Repairs Design Furniture

Installation of the proflift 20 on the roof. Montage on the roof of the corrugated hand. Calculation for rectangular row

One of the most inexpensive, durable, practical options for roofing material -, or, as they say, the professionalist, metal profile. This sheet of metal, which is covered by several protective layers, and then skipped through the molding machine, which pursues the protrusions and grooves in it - to give greater rigidity. The material turns out quite lightweight, the roof of the corrugated floor can be mounted independently and even "in one hands." The technology is not the most difficult, do it yourself quite possible.

Types of professional flooring

There are different types of professional flooring. There is a professional official - galvanized, there is color - with a layer of polymer applied over the zinc coating. At the polymer coating, the role is double - it protects against external influences, and gives the material a more decorative appearance. A simple galvanized professional flooring is used as roofing material mainly on temporary buildings, color has a completely solid look, it can be seen on the roofs of residential buildings and yard buildings.

By destination

Professor makes a metal sheet of different thickness. The thinnests are intended for the design of the walls, but can fit on the roof with a frequent crate and small snow loads. The sheets of this group are marked with the letter "C".

Of the thick metal, material with increased bearing capacity makes. It is labeled with the letter "H", used as roofing material in areas with increased wind or snow load. There is still a universal professionalist - it is denoted by "NS". It can be used both for walls and for the roofing device (the amount of snow should be average).

After an alphabetic encoding, the professional leaf cost numbers: C8, H35, NS20. They indicate the height of the wave in millimeters, which is formed in this material. In the example, it is 8 mm, 35 mm, 20 mm, respectively. The roof is placed by professional flooring with a wave height of at least 20 mm.

The waveform at the carrying metal profile is often more complex - it added additional grooves to increase rigidity.

By type of coating

With all the external similarity, the price of the professional flooring of the same type can differ significantly. The case, most often, not in the arrogance of the manufacturer or seller, and in different technologies and materials that are used in production. For example, a protective coating may be zinc and aluminum. The second type of protection appeared recently, the equipment is expensive, but the durability of the metal coated with aluminum is much higher.

Also on the durability of the coating affects the method of forming a wave. There are two technologies - cold rolling and with emulsion. With cold rolling, the sheet is simply asked to rollers without any preparation. In order not to damage the coating applied earlier, it takes expensive equipment. Accordingly, the professional rolling professional is expensive.

When forming a wave with an emulsion, the surface of the metal is wetted with liquid (oil, water, special fluid) and after the rolls are sent. If after rolling such a sheet is not dried, but send to the firing furnace - to fix the paint, the places that were wet will quickly begin to rust. It is impossible to see this defect in advance, it is necessary to hope that the technology is not broken. But the professionalist made on this technology is cheaper.

There are still different polymer coatings. They create a film of different thickness and density, with different properties.

  • Polyester (glossy and matte). The straightener with a plated from polyester has a relatively low price (the cheapest of color) and good characteristics - plating planing, for a long time does not change its color. Matte polyester has no glare on the surface, it looks like a velvety. This is achieved by another application technique and a thicker layer. This coating is the most sustainable mechanical damage.
  • Plaserisol. It has increased resistance to aggressive media, but poorly tolerates ultraviolet. The roof from the plastisol coating professional flooring will quickly overtake (two or three years).
  • Pural - polyamide and acrylic is added to the polyurethane. The coating is obtained more homogeneous, the service life without a change in color is from ten years. Disadvantage - high price.
  • PVDF is the composition of polyvinyl fluoride and acrylic. The coating is expensive, but for a long time, even in an aggressive environment. This roofing material can be used on sea coasts. Another wonderful property - he can self-fully. The slightest rain, and the roof of the professional flooring with the PVDF coating glitters like a new one.

Under normal conditions, a roof is made of a polyester coated corrugated. For price and quality ratio, it is optimal.

How to fit the roof straw

The roof of the corrugated floor is placed on the finished crate of the boards, in which the fragments are located parallel to the sink of the roof. The installation step is up to 60 cm. Usually type-incision-inches, 25 mm thick, use. Sheets are stacked one by one with a vertical overlap per wave. When laying a professional sheet on the roof, note that the extreme shelves have different lengths. The one, which is slightly shorter, should be from below, which is a little longer - covers short. In this case, they adjoin one to another tightly, without clearance. If you confuse and draw on the contrary, there is a few millimeters formed between the two shelves, which will fall into water. Therefore, when mounting, be careful.

The magnitude of the horizontal overlap. If the rows of professional flooring on the roof are more than one, the sheets are placed with overlapping. The value on which the upper sheet overlaps the lower, depends on the corner of the roof of the roof: the more common roof, the greater the occasion.

Most factories producing professional flooring can offer you to make sheets that will cover all your roof - from the skate to the sink - one long sheet (maximum length of 12 meters). When installing, it creates certain difficulties - such sheets are difficult to lift and lay. Especially it will be necessary to set the first sheet for a long time - it must be put strictly vertically, which is complex about height. But the main plus of such a solution is a solid coating from above-donomose, which at times increases the degree of protection of the attic room from the penetration of moisture, crosses all the inconvenience. After all, there are no horizontal joints, and therefore problems with the flowing too.

How to fix the roof career

For fastening the professional leaf use special self-tapping screws with rubber pads under the hats. They provide tightness of the connection. Such self-tapping screws are usually painted in one tone with roofing material. The quantity of fasteners per square meter - 5-7 pieces (do not forget to add about 20% - to fasten the skate element, fixing the joints and other similar works).

