Repairs Design Furniture

Shrink shrink - wait, you can not work. Farming of a church: order of work after the shrinkage of builders error: typical and rough

  • Why shrinkage occurs

    The list of shortcomings of buildings from wood necessarily include its location for shrinkage. Yes, without this, unfortunately, anywhere is the peculiarity of natural material, and what it is natural, the more deeper these processes. But it seems, it is unlikely that it will stop the one who decided on the version of the proven in centuries.

    The largest shrinkage phenomena are observed in solid rounding, slightly smaller on the rounded log and timber, the profiled bar of the drying in the chamber and the glued is practically not suffering from this.

    Why shrinkage occurs

    The shrinkage process in two words can be explained so - the log house sits after some time on a certain amount. Everything seems to be simple and understandable - wood on the natural material, which is subject to different kinds of influences associated directly with its structure and properties. But if you get deeper everything is much more difficult and many probably do not even want to understand this, they simply need specific numbers - when and how much. And yet a little deeper in this topic.

    There are two shapes of a shrinkage of wood - it is dried and mechanical.

    Exhaustion is the most complex process, because at its speed and intensity affects the mass of factors. To begin with, we will tell you briefly about the basis of this phenomenon: any freshly fresh, not depending on the time of year, contains a large amount of moisture. It is located in the fibers of wood both in free and in the associated states.
    Free is intercellular water, it begins to go to the surface immediately after the tree fits. The process of its evaporation proceeds relatively quickly and directly depends on the ambient temperature - the higher the T, the faster it goes.
    Related water is located in the walls of wood cells, it comes out gradually and for a long time in natural conditions, it is possible to speed up this process only in the drying chambers. True, such equipment is most often calculated only on thinners.

    So, losing moisture log gradually loses not only in weight, but also in volume. Moreover, considering that wood fibers are elongated along the barrel, the volume loss occurs by reducing its diameter.

    The mechanical shrinkage is made to call the deformation of the tree under the influence of weight, it means that in the finished fire, the upper logs are put on the lower, as a result of which they are slightly compressed. You can also add one moment to this that for some reason many are not mentioned - this is a compression of the interventory insulation. For example, such a phenomenon in a dry room collected on MCU just gives the greatest percentage of shrinkage among other factors.

    The shrinkage process affects a number of moments:

    - wood breed (wood density, original natural humidity),
    - time of the year of cutting,
    - period and method of processing the assortment,
    - Drying logs (cut) after chicks (cutting),
    - cutting cutting technology,
    - weather at the time of construction,
    - type of interventory insulation,
    - climatic conditions of the region and terrain,
    - Features of the construction (height, number of bearing walls),
    - availability of decoration.

    Given all the above, we give the numbers (of course approximate) shrinkage of one-story bath from various materials:

    One-piece log - 8-12cm
    OCB - 7-10cm
    Bar: - planed - 5-7cm,
    - profiled - 3-5 cm,
    - glued - 1-3cm

    As we see the first options, the indicators are quite serious, which is why it becomes clear why it will be necessary to wait with the finish.

    What did you do in the old days?

    The tree has long been traditional, at least where there were forests, material for the construction. Many will probably be interesting, and how many things were in the old days.

    And it was like this: the logs of the rare exceptions from the freshly dredged forest were not immediately set, the harvested logs looked directly and often left to "crawl" until next year or transported them to the place of future construction. Here the round was folded with stacks on drying, not forgetting to hide him from precipitation and the sun. Thus, the tree "flew", gradually gave moisture and hard. In future buildings, such a log gave a much smaller shrinkage, which made it possible to start her finish.

    If the log house demolished immediately, they also left it for a year, and sometimes two to dry in a place well ventilated from all sides and only after that, they began to build a house or bath. After the walls are started under the roof, all the works were suspended, waited when the log house will give a precipitate and finally will dry, as the old people said - "sewers", and then then proceeded to finishing work.

    Do not rush with the trim

    Ads and advertising producers Pestrite offers for the sale of log cabins under shrinkage, what does this mean? And this means that it was made of fresh forest, normal humidity of a non-long-term natural or forced drying. Those. Your bath will be built in two stages: first you get ready log house, start it under the roof, and then (after 6-12 months), you start it.

