Repairs Design Furniture

We design the electrolovka with your own hands. Options for manufacturing a desktop jigsaw machine Lobzik for modeling

IN lately I was very interested in the workman drinking a junk, I do not even know what it were. It all started with the fact that I needed to cut a few gear from plywood ...

And went went. At first I saw the gears manually, then I thought, swing the muscle with a manual junk is certainly good, but if you automate the process, it will be much faster!

So, for a start, let's get to know manual Lobzik For art sawning.

(All pictures in this article found on the Internet)

To cut the needle, they are thin as a wire, with sharp cloth. Previously, such pinks were sold in a pack of 50 pieces., Recently went to the store, so these "firemakes" them began to sell. For the evening you can break a couple of such pylons.

For drinking, we will also need a special table, it may be a board with a cone slot, screwed to the table with screws or clamps.

For the convenience of fastening the pylon in the machine, it is better to use a special device that will compress the loobs' contour, so you calmly change the pink without effort. With the help of wooden eccentric compression takes place.

And now about automation. On the next photo you see desktop Electrolovik Factory type, on the Internet you can find a sea of \u200b\u200bvarious modifications. It is worth this thing is not very expensive, but even if you really want to find this in your city, but in principle, and nothing.

Industrial machines are certainly good, but I probably will treat them a couple of months and abandon this lesson, and in general this machine as I learned can be easily assembled from plywood and wooden bars.

The following photo used industrial manual Electrolzik And spring for returning the saw.

So, we can easily assemble the desktop electroballs with your own hands at home. I personally did, but I have a special design, in this article there are no photos of my photos, but I will definitely lay out, as well as a video in work.

Here is the general scheme of work lobzic Machina.

I had homemade stools, I wrote about him already. Since I am a furnitureer, I made it from the remnants of LMDF. Cheap and angry :). I absolutely did not care about the appearance, just worked. And he worked well! On it, I understood all the nuances of drinking from the massif of solid wood, such as nut, oak, ash. Everything would be fine, but the drive, and they served them building Lobzik Krees 350W. 15 years worked! The drive "covered" the revolutions regulator is turned on immediately to the maximum and immediately tear the pylon. Native branded regulator did not find. Which regulators I did not try, and dimmers for chandeliers and regulators from the seam. machines, vacuum cleaners. The desired result, namely a wide range of adjustment, I could not achieve.

The photo shows the principle of work Lobzik. Building jigsaw transmits oscillatory movements on the rocker, in which, in turn, the pedel is fixed.

As a result, I gave up. Mavr did his job, the Maur must leave. I decided to buy a new jigsaw drive. All Chinese logs are not suitable, adjustment on them is one name. In the brand store Makita found what I was looking for. Lobzik for 450 W. Wide adjustment range, and does not yell like Chinese jigsaws! It's quiet!

Here is my new drive, Makita 4327.

I found the drive that I found a new one, but it didn't work out instead of the old one, the height is not suitable. I decided than redoing, it is better to make a new one, taking into account the elimination of inconveniences identified in the work proceed.

1. Increase the lumen of the peel to the frame, (on the old one it was 27cm.) For this it is necessary an extended rocker.

2. Enlarge the pink speed vertically, for good shavings. (on the old one, the course of the peel is 18mm.)

3. Appearance! Scheob was not ashamed to take pictures. :)

And so! Machine ready!

Here he is my new machine!

Luxury from the pink to the frame 45cm! The move of the peel vertically 30mm! Dream!

Trial drinking. The result is excellent! The Makita regulator copes perfectly. Works machines for noise as household sewing machine.

The desktop logs is designed for drinking various parts having a complex configuration, from sheet materials. This tool is able to work with MDF, chipboard, fiberboard and many others. Also, the jigsaws can produce inside the inner circuits of parts, if you pre-hold a small hole. This tool is distinguished by a wide range of applications, since it is able to provide high labor productivity, which is not achieved by ordinary hacksaw.

Constructive features

The diagrams of the device of all the logging machines are usually the same. Examined carefully drawings, where this tool is depicted, you can see the following design nodes:

  • the bed, which is also often called the case. It is intended to be placed all the structural elements of the unit;
  • drive mechanism;
  • crank mechanism. It is necessary for the transformation of the rotational energy of the engine shaft in the movement of the sawing used during operation;
  • dual rocker. Equipped with fasteners for a pink and a tensioning device;
  • desktop. In some modern models It has a turning mechanism that makes movement at a given angle.

How to make a machine from an electrolovka?

