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Full punctuation analysis of the proposal. What is a punctuation analysis and how to do it, believe me very urgently

Modern schoolchildren, in accordance with the educational program, are studying several types of analysis: phonetic, lexical, morphological, morpheme, syntactic and punctuation analysis of the proposal. Each of them has its own distinctive features and difficult to understand the moments.


Many students and their parents are asked what a punctuation analysis of the proposal. He is designed to find and clarify the punctuation marks available in the proposal. The ability to make a punctuation analysis of the proposal may increase the overall literacy rate of the student. The analysis of a simple (PP) and complex (SP) offers has its own distinctive features.

Place a simple sentence

  1. Read the text you suggested.
  2. Assign to all those present in the text punctuation signs number.
  3. Designate the point mapping that completes the offer, clarify the reason for its production.
  4. Note and explain all the signs encountered in the offer.

It is according to this plan that a punctuation analysis of the sentence is performed. Sample parsing is presented below.

Examples of analysis

As a sample, take a punctuation analysis of the proposal:

1. I can entrust this secret to a person who knows how to keep the tongue.

2. Are you not seen running down the street of people holding flags, posters, balloons?

Step one. The proposal is a question in the purpose of statement and intonation. Therefore, it ends with a question mark.

Step second. Assigning a number of punctuation by the number, we determine their number in the sentence:

Are you not seen running along the street of people (1) holding in the hands of flags (2), posters (3), balloons (4)?

Step Three. The offer has one grammatical foundation. you did not see.

A comma at number one highlights the involvement. Comma numbers two and three separate homogeneous members of the sentence flags, posters, balls, pronounced additions.

Selling a complex sentence

The punctuation analysis of the proposal of this kind is somewhat more complicated.

1. Read the offer.

2. Assign the sequence number in the proposal to all in the proposal.

3. Note the final proposal of the Preamogram and clarify its production.

4. Note the punctuation marks at the SP level and explain the reason for their production.

5. Explain the alignment of punctuation marks in parts of the joint venture.

Examples of analysis

As an example, we propose to conduct a punctuation analysis of the proposal:

1. Probably, we will no longer see Sergey, because the resentment caused to him is unlikely to be easily forgotten.

Step one. At the end of the proposal is the point, because for the purpose of the statement it is narrative, in intonation - non-visible.

Step second. The numbering showed the presence in the proposal of five punctuation marks:

Probably (1), we will no longer see Sergey (2), since the insult (3), applied to him (4), can hardly be easily forgotten (5).

Step Three. This offer is complex. Parts of the Complex Offer are connected by the subordinate Union insofar as. The comma stands on the border of the main and pressing offer.

Step fourth. In the main sentence of the comma, the introduction of the word probably. In the apparent part of the commas, separate the involvement applied to him.

2. I am sure that you will do this order, because you appreciate my location, you want to advance by service.

Step one. The proposal is completed by the point, since it is narrative, non-promotional.

Step second. In the proposal four punctuation sign:

I am sure (1) that you will do this order (2), because you appreciate my location (3), you want to advance in service (4).

Step Three. This proposal consists of one main and two apparent, which are separated from each other with commas under the numbers of one and two.

Step fourth. In the main part and the first impression offering of punctuation signs. In the second pressing sentence, the comma at number three separates homogeneous fag appreciateand Want to move.

If the learner knows what a punctuation analysis of the proposal means, it will not allow gross mistakes in the alignment of punctuation marks. Thus, it will significantly improve its performance and increase the chances of receiving a worthy mark during final exams. This is important because on how well the schoolboy will hand over, its future admission to the university depends. And even such a trifle, as an erroneous setting of the punctuation, can deprive it as necessary points.

The punctuation analysis of the proposal provides the best assimilation of the students of punctuation. It is based on three consecutive actions leading to the explanation of the conditions for choosing a particular punctuation. For a punctuation analysis, you need to know the part of the speech, be able to find a grammatical basis and secondary members in the proposal, as well as hear the intonation with which it is pronounced. Proper provenation signs ensures accuracy and clarity of the expression of thought.

