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What are the policemen called different countries

  • Bobby - so in England they call the police. This word appeared on behalf of one of the country's prime ministers - Robert Pily. Robert is a Bob or Bobby in the abbreviated version. The merit of this premiere is that at the end of the 19th century he transformed the Police Institute, making this public institution much more efficiently and more successfully.
  • "Cop (COP) is hardly the most famous nickname of the police in the world. And this is despite that it is not so old. According to the compilers of the WEBSTER dictionary, the most authoritative intelligent dictionary of English language In the US, this word in the meaning of the "police officer" appeared in 1859. The dictionary does not clarify the etymology. The versions of how this word appeared, several. The most common thing is that COP is abbreviated from Copper (copper), and the first American policemen had eight-pointed copper stars. Another version: COP - just an abbreviation of the expression "Patrol Police" (Constable On Patrol).
  • The most common nickname police in France - Flick (FLIC). On the origin of the word French argue so far. It appeared in the middle of the XIXVEK. Initially, the police were called flies (mouche). Then, experts, the French "Muh" replaced the Netherlands Fliege, then turning into FLIC. Already much later, the French came up with decrypt the word FLIC as a Federation Legale des IDiots Casques (literally "The legal federation of idiots in helmets").
  • And the French policemen are called poule - chicians (Paris police department on the Embankment of the Alfevr takes place where the bird has previously traded). Finally, the world's most famous name of the French policeman-"AJAN" (Agent), that is, simply "agent."
  • In Germany, police are called bulls (Bulle), in Spain almost the most decent nickname for police officers (poli), in Italy - Sbirro (Lat. Birrum - "Red Cloak"), according to the original color of the police uniform.
  • In the Netherlands, the most popular nicknames of the police have Jewish roots. They are called Smeris (perhaps from the Hebrew "observe") and Klabak (from the "Dog" on Yiddish). " It is assumed that the word "dog" was used in the value of "Irckak".
  • "In Australia, policemen have long been called Jacks (Jack). Unlike history with British Bobby, it has nothing to do with the founder of the Australian forces of law and order. At first, Australians called their policemen gendarmes, and the average policeman called, respectively, John Darm. At some point, the surname from John disappeared, and he was renamed Jack. "

Who is such "police"?

The word "police" means the local resident of the occupied territories serving in the fascist auxiliary police. And associated with the words "punisher", "Traitor", "Traitor", "Fascist". In the country who survived the Great Patriotic War, such a name used not only to the police officer, but to anyone, it is definitely an insult.

Renaming Russian policemen in police officers, most likely, will not affect the word "ment", which in Russia it is customary to call these people. And for sure Russian police will not call the cops.

Cop (COP) - hardly the most famous nickname of the police in the world. And this is despite that it is not so old. According to the writers of the Woebster Dictionary, the most authoritative intelligent dictionary of English in the United States, this word in the meaning of the "police officer" appeared in 1859. The dictionary does not clarify the etymology. The versions of how this word appeared, several. The most common thing is that COP is abbreviated from Copper (copper), and the first American policemen had eight-pointed copper stars. Another version: COP - just an abbreviation of the expression "Patrol Police" (Constable On Patrol).

All over the world know the nickname of the British policeman bobby (Bobby): The man who created the British police was called Robert (Bobby - a decreasing from Robert). Sir Robert Pil, British politician who held posts and the Minister of the Interior, and the Prime Minister, in 1829 ordered to create the London Police - the famous Scotland Yard. For some time, Londoners called police and Bobby, and Pyler, but the first nickname turned out to be more survivors. True, after the Second World War and it gradually began to be crowned with the American Word "Cop." In a medium, where the police do not respect, the derogatory Rasher (toasted a piece of bacon, that is, pork) was fixed behind them.

The most common nickname nickname in France - flick (FLIC). On the origin of the word French argue so far. It appeared in the middle of the XIX century. Initially, the police were called flies (mouche). Then, experts, the French "Muh" replaced the Netherlands Fliege, then turning into FLIC. Already much later, the French came up with decrypt the word FLIC as a Federation Legale des IDiots Casques (literally "The legal federation of idiots in helmets").

And also the French policemen call Poule - chicults (Paris police officer on the Embankment of the Alfevr takes place where the bird was trading before). Finally, the most famous name of the French police officers around the world - " aJAN " (Agent), that is, just "Agent".

