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What days the train goes to Khargos. MCGOS MCPS: Bazaar, goods, prices, shopping centers, how to get there. News and recent changes. All about Khorgos. What to buy in Hogos? What are buying often in Khorgos

Specify the route and date. In response, we will find Russian Railways information about the availability of tickets and their cost. Choose the appropriate train and place. Pay for a ticket to one of the proposed methods. Payment information will be instantly transferred to Russian Railways and your ticket will be decorated.

How to return a purchased railway ticket?

Is it possible to pay the ticket card? Is it safe?

Yes of course. Payment occurs through the payment gate of the processing center. All data is transmitted over a protected gateway has been developed in accordance with the requirements of the International Security Standard PCI DSS. Software gateway successfully passed audit according to version 3.1.The Gateline.NET system allows you to receive payment by Visa and MasterCard cards, including 3D-Secure: Verified by Visa and Mastercard SecureCode.The payment form of is optimized for various browsers and platforms, including mobile devices.Almost all the Agency's exercises on the Internet work through this gateway.

What is an electronic ticket and electronic registration?

Buying an electronic ticket to the site is a modern and fast way to design a travel document without the participation of a cashier or operator.When buying an electronic railway ticket, the place is bought immediately at the time of payment.After payment for landing on the train you need to either pass the electronic registration, or print a train station.Electronic registration Not available for all orders. If registration is available, it can be passed by clicking on our website the corresponding button. You will see this button immediately after payment. Then it will take the original identity card and the selection of the landing coup. Some conductors do not require a printout, but it is better not to risk.Print electronic ticket You can at any time before sending the train at the checkout at the station or in the self-registration terminal. To do this, you need a 14-digit order code (you will receive it via SMS after payment) and the original identity card.

We decided to go to China with Max. In fact, we have been going there for a long time, and they don't even mind to live there for a while. We like China and all that is connected with it. And this is not only because we met there.

Why didn't we go to China and stayed in Kazakhstan?

The main reason we did not go to China - this is a visa! The usual tourist visa in China for a period of one month is inexpensive, both for me - Russians and for Max - Kazakhstan. With a long-term visa, things are much more complicated. And the difficulty is not only in design, but also in value. If for citizens of the Russian Federation an annual visa to China is within 2500 yuan, then the Chinese visa citizens will cost almost four times more expensive. It all depends on the agency that will do this visa. But difficulties do not end. In almost all travel agencies, I was told that Max, being a citizen of Kazakhstan will be able to get a Chinese visa only when at least two individual visas will stand in his passport, that is, tourist, which are allowed to stay in China for a period of no more than one month. As for employment and work in China. Without Chinese knowledge, it is difficult to find a job in China, but if you want it very much, it is quite possible. If you are fluent in English, you can get a good and high-paying job. For example, in China, English teachers are very applied. And if you are an artist, model, circusch or dancer, then China is also open to you. The Chinese will provide all the conditions will pay flights in both directions, provide free accommodation, make a visa, just to get a professional artist to the contract. As for me, I worked on the Chinese Island Hainan at first a child animator, then the manager in travel agency.

What is there that there I did not need the knowledge of Chinese. I will say more - I have owned English at that time at the school level, but I did not need it. I pulled it later, in the period of traveling in Southeast Asia and life in China.

As for our joint fees to China, the search for work did not lead to anything useful. We could leave and find a job already directly in China, but because of these visa difficulties for the citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, we were forced to change your mind and decided to stay in Kazakhstan.

How to get to China without a visa?

And just recently, Mom Max told us about the MCPS Horgos, which is on the border between China and Kazakhstan. And I just had to leave the country, since every six months I owe to the territory of Kazakhstan.

Initially, we were going to go to Kyrgyzstan, but we liked the idea with Khorgosoma more. We wanted so much in China, and here it was possible to visit China and not bother with the design of Chinese visas.

- This is an international center for cross-border cooperation for duty-free trade between China and Kazakhstan. Simply put, this is a shopping city in a neutral area where you can buy Chinese goods at low prices. In fact, in Khorgos, it is supposed to trade not only by Chinese, but also by the Kazakhstan product. But, apparently, Kazakhstanis flock in Khorgos mostly as buyers and merchants, but by no means as sellers and manufacturers.

To visit the MCPS Horgos requires only a passport. But this is not entirely the territory of the PRC. MCPS HORGOS is not part of the People's Republic of China, but is only in the neutral zone between China and Kazakhstan. But despite this, having been in Khorgos, I can confidently say that this is the most China, only at the initial stage. Construction here is in full swing. And I am sure that in the near future, MCPS Horgos will turn into a full-fledged Chinese city with developed trade and infrastructure. The Chinese are well done!

How to get to Khorgos through a travel agency?

Almaty travel agencies organize special shop tours to Khorgos from Almaty. Fans of shopping, cheapness and goods from China I can advise BRAZZERSTUR. Alexander and Marat - wonderful guys who will turn your shopping in real pleasure. The shopping tour of MCPS Khorgos from BRAZZERSTUR will cost 6500 tenge for one day, and with a night of 7,500 tenge. We viewed different options to get to Khorgos. Instead of shopping tour, we went to Khorgos by train on their own.