    Of course, many firms will not refuse you to build the construction in a couple of months what is called "turnkey", only it is necessary to build a better to build, controlling the process of shrinkage and behavior of the logs (timber) than then correcting quite projected consequences. After all, you will not offer a stagnant log house - this is too troublesome.

    So the log house acquired and well erected on the foundation prepared in advance. What do you do next? And then continue to engage in construction - erect roof, stelim the floor and ceiling, we draw communication (not all). At the same time, if the temperature allows, we definitely carry out measures to protect wood from adverse weather conditions and treasures.

    After completing these works, we leave the construction for shrinkage, the period of time is difficult to designate difficult because of the above factors.

    Perhaps it is not particularly patient to win the question - and is it possible to accelerate somehow? Yes, of course, it is possible, only in the subsequent you yourself will not be happy and why. The shrinkage process really accelerates regularly drying the premises or starting it to otpap. The moisture will naturally evaporate faster, respectively, and the log house will die before him. It seems to some advantages - saving time, strength and money, but this is still. After some time, you will be surprised to find how your beautiful logs will start tearing large and small cracks - this is the result of the accelerated drying.
    For future owners of baths from sourcing, we note that no compensation feedback from this will save that the builders do not speak.

    Shrinkage compensators

    The shrinking process is not evenly related, this is due to the irregular evaporation of moisture in different sections of the cut, for example, in places of compound, the moisture logs are not so intense, the trees even one breed have a different structure and density. In addition, somewhere the foundation can be sacrificed, somewhere will be signed in a log due to poor-quality or not properly laid insulation. In general, you need to keep track of constantly, yes, it is not quite simple, for that log house, then it will be warm, durable and will not require repair in a couple of years.

    By checking the shrinkage, special attention is paid to problem areas - running and mortgaged logs, seals under the attic, roof, terrace, etc. These elements are the continuation of the srub walls sit down with it, but vertical supports that hold them practically do not sit. In this case, the risk of skewing the construction of the construction of the above parts is highly damaged. In the old days, the wooden wedges were called from this, drove away between them - hazardous, the logs under the influence of weight squeezed them out, thereby releasing from the filling of the releases up.

    Currently, no one uses the wedges, everyone uses the so-called compensators, they are also called shrinkage jacks or elevators. They are arranged very simply - two plates of stainless steel bonded by in the middle screw threaded, the nut is screwed here, here it is to adjust the height of the lumen, relaxing or twin.

    Check compensators is carried out with some periodicity, in the winter every 2-3 weeks, in warm weather every 7 days.

    How much are waiting

    To voice the time for which the wooden building will completely sit down the matter is not grateful and not correct. We give only approximate time, which are most often mentioned by the builders: the main shrinkage processes occur during the first year after the construction of a church, in the next 4-6 months. The logs finally take their shape. Although it should be noted that in the future, for 3-5 years, the bath barely continues to sit down, but this is no longer carrying any consequences.

    Getting Started with Outdoor and Inner Be sure to lay the necessary percentage (with a margin) to shrink. For example, installing windows, doors, carrying out communication, be sure to leave the space from above, in order not to dry out the logging and damage to the specified elements.

    Having read all this some think - and the tree is capricious, then the forest is preparing for a certain period, then the breed is not everyone will fit, then Srubi is so not the case, in general, one headache can better be a bath from blocks? But you see, the properties of wood are so good and obvious that they will not make a retreat before those who have arisen, especially since all this is solved.

  • Ecology of consumption. Hereby: There are countless building materials, but for giving the first among equal - wood. In Russia, the wood is always valued. For strength and ease, the ability to save the heat and availability of processing for a long time. It was built from it, from fortresses to temporary dwellings, made items and tools of labor.

    There are countless building materials, but for giving the first among equal - wood. In Russia, the wood is always valued. For strength and ease, the ability to save the heat and availability of processing for a long time. It was built from it, from fortresses to temporary dwellings, made items and tools of labor.

    From the tree, they were built, from fortresses to temporary dwellings, made items and tools of labor.

    In a wooden house, it is comfortable to live: in winter warmth, and in the summer cool, dry even in a humid area and in crude weather. And today, in the search for a modern well-maintained dwelling with a fireplace and warm floors, alarm and satellite TV, many choose a house of logs - beautiful, cozy, with an environmentally friendly, even a healing atmosphere.

