Repairs Design Furniture

Fixture for sharpening a tree drill. How to sharpen the metal drill? Fixture for sharpening. The sharpening angle of the drill - the advice of specialists. Hand sharpening without fixtures

Metal drills are hardened during production, but gradually they are still blown off. Of course, you should not throw them right away. Cut the sharpening of the metal drill you can independently apply special equipment.

Types of drainage devices

To correctly draw the drill, you need to apply special devices. They are divided into two categories:

  • industrial equipment. It has high power. Through it, it is possible to sharpen the drills having a radius from one centimeter. These devices are set at large enterprises. Bolding is made semi-automatic / automatically;
  • household equipment. It is intended for use at home. In addition, it is used in small enterprises. This equipment is mobile, compact, has a standard power.

When purchasing the machine you need to consider noise, constructive features instrument. Optimally buying normal machineBecause it is easy for it to find suitable spare parts.

You need to acquire grinding devices only in special places, because they are attached to the machine technical certificate. In addition, the buyer receives a warranty card.

The use of grinding machines in living conditions

For home best option Domestic machines are considered. Through them, it is possible to point different types of drilling tools. It is worth considering that for certain types of drills you will need to buy special circles.

In order to carry out the drawing, you need to select a machine that is equipped with a universal cartridge. It makes it possible to perform a clamp of parts having a different size.

The buyer together with a sharpening device is often provided:

  • elboronic circles;
  • keys;
  • canggi;
  • replaceable spare parts;
  • lighting device for the workplace.

Most common such devices for sharpening drillslike "Drill Doctor", GS. These machines are intended to drain the drilling tools with a radius of 0.2-3.4 cm. Such equipment is unable to appreciate too thin items. To do this, you will need to buy a special machine.

All equipment that is intended to sharpen tools in living conditions:

  • can work from the electrical network;
  • high performance;
  • just in operation;
  • functionally;
  • provides accurate drainage;
  • it is inexpensive;
  • compact;
  • little weighs;
  • conveniently controlled. It is possible to change the intensity of the sharpening, its speed.

How to make a grinding machine yourself

First of all, you need to purchase a control device. It is required in order to check how accurately work is performed.

For drills intended for processing various metalsYou need to make a different angle of the edge. Below is a list of the processed parts and the corresponding angles of the edges:

  • steel, cast iron, bronze - 115;
  • brass, copper - 125;
  • aluminum, ceramic, granite, wooden - 135;
  • magnesium - 85;
  • silicon, plastic, textolite - 90.

After reading this list, it is possible to make several templates and, accordingly, with them, it is necessary to carry out sharpening. The same drilling tool can be used for different details. You only need to change the angle of the vertices of the workspace.

A simple but very effective adaptation for sharpening the drill is considered the base on which bushings are fixed. various size. Remember that the subject should not shake in the sleeve. The slightest deviation will lead to a significant reduction in the quality of drilling processing.

It is desirable to have a clip of aluminum / copper tubes. You can also be made in a bar of soft material The desired number of holes. Mount on a sharpening circle, a convenient girlfriend, which allows you to move a self-made fixture for sharpening drills under the desired angle that serves as a resistant element.

Currently there are various drawings of grinding devices. You can use the existing or create your own. Do not forget that when draining the tool, you can not allow scrolling the drill around your own axis.

Upon completion of the sharpening, let the tool get cold. Measure the accuracy of the work by the template. The edges should be placed symmetrically. In particular, it is significantly for the tools of a small radius.

Using electric drill

Certain people prefer to use the electrical drill for a sharp fixture as the basis, which is equipped special nozzles. Of course, the number of nozzles is limited. Consequently, his own sharpening makes it difficult. A stone and leash are supplied in the set with nozzles.

If you want, you can make the nozzle. This element of the sharpening device needs to be equipped with a fastener for fixing the tool.