How to get to Khorgos by train?

To get to Khorgosa alone, it is enough to buy a ticket for a train 394c from Stations Alma Ata 1 or Alma Atta 2 to Altynkol station and you are practically in place. The train leaves from Almaty at 23:00 on odd numbers, and back to Almaty at 18:53 at even numbers. The time on the way on average is 7 hours. The cost of travel by train 394c Alma Ata - Altyankol is 1373 tenge in a placentar and 2086 tenge in the coupe.

So, what is better: shop tour or independent trip to Khorgos?

I can say right away that if the goal of our trip was shopping, then we would go with BRAZZERSTUR, since the shopping tour of the shopping center in MCSPs is not much more expensive than self-trip by train. I would tell for what other reason we advise shopaholic shopping tour, and not an independent trip to Khorgos. But I do not want to disclose all the cards, since the MCPS is a separate article and video in which you will see everything with your own eyes. Watch for us, it will be interesting. In our opinion, the trip turned out to be very rich and unexpected even for us.

WATCH A VIDEO! Put the class! Sign up!

In the morning, we decided to go back to Khorgos, and sit there by bus to Urumchi (and then by plan to take a ticket to Urumchi-Xi'an train). The reasons were the following: in the right side there is no flux of machines, since local driven across the road to Khargos, not reaching before and turning towards Urumchi - so explained to us to the icers and his father. In addition, we remembered the prices of buses when they were in Khorgos, and they were lower than Nyn-Urumchi. Finally, we underestimated local weather, and knock on Urumchi through mountainous cold areas in easy clothing, and most importantly, in light sleeping bags, were not ready.

Distance Khorgos-Inin (Kuldja): 115 km, one and a half hours drive by car.
Distance Khorgos Urumchi: 660 km, 7 hours drive by car or all night by bus.

Selected on the outskirts of a couple of hours, even rolled on a passing bus. Once in front of Tolgleit (the checkpoint for autobahn), through the fences and mound climbed onto the road - on the desired side, and quite quickly caught the car towards Khorgos. Man driving, smiling, showed that he also carries a backpack, and shaking the thermos, made it clear that he is a tourist.

§ Khorgos.

In Khorgos, we immediately bought tickets on an eight-hour bus on the bus station, and to kill time, went to walk around the district. It turned out that the city is not so big, as it seemed to at first: literally one big central street, from which smaller streets diverge. And everywhere construction, everywhere is drilling something, drank, turn out of the ground and poured concrete. In the air, vague vague associations with the country of councils, which turned out to be with the five-year plates and the construction of a bright future. They were supplemented with a sickle and hammer on the coumach posters with slogans, which are here, then there are placed in the corners. What is interesting, in other cities we have almost seen any communist agitation, and the pair of local surveyed shrugs, do not even remember that the sickle and hammer waved on the USSR flag. Hearing the word "Union", the Chinese, by the way, vigorously express their sympathy and approval (some even remember that Kazakhstan was part of the USSR).

At the station, we asked one guy in the shop, where the toilet was here, and in response, the toilet, a package of water with energy, sincere empathy and desire to help. What kind of water is needed, it is understandable, and the energy of the guy argued the fact that we have heavy backpacks, and we need to go much - you can't argue with it. Umatailing our new patron, that we definitely do not need anything, thanking and making the next photo, we went to the park, where they were lying on the grass and warmed on the sun.

The bus turned out to be sleeping, and in principle, convenient (if you are Chinese Chinese Growth). We drove all night, with one stop at Double-Yu-si. "Hallo! Double-yu-si! " And the gesture of hand, meaning zero - for free, that's what I would gladly report on this stop, which for some reason there are a bus there. Free dance-yu-si on the road to Urumchi is a brick survey and a stone wall around - fresh, eco-friendly.

§ Urumchi, September 25

We ended up in Urumchi in the early morning, it was cool and crowded at the station. The new arrivals attacked the sucadron of taxi drivers and beggars - withdrawing from the chase, we moved towards the railway station on their two.

Urumchi (Ug. ئۈرۈمچی, үрүmchi; Kit. Ex. 乌鲁木齐, Pinyin: WūLǔmùqí) - urban district in the Xinjiang-Uygur Autonomous Region of the PRC, the place of stay of the government of the Autonomous Area. Population - 3.1 million inhabitants. Urumchi is the most distant from the sea a major city in the world. Located on the northern slopes of Tianshan Mountains.

First impressions, and what rushed into the eyes:

  • Around the bus station is very dirty; Directly opposite the exit we saw a cafe where the rams cut on the street, and the skins are folded nearby. Bloody fluthers, smell, flies.
  • Toilets at the station are not for the faint of heart: there are no doors in them, it's just partitions above the clotted metal with a tiled ditch - everything is visible!
  • After a couple of quarters at the crossroad, the pair of Shephans parked the flock of rams on the sidewalk - the waste of their livelihoods and the smell is attached.
  • Huge queues at the station: at the entrance and tickets.

