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My attitude to the silver century of Russian poetry (school writings). Writing: My attitude to poetry V. Brysov My attitude to poetry

Grigory Karelin

Vladimir Mayakovsky, Certainly a great poet and many of them like it or not. But I practically did not touch his poems ... Yes, there is a sense in them, yes, this is a cry of the soul, yes, they are written in the original manner, with unusual sizes, rhythm, rhyme ... so that .... I do not I felt anything. I knew this poet since my childhood, but I didn't like him then, neither now, but I did not consider his poems for something special, neither at 17 years old. So, Vladimir is not an outstanding for me ... For me, he is one of those poets whose poems I need to teach.

03/21/2013, 09:33:00 | Guest

Sagalovich Dmitry

Poetry of Mayakovsky for me is close, I like his unusual syllable, the themes that he chooses It is such feelings. It is poems filled with energy. I like the position of Mayakovsky, I share it in relation to patriotism and faith in the future of the country ...

03/21/2013, 09:32:38 | Guest

Vusov Karina

My attitude to Mayakovsky poetry.

In my opinion, the poetry of Mayakovsky is too shouting, I do not really like this tone in verses. Also in his poems, political topics prevail, to which I am more indifferent, so his poems are not very interesting to me. I am not close to the theme of love for your country, which he must and whom he is proud of.

03/21/2013, 09:27:03 | Guest

Antonova Diana

My attitude to the work of Mayakovsky.

I am not easy to determine my attitude to the work of Mayakovsky. Its very unusual and verbose images are difficult to understand, not even so much understand how much to read. For example: I have a move of my mouth with a naked comedian, like the nose of syphilicism, leaving your felt fat. But there is and on the contrary, very interesting and expressive such as: as the last eye in a blind man, the latter in the world, the Love was expressed by a brush of a cachotochny, butterfly of a poetic heart. But in principle, I love Mayakovsky, in his poetry we see that very sincerity, ease, freshness, emotions, love, sensuality. His poems are very strongly affected, even if you do not understand them.

03/21/2013, 09:25:28 | Guest

Chikin Anton

My attitude to the work of Mayakovsky.

Vladimir Mayakovsky liked me at the time while I went to kindergarten, at that moment I liked the poem: "What is good and what is bad," now he seems to me noisy and sharp and I don't like it. He constantly screams in his verses annoying, it seems that during his life it is incredibly bashing. Briefly speaking now I do not like it.

03/21/2013, 09:24:09 | Guest

Vasinskaya Alexander

I believe that Mayakovsky is one of the most honest and sincere poets. In his poems, it is heard this infinite love of his homeland, to his own country, it seems to me very well. It is a pity that now we have no such feeling, but I would like. It seems to me he invested all his energy into his poems, they are very loud, screaming and I like it insanely.

03/21/2013, 09:22:47 | Guest

Sakharov Sergey

I have a Mayakovsky associated with the revolution and the Bolsheviks, with a bright, light. It was a very unusual person, always walked.

I can not say that Mayakovsky is my favorite poet. I am just very interested to "deal with" in the sense of his poems. Reach their essence. Mayakovsky uses very unusual revs in poems, characteristic of only his poetry.

03-21-2013, 09:18:48 | Guest

Anastasia Veshkov

Mayakovsky - Poet!

I like the poems of Vladimir Mayakovsky. His poems cause me admiration, excitement, sometimes joy, sometimes sadness, but this feeling is always very strong.

Thanks to his poems, I wake up pride in the Soviet Union, despite the fact that I was born and live in Russia. Its poems are very straightforward, there are also rigidity in them, and tenderness with vulnerability, which is found mainly in his early work.

Vladimir Mayakovsky is a great poet, his poetry is complex and is understandable to a little, but for those who understand them and accepts, the poet is great.

03-03-2013, 05:24:09 | Guest

Vadim Gavrilov

My attitude to the work of Mayakovsky.

Mayakovsky simultaneously and geenen and strange, which is inseparable from each other. I like his poetry, but not all as if two different people write.

From melodic poetry to chopped poetry march (it seems to me that this is associated with the Bolshevik policies). In general, I like his poetry and I consider it a poet.