Features of sharpening

If you have made a decision to apply to the tool to apply using fixtures for sharpening, carry out a procedure for such an algorithm:

  1. Perform the back processing. Firmly press the tool, control so that the sharpening angle does not change. At the end of the processing, the end of the tool will be similar to the cone.
  2. Now sharpen the cutting surface.
  3. At the final stage, the rear edge is carried out. Make sure the magnitude of the jumpet does not exceed the four tenth millimeters. Of course, for a large tool, this indicator must be slightly higher.

If something has not happened, do not worry. It is advisable to train on the drills that will most likely be useful. The main thing is to teach the correct pressure and exposure of the angle. Remember that the holes are drilled by the tool side, and not its tip. Consequently, the edges must be stuck in obligatory.

Do not forget that the smallest particles appear when processing drill. Because of heating, they fly in different directions. In view of this, you need to follow safety rules. Use special glasses, mittens. In addition, check the reliability of fixing the instrument, otherwise it will depart from your hands.

If you want to take advantage of a sharpening device with your own hands, make sure to prepare working area. Take care of normal lighting. Also, do not forget to wear special mittens, safety glasses.

  1. First of all, calculate the desired coaching angle.
  2. Your rack for sharpening should be such that the circle for grinding is located on the right side.
  3. Implement center. To do this, take the workspace with big and index fingers, and hold the tail edge with the other hand.
  4. The drilling tool is required to rotate so that the cutting surface is located in parallel.
  5. Do not forget to eliminate the jar and other irregularities.
  6. All movements must be done in some order. For instance, left It is necessary to move to the bottom from the left side, and the right - clockwise.


Acquire industrial equipment for sharpening drills is not too rational, as it is expensive. For home needs is optimally suitable household Machine Either the grinding device you have made.

To prevent errors with the handling of the metal drill, you need to use a special device. This can be a household / industrial machine, an electric drill with a special nozzle. The nozzle is put on directly on the drill for sharpening drills. If you have not yet made attempts to perform the sharpening of the drilling tool, look at the learning video that is below.

Mandatory follow safety. Ignoring simple rulesNon-use protective clothing can bring you to a hospital bed. Sparks that fell into the eye are far from joke. There is a high probability to completely lose sight. Agree, it is better to simply wear special mittens and protective glasses than to put yourself at risk to get a serious injury.

The modern market is saturated with many species of various equipment designed to sharpen the drilling tool. When it does not need to have special skills and training. For example, such devices include industrial Riss 8100V devices having a high cost. In order to save money, you can make a tool for sharpening a drill on metal with your own hands.

Specificity of devices

IN household Wholes are used and screwdrivers for drilling different materials From wood, concrete, metal and ceramics. Many users of similar equipment have repeatedly encountered a problem that causes while running the working part of the drilling tool.

While working with the metal may occur intense heating cutting part of the drill, which exposes it to rapid wear and further unsuitability. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to periodically check the geometric norms of the cutting part and, if possible, be tolding it to the required parameters. For drilling metals, we usually apply a spiral roller. Additional tool checking before performing the work extends its life.

When working with wood, the cutting part is almost unable to wear, and the borants of concrete are equipped with solid winned plates, which do not need to need and are used to complete wear.

Sharpening Tools

How on industrial deviceAnd on the fixture for sharpening, the swell made with his own hands is recommended to apply a specialized template necessary to comply with the tool requirements. The use of the template makes it possible to set the necessary angle of the cutting part of the drill, which ensures high accuracy when working. During the holding drilling work It is necessary to individually select the sharpening angle of the tool, depending on the materials used.

When working with metals, you can use reference data providing information about the necessary standards when setting the sharpening angle. Sharpening angles parameters for rolling metal:

  • Steel, cast iron and solid bronze - 116-118;
  • Brass, soft bronze - from 120 to 130;
  • Copper - 125;
  • Aluminum - 140.