Order of the punctuation analysis
The main signs of punctuation studied at school and used for punctuation parsing are: Point (it is from its Latin name "Punctum" and the word "punctuation"), comma, dot with comma, question and exclamation marks, colon, dash, brackets, Quotes and ellipsis.

The punctuation analysis begins with the definition of the nature of the sentence, which can be both simple and complex. Then set one or more punctuation rules operating in the discussed sentence. Each of them is subject to separate allocation. The result of the punctuation parsing is a graphic proposal scheme.

How to perform a punctuation pavement of a simple sentence?
A simple proposal on the scheme is indicated by square brackets, after which one of the five punctuation marks is set: a point, a question mark, an exclamation mark, a dot or a combination of an intercession and exclamation mark.

The inner part of the scheme shows the complication of a simple sentence. The grammatical basis is indicated by default.

  1. Uniform members of the sentence are depicted in the circles in the form of circles, within which the graphic designation of the sentence is placed. All members of the sentence can be homogeneous: to be subject to (one straight line), taped (two straight lines), add-ons (one dotted line), definitions (one wavy line) and circumstances (dotted line with a dot between screenshots). Together with them, the scheme indicates these punctuation and union signs related to them (connecting, interconnected, comparable).
    Uniform members can be used in a sentence along with a generalizing word. In the diagram it is indicated by a circle with a bold point inside.
  2. Introductory words and phrases are depicted in the form of five small crosses, on top of which the inscription "V.Sl", where "Sl." Indicates both "word" and "phrase". Over the introductory offers are written "V.Pr.".
  3. Couch on the diagram is reproduced in the form of a wavy line with the inscription "O.".
  4. The interjections are written in the scheme with the words ("Alas", "Ah", "Hurray!", Etc.).
  5. To explain the formulation of the shooting range between the grammatical framework, part of the speech and its grammatical form: "SUBSCH., IP", "SUDN" + SUT. "," Neopr.F.Gl. "," Numbers "," S. + Numbers. " etc. The words "this", "here", "it means" is prescribed in the scheme completely.
    The absence of a dash between the subject and the legend must also be explained in the punctuation analysis of the sentence. In this case, it is sufficient to allocate the grammatical foundation and those rules on the basis of which the dash is lowered: the presence of "not" or comparative unions of the negative particle "as", "as if", "as if", "as if", "as if", "as if", "as if", "as if" are "
  6. Separate members of the proposal are allocated on the letter of punctuation marks and are divided into five categories:
    • Separate definitions are depicted in the diagram in the form of a single wavy line, standing inside the two oblique drops "/ ~~~ /".
      If a separate definition belongs to personal pronoun, then the latter is indicated in the scheme "X" sign, over which "L.M." is written. All other parts of the speech are indicated in the scheme by simple "x".
      Above the definitions expressed by the involvement of the trafficking, "P.O." is set.
      Two or several separate definitions are highlighted in the diagram as a homogeneous (wavy line in a circle). From the defined word, the arrow is drawn.
      Above the dedicated definitions with a seign and causal meaning is indicated by "mouth." and "Priach.ZN", respectively. In the diagram, such definitions are depicted by two lines: Lower - circumstances, upper - definitions.
      The agreed and inconsistent definitions in the scheme are separated from each other and subscribe as "Sogl.", "Naughl."
    • Separate applications are depicted in the diagram as well as separate definitions. They may relate to personal pronoun ("L.M."), a nominal noun ("Narice") or the name of its own ("owns."). Separate applications with the Union "How" are allocated on the diagram of the lower line of circumstances and the top - the definition of which "Prich.Zn" is written. or "znkch.".
    • Separate additions are indicated in the diagram in the form of ordinary additions with the words related to them "except", "instead", "including", "besides" and others.
    • Separate circumstances are depicted in the diagram in the form of one dotted line with dots enclosed in oblique dashs. They are indicated above them than they are expressed: aware of them ("d.") Or a height turnover ("D."). The arrow from the defined word is carried out by separate circumstances.
      The circumstances expressed by the phraseological turnover are signed as "phraseolet.". The signs of punctuation on the letter they are not allocated.
      Above circumstances expressed nouns with pretexts, prepositions and proposed combinations are pressed ("despite", "under the condition", etc.).
    • Clarifying members of the proposals are indicated in the scheme in the form of certain members of the sentence - definitions, circumstances, additions, etc. Over each of them raises the question to which they respond: "When?", "What?", "What?" etc. In addition, the scheme indicates the relatives to them unions explaining words and phrases.
  7. Comparative turns are highlighted in the diagram as well as separate circumstances. Above the inscription "compared.".
How to perform a punctuation disclaiming of a complex sentence?
A complex proposal in the scheme is indicated in the form of simple proposals depicted with square and round brackets.
  1. In complex suggestions outside of square brackets, denoting equal contacts with respect to each other, concise and separation unions are indicated with punctuation marks. A general secondary member or introductory word is also carried out for brackets and is emphasized either as a circumstance with the inscription "Society" or as an introductory word.
    The formulation of a dash between the simple proposals is explained by the inscriptions "result", "res.m.d." (sharp change of action), etc.
  2. In complex proposals, the main prosecution is indicated by square brackets, dependent (apparent) - round. With a punctuation analysis, unions ("Soyuz") are prescribed and indicated ("Soyuz"), allied ("Soyuzne.") And indicative words ("Declarations"). Allied words in the apparent and index - in the main thing are emphasized as certain members of the sentence.
    If there are several apparent proposals, each of them put an index arrow from the proposal to which they are subordinated.
  3. In the non-Union proposals on punctuation marks that bind simple sentences among themselves, a suitable situation of the union is put in parentheses.
How is direct speech with a punctuation analysis?
In the scheme, direct speech is represented by the letters "P" (direct speech, standing at the beginning of the offer or being an independent proposal) and "P" (direct speech, standing at the end of the sentence). The words of the author are denoted by the letters "A" and "A".
On the letter and for punctuation analysis, respectively, several options for the design of direct speech are possible:
  1. Direct speech is before the words of the author:
  2. Direct speech stands after the author's words:
  3. Direct speech is interrupted by the author's words:

