Repair Design Furniture

Growing apples as a business. Let's figure it out, is it profitable? Business idea for growing an apple orchard Is it profitable to plant an apple orchard

Growing apples as a business today is highly profitable, and the reviews of the owners of such orchards speak of pleasant benefits and good prospects. Using modern technology, assistive technology and choosing high-yielding varieties of fruit trees, you can count on high profits over the years.

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle ||) .push (()); When there is an abundance of imported apples on the market, which are sold at a high price, it is worth taking your own niche in growing domestic fruits, which are environmentally friendly and tasty. What will surely delight buyers is the opportunity to purchase them by affordable price in any season.

  • Required documents
  • Variety selection
  • Growing technology
  • Equipment on the farm
  • Landing
  • Tree care
  • Collection and storage
  • Harvest processing
  • Sales market
  • Financial part
  • Owner reviews

Required documents

In order to receive profit from the sale of goods at the first harvests, you must first officially register. The most convenient form of owning an apple orchard as a business is considered to be SNT - a horticultural non-profit partnership. Such registration will take no longer than a week, and the state fee is relatively low.

For the subsequent sale of fruits, you must comply with all the rules prescribed in such documents:

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  1. GOST 32896-2014 - related to technical specifications preparation and sale of dried fruits (if you plan to do this).
  2. GOST 54697-2011 - clarifies the intricacies of growing, storing and selling fresh apples.

Variety selection

Carefully consider which seedlings you will purchase to create orchard... At the same time, it is important to take into account the region of residence, soil characteristics, climate, the nuances of caring for individual varieties, their seasonality (winter, autumn, summer), yield indicators, etc. All this will ultimately affect the level of income and the rate of return on investment.

The most popular industrial varieties that are distinguished by high fertility are:

  • Golden Delicious;
  • Royal;
  • Idored;
  • Red Delicious;
  • Steiman;
  • Simorenko;
  • Starking;
  • Jonared;
  • Champion;
  • Florin;
  • Gloucester;
  • Ligol;
  • Pinova;
  • Rosavka;
  • Eliza;
  • Antonovka;
  • Alyonushka;
  • Sun;
  • Lungwort;
  • Legend;
  • Chervonets.

These are relatively unpretentious varieties that can withstand temperature extremes in middle lane Russia and differ high level yield, each year increasing the number of fruits harvested from one tree.

To improve these indicators, it is important to choose the right stock. For intensive cultivation in short time according to modern technologies, it is recommended to stay at the M-9 or MM-106. The first option will make it possible to get an increase in the yield and its collection in 2-3 years after planting, and the second is characterized by a frost-resistant root system.

Growing technology

The methods of caring for an apple orchard differ in two different systems:

  1. Extensive - classic version keeping trees in industrial scale... With such a natural expectation of the first harvest, fruits are obtained only 6 years after planting the seedlings. Active fruiting occurs in the seventh or ninth year of tree growth.
  2. Intensive type is a more modern technology, thanks to the use of which it is possible to achieve the first harvest of apples in 2-3 years, and on the sixth or seventh to get 50 tons of fruit per hectare of land.

Obviously, the second approach is more profitable for business, so we will focus on its short description. In this case, the cultivation of tall varieties on dwarf rootstocks is used. This makes it possible to increase the planting density of trees from 1000-2000 per 1 ha to 5000 seedlings in the same area.

Another important point with intensive cultivation of apples, the correct rational pruning of crowns is considered. It is done like a spindle, which makes it possible natural light all the remaining branches and eliminates the problem of shading neighboring trees.

Of the disadvantages of this technology, only low frost resistance of the root system is noted, since the dwarf rootstock suggests its location in the upper layer of the earth. Therefore, it is recommended to use this method only in regions where the temperature does not drop below 10-11 degrees, or constantly monitor the insulation.

Equipment on the farm

To greatly facilitate the whole process of planting, leaving and picking apples, it is advisable to purchase enough auxiliary devices:

  • A car or van for transporting goods.
  • Chainsaw for cutting dead trees.
  • Wood cutters - simplifying the removal of diseased, dry or excess branches, used to form the crown.
  • Automatic irrigation system, for example, drip irrigation - the advantages are the constant maintenance of moist soil without the use of human resources, as well as significant savings in water consumption.

