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Induction stove harm health reviews. How do induction plates affect human health? Advantages and disadvantages of induction cooking panels

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Modern hostesses are increasingly preferred by induction plates with old gas. They not only look beautifully in the kitchen interior, but also allow you to significantly save time when cooking your favorite dishes. Ease of operation often becomes a decisive factor when choosing a plate, so few people think about their possible harm to human health. Before buying, it is necessary to carefully understand this question so that in the end I will not regret your choice.

Device and work of induction plates

First you should figure out how the induction plates work. According to the principle of operation, they are similar to a transformer. Inside the plate is the induction coil. It passes a current with a frequency of 20-60 kHz. The coil is the primary winding, and the pan and pans standing on the surface of the tile - secondary. Between the bottom of the dishes and the coil there are vortex currents, thanks to which heating occurs.

Principle of operation

Today, on the shelves of household appliances stores, you can find many different models of this instrument. Induction plates can be:

  • Portable or stationary;
  • Small or big sizes;
  • The number of burners and the appearance of the panel may also differ.
Interesting! There are tiles, in which some burners are heated using induction, and the heating elements are used to heat the other.

Suitable dishes

A very important point is the choice of suitable dishes for cooking on such a stove. Since induction occurs between the cooking panel and the kitchen utensils, it is necessary that it has ferromagnetic properties. In other words, it is necessary that the dishes are made of metal capable of sticking to magnetic surfaces.

Below are several types of such dishes:

  • Enameled utensils made of iron or steel;
  • Utensils made of stainless steel with magnetic properties;
  • Cookware from cast iron.

In fact, induction occurs not with the entire surface of a pan or pan, but only with her bottom. Therefore, the most important thing is that the bottom has ferromagnetic properties. It can be fully made of such a metal or have only the upper layer of magnetic material.

Important! For proper operation, it is necessary that the bottom of the dishes most tightly in contact with the burner. This can be achieved by choosing kitchen utensils with a smooth bottom.

Special dishes suitable for cooking on induction plates is highlighted by labeling indicating compatibility with such devices.

User's manual

There is a simple algorithm, following which even a beginner hostess can cope with cooking on induction tiles:

  1. It is necessary to put the dishes with the products in the central part of the burner and click on the button on / off the panel.
  2. Next you need to choose the appropriate cooking mode.
  3. Usually further the user is invited to choose a view of the dish, which he is going to cook.
  4. If necessary, you can independently change the heating force during cooking;
  5. Also, modern models have a timer function that will sign up to the end of cooking. Even with it, you can postpone the start of the process startup for a while.

Advantages and disadvantages of induction cooking panels

Like each kitchen device, induction plates have their advantages and cons. In order not to make a mistake with the choice, before making the purchase, both sides of the medal should be studied.


Induction tiles are often compared with gas and electric. Users and specialists allocate the following advantages of purchase of the first option:

  • The cooking process goes faster;
  • If not suitable for induction plates of the dishes is used, nothing will break and will not burn. In this case, the burner will simply not turn on;
  • Also, the inclusion of the burner will not happen if the utensils of the unsuitable diameter are used;
  • Since induction arises with the bottom of the dishes when they are cleaned from the stove, the burner automatically stops working;
  • The ability to set the most accurate temperature and maintain it throughout the process;
  • The burners themselves are not heated in themselves, so the maximum surface temperature of the panel is not more than 60 degrees;
  • Thanks to the previous point, the risk of getting a burn is excluded;
  • Also, due to this, the food tile fell on the surface does not burn;
  • Easy to care for the surface of the device;
  • The presence of a large set of modes and programs for the preparation of various types of dishes;
  • The ability to carry power from one burner to another to increase the heating intensity.

In addition, the latest models are equipped with a variety of additional features that greatly simplify cooking:

  • Ensuring security for children by locking regulators and buttons;
  • The function of changing the intensity of heating of one or another burner;
  • Peat warming mode;
  • Timer function to delay the start of the program or tracking the cooking time;
  • The function of protection against overheating dishes.


