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One-storey houses from OSB panels. Building a house from the OSB panels. Topping and strengthening design

Panels are a modern newest technology, a rapidly developing construction market.

OSB panels are a building material consisting mainly of wood chips.

OSB panels produce a pressing process under high pressure, while slips of coniferous rocks or aspen are folded crosswise.

The cross position of the chips, in combination with their deep flattening, gives special strength and flexibility to the whole material. In its stability to various mechanical exposures, the slab is much better than plates from plywood.

Frame houses from the OSB panels are installed in just a few weeks, without the use of heavy construction machines and tools. In compliance with the construction technology, skew houses are very warm, can withstand the temperature differences, and they are not afraid of dampness.

Its inner surfaces and, released from the panels, do not additionally align before the finishing process. A frame house of 200 m 2 will cost a little more than one million rubles.

The low cost of installing frame houses from the OSB panels is due to the reduced costs associated with the minimum cost of the finished kit of the OSB of the house of the house released on the factory equipment.

Consider the advantages of this method of structure:

  1. For the structure of this type of houses is preparing relatively inexpensive;
  2. There are no additional costs, produced at the factory in full configuration and packaged in drawers, and there will be no need to buy construction materials;
  3. Reduced delivery costs, the starting kit of the house from the panels OSB is usually delivered at a time;
  4. Reduced installation and installation costs, the house is built by a brigade of several people;
  5. Technical monitoring of the construction of a skeleton house.

Osb plates

The construction technology of this type of houses has excellent reviews in most countries. In Russia, such a technology for the construction of frame houses is not yet strongly developed. A small number of plants and construction companies for the production and production of finished sets of houses offering reliable and high-quality assembly. The infrastructure for the release of components and elements is not very developed. To date, it is common to build houses from brick or solid wood.

Advantages of construction technology from OSB panels

OSB Plates have a high degree of moisture resistance, strength, ease. These properties of the material significantly increase the advantages in front of other construction materials used in wooden construction. Due to this, the building stages of the house from the OSB of the panels are significantly simplified.

Consider below the main advantages of such construction:

  • for the main construction work there is no need to apply expensive lifting mechanism;
  • frame houses from OSB panels have excellent fire-resistant properties;
  • walls are a lightweight, moisture-resistant cladding that does not require the construction of expensive;
  • when erecting the roof, it is used light, smooth and moisture-proof building material that facilitates its insulation and coating with a special material that protects against external precipitation;
  • a set of panels OSB can fit in several heavy vehicles;
  • the cost of costs for the construction of a house from the OSB panels is reduced in comparison with the stone erection of the house.

Main types of OSB panels

During the construction of frame houses from the OSB panels, four types of panels are used which have different degrees of strength and moisture resistance, and accordingly a low price. Depending on the current properties, the plates can be combined in different areas, achieving significant resource savings.

Safety of construction from OSB panels

Projects of frame houses and their construction from OSB panels in Russia are a thorough examination according to all the requirements of construction legislation. Since 2012, an examination of construction conducted by a state or private firm has been introduced.

That is why the developer, when choosing a finished project, has the right to demand confirmation of the overall security of the future at the following important criteria:

  • safety at home when used;
  • quality, strength and reliability of the house from the OSB panels;
  • the validity of the use of building material;
  • the validity of the proper use of construction resources;
  • compliance of a certain level of architectural tasks and structural strength.
Main types of frame house-building

To date, several technologies for building frame houses from OSB panels.

  • The first technology is the use of OSB panels for the sewing of the entire structure erected as carrier parts. This technology is used in the construction of various hangars, other buildings that do not require additional insulation, without any aesthetic requirements.

It is not rarely a frame, covered with OSB panels, in the subsequent warming special. The inner side of the frame house from the OSB panels should also be sewn. The cons of this technology in the imperfection of the insulating system, there are "cold bridges" in the joints of the joints and the corners of the entire design.

The quality of construction in this case is not sufficiently controlled, and will depend on the quality acquired at different times of the building material, as a rule, it concerns sawn timber parts.

