Repair Design Furniture

Kitchen design photo gallery of an interior. DIY kitchen design: photos, non-standard ideas, design solutions. How to provide storage options

The modern style is most often chosen by people who keep up with the times, love order and practicality. Despite the seeming coldness, a modern kitchen can be very comfortable and even cozy. The main thing is to choose the right furniture, think over where it is better to install household appliances, and take into account many other details.

Choosing a modern kitchen style

The main features of a modern kitchen, regardless of the style chosen: the presence of wide work surfaces, clear lines, non-standard solutions for room decor, minimalism, unexpected combinations of colors and textures, original stylistic solutions and neglect of templates. Several modern styles meet these requirements at once. Each of them deserves a separate description.

High-tech style- perhaps the most modern of all existing styles. Its main characteristics are: the predominance of metallic glossy surfaces, the use of the most advanced household appliances that become part of the interior, strict clear lines, bright lighting. The advantages of the style are that it is ideal for furnishing kitchens of all sizes, both large and small.

Minimalism style- this name speaks for itself. A kitchen with such an interior is equipped with only the most necessary things. Decorative elements that do not perform practical functions are simply absent. The predominance of muted monochrome tones is encouraged.

Loft style- this solution is best suited for decorating a spacious kitchen in a modern studio apartment. The basic principles of the style: the maximum of open space, which is filled with light and air, the presence of large windows, the absence of partitions, the use of natural textures in the decoration of the walls (brickwork, rough plaster, concrete).

What materials are used to create the interiors of modern kitchens

Preference is given to synthetic materials, harmoniously adjacent to natural finishes. The basic principles of decorating a room should be considered using the example of its main elements.

Walls- special requirements are imposed on them. Walls in a modern kitchen must be highly resistant to moisture, steam, dirt, temperature extremes and other aggressive external influences.

A room made in the style of "high-tech" or "minimalism" can simply be painted with special dirt and water-repellent paint. Individual areas can be decorated with ceramic tiles or brickwork.

Small panels made of natural wood, adjacent to rough plaster, will also look appropriate. For decorating some surfaces, you can use natural or synthetic stone, glass, metal.

Ceiling- in this case, several options can be used. Stretch ceilings with glossy surfaces, as well as plastic finishing, look harmonious in modern interiors.

The ceiling can be white, but if the room is spacious and high enough, other color schemes are also suitable - the main thing is that they are in harmony with the interior as a whole.

Floor- the ideal option for finishing the floor in a modern kitchen is such a material as porcelain stoneware. It is highly resistant to temperature extremes, does not absorb dirt and moisture, and is easy to care for.

If this option seems too expensive, you can use a regular laminate, choosing the appropriate color for it. Ceramic tiles will be a good material for finishing the floor; self-leveling floors also look good in modern interiors.

Selection of facades

Facades of headsets are called their front part, that is, cabinet doors. This part of the headset is extremely important, since it is she who creates the appearance of the kitchen itself. For the manufacture of modern facades of headsets, the following materials are used:

  • plastic;
  • glass;
  • solid wood (more suitable for the "loft" style);
  • combination of several materials.

Facades made of light synthetic materials will look the most harmonious in modern interiors. For upper cabinets, you can use glass, preferably opaque translucent.

As for the color scheme, it can be in contrast to the main tone of the room, or be combined with it.

An excellent solution would be to use shiny glossy fronts without handles, with a special mechanism that opens the doors with a simple push. What should be discarded: texture and excessive decor.

Choice of household appliances

When arranging modern kitchen interiors, be it high-tech, minimalism or loft, preference is given to modern models of household appliances, which become a full-fledged part of the design of the room. Preference should be given to techniques with a metallic surface, chrome and glossy details.

If the room is small and you have to save every meter of it, it is better to use built-in household appliances, thanks to which the kitchen will become more spacious and functional. What should be completely abandoned: from retro models of household appliances, as well as from all kinds of vintage versions of it. A modern kitchen should be dominated by chrome and bright glossy surfaces.

You can emphasize the unusual design of the kitchen with the help of an original design hood, which may well become the central element of the interior.

Choosing a sink, you should give preference to a modern model, which does not have to be hidden behind the facade of the headset.

All devices used in the kitchen should look stylish and technologically advanced: a microwave oven, a food processor and even a toaster.

Choice of colors

Modern kitchen interiors provide for a combination of a variety of materials and textures - the same applies to the color palette. The first thing to start from when choosing the main shades for finishing the room is the taste preferences of the owners of the home.

Basic rules for the selection of colors for a modern kitchen interior:

  • You should not use several bright shades at once, the necessary accents can be set using one contrasting and saturated tone.
  • A muted monochrome palette with splashes of chrome and glass will be the key to creating a super modern interior.
  • If you want to make the kitchen more "lively" and give it brightness, you can use neon tones in the decoration of the facades.
  • When arranging a small kitchen, you will have to abandon bright and saturated shades, giving preference to light colors and white.
  • The main color of the interior can be present in the form of several catchy details - dishes, blinds, door structures, a refrigerator, a kitchen apron.
  • The most popular colors used in modern interiors are black, white, yellow, metallic, gray, red, blue, purple.

Regardless of which color scheme was chosen, special attention should be paid to organizing the correct lighting in the kitchen. Modern interiors involve the use of numerous spotlights, thanks to which not a single surface in the room will remain in the shade.

Basic principles of creating a modern interior in a small kitchen

Modern interiors such as "high-tech" or "minimalism" are the ideal solution for furnishing small kitchens. Lack of furniture clutter and minimal use of decor contribute to the fact that even the smallest room looks more spacious.

Light shades prevailing in the decoration of walls and floors and present in the facades of furniture will help to visually expand it even more. Built-in household appliances contribute to greater space savings.

To prevent a modern kitchen from looking too cold or sterile, you can decorate it without overloading it with decorative elements. A transparent glass vase with fresh flowers will look great in such a room; you can install yellow, silver or orange blinds on the windows.

The walls will be decorated with a large clock with a laconic dial. An unusual design chandelier made of glass and metal can become a separate decorative element.

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Any housewife would like to see her kitchen not only functional, practical and convenient in terms of the implementation of work processes, but also cozy, beautiful, modern. Of course, the design of a kitchen largely depends on its size, but the ideas we offer for organizing the storage, preparation or consumption of food can be used in kitchens of any scale. The advantage is that many of the accessories and design techniques can be carried out independently, without the involvement of specialists and serious financial expenses. So, here are more than 70 ideas for organizing a practical, comfortable and aesthetic kitchen interior.

Ideas for optimizing space and saving usable kitchen space

In small kitchens, every square centimeter is worth its weight in gold, so you have to use all the available space, for example, the height of the room. The location of the upper tier of kitchen cabinets from the ceiling itself allows you to increase the number of storage systems. This method is good for kitchens in standard apartments with low ceilings.

