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Mark Levy. Freewriting. Modern technique of searching for creative solutions - Alexander Petrochenkov

Genius to order. Easy way search non-standard solutions and ideas Mark Levy

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Title: Genius to order. An easy way to find non-standard solutions and ideas
Author: Mark Levy
Year: 2010
Genre: Foreign business literature, Marketing, PR, advertising, About business popular

About the book “Genius to order. An easy way to find non-standard solutions and ideas "Mark Levy

Society and modern rules life has so hammered our consciousness that a person can no longer express himself normally or does it so unnatural and terrible that it is often thought about such a person that he has mental problems. If we talk about work, namely about writing, we often limit or stop ourselves, believing that this will not please anyone, unworthy or even unacceptable for many. Although, in fact, a person can have a really huge talent, it's just that his complexes and society do not allow him to show this to the world.

Mark Levy offers his own unique methodology that will help everyone show their writing talent. He talks about this in his book entitled “Genius to order. An easy way to find non-standard solutions and ideas. " The technique is called freewriting and it consists in just writing about what you like very quickly, without observing punctuation and grammar. Thus, you can deceive your mind, which will simply turn off, and your ideas, poured onto paper, will become more truthful and beautiful.

Of course, freewriting is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Just sitting down and starting to write is not enough. Mark Levy talks about the secrets behind this technique. In addition, there is certain rules to help you hone your craft. The author also offers ways to help develop creativity in general.

The book “Genius to order. An easy way to find non-standard solutions and ideas ”, first of all, will be useful to those who are engaged in writing. Today, such a specialty as copywriting is extremely relevant and in demand. This is where creativity and imagination are needed, as well as the speed of formulating thoughts. Also, the book will appeal to journalists and even bloggers. Moreover, the book will be useful for everyone who wants to find new ways to solve problems and problems, to become more original and creative.

Mark Levy himself is a famous writer who is familiar to many from such books as "", "". In this book, he shares what helped him discover his talent as a writer. He talks about his own technique, which has already helped many people start writing and do it really professionally.

Mark Levy will be extremely useful to you, even if you just need to make a presentation or defend a diploma, and thoughts in your head do not want to be built into a logical chain. Here you will find tips on how to force yourself to express your thoughts not only competently, but also beautifully, how to choose the right words.

The book “Genius to order. An easy way to find out-of-the-box solutions and ideas. ”Mark Levy is a treasure trove of advice and practical tasks in order to become a better speaker or writer. You will be able to express your “I”, find your style, express your thoughts in an original way, not be afraid to show your talents. ET is very important in today's world.

On our site about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read online book“Genius to order. An easy way to find non-standard solutions and ideas ”Mark Levy in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. Buy full version you can contact our partner. Also, here you will find latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For aspiring writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and recommendations, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary skill.

Quotes from the book “Genius to order. An easy way to find non-standard solutions and ideas "Mark Levy

Even if you stray from the topic, the fact that you sit and write makes you remember that you embarked on this activity with a specific purpose.

Your best thought usually lurks in the thick of your worst thoughts. What is the most effective method get a better thought? Write a lot. Think about quantity. Think about generating words. See yourself as a factory for the production of words and thoughts.

If you write as fast as your hand can move, or as your fingers can bang on keys, and generate words without stopping, something amazing will happen.

Sounds of any kind tend to distract from work. I think you should be aware of this.

I read something in Donald Murray's book that amazed me. If he were given a lucrative assignment, the author writes, he would complete it as follows: four weeks of research, two weeks of writing, and two weeks of rewriting. This is impressive. Throughout the entire process, writing the first draft is just a microstep.

Our thinking by its nature tends to jump from one to the other; this is why most lengthy sessions of serious meditation turn into daydreaming sessions.

What was I thinking here?
- How can you say it differently?

Freewriting is not writing in pure form; it is a way of keeping track of your thought process.

Writing for short, limited periods of time (usually ten to twenty minutes) keeps the mind focused. Tight timelines are motivating.
It's not just when we're in a great mood that we have great thoughts.

Workshop. Reread one of your texts and mark the places where the question - the attention switch - would redirect you in a different direction. Do a ten minute freewriting session in this new direction. If you start to run out of ideas before ten minutes is over, use other attention switches to revive your thinking.

I've already written about how keeping a personal journal can be useful in your personal life, work and creativity. However, even if you decide to start a diary, the question may still arise out of habit: how and what to write about? Perhaps the problem of a creative crisis, fear of a blank sheet, or deep personal experiences, which are not easy to understand, will turn out to be relevant for you. In all these cases, the practice of so-called free writing or free writing will be useful.