    "P, - A, - P".

    "P, - a. - P".

    "P? - but. - P".

    "P! - but. - P".

This article covered the foundations of punctuation disclaimers. We recommend supplementing your knowledge on this topic with the help of the Book of O. Ushakova with the same name "punctuation disclation". In this small collection, written in a clear, accessible form, a large number of examples of punctuation discrepancies of various difficulty levels are given.

Modern schoolchildren, in accordance with the educational program, are studying several types of analysis: phonetic, lexical, morphological, morpheme, syntactic and punctuation analysis of the proposal. Each of them has its own distinctive features and difficult to understand the moments.


Many students and their parents are asked what a punctuation analysis of the proposal. He is designed to find and clarify the punctuation marks available in the proposal. The ability to make a punctuation analysis of the proposal may increase the overall literacy rate of the student. The analysis of a simple (PP) and complex (SP) offers has its own distinctive features.

Place a simple sentence

  1. Read the text you suggested.
  2. Assign to all those present in the text punctuation signs number.
  3. Designate the point mapping that completes the offer, clarify the reason for its production.
  4. Note and explain all the signs encountered in the offer.

It is according to this plan that a punctuation analysis of the sentence is performed. Sample parsing is presented below.

Examples of analysis

As a sample, take a punctuation analysis of the proposal:

1. I can entrust this secret to a person who knows how to keep the tongue.

2. Are you not seen running down the street of people holding flags, posters, balloons?

Step one. The proposal is a question in the purpose of statement and intonation. Therefore, it ends with a question mark.

Step second. Assigning a number of punctuation by the number, we determine their number in the sentence:

Are you not seen running along the street of people (1) holding in the hands of flags (2), posters (3), balloons (4)?

Step Three. The offer has one grammatical foundation. you did not see.

A comma at number one highlights the involvement. Comma numbers two and three separate homogeneous members of the sentence flags, posters, balls, pronounced additions.

