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Types of conscience. Clean and unclean conscience. Orthodox arrival of the temple of the Assumption of God's Mother of Kamina Volgograd Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church - conscience what the unclean conscience means

We live in times the last and times of grave. Very hard sometimes to communicate with people and we see strong moral decay not only in the world, but among the people who calls themselves the church and believers. But the Church of the Lord is a clean virgin, she is without a spot and Cobrel and she grads as shelves with banners for any evil and wickedness.

What is the reason for the decline? They are not alone, but today I would like to talk about the conscience, about the simple human conscience. This is what the Word of God says to us about it because only it can accurately and clearly explain to us something relating to this subject.

Conscience According to the dictionary of Ozhegov - a sense of moral responsibility for his behavior before people and society. Add supplied that first before God. So, we have a tool that helps us to determine morality and morality helps us correct your behavior and helps us figure out what is good and that bad - if we say simplistic.

In the Word of God, we find the following places about the conscience:

1 Peter 3:21- This is a prototype of the currently of our salvation, diving water, which consists not in cleansing the body from uncleanness, but in the oath, keep the conscience with clean before God, through the resurrection of the Messiah Yeshua.

1 Timofey 4: 1-2 -You clearly says that at the end of times some people will retreat from faith, listening to the spirits misleading and demonic teachings. The very exercise of such exercises is the hypocrisy of liars, the conscience is burned, as if hot iron.

Jews9:9 - It symbolizes the current age and indicates that in his own counseland a person committing ministry. He can achieve goals with the help of gifts and victims, brought them

Titus 1:15 - For the one who is chosen by itself, everything is clean. But for definite and not having faith, nothing is unclean. even their mind and conscience are defiled

1 Cor8: 12 - And because when you sin against the brothers, inflicting wounds Their weak conscience, you sin against the Messiah!

Acts 24:16. - For this reason, I consider my duty in have pure conscience Before God and People

Jews 10:22 - Therefore, let's approach the holy of saints with a sincere heart, with a complete confidence of the source of which is the trust of God with hearts with a sprinkling from unclean conscience and with bodies werehed clean water

Jews 9:14 - Then, as far as the blood of the Messiah, who was an eternal spirit, brought himself to God as a kindly sacrifice , Clean conscienceour deeds leading to death so that we can serve the living God.

We can see that the conscience of a person may be in the following condition - burned, unclean, weak, desecable. There will never be able to tell a person about the correct behavior and warn him about that the truth is, and that evil that the light, and what is darkness. Maybe Therefore, we see so much lawlessness. Having survived total atheism, many probably also previously underwent such changes. It stopped being a compass in the surrounding world storing us from evil.

Therefore, people stopped experiencing fear of the Lord and any ways to achieve their desires. Conscience may be completely burned means such a person to absolutely lose moral and moral guidelines, so the oppression and violence in the world in which we live are so. Weekly conscience, too, we are not an assistant - she is powerless in the assessment of moral things. The unclean conscience distorts moral and moral foundations - therefore good is called evil, and evil good.

What to do those who are looking for the Lord and want to please him? What to do to us again to get this compass and find a sense of moral responsibility to God, people, society?

We see what Jesus's blood can clear our conscienceBut here again the same principle is to realize the crime, repent, leave it. Awareness is the most important aspect in repentance, in communicating with the Lord, with people. Realize the spiritual reality of our state, needs, possibilities, dangers. The moral and moral compass we need.

Relationships with people without respect and respect, without taking into account their character in a tactless, rough manner - may show that our conscience is not yet cleared, because sensitive conscience has the ability to indicate a person how tactfully, carefully and truthfully come to people.

After cleansing from the work leading to death, we will be formed Conscience pure, immaterial, kind. She will be a faithful guide to the righteousness of God, because it will be responsible to God and People. She will help us morally do not fall. She will help choose good and distinguish light from darkness.

Psalm 15: 7 He speaks - Bless the Lord, Issue Me, even in the night teaches me on my inside. In English translationinside this conscience.Maybe because the proverb that morning is wiser at night.

Which of us is not familiar with your inner voice, called a conscience, which then blames us from the inside and oppresses, then gives a sense of joy and satisfaction for the prejudiced!?! This is our internal controller and judge, incorruptible and impartial. Just like the hungry can not convince himself that he is fed up, and the work is frightened - to convince himself that he is cheerful and full of strength and energy, and we cannot convince themselves what they did well and right when the conscience Suchs us in what we did badly.

I. What is conscience?

1. Defining dictionaries:
Dictionary Ushakov: Conscience - an internal assessment, the inner consciousness of the morality of their actions, a sense of moral responsibility for their behavior.
Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: Conscience - the moral consciousness of a person, expressed in the assessment of its own and other people's actions, on the basis of a certain criterion of good and evil.
Vladimir's explanatory dictionary gavei: conscience - moral consciousness, moral flair or feeling in man; Inner consciousness of good and evil; Cache of the soul, in which the approval or condemnation of each act speaks; the ability to recognize the quality of the deed; a feeling that promises to truth and good, disgusted by false and evil; unwitting love for good and to the truth; Inborn truth, in varying degrees of development.
Social Science Dictionary: Conscience is a moral awareness of what is good and evil.

In general, all these definitions are what conscience is the moral consciousness of man. So, the conscience is the ability to distinguish good and evil, prompting a person to make a conscious choice in favor of good.

2. Nature conscience
Alone consider conscience to the natural instinct of man, others - consider conscience to part of his mind, third consider conscience to a part of human will, while fourth It is believed that the conscience is the derivative of the senses and emotions of man. Is it so?

A. Is the conscience of one of the instincts?
If the conscience was derived by human instincts, then she would encourage people to do only what they are nice, profitable, as well as what would allow them to win in the struggle for existence.
But in reality, we all are well known that the conscience often encourages a person to do exactly what he is not only unprofitable, but also unpleasant. From the point of view of evolution, conscience is human weakness. It does not make a man "stronger", but on the contrary, guarantee him a complete defeat in the brutal struggle for survival, where the "strongest" and more adapted. In addition, with the help of the theory of evolution, it is impossible to explain the existence of conscience in man.

B. Is the conscience of our mind?
By itself, the mind is not able to consider some actions as moral, and others - as immoral. To do this, he must be guided by the conscience. Outside the conscience, the mind is characteristic only to find certain actions or acts by smart or stupid, appropriate or inexpedient, rational or irrational, profitable or unprofitable, and no more.
It is conscience that encourages the mind not only to see personal benefits in certain actions or achieve, but also to evaluate the actions from the moral side. How to make conscience do it? Using the impact on the mind with moral arguments.