At the same time, it is desirable to have various hand tools, tools, enough boxes for collecting, storing and transporting apples.


Plant seedlings better in spring, but they are preparing the site since the fall. Depending on the type of tree chosen, as well as the growing technology, the density of the garden is also taken into account. So, usually the distance between rows is 3-4 meters, and between neighboring trees 1-1.5 m. But with an intensive technique, seedlings are placed much closer to each other, due to which the number of trees per hectare significantly increases.

The planting process is performed in the same way in any case:

  1. A plot of land is plowed using special equipment.
  2. Holes are made with the desired frequency, their size should take into account the diameters of the tree root system. Usually it is 0.5 m.
  3. Water is poured into the hole, and a peat distillation mixture and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are spread on the bottom.
  4. Then a seedling is placed there and covered with earth.
  5. At the end, every tree must be plentifully watered.

If we talk about the soil, then experienced gardeners prefer black soil, dark gray forest soils, loam. But in carbonate areas Apple orchard will be short-lived. Depending on the natural composition of the land, the optimal ratio of mineral fertilizers used is also calculated.

Tree care

Both during the growth of seedlings, and in subsequent years, the garden needs constant care. The level of productivity and plant health largely depends on its quality. It is recommended to do the following:

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  • When planting seedlings without a crown, they are cut immediately at a level of 0.9 meters from the ground.
  • Periodically clean the root zone from emerging shoots.
  • The crown is formed according to the selected type, for example, "spindle" with intensive cultivation technology. Also, periodically, excess, rotten, dry, diseased branches are removed.
  • For protection and better stability of trees, support trellises are installed.
  • It is important to observe frequent watering... In the early years, this is done more often, then a little less often. The installation of an automated drop system is considered optimal.
  • Grass and weeds should be removed regularly between the rows. If you use a gas cutter with grinding for these purposes, then you can leave everything on the ground, as it will act as insulation of the roots and fertilizer. But it is better to simply remove the mown grass from the site completely.
  • Trees are treated with special insecticides, otherwise insects will significantly reduce the yield or completely ruin most of the garden. The most popular are Simazin, Glyphosat, Kerb, Fosulen, Roundup.
  • Also, periodically you need to fertilize the ground with special compounds.

With proper care, you can achieve intensive fruiting for several decades and harvest from 1 hectare to 50 tons of crops. In order to achieve the best performance and also to ensure the ripening of fruits throughout the year, it is recommended to combine several varieties in the same area, for example, winter, summer and autumn varieties.

Collection and storage

If the process of leaving can be facilitated by technology and do everything on your own or with the help of loved ones, then you will need to hire a sufficient number of people to harvest the crop. Only fully ripe apples need to be picked, and only winter varieties can “reach” the warehouse. This is done manually, so it takes a lot of time and effort.

Fruit is usually harvested in September, in cold period, but each variety has its own characteristics that should be considered. Indicators that it is time to start this process are the characteristic shade of the peel for the selected variety of apples and the brown, ripe seed inside.

It is advisable to follow these rules:

  1. Collect fruits by hand.
  2. Choose cool weather for this.
  3. Preserve the apple stalk.
  4. Select presentation, avoid various damages surface.
  5. In no case are they poured over, but only carefully shifted.
  6. Fruits that have fallen to the ground or are spoiled are kept separately.
  7. The best container is a wooden box.
  8. Each layer is covered with paper on top.

The optimal storage conditions are basements with a temperature of 0-2 degrees. In this form, they can lie until April, which will give you enough time to sell the goods.

Harvest processing

To increase profits, as well as to prevent the risks of low sales of fresh fruit, additional equipment for processing apples can be installed. Thus, part of the harvest is sold in the form of finished products:

  • dried fruits;
  • compotes;
  • jam, jam, jam;
  • vinegar;
  • apples in caramel;
  • wine;
  • cider;
  • pastries, etc.

Depending on the chosen area of ​​activity, a more suitable technique is selected for these purposes. And although the initial investment will turn out to be more, they will pay off much faster, since processed fruits have a much higher cost.

Sales market

You can use the various channels available for sale:

  1. Grocery stores, supermarkets.
  2. Industrial factories producing jam, wine, cider, etc.
  3. Companies specializing in baking.
  4. Restaurants, cafes and other catering establishments.
  5. Kindergartens, schools, hospitals.
  6. Markets.
  7. Wholesale warehouses.
  8. Import.
  9. Private persons.