Install the screws in the lower shelf, where the sheet comes into contact with the crate. Their length is 20-25 mm, depends on the thickness of the crate board, as it is important that the sharp end of the screw did not speak on the back side of the board. There will be a waterproofing film that may be damaged.

When connecting two adjacent sheets, they are also fastened with self-draws. But in this case, you have to screw the fastener in the wave, and also pierce the double layer of metal. For these purposes, fasteners goes longer - 40 mm and more (depends on the wave height) - the screw must go into the shawl board.

What to cut

Very rarely, the installation of professional flooring on the roof costs without trimming - it is just unique cases. What to cut a professional list? Scissors for metal or electric bison. Yes, it is slow, and not quite convenient, but this is how the manufacturers advise. It is impossible to use the ESM (Bulgarian) - when cut, with its help, a sheet is heated to very high temperatures, which leads to the evaporation of zinc. As a result, in this place, the material quickly begins to rust.

Mounting order

After collecting the rafter system, the front board is born, the hooks for installation are attached to it, and on top of the already special bar - a drip, on which the edge of the waterproofing film is then hardened. And the dropper, and the film is fastened with self-reserves with a sealing rubber washer.

The composition of the cake of materials under the professional flooring depends on whether you are going to do the attic room with cold or warm. If the attic is cold, the sequence of actions is as follows:

If the roof you will warm up, the order of work and the number of required materials changes. The layers will be more:

Roofing of professional flooring: nodes

Even with a constructive duplex roof, there are several complex areas that are usually formed at the junction of different planes and / or parts of the system. These sites are called "nodes". We looked at one such node in the previous paragraph - the design of the front board and the mounting of the drainage. But this is not the only node where a detailed explanation is required.

Installation and sealing of the skate

The underfloor space under the corrugated floor should be well ventilated. This material is quickly heated and also quickly cools, which contributes to the formation of condensate. Therefore, when installing metal products on the roof, in the upper part of the sheets with two side do not join closely, and leave the gap into several centimeters - so that the air can freely go out, carrying out water vapors.

If special skates with ventilation (in the photo), but even if you simply install the usual skate element, between the straightener and its edge, it turns out a large number of holes - in each corrugation depression. The magnitude of this clearance depends on the height of the wave - the higher the wave, the more the gaps are obtained. On the scene, where the front board is nailed, there are also similar holes. The air movement usually goes from the bottom-up - from the sweep, through the underpants space (for this, when installing the roofing material, leave ventilation gaps that are formed by the crate), to the sludge in the skate. So there is ventilation and regulation of the humidity of the insulation, the condensate evaporates and worn.

Great gaps are good for ventilation, but in them during rain / snow with the wind scores, and dust, leaves fall into the attic. Much worse, if the holes are broken by leaves - ventilation will immediately deteriorate. In order not to get into a similar situation, previously about 2/3 from the height of the gap was filled with sealant, imposing it with layers on the roofing material. Crawn there and here with a sealant, on the top of the roof, waiting for a little polymerizes the previous layer, is not very convenient. Also, this decision is incorrect from the point of view of ventilation - the gap decreases, the air movement worsens. But there was no other solution. Now it is - the seal for the professional flooring. It is made of foamed polyurethane, polyethylene or wood composite. The structure of these materials is porous, the air is well passed, but not dust, water or leaves. In shape, it or repeats the shape of the corrugations - there are for different types of the proflist, and there is also a universal tape, which in the right places is simply pressed.

Sealant "Sit" to sealant, bilateral scotch, glue, there are options with self-adhesive ribbon. With such a seal, the air passes fluently, and the precipitates remain in the outer layers, from which then evaporate.

Svet stitch professional owl

In order to strip Svet the straightener, a special profile is fixed to the front board. In its grooves inserted a straightener, sliced \u200b\u200bon the bands of the desired width. The second edge of the binder is attached to the board, brought to the ends of the rafter. The joints of the binder and the board closes with two droplets - one nourishes below, closing the lower half of the board, and the second one. The edge of the waterproofing film is then placed on it.

If the drainage system is attached, the hooks for the gutters are nailed after installing the lower drip. The upper drip is nailed after installing all hooks.

Promotion of professional flooring to the wall

In some cases, the roof from the metal flipper is adjacent to the wall of some kind of structure. How to make an adjoint so that there is no leakage? There are two options (see Figure). Both use an angular planka, only it has a different size and different profile.

You can take an angular bar with the sizes of the shelves 150 * 200 mm. A shorter side is raised on the wall, the roof is a longer attachment to the wall, using fasteners depending on the material from which it is made (nails or self-tapping screw, if it is a tree, dowel, if brick and building blocks). The stack of the plank with the wall pass with silicone sealant. From the side of the roofing fix the bar into the crest of the wave, setting special tapping screws with rubber washers. The length of them is also determined, as well as when connecting the adjacent sheets of the professional flooring (the wave height + 20 mm for entering the crate board).

The second option is more time-consuming: in the wall make a stroke (groove), into which the angular bar with bent under 45 ° shelves. Fastening in this case is similar, the difference in the size of the plank - it can be 100 * 100 mm or so.

Pipe pipe

Many questions occur when sealing the passage of a chimney pipe or ventilation through the roof of the corrugated floor. Pipes in cross section round and rectangular, for each type there is a solution.

