Repairs Design Furniture

Independent manufacture of pulley. Production of pulley from plywood from what to make pulley of large diameter

The considered belt transmission is characterized by a minimum of details: so it has only one pulley made with their own hands, and works without a rubber belt, instead of which the cut of a dog leash is adapted.

The pulley made with their hands is very different from the usual form (with sides): it does not have a recess for the belt, and moreover, he has rounded edges. In general, the pulley must be all slightly convex. Thanks to this form, self-centered flat The belt, while sometimes it is enough so that the convex form was only one pulley. By the way, in mechanical engineering for flat belts of pulleys, it is convex. A flat belt with a face with a side cannot be held - he will either take it on this side, or it will begin to flush by the side. Pulleys with sideboards are used for wedge, gear and round (in cross section) belts.

If you doubt that the convex pulley is able to keep the belt, you can conduct a simple experiment with the real model. Let us need simple details: Rods, direct cylinder, some part with a smoothly changing diameter, a wide gum and a base of the design.

This model demonstrates how when rotating the gum moves along a wooden "pulley" from the narrow part to the left to the place with the largest diameterwhere it remains. If the gum is located in a concave part, it will move quickly again to the place with the largest diameter.

Pulley made of fiberboard. Instead of the second (small) pulley, the bolt is adapted. Due to the large difference in the diameters of a large pulley and a bolt replacing a small pulley, this transmission has a large gear ratio. However, this contributes to greater leakage of the belt on the bolt, which, without it, is almost not cloured with it. Therefore, the bolt should be glued, for example, abrasive paper. Of course, it will be short-lived, but over time you can choose something else.

The belt, as already written above, is made of a segment of a dog leash, which is made of nylon. To connect the two ends of the segment, some glare is heated with fire, then the ends of the segment are applied to it, they are melted and immediately pressed to each other.

Pulley - important detail belt transmission. It transmits the rotation of the drive shaft on the slave, and also allows you to change the number of revolutions. Belt transmission is common among household appliancesMachines of small and medium power, in various engines internal combustion. For homemade structures The pulley can be made independently, it will take homemade workshop and skills to work with wood, plastic, metal.

Purchased pulses made at factories are most often cast or made out of metal alloys. For low-power engines produce plastic products.

At home, without foundry equipment or accurate lathes, make a drive wheel from these materials difficult.

Many experts believe that pulley from wood, plywood or plastic, which managed to make in a home workshop, unreliable, is short-lived, immediately overheat and fall apart.

It's not like that at all. If you do not attempt to replace them with a wheelhole hammer with a force of 6000 tons, but to use on tabletop With limited power and number of revolutions, then a carefully made item will be able to replace the standard long enough.

Make a pulley can be made from plywood sheets. This is the most simple designFor her, it will not need complex equipment or intricate technological processes.

If you make an aluminum part, it will be significantly stronger, it will be able to transmit a greater torque, rotate with more speed. We will have to master the casting process, even if simple version. Making pulley by casting method will require fire safety, use of personal protective equipment.

The wheel can be chopped on the lathe if it is in your home workshop.

How to make a plywood pulley at home

This design is most simple in the manufacture. It consists of the following details:

  • pulley body;
  • pulley cheeks;
  • self-tapping screws.

The number of parts depends on the width of the drive belt. If it is more than the thickness plywood sheetThe body of the drive wheel will have to be made of several plywood circles.

The diameter of the billet should be larger than the body diameter to the height of the belt.

The sequence of manufacture of plywood pulleys is as follows:

  • place the blanks;
  • cut them out of plywood jigsaw, drill a central hole;
  • if the body consists of two or more circles, copper with their joinery and PVA, following the coincidence of the axial holes;
  • tighten circles with self-draws;
  • process the side surface of the disk emery paper, file or grinding to getting a smooth smooth surface;
  • remove the chamfer from the inner surface of the cheeks, their slope should be equal to the slope cross section belt;
  • fasten the cheeks on the body with the help of glue and screws, watching not to get into already twisted;
  • gently reserved the central hole.

When performing the last operation, you need to make the hole diameter on half a million less than the shaft diameter. This will allow you to put a detailed axis in the tension. Pulley from wood is ready.

Places for self-tapping screws should be placed in advance. They must be on the same circumference, as well as at equal angular distances from each other. If the sleds are four-angle should be 90 °, if 5 - 72 °, if six - 60 °. Then the radial vibration will be reduced to a minimum.

How to make an aluminum detail

Making a cast aluminum pulley will be much more complicated, but the strength and durability of such a part will be much higher. It should be very careful to each step, accurately follow the size, follow the recommendations.

A piece of aluminum will be used as raw materials. We also need:

  • melting crucible, steel or ceramic;
  • muffle or induction furnace;
  • fine sand, clay for molding mixture;
  • polyfoam for model.

The sequence of operations is as follows:

  • prepare a molding mixture of clay, water and sand;
  • cut with a knife from a dense foam in the exact model of the future pulley;
  • fill made from sheet metal or boards shape with a mixture of up to half, tamper;
  • put the model, cover the mixture, again tamper; leaving a hole for the release of casting gases;
  • melt in the crucible aluminum, carefully pour it into the hole;
  • after cooling the casting, clean it from the residues of the mixture, stream the sprue, pollut.