IN simple adaptation For sharpening, the swelling can be used a sleeve with an internal diameter that must coincide with cross section Drills and fixed on a rigid base under the required angle. The sleeve is selected with high accuracy - so that her inner diameter Coincided with a cross section of the stuffed tool. It is categorically impossible to allow weak fixation: it sharply reduces the quality of sharpening.

Can be used wooden barberin which holes must be drilled different diameterWhat makes the device universal.

An important node is a girlfriend performing the following functions:

  • provides proper fixation of the object being processed and its movement relative to the sharpening circle;
  • it is an excellent focus during the execution of sharpening work.

Drawings of fixtures for sharpening swells can provide substantial help when assembling it. They can be found in various sources information. Studying the principle of operation of such structures, you can develop your own option that may differ from the basic individual features.

When working with sharpening devices, you must follow the following rules:

  • The processed tool during the work should be firmly fixed, which prevents it from turning around its axis;
  • At the end of the sharpening work, you must give a drill to cool, after which it will measure its corners using a template. The working surfaces of the cutting parts should not differ from each other.

Even with properly selected angles and the coincidence of their symmetry, a strong beating may appear, caused due to the difference of the length of the cutting edges, which is fraught with the breakdown of the drill. With the asymmetry of the cutting parts, slow down the drilling process and overheating of the cutting part of the tool. It makes a hole broken and enlarged in diameter.

Device for screwdriver

You can use traditional devices for sharpening: sharpened, electric drill or screwdriver, with additional improvements to them.

There is a ready-made industrial device for screwdriver and electric drillwhich is used as mini sharpened and allows sharpening at different angles.

To sharpen cutting part The tool on the homemade device, you must perform a number of conditions:

For sharding, emery circles apply swelling and drills. The most common in domestic conditions is a white circle of an electrocorundant, designed to drain the shovel, axes, knives, trim and other home inventory.

For carbide winners on concrete, abrasive circles of marking 64c are used. Compact disc grain is recommended to use brands 25N. When sharpening rapid, the disc brand from 8H to 16h is used. When working with emery from silicon carbide working surface Drills, heats up to high temperatures, so it is recommended to cool the metal with water with soda.

I confess, sharpening the tool always caused me a quiet horror. Need to think not only about rotating sharple stonewhich serves as a source potential danger, but also to keep the sharpening angle ... I think the article will be useful for novice brainchins, and I have a convincing request to add information outlined below or tell about its method for sharpening an angle.


  • Wooden bar;
  • Screw.


  • Protractor;
  • Malka (fixture) - carpentry and plumbing tool for marking and measuring angles, drawing parallel lines. Consists of two parts, fastened with a clamping screw. A thicker part (block - base) is pressed against the workpiece, a markup is made by a thin part (ruler). Sometimes there is a scale for measuring the corners between the two parts of the Malki. Large mines can be applied during construction work;
  • Drill with a tree drill;
  • Screwdriver.

Step 1: 59 degrees

Fuck two straight lines on paper at an angle of 59 degrees. The goal is to sharpen the drill at this angle.

Step 2: Place the angle on Broke

Using Malka, carry an angle of 59 degrees on a wooden bar. As a workpiece used wood solid rocks. Brawn thickness 15 mm. The guide will perform a screw with a small step of thread under a slot screwdriver, so the through hole should be a little smaller diameter than the diameter of the screw so that it is tightly screwed into the bar. Drill the tree drill is easier when you start drilling at an angle. We determine the place where the most convenient to position the screw.

Step 3: Screw the screw and check the angle

Screw the screw into the bar. In advance, determine the maximum diameter of the drill, which will be hurry. For a given crafts The diameter of the drill will be more than 15 mm. Therefore, you should choose a screw of sufficient length so that it goes through the bar and spoke half of the largest diameter Bold drill.

If the angle under which the screw comes out of the bar does not match the reference line, drill another hole and try again.

Step 4: We use the standard

Scroll the screw into several revolutions so that the end of the thread is above the center of the drill.