For the passage of round pipes through the roofing material there are special steel or polymeric aprons. The upper part of them is made in the form of a cone, the lower - skirt - from an elastic material that can take a given form. The apron is tightly put on the pipe, it descends so that the "skirt" lay on the roofing material. Next, it is necessary to make an elastic skirt to give the form of corrugations. Use the hammer (ordinary or rubber - depends on the type of apron). In order for the skirt, the water does not register, the junction is riveted with sealant, pressing well.

After fixing the skirt fix the neck. If the apron is metallic, the top is covered by a clamp, tightened, the joint is groaned with a sealant. When using a polymer apron (master flash), it with a decent effort dressed on the pipe (sometimes it is necessary to even lubricate the pipe with soap solution), but the joint, after all, for reliability, pass sealant.

With a rectangular (brick) pipe all more complicated. From sheet metal sheets are cut out elements that close the joint with roofing pie.

The profiled sheets with the height of the "wave" up to 2 cm are used to solve decorative tasks, and with a height of more than 2 cm - to solve problems of constructive.


Profiled plates are supplied on the roof area. The length of the plate is traditionally equal: the length of the skate + cornice, and it must be remembered that the edge of the slab should always be over the cornice line for 4 cm.

We advise you to measure the framework diagonally for confidence in the correct sizes and plates. The number of required plates calculate simply: we divide the length of the crest on the nominal (useful) width of the profiled plate, and then rounded into the biggest.


If the roof ventilation is good, the lining under roofing plates is not required. If doubt, it is still recommended to put the lining. Super Diffusional Membrane is used as lining. The purpose of the lining is to prevent the accumulation of condensate and penetrate its upper thermal insulation layer.

Between the gasket and the first board of the creek, the sink should remain a slot of about 50 mm wide for ventilation. The fastening of the lining starts with a sink towards the ridge. The lamp is nailed to the crate of the lamp with largest short (min. 25 mm) nails in increasing about 20 cm.

In places there is a rafted on the lining, it is necessary to fix counter rail, which prevents damage to the lining with screws of the fastening of roofing plates. The edge of the lining, about 30 mm width, wrap up and nourishes to the inner edge of the end board. When cutting the lining material, an ordinary knife and a straight board are used.


From the premises and structures of the house there is always a moisture, which is condensed under the roof. To prevent condensation, it is necessary to build a roof so that the air temperature is the same and under the roofs are the same. This can be achieved particularly carefully made by thermal insulation, good ventilation and installation of the steamproof layer.

The air flow should be able to freely rise from the cornice under the comb (horse) of the roof. The ventilation openings must be positioned at the highest place of the roof. Air can come out of the slots between the ski plate and roofing plates. In well-fired structures, it is recommended to install additional ventilation channels.

  1. Professor
  2. Okeekhet
  3. Sking seal
  4. Konk
  5. Waterproofing parpropusing film
  6. Stropile Plank (timber control)
  7. Stropile foot
  8. Insulation
  10. Ceiling rake
  11. Plasterboard, lining
    A - Long-term ventilation
    B - Ventilation between insulation and waterproofing film

Installation of component elements

The skating bar - serves to protect the upper horizontal line or a skate fracture. The optimal width of the skate rectangular slats:

Face plank. The final profiled slab on the roof end is installed or size in size, or with a large latch. The end plank must close the first "wave" of the plates at a distance of at least 5 cm.

The cornisic bar is installed with an inclination of 10 cm screws with an interval of 30 cm before attaching a profiled slab. Performs aesthetic function, and also protects the roof and the facade from the water coming through the grooves.

Endova declares the inside of the junction of 2-strands. Basins in the deflection of "waves" by self-draws every 25-30 cm. The slot between this joint and the stove is processed by the seal. Under the skim bar is the end of the shear sheet, fasten it especially carefully.

The suspended bar is installed on the place of the inner joint of the screws, has mainly decorative meaning. Plank adjoining is used in the connection site of the wall and roof.

"Apron" for chimneys. The sizes of the pipe can be different, so the "apron" is exhibited independently from the sheet (smooth), it is better than the same with a color profile.

Flat roofs

Profiled plates can also be used when installing flat roofs. In this case, the profile needs to be placed in one layer, insulation (we recommend the mineral wool plate Batts, it is necessary to lay it with a long edge perpendicular to the "wave" of the plate), waterproofing, protective top layer.

Sometimes to protect the cavities of profiled slabs from purging and improving their acoustic characteristics, a partial or complete filling of corrugations is insulated with a depth of approximately 2.5 cm. The thickness of the insulation layer to the span should be at least 1 \\ 2 of the latter.

The angle of inclination of the roof

When installing the roof of the corrugated, much attention is paid to the correct laying of sheets, which in turn depends on the inclination of the roof. The figure shows schematically marked: 1-line foot, 2-waterproofing film, 3-lines, 4-lamp. The waterproofing film (3) is laid horizontally, from the eaves to the skate (not reaching the skate of 50 mm for the purpose of airborne) with the provision of about 20 mm between the rafters. The lamp (4) is the base for the roof of the corrugated. The magnitude of the allen sheets of sheets depends on the angle of inclination of the roof:

Please note: if the slope is less than 12 °, then horizontal and vertical thiocole sealants. The next step is the calculation of the cornese swell (in mm). This indicator depends on the height of the profile.