Such item can be mounted on the shaft with a sponge or slotted connection. It will sit much stronger, can transmit significantly large torque and speed of rotation.

Production of pulleys alone

Before repeating the other design, you need to keep in mind a number of moments. For wooden structures The diameter of the axis of the engine should be a little more hole.

In the design, the collapse of the internal surfaces of the cheeks with an angle equal to the slope of the cross section of the drive wedge belt is provided. This will allow much to increase the transmitted power due to the clutch not only internal, but also the side of the belt.

Before the start of the manufacture of the part, especially if the wheel diameter is large, the drawing or at least a sketch is simply required. It will also be necessary to make the calculation of the gear ratio, it will be equal to the ratio of the diameters of the master and the slave disk.

The homemade pulley of the belt transmission will allow you to quickly repair the machine or create a mechanism for its own design.

It should be understood that the plywood pulleys can last only in structures with limited power transmitted and low angular velocities.

Pulley is a very important part of any machine that allows you to adjust the speed and load on the engine. Independent manufacture The pulley is good in the fact that it is possible to make a pulley that is the size of which is necessary and strictly for the shaft of the existing engine.
It is recommended to make metal pulleys or textolite. It is not recommended to produce pulleys from a tree, since as a result of heating and precipulating forces such a pulley fails. Pulley from plywood is a cross between metallic and wooden, easy to manufacture and is sufficiently durable. Such a pulley can be used in the manufacture of homemade machines.

So, you need to cut three circles from plywood, two more smaller than one smaller. To do this, first get circles with a circulation (centers of circles should also be well noticeable) and cut out the jigsaw. The centers are drilled in accordance with the diameter of the shaft, which the pulley will be planted. For the convenience of further work, the circles can be placed on the screw and tighten the nut, or glue.
Next, the circles are tightened with screws, as shown in the figure. Pressing almost ready-made pulley is inserted into the cartridge drill, after which the rotating pulley drill is processed by a narrow file and emery paper. The pulley made can be pole. Everything, pulley is ready!
Fastening pulley on the shaft is done in circumstances.
In the manufacture of pulleys, it is important to ensure that the center of gravity is on the axis of rotation, otherwise not to avoid vibration.
If you have a toothed belt, you can make a toothed pulley for it. To do this, to the assembly, the teeth are cut from the central circle (of course, this is a very laborious process).
Circles can be copp and screws through through holes. If you need a small pulley or there is a thick plywood, then the pulley can be made from one circle, cutting it with a jigsaw, putting on the screw and making the groove applying a narrow file to a circle rotating on a drill.
For this principle you can make pulleys and from other materials, for example, from the textolite.

On the video channel "E + M" shows the technology of making pulleys from simple and available materials Using the accessible tool. In this case, we will do without turning machine. In the second part of the publication, another technology is another master.
Let's proceed to manufacture. For the type of type 1 will be needed the following materials. Superchalters, sheet tin, linoleum, thermoclay and bike needker.

Production start with markup. To do this, lay the desired radius with a circulation and a ruler. Blacks in the metal. Now postpone another radius, but one millimeter is less than on previous disks. Blacks in linoleum. Drills a hole of 2 millimeters under the axis. We apply the center of the disk and linoleum to the center of tin. I turn over the other hand we make holes through the stencil.

The axis is made of bicycle needles. To bite off using rapid windows or pliers. We collect and connect the details of the glue. Since you are turning, fixing the thermoclaim. On the photo example, where a similar pulley is used.

There is a move from washing machine. For non-professional work of its power, there is enough. The focus has extended the shaft, made symmetrical on both sides. Now there is a task to make a leading pulley without attracting a turner. Diameter 95 millimeters. Plywood ten. Lobzik cut out 5 circles. Diameter of 100 millimeters. Connect the blanks with glue, put on the shaft and we will draw. It turned out that the thickness of plywood is 12 millimeters, therefore 5 discs are enough. Total thickness of 60 millimeters. Since it is planned to use a standard tape for grinders, such a circle for a ribbon width is sufficient.

In 3 circles, a feather drill drill holes. The diameter of the shaft is 14 millimeters, so drill 12. We fold together. Majm glue and fix the self-drawing. After all manipulations, it turned out damn. Its thickness is equal to the thickness that we want to put on the shaft.
The diameter of the shaft is almost 2 millimeters more. It is necessary to observe the alignment, as there are still differentials. Insert inside a round file. Holding your hands on two sides, laying the wheel several times. How to increase inner diameter And observe the alignment.

After these procedures take the two remaining circles, glue and fastened self-drawing. In this way, not only the leading shaft for the Grinder can be made, but also a floss for emery stone. Either any other nozzle on emery.

The roller has planted on the shaft. We will scroll on the engine turned on. The center of the tree itself is also not one hundred percent, but it is not critical. If you want to do such a shaft, you can definitely glue. The hammer is directly on the pulley, only through the mandrel. You can use a piece of plywood. Slowly, light blows satisfy.