Repairs Design Furniture

The diameter of the shaft under the thread table. Metric threads. The diameters of the rods and tolerances on them under the metric thread M3-M50 performed by dies. Diameters Drill M1-M10 for drilling holes for metric threads. Cutting threads P - design properties

Short way

Cutting out outdoor threads. The diameters of the rods under the thread when cutting with dies.

Before cutting the thread, it is necessary to choose the diameter of the workpiece under this thread.

By cutting the thread with a raid, it should be borne in mind that when the thread profile is formed by metal products, especially steel, copper, etc., stretches and the product increases. As a result, the pressure on the surface of the dice is enhanced, which leads to the heating and adhesion of the metal particles, so the thread may turn out to be torn.

When choosing a diameter of the rod under the outer thread, you should be guided by the same considerations that when choosing holes for internal threads. The practice of cutting out outer threads shows that the best thread quality can be obtained if the rod diameter is somewhat less than the outer diameter of the cutting thread. If the rod diameter is less required, then the thread will turn out to be incomplete; If more, then the dye or can not be screwed into the rod and the end of the rod will be spoiled, or during the operation of the dice's teeth, due to overloads can be broken, and the thread will be reduced.

In tab. 27 shows the diameters of the rods used when cutting the threads with dies.

Table 27. Diameters of rods under the threads when cutting with dies

The diameter of the workpiece should be 0.3-0.4 mm less than the outer diameter of the thread.

When cutting the thread, the rod is fixed in the vice so that the end of the vice speaker above the sponge level was 20-25 mm larger than the cut part. To ensure crashing at the upper end of the rod, the chamfer is roaming. Then, the rod applied to the rod attached to the clusp and the clupp rotates with a small pressure so that the dice crashed by about 0.2-0.5 mm. After that, the cut part of the rod is lubricated with oil and rotate the cluster in the same way as when the tank is running, that is, one or two turns to the right and half turn left (Fig. 152, b).

Fig. 152. Driving cutting cutting (b)

To prevent marriage and breakdown, the teeth are necessary that the plate can enter the rod without skew.

Checking the sliced \u200b\u200binternal thread is made by threaded corks, and outdoor - threaded micrometers or threaded rings.

Screws, bolts and studs are the most common elements with outdoor thread. Most often in the hands of a home master they get ready. But it happens that it is necessary to make some tricky bolt or non-standard stud. The workpiece for such a part is the rod, the diameter of which must match the cutting thread.

The diameter of the rod under the outer thread depends on the nominal diameter of the thread and the size of the thread steps. All this information usually indicates the drawing of the part in the form of designation M10 × 1.5. The letter "M" denotes the metric thread, the number after the letter is the nominal diameter, the figure after the "X" sign is a thread step. When using the main (large) step, it may not be indicated. The main step of thread determined by the standard and is most preferable.

When choosing a diameter of the rod under the outer thread, the same principles are guided by the same principles that when choosing holes for internal threads. It has been established that the best thread quality is obtained if the rod diameter is slightly less than the nominal diameter of the cutting thread. The metal when sliced \u200b\u200bis slightly extruded and the thread profile is complete.

If the diameter of the rod is much smaller than the required, then the vertices of the thread thread will be cut, if more, then the plate will simply shorten on the rod or break in the process.

For each combination of diameter and thread steps exists optimal rod diameter. The easiest way to determine this diameter on the table, where the most running threads are given with which the home master can meet. Bold font The main thread step for each nominal diameter is highlighted in the table.