Here you can download a free apple growing business plan as a sample.

Financial part

For a start, it will take serious costs to create an apple orchard. All items of expenditure must be included in the business plan.

Capital investment Price, RUB
1 Paperwork12 000
2 Garden design3 000
3 Soil preparation3 700
4 Purchase of seedlings900 000
5 Landing costs300 000
6 Irrigation system4 000
7 Installation of additional supports320 000
8 Purchase of equipment and tools3 000 000
Total: 4 542 700

Both before the first harvest, and later, you will also have to spend money on maintaining the garden - care, watering, salaries for assistants, etc. For this, it is worth allocating another part of the budget.

It is only necessary to hire guards and assistants during the harvest season and the total cost of their work is calculated depending on the number of people. For the rest of the year, this item of expenditure is significantly reduced.

When fresh fruit is sold, they receive the proceeds for the first year of fruiting trees in the amount of 750,000 rubles. But when using different varieties, modern technologies higher yields can also be achieved. If fruit is harvested in the amount of 50 tons per hectare and sold at a price of 50 rubles / kg, then the proceeds will amount to 2.5 million rubles. Thus, after the first two seasons, you can recoup all the start-up investments in the business.

Video: apple business.

The apple business is profitable and profitable. Apple trees give good harvest, and it is quite easy to establish distribution channels for these products.

You can start a business from a small plot of 6 acres. This area will fit about 20 small trees... You need to buy one-year-old seedlings, each of which will cost from 500 rubles apiece.

It is worth traveling around the markets of your region, talking to sellers of apples and seedlings, asking them to visit, see what varieties are growing, pay attention to the yield, and the timing of the apple trees of the selected varieties begin to bear fruit. For example, in the Moscow region there are a number of varieties that give excellent yields of delicious apples, but begin to bear fruit in the 6th, 9th year. As you can imagine, such terms are very critical for a small business.


If earlier the apple orchard had to be grown for years until it bears the first fruits, today there are completely new varieties of trees that allow harvesting in a year. The full return on investment in this business is approximately 2-3 years.

In addition to purchasing a plot and buying seedlings, funds are needed for fertilizers. Apple trees definitely need natural nutrition - humus, droppings, manure, ash, as well as special mineral fertilizers.

A separate item of expenditure is drugs that protect against diseases and pests. The apple business involves the sale of products to companies and retail outlets, the fruits must have the appropriate presentation without a wormhole and any traces of damage by pathogens.

You should take care of the drainage system for efficient watering of trees. Also, premises are needed for storing crops, in which there must be a certain level of humidity and optimum temperature... Container for storage and subsequent transportation of fruits is of great importance.

The total investment in such a small apple business on 6 acres will amount to at least 2 million rubles (on the other hand, in communication with people who are engaged in this business, they found out that the scale of investments - in the presence of a plot with less quality soil - amounts to hundreds of thousands without taking into account the payment of workers force).


To establish sales channels and conclude contracts, negotiations should be held with fruit sellers in local markets, with the owners of nearby hypermarkets and shops selling fruits and vegetables.

In addition, you should find small production, which are engaged in the processing of apples and the manufacture of children's fruit puree and juices, as well as produce jam, jams, compotes, prepare dried fruits.

It is possible to enter into a contract with a winery and supply apples for the production of cider.

With the right approach, the apple business will bring tangible profits, besides, this is a business that is organized for more than one year, and with proper cultivation and care of the garden, the yield will constantly increase.

Apple storage business

At first glance, the business I am doing will seem "smallish" and incapable of generating significant income, but this is not the case.

So, we will talk about the business of storing winter varieties of apples and pears.

I started my business by helping my father to take out and sell surplus fruit from his huge garden on the market. The lion's share of the harvest was made up of winter apples (Jonathan and Renet Simirenko)

In the process, I got the idea to make money on this constantly by buying a crop of apples from neighbors who do not have cars and cannot take goods to the market in a big city (Taganrog). The next stage in the development of my business was the idea not to sell the grown at once, but to keep it and sell it in the winter. On this moment I do not grow apples, but buy them from gardeners-farmers in the fall, store and resell them in late autumn and winter.

