Repairs Design Furniture

Wine shelves do it yourself. Racks for wine from wood with their own hands. Rack "Wine Tree". Shelf of wood and metal plates. How to make a stand for bottles of tin cans with their own hands

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How to make a wine wardrobe for home with your own hands - 3 simple ways with step-by-step explanations

Collectible wines and decided to get a bottle storage furniture? I offer three simple instructions for which you can collect wine wardrobe for home with your own hands. Despite the simplicity of methods, finished products will look no worse than the factory furniture.

How to equip the wineku

To the arrangement of the wineglass, namely, the following requirements are presented to the selection of furniture:

  • Bottles should not stand at the bottom. Place the Tar down the neck or on the side, so the wine will retain the taste qualities longer;
  • Free access to the bottle. Wine bottles once a couple of months need to turn over, so the furniture is done with the calculation of convenient access to the collection;
  • Furniture make with a reserve. Collecting wines is not limited to a certain amount of bottles, so make cabinets with a margin.

Method 1: Regiment - Stand for Wine Bottles

This is a very simple and at the same time a functional device for a small wineca. The design consists of a direct base and arc. The perforated arc is designed to hold standard bottles of 0.7 liters, while the direct base with the slots is adapted to hold the dishes.

Illustrations Assembly instruction

Workbatch for arc gluing. From the board with a thickness of 20 mm, we cut 6 squares 10 × 10 cm. Each of the harvested squares, as shown in the photo, they steal 2 edges at an angle of 20 °.

Glue the arc. In the center of the harvested squares drill holes with a diameter of 35 mm (the outer diameter of the bottle neck). Then the beveled sides of the squares with joinery glue and glue.

The photo shows how to pull the arc when gluing. By connecting the items, temporarily glue them with a scotch. After grabbing glue, tape remove.

We do the foundation. Measure the distance on the outer edges of the arc made. Sut off a piece of board for this length.

On the board, place 4 equidistant points, which we use as centers for holes with a diameter of 35 mm. From one edge of the board to drilled holes, we make parallel slots.

Shlifting workpiece.

Final assembly. Previously made by arc self-reeds connect with direct base.

The arc is longitudinally making 2 grooves 5 mm wide to a depth of 5 mm. The grooves fill the joinery glue and drive the plywood strips of the suitable thickness.

After drying the glue of the excess plywood is cut off, and the billet is grouped.

After that, the product remains hanging on the wall and use for its intended purpose.

Method 2: Cabinet made of cropping plastic pipes

This instruction will surely interest those readers who have recently completed the installation of sewage, because probably cut pipes with a diameter of 50 and 100 mm. In the extreme case, plastic pipes can be bought, because they will be needed a bit and they are inexpensive.

Illustrations Assembly instruction

Truck blank. Plastic pipes of different diameters at the rate of different bottles are cut with slices of 40 cm long.

One edge of the pipes is cut under a small angle, as shown in the photo. After the workpiece is cut, we remove the burr from the edge of the burr.

Mounting holes. On a flat surface, we lay the pipes as well as they will be located in the finished closet.

With the help of the marker and the tinted cord, we lace the holes through which connect pipe cutting into the finished design. According to the markup of the hole drills.

Painting. Prepared pipes are soil, and then stain. To create the desired effect, some pipes are painted in one color, and part of others.

Do not abuse with a lot of coloring, 3-4 colors will be enough.

Especially carefully look at the inner volume of pipes. If the painting is poor quality, when removing bottles, the coating will gradually stag.

Cabinet assembly. To build prepared elements, use bolts and nuts of suitable sizes. Saving bolts and winding nuts, connect all the blanks together.

The collected design is installed vertically on a flat surface. If desired, with the inside of the design, you can fix low-challenging loops, as for mounted shelves and a device for storing bottles can be hung on the wall.

Method 3: Cabinet made of vegetable box

Today it is fashionable to make furniture from the loading packaging, for example, we are widely made tables and chairs from pallets. So why not make a wardrobe organizer for wine bottles from the business box.

For the manufacture of the crafts, a modern box with handles with dimensions of 50 × 30 × 30 cm and a plywood is a thickness of 9 mm.

Illustrations Assembly instruction

Billets for organizer. From plywood cut 2 pieces of 49 × 30 cm and 3 pieces of 29 × 30 cm.

Collect organizer. Two long pieces of plywood are placed on four equal transverse strips 12 cm wide. From the edge of a piece we make feeds with a thickness of 1 cm and a length of 15 cm.

