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Rose shrub "Princess Alexander of Kent." Notable, beautiful, impressive rose Princess Alexander of Kent

Rose "Princess Alexander of Kent" came out of the Kennel David Austin, it means that this variety, as it should be with the name, combines the charm of old english forms And bright modern coloring. By our summer houses, he loved not only with its beauty, cold-resistant and resistance to many diseases facilitate plant care.

The variety named after the cousin of the British Queen was created only in 2007, and he had already won the hearts of roses fans on both sides of the ocean. It refers to re-flowering scars, the bush grows up to 90 cm high and 60 cm wide. Against the background of dark green foliage, large (12 cm in diameter) are distinct (12 cm in diameter), terry cupid flowers of pink pearlesome color, they are single or collected in small inflorescences, under the weight of which branches are slightly leaving. The color is extraordinarily pleasant, warm, more rich to the center, and the external petals of a little lighter. No less awesome smell in these colors: the traditional tea fragrance as the bud is distinguished by distinct lemon notes, and then the black-hearted.

In summer, a fairly compact bush is simply soaked with flowers. Large bright flowersconsisting of large number Petals (about 100) never look slightly, the classic shape of ancient English roses makes itself felt. A bush looks great from all sides, a small group of 3 plants looks good, often the roses of this variety are planted on the first plan of complex multi-tiered flower beds.

Video "Roses Austin"

From the video you will learn a lot of new and interesting about these roses.

Place for landing

English roses prefer a temperate climate, they like the sun, but not when it burns down the gentle petals.

The place for the "Princess Alexandra" must be chosen open, you can slightly sublime to eliminate the possibility of water and cold air. Well, if the sun will illuminate a rose from the morning and in the evening, and at the hottest time of the day it would be better to fall into a light shadow.

The place should be well ventilated, but the bush should not be on the draft. This rose, like all the varieties of David Austin, does not like transplants, so it is desirable to decide on the place right.

The soil

Soil is needed nutritious, slightly acidified, breathable, not delaying excess waterIt is perfect for black soil or loam, if it is improved by fertilizers and add peat.
It is important that groundwater They did not rise to the surface closer than 1 to 1.5 m. Acidness is desirable to adjust - to alkaline soil add peat, and to too acidic - lime or at least wood ash.


A rose pit is prepared deep, not less than 70 cm, on the bottom it is arranged a drainage layer to avoid water stagnation, then they put compost or humus, and the hill of loose garden land are poured on top. The bush is placed so that the spilled roots are placed on the slopes of the earthen slide, and the root neck went 3 cm under the ground.
This guarantees the lack of shoots growing below the vaccination point (at least the varieties from David Austin are famous for the fact that they do not give wild rigs), and saves the vane vaccination and heat. The roots neatly fall asleep with loose ground, tampering it around the bustle and watered. Specialists advise before landing to dip the roots into the clay boltushka.

Roses from this nursery are always vaccinated on the branded dive, they form a strong root system, the length of the main root can reach one and a half meters, so the bushes do not like a transplant.

The young bushes after landing are getting used to a new place for a long time, the first year they do not need to be blown away, only in August you can leave one bud and give to grow seeds, it will make the plant stronger and will prepare for the rest period.


In the summer they carry out sanitary trimming, remove damaged leaves and shoots, fading flowers are cut off. In the fall, unnecessary shoots are cleaned, and the main forming trimming is carried out in spring when live kidneys are already visible.
Clean the frozen shoots or tops of the branches, shorten all the others by a third to form a beautiful bush.

With the arrival of cold weather, the bush is covered.
The shoots plunge the ground to a height of up to 10 cm, the clutch is put under the bush and on the laid shoots, and the framework is satisfied with the top, cover it with loaf and film, so to leave the possibility of air. In the spring shelter is removed gradually.


"Princess" perfectly multiplies with stalling. Twigs for cuttings are cut after the first flowering wave, root them in the ground. Curnestic plants retain all variety characteristics.

Video "Care and reproduction"

From the video, you will learn how to properly care and engage in the reproduction of roses.


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These roses have an impeccable reputation as stable, unusually fragrant and repeating their flowering plants in the conditions of all European countries, as well as in Canada, America and Japan.

Elnwick Rose (Alnwick Rose)

Very beautiful at all stages of flowering, bud forms a large. Dense church, cup-shaped saturated flower pink colour and more gently pink on the external edges of petals, aroma with a shade of raspberry.

Tysin Georgia (Teasing Georgia)

Released in 1998. Flowers are dense, cupid shape, a stronger bush, resistant to diseases, re-blooming.

Summer Song (Summer Song)

The fragrant rose with a completely unusual color of the flower is rejection with a completely unusual color of the flower, refers to the exclusive varieties of D. Austin.