03/20/2013, 21:17:11 | Guest

Zakharova Ksenia

I believe that Vladimir Mayakovsky can and should be called a poet. Mayakovsky is not a classic poet. In his verses, his marching rhythm is felt, there is no rhyme. For me, this poet is interesting. His poems are filled with allegories. In his poetry there is a feeling of material principle. Mayakovsky, it seems to me, does not apply to romance. In his verses, there are a lot of personification and metaphors. Despite the fact that his poems are written with simple words, thoughts are very deep. His poetry is impregnated with some powerful energy, somehow a strong promise. Many of his poems do not understand. Mayakovsky does not write about something high, he writes about the life of a simple people. Mayakovsky - Poet politik. He talks about the negative of life, about vices. His poetry sensual, emotional, strong. Poet - Patriot. "I am getting out of the widespread duplicate of the invaluable cargo. Read, envy, I am a citizen of the Soviet Union. "

03-03-2013, 19:06:48 | Guest

Pokysko Lena

I really like Mayakovsky's poetry. What emotion is very strong, he cut, strong in words and expressions. Does not hide his feelings under nice words, I like his sensuality: "I must

besides your gaze,

not powerful blade not a single knife. "

Also sometimes it seems that he is overlooked all around and fills his lines with strong phrases. Mayakovsky one of the brightest poets.

20-03-2013, 18:44:59 | Guest

Gasanov Javid

I do not consider it poetry, for me it's rather a poet-speaker. If we consider the content, then Mayakovsky raises the themes of revolution, civil war, socialist construction, and in such an aspect, which was characteristic only for him. Mayakovsky used the reception of oratory and colloquial speech. A feature is the sharpness of its works.

20-03-2013, 18:33:17 | Guest

Malysheva Elena

V. Mayakovsky - a brilliant poet. But I can not firmly say what I like it. I am attracted by his sincerity, his unwillingness to accept the "dirty" world is pre-revolutionary, his attempt to change everything for the better. But his cruelty, even some kind of rudeness, which, of course, can justify the severity of those days, it repels me! Nevertheless, despite his hard style, it seems to me that V. Mayakovsky is a man with a huge, sensitive soul.

03/20/2013, 16:41:48 | Guest

Ivanov Vasily 11 "A"

"My attitude to the work of Mayakovsky"

Of course, in one word, the poetry of Mayakovsky cannot be described, too hard, all his poems are gaps, the transition from one topic to another, to read the poems of such a plan I am not familiar to me.

Often he writes about love, in verses, he exactly and clearly transmits emotions and mood, writes so much that it is difficult to get off, but they are all short and do not have time to enjoy. Mayakovsky's poetry gives an inexplicable charge of energies, such a feeling that if cloneing in sleep, you can simply read his poems and you have a reserve of forces at least twenty minutes. I am glad that Russia had such a poet as Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky.

20-03-2013, 16:16:10 | Guest

Vika Anoshin my attitude to the work of Mayakovsky

on tiny, sucking adka lights.

Redhead devils, rushed cars,

above the ear blasting the beeps ... And then already - having crumpled the blanket lanterns -

the night was sick, pokhabna and drunk,

and the streets of the streets sowed somewhere

nobody needs, a fucking moon. "

I could not find such a poem of Mayakovsky, which truly would put me positive. Maybe this is the same raisin in his work, which so hooked me.

Pavlova Anya

Vladimir Mayakovsky is the famous Russian poet, artist, Drameurg. Many consider the Mayakovsky great poet, the beginning of the new poetic era, the new connection of art with life. My poetry of Mayakovsky is not very clear. Probably to understand them, you need to continue to study the biography of the poet and the situation in the country at the time. I can say that I am interested in "understanding" in the sense of his poems, reach their essence. But it does not always work. Mayakovsky uses very unusual turns in poems:

Entered the hairdresser, said - calm

Be kind, make me ears.

Or this:

People are scared - I have from my mouth

Sheathing a naked crick.

Such examples can be given a lot. Mayakovsky has no poem, over the meaning of which should not be conceived.

It seems to me that Poetry Valery Brysov is somehow a mansion from the main stream of "silver century". And he himself as a person is sharply different from the modern poets. He is the whole urban, cuboid, hard, with a chitrinka, a very volitional man. This appearance arose after reading memoirs about him and various literary articles, where his name was somehow signed. He was not loved as O. Mandelstam, Vyach. Ivanova, I. Northerner or E. Balmont. In it, apparently, there was no certain personal charm. As, however, there is no charm in the city landscape. I am sure that anyone, even if nobody looks like the most beautiful city with such a humility as a rural landscape.