Three short pieces are placing under three strips and also make slots with a length of 15 cm and 1 cm thick.

Prepared pieces of plywood assemble in the organizer grille.

Cabinet assembly. The collected organizer grille insert the inside of the box and the handicraft is ready for use.

If the organizer is cut and assemble neatly, the design will rise in the box as the alley. If the grill in the box rose loosely and dangles, it can be grabbed along the edge by several points of thermoclause.

Let's summarize

Now you know how to make a simple, but stylish furniture for wine bottles. If the proposed instructions remained questions, ask them in the comments to the article.

February 26, 2018.

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All well-known properties are known. natural wine. A glass of good, weathered drink not only raises the mood, but also serves as a source of vitamins and natural antioxidants.

Not bad to have at home several bottles For various occasions - dry lightweight canteens or saturated wines, sweet sherry or fragrant vermouth.

Keep bottles with wine best on special racks or shelves, horizontal position.

Shelves for storing bottles with wine can be made from any materials. The main requirements for the materials - they should be strong enough and have an expressive, decorative appearance.

The most common material for the manufacture of wine shelves - natural tree. The simplest and very stylish shelves can be easily manufactured with their own hands.

Wooden shelf

The presented joinery consists from several square modules. The number of modules and their location can be changed during the manufacturing process.

In order to make one such a modular element will be needed. next tool and materials:

  • wooden or plywood boards 15 - 20 mm thick, about 25 cm width;
  • screws on wood with a countersunk head 35x2.5 and nails 30-40 mm;
  • handsman on a tree joiner;
  • facial Rubbank;
  • rasp;
  • chisel with the width of the working part 10 - 15 mm;
  • electropolitanzik, electric drill with a drill on a tree with a diameter of 2 mm;
  • grinding paper, with the graininess of P150 - P180;
  • malyan Scotch;
  • carbon black;
  • lacquer furniture, brush;
  • a hammer.

Manufacture and assembly

Manufacture It is performed in that order:

The manufactured module can be used individually, and you can make them several and connect with each other screws from the inside.

Hats screws When twisting, you can slightly drown into the tree and disguise the putty appropriate color. In this case, the places of the shit must be additionally covered with a layer of varnish.

Note! Before sawing, creep the places of future cuts with painting scotch. This will prevent the formation of coarse chips when sawing plywood and boards across the fibers.

Country Style Shelf

Original shelf for wine bottles country style It may turn out if you can find several railway crutches.

For work need:

  • even number crutches;
  • truck boards thick about 25 - 30 mm, You can with small cracks and uneven ends. The length of the board may be different - it all depends on the number of bottles, which are supposed to be placed. Best suitable boards of coniferous breeds - pines, cedar;
  • glue, most suitable - epoxy, transparent;
  • corporal machine (Bulgarian) with cutting disc on metal;
  • drill with a forstner drill or "pen" with a diameter of 14 mm;
  • fire or Raspille;
  • metallic pile brush.

Stages of manufacture

Manufacturing shelves in the style of country produced in the following order:

  1. Crucifice boards thoroughly treat metal brush along the fibersTo get a textured wavy surface. Pre-board can be burned with a gas burner. With such a processing, softer fibers will be removed with a brush, and more solid, "winter" will remain. The board will look aged;
  2. Drill holes for crutches, give them a rectangular form with a file or rashpyl;
  3. Cut the grien part of each crutch about 3 cm;
  4. Abundantly apply the glue on the inner surface of the nests and crutches, insert them into the nests and fix the epoxy resin to frozen;
  5. Cover the product varnish. Shelf is ready. It can be hung on the wall, strengthening on the reverse side of the canopy.

To cook mastic take beeswax And in the water bath, heat it with the addition of a small number of turbidar. Apply a liquid hot composition on a tree, in 5-7 minutes Remove surplus rag. Through 3-4 hours Polish the surface with a soft cloth or hairbrush.

Various options for manufacturing shelves for wine are represented in this video:

If you are a healer of European cuisine, then it should be love to pamper yourself a glass of expensive wine for the meal. This drink gained popularity and does not give a leading position. Such a noble product requires a special approach to storage. True connoisseurs collect collections from rare and valuable instances. If you decide to acquire such, you should get closer to familiarize yourself with how the wine regiment is made with your own hands. The description of the work stages will be presented below. Making designs of this purpose you can easily.

