Repairs Design Furniture

Roof lags Distance. Step rafted for different types of roofs and roofing materials. Dependence of the step rafters from the roof material

The reliability of the roof and its operation is mainly dependent on how correctly the calculations are made.

One of the most important parameters of the rafter system is how far the rafters are located.

After all, the load distribution on the frame depends precisely from this desired parameter.

If the calculation is incorrect, the deformation and the roof can occur.

Therefore, it is extremely important to accomplish the exact calculation of the interval between the preparation of the roof project.

Basic settlements

A step of rafters is called the distance from one rafter foot to another.

During the construction of private house roofs, this value is 1 meter.

But this is an approximate figure.

In order to obtain the exact size of the interval, it is necessary to calculate the bearing capacity of the solid type of the selected type.

To perform the correct calculation, use the following scheme:

  • initially, it is necessary to determine what the length of the roofing slope;
  • now the resulting digit should be divided by an approximately selected rafter step. If you have previously selected its value of 1 meter, then you need to divide on 1.

    If 0.8 was chosen to share 0.8, etc.;

  • after that, the result is added to the result and round the resulting value in the most side. This action is necessary in order to obtain a precise number of rafters that will need to be installed on one slope;
  • the total length of the skate should be divided into the amount of rafter feet obtained under the previous calculation. And we get the exact distance between them.

To understand everything better, let's consider an example.

Measuring the length of the roof of the roof, they received 27.5 meters.

We choose a step 1 meter to make it more convenient to read.

Further calculations will look like this:

Now add a unit of 27.5 m +1 \u003d 28.5 m.

Round up to the nearest value and get the number 29.

That is, on one slope of our roof it is necessary to install 29 rafting legs.

Now the roof length is divided by their quantity: 27.5 / 29 \u003d 0.95 m.

So, in our case, the step of the rafting feet should be 0.95 meters.

This is a common calculation.

With which the peculiarity of a particular roofing material is not taken into account.

And it can significantly change this parameter.

When you know what kind of material you will use on the roof, you will have to make some changes.

Optimal and minimum meaning

Step is a settlement unit.

After all, it depends first of all, from the load on the roof frame and the cross section of the rafter.

You can take a thick board for their facilities and the interval between them to make 120 cm.

With this distance it may begin to get a doomle.

And how to lay insulation?

After all, most materials width equals 1 meter.

So take an approximate step in 1 meter when calculating.

The minimum distance between is 70 cm.

And to obtain the optimal value for each material it is necessary to calculate.

Single Roof Step Detection

Single roof is the simplest.

Indeed, in the rapid farm of such a roof there are only rafting legs.

No boosts, racks, dive in its design.

Associate such a roof usually on garages, extensions, baths.

In order to determine the step of the rafted on a single-bedroom roof, you can use the table:

As can be seen from the table, the rafter step depends on their length and cross section.

Distance between rapid roof rafyles

The duct roof is occurring much more often than the roof is a single one.

And explain such popularity simply: the design is very simple, but with all the simplicity, the bartal roof is distinguished by its reliability.

Its design is easily adjusted to any climatic conditions and any roofing material.

When calculating the step of the rafted binary roof, everyone is performed according to the general calculation system (see above).

If the rods have the same length, it is enough to perform calculations for one slope.

If the skates of different lengths, then the calculation is performed for each slope.

It should be remembered that the limit values \u200b\u200bare 70 and 120 cm.

What is the step depending on the roof material


If ondulin will be used as roofing material, the rafter system is constructed from pine boards with a cross section of 50 x 200 mm, and the rafters should be located at least 60 cm and no more than 90 cm each other.

From above, the drying of the timber with a cross section of 40 x 50 mm is laid.

Metal tile.

The roof of the metal tile during the construction of country houses is used most often.

Because this material is much easier to ceramic or cement tiles.

Although in appearance very much like it.

A small gives you the opportunity to use when creating a slinging system of a smaller board, and for the crate to use thinner bars.

The decrease in the size of the elements of the rafting leg system, in turn, reduces the burden on the walls of the building and its foundation.

When building a rafter system for metal tile, the rafters are mounted in 60 - 95 cm increments.

The material section is 50 x 150 mm.

According to experts, if at the interval between the rafters, put the insulation, having a thickness of 150 mm, then the most comfortable conditions for living will be created in the attic room.

To ensure the ventilation of the space, where the insulation is laid, the holes near the upper roof of diameters of 12 mm arrive at the installation of the rafter system.

The technology of manufacturing a rafter system for metal tile from the technology of manufacturing the framework for other roofing materials is not significantly different.

The only difference is installation at the top.

Mounting the upper support is not on the ski bar on the side, but on the ski run.

The presence of a free zone between the rafters allows the air to be fully circulated under the flooring, which helps to protect the condensate formation.

Ceramic tile

The design of the system under ceramic tiles has its own characteristics.

After all, clay uses for the manufacture of such roofing material.

And this is a very heavy material.

If you compare metal tiles and tiled ceramic, then the last weighs 10 times more.

Accordingly, the rafter system is significantly different.

On 1 square meter of the surface of the roof there is a load of 40 - 60 kg depending on the manufacturer and product brand.

The rafters for such a frame system are made of wood, which passed a long drying.

Such wood must have moisture no more than 15%.

A timber having a section of 50 x 150 or 60 x 180 mm is used.

So more reliable.

And the distance between can be 80 - 130 cm.

The exact value can be called if the angle of inclination is known.

If the angle of inclination is equal to 15 degrees, then the step of the rafter will be 80 cm.

And if the angle of inclination, for example, will be 75 degrees, then the step may be greater - 130 cm.

More 130 cm The interval between the rafters do not.

Also, when calculating the step, the rafter is taken into account their length.

The more Dina, the smaller the distance between them.

The shorter the rafter legs, the more you can make the distance.

If the angle of inclination is 45 degrees, the roofer can move safely on the roof if the step of the rafter is 80 cm.