Selling a complex sentence

The punctuation analysis of the proposal of this kind is somewhat more complicated.

1. Read the offer.

2. Assign the sequence number in the proposal to all in the proposal.

3. Note the final proposal of the Preamogram and clarify its production.

4. Note the punctuation marks at the SP level and explain the reason for their production.

5. Explain the alignment of punctuation marks in parts of the joint venture.

Examples of analysis

As an example, we propose to conduct a punctuation analysis of the proposal:

1. Probably, we will no longer see Sergey, because the resentment caused to him is unlikely to be easily forgotten.

Step one. At the end of the proposal is the point, because for the purpose of the statement it is narrative, in intonation - non-visible.

Step second. The numbering showed the presence in the proposal of five punctuation marks:

Probably (1), we will no longer see Sergey (2), since the insult (3), applied to him (4), can hardly be easily forgotten (5).

Step Three. This offer is complex. Parts of the Complex Offer are connected by the subordinate Union insofar as. The comma stands on the border of the main and pressing offer.

Step fourth. In the main sentence of the comma, the introduction of the word probably. In the apparent part of the commas, separate the involvement applied to him.

2. I am sure that you will do this order, because you appreciate my location, you want to advance by service.

Step one. The proposal is completed by the point, since it is narrative, non-promotional.

Step second. In the proposal four punctuation sign:

I am sure (1) that you will do this order (2), because you appreciate my location (3), you want to advance in service (4).

Step Three. This proposal consists of one main and two apparent, which are separated from each other with commas under the numbers of one and two.

Step fourth. In the main part and the first impression offering of punctuation signs. In the second pressing sentence, the comma at number three separates homogeneous fag appreciateand Want to move.

If the learner knows what a punctuation analysis of the proposal means, it will not allow gross mistakes in the alignment of punctuation marks. Thus, it will significantly improve its performance and increase the chances of receiving a worthy mark during final exams. This is important because on how well the schoolboy will hand over, its future admission to the university depends. And even such a trifle, as an erroneous setting of the punctuation, can deprive it as necessary points.

This task checks the ability to conduct a punctuation analysis of the proposal complicated by introductory structures. In in about dn, it is words or
combinations of words with which
speaking expresses his attitude to
What he reports about:
We certainly do not
Delivered. Vladimir, to the Great
The surprise of Yermolay, shot at all
excellent. Yermolay shot, as always,
victorious. I, as usual, -

Introductory words have different meanings:

1. Expressing feelings of the speaker
to joy, to chagrin, shame, to
misfortune, horror, to amazement, to
indignation, etc.
Bursaki went ahead, and, to the greatest
Their joy, in the distance implanted Lai.
In happiness, on the other day we left from

Various degree of confidence (greater or smaller)

undoubtedly probably obviously
It seems probably obviously, perhaps,
certainly undoubtedly may apparently
Apparently, etc.
Of course, all this was thought of childish.
Dad, probably, will now go to the gear
Gottlip, maybe orders to damage

Source message

according to the message (someone), in my opinion,
Your opinion, according to (anyone),
Words (anyone)
According to information from reliable
sources, flood this year on rivers
will not be.
I tanned like Arap, and wild, according to
The expression of all of our acquaintances.

The order of thoughts and their connection

Firstly Secondly Thirdly,
Finally, therefore, therefore,
For example, on the contrary, by the way,
Therefore, by the way, in addition, etc.
I did not like the river, firstly,
Because all from the shores
reeds, so that the water was not visible
and secondly, because the water in it was
Gorky. However, the bitterness of water is not
There was a bad effect on fish.

Remarks on the ways of making thoughts

in a word, in other words, if you can
so to speak if you can put it so
so to speak, etc.
For a year, in one word, it was not in vain.
At leisure, I gave free to my
imagination, or, it is better to say
consideration. (AKS)

Calling to the interlocutor in order to attract his attention to the reported

imagine whether you know if
Do you understand, listen, merry,
Tell me for mercy, etc.
Imagine the door and
Masha runs out! And from where, tell me
Grace, took!