If you add white facades to the build-in of a kitchen unit from the ceiling to the floor, add snow-white facades, then not only the number of storage systems can be brought to the optimum, but also a visual increase in space can be achieved.

Organization of a dining area in a small kitchen

If you have a spacious kitchen, then organizing a dining area for the whole family will not be a problem - you can install a spacious table. But what if the area of ​​the kitchen is not called anything other than modest? There are many options, but it all depends on the number of household members, their age (small children and the elderly will find it inconvenient to sit at the bar, for example) and lifestyle (how often all family members gather for a meal). One of the options for organizing a place for eating is to extend the countertop of the kitchen island. Then the number of storage systems, cutting surfaces or built-in household appliances can be increased, and the dining area can be left within the kitchen space (do not take the dining segment into the living room).

In a kitchen space with a shortage of usable space for organizing a dining area, you can use a folding table model with a semicircle shape. There are models on sale that can completely recline and lean on one leg, as well as tables with a part that drops, leaving an almost rectangular table top for use.

A round portable table is a great option for organizing a meal in a small kitchen.

Rational storage or saving usable space

There is never a lot of storage systems, especially when it comes to the kitchen area - any homeowner will agree with this statement. But it is not enough to have a sufficient number of kitchen cabinets, it is important to organize storage in such a way as to spend as little time as possible looking for the right item, store dangerous cutlery and various kitchen accessories in the safest way. Modern furniture manufacturers often offer us a ready-made storage solution - kitchen cabinets with built-in distributors, dividers, rotating shelves, pull-out organizers and other devices that help keep the kitchen space tidy. But there are also many solutions that are used already in the finished furniture ensemble or even in addition to it.

Household items and food items that need to be used on a daily basis (spices, oils, sauces, and other additives) are best stored on open shelves. Then the entire assortment will be before your eyes (you can quickly find the right ingredient), and you won't have to constantly slam the doors of kitchen cabinets. If your jars and bottles are not transparent, then the easiest way is to use sticker-stickers on which you can write the name of the seasoning or sauce. And this technique also applies to transparent vessels - many products look very similar (it will be a shame to confuse salt and sugar, spoiling the dish, for example).

Square and rectangular containers take up less space, both on open shelves and in drawers.

You can use the following racks and shelves to store bottles. The advantage of hinged wooden shelves is that not only the bottles are in a safe container, but there is also a place for glasses. The metal holders can be mounted anywhere - even on the side walls of wall cabinets. Saving useful kitchen space on the face.

How do you like this approach to organizing space for taking notes, writing down recipes, and generally creating a mini-home office in the kitchen space? All that was required was a side wall of a pencil case and a small tray (or tray) for office supplies.

Another option for using a black magnetic board to organize space for notes, recipe entries, and grocery lists is the interior of any wall cabinet door.

Ordinary cans (for baby food or large canned food) become creative cutlery stands by wrapping them in burlap. It is noteworthy that such decorative elements will organically look not only in various variations of the country style (Scandinavian, Provence, Mediterranean), but also in the kitchen space, decorated in a modern style.

You may also find organizers in the form of wooden trays, containers or boxes with low sides useful. The convenience of using such stands is that a whole range of necessary household items is at hand, in the right place at the moment.

For products that are undesirable to store in the refrigerator (onions, garlic, potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.), you can use special perforated boxes. They can be made of plastic, metal, wicker or rattan.

Here are some ideas on how to store various cleaning products and utensils for washing dishes and caring for kitchen surfaces that you would not like to put on public display, but would rather hide.

Magnetic strips are great for storing a set of knives and other metal kitchen accessories. They can be attached directly to walls or inside storage systems.

Decorative elements with functional loading

Almost any item of kitchen use can become a decorative element. For example, an original faucet - semi-antique in brass or copper, golden or snow-white ceramic, is able not only to fulfill its functions of supplying water, but also to decorate the interior, bring originality or support the overall concept of kitchen design.

The combination of various finishing materials can be a decorative element. And this is not only about the original or striking design of the kitchen apron. For example, you can combine ceramic floor tiles or laminate or parquet flooring in the work and dining areas of the kitchen space. You can also lay out a segment with porcelain stoneware at the exit to the backyard (an option for kitchens in private houses).

Shelves and countertops made of wood that looks like raw wood (in fact, it is impregnated with special antiseptics and coated with moisture-repellent varnishes) not only bring natural warmth to modern kitchen design, but also serve many functions.

A tee outlet that slides straight out of the countertop when needed? Nothing is impossible. Only the obvious space saving and ease of use must be planned in advance, at the stage of ordering the kitchen set and countertops to it.

Another handy feature is a hole in the countertop for collecting rubbish. Cooking waste is easy to get rid of - just throw everything you don't need into the hole in the countertop, under which the trash can is located.

Almost any element becomes decorative if it is highlighted. The use of spotlights or strip lighting allows not only to create the desired level of illumination in the kitchen, but also to create a special atmosphere of the room, a cozy atmosphere.

Nothing adds a breath of nature, freshness and spring-summer mood even on the coldest day like bright greenery of living plants in the interior. And if these plants not only add beauty and freshness to the design of the kitchen, but can also be used to prepare delicious and healthy dishes, then they deserve the most original design. For a long time, ordinary flower pots on the windowsill have not surprised anyone, and often this surface is converted into a countertop. How to organize the placement of indoor plants and the cultivation of greenery for the family table and do it decoratively, decorating the design of the kitchen space?

How about hanging pots or containers made of ceramic, plastic, glass and even metal on special holders that are attached to the wall? As a result, a whole green wall may appear in your kitchen, and everything will be at hand for tasty and healthy dishes.

If your home does not have a pet that loves to climb curtain rails, this way of placing pots with indoor plants can be a highlight of the interior. Ideal for sun-loving plants.

If the area of ​​the kitchen space allows, then you can use really large plants in floor pots or tubs. Even the strictest, modern interior design is "softened" by the presence of such an abundance of greenery.

1000 1500 Dix https: //www..pngDix 2017-04-23 14:11:10 2018-11-30 11:15:34 Original ideas for kitchen design

Interesting ideas for the kitchen will help to equip this important living space, where the hostess spends a huge amount of time. Particularly in demand are interesting ideas for a kitchen in Khrushchev or interesting ideas for a kitchen of 9 square meters, where the limited space creates a lot of inconvenience, and you want a small room to look beautiful. Interesting ideas for the kitchen, embodied with your own hands (the photo clearly shows how it looks), make it possible to make any kitchen comfortable, beautiful and practical.