For the manufacture of a jigsaw machine from a manual electrolybiz, you need to follow such instructions:

  1. Initially, it is necessary to make a table where the homemade logging machine will be installed in the future. To do this, use any durable sheet material - thick paneur, metal and others.
  2. In the table they do through holes intended for cutting cloth and various fasteners.
  3. The resulting logged table is installed and securely fixed on a suitable wooden table.
  4. The resulting table is equipped with guide rails.
  5. At the bottom, the manual junction is fixed, which allows you to replace the drive mechanism of the machine and many other structural elements.

Make such a logging machine with your own hands for everyone. Its advantage is that at any time this unit can be quickly disassembled and use only a hand tool.

Homemade Lobsic Table Machine from Hand Electrold

How to make a more professional tool?

The homemade logging machine can have all the qualities that are present in professional equipment. For its manufacture, you need to adhere to such instructions:

  1. The bed is made of any durable material - plywood 12 mm, plastic, textolite and others. It should consist of a base, housing to accommodate all structural nodes and desktop.
  2. On the other hand, placed a rocking chair with an eccentric. They need to be connected to each other using metal plates with styling type bearings. The resulting design is installed using screws.
  3. The intermediate shaft is formed from several bearings.
  4. Metal pulley is very tight on the shaft and the screw connection is fixed.
  5. To change the characteristics of the rocking tracking on the eccentric flange make 4 holes round shape threaded. They must be placed from the axial line on different distance. The amplitude of the rocking movement is regulated by installing screws.
  6. Rocking is formed from wooden rocker, which are attached on the hinge connection to the rack.
  7. At the rear ends, the rumors do small feeds. They are designed to install voltage screws.
  8. The front ends of the rocker are designed to install the saw. It moves with special metal hinges. Before fastening the filling, it is installed in the groove placed on the desktop.
  9. Rack rocking makes a solid piece of durable material. In the upper end, the grooves are done to install the rocker, and near the bottom - a small hole is cut out rectangular shape For the installation of the second rocker.

How to make a machine from a sewing machine?

From the sewing machine, an excellent logging machine is obtained, which is equipped with a regulator of moving the peel. It is not difficult to make it if you adhere to such instructions:

  1. From the bottom of the typewriter dismantle the mechanism of weaving the thread. In some models, it can be accommodated elsewhere.
  2. To dismantle this node, you must remove several bolts, then remove the pin and the drive shaft.
  3. Upper the top protective panel is unscrewed. After that, the grooves in which moves sewing needleIt is necessary to expand under the settings of the pink.
  4. The cutting element itself is also slightly modified. It is cut according to the length of the sewing needle.
  5. Make an adapter to install the cutting element optional. Instead, you can slit the upper cutters slightly and process the lower zone of the web.
  6. The sawing is inserted into the needle holder and begin work.

All submitted options for the manufacture of pubis-made machines are very successful. The obtained aggregates are distinguished by the high productivity of labor, and it is absolutely easy to make them. Depending on my skills, each wizard can choose best model homemade equipment.

Video: Lobzik from sewing machine

Desktop logging machine will be useful to each wizard, discharged thin details. However, it is not always possible to have the opportunity and make sense to acquire a full-fledged machine. In this case, take the case and make it with your own hands!

Lobzic machine device - what lies inside?

Lobzic machines belong more to the tools special than to the devices that are needed as experienced MasterAnd a lover hovering in the garage. Their appointment comes down to a special task, namely the discharge of complex curvilinear contours from sheet materials. A special "chip" of such machines can be attributed and the execution of cut without disrupting the integrity of the external contour. Most often, drinking occurs on wooden and derived materials (plywood, chipboard, fiberboard), although modern machines equipped with appropriate sawmills are capable of working with other materials, such as plastic or plasterboard.

Such equipment has been applied in the music industry (manufacturing musical instruments) And, of course, in the furniture. Buy such aggregates and lovers to make their own workshop. The device of a traditional logging machine, designed by all of the rules, is as follows: The working surface on which the saw was removed, hides with the drive (electric motor) and the crank-connecting rod. The tension mechanism can be both bottom and top of the machine.

To handle the item, it must be put on the desktop. Many models have the ability to turn it at different angles to perform inclined cut. Stops and guides on the surface as well rotary mechanism May be marked, which greatly simplifies and speeds up work. It is from the length of the desktop and the length of the cut is the majority of models are limited to 30-40 cm. The power of the electric motor is important, but still far from the most fundamental factor, since the machine has a huge reserve for unclaimed power. For example, for a home workshop or even small production Enough "engine" is only 150 W.

Crop-connecting mechanism - wherever more important detail, In this case, in this case, it is from it that the quality of the drive of the drive in a progressive-return movement directed in the vertical plane is depends on the vertical plane.

