Repairs Design Furniture

The principle of an induction furnace for smelting various metals. What is the induction oven and how to make it do it yourself

The vacuum furnace is a hermetic heating device, in the cavity of which a vacuum is created with a value determined by the technological process. Vacuum (from lat. "Vacuus" - "empty") furnace (from the Orthodox. "Pekt" - "Peace, Furnace") Designed for melting or heating in vacuum materials high Quality and cost.

In this article we will look at:

  • vacuum resistance furnaces;
  • vacuum hydrogen oven;
  • chamber vacuum furnaces;
  • vacuum furnace chamber;
  • vacuum three-chamber furnaces;
  • laboratory vacuum furnaces;
  • principle of operation of the vacuum furnace;
  • vacuum sintering furnaces;
  • electric vacuum oven;
  • vega vacuum oven;
  • nPF Vacuum furnaces;
  • vacuum compression furnace;
  • vacuum smelting furnaces;
  • vacuum furnace for soldering;
  • vacuum induction smelting furnace;
  • vacuum oven for annealing;
  • vacuum muffle furnace;
  • vacuum induction oven;
  • vacuum oven for heat treatment;
  • vacuum hydrogen oven;
  • cap hydrogen oven;
  • furnaces with hydrogen filling;
  • hydrogen oven for sintering;
  • hydrogen furnace design.

Navigating the section:

The history of creating vacuum furnaces with electric heating is interesting. Russian physicist Vasily Vladimirovich Petrov (1761 - 1834), conducting experiments on obtaining a white flame between pieces wood coalIn 1802, opened the phenomenon of an electric arc. Having created the largest battery of electroplating elements for its time, Petrov put experiments on the use of an electric arc for smelting and welding metals, thereby putting the beginning of modern electrometallurgia.

In 1839, the English engineer R. Har was first made for the first time. In his oven placed in a bell with a vacuum, the inventor decomposes the elements by evaporation due to the electricity application from the electroplating battery.

The first chamber thermal electric stove patented in 1853 the French chemist L.-A. Pishon. But practical application This furnace, like the previous ones, did not receive due to insufficient power of electricity sources. The prototype of modern steel-smelting electric furnaces is the French Metallurgist Pa Louis Tusten Era (1863 - 1914) in 1899 (1863 - 1914), a melting furnace with electrodes installed vertically. By the end of the twentieth century, mass production of vacuum furnaces in the advanced countries of the world began.

Consider a device of a typical vacuum furnace. Its main node is a hermetic thermocamera connected to a vacuum pump that provides a vacuum from 5 to 10 -5 mm mercury pillars. The design distinguishes two types of vacuum electric furnaces:

  • in retort versions, in which heaters are placed outside the camera;
  • in the chamber version, when the heaters are installed inside the chamber.

The principle of operation of the vacuum furnace is as follows. Before starting heat treatment in vacuum, the camera of the vacuum furnace together with the billets is hermetically closed, and the vacuum pump pumped out air to the desired level. Billets in a refractory crucible with a high-frequency inductor melted or heated to set temperature. After exposure and completion of the technological process, the camera is depressled, opens, and heat-treated parts are unloaded. Installation is ready for the next job cycle.

The vacuum arc furnace began to be used with the development of nuclear energy, rocket-building, space research, when the sharp need for the processing of super-free materials with special physical and mechanical properties appeared.

The advantages of vacuum arc furnaces are as follows:

  1. The ability to achieve the highest temperatures up to 2000 0 s and large pressures.
  2. Uniformity I. high density Ingots due to the directional crystallization of liquid metal in vacuo.
  3. The possibility of challenging heating of blanks, which significantly reduces metal loss on a voligator.
  4. Obtaining special metals and high purity alloys in the absence of air.
  5. Lack of oxidation of electrodes, heating elements and internal metal structures in the furnace.

Vacuum in the furnace allows you to effectively perform various technological processesassociated with heating materials: smelting, heating, sintering, heat treatment, drying, etc.

The following types of industrial vacuum furnaces are used:

  • chamber vacuum furnaces;
  • three-chamber vacuum furnaces;
  • mine vacuum ovens;
  • vacuum resistance furnaces;
  • vacuum smelting furnaces;
  • vacuum ovens for heat treatment of metal;
  • vacuum oven for hardening parts;
  • vacuum oven for annealing;
  • vacuum-hydrogen oven;
  • vacuum oven for nitriding;
  • vacuum furnace for cementation;
  • vacuum furnace for soldering;
  • vacuum muffle furnace;
  • vacuum compression furnace;
  • vacuum sintering furnaces;
  • laboratory vacuum ovens.