This direction of his creativity was prepared by family traditions. Brusov's brought up, as he recalled, "in the principles of materialism and atheism." Particularly revered in the family, the writers were N. A. Nekrasov and D. I. Pisarev. Since childhood, Bryusov was given interest in the natural sciences, independence of judgment, faith to the great destination of a man-creator. Such early education affected the last life and creative path of Brysov.

The basis of the poetic practice and theoretical views of young Bruce on art were individualism and subjectivism. At that time, he believed that in the first place in the first place the personality of the artist, and everything else is only a form. Another topic Bruce was the topic of the city, which passed through all the creativity of the poet. Continuing and combining heterogeneous traditions (Dostoevsky, Nekrasov, Verlaine, Baudelaire and Verkun), Bryusov became, in fact, the first Russian poet-urbanist of the 20th century, reflected the generalized image of the newest capitalist city. Initially, he is looking for beauty in urban labyrinths, calls the city of "deliberate miracle," admires the "violence" of human copies and the "sacred dusk" streets. But with all its urban nature, Bryusov portrayed the city by the tragic space, where the dark and obscene cases of people are accomplished: murders, debauchery, revolution, etc.

The poems of Brysov echoed with the verses of the superbanist Mayakovsky. Brucers tries to predict the fall and destruction of cities as a vicious space, but it turns out worse than Mayakovsky or, for example, at the block. The protest against the silent of the city civilization brought Brysov to thinking about nature, heaver began which the poet did not recognize in his early work. Now he is looking for in nature the integrity and harmony of Being in nature. But it should be noted that his "natural" verses significantly inferior to its urban lyrics.

With a large artistic power of the world dissolved in the city of vulgarity, the poetry of love is opposed to Brysov. Poems about love are grouped as poems on other topics, in special semantic cycles - "still a fairy tale", "ballads", "Elegy", "Eros, invincible in the battle", "dead mess" and others. But we will not find in poems of these cycles of observance, spiritual tremble, ease. Brysov love - all-consuming, erected to the tragedy, "limit", "heroic passion". For Bryusov, as it is known, a dark tail of various wovers and rumors took place all his life. He appeared in the most noisy restaurants, had novels with famous ladies. In the days of new revolutionary transformations, a rather uncomfortable and alarming life has come in the city, poverty was universal. But Bryusov treated atom with sarcasm inherent in him. No wonder in due time it was written:

Beautiful, in the power of the Terrible Power,

East king Assargadon

And ocean folk passion,

In the chips crushing the throne.

In Brasov's poetry, the city is inseparable from his personality, and in the tragedy of the city, first of all, the tragedy of the author himself is felt, for which the tragedies are often turning into a farce.

The poet with a living passion responded to all the most important events of modernity. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Russian-Japanese war and the revolution of 1905 become the topics of his work, largely determine his view of life and art. In those years, Bryusov declared his contempt for bourgeois society, but also to Social Democracy showed distrust, believing that she would encroach on the creative freedom of the artist. However, in the revolution, Bryusov saw not only the element of destruction, he challenged the future of the "New World" as a celebration of "freedom, fraternity, equality":

The poet is always with people when the thunderstorm is noise,

And the song with a storm - forever sisters ...

Brysov's poems about the first Russian revolution, along with poems of the block, are vertex works written on this topic by poets of the beginning of the century. But in the years of reaction, Brasov's poetry no longer rises to a high life-affirming pathos. Old motives are pushed, the theme of fatigue and loneliness is strengthened:

Cold, the body is secretly skating,

Cold, soul enchanting ...

Everything in me is only death and silence,

The whole world is only the solid and in it the moon.

Goes back in the heart of Nevzlelyanny dreams,

Digested flowers of ridiculous spring ...

But during this period, the poet continues to praise the man-worker, seeker and creator, believes in the future celebration of the revolution. The afternoon verses of Brysov open the last period of his literary path, submitted by the collections "on such days", "MiG", "Dali". The poet is looking for new feature forms to express a new turn in its worldview and to recreate the art of revolutionary reality ("Third Autumn", "to the Russian Revolution").