When creating a truss system under the default, the minimum distance between is 60 cm.

The maximum value is 90 cm.

If for any reason the step rafter was more than 90 cm, then there is a need to install a large cross-section.

The rapid legs themselves may have a cross section of 50 x 100 or 50 x 150 mm.


Despite the emergence of a large number of new roofing materials, asbetic slate remains one of the most popular.

If slate is planned for the roof, the rafters must have a cross section of 50 x 100 or 50 x 150 mm.

The distance between them makes no less than 60 and no more than 80 cm.

The crate is made from a bar having a cross section of 50 x 50 mm or a cross section of 25 x 100 mm.

With the device of any building design, it should be remembered that there are still unexpected situations.

And, therefore, with the distances between them it is necessary to provide a margin of safety.

Video on the mounting of the rafter system.

The distance between the rafyles is one of the key parameters affecting the strength of the structure. The competent calculation of the installation step of the rafter allows you to build a roof resistant to high operational loads.

Loads on the roof and calculation of the rafter system

The development of a single-table or twin roof project begins with a selection of the type of a rafter system, an angle of inclination of the rod (the height of the roof) and the construction materials for the construction of the structure. The calculation of the distance between the rapid legs is performed taking into account the loads that the roof will test during operation. Permanent loads included:

  • weight of materials from which a rafter system is made;
  • roofing weight;
  • the weight of the materials of the roofing pie (waterproofing, vapor insulation, insulation);
  • weight elements of decoration of a housing attic or attic.

In addition to constant loads, the roof is experiencing temporary to which:

  • snow cover;
  • human weight when servicing and repairing roofing.
  • Upon step implies the distance between the rafters of one slope. Performing the calculation of a single-table, nipce or complex roof, usually follow the following scheme:

    • it is measured the length of the future roof scope;
    • the resulting value is divided into the optimal numeric value of the string;
    • the unit is added to the value, the result is rounded;
    • the bottom of the roof skate is divided into rounded result.

    The final result will allow you to determine what distance you should put the rafting legs. The definition of the step cannot be extremely accurate, as it is required to take into account a number of additional factors, including the width of the insulation, the features of the edge of the crate under various types of roofing material. If the chimney roof is designed, the step can be adjusted to the location, so that it does not have to clean the part of the rafter and put the supporting structure, such as a special rafting system.

    Distance between rafyles for slate

    Slate - traditional roofing material. Its advantages include such characteristics as resistance to external influences (excluding mechanical) and low cost. Slate allows you to create a roofing coating, which can be replaced by the replacement of individual elements. Slate has a lot of weight and requires the installation of a fairly powerful rafting system. The calculation of the distance, on which it is necessary to put rafters for slate, is carried out taking into account the cross section of the bar for the manufacture of rafting legs.

    The optimal solution is the installation of the system for slate, in which the gap between the rafters should be at least 800 mm. In order for the design to slate to withstand not only the weight of the material, but also increased external loads, the neckenet is performed from a bar or a board with a cross section of at least 30 mm. By performing the calculation of the rafter system for slate, it should be revealed that this material has sufficiently large restrictions on the choice of the angle of slope.

    Raftered under metal tile

    Metal tile is actively used as a practical and aesthetic roofing material during the arrangement of a single-table, plumbing, holm or complex roof. The framework for metal tile is built according to the standard principles. To calculate, at what distance it is better to put rafyroids, it is necessary to take into account the load and the angle of inclination of the roof. Metal tile characterizes a relatively low weight, so that it can serve as a replacement for old roofing coating from slate or ceramic tiles. At the same time, the rafters will not need to strengthen or change the step of their installation.

    The standard step of rafted under metal tile is 600-900 mm. The cross section of the elements can be 50-150 mm - this is enough to create a reliable frame for metal tile. But if the insulation is assumed, the layer of which in areas with low winter temperatures should be 200 mm, for rafters for metal tile, it is recommended to use the 200x50 timber pump so as not to mount an additional system that holds the insulation. The gap between rafters for metal tile is better to fit under the width of the leaf or rolled heat insulator.

    Profile: rafters and doom

    Professional flooring refers to the easy and convenient in the use of roofing materials. A galvanized or covered with a decorative and protective layer, professional flooring can be used both for mounting a single-table roof of the utility room or garage and for a two-tie roof of a residential building. How to calculate the distance required to install rafters under the professional flooring?

    To ensure the necessary stiffness of the design, it rafters under the professional flooring is enough to put 600-900 mm in increments. It is necessary to pay attention to the angle of inclination of the roof. The calculation shows that at high external loads, professional flooring is better laying on the system with a minimum step. But if the distance between the rafters under the professional flooring is close to the maximum, and the angle of the roof of the roof is small, the design is enhanced by using a more frequent crate. In this case, the pitch of the crate under the professional flooring should be about 50 mm, the width of the elements is at least 100 mm.

    Slinged system for soft roof

    The soft roof includes bitumen and bitumen polymer rolled materials, roofing membranes, as well as soft tiles. The soft roof characterizes the relatively low weight and the lack of the need to mount the massive rafter design.

    The minimum distance between the rapid legs is 600 mm, the maximum is 1500 mm. When installing support under the soft roof, it is important to take into account the angle of inclination of the slopes: the less angle, the smaller the distance between the supports for the solid crate should be. The choice of material is also influenced by the thickness of the material for the crate - the thicker the sheet of plywood or osp, the greater there may be a step of installation of the rafting legs.

    Ondulin: Calculation of rafters

    Ondulin (bituminous slate) is laid on a flat solid crate made of sheet material. This allows roofing coating to successfully resist wind and snow loads. ONDULIN ONDULET BUILT ON THE REDUCE, which should be located in a step of 600 - 1000 mm, depending on the angle of tilt the two-screw or a single roof.