Insufficiently dried wood changes the configuration, and largely lowers the thermal insulation of the entire construction. A tree, before the start of construction, it is necessary to be treated with special and antiseptics, give it fire resistance, and these are significant time spending, and reducing the speed of construction.

  • The second technology is the construction of frame houses from the CAP panels as the main element of the three-layers sandwich panels (they are still called the SIP panels), two layers consist of an OSB panels, and the third layer of polyurethane foam between them. Panel data have a characteristic, original design of the main attachment. Panels are produced at the production of high-tech technologies. Build a frame house from the OSB panels will not be much difficult for the construction team.

Ready house from sip-panels
Building technology from OSB Sandwich panels

The advantages of such a method of prefabricated house-building are quite obvious.

  1. It is possible to build a house to three floors;
  2. You can solve various architectural tasks in the construction of the panels from the OSB;
  3. You can build data at home in any climatic zones of the planet, the use of them begins on the day of the construction of the main walls, roofs, gender;
  4. Financial costs of home maintenance will be minimal. With a competently built foundation, there is no shrinkage of walls and throughout, other inevitable defects of newly erected houses.

Pile Foundation for SIP House

The basis for the construction of a frame house is. For the house from the OSB panels, the ideal foundation is considered to be. The in-depth pile, below the water freezing point, will provide a sufficiently solid support, not subject to pushing the entire structure from the soil.

It has a certain disadvantage, which can be easily solved, with the right and competent design of the basement, the inputs of sewage systems, water, gas and electricity.

After completing the bookmark, its high-quality, on the perimeter of the entire foundation, the special reference board is stacked, which easily repeats the configuration of the future frame house. The width of such a board will correspond to the width of the package of the panel OSB. The main rule of the construction of a skeleton house from the OSB panels is an application when connecting sealing support boards and panels bonded by self-draws.

Installation of walls at home

Vertical guides providing a solid connection of the OSB panels are bars. Brous width will peel the width of the groove, as a result of this, the connected boards are freely included in the groove. A high-quality compound is provided by a special fastening from the outside and inside the groove.

The corners of the frame house from the OSB panels can be formed by connecting the board to the edge of the corner of the panel in the groove of the adjacent angular panel.

Wood waste materials have all the positive qualities of natural material and lower cost. Modern technologies made them stronger and more resistant to water and fire. Frame construction is becoming increasingly popular. People like the house from OSB plates, warm, lightweight, long storing the smell of the forest. Ordering the details in accordance with the project, you can build a house with your own hands without lifting equipment and wet works.

How to build a house from OSB?

Improved natural wood qualities in OSB panels

Wood exceeds its qualities creating comfort in the house, all other natural materials. Its lack of swelling from water and fire hazard. Rodents and insects love to settle in warm walls, prematurely destroying them.

In the production of solid wood products, a lot of waste remains:

  • small pieces of wood;
  • branches;
  • chip;
  • sawdust;
  • shavings.

They are sorted, connected in various ways and pressed. The panels that took the best qualities from the tree are obtained.

The production of the OSB panels uses a large chips, which makes up 80% of the mass of the slab. It is placed by layers, orienting the direction of the outer sides along the sheet. Internal chips are located across. Perpendicularly oriented fiber eliminates the charges and shrinkage of the panels. Pressing and impregnation with synthetic resins makes material more resistant to fire. It does not ignite and does not support combustion, but charred and destroys. In this case, toxic substances are not distinguished.

OSB-panels for the construction of the house

In the construction of strength and moisture resistance, 4 groups of OSB panels are distinguished. The table indicates the main use of each type.

Class OSB Plate Strength Moisture resistance Application area
OSB-1 low low furniture manufacturing, interior partitions, interior elements
OSB-2 average low only in dry rooms
OSB-3. average high outdoor and internal wall covering, partitions and finishing in wet rooms, bathrooms
OSB-4. high high all types of construction work, including grounds and basements, reusable formwork

Walls from OSB panels retain heat and absorb noise a little worse than a natural tree. The material has high indicators of ecology. The lack of wood in its burning and absorbing moisture is eliminated by impregnation, additives and pressing.