The kitchen is a very specific area of ​​the apartment: being one of the most, it performs a large number of functions.

A huge arsenal of equipment, furniture and various accessories is collected here. All this should, firstly, fit in a small volume; secondly, to be always at hand; and thirdly, do not spoil the decoration of the room.

Based on this, it is possible to put forward the most important requirements for ideas for the arrangement of the kitchen: they should optimize the use of the entire volume of the room; provide a sufficient number of places to store all kinds of items; create a beautiful interior without disturbing the functional features.

When arranging a kitchen, its decoration and interesting ideas (there are plenty of photo examples) are aimed at:

  • expansion of space by combining with other premises;
  • optimization of storage conditions for kitchen utensils;
  • optimal use of furniture and equipment, their placement and change in appearance;
  • creation of an original design for walls, floors, ceilings;
  • arrangement and decoration of the work area and apron;
  • zoning of the kitchen space;
  • changing the appearance of windows and doors;
  • using the possibilities of lighting;
  • the use of various decorative elements, ornaments and accessories.

How can you expand the space

The original arrangement of the kitchen in the direction of expanding the space can provide interesting ideas for a kitchen combined with a living room or a loggia (balcony). Such proposals are especially relevant for small spaces.

For the implementation of the project, the intermediate wall is removed and the connection of the kitchen with the living room is ensured with the removal of the dining area into the living room. When implementing such a project, it is important to provide a visual highlight of the kitchen and dining area.

Combining the premises allows you to leave only the working area in the small kitchen, and turn the living room into a relaxation area (receiving guests) and a dining room with a large beautiful table. Interesting ideas for the kitchen in this case consist in the formation of a decorative partition that highlights the kitchen area. A common option is to install a bar counter, which is of interest both from a practical point of view and in terms of design.

Other ideas can be suggested:

  1. Two-level floor. There are two options: raising the living room floor by 8-12 cm or the kitchen floor by 12-14 cm. The second option is convenient for masking communications. An interesting solution can be the use of spotlights for illumination in an attack. Another way of floor zoning is a different color and coating material (in the kitchen - ceramic tiles, for example) at the same floor level.
  2. Two-level ceiling. The kitchen can be distinguished by the manufacture of a false ceiling with built-in lights. The working area is usually provided with maximum illumination.
  3. Sliding partition. This solution allows you to get rid of an important disadvantage of combining rooms - smell. During the preparation of the meal, the doors close and insulate the kitchen.
  4. The partition can have decorative features. Of interest is a large aquarium or another type of wildlife corner. An openwork partition with curly room ones looks very nice.

How to provide storage options

The kitchen is a receptacle for a variety of kitchen utensils, so interesting ideas for the kitchen in terms of storing various items are in great demand.

You can put forward the following suggestions:

  1. Using a corner sofa with a device in the space between the legs of drawers for storing dishes or drawers with a lifting lid.
  2. Using cabinet doors for hanging pans, cutting boards, etc.
  3. The use of one maximally tall and narrow cabinet.
  4. Installation of carousel shelves for storing food. Such "carousels" under the worktop will provide storage of the necessary products and are easy to use. The shelves can be divided into sections: food, dishes, bottles, detergents.
  5. Equipment on cabinet doors for washing shelves and holders for detergents and equipment. In the space under the sink, a platform for a garbage container is equipped.
  6. Wall mounting of a decorated metal profile with hooks for hanging kitchen utensils and cups.
  7. Making an envelope for cutting boards. Such an envelope can be assembled from wooden slats with a height of 16-22 cm. Decoration is provided with paint or varnish. The envelope is fixed on the inside of the cabinet door under the work area, on the side wall of the hanging cabinet or directly on the wall in the work area.

How can you diversify the interior

There are various ways to add attractiveness and originality to the kitchen interior.

So, for decorating tiles, the following technologies are offered:

  • beads or decorative small pebbles are glued to the tile surface with special glue - this way you can create any plot and even a whole picture (images of flowers, greenery, fruit and vegetable plot, sunflowers are suitable for the kitchen);
  • decoupage - fastening or applying standard (ready-made) patterns or ornaments (in the final form, the patterns are varnished);
  • craquelure - creating a "semi-antique" effect using ready-made compositions that allow you to apply a cobweb mesh.

Decorating with textiles can provide any style of decoration and a special warmth to the interior. In this group of decor, elements such as curtains, tablecloths, pillows, napkins on the table top, dish stands, furniture covers stand out.

Interesting idea: preparing several sets of matching textiles, which are periodically changed, providing seasonal decoration (for example, symbolizing the arrival of spring). In addition, this approach allows you to influence the seasonal mood: in the summer, create the illusion of coolness with green or salad tones, and in the winter, add warmth with reddish or yellow tones. The decoration for any holiday will look impressive.

Ideas in the design of the walls allow you to radically change the attitude towards the interior. For the kitchen, it is rational to decorate the walls using a composition from a different combination of shelves. You can install vases, indoor and decorative flowers, beautiful dishes, figurines on them. Paintings and mosaics look impressive on kitchen walls. In their manufacture, you can use stencils, vinyl stickers.

In an urban kitchen, the landscape on the wall looks good, and when decorated in high-tech style, abstract plots.

Decorating glass elements gives a special charm. If ordinary glass in kitchen furniture is replaced with mirror glass, then the volume of the room will visually increase. Undoubtedly, the use of frosted, corrugated (patterned), colored or stained glass glasses will add attractiveness. With your own hands, glass interior elements can be diversified with appliqués, lace, stencil patterns.

Kitchen little things

Various small decorative elements can change the whole look of the kitchen beyond recognition. What kind of crafts to use depends on the owner's imagination.

One can only recall possible ideas:

  • original lamp shades for lamps;
  • decorations in the form of paintings, collages for walls;
  • dish stands;
  • holders, hangers, towel racks;
  • products from bottles and vases;
  • antique and original jars and dishes;
  • candlesticks;
  • all kinds of crafts and figurines.

The originality is given by painting and coloring the body of the refrigerator and other kitchen equipment (for example, a microwave oven). Painted trays and cutting boards, beautiful towels, potholders, aprons provide a special attraction.

Kitchen decoration provides a good mood and increases appetite. The original kitchen interior, regardless of the size of the kitchen, creates a special home microclimate.

I like

The modern trend suggests creating a kitchen design in 2017 with a variety of stylistic solutions and original ideas, but they all agree on one thing - a modern kitchen should, first of all, be functional and comfortable.

The fast pace of our lives affects the fact that we spend less and less time at the stove, trying to cook simple, quick meals. As a result, modern kitchen renovations are designed with an emphasis on minimalism and clean lines. Designers are increasingly inspired by nature, offering harmonious solutions with natural soothing shades. The modern kitchen interior is also filled with sustainable materials that emphasize simple shapes, creating a stylish and concise space.