    Scroll under ondulin is made from a bar with a cross section of 200 × 50 mm. Choosing, at what distance to put the rafter feet for the design of the ondulin, it is recommended to take into account the width of the insulating material to simplify its installation. This calculation allows to reduce the financial costs of roofing.

    Sandwich panel roof

    The roof of the sandwich is most often erected on houses from sip-panels or the construction of angar type. A feature of the sandwich is its bending rigidity, which allows you to do without installing traditional rafters. Small spans from the skate of the two-sheet roof to the top of the wall (or the distance between the supporting structures of a single-table roof) allow the installation of a sandwich without additional supports.

    If the length of the span exceeds 4 meters, you need to install additional runs. To mount the roof of a sandwich on a residential building, a traditional rafter system is often installed, but in this case the rafter can be placed with a big step - they perform the support function for runs. The distance between the rapid legs is selected based on the length of the existing material for the runs and the length of the bearing walls. Sandwich technical parameters allow the roof to withstand high operational loads.

    Polycarbonate: construction of the support structure

    Polycarbonate has recently been actively used as roofing material. First of all, polycarbonate is in demand during the construction of arbors, canopies, winter gardens. The doomle and the rafter system for polycarbonate can be made of wood or metal.

    Polycarbonate varies on their weight depending on the sheet thickness. The polycarbonate cable is recommended to perform 600-800 mm in increments. The lamp (wooden or metal) is mounted on rafters, which can be straight or have an arched shape. Typically, the gap between the polycarbonate rafters is from 1500 to 2300 mm. To correctly calculate, at what distance it is better to start rafters, it is necessary to take into account the area of \u200b\u200bglazing, the size and thickness of the sheets, take into account that the polycarbonate is attached to the gaps on the thermal expansion.

    Distance between Double and Single Roof rafters

    Find out how much the distance between the rafters needs to be done for a two-tie and single roof. The maximum distance between rafters for metal tile, ondulin and soft roof.

    What is the distance between the rapid roof rafters

    The construction of the roof is the final stage of any construction. This structural element is a carrier structure that takes on all loads, and then evenly distributes them along the surface of the bearing walls of the house.

    Double roof

    The bartal roof is considered to be the most common option for the arrangement of country housing. And this exists quite a logical explanation. It is no secret for anything that the case is easier the design, especially just to build it, the higher its reliability and operational characteristics.

    The duct roof has a triangular shape and consists of two pitched planes connected in the highest point of the skate run, and the same amount and shape of the frontones.

    In principle, the construction of a two-sheet roof is not considered such a difficult operation. But, despite all the simplicity, it requires the most responsible and thoughtful approach.

    A constructive duct roof has two skates located relative to the wall elements at home at a certain angle, providing it with natural removal from its surface of precipitation. Also, two-tight roofing structures may be an attic or attic type.

    As a rule, duplex roofs are installed on single-storey, simple structures in architectural terms. A huge plus is that the rafters in this case will not differ in particular complexity of installation.

    The angle of inclination of the roofing rods of two-tie roofs

    The angle of inclination of the double roof cannot be less than 5 degrees, and in some cases it can achieve 90 degrees. Only with such angle of inclination of the roofing rods of rafters will be able to adequately cope with the function assigned to them.

    The choice of an angle of inclination of the skates for a two-tie roof is influenced by a huge number of factors, such as climatic features, the type of selected roofing material and the architectural style of the building.

    For example, the roofs are perfect for the construction of them in areas where strong hurricane winds constantly blow, but structures with cool skates are a wonderful option for those areas where an impressive amount of precipitation falls.

    Also, the angle of inclination of the roof affects its cost, this is due to the fact that the roof with a small corner of the roofing rods will go much more roofing material than with a large one.

    However, this is not the only important parameter in the construction of a double roof. No less important in the formation of a duplex roof is the correct installation and fastening of the rafter system, as well as the step size between its elements.

    Also on the quality of the design affects the attachment of the rafted to Mauerlat and the skate run. Particularly reliable fastening is possible to form with the help of writing and additional fixation of the compounds with bolts.

    The distance between the rapid legs (and otherwise - the step of the rafter) is considered one of the most important parameters when installing the roof, which affects its strength characteristics.

    A properly calculated step between the rafters of the bartal roof allows to form a roof that is resistant to high loads, which it will be subject to operation.

    Let us consider in more detail what the distance between the legs of the rafter should be.

    Step rafted for a two-tie roof

    The distance between the rapid feet of the duct roof is calculated even during design. Fix any errors made at this stage are quite problematic, and therefore if you are not sure of your own, it is better to entrust it with professional architects.

    Reliable rafters are the basis of any roof of the house.

    The rafter step is calculated taking into account the loads that the design will be subject to operation during operation, and the angle of inclination of roofing rods.

    In terms of competent calculation, the presence or absence of a heater layer is taken into account, the cross section of the structural elements of the rafter system, the type of crate and roofing coating. It is necessary to correctly calculate the load, as this will help not be mistaken when choosing a cross-section of rafters.

    A rapid step is the distance between two adjacent rapid farms.

    Step-by-step instructions for calculating the step of the rafted for a two-sheet roof:

    • Calculate the estimated length of roofing rods.
    • The resulting number is divided on the optimal sizes of the step.
    • To the resulting number, add a unit and round the result.
    • Skate length divide on a rounded result.

    As a result of these simple calculations, you will receive a distance on which rafters should be installed.

    The step between the rafters is impossible to calculate exactly, since to obtain more accurate data it is necessary to take into account the huge number of parameters, ranging from the width of the insulation layer, the type of roofing material and even the distance between the elements of the bartal roof crate. The rafters installed correctly will serve as faithful to you not one dozen years.

    Step rafted under asbesto-cement slate

    An important parameter of asbestos-cement slate is its considerable weight, so that it requires the installation of powerful rafters capable of withstanding heavy loads. The distance between the rafters is selected based on the cross section of the bar used for the manufacture of rafters.