Starting in one such queue, after half an hour of waiting fell to the window of the desired cash register - and then it suddenly turned out that the budget for the train Urumchi-Xi'an did not cover the actual price: the tenge rate to the dollar had time to fall significantly during our travel preparation. Discussed this news, we decided to go to some city closer, and from there move hitchhiking towards Xiane. Having hit to the cashier for the second time, we suggested that it choose a ticket to your taste, within the specified amount. Without blinking the eye, the cashier discharged us a couple of tickets into a certain Lanzhou, and we finally left the station building, spending half a day.

§ Train Urumchi-Lanzhou, September 25-26

We got tickets for the Class K train: seats, day on the way, check-out at 23:40. In a nutshell: never do that.

Earlier, during our trip to the actor of Aktau-Almaty, we decided to establish the scale of comfort for movement by transport. For zero, we accepted this reserved session, without suspecting the existence of Chinese trains with seating places. So, on this scale we assigned the train Urumchi-Lanzhou -4 (minus four) score. Not minus five, because the passengers did not smoke and did not harm in the coupe (and in the tamboura yes), and there was no brawl of Gypsies with the demobs (a little child was). The car is packed by people; Some it was more convenient to lie on the floor, instead of going sitting, so that in the aisles and under the seats, then people slept on the bedding or their clothes. Those passengers that bought standing (!) Places, guard released for the seat during the time, and occupied them, and the rest was in the aisle, stood in the coupe, slept on the washbasins, in the vestibule, near the toilet. Everywhere.
In the wagons there are toilets, a faucet with boiling water and a washbasin. Periodically, all passengers get bichpockets, brew them and eat, biting with some dried chicken legs and cardboard sausages on chopsticks. In general, everything that happens seems to be a revived picture of Bosch, and the best soundtracom would be "o Fortuna" Orfa.

The next day of the next day, after a thousand and one attempts to sleep sitting, everything seems no longer so terrible (and to those who slept on the floor, almost start to experience envy). The people rode simple, Lovaev saw infrequently, but after a period of increased attention, the decline came, and no one in our cars had almost staring at us with open mouth. I forgot to mention that we got a place in two different cars, so the journey to each other for a cup of tea resembled walking across the circles of some kind of smell of noodles and cigarettes of prison-grid. At first, I sat in tension, in an embrace with my backpack, which was not placed on the shelf, waiting for anything from people with bad teeth and ugly tattoos in my hands, but then I was helped to fit my baggage among my Baulov, and even inferior to us so that we Could sit with Julia together. According to the completion of the car and the shelves, it became clear why the people fled so quickly on the platform, seeking to get inside the first.

Separately remembered the child from the spot opposite. Already walks, but not yet talking - everything was allowed to this baby, with unanimous approval of others. At one point, I even had a chance to see a slot on his pants in action - the baby sat down in the middle of the coupe, and began to do his affairs, and adults around him were hurt for him and encouraged by advice. After such a native Kazakhstan reserved seat seems a fairy tale and a pleasant walk.

Having worked in this way their karma, we arrived in Lanzhou in 12 nights.

It was a small adventure - in the idea. To visit Khorgos and find out whether everything is cheap there, as they tell everything around ... As a result, it turned out to be a great purchase of all times. Home I am a fiber suitcase, a backpack, three inexperial pressed bale and a box with a steam iron. Worked female reflex - take and run. But this is a small spoiler. Now more.

Idea under the pillow

Bought pillows in the store. Caught a taxi. The taxi driver stuffed them into the trunk and says: "Why do you buy here? Drive to Khorgos. There are the most expensive pillows at 1200 tg. Did you take? "

I took a check from pocket to 12,000 tg. Taxi driver laughs - it could buy ten pieces. I don't need a dozen pillows, of course, but the thought was called. He continues: "Textiles, blankets, fur coats and tires!" I remembered the sister's friend for many years to go to Khorgos and calling us for a long time. The decision was taken. Give, I think I will go, buy panties.

Dear unfortunate

You can get to Khorgos by car, by bus and by train. We chose the last. I listened to knowing people who advised not to be selected in Khorgos at the weekend, otherwise they risk standing at the customs control of 4-5 hours. We decided to go to Wednesday. Tickets took a few days. Bought the coupe to anyone too much - only our friendly company on three. Coffee in bags, sandwiches with sausage, pears apples, boiled eggs - gathered in Soviet.

The last time on the train I traveled 15 years ago. Impressions from the road and the wagon were, say softly, so-so. This time, everything is civilized, purely and with linen in the sealed package from the laundry.

"Is it all on Khorgos?" - I was surprised, seeing the crowd of people at the station. "It's still not enough! Weekday. On Saturday there are 8,000 people there, at Sunday - more than ten thousand, "a man on the platform said with a knowledgeable look. Night on the way - and we are waiting for mysterious MCPS.