    Our ancestors mainly built their homes themselves, although the Fragrance of the Srub is a long-term, time consuming and responsible. Today there are firms that take on all stages of construction, from the foundation to concomitant work. However, there are subtleties here, the understanding of which will not be superfluous, whether you will build a house yourself or hire a contractor. Let's look at them.

    Fundament of a log house

    The construction of a log house has its own characteristics, to know that it is necessary to live in it for a long time and happily. And the first thing to take into account is the features of the construction of the foundation.

    Since the wooden house is a construct relatively light, then the foundation for it is most often arranged not the most solid: fine-breeding belt, columnar, columnar or slab.

    However, the height of the base must be at least 50 cm so that the splashes of the rain and the snow that melted the snow did not fall into the lower crown of the walls. In the ribbon foundation there must be proges, providing ventilation underground, which will exclude the formation of mold. Important moment here is the most thorough waterproofing. It usually consists of wrapping the foundation of mastic and laying 3-4 layers of rubberoid.

    Wood requirements

    Log wood houses are built from coniferous rocks: ate, larch, cedar, but most often from pine, and the best is the northern pine of winter logging. It is the most dense, durable and moisture-resistant. Exquisite rarity - the northern Karelian pine tree dried on the root.

    What do you need to consider when choosing a log?

    • Pay attention to their surface: it should be yellow or dark yellow.
    • Sleep is dense and smooth, without blue spots, and a darker core occupies a cut.
    • The size of the cracks in the log is no more than a third of the cut.
    • Good logs - without resin pockets and a large number of bitch, blue and rot, not twisted.
    • When you hit the ax about log, the sound must be ringing.
    • The logs should not be very wet: after drying, they can be a story, they can bend or crack themselves.
    • To preserve the quality of wood, you need to comply with the right storage conditions, transportation and drying logs.

    Breeding a century for home prepare manually. From the heated tree, the branches gently cut down and carefully remove the bark, trying not to damage the lubyana layer: it protects the inner part of the barrel from moisture, and therefore from mold and rot.

    It is known that at the comula (bottom of the trunk) the tree is thicker, and its diameter decreases to the top. Therefore, the bold logs are chosen in thickness.

    This method of cutting is considered the most reliable. The angle of the house will be protected from precipitation and. However, the inner area decreases in size due to the protruding ends of the logs.

    The function of the insulation is to protect against heat loss. Therefore, during the operation of the house and the natural movement of the logs in it should not be formed by gaps. He must:

    • To be dense enough and at the same time flexible, protect the joints of the crowns (especially in the corners) from purging.
    • Depending on the change in the inner and outer humidity, absorb and give moisture so as not to promote the development of fungi, mold and rot.
    • Be environmentally friendly and durable.

    The insulation of the log houses serve palable, moss or ribbons - on a joot / flax-jooty basis or foam self-adhesive.

    • Packed in the form of manually twisted strands unfolding along the entire length of the log. Then they laid the log of the next crown. After assembling the entire house, the pass with the help of a cacker and a wooden hammer is pushed between the crowns, wrapping it from below, then on top and in the middle of the slot, and tightly scored in the gap.
    • Moss is also folded on a log and after laying the next crown cut off the surplus with a sharp ax.
    • Jute ribbons are laid along the entire length of the log smooth layer and attach to the lower crown of the stapler brackets.
    • The effect of the use of foam self-adhesive heat-insulating tape is that when interacting with air it increases in the amount of 3-5 times and fills all emptiness in the junctions of the crowns.
    • Heat the joints of the crowns and the polyurethane foam injected under high pressure, which spreads over all voids and fills them. The method is fast, not time-consuming, but requiring special equipment. However, the foam will be knocked out out of the smallest gaps, and after it will need to clean the log house and close the holes with wooden corks.

    Proconied for the first time the house is left for a year for shrinkage. A year later, they canopate, close up all the newly formed gaps. Sometimes there is an additional panty after the annual exploitation of the house with the in winter heating. But in any case, the wooden house for insulation is supposed to be caught regularly, once a few years. Published

    The chopped log is the most unpredictable building material. In the process of shrinkage, the crowns can twist so that end-to-end slots will appear in the walls, and their appearance will be hopelessly spoiled. Insufficiently diligent builders can capture the house, to the construction of which went a bar, a boat or a rounded log. Repair experts .divandi tell what to pay attention to getting a beautiful, warm and durable wooden cottage (or bath).