Introduction proposals are used in the same function as introductory words. Introduction proposals may be impersonal, uncertain

Introduction proposals are used in the same
Functions as introductory words. Input
Offers may be impersonal
vaguely personal or twisading:
The time seemed to stop.
As they said, there should be some
The number of minks, vds and foxes.
This way, according to, you can rather and
Move more cargo.
The hired courtyard, as already mentioned,
was a solid waste
Disted with all sorts of piles.

10. Note!

Are not introductory and not stand out
commas words and phrases:
allegedly, as if, even, hardly, suddenly
literally, if, it is unlikely, all the same, just, besides, by decision, by
representation, therefore, in addition, in
Ultimately, I suppose, as if

11. Word However

if it is in the middle or at the end
Offers is introductory and
stands out about commas. At the beginning
Offers it matters the Union
But not introductory:
Long, however, we had to wait for you.
You are late, however.
However (\u003d but) he did not receive the letter.

12. Word However

The snow is over
however clouds still
Low hung over
The crucial city.

13. The word is finally

Indicates the connection of thoughts and completes
enumeration and it can be replaced by the expression "and
A.P.Chekhov was a playwright, amelist and finally
sample self-education.
The word is finally not introductory and does not stand out
commas if used in the meaning "under
End "," Finally "," as a result of everything. " IN
such cases by the word finally can be added
Particle is:
He waited a long time to call from the school, did not sleep, nervous
And finally waited.

14. The word at all

is introductory and stands out by commas,
if used in the meaning "at all
Speaking ":
In general, I would like to hear this
The story of your mouth.
If at all matters "in general",
"Always", "at all", "in general", "neither
What conditions "," in all respects ", then
It does not stand out:
You do not expect me at all. From invitation
I refused yours in general. For similar
Actions he generally punished strictly.

15. The word means

is input and stands out of commas if
It can be replaced by the words "it became",
Above the lessons you sit rarely, it means that it is unlikely
You should wait for good results. You mean
I did not have time to train?
If it means to replace the word means or it
It is worth between the subject and fault, it is
Not allocated by commas:
Your good attitude to my children means
For me, a lot.
Answer rudely - it means to show your


The words actually more precisely, rather, or rather
are introductory if after them
You can put the word saying:
What, in fact, you need from me?
This, more precisely, was at the end of the past.

17. Features of the places of punctuation signs under introductory words.


Between near those who stand input words
put a comma:
True, according to your friend, you led
not in the best way.
If the introductory combination is
incomplete design, then instead of one
The comma is raised
According to scouts, the enemies sat down in
place, in my own - moving to our


If the input word word (in one word)
stands after homogeneous members before
generalizing, then before him put a dash, and
After it - comma
Mountaineering, skiing, swimming, tennis
- In short, he attracted a lot.


Between the writing union and introductory
the word is a comma, if the introductory
The word can be omitted. If this
impossible, then the comma does not put
And by the way, I was already cooked dinner.
Not a year, but maybe she lived for ten years
Ivan Georgievich in one night.
The first frosts began, and
therefore, speech about the river alloy
did not work.

21. Plust signs with introductory proposals

22. The writs are allocated with introductory proposals in the following cases:

1) if they are impersonal or
Uncertain and personal: missing
squad, it seems to me, you need to search for
a different mountain slope. Her temper, assured
me, stopped even fervent
2) if they are personal unprosted
Offers: Rain, I think soon
Ends. Diploma, he believed, will open
Doors to the new world of creativity.

23. The wrists are allocated with introductory proposals in the following cases:

3) If alliances start or
Union words: against the most gate,
on the wall hung the image of Nicholas
The wonderworker, as the Coveng told me. I
came to such an excitement, in such an excitement,
As Jezeich said, that I trembled
arms and legs. It's time for my
Cool, as Essic predicted.