Ze Generous Gardener

The sophisticated rose with perfectly formed flowers. Petals of gentle pink color. With full blooming bud, the flower resembles Lily. Forms a strong bush, it has an exquisite aroma.

Spirit of Freedom (Spirit Of Freedom)

Flowers are very large, gentle bright pink, turning into a lilac-pink, high bush, stronger. The variety is resistant to diseases, re-blooming.

Princess Alexander of Kent (Princess Alexandra of Kent)

Flowers up to 15 cm in diameter with amazingly fresh and unusually changing aroma during flowering: from tea through the lemon right to the fragrance of black currant.

Crowne Princess Margareta (Crown Princess Margareta)

Flowers are large, beautiful apricot-orange color. The grade grows even in the harshest conditions. It has a strong fruit fragrance. Bush up to 1.1 m.

Ze Pilgrim (The Pilgrim)

Unusually steady and healthy bush with beautiful inflorescences, bright yellow flowers in the center and brighter closer to the edges, large form, with a strong aroma.

Golden Celebreshn (Golden Celebration)

One of the best rosesFlowers of saturated yellow-gold color in the shape of a large cup. A bush of a beautiful shape, slightly forming an arch with large quantity foliage. The variety is very fragrant. Bush up to 1.1 m.

Claire Austin (Claire Austin)

It is distinguished by resistance to diseases and extremely strong aroma. Begins to bloom in gentle yellow color, then changes in white-cream. Plants are formed in a bush about 1 m in height and 0.9 m wide. This is one of the most healthy English roses.

William Morris (William Morris)

Flowers have a beautiful pink apricot shade and unusual shape Sockets. It is extremely hardy and reliable variety, ideal for rear plans. It has a strong aroma and excellent re-blossom. Good resistance to disease.

James Galway (James Galway)

The magnificent, large bush, is well suited for landing in the background, the variety is resistant to diseases. Flowers are large, terry, in the center have a rich pink shade, to the edge of the shade more pale.

Ze Vedgwood Rose (The Wedgwood Rose)

Flowers of this variety are one of the most beautiful among all English roses. Grade is resistant to diseases. Flowers are medium or large, with gentle petals. Coloring gently pink.

Herityage (Heritage)

It has charming pure pink colors in the center, the external petals are almost white. Forms a bush of a beautiful form. It has an excellent fragrance with halftons of fruit, honey and cloves.

U Shropshire Lad (A Sropshire Lad)

The large-flowered fragrant peach-pink rose with an exquisite fruit aroma in the traditions of tea roses, a resistant to diseases, is very effective when growing like plenty roses.

Without a doubt, the best dark red English rose. The bush is tall, each stem has several inflorescences.

Which of the roses David Austin is the most huge flowers? It seems to me that this title may well wear it Princess Alexander. If I am mistaken, please correct me.

In honor of whom the variety is called - this is the princess of Alexander Kent, a noble gardenman, a passionate lover of roses and a cousin of Queen Great Britain. Rosa Princess Alexander of Kent (Rosa Princess Alexandra of Kent) Indeed possesses huge flowers - it seems to me that they can reach 15 cm in diameter. The shade of pink is also unusual - warm and some glowing ...

The flower is a dense church, cuplike. At the same time, small petals of a more saturated shade are collected in the center, they are framed by more petals and lightweight. Maybe the depreciation of the fact that the rose is glowing?

Due to the fact that the flowers are large, and the flowering is abundant, I have to tune this rose. By the way, re-blossom is also abundant.

The bush is low, Austin advises to plant this rose by three copies. I have one sits alone in the middle of other ostes.

And it looks great together with pink diaps.

The smell of Austin describes as follows: the exquisite aroma of the tea rose, surprisingly, with the age of the flower completely changes to the lemon; Sometimes it is possible to catch with black currant notes. There is neither add nor down. And even a shaggy bumblebee - on a fragrant rose)))

I was always interested to look at a separate flower roses Princess Alexandra of Kent in development. Here is a neatly folded bud, similar to a cyutogbrid rose bud.

Begins to reveal. See how petals are laid - what geometry!

The semi-walled cup-shaped flower looks like a jew.

Here it is completely revealed. All the same geometry)))

Rosa Princess Alexander of Kent was established in 2007 by the English gardener and breeder of Roses David Ostin. Named Rosa Princess Alexandra of Kent in honor of the cousin of Elizabeth II, Princess Alexandra. Kent beauty in southern territories, in middle lane And even in Siberia. Rose is not very good, and it's not difficult to care for it. In the article we will give a description of the flower and the rules for the care.