Despite all the advantages listed above, induction slabs have a list of shortcomings, which should also be studied before purchase:

  • The need to use special dishes;
  • The need to connect to good wiring so that it can withstand the power of the tile;
  • The negative impact of the induction field on other electrical appliances located nearby;
  • The inability to install the stove above the other household appliances made of metal;
  • Not the lowest prices.

Is the induction stove harmful?

Induction slabs were invented over 25 years ago. However, at that time they did not become popular among buyers. The reason for this was the fear of people about possible harm to health. Therefore, scientists have been close to this issue.

They conducted a lot of studies in which they tried to find out what influence on a person can have an induction field arising between the coil and dishes. As a result, rumors that such a device can seriously harm the person, were not confirmed.

The lack of a negative impact of the induction slab on the body can be explained by the following facts:

  • The electromagnetic field arising at the time of induction is minimal, so it is not able to harm man;
  • Such kitchen appliances has an absorbing function, which also reduces its effect on the body;
  • The electromagnetic field occurs only within a radius equal to the radius of the bottom of the dishes, which was put on the burner.

In addition, scientists measured the magnitude of the electromagnetic field, while at different distances from the cooking panel. When it was equal to 30 cm, the measured indicator was zero.

It's important to know! Induction plates can influence the operation of devices to register and resume cardiac rhythm. People who use these instruments should be consulted by the cardiologist before buying and using such panels.

Harm from such devices is no more than from the classic gas stove

After conducting all studies and experiments, experts offered to buyers several rules for the safe use of induction plates. Manufacturers also prescribe these recommendations in each instruction manual to their product:

  • For cooking on such panels it is necessary to use the dishes, the bottom of which will most suit the size to the burner diameter;
  • It is necessary to monitor the pans and pans to stand exactly in the center of the burner;
  • If the dishes have any damage or chip, it is necessary to stop using it for induction tiles;
  • It is impossible to put kitchen utensils on the cooking panel, if it is nervous;
  • During the cooking process, a person must be at a distance of at least 10 cm from the burner;
  • It is best to buy a special dishes for similar cooking panels, having a labeling indicating its suitability;
  • It is impossible to interfere with food in a saucepan or pan with spoons or other devices made of ferromagnetic material.

Check video: Are induction plates for health

The presence of such a device in the kitchen is a dream of any modern hostess. Induction plates harmoniously fit into any interior, they are comfortable, and, thanks to their wonderful properties, the process of cooking cooking is significantly easier.

The principle of operation of such plates is heated dishes with vortex induction flows, which are created by a powerful high-frequency magnetic field (from 20 to 100 kHz). Induction incandescent method has long been applied in the metallurgical industry. After passing several complex stages of modernization and improvement, the first surfaces of the induction type appeared on the market for use in everyday life.

One of the important aspects for the normal operation of such a stove is the presence of special metal dishes. Only it can absorb the energy of magnetic fields, which is performed when the cooking surface is turned on. The dishes must necessarily have ferromagnetic properties, since only in this case the efficiency coefficient of the induction plate will reach maximum indicators.

The uniqueness of induction plates is the greatest return of useful energy during operation - about 90%. If you compare it with a conventional electrical oven or gas, then you can visually see the advantages of this device. The efficiency of the electric stove during operation reaches a mark of 70%, and gas is only 50%. Incredible, isn't it?


Damage induction plates

Since the appearance of the first cooking panels of the induction type, about a quarter of a century has passed, but today such a device is not applied in every home. This is explained by the fact that very many consumers are beware of this know-how, and firmly confident that the harm of induction plates is huge - because when they are turned on, a magnetic field appears.

In the study and detailed analysis of cooking panels of this type, scientists concluded that induction plates are not harm to health. And even provided a number of evidence:

  1. Electromagnetic fields secreted by induction plates, minimize radiation that does not pose a threat to the human body.
  2. Plates of this species have properties to absorb the isolated energy.
  3. The effect of the electromagnetic field is directed locally, solely on the area of \u200b\u200bthe dishes.

When measuring, in the process of research, the experts determined that at a distance of about 30 cm from the cooking surface, the magnetic field indicators were zero.