24. The difference of introductory words from members of the sentence

It must be remembered that in some cases
Introductory words can be omitted, and the sense of the sentence
Will not change:
Bobryat, right, decided that they are in full
Safety - the introductory word is correct to omit.
She arrived correctly - in this case, the word is true
omit it is impossible;
Introductory words can be replaced by other, close by
Bobryat, right (obviously probably probably)
Decided that they are complete.
She came true (i.e. correctly).


Introductory words can be replaced by others
loved ones:
Snow, probably ended, but clouds
Still, hung low above

26. Put the punctuation marks, specify all the numbers on the place of which are commas.

When (1) Finally (2) the sun and
warmed up the land, then trees and herbs
hung such strong dews such
luminous patterns looked from the dark
Forest branches of fir, that (3) seemed to (4) on this
the finish would not have enough diamonds all
Our Earth.

27. Establish the punctuation marks, specify all the numbers on the place of which the commas should stand.

If the orbit of the moon for any
reasons (1) after all (2) will be removed from
Lands for a short distance, then (3) by
Opinion of astronomers (4) life on the planet
Faced catastrophe.

28. Put the punctuation marks, specify all the numbers on the place of which the commas should stand.

Cheerful, carefree childhood (1) anyway
(2) ever run out, and adult
Life (3) Of course (4) will require serious
solutions and responsible deeds.

29. Put the punctuation marks, specify all the numbers on the place of which are commas.

On the one hand (1) I was silent
Mountains, on the other hand (2) noisy the sea. FROM
One side (3) Cars are useful, but
(4) On the other hand (5), everyone knows that
harm that they apply the surrounding

30. Put the punctuation marks, specify all the numbers on the place of which the commas should stand.

Beasts in the forest makes it stop (1
There must be (2) even the rustling of falling
Leaves. The outlines of the house under construction (3)
It seemed (4) like a ship.

31. Put the punctuation marks, specify all the numbers on the place of which are commas.

It was assumed that the President of the Russian Federation
Talk with ambassador within an hour (1)
However (2) the conversation was delayed. Minister (3)
However (4) signed an order about
the need for so long
spoke in society.

When the board is recorded on the board and all spells are explained in words, the student usually proceeds to perform an oral punctuation parsing.

How to do it right? In what order to call the conditions for the formulation of punctuation marks? These and many other issues are relevant for the middle and older school.

The punctuation analysis is significantly different from the syntactic analysis, which has a conditional designation for schoolchildren under the number 4. Unacceptable to confuse them! The purpose of the syntactic parsing is the characteristics of the supply, its structure and values.

Why do you need a punctuation analysis? It helps to apply the Preamograms, find the boundaries of semantic segments, follow the rules of the alignment of punctuation marks. Suggestions are suitable for analysis, which are already punctual decorated. To complicate the analysis, the teacher offers texts with punctuation signs.

When a punctuation analysis is performed, then pay attention to the proposal structure. It matters not only the presence of major and secondary members, the number of grammatical foundations and parts of the sentence, it is also important to identify ways to express secondary members of the proposal and their order, to find out the intonational features of the proposal.

Here are two sentences, let's analyze them.

1) Missed once in the courtyard of Seryozha and Peter, rake on the bench snow and sat down. 2) What would this be done?

In the first narrative offer, only two signs are used: a comma, separating homogeneous taled, and a point. In the second only one question mark, because at the beginning of the sentence there is a question word.

When there is no punctuation signs inside the sentence, do you need to pay attention to this? Yes, it is necessary to clarify the conditions of lack of signs. Consider an example.

Tyu Tanya treated skates as a family relic.

In this sentence, except for the point, there is no sign standing inside. But it was possible to mistakenly put a comma in front of the union how. Why is the sign not supplied? Because there is a condition prohibiting the comma: the semantic segment as a family relic is "in quality".

The punctuation analysis plan assumes only a few points. This analysis is made verbally, so for the convenience of a written description by numerous all the signs of punctuation and explain their production. All offers for examples We took from the works of Lyudmila Ulitsky.

Approximate order of punctuation parsing

I. Place Preamogram (end of supply, simple offer, complex offer): punctuation marks are numbered.

II. Terms of a punctuation rate (Rules / Non-Support of punctuation marks).

III. The function of the punctuation sign.

Sample sample punctuation parsing

Example 1.