Let's take a closer look at how this is done.

First of all, let's look at the financial moment - how much can you earn from this?

Without touching on the details of the prices for apples, we can say that their price in the retail network and in the markets is about 50% higher in winter compared to autumn. Considering that I buy in bulk with self-pickup, then the “fork” is even more significant. It should be borne in mind that the more and longer you save the product, the more you earn.

Where and how to store a large number of apples (a ton or more).

For storing apples, I adapted the cellars of my and my father's house, making racks there along the entire perimeter. I also purchased plastic boxes small volume (50 * 25 * 20 *). During storage, apples must be stored at a temperature of 10-15 degrees, while the boxes with apples must be reviewed every day for damage and, if necessary, sorted out. By the way, once my father wrapped each apple in paper, which significantly increased the shelf life - apples could survive until May. I do not do this.

An important point: the room where apples are stored should not be saturated fresh air, since the fruits, receiving oxygen from the air, deteriorate faster, and the increased content of carbon dioxide slows down the process of ripening and decay. This factor is widely used in large industrial storage facilities, where the atmosphere is saturated with carbon dioxide.

Now a little about pears.

Several times I tried to save pears (winter variety Cure), but due to the inability to buy a sufficient amount (a ton or more), I left this business. Well, in general, storage of pears can also be earned by analogy with apples.

Growing apples as a business
Detailed calculation of costs and benefits

In the agricultural business, the most valuable asset is land. And in order to increase the profitability of your business, it is important to use it to the maximum. Considering such a business as growing apples, we suggest you "save" your land. To do this, it is enough to pay attention to the relatively new variety apple trees are columnar.
These apple trees are the result of an unplanned cell mutation. At the same time, the fruits of the tree have not lost their taste and useful properties... But from a business point of view, these apple tree species are very economical, since they do not take up much space and begin to bear fruit already for 2-3 years. More ideas for business can be found in the article:

Growing apples as a business: costs

It is better to buy columnar seedlings at 2 years of age. Then, in the year of planting on them, you can already expect the appearance of fruits. As two-year-old trees, columnar apple trees yield about 8 kg of yield, and in the third year and above - 10 kg each.
So, let's consider an "apple" business on 10 acres of land. This area will accommodate about 200 columnar apple trees. Today, many varieties of this tree have been bred, the average price of which is about 800 rubles per 1 seedling. We need 200 pieces - 160,000 rubles.

The root system of columnar apple trees is weak and lies in upper layers soil. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically add nutrients to it. For the initial fertilization of the soil during planting, you will need superphosphate and potash fertilizers (100 g each). It will cost about 30 rubles for each tree, and for all 200 - 6,000 rubles.
At the same time, it will be necessary to apply fertilizers to the soil every month, the average cost of which will be about 4,000 rubles for the entire 1,000m2.
As you can see, there is nothing complicated and unusual in such a business as growing apples. It is enough just to plow the land and plant seedlings in it.
Let's summarize the costs calculated above:
Purchase of seedlings - 160,000 rubles
Fertilizing the soil when planting - 6,000 rubles
Monthly soil fertilization - 4,000 rubles
Total: 166,000 rubles and 4,000 rubles a month.

Profit from the sale of apples

As mentioned above, in the first year of planting, your apple trees will give results. If you collect 8 kg from each apple tree, you will receive 1 600 kg. The average selling price of apples in Russia per 1 kg is 30 rubles. That is, from the sold 1.6 tons, you will receive 48,000 rubles. And already next year and in the future you will receive about 60,000 rubles from the sale.
Fruits on the apple tree appear as long as weather conditions permit.

If your climatic conditions permit, you can harvest such a crop for a month. In this case, profit minus expenses will be 56,000 rubles per month.


Living in a rural area, do not miss the chance to create your own business selling organic products. After all, it is precisely such a product that is highly valued both among private buyers and among wholesalers. And in our other articles you can find similar proposals for the productive use of 10 acres of rural land.

Growing a turkey. Profitable business with minimal investment! Growing potatoes for sale. Profitable seasonal business. Cultivation of champignon mushrooms as a business. Profitable, quick payback investment.