We arrived on schedule, at dawn. We have breakfast and went to another dimension.

The steppe wind in the face, a bunch of taxi drives dancing on Perron. You can get from the station to border control by bus or minibus, but we did not observe such. Taxi drivers ask 800 tenge per person. "And before 500 it was?" - asks our accompanying. "The gasoline has risen in price if you are who for five hundred is lucky, myself personally goes away to him," like laughing, but the taxi driver is responsible with the Terrible Succession. Go to the place of minutes twenty.

Ticket price: reserved seats - 1536 tenge, coupe - 2351 tenge

Departure time: 23:45

Arrival time: 05:05

Travel time: 05 h 20 min

Everything's under control

The international center of cross-border cooperation is how the mysterious ICPS "Khorgos" is decrypted. This is a duty-free trade zone on the Kazakh-Chinese border, where at the producer prices you can buy everything and a little more. I will say right away if you want interesting and high-quality clothes and shoes - you are not here. Here is inexpensive and simple. The mink coat will be quite a fur coat, but with Chinese hieroglyphs on the label. But here you can buy home textiles, casual outerwear, children's clothes for every day and household appliances at a low price.

Much of time takes the queue that you want to defend passport and customs control. Kazakhstan citizens may have only an identity card with them. Shopping centers ride buses, the fare of 1500 tg. And go to the shopping centers themselves for about seven minutes. With us, the bus was an organized shop group. The same guys from Almaty, but under the supervision of a strict guide - women in fifty, who threatened them with her finger - do not attach, do not get up, do not remove the bagery, and then get lost. Honestly, I do not know if the accompanying trip is needed, well, oh well. By the way, the cost of the tour in the organized group is 6500 tg.

  • The frequency of intersection of the border of the Customs Union and / or the movement of goods by the physical is 1 time per month (30 days);
  • Without payment of customs duty, the goods for personal use are allowed, the total weight of which does not exceed 50 kg and the customs value of which is not higher than 1500 euros (in equivalent).

Running around

560 hectares of retail space were progressed in front of us: "Golden Port", "Jian Yuan", "Yu", "Zhong He", the fur city "King Kong".

At the entrance to the first shopping center we met men with tires. On the tire - on the shoulder. They shared information - here we bought tires at 13000 tg. Those that are sold in Almaty from 25,000 tg. Satisfied and happy, they walked their tires towards mail. We went to get acquainted with the assortment.

Having bought with his "boys" (2 sons + husband) Winter jackets (4500 - 6000 tg) and ski pants (3000 - 5000 tg), I relaxed with a clean conscience, thinking - the task is maximum. Already satisfied, it began to look at the subject of "socks-panties" and came across a long-standing dream: the saparir. For example, in Almaty, the cost of gadgets meet me started from 15 thousand. Here the price was at times less - from 4500 tg. I bought for 6000 tg and it was one of the best swaps that you could find here.

The happy owner of a huge package with pants jackets and boxes with a steamer, I soon realized that I was extremely inconvenient to drag all this and ... I bought myself a suitcase on wheels (2500 tg). Then I met in Almaty exactly the same for 8000 tg.

We looked at the fur city as a tour, as they were not interested in fur coats, but they simply pokrug - the choice is great: beavers, minks and other rabbits. However, Ecomech (read, artificial) was also. Due to dinner did not spend time, snapped with seashed food and drank tea from the machine.

You can move inside the trading zone by bus. But, vested by things, decided to walk so much - and went to a taxi. True, we had to pay for three and "that guy", whom was not with us - everything is considered on four in Khorgos.

I liked the center of "IU" - a few thematic floors, on each of your range. For example, the floor of the bags or floor of bed linen. Here I also hollow. Pillow, blanket, bed linen set - Give me just two! I'm greedy. And how to stay? Good quality baby underwear for 2000 tg.

All my textiles was laid in a vacuum package, sucked a huge vacuum cleaner and gave me an inbox. It's time to return.


All purchases were jogged because I wanted to look more, but time was ticked: from the border area it is necessary to go out in the last time, and at the exit, like at the entrance, is the queue that scored at the expense of bales, Baulov and carts. If you are a gentle nature, with a complex mental psyche, you all this Brownian movement of things-people do not like it. At the exit, we met all the same taxi driver. For what he is a big human thank you!

At the customs asked, seeing our modest purchases: "Fur coats? Tires? In the mail another product handed over? Not? But what then went at all? " - Customs officers were in bewilderment. Yes? And it seemed to us that we were mad shopaholic!

The return train goes at 22 hours. To Perron, we went out early - about five, dinner in the bail cafe. They wanted to somehow culturally spend time, but, going to the car, who fell away from where, asleep the dead sleep and slept until the return home. Still, a difficult thing is a banner. Socks-panties I never bought!