Q. Is the conscience of our will?
Conscience plays a huge role in making decisions, affecting our choice. But it is not necessary to believe that the will and conscience are the same thing. Will is the ability to make a conscious choice. Thanks to the action of conscience, a person knows how it is correct (from a moral point of view) in one way or another. However, a person can decide to do so how he suggests him conscience, and he can decide to go against it. If the conscience and the will were somewhat indivisible, it would be impossible, and a person would always come only on conscience. However, this in life does not occur.

Is the conscience of our feelings?
Conscience is not a derivative of human feelings and emotions. But, oddly enough, the conscience is capable of writing to our feelings, just as she appears to our mind. How does this happen? The conscience encourages a person to do good and avoid making evil, accompanying good actions with a sense of joy and satisfaction, and bad actions - a sense of shame, fear and spiritual flour, which are often called "conscience removal."

So, we found out that conscience is a kind of substance that can appeal to our feelings and emotions, will and mind, encouraging us to act in accordance with what we consider good and correct.

3. Origin of conscience
If the conscience is not a natural instinct, then how to explain its origin? The presence of conscience indicates the God of the Creator, who, when creating a person, created him in his image and likeness ( Genesis 1:27), investing his holy law in his heart (the ability to distinguish good and evil) and the desire to flow in truth.
But sin spoiled God's image and like in man. The conscience damaged by sin was less sensitive, losing the ability and strength to act in accordance with the requirements of the Internal Law of God - conscience. And the more multiplied on earth sin, the weaker the voice of his conscience sounded in man.
If a person was not damaged and spoiled by a sin, he would not need a written law of God. He would have relied on his conscience, which would lead all his actions as it would like the Lord. But the conscience spoiled by sin ceased to be a standard of morality, and with passions after the fall, the man stopped hearing the voice of conscience. Therefore, there was a need for a written law. With the help of the law, the Lord began a newly "tune" the conscience of man, making it sensitive and able to distinguish good and evil.
However, the written law was given to a certain time, which Lord is criticized the prophecy through husbands of Faith: Jeremiah 31:33 « But here is the covenant, which I will conclude with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: i will present my law into the inside of them and I will write it on my heartsand I will be God, and they will be my people"(The same is said in the message Jews 8:10. and 10:16 ).
This is a prophecy of time when the image and similarity of God will be restored in a person, and when the law of God will be recorded on the hearts of the heart, and the conscience will be a newly standard of divine morality.

II. Biblical examples of conscience

1. Old Testament view of the conscience
The word "conscience" is never used in the Old Testament, however, the very concept of conscience in it is present. As a rule, the Old Testament associates the conscience of a man with his heart. So, for example, the conscience of Tsar David impulses him and pushed him to repentance when he made the calculus of the people, thereby violating the command of the Lord: 2 vehicles 24:10 « AND the heart of Davidovo shuddered After he counted the people. And David said to the Lord: true sinned doing so; And now I pray you, Lord, forgive the sin of your slave, because I have been extremely unreasonable. ".

We also tend to believe that such a Old Testament concept as "Fear of the Lord" is nothing more than the Old Testament idea of \u200b\u200ba clean conscience, which encourages a person to live and act in accordance with the moral standards of the Law of God: Psalm 110: 10 « The beginning of wisdom - fear of the Lord; Mind true to everyone acting commandments of it ».
Pay attention to the relationship between the fear of the Lord and the fulfillment of the Law of God. That is why the Word of God calls upon a person to allow God's law to influence the formation of his conscience: Proverbs 3: 1-4 « My son! My instructions do not forget, and the commandments of my yes keep your heart; For the longitude of days, years of life and peace they will have you. Mercy and truth do not leave you: your neck your neck, , and gain mercy and favor in the eyes of God and people». Proverbs 7: 1-3 « My son! keep my words and commandments to my sokra at home. Celebrate my commandments and live, and my teaching is my eye of your eyes. Enjoy them on your fingers, write them on the hearts of your heart ».

2. New Testament view of the conscience
The new covenant uses the Greek word "Syneidesis » which is translated as conscience, consciousness or consciousness.
Speaking about conscience, the new covenant is distinguished by a clean conscience from unclean. This is how synonyms give the Bible clean and unclean, that is, stained conscience:

A. Pure conscience:

  • Pure conscience: 2 Timothy 1: 3 « Thank God who serves the progenitor with a pure consciencethat incessantly remembering you in the prayers of my afternoon and at night" She is ...
  • Immaculate conscience: Acts 24:16 « Therefore, I myself will always have to have immaculate conscience Before God and People" She is ...
  • Good conscience: 1 Peter 3:16 « Have it good conscienceso that the fact that you are gone, like villains, were posed blameing your good life in Christ».

    B. Unclean conscience is ...

  • Patient conscience: Jews 10:22 « ... yes, we start with a sincere heart, with a full faith, with a heart cleaning from vicious council»
  • Desecrated conscience: Tita 1:15 « For clean, everything is clean; And for desecrated and incorrect there is nothing clean, but dexplored and the mind of them and conscience ».
  • Locked conscience: 1 Timothy 4: 1-2 « The Spirit clearly says that in recent times, some of the faith will retreat, attentive to the defendants and the teachings of Nezovsky, through the hypocrisy of Lzhesovsovnikov, burned in the conscience of their ».
    What is a degenerate conscience? When a person makes sin for the first time, he feels remorse. If he continues to sin, this sin will destroy conscience in it - this part of the divine nature. Of course, the conscience of such people does not disappear in the literal sense of the word, but it stops normal, since it is no longer listened to her voice. The brightest biblical example of people with a worldwide conscience are people to the worldwide flood.

3. Biblical examples of conscience:

A. Old Testament:

· Conscience Joseph I did not allow him to commit the sin of adultery with his wife Potipara, but prompted him to say during temptation: " How did I do this great evil and sigrand before God?» ( Genesis 39: 9).

· The fear of the Lord did not allow David to take advantage of the introduced opportunity to kill the king Saul: Leads 26: 7-10 « And David came with Ausso to people Saul night; And so, Saul lies, sleeps in the tent, and his spear sticks to the ground in his head; Avenir and people lie around him. Avessa told David: the God of your enemy was betrayed into your hands; So let me come down with his spear to the ground with one blow and I will not repeat the impact. But David said Auless: do not kill him; for who, raising her hand on the anointed Lord, will remain unspecified? And David said: Lord alive! Let him be amazing his Lord, or his day will come, and he will die, or go to war and will die; i will not let the Lord raise my hand to the anointer of the Lord ».