Careful should be only people who have pacemakers or defibrillators in the body. The electromagnetic radiation produced by the induction slab can disrupt their work, which threatens the well-being and life of a person dependent on these devices. The distance of 30-50 cm from the plate during the cooking is considered the best option.

The obvious disadvantages of the induction plates include the fact that when it appears in the kitchen, it is necessary to replace completely all the dishes for frying and cooking. The new dishes should be only metallic, accurately correspond to the diameter of each burner and be ferromagnetic (attract a magnet).


Advantages of induction plates

Induction-type cooking panels are convenient, practical and durable devices with a number of intellectual features. The cooking process is much facilitated, and the time spent at the stove is reduced several times.

The indisputable advantages of induction surfaces include:

  • Saving electricity

The cooking process begins immediately after turning on the surface, and when the dishes are removed from the panel, it automatically turns off.

  • Safety

Induction plates are able to recognize metal dishes, and if you put a porcelain or plastic dishes on the panel, the heating is not performed. The risk of burn is minimized, as only the bottom of the dishes is incanded, and the surface of the panel remains warm.

  • Comfort

Even during the long work of the induction plate, the air temperature in the room remains the same.

  • Practicality and convenience

The induction plate panel is easily cleaned by contaminants, as food drops that splashed during cooking are not burning. To care, you just need to wipe the surface with a damp cloth, and if necessary, you can apply cleaning gel.

In addition, induction plates have a number of useful properties and functions. These include controlling the degree of heating of the panel, the function "timer" and "booster" mode, during which the instantaneous movement of power is possible between several enabled burners.

How to choose an induction cooking panel

Buying new home appliances for the house should bring joy to the owners, but not to upset them. To avoid the most common mistakes and find out how to correctly select the induction panel, it is necessary to follow these positions:

  • A good induction stove must have several power modes - it is desirable that they were about 20.
  • Excellent function is the built-in mode of fast intensive heating;
  • The presence of an automatic temperature control system and power movement between several burners.
  • The cooking panel must quickly cool and do not pose a threat to the hostess and her family members;
  • The size and general features of the panel should be chosen in accordance with the kitchen dimensions and avoid the presence of sharp corners dangerous for children.
  • It should be remembered that the induction slab cannot be installed next to the devices, which contains metal objects.

For fans of oriental cuisine, manufacturers invented a new induction panel of an induction type - with a spherical surface. Such burners are capable of producing a high temperature similar to living fire, and for the preparation of dishes, a special cast iron boiler will be required.

Summing up, we can conclude that induction plates cannot harm our health. The main thing is to adhere to useful recommendations and correctly install this device in the kitchen. After all, we are surrounded daily by household items that produce magnetic fields of different levels: microwave ovens, mobile phones, computers. And to be afraid of every device, writing off his bad well-being or another depression is simply unreasonable.

Induction plates are a completely new approach to cooking, as well as a significant saving time and user tools. This comfortable and safe device is created by the smartest heads of the world in order to facilitate our lives, reduce food cooking and allow us to spend more time with the most close and relatives!

The development of technologies, including and cooking technologies steadily occurs. Currently, many well-known household appliances manufacturers offer the consumer to purchase induction plates and cooking panels. Consumers, in turn, when choosing kitchen appliances are wondering if induction stove is harmful, and if so, then what exactly. Consumers understand easy, because many want to eat healthy and properly cooked food.

Cons induction plates

Harm induction slabs for health though minimal, but exists, since this device creates a vortex electromagnetic field. And yet, this is a harm to mezera, for example, compared to mobile phones, which we are also closely pressed against the head when conversations. But the principle of operation of the slab is not the only minus. To use the induction slab, you will have to change almost all the dishes available in the house, in which they prepared earlier. Only a special dishes that have a magnetic bottom (on the other hand, this super-modern device will not work). Thus, investments in the kitchen device can be very considerable (and immediately). However, such an inconvenience can be considered as temporary.