In the fall of birch and aspen they beat in the eyes of bright colors.1

1 - Completion sign in the narrative simple sentence.

Explanation: There is no commuity between homogeneous subjects, connected by a single union, and there is no comma after the involved turnover of the originated in the fall, standing in front of the definition word of birch and aspen.

Example 2.

Skates were, 1 Of course, 2 in those holidays Event number one.3

1 and 2 - commas allocate an introductory word with the meaning of confidence,

Example 3.

November ninth, 1 at the end of the holidays, 2 coped Sanin Birthday 3

1 and 2 - commas allocate the clarifying member of the sentence, expressed by the circumstance of time,

3 - Completion sign in the narrative simple sentence.

Example 4.

Anna Alexandrovna called girls 1 "ladies" 2.3 boys 4 "young people" 5 ... 6

1, 2 and 4, 5 - quotes highlighted the statements of the character (the way of registration of someone else's speech),

3 - commas divides homogeneous additions,

6 - the sign of completion in the narrative simple sentence (a dot testifies to the incompleteness of the statement).

Example 5.

Everything around it seemed extraordinarily clear and unprecedented beautiful: 1 and white trunks birch, 2 and bright leaves, 3 and pale blue, 4 as if the faded sky.

1 - colon set in front of a number of homogeneous members, because there is a generalizing word all,

2, 3-commas separated homogeneous to be connected by repeated unions.

4 - the comma highlights a comparative turnover with the union that

5 - Completion sign in a narrative simple sentence.

Example 6.

Once in the morning, 1 Going out into the courtyard, 2 Sergey saw the shed peeling from the roof, 3 Dressed ground, 4 closed frost, 5 hardened grass, 6 coated rare snow, 7 Like Solu.8

1, 2 - commas allocate a separate circumstance, expressed by a heavily transparent turning into the courtyard,

3, 5 - commas separated homogeneous additions,

4, 5 - the comma emits a separate definition, expressed by the captured turnover of the closed by frost, after the definite word of the land,

6, 7 - the comma highlights a separate definition, expressed by the involved turnover covered with a rare snow, after the grave is determined by the word,

7 - the comma highlights a comparative turnover with the union as if

8 - Completion sign in a narrative simple sentence.

Example 7.

Poetry -1 is the heart of the literature, 2 the highest concentration of all the best, 3 What is in the world and in person.4

1 - dash divides the subject and fault, expressed by the name nouns in them. Padege,

2 - comma separating homogeneous fadies,

3 - comma separates the apparent part of the complex proposal from the main,

4 is a sign of completion in a narrative simple sentence.

Explanation: no comma between homogeneous members connected by a single Union I.

Example 8.

The beauty of the earth was disturbed by the heart of Sergey, 1 reminded of past days, 2 so brightly imprinted in memory.

1 - comma in the middle of a simple supply divides homogeneous fag

2 - the comma highlights a separate definition, expressed by the involvement of the turnover so brightly imprinted in memory, after the defined word of the day,

3 - the point completes the narrative offer.

Example 9.

The trees ended at the level of the fifth floor, 1 from the balcony was visible only the fine-curly crowns of two ash, 2 and the earth under them hardly shifted.

1 - comma in the middle divides parts of a complex sentence (non-union link),

2 - comma divides parts of a complex sentence (writing),

3 - the point completes the narrative complex offer.

Example 10.

Such silence was in the forest, 1 that the chirping of the Cineps, 2 baked on the branches, 3 seemed extraordinarily ringing.

1 - comma in the middle divishes parts of a complex sentence (verification),

2 and 3 - paired commas allocate in the apparent part of the complex proposal a separate definition, expressed by the involved turnover of barking on the branches, after the defined word of the cell,

4 - the point completes the narrative complex offer.

In some suggestions, several punctuation marks can meet, and in this case you need to decide which sequence to make a punctuation analysis. It is logical to go from the end to those punctuation signs that are inside the sentence. But a consistent approach is possible - in order of signs.


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