Columnar apple trees are popular with small farmers. These trees begin to bear fruit a couple of years after planting, give large yields of useful fruits. Their apples, which are distinguished by their excellent taste, make it possible to beautifully decorate garden plot and does not take up much space. Due to this, the average yield of columnar apple trees is 140 t / ha, with standard scheme planting 20,000 seedlings per hectare. You can even plant a profitable garden on a small plot of land.

High demand for the product due to the versatility of the fruit. In addition, they are made of: juice, jam, compotes, drying, marmalade, sauces, salted, used as a side dish for poultry, etc. The indicator of long-term storage of such products allows us to talk about the success of the business. However, there is also some specificity here.

The profitability of growing columnar apple trees

Let's try to calculate the profitability of such a business. Planting 200 tree seedlings on the 1st hundredth will cost $ 1600 based on the purchase of seedlings at $ 8 / pc. This is the average retail price by variety, but if you buy it in bulk it will be cheaper.

Additional expenses:

  • fertilizer when planting - $ 200 ($ 1 for each seedling);
  • monthly soil fertilization - $ 80 for 1 season (5 months) = $ 400;
  • medicines or prophylactic drugs - $ 100 / season.

The total amount for starting a business will be $ 2300 per one hundred square meters.

The approximate profit from the sale of apples is easy enough to calculate. After three years, the trees will bear about 8 kg of fruit. Having collected a harvest from all 200 apple trees, you get an amount of $ 1600 per year, if you sell all the apples at retail at average price 1 $ / kg. If you sell in bulk, for example, for processing to juice producers, then the income will be much lower - about $ 500 for 1.6 tons. In this business the best solution- it is to combine retail and wholesale ways of selling.

Do not forget that the next year the apple trees will give an even greater harvest. Accordingly, the profit will grow annually. By organizing the right tree care, and finding good points of sale for the fruit, you can get a decent profit from small plots of land.

Productivity of varieties of columnar apple trees by varieties

Varieties of columnar apple trees with photos and descriptions:
Photo varieties Name Description Productivity from one tree
The president The height of the tree is up to 3 meters. The variety is early, but winter hardy. She tolerates the transplant painlessly. Fruit weight 140 g-250 g. 10 kg.
Arbat Fruits of 100-120 g, late summer ripeness. Variety with increased productivity and prone to branch overload. 12 kg.
Currency Apples weighing 140-250 g of late ripeness, but retain their presentation for a long time. 9 kg.
Nectar Fruit weight 100-250 g, perfect for processing. Medok possesses exceptional winter hardiness, withstands frosts of -40C. 7 kg.
Barguzin An unpretentious tree to care for and takes root in all climatic zones... Early in the second year already gives 7 kg per tree. 11 kg.
Chervonets Large-fruited variety. Each apple weighs 180-250 g. Resistant to frost, disease and pests. 10 kg.
Iksha The early-growing variety begins to bear fruit from the first year. Fruits 100-180 g. 7-8 kg.
Chinese woman red Small fruits, 20 g each, with a high tasting rating and a long shelf life. Good for recycling. 10 kg.
Legend The winter variety ripens in early December. Fruits 160-250 g. 12 kg.
Dialogue Early ripe apples can be harvested at the end of July. Apples are medium and large, 100-200 g each. 7 kg.
Mac The first variety of columnar apples (bred in Canada). Average winter hardiness, disease and pest resistance - weak. The main advantage of the variety is that delicious fruits weighing 150-180 g with an excellent marketable appearance have excellent transportability and keeping quality. 8 kg.
Amber necklace The early-growing variety begins to yield from the first year. Fruits 140-170 g. The variety has a very high yield for the first 3 years, 5 kg each, and after 5 years 12-15 kg per tree. Good resistance to winters, diseases and pests. 12-15 kg.
Vasyugan Winter hardy species withstands frosts down to -42C. But the fruits ripen in the summer. Apple 150-200 g. An important advantage of the variety is the long period of active fruiting, which lasts up to 17 years. Moreover, it bears fruit from the first year. The height of the tree reaches 3 meters. 10 kg.

Variety "President" - planting and care

Let's consider a successful variety of columnar apple trees "President", as well as the peculiarities of planting and care. President - refers to the summer varieties, in addition to this, it is considered one of the best among the brethren. The tree is resistant to frost and many pests or diseases. Its white-yellow fruits weighing up to 250 g have fine-grained juicy pulp, sweet and sour taste and a pleasant delicate aroma. Apples of the "President" variety are actively bought for conservation and fresh consumption.