· When Tsar Saul I learned that David spared his life, without taking advantage of the opportunity to kill him sleeping, the conscience removed the king Saul to repent and stop haunting David: Summary 26:21 « And Saul said: sinned me; Return, my son is David, for I will not make an evil anymore, because my soul was the road now in your eyes; i am madly done and buried a lot "(The whole story is described in 1 fits 26).

· Trying hard, Jobs allegedly told his friends: " Far from admitting you fair; no docome will not die of my impurity. I kept my truth firmly and I would not ignore it; i will not wander my heart All the days of my» ( Job 27: 5-6). We see that the righteous Jobs was aware that the cause of his sufferings was not in it, but in some incomprehensible plans for him, therefore and hoped in God's mercy with daring. It echoes what is said in 1Ioanna 3: 19-22: « And so what we learn that we are from the truth, and we calm our hearts before him; for if our heart condemns us, then Godbecause God is more than our heart and knows everything. Beloved! if our heart does not condemn usthen we have consider to God, and what will neither ask, get from him because observe the commandments of it And we do a well-profitable one».

· Tsar David., enthusiastic with the beauty of Bathswi, fell into sin, going against his conscience. He realized his sin of adultery only after his prophet was impulsed, expressing him to his conscience through parables: 2 kings 12: 1-14. Having come to himself, David with a special sharpness felt remorse. His pain, repentance and plenty of forgiveness he poured into Psalm 50..

· An example of people with a registered conscience can serve residents of Sodom and Gomorrawho came to the extreme degree of corruption: " They still did not easily [Guests of the lot, - approx. author] sleep like urban residents, sodomlyan, from the young to the old, all the people from all over the city, surrounded the house and called Lot and told him: Where are the people who come to you for the night? bring them to us; We know them » ( Genesis 19: 4-5).

· Another example of people with a root conscience are sons of the priest Elia - Selfless people who did not have fear of God: " The sons of Elijah were unsuitable people; they did not know the Lord and the debt of priests in relation to the people. When someone brought the sacrifice, the tarts of the sacred, during the jar of meat, came with a fork in his hand, and lowered it into the boiler, or in a pan, or in the pan, or in a pot, and that the plug will be revealed, then the priest took himself. So they did with all the Israelis, which came there in force. Even before, thanmed Tuk, the tuk came to the tagged and spoke to the sacrifice: give meat to the roast priest; He won't take you boiled meat, and give raw. And if anyone told him: let them burn before Tuk, as should, and then take himself how much your soul wishes, he said: no, now I give, and if not, I will take power. And the sin of these young people was very great before the Lord, because they were distracted by the sacrifices to the Lord» ( 1 Summary 2: 12-17).

B. New Testament:

· The story of a woman taken in adultery: Proud scribes and Pharisees who led to Christ to Christ, taken in adultery, with shame began to leave, implanted with conscience, when the Lord reminded them of their sinfulness before God: John 8: 3-9 « Here the scribes and Pharisees led to him a woman taken in adultery, and putting it in the middle, told him: Teacher! This woman is taken in adultery; And Moses in the law commanded us to break such stones: What do you say? They said this, the silent him to find something to accuse him. But Jesus, leaning low, wrote to finger on earth, not paying attention to them. When he continued to ask him, he, he, who said, said to them: which of you without sin, first throw a stone. And again, leaning low, wrote on the ground they, hearing that being implanted conscience, they began to leave one by one, ranging from the elders to the latter; And one Jesus and a woman standing in the middle».

· Jesus in the temple: Traders and changers of money without protests retired from the temple, when Christ dispersed them and turned the shops of merchants. They silently removed, implanted with conscience and conscious that it is impossible to turn the temple to the bazaar: John 2: 13-17 « Easter Judaisk was approaching, and Jesus came to Jerusalem and found that the temple was sold, sheep and pigeons in the temple, and the exchangers were sitting. And, making a beach from the rope, drove away from the temple of all, also sheep and oxen; And the money from the menovers scattered, and the tables tilted them. And he said the selling pigeons: Take it from here and my father's home do not make a home trade. With this disciples, he was remembered that it was written: Jealousy on your house will dismiss me».

· Story about Skähe - tax collector : Mytar Zakhey was deeply touched by the love and grace of Jesus Christ. In response, he did what the conscience encouraged his conscience long ago: to pay losses to everyone who he offended and absorb, driven by his greed: Luke 19: 1-8 « Then Jesus entered Jericho and passed through it. And so, someone, the name Zak, the head of the solari and a rich man, I was looking for seeing Jesus, who he, but could not be behind the people, because she was slightly tall, and running forward, halve out to the fig tree to see him because he was supposed to pass by her. Jesus, when he came to this place, glancing, saw him and told him: Zakhere! Get out rather, for today I need to be in your house. And he hurriedly left and accepted him with joy. And all, seeing that, began to raw, and said that he went to a sinful person; Saw, becoming, told the Lord: Lord! half of the estate of my I will give the beggar, and, if anyone offended, we will repay ».

· History of renunciation of Peter : On the night, when Jesus was devoted to the Apostle Peter, under the pressure of fear, renounced Christ, but, having heard the singing of the rooster, remembered the prediction of the Lord and, who was pronounced by the conscience, sharpened: Matthew 26:75 « And Peter remembered the Word, said to him by Jesus: Previously rather than the rooster, they will renounce me three times. And coming out, gorky crying ».

· History of Judah Iskariota : The history of Judas is an example of how sometimes remorse become so unbearable that a person decides to commit suicide. It was this that happened to Juda Izariot, who made Jesus Christ Jewish high priests: Matthew 27: 3-5 « Then Judas, who betrayed him, seeing that he was convicted, and, repenting, returned to thirty sobrennikov high-priests and elders, saying: I sinned, betraying the blood of the innocent. They told him: What do we have before? take a look yourself. And, throwing Srebrenniki in the temple, he came out, went and walked ».

III. Bible about the purity of conscience

Sacred Scripture Encourages a man to take care of his moral purity: " Most of the stored store your heart, because of it the sources of life"(Proverbs 4:23).
However, from the Bible, we also learn that " everyone sinned and deprived of the glory of God"(Romans 3:23). So, we are all sinners who have spacing their conscience to sin. How do we like to be? Are we forever doomed?
Lord God who gave conscience tells us how to heal it: " If we confess our sins, then he, being faithful and righteous, forgive our sins of our and clear us from all in the wrong » ( 1Ioanna 1: 9).
Our conscience needs to be cleansing, but only the blood of Jesus Christ can clear it: Jews 9: 13-14 « For if the blood of the calves and goats and the ashes of the telitsa, through the sprinkling, consecrates the definition of the definition of the body, in order to pure the blood of Christ, which the Holy Spirit brought himself a blatant God, clean the conscience of our From the dead affairs, for serving God living and true!»