For the roof of the corrugated, you will need galvanized screws with a sealing washer from neoprene rubber. For 1 sq. M. Professional flooring, approximately 5-7 self-samples4,8x28 ... 40. They are installed in the lower part of the corrugations.

At Konk, the professional flooring is attached through the upper corrugation. In this case, the length of the self-proof L \u003d H + L1 + L2, where h is the height of the profile, L1 is the length of the thread of the self-press, which is included in the wooden crate, L2 is the thickness of the sealing washer. The bottom of the metal tile sheet is attached by self-drawing in the wave sole through the wave. The following rows of self-tapping screws are screwed in a checker manner through one wave.

The lateral fracture of the sheets of metal tiles is bonded by self-drawing on the ridge of each wave. The professional flooring is fastened with self-drawing at the place of adjustment of the trapezoid to the crate. To the top and bottom of the crates - in each trapeze, to the intermediate - through a trapezium. In the longitudinal junction, the pitch of the fastening of the professional flooring should not exceed 500 mm.

Laying professional flooring

With multiple laying, the professional flooring uses two common methods of laying. The side trash in the width should be half the width of the "waves". In case the roof has a strong slope, then use seals or larger inlet.

The first sheet of the lower row is stacked, the first sheet of the second row is attached to it. Then the second sheet of the first row is placed and attached, then the second sheet of the second row. Thus, on the roof it turns out a block of four sheets. The next block is drained to this block.

In other words, of the four sheets are going as if one large sheet and next to it is stacked by the second prefabricated sheet with the side overlap of the first sheet. The method is used for professional flooring with a drainage (drainage) groove.

A block of three sheets is done. Two sheets of the first row are stacked and fasten together, then the first sheet of the second row is docked and attached. The block is aligned on the eaves and is finally fixed. The next block is attached to it. This option is used for profiled sheets without a drainage groove, since in it all sheets of the first row are covered by the second next.

From the roofing materials, one of the leaders is a professional owl. In a different way, it is called professional flooring - construction raw materials from galvanized steel with simple installation technology. However, no matter how elementary laying of this material is carried out on strict rules.

Features of the installation of roofing professional

Professional sheet is a special material that is manufactured by conducting a metal sheet through a special machine that shakes a profile with a height of 8 mm to 7.5 cm.

As a result of treatment, metal sheet becomes wave-like rectangular or trapezoidal. This means that it acquires high strength, which allows you to withstand mechanical effects and the influence of natural phenomena.

Professional property can withstand considerable loads, therefore used as roofing material

Since the material is specific, the technology of its laying is not so simple, as at first it seems. The most difficult moments in the installation of the roofing professional leaf consider its delivery to the roof, the search for suitable tools and fasteners, as well as the structure of the root.

Roofing Pie under profiled sheets

When assembling roofing cake under the professional flooring, you must perform the following steps:

When laying a roofing cake, it is important to adhere to the recommended layer location scheme with a mandatory ventilation gaps.

Video: Stages of the creation of the roof from the proflist

Transportation of professional flooring

To deliver a professional flooring to the roof construction site, you should be extremely neat. Therefore, profiled sheets are strongly recommended to transfer one piece, and four hands.

Professional property can not drag on the ground and bend. Metal material with a modified form can not be returned to the previous state, which means that it should be disposed of as a raw material with a damaged protective layer, which lost the ability to resist corrosion.

The rise of the roof professional flooring is also a responsible task performed on strict rules:

Suitable fasteners

Reliable adhesion of profiled sheets with a doom can provide only galvanized screws with a drill at the end. The size of these mounting elements is strictly regulated: the length is 3.5 cm, and the diameter is 4.8 mm. To block moisture access inside the roofing pie, the self-tapping screws must be equipped with neoprene gasket.

The profiled sheets are strictly forbidden to fix on the shells of nails or aluminum ripples. Such fasteners will be powerless if a strong wind will suddenly work on the roofing material.

Self-tapping screws are secured at the bottom of the waves, achieving a solid connection with the shelter rails

The place of attachment of self-tapping screws on a straightened is the bottom of the wave coming into contact with the fence.

For the attachment of the professional flooring, you can choose the screws with hats, the color of which repeats the color of the purchased roofing coating. This approach will help make the roof aesthetically attractive.

If it is decided to lay the roof with a polymer coating, then you need to be ready to carefully control the process of immersion of screws in the material. It is impossible to allow the chips to come out from under the screwed fastening element to scratch the protective layer of the profiled sheet.

The resulting chips should be carefully removed at the same moment. Being left in the zone of the passage of self-pressing through the material, it will be covered with rust and distribute the "disease" to neighboring sites. In addition, the chips will prevent the blockage of the place of attachment with a special gasket.

Self-tapping screw to the material strictly perpendicular

Laying depending on the inclination of the roof

The bias of the roof is at least 12 degrees. And on the degree of inclination of the roof depends on how it is necessary to put the profiled sheets on the roof:

  • the inclination of the roof is up to 15 ° requires to be stuck in such a way that the nearby sheets are connected to the edges by 20 cm;
  • the coolest roof - with a slope under a slope to 30 ° - is closed with slices of material in contact with 15-20 cm;
  • the roof, tilted by more than 30 °, is made to overlap with a flystone of 10-15 cm.

The seams formed after the compound of profiled sheets are carefully shuffled. To do this, use mastic or sealing tape.