    It is equally important that the fastening of the two-tie roof rafters is correctly performed, as this will provide it with a high degree of reliability and a long operational period.

    The optimal step between the rafters when using an asbestos-cement slate should not be less than 800 mm. Thanks to this, the rafters will be able to easily cope with the task assigned to them.

    Rafters for metal tile

    We will not talk about all the advantages and disadvantages of this material, and so much said. Let's take a closer look at what should be a step between the carrier structures. Strops under the metal tile are installed in accordance with the existing standards and requirements.

    Due to its low weight, this coating can be used to overlap the roofs, on which ceramic tile or asbestos-cement slate was laid before it.

    The size between the rapid in this case ranges from 600 to 900 mm, and the lumber cross-section is 50 to 150 mm. This step between the rafters will allow you to create the most reliable carrier frame for the roof.

    However, in areas characterized by snow winters, it is preferable to equip the distance between the rains of 200 mm, and for the manufacture of structural elements to use a bar with a cross-section of 50 per 200 mm.

    In order not to mount a special system to maintain the insulation, you can adjust the distance between the rafters under the width of the thermal insulating material.

    Rafters under Ondulin

    Ontulin or flexible tile should be laid on a solid, perfectly smooth crate, and better if it is made of any sheet material, which will allow the root to carry all loads.

    The cuttack is attached to the rafter feet, located in a step of 600 to 1000 mm, depending on the angle of inclination of the roofing row of the duct roof.

    The correctly selected distance between the elements of the rafter system guarantees the entire carrier frame of the high degree of strength and durability of the entire structure.

    What is the distance between the dry roof rafters, the encyclopedia of the Building of Youspec

    The correctly selected distance between the elements of the rafter system guarantees the entire carrier frame of the high degree of strength and durability of the whole

    Distance between rafyles: the right calculation

    The reliability of the roof and its operation is mainly dependent on how correctly the calculations are made.

    One of the most important parameters of the rafter system is how far the rafters are located.

    After all, the load distribution on the frame depends precisely from this desired parameter.

    If the calculation is incorrect, the deformation and the roof can occur.

    Therefore, it is extremely important to perform an accurate calculation of the interval between the rapid legs in the preparation of the roof project.

    Basic settlements

    A step of rafters is called the distance from one rafter foot to another.

    During the construction of private house roofs, this value is 1 meter.

    But this is an approximate figure.

    In order to obtain the exact size of the interval, it is necessary to calculate the bearing capacity of the solid type of the selected type.

    To perform the correct calculation, use the following scheme:

    • initially, it is necessary to determine what the length of the roofing slope;
    • now the resulting digit should be divided by an approximately selected rafter step. If you have previously selected its value of 1 meter, then you need to divide on 1.

    If 0.8 was chosen to share 0.8, etc.;

    • after that, the result is added to the result and round the resulting value in the most side. This action is necessary in order to obtain a precise number of rafters that will need to be installed on one slope;
    • the total length of the skate should be divided into the amount of rafter feet obtained under the previous calculation. And we get the exact distance between them.

    To understand everything better, let's consider an example.

    Measuring the length of the roof of the roof, they received 27.5 meters.

    We choose a step 1 meter to make it more convenient to read.

    Now add a unit of 27.5 m +1 \u003d 28.5 m.

    Round up to the nearest value and get the number 29.

    That is, on one slope of our roof it is necessary to install 29 rafting legs.

    Now the roof length is divided by their quantity: 27.5 / 29 \u003d 0.95 m.

    So, in our case, the step of the rafting feet should be 0.95 meters.

    This is a common calculation.

    With which the peculiarity of a particular roofing material is not taken into account.

    And it can significantly change this parameter.

    When you know what kind of material you will use on the roof, you will have to make some changes.

    Optimal and minimum meaning

    Step is a settlement unit.

    After all, it depends first of all, from the load on the roof frame and the cross section of the rafter.

    You can take a thick board for their facilities and the interval between them to make 120 cm.

    With this distance it may begin to get a doomle.

    And how to lay insulation?

    After all, most materials width equals 1 meter.

    So take an approximate step in 1 meter when calculating.

    The minimum distance between the rapid legs is 70 cm.

    And to obtain the optimal value for each material it is necessary to calculate.

    Single Roof Step Detection

    Single roof is the simplest.

    Indeed, in the rapid farm of such a roof there are only rafting legs.

    No boosts, racks, dive in its design.

    Associate such a roof usually on garages, extensions, baths.

    As can be seen from the table, the rafter step depends on their length and cross section.

    Distance between rapid roof rafyles

    The duct roof is occurring much more often than the roof is a single one.

    And explain such popularity simply: the design is very simple, but with all the simplicity, the bartal roof is distinguished by its reliability.

    Its design is easily adjusted to any climatic conditions and any roofing material.

    When calculating the step of the rafted binary roof, everyone is performed according to the general calculation system (see above).

    If the rods have the same length, it is enough to perform calculations for one slope.

    If the skates of different lengths, then the calculation is performed for each slope.

    It should be remembered that the limit values \u200b\u200bof the step of the rafter feet 70 and 120 cm.

    What is the step depending on the roof material

    If ondulin will be used as roofing material, the rafter system is constructed from pine boards with a cross section of 50 x 200 mm, and the rafters should be located at least 60 cm and no more than 90 cm each other.

    From above, the drying of the timber with a cross section of 40 x 50 mm is laid.

    Metal tile.

    The roof of the metal tile during the construction of country houses is used most often.

    Because this material is much easier to ceramic or cement tiles.

    Although in appearance very much like it.

    The small weight of the metal tile makes it possible to use when creating a soling system of a smaller board, and for the crate to use thinner bars.

    More about a counterclaim for metal tile.

    About the hollow roof with hanging rafters by reference. Also about the design of hanging rafters.

    About the price of metal tile Viking here. Specifications, photos, reviews.