Look at how many different religions around! Each of them is trying to help a person approach holiness. Why is a person so religious? Why do people with such a hunt become victims of various kinds of cults and sects? The fact is that the conscience does not cease to disturb the person, forcing him to feel his sinfulness and inferiority before the Holy God. And the commission of religious rites and rituals helps a person to put these remorse. However, no religion, no spiritual practice can clear our conscience from vicious affairs, except for one - the holy blood of Jesus Christ.
Only Jesus Christ is a way to fully purify conscience. Those who with sincere repentance turns their sins before God with the intention to change their lives for the better, the Lord forgives for the sake of the cleansing victim for our sin, which he himself performed on the cross.

Pure conscience - the key to spiritual and physical health!

Healing conscience and healing of the body go beside the hand in hand. This is evidenced by the Sacred Scripture: Old and New Covenants:
Psalm 37: 2-7 « Lord! Not in the rage of yours will give me and not in anger your punishment, because your arrows went into me, and your hand is on me. There is no whole place in my flesh from your wrath; no peace in my bones from my sins, for my lawlessness exceeded my head, as a heavy burden agreed on me, mortal, my wounds are mine from madness of my. I am bent and completely drooped, all the day I go, because I cheessel are full of inflammation, and there is no whole place in my flesh. I'm exhausted and crushed overly; shout from my heart torment. Lord! Before you all the desires of mine, and my silence is not hidden from you. My heart trembles; i left me my strength, and the light of my eyes, - and I do not have».
Jacob 5:16. « Admit yourself before another in misdeed and pray for each other, to heal: a lot of righteous prayer can ».

Pure conscience is a source of inner joy and peace, the absence of which negatively affects the mental and physical human health. Psychiatrists argue that most of their patients are sick only because they do not know how to stop the remorse of conscience. Sometimes the flour of conscience overwhelm the bowl of patience, and people go to suicide, because they cannot live more, tormented by a feeling of shame, guilt and condemnation. But they do not understand that even death is not able to save them from remorse. On the contrary, people do their suicides to the eternal flour in hell, where they are subjected to eternal torments of conscience for their mistakes, the wrong deeds committed during life. This is one of the most terrible torments that you can imagine. In the Bible, this torment is compared with torture in the restless heat of the fiery geenna, " where the worm does not die and fire does not fade"(Mark 9:44). Agree, this expression does not exactly describe spiritual flour caused by remorse of conscience.

The Lord calls us to have a good conscience, because the good conscience is a pledge of solid faith. The Word of God warns that no good conscientious person is doomed to "shipwreck in faith": 1 Timothy 1:19 « …having faith and good consciencewhich some rejected, suffered shipwreck in faith " Vera is an important part of the spiritual life and the necessary component of our salvation ( Ephesians 2: 8). "Faith shipwreck" is the greatest tragedy. Therefore, the Lord warns us about the need to keep clean conscience so as not to suffer the crash of faith and not lose salvation.

We live recently, about which the Lord said that in recent times some will retreat from faith, listening to the devils and teachings of Besysky through the hypocrisy of Lzezlesovnikov, burned in the conscience of their » ( 1Timofoy 4: 1). Today we are all witnesses. The conscience of our last generation does not rise above public opinion. A little more and the Bowl of patience will overflow, as it once happened in the days of Noah, and he will say again. " not forever spirit to be neglected by people"(Genesis 6: 3), and then destroy the Earth and all the wicked: 2 Peter 2: 6-7 « ... Because the then the world died, it was sweeping with water. And the current skies and the land, the contents of the same word, are saved by fire on the day of the court and the death of wicked people».

While there is time, reconcile with God: Repear and ask him to clean your conscience and give you the forgiveness of sins. Join God in the covenant, giving him a solid promise of good conscience (1 Peter 3:21) and live on conscience, led by the Word of God and the leadership of the Holy Spirit.

And let the words from Psalm David will be a secret desire of your heart and your daily prayer to the Lord: " The heart is clean coordinate in me, God, and the spirit right upgrade inside me» ( Psalm 50:12).

Do not forget that access to the Lord is open only for pure hearts:
Matthew 5: 8 « Blessed with a pure heart, for they tear».

Most people have a certain inner censor that helps distinguish positive and negative aspects in life. It is important to learn to listen to the voice inside ourselves and follow his advice, and then he will serve as a guide into a happy future.

What does conscience mean?

There are several definitions of such a thing: so, conscience consider the ability to independently identify their own responsibilities on self-control and evaluate perfect actions. Psychologists, explaining what conscience is in their own words, give such a definition: this is an internal quality that gives a chance to understand how well the person is aware of its own responsibility for the perfect act.

To determine what conscience is, it is necessary to note the fact that it is divided into two types. To the first one includes actions that a person performs, having a certain moral oppression. The second type implies emotions that are experiencing an individual as a result of committing certain actions, for example,. There are people who, even after committing bad things, do not worry at all and in such a situation they say that the inner voice is sleeping.

What is conscience on Freud?

A well-known psychologist believes that every person has a superego, which consists of conscience and ego ideal. The first is developing as a result of parenting and the use of different punishments. Conscience according to Freud includes the ability to self-criticism, the presence of certain moral prohibitions and the appearance of a sense of guilt. As for the second leaving - ego ideal, it arises as a result of approval and positive evaluation of actions. Freud believes that the superago is fully formed when the parental control was replaced by self-control.

Types of conscience

Perhaps many will surprise the fact, but there are several types of this internal quality. The first type is a personal conscience that is narrowly controlled. With its help, a person determines what is good, and what is bad. The following concept of conscience of collective covers the interests and actions of those who are not exposed to personal type. It has limitations because it concerns exclusively people entering a specific group. The third type - spiritual conscience does not take into account the restrictions of the elevated types.

What do you need conscience?

Many at least once in life asked this question, so if there was no inner voice, then a person would not distinguish what actions are good, and what are bad. Without internal control, for the right life, I would have to have an assistant who would guide, gave advice and helped to make the right conclusions. Another important point regarding why the conscience is needed is - it helps a person to understand life, get the right benchmark and realize himself. It is worth saying that it cannot be separated from morality and morality.

What does it mean to live on conscience?

Unfortunately, but not all people boast that they live according to the rules, forgetting about this quality and betrayed themselves. Thanks to this inner quality, a person commits certain actions, realizing that well, and what is bad, and also knows such concepts as justice and morality. A person living in convictions conscience is able to live in truth in love. For him, such qualities as deception, betrayal, insincerity, and so on are unacceptable.