Photo: Madewell

What is freewriting and what is it for?

Did you happen to suddenly recall an episode from distant childhood, doing your usual household chores? Or maybe a quote from a poem learned at school suddenly came to mind? Our brain stores a lot of ideas, memories, facts and images, the existence of which we often do not even suspect, continuing to "chew" monotonous thoughts and situations and thereby limiting our creativity.

Diary Page by Penguinscreative

According to the definition given by one of the main adherents of this technique, Mark Levy (author of the books "Genius to order" and "Freewriting. Modern techniques for finding creative solutions"), freewriting is a quick and free way to transfer your thoughts to paper. At the same time, it affects, as a rule, the most remote and subconscious areas of our brain. Many practicing psychologists recommend the freewriting method for solving any personal or work problem, finding ways out of difficult life situations, and creatively planning your life and business. At the same time, answers and decisions that do not lie on the surface of consciousness appear on the periphery.

What tasks can a freewriting technique help with?

  • when working on a complex text (article, report, presentation, etc.)
  • search for a new point of view on an existing problem or issue in any area of ​​life
  • overcoming the fear of a blank sheet and creative crisis
  • the opportunity to be alone with oneself, to better understand internal motives and experiences
  • personal goal setting

Diary author: José Naranja

The point of the technique is that you start writing, even if you don’t know what you want to transfer to a sheet of paper or a computer screen, and you don’t stop until the time or amount of writing you have set is up. We must try to write quickly, not thinking too much about what has been written and not setting ourselves the task of "creating a brilliant text here and now."

Six basic freewriting techniques

Mark Levy formulates 6 basic rules of freewriting that all fans of this technique use to one degree or another. It is in these postulates that what distinguishes freewriting from school essay on a given topic.

Don't strain yourself!

You do not have to put extra effort and be focused on a specific result or benefit. Relax, turn off your "inner critic", trying to devote yourself to the process as much as possible. It doesn't matter how and what you write about, because you do it exclusively for yourself.

Write quickly and without distraction

An important feature of freewriting: the need to write quickly and non-stop. Do not be distracted by long pauses, reading what has been written or correcting mistakes, there will still be time for comprehension. "Catch the wave" so that the words follow one after the other, obeying your inner inertia, and not your strict control.

Photo: Chelsi Sohnchen (delta-breezes)

Set a time frame

The only important limitation that you need to set for yourself is the amount of text. If you write by hand, let it be 1 or 2 full pages, if you type - set a minimum time limit, for example, 20 minutes. If inspiration comes, you can always write more, but even if there is none, it is important to keep the minimum limit.

Write as you can

Let me remind you once again that freewriting is not a lecture. Yes, the thoughts and ideas that have arisen in the process of writing can then be fully used for practical purposes, but this is not the essence of the method. Write as you think, write as you speak, write as you can. Nobody will give you grades for this or teach you "how to do it right", most likely, this text in general, no one except yourself, no one will ever see.

However, try to write full sentences and in as much detail as possible, that is, if this does not compromise speed, choosing specific epithets and descriptions (instead of "some house", better "high, new house").

Homemade diary pages on rings from Victiria (inmost_light)

Follow the thought

Try to develop the thought or image that has arisen, even if it seems strange and a little crazy to you.

Diary author: José Naranja

Give tips to your mind

When you suddenly realize that you don’t know what to write about next, give your mind the opportunity to switch using leading questions. Mark Levy calls them “switches”.
Here is a list of some of the possible questions you can ask yourself when pondering a problem or analyzing the events of the past day:

  • how can you make it more exciting?
  • what is the best way to use the information I have?
  • what else can you tell about this?
  • what am I wrong here?
  • if I wanted to do gross mistake what should i do in this situation?
  • How would I describe this situation to a stranger?
  • what was I thinking at that moment?

Advice: not sure what to start writing about? So start: “I don’t know what to write about now ...” As practice shows, really useful texts often begin with this phrase.

Photo: Offset

Additional techniques and techniques

The freewriting technique can be used not only for keeping a personal diary, but also for solving specific problems, for example, working on changing your inner state, looking for new ideas, getting out of deadlocks and working on writing specific texts. In all these cases, the freewriting guidelines may differ slightly, but this is a topic for a separate article.

Photo Mackenzie (Thoughts-of-a-fangirl)

As for the practical techniques and tricks used to stimulate your creativity, you can start writing, for example, with a description of any object that catches your eye, if nothing else comes to mind. If writing becomes boring, it is worth looking for an answer to the question: “What worries or distracts me in this moment? ". And start writing about this.