Stages of creating a kitchen interior design:

Photo of an American-style room:

It is important to consider that the modern kitchen of 2017 combines high technology and comfort. Multifunctional appliances easily get along with cozy wooden furniture and fresh flowers in pots. A cold kitchen space with a chrome-plated facade is sure to be complemented with several decorative items, for example, textiles or a shelf with beautiful dishes, to make the atmosphere more homely.

Photo of a room with a staircase:

Regardless of where the kitchen is located, in an apartment or in a private house, furniture is selected taking into account ergonomics and aesthetics. Modern designs provide optimal storage of dishes and kitchen accessories, even in small rooms from 4 to 8 square meters. Doors and drawers are equipped with quiet, comfortable mechanisms that make them easy to open, and the headsets are perfect.

Photo of cupboards: Keuken

If a few years ago everyone was content with typical kitchen "walls", today designers offer a huge variety of options suitable for any size and aesthetic preferences. However, the variety of solutions slightly complicates the choice of the layout of furniture, finishing materials and household appliances. We will tell you the main nuances that you should pay attention to when developing a kitchen design.

Kitchen design project

Every renovation should start with detailed planning of the premises. A competent visual layout helps to reveal all the disadvantages and advantages of the interior at the first steps of development. In addition, the interior design project significantly saves time and money for alteration or revision of repairs if something goes wrong. Usually, interior design is developed by professionals who measure the room, think over possible layout options and select the necessary materials. But everyone can design or an apartment - the main thing is only desire.

Photo of the sketch of the project plan:

How to make a kitchen design project do it yourself? First of all, it is necessary to measure the height and width of walls, walls, window and door openings. It is important to measure the height of the walls in several places, as it may differ slightly. It is imperative to take into account the location of outlets, switches, water pipes.

After all the necessary measurements have been taken, they need to be entered into a special program and a plan of the apartment should be built. It is worth noting that in a design project it is important to strictly adhere to measurements, otherwise the entire layout may be spoiled.

Photo of the drawing of the design project of the room:

Design software

Modern technologies allow you to create a kitchen interior design project in 2017 using various programs. The most popular interior design software are the following planners:

  1. 3DMax;
  2. ArchiCAD;
  3. Google SketchUP;
  4. VisiCon;
  5. Apartama.

With their help, you can not only make a drawing, but also create a 3D model for subsequent repairs. In addition, the finished layout of the apartments, made with the help of specialized software, can be safely given to contractors who can immediately start repair work.

The convenience of such programs lies in the fact that they offer typical sizes of appliances and furniture, which greatly facilitates the work on the design of the design of the room. You just have to choose the desired furniture, make the arrangement and the program will adjust the dimensions itself.

Photo of the interior design project:


It is better to do several planning options, at least 2-3, so that you can compare them and choose the most suitable one for subsequent construction. If you plan to renovate a small room, you can consider the option of a kitchen combined with a living room - this will expand the space by dividing the zones with a bar counter. A design project for a dining room kitchen, for example, should include not only a work area, but also a dining table with chairs.

The arrangement of furniture in the kitchen can be different:

  1. - linear suitable for a small room. With this layout, furniture and household appliances are placed along one wall;
  2. - a headset can be placed in the spacious kitchen in two rows;
  3. - L-shaped the layout will be appropriate in any kitchen. This ergonomic option provides the convenience of using the refrigerator, stove and sink (triangle rule);
  4. - for a large kitchen, a reasonable solution would also be U-shaped layout. It involves placing the headset along three adjacent walls, and in the center - the dining table. But even if the area of ​​the room allows you to place a large number of cabinets and shelves, this layout is only suitable for a large family;
  5. - Island in the kitchen - a spectacular and stylish option that requires sufficient space. With such a layout, it is worth remembering that the distance between the island and the rest of the furniture should be at least one meter on each side.

When developing a layout, it is also important to take into account the location of household appliances. For repairing small rooms or country-style kitchens, the best option would be built-in appliances, hidden from view and does not take up much space. It is also worth remembering that the refrigerator is usually placed in a corner, while its door should be easy to open. The hood should be positioned higher to increase its power, and the stove should be located away from the sink and refrigerator.


Lighting is also an important issue when creating a design project. It is worth carefully considering the location of all lamps and switches for convenient and effective lighting. Such a layout will allow you to determine in advance where all communications should be located.

Photo of lamps above the table and table top:

Decoration Materials

At the next stage, you need to choose finishing materials, noting the location of tiles, parquet, wallpaper on the kitchen design project. If paint is to be applied to the walls, this also needs to be included in the project. The online planner will allow you to experiment with different finishes, colors and textures. You can try original and creative solutions for the kitchen, bright colors or unusual decor. Perhaps, in fact, such a bold option will turn out to be much more practical and versatile than it seemed.

Photo of a bright and light interior of a room with access to the street:

Drawing design project

For those who find it easier to express their thoughts on paper, and who can draw, you can try to draw a design project by hand. In this case, the main thing is to set the scale and follow it clearly. It is worth creating several different projects so that you can compare all their advantages and disadvantages and choose the most optimal one.

Kitchen interier

Now that the visual plan of the room has been drawn up, it's time to think over the interior of a modern kitchen. Her style should combine practicality and functionality, with well-chosen furniture and household appliances. A modern interior is, first of all, convenience, minimalism and coziness.

Getting started planning the interior, the first step is to decide on the color scheme of the space in which furniture, household appliances, decoration and textiles should be made. The interior of the kitchen in 2017 assumes the presence of white, which has been popular for several years. Which is not surprising - white is combined with any color, expands the space and makes the room brighter and neater (provided that the house is kept clean). In addition, shades of white will harmoniously fit into any style.

Photo of a dark green room with a bar and brown wooden chairs:

The next trendy shade this year is Greenery, a luscious green color recognized by the Pantone Institute as the main shade of the year. Herbaceous green in combination with white or gray looks quite extraordinary and stylish. This combination will help revitalize the space, making it the main focus of the apartment. Fans of minimalism will love the kitchen in gray tones, and they can be both light and rich dark. Gray color is ideal for high-tech style, it emphasizes the modernity of the interior, looks laconic and unobtrusive.

Photo of the green-brown interior of the room:

As for neutral tones for renovation, the most popular are chocolate, beige and pistachio shades. To make the design more extraordinary, you can use red, black, yellow, blue, purple, orange shades, in general, whatever your heart desires. But here it is important not to overdo it with the variety of the palette. For a harmonious interior, professionals advise using no more than 2 colors in one room, playing with different shades.