In the manufacture of home details from the panels, you should consider the features of the location of the fibers and hardness. The OSB is cut and drilled worse than solid wood.

Frame houses are cheaper and quickly mounted

Frame house

Construction of residential buildings from OSB plates is made according to the approved project. At the factory, blocks are made, labeled them. A light foundation is made on the spot and then the framework of the house is mounted on it and it is squeezed by the details. The insulation is placed in the production of blocks. This method of construction has several advantages, in front of standard brick buildings.

  1. You can move to the house immediately after laying the roof and paint or simply cover the walls inside the varnish.
  2. Construction is made in a dry way and occupies with the creation of a foundation for less than a month.
  3. Frame house 3 - 5 times lighter than brick. A light foundation for a small depth or refiner is made under it.
  4. For the construction of walls and roofs do not use lifting mechanisms.
  5. A smooth surface of the panels is separated without complex plaster. Under painting and pasting with wallpaper enough putty.
  6. OSB panel material is used to warm the brick and wooden house. Additionally, inside laid polystyrene foam or other extruded plastic. Heat in the house is preserved better than with brick walls with a thickness of 1 meter.
  7. Inside the house comfortable, the walls breathe.
  8. Do not give shrinkage.
  9. When installing there are no waste, blocks are made at the factory in size.
  10. The cost of the skeleton house from the OSB is significantly lower than the brick.

Frame houses have their drawbacks. If you wish to have a basement in the house, you need to make a ribbon foundation for all its depths or dig and spread the walls separately, at a distance from the supporting structure. It is more difficult to hide the wiring hand. Heavy equipment and cabinets can not hang on the walls of the CAP.

Construction of frame houses

Build a house from OSB yourself

If you want to build a house with your own OSB, then you need help. The optimal amount for works 4 people. You can do the minimum number of workers' hands - 2 builders. Then one must have experience in assembling frame houses. The second is able to understand it, file, hold.

  1. The foundation is stacked by a waterproofing layer. On him the bottom strapping.
  2. Racks, wall angles and fastening diagonally, preventing "folding" design.
  3. Mounted upper strapping.
  4. The beams of the floor and overlap are stacked.
  5. Frames are installed.
  6. Slingers are put and trimmed.
  7. Floor and overlapping is covered.
  8. The covering of the OSB panels is done.
  9. Sealing dotors are installed on the corners and joints of the panels.

When building it with your own hands, the walls outside and inside are trimmed in a residential building separately. The insulation is stacked between the OSB layers, the wires and life support systems are laid.

Tip! Self-tapping screws are poorly screwed into OSB, thrown out. It is advisable to drill a hole under them. The diameter of the drill must be less screw thread.

For temperature expansion along the perimeter of the floor, a gap is left between panels and 3 mm racks. There is a gap between the plates themselves over the entire sewing 2 mm. Wall panels do not reach the floor covering 10 - 12 mm. The clearance during decoration is closed by plinths.

The floor panels are stacked on the beams across their location. Under each OSB slab must be at least 3 cross. The length of the sheets are connected on the bar. Both edges are attached to self-drawing. The step between the beams of overlap 500 is 600 mm.

The house built from the OSB panels freely withstands the temperature outside 40 degrees to the same heat reading. Building buildings are not inferior to brick buildings with insulation and wooden houses. Walls breathe, withdrawing moisture outwards. Air inside remains fresh. The fungus and mold do not appear.

Sandwich Panels from OSB

House from Sandwich Panels OSB do it yourself

OSB sheets are used to create a sandwich panels. The space between the two plates of extruded chips is filled with polystyrene foam. As a specialized brigade is going to such a house. The covering, installation and fasteners are used in the same way as the structure of buildings from the sandwich panels.

The frame and the objects of the openings are made of 3 cm thick. 3 cm. Start profile serves as a width of equal to the groove in the end of the panel. It is attached to the entire perimeter on the foundation of metal brackets. Panels are bonded with a bar. Racks are fixed with long screws.