If the kitchen room is limited and has little free space, you can get a vertical floor shelf to the ceiling. To work, it will be necessary to make only a few holes in the sheets of plywood and bore them with each other. This design can be used as partition for the separation of space. If you paint the inner surface of the product, then the shelf will become a fashionable and stylish detail of the interior. But you can buy a shelf and in the store, but some homemade masters prefer to make such designs on their own. Among other things, when you hold work, you can use infirred materials and tools. Thus, the design will cost almost free.

Preparation of instruments

If you need a wine shelf, prepare the following tools:

  • electric jigsaw;
  • shlifmashin;
  • pencil;
  • roulette;
  • building level;
  • screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • circular or manual saw.

Preparation of materials

In a construction store, you can purchase a dowel, drills for traffic jams, self-tapping screws, wooden pallet, as well as sandpaper. The latter will need for surface treatment.

Technology of work

If you are running the shelf for wine, then the old pallet may lie down in its foundation. To do this, with the help of a circular saw, it must be cut, separate part of the structure for the manufacture of the shelf. Its height should approximately be 50 cm. The next step will be the preparation of boards for the base. With the help of a nail and hammer, you need to tear two boards, while the main thing is not to break them. Three small bar should be prepared to perform separation and fixation of the bottom. Bruks are cut by electric or manual jigsaw, and the length of the billets should be somewhat larger than the width of the pallet boards. They must go a little for the base.

Grinding and working with holes

The wine shelf should look attractive, so the bars and boards need to be seized. This will save products from burrs and irregularities. At the same time, the emery paper should be used, the grit that can vary in the range from 120 to 200. You can also apply grinding machines. On one of the boards should be done by the holes for glasses. Pallets, as a rule, have 100 cm wide. The holes must be standard, but they can be performed in such a way that they exactly match the sizes of your glasses. With standard sizes of dishes, one hole should be outlawed, retreating from the edge of the board 11.5 cm. After one more holes should be placed, retreating 10 cm. From the edge of the board, there should be a distance from 4 to 4.5 cm in width. Similar marks must be performed on the other side.

The wine shelf must have holes that are done using a drill or drilling machine. From the edge of the drilled holes to the edge of the board, make a markup, cutting off unnecessary. The resulting angles are processed by emery paper.

Conducting an assembly

Shelves under wine can be made of different materials, but the cheapest will become the wood. If you used the pallets, then after all of the above stages, it is necessary to collect the bottom of the shelves. The length will be located glasses. Parts of the bottom must be fixed by self-drawing, pre-in these places should be done by a drill hole. After the bottom can be collected, it should be strengthened to the ground. At the same stage, everything must be fixed with self-drawers, having previously done the holes for them. At the same time, the possibility of splitting the board should be eliminated, otherwise you will have to look for her replacement.

After assembly, the product should be cleaned with sandpaper and coat with a mourn. As soon as the shelves under wine are made, they can be suspended on the wall. To do this, use with which points are scheduled on the wall. At the marks received, you should do the holes of the drill, and after insert the dowels in them. In the latter, screws are screwed up with a length of 2.5 cm. Hats should not be tightly spinning, because the shelf will be removable.

Alternative shelves

Shelves for wine with their own hands can be performed on more simple technologies. For example, a wine closet can be made of a wooden box. It is installed on the steel legs, and the holes for bottles should be done in the bottom. Between the rows there is a shelf that will separate the bottles among themselves. The simplest solution is a wooden board that is strengthened to the wall horizontally. You can perform holes in it using a special drill. The main subtlety lies in the fact that the holes for the neck must be drilled at an angle, with the circumference should be the same. The wooden bar is cleaned, if desired, painted and treated with varnish.

You can independently make the manufacturer of the wine shelf, the simplest options can be used to use water pipes, or rather what remains from repairing the bathroom. Using the tubes adapters are connected to a zigzag structure. In order for the bottles not rolled over the surface, the pipes should be bent at a certain angle.


You can save space using a wine bar to be located under the table. To do this, you can use reinforcement rods that bend in the form of hooks.

A glass of good wine during the meal is capable not only to raise the mood, but also saturate the body with useful substances, vitamins and antioxidants. If you are a fan of European cuisine, then you must fully agree with this statement. But any product or drink can save your useful properties only subject to storage rules. Meat - only in the freezer, eggs in special trays, vegetables in the lower compartment of the refrigerator. Exactly the same "special" conditions will require wine.

