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The more convenient to cut drywall at home. How to cut drywall at home. Cutting on a given geometry

To install drywall, creating parts with different configurations. At home, such decisions the owner of the apartment takes infrequently, so it is impractical to acquire expensive electrical saws. For cutting suitable tools of the general profile.

Selection of tools

In industrial plasterboard enterprises required in large volumes. Therefore, special hardware installations have been developed for cutting GLCs. At home, everything is much easier - there are processed tools into the course, which will be found in each apartment.

To additionally do not extend every detail at the end of work, it is necessary to cut drywall as smaller as possible. To achieve this goal on plates mark marking with a pencil and centimeter roulette. If there is no latter among the tools or the length of the drywall exceeds 2.5 m, then it is possible to place the surface due to the metal profile.

Multiple tools can cope with cutting plasterboard:

  • cutter (knife) for metal or wood;
  • electrolovik;
  • construction knife with replaceable blades;
  • electric drill.

The last tool is suitable for drilling a smooth circumference of small diameter. As radius increases, it is necessary to use feathery drills or rounded saws.

The electric drill is suitable for creating holes for the core of the door locks. Cut the plasterboard is capable of a conventional hacksaw for metal or wood. The tool is distinguished by a thin blade with frequent near the teeth. Between sharp crests, the minimum distance is preserved to prevent the formation of jar.

Dense sheets of drywall are cutting with a building knife. The device is convenient to operate due to the bilateral acute blade. Over time, the core is blown up, but manufacturers are laying inward several additional elements. Therefore, if necessary, the blade can be easily changed to a new one.

For cutting with a construction knife, plasterboard is required and put a metal line along the pencil mark. Holding the profile, make a screw knife. If the plaster is small thickness, the construction knife is possible to replace the stationery.

For decoration of the room with an increased humidity factor, there are moisture-resistant plasterboard, which includes antiseptic elements. They give the surface of the gypsum greenish tint. Additional components do not affect the density indicator, so cutting moisture-resistant plasterboard is possible with similar tools for cutting a classic option.

Proper cutting

Slightly cut the drywall will help a few simple rules:

  • Work with plaster requires resorting to security measures. Even the point incision or a small sudra crumble the material. This distinguishes dust dangerous to the body. It should be secure the eyes and lungs with glasses and a respiratory mask.
  • It does not matter which side drying plasterboard. However, experts recommend starting from the surface that will come into contact with the wall or ceiling.
  • The cutting of the profile leaves behind uneven edges. It is not worth spending time on their alignment, because later flaws are hidden by plasterboard.
  • Cut sheets of plasterboard follows in dry rooms. Under conditions of high humidity, the material quickly swells and becomes unsuitable for use even after drying.
  • Competently saw flexible plasterboard on a stable surface with a flat relief.

The facing material itself consists of two cardboard layers. They are covered with a thick gypsum layer. This structure provides fire resistance and strength due to increasing density. Consequently, to implement a point cut, it is enough to deepen the incision with a sharp blade with neat movements from top to bottom. After that, the sheet must be durable along the cut line. At the same time, plasterboard is important to hold in one position, without letting shift the blade when cutting the cardboard layer.

Such actions are effective when cutting drywall, leaning to the wall of the wall. Hold the layer of material by foot.

On the wall

If necessary, it is necessary to separate the window opening or the angle of the wall of the Cutting of the HCL directly on the carrier surface. In this case, the gypsum edge coincides with the edge of the wall. To create such a model, a piece of larger drywall is used than required. The material is attached to the surface of the wall, after which the extra elements are cut from the gypsum.

The execution of the procedure requires reliable mounting on the carrier surface. Cut starts on the side of the plasterboard sheet, which fits tightly to the support. Pressing on an unnecessary detail, it is necessary to spend several times on the lined line. After that, from the reverse side, the remaining section elements cut off.

Holes for lamps and sockets

Holes for sockets or lamps Experts are cut after installing and fixing drywall. For beginners, you can do without prior fastening. To this end, it is necessary to first calculate the position and parameters of the future opening.

It is important to remember that the lumen of a small form, which subsequently hides an additional plastic frame (for decorating the outlet or base of the lamp).

All calculations must be applied from the reverse surface of the drywall. For the cut itself, you will need a screwdriver or drill. The tool must have additional circular nozzles with small jazed blades. In the absence of a pistol, a classic hacksaw is suitable. The holes are irregular, however, correspond to the calculated parameters. All flaws are covered with a web.

Uneven line

When drinking drywall in the form of a wavy curved line, it is impossible to do with a conventional hacksaw or a construction knife. When their operation, smooth bends are irregular. To achieve a perfectly level surface, you must purchase or rent an electrolovka with small blades. In this case, the tool creates a huge number of gypsum dust. Because of this, it is required to take care of individual protection of the eyes and lungs.

At the end of the manufacture of parallel parts it follows the bending of plasterboard elements. The first thing is created a rectangular sheet of plaster material corresponding to the size of the space between the straight parts. Correctly measure the step will help centimeter roulette. Thanks to its flexibility, you can measure the arched length of bending.

The facial surface has an increased density compared with the insolne side of the plasterboard. Because of this, the arcuate part is fused in such a way as to stretch the back surface of the material. To bend the future arch exactly, you can resort to the template. The latter is made of plywood.

  • On the one hand, the arc is flex with a needle roller. In this case, it is necessary to constantly press on plasterboard. The needles of the roller will penetrate the gypsum material up to 5 mm.
  • At the end of operation, the surface of the drywall is wetted with water until softening. This stage requires a long time and patience. As the swelling, plasterboard is required to be flexing.
  • As soon as the part is tightly falling in the template form, it is fixed until complete drying.

For lower elements with a radius, more than 40 cm bending is not so cool, thereby making the part does not require additional wetting. It is possible to implement the identical elements of the wavy type with the help of transverse cuts. It turns out the harmonic, which is required to fix the primer. When grabbed drywall, all the cracks need to sharpen.

For high arches bend the gypsum material fails. When installing such an element, shears create triangular cuts in a step of up to 10 cm. The distance depends on the curvature of bending.

A circle

Get the perfect round hole easily with a drill with special drills. The nozzle is perpendicular to the surface of the plasterboard. Pressing the trigger, start drilling a hole.

Create decorative lathes of large diameter or rounded parts (for example, wavy elements) drill is not capable. With such a task, the knife can easily cope with the cross section of internal elements. To do this, it is necessary to cut the line and insert a canvas with pencil marking. Then it is cut according to the markup.

It is inconvenient to work with a hacksaw with drywall, so it is best to put a sheet of GCL on the table. Moreover, laying the plaster will have so that the cut part is outside the table top.

Experts can carry out a conventional knife, then knocking the circle with a sharp impetus. However, in the absence of professional skills of working with drywall, an uneven break with joined sloping edges is formed.

In direct

Before starting work, it is required to make measurements in the room, so as not to be mistaken when cutting parts. Mark the lines of the cut will help a simple pencil. The marker or handle is better not to use. Catering ink leaves traces that appear through a layer of putty.