In Germany, police call byom(Bulle), in Spain almost the most decent nickname for policemen - poly(Poli), in Italy - sbirro (Lat. Birrum - "Red Cloak"), according to the original color of the police uniform. In the Netherlands, the most popular nicknames of the police have Jewish roots. They are called smeris.(perhaps from the Hebrew "observe") and klabak (from "Dog" on Idish). By the way, dogs, sores and pigs are called almost everywhere. In Australia, policemen have long been called jacks(Jack). Unlike history with British Bobby, it has nothing to do with the founder of the Australian forces of law and order. At first, Australians called their policemen gendarmes, and the average policeman called, respectively, John Darm. At some point, John's surname disappeared, and he was renamed Jack.

The work of the police in all countries of the world is absolutely the same, despite the various names of this position in each individual state. For the first time the phrase "police officer" appeared back in 1859 - so how did it change after so many years?

Unofficial nicknames

In the United States, the most common name of the police is the word "Cop", which is considered to be an abbreviation from the "Patrol Police" (Constable on Patrol). Also, its origin is associated with the word Copper ("Copper") - the first American police worn eight-pointed stars from copper.

In Britain, police call "Bobby" - a derivative on behalf of Robert Pila, the founder of the British police and the famous Scotland Yard.

IN Russia and Ukraine They are familiar to "cops".

Today in many countries (and in Britain including) the usual names of the police are gradually displaced by the American Word "Cop".

In France, the most common nickname police officers is the word "Flick", which appeared in the middle of the 19th century. This nickname is deciphered as "fly", but the witty French gave him another decoding - Federation Legale des IDiots Casques (the legal Federation of idiots in helmets).
In addition to Flikov, in France, police are often called "ashan" from the word "agent" or poule (chicken).

In Germany, the Bulle (Bull), in Spain, are also treated in Germany, and in Italy - "Sbirro" (derived from the red color of the uniform).

Official names

In most european countries Police is customary called Police Officer.

In Russia, they are addressed simply - a policeman.

On the territory of Ukraine, the police are called "Milіtsіonera" or "Milіtsianti".

The French are respectfully referring to the policeman - "gendarme", and the Italians are "Carabiner".

German policemen are called "policemen", Spanish - PoliciaCo (emphasis on the letter I).

IN South America The police are referred to as Agente or Comisario.

On the territory of Poland, the police are treated with "Police", and in Norway - Constable.

Portuguese call Police - Policial, and Finns - Poliisi.

Due to such a varied "assortment" of the names of a police office, researchers - state sciences are often hampered by allocating police bodies into a specific classification, remaining within the framework of government mechanisms. However, it is not always possible to clearly classify the police and special state security bodies even if there are generalized and understandable names of these professions.

The word "Police" has the same sound in all countries of the world and with Greek translates as a "state system" or "state".

What are the police called different countries? And why exactly?

    Cop is the most famous nickname of a police officer, Bobby, Britan, Flick and Azhan-French, Boule - German, Jack-Australian, Pol - Spanish, Ment Our, Russian. People on fiction is much. In almost every country, the nicknames are invented plinsky. About the etymology of police nicknames can be read.

    In Russia now called policeman, although they have recently called miliceoneer. Perhaps the Word police Occasionally happened english word. military., What means military. Policeman Because the police officer is translated from English so Russian. Previously, in the royal time such a state service was called gendarmeria, and E representatives - gendarmes.

    In the US police call either polismen. (POLICEMAN) or cop (COP). FROM policeman. Sun clear: it's from words police. (Police) and man. (man human). BUT cop They say because it is abbreviated copperthat allegedly is synonymous with the words police.

    In Italy, these workers are often called carabinerum (Carabinieri). At least this inscription I saw several times on police cars in movies about the mafia, and he also heard several times that they were called them in films. Carabinines are called them apparently because it has happened since the Carabinians called the military soldiers of cavalry officers armed karabina. Carabiner is a gun. He has a big punchy force, the potomytim criminals in which the Carabinier shouted clearly do not envy. In my GTA game, the enemies from two shots of such a gun lay and do not get up, whereas from the pistolat you need to shoot many times before the same thing happens.

    I know that there is still such a word - constable. This is a low-level police officer in countries such as America and the United Kingdom. Apparently type as we have a opener.

    In the US shops, in England- Bobby, in France- asgen.

  • Police in different countries:

    Ukraine - ment, policeman (mlzoneer).

    USA - Flatty, Busy, Constable, Cop, Copper, Policeman, Patrolman, Officer. Cop is the most common option.

    United Kingdom and Canada - Bobby, Mountie, Policeman, Police Officer. Bobby is the most popular conversational option.