The original artistic work of Brysov is not limited to verses. Knowing the main classic and European languages, Bryusov actively engaged in translations. He translated Meterlinka, Vilan, Hugo, Edgar Po, Verkjna, Rainis, Finnish and Armenian poets. In Breusov, in addition to the gift of the artist, the indomitable spirit of the researcher lived, who was looking for rationalist "keys of secretions" to the most intimate human feelings, and also sought to understand the reasons for the birth of new forms in art, the logic of their development. Bryusov made a significant contribution to Russian culture; Modern readers are grateful to him for creating the Epoch of the Silver Age, the era of the brilliant achievements of Russian poetry.


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My attitude to poetry V. Brysov.

It seems to me that Poetry Valery Brysov is somehow a mansion from the main stream of "silver century". And he himself as a person is sharply different from the modern poets. He is the whole urban, cuboid, hard, with a chitrinka, a very volitional man. This appearance arose after reading memoirs about him and various literary articles, where his name was somehow signed. He was not loved as O. Mandelstam, Vyach. Ivanova, I. Northerner or E. Balmont. In it, apparently, there was no certain personal charm. As, however, there is no charm in the city landscape. I am sure that anyone, even if nobody looks like the most beautiful city with such a humility as a rural landscape.
This direction of his creativity was prepared by family traditions. Brusov's brought up, as he recalled, "in the principles of materialism and atheism." Particularly revered in the family, the writers were N. A. Nekrasov and D. I. Pisarev. Since childhood, Bryusov was given interest in the natural sciences, independence of judgment, faith to the great destination of a man-creator. Such early education affected the last life and creative path of Brysov.
The basis of the poetic practice and theoretical views of young Bruce on art were individualism and subjectivism. At that time, he believed that in the first place in the first place the personality of the artist, and everything else is only a form. Another topic Bruce was the topic of the city, which passed through all the creativity of the poet. Continuing and combining heterogeneous traditions (Dostoevsky, Nekrasov, Verlaine, Baudelaire and Verkun), Bryusov became, in fact, the first Russian poet-urbanist of the 20th century, reflected the generalized image of the newest capitalist city. Initially, he is looking for beauty in urban labyrinths, calls the city of "deliberate miracle," admires the "violence" of human copies and the "sacred dusk" streets. But with all its urban nature, Bryusov portrayed the city by the tragic space, where the dark and obscene cases of people are accomplished: murders, debauchery, revolution, etc.
The poems of Brysov echoed with the verses of the superbanist Mayakovsky. Brucers tries to predict the fall and destruction of cities as a vicious space, but it turns out worse than Mayakovsky or, for example, at the block. The protest against the silent of the city civilization brought Brysov to thinking about nature, heaver began which the poet did not recognize in his early work. Now he is looking for in nature the integrity and harmony of Being in nature. But it should be noted that his "natural" verses significantly inferior to its urban lyrics.
With a large artistic power of the world dissolved in the city of vulgarity, the poetry of love is opposed to Brysov. Poems about love are grouped as poems on other topics, in special semantic cycles - "still a fairy tale", "ballads", "Elegy", "Eros, invincible in the battle", "dead mess" and others. But we will not find in poems of these cycles of observance, spiritual tremble, ease. Brysov love - all-consuming, erected to the tragedy, "limit", "heroic passion". For Bryusov, as it is known, a dark tail of various wovers and rumors took place all his life. He appeared in the most noisy restaurants, had novels with famous ladies. In the days of new revolutionary transformations, a rather uncomfortable and alarming life has come in the city, poverty was universal. But Bryusov treated atom with sarcasm inherent in him. No wonder in due time it was written:
Beautiful, in the power of the Terrible Power,
East king Assargadon
And ocean folk passion,
In the chips crushing the throne.
In Brasov's poetry, the city is inseparable from his personality, and in the tragedy of the city, first of all, the tragedy of the author himself is felt, for which the tragedies are often turning into a farce.
The poet with a living passion responded to all the most important events of modernity. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Russian-Japanese war and the revolution of 1905 become the topics of his work, largely determine his view of life and art. In those years, Bryusov declared his contempt for bourgeois society, but also to Social Democracy showed distrust, believing that she would encroach on the creative freedom of the artist. However, in the revolution, Bryusov saw not only the element of destruction, he challenged the future of the "New World" as a celebration of "freedom, fraternity, equality":
The poet is always with people when the thunderstorm is noise,
And the song with a storm - forever sisters ...
Brysov's poems about the first Russian revolution, along with poems of the block, are vertex works written on this topic by poets of the beginning of the century. But in the years of reaction, Brasov's poetry no longer rises to a high life-affirming pathos. Old motives are pushed, the theme of fatigue and loneliness is strengthened:
Cold, the body is secretly skating,
Cold, soul enchanting ...
Everything in me is only death and silence,
The whole world is only the solid and in it the moon.
Goes back in the heart of Nevzlelyanny dreams,
Digested flowers of ridiculous spring ...
But during this period, the poet continues to praise the man-worker, seeker and creator, believes in the future celebration of the revolution. The afternoon verses of Brysov open the last period of his literary path, submitted by the collections "on such days", "MiG", "Dali". The poet is looking for new feature forms to express a new turn in its worldview and to recreate the art of revolutionary reality ("Third Autumn", "to the Russian Revolution").
The original artistic work of Brysov is not limited to verses. Knowing the main classic and European languages, Bryusov actively engaged in translations. He translated Meterlinka, Vilan, Hugo, Edgar Po, Verkjna, Rainis, Finnish and Armenian poets. In Breusov, in addition to the gift of the artist, the indomitable spirit of the researcher lived, who was looking for rationalist "keys of secretions" to the most intimate human feelings, and also sought to understand the reasons for the birth of new forms in art, the logic of their development. Bryusov made a significant contribution to Russian culture; Modern readers are grateful to him for creating the Epoch of the Silver Age, the era of the brilliant achievements of Russian poetry.