When applying the main lines, it is first necessary to make the same marks in the upper and bottom of the sheet. After that, applied to points level or metal line, according to which the direct segment is drawn.

Upon completion of the calculations and applying the corresponding markup, the plasterboard is put on the parallel floor surface. For cutting it is more convenient to use the construction knife, since the sharp blade can be adaptively adjusted when working. It should be remembered that the length of the tip should not exceed the thickness cabarton thickness. It is recommended to do an incision on a metal line, which is stacked on top of the pencil markup. To create a flat line, it is necessary to further spend 3 times by cutting tool.

In the case of plasterboard plaster plaster on the table, it is necessary to move the gypsum so that the separated part does not come into contact with the desktop surface. As soon as the incision turns out to be quite deep, it is necessary to take the edges of the plasterboard and break through the line with a sharp movement. For the final cut from the opposite side, they make an additional cut by a construction knife.

When sawing drywall on the floor after additional movements, the plasterboard product is required to be placed in a vertical position. The cut part of the neat jersexts on the front side must be separated from unnecessary (do inad). After that, inseparable fragments are delivered by the blade.

It is important to remember that it is impossible to use a circular saw for cutting plasterboard. Small teeth rotating at high speed produce a dense dust post. Solid particles are settled in the lungs and on the mechanical details of the tool, damage as a person and the insides of the circular saw.

Letter "g"

The enclosed letter "g" the form of plasterboard is used to clamp a door or window opening, as well as when creating any corner model.

Work begins with calculations and markup of the pencil line. To implement, you can use the hacksaw if there is no specially serrated saw on the plasterboard at hand. Gypsum is a soft malleable material that does not create problems when picking.

The tool must be cut down a short part. Long pierced according to the "direct line" method.

Edge processing

The work does not end on the cutting of plasterboard. Sharp and uneven edges need alignment. Processing the jar and chips can be using sandpaper.

It is recommended to align with neat movements until the smooth surface is reached. At the end of the preparatory stage, fascination is carried out. Two thirds of the thickness cabartone sheet thickness must be cut off from each edge. Next, at an angle of 45 degrees, the chamfer is cut off. If there is no suitable tool, you can use a conventional knife.

Newbies in the construction business do not know than and how to cut drywall in the best possible way. After all, any work, whether the creation of the ceiling structure, partitions, or a complex decor element, requires knowledge of the rules of Cutting GLK and strictly follow them in practice. The tool for these purposes use different. It all depends on the selected method of cutting. So, how to cut drywall at home will be prompting the recommendations below.

Acquaintance with a set of tools

Mandatory list of tools for sawing the gypsum, with their own hands includes three groups of item.

1. Fixtures to apply markup on the sheet of GLK - Simple pencil, roulette, long line.

2. Actually cut-sawing devices.

  • Knife. You can cut GVLV by a stationery knife, as well as specialized construction with a bilateral replaceable blade (suitable for more dense materials).
  • Hacksaw. Better, if it is a tool for metal processing, rather than wood.
  • Electrolzik. Ideal for drinking rounded items. Less chips on the ends of the drywall, high-quality sawmills for metal with small teeth.
  • Electric drill. Need to do the holes. For large D enlightes, round crowns will be required (which they cut the core of the door snap-on locks) and feathery drills.

3. Edids processing fixtures:

  • rocking plans;
  • plancock for chamfering.

This list clearly shows what the domestic craftsmen cut down. Of course, he is far from complete. Arsenal of experienced masters may include professional equipment, such as a special milling mill for GWL. However, for those who work for the first time with the material, this set is quite enough. To better understand how to properly cut drywall, it is necessary to clearly represent the structure of this material.

Building and destination of drywall

Plasterboard sheets are a layered combination of two types of materials - gypsum (internal contents) and glued to it from two sides of thick cardboard sheets. It is clear that in case of damage to the cardboard layers, cut the rest does not represent difficulties.

Therefore, to be able to quickly paint a sheet of GLK, to know little, the better cut Plasterboard. It is important to know the basic principle of this action: after the continuous smooth cutting of the drywall immediately follows the second step - the leaf overwork.

Saw plasterboard, like any solid porous material, is easy. He also gives up a drilling well.

The functions of the material allow you to distinguish it on varieties: moisture-resistant, fire-resistant, standard, increased strength (for example, hypigarton or gyrox, performed using KNAUF technology), acoustic drywall, etc.

Despite the large range of GK, the panel of any variety is well separated by part through the existing rendering of the infringement material.

Selection of methods of cutting GK

Which method of cutting drywall is resorted, it becomes clear after studying the options existing for these purposes.

Standard cutting

Cutting sheet in a straight line - the easiest way to cutting. Comes down to the following:

GWL is put on a rigid and smooth surface. After that, perform the markup of the future line of the cut.

Whatever the knife is selected, they should be cut to cut a strictly by laying the line. Uneven incision is guaranteed if it is decided to cope without a ruler. Cut starts from the back (there is a more dense cardboard layer). The front part of the GC is somewhat different, as it is intended for finishing work. With a cut, the knife is trying to deepen as much as possible in the gypsum content.

Upon completion of the process, the GK turns over and bended in the direction of solid (without a line of the cut) side. Gypsum, not a knife is broken in the required direction. Cardboard from the opposite side is trimmed by the formed folding line.

Not particularly fundamental importance is that which side began to cut drywall. However, on an even dense surface, it is much easier to do, rather than when holding a challenge on weight.

Before cutting the drywall with undergraduate devices, one more with two types of simple cutting, sat for independent exercise, should be viewed.

Bilateral cutting. More often, cutting in the form of any rectangle. Through the hacksaw saw one of the sides, the other - simply cut the blade. After that, the material is reduced, and on the opposite side, the cardboard is cut (as with a simple cut). The finished trim is adjusted to perfection using the planer for processing the edge.

Cutting on the uneven line. To cut the material on uneven lines, you must first prepare the drawing.

Cutting on a given geometry

Figure cutting of plasterboard is used in a situation of creating unique forms for a specific structural element. This procedure is more complicated, and without basic experience and a sufficient arsenal of the tool here can not do.

With curly cutting, the material first also place. If you need to draw a circle, and there is no circulation at hand, then we are equipped with a needle with a thread and a tied pencil.

For figure cutting of the GC in different situations, one of the methods described below are applicable.

Option first. Describes the process when a hacksaw is chosen as a tool. Manipulation with knife is akin to the work with a knife with a tooth and a handle. Through hacksaw of drywall, you can cut the fragments with any nontrivial forms (for example, butterflies or flowers).

Option second. An electric door with a cylindrical nozzle allows you to create smooth mugs of small diameter in drywall. The circle is not locked here, but are limited to the mark in the desired area.

Option third. For sawing GBL, the electrolybiz perform a clear markup of the circuit of the required form. The priority in the choice of jigsaw is given when the diameter of the circumferential circumference must be larger than the diameter of the electric crown, and the spinning line of the forms are not reduced only to the circle.