Thread Pitch thread The diameter of the rod
M2.0,4 1,93-1,95 (1,88)
0,25 1,95-1,97 (1,91)
M2.50,45 2,43-2,45 (2,37)
0,35 2,45-2,47 (2,39)
M3.0,5 2,89-2,94 (2,83)
0,35 2,93-2,95 (2,89)
M4.0,7 3,89-3,94 (3,81)
0,5 3,89-3,94 (3,83)
M50,8 4,88-4,94 (4,78)
0,5 4,89-4,94 (4,83)
M61 5,86-5,92 (5,76)
0,75 5,88-5,94 (5,79)
0,5 5,89-5,94 (5,83)
M8.1,25 7,84-7,90 (7,73)
1 7,86-7,92 (7,76)
0,75 7,88-7,94 (7,79)
0,5 7,89-7,94 (7,83)
M10.1,5 9,81-9,88 (9,69)
1 9,86-9,92 (9,76)
0,5 9,89-9,94 (9,83)
0,75 9,88-9,94 (9,79)
M12.1,75 11,80-11,86 (11,67)
1,5 11,81-11,88 (11,69)
1,25 11,84-11,90 (11,73)
1 11,86-11,92 (11,76)
0,75 11,88-11,94 (11,79)
0,5 11,89-11,94 (11,83)
M142 13,77-13,84 (13,64)
1,5 13,81-13,88 (13,69)
1 13,86-13,92 (13,76)
0,75 13,88-13,94 (13,79)
0,5 13,89-13,94 (13,83)
M162 15,77-15,84 (15,64)
1,5 15,81-15,88 (15,69)
1 15,86-15,92 (15,76)
0,75 15,88-15,94 (15,79)
0,5 15,89-15,94 (15,83)
M182 17,77-17,84 (17,64)
1,5 17,81-17,88 (17,69)
1 17,86-17,92 (17,76)
0,75 17,92-17,94 (17,86)
M202,5 19,76-19,84 (19,58)
1,5 19,81-19,88 (19,69)
1 19,86-19,92 (19,76)
0,75 19,88-19,94 (19,79)
0,5 19,89-19,94 (19,83)

The main tool for cutting the outer thread is the dice. Most often round continuous dies are used in the form of hardened steel nuts.

To form the cutting edges, the dice threads cross through longitudinal holes, which also provide chips. To facilitate the yield, the extreme thread threads have an incomplete profile. To rotate the dice use plash-holder - Tool with a socket under the shoe and long handles. There are also split and sliding (clupp) dies, but in the domestic workshop it is rare.

To reduce friction and obtaining clean threads on steel rods, lubricant is used - mineral oil or kerosene, on copper - turpentine. At the end of the rod to facilitate the right, the chamfer must be made of a width of no less than the thread step.

The strength of the fastening of parts between them is provided by screwing the carrier of the external thread into the inner second product. It is important that the parameters of them are supplied in accordance with the standards, then such a connection will not be broken during operation and will provide the necessary tightness. Therefore, there are norms of making threads and its individual elements.

Before cutting inside the part, the hole is performed under the thread, the diameter of which should not exceed its internal. This is performed using the metal drills, the dimensions of which are given in reference tables.

Hole parameters

The following thread parameters distinguish:

  • diameters (internal, external and so on);
  • profile form, its height and angle;
  • step and occurring;
  • others.

The condition for connecting parts among themselves is the complete coincidence of the indicators of the outer and internal thread. In the event that some of them are fulfilled without compliance with the requirements, the fastening will be unreliable.

Fastening can be bolted or styling, which, in addition to the main parts, include nuts and washers. In the fasteners, the holes are formed before the connection, and then curtain.

To perform it with maximum accuracy, you should pre-form a hole with a drilling equal to the internal diameter value, that is, the protrusions formed by the vertices.

With end-to-end execution, the hole diameter must be 5-10% more than the size of the bolt or hairpins, then the condition is satisfied:

d answer \u003d (1.05..1.10) × d, (1),

where D is the nominal diameter of the bolt or hairpins, mm.

To determine the size of the opening of the second part, the calculation leads: from the value of the nominal diameter (D), the step (P) is subtracted - the result obtained is the desired value:

d response \u003d d - p, (2).

The calculation results clearly demonstrates the table of diameters for the threads, compiled according to GOST 19257-73, for 1-1.8 mm sizes with small and basic steps.

Diameter nominal, mmStep, mm.Hole size, mm
1 0,2 0,8
1 0,25 0,75
1,1 0,2 0,9
1,1 0,25 0,85
1,2 0,2 1
1,2 0,25 0,95
1,4 0,2 1,2
1,4 0,3 1,1
1,6 0,2 1,4
1,6 0,35 1,25
1,8 0,2 1,6
1,8 0,35 1,45

An important parameter is the depth of drilling, which is calculated from the amount of such indicators:

  • depth of screwing;
  • the stock of the outer threads of the impaired detail;
  • its underwear;
  • chamfer

At the same time, the results of the last parameter reference, and the first is calculated through the product metering coefficients, which are equal to products from:

  • steel, brass, bronze, titanium - 1;
  • casts of gray and dwarf - 1.25;
  • light alloys - 2.