    Customer errors

    A minor error made by builders when erecting a wooden house can dramatically worsen the thermal characteristics of the house or to shorten his life. But the errors can also allow customers. Conscientious builders always dissuade a private trader from buying cutters, stood in the production site of the year and more. As a rule, their lower crowns have already begun to rot or amazed with fungus. To give the commodity type, the log house can whiten, but it will also be bad on the durability of wood.

    Alexey Galimov

    A similar situation can be if the forest was brought to the construction site, but did not begin to chop immediately, and dumped to the ground. After some time, the brica is started to shine - this is started the process of rotting. Sinka remove chemistry based on chlorine, but as a result, such a log may not lie the oil, which is used with the finishing of the log house. If a big house is built, the forest must be taken out as needed that it does not lay, but as quickly as possible fell on the walls.

    Another trouble of the old log cabins is the likelihood that the bugs that have made the box are already working elsewhere, and other people will lead the grazing assembly. The hired brigade will easily pass the blame for poor-quality assembly on unknown bugs. Those, they say, made a frank marriage, and it is impossible to assemble it. The graduation assembly should be trusted only to those who made it. Otherwise, the quality will not ask anyone.

    By the way, not only chopped logs will be spoiled from improper storage, but also other materials.

    Alexander Bunkov

    Another error, often performed by customers, tells the director of Amstroy Alexey Markin.

    Alexey Markin

    For example, a person decides to build a house from a boiler, a rounded log or profiled bar. Frams from these materials, as a rule, are manufactured on special equipment. The customer comes to an enterprise with a project that he has prepared a third-party architect, and it turns out that there can be no nodes as in the project. The equipment is designed for other sizes. As a result, it is necessary to either refuse the selected material, or completely rebuet the house under technology available at the enterprise. It happens that the remission of the project costs as much as the project itself.

    Another advice that saves errors can be considered naive, but in some cases it will have to be placed. Builders categorically do not advise contacting firms promising to build a log or brusade house for a month. The construction of the building from the wood of natural humidity or even dry wood is always conducted in two stages - the construction of a cut from the roof, and after an approximately annual break on the shrink shrink, windows, floors, floors are put. The shrinkage does not need only houses from the glued bar. Previously, the repair portal.divandi talked about.

    Photo №1 - log house with huge slots.

    Builders' errors: Typical and coarse

    As Alexey Markin notes, the most common mistake in the manufacture of a chopped log cabin is small logs of log fit to the log (small interventovation groove width). The thermal characteristics of such a house will be low. The head of the enterprise "Domostroy-SC" Oleg Valuev complements that in some cases the crowns may not fit together at all (photo 1). Huge gaps will have to regularly careen, which will require considerable additional costs. At the same time, the appearance and thermal characteristics of the house will not be radically improved.

    Photo №2. - Credit can not be right due to incorrectly set racks.

    It happens that the builders take the house so that he simply can't sit down.

    Oleg Valuev

    This is a very common mistake. Often the house has an open veranda under the common roof. It turns out that part of the rafter system relies on the log house, and part is on the veranda racks. The log house sits - by 10-15 cm. Per year - and the racks are not shortening. As a result, the upper crown hangs on the rack, the neighbor to her the edge of the cut can not sit down, here are gaps. If the material is raw, then it can skew the roof.

    As Oleg Valuev explains if it is planned to make a veranda under the roof, then between the top end of the rack and the top crown you need to install a special jack on the shrinkage (photo 3). He will allow a logger to sit evenly. Instead of the jack, you can put a few dashes, which will need to periodically knock out. By the way, shrinkage jacks are clearly visible in the first illustration (Fig. 1) to ours.

    Photo number 3. - Jack on the shrinkage (photo "Domostroy-SK").

    Another error that prevents the shrinkage of a church - an attempt to bore the neighboring crowns by nails. On the Hat of the nail logo lies unevenly, and the interventovaya gap appears. Due to the loose fit, the log in the process of drying can begin "spin."