Standard feeding machines are considered to be apparatuses with an amplitude of motion in the region of 3-5 cm at a frequency of oscillations up to 1000 per minute. In many models there is a change of high-speed regime for different materials. The lyobzic pink itself is usually made up to 35 cm long and able to cut the material to 10 cm thick. The width of the sawmakes can fluctuate in a fairly wide range - from very thin two-millimeter to more rough ten-millimeters, with a thickness of from 0.6 mm to 1.25 mm.

Even the thick and wide sawing will be easy to break if it is not enough to ensure a sufficient tension of the saws along the entire length. This uses spring and screw springs. Quite often such machines are equipped air pumpwhich cleans through blowing cut from sawdust, as well as a drilling unit. The last device is especially useful, because in this case the master does not need to be distracted by connection electric drill And drill holes - everything happens on the working plane of the machine. Of course, for convenience will have to pay!

How to make a logging machine with your own hands from the manual electroball?

On the network you will find many different designs Homemade machines, but most of them are reduced to repugrnation in this device. Applying the smell and watching the video, you will be completely easy to make a homemade logging machine from this tool. You need to refine an electrolovka only a bit. In fact, it performs the role of the drive of the machine and the crank-connecting mechanism, the rest must be infidant and implement.

Of course, manufacturers are trying to please consumers and in this area, offering their platform options for fast and convenient alterations, however, in fact, only you can make the apparatus corresponding to your needs.. So, the first thing you need to make a support table, for which most often use sheet metal. It needs to make a relaxed oblong hole for the saws and holes for fasteners (screws with secret head), And attach the jigscription from the bottom of the support table.

This design can only be strengthened on a wooden table. You may not be limited to this and install guide rails. The convenience of such an apparatus is that in addition to performing the functions not completely inherent in it, you can always disconnect the drive and a slight movement of the hand turn it again into the manual electrolybiz! If this tool is constantly required to work, it makes sense specifically for the machine - it will be cheaper than spending on the real machine.

Advantages and disadvantages - we continue to modify!

But such an unit inherits not only the advantages of the instrument, but also its disadvantages, in particular, too broad for filigree works, which significantly limits the curvature of lines. If there is a need for this, there is a way out. So far, our machine is different from the classic logging unit in the absence of springs that would provide sufficient tension of the sawmill. But to build a simple rocker, which on the one hand will be under the tension of the springs, and on the other is fixed on the sawing, quite easily.

There is another option - to clamp a sawtur between two guide rollers, but the first option is still reliable. Do not forget to turn off the pendulum on the electric bike before you start using homemade machine. There is another design - if your tool is quite powerful, then it can only serve as driven in the design of two rockers, between which the sawo is stretched. The movement is transmitted by means fixed on the lower rocker.

Machine from the sewing machine - give the second life with old tools!

If you inherit the grandmother or mom you got a foot or manual sewing machine, consider yourself the owner of a great logging machine! Of course, for this you need to "put a little" above the machine. First, remove the device for the nitcutting, which is usually located at the bottom of the device. There is nothing difficult in this, it is enough to unscrew two bolts. Then we knocked the pin and remove the drive shaft leading to the mechanism of the nitcipette.

Revealing top panel, protecting mechanisms, it is necessary to expand the slot in which the needle walked. Focus on the needs and width of the file that you will apply in work. Pilking for a logging machine of this kind also need to modify slightly, namely it is cut under maximum length The needles that could be used on this typewriter. Streeting the upper teeth and sharpening low part On the edge, you will only stay insert a file in a needle holder and experience your machine in action!

The logging machine allows you to quickly and effectively drink wood. It consists of a working surface, racks, motor and spindle node. Some devices are made on stands. The clamps are often installed in the side of the working surface. It is also worth noting that the models differ in power. The manufacture of a logging machine can only be carried out if the instructions are followed.

Desktop devices: specialist reviews

If you believe feedback, then make a desktop modification is very simple. First of all, the rack is harvested under working surface. Its width should not exceed 30 cm. Motor is more expedient to pick a single-phase type with a limit voltage of 220 V. The homemade logging machine (bench-top) on average produces a working frequency of 55 Hz.

Professional reviews suggest that the tees is better to use from steel, if desired, you can cut them yourself. The carriage is installed on the spindle node that is attached to the rack. Many models will apply a retainer, which plays the role of stop. To secure the punch, a small screw is applied.

Models on legs

If necessary, you can make this with your own hands. Drawings of modifications include frames different sizes, and spindle nodes are usually used with guides. Many models are made on a wide bed. The legs can be installed from the tubes. There are also machines with plates. After the cutout of the working platform, the spindle node should be done.