    The decrease in the size of the elements of the rafting leg system, in turn, reduces the burden on the walls of the building and its foundation.

    When building a rafter system for metal tile, the rafters are mounted in 60 - 95 cm increments.

    The material section is 50 x 150 mm.

    According to experts, if at the interval between the rafters, put the insulation, having a thickness of 150 mm, then the most comfortable conditions for living will be created in the attic room.

    To ensure the ventilation of the space, where the insulation is laid, the holes near the upper roof of diameters of 12 mm arrive at the installation of the rafter system.

    The technology of manufacturing a rafter system for metal tile from the technology of manufacturing the framework for other roofing materials is not significantly different.

    The only difference is installation at the top.

    Mounting the upper support is not on the ski bar on the side, but on the ski run.

    The presence of a free zone between the rafters allows the air to be fully circulated under the flooring, which helps to protect the condensate formation.

    Ceramic tile

    The design of the system under ceramic tiles has its own characteristics.

    After all, clay uses for the manufacture of such roofing material.

    And this is a very heavy material.

    If you compare metal tiles and tiled ceramic, then the last weighs 10 times more.

    Accordingly, the rafter system is significantly different.

    On 1 square meter of the surface of the roof there is a load of 40 - 60 kg depending on the manufacturer and product brand.

    The rafters for such a frame system are made of wood, which passed a long drying.

    Such wood must have moisture no more than 15%.

    A timber having a section of 50 x 150 or 60 x 180 mm is used.

    And the distance between rapid legs can be 80 - 130 cm.

    The exact value can be called if the angle of inclination is known.

    If the angle of inclination is equal to 15 degrees, then the step of the rafter will be 80 cm.

    And if the angle of inclination, for example, will be 75 degrees, then the step may be greater - 130 cm.

    More 130 cm The interval between the rafters do not.

    Also, when calculating the step, the rafter is taken into account their length.

    The more Dina, the smaller the distance between them.

    The shorter the rafter legs, the more you can make the distance.

    If the angle of inclination is 45 degrees, the roofer can move safely on the roof if the step of the rafter is 80 cm.


    When creating a rafter system under the corrugated, the minimum distance between the rapid legs is 60 cm.

    The maximum value is 90 cm.

    If for any reason the step rafter was more than 90 cm, then there is a need to install a large cross-section.

    The rapid legs themselves may have a cross section of 50 x 100 or 50 x 150 mm.

    Despite the emergence of a large number of new roofing materials, asbetic slate remains one of the most popular.

    If slate is planned for the roof, the rafters must have a cross section of 50 x 100 or 50 x 150 mm.

    The distance between them makes no less than 60 and no more than 80 cm.

    The crate is made from a bar having a cross section of 50 x 50 mm or a cross section of 25 x 100 mm.

    With the device of any building design, it should be remembered that there are still unexpected situations.

    And, therefore, when calculating sections of the rafter and the distance between them it is necessary to provide for a margin of safety.

    Distance between rafyles: Single-sided, Duscate Roof

    One of the most important parameters when calculating the rafter system is the distance between the rafyles. After all, it depends on how strong and sustainable will

    The duct roof is the most popular design in private house-building. The rafting system of the bone roof should provide a supporting platform for the installation of the roof. A properly calculated step of a rafted bone roof allows us to ensure the strength and stability of the design to all external loads, create a durable and reliable roofing coating. This article discusses the structural features of the rafter system, the procedure for calculating and editing. This information will correctly understand the method of creating a bone roof, so that during the construction does not specify employees of unnecessary issues.

    Distance between rafyles for a double roof

    Among people engaged in the construction of a private or country house are constantly underway discussions about the most successful roof design and the number of supporting elements. To sort out these opinions and take one direction or another, it is necessary to consider the general roof device.

    There are two types of construction rafters:



    Applied on relatively small houses with the length of the support elements not more than 6 m. The design consists of a number of rafting farms having a shape of an equilibrium triangle. Farms are installed on the strapping from the bar (Maurylalat), interconnected by the lamps of the crate. The carrying ability of hanging rafters is relatively small, but simplicity of design, efficiency and high installation speed are their advantages. Embodiments of hanging rafters are quite a lot, which is explained by the prevalence of small buildings that do not need complex and massive roof design.

    Design sloping System Somewhat more difficult. On the perimeter of overlapping the upper floor, a durable bar is stacked - Mauerlat. On the longitudinal central axis, two (or more) vertical racks are installed, the height of which determines the angle of inclination of the skates. There is a skate run between the racks, which passes along the entire length of the roof and serves as a supporting line for rafting legs. Each of them has two points of the support - at the bottom it is Mauerlat, and at the top - the ski run.

    For the formation of additional support that excludes the sagging of the supports, the soot is used - inclined slats attached to the rafter feet at an angle, close to straight and leaving at the bottom to the central lower bar - a litter.

    Step Lag for the roof is the distance between two adjacent rafters. It is determined by the amount of lag, evenly distributed along the length of the longitudinal axis of the roof. The main support structures for the roof are rafters and a doom, forming inclined surfaces with a given geometry and an area. The angle of inclination determines the wind and snow load, and the wind farm increases with an increase in the angle, and with a decrease - snow load on the roof.

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    What depends on the arrangement step

    Consider the factors that determine the step between the rafters of the two-tie roof, more. It is necessary to immediately take into account that the number of rafters determines the carrying ability. The decrease in their number complicates the installation of the insulation, contributes to the provision of slats and roofs installed on them.

    At the same time, too frequent placement rafters also creates difficulties when installing the insulation. It has to be customized in width, which creates waste, i.e. Unproductive consumption of material. Therefore, it is often a criterion for determining the step, the size of the heat insulator is used. For example, many types of mineral wool have a width of 60 cm, which is quite suitable for most of the designs of the bantal roofs.