About radiation

Does induction stove creates harmful radiation? This statement is the main "scary" about the harm of this device. Consumers can calm down - food prepared in an induction plate, not radioactive. The strength of the vortex electromagnetic fields arising from the operation of induction slabs is quite insignificant, and the vortex streams themselves are locally limited by the case and the device. Already at a distance of just 30 cm from the plane, the field exposure can be considered zero. Food radioactive does not become. In general, if the induction plate is properly established by a specialist (including grounding), there are no special risks in its use, of course, when all the rules of operation of this device are observed.

About electromagnetic fields

Many scientists argue how harmful electromagnetic fields created by various household electrical appliances are harmful. Perhaps in all these opinions and reasoning there are rational grains, and these are not only speculative conversations. Of course, to solve the consumer independently, what to cook and what instruments to use. There is a certain risk for people with implanted pacemakers, and about it, of course, you should know when choosing and operating an induction plate. The fact is that the generated electromagnetic vortex flows can affect the operation of implanted pacemakers (people with such devices should not approach the working induction plate at a distance of closer than half the meter).

On the positive qualities of induction plates

Induction slabs have their advantages. First, faster cooking. Secondly, electricity savings, ease and ease of care, as well as the inability to burn. In addition, a special "booster" mode of operation is remarkable for cooking on several burners - you can translate the hardware of the burner to the adjacent one. Summing up, it can be said that the induction stove is dangerous not more than many other household appliances that we constantly use. Naturally, to ensure the safety of any devices, the rules for their operation should be followed. And yet, running the induction slab to the mode of operation, it is worth moving away and do something else, and it is better to get out of the kitchen.

Induction cooking panel or stove - invention, which will not leave anyone indifferent, who at least once tried to cook on such a stove after the usual electrical. Two years ago, we bought a cooking panel in IKEY, in which four heating zones are built - two induction and two ordinary. Now we use only induction. Fast heating, easy power control and small inertia, natural shutdown when removing a pan. In addition, significant electricity savings and absence of open fire and gas.

Once, in more than a long-standing time, the same success had a microwave, which is now very often criticized and sometimes even considered a harmful device (which cannot be considered reasonable, as for the note on our site "Harm and the use of microwave").

It is obvious that the induction plate is also a source of a powerful electromagnetic field, and the open source (unlike the microwave, which has the doors closed). Therefore, the question of the possible influence of this field on the health of people is reasonably arising. Producers induction furnaces are certainly not interested in the study of electromagnetic radiation emanating from their technology. Imagine what economic damage will cause any negative information on the effect of this radiation on health. Usually in the description of the furnace it is noted that it is absolutely harmless.

Let's try, leaning on the results published in the open access, is the induction panel harmful to disassemble. First, a few words about the mechanism of operation of the furnace. This mechanism is based on the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction and is actually used for heating and melting metals in industry for a very long time. In the installations of induction heating, the electromagnetic field is created by an inductor, which is a multi-axis cylindrical coil (solenoid). A variable electric current is passed through the inductor, as a result of which the variable magnetic field variables around the inducer occurs around the inductor. The heated object is placed inside the inductor or next to it. Changing (in time) The flow of magnetic induction, created by the inductor, permeates the heated object and induces a vortex electric field. In the heated object, conductivity currents (vortex currents) and the energy of an alternating electric field under the law of Jowle-Lenza irreversibly goes into thermal. The described transformations of the electromagnetic field energy make it possible:
1) transmit electrical energy from the inductor into the heated object by contactless way (in contrast to resistance stoves),
2) Select heat directly in the heated object, as a result of which the use of heat energy turns out to be the most efficient and the heating rate increases significantly (compared to the so-called "furnaces with an external heating source").

In the household induction cooking panel, under each heating zone, inductors are located, according to which an alternating current of the average frequency is from 20 to 100 kHz. Coils generate a magnetic field of the same frequency that passes through a ceramic coating of the plate and causes vortex currents directly in the bottom of the pan or frying pan. Most effectively convert the variable vortex current into the heat of ferromagnetic materials. In such materials, the alternating electric field is pushed into a thin outer layer of the bottom of the pan (so-called "skin effect"), which increases the electrical resistance and causes intensive heating. The alternating magnetic field constantly magnetizes and demagnetizes the bottom material of the pan, which creates additional heating (so-called "hysteresis losses").