Option fourth. The most primitive when the choice of the tool is reduced to the knife and hammer. On the outlined boundary, cutting of drywall is made. At the same time, the blade is trying to prescribe as much as possible.

After that, the HC is put on a flat surface having a deepening. Moreover, the separated part of the element should be inserted into this well. Less effectively describe a sheet on the wall. Next, hit the hammer in the middle of the separated fragment. Removable part should break out. The layer of cardboard is cut off, aligning as the ends needed. The Master of the GC is extremely recommended to resort to this reception to people without experience. Since there is a lot of plasterboard sheets to be spent to rub the hand and work out pressure.

Nuances of spending circles

Circularities in the ceiling construction are performed primarily for mounting lamps. The easiest way is to cut into the gathering a circle of a given diameter of the blade. And the middle part gently knocked through the hammer. However, it is easier to carry out the planned drill with a special snap-to-cylindrical nozzle. The one that is used when cutting into the door of the locking mechanism with a latch.

Cut after installing GLK

Of course, not yet fixed material cut more convenient. But in practice there are situations when cutting up unnecessary required after mounting sheets to the frame. Such trimming is due to the fact that the conded surfaces meet on their way window slopes or corners.

The sheet is fixed on the wall, leaving a small amount of size. Already on the wall remove excess centimeters.

It is important to make sure that the GC is reliably fixed on the framework. The incisions are performed on the side that contacts the wall. Cutting movements repeat repeatedly, spending on marking. At the same time, unnecessary parts of the material are trying to "squeeze". Sheet is dotted on the other side.

Having studied these ways, newcomers will understand how to cut drywall in the presence of a minimum tool set. If you need cutting of the GC in large quantities, these options do not fit. The best solution will appeal to professionals.


When installing plasterboard sheets, you need to use tools that allow you to cut smoothly and high-quality all plates. We find out how to cut drywall, which tools can be applied for this.

Cutting scheme of plasterboard.

Tools for cutting sheet of plasterboard

Plasterboard - the material is very durable, but to securely fix it on the ceiling or a wall, it must be correctly uncalled. GlKl sheets are distinguished by some fragility, that is, to cut them along a flat line, not a slab splitting, you have to use special, although fairly simple tools. After that, you can, using profile and self-tapping screws, start assembling.

As cutting plasterboard? Many manufacturers recommend to use special equipment for this, but its cost is high enough, so it is quite possible to do the minimum set, allowing you to quickly and high qualityly cut the sheets in front of their fastening on the profile. You can restrict ourselves to the next set: the roulette, a simple pencil is the minimum set required to perform markup on the surface of the sheet. Roulette is better to take three-meter, made of metal, the pencil should be sharply honed.

Marking itself is very simple, according to pre-conducted measurements. The line is better to take long, but if it is not, you can use the usual profile, the trimming of which can remain after installing the frame. Knife. Options There are several: the most common stationery sharp knife with a strong case or a special construction with replaceable blades, which has a comfortable handle for work. With such a cut, you need to follow the blade to be sharp, it is recommended to use protective gloves.

For cutting sheets of plasterboard, it fits perfectly on a tree or a hacksaw, which cutches.

It must necessarily narrow so as not to damage the slab during operation. Also when cutting the sheet must be pre-fixed to not break it. Rocking plans. Probably, this is the only professional tool that should be applied when working on cutting sheets of GLC. The planer is used for stripping the edges of the cut. Many believe that it is possible to perform such work with the help of the most ordinary kitchen grater, a file, emery paper, but when installing a multi-level ceiling or large niches, partitions are recommended to apply the planer

Simple straight cut

How to cut plasterboard? The most commonly applies straight cut, allowing to cut the sheet to the necessary parts with the desired form. Make such a job simply. First you should apply marking with a simple pencil and metal line. Next, the first layer of cardboard carefully cuts through the sharp knife. It is also best to cut on the line so that the line turns out to be smooth and neat. There may be two or three such slots, do not be lazy to do it so that the sheet is easy to break away in the place where it is necessary.

It is necessary to disperse the sheet in this way: after the slit of the paper layer, it is recommended to put GLC on the edge, come from the other side where the cut was performed slightly on the plasterboard plate. Approximately two or three such impacts, and the gypsum core will not withstand the load, breaks exactly at the markup you made. It remains only to hold halves so that they do not fall on the floor. After that, using a metal profile, the GLC sheet is attached to the ceiling or a wall. Such a direct method typically cut plasterboard in most cases. This allows you to quickly cut a large number of sheets.

Bilateral cut

Quite often, when fastening a sheet on a profile in complex places, double-sided cuts are required. This method is used when designing window openings, door, if necessary, bypass beams and other complex structures. The better cutting plasterboard in this case? First you need to make a rectangular opening or square shape. You can cut it with the help of such a simplest tool like a hacksaw or a sharp knife. The cutting process is not difficult:

  • first you need to put markup on the sheet with a simple pencil and ruler;
  • on the one hand, the sheet must be cut with the help of a hacks, and on the other, using a knife;
  • now the plasterboard is reduced, cut off on one side.

After it is necessary, with the help of a relief ruble, carefully treat the edge to get smooth edges. When the sheet is cut, you can consolidate it in the required place with the help of screws. The joints and seams after installation are putty, are previously sampled by a special grid.

Round holes, uneven cut

Often, when mounting plasterboard sheets, you have to make a variety of holes, for example, under the battery, plumbing equipment, for the installation of electrical fittings (submersors, switches, when installing lamps). For this, conventional cutting methods are unsuitable. So what to cut drywall in this case? It is especially difficult to determine the correct dimensions of the future hole, select the tool, the location of the fastener. Consider more detail the procedure.

First you need to make a drawing, after which to measure all sizes. When on direct surfaces it is necessary to make a semicircular neckline or bending, you can use the conventional hacksaw, before simple pencil applies marking on the sheet. For pipes and electropurtures, special nozzles are applied on a drill that allow accurate and correct cut

But you can make such round holes and with the help of an ordinary knife, and then clean all the edges of sandpaper. Usually such an easy way is applied when mounting lamps. First, a simple pencil is putting a markup, after which the hole is neatly cut out with a sharp knife. The hammer cutting material is carefully knocked out, the edges are cleaned. Such a method can be used when the slice locations will be decorated additionally. Do not forget that the sheets still need to consolidate the profile prepared earlier.

Plasterboard is a material that is used often to finish the walls and the ceiling, when building a wide variety of niches, partitions. With such material, you can embody the uyma ideas. And cut GLC, as you have seen, is not so hard. Therefore, it's time to act and implement your ideas.

source: //

Methods of cutting plasterboard

Before you make a hole in the drywall, you need to know what it is for the material. Plasterboard is a material that is a two-layer sheet of cardboard and a core from hardened gypsum with fillers. This material for trimming, creating partitions, is used when installing ceilings in rooms with normal air humidity.

Holes in the drywall may be needed when installing switches, sockets and lamps.