The interior of the buildings is inferior to houses from OSB plates in aesthetic. Therefore, such technologies are rarely used for residential buildings.

In spite of today's crisis, many still dream of a cottage, but the financial situation leaves much to be desired. And then the question arises - really build a house for a million? - This answer is real! Modern technologies allow for a short time and with minimal investments to acquire their own suburban real estate. A visual example of this frame houses from OSB, which can still be built to everything else.

Features of the technological process in the production of component elements for the frame, a small cost of material and low labor costs (also the entire installation process can be made with their own hands) when housing is erected - the main secrets of the formation of a low cost on a typical project of a frame house from OSB-panels.

OSB - oriented chip blocks. These are plates, the main component of which is large wood aspen or coniferous chips. Production of such panels is possible due to the use of high pressure pressing technology. Due to what the output is a dense structure with penetrating the fibers of the tree. In this case, the use of glue is minimal, which gives the whole plate the increased properties of flexibility and strength.

Frame houses from OSB do it yourself - the benefit of construction

If it is planned to build a skeleton house from OSB plates with their own hands, then let's analyze the main advantages of building materials:

  • High strength panels guarantee the reliability and durability of the future structure;
  • Flexibility simplifies the installation process;
  • The lightness of the plates allows during the construction of a frame house from the OSB with their own hands not to use a heavy special equipment, but for the installation of all elements of the design, a brigade is 3-4 people;
  • Plate manufacturing technology and special processing makes surfaces resistant to mold, fungus and dampness;
  • The design does not give a shrinkage, but all the surfaces are smooth, which allows you to produce finishing finish, immediately after installing plastic or wooden windows;
  • For production, the minimum amount of binder adhesive solution is used, which makes the future frame house safe for living;
  • When erecting a skeletal house from OSB with their own hands, minimum investments, the cost below is 40%, rather than the arrangement of a brick building;
  • Well maintain heat due to reduced thermal conductivity, but it requires high-quality insulation.

Types of OSB panels for the construction of a skeleton house

For strength, moisture resistance, price and quality distinguish 4 main types of plates. They can be combined in various combinations during the construction of a skeleton house from OSB with their own hands, which significantly reduces the cost of material.

1 and 2 types are less waterproof and durable, so cheaper. They are usually used with the internal finish of the house, in the creation of interroom overlap.

3 and 4 types are more resistant to mechanical effects and moisture, therefore cost more. The main purpose consists in the outer finish of the facade. The 3rd species is especially valued, having an optimal combination of price, quality and stated characteristics.

Features of frame houses from OSB plates

Thanks to the main winning features of such plates, the construction of a skeleton house from OSB has several advantages:

Cons, of course, too. High tightness of all connections will need to install ventilation systems, also due to thin wall widths low sound insulation. But these problems are easily solved if the building is a one-storey house. Fresh air access is provided by window openings.

Thus, inexpensive, warm, dry, a durable skeleton house from OSB with their own hands provides comfortable accommodation and in winter in -40 C, and in the summer in the heat of +40 s, and the cost allows you to build each wishes.

Verified quality time

America and Canada succeeded in building such housing. About 50 years ago, such a construction technology has become widespread due to the need for short time and low costs when providing millions of people left without bed.

Nowadays, abroad supports the tendency of such construction from environmentally friendly material using the latest materials to significantly reduce the percentage of power consumption and heat transfer at home.

On the territory of Russia, the frame houses from the OSB are not common because of the absence of the necessary equipment and experience, although all the processes on the installation of panels can be made with their own hands. It remains to hope that low-rise construction on the expanses of our Motherland will not lose and successfully make friends with modern technologies. Moreover, such houses are already tested by Arctic frosts and the winds of the North Pole.

Trust but verify

When buying a finished project, you should always make sure of its safety and compliance with the existing standards.

The building from the OSB panels must fully meet the safety requirements:

  • with its direct operation;
  • the main qualities of OSB-plates must be confirmed;
  • must relate to the strength of the frame with the house plan. characteristics.