    Alexey Galimov

    There are very difficult cases. Once a person turned to us with a request to fix the log house from the profiled bar. We came to the object, and there the wints are fastened not even nails, but self-drawers. If the nail in a log can somehow slip down in the shrinkage process, then he keeps him tightly. In the Siruba huge slots, the entire jute outside, in the joints of Syane went. Here the treatment is only complete disassembly, processing and installation on a new one.

    The problem of poor-quality waterproofing of the lower wedge of the church has somewhat lost its relevance. As a rule, a brigade producing installation performs this operation qualitatively. However, the customer should pay attention to how the pairing of the foundation and wooden walls is made. If the foundation is ribbon or woodworked, then the surface of the tape should be aligned, and there should be 2-3 layers of rubberoid between the foundation and lower crown, or a layer of waterproofing.

    However, excessive moisture can get into the wood not only through the foundation. If the house is tolapse the floors and hang the ceilings before the cabins sat down and dry, it will make it difficult to circulate the air and lead to the "bearing" at home - mold or fungus may appear on the interior walls.

    Alexander Bunkov

    Especially the question of the protection of the tree from moisture is relevant for the lower crowns of the bath. We recently had a case - repaired a bath, which rotted the bottom bric. It turned out that the builders insulated the floors in the steam room and the washing department of polystyrene foam. The space under the floor was clogged. Water that fell under the floor of the washing, did not dry. For six months, the lower crowns rotted. We raised the log house on the jacks, changed the crowns and redested the floors. The repair cost a third of the price of the bath ... The floors in the washing department and in the steam room should be done without insulation.

    The head of the Domostroy-SK enterprise Oleg Valuev notices that it is also not necessary to make a plinth on the floor. Under them is gathering moisture and the process of rotting begins.

    Photo number 4. - Mold on non-refined wooden structures.

    Unpredictable wood

    To predict where the moisture goes and where it will begin to accumulate, even experienced builders can always.

    Alexey Galimov

    A completely recent case. Grinding inside a frame of a chopped log. Stood very hot days. Knowing pressure - moisture inside the house goes. The inner surface of the walls turned out to be more wet than calculated. Opel, formed during grinding, nision on the walls and under it Syneva went. Well noticed in time, cleared. So that moisture inside the log house has not been formed anywhere, the log house must be well ventilated.

    Watching Il not to pass ...

    Many Yekaterinburg builders consider the error to reject the use of napillates (waders) when assembling log cabins. These are wooden rods installed in the vertical holes and coming together two neighboring logs. In general, the scheme is as follows: the specks pierce the first and second log. When the third is put on top, then in it and in the second log, the holes (with a displacement of relatively existing) for the "second portion" ducks and so on the entire height of the cut.

    Alexey Galimov

    The main error during the installation of log cabins is not dripping. And without heaters, the log in drying may begin to spin. However, it is necessary to take into account different factors. For example, if the profiled is a natural moisture lamp to lay in winter, then the drying process will be unprecedented. Such a log house and without the wrenches can sit normally. And if you build in summer, the ducks are mandatory. Otherwise, the log house will behave, it can snatch a cup.

    Not all builders agree with such a position. Some believe that the cutting must be done so that the walls stood tightly and without a wad. However, recently, supporters of the use of napillates became much more. After all, the additional bonding bonding allows the shrink shrink more predictable, and in some cases, to correct the flaws of sawn timber. Especially important is the presence of heat in the walls with the windows under the windows and doors.

    Photo number 5. - Installation of the wanks when assembling a log of a profiled timber.

    The AMSTROY DIRECTOR Alexei Markin emphasizes that when working with a bar, a rounded log or frost, the improper installation of the wanks can lead to the wrestlers. Other experts are reministed about this.

    Oleg Valuev

    Usually used braided with a diameter of 22 mm. Holes under them should be slightly larger diameter. We, for example, use 25 mm borrow. Otherwise, in the process of drying, the log can hold the wanks and will hurt the shrinkage of the crowns, as the log can not move down and hangs on the dust. Also remind you that it is necessary to use a very sharp drill to drill holes for the sewages. So that he cut through the jute, laid between the crowns, and did not hold it. Otherwise, it is possible to occur the bridges of the cold in this place.

    Photo number 6. - Laying of jute in interventic grooves ("Domostroy-SK").