List composition

I bought 200 conditional units:

2 Adult jackets

2 children's jackets

2 ski pants

1 artificial fur coat (not kept, I repent)

1 toy son

1 Wheel bag

children's boots - Some

2 children's tights,

2 half-timer blankets

2 pillows (yes! - 1200 tg)

2 children's sets of linen

MCRPS "Khorgos" (International Center for Crossing Cooperation "Horgos") is located on the border of China and Kazakhstan. MCPS Horgos is a FEZ (free economic zone "Horgos - Eastern Gate") a huge Chinese market, a huge bazaar, a flea market at the border of China and Kazakhstan. In the shopping centers of Khorgos you can buy everything, well, or almost everything. Here are those who for themselves and family want to buy cheap mink coats, chandeliers, bed linen, etc.

Entrepreneurs, wholesalers from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Uzbekistan and other countries are going for large and small wholesale to purchase goods for their outlets. Prices for goods in Khorgos are, of course, cheaper than on Almaty flea markets, Kazakhstan, even cheaper, if you buy in Khorgos in wholesale or small wholesale.

To get to the Bazaar on the Khorgos, even the visa is not needed - Khorgos Kazakhstanians can attend with an identity card, where the Iin must be specified (may be at the bottom on the machine-reading line) or with an overseas passport of Kazakhstan. CIS citizens can visit Horgos in foreign passports. For citizens of other countries - visa regime (the presence of a Chinese visa in the passport).

In 2019, the celebration of the Chinese New Year will last from 4 to 10 February. Most trading platforms MCPS "Khorgos" it will be closed in the period from February 1 to February 15.

From the latest news on MCPS "Khorgos": "In accordance with the decision of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission of November 1, 2018 No. 91" On Amendments to the decision of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission of December 20, 2017 No. 107 "From January 1, 2019, the norms of importation are reduced with exemption from the payment of customs payments of goods for Personal use in the accompanied and unaccompanied baggage when moving through the customs border by rail and car modes of transport (with the exception of aircraft checkpoints) from 1,500 euros per 500 euros and with 50 kg per 25 kg. " So now:without payment of customs duty, the goods for personal use are allowed, the total weight of which does not exceed 25 kg and the custom value of which is not higher than 500 euros (in the equivalent). In case of exceeding the norm, you will have to pay a customs payment - 30% of the cost of goods (but at least 4 euros per 1 kg of weight when the limit is exceeded by total value and / or weight).

The mode of operation of the MCPS "Khorgos"

MCPS "Khorgos" works from 7:00 to 19:00 without days off.Shopping centers on the Chinese side are closed in about 17.30 Almaty time. If you do not have time to close the checkpoint, you will stay overnight on the Chinese side. The main purchases that are focused on the shopping center, you are enough and one day. Boutiques begin to close at 17.00.

Approximate prices for goods in MCPS shopping centers "Khorgos". Retail:

  • Frame kids car seats - 10 000 tenge; Frameless - 2,500 tenge.
  • SAMSUNG TV (plasma, 55 ") - 56,000 tenge.
  • Women's long fur coat, whole mink - $ 650 - $ 900. Rock coat mink, whole mink - $ 500 - $ 1,700.
  • The coat is a short with a hood - from $ 200.
  • Caps of men from 500 tenge and up to 18 000 tenge (mink).
  • Fur womens vests from 30 000 tenge.
  • Down jacket - from 7 000 tenge. Winter short jacket-down jacket - from 5 000 tenge.
  • Bed linen x / b - from 1,500 tenge, 2,700 tenge and higher.
  • Winter shoes - from 2 000 tenge.
  • Leather shoes - from 8 000 tenge.
  • Sports suit - from 2,500 tenge.
  • Magnetola DVD with screen - 20 000 tenge.
  • Plaid - 3 000 tenge. Blanket (1.5-bed) warm - 2 000 tenge.
  • Curtains with recordings (set) - from 10 000 tenge.
  • Toy Teddy Toy (180 cm) - from 12 000 tenge. Children's rocking chair - from $ 60. Plastic toys - from 500 tenge.
  • DVR - from 2,500 tenge. Car speakers - from 3 000 tenge. AvtoGNITOL Pioneer - from 7 000 tenge.
  • Rubber Winter (11-15 ") - 6,500 tenge (1 pc.).
  • iPhone 5S - from 76,000 tenge.

Shopping centers MCPS "Khorgos". Products. Where, what is sold?

The international center of cross-border cooperation "Khorgos" is a huge zone of duty-free trade in the Kazakh-Chinese border, where at the prices of the manufacturer you can buy literally everything is from Chinese tea to a mink coch.

Many Kazakhstanis, believe that it is profitable in Khorgos to buy Textiles (bed linen, bedspreads, blankets, pillows, etc.), as well as fur coats, fur vests. These goods buy here profitable at a price compared to Kazakhstan markets and the quality is not bad. And about the assortment generally silent.

If you are traveling for specific goods, it is better to hire a guide conductor at the entrance, Which is perfectly focused among thousands of Chinese shopping centers, knows where it can be bought and even very cheap. This conductor will quickly hold you to trading places where the goods that you are looking for are concentrated. So you will save time and strength. Making basic purchases - you can pay attention to other goods.