Description Rose Princess Alexander

The beautiful creation of David Austin grows with a large elegant bush of 90-100 cm high and a width of up to 60 cm. Rose flowers are large, cupid shape, growing one or inflorescences, slightly tilting thin stems. Have a pink color with pearl reflections. Outdoor petals are brighter, approaching the middle, they become brighter and rich, because of which the bud seems luminous.

The blossomed flower of the English rose has up to 100 petals. Dark green The leaves, thanks to its glossy effect, further focuses on large, having diameter 12 cm, terry blooming cups of roses Alexandra.

The plant admires its fresh, pleasant tea aroma, which acquires lemon notes when the bud begins to bloom, and smells a black currant when flowering completes.

Due to the sizes, the variety of roses Alexandra looks wonderful if you plan it out of 3 or more bushes, thereby balanced the number of branches and flowers.

Landing and care for the bush of Roses Princess Alexander

Before starting to land a rose of Austin, considering the fact that the flower does not tolerate transplants, you should decide on permanent place Growth. The plant like the sun, but it should burn the petals, which can spoil them. The place must be chosen so that in the morning and in the evening roses took sunlight, and at the hottest time of the day were in the shade. Therefore, for growing roses, Alexandra of Kent is preferable to the whole temperate climate.

The growing place should be open, well ventilated, but protected from drafts. It is recommended to plant a plant on an elevation to avoid water stagnation, which flower is poorly tolerated.

The soil for planting a kten rose should be nutritious and fertile. It must pass the air and do not delay the excess water, and also be slightly acidic. A good option - Chernozem or loamy soil. If the level of soil fertility is low, you can easily easily.

An important condition when choosing a place for growing roses is that the groundwater does not rise closer than 1-1.5 meters to the surface of the soil. If the soil acidity is lowered to add peat into it, excessively diluted with lime or wood ash.

Landing roses is carried out as follows:

  • the pit is broken down at a depth of no less than 70 cm;
  • to avoid water stagnation, drainage is embanked to the bottom of the well;
  • a layer of humus or compost is added;
  • fucked loose garden ground, forming a hill;
  • the seedling is lowered in the hole. Roots should be located all over the slope of the earthen slide;
  • the pog is falling asleep so that the neck of the root falls on 3 cm deep into;
  • the land around the bush is rambling and watering.

Before boarding, it is advised to treat the roots of the growth accelerator or omit into a clay tank. Furious or damaged need to trim.

In the first year of growth in a new place, it is necessary to allow the plant to bloom to ensure better admission nutrients In the roots, for more active expansion. Therefore, buds need to cut, leaving 1-2 flower only in August. Sweet, they will give seeds, which contributes to the strengthening of the plant and prepare for the winter. Austin roses form a strong root system and grow long in 1.5 m, which is why the bushes do not tolerate the transplants.

Blooming bush. Roses Princess Alexandra of Kent require constant nutrition. Therefore, before planting the soil you need to feel. In the spring to contribute to the acceleration of growth, the flower is fueled by nitrogen fertilizers. As soon as bloom began - fertilizes with potash-phosphoric nutrients. To prevent the roots' roots, fertilizers need to be diluted with water and pour under the bush, without falling on the flowers and foliage, after watering.

The next day after feeding, the land is worth tearing carefully. Instead of chemical fertilizers, it is possible to use natural in the form of humus or a solution from horse manure.

English Rosa does not require frequent irrigationBut with a long lack of doings, it is recommended to water it with warm water twice a week. Pouring under the bush, not falling on the leaves, you need at least 10 liters. The labeling conditions for flower care are the grounding of the Earth and the removal of weeds, which helps mulching.

With the arrival of winter bush roses plunge the earth. You can mix it with a compost or humus. Under the bush and on the stacked stalks lay the laps. Staying begin when the temperature drops to -7 degrees. For complete shelter, a frame is built, a special covering material or film is stretched on it. With the enhancement of frosts, the plant is covered completely.

Princess Alexandra of Kent Printing and Reproduction

Roses Princess Alexander of Kent - Plants re-blooming, so it is necessary to cut them several times a year. Causes of circumcision:

  1. The first circumcision falls on the spring. The stems are trimmed by 2-3 kidneys, which contributes to rejuvenation for mature bushes, and stimulates the growth of young roses. Spring trimming Also needed for proper formation of the bush.
  2. Summer trimming is necessary to remove faded or dried flowers, get rid of damaged shoots.
  3. In the fall, unnecessary, unseen or damaged branches are cut. The rest are short enough.

Pruning also contributes to the protection of plants from various diseases and fungal infections.

The best way For breeding princess roses - shilling. Stems for seedlings are cut after the first flowering of the plant. The cuttings for 24 hours are put in the root growth stimulator, then rooted in the ground. With such a reproduction, all the qualities characterizing the variety of roses Alexandra are preserved.

Rosa Princess Alexander: