chiefs. The desire to delve into all the details are also worth it for business. In order with such a horoscope, the career was successful, it is necessary to be a kind and caring person at all. No enlost, no intrigue. Even the shadow of self-love and egoism is unacceptable. Sometimes they say "father of native", "mother's mother". This is all about him, about this horoscope. For other signs, the combination is not too talented, but not for monkey. It is in this horoscope a monkey gives the most outstanding people. In the cinema, the image of the knight is divided, you can play true knights, and you can depict several eccentric people. Sometimes eccentricity continues until complete pathology.

Olga Cabo (28.1.1968). Always cute, homely ... It will easily play dedication, loyalty, big love, but without self-confidence. Many roles. But what brought fame? Probably the heroine in the film "Crusader"

Rutger Hauer (23.1. 1944) two-meter blue-eyed blond. In his youth, evading the army, simulated schizophrenia. In the "fellow traveler" played Manyak Sadist, after which he got into the regular list of kino classies.

The main thing is kindness

At different nations, the dream of him (about her) lived, lives and will live. That will come, it will prige, all feed all, will regret, it will fit to the heart, protects from the cold, enemies, injustice and all sorts of likh. The enemies can ironize, laugh, compare the knight with Mother Teresa, Dad Carlo, Robin Hood, Don Quixote, Jeanne D "ARC or Blessed Ksenia, and still embodied the image of kindness will remain the most popular and beloved.

And all because people have not relief in childhood of grandparents and grandfather, maternal caress and nanine care. In short, we are people like people, only Nurserie and kindergarten spoiled us.

Thus, the knight is designed to carry in the world of the cold calculation and commercial grind the pristine kindness and fill the lack of heat. How to portray this kindness and is it permissible to portray? Well, it seems, there are no problems here. A huge number of overweight doctrine calls for all people to become kinds, keep a smile, love everyone in a row and so on. Therefore, there will be no trouble, if we call one of the seven characters to be a valid carrier of good and caress, what devils did not sit in him inside.

Give people caressing, smile, feed them with cakes, drink tea, wrap warm scarves, for your image is a nanny, a kind grandmother. Guard people, protect them from rapid actions, for your image - bodyguard, guardian order and rest.

Specific obsessice and annoying are included in the range of the image, although they do not always cause proper assessment of people. Immediately, the love of the knight to small details and details that sometimes gives rise to petty custody.

And yet: endless smiles, non-stop love cannot not lead a knight to exhaustion. And then the monstrous breakdowns are possible, the abyss is revealed, and our eternal Dobryak shows the involvement of the image - a terrible grinding as eternal evil.

Loneliness knight

Called the knight, if it was not like everyone else, separated himself from the people, from the crowd. Knights cannot move Gurt, loneliness - their lot. Thus, the contradiction is obvious: on the one hand, it is necessary to go to people to warm them up, on the other hand it is necessary to be lonely. However, the problem can be easily eliminated if the knight will not be afraid to actively violate public rules, to separate itself from the crowd with strange actions, a strange view, unusual manners.

Thus, the knight is simply obliged to put out something like, no matter what is not like. Emphasis example will find themselves (Don Quixote, Lancelot, Rumata ...). It will not hurt to say some strange words and behave on the verge between the norm and pathology. Sometimes oddity is born from the glass of the knight, the famous knightly is an eternity.

The knight is not an aristocrat, his folk love is not so necessary. Here the game is reverse: the knight carries love for the people, but does not collect tribute to love from the people.

Focus on loneliness The knight occurs precisely because he himself is not too glad to loneliness and as if suffering from him. In this game of this image - everything is done to achieve loneliness and then to complain about your own loneliness. It suffers from the loneliness of the Immortal Poppy Laud, Lonely the kindest Rumat remains, flies on the sheets without moving the love of Remedios beautiful.

The desire for loneliness inevitably gives birth to certain communication problems. Sometimes Knight's nobility is replaced by its opposite, love for gossip, thirst for complete control over the supervisioned person. Link to peeping accurately combines with love for small details and detailed detail.

Do you need a feat?

In life there is always a place a place. This is not allowed to doubt the Great Knights, Real or Books. Most often we are talking about a feud of self-sacrifice. For the sake of the family, for the sake of a loved one, for the sake of children, for the sake of people or humanity, sacrifice their well-being, wealth and life itself noble representatives of a noble horoscope. These are the rules of the game and should not be too seriously exposing these feats, do not laugh at the knights attempts to achieve these feats. Let them ... However, mockery over the knight also enters the conditions of the game, helping the knight to establish himself in his loneliness, indirectly facilitating the path to self-sacrifice.

One of the main feats in the history of mankind is a feat of love. This feat is registered a knight as the most miraculous balm. Let the Knight love to love someone, and he will become the happiest man on earth.

They love, put love above other cases, think about the meaning of love. It is not by chance that there are enough average artists, many knights became very strong directors, whose main theme of creativity has become love.

This is impossible

The knight can not be evil or aggressive (as vector), it is impossible to be dry and rational (as a professor), it is impossible to be sophisticated (as an aristocrat), as well as noisy and fussy (as a leader or jester).

In fact, the list of prohibitions is so great that in fact does not leave the knight no freedom of action. Maybe that's why they are not great actors, there is nothing to play.

And yet the main prohibitions are not the ones that from other people's images, but their birth, knight. It is necessary to hide the explosions of negativism from the necessary people, it is necessary to conceal frankly pathological deviations in the psyche, somehow restrain their obsession and try not too far in their actions. Long list. Well, those who came to the world to do good, the image did not get the most profitable.

Knight in service and married

Spring knights squeezed in the vice banners takes revenge in real affairs. This modest, careful and mandatory sign is an excellent performer, a wonderful chief and a very good teacher. Therefore, with all the modesty of the image at the sign, excellent official prospects. The apparent inflatingness is easily compensated by stability and reliability. The head of course should not be the smartest, it should be the most just, balanced and caring, in one word "father of his family." |

The sign of the Aquarius-Monkey includes people born from January 21 to February 19 in 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016.

A man born under the sign of Aquarius a year of monkey, charming and attractive, found and has a wonderful sense of humor. Next to him is always fun, he does not like monotony and gray paints, so lives saturated, bright life. He has a huge creative potential, it is energetic and independent of someone else's opinion.

In this case, this is a very harmonious combination of Eastern and Western horoscopes. Monkey is curious, and Aquarius changed. Therefore, Aquarius-a monkey seeks to change impressions and with pleasure it makes new acquaintances.

People attract the inexplicable charm of Aquarius, to resist which it is impossible. In addition, the dreaminess of the Aquarius in combination with the ingenuity of the monkey create a person, endowed with a living mind and fantasy without borders. Aquarius Peacevoy, and a monkey of the Schitra, and therefore this man born with this combination will always be able to solve any conflict in a peaceful way. At the same time, he is very independent and it is unlikely that someone will be able to impose his opinion to him.

It gives rise to non-standard ideas, and the monkey's active nature is able to embody them in life, because it is known for the ability to solve the most difficult tasks. Aquarius-monkey can think quickly and make decisions, so it is able to succeed in any business. In addition, he delicately feel others, knows how to predict their intentions and to deceive it almost impossible.

In the personal relationship of the Aquarius-monkey is charming and very attractive for the opposite sex, but unfortunately, it is distinguished by impermanence. He is always in finding new sensations, and it is not easy to keep it. The partner will have to be with him on the same wave, create an eternal holiday and provide new impressions. In the family of the Aquarius-Monkey is responsible and caring, but it is not worth relaxing, otherwise it will adorn his new passion.

Aquarius-monkey is a very interesting combination that gives originally thinking and feeling people connecting the generosity of the Aquarius and his ability to use the most versatile knowledge and the ability of the monkey to use them. And an internal organization and external manifestations of these people are very unusual.

Aquarius-monkey is always full of energy, found, merry and curious. Next to him is never boring. He has a natural need to merry people in his own words and leavings. He does not like loneliness and always fountains new ideas. His fantasy is limitless. A man born with this combination also has incredible charm and children's immediacy. It just attracts many people to him. Externally, very independent, but in fact he really needs love and approval around.

Also, an externally aquari-monkey looks calm and balanced, but the fire and energy fire burns inside. He wants to constantly create something, invent and know. It can invent many new things and inspire others to creativity. He loves to show himself from the artistic side. He loves society, but sometimes it can behave like a hermit. This is a very wounded and impressive nature. Despite the fact that it is sociable and open, few people manage to know it to the end. He can open the soul only at a truly close person.

Since Aquarius is a person of the future, and a monkey is quite a direct sign, then a variety of qualities will be combined here. The creative abilities of the monkey under the influence of the Aquarius flourish, and the mind is deeper. A monkey of the cunning and dodger, she strives for life altitudes, she is given a lot - and it can achieve a lot, using their talent in different ways.

Also an Aquarius-monkey is hardworking and can perform the most difficult tasks. A lot of actors, writers and artists who have developed taste and imagination are born with this combination. They have a thrust for music, visual art, pottery. But, most of all is suitable precisely practical activity, and not theority. This is an excellent community, an intermediary, in general, a person who is capable of its strong, complex, tricky actions to conquer the most extraordinary heights.