If you are preparing for important negotiations, you can also lose them on paper. A dialogue with an imaginary interlocutor, recorded in the freewriting technique, can more comprehensively reflect on the situation and prepare arguments. The main thing is to try to imagine your opponent in as much detail as possible, so that the dialogue turns out to be more realistic.

Rebecca Blair Diary

A seemingly simple freewriting technique can help not only people who write, but also makes a significant contribution to the personal development of any of us, forcing us to better understand our inner motives and feelings. By the way, there are communities of people on the Internet from different countries who share their personal notes, help each other maintain their regularity, analyze and come up with new interesting techniques and techniques, it's worth trying, isn't it?

In December, it is customary to take stock, choose the best film, book. If I were asked to choose best tools for development, I would give second and third places to lists and conscious reading, and the main podium is to freewriting.

The best Russian-language book on freewriting that I recommend to everyone is “Genius to Order” by Mark Levy. I will share my experience of using what I have read.

Secret # 1: Don't Overdo it

I've already taught myself that freewriting is a daily routine. The readiness for zero results helps to relax. Rather, I tune in to a completely different, not quantitative, measurable result, but to a qualitative one, expressed in sensations.

This is the feeling of a game. How to go fishing. You enjoy nature, silence, unusual surroundings and at the same time hope for a catch, which you can then release. You do not trade for income or food. It is excitement, exploration, testing of your skills and luck.

Relaxation is attention to the current state, without fear of lack of results. Thinking about how you feel, looking at the handwriting. You try to change it, compare how your efforts affect the text coming out of the pen. You try to predict what the next word will be, as if it does not depend on you.

This is how disidentification appears, the skill of observing oneself "from the outside" is trained. Super-effort is not required for this result.

Secrets # 2 and 3: Write quickly and continuously. Work on tight timelines

Freewriting seems to me like a fishing trawl, thrown into our subconscious. When we write quickly and continuously, we seem to create a network of lines that we tow in the thickness of our thoughts, ideas, experiences. If we pause, the network breaks, and we even lose what we wrote before.

Revitalize the brain, find perfect solution, you can come to the right conclusions in different ways. Each person has several ways in stock get out of the creative crisis... One of these techniques is freewriting. Free writing in translation from English means "free writing". This method is a bit like brainstorming. Its main task is to find an original solution to the problem, to form new ideas and thoughts. Also freewriting is often in an efficient way relax. The essence of free writing is to jot down whatever thoughts come to your mind. Moreover, write it down mechanically, not paying attention to style, grammar, and the coherence of sentences. You just have to splash out the flow of words on paper. You need to write for 10-20 minutes.

This technique is considered quite young, it appeared in the 70s of the last century. Freewriting has been detailed in the works of Peter Elbow, who holds the post of professor. of English language at the University of Massachusetts. He has published a number of books, such as "Writing With Power" or "Writing Without Teachers". In the 90s, books became bestsellers, so many learned about the freewriting technique. Then this technique began to gain immense popularity. Also, the fame of free writing was influenced by the books by Mark Levy "Freewriting: a modern technique for finding creative solutions" and Julia Cameron's "The Artist's Way".

Benefits of freewriting

Free writing rules

The effectiveness of this technique can be increased in many ways. A number of rules were described in Mark Levy's book:

  • Don't expect too much of yourself. If you decide to squeeze yourself to the maximum, immediately get original solution problems, then nothing will come of it. There is no need to force yourself, it is worth relaxing and trying to use your potential by 90%.
  • You need to write at a fast pace and not interrupt. Every person has an analytical side of thinking that forces us to check what we have written. This is unacceptable in freewriting techniques. You have to generate words and sentences without any obstacles in order to release hidden ideas.
  • Remember that you are not doing writing, but doing it solely for yourself. Therefore, you should never limit yourself. Write whatever comes to mind, even if the thoughts seem silly and inappropriate to you. Also, you cannot correct - do not cross out words, do not correct spelling and punctuation. Even if you notice a mistake - write on. You don't need to line up style suggestions. Just be in the flow of your thoughts and capture them as accurately as possible.
  • Freewriting should be given about 10-20 minutes. Time constraints will be a good motivation. You can start a timer to keep track of the time more accurately. Then you can better focus on the work you are doing.
  • To make things easier, you can ask yourself questions. Write them down, so you tune in to the right wave, see those aspects of the problem that were hidden.
  • The thoughts that arise in you must be developed. Develop them, go a few logical steps further. As a result, incredible conclusions await you.
  • At the end of freewriting, you need to take a break. Then read everything you wrote. It is better to do it out loud so that the information is perceived more correctly. Highlight those parts of your writing that you can use. Be sure to write down any questions that come up after reading. Also analyze the text for fresh and extraordinary ideas that will help you deal with current affairs and problems.