If you live according to the rules, it means that you need to listen to your own soul, which will allow you to choose the right direction in life. In this case, a person will not take actions for which he will later feel shame and guilt. To understand what a pure conscience is, it is worth noting that in the modern world to find people with such a feature difficult, since many situations and temptations are found in life when simply cross the line. The formation of this quality directly affects parenting and a close environment from which a child can take an example.

Why do people do not conscience?

Modern life is simple, it is impossible, since almost daily people meet with different temptations and problems. Although many people know how to deal with conscience, sometimes people move the face. The reason why the conscience disappeared, has a causal nature. In most cases, a person crosses his own beliefs to satisfy their ambitions. It is still possible to push the mercenary goals, the desire does not stand out from the crowd, protect against the attacks of others and so on.

What is a calm conscience?

When a person lives according to the rules, aware of the righteousness of his own duties and does not harm anyone with his actions, they talk about such a thing as "calm" or "clean" conscience. In this case, the individual does not feel or does not know any bad deeds. If a person chooses to live according to conscience, he must always take into account not only his own position, but also an opinion, and the state of others. Psychologists believe that confidence in the purity of their conscience is hypocrisy or indicates blindness in relation to their own mistakes.

What is a unclean conscience?

The complete opposite of the previous definition, as the unclean conscience is an unpleasant feeling resulting from the commission of a bad act, which becomes the cause of bad mood and experiences. The unclean conscience is very close to this concept as a sense of guilt, and her person feels at the level of emotions, for example, in the form of fear, anxiety and other discomfort. As a result, a person is experiencing and suffering from different issues within himself, and listening to the inner voice, compensation for negative consequences.

What is the flour conscience?

Making bad actions, a person begins to worry about the fact that he hurt the surrounding. Flies of conscience - a sense of discomfort that appears due to the fact that people often expose to themselves the overestimated requirements that do not correspond to their essence. The right internal qualities are brought up in childhood, when parents praise for good, and for bad things they scold. As a result, in a person, a certain fear of being punished for perfect unclean acts remains and in such a situation, they say that the conscience is tormented.

There is another version that conscience is a kind of tool that measures the true measure of things. For the correct decisions, a person gets satisfaction, and for bad things torments a sense of guilt. It is believed that if people do not have such discomfort at all, then this. Scientists have not yet been able to determine, because of which there may be no sense of shame and guilt, so it is the opinion that the whole fault of the improper education or factors of biological order.

What if you are tormented by conscience?

It is difficult to meet a person who could confirm that he never performed bad actions into incision to his beliefs. The feeling of guilt can spoil the mood, not to enjoy life, develop and so on. There are cases when an adult has become more fundamental in the case of morality and then begins to emerge the mistakes of the past and then problems with their own soul cannot be avoided. There are several tips that you need to do if a conscience suffered.

How to develop conscience in man?

Parents must certainly think about how to raise a good person who will know what conscience is, and how to use it correctly. There are many styles of education and if we talk about extremes, it is rigidity and complete permissiveness. The process of forming important internal qualities is based on complete confidence in parents. Of great importance is the stage of explanation when adults are coming to a child, why can something be done, and something is impossible.

If, how to develop conscience, interests adults, then the principle of operation is slightly different. First you need to think and analyze which solutions are good, and what bad. It is worth identifying their cause and consequences. To understand what conscience is and how to develop this quality, psychologists recommend every day at least one positive act, for which it is important to praise yourself.

Get yourself a rule - before you give a promise, think about it well, whether to fulfill it. In order not to torment the feeling of guilt, it is important to restrain this word. Specialists advise learn to refuse people who offer to do something contrary to existing beliefs. Act on conscience, it does not mean doing everything only for others, forgetting about its own life principles and priorities. By truth, you can count on obtaining a result that will satisfy all participants.

E. Fromm in the book "Man for himself" (1947) allocated two types of conscience - authoritarian and humanistic - and there was a distinction between them. Authoritarian conscience, observed at the early stage of its formation, is focused on the opinions of the authoritative environment for the human environment (parents, church, state, public opinion) and is associated with the fear of disapproval, punishment. The prescriptions of this conscience are determined by non-valuable judgments of the person himself, but by the commandments and prohibitions that are assessed by the authorities. The norms specified from the outside become the norms of conscience not because they are good, but because they are given an authority. In essence, authoritarian conscience is what has been described by Z. Freud in quality.

Unlike the authoritarian conscience, humanistic, or mature, conscience is its own, independent of the vote of a person, independent of external sanctions and promotions. This, according to Fromma, "no longer an international authority, which we try to please and whose discontent we are afraid; This is our own voice, independent of external sanctions and approval "(1993, p. 126).

This conscience is the reaction of the entire person on its proper functioning or on violation of it. According to E. Fromma, humanistic conscience is "our reaction to ourselves", "the voice of our genuine I, who demands from us to live fruitfully, to develop full and harmoniously - that is, to become the fact that we are potentially."

E. Fromm believed that in real life, each person has an authoritarian and humanistic conscience. Recognition of these species, determining the strength of each of them, their relationship is of great importance for psychoanalytic therapy. It often happens that the experience of guilt is perceived by consciousness as a manifestation of authoritarian conscience, while in the dynamics its emergence is associated with a humanistic conscience, and authoritarian conscience is rationalizing humanistic conscience. "At the level of consciousness, a person can consider himself guilty for the fact that the authorities are dissatisfied with them, while unconsciously he feels guilty for living, not justifying his own hopes," writes E. Fromm. One of the tasks of psychoanalytic therapy is to enable the patient to distinguish between both types of conscience in itself, it can understand that immoral behavior can be perceived from an authoritarian point of view as "debt", listen to the vote of the humanistic conscience, which is the essence of moral experience Life.

In the household consciousness conscience is clean, sleeping, paralyzed. In case of insufficient implementation of the executive function, conscience may be preissary, hypocritical and burned. Prissual conscience loves to indicate the disadvantages of other people in order to soften or smooth wine in their own eyes for the mistakes or perfect lawlessness. The hypocritical conscience is undeservedly awarded a person to the world of the soul and the consciousness of his righteousness. The burned conscience leaves a person in the cold calm of the spirit when performing obvious crimes and in subsequent memories of them.

Clean and unclean conscience. Considering the nature of authoritarian conscience, E. Fromm allocated a clean conscience and guilty conscience. "Clean conscience is consciousness that authority (external and interanous) is pleased with you; The guilty conscience is the consciousness that he is dissatisfied with you. " Pure conscience generates a feeling of well-being and security, the guilty conscience is fear and unreliability. The paradox, according to E. Fromma, is that a clean conscience is a deduction of feeling of humility, dependence, powerlessness, sinfulness, and the guilty conscience is the result of the feeling of power, independence, fruitfulness, pride. Also a paradox and in the fact that the guilty conscience turns out to be the basis for clean conscience, while the latter should generate a sense of guilt.