Small kitchen

Small kitchen design 4, 5 or 6 sq. m. assumes the saving of space through its competent use. The best solution would be a kitchen with a bar counter, combined with a living room. It is also worth considering the option of the interior of a corner kitchen, where the furniture is located with the letter L, or a linear layout with the arrangement of furniture along one wall. For such purposes, you can safely use a wall with a window - firstly, it will provide good daylight illumination of the work surface, and secondly, it will greatly expand the space, making it as functional as possible.

photo of a small white room with a bar counter and a red refrigerator:

Bar counter

Kitchen interior ideas with a breakfast bar are countless. The bar counter can perform several functions at the same time: serve for cutting food, for eating or just sitting around with a cup of tea. In addition, the bar counter visually separates the kitchen and living room areas, without burdening the space. And do not be afraid of unpleasant odors in the room - a high-quality modern hood easily solves this problem.

Photo of a white bar in the interior:

To expand the kitchen, you can also combine it with a balcony. But in this case, you cannot install heavy furniture and household appliances on the balcony, but instead put, for example, a dining table with chairs.

Kitchen renovation

Each renovation of the premises begins with finishing and at this stage it is worthwhile to carefully approach the choice of modern materials. Before buying building materials for kitchen renovation, it is important not only to decide on the design, colors and style, but also to study their technical characteristics. Among the criteria for finishing materials are resistance to high humidity, grease and dirt, ease of care and the ability to use cleaning agents, as well as antibacterial properties.

Photo of a shelf with dishes and containers for cereals:

Kitchen interior finishing options in 2017:

Wall decoration

Kitchen wall decoration often involves the use of ceramic tiles for the work area and wallpaper or paint in the rest of the areas. The combination of various materials in one room helps to get the most functional kitchen that can maintain its beautiful presentation for a long time.

Wall tiles

Tile is the most popular and practical wall covering. It firmly withstands mechanical stress, is not afraid of moisture and is easy to clean. In addition, the choice of ceramic tiles is huge, which allows you to select them for a wide variety of interior designs. Due to the variety of shapes, sizes and textures of the tiles, it is easy to combine it with other materials, as well as combine small tiles with larger ones, creating a unique pattern. With the help of colorful mosaics, you can decorate a kitchen apron, making it the central accent in the room.


Stylish high-quality wallpaper will transform any kitchen, it is only important to choose a washable and water-repellent option. Suitable for the interior are vinyl wallpapers, which are characterized by the highest strength and the ability to hide the unevenness of the walls. There are also wallpapers that imitate various materials: plaster, stone, leather. Non-woven wallpaper can be another kitchen option. Quite often they are used for painting, so you can change the color of the walls in the interior design whenever you want.

Photo of the interior of the room:

Wood and decorative stone

Increasingly, in kitchen renovation, you can find wall cladding with wood and decorative stone. The natural pattern of calm brown tones gives the room a special atmosphere and coziness. However, small rooms will make such materials even more cramped. It is better to use wooden lining and stone in dosage, decorating only one section of the kitchen space with them.

Photo of a wall decorated under a stone:

Photo of wall decoration made of decorative stone:

Plastic panels

An alternative option for wall decoration in the kitchen is cladding with plastic panels. Not too environmentally friendly and durable material, but they can also complement the interior with dignity.

Decorative brick

Decorative brick is another interesting option for kitchen renovation. It is good to use it both for all walls, creating a loft-style kitchen design, and partially, diluting the neutral interior with brick inserts. If the walls allow, you can even use the "native" brick at home, without resorting to plaster. In this case, it is imperative to treat the walls with special means to protect them from the effects of dirt, grease and moisture.

Photo of decorative brick wall decoration:

Kitchen floor decoration

Finishing a kitchen floor also requires careful selection of materials. Despite the fact that today you can find coatings for every taste and color, each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.


One of the most popular and practical floor coverings is linoleum. It is resistant to dropping heavy objects, moisture and cleaning agents, and provides good sound and thermal insulation. The price of linoleum is quite budget, and its range allows you to imitate more expensive materials such as parquet, tiles and stone. When choosing linoleum, it is important to pay attention to the marking - not all types can be used for residential premises. It is worth avoiding too cheap synthetic material, which may be unsafe for health.

Photo of light linoleum on the floor:

Floor tiles

Ceramic flooring is also a fairly common option. Such a coating is durable, is not afraid of moisture, household chemicals and direct sunlight, and the variety of shapes and patterns allows you to create many interesting designs. However, ceramic tile itself is a cold material, so when renovating a kitchen, you should consider an option with a warm floor so that it is comfortable to walk barefoot. Another important nuance is that the tiles must be unglazed to avoid slipping and possible injury.

Photo of black and white tiles on the floor:

Tree on the floor

Wood has always been appreciated in the interior - this natural material makes the design of the room elegant and stylish, and walking barefoot on such a floor is a pleasure. In addition to the parquet that is familiar to everyone, one of these coatings is also wooden tiles, which can be found in a variety of shapes and shades. It is important to remember that natural wood needs special care and is afraid of contamination. Therefore, the coating must be treated with special agents that protect the floor from moisture and dirt.

Photo of parquet on the floor of the room:

Cork floor

Another eco-friendly coating in the interior of the kitchen is the cork floor. Unlike parquet, cork is not afraid of moisture and is resistant even to spilled liquids. Such a floor is distinguished by its warmth and special softness, relieving stress on the spine and joints. Another advantage of the cork coating is that it does not retain dust due to its antistatic properties. An excellent option for allergy sufferers.

Photo of a cork floor under the cage:

Collections of finishing materials

For those who have their eyes diverted from the variety of different coatings, popular manufacturers offer to create a kitchen design with ready-made solutions, releasing collections of finishing materials that are ideally combined with each other. In such kits, materials are presented that are suitable for all surfaces, as well as decorative details: baseboards, panels, moldings and others.

Choosing a style in kitchen design

When planning the design of the kitchen, it is important to decide on its style, of which there are quite a few. The choice of the style of the room should be based on the preferences of the owners, reflecting their lifestyle and in harmony with the general style of the house. A well-chosen kitchen interior can inspire culinary creativity and contribute to cozy family evenings.

Photo of modern interior design:

Options for current styles in the interior of the kitchen:

Country style kitchen

Country style in kitchen design has long ceased to be an exclusively rustic attribute. This rustic style is widely used in modern apartments, fully or partially stylized as a cozy village house. Country style involves the use of environmentally friendly materials, especially wood and stone, which give the room more comfort and warmth.

Country style room design photo:

Given the high cost of natural stone and the complexity of its facing, you can safely choose an artificial stone, which is a worthy replacement for it. Often the kitchen apron and work surfaces are faced with stone, however, if you want to create a special chamber interior, you can use stone on all four walls.