IN modern technique The most common vacuum furnaces of resistance.

Induction oven

Vacuum induction melting furnace contains a high-frequency inductor placed inside the chamber from which air is pumped out. It is used for melting and casting heat-resistant and corrosion-resistant materials, cultivation of single crystals and zone cleaning. Unlike an electric heater of an arc type, it has the ability to upload and melt pieces blanks (scrap, scrap, lump waste, defective blanks). The most common type is a vacuum induction furnace with a tilted refractory crucible, installed inside the stationary casing.

If you are interested in the price of vacuum induction furnaces, it depends on the type of furnace, the manufacturer, the producer created by the level of vacuum, temperature, power consumed and installation performance. Contact, help to figure out and choose a reliable, but inexpensive oven.

Thermal vacuum oven.

The thermal vacuum furnace allows you to perform hardening, vacation, annealing, sintering, high-temperature soldering, nitriding and cementation in vacuum. The advantage is to carry out heat treatment in an oxygenous medium and, as a result, the absence of traces of oxides and decarburization on the surface of the products. After the excavation of blanks from the vacuum thermocamera, there are no traces of corrosion, and mechanical characteristics, the resistance of corrosion and wear increase.

Thermal vacuum furnaces are produced with various volume of one, two or three working cavities, various technical parameters and characteristics, horizontal or vertical design. If you are going to buy a vacuum oven for heat treatment, it can be made according to a typical scheme and regular price or according to an improved scheme, taking into account the individual wishes of the customer, but the price will be somewhat higher. Drive up, come, together think together and choose what the most suitable for you.

The vacuum hydrogen oven allows sintering and heat treatment of parts in a vacuum or a hydrogen reducing medium. The method is used here indirect heating Tokami high frequency for high voltage and the low value of the current; This allows you to save electricity. The design of the hydrogen oven is characterized by an explosion-proof version design and a special thermal insulation device, which increases the reliability of equipment maintenance. The heating of the sinquent products from refractory metals (titanium, tungsten, molybdenum) and their alloys are made by radiation by placing inside the inducer of the tag of the heat-resistant material.

The following structures of hydrogen filling furnaces are distinguished:

  • cap hydrogen oven;
  • chamber hydrogen oven;
  • shaft hydrogen oven;
  • slean hydrogen oven.

In order to choose and buy a hydrogen oven of the usual design or a hydrogen oven for sintering, call us. We will try to help. In the absence of suitable equipment in the warehouse, we will order the manufacturer's favorite model.


From our point of view, the brand models of vacuum furnaces of the following companies are of interest:

  • sECO / WARWICK vacuum furnaces;
  • schmetz vacuum ovens;
  • iPsen vacuum ovens;
  • vacuum furnaces ALD;
  • vacuum furnaces NPF;
  • vacuum furnace SGV;
  • vacuum furnace Vega-5;
  • vacuum furnace CEV;
  • snail vacuum furnace;
  • vacuum furnace A2318;
  • furnace hydrogen pusher PVT-6.

See, choose, contact and consult with us. Let's help everyone.

Heating bodies using an electromagnetic field arising from exposure to induced current is called induction heating. Electrothermal equipment, or induction oven, has different modelsintended to perform tasks of various purposes.

Construction and principle of operation

By technical characteristics The device is part of the installation used in the metallurgical industry. The principle of operation of the induction furnace depends on alternating currentThe installation capacity is formed by the appointment of the device, in the design of which includes:

  1. inductor;
  2. framework;
  3. melting chamber;
  4. vacuum system;
  5. mechanisms for moving the heating object and other devices.

Modern consumer market has large quantity Models of devices operating under the formation of vortex currents. The principle of operation and structural features of an industrial induction furnace makes a number of specific operations related to non-ferrous melting, heat treatment of metal products, sintering synthetic materials, cleaning precious and semi-precious stones. Appliances Used for disinfection of household goods and room heating.

The work of the IP (induction furnace) is to heat the objects placed in the chamber with vortex currents emitted by the inductor, which is a coil of inductance, made in the form of a spiral, eight or a shader with a large wire winding cross section. An AC operating inductor creates a pulse magnetic field, the power of which changes according to the current frequency. The item placed in a magnetic field is heated to the booming point (liquid) or melting (metal).