Examination of the quality of projects of houses from this material is carried out in the framework of the requirements at the legislative level and, if necessary, it can be carried out both by the individual and representatives of state power . All documents confirming product quality should be provided to the expert organization. Certificates accompanying samples and confirming the passage of SanPiN and environmental standards, as well as fire safety, can be studied at the place of sale.

Scope of use of OSB plates

The panels of this type can be used in construction, both as a casing, and in the carrier elements of the frame.

In the first case, this is especially convenient when erecting structures by type of hangars, garages and other typical buildings, when aesthetic beauty is not particularly required. OSB-panels are shedding the main framework, mineral material can be used for insulation. The minus will be a loose dusting of the design in the corners, which leads to a rapid cooler of the room.

As an entry element in the second case, the OSB plate enters both the external component of the sandwich panel (SIP) with a layer of polyurethane foam in the middle. Their production occurs in the factory. The finished panels already have special fastening structures, which greatly facilitates the work and speeds up the construction time.

Advantages of using sandwich panels:

  1. The walls of the new house with the correctly erected foundation are not thrown away, there is also no shrinkage;
  2. The minimum cost of internal finish in front of the painting and pasting wallpaper;
  3. The speed of the construction of a low-rise building;
  4. Lack of climate dependence - maintaining a comfortable temperature anywhere in the planet.

Houses from SIP panels - step by step

According to the famous saying, a real man should build a house in his life. Thanks to modern construction technologies, this becomes a reality.

How is such a house built? The main thing is that you want to spend your strength and attention, this is a true foundation. In this case, the choice falls on the pile-screw, support and small-breeding ribbon base.

If a pile-screw foundation is selected, then for a stable support of the entire design, the pupil is required, which is set below the level of the landscape of the Earth, which will exclude its pushing from the soil - this is, by the way, is distinction from the belt base. Although it is also installed in the observance of the technological features of laying the pipeline, sewage, gas pipeline and electrical conductors.

The next stage of construction at the end of the laying of the foundation and its reliable waterproofing is the installation of support. It completely repeats the outlines of the future at home and is performed from the boards, connected hermetically with panels with the help of self-tapping screws. Special attention is paid to the joints and corners.

Paired bars, bonded between themselves and perform the function of vertical guides, also associate the OSB panels into a single frame. They must match the width of the grooves. The step of their attachment should form an average of about 15 cm.

To withstand elevated vertical loads, and narrow panels are used for floor and ceiling overlap. Corner panels interconnected with grooves form angular joints of the building.

Thus, modern technologies for the production of building materials are not in place. New accommodation from such material is inexpensive, quickly erected, high-quality. Thanks to these advantages, such an "American" technology of building low-rise buildings is gradually leaving and becomes popular in Russia, providing its own housing not one young family.

Each one knows that during the construction used a huge amount of materials. All of them are different in their origin, as well as in mind. For each part of the construction requires certain materials that are a link and without which the construction is impossible.

Of course, each and materials possesses their own characteristics and characteristics, without knowing whose success will not succeed in construction. Today we will talk about the OSB panels that are used in the construction site. For what, why, how and why - will reply today to these questions.

OSB panels

A general-fledged stove, which in other words is called and is referred to as OSB is a construction panel, the purpose of which is to be used in the field of construction and including industry.

This panel is made from such a material as a ribbon chips. The chips of this species is cut along the fibers of wood. Used, as a rule, wood logs, which relate to fast-growing rocks.

The chips in itself gluits a substance, which in its composition is viscous. Such a substance is under sufficiently high temperatures, as well as high pressure. OSB appeared in the sales market in 1981.

To date, OSB hereby pushed out a plate of a waffle-loading type. However, wafer chips panels are still produced at one of the factories in Canada and continue their existence.

Material of manufacture

What kind of material for the manufacture of OSP plates is used? First of all, these plates are made of wood, long, oriented aspen chips or such a tree as pine (woods). Plates are intended only for construction, but now they have found their use in other areas.

The composition of oriented-shake panels consist of a set of multiple layers. It is possible to achieve such a structure by pressing several layers of wood chips. As a rule, three layers are used. It is with the help of a large pressure and a high temperature, it turns out, get such plates.