    In addition, the step of rafters directly depends on their quantity. This is a calculated value that is determined based on the supporting ability of the support elements. Loads acting on the roofing coating, as well as the weight of the coating itself, have quite large values, so they need a steady and robust design for their adoption. It should be borne in mind that the type of the rafter system is also important, since the urban rafters are much harder than hanging, they form a noticeable load on the walls and the foundation of the house.

    Wind and snow loads are external factors affecting the roof design. The weight of snow in the winter is capable of selling or even break the roof if its design is not designed properly. In Annexes, SNiP has special data on the average annual number of snow in different regions. In some of them, each square meter accounts for up to halftone snow.

    In addition to snow, serious load creates wind. At the same time, if the snow load is static, the wind exposures are sudden and uneven. The wind can rise at any time of the year, and in winter, and in the summer, which makes it treat with all seriousness. When choosing an inclination angle, it is necessary to find out the power and direction of the prevailing winds in the region, to learn about the possibility of hurricane gusts. There are SNiP applications.

    All of these factors determine the parameters of the rafter system and the distance between the individual supports.

    Dependence of the step rafters from the roof material

    There are a large number of types of roofing. Most of them are noticeably outdated and are used little in modern construction. The most popular today is considered:


      Metal tile..

    It is necessary to consider that a professionalist and professional flooring is one group of profiled coverage. Some sources consider them different names of the same material, others share them in the height of the wave. The proflist has a wave height, and the professional flooring is somewhat flatter. The first view can be used not only as roofing, but also as a material for the construction of fences, fences, metal garages, etc.

    Professor has a smaller wave and is intended for styling as a roof. Both materials have a general specific feature - profiling is performed only in the longitudinal direction, which expands their capabilities and allows you to make a roof for round roofs and canopies.

    The step of the rafted bartal roof under the corrugated floor is chosen taking into account this feature of the material. If the value is too overpriced, the possibility of a roof saving between the rafters will appear. In addition, an excessive load will appear on the labels of the crates that may not be prepared for it. An important parameter also becomes a skate area. The step of the single-table roof rafter under the corrugated was much smaller than the dupping roof, since the length of the support elements and the load value increases significantly and require an increased amount of supports.

    Metal tile appearance resembles a canvas of natural ceramic tiles. For all its operational qualities, it is very similar to a professional flooring or professionalist, but in physically it has an important feature - the presence of not only longitudinal, but also transverse waves. This allows you to slightly increase the step between the rainfalls of the two-tie roof under metal tile, or guided by selecting the thermal insulator.

    When using slate or ondulin, the step of the rafter is taken according to the degree of rigidity of these materials accordingly. Alternatively, increase the density of the styling of the crate, or establish a solid version of thick plywood.

    Methods for calculating the distance between rafyles

    There are two options for calculation:

      Engineering calculation Using the appropriate formulas and techniques.

      Using online calculatorsgiving an answer after making your own source data.

    The first method is suitable only for the professional designer of roofing systems. For an unprepared person, it is extremely difficult to perform such calculations, since various specific data, coefficients, table values, which are difficult to find and need to be used correctly. Calculations obtained using online calculators are also not recommended for real construction, and use as an option to clarify or verify the results of the calculation performed by specialized organizations.

    Video Description

    In the video you can see what should be the step of the rafter:


    In conclusion, it is necessary to recall that all design and settlement activities should be made prepared and specially trained professionals. Step rafters is an important and responsible value that determines the carrying capacity of the roof. The destruction caused by the inability to make existing loads is quite serious and able to question the possibility of living in the house, so it is necessary to take the same seriously to solve this issue.

    The roof is one of the main elements of the house, so it is worth paying particular attention to the correct calculation of the roof frame. Which will perform the functions of the skeleton in your home. Incorrect calculation of all loads can lead to planning results in the form of roof deformation, followed by its collapse.

    Before starting the installation of roofing, it is necessary to calculate a rafter system that will depend on the material used, design, climatic conditions.

    What is worth paying attention to the calculation

    Before starting the construction of the roof, select the type of the rafter system. After that, make the calculation of all loads that will be on the roof. The main loads include the weight of the frame, the roof material, insulation, the ceiling, and the temporary loads are also taken into account, among which the weight of the snow cover, possible gusts of the wind, the weight of a person during the installation and operation of the roof.

    The distance between the rafters is calculated on the basis of the selected type of rafters and the material that the roof will be covered.

    Types of Stropil

    During the construction of roofs of various designs, hanging or rolling rafters are used. Current - used when installing single or two-tie roofs. They have two points of the support - carrying walls or carrying walls and the ski bar. Hanging rafters are used when it is necessary to overlap large spans or a broken roof is created. In this case, the rafters are based on the end on the wall, and the second on the oncoming rafter. The quality of the material from which the frame is made will directly affect the reliability of the whole roof.

    Material for timing

    Currently use wood and metal. Wooden timber or logs are used in the construction of residential buildings, garages and other buildings. Reinforced concrete or metal rafters are used in the construction of industrial facilities, shopping centers where wide spans are needed.

    Method of calculation

    The distance between the rapid legs is called rafters. It should not exceed one meter, and the minimum value is 60 cm. Before making calculation, it is necessary to measure the magnitude of the roof slide. After that, the obtained value is divided by the approximate value of the step with honey rafters. The result add a unit and produce rounding to an integer in a large side. So we learn the number of rafters that we need. In order to find out the exact amount of the distance between the rafters, for this we need to divide the roof bevel length on the number of rafter feet.

    For greater clarity, consider an example of the calculation:

      skove Length - 28.5 m

      step between rafters Choose equal to 80 cm

      to the resulting number add unit: 35,625 + 1 \u003d 36,625

      as a result, we get that we need 37 rafter legs

      the exact step of the step will be equal to: 28.5 / 37 \u003d 0.77 m

    This is a general calculation technique that requires adjustment depending on the roofing material.

    Dependence of the step rafters from the roof material

    The most common roofing materials are slate, metal tile, professional flooring, ondulin, soft roof.