Installations operating with a magnetic field are made in two types: with a magnetic conductor and without a magnetic pipeline. The first type of instruments has an inducer in the design enclosed in a metal housing, providing a rapid increase in temperature inside the object being processed. In the sorrows of the second type of magnetotron is located outside the installation.

Features of induction devices

The wizard also requires the skills of designing and mounting electrical appliances. The safety of the device of an individual assembly lies in a number of features:

  1. equipment capacity;
  2. pulse operating frequency;
  3. generator power;
  4. vortex losses;
  5. hysteresis losses;
  6. intensity of thermal returns;
  7. method of lining.

The channel furnaces obtained their name for the presence in the space unit of two holes with a channel forming a closed circuit. By structural features The device cannot work without a contour, due to which the liquid aluminum is in continuous motion. In case of non-compliance with the manufacturer's recommendations, the equipment is spontaneously disconnected by interrupting the melting process.

By the location of the channels, induction smelting units are vertical and horizontal with a drum or cylindrical shape of the chamber. Drum furnace, in which cast iron can be melted, made of sheet steel. Rotary mechanism Equipped with drive rollers, electric motor for two speeds and chain transmission.

Liquid bronze is poured through the siphon located on the end wall, additives and slags are loaded and removed through special holes. Issuance finished products It is carried out through the v-drain channel, made in the lining on the template, which is melted in the working process. Cooling the winding and core is carried out by air mass, the body temperature is adjustable by water.

Vacuum units are indispensable equipment on the production, where it is required to make the smelting of metals and alloys, providing them with a high degree of purification. Hermetic vacuum camera Prevents the penetration of pollution, extraneous gases. This allows you to get products without impurities, oxides. If you need to buy a vacuum induction oven in Moscow, it can be ordered in our company.

Principle of operation of a vacuum induction furnace

The vacuum furnace of induction type is equipped with a crucible, in which metal melting is carried out. These products on the principle of operation are divided into semi-continuous and periodic. The semi-continuous vacuum installation allows you to perform several melts without opening the housing. Equipment of the periodic type is depressurized by the camera after each smelting.

The vacuum chamber in which the process of smelting occurs, is hermetic, which makes it possible to obtain absolutely clean products. The metal during processing is not oxidized, due to the absence of oxygen, the extraneous particles do not fall into it. Supports superior pressure, Pummates the air vacuum pump, which is equipped with a device.

Infrared furnaces have a number of differences from other types of aggregates:

  • it is allowed to use any material: scrap, pieces, briquettes;
  • liquid metal can be in vacuum conditions for a long time;
  • in the process of smelting there is an opportunity to control, change the chemical composition and alloy temperature;
  • can be used different methods Refined and deoxidation during smelting.

This vacuum installation can be used to smear heat-resistant, precision heat-resistant alloys, stainless steel.

Advantages of Dana Engineering

Purchase of ready-made vacuum induction furnaces or ordering their manufacturing on an exclusive project in the company Dana Engineering in Moscow provides several advantages:

  • impeccable quality and durability of equipment;
  • operational order execution;
  • moderate product cost.

Our company employs experienced highly qualified specialists. They own a number of innovations that have enabled the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the installations. During the work, we have established reliable connections with best manufacturers components. The design bureau is located on the territory of the enterprise, which allows you to quickly develop and implement projects.

Sale and cost of vacuum induction furnaces

For those who wanted to determine their future expenses in advance, which will require a vacuum induction furnace, price standard structures Indicated in the price list. The cost of equipment that is made on exclusive customer projects is calculated individually. It consists of several factors: type of furnace, its size, camera manufacturing material and crucibles, additional devices.

The principle of operation of induction furnaces is based on currents arising in the melt with the help of special industrial devices. At the same time, the induced currents allow to achieve a melting point in metals, a high uniformity of melts is achieved due to mixing. All elements of the melts are subjected to vortex exposure of currents, thus the movement of the layers occurs and the maximum possible mixing of various additives and metals is achieved. The main advantages of induction furnaces should be attributed the simplest renovation, high efficiency, the possibility of obtaining alloys with specified characteristics and carry out heat treatment in any mode.