In order for the gluing process to be as reliable as possible, the formaldehyde and phenol species resin are used. In addition, wax and other substances are added to this composition, which have water-repellent properties.


Of course, as already mentioned earlier, where our article began - the scope of application. We list the main directions in construction, which use the OSB panels:

  • When building houses of frame type and other buildings in small floors;
  • Lifting walls indoors;
  • When creating a flooring;
  • In the roof crate;
  • Production of formwork for work using concrete.


What advantages do these panels and why are they still chosen in construction to this day?

First of all, because:

  1. The structure of the plates is homogeneous and allows the plates to smell, as well as split and even crack.
  2. The location and orientation of chips makes it possible to firmly and firmly hold on with nails and prevent water intake.
  3. Easy to use and in processing.
  4. Using a specially designed ridge, you can use the connection of plates with each other.
  5. Resistant to temperature differences, as well as to all sorts of mechanical damage.
  6. High strength
  7. Environmentally friendly material, which is definitely very important today.
  8. Low price.
  9. Used to finish the walls, roofs and gender.


  1. Capable to swelling
  2. Using only on classified intended purpose
  3. Production Chinese Treat such plates with special attention. Very often, the manufacturer does not comply with all the conditions in view of the low product price.

OSB-panel classification

How can I classify these panels? Classification is carried out with how and how and another plate was carried out. We will understand more.

There are only four types of plates, and they are classified depending on the strength and resistance to moisture:

  • OSB-1 - Plates that are used in conditions of a reduced percent of humidity. Remember that their moisture resistance is more than 20%. Used in the production of any furniture and for internal structures.
  • OSB-2 - Such type is used in dry rooms in order to equip the carriers of structures, partitions I.T.D
  • OSB-3. - Perhaps this is the most applicable stove in practice, in construction. This is primarily due to the fact that plates of this type have increased strength and moisture resistant (this species percentage is no more than 15%), scope: used in external structures and structures that are loaded. Very claimed such plates to ensure overlaps and other places, where an increased percentage of moisture prevails.
  • OSB-4. - This type of plates apply in places with mechanical load and high humidity. Such a type of plates is ready to work with a rather high level of moisture (12%).

Manufacturers firms

What firms make such plates at the moment? Since we are talking about plates that are produced not only in Russia, but also abroad, we still will pay attention to the Russian manufacturer.

After all, we are in the territory of the Russian Federation, and order such plates, suppose from Canada or China, clearly makes no sense. Firstly, overpayment, and secondly, the time we lose on waiting for delivery.

A frame house from OSB is a reliable and inexpensive building, which can be trimmed independently. For the construction of the building, you should choose the appropriate material and correctly bore all the details.

Oriented chipboard have high strength. In terms of its characteristics, they significantly exceed many wood products that are used in the construction of houses.

OSB wood chips plates are made, which is laid out in several layers and is pressed under high pressure. Each wood layer is impregnated with a special adhesive. Mutually perpendicular to construction of wood chips significantly increases the wear resistance of the plates.

OSB panels have high performance properties:

  1. Ease of material processing. Plates can be cut, cut and grind. In places of cutting, cracks are not formed.
  2. Strength. For its durability and rigidity, OSB is not inferior to a strong board. Thanks to the fibrous dense structure, the material can be copper with various fasteners - brackets, self-tapping screws or nails. The panels are also well connected by any construction adhesive solution.
  3. Sustainable atmospheric changes. High quality sheets are subject to additional processing from fungus and mold. Such manufacturing technology allows you to withstand rain precipitations and tolerate temperature changes.
  4. Small weight of the product. Nine Millimeter panel weigh no more than twenty kilograms. Therefore, it is easy to transport and transfer during construction.

Approximately chip material is a harmless material, as it consists of natural wood particles, and the glue content content in it does not exceed three percent. Due to the smooth surface of the slab before painting and facing, you do not need to additionally process.

OSB panels thanks to a homogeneous structure do not lay and do not split. Compared to other natural materials that are used to build buildings, chip slabs have a low cost.