So, on a huge area today 7 shopping centers are functioning:

  • TC "IU" (here and bedding, carpets, dishes, souvenirs, toys, leather goods, interior items, musical instruments, strollers, bicycles, inflatable boats and swimming pools, children's rolters, sporting goods, household goods, clothing (female, male, children), underwear, Headwear, Jeans, National Costumes, etc.)
  • TC "Golden Port"(wedding dresses, goods for children (including clothing and toys), upper and sportswear, hats, seasonal shoes, cosmetics and decorations, dishes, bedding (underwear, blankets, pillows, etc.) Household appliances and electronics, furniture, Power tools and auto accessories, leather goods (bags, suitcases), souvenirs, curtains, wallpapers, products of the Chinese pharmaceutical industry and MN. Dr.)
  • TC "Jian Yuan"(For sale toys, mobile phones, household goods (dishes, textiles, curtains, etc.), decorations (jewelry and jewelry), clothes and shoes (female, men's, children), sports goods and leather goods, warm underwear, fur coats, accessories (scarves, shawls), medicines, perfume and cosmetic products, TVs, tents, car tires, leather goods, tools, and mn. dr.)
  • TC "Jun Ke" (Electrical goods, shoes, clothes (men's and children), jeans, blankets, bed and dining textiles, leather goods (bags, road suitcases, etc.), hosiery, cosmetics, decorations, food, auto accessories, titanium discs, automotive Tires, tourist and sporting goods (tents, sports equipment), souvenirs, dishes, kitchen utensils, parquet, wallpaper, bicycles and much more)
  • Fur City "King Kong" (These are not only fur products made of mink, beaver, foxes, sands (fur coats and wipers, caps and sheepskins, jackets and coats, vests and belants), but also phones, tires and tools for motorists)
  • TC "Jun Ke - 2" (Opened in August 2017) (you can buy fur coats, vests, other fur products, clothes, leather goods).
  • International TC "Feng E"

And also functions here:

  • hong Kong Shop duty-free Duty Friend,
  • german Shop Duty-Free Duty-Free Trade
  • korean shop duty-free Duty Friend.

Shopping centers Khorgos.

International Fur City "King Kong" - It is about 600 outlets, where you can buy not only all sorts of fur products made of mink, beaver, foxes, sands (fur coats and coats, caps and coats, jackets and coats, vests and stamps), but also phones, tires and tools for motorists .

International Shopping Center "IU" (Mall IU) It occupies a colossal area - about 155 hectares, and the territory occupied by the buildings is 380,000 square meters. m, which allows you to call it the largest market for small goods MCPS. In more than 7,000 shops, the shopping center "IU" offers about 2,000 types of products, which refers to 43 sectors, including bedding, carpets, dishes, souvenirs, toys, leather goods, interior items, musical instruments, strollers, bicycles, inflatable boats and Pools, children's roller coaster, sporting goods, household goods, clothing (female, male, children), underwear, hats, jeans, national costumes, etc.

Center for International Trade "Zhong Ke" It is a shopping complex in which about 500 outlets are functioning, where electrical equipment, shoes, clothing (men's and children), denim, blankets, bed and dining textiles, leather goods (bags, road suitcases, etc.), hosiery , Cosmetics, Decorations, Foods (including - Tea and Berries Goji), Auto accessories, Titanium wheels, Car tires, Tourist and Sporting goods (Tents, Sportsman), Souvenirs, Dishes, Kitchenware, Parquet, Wallpaper, Bicycles and Much Other.

Department Store "Golden Port" offers visitors wedding dresses, goods for children (including clothing and toys), upper and sportswear, hats, seasonal shoes, cosmetics and decorations, dishes, bedding (underwear, blankets, pillows, etc.) Household appliances and electronics, furniture , power tools and auto accessories, leather goods (bags, suitcases), souvenirs, curtains, wallpapers, products of the Chinese pharmaceutical industry and MN. Dr.

In the shopping center "Jian Yuan" About 300 stores work, where toys, mobile phones, household goods (dishes, textiles, curtains, etc.), decorations (jewelry and jewelry), clothing and shoes (female, male, children), sports goods and leather products, warm underwear, fur coats, accessories (scarves, scarves), medicines, perfume and cosmetic products, TVs, tents, car tires, leather goods, tools, and MN. Dr.

What to buy in Hogos? What do you buy often in Khorgos?

Usually go to Khorgos to buy beneficial products such as:

  • bedding
  • car tires
  • outerwear (jackets, down jackets)
  • sportswear
  • fur things (fur coats, vests, fur brazers)
  • clothing (children's, male, female)
  • leather goods (bags, suitcases)
  • hoicing products
  • electrosoamocata, Sigwei, etc.
  • toys
  • appliances.

What documents are needed for a trip to Khorgos for citizens of Kazakhstan. How to find out from Kazakhstan (learn debt)

Citizens of Kazakhstan can visit Horgos on identity card, where Iin must be specified (may be at the bottom on the machine-reading string) or by the passport of a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Pay attention to the shelf life of the certificate or passport so that the shelf life of the identity card did not approach the end.