The inductor, in addition to creating an electric current in the processable metal, perceives mechanical vibration and temperature loads, therefore, when designing the necessary strength and refractory, both conductive and insulating part. A thermal layer can be used as an insulation, and the required distance between the turns and the rigid fixation of the conductor should be provided.

Also used ribbon insulation, which is applied on top of the lacquer coating. The tape must have good dielectric properties that ensure reliable isolation of turns.

Another way of providing the necessary dielectric insulation of the inductor turns is the use of a special laying material installed between the turns. The fastening of the gaskets is carried out with the help of special glue. This method is usually used for the insulation of high power inductor.

The compounding also serves to provide the desired level of isolation. This method I did not find widespread use, since the inductor in this case is very difficult to repaired.

The conductive part of the inductor should have good electrical conductivity that reduces power loss. In addition, the material used in the electrical part of the inductor should be non-magnetic. In order to ensure the maximum area from the side facing the manufactured metal and a smaller mass, various sections with internal cavities are used.

The furnace frame must ensure the rigidity of the entire design and eliminate the power absorption with details. In industrial furnaces, a cylindrical frame of steel sheets is usually applied with special technological holes that provide free access to the inductor.

Metal melting in an induction furnace allows you to accurately adjust temperature modesmaintain the required temperature for a certain time. The efficiency of induction furnaces is very high, because there are no additionally heated elements, only the machined metal is heated. By environmental characteristics, induction furnaces are the safest, since there are no fuel combustion products and harmful substances that are released during other melting methods.

Induction furnaces Apply to smelting non-ferrous and ferrous metals, quenching, vacation, annealing, normalization of steels. Constructively induction furnaces are channel type and crucible. Furnaces are available that allow you to produce floats with air access in a specific gas environment with excess pressure or vacuum.

In addition to non-ferrous metals, induction furnaces are used for smelting precious metals. It is usually required more low temperaturethan for ferrous metals. Palladium swimming in the induction furnace requires an oxidative atmosphere, unlike other precious metals.

Welding steel in induction furnaces allows to obtain high-alloyed varieties that meet the most stringent requirements. In some cases, the smelting of steel in a certain gas environment or vacuum, which allows to obtain additional qualities.

Titanium melting in induction furnaces makes it possible to produce ingots or billets with uniform composition throughout the volume. The disadvantage of smelting in induction furnaces is a relatively high carbon content in the final products. To reduce the effects of gases, the smelting of titanium is produced in argon medium or vacuum.

It should be noted that the melting of wet or the ice-containing metals is very dangerous, so pre-drying is recommended. The presence of moisture in the oven working chamber when the melt appears, it will cause splashing of the hot metal, which can entail injuries and failure of the equipment.

Industrial industrial furnace

Designing industrial furnaces is carried out on the basis of the requirements for the technological process. The project determines the maximum possible heating temperature, the ability to create a certain gas environment or vacuum, the use of crucible or channel Working part, degree of automation. Industrial furnaces must be equipped with systems that provide maximum safety during operation. In addition, so furnaces work with the use of alternating electric current, its frequency affects the power of the furnace.

From what temperature modes are required which types of metals or alloys are planned to be paid, apply different kinds Lining. The lining of induction furnaces can be performed from a refractory material containing over 90% of silicon oxide with a small number of other oxides. Such a lining was called acidic and can withstand up to 100 smelters.

The main or alkaline lining is made of magnesite with the addition of other oxides and liquid glass. Such a lining can withstand up to 50 melts, in the crops of a large volume of wear is much faster.

Neutral lining applies more often than other types and can withstand over 100 melting. It is most often used in crucible furnaces. It should be noted that as a result of the melts, uneven lining wear occurs. Thus, the working volume and the wall thickness of the lining is changed. Greater wear takes place in places with larger temperatures, Usually at the bottom of the furnace.

Since industrial induction furnaces work with large loads, the inductor winding in the process of operation can be significantly heated. To prevent negative consequences overheating is usually envisaged water system Cooling, reducing excess heat from inductor turns. When designing the issue of cooling the inductor is one of the most important, since the reliability and life of the entire furnace depends on the efficiency of the system.

The maximum possible automation of heat treatment processes is prerequisite For the normal operation of industrial induction furnaces. Properly selected automation will provide various modes that allow the most accurate requirements of technological processes.

Production of industrial furnaces is carried out in strict accordance with the requirements of the customer and regulating NTD. Industrial furnaces can be manufactured by typical projects or individual orders. Mandatory condition It is a certification of equipment that should be performed at least once a year.