What plates are suitable for construction of a skeleton house

Frame house from OSB panels

Approximately chipboard, depending on the production and construction method, do not divide four categories. Each type of material has its own characteristics that affect the scope of use in construction:

  1. OSB 1. The material has low moisture resistance and a reduced strength level. It is used to produce packages, furniture or trim.
  2. OSB 2. The stove does not have water resistance and refers to the middle category of stiffness. Well suited for the manufacture of wall partitions in dry rooms.
  3. OSB 3. Moisture-resistant product that can be used to facilitate the supporting partitions.
  4. OSB 4. High strength material steady to different mechanical effects. Such panels are not exposed to moisture and tolerate temperature changes well. Used for various types of construction.

For the construction of frame houses, the oriented third-class chip panels are most often used.

Such universal material has all the characteristics necessary for the construction of buildings.

Instructions for building houses from OSB plates

To build a frame building, often plates are ordered according to the size of a pre-prepared project.

Construction of foundation

OSB panels are quite lightweight material, because any kind of foundation is suitable for the building structure. Most often used the belt base, which is easy to do independently:

  • after leveling the construction area, carry out the full markup of the site according to the planned layout;
  • drop the trench depth, which depends on the peculiarities of the soil and the level of its freezing - from eighty centimeters to one and a half meters;
  • tamper the soil at the bottom of the deepening;
  • eliminate two layers of waterproofing material;
  • from above, spray with a mixture - one sand bucket and three of the same tanks of rubble;
  • put a formwork from the OSB panels;
  • in the trench install the reinforced frame;
  • on top to make concrete fill and align it with a hydroeer.

After the complete frozen of the concrete solution on the foundation is covered with a film material for waterproofing.

After that, the wooden framework is constructed from above, which includes:

  • strapping niza with logs;
  • installation of vertical supports for walls;
  • fastening outdoor boards and lag;
  • the construction of the rafting roof system from BRUSEV.

The finished wooden frame is trimmed with high-quality oriented chip panels.

Pole cover

OSB panels are connected on lags with straight edges. Around each chipboard should remain a three-millionx clearance.

Sheets are stacked by the central axis to the bars on the floor perpendicularly. Each plate must be connected with the previous OSB panel on the lags or have an additional support at the ends with a special fastening "groove - comb".

Sheets are attached with nails. For additional strength contracts use glue solutions.

Fastening OSB Boards on Wall

For trimming structures use oriented - inlet material with twelve millimeters thick. To improve thermal insulation initially, the openings are filled with mineral wool.

Installation of sheets on the walls can be carried out both horizontally and vertically. In window and doorways, panels with a gap of three millimeters are connected.

Plush the plates with ring or spiral nails. On connecting the chipstroke sheets, they are driven through every fifteen centimeters, and to the supports the distance between nails increases twice.

Installing the OSB panels on the roof

Quality The strengthening of the skin depends on the smooth of the roof frame base. For installation, strong not damaged panels are selected, which were stored properly and transported.

Short sections of sheets are connected on wall and ceiling backdrops. The remaining bonding panels should have a comb and groove mark on the ends and rely on auxiliary supports. Each sheet of OSB should lie at least on two wooden bases.

The sheath is fixed with spiral nails with a fifty-one millimeter. On the rapid fasteners of fasteners are mounted at a distance of thirty millimeters, and on the connection of the edges, the plates of the nails are driven every fifteen centimeters.

From the edge of the panel of the panel to self-tapping and nails, the minimum interval of one centimeter should be observed. When the chimney is trimmed, the distance provided for by the construction safety rules is observed.

The fastening of the material of the material is performed according to the established rules:

  • between panels and foundation leave a ten meter clearance to protect against moisture;
  • abide by the distance between nails or self-reserves of at least fifteen centimeters;
  • when screwing down the attachment, retreat one centimeter from the edge of the sheet;
  • connect panels are not tight, leave a three-millionxed gap between them.

Build a frame house from the OSB panels is easy. The main thing is to fill a strong foundation, smoothly build a frame and make a trim oriented-chip sheets according to all the rules of their installation.