Newbies to freewriting should look at examples of famous writers. This technique was known to Ray Bradbury, Jay Conrad Levinson, Tom Peters, or Al Rice. Even Nikolai Gogol wrote about this to Vladimir Sollogub when he complained about the impossibility of finding inspiration. Gogol advised to take a pen and paper and write "I can't write something today." And if you repeat this phrase several times, then a good idea will come to mind. After all, constant inspiration is rare, which is why many people write that way.

Grab a notebook and pen, and then ask yourself a question in writing. Or formulate an important problem. You can answer the following questions:

  • What are you thinking at this moment?
  • Tell us about your feelings or the last things you did.
  • List all the results obtained so far, all the efforts that have been made to achieve them. Then start describing perspectives.
  • Put all your worries on paper. They can even be the smallest. If you do not pay attention to them, then such little things can create serious psychological discomfort. Tell us about them, then the worries will be less.
  • Use your imagination. For this, you can use children's techniques. For example, describe the situation the other way around, what might happen in a parallel universe. Cats are afraid of mice, dogs run away from cats, presidents choose a country, and so on. Such a creative and fun method will help you get rid of your stupor.

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In order to be successful, an Internet entrepreneur needs to constantly improve in different areas life. You should devote enough time to your family, raising your physical and spiritual level. Just recently I had to witness a conversation between two young people about freewriting (copywriting) as a way to make money on the Internet. There is such a phenomenon as freewriting technique, we'll talk about it later.

So, one of the interlocutors argued that making good money on the Internet in this way is simply unrealistic. He substantiated his position by the fact that after registration on the stock exchange, his articles “hang” there for several months and are not sold. I then thought that there was nothing surprising in this. A visitor comes to the Content Exchange, where almost a quarter of a million or more writers already work.

Even the most ideal article in all respects can really "hang" on the Article Exchange long time or not even be sold at all. There is a factor of luck and a number of other nuances here. At the very least, I would advise novice writers to sign up directly to. Then you are guaranteed to be able to start earning on the very first day.

Freewriting is a modern technique for finding creative solutions

In fact, freewriting, besides being a very interesting activity, is also a highly profitable business. For example, the King of Copywriting, Gary Halbert has made millions in this way. Previously, he tried himself in a variety of businesses, but he became an outstanding personality and rich precisely thanks to writing sales texts.

In this case, by the word Freewriting, we mean the free writing of articles for money. There is another meaning of this word. We are also interested in it and may even be very useful. But for now, it comes about writing material that generates income for authors. The fact is that in Runet it is customary to call everything that is related to work for remuneration, Copywriting, which is not entirely true.

That is, a typical copywriter is the aforementioned Gary Halbert, who claims that the text he writes will help increase the sales of any product. Of course, we also have a lot of copywriters who earn serious money in this way. Even queues are formed for their services.

But if the performer, on the instructions of the customer, writes posts on other Internet resources, leaving links to the webmaster's site, then this is perhaps not quite copywriting. This is a posting, and the person doing this kind of work is called a poster. Again, writing articles for websites is called web writing, and doing the job is a web writer. Well, if you take an article and, having slightly altered it, write it in the form of a presentation, we will get a rewrite of the text. The phenomenon itself is called rewriting, and the person doing this work is called a rewriter.

In order to make the article and the site more attractive for search engines, special key phrases and correctly placed tags fit into the post. This is already seo copywriting, which is performed by a seo copywriter.

A copywriter, in addition to his main activity, of course, can perform any work related to writing material. Perhaps that is why we call any poster, rewriter, seo-copywriter a copywriter.

I personally find the expression Freewriter more appropriate. This is a writer who, one way or another, works with texts and thus makes money. He offers his services in one of the above areas. Or all at once.

Freewriting technique

The fact is that the word Freewriting has another meaning. There is a psychological technique with which a person is immersed in the free flow of words. It was said above that this is useful to us. It will come in handy because in our case it allows us to improve the quality of articles and develop creativity.

For example, Julia Cameron is well known in the United States as a consultant on personal self-improvement, disclosing his creative abilities. She promotes Freewriting quite widely. After reading her book, The Artist's Way, hundreds of thousands of readers have learned to realize their creative potential. For copywriters and Internet entrepreneurs of all directions, reading such books is a must.

Also this technique is very well described. Mark Levy... His book is called