The inclination of the roof is reflected in the shave step. With a small slope of the roof row, the base under the roofing material is built, leaving between its rows from 30 to 40 cm. When the roof is tilted by more than 15 °, they act differently: the boards of the doomle are laid out at a distance of 50 or even 60 cm each other.

Installation of profiled sheets on the roof

Roofing work begins with a detailed training - finding tools, material and challenges.

Installation Tools

The following tools are needed to fasten the roof professional flooring:

  • screwdriver;
  • scissors for metal (for steel thickness up to 0.6 mm);
  • metal hacksaw with small teeth;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • electric saw;
  • marker;
  • level;
  • yardstick;
  • pistol for sealant.

Cut the professional owner can be scissors for metal or manual hacksaw, but in no case with a grinder

By installing the profilters, it is forbidden to work with electrical or gas welding.The use of this equipment will lead to the deposits - damage the protective layer of the material.

Plots of the cut of sheets of professional flooring can be insured against rust lesion. To do this, it is necessary to lubricate the edge of the material of the composition against corrosion.

Material and Double Elements

Light roof with a small inclination is preferable to the profiled sheets of C35 or C44. The shape of this material may be a trapezoidal or sinusoidal. And the length of such sheets ranges between two and six meters, although some manufacturers, if they did an individual order, make a profile of 50 cm in size to 12 m.

The roof with steep slopes of the masters urgently advise the profiled sheets of the NS35 brand.

The profiled sheet of NS35 refers to a group of carrier profiles and has increased rigidity and corrosion resistance

In addition to the corrugated floor, it will be necessary to stock by a semicircular or rectangular skate, which is necessary to protect the joints of profiled sheets. In addition to the skate in the form of halves of the circle, it is necessary to purchase special plugs.

The horse is used to protect and decorate the joint area of \u200b\u200btwo roofing rods

Another desired detail is a wind strap. Within no rain drops, the walls of the house will fall, and the roof will not be able to look like designs, brought to the final stage of construction.

Wind bar performs the role of a protective and decorative roof element

Based on the roof configuration, some other additional items may be needed:

  • the lower and upper strips of Endov (the first blocks moisture path into the space under the roof, and the second makes the roof of a well-developed object);
  • external and inner corners connecting sheets in the corner area.

Step-by-step instruction

The direction of installation of a professional flooring is from the bottom up, because with such a scenario, rain or melt water will not be leavinged in the area between sheets.

The wavy material believes to put against the wind rate, most often observed in the roof construction zone. It turns out that if the wind blows on the right, then profiled sheets are attached from left to right.

Installation of profiled sheets are produced in the direction against the wind and from the bottom up

When the professionalist is so long, which covers the whole slope, start the roof from the end. The roofing sheet is aligned on the eaves, bearing in mind that 4 cm (svet cornice) is left to the reserve. On the edge of the end, align the roofing material is strictly prohibited.

Stacking profiled sheets on the roof is performed in the following sequence:

  1. The first profile is installed on the cut and in the middle fixed with one self-tapping screw. Next lay next sheet, the edge of which should overlap the edge of the previous one. The second profile is also fixed in the central part.

    The first sheets of material are fixed with one self-tapping screw

  2. Having placing the line of sheets from one to the other edge of the roof, they carry out horizontal alignment of the row. At the same time focus on the cornice.
  3. Profiled sheets are connected to each other. The mount is performed in the zone at the skate and in each third deflection of the crest of the material.

    In the zone of the skate, the sheet is attached through one deflection, in the joint zone with the lower sheet - in every deflection, and in the middle - after two spills

  4. Professor finally attach to the ground. Self-tapping screws are screwed at the location of the lamb where the third deflection is located in all profiled sheets. From the end part of the roof profiles, the profiles are fixed in the jams of the fit to the shap through one deflection. The upper edge of the sheet, located near the skate, is pressed to the base also through the breaking of the wave.
  5. From excess the material get rid of, acting with a hacksaw. This task is necessarily performed from the ends of the house and on the second slope of the roof.
  6. The roof is equipped with an end plank, fixed in the wave of professional flooring by means of screws. The fixation of the element is carried out from below, moving toward the ridge of the roof. If you need to dock two slats, they make a large flystone - more than 5 cm. The mount is performed every 60-100 cm.

    Face planks are installed with a large fattest and attach to the shapper with self-draws

  7. Between the roof of the roof and the profiled sheets hide the seal, which independently sticks to the place of laying. The skaters are increasing, connecting their edges by 10 cm. Fastening elements are inserted in a step of 30 cm.

Video: How to avoid mistakes when installing profiled sheets

Roof repair

One of the following troubles can happen from the roof of the corrugated floor: leakage with the subsequent damage to corrosion, damage in the form of holes only in some places of roofing and global sheet damage.

Elimination of the roof leakage

Finding that the roof closed with profiled sheets flows, it is necessary to carry out a thorough inspection of fasteners. Perhaps they were loosely inserted into the material, so the special gasket on them could not prevent the seeping of water into the layers of roofing cake.

If the problem of the flow of the roof declared itself a few months after the construction of the roof, the ways to solve it are quite simple. It is only necessary to climb to the roof and screw the screws stronger.

Sometimes the reason for the flow of the roof is the poor twisting of the screws

When the adjustment of the fasteners was useless, looking for another way out of the situation. It happens that to prevent the roof to prevent the roof, have to resort to such works as:

  • replacement of some areas of roofing;
  • reconstruction of the roof screed or the installation of a new one;
  • dismantling old aprons on cornice and adjoins to roof designs.