    In the interventic grooves, the insulation / seal is laid - moss, palaper, linen or jute felt (just "Jute" speak more often). The last option today is most popular. Oleg Valuev draws attention to the fact that in the cup width of the interface width almost twice the width of the interventional groove. Consequently, in this place, builders should not forget to increase the width of the insulation tape (photo 6).

    There are other points that should be remembered by the private developer.

    Alexander Bunkov

    That side of the log, which the tree has been turned to the north, has more dense wood. It can be seen on the cut - annual rings on the north side are thinner. North side should lay a brica outside. Then cracks will be less. However, on the annual rings of the brigade, as a rule, do not pay attention. We put as it is more convenient. True and customers also do not take this moment into account. When we offer for extra charge - 50 rubles. Ramating meter - lay a brica with a rings, customers, as a rule, refuse.

    Specialist of the company "VIRA GROUP" Yaroslav Kulikov reminds that the wooden house makes special requirements for the arrangement of the roof. Usually, the log house has not only exterior, but also the inner walls. They sit faster outdoor. This can lead to deformation of the rafter system, which relies on the internal and outer walls. So that this does not happen, small backlings are laid into the attachment nodes, and the rafters are made by sliding.

    Yaroslav Kulikov

    I would still not recommended the use of surface wood for construction. These are trunks of trees from which the resin was collected. They can see a characteristic tree of cuts. There are no resin in such wood. She loose. The house does not last long. By the way, in order for the house to be a durable, we use a log in the bottom of the log, on the bottom of the log along the lunar groove, the compensation slopes depth is 3-5 cm. Then when drying wood, the cracks will go inside. Outside, large cracks should not appear.

    If the house is built from a chopped log, then the presence of sub-wood in the prepared materials can be calculated by the characteristic tree of the cuts (the "Top" of the Christmas tree is directed towards the comluk part of the log). If the timber or a rounded log is used, then the lack of "rod" will have to take on faith. However, a certain guarantee gives the fact that in recent years (about 15-20 years) in the Ural region, the pine clock is practically not carried out.

    Construction of wooden houses due to the special properties and characteristics of the material is actively in demand. In order for the new home to please their owners for many years, it is important when it is erected to consider a certain action plan and clearly follow it.

    First of all, the foundation is performed on the site, which is then collected and the installation of the roof for protection against moisture is collected. After the object, leave for shrinkage. Since the shrink shrink is a natural process at which wood drying and changing the linear dimensions of the design elements is recommended to withstand a break of at least 6 months before proceeding to install the roof. The total length of shrinkage of the house can be from 1 year to 3 years. Moreover, it is for 1 year that accounts for up to 90% of the size of the size, and after 3 years, the shrinkage of the structure passes the minimum and practically does not affect its design. For the period of shrinkage directly affects the location of the house - in the shade, the burdening logs will be carried out much slower than on an open and sunny platform. The same dependence remains and relative to the northern part of the house in comparison with the South.

    Important! During the shrinkage process, the log house must be freely ventilated inside.

    Stages of work after a shrink shrinkage

    Reducing the humidity of the walls outside allows you to start performing a sequence of other works:

    • cleaning and grinding logs Outside for further processing - a log house in some areas during the shrinkage may be dark, so such small defects eliminate the walls to become smooth with a uniform wood shade throughout the length;
    • processing logs by antiseptic - after grinding, it is advisable to cover the cabbage with protective compositions. It is advisable to perform this process at the air temperature above + 7 ° C and in sunny weather. So the logs are faster and deeper intimidated. Covering a log house with an antiseptic is recommended at least 2 layers, with a break on 1 day to complete drying. The protective composition is allowed to add a kel to give the house with the house;
    • fronton and cornese swelling - for the design of the underproductive space, a wooden board, treated with antiseptic, or other materials - siding, sofa are used. At the same time, you can choose the contrast color of the eaves and the frontones or arrange them in the color of windows;
    • installation of the drainage system - semicircular or rectangular section, from plastic or metal. In addition to the selection of material, drain systems are presented in different colors, which will allow it to be isolated by a contrasting accent at home or vice versa - to choose all the elements in one color with the roof. In the process of installation, all connections and attachments are recommended to further fix the sealant to increase the service life of the system;
    • installing windows and doors - window and doorways are additionally strengthened to eliminate the influence of shrinkage. All wooden materials for work also cover the protective composition;
    • konopka Srub Joutow - thoroughly process walls, frontones, vertical sinks and other design elements, both outside and from the inside. Large slit size can be filled with insulation. After the walls of the walls can be lacquered;
    • communication laying - selection of septica device or the use of the filtration ring. When choosing a specific scheme, it is necessary to be guided by the number of people living in the house and characteristic conditions;
    • installing a permanent fence, if there was only temporary, and the gate on the site;
    • improvement of the area of \u200b\u200bthe site and around the house - installation of gazebos, recreation areas, for a barbecue with a brazier or a Russian oven;
    • finishing the base - after the establishment in the house of all networks and communications;
    • installation of wiring, sockets;
    • interior finishing of premises - walls, floor, ceilings.