Thus, the depth of screwing is the product of the material accounting coefficient to the nominal diameter, and is expressed in millimeters.

Download GOST 19257-73

Varieties of thread

Threads on the measurement system are divided into metric, expressed in millimeters, and inch, measured in the relevant units. Both of these species can be performed in both cylindrical and conical forms.

They can have profiles of various forms: triangular, trapezdinal, round; Share on the basis of application: for fastening parts, plumbing elements, pipe and others.

The diameters of the preparatory holes for cutting thread depend on its type: metric, inch or pipe, is normalized by the relevant documents.

Holes in pipe compounds, pronounced in inches, are written in GOST 21348-75 for cylindrical shape and GOST 21350-75 - for conical. These are valid in the case of using copper and non-lawn steel alloys. Cutting is carried out inside the auxiliary parts, in which the pipes - shale, clamps and others will be screwed.

In GOST 19257-73, the diameters of the holes for cutting the metric thread are shown, where the tables show the dimensional rows of nominal diameters and steps, as well as the parameters of the holes for metric threads, taking into account the values \u200b\u200bof the limit deviations.

The data in the GOST19257-73 table confirm the calculation given above, in which the parameters of the holes for metric species are calculated from the nominal diameter and step.

GOST 6111-52 rations the diameters of the holes under an inch conical thread. The document indicates two diameters with a discrepancy on the cone and one - without deployment, as well as depth of drilling, all values, except the nominal value, are expressed in millimeters.


Manual or automatic cutting methods provide the results of various classes of accuracy and roughness. So, the main tool remains a tap, which is a rod with cutting edges.

Tockets are:

  • manual, for metric (M1-M68), inch - ¼-2, pipe - 1/8-2 ";
  • machine-manual - nozzles for drilling and other machines, are used for the same sizes as manual;
  • spanners, which allow you to cut through the end-to-end option for thin parts, with nominal sizes of 2-33 mm.
  • Under the cutting of metric threads use the set of rods - taps:
  • black, having an elongated fence part consisting of 6-8 turns, and marked with one risk at the base of the shank;
  • medium - with a fence part of the middle length of 3.5-5 turns, and marking in the form of two rice;
  • clear has a fence part of just 2-3 turns, without rink.

With manual cutting, if the step exceeds 3 mm, then 3 testers are used. If the step is less than 3 mm - enough two: rough and clean.

The testers applied to the small metric thread (M1-M6) have 3 grooves for which the chips is given and the enhanced shank. In the design of the rest - 4 grooves, and the shank of the passage.

The diameters of all three rods under metric threads increase from the rough to the piston. The last rod under the thread should have a dimer equal to its nominal.

Tockets are attached to special devices - tool holder (if it is small) or a knot. With the help of them, the cutting rod is inserted into the hole.

Preparation of holes for cutting are carried out with the help of drills, centers and lathes. It is formed by the drilling, and zenching and rastaching increase its width and increase the surface quality. Fixtures are used for cylindrical and conical forms.

The drill is a metal rod consisting of a cylindrical shank and a screw cutting edge. Their main geometric parameters include:

  • the angle of the screw lift is usually 27 °;
  • the alarm angle that can be 118 ° or 135 °.

Drills are rolling, bladeed dark color, and shiny - ground.

Senckers for cylindrical forms are called cekeets. They are metal rods with two, twisted into a helix with cutters and a fixed guide pin to introduce a zenker into the cavity.

Treatment technique

By hand, we can carry out the following steps:

  • drill out the opening under the threads of the corresponding diameters and depth;
  • hold his cencing;
  • fasten the tap in the holder or gate;
  • put it perpendicular to the working cavity in which cutting will be cut;
  • muffle a tap with a light pressure clockwise into a hole prepared in advance for threading;
  • through every half turn, turn the tap back to cut the chips.

For cooling and lubricating surfaces in the process of cutting, it is important to use lubricants: Machine Little, Olif, Kerosene and the like. Incorrectly chosen lubrication can lead to a poor-quality cutting result.