Having found small cracks and scratches on the roofing cover, they necessarily take a means for their blockage. To eliminate deep wrinkles on the material apply mastic.

Mastic is capable of getting rid of small roof cracks

With rust on roofing profiled sheets, it is also necessary to fight, because it indicates a damage of the protective layer of the material. Plots with corrosion stains are necessarily cleaning, and then treated with primer. The final stage of this procedure is to apply a bitumen varnish or an aluminum powder capable of forming a new protective film on the professional floor.

Restoration of slightly damaged sheets

The assistant in solving the issue of repairing the roof will be the composition of Surik, if only non-reliant damage is revealed on the cornet. And when the holes are detected, the profiled sheets will have to save the packles in advancely processed bitumen. On the site where the gap has just been closed by the mentioned means, pour bitumen mastic.

Large holes eliminate with the help of rubberoid or burlap pieces. The patch is cut on 25 cm widely detected hole. The first thing with a damaged area with a brush with metal bristles is considered to be dirt, then the surface is treated with a heated bitumen mastic and dried for several hours.

If the material for the patch served as a burlap, then mastic is applied before gluing to the surface.

It is possible to eliminate the leaks of a small size using a piece of burlap glued to mastic

You can put the pay in two layers if the hole in the profiled sheet looks great. Material laid on a hole lubricate with preheated mastic.

The "resuscitation" of the roof with the imposition of a patchwork from rubberoid or burlap is ideal for sheets with a width of up to 20 cm wide.

When the holes in the professional flooring are even more, the patch is made from the sheet iron, which it is not necessary to be new. The metal piece is attached to nails to the shap, thereby preventing it from sagging.


In some cases, it is not worth counting on the help of special compositions and patches. It happens that the damaged sheet is subject to a complete replacement.

Disassembly of the spoiled roofing professional flooring is a task that will require a lot of strength. Still, together with the protested sheets, it will have to replace the old thermal insulation material.

The worst happens: sometimes when repairing the roofs, they are forced to change everything, right up to rafters and grooves. To such a solution can come only after a careful inspection of roofing pie.

Overhaul of the roof from the professional flooring implies the dismantling of old sheets and a thorough examination of the roof layers

The waterproofing film is cleaned, and in its place a new one, if there are holes, too. When it is detected in the roof of wooden elements with rotting "patients", the plots are set and lubricated with antiseptic composition.

Noticing that eliminating the removal of the wood strongly reduced the thickness of the rafter or any other wooden part, resort to the receipt of the extension or installation of a new element.

Video: How to make roof repair yourself

Installation of roofing professional flooring and its repair will need to master many subtleties of construction work. However, this does not mean that the task is difficulty. For the most part, it is just responsible.

Due to the increasing popularity of profiled sheets, as a finishing material for a roof, a natural question arises: "How to put a corrugation on the roof?" And, despite the seeming ease of the styling process, we must not forget that there are pitfalls here.

Advantages and disadvantages

As in any other case, the laying of professional flooring on the roof has both pros and minuses. First of all, we denote the advantages:

  • Durability. The average service life of the profiled sheet is 50 years.
  • Moisture resistant.
  • Fire safety.
  • Environmental purity.
  • Resistance to aggressive atmospheric phenomena.
  • Wide selection of color palette.
  • Easy and simplicity, in comparison with many other materials, editing.
  • Does not require special care during operation.

There are several minuses on such a number of advantages:

  • Professional flooring is very loud. During the rain, the effect of the drum and the noise is dealt not only inside the attic room, but also inside the house. Most often, this problem is solved by laying thermal insulation, which also performs the functions of noise insulation, directly under the scat.
  • From severe heating, the protective layer of the product is spooled. For example, if you cut the proflists with a grinder. This can reduce the service life of the roof.

From myself we note that you need to clearly follow the instructions for laying a corrugated roof. Otherwise, the wrong installation subsequently will cause depressurization and flow.

Types of roofing professional flooring

In total, three main types of profiled sheets are distinguished:

  1. Wall - S.
  2. Roofing - N.
  3. Universal - SS, NS

The letter "H" means the carrier, the letter "C" - wall.

Let us dwell on the roofing and universal professional flooring suitable for us. They have sufficient for massive overlaps thick, rigidity and height. Such characteristics allow you to use it for the roof. In turn, these professional clothes are divided into:

  • NS-13
  • NS-20
  • NS-35
  • N-114.
  • N-153.
  • N-158.

In this labeling, the figures indicate the height of the wave in millimeters. For installation, the roof most often use profiled sheets in the range from NS-13 to H-75. Note that the higher the height of the wave - the better the stiffness indicators.

An important role is played by the thickness of the product. Here the same principle is the thicker - the stronger.

Preliminary work

If you do not know how to properly stacked the roof, look at the video on the topic.

The preliminary stage of the work includes:

  1. Calculation of the required number of proflist
  2. Waterproofing device
  3. Insulation
  4. Cutting device
  5. Installation of the lower plank of the adjoining and waterproofing of the chimney

Thus, before putting the corrugation on the roof, it is necessary to make the roof skate measurements. Even if the rafter system was raised strictly on the project - it is necessary to climb onto the roof and independently measure everything, errors are often allowed during construction.