As soon as you cover one side (using the screw thread, as labels), turn the drill on the half and look at the top of the screw. Repeat the operation for the other side of the drill.

Step 5: Sharpening

As for sharpening drills, the site is represented detailed article . In addition to the material set out in it, I propose to watch the video of English-speaking Kulibin.

Thanks for attention)

If you are constantly dealing with sharpening hard blanks, the surface of the drill will be unreasonable. It fills, it will be very hot and in the end will lose former strength. All this is a consequence of "release" of metal. That is why such a tool needs periodic sharpening with special devices.

How to do homemade devices For sharpening drills, what patterns for this exist and what you need to prepare for work, you will learn from our article.

Features sharpening drills

Drills - these inexpensive devices, especially if we talk about those that are widely used for household needs. However, if you have the opportunity, then after blunting it is better to sharpen the tools than buying new ones.

There are factory devices designed for sharpening, but when you purchase them, you will spend greatly, and this does not fill out savings when you fail to acquire new tools. That is why there are a lot of masters collect machines for sharpening with your own hands.

It is worth noting that the bluntness concerns the metal drills, since the wood tools are practically not subject to this, except in cases of use at high speeds at a resinous billet. Also sharpening is not subject to Winged tips on stone or concrete.

But the metal drills are many accurate by all additional devices With their own hands, but the accuracy of such work is not always perfect, so it is desirable to use at least minimum mechanics.

How to make a fixture for sharpening drills with your own hands: learning video

To make such a device yourself, you will need a means of control (template). No matter how the drill is not sharpened, the accuracy is checked by a special template.

Simple black metal drills have an angle of edge from 115 to 120 degrees. If the metal is the other, then the angles of sharpening will also differ:

You can prepare immediately multiple templates Depending on the listed values \u200b\u200band, according to them, to perform sharpening with your own hands. The same drill can be applied to different types Billets, you only need to change the corners of the vertex of the workplace.

A simple but very convenient drainage device is sleeve different size which are attached to the base. You can make them yourself, relying on special drawings. Remember that the tool in the sleeve should not hang out, and the quality of drilling can worse, even if the error is only one degree.

You can make a large clip based on aluminum or copper tubes depending on the typical parameters Drills or take a block of soft material and make a lot of holes in it. In the sharpener it is very important to put a comfortable girlfriend, thanks to which it will be possible to move the fixture for sharpening at the desired angle and keep the stop.

Listed fixtures for sharpening are manufactured by a lot of decades in a row and are still demanding. For assembling a sharpening machine You can take an oak bar instead of a corner.

The simplest machine for sharpening can be collected by simply installing a workbench or table opposite the side part. Even such a simple device provides high quality and accuracy of work.

Features of sharpening on a simple device

On the Internet you can find ready drawings Devices for sharpening drills, or to write them yourself, but for this it is necessary to understand the principle of working with a drill.

During work absolutely forbidden Move the drill move around your axis. If it is checked at least per millimeter, it will be spoiled, and you will have to re-process a short distance.

After the end of operation, the drill should cooletAlso perform measurements templates. The edges should be perfectly symmetrical up to tenths of a millimeter. This is especially important if the drill has a minimum diameter.

The sharpening may be accompanied by such errors:

How from the primary means do it yourself collect a grinding machine for spiral drills on metal?

For the basis of the device, you can take any grinding machine that is able to work properly, there is no axis beating, and it keeps turnover under load.

The task looks like this:

  • the girlfriend is obliged to strictly stand horizontally on one axis with the rotation of the emery;
  • the design should be safe, reliable and durable;
  • it should be provided with the ability to sharpen both manually and semi-automatic;
  • the shape of the girlfriend should contribute to the free omitting of the drill shank to the desired angle.

Specific parts for the manufacture of this device is not required, almost everything you need have homemade Masters. Billets are processed bulgarian, welding or sharp.