In the picture - the device of the induction plate (Fig. From the site

What do we have from the induction slab, except heated food? We have a variable electromagnetic field near the cooking panel. Moreover, it becomes more intense if the diameter of the pan is less than the diameter of the emitting surface. Since the vortex currents in the bottom of the pan create a magnetic field opposite field of induction coils, then the total magnetic radiation is quenched in the case of a coincidence of the diameter of the bottom of the pan and the cooking zone. In addition, we have leakage currents. These currents are created due to the fact that the induction coil and the pan shape an electric capacitor, and when a person is touching a pan, a weak current can go through his body.

Especially rapidly induction plates spread at the beginning of the 21st century in Japan. The number of plates sold in 2001 increased by 51% compared to 1998. And it was from there that there were alarming signals about their possible harm to health. Until now, many opponents of induction panels quote from one Japanese non-profit organization, which conducted studies of induction furnaces in 2002 and allegedly identified a significant excess of international standards for electromagnetic radiation. The radiation according to their data exceeded the threshold established by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, ICNIRP) at the International Commission on Protection against Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection. The Japanese organization appealed to manufacturers with a requirement to disclose information on electromagnetic fields existing near household induction furnaces.

It would be strange if international organizations for the protection of public health responded on such criticism. Many solid organizations seriously undertook to study induction heating. Some results can be found online. Here are the results of studies published in 2006 by the Swiss Federal Health Center (Federal Office of Public Health Foph).

In the FOPH study, two built-in models of induction furnaces and one portable desktop tiles were used. All three models fit the current European standard (SN EN 62233 "Electromagnetic Fields Around Household and Similar Electrical Appliances - Methods for Evaluation and Measurement"), which requires that the radiation is not more than 6.25 mct at a distance of 30 cm from the cooking surface, according to The values \u200b\u200brecommended by ICNirp. But it should be noted that these values \u200b\u200bwere obtained under the condition of the use of dishes made from a high-quality ferromagnetic material, a sufficiently large diameter and centered in the heating zone.

However, in everyday life, it is not always possible to perform all ICNIRP conditions, sometimes the dishes do not cover the entire zone of induction heating, it can be made from the most appropriate material, the distance to the surface of the plate can be less than 30 cm. Therefore, FOPH studies were conducted in the zone from 1 to 30 cm to the stove, the effect of the wrong position of the pan, poor centering, the effect of poor-quality material and the effect of incorporating several heating zones in one plate was studied.

As a result of the experiments, the following was found out. Electromagnetic radiation, measured at a distance of 1 cm always significantly exceeds the ICNIRP rate. If the pan was shifted relative to the center of the induction zone, or its diameter was less than the diameter of the zone, the rule was exceeded up to a distance of 12 cm from the plate using optimal dishes and up to 20 cm. When using not quite suitable dishes (for example, enamelled pan) .

The electromagnetic field arising in the immediate vicinity of the induction panel can create induced currents in the human body and affect the nervous system. ICNIRP has installed requirements for current limit values. To check the compliance with these standards, researchers from FOPH conducted experiments with a group of people of different sexes and ages that were near the cooking induction panels at a distance of 5 cm. The currents were measured flowing inside the human body, and currents arising in the nervous system. It was found that currents in the human body below the norm when applying embedded furnace models and above the norm when applying a portable model. Currents in the nervous system did not exceed the norm in all cases. It should be noted that these norms were set by ICNIRP based on the external currents of currents were less than 50 times than the threshold of stimulating the central nerves of a person. The graph below shows the currents in the human body caused by the electromagnetic field of the induction plate, located at a distance of 5 cm. From a person (for different plates and different people). The ICNIRP threshold value is the yellow line (100%). Schedule from Foph's document.

In the conclusion of its research, Foph recognizes that there is currently not enough data on the dangers of electromagnetic fields of medium frequency on human health. Those data that was obtained in the study of the effect of emissions of computer monitors cannot be extrapolated to radiation from induction plates., Because The nature of the radiation source and the magnitude of the radiation of these devices are different.