The only caveat is that this design option "eats up" a lot of space, so it is not suitable for small kitchens of 6 square meters or less. But even in small spaces, you can find a place for the stone, using it for countertops or flooring.

Cream interior with floor tiles:

Wood and stone are key elements of a country-style kitchen renovation, complementing each other perfectly. Natural shades, roughness of materials give even the most modern room a certain originality. It is not necessary to completely decorate the kitchen with wood and stone, it is enough to use individual country elements, for example, ceiling beams, which perfectly complement the hi-tech or minimalism style.

Modern kitchen

Combining functionality, comfort and minimalism, the Art Nouveau kitchen is absolutely universal. Thanks to its laconicism, Art Nouveau has firmly established itself in the list of the most trending and popular styles.

Art Nouveau interior photos:

Interior design configurations can be varied, but the main rule is to adhere to clear lines and lightness of space. As for the color gamut, there are no restrictions. Although now they prefer calm neutral tones: gray, beige, all shades of white and brown. Modern trends allow using up to three shades in one interior.

However, an Art Nouveau kitchen doesn't have to be monochrome. Unusual lamps, decor items, various textured combinations will make the room more lively and original.

Scandinavian style kitchen

Now at the peak of popularity Scandinavian style in the interior of the kitchen. The main elements of this style are natural light shades, natural materials (wood, glass, stone) and simple functional furniture.

Scandinavian style interior design photos:

To create a real Northern European coziness in the kitchen, it is better to use parquet flooring and wooden wall coverings as finishing materials. They can be either in the same color scheme or contrast with each other. It also does not matter whether the tree is painted or not - in any case, the Scandinavian style will remain. On the ceiling, you can bare beams, which can be painted in the color of the ceiling or left in their original form.

A kitchen set should be chosen without unnecessary details, simple and concise. If the size of the room allows, it would be appropriate to put a dining table made of natural wood, emphasizing the traditional style of Scandinavian kitchens. Fresh flowers, light textiles made from natural fabrics, as well as several bright accents in the form of paintings will look good as a decor.

Loft style kitchen

Lovers of industrial design and spacious rooms will love it. This style is extremely simple and does not require any special frills.

Photo of interior design in loft style:

Brick walls, wooden beams, neutral tones of the room create a calm and laconic interior. The main materials in this kitchen renovation are brick, metal, wood and glass. It is especially good if the walls and floors are not treated with plaster and paint - this not only saves money on renovations, but also creates an authentic loft atmosphere. As for furniture, it should be as simple as possible - straight lines, minimalistic design and a lot of free space.

Choosing furniture for the kitchen

To choose the right furniture for the kitchen, you need to ask yourself what purpose it will be designed for. After all, each housewife has her own preferences - someone loves to spend time on her, pampering their relatives with delicious dishes, and someone comes in just to brew tea.

Photo of white furniture in the interior:

Based on such needs, you can decide on the format of the kitchen renovation - if there is little cooking on it, then the kitchen furniture should be minimalistic, containing only the most necessary accessories. If the owners like to gather in the kitchen for dinner, it is worth considering an area with a dining table and chairs, and for a studio kitchen, a bar counter can be an alternative option.

When choosing a kitchen set, undoubtedly, you should focus on the style of the room and its color scheme. It is important that every detail is in harmony with each other, complementing the overall style of the room. Moreover, all tables, chairs and work surfaces should be ergonomic and as comfortable as possible.

For style country wooden facades, wicker furniture, built-in and hidden household appliances, massive dining tables made of unpainted wood will be appropriate. In case of hi-tech glossy surfaces made of metal and glass, modern technology as part of the design, and the absence of unnecessary items are welcome. To complement Scandinavian style, it is worth choosing light-colored natural wood furniture. The simple shapes and functionality of the headset will provide a comfortable and stylish interior.

Photo of light furniture:

Solid wood, laminated chipboard, chipboard coated with plastic, glass, metal, artificial stone are used as materials for furniture. It is worth relying not only on the type of material, but also on its quality. For countertops, for example, it is recommended to select a coating that is resistant to moisture and mechanical damage. When choosing a headset, it is important to make sure that all drawers are aligned and open without undue effort, and that the hinges and guides are not skewed. It is also worth paying attention to the fittings - all handles, hooks, rails, hinges must be in good working order.

For the optimal organization of kitchen furniture, it is important to pay attention to a few more nuances:

  1. the height of the countertop should be such that it is convenient for a person to cook. If the finished set is not suitable for the growth of the owners, it is worth purchasing custom-made furniture;
  2. with a large amount of small household appliances and utensils, you need to make sure that for each item there is a place in the lockers. Various storage systems, shelves, hooks and rails help to avoid cluttered work surfaces. You can consider the option of using cabinet furniture in the interior of the room;
  3. in small kitchens, shelves and cabinets installed along the entire height of the room will become a practical option - this way the space will be used to the maximum;
  4. salvation for small kitchens 4 - 7 sq. m. furniture-transformer will also become: folding bar stools, a table attached to the wall, which can be laid out and removed if necessary, etc.

Fixtures for the kitchen

As we have already said, kitchen lighting is planned at the stage of creating a design project. In this way, you can think over the location of all sockets and switches. Kitchen lighting should come from multiple sources that can be turned on as needed.

Photo of yellow lamps indoors:

Each functional area should be well lit: sink, countertop, stove, dining table. If an island will be located in the kitchen, it is important to install good lighting above it - these can be pendant lights, track or spot systems located directly above the working area.

Good lighting for countertops, stoves and sinks will be provided by halogen or LED furniture lights located under the cabinets along the backsplash. If there is a need for additional illumination of the stove, you can integrate the lamps into the hood. When installing such lighting fixtures, it is important to correctly set the direction of the light so that they do not blind those who will sit, for example, at the table.

The working area can also be illuminated with a non-standard solution - a glass apron with built-in lighting. The open shelves, as if illuminated from the inside, have the same original effect.

Photo of the illumination of the island in the interior:

In the kitchen, general lighting is indispensable. For ceiling lighting, you can use kitchen chandeliers or led spotlights. A pendant lamp or a beautiful chandelier located above the dining table will make the atmosphere more solemn, and if you place it closer to the table (but not more than 1.5 meters), the room will become intimate and cozy.

The optimal light for a kitchen is warm or neutral white, so bright fluorescent lamps are not suitable for this kind of lighting. It is important to install separate switches for all luminaires, lamps and lights. This will allow you to adjust the level of lighting, as well as save electricity.

Backlight photo:

When buying lighting fixtures, in addition to beauty and functionality, it is important to make sure that they are easy to use. Chandeliers with custom bulbs that are hard to find in stores, or complex designs that require some effort to replace a light bulb are unlikely to be fun to use.