Poetry is a special phenomenon in the literature of any people. She is beautiful, unusual, charming. Rhymes give the words incredible shades, so poems I can call the magic of sound. I want to note that Russian poetry is the most real miracle. Russian poets impress readers with deep thoughts, pronounced words that allow a lot to imagine and feel.

The silver age of Russian poetry is the era of excellent works. For a short period of time, an unprecedented number of talents, creators, geniuses appeared in our country. My attitude to the work, born in the nineties of the nineteenth century, is made up of the perception of symbolism, aqmeism and futurism.

The basic principle of symbolism - Dwymiria. That is, in my opinion, makes poems of symbolists with charmingly beautiful, melodic, mysterious.

My favorite poet symbolist is Konstantin Balmont. He struck me with incredible epithets, metaphors and comparisons. I liked the world that paints the poet in my works. This world is full of unearthly splendor, love and admiration. This is especially noticeable in the poems of the "Sun fragrance", "God and the Devil" and "Great Nothing."

Akmeism is a modernist course in Russian poetry, fundamentally different from symbolism. Aqmeists described the life that objectively exists in our reality. From representatives of this literary flow, I liked N. Gumilyov. His work close to me. Impulate his perception of the world, the image of love, nature, man. I think that the best poems of N. Gumileva is a "portrait of a man" and "smart devil".

Futurism is an "explosion" in Russian poetry, thundering strongly and extraordinary. In my opinion, the work of futurists is very peculiar and incomprehensible. Lost melodiousness and beauty, there was sharpness and some chaotic in their place. I can neither understand and take futurism nor allocate your favorite poem.

Reflecting on the silver age of Russian poetry, I come to the conclusion that I have an ambiguous attitude to the creations of this era. I know for sure that many poems written by the poets of the Silver Age are ingenious. They are a treasure of Russian poetry.

It seems to me that Poetry Valery Brysov is somehow a mansion from the main stream of "silver century". And he himself as a person is sharply different from the modern poets. He is the whole urban, cuboid, hard, with a chitrinka, a very volitional man. This appearance arose after reading memoirs about him and various literary articles, where his name was somehow signed. He was not loved as O. Mandelstam, Vyach. Ivanova, I. Northerner or E. Balmont. In it, apparently, there was no certain personal charm. As, however, there is no charm in the city landscape. I am sure that anyone, even if nobody looks like the most beautiful city with such a humility as a rural landscape.

This direction of his creativity was prepared by family traditions. Brusov's brought up, as he recalled, "in the principles of materialism and atheism." Particularly revered in the family, the writers were N. A. Nekrasov and D. I. Pisarev. Since childhood, Bryusov was given interest in the natural sciences, independence of judgment, faith to the great destination of a man-creator. Such early education affected the last life and creative path of Brysov.