Before going on a trip to the Chinese market of the Horgos, learn whether to release you from Kazakhstan.Maybe you have unpaid alimony, penalties, taxes, etc. Check yourself in debtors temporarily limited to departure from Kazakhstan, go through this link, enter your data and get the result if your surname is in this list of citizens:

If you have debts before the budget - you will not be able to pass passport control.

What documents are needed to visit Khorgos by citizens of the CIS countries and other countries

CIS CITYs can visit Horgos in the presence of a passport.

Citizens of other countries (not the CIS), including those located on vacation in Kazakhstan can visit MCPS Horgos in the presence of a Chinese visa in passport.

What mobile communication (cellular operators) works on the territory of Khorgos?

Mobile connection on Hogos: Beeline, Altel and Tele2 in normal mode. Kcell and asset in roaming. On the territory of the TC Khorgos, our weaves automatically go to roaming and begin to work on Chinese networks. And you have to pay roaming. So do not miss it when calling. And in the phone settings manually select the Kazakhstan telecom operator. Wi-Fi in Horgos is not.

Hotels of Khorgos. Prices. If you did not have time to go through customs or get your goods on "Kazpost", where you can spend the night

If you did not have time to go through customs or get your goods on "Kazpost" - You can stay for the night in the hotel.

Do not postpone the passage of customs and sending luggage to the last! You may not have time. If you have large-sized purchases (for example, automotive tires) immediately send them to the "Kazpost", and then return for other purchases. Try to do it until 11.00.

Hotels on the territory of the MCPS, where you can do. Eating on the territory of MCPS Horgos - in the hotel (on the Chinese side) - from 5,500 tg. Or in cheap hostels. The price of a place in the hostel on the Kazakhstan side is 2,500 tenge.

How to pay for the purchases which money to take where to make money. What money are Chinese sellers take, how to pay

Chinese sellers accept tenge, and yuan, and dollars, and rubles. Cash only. Therefore, remove the desired amount in advance from the card. ATM is on our side near passport control. The queue can be big. Therefore, it is better to have cash with you.

Products prohibited to transport across the border from China to Kazakhstan:

  • electric strokes
  • gas and pneumatic weapons
  • pens with a camera
  • various recording devices and other spyware products appointments.

Who is prohibited entrance to the territory of China

If you are going to the MCPS Hogos - note that the entrance to the territory of China is prohibited by people with a beard, people in the hijabach, as well as in clothes with the image of the "Stars" and "Moon". At the entrance it is a reminder. For the implementation of this rule, the Armed Police of the PRC is watched and returns tourists back.

Photos from Photo increases

Rules of transport of goods by individuals through Khorgos. Latest news and change

In accordance with the decision of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission of November 1, 2018 No. 91 "On Amendments to the decision of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission of December 20, 2017 No. 107" From January 1, 2019, the verge of importation with exemption from the payment of customs payments of goods for personal Use in the accompanied and unaccompanied baggage when moving through the customs border by rail and car modes of transport (with the exception of aircraft aircraft) from 1,500 euros per 500 euros and with 50 kg per 25 kg.

In particular:

  • the frequency of intersection of the border of the Customs Union and / or the movement of goods by the physical is 1 time per month (30 days);
  • without payment of customs duty, the goods for personal use are allowed, the total weight of which does not exceed 25 kg and the custom value of which is not higher than 500 euros (in the equivalent).

Personal use are:

  • not more than 2 units of one name, style and size for 1 person: garments, bedding sets, floor coverings, hats, shoes;
  • on 1 subject of one name, style and size: products made of fur and leather, household appliances, electrical appliances, bicycles, baby carriages;
  • no more than 2 units: mobile phones, laptops, nonbags, tablets;
  • no more than 5 units of jewelry;
  • no more than 3 units of one name of toiletries, cosmetic and perfumery;
  • no more than 10 kg of food;
  • not more than 2 units of each name of other (not mentioned above) items.

Through the Customs terminal of Khrhodz, you can carry goods in a bag, the dimensions of which do not exceed the dimensions of 0.6 x 0.4 x 0.2 m, and the weight is not higher than 25 kg. This is considered hand-made. Processed supernormative cargo (more than 25 kg) - 300 tg / kg.

The goods over this weight must be sent to Kazpost JSC (up to 25 kg.) - 50 tenge per 1 kg. Point of reception in the MCPS "Khorgos" works until 16.00 (but it is better to start to take purchases until 14.00). Getting on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan immediately behind the customs terminal (item works until 19.00).

Goods, the number and weight of which is more permissible, belongs to commercial cargo, and are subject to customs clearance.

MCPS Khorgos - how to get there?

The Bazaar "Khorgos" can be reached in three ways: by train, tourist bus and car.