There are three types of drywall: ordinary, moisture resistant and fire-resistant. Moisture-proof type is used when operating in rooms with high humidity, such as the bathroom. Fire resistant, respectively, for portals of fireplaces and other places where open fire is located near. In addition to the above species, there is also a gypsumole sheet, which is characterized by high strength, and an acoustic, which has increased sound insulation.

There are several ways to cut drywall.

Each of them is used for different cases. The most common method is a cutting sheet in a straight line. But it also happens that it is necessary to cut a circle or another figure.

4 ways of figure cutting plasterboard

  • electric drill;
  • special nozzle - crown.

Dressing products are easily removed from crowns through the side slot.

Cut in the drywall circle, for example, for the built-in luminaire, it is best with the help of an electric drill and a special cylindrical nozzle for drilling round holes - crowns. These cylindrical nozzles exist different diameters and destination. To cut the circle, the nozzle is suitable for wood and plywood. They are called circular saws or drills. It is also convenient if there is a set of such saws, for example, if you need to make a hole under the point lights of various models or under round outlets of various diameters.

List of tools for work:

  • electrolzik.

If you do not have a crown, you can use the electric bike. Before starting work on drywall, there is a circle, then in the center of this circle, a hole is drilled, into which we insert the blade of the electrolyzka. Cut, passing along the previously marked circle contour. Thus, we get the perfect circle. It can also be advised when cutting using an electroll bias to use a narrow pylon with small teeth. At the same time, it should be noted that it is necessary to cut too quickly, but the speed of the electric bissing is better to put on the maximum.

List of tools:

  • pencil or marker (for marking);
  • hacksaw for plasterboard.

Cutting scheme of plasterboard.

In addition to the above tools, in order to cut a smooth circle, you can use a special hacksaw for cutting plasterboard. This tool is very simple and easy to use, in addition, it can be used in a straight line. All you need to do is just install a circle in advance with a pencil or marker and then cut on the markup.

Method 4. If there are no special tools

List of tools that will be needed for work:

  • pencil or marker (for marking);
  • ruler (for measuring the hole radius);
  • knife for plasterboard;
  • a hammer.

All methods described earlier can be used if you have an appropriate tool at hand. But what to do if there is simply no such tools and fixtures, but you still need to cut a hole?

In this case, it is necessary to use the following method. All that we need for this is a knife for cutting drywall and an ordinary hammer.

The following are the following:

  1. We celebrate the center of the future circle and measure the radius.
  2. Apply markup.
  3. We carry out the knife on the markup so that the drywall can cut as closely.
  4. the sheet of plasterboard is put on the surface in which there is a deepening, so that the circle that we cut out is above this deepening.
  5. after that, we hit the hammer to the marked center of the circle with sufficient effort so that the plasterboard is broken through the slot made.
  6. cut extra pieces, hang edges and cut off the bottom layer of cardboard.

Tools for cutting plasterboard.

This method is very and very simple, does not require special tools, but when it is necessary, there is a skill. It is dangerous enough, in the absence of experience and the newcomer will have to spoil not one sheet of plasterboard, before working out it. The blow should not be too strong, otherwise the material will simply break, but not too weak.

The depth of the slot made in the first stages of preparation is important. The deeper there will be a slot, the less you will have to apply effort so that the leaf is broken in the right place. If the circle you want to cut is quite large diameter, then it will be better to cut the cardboard inside the contour to segments.

Other geometry

Those methods that have been described above can equally be suitable for cutting rectangular holes.

The electrolovka is best suited if it is necessary to perform a curly cut, but there is no such tool for everyone. Then you can take advantage of the following method for which you need a hacksaw. It is necessary to act as follows:

  1. We celebrate the center of the future figure and refer to the edges
  2. Apply markup
  3. We divide the circuit cutting to more or less straight areas and cut through them with a knife, and only the upper layer of cardboard is cut down and the gypsum is scratched.
  4. Sliced \u200b\u200bpart with hacksaw cut into segments
  5. Leaf of plasterboard put on the surface in which there is a deepening, so that the figure that we cut out is above this deepening
  6. After that, we hit the hammer to the marked center of the figure with sufficient effort so that the plasterboard broke through the slotted
  7. Cut extra pieces, hang edges and cut off the bottom layer of cardboard.

This method is suitable if you need to cut a big radius figure.

Work on the installation of plasterboard suggests the cutting sheets on the details of the desired size. At home, the wizard faces such a task not often, so professional electric peelings are inappropriate for cutting GK. When working with large volumes of the GC, the first place comes the speed of cutting, so for the installation of the installation constantly, the acquisition of such equipment is relevant.

A set of tools for working with GK

But in order to make a box for a ceiling or arched opening in my home, the opening of the GC can be performed by the usual general purpose tool available in the arsenal of any home master. And to understand how to cut plasterboard correctly, you must first figure out what kind of material it is.

To bend without any problems, cut off drywall (GK) at home, both in a straight and complex line, you need to figure it out first in the structure of this material. It fully says its name: in fact, it is a sandwich, the core of which consists of a fragile mixture based on the gypsum, which is placed on both sides by cardboard. In the workpiece of parts, the properties of drywall, due to its material and structure, are used:

  • The core gives the drywall hardness, and the cardboard prevents it from flushing. In case of damage to the cardboard layer, HC is easily breaking in this place. Performing continuous direct cardboard extrem and subsequent leaf overwork - the main principle of fast-cutting.

Leaf of gk in context
  • Like any solid porous material, the HC is easily drilling and sawing. Gypsum cuts into any hand tool.
  • The porous mass of the filler can absorb moisture, while the material reversibly loses the hardness and is amenable to deformation. After making the required form, the GK dries up and reiterates strength. This property is used to obtain solid arched parts with uniform bend.

Tools for cutting GK

To work with plasterboard at home, you will need tools for marking and cutting:

  • The markup is performed using a roulette and a metallic line. It is convenient to use a metal guide or carrying profile. With their help, the initial marking of the long sheet is performed. A ruler for holding a longitudinal line on a sheet of HC Long 2.5 m will be short.
  • Stationery knife. It is better to apply the knife for drywall. It is stronger, and when working with it, you can make slits with a significant effort without risk to break the knife.

Knife - main tool for cutting GK
  • Drawing for wood. For sawing, the GK will suit a thin stitching hacksaw with a minimum divorce of teeth. In construction stores, a special narrow plasterboard show is sold.
  • Electrolzik. This tool today is considered a universal assistant in the household, therefore there is any master in the arsenal.
  • Electric drill. It is used to drill smooth holes. For a large diameter, feathery drills or round crowns for cutting the core of door locks-latches are used.
  • For processing the edges of the parts after cutting, cutting the irregularities, cramps of cardboard, the soles are used. It is not necessary to buy a plasterboard plasterboard, the usual carpentry is suitable.
  • The metal profile is cut off with a grinder or metal scissors for metal.
  • Needle roller for making parts curves.

Receptions cutting drywall

The correct markup of the workpiece is the basis of the formation of the CC. If the item gets more than necessary, it can be trimmed, but the small billet will be finally spoiled.