During the work of measurements, do not forget that the flow of the roof will act as outside the eaves and beyond the limits. Sheets on the skate should be ordering better. That is, if the length of the slide is 6 meters, then the professional flooring should be a long 6 meters plus the protrusion for the cornice.

  • First, it will speed up the installation process itself, instead of two or three sheets you will need to lay one.
  • Secondly, there will be no possible problems with the sealing of the joints in the middle of the skate.
  • Thirdly, the roof without joiners looks much more attractive.

If you will offer to buy all the good items in the construction store at the same time: Undova, Konk, Windcake, Dwarf - Do not refuse, this will greatly simplify your life. As a rule, only the drainage is counted in the stores in stores.

Also, before laying a corrugation on the roof, will correctly take care of waterproofing.

To do this, use a special film stripped into rolls. As such rolls are unwinding, pay attention to the provisions, they should be in the area of \u200b\u200b15 cm. In the frost, the film will be stretched, and such a provision will not allow it to burst. From above, waterproofing is attached to the counterclaim.

The next step is insulation, it is not necessary to produce. But it allows you to use the attic as a mansard floor, and minimizes the "drum effect" of the professional flooring.

The sharet must be performed in accordance with all the rules. So, the type of crates will differ depending on the angle of inclination of the skate, from the type of profile and from its thickness.

Installation of the lower plank of the flue of the chimney and the waterproofing of the chimney is needed to prevent possible leaks in this place.

What will be needed for installation

Instructions for stacking professional flooring to the roof implies the use of the following equipment:

  1. Gloves or mittens for hand protection. Especially relevant when the minimum thickness was used, and when they have to customize a lot of sheets under the roof - the cropped edges are very sharp.
  2. Soft, non-slip shoes. Without it, it is impossible to walk on the professional floor. Barefoot is inconvenient and slippery, and any other shoes will leave dents that cannot be accurately straightened.
  3. Screwdriver. It is better to use it, not a drill. First, there are no extra wires. Secondly, it has an ideal speed of rotation for fastening the roof.
  4. Roofing screws. They should be under the color of the proflist. It is necessary that each self-tapping screw is equipped with a gasket that prevents the appearance of leaks at the place of attachment.
  5. Electrolzik with a special saw or scissors for metal. Disk saws are also allowed, special electric plates for roofing and hand-hacks for metal. Bulgarian use only in extreme cases. In the process of work, it strongly heats the professionalist, which damages its protective coatings.
  6. Level. Before putting professional flooring on the roof it is worth checking the same corner of the row, as well as the lack of "holes" in the crate. Later, when the sheets are laid, the nuances can no longer be fixed. At the same time, the professional flooring will explicitly show all the flaws, and they will be noticeable to the naked eye.
  7. Caller with paint under the roof. Even if the installation of the roof is made by experienced masters, the professional flooring will be scratched. This may happen due to the defective self-pressing, due to the wind, which prevented a sheet to file correctly, etc. In such an unprotected place, the professional flooring will start rust over time.
  8. Roulette and construction pencil, or a marker. Need to measure and place sheets under cutting.

Installing challenges

Before putting professional flooring on the roof, I will correctly establish some of the challenges: drip, drain, carnice bar. But experts suggest that in some cases it can be done and then to once again do not scratch them.

  • Let's start with a dropper. It happens two types: drip condensate and a cornice bar. Condensate drip is designed to protect wooden designs from moisture. It is not always installed, since condensate, as a rule, flows a bit, and therefore there is no particular need for it. It is advisable to mount it in front of the waterproofing device, which is attached to it from above.
  • Next, the drainage chute should be installed. If the beam around the edge is cut at an angle of 45 degrees - it is necessarily mounted before laying a professional flooring. Otherwise, when the beam is cut under 90 degrees, it can be mounted at any time. For fastening the drainage gutter there are special hooks brackets.
  • Next is a cornice bar. Fasten the last board of the crate and descend directly into the drainage chute so that the water from the roof in independence from the wind atmosphere will flow directly into it. In place where it is Endow, before laying a professional flooring, the bottom plank of Endova is installed, which protects against the flow.
  • Wind or end plank. Need to maintain the correct heat transfer of inter-level spaces. According to the technology of laying corrugated roof, it is installed at the very end, upon completion of the main work. To do this, a wind board is sewn to the crate, the size of the bar is sewn, and the windscreen itself is attached to it.
  • Konk It is customary to be installed upon completion of the main work. But in order to then not climb on the professional floor, you can install it directly during the installation of sheets. After one side of the roof, it will be completely ready for it to fasten the horse. To make it right, from the second side, where there is no professional flooring, the trimming is put. Next, as the roof is edited on the second scath, the horse is screwed to sheets with an already rigid base.

Laying professional flooring

Answering the question of how exactly laying a handset on the roof, let's say that first of all the evenness of the profiled sheet depends on the neat work with it.

Windy weather also does not contribute to the laying. In particular, if sheets are more than 3 meters.

The wind easily can snatch them out of the hands or bend. It will be good in this case to use the help of a large number of submissions.

Think out how to climb and peel off the roof when it is completely covered. The staircase simply can not be opened on metal profile, it will not stand weight.