    Located from a natural tree especially valued by its durability. In addition, the wooden house is always an individual and original structure. To make it suitable for a comfortable stay, you have to make a lot of effort. Basically after 1.5 - 2 years from the start of the log cabin, it will be possible to invite guests to the housewarming and move themselves.

    According to experienced builders, the optimal time for the installation of a church is the late autumn and the beginning of winter. Smooth decrease in temperature contributes to the slowdown in all processes in the wood, which allows its uniform shrinkage and maintaining the quality of the church. But in summer it will be possible to start all other work on the finishing of the house, including inside. The construction of a wooden house in winter is also advantageous from the point of view of the economy of finance, because in no season the price of material and its assembly is significantly lower.

    Any wooden building needs certain works made after the end of construction, and the chopped bath is no exception.

    When the Bani project is created, it is necessary to remember that with all the positive qualities that the tree has, this material is a hygroscopic, changing the appearance and exposed to microorganisms and fungi.

    In order for the wooden structure to keep the wooden structure well, it was not destroyed and had an attractive appearance, it is necessary to regularly hold a number of preventive work, such as:

    • cavity
    • grinding logs,
    • whitening
    • preventive impregnation with antiseptic.


    Even if the bath's log house is composed of rounded logs, in a year it will be necessary to carry it out. Konopka is sealing slots in places where the logs come into contact with each other, despite the fact that during the assembly between the crowns, the seal is packed.

    The reasons for the appearance of the gap between the brothers:

    • loss of natural humidity with wood,
    • overall shrink shroud,
    • non-uniform shrinkage.

    Due to the loss of natural humidity, the log on average becomes less in diameter by 1 cm. A gap of 0.5 cm is formed between the crowns, which is eliminated by a panty.

    Grinding Brene

    The rounded log to grind is completely optional. The surface of it is quite smooth after the otillization, but in some cases it is necessary to give the surface of the walls the perfect decorative appearance, the owner is solved on this rather complicated, painstaking and foresight of the finish.

    Several useful tips:

    1. The grinding work should be made no earlier than one year after the construction so that the tree gets rid of the natural humidity. The raw wood is difficult to grind, as the abrasive surface of the skins will be clogged with wet production (sawdust).
    2. Remember that in the process of grinding together with the upper layer of wood, substances that protect the tree from rotting, the effects of mold, fungus and microorganisms are removed. Therefore, after the work, it is necessary to regenerate with protective equipment again.
    3. The impregnation process raises a pile, so to obtain an ideally smooth surface, it is necessary to alternate impregnation and grinding.

    External factors affecting wood

    Wood is subject to the influence of many external factors that can worsen its mechanical and decorative qualities.

    These factors include:

    • the effect of ultraviolet rays, causing fiber destruction;
    • excessive moisture, which leads to swelling and cracking the login;
    • microorganisms and fungi, causing the formation and even rotting wood;

    How to protect wood buildings

    Ways to protect a church from the harmful effects of destructive factors:

    1. The impregnation of briced with special primer compositions that protect the material of the cut from ultraviolet radiation.
    2. Selecting the surface of the tree with the help of the "White" means at the first signs of the formation of wood.
    3. Processing of areas affected by blue, the means "lightweight".
    4. Soldering and spraying of wood with antiseptics destroying malicious microorganisms and fungus ("Pinotex", "Woortek", etc.).
    5. Removal of brutal sections of the logs.
    6. Creating a protective layer of the surface. Wood painting with varnish or paint.