Choosing a drill size

The diameter of the drill for the hole under the metric thread is also determined by the formula (2), taking into account its main parameters.

It is worth noting that when cutting in plastic materials, such as steel or brass, there is a rise of turns, therefore it is necessary to choose a drill diameter larger under the threads than for fragile materials, such as cast iron or bronze.

In practice, the dimensions of the drill, as a rule, rather less than the necessary hole. Thus, Table 2 shows the ratio of nominal and outer threaded diameters, the step, the diameters of the hole and the drill for it to cut the metric thread.

Table 2. The ratio of the main parameters of the metric thread with a normal pitch and diameters of the hole and drill

Nominal diameter, mmOuter diameter, mmStep, mm.The greatest diameter of the hole, mmDrill diameter, mm
1 0,97 0,25 0,785 0,75
2 1,94 0,4 1,679 1,60
3 2,92 0,5 2,559 2,50
4 3,91 0,7 3,422 3,30
5 4,9 0,8 4,334 4,20
6 5,88 1,0 5,153 5,00
7 6,88 1,0 6,153 6,00
8 7,87 1,25 6,912 6,80
9 8,87 1,25 7,912 7,80
10 9,95 1,5 8,676 8,50

As can be seen from the table, there is a dimension limit that is calculated with the tolerances for the thread.

The drill size is significantly less than the hole. For example, under the thread M6, the outer diameter of which is 5.88 mm, and its highest value of the hole should not exceed 5.153 mm, it is worth using a 5 mm drill.

A hole for the M8 thread with an outer diameter of 7.87 mm will be only 6.912 mm, which means that the drill will be 6.8 mm.

The quality of the thread depends on the set of factors when cutting it: from the selection of the tool to the correctly calculated and prepared hole. Too small it will lead to increased roughness and even breakdown of the tap. The great efforts attached to the tumbler - contribute to non-compliance with tolerances and, as a result, do not withstand dimensions.

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Climatic parameters of the cold period of the year. RF. Snip 23-01-99 Table 2. Climatic parameters of the warm period of the year. Former USSR. Snip 23-01-99 Table 2. Climatic parameters of the warm period of the year. RF. Snip 23-01-99 Table 3. The average monthly and annual air temperature, ° C. RF. SNiP 23-01-99. Table 5A * - average monthly and annual partial pressure of water vapor, GPa \u003d 10 ^ 2 pa. RF. SNiP 23-01-99. Table 1. Climatic settings of the cold season. Former USSR. Density. Weight. Specific gravity. Bulk density. Surface tension. Solubility. Solubility of gases and solids. Light and color. Reflection coefficients, absorption and refraction of the color alphabet :) - designations (encoding) of colors (colors). Properties of cryogenic materials and media. Tables. Friction coefficients for various materials. Heat values, including boiling, melting, flame, etc ...... Additional information See: Factors (Indicators) Adiabstracts. Convection and full heat exchange. 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Aqueous solutions and mixtures for processing metals. Aqueous solutions for applying and removing metal coatings aqueous solutions for cleaning from Nagar (asphalt-grayscale in nagar, internal combustion engines ...) Aqueous solutions for passivation. Aqueous solutions for etching - the removal of oxides from the surface of aqueous solutions for phosphating aqueous solutions and mixtures for chemical oxidation and staining of metals. Aqueous solutions and mixtures for chemical polishing degreasing aqueous solutions and organic solvents hydrogen indicator pH. Tables pH indicators. Burning and explosions. Oxidation and recovery. Classes, categories, danger symbols (toxicity) chemicals Periodic system of chemical elements D.I. REMEELEEVA. Mendeleev table. The density of organic solvents (g / cm3) depending on temperature. 0-100 ° C. Properties of solutions. Disconnection constants, acidity, basicity. Solubility. Mixtures. Thermal constants of substances. Entalpy. Entropy. Gibbs energy ... (reference to the chemical reference book of the project) Electrical Equipment regulators of a system of guaranteed and uninterrupted power supply. Dispatch and Control Systems Structured Cable Systems Data Centers

Metric threads. The diameters of the rods and tolerances on them under the metric thread M3-M50 performed by dies. Diameters Drill M1-M10 for drilling holes for metric threads. Cutting thread P.