One of the most detailed and competent publications generalizing research on the dangers of low-frequency electromagnetic radiation on the health of people is the monograph of the WHO World Health Organization (WHO) ExtremeLy Low Frequency Fields Environmental Health Criteria Monograph No..238. The organization's website publishes a resume in Russian. I want to note that I have created more optimistic impression after reading this document. Despite the fact that research is carried out on animals and in humans, there are no convincing evidence that low frequency radiation is harmful to the cardiovascular or nervous system.

Use pots and frying pan, the bottom of which completely covers the heating zone. Always place dishes in the center of the zone.

Do not use damaged dishes, dishes with a convex bottom, even if it is well heated.

The most important thing is to use proper dishes to ensure efficient energy transfer from the induction surface to the bottom of the pan without loss. Choose a saucepan, specially marked by the manufacturer, as suitable for induction furnaces.

Do not use metal spoons when stirring food in a saucepan.

As in the case of any new device, we need to decide - to use the fruits of civilization or cost old devices. You can certainly refuse from the microwave and from the induction stove. Prepare on gas, for example. But I personally, after the materials studied, I'm not going to refuse these devices. We all live already among the electromagnetic fields. This is the 21st century, nothing can be done here.

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Elena, 01.10.2014 11:01

Induction stove is a very good invention. It is strange that they only recently appeared, because the principle itself was known 200 years ago. Maybe they really thought they were harmful to health?

Sergey K., 03/19/2015 04:35

From household appliances, perhaps the induction stove is the most necessary invention. All kinds of multicookers and aerogryli are solid sell. And induction is a thing!

Roland, 08/24/2015 02:56 | Bork 600.

Baska from induction hurts strongly ...

Elena, 08/31/2015 11:36

Baska from what only does not hurt. Why do you think that from induction?

Natalia, 09/07/2015 05:41

Victor, 10/21/2015 03:29

The author deliberately swept the results of the effect of AM from induction tiles of authoritative researchers, for example, Swiss. Apparently, with English problems ... I had to throw out such a tile when I measured the background from her, and I read that SES think about such tiles. In Russian, found a long-standing study that the excess of Amy disrupts blood transport function. Good luck to everyone in purchases, as, judging by the quality of articles, luck, here, really, need ...

Moiseeva N.P. 26.10.2015 10:42 | GL editor

The article presents the results of authoritative researchers, namely, the results of studies published in 2006 by the Swiss Federal Health Center (Federal Office of Public Health Foph). What kind of Swiss research you are saying not clear. Give at least a link. Where you read the opinion of the SES - it is also interesting to know. What kind of "long-standing study" are you referring to the transport function of the blood? And finally, it is interesting that you have thrown over the model and what did you measure? If you do not believe the article, see the sources that references are given at the end of the article (preferably, however, to own English, because I did not find the translation into Russian). Your unfolding criticism of this article and your generalization to other articles looks not very honest. If you want to add something in essence and with serious references to research - we will only be grateful.

Dmitry, 03/04/2016 10:02

Wife found this article and reading offered to buy it sobly tile. Perhaps my knowledge will be useful not only to me, for the sim unsubscribe here. There is such a device, called: The tension meter of the electromagnetic field. There is such a table, called: the maximum permissible levels of electromagnetic emissions for the population. So, measurement at a distance of meter from the plate in the horizontal plane showed .... Let's say so easy excess of the rules twice. When measured above the stove, dozens of times. Mrs. Moiseeva If you really believe the "authoritative" western editions, I sympathize with you. I will say the rest: if you have the opportunity to do without induction plates and microwave, you need to use this opportunity.