Yes, the pitiful pity, in whom the conscience of the unclean.

A. S. Pushkin

The views of E. Fromma put out the discussion about whether a clear conscience is possible. Two opposite opinions were expressed. According to the first of them, divided, in particular, the outstanding ethics of the 20th century by Albert Schweizer, pure conscience as such is impossible. If conscience means, the patient will certainly. Pure conscience, says A. Schweitzer, the invention of the devil. The one who says that his conscience is chista, writes A. Schweizer, simply has no conscience, because the conscience is just a tool pointing to dodging. People constantly sin, condone their weaknesses, and, it means, a clean conscience is nothing more than illusion, or self-deception.

Many people have a conscience of Chista, not because it is not stained by thoughts about the evil caused, but because there are short memory for such people.

What glory? Happiness to us directly - to live with our conscience alone.

G. R. Dervin

There are two desires, the execution of which can be the true happiness of a person - to be useful and have a calm conscience.

L. N. Tolstoy

Who has a conscience of chista, the pillow under his head does not turn.

Folk wisdom

His conscience is clean, not used.

Unclean conscience is only flawed (me) The desire for happiness of another person, hiding in the depths of my own aspiration to happiness.

L. Faierbach

Confidence in the purity of its own conscience is either hypocrisy, or a sign of moral undevelopment, blindness in relation to their own mistakes and mistakes, inevitable for each person, or a certificate of complacency. The state of "clean", "reassured" conscience expresses a self-satisfaction (Hegel); Ultimately, this is a shamelessness, not as the absence of conscience, but as a tendency to not pay attention to its judgments (Kant).

And in our time, many also adhere to such a look. So, Yu. A. Schreander (1997) writes that the net conscience does not testify not about moral perfection, but about the absence or weak development of shamefulness, that is, shamelessness.

If the conscience in a person is chista, it rarely indicates moral well-being. This means simply that the conscience is silent, does not see violations. In fact, this is a sign of the lack of work of conscience, her death, shamelessness. Be conscientious and have pure conscience - the concepts are opposite. The fact is that the stronger the man is developed conscience than it is more sensitive, the stronger its docks. It is known that people with the highest morality never had what is characteristic of ordinary sinful people - clean conscience. There is a good comic question: "What a miracle is not able to commit any holy?" The answer is: "He is not able to feel his holiness." It is holy inherent in the most acute feeling of its own sinfulness, for their conscience has a very low threshold of sensitivity, that is, their moral attentiveness to themselves is very large, and there is a highly developed specious.

Suder Yu. A., 1997.

Another opinion is that it is possible to recognize your conscience. Clean conscience is the consciousness that you in general deal with your moral duties, you fulfill what is supposed to, and you do it honestly and with the desire that there are no significant violations of debt and major deviations from moral landmarks. The feeling of pure conscience provides a person equilibrium, calm, the ability is optimistic and cheerfully to look into the future. Therefore, there is no real reason to invent the flour and sprinkle as ashes.

Poof conscience in us clean,

That truth we mila and truth to us holy,

She is listening and accepting:

But just began to crush the shower,

That truth gave from the ears!

I. A. Krylov

Pure conscience, from the point of view of a number of psychologists and etologists, is the normal state of a person who performs moral debt is a reward for moral efforts. Without clean conscience, virtue would lose all value.

Expressions "Calm conscience" or "Pure conscience" in ordinary speech mean awareness of the person to the fulfillment of its obligations or the realization of all its capabilities in this particular situation. The net conscience confirms the consciousness oriented on external authority, its compliance with the following requirements and therefore causes a feeling of well-being and security, as if guaranteed by the fact of facilitation by the authority.

I am a person whose conscience is unclean,

And only in you the hope of cleaning,

I curse, and yours is only kindness

The faith in the resignation instills in me.

Grigor Narekatsi

Jung says about true and false conscience (JUNG, 1958): "Paradoxicality, the internal contradiction of conscience has long been familiar with researchers of this issue: in addition to the" right "and" false "conscience that distorts, exagges, turns evil in good and vice versa. This, for example, make other remorse of conscience, and with the same compulsion, with the same accompanying emotions, as with true conscience. Without this paradoxicality, the question of conscience would not imagine the problem at all, since it could always be completely relying on solving conscience. But on this occasion there is a huge and quite justified uncertainty. It requires extraordinary courage or that the same thing, unshakable faith, when we want to follow our own conscience. We obedient conscience only to some limit specified just from the outside the moral code. Here begins terrifying collisions with a debt, allowed for the most part according to the prescriptions of the Code. Only in rare cases of decisions are made by an individual act of judgment. Where the conscience does not receive support for the moral code, it easily flows into the addiction.

While traditional moral prescriptions reign, to distinguish conscience from them almost impossible. Therefore, we are so often we meet with the opinion that the conscience is nothing but the suggestive impact of moral regulations that it would not exist at all without moral laws<…> The moral reaction is initially inherent in the psyche, while the moral law is later, petrified in judgments a consequence of moral behavior. It seems to be identical moral reaction, that is, conscience. But this illusion disappears at a moment when the debt collision occurs when the difference between the moral code and conscience becomes obvious. The solution here depends on force: whether traditionally conventional morality will translate or conscience. Should I tell the truth, thus putting others in a faithful catastrophe, or should I lie to save them?<…> In close proximity to positive, or true, the conscience is worth a negative, referred to as false, conscience. Accordingly, it takes the names of the devil, the temptist, the seducer, an evil spirit, etc., with the fact of this proximity, there is every report on his conscience. He must admit that the measure of good at best only slightly surpasses the measure of evil, if generally surpasses<…> Both forms of conscience, true and false, stem from one source, and therefore are close in their persuasive. "

In social psychology, the phenomena of the "collective" emotions of guilt and shame experienced in response to misconduct other individuals are being studied (Branscombe et al., 2012; Iyr et al., 2006; piff et al., 2012; Schmader, Lickel, 2006; and others .), But this approach has opponents who rest in the fact that only one person can be the source of true conscience and that all moral feelings are extremely individual.


A remorse of conscience was always a favorite topic for a poetic image (for example, "Macbeth" Shakespeare).

The remorse of our conscience is directly proportional to the virtues that are still alive in us, and not our vices.

Daniel Stern (Countess D'Agu)

What is the court of conscience in his limit manifestation, wonderfully expressed Varlam Shalamov:

I will shoot me on the border,

The border of my conscience.

Bloody track will fill the pages,

That so worried friends.

You can experience the remorse of conscience because of the perfect act, and it is possible because of the thought, which is typical of an adult developed personality. However, not all reach this level.