The time spent on rechecking markup will be significantly less than on the alteration or trimming of parts.

The tool for the direct cutting of drywall is a knife. After the two-point marks on the surface of the sheet, a ruler or profile is applied. Draw a line is not necessary. You need to firmly press the guide and with pressure to perform a smooth incision of the cardboard. You can cut forward several times, as the deeper the furrows, the greater the plasterboard is broken. After that, the sheet is rehearsed and only remains to cut the cardboard on the back side of the sheet.

Curved lines are cut by the jigsaw.

Hoven is used for zigza-like lines. Usually this angular cuts. In this case, one line cuts over with a hacksaw, the second is a knife.

Applying knobs

To perform the deaf holes, the circle is placed, the hole is drilled, the jigsawlet is inserted into it and the sphere of the necessary form is cut in circle.

If you want to make a rectangular hole in the already installed sheet of the GK (for the outlet), the jigscription is not always possible due to the fear of damaging the stasged communications. In the absence of a professional tool with adjustable departure of the cutting element, you will have to work as an ordinary knife, gradually cutting the sheet to the full thickness.

Production of curves details

The most time-consuming and long-lasting process is the bending of the parts from the plasterboard. Correct the GC correctly, the profile is the task that requires accuracy and patience.

Initially, a rectangular blank is cut off. To properly place the part, with the help of a flexible roulette, the length of the arch of bending is measured.

The facial plasterboard coating is denser inverse, so the belling stripping is performed so that the rear coating is stretched.

After reviewing the video, it is possible and without words to understand how simple everything is:

Smoothly bend wide item is possible only with a template. It is made of fiberboard, plywood or the same plasterboard.

One side of the part is rolled by a needle roller with this pressure so that the needles penetrate the leaf beast of 3-5 mm. After that, the surface is wetted with water before softening. This is a long process, and do not hurry. At the same time, on the template you need to gradually bend the part. After it is lying in the form, it is fixed and leave to dry.

Bend by template

For gentle arches with a large radius, where the twisted bend is small, you can do without wet bending. In the details with a uniform step are made of transverse cuts, resulting in a harmonica. After fixing, such a surface is covered to hide the bending ribs.

For arched structures, bend the profile will not work. To do this, it is cut off with scissors with a step of 3-10 cm, depending on the bend steepled. Proper to make triangular cuts.

To work with plasterboard, you can do the usual instrument, which is found in any domestic workshop.

In contact with

Each of us has ever been repaired in his life. And many make it every couple of years. For insulation of your home or creating beautiful shapes on the ceiling, in the bathroom or any other rooms, we often use such material such as plasterboard. And many of those who prefer to make repairs with their own hands, wondered, and whether it is possible to make a cut of the plasterboard on their own at home, and how difficult it is.

Most often, the owners resort to the help of foreign people (specialists), spending big money at the same time. This article will help you to cope with this process, do not spend time on the search for specialists, and will help you get exactly the result you want.


Plasterboard is a relatively young material used when performing construction work. He acquired wide popularity due to its harmlessness, versatility, good sound insulation. Helk himself, how can I understand the name, consists of two sheets of dense cardboard and gypsum placed between them. The standard width of one sheet is one hundred twenty centimeters. Since the plasterboard has large sizes, when conducting construction work, you have to resort to its cutting.

For cutting on plasterboard, we will need a roulette to get the desired dimensions (a ruler can also be used), a pencil, a pen (or any other similar tool), with which we will apply the figures you need to leaf, tool for the very cut itself (hacksaw, Bulgarian, Lobzik, cutter), ripping planer (for processing edges after cut), saw (may be circular or ring), or the drill with the crown. The slice-carcarton section does not represent any difficulties, but its incorrect cutting leads to a large overflow of the material, and, accordingly, to the excessive waste of cash.

The incision of G Clac is not a labor-intensive work, any newbie with a proper desire is able to make a cut itself without resorting to the help of professionals.

A brief process of cutting drywall is as follows. First, there is a cutting of plasterboard, after a dun. Also, the simple composition of the drywall is easily drilling, which is necessary to do various holes.

This type of material is divided into various species depending on the functions endowed:

  • moisture-resistant;
  • standard;
  • fire-resistant;
  • acoustic;
  • increased strength.

Moisture-resistant plasterboard is needed when used in rooms with an increased number of vapors in the air. Fire-resistant plasterboard is used where there are fireplaces, and near places with sources of open fire.

Initially, plasterboard was used only for aligning surfaces.

There are three standard sheet types:

  • 3000x1200 millimeters;
  • 2500x1200 millimeters;
  • 2000x1200 millimeters.

Depending on the type of drywall, their thickness differs, which affects the complexity of cutting.

Ceiling plasterboard has a thickness of 9.5 millimeters, wall - 12.5 millimeters, arched - 6.5 millimeters.

Consider several features when cutting drywall:

  • It is necessary to have a sheet of drywall on a flat and stable surface, as it is very flexible.
  • If the drywall sheet has a large size, then the cutting must be performed gradually.
  • Before laying the sheet on the working surface, make sure that it is dry. The wet sheet will be unsuitable for work.
  • Cutting is recommended from the other side that will be located at the wall. This will subsequently hide the possible shortcomings formed during cutting.
  • It is necessary to protect with the means of individual protection of the eye and respiratory organs.

When cutting drywall, it is not allowed to use a circular saw due to its ability to create a large amount of harmful dust.

What is better to cut?

The cutting of plasterboard is made by various types of tools, one of them are:

  • mounted knife;
  • hacksaw;
  • electric jigsaw is a manual power tool, with which the various types of materials are carried out when using the reciprocating movement of the saw blade.

Consider separately each of them.

Mounting knife

In this way, we will need a drill and, in fact, a mounting knife.

To cut the plasterboard with a mounting knife, it is necessary to measure the required size of the drywall in length or width. We also need a metal ruler. We apply it to the cut line. After that, a section of this material is made. The process itself is quite simple, it will not take a large amount of time. The neakkurat region, left after the cut, can be corrected using the plane. It is recommended when dummary of drywall on the table so that the edge spoke on one or two centimeters, and with cutting on the floor, to put any item resembling a bar for it.

When cutting drywall, one person is quite convenient way is a cut of the part on one side, after which the plasterboard neatly turns over to the other side and continues to cut on the other side. This method allows, if necessary, cut into thin strips of plasterboard with minimal damage.


This tool will allow us to cut only small figures, such as a circle, square, rectangle, rhombus and others. To achieve the best result, it is recommended to use a hacksaw with a thin blade.

The figures of the appropriate size we need, after which, with the help of a drill, we do a hole corresponding to the size of the blade of our hacksaw. After that, cut out the figures you need. Just as in the previous method, it is possible to use a planer to achieve neat edges or a file, if the size of your parts is too small. It is recommended to use the metal hacksaw, but when it is absent, it is possible to use hacksaws and wood.