Laboratory induction oven.

Studies conducted with various metals and alloys require creating certain conditions In the process of smelting or heat treatment. Induction oven Laboratory serves to provide conditionsTherefore, the degree of automation of such a device is very high. Depending on which materials are planned to be explored, laboratory furnaces are supplied with additional equipment. Some models provide for the possibility of smelting at excess pressure or vacuo.

In laboratory furnaces for lining, in addition to the above materials, more modern heat insulating materials can be used, such as:

    corundum, withstanding up to 300 melts;

    various heat-resistant fiber materials;

    ceramic heat insulating plates.

Laboratory furnaces also include jewelry furnaces, serving for the processing of precious metals and dental, intended for the manufacture of prostheses. Furnaces of this type are usually not intended to obtain high temperatures and processing large volumes of metal, so the power is not high.

Laboratory furnace frames usually has a cube or parallelepiped form. For the manufacture of edges, various non-magnetic materials are used (duralumin, special steel, copper). Frame elements are closed with asbetic sheets, providing additional thermal insulation. To reduce the heating of the frame elements, special insulating gaskets are used. They also serve to prevent the occurrence of wandering currents. The inductor fastening in this case is carried out to the upper and lower plates.

Laboratory inductor furnaces, as well as industrial, require efficient cooling of the winding. In some models, there is enough air cooling, in operating with high inductors, water is used.

Availability required level Protection against induction currents in laboratory furnaces is a prerequisite for the safety of personnel. To ensure the desired security level, special electromagnetic screens are used. Usually they are made of leaf aluminum or copper.

In the metallurgical industry induction furnaces are widely used. Such furnaces are often manufactured independently. To do this, you need to know their principle of work and constructive features. The principle of operation of such stoves was known for two more centuries ago.

Induction furnaces are able to solve the following tasks:

  • Metal melting.
  • Heat treatment of metal parts.
  • Purification of precious metals.

Such functions are available in industrial furnaces. For household conditions and heating the room there are furnaces of a special design.

Operating principle

The operation of the induction furnace consists in heating the materials by using the properties of the vortex currents. To create such currents, a special inductor is used, which consists of a coil of inductance with several coils of a large cross section.

The inductor is supplied to the AC power network. In inductor alternating current Creates a magnetic field that changes with the frequency of the network, and permeates the inner space of the inductor. When placing a material in this space, there are vortex currents that exercise its heating.

Water in a working inductor heats up and boils, and the metal begins to melt when the appropriate temperature is reached. Conventionally, you can divide induction furnaces on types:

  • Furnaces with a magnetic pipeline.
  • Without magnetic pipeline.

The first type of furnace contains an inductor enclosed in a metal, which creates a special effect that increases the density of the magnetic field, so heating is carried out high quality and quickly. In the furnaces without magnetic pipeline inductor is located outside.

Types and features of furnaces

Induction furnaces can be divided into species that have their own characteristics of work and distinctive features. Some serve for work in industry, others apply to everyday life for cooking.

Vacuum induction furnaces

Such a furnace is designed for smelting and casting alloys by an induction method. It consists of a hermetic chamber, in which a crucible induction furnace is located with a casting form.

In vacuum you can provide perfect metallurgical processes, get high-quality castings. Currently, vacuum production has passed on new technological processes from continuous chains in a vacuum environment, which makes it possible to create new products and reduce production costs.

Advantages of vacuum smelting
  • Liquid metal can be withstanding in vacuo for a long time.
  • Increased degassing metals.
  • In the process of smelting, you can carry out the furnace and affect the refining and deoxidation process at any time.
  • The ability to continuously control and adjust the temperature of the alloy and its chemical composition During work.
  • High purity castings.
  • Fast heating and smelting speed.
  • Elevated alloy homogeneity due to high-quality mixing.
  • Any form of raw materials.
  • Environmental purity and efficiency.

The principle of operation of the vacuum furnace is that in the crucible in vacuum using high frequency inductor, firmly mixture and purify liquid metal. Vacuum is created by pumping air pumps. With vacuum smelting, a large decrease in hydrogen and nitrogen is achieved.

Channel induction furnaces

Furnaces with an electromagnetic core (channel) are widely used in the foundry production for non-ferrous and ferrous metals as handouts, mixers.