Once, Francis is Assisi settlement by the Father in the shop, the beggar entered it and asked the alms "from love for the Lord." And Francis at that time shifted goods and unsubscribe answered: "God will give." But when the beggar left, Francis as the thunder struck the thought that if he had been asked now not a stale slice or a copper grossik for the sake of God, but a piece of cloth or a wallet of gold for some graph or a baron, he would not refuse him! And the poor man denied the bread! .. Since then, it says, he gave the poor, if he will meet, everything that was in his pockets, and when there was no money, he filmed clothes and gave her.

Memorable books, 1982. P. 129-130.

Conscience remorse can be of different intensity. For example, Torzania conscience at L. N. Tolstoy was so great that they destroyed his life, a relationship with family, close people. Zenkovsky called it moral self-reliance, the present tyranny of the spiritual principle.

The measure of experiences depends on the nature of the act and the level of human consciousness, from his ability and habits to fairly and critically assess their own behavior and behavior of others.

A remorse of conscience is a patient tooth growing from the depth of the desperate heart.

E. Dolberg

Often remarks of conscience are associated with a lie, deception, especially in cases where the lie is not allowed when a preliminary agreement was achieved not to lie to each other. In this case, the victim is trusted by a liar, not assuming that it is based on the nose. Liages are much less experiencing remorse when objects of their deception is impersonal or unfamiliar. When the victim of the deception of anonymous is much easier to indulge all sorts of fantasies that reduces their own guilt, for example, to represent that it does not hurt it at all and, perhaps, no one will find anything, or even better - that she herself deserves or he herself wants To be deceived.

The interdependence of remorse of conscience and fear of exposure is far from unambiguous. The fear of exposure is very strong and with very weak conscience remorse. When the deception is authorized, the remorse of conscience is usually small, but the sanctionity of deception usually increases the fear of exposure. At the same time, however, the same factors that strengthen the remorse of conscience can reduce the fear of exposure. A liar can feel guilty, introducing a trusting victim in error, but he will not have any special foundations to be afraid that he will expose him, because the victim itself does not even admiss the thoughts about it. Of course, it is possible to suffer from the torment of conscience and at the same time very afraid to be caught or almost not to feel neither one of them - it all depends on the specific situation, as well as the personality of the liar and the victim.

Parable "Shards in the heart"

Once a young man was walking down the street and saw blindly with a mug of little things at the feet. Whether the mood in humans was bad, or something else, he only threw a broken glass shards into this mug and went further.

Thirty years have passed. This man achieved in the life of everything. Both children, grandchildren and money, and a good house, and universal respect - everything already had. Only this episode from distant youth did not give him peace. Tortured his conscience, gnawed, did not let go. And on the slope of the years he decided to find blind and repent. He came to the city, where he was born and rose, and the blind and sits in the same place with the same circle.

Do you remember, many years ago, someone threw you a broken glass into the mug? It was me. Forgive me, - said man.

Those fragments I threw out on the same day, and you wore them in your heart of thirty years, "answered blind.

Oddly enough, but some people like to experience allegations of conscience. Sometimes they are even specifically lying in order to suffer in such a way.

Conscience removals are enhanced in cases when:

The victim is deceived against her will;

The deception is very selfish, the victim does not extract any benefit from deception, but loses the same amount or even more than the liar acquires;

Deception is not allowed, and the situation implies honesty;

Liar has long been practiced in deception;

Liar and the victim adhere to the same social values;

Liar is personally familiar with the victim;

The victim is difficult to blame in negative qualities or excessive gullibility;

The victim has the reason to assume the deception or, on the contrary, the liar himself would not like to be deceived.

For remrections of conscience, the public is not needed, in this case the man itself is a judge. This kind of experience is reflected in the verses of Oksana Chipovskaya "Conscience" and Yevgeny Yevtushenko "Flour of conscience".

The moral result of these experiences is repentance whose moral meaning is harmonization of relations between debt and conscience.

In order for the end of life, not to experience the MUK conscience for what could do something, take, but forgot, did not have time, did not give any importance, etc., which often happens after the death of parents, people need to fulfill all their earthly people Responsibilities, your duty to others.

E. Fromm in the book "Man for himself" (1947) allocated two types of conscience - authoritarian and humanistic - and there was a distinction between them. Authoritarian conscience, observed at the early stage of its formation, is focused on the opinions of the authoritative environment for the human environment (parents, church, state, public opinion) and is associated with the fear of disapproval, punishment. The prescriptions of this conscience are determined by non-valuable judgments of the person himself, but by the commandments and prohibitions that are assessed by the authorities. The norms specified from the outside become the norms of conscience not because they are good, but because they are given an authority. In essence, authoritarian conscience is what has been described by Z. Freud in quality.

Unlike the authoritarian conscience, humanistic, or mature, conscience is its own, independent of the vote of a person, independent of external sanctions and promotions. This, according to Fromma, "no longer an international authority, which we try to please and whose discontent we are afraid; This is our own voice, independent of external sanctions and approval "(1993, p. 126).

This conscience is the reaction of the entire person on its proper functioning or on violation of it. According to E. Fromma, humanistic conscience is "our reaction to ourselves", "the voice of our genuine I, who demands from us to live fruitfully, to develop full and harmoniously - that is, to become the fact that we are potentially."

E. Fromm believed that in real life, each person has an authoritarian and humanistic conscience. Recognition of these species, determining the strength of each of them, their relationship is of great importance for psychoanalytic therapy. It often happens that the experience of guilt is perceived by consciousness as a manifestation of authoritarian conscience, while in the dynamics its emergence is associated with a humanistic conscience, and authoritarian conscience is rationalizing humanistic conscience. "At the level of consciousness, a person can consider himself guilty for the fact that the authorities are dissatisfied with them, while unconsciously he feels guilty for living, not justifying his own hopes," writes E. Fromm. One of the tasks of psychoanalytic therapy is to enable the patient to distinguish between both types of conscience in itself, it can understand that immoral behavior can be perceived from an authoritarian point of view as "debt", listen to the vote of the humanistic conscience, which is the essence of moral experience Life.

In the household consciousness conscience is clean, sleeping, paralyzed. In case of insufficient implementation of the executive function, conscience may be preissary, hypocritical and burned. Prissual conscience loves to indicate the disadvantages of other people in order to soften or smooth wine in their own eyes for the mistakes or perfect lawlessness. The hypocritical conscience is undeservedly awarded a person to the world of the soul and the consciousness of his righteousness. The burned conscience leaves a person in the cold calm of the spirit when performing obvious crimes and in subsequent memories of them.