Metric threads. The diameters of the rods and tolerances on them under the metric thread M3-M50 performed by dies. Diameters Drill M1-M10 for drilling holes for metric threads. Cutting threads with dies and tags.

  • Outdoor thread:The shoe is clamped in the gate with screws located along its contour.
  • On the end of the rod on which you need to cut the thread, the chamfer is removed at an angle<60 о до диаметра, равного 80% диаметра резьбы. Затем плашку смазывают густым маслом (напр. солидол), животным жиром (салом) или растительным маслом — жидкое моторное масло лучше не использовать, так как оно зачастую портит резьбу.
  • At the end of a firmly sandwiched in the vice of a rod with a chamfer in the form of a truncated cone, it is installed precisely in the horizontal plane of the knife with a shuffle and rotate both hands of the knob clockwise (looking from above), if the thread is right, with a small pressure on the cry. Sometimes it is recommended to quickly rotate the knob clockwise, sometimes - after each half-trip, turn it back to break it back to break the chips. The main thing is good to lubricate all the workers of the blades so that the threads do not rush, and the dice did not fill.
  • The diameter of the rods under the outer metric thread should be selected according to Table 1.

Table 1. Rod diameters for metric threads performed by dies

Diameters Tolerances
The diameter of the rod
Diameters Tolerances
The diameter of the rod
threaded rod threaded rod
3 2,94 -0,06 12 11,88 -0,12
3,5 3,42 -0,08 16 15,88 -0,12
4 3,92 -0,08 18 17,88 -0,12
4,5 4,42 -0,08 20 19,86 -0,14
5 4,92 -0,08 22 21,86 -0,14
6 5,92 -0,08 24 23,86 -0,14
7 6,90 -0,10 27 26,86 -0,14
8 7,90 -0,10 30 29,86 -0,14
9 8,90 -0,10 33 32,83 -0,17
10 9,90 -0,10 36 35,83 -0,17
11 10,88 -0,12 39 38,83 -0,17
Small pitch carving
4 3,96 -0,08 24 23,93 -0,14
4,5 4,46 -0,08 25 24,93 -0,14
5 4,96 -0,08 26 25,93 -0,14
6 5,96 -0,08 27 26,93 -0,14
7 6,95 -0,10 28 27,93 -0,14
8 7,95 -0,10 30 29,93 -0,14
9 8,95 -0,10 32 31,92 -0,17
10 9,95 -0,10 33 32,92 -0,17
11 10,94 -0,12 35 34,92 -0,17
12 11,94 -0,12 36 35,92 -0,17
14 13,94 -0,12 38 37,92 -0,17
15 14,94 -0,12 39 38,92 -0,17
16 15,94 -0,12 40 39,92 -0,17
17 16,94 -0,12 42 41,92 -0,17
18 17,94 -0,12 45 44,92 -0,17
20 19,93 -0,14 48 47,92 -0,17
22 21,93 -0,14 50 49,92 -0,17
  • Internal thread:cut by taps. The tap is a metal-cutting tool for cutting the internal thread in pre-drilled holes. There are manual (rotate with a welder) and machines, wrenches and instrumental (uterine and spotted). When cutting deep threads, a set of three testers is usually used: the first tap (designation is one risk) - preliminary, second (two risks) cuts threads and The third (three risks or without bottom) is calibrated. Spanners are suitable for cutting short threads (as in the nut) and have sequentially located cutting edges; After passing throughout the length, complete threads get.
  • Great value has the right choice of hole diameters. If the diameter is greater than, the internal thread will not have a full profile and will be a fragile compound. With a smaller diameter of the hole input, the tester in it is difficult, which leads to the breakdown of the first turns of the thread or to the jam and breakage of the tap. The diameter of the hole under the metric thread can be approximately determined by multiplying the thread size by 0.8 (for example, for the M2 thread, the drill must have a diameter of 1.6 mm for M3 - 2.4-2.5 mm, etc. (see. . Table).
  • It is necessary to lubricate the cutting part of the tester with thick oil (eg solidol), animal fat (lard) or vegetable oil - liquid engine oil is better not to use, as it often spoils the threads - and insert into the hole.
  • Then you need to carefully ensure that the tap is going exactly along the hole axis to avoid breakage. After cutting 4-5 turns, the tap is removed from the hole and cleaned from the chips. After that, it is once again lubricated and screwed into the hole again, another 4-5 turns are cut, continuing the operation until it stops (with a deaf hole or before the exit of the tap (with a cross-cutting hole).
  • Then purify the first tap, put it in place and take a tester with two risks, lubricate it, manually screw it into the hole and, as soon as it starts to crash into the metal, put the gorotes on it. After cutting every 5-6 turns, the tap is purified from chips and lubricated to the full passage of the hole.
  • Then clean the second tap, put it in place, take the last tap with three risks, also lubricate with fat, turn into a hole before engaged, wear the knob and carefully calibrate the threads. Cleaning from chips and lubrication repeat, as before.
  • Inch tiesthe thread is cut as well as metric. Clouds are used to cut the threads on the pipes, usually with adjustable cutting elements in the thread band for pipes with an inner diameter of 1/4 to 4 inches. Threads on pipes and a large diameter stalk is better cut into turning machines.
  • The diameter of the fare for drilling holes for metric threads should be selected according to table 2.