1 - Bath
2 - Channel
3 - Magnetic Line
4 - Primary coil

A variable magnetic stream passes through the magnetic pipeline, the channel contour in the form of a rings from a liquid metal. In the ring is excited electricitywhich warms the liquid metal. The magnetic stream is formed by the primary winding, operating from AC.

To enhance the magnetic flux, a closed magnetic core is used, which is made of transformer steel. The space of the furnace is connected by two holes with the channel, so when filling the furnace with a liquid metal, a closed circuit is created. The furnace will not be able to work without a closed contour. In such cases, the contour resistance is large, and it flows a small current, which was called idling current.

Due to the overheating of the metal and the actions of the magnetic field, which seeks to push the metal from the channel, the liquid metal in the channel is constantly moving. Since the metal in the channel is heated higher than in the Bath of the furnace, the metal is constantly rising into the bath, from which the metal is entered with a smaller temperature.

If the metal is to merge below the permissible norm, then the liquid metal will be thrown out of the channel electrodynamic power. As a result, there will be a spontaneous turning off the furnace and the discontinuity of the electric circuit. To avoid such cases of the furnace, leave a certain amount of metal in liquid form. It is called a swamp.

Channel furnaces are divided into:

  • Melting furnaces.
  • Mixers.
  • Disposal furnaces.

In order to accumulate a certain amount of liquid metal, averaging the chemical composition of it and excerpts, mixers use. The volume of the mixer is calculated equal to no lower than two-time hourly furnaces.

The channel furnaces are divided into classes by the location of the channels:

  • Vertical.
  • Horizontal.

The form of the working chamber:

  • Drum induction ovens.
  • Cylindrical induction furnaces.

The drum furnace is made in the form of a steel welded cylinder with two walls on the ends. For turning of the furnace apply drive rollers. To rotate the furnace, you need to turn on the drive of the electric motor with two speeds and the chain transmission. The engine has lamellar brakes.

On the end walls there is a siphon for pouring a metal. To load additives and lifting slags there are holes. Also for the issuance of metal there is a channel. The channel block consists of an inductor of the furnace with V-shaped channels made in the lining using templates. At the first melting, these templates are melted. The winding and core are cooled by air, the block body is cooled with water.

If the channel oven has a different form, then the issuance of the metal is carried out using a tilt of the bath with hydraulic cylinders. Sometimes the metal is squeezed out by overpressing gas.

Advantages of channel stoves
  • Small electricity consumption due to small bath loss baths.
  • Elevated electrical inductor efficiency.
  • Small cost.
Disadvantages of channel stoves
  • The complexity of adjusting the chemical composition of the metal, since the presence of a left liquid metal in the furnace creates difficulties in the transition from one composition to another.
  • Small metal speed in the furnace reduces the possibility of smelting technology.
Constructive features

The furnace frame is made of sheet steel with a low carbon content of 30 to 70 mm thick. At the bottom of the carcass there are windows with attached inductors. The inductor is made in the form of a steel case, primary coil, magnetic pipeline and lining. Its case is made detachable, and the parts are isolated with each other to the gaskets so that the parts of the body do not create a closed circuit. Otherwise, the vortex current will be created.

The magnetic pipe is made of plates of special electrical steel 0.5 mm. Plates are isolated between themselves to reduce losses from vortex currents.

The coil is manufactured from copper conductor cross section depending on the current of the load and the cooling method. For air cooling A permissible current of 4 amps per mm 2, when cooled by water, the allowable current 20 amps per mm 2. Between the lining and the coil mounted the screen, which is cooled with water. The screen is made of magnetic steel or copper. Fan mounted heat from the coil. To get the exact channel sizes, use the template. It is made in the form of a hollow steel casting. The template is placed in the inductor until the refractory mass is filling. It is located in the inductor when heated and drying the lining.

For lining apply refractory masses of a wet and dry species. Wet mass is used in the form of printed or filling materials. Bulk concrete use when complicated form Inductor, if you can not compact a lot throughout the volume of the inductor.

Such a mass is filled with inductor and seal with vibrators. Dry masses are sealing high frequency vibrators, printed masses are sealing with pneumatic traamies. If cast iron is paid in the furnace, then the lining is performed from magnesium oxide. The quality of the lining is determined by the temperature of the cooling water. Most effective method Checks of the lining is to check the value of inductive and active resistance. These measurements are carried out using control devices.