Clean and unclean conscience. Considering the nature of authoritarian conscience, E. Fromm allocated a clean conscience and guilty conscience. "Clean conscience is consciousness that authority (external and interanous) is pleased with you; The guilty conscience is the consciousness that he is dissatisfied with you. " Pure conscience generates a feeling of well-being and security, the guilty conscience is fear and unreliability. The paradox, according to E. Fromma, is that a clean conscience is a deduction of feeling of humility, dependence, powerlessness, sinfulness, and the guilty conscience is the result of the feeling of power, independence, fruitfulness, pride. Also a paradox and in the fact that the guilty conscience turns out to be the basis for clean conscience, while the latter should generate a sense of guilt.

Yes, the pitiful pity, in whom the conscience of the unclean.

A. S. Pushkin

The views of E. Fromma put out the discussion about whether a clear conscience is possible. Two opposite opinions were expressed. According to the first of them, divided, in particular, the outstanding ethics of the 20th century by Albert Schweizer, pure conscience as such is impossible. If conscience means, the patient will certainly. Pure conscience, says A. Schweitzer, the invention of the devil. The one who says that his conscience is chista, writes A. Schweizer, simply has no conscience, because the conscience is just a tool pointing to dodging. People constantly sin, condone their weaknesses, and, it means, a clean conscience is nothing more than illusion, or self-deception.

Many people have a conscience of Chista, not because it is not stained by thoughts about the evil caused, but because there are short memory for such people.

What glory? Happiness to us directly - to live with our conscience alone.

G. R. Dervin

There are two desires, the execution of which can be the true happiness of a person - to be useful and have a calm conscience.

L. N. Tolstoy

Who has a conscience of chista, the pillow under his head does not turn.

Folk wisdom

His conscience is clean, not used.


Unclean conscience is only flawed (me) The desire for happiness of another person, hiding in the depths of my own aspiration to happiness.

L. Faierbach

Confidence in the purity of its own conscience is either hypocrisy, or a sign of moral undevelopment, blindness in relation to their own mistakes and mistakes, inevitable for each person, or a certificate of complacency. The state of "clean", "reassured" conscience expresses a self-satisfaction (Hegel); Ultimately, this is a shamelessness, not as the absence of conscience, but as a tendency to not pay attention to its judgments (Kant).

And in our time, many also adhere to such a look. So, Yu. A. Schreander (1997) writes that the net conscience does not testify not about moral perfection, but about the absence or weak development of shamefulness, that is, shamelessness.

If the conscience in a person is chista, it rarely indicates moral well-being. This means simply that the conscience is silent, does not see violations. In fact, this is a sign of the lack of work of conscience, her death, shamelessness. Be conscientious and have pure conscience - the concepts are opposite. The fact is that the stronger the man is developed conscience than it is more sensitive, the stronger its docks. It is known that people with the highest morality never had what is characteristic of ordinary sinful people - clean conscience. There is a good comic question: "What a miracle is not able to commit any holy?" The answer is: "He is not able to feel his holiness." It is holy inherent in the most acute feeling of its own sinfulness, for their conscience has a very low threshold of sensitivity, that is, their moral attentiveness to themselves is very large, and there is a highly developed specious.

Suder Yu. A., 1997.

Another opinion is that it is possible to recognize your conscience. Clean conscience is the consciousness that you in general deal with your moral duties, you fulfill what is supposed to, and you do it honestly and with the desire that there are no significant violations of debt and major deviations from moral landmarks. The feeling of pure conscience provides a person equilibrium, calm, the ability is optimistic and cheerfully to look into the future. Therefore, there is no real reason to invent the flour and sprinkle as ashes.

In addition to conscience in us, it's a clear, right to us a sweet and truth we are holy, they are listening to and accept: but only I began to crush the soul, then the truth gave from the ears! I. A. Krylov

Pure conscience, from the point of view of a number of psychologists and etologists, is the normal state of a person who performs moral debt is a reward for moral efforts. Without clean conscience, virtue would lose all value.

Expressions "Calm conscience" or "Pure conscience" in ordinary speech mean awareness of the person to the fulfillment of its obligations or the realization of all its capabilities in this particular situation. The net conscience confirms the consciousness oriented on external authority, its compliance with the following requirements and therefore causes a feeling of well-being and security, as if guaranteed by the fact of facilitation by the authority.

I am a person whose conscience of the unclean, and only in you the hope of cleansing, I curse, and yours only kindness in me instills faith in saving. Grigor Narekatsi

Jung says about true and false conscience (JUNG, 1958): "Paradoxicality, the internal contradiction of conscience has long been familiar with researchers of this issue: in addition to the" right "and" false "conscience that distorts, exagges, turns evil in good and vice versa. This, for example, make other remorse of conscience, and with the same compulsion, with the same accompanying emotions, as with true conscience. Without this paradoxicality, the question of conscience would not imagine the problem at all, since it could always be completely relying on solving conscience. But on this occasion there is a huge and quite justified uncertainty. It requires extraordinary courage or that the same thing, unshakable faith, when we want to follow our own conscience. We obedient conscience only to some limit specified just from the outside the moral code. Here begins terrifying collisions with a debt, allowed for the most part according to the prescriptions of the Code. Only in rare cases of decisions are made by an individual act of judgment. Where the conscience does not receive support for the moral code, it easily flows into the addiction.

While traditional moral prescriptions reign, to distinguish conscience from them almost impossible. Therefore, we are so often we meet with the opinion that the conscience is nothing but the suggestive impact of moral regulations that it would not exist at all without moral laws<…> The moral reaction is initially inherent in the psyche, while the moral law is later, petrified in judgments a consequence of moral behavior. It seems to be identical moral reaction, that is, conscience. But this illusion disappears at a moment when the debt collision occurs when the difference between the moral code and conscience becomes obvious. The solution here depends on force: whether traditionally conventional morality will translate or conscience. Should I tell the truth, thus putting others in a faithful catastrophe, or should I lie to save them?<…> In close proximity to positive, or true, the conscience is worth a negative, referred to as false, conscience. Accordingly, it takes the names of the devil, the temptist, the seducer, an evil spirit, etc., with the fact of this proximity, there is every report on his conscience. He must admit that the measure of good at best only slightly surpasses the measure of evil, if generally surpasses<…> Both forms of conscience, true and false, stem from one source, and therefore are close in their persuasive. "

In social psychology, the phenomena of the "collective" emotions of guilt and shame experienced in response to misconduct other individuals are being studied (Branscombe et al., 2012; Iyr et al., 2006; piff et al., 2012; Schmader, Lickel, 2006; and others .), But this approach has opponents who rest in the fact that only one person can be the source of true conscience and that all moral feelings are extremely individual.