For significant savings in the family budget, it is worth taking a closer look at LED lamps. Despite their high cost, they save 15 times more energy than incandescent bulbs, and their service life reaches several years.

Decorative lighting in the kitchen looks stylish in the form of colored LED strips. They can be located along the perimeter of the ceiling, along the kitchen unit or under the countertop. The kitchen island looks very impressive with frosted glass, illuminated by LED lamps and chandeliers.

Decor for kitchen

The interior cannot be considered complete without decor. Various accent details make the kitchen more homely and cozy. Fresh flowers in pots, vases, beautiful towels and curtains - there can be a lot of options. In order to decorate the kitchen in an original way, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money, because you can organize the decor of the kitchen with your own hands, while making it modern and cozy. This approach to business will give the room even more individuality and originality.

Photo decor with flowers and paintings:

The most ambitious is the decor of the walls of the kitchen. Those who know how to draw will like the idea of ​​painting walls - there is complete freedom of action and a flight of imagination. These can be both unobtrusive abstract patterns and whole paintings. You can also hang purchased paintings or posters on the walls, creating bright accents in the kitchen.

Recently, vinyl decals have also begun to gain popularity - an easy and quick way to bring more creativity to your kitchen design. Manufacturers offer a huge range of patterns and designs that will satisfy any request.

Unusual and colorful tableware can also serve as a decoration. From it you can make an installation on the wall, just hang it on hooks or beautifully place it on open shelves.

Transparent containers with spices can also serve as decoration. Colorful jars can be placed on the countertop or hung on the wall using magnets. There can be a lot of combinations.

The decor of the kitchen curtains also affects the overall impression of the interior. In small kitchens from 4 sq. m up to 8 sq. m. it is good to hang light or translucent curtains, making the room easier and more spacious. Heavy blackout curtains will be appropriate in large kitchens - they can be matched to the walls, or accentuate the contrasting color.

Connoisseurs of a healthy lifestyle will love the idea of ​​a mini-vegetable garden in the kitchen. Small beautiful pots with herbs will not only decorate the interior, but will also be useful in cooking. Stylish, eco-friendly and economical!


The choice of household appliances is directly related to the choice of a kitchen set. Refrigerators, stoves, ovens, dishwashers and even toasters should be in harmony with the overall style of the kitchen. Depending on the chosen interior style, household appliances can either merge with furniture or contrast with it, being an accent piece of the interior.

Photo of gray household appliances:

When arranging large household appliances, it is worth remembering the golden rule of the triangle, which all specialists remind of. The three main work areas in the kitchen - stove, sink and refrigerator - should be at an optimal distance from each other (1.2 - 2.7 m). In this case, the refrigerator and the stove should not be located side by side, otherwise they will quickly fail due to temperature differences. And the stove must be installed farther from the window in order to avoid extinguishing the fire due to the wind. To save space, you can also separate the oven from the hob by integrating it into the cupboard at eye level. This option is also convenient in that you do not need to constantly bend over to the oven.

Modern designers offer many combinations of home appliances with a kitchen set. Chromed models will ideally complement the interior of a high-tech kitchen, and for white, black or any colored fronts, you can choose an oven to match. Bright contrasting household appliances look original, which can be diluted with a monochrome kitchen room.

Kitchen dishes

Kitchen utensils, in addition to their direct purpose, are also a full-fledged decor item in the kitchen. You should not hide beautiful copper pots and ceramic cups in a closet - with the help of roof rails, you can create a real installation that will not only decorate the kitchen space, but also help to effectively organize the storage of dishes.

Photo of copper and ceramic dishes:

In order not to overload the space, it is worth equipping the kitchen with open shelves, on which porcelain saucers, vases, mugs and other dishes will be beautifully arranged. Even in the design of a small room, this option will be appropriate. Especially rare and unusual plates can be hung on the wall, using them as a decoration.

Bottles, jars for storing bulk products and baskets are also tableware. By arranging these items on the shelves, countertops and windowsill, you can make your kitchen much more comfortable. For decoration, it is better to use glassware or thin porcelain, then it will not weigh down the kitchen space.

When designing a kitchen, it is worth remembering that every detail affects the interior. Therefore, dishes should be chosen in the same style, high-quality and beautiful, which will decorate the dining table and will bring pleasure even from ordinary tea drinking.

The kitchen is the most functional room in a house or apartment. The design of the kitchen assumes the presence of several working areas and high requirements for the level of safety of finishing materials. For all its practicality, it is necessary to create a cozy nest for preparing food for family dinners.

Modern designers offer many convenient and interesting solutions, both for a spacious room and for a small kitchen.

The main trends of modern cuisine

Fashion for kitchen design does not stand still. Contemporary style is evolving rapidly, offering homeowners a wide variety of shapes, colors and textures to create their dream kitchen.

But there are general trends in the design of the modern temple of food. Designers recommend:

  • visually expand the space due to light colors in decoration, mirror surfaces, lighting.
  • zone space;
  • use functional modern built-in appliances that add hi-tech notes to the interior of a small kitchen;
  • use laconic kitchen sets;
  • add strict lines and geometric shapes to the room, as a tribute to modern style;
  • hide fittings;
  • use chrome surfaces, glass in decoration;
  • add "eco-notes" with wooden inserts, live plants;
  • to develop a high-tech storage system. Minimalism does not tolerate cluttered room space.

Style selection

The kitchen is the place for family dinners and romantic breakfasts. That is why it should be designed in harmony with the inner world and tastes of the owners. Today there are applications applicable to this premise. Of course, everyone can find an option to their liking:

Classic style. It is a timeless design style. When decorating, the classic will not be a very good solution, since a feature of this direction is furniture made of dark wood colors or materials disguised as it. The main colors will be beige, gold and brown.

Country style. The type of interior has something in common with the classics, but represents a simpler and more comfortable version of it. Preference is given to natural materials and decor that conveys the flavor of the countryside: wicker motif, distinctive shapes, natural colors, patchwork fabrics.

High tech. The complete opposite of country style. The emphasis is on the abundance of chrome, metal, glass, modern technology, which will become the main decor of the room. Using simple lines in the headset will accentuate its functionality. The use of one bright dominant color and one neutral is encouraged.

Modern style or modern that will fit perfectly into. Differs in brevity and striving for minimalism. The predominance of white in the interior and a large amount of natural light will further expand the space of even the smallest kitchen. Modernity is characterized by the use of geometric shapes and the functionality of every detail.

Eclecticism. Mixed style with plenty of decor. Loads space with many items. Combines various textures and colors.

Color solution

Choosing a kitchen color is an important step. The general mood of the room and the effect it creates will depend on the color scheme.