If we consider devices with control blocks, then the model will require the controller. Motor It is more expedient to apply a collector type on 220 V. TiSi on the jigsaw machines installed a rotary type. The direction must be welded to the edge of the plate. The pink in this case should be securely fixed. The optimal height of the spindle node is 2.2 cm. At the end of the work, it is important to make installation power cable and connecting equipment.

Reviews about devices with a wide frame

Professionals are able to assemble the logging machine with their own hands. Drawings of devices indicate the presence of broad stops. However, first of all it is necessary to install the bed. If we consider a simple machine, then the fixator for modification can be selected small lengths. Professionals indicate that two racks are enough for the model. To assemble the machine applied welding inverter. The spindle node directly is installed in the central part of the working platform. A hole for the peel can be made of cutter. It is also worth noting that experts do not recommend using two-phase engines.

Compact modifications

Adhering to the instructions, you can collect a compact logging machine with your own hands. Drawings of devices include double racks and narrow frames. Stannes are used with a low profile. Many models have a spindle knot without holder. In this case, the guides are set by small length. For self-assembly Models are recommended primarily to select a quality frame.

Additionally, the retainer is soldered under the work plate. To reduce the level of vibration, you can use the lining. For its fixation, ordinary glue is applied. The filling for modification should be selected with a small thickness. Optimal distance Installation of the central node is 14 cm. In this case, the platform width is on average 17 cm.

Lobsiki for 2 kW

If you wish, you can make this logged machine with your own hands. Drawings for assembling modification is very simple. As a rule, the frames are used with a width of 35 cm. The plate thickness should be about 1.5 mm. The hole under the pedal must be made before installing the central node. If we consider models without stops, the frame is used with a low profile. It is also worth noting that the spindle node is expedient to install on the lining.

To reduce noise, the casing is used. Many models use several stops. In this case, the node is set at height from 10 cm. The pylon is better fixed on the plate. Clamp You can use a screw type. After fixing the central node, the motor is put. To modify this type, a device with a single-phase block is suitable.

Models for 3 kW

For 3 kW, the desktop electrolybiz is pretty simple. Experts recommend using racks with wide stops. Fixators need to be installed only after the central node. Pink for modification can be chosen by 1.2 mm. Some experts hole do after installing the frame. In this case, the supports are soldered around the table.

This is further important to estimate the size of the spindle. Motor is more expedient to use with a protection system and a casing. It is also worth noting that collector devices that work at a frequency of 45 Hz are very popular. They have low energy consumption, and they do not overheat. To fix billets apply holders. The optimal height of the spindle is 15 cm. It is also worth noting that there are models with tuning plates. A flywheel is used to control the rack. To install the control unit, there is a regular controller.

How to make a device for 5 kW

Preparing several stops and you can make a logging machine with your own hands. Professionals indicate that 5 kW models are well suited for longitudinal cutting. Before starting work, all required tool. It will take a saw as well welding machine and cutter. Frame for the logging machine is more expedient to collect from steel plates with a thickness of 1.3 mm. For the motor you need to immediately foresee. Stannes in devices are installed high profile.

At this stage, you can immediately cut the hole under the pipe. The plug assembly must be mounted on the top of the plate. Additionally, it is worth noting that a big holder will be required for the peel. If we consider simple model, Racks can be installed on the sides of the frame. Tisi used turning type. At the top of the frame, there is a rack. A small casing is selected for the motor. On average, the width of the frame should be 35 cm. If we consider professional models, they use regulated clamps.

Two pin cells modifications

How to make a logging machine with your own hands? The model with two pinoles is collected only on a wide frame. First of all, the plates are cut under the face. If we consider the desktop modification, then the control unit is more expedient to install in the upper part of the device. The optimal frame width is 45 cm. At the same time, the spindle node is installed behind the stops.

For racks should be provided in many models used transmission blocks. In this case, the motors are only a collective type with a frequency of 30 Hz. The pedel is installed standard in the holder. The optimal height of the spindle node in the models is 35 cm. Pinoli for adjusting the beds are used with flywheels.

Models for three pinoles

On the basis of a single-phase motor, it is easy to make this with your own hands. Tools should be harvested in advance. Many models are equipped with frames for four stops. They have a big length and high profile. It is also worth noting that spindle nodes are selected from at the beginning of work it is very important to calculate the length of the frame. If we consider conventional spindle nodes, then the rack is harvested with a small length.

The central support must withstand heavy loads. A welding inverter is used to install the plates. The motor will require a casing, which will significantly reduce the noise level of the device. Saw for modifications of this type is suitable for 1.2 mm. With a power of 3 kW, the device for three pin will produce a frequency of 55 Hz. For fixing the flywheels you need brackets.