Table 2. Drill diameters for drilling holes for metric threads

Rod diameters for metric threads performed by dies
Outside diameter
Threads, mm.
Drill diameter (mm) for
Cast iron, bronze Steel, brass
1 0,75 0,75
1,2 0,95 0,95
1,6 1,3 1,3
2 1,6 1,6
2,5 2,2 2,2
3 2,5 2,5
3,5 2,9 2,9
4 3,3 3,3
5 4,1 4,2
6 4,9 5
7 5,9 6
8 6,6 6,7
9 7,7 7,7
10 8,3 8,4

Article assessment:

This table will help to figure out the cutting of metric thread and it is possible to reduce the marriage. Table values \u200b\u200bcan be useful to machine cars, masters shop, ITER.

The diameters of the rods under the cutting of metric threads are regulated by GOST 16093-2004.

Nominal thread diameter D Step thread Rod diameter under cutting with tolerance field
4h. 6G 6E. 6e; 6G 8g
Nominal diameter Limit deviation Nominal diameter Limit deviation Nominal diameter Limit deviation
1,0 0,25 0,97 -0,03 0,95 - -0,04 - -
1,2 0,25 1,17 1,15 - - -
1,4 0,3 1,36 1,34 - - -
1,6 0,35 1,55 1,53 - - -
2 0,4* 1,95 -0,04 1,93 - -0,05 - -
0,25 1,97 -0,03 1,95 - -0,04 - -
2,5 0,45 2,45 -0,04 2,43 - -0,06 - -
3 0,5* 2,94 2,92 2,89 - -
0,35 2,95 -0,03 2,93 - -0,04 - -
4 0,7* 3,94 -0,06 3,92 3,89 -0,08 - -
0,5 3,94 -0,04 3,92 3,89 -0,06 - -
5 0,8* 4,94 -0,07 4,92 4,88 -0,10 4,92 -0,18
0,5 4,94 -0,04 4,92 4,89 -0,06 - -
6 1* 5,92 -0,07 5,89 5,86 -0,10 5,89 -0,20
0,75 5,94 -0,06 5,92 5,88 -0,09 - -
0,5 5,94 -0,04 5,92 5,89 -0,06 - -
8 1,25* 7,90 -0,08 7,87 7,84 -0,11 7,87 -0,24
1 7,92 -0,07 7,89 7,86 -0,10 7,89 -0,20
0,75 7,94 -0,06 7,92 7,88 -0,09 - -
0,5 7,94 -0,04 7,92 7,89 -0,06 - -
10 1,5* 9,88 -0,09 9,85 9,81 -0,12 9,85 -0,26
1 9,92 -0,07 9,89 9,86 -0,10 9,89 -0,20
0,5 9,94 -0,04 9,92 9,89 -0,06 - -
0,75 9,94 -0,06 9,92 9,88 -0,09 - -
12 1,75* 11,86 -0,10 11,83 11,80 -0,13 11,83 -0,29
1,5 11,88 -0,09 11,85 11,81 -0,12 11,85 -0,26
1,25 11,90 -0,08 11,87 11,84 -0,11 11,87 -0,24
1 11,92 -0,07 11,89 11,86 -0,10 11,89 -0,20
0,75 11,94 -0,06 11,92 11,88 -0,09 - -
0,5 11,94 -0,04 11,92 11,89 -0,06 - -
14 2* 13,84 -0,10 13,80 13,77 -0,13 13,80 -0,29
1,5 13,88 -0,09 13,85 13,81 -0,12 13,85 -0,26
1 13,92 -0,07 13,89 13,86 -0,10 13,89 -0,20
0,75 13,94 -0,06 13,92 13,88 -0,09 - -
0,5 13,94 -0,04 13,92 13,89 -0,06 - -
16 2* 15,84 -0,10 15,80 15,77 -0,13 15,80 -0,29
1,5 15,88 -0,09 15,85 15,81 -0,12 15,85 -0,26
1 15,92 -0,07 15,89 15,86 -0,10 15,89 -0,20
0,75 15,94 -0,06 15,92 15,88 -0,09 - -
0,5 15,94 -0,04 15,92 15,89 -0,06 - -
18 2* 17,84 -0,10 17,80 17,77 -0,13 17,80 -0,29
1,5 17,88 -0,09 17,85 17,81 -0,12 17,85 -0,26
1 17,92 -0,07 17,89 17,86 -0,10 17,89 -0,20
0,75 17,94 -0,04 17,94 17,92 -0,06 - -
20 2,5* 19,84 -0,13 19,80 19,76 -0,18 19,80 -0,37
1,5 19,88 -0,09 19,85 19,81 -0,12 19,85 -0,26
1 19,92 -0,07 19,89 19,86 -0,10 19,89 -0,20
0,75 19,94 -0,06 19,92 19,88 -0,09 - -
0,5 19,94 -0,04 19,92 19,89 -0,06 - -