The beautiful design of a small kitchen area implies a visual increase in space. A combination of two colors will help to achieve this effect. The light color should prevail at the top, and the dark one at the bottom.

The solid color interior also fits well with the design of a small square kitchen. But when choosing a dominant color, you should use a palette from light beige to brown.

Choosing white as a solid color will make the kitchen look a little too austere; wood décor will help soften this effect.

The background largely depends on the initial choice of the style of the room, as well as on the planned coloring of the furniture: it is impossible to combine a variegated headset with a bright color of the walls.

It should also be remembered about the effect of color on a person. Red color is able to speed up metabolism, promotes good appetite. And the use of blue and green shades, on the contrary, is suitable for those who follow the figure and want to eat a little less than usual.

A non-standard choice of ceiling color will help to diversify the familiar environment. Light, warm shades are a good choice.

Kitchen decoration

Different kitchen surfaces are available in different finishes. Let's dwell on each of them in more detail.

Ceiling decoration

There are special requirements for the ceiling in the kitchen. In addition to the aesthetic appearance, it must be practical, moisture and heat resistant. The most common are:

  • wallpapering;
  • finishing with plastic panels;
  • coloring;
  • pasting with expanded polystyrene plates;
  • installation of a stretch ceiling;
  • installation of a plasterboard ceiling.

Naturally, even though pasting the ceiling will be a cheap way to finish it, these methods will definitely not be able to boast of durability.

Until recently, the most common was the method of plastering and subsequent painting of the ceiling with water-based paint. This is a rather laborious and "dirty" process, but the result is worth it. When the paint starts to turn yellow over time, it is easy to renew the ceiling with another layer.

The most modern methods are the construction of suspended and suspended ceilings. These are more expensive options, but such ceilings are durable and functional. Thanks to point lighting, it is possible to additionally illuminate the work surface, and a multi-level ceiling will help to zone the space.

The unusual design of the small kitchen is emphasized by the mirrored ceilings. They look original, and also visually expand the space.

Wall decoration

In cases where the kitchen is divided into working and dining areas, it would be appropriate to emphasize this separation with different finishing materials. Among the most popular finishes are:

Ceramic tiles and mosaics. Leader in kitchen decoration. It owes its popularity to its durability, strength, ease of maintenance, as well as a huge selection of colors for every taste. Rarely found as a finishing material for the entire kitchen, usually fills the space of the apron or the entire work wall.

Dye. Washable paint is a great option for both work and dining areas. Color mixing can produce many beautiful shades for a quality finish. Another reason for the popularity of paint is the ability to carry out without resorting to the help of specialists in the presence of a finished flat surface.

Wallpaper. Given the specifics of the premises, this is not the place for ordinary people. Non-woven, fiberglass, vinyl wallpapers are suitable for finishing this room.

Yellow rectangular kitchen in an interior with wallpaper

Finishing with concrete, brick, putty. The appearance of a pristine "bare" wall, usually decorated with hidden building materials, brings a spectacular touch and a drop of rebelliousness to a modern laconic sustained style.

Wall MDF panels. Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of aesthetic panels covered with a special protective film. They are easy to install and look good in the interior of the room.

Floor finishing

Choosing a floor covering is a rather difficult task for a common man in the street. There is a wide variety of modern materials to meet the requirements of the kitchen space. The practicality of the finish should come first compared to the appearance.

Ceramic tiles remain a favorite, as in the case of walls, especially since there are colors that imitate popular wooden surfaces.

The second most popular material is. It is notable for its inexpensive price, having all the qualities necessary for flooring a kitchen.

Parquet can be a beautiful, practical, but expensive option for flooring. This material qualitatively ennobles the room without fear of moisture and temperature due to special protection.

Laminate flooring is an inexpensive alternative to wood flooring. In addition to the advantages of the price, appearance, the material can boast of ease of installation, which even an inexperienced builder can handle.

An extravagant solution will be a loft-style floor. A pristine concrete floor is a safe bet due to its functionality and cost.


The variety of modern kitchen furniture is great for the inexperienced buyer. How not to get lost, choose the right headset?

Regardless of the size of the kitchen, there are 5 standard layouts:

  • island accommodation;
  • peninsular placement;
  • parallel placement;
  • U-shaped placement;
  • L-shaped placement.

Whichever type of layout is chosen, there are general trends in the design of kitchen furniture. So, today, the boom is the system of efficient storage. Even the most inaccessible places are used rationally.

Given the variety of modern technology, for its organic integration into the overall silhouette of the kitchen, custom-made furniture would be an ideal option.

You should not save on the quality of the finishing materials of the kitchen set: very soon, unfairly made furniture will lose its appearance due to its instability to moisture and temperature, requiring significant funds for its complete replacement.

Dining area decoration

In most apartments, the eating area is in the kitchen. Designers recommend highlighting the dining area in the interior, visually separating it from the work surfaces.

If there is free space, this will not be difficult. You can use the design technique of zoning using different wall and ceiling finishes. Another option would be a small screen in the color of the design, covering the functional part of the room. Mosaic looks good or

It is popular to use instead of the usual combination of table and chairs, bar counter and high stools. But this option is unlikely to be suitable for a family with children.

Decorations and lighting will help to make an additional emphasis on the dining area. A well-chosen carpet will help to replace the finish of the floor.

Room decoration

Despite the striving of modern designers for minimalism, the decor remains part of the interior, although it undergoes some changes. Compared to the fashion of the past years, the number of non-functional elements is significantly reduced. Preference is given to one bright accent, instead of many small details that create the effect of cluttering the kitchen.

Used as a kitchen decor:

  • stencil drawings and ornaments on a functional wall;
  • themed stickers;
  • self-adhesive paper on the refrigerator
  • decorative dishes;
  • unusual lamps;
  • hand-made items;
  • wood;
  • original carpet or panel;
  • glass decor;
  • eco-items: flowers, plants;
  • decorative curtains.

When choosing a decor and its location in the kitchen, do not forget about the fire safety rules.


The kitchen, as a functional room in any home, needs a well-thought-out high-quality lighting system.

An example of a backlit kitchen design project

The placement of the fixtures should be taken care of immediately after making the final decision on the layout of the kitchen. It is at this stage that it is possible to determine the location of the working areas that require additional illumination, the method of light scattering and to carry out all the missing elements (sockets, outlets, switches, etc.) in advance.

There is no place for a single light source in modern kitchens. For example, thanks to the combination of spot lighting and a pendant lamp, you can conveniently illuminate the work surface and the perimeter of the room.

It would be best to make the main light neutral and not too bright, and use additional light sources to add the desired lighting combinations.

To illuminate the kitchen space are used:

  • LED backlighting;
  • Spotlights;
  • Bus lights;
  • Pendant lights;
  • Overhead lamps.