Wardrobe built-in kitchen furniture

It is recommended to use shelves for wine bottles. The designed not only to fulfill their primary purposes - the preservation of a noble drink - they allow you to make a certain "highlight" in the interior of the house or apartment.

The cost of this type of furniture is far from the level of chairs and stools. It is rather a kind of type of art, so be prepared to lay out a round sum for a quality product, or consider the creation of such an element of furniture with your own hands.

Statistics can not lie, saying that more than 91% of all purchased wine bottles is drunk in the first 24 hours. But the real connoisseur of wine knows that the whole "life" of this amazing drink is a long, complex process, personifying since ancient times a whole science, which to this day continues to develop and improve.

Direct sunny rays, vibrations, humidity, temperatures are the main factors fully deprived of their hobby a newly sommelier, which is the main cause of the storage of vessels with this drink in a special cellar, where the temperature is constant, and the absence of sunlight completely eliminates the oxidation process.

Special wardrobe for home storage wine in the desired temperature mode

Storage racks for homemade wine in the basement of the house

Absolutely lucky owners of a country house that can afford to equip a real wine cellar, where it is possible to enjoy the gifts of Dionysus, sitting in the evening before the fireplace. But what to do a person who, being a connoisseur of "wine art", is forced to live in an apartment, where to distinguish the place for a specialized storage hardly possible?

A similar question was asked in the end of 1976, the French founder of the Eurocaave company, producing a wine rack, specialized cabinets, allowing to maintain the quality of a noble drink even in urban conditions. But this applies, rather, to the cabinets.

The wine regiment is equipment for several other purposes. Therefore, returning to the beginning of the article, it is necessary to fully determine the purpose of buying a rack. Would you like wine to do with the kitchen? Then your choice is a wardrobe for storage. You need a beautiful decor element or just a shelf for storing bottles, where the next Celebration of a couple of other red semi-sweet is expected - make a wine regiment!

Original wine shelf for wine bottles for your guests

Types of wine shelves

They are separated by the type of design, as well as the placement of wine bottles.

Comfortable wine wardrobe with drawers

Combined wine shelf for horizontal and vertical storage

But the edge of fashion trends, the cruel "invasion" of trends dictates the consumer absolutely new, unimaginable, and in some places there are really grand designs! By and large, such furniture is selected on the basis of the design of the room, where its further accommodation is planned. And the folk crafts or creative personalities do such shelves with their own hands, putting the soul in them, turning the element of the interior rather into the museum exhibit than the furniture.

Wine rack in the kitchen for a small collection

What does the market offer for us?

  • Style Styles "Industrial". Sly plexus wood with metal form structures, slightly close to Steam Punk.

    Mini bar, Stand for bottles of wine and glasses in Loft style Industrial

  • Floor racks type "Tree" (when the bottles are growing from the trunk).

    Successfully fit in this interior Wine rack made from PotteryBarn

  • Standard shelf racks based on ingenious designer solutions. (Waves, squares, circles, triangles).

    Unusual Design Bottle Storage Solution

  • Classic wooden floor, wall-mounted, slightly stylized cells.

    An interesting idea for creating a wooden bottle rack with your own hands

  • Single or multiple shelves located in a special order on the wall.

    Wine shelves - Unusual decoration on the wall of the kitchen

The list can be continued, taking into account the flight of the designer's fancy.

Wine racks - Unusual interior solutions

Disadvantages and advantages of wine shelves

Little decorative wine shelf handmade

As already mentioned, the main disadvantage of this type of repository is its absolute inability to keep alcoholic beverages, observing all the basic rules. Here the wine will never sound correctly, and only temporarily persist to the nearest visit visit. Or play the role of a beautiful decorative element of the interior, harmoniously complementing its integrity, which is the main advantage, without taking into account the simplicity of access to any bottle.

The mini-bar in the living room allows you to properly and beautifully store your favorite drinks.

The minus of the wine shelf is, alas, not a cellar, where you can go on a special occasion, conducting excursions for guests, going through all the pearls of your collection, as is customary to show in films.

Wine collection is perfectly located on small stands, located on one of the walls.

How to choose a rack?

Gorgeous bar in the living room, allowing you to make cocktails for every taste

The only correct decision, the Council, the recommendations are not here and can not. Wine storage supports are chosen exclusively on the basis of personal preferences. Like when metal is combined with a tree or stone? Or perhaps plastic design from the discharge of Hi-Tech? Want to put an outdoor rack in the kitchen or honeycomb?