Now we go to the question, how to put the roof corrugated floor. At the same time, the following procedure is followed:

  1. It is better to start work from the courtyard to the road. So the joints will not be visible from the street.
  2. Before starting the installation of the professional flooring, it is necessary to place a horizontal so that the sheets do not go down or up. From the first sheet of this, it may be imperceptibly, and later it turns out that you will have to redo the entire skate. To mark the horizontal, the Pythagora theorem is used, or, as it is also called "Egyptian angle". For this, on the edge of the roof, I dwell 4 meters, up - 3 meters and we are looking for a place where the diagonal will be 5 meters. Then we will have an even angle of 90 degrees, and, accordingly, a flat horizontal.

There is another, "handicraft" method for monitoring sheets. To do this, the distance from the edge of the professional flooring is measured from the edge of the crate. The distance it should be the same on the left, and on the right.

  1. If the length of the professional sheet is less than the skate length - the lower row is first fit. Or, for greater convenience, so that then it did not have to feed the sheets through this series: the first two lower sheets are laid, after - one top, again the bottom and again the top.
  2. Sheets lie one on one venge. If there is a special rubber gasket - the backstage is made on one wave. If there is no such gasket - two. Note that in the case of a slope of the skate more than 16 degrees, the use of the rubber seal is optional.
  3. The top leaf also puts the brass to the lower. The minimum value is 20 centimeters.
  4. The fixation of the professional leaf is made at the rate of 8 self-samples per meter square. It can be more, but no less. Self-tapping screws are screwed into the lower wave.

To the last slat, the sheets of sheets are attached to each recess. Above the last strap - after a deepening. But carefully make sure that the screws are located symmetrically to each other, that is, were in the plane of one wave. It looks at below where as attractive than messy mount.

In order to properly put professional flooring on the roof, see how this is done in the video.


The process of installing the roof is very important in the construction of the house. After all, from what your roof will be - much depends on. The roof of the professional flooring is the best option for those who value with their finances and at the same time wants to get the result. Technology is quite simple. Therefore, we can say that everyone can mock such a roof.

Properties and advantages of roofing

In order for the material to bring maximum benefit, its basic characteristics should be studied. To begin with, I would like to figure it out - what is the roofing professional flooring?

The technology of manufacturing professional flooring is quite simple. The profile is a material made from the sheet steel by the method of cold stamping. Steel sheet thick from 0.5 to 1.2 millimeters contains trapezoidal waves. They are called rigid ribs. From the thickness of the metal, the configuration and size of the ribs of hardness depend on the operational characteristics of the professional flooring - the thickness of the metal and deeper the profile of the stamping, the stronger the roof from the corrugated floor.

If the metal subjected to moisture getting - it will cover corrosion. To protect the professional flooring, a zinc, aluminum or polymer coating layer is used. Today we are distributed and mixed options for such protection. For example, you can purchase galvanized professional flooring, which, in addition to the main layer, has a decorative polymer.

The popularity of professional flooring, as roofing material is explained as follows:

  1. First, the material has high performance. Professional flooring is not terrible mechanical damage and atmospheric effects. In addition, roofing material has a favorable aesthetic appearance.
  2. Secondly, uncomplicated installation can be attributed to the benefit. The material is very easy to lay and fasten on the rods. As a result, on the one hand, it turns out reliable, and on the other - a hermetic roof.
  3. Thirdly, the light weight of roofing professional flooring facilitates the preparatory work on the installation. After that, the installation of the roof from the professional flooring becomes simple work.

Do not forget about the economic component. If you expect to build practical, and at the same time inexpensive roofing - then the best option will be professional flooring.

We prepare for work

One of the main advantages of the profile is the range of types and. This suggests that the buyer will be able to find a material that is suitable for configuration, ribs of rigidity or color scheme. Finally - by

The optimal combination of sheets - when their length is equal to or slightly larger than the length of the roof of the roof. In this case, it is not necessary to create transverse joints or backstage. This significantly increases the characteristics of waterproofing.

It is recommended to use solid longitudinal sheets. Thanks to such preferences - in the future it will be easy to perform. To determine the required number of sheets to purchase, use a simple formula. You only need to divide the width of the skate to the width of the profiled sheet. In any case, the technology that will not require additional knowledge.

ATTENTION: As a rule, many manufacturers of professional flooring indicate both the nominal (geometric) width and efficient (nash) width. If you are calculating the roof - focus on the second digit.

To cut the professional flooring, you need:

  • steel professional flooring up to 0.6 millimeters - scissors for metal;
  • hacksaw with small teeth;
  • electric jigsaw for metal;
  • disc saw with small teeth.

ATTENTION: Cannot be used for cutting profile of a grinder having an abrasive circle.

Necknotte under professional flooring

Installation of roofing professional flooring is carried out on the crate, which is located either on top of the rafted, or on top of the insulation.

For the arrangement of the crate, it is necessary:

  • Bar with dimensions of 50x50 millimeters;
  • Chalkboard 32x100 millimeters;
  • Chip or plywood sheets with dimensions of 10 millimeters.

Before working, wooden parts should be treated with antiseptics. They prevent the processes of rotting the tree, and have fire-fighting compositions. You can put a superdiffusion membrane on the crate (lining). It will protect against the formation of condensate, which adversely affects durability.To fix the membrane to lags or to the crate, you will need special nails with a wide hat.

Raise the roof professional flooring

After the substitution of the material to the desired size and arrangement of the cage - can be installed on the roof on the roof.

But very often questions arise related to the raising of the corrugated roof. As a rule, the installation is carried out two or three people. At the same time, the problem of lack of workers hands arises.