For the semi-automatic mode, the swinging stop is assumed, so you need to make a loop connection. Accurately pick up for lack of lights Bolt holes, bracket and tube.

The playground should move vertical axisSo that you can change the sharpening angle of drill. This axis can be fixed, and the girlfriend must swing, relying on the horizontal axis that when sharpening it provides the necessary articulation.

Support plate It is performed from a metal for 4 mm in thickness, and the main parts of the design must have a thickness of 3 mm, respectively. It provides its high strength. A girlfriend with emitted housing is connected rigidly. It is impossible to attach it to the protective casing, so you screw the bracket by metal "cheek".

To the support plate, then we screw the sequence plate itself for the drill with a thickness of 5 mm. In it for fixing the drill during processing is powered paz triangular form.

The design has an angle of rotation of 90 degrees, which allows to ensure attar different methods . Starting from the Leontheva method and ending with the clamp at a certain angle and the creation of an acute angle of the edge due to the crumis of the emery.

Drill during processing will not only firmly stand in the grooveIt will also be possible to feed it along the groove to the abrasive, and the angle of sharpening will not deviate. Thanks to partially exceeding the plane of the support plate above the axis of the disk movement, you can achieve necessary form Sharpening the head of the edge.

Before performing work, the drill should press the plate And put the cutting edge parallel to it. The alignment on this is over and can be brought to the sandpaper and tool. Sharpening need to be performed slowly and gently, carefully monitor the angle.

Thanks to this homemade tool achieved high accuracy sharpening And practically does not need a pattern. True, you will need time to install the machine and adjust the angle, then later you without difficulty quickly uatch the drills in the right amount.

But if you need to sharpen the boring, equipped with a carbide nozzle, then you can attach the swinging plate to the fixed angle. To do this, under the axial nut lay a few washers.

Application of emery circle in a homemade tool for sharpening

For universal grinding work, white circles based on electrocorund are mainly used. They are used for sharpening shovel, axes, knives and metal blanks.

In order to process carbide drills or high-speed metal, it is necessary to take abrasive green circles based on silicon carbide with marking 64c. But under household needs enough circle grainy by 25n.

Sharpening drills requires smaller fraction in the area from 8n to 16n. Remember that eathes on the basis of silicon carbide during operation are very hot, so the drill in contact with such an abrasive can not be kept. Let the metal cool after 2-3 approaches and cool it in soda water.

Edge quality depends on direction rotation abrasive. The working surface is obliged to run on the cut (go from top to bottom).

Peripheral the surface of Eataka When processing is obliged to be smooth. It can be edited by an ellubo-based nozzle. If the disk has a small diameter, the use of pliers in which the elbus cutter will be held.

So, we looked at how at home can be collected and use adaptations of different difficulties in order to sharpen drills and not only. Choose suitable option You can depend on your domestic needs.

The quality and accuracy of drilling depends on the acuteness of the working tool. In addition, unlike a table knife, the drill must be sharpened correctly. The craftsmen can level the cutting edge on the usual grinding machine, just holding the drill in your hands (at least with their words). But for such a way we need a snarling and many years of experience. Even if you have a solid hand, and an excellent eye - without understanding the process, you just spoil the tool.

Several basic set rules (on the example of spiralized metal drills):

For better perception of material, recall the drill device.

  • You can not press the edge to the emery longer than 2-3 seconds per approach. The metal is split and the so-called "release" is happening, that is, the deprivation of hardening. Accordingly, the required metal hardness is lost. The first sign is the presence of temperature concerns on the edge.
  • For drills diameter Up to 4 mm: With each touch of the ladder's plane, the drill is held in the same position: rotation around its axis is unacceptable. For greater diameter, sharpening geometry is somewhat different.
  • On the spiral drills, only the rear surface of the cutting part is drawn.
  • The cutting edge should be directed towards rotation sharpened (with mechanical sharpening).
  • The main angle (on the illustration - 2φ) depends on the type of material being processed.