Wine rack of an unusual shape located on a kitchen wall

What is really worth paying attention to when buying this decor element is the manufacturer brand, the quality of the materials used, the construction assembly. Nobody will not be pleasant to look at the steady, creaking rack, bringing instead of aesthetic pleasure, only irritation and hatred of the "Chinese fake." Or maybe the best option will be the creation of a wine regiment with your own hands?

The original wooden station for bottles of wine is easily placed under the stairs and adds a highlight in the interior

Video: Shelf for wine with their own hands

Wine rallow is a mandatory part of the interior of lovers of this ancient and exquisite drink. For tier collectors, it is necessary for compact storage of a large number of bottles, and for those holding a pair of a couple of good wines - the original element of the room. Racks for wine bottles can be performed in a variety of styles, so that they will become a spectacular addition of any interior.

How to store wine?

Before you purchase or independently make a wine storage rack, it is necessary to take into account that this is a capricious drink requiring special storage conditions. The perfect place for large collections is a special cellar, which respected humidity at the level of 75%, and air temperature is 12.8 degrees Celsius. But even if the wine is indoors, the prerequisite for its storage is the horizontal location that ensures the effect of "wet cork". Thanks to this nuance, the cork does not dry up and does not crack, it does not multiply mold mushrooms. Violation of the integrity of the traffic jam and the development of fungal colonies in it provokes a "cork disease", due to which the wine acquires an unpleasant smell.

Basic structures of racks

Wine racks are most often made of wood, since this material is more associated with sparkling drinks. Another favorite is a stone from which shelves are created in basements, where they look harmonious and appropriate. Among the modern options it is worth noting glass, forging, plastic. By its design, the shelves can be:

  • Crusades and oblique is a classic option that allows you to conveniently store any amount of drink. Quite often complemented by cells for each bottle, thanks to which they do not roll, but such cells "eat" a lot of useful space.
  • In the form of ordinary shelves and niches - the perfect solution with a small amount of free space.
  • Presentation, in which particularly valuable wines are located so that it is clearly visible to the label, design.
  • Retractable, combining compact storage and maximum bottle overview. Ideal for storage in the kitchen.

Each of the options can be used not only in specially equipped basements, but also on ordinary kitchens, any other rooms.

The most popular stylistic solutions

Depending on the individual preferences, the wine rack can have a different design, color gamut and design. These parameters are selected according to the number of stored bottles, as well as the style of interior design. The most popular options are:

  • Built-in wardrobes integrable in already existing furniture, for example, a kitchen set. Thanks to this decision, you do not have to look for an extra place, which is relevant in the case of small rooms. Quite often, one part of the cabinet is placed shelves for horizontal placement of bottles, and to another - glasses. Another popular solution is to install a mesh module into one of the niches of the built-in closet, which allows compactly store a large number of bottles.
  • Wall racks - the perfect solution for those whom the cabinet seems too cumbersome, and the wines collection is not very big. Ideally, such a wine regiment must be made of wood, so that it will look expensive and emphasize the sophistication of the drink itself. Compact size allows you to place such structures on any free wall. Trend of the last few years - the construction of the shelves from ordinary wooden boxes or pallets. They can accommodate not only bottles, but also glasses.
  • Pipes - PVC, cylindrical building blocks, postal cardboard and any others suitable for the size of the container. The interconnected, they provide reliable and proper storage of the drink and allow you to create bizarre and original compositions. If the wine is planned to be stored in the cellar, the ideal choice will be building cylinders that can be put as compact as possible.
  • Cabinet racks, which, by their design, resemble large photo frames. They can be installed at any convenient location, and are designed for a small amount of wine. Such wine shelves made of wood, as this material will give them a special exclusive appearance.

A separate place is occupied by unique design wine racks, which can be made in the form of a beautiful tree, a spectacular curved niche with a honeycomb, oval futuristic stand.

Making a classic shelf with your own hands

If there is no possibility to purchase a ready-made rack, you can always make a shelf for wine with your own hands. This will require materials, tools, desire and free time. For the manufacture, you can use wood, PVC and even iron pipes, plastic. The advantages of homemade structures are obvious:

  • Fully comply with the wishes and requirements of the owners, their dimensions are perfectly fitted under the room in which they will be installed.
  • Collected directly in place, thanks to which you can choose a reliable fastening.
  • Lower cost, which is important when building large structures.

Variations of interesting and extraordinary shelves can be a huge amount, but the main thing is not to forget about the basic requirements of the storage of wine, because it will depend on it taste and aroma!