The standard metric thread step is indicated(*)

Pipe thread

Threaded tremble It is a group of standards intended for compound and seal various kinds of structural elements by means of tube threads. The quality of work when cutting the grooves has a big effect on the reliability of the compound and the design obtained in this way. Particularly need to pay attention to the thread ratio with the axis of the pipe to which it is applied.

When cutting the thread manually using a dice, the coaxiality is far from ideal indicators, which may affect the reliability and quality of the connection. As for the use of such tools as a lathe or cutting machine, applications thread-cutting heads with precise thread-cutting knife, Here, the indicators of the applied thread are comparable to theoretical values.

Rothenberger concern produces threaded machines, threadable clouds, heads, knives, providing work with high accuracy. All equipment fully complies with international standards in this area.

Trub Truck Cylindrical, G (BSPP)

Known as a carving of Vertda ( BSW (Britishstandardwhitworth)). This species applies to the organization of cylindrical threaded connections. Also used to run internal cylindrical carving cases with external conical carvings (GOST 6211-81).

  • GOST 6357-81 - the main norms of interchangeability. Cylindrical carving.
  • ISO R228.
  • EN 10226.
  • DIN 259.
  • BS 2779.
  • JIS b 0202.

Thread Parameters

  • theoretical profile height (H) - 960491R;
  • the designation on the form of the profile is the carving of an inch (profile in the form of an isolated triangle with an angle at the top of 55 degrees);
  • the maximum diameter of the pipe is 6 inches (the welded joint is used on the pipes with a diameter of Over 6).

Example of the conditional designation:

G-designation of the profile shape (carving pipe cylindrical);

G1 1/2 - conditional passage (measured in inches);

A - accuracy class (maybe a or c).

For the designation of the left thread, the LH index is used (example: G1 1/2 LH-B-40 - Trub Truck, 1 1/2 - Conditional passage in inches, accuracy class B, twist length 40 millimeters).