    Slingers for roofs from slate

    Slate is widely used as roofing material, due to its low cost, resistance to temperature drops. Due to the severity of the material, you must install a powerful rafter system. The distance between the rafters in this case will depend on the cross section of the bar. The optimal value is a distance of 80 cm, which will not only withstand elevated weight, but also significant snowy, wind loads. In this case, the crate in this case is performed by a width with a width of at least 3 cm. Depending on the type of slate, the crate is performed solid for smooth sheets or rarefied for wave.

    Important: Slate must have at least three pixels of supports along the edges and the center.

    Step between rafters for metal tile

    An increasing distribution among roofing materials acquires metal tile. Which is characterized by a simple installation process, and also helps create your home your unique look. Sheets of metal tiles have low weight that allow you to increase the distance between the rafters from 600 to 950 mm, when the bar is 150x50 mm. The doomle in this case will depend on the sheet wave step. So for a wave of 350 mm, the distance between the boards is 30-40 cm.

    IMPORTANT: Overactions of eaves, edges of the softeners are made minimal for greater roof reliability.

    Step rafted under the professional flooring

    Professional flooring is a galvanized steel sheet covered with a special coating that protects it from the harmful effects of the environment. A large selection of color solutions, the width of the corrugation, will make it possible to create a reliable and aesthetically attractive roof. The step of the rafted under the professional flooring will be directly dependent on the characteristics of the profile type used, the angle of inclination of the roof, its configuration. You should also consider the fact that the neckenet under the professionalist is attached perpendicularly. The rafter system is made of a cross-section of 50-75 mm either from a board with a thickness of 20-50 mm and a width - no more than 15 cm. The doom can be solid with a gap between the boards no more than 10 mm, with a regular step - 20-40 cm, and Rolled - the distance between the boards 50-75 cm. The step of the rafted under the professional flooring is calculated according to the general scheme and is 60-90 cm.

    Step rafted roofing from Ondulina

    Ontulin is a wavy sheets that have high strength and durability. With such a roof, the rafter system is performed from pine boards with a cross section of 50x200 mm, with a step - 60-90 cm. From above, a rarefied 500x50 cm makeup is performed.

    Important: If the roof has an angle of inclination more than 50 degrees, then the lamp should be solid.

    Determination of the step of the rafted for a single roof

    A single roof is simple and will not require special installation skills. Most often it is installed on garages, baths, extensions. The roof frame consists of bars, which rest on the walls of the building. The distance between the Single Roof rafters will depend on the length of the rafted. Here it is necessary to properly approach the choice of the cross section of the bar, as the larger the distance, the greater the load on the rafter. To properly select a single-piece roof step, you should use the data from the table:

    Distance between rafyles for a double roof

    The two-sheet roof is most common, not only because of the simplicity of the device, but also due to high reliability. The step of the rafted two-tie roof is calculated by the general scheme. If the sites are the same on both sides, then you can calculate one part. To do this, determine the angle of inclination of the bevel, here should consider the material that you will cover the roof. So at an angle of 45 degrees and more can be used all types of coatings. For slate, tiles The minimum inclination angle is 22 degrees, for a professional flooring and soft tiles - 12 degrees, for metal tile - 14 degrees, for Ontulin - 6 degrees. The length of the rafted for a two-sheet roof is calculated using the Pythagores theorem, in which the length is hypotenuse, and the height of the roof and half of its width are katenets. If the flights are more than 6 meters, the rafter system is additionally strengthened with pins and grandmothers, which will not be done to deform with racing feet under the severity of roofing material.

    So that the design served a long period of time, was strong, as well as reliable, it is worth thinking not only about the foundation, but also about the roof. The construction system of such an element plays a huge role.After all, it was the roof that takes the negative moments from changes in weather conditions, as well as other situations.

    The soling system of a single-table roof should be characterized by certain requirements, including:

    • Rigidity
    • Little weight
    • Qualitative material

    Such requirements are necessarily taken into account that the design serve for a long time.

    The hard characteristics of the element play an important role, because it is with the help of hard items a connection between different parts occurs. Such elements should not be subject to deformation processes., as well as the retrace under any circumstances.

    The basis of such a design is a triangle, which is made using a special reliable frame. Each element of this frame is fixed one to another in parallel, and with the help of strong fixation, the entire design is ensured.

    Single Roof Single System: Scheme

    But if such frames will be poorly attached, they will be movable, it will only lead to negative consequences. A similar roof can be collapsed not only from a strong wind, but also by itself.

    If we talk about weight, then this the roof should not be severe. That is why this system is produced, in most cases, from wood. In the event that weight is large enough, it is necessary to make a carrier base of metal.

    There are cases when use coniferous treeswhose humidity is at least 18 percent. Among the mandatory conditions when using trees, we note:

    1. Antiseptic processing
    2. Use of antipients

    Only in this case the nodes in which the exact fastening of the entire system occurs, will differ high strength, as well as reliability.

    High quality materials used - one of the main rules. The tree must respond to the following characteristics:

    • Applies 1-3 different varieties. It is important to pay attention to how less cracks, as well as bitch. One meter of the material is allowed for 3 bits with a height of no more than 3 centimeters. Cracks are also allowed in minimal quantities, only not at all depth.
    • Beneficial elements are preferably made from parts whose thickness is not less than 5 cm., And the area is from 40 m2.
    • Boards made of coniferous trees can be used only with a length of not more than 6.5 meters, and from deciduous trees - up to 4.5 m.
    • Pillows, runs, as well as Maurylalat preferably made from trees that belong to solid deciduous rocks. Such material is predeforeced to be treated with the help of one or another high-quality antiseptic.