What drills to sharpen, and how often?

Feather and other special wood drills at home are not restored, and they are not stupid so fast. Winged tips for concrete will not appear in principle. The most popular tool remains spiral metal drills. Of course, they are used for wood processing (plastic, rubber and even stone), but this does not apply to the topic.

Spiral drill. Cutting edge has small sizeTherefore, when working quickly heats up friction (no scattering area). The main reason for blunting is overheating. For proper use Wear is not so intense. Characteristic signs Dumb drill:

  • When working, the creak is heard.
  • Instead of curl chips, sawdust overlook.
  • Instant tool heating without moving to depth.

Important: Do not work with a blunt drill, the wear from overheating will only progress.

So, it's time to sharpen the instrument. You do not want to spoil the drill, and want to mechanize the process.

At your service mini sharpening machines:

All devices are divided into two types: nozzles or stops for universal tool, I. independent devices narrow specialization. Consider the most popular of them, from simple to complex:

It is just a device for those who have a hard hand and eye-diamond. In fact, it allows only to hold the drill in a given position, without fear to damage the fingers. The angle control is visual, according to the position of "wings" with respect to any reference point. Benefits are a bit: instant readiness for work, compactness and price. Disadvantages are obvious: manual control over the process does not add accuracy.

In fact, this element is not a special device for drills. It simply allows you to fix the tool at a certain angle. Accuracy will be higher than in the previous version. Most of the stops allow you to install an angle of inclination, and even have a markup scale. And yet you have to rely on the hardness of the hands.

There are more advanced stands: with replaceable elements and adjustment not only angle, but also height. The devices are mounted not on the essay case, but on the workshop: what makes them more versatile.

In fact, such an emphasis can be adapted under any electro-sharpened. An additional bonus - with the help of such a stand you can point knives, cutters, screwdrivers, chisels, etc.

Semi-professional guides for any types of drills

This is a fairly advanced tool that allows you to control sharpening characteristics with accuracy to microns. All linear parameters are securely fixed, the values \u200b\u200bare set on the markup. The drill is attached to the groove, a random displacement or rotation around its axis is excluded.

For sharpening there is an opportunity for both linear movement and movement of the edge along the arc trajectory (for conical sharpening drills big diameter). Linear movement (along the axis) can be monitored by a wizard, or a restrictive emphasis is established.

From the point of view of the quality of processing - the deficiencies in the device are practically no. But for proper sharpening The operator must know the drill parameters. That is, automation is absent: Therefore, the instrument refers to the discharge of professional.

As the development of the ruler - guides with its own sharpening installation. No need to install focus on the workbench and change the discs. In fact - you have semi-automatic desktop For sharpening.

Important note: All listed fixtures are designed to work with standard electrical pumps. Therefore, before starting the drill processing, it is desirable to install a special emery disk.

Present a specialized power tool to perform a single task: sharpening spiral drills.

Even a person, far from the technique, can use the machine (although, why do he need sharp drills?). From the operator you only need to determine the diameter of the drill and immerse it into the appropriate hole. It is convenient to work, the errors are practically excluded. However, all drills will appear "under one comb." Payback for ease of use is the lack of flexibility in the settings. For home Applicationthe best choice: especially if there is an additional nozzle for sharpening knives and scissors.

There are versions for masters. The drill is set based on sharpening parameters, the process can be monitored by the operator.

The sharpening angle is selected, the processing method (linear or taper), the depth of metal removal. The drill is not located in the total cable, but in an individual cartridge.

Industrial grinding equipment for metalworking shop

With intensive operation of drilling machines, a separate post is required to restore the operation of the instrument. Professional stands for sharpening drills of any diameter, save time and strength, but the cost of such equipment is too high for home use.

The received information will help you choose a fixture for sharpening, without unnecessary financial costs. In addition, there are replaceable nozzles on manual power tools (for example, drill). But this is the topic of another article.