The electrical equipment includes:

  • Transformer.
  • Capacitors battery to compensate for electric energy loss.
  • Throttle to connect a 1-phase inductor to a 3-phase network.
  • Control panels.
  • Power cables.

For the furnace normally function, 10 kilovolt is connected to power, which has 10 stress stages on the secondary winding for adjusting the furnace power.

Putting materials lining contain:

  • 48% of dry quartz.
  • 1.8% boric acid, sifted through fine sieve with 0.5 mm cells.

The mass for the lining is prepared in a dry form with the help of the mixer, and the subsequent settlement through the sieve. The prepared mixture should not be stored for more than 15 hours after preparation.

The lining of the crucible is produced by sealing vibrators. Electrical vibrators are used for larding large furnaces. Vibrators are immersed in the template space and make a mass seal through the walls. When sealing, the vibrator move the crane and rotate vertically.

Crucible induction furnaces

The main components of the crucible furnace are inductor and generator. For the manufacture of inductor used copper tube In the form of wound 8-10 turns. Inductor forms can be performed by various types.

This type of furnace is the most common. There is no core in the furnace design. The common shape of the furnace is a cylinder of fire-resistant material. Tigel is located in the cavity of the inductor. AC power is supplied to it.

Benefits of crucible stoves
  • Energy is allocated when the material is loaded into the furnace, so auxiliary heating elements Not needed.
  • High homogeneity of multicomponent alloys is achieved.
  • In the furnace, you can create a recovery reaction, oxidation, regardless of the pressure value.
  • High performance furnaces due to increased specific power at any frequencies.
  • Metal melting breaks do not affect the efficiency of work, as it does not require a lot of electricity to warm up.
  • The possibility of any settings and simple operation with the ability to automate.
  • There are no local overheating, the temperature is aligned throughout the volume of the bath.
  • Fast melting, allowing you to create high-quality alloys with good homogeneity.
  • Environmental Safety. External environment is not subject to no harmful effects of the furnace. Melting also does not harm nature.
Disadvantages of crucible stoves
  • Small chalkage temperatures used to process melt melted.
  • Small lining resistance with sharp temperature differences.

Despite the existing shortcomings, crucible induction furnaces were gained great popularity in production and in other areas.

Induction furnaces for heating

Most often, such a furnace is installed in the kitchen room. In its design, the main part is welding inverter. The design of the furnace is usually combined with a water heating boiler, which makes it possible for heating of all rooms in the building. There is also the possibility of connecting the feed hot water in the building.

The efficiency of such a device is small, however, often such equipment is still used for home heating.

The design of the heating part of the induction boiler is similar to the transformer. The outer contour is the windings of a kind of transformer that are connected to the network. The second inner contour is a heat exchange device. It occurs in the circulation of the coolant. When the power is connected, the coil creates a variable. As a result, currents that carry out its heating are induced inside the heat exchanger. Metal heats the coolant, which usually consists of water.

In the same principle, the work of household induction platesin which dishes are acting as a secondary circuit special material. Such a stove is much more economical than ordinary plates due to the lack of heat losses.

The boiler water heater is equipped with control devices that make it possible to maintain the temperature of the coolant at a certain level.

Heating of electricity is expensive pleasure. It cannot create competition with solid fuel and gas, diesel fuel and liquefied gas. One of the methods of reducing costs is the installation of the heat accumulator, as well as the connection of the boiler at night, because at night there is a preferential accrual for electricity.

In order to decide on the installation of an induction boiler for the house, you need to consider consultation from professional specialists in heat engineering. The induction boiler has almost no advantages over the ordinary boiler. The disadvantage is the high cost of equipment. The usual boiler with Tanes is sold ready for installation, and induction heater Requires additional equipment and settings. Therefore, before purchasing such an induction boiler, it is necessary to make a thorough economic calculation and layout.

Lining induction furnaces

The process of lining is necessary to ensure the protection of the furnace case from the effects of elevated temperatures. It makes it possible to significantly reduce heat loss, increase the efficiency of metal melting or material heating.

For lining, a quartzite is used, which is a modification of silica. Some requirements are presented to materials for lining.

Such material should provide 3 material state zones:

  • Monolithic.
  • Buffer.
  • Intermediate.

Only the presence of three layers in the coating can protect the casing of the furnace. On the lining negatively affects the wrong laying of the material, poor quality of the material and the heavy conditions of the furnace.