    Single Roof Design

    So, before the start of the manufacture of the system it is very important to know which its main parts:

    1. Mauerlat.What can be called the foundation of the system. With this part the load is distributed evenly and correctly.
    2. Run represents an element that confidently fastens all legs rafters. The skated option is at the top, but the side elements are located on the sides.
    3. The rafter foot is installed to determine the angle of the slope, as well as for the reliability of the whole roof, its appearance. It is this product that fixes the individual details of the system.
    4. The tightening helps the legs to stay on the spot, do not push. This item connects them at the bottom.
    5. Stands, as well as the scrolls give extra sustainability of the legs.
    6. Okeekhet It is boards, as well as bars in a cropped form. She is hampered perpendicularly, transmits load on rafal legs.
    7. Svet the whole roof protects against rainfall.
    8. Konk It is a place in which two roof slides are connected. It is along this element that the lamp is stuck, due to which happens strengthening one or another part of the roof.
    9. Film Used in the case when the length of the legs is small, as a result of which they create Svez.


    Only during the accounting of the described parameters you will receive a reliable roof.

    Single roof is characterized by the presence of one slope, which is characterized by a slope of an angle from 14 to 26 degrees. In the event that the roof is done for a small house, the span will not exceed 5 cm, so it is recommended to make a system of the revolving option.

    Supplements of such a roof is made on the walls of an external nature, as well as on the wall that exists inside the object. The rafal systems are used in the rafter farms.

    Roofing pieMore precisely, its device depends on exactly which the final coating option will be selected. But, regardless of the material, this element maximum increases the "life" of the roof, durability.

    Single-line type requires special attention, since it is this stage of construction as much as possible on the climate that will be design.

    Construction of a rafter system

    Single roof rafters

    The attachment scheme is quite simple, as it is parallel to the laid out boards, which are based on two walls. For the installation of the legs use special transition elements that are made of wood.

    Depending on which material is used, you can use as a transitional part:

    • Mauerlat.. In the above roof system with one slope, these are two wooden beams that lie separately and complete the walls.
    • Top of footwhich is composed of BRUSEV.
    • Top strapping Total frame.

    Although the design of the specified roof is simplicity, there are some subtle thoughts of the rafter, which is important to know.

    The fact is that the nodes that are applied should take into account all the negative moments of such a material like wood.

    When designing, you should consider the solution of the following tasks:

    • The possibility of easy moving parts made of wood one from another
    • Adaptation to those consequences that may be after each wall drawdown, to take a sustainable position
    • Elimination of all possible reasons for violation of one or another connection

    The attachment of triangles occurs according to the scheme: the horizontal side is installed on Mauerlat, fixed. It is very important that she had a lot of square for dusting with other elements.

    Stropile legs are important to set at a certain angle to the elements of the reference nature. It is worth understanding that two points are quite small for durable fastening, therefore there are methods that are used to avoid negative consequences.

    Primarily, it is important to increase the total area of \u200b\u200bthe interaction of rafylic, as well as a supporting part with help:

    • Choose vuby
    • Pet the top, as well as the bottom edges of the legs. With the help of such actions, you can easily create a reference pad, to increase stability.

    Fastening timber

    Step rafal

    The distance between the Single Roof rafters is calculated depending on which material is selected, as well as the section. Such calculations should be done at the stage, construction standards, rules are used.

    Calculation for the above roof variant is very simple. There are no racks, as well as sidelines, as a result, exclusively rafters of a single-table roof takes into account.

    Usually, for such a roof, applied material from wood coniferous rocks, whose humidity factor is approximately 20-22 percent. Such boards should be characterized by the lack of blue.

    Each blood material is characterized by its features, so the step of rafters is different:

    1. Using The distance depends on the size of the sheet. Usually, the beam step is at least 60 cm and up to 90 cm. With a larger distance, additional boards are used with a large cross section - 150 mm. It is important to take into account the use of the crate, the cross section of which should be 30 * 100 mm, and the mounting is carried out taking into account the span at least 50 cm.
    2. often applied, but takes into account its weight. Beams for such a system are pre-dry. When determining the size of the step, you should consider the length of the boards. At maximum length, it is worth making the minimum distance between the rafyles. The same rule is used at the minimum beam length - a large step distance. Usually, 80 cm is considered a safe step.
    3. Under which is used much more often than two of the above material, used beams with a small cross section. A step in this case is equal to the number from 60 to 90 centimeters. The bar is worth using with a cross section of about 50 * 150 mm.
    4. Using It is worth understanding that this In the form of sheets. Beams should be placed with a distance that will not be less than 60 centimeters, but not more than 90 centimeters. The cross section of the bar is 50 * 200, and you can also use 50 * 150 mm. When using a smaller cross section, you can expect negative moments, since such a cross section will not be able to ensure high strength of the legs.
    5. Under which is used very rarely, Sprinkle legs are used with a cross section of 50 * 100.50 * 150. The step is not less than 60 centimeters, as well as not more than 80. In this case, the step is different depending on the roof design.

    Step Table Stropil

    Installation of the rafter system

    When solving independently performing the mounting of a single-table roof raftering, it is worth first prepare all the elements, as well as to handle special means.

    The boards should be put on two sides of a certain roof and lay in the grooves.

    Only after that it is important to attach several extreme rafters.


    Consider what it is important to score one - two nails for each joint. The legs are set taking into account the above-extended twine, after that they are similarly nailed. After that, the crates are installed, and the roof is stacked.

    After calculating, designing, there are certain stages of installation:

    • Installation of a carrier bar. The big bar is laid along the wall of the object. It is pre-staring it, soak antiseptic. At the end of the wall it is important to lay the runneroid, to mount the bar in the level with the help of anchor bolts.
    • Processing of timber, rafter elements. It is planned to depart out the boards over the rod of the roof - the level is about 40 cm per side, depending on. It is important to take into account that the steeper there will be an angle, the less thing is to do. When using metal tile, as well as professional flooring, the step is 120 centimeters. In the case when the width is more than 6 meters, the step is recommended to reduce to 1 meter. The board crashes for strength to Mauerlat.In contact with