The variety is characterized by high yields and usually ripens in late August and early September, depending on weather conditions. Already in the second year from the moment of planting, you can get up to 10 fruits on each tree. During the period of active fruiting (for 4-5 years), up to 10 kg of apples can be harvested from one tree. The maximum yield can reach 15 kg.

Due to the dense root system, the seedlings are not demanding to care for and take root easily. The planting scheme is carried out in the following way: 60cm between trees and 90cm between rows. Correct care after planting for the flagship variety of columnar apple trees, it suggests:

  • periodic feeding with fertilizers according to the technology of natural farming;
  • wrapping from cold weather and rodents for the winter;
  • correct pruning;
  • spraying before the beginning of the flowering period;
  • special irrigation regime.

Fruits of the "President" variety have an excellent presentation and are in active demand all year round.

Planting scheme of columnar apple trees

Columnar apple trees usually bear fruit up to 20 years, after 13 years the yield decreases markedly. After 13 years, most of the trees in the garden can be rejuvenated. Thus, saving on expensive seedlings.

To quickly achieve large yields, it is better to purchase seedlings - two-year-old. The columnar apple tree begins to bear fruit 2 years after replanting. Planting seedlings is better in early spring, (and not in the fall) even before the formation of the buds.

In order to properly plant a columnar apple tree in the spring, planting holes should be dug out to the size of the root system of the seedlings. Bulky roots should be placed freely. Then add 4-5 kg ​​of compost or rotted manure. Mineral fertilizers will not interfere either. A composition of 60 g of potassium, 70 g of superphosphate and 50 g is considered good dolomite flour... The inoculation site should be above ground level.

The seedlings are planted in pits, the roots are well spread and filled with water. After it is completely absorbed, the pits are filled up fertile soil, after which a recess is made around the trunk. The planted trees are watered again and the soil is mulched.

The distance between the columnar apple trees when planting:

  • row spacing - 40-60 cm;
  • the interval between rows is 90-100 cm.

On 10 acres, it is realistic to place up to 200 seedlings with a standard planting scheme. Walking through the rows is easy, and the trees are not cramped due to their shape. Do not forget about the separation of varieties. Summer varieties can be combined, but not planted next to winter ones. This is due to the fact that the agricultural technology of plants is different, therefore, the timing of feeding, pruning and spraying is different. With proper placement of seedlings, labor costs for growing trees will be noticeably reduced.

Helpful advice! It is recommended to use trellises until the planted trees are fully rooted. This will ensure that the seedlings are upright.

The trees are planted in April, September or October. It is worth noting that "spring" trees of certain varieties of columnar apple trees can bloom in the first year. In order for the trees to grow stronger, you can remove the flowers. Better to plant trees in the lowlands. Snowdrifts that collect there during snowfalls protect from freezing.

Helpful advice! Columnar apple trees, due to their compact crown, almost do not shade the site. The abundance of sun allows some gardeners to successfully grow strawberries between trees.

Caring for a columnar apple tree after planting

Regular maintenance consists of pest control and soil fertilization. Columnar apple trees infect pests that are standard for apple trees, in the fight against which insecticides are used. "Apple" diseases are successfully treated with fungicides. The soil is fertilized with chicken droppings or urea solution. It is better to do this in the spring. In the summer, it makes sense to additionally feed the trees with potash-phosphorus fertilizers.

Helpful advice! It is best to feed columnar apple trees by spraying the shoots with fertilizer from a spray bottle, and not in the standard way - by watering under the roots. At the same time, the consumption of "feed" is less, and the digestibility is much better. The result will exceed expectations.

Intensive watering (2-3 times a week) is needed for seedlings in the first years of development, then 1 time is enough. The apple trees practically do not need pruning (pinching of the side shoots is enough for them), because the main shoot develops mainly. A pair of competing shoots can develop if the apical bud is damaged by frost or pests. When the shoots reach a length of 15-20 cm, the strongest is selected, the rest are cut off. Long side shoots sometimes appear. It is necessary to remove them in an early state, that is, green and soft. So the tree is not injured. All cuts are processed with garden varnish or drying oil.