The basis of the poetic practice and theoretical views of young Bruce on art were individualism and subjectivism. At that time, he believed that in the first place in the first place the personality of the artist, and everything else is only a form. Another topic Bruce was the topic of the city, which passed through all the creativity of the poet. Continuing and combining heterogeneous traditions (Dostoevsky, Nekrasov, Verlaine, Baudelaire and Verkun), Bryusov became, in fact, the first Russian poet-urbanist of the 20th century, reflected the generalized image of the newest capitalist city. Initially, he is looking for beauty in urban labyrinths, calls the city of "deliberate miracle," admires the "violence" of human copies and the "sacred dusk" streets. But with all its urban nature, Bryusov portrayed the city by the tragic space, where the dark and obscene cases of people are accomplished: murders, debauchery, revolution, etc.

The poems of Brysov echoed with the verses of the superbanist Mayakovsky. Brucers tries to predict the fall and destruction of cities as a vicious space, but it turns out worse than Mayakovsky or, for example, at the block. The protest against the silent of the city civilization brought Brysov to thinking about nature, heaver began which the poet did not recognize in his early work. Now he is looking for in nature the integrity and harmony of Being in nature. But it should be noted that his "natural" verses significantly inferior to its urban lyrics.

With a large artistic power of the world dissolved in the city of vulgarity, the poetry of love is opposed to Brysov. Poems about love are grouped as poems on other topics, in special semantic cycles - "still a fairy tale", "ballads", "Elegy", "Eros, invincible in the battle", "dead mess" and others. But we will not find in poems of these cycles of observance, spiritual tremble, ease. Brysov love - all-consuming, erected to the tragedy, "limit", "heroic passion". For Bryusov, as it is known, a dark tail of various wovers and rumors took place all his life. He appeared in the most noisy restaurants, had novels with famous ladies. In the days of new revolutionary transformations, a rather uncomfortable and alarming life has come in the city, poverty was universal. But Bryusov treated atom with sarcasm inherent in him. No wonder in due time it was written:

Beautiful, in the power of the Terrible Power,

East king Assargadon

And ocean folk passion,

In the chips crushing the throne.

In Brasov's poetry, the city is inseparable from his personality, and in the tragedy of the city, first of all, the tragedy of the author himself is felt, for which the tragedies are often turning into a farce.

The poet with a living passion responded to all the most important events of modernity. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Russian-Japanese war and the revolution of 1905 become the topics of his work, largely determine his view of life and art. In those years, Bryusov declared his contempt for bourgeois society, but also to Social Democracy showed distrust, believing that she would encroach on the creative freedom of the artist. However, in the revolution, Bryusov saw not only the element of destruction, he challenged the future of the "New World" as a celebration of "freedom, fraternity, equality":

The poet is always with people when the thunderstorm is noise,

And the song with a storm - forever sisters ...

Brysov's poems about the first Russian revolution, along with poems of the block, are vertex works written on this topic by poets of the beginning of the century. But in the years of reaction, Brasov's poetry no longer rises to a high life-affirming pathos. Old motives are pushed, the theme of fatigue and loneliness is strengthened:

Cold, the body is secretly skating,

Cold, soul enchanting ...

Everything in me is only death and silence,

The whole world is only the solid and in it the moon.

Goes back in the heart of Nevzlelyanny dreams,

Digested flowers of ridiculous spring ...

But during this period, the poet continues to praise the man-worker, seeker and creator, believes in the future celebration of the revolution. The afternoon verses of Brysov open the last period of his literary path, submitted by the collections "on such days", "MiG", "Dali". The poet is looking for new feature forms to express a new turn in its worldview and to recreate the art of revolutionary reality ("Third Autumn", "to the Russian Revolution").

The original artistic work of Brysov is not limited to verses. Knowing the main classic and European languages, Bryusov actively engaged in translations. He translated Meterlinka, Vilan, Hugo, Edgar Po, Verkjna, Rainis, Finnish and Armenian poets. In Breusov, in addition to the gift of the artist, the indomitable spirit of the researcher lived, who was looking for rationalist "keys of secretions" to the most intimate human feelings, and also sought to understand the reasons for the birth of new forms in art, the logic of their development. Bryusov made a significant contribution to Russian culture; Modern readers are grateful to him for creating the Epoch of the Silver Age, the era of the brilliant achievements of Russian poetry.