This process can be described in more detail as follows.A sheet of drywall is placed on a flat surface (you can use a stack of plasterboard sheets). Next, the necessary measurements are made, and the dimensions are applied with a pencil (or any other subject) onto the sheet. Marks are applied on both sides of the sheet, starting with the edge of the sheet. Next, they are connected to each other, forming the desired line or the shape. In some cases, use a marking thread. Lines are placed on both sides of the plasterboard.

The next step is carried out directly cutting plasterboard. The length of the blade of our tool should not exceed the sheet thickness. A leaf is cut with a knife (preferably several times to achieve the best effect), the sheet turn over the other side. Next, several times knocking along the cut line, and cut the remaining part of the plasterboard with the same knife.


Cutting electric jigsaw is the most fast of all, but at the same time quite costly. Its price varies from 1500 to 10,000 rubles. The price depends on the quality of this product. But the costs absolutely justify themselves. Our possibilities are significantly expanding. There is an opportunity to cut lines and figures of various forms, including curved, the amount of waste is also significantly reduced. When working with the jigsaw, it is necessary to follow safety. And before starting work, check the integrity of the wires and the serviceability of the tool.

To achieve the desired effect, we apply properly necessary forms or pictures on the garcoton sheet.Next, place it on two stools (or any other supports) placed on both sides of the sheet. After that, with the help of an electric batch, cut out the figures we cut.

When cutting round holes, it is recommended to draw them with a circulation, and when cutting, drill a hole inside the circle. The edges after cutting drywall need minimal processing, which also saves our time and strength, being a significant plus.

When cut, it is not recommended for a long time to linger in one place, as well as pressing onto the sheet, applying great power, to avoid breakdowns of the electrolovka and leaf. It is necessary to carefully process the edges of the GCC before hanging, for example, a point lamp or a socket.

Subtlety of the process

When cutting plasterboard, it is customary to comply with some rules, such as:

  • placing a sheet on a flat and stable surface;
  • the surface must be dry and without excess garbage;
  • use personal protective equipment for eyes and respiratory organs, as a large amount of fine garbage and dust remains with cutting.

When carrying out a cutting profile, various types of tools are used:

  • Hacksaw. This type of tool, regardless of whether it is narrow or wide, has a high flexibility of the cutting blade, which allows it to deviate from the specified direction. This reduces the quality of work, and also increases the time spent on cutting.
  • Bulgarian. The tool is one of the best in the construction of construction works, including when cutting drywall.

  • Metal scissors
  • Lobzik.

Also in our life, the moments in which it is necessary to make a cut on the already installed sheet of plasterboard under the luminaire, paintings or any other things. This case also has its own way.

First you need to make sure of the reliability of the plasterboard mount, after which the fine holes we need are neatly cut with a jigsaw, a drill with a nozzle or an electric drill. Large holes are recommended to be cut into a knife on the applied markup. Upon receipt of uneven edges, they can be removed by the emery or hacksaw.

When cutting circles there are a number of nuances. The simplest way to cut in the drywall of the circle is to apply the desired size to the sheet, and then carefully cut in a circle with a blade, and knock the core to the hammer (with small efforts with any similar subject). There is also the easiest way to save time and power - the use of a drill with a special cylindrical nozzle. This type of nozzle is usually used when embedded in the door of the locking mechanism with a snatch.

There is also a so-called double-sided incision, which is carried out when there is a sheet of different obstacles on the path, be it door, opening, beam or any other. If such a situation has occurred, it has to make a cutout (or a cut) from the right side and the necessary form. This manipulation is performed simply enough, but requires concentration, accuracy and care. One side of the sheet must be powered with a hacksaw, and the other side is neatly cut through with a knife. After completing the work, making a dormant and processing the edge of the plane.

When cutting drywall - it develops. It is advisable to do it carefully without damaging the sheet. There are three possible ways of flexing drywall. To the easiest way, the method of applying the desired workpiece to the profile and fixes it in the desired position by self-draws. This method is used with small sheets of 20-30 centimeters and a slight arc size.

Plasterboard can be called in the most popular material for alignment of walls and ceilings under their further finish. It is very widely used when, erecting complex decorative designs, becoming an interior decoration. Such popularity is not accidental, as the plasterboard has all the qualities that are necessary for use in residential premises. It is very convenient in work, and technology with its use is quickly mastered even newcomers. There is another important point - this is a fairly affordable price of plasterboard sheets, compared with other building materials.

For the first time purchasing this material for certain purposes, many beginner masters are involuntarily asked about how to cut drywall at home, so as not to spoil or do not break the sheet so that the workpieces with smooth edges and the required dimensions are obtained. There is nothing particularly difficult in this - then various options for cutting, processing and fitting plasterboard sheets will be considered for a specific area of \u200b\u200bwork.

A few words about the structure of plasterboard

For a start, a couple of minutes of attention should be paid to the structure of plasterboard, since this moment immediately makes clarity into the process of its cutting. And the "device" of GLC is very simple.

Prices for plasterboard


The structural structure of the sheet of this material is a three-layer "Sandwich". The outer layers are made of dense cardboard, and the core from the pressed gypsum mixture. Side long sides of the drywall usually have a edge with rounded or converging to the corners and also protected by cardboard. From the end sides, the edge is not provided.

Cardboard is performed in several species - this is the usual (GLC) gray material, moisture-resistant (G CLEB) has green shades of the front side, fire-resistant (GKLO) - pink or light purple color, and moisture-shaped (Glevo) - a dark green shade. In addition, innovative plasterboard appeared on sale, intended for sound insulation of walls. It manufactured In blue color.

Most often there are standard dimensions of sheets of 2500 × 1200 mm, that is, having an area of \u200b\u200b3 m². Other options are manufactured, but they are less common: 2000 × 1200 mm (2.4 m²) and 3000 × 1200 mm (3.6 m²). The thickness of the sheets can be 12.5 mm (for walls), as well as 9.5 mm and 6 mm, which are commonly used to create structures.

The table below shows the main standard dimensions of plasterboard with an approximate mass of sheets. This is in order to estimate - the sheets are very cumbersome and pretty heavy. That is, it is necessary to work with them: the load on the break in carelessly, they may not withstand - break.

Type of plasterboardDimensions of sheets (Length × Width × Thickness), mmLeaf Square, m²Approximate sheet weight, kg
2000 × 1200 × 62,4 12
2000 × 1200 × 9.52,4 18
2000 × 1200 × 12.52,4 23
2500 × 1200 × 63,0 15
2500 × 1200 × 9.53,0 23
2500 × 1200 × 12.53,0 29
3000 × 1200 × 63,6 18
3000 × 1200 × 9.53,6 27
3000 × 1200 × 12.53,6 35
2000 × 1200 × 12.52,4 24
2500 × 1200 × 12.53,0 30
3000 × 1200 × 12.53,6 35
2000 × 1200 × 12.52,4 26
2500 × 1200 × 12.53,0 31
3000 × 1200 × 12.53,6 37
2000 × 1200 × 12.52,4 27
2500 × 1200 × 12.53,0 32
3000 × 1200 × 12.53,6 38

However, whatever used for construction or, it cuts it equally.

Basic tools for cutting drywall

To cut the sheets of plasterboard for certain sizes, some simple tools will be required, the list of which includes the following names:

  • Electric jigsaw. This tool is convenient to make long-cuts, and in particular it becomes necessary if a sharp curvilinear form is required. As a rule, in our electrolovik, it is included in the instrumental "arsenal" of any private house, since without it in the farm it is difficult to do.
  • Special knife for cutting drywall or a regular stationery knife with a replaceable blade. More information about this tool group will be provided below.
  • Narrow steadworking woodcuttered with a small divorce of teeth, or a special hand serving on plasterboard.
  • Electric drill with a set of large feathers drills, as well as crowns - for cutting large round holes for wiring communications, sockets for installing electrical outlets and switches.
  • Plazovok on plasterboard or ordinary planer on wood. This tool will be required to process edges during material cutting.
  • The needle roller will be required if it is necessary to form an arched opening of a gypsum coat or a different curvilinear surface, for example, for complex
  • For measuring and marking sheets, a simple pencil or marker, roulette, a construction kit, a metering metal ruler, if there is no line, the replacement can be a smooth metal profile used to arrange a frame crate. In addition, it is necessary to have a construction rule at hand to perform long smooth cuts "for a ruler".

Knives for cutting drywall

Due to the fact that the main tool for cutting plasterboard is a knife, its characteristics should be considered in more detail.

Prices for popular electric jigsaws

Knives for cutting plasterboard can be divided into three categories. About them detailed information is presented in this table:

Knife categoriesCharacteristic features of the tool
Standard knivesSuch knives are the most affordable tool, and this is the main advantage.
The design is quite simple, since it consists of four elements - this is a housing-handle, a fixer cover, a knob fixer and a replaceable blade itself.
The reliability of such knives is quite low, especially when applying them for cutting drywall. They are more and more suitable for cutting paper. When laying drywall blades, the blades are quickly stupid.
Stressed models of knifeThese are more expensive comparison options with standard models.
They differ from the first presence of a metal guide installed in the housing, which fixes the blade more reliably and provides the rigidity of the position during the cut.
Professional knivesSuch tools use masters that are constantly working with plasterboard.
There are many professional knives options. They differ from each other ergonomic case, the principle of work of the clamp and some other nuances of the structure.
The price of such models is many times different from those mentioned above, and sometimes reaches 1000 rubles.

In principle, plasterboard can be chicted with any of the named knives models. However, to determine the choice of this tool worth considering all the options in more detail.

It is necessary to immediately note that the knives with the blade of 9 mm do not even be considered, since they are not suitable for cutting plasterboard. Such a blade may not withstand push and break. It is not enough that this will strongly slow down work - a breakdown of a thin blade is often accompanied by a rather serious injury.

Knucking drywall are used knives with a blade having a width of 18 or 25 mm.

Exterior of the productTypes of knives and cutters and their features
The wallpaper or stationery knife can be called the most simple and affordable option.
This tool is popular among non-professional builders, as it is easy to operate and can be used not only for cutting plasterboard, but also for many other operations.
The thickness of the blades can vary from 0.3 to 0.6 mm - in this case, the more this indicator, the better.
This type of knife is made in different versions, but their operational characteristics are mainly identical.
A knife having a trapezoid blade is considered an optimal option for working with plasterboard, as it is designed precisely for cutting this material.
The advantages of this tool can be called an ergonomic handle shape, thanks to which the tool is comfortable to work, since the hand force is perfectly transmitted to the material being processed.
The blade having a trapezoidal shape is characterized by rigidity, due to this it does not bend and cuts high quality plaster sheets.
Knives of this type have a sufficiently large variation in terms of value, which mainly depends on the brand of the product. But even the most inexpensive options well shown themselves in operation.
Another version of the knife with a trapezoid blade, designed for cutting drywall, is a product with folding design.
It is very convenient, as a folded instrument is safe, and it can be worn in your pocket, without fear of getting injured.
The remaining characteristics correspond to the previous option.
Knives with a disk blade are designed for cutting drywall, and many masters prefer to use in their work, since the tool perfectly divides sheets, making perfectly smooth cuts, including curvilinear.
The disk is installed next to the metal line of the cutting line, pressed and move along it. In the course of the movement of the knife is formed smooth cut of the same depth.
If necessary, on a round blade can be pressed, the accompanying is quite large force, as it has sufficient stiffness and withstand such loads without any problems.
There are also folding knives with a disk blade. In such models, the disk comes out of the housing when pressed on the movable part of the handle.
Raysmus or plasterboard cutter differs from previous options with its appearance and construction. This tool is made of two disks located horizontally parallel to each other at a certain distance.
The cutter is installed on a sheet of drywall and moves along it, cutting at once both layers of cardboard. Round cutting parts are removable, so if necessary, they can be replaced with new ones.
This tool can be cut, separating from a whole sheet of perfectly smooth stripes up to 120 mm wide, which is often needed when using drywall for the formation of multi-level ceilings and other structures where narrow bands are perfectly smooth and identical.
The instrument's handle simultaneously serves as a guide - the required width of the cut is displayed from it. Next, the cutter is installed on the shear end, and move from beginning to end along its entire length.
Cutter for plasterboard "Blade Runne" - a tool that is known mainly among professional masters. This is not a completely ordinary tool that is able to speed up the cutting process twice. From which it can be concluded that such a device is necessary if you have to study constantly with a large number of plasterboard sheets.
The tool consists of two detachable parts, which are held between themselves during operation using magnetic clamps. Blades are located in small blocks located in two parts of the housing. If necessary, cutting elements can be replaced.
The cuts with this tool are enough to produce quite easily - the tool is separated and installed on both sides of the sheet on the line in advance on it. Then, the cutter moves along a specified guideline, cutting the cardboard layer at once from both sides.
Thanks to this tool, you can do both perfectly smooth and complex curvilinear cuts. The main thing is that the markup lines applied to the sheet were clear and accurate.

Now, having understood which knife designs are most often used for cutting drywall, you can decide on the choice of the main tool for work. This takes into account the scope of the material, the required forms and dimensions of the billets, the required level of accuracy. Well, of course, the value of the tool is compared with the scale of upcoming tasks, with the intensity of its use.

Basic technological techniques for cutting plasterboard and processing of blanks

Himself cutting plasterboard is completely simple. But in order to It was convenient to work, and the markup and the cuts were accurate, it is necessary to make the room where the cutting passes was well light and fairly free.

The main technological methods of cutting plasterboard sheets and processing of blanks are shown in the table-instructions below:

IllustrationBrief description of operations performed
The plasterboard sheet has a sufficiently large size, and it is necessary to put it horizontally on a solid base for marking and cutting it.
It is clear that such a spacious workbench is far from everyone. Someone has a sheet on the floor, others adapt for this purpose tables or stools.
If the recesses are used for the stand, then it is necessary to have them close to each other, at a distance of no more than 300 mm, otherwise, when pressed onto a sheet, it can break.
On the sheet laid on a solid base, markup is made on the necessary dimensions. For this purpose, a roulette and a pencil, a ruler, and the like are used.
A metal ruler or a long rule is applied to the pop labels and the line is stuck along which the cut will be made.
Often for the beat of strictly perpendicular lines can not do without a square.
Further, the blade of the knife is installed close to the battery on the battered line and is carried out along the entire length of the guide.
Using the rule as a ruler is more convenient in cases if the sheet must be cut along the entire length or width.
A small pressure is made on the blade, so that only the outer layer of cardboard is cut.
If one of the types of knives discussed above is used to cut the sheet, the evenness of the cut is largely depends on the hardness of the master's hand.
However, in any case, you should not try to cut drywall to all its thickness, as if it is even possible to do it, the cut will be inactive.
And in vain to pull the blade - nothing.
Then the sheet of drywall must be moved closer to the edge of the base on which it lies, and gently catch up with the reverse side of the sheet.
As a result of the awake, the plaster layer over the line will lose its integrity.
Next, it is necessary to grasp for the sliced \u200b\u200bpart of the sheet and sharply bend it down, so that the gypsum layer will break exactly over the line.
It remains to take a knife, bend the sheet along the cut line and finally divide it into two parts.
Make it will be quite simple, since only one layer of cardboard will be held, which is cut along the broom. To do this, do not even have to turn the sheet.
After the sheet is divided, the edges of the cut can be cleaned with the help of a special or ordinary planer, since it may remain non-accurant notes, which will interfere with the docking of sheets on the wall.
Fackery processing must be made without a strong pressure, as the material can start crumble.
However, it is not necessary to seek the perfect form of the edge, it is enough to remove the strongly protruding parts and the irregularities of the cardboard, if they were formed during cutting.
And the mowed chamfer - for high-quality reinforcement of the joints between sheets of drywall on the wall, it will be possible to cut forward after their installation - otherwise, in the process of work, it is easy to destroy the edge of the sheet specified and unprotected by cardboard.
It is somewhat more complicated to cut a curly hole, for example, a semicircle, as you have to constantly monitor the curved line.
This process can be produced using a narrow hacksaw or electric jigsaw. Lobzik makes more accurate cut, but it is convenient for those masters who have experience with this tool.
It is very important to gently start the cut, without recking the edge of the sheet, especially if there is no cardboard edge on it.
Next, while holding the hacksaw in the direction of the battered line, the extra part of the drywall is neatly, not hurry, cut down.
Cell-cutting openings of arbitrary shape are also cut with a hacksaw or jigsaw.
First, on the surface of the sheet, the location of this window is made, then the lines are precisely determined by its edges.
In the middle of each side, closer to the inner, cut part, the hole is drilled - its diameter must correspond to the width of the peel installed in the electrical jig. Usually grabs diameter 8 ÷ 10 mm.
Next, the jigsawlet is inserted into the hole (be sure to turn off!), And the line cuts up to one of their corners.
Then the jigscription will turn off, after a complete stop, the pubesy turns into the other side, and is inserted into the same hole again, after which the cut is made to the opposite corner.
In the same way, the cuts and other parties are made, and the carved fragment is easily removed.
A round window-socket for a socket or switch is cut with a drill with a crown-crown of the required diameter, narrow hacksaw or jigsaw.
The easiest way to make this operation using a crown drill, and will take this procedure literally a few seconds.
Any openings are cut most often already at the place, that is, after fixing the sheet on the crate, since the strength of the sheet is disturbed, and often even a small skew when carrying or installed leads to a resolution.
And the round opening is very simple - it is not necessary to produce any accurate buildings - it is enough to determine the center of the circle.
If it is planned to cut a hole with a hacksaw or jigsaw, then the center is defined, and with the help of a conventional circuit, the cut line is drawn.
Then, two holes are drilled on the drill line, as closer to each other.
Next, the hole must be accurately combined with a pink and continue the cut along the contour line.
But, you see, the crown is much more convenient, and it is worth it - not at all expensive.
If necessary, hesitate gypsum curvelinear surfaces, the material can be bent, after conducting some preparatory operations.
For example, if it is supposed to make a small bend for the plating arches with a large radius, then two ways to give the desired form of plasterboard are suitable.
You can make punctures on it using a needle roller, then moisten the sheet with a spray gun.
Material, glowing, will become more supplied to bend.
Without waiting for the burr, it is made of an arched frame that you need to do very carefully.
Some masters prefer to bend the punctured and moistened drywall on a template made according to the parameters of the arched opening.
For this, the trained sheet is placed on top of the template, slightly pressed its edge by cargo. In this position, the sheet succumbes, and then mounted on the framework of the arched opening.
Another option that will help give the desired form to make cuts along the entire length of the sheet needed for the skin. The cuts must be perfectly smooth.
If it is necessary to form a column from a plasterboard sheet or to sew an arched opening of a small bend radius, then the cuts are also produced along the entire length of the sheet, but two counter passage at an angle at the top of 100 ÷ 110 degrees.
That is, a small portion of the material is removed from such cuts, and the resulting groove itself must have a form close to the triangle in cross section. Otherwise, the leaf will not be able to bend.

In conclusion, I would like to give several tips to help cope with the task, not bypass incorrigible errors.

  • It is not worth cutting drywall "Bulgarian", as there will be not only a lot of noise, but also a cloud of plaster dust, which will add problems with room cleaning. And no sense at all is not seen in this approach, to be honest.
  • If you need to use with a cutting material of the hammer, you can only use rubber-inquiry, since the metal tool can be seriously damaged by plasterboard. And, of course, to carefully measure the strength of inflated strikes.
  • In order for the cut line on the edges of the sheet, there was less jar, it was recommended to have a hacksaw or a knife at right angles - the lower the slope of the blade, the larrright the cardboard rahes are.
  • All major cuts are made before fixing the material to the crate, as if the cut will be failed, then the sheet will have to be replaced with a new one, and the spoiled can be used on the insertion. The exceptions make up the windows and openings - from it is better to cut on the place installations, after fixing on the frame.
  • It is not recommended to cut complex patterns with thin partitions in drywall, for example, openwork grids, as the material is quite fragile.
  • If a whole sheet is cut, then most often this process is made on the floor. After the cut will be made, a timber is placed on its line under drywall. Then you need to click on both parts of the web that will easily burst on the cut line.

Prices for a knife for drywall

knife for plasterboard

Of the above information, it is suggested by a legitimate conclusion that there is nothing particularly difficult in the process of cutting of plasterboard sheets. And with this work can easily handle anything that has no experience in the construction of the amateur. If some doubts arose, then you can try your hand on a small piece of material and make sure how easy it is, if you follow the technological recommendations and wrapping a high-quality tool.

Find out with a step-by-step instruction, from our new article on our portal.

At the end of the publication - a video in which the masters clearly demonstrate the receptions of the cutting of drywall.

Video: How fast and high quality cut drywall