A train. Almaty Passenger Train - Altyankol 393T is sent at 23.15 (by odd numbers) from Art. Almaty-2 and arrives at the Altyankol station at 05.21 of the next day (on the way 6 hours 06 min.). In the opposite direction, the departure of the train Altyankol-Almaty 393c from Art. Altyankol at 20.59 (on even days) and arrival in Almaty - at 03.35 (travel time - 6 h 36 min). The train should be stopped at Art. Almaty-1.

Ticket price approximately: 1,626 tenge (place in a second-class car), 2,499 tenge (coupe). Luggage procurement, whose weight is more than 35 kg - 30 tenge per 1 kg.

Tickets can be purchased at railway ticket office or online cash desks -

From Altyankol station to MCGOS "Khorgos" can be reached by minibus (The fare is approximately 500-800 tenge one way).

On a tourist bus

On a comfortable tourist bus (Usually there are shop tours of travel agencies on such buses) a trip to Khorgos takes 6-7 hours, in winter - 7-8 hours.

By car (Autobaca Almaty - Horgos)

Car. Almaty - Horgos. Distance. Autobahn "Almaty-Khorgos". If earlier the road from Almaty to Khorgos took about 5 hours along the Kuldzhin highway (the distance is approximately 350 km). That is now launched and new, modern autobahn Almaty-Horgos. On a new road 305 km long. The path from Almaty to Khargos is now only 2.5 - 3 hours! Officially permitted speed 110 km / h.

Photos from

This is the 4-strip road with a cement concrete coating. Thanks to the new road, it became much faster to reach from Almaty to Shek, Zharkent, turning to Chunju. Steel even closer! New Autoban "Almaty-Khorgos" - if you drive from Almaty - then turn from the Khachagay road to the road to Khorgos (left), and then focus on the road signs. The road will be paid in 2018. Constructed payment points at the beginning and at the end of the way will charge payment for the roads along the road. The cost will be 1 tenge per 1 km. It turns out about 300 tenge. The track also has several arches with video surveillance cameras.

Well, the old free path from Almaty to Khorgos in the Kulrhin highway:

Leaving the city, following the Kuldzhinsky tract (the A351 route). Driving with. Shelek, at the fork, turning left and after 200 m - smoothly right. Continuing movement along the track. After 99 km, turning left on the R-21 road. On the ring near with. Cocktal Turning to the 1st Congress on the A353 and then on the highway another 52 km (through the city of Zharkent and s. Piddh) to p. Khorgos.

Entry to the territory of the MCPP occurs through the Block "B" from 8.30 (in spring and summer), from 9.00 (in winter and autumn).

The car remains in the parking lot. Leave a car in the parking lot, go to passport control and make an identity card.

Then you immediately need to go to the cashier and buy a ticket for a bus that takes you to shopping centers. The price of a ticket is 1,500 tenge, the ticket is acting in both ends, so do not lose it. Otherwise, back to taxi, at a price of up to 4000 tg per person. Only if there is a ticket, you will open the output door.

Landing in transport runs on the landing site of the B block.

If you decide to swell in Khorgos and continue shopping the next day, Eating on the territory of MCPS Horgos - in the hotel (on the Chinese side) - from 5,500 tg. Or in cheap hostels. The price of a place in the hostel on the Kazakhstan side is 2,500 tenge.

Shopping tour from Almaty in Khorgos: program, prices, addresses, features

Many travel agencies of Almaty offer shop tours to China from Almaty (MPTSS "Khorgos").

1 or 2-day tours to the Bazaar in Khargos are usually carried out by tourist buses with a large luggage compartment. Trips are organized regularly, several times a week. The group is accompanied by a guide freely oriented by the Khorgos market, which can advise if necessary for purchases (where and what is for sale, what are approximate prices where you can buy cheaper).

General information:

  • distance in one direction: 356 km,
  • total tour duration: 26 hours,
  • time in the way in one direction: about 6-7 hours in the summer and 7-8 hours - in winter.

Approximate trip program:

21.00 - Collection,
21.30 - Departure from Almaty.
7.00 - Arrival of buses in the parking lot from MCPS "Khorgos".
8.00-10.00 - border control, passage from the terminal to the shopping center on buses (7 km.) Price 1,500 tenge per person (tickets are bought at the terminal ticket office),
10.00-14.00 - Purchase of goods in MPTSS "Khorgos",
14.00-16.00 - passing from the shopping center back to the terminal, the passage of customs, passport control, the collection of the tourist bus,
16.00-17.00 - getting goods in the department of Kazpost JSC,
17.00 - departure to the city of Almaty,
21.00-21.30 - Sanitary stop, dinner in a cafe,
22.55 - Arrival in Almaty.

Tour program - indicative. Depending on the selected travel agency, time can be changed.

Tour cost: From 5 000 tenge - a day round, a two-day tour from 6,500 tenge.

  • The cost of the trip includes transportation services and shipping up to 50 kg (per person).
  • "Excess" weight is paid at the rate (200 tenge per 1 kg).
  • Overnight at the hotel is paid separately (from 168 to 300 yuan - from 8,500 tenge).