But the partnership continues with him only until it is beneficial. It is worth noting that the Aquarius-monkey is very easy to study. He can only get acquainted with the principle of work, and he can already create something. Aquarius-monkey to the oldest leads an active lifestyle. It is energetic, sociable and enterprising. It is easy for him to build a career and establish new connections. Among his acquaintances there are many elites and famous people. In addition, a monkey Aquarius has a developed intuition that helps a lot to achieve in business. He is able to calculate any situation a lot of steps forward.

The sexual potential of the representative of this combination is simply huge. In the young age of the Aquarius, the monkey often changes partners, is not inclined to long-term relationships and considers it as an experiment, experience and expansion of the boundaries of consciousness. In adulthood, the family acquires value for him, and, despite the passion for adventure and new impressions, it begins to rush relations. But, nevertheless, his restlessness, non-standard understanding of relations often entails problems in this area. Therefore, those who dream of tie their lives with a water-monkey should be prepared for the search for compromises.

Aquarius-monkey woman

A woman born under the sign of Aquarius in the year of the monkey, has a very attractive appearance, charm, as well as cunning and independence. She is charming and welcome, watches his appearance and always looks very spectacious and well-main. It is rarely seen without hairstyles and makeup. Mysterious and mysterious, men seem to be a false dream.

This is a spectacular beauty, just created for love. But, along with this, this is a volitional and purposeful woman, which plays ambitious plans for life. Among those born with this combination, there are practically no exemplary housewives, but actresses, writers, singers - a lot.

Born in the year of the monkey and perfectly sets out his thoughts. Not prone to hysterias and in any situation behaves worthy. It is very active, but sometimes it is completely unpredictable, very impulsive and solutions takes simply instantly. That is why it does not fit the work associated with papers and counting, as well as any sitting and monotonous activity.

In the nature of a woman aquari-monkey, kind and honest, purposeful and hardworking. She is observed, carefully for trifles and skillfully uses it. In addition, the Aquarius-monkey woman is stubborn, which helps her overcome many difficulties. She knows how to set goals that seem to be mad. But what is surprising, she reaches them. It just doesn't like the landiness of being and therefore she often flies into the world of dreams and focus on their desires. All this allows it to achieve significant life vertices, no matter what.

In love, the woman is a monkey-monkey woman and responsible, although she, like any aquatic, is afraid of losing his freedom and the right to personal space. She gladly takes the attention of men, but can escape on the day of his own wedding. She always has a lot of fans and men will have to try to attract the attention of this amazing woman. It will appreciate only the man who will primarily pass through with its inner world and will later consider it as a sexual partner.

Happy will be with a partner who will give her complete freedom of action, and will not control her behavior. Also, it is necessary to take into account that an Aquarius-monkey woman cannot be rented in everyday life. It will minimally fulfill their home duties and dream and career. Childs love very much, but spends not much time with them because of their professional employment.

Aquarius-monkey man

Born a year of monkey, volitional, active and enterprising. Also inherent in: wit, hard work, high intellect and good nature. He has an excellent taste, so that his house is decorated just at the highest level.

He is also constantly watching his appearance. It is very important for him to impress other people, especially since he is usually a lot of influential acquaintances. It is focused in fashionable trends, dresses exclusively in expensive stores, and his own, a kind of style.

A male monkey has a tendency to experiment, impulsiveness and hindstility. He will gladly get acquainted with all new things: people, customs, other countries, cultures, religions. This is a very good friend, to help which you can count on any minute.

Male Aquarius-Monkey is a very versatile person. The research mind of Aquarius in combination with the flexibility of the monkey gives a powerful intelligence capable of great opening and introducing them into life. Thanks to the developed imagination and the mathematical warehouse of the mind, it is able to become an outstanding inventor or scientist. It can also achieve considerable heights and on a literary field, visual or theatrical arts.

A male monkey is an excellent strategist who can calculate his steps and the steps of competitors far ahead. He sees favorable prospects and thanks to this, he is well managed to manage business. He never stands still, all the time visits various courses, trainings, develops by all available methods. He likes to be secured, but the money he earns only honest labor.

In romantic relationships, the mysterious and attractive male Aquarius-monkey is successful. Women attract his useful manners and excellent sense of humor. He is capable of insane acts and often behaves like a mischievous boy, but he has impermanentness and striving for a variety.

It happens even so that having experienced sincere attachment and love, he suddenly disappears, fascinated by a new novel or tired of monotony. To create a happy family with him and bring him to him to himself, the girl needs to be an outstanding and interesting person, separate all his hobbies and be a good friend.

In the family, he will be an unconditional leader requiring accidental subordination. A male monkey loves children, with pleasure spends time with them, playing, engaged in learning. But the fulfillment of homework avoids. He does not like the routine and the satisfaction of ordinary household needs, he considers boring and unnecessary work.