Moiseeva N.P. , 03/10/2016 10:25 | GL editor

Yes, you must admit, I believe only the data that contains at least information about measuring instruments and results in numbers. What is your tile? What stood on the stove and was the entire heating zone overlapping? What did you measure? What are the results specifically received? Therefore, your message is very similar to the usual trolling, with which it is necessary to fight. On the network you can find more specific numbers. For example, look at this article. There people measured the field strength from the hair dryer for drying hair and from the induction plate. The level of tension of the hair dryer at a distance of 3 cm from it was 2000 mkl. At the same distance, the level of tension of the induction cooking surface was 22 mkl. Measurements at a distance of 30 cm were also in favor of induction safety: 0.65 against 7 at a hair dryer. I think that the tiles are different - high-quality and not very. I advise you to choose not the cheapest option. As for the action of electromagnetic radiation on health and various norms, this problem is also not fully studied. However, when job certification, for example, measurements are carried out and compared with quite rigid norms. An interesting article on this topic, with specific figures is published on the link Interestingly, the field strength occurs even when the usual desk lamp is turned off, but is included in the outlet.

nik, 08/18/2016 09:39

If the conditions are already exhibited that the zone of the heating zone must necessarily be covered, which special dishes should be used for cooking that the dishes should stand strictly in the center of the cooking zone, then it already makes you think why it's all. After all, in the kitchen, the hostess when they are preparing a few dishes, even though one, then the CE makes it quickly and they have to still be engaged in the centering, selection of dishes and other of the same test, and also in the habit of always a spoon of metallic, the one that will always be Most automatically use, without thinking, and, accordingly, knowingly safety rules, even these, will be regularly violated. And while everyone, as they say in many articles, is not given a complete guarantee of security for the body (after all, even the well-known brands of these surfaces do not give a complete guarantee of harmlessness at a relatively small price, not to mention less well-known and reliable). In addition, the body of each person is individual, both in terms of immunity, resistance to the impacts of different radiation, and from the point of view of other influences, incl. and electric shock and magnetic field. And no one has absolutely no guarantee that it is his body absolutely normally tolerate induction magnetic radiation, maybe even on the contrary, it is very weak and negative. Therefore, a brew of God protects. You do not need to look for adventures on the fifth point and test your body for strength, because it can end with a fatal outcome in the end and will not understand because of what. Dmitry Vaughn wrote that the cavity only measured the radiation and it showed half the norm horizontally, and vertically above the stove in tens above the norm. You immediately give him about the model, about the center, about the full filling of the heating zone. This is nonsense. If the surface is harm, it bears harm, regardless of the brand and centering, the differences only in the magnitude of this harm, in some models less, in some more, but it still exists. And on the individual organism and the influence of this harm individually. At someone's the body and the very minimal harmful radiation, it is enough to raise large health problems, and the minimum harm to another organism and from higher radiation. Why should everyone experience fate, not knowing absolutely how his body resists this radiation and all the more organisms of the members of the whole family and the more the organisms of the rapid children (you will not drive them out of the kitchen when cooking, and when they are some of the school they will warm up that "That will be or something will want to experiment on this stove, but some children will surely want and you will not give the guarantee of their safety). So think for yourself who wants to risk their health and health of relatives. In addition, when cooking in the microwave, respectively, as on such surfaces, the molecules of food are destroyed when using radiation and it has a completely different structure, not very useful for the body. So think who needs it. And in order for you to sell you, you want to work out about harmlessness, because their task to make money, and your health, then you will do it yourself and spend your money when the seller about you, immediately after purchase, has already forgotten.

Moiseeva N.P. 09/05/2016 03:47 | GL editor

nik, I wonder, and you are not afraid to turn on the computer, TV and other devices? You are not afraid to use the houses with electric heaters, hair dryers? After all, all these devices emit an electromagnetic field. And everywhere there are limitations. For example, it is not recommended to approach the TV closer than 1.5 m, but the children are suitable. I look, now modern children are not released from the hands of the tablets and mobile phones, pressing them to the ear, which is not recommended. Now 21 centuries, new devices appear a lot. It is important not to prohibit them, but to check how harmful they are. Good induction furnaces, according to some measurement results, no more harmful stoves with a conventional spiral and hairdryers for drying hair. Although the limitations here can also be, however, as in other household devices.

Dmitry K, 09.14.2016 03:16

I fully support Moiseev N.P. At one time, and now they say that cellular communication causes cancer brain. There were various scientific research and that there is no evidence to this. If it is necessary to find out the influence of the other instrument on a person, then more large-scale studies are needed, including statistical data (and