    Italy - Carabiniere (Carabiniere); DELLA POLIZIA, POLIZIESCO.

    France - Gendarme (GENDARME); Agent, Policier, De Police.

    Germany - Polyzay (Polizei-); Polizeilich, Polizist.

    Spain - Poli; Policia, PoliciaCo (in both words emphasis the letter I).

    South America - Agente, Alguacil, Comisario, Guardian, Municipal, Paco, Policia, Policiaco, PoliCial, PoliCiano, Polizonte, Tira.

    Poland - Glina, Policjant, PolicyJny, Przodownik (in Sergeant's rank in Poland).

    Norway - Constable (Konstabel), Politikonstabel.

    Portugal - Policial, Da Policia, Policia.

    Finland - Poliisi-.

    In Tatar (Tatarstan, Crimea) - Policia Age Tayangan, Bashbashtaklyk Kijullgan.

    Kazakhstan is an policeman, a policeman.

  • The work is essentially the same, but the names in different countries are different, for the first time phrase Police officer appeared in 1959. How it changed, let's estimate:

    In the US, officially police officers call the commander of an eaglent, in absentia kopami (by the way, the name was like that he throws into other countries), there are several versions of such a name: the abreation of patrol police (Constable On Patrol) ; at the dawn of the appearance of police in the United States, sheriffs, one of the first policemen were copper stars (Copper -med) confirming their status.

    In England, Bobby is called with the founder of Police by Robert Pill.

    In France, the legal name of the gendarme, and the police are called different flicks (fly, local humorists are deciphered as the legal federation of idiots in helmets), as well as the name of the AJAN (agent), apply and stuck (chicken), as seen by the names of special respect for citizens Do not experience your police.

    In Germany, the official name of the police officers is becoming in absentia by bulls.

    In Spain, officially polycico, emphasis on and (POLICIACO), for the eyes just poli.

    In Italy, official Carabiner, in absentia, Sbirro (because of the color of the uniform: red)

    In Poland, the police, in Norway Constable, in Portugal is called police officers - Policial, Finna Poliisi, and the cops are posing.

On July 15, 1988, the legendary film "Strong Oreshek" was released on the screens with Bruce Willis as the New York Policeman. We collected the most famous police from Hollywood film. By the way, many of them have real prototypes.

(Just 15 photos)

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1. CLINT EASTWOOD policeman (CLINT EASTWOOD) from the film "Dirty Harry" has become cult. Dirty Harry Callaohan nicknamed a sense of justice, which does not always correspond to the letter of the law.

2. Police characters performed by Jake Gyllenhaal and Michael Pena (Michael Pena) in the film "Patrol" will certainly become the same popular as "Harry".

3. "Strong Oreshk" John McLeene, who played Bruce Willis (Bruce Willis), became almost a legend of the movie.

4. Bad policeman Alonso Harris in the film "Training Day" was fulfilled so well that Danzel Washington was awarded "Oscar".

5. Mel Gibson (Mel Gibson) played another funny and psychic police officer named Martin Rigg, film "Death weapon"

6. The most endless filmopoma can be called - Robocop

7. Johnny Utah's character in the film "On the crest of the wave" brought Glory to Keanu Reeves. After all, he had to engage in surf only in order to escape in a gang of criminals.

8. The Golden Fever led to the city of the crowd of criminals with whom I had to fight the good cop Waytti Earlu, which was successfully performed by Kurt Russell in the film "Tumstone"

9. Al Pacino (Al Pacino) played Frank Serpiko in Serpiko's tape - the first police city of New York, which was openly started struggle with corruption.

10. Judge Joseph Dredd Despite the title was a cop. And at least this year there is a remake of a cult film, we are forever we remember the judge performed by Sylvester Stallone (Sylvester Stallone)

11. Policeman from the film Quentin Tarantino " mad Dogs"The name was Mr. Orange. He worked under cover, and executed his Tim Roth (Tim Roth)

12. Bad White from the film "Los Angeles secrets" one of the few heroes of the picture who is faithful to their ideals of justice. Played this right kopa Russell Crowe (Russell Crowe)

13. Thanks to the brilliantly executed role of detective Jimmy "Pope" Doyle Kama Actman, Golden Globe, "Oscar" and a few more film. A policeman from the movie "French Svyaznoye" hunted for drug smugglers.

14. The perfect bad policeman played Harvey Keitel in the film "Bad Police"

15. The most ridiculous police officers of our selection can be called Axel Fowie, the hero of the film "Policeman from Beverly Hills", which was performed by Comic Eddie Murphy (Eddie Murphy)