Thread step can have one of four values:

Table 1

The main sizes of pipe cylindrical thread are determined by GOST 6357-81 (BSP). It should be remembered that the size of the thread in this case conventionally characterizes the lumen of the pipe, while in fact the outer diameter is significantly more.

table 2

Designation of thread size Step R. Thread diameters
Row 1. Series 2. d \u003d D. d 2 \u003d D 2 d 1 \u003d D 1
1/16" 0,907 7,723 7,142 6,561
1/8" 9,728 9,147 8,566
1/4" 1,337 13,157 12,301 11,445
3/8" 16,662 15,806 14,950
1/2" 1,814 20,955 19,793 18,631
5/8" 22,911 21,749 20,587
3/4" 26,441 25,279 24,117
7/8" 30,201 29,039 27,877
1" 2,309 33,249 31,770 30,291
1.1/8" 37,897 36,418 34,939
1.1/4" 41,910 40,431 38,952
1.3/8" 44,323 42,844 41,365
1.1/2" 47,803 46,324 44,845
1.3/4" 53,746 52,267 50,788
2" 59,614 58,135 56,656
2.1/4" 65,710 64,231 62,762
2.1/2" 75,184 73,705 72,226
2.3/4" 81,534 80,055 78,576
3" 87,884 86,405 84,926
3.1/4" 93,980 92,501 91,022
3.1/2" 100,330 98,851 97,372
3.3/4" 106,680 105,201 103,722
4" 113,030 111,551 110,072
4.1/2" 125,730 124,251 122,772
5" 138,430 136,951 135,472
5.1/2" 151,130 148,651 148,172
6" 163,830 162,351 160,872

d - the outer diameter of the outer thread (pipe);

D - the outer diameter of the inner thread (coupling);

D1 - the inner diameter of the inner thread;

d1 - the inner diameter of the outer thread;

D2 - the average diameter of the internal thread;

d2 - average outer thread diameter.

Carving pipe conical, R (BSPT)

Used to organize tubular conical compounds, as well as to connect the inner cylindrical and external conic thread (GOST 6357-81). The basis for BSW is compatible with BSP.

The sealing function in connections using BSPT performs the carving itself (due to its crumpled at the connection site when screwing out the fitting). Therefore, the use of BSPT should always be accompanied by the use of sealant.

This type of thread is characterized by the following parameters:

  • GOST 6211-81 - main norms of interchangeability. Carving pipe conical.
  • ISO R7
  • DIN 2999.
  • BS 21.
  • JIS B 0203.

the designation on the form of the profile is a carving of an inch with a taper (profile in the form of an equilibried triangle with an angle at the top of 55 degrees, the angle of the cone φ \u003d 3 ° 34'48).

With the designation, an alphabetic type of thread type is used (ore outer and rflane) and a nominal diameter digital diameter indicator (for example, R1 1/4 - carving pipe conical with a nominal diameter of 1 1/4). The LH index is used to designate the left thread.

Thread Parameters

Inch thread with taper 1:16 (cone angle φ \u003d 3 ° 34'48). Profile angle at a top of 55 °.

Legend: Letter R for external thread and RC for internal ( GOST 6211-81 - The main norms of interchangeability. Carving Pipe conical.), Numeric value of the nominal diameter of thread in inches (inch), LH letters for the left waves. For example, a thread with a nominal diameter of 1.1 / 4 is indicated as R 1.1 / 4.

Table 3.

Designation of the size of the thread, steps and nominal values \u200b\u200bof the exterior,
Middle and internal diameters of pipe conical (R), mm

Step R. Thread Length Thread diameter in the main
Working From face
D \u003d D.
D 2 \u003d D 2
D 1 \u003d D 1
1/16" 0,907 6,5 4,0 7,723 7,142 6,561
1/8" 6,5 4,0 9,728 9,147 8,566
1/4" 1,337 9,7 6,0 13,157 12,301 11,445
3/8" 10,1 6,4 16,662 15,806 14,950
1/2" 1,814 13,2 8,2 20,955 19,793 18,631
3/4" 14,5 19,5 26,441 25,279 24,117
1" 2,309 16,8 10,4 33,249 31,770 30,291
1.1/4" 19,1 12,7 41,910 40,431 38,952
1.1/2" 19,1 12,7 47,803 46,324 44,845
2" 23,4 15,9 59,614 58,135 56,565
2.1/2" 26,7 17,5 75,184 73,705 72,226
3" 29,8 20,6 87,884 86,405 84,926
3.1/2" 31,4 22,2 100,330 98,851 97,372
4" 35,8 25,4 113,030 111,551 110,072
5" 40,1 28,6 138,430 136,951 135,472
6" 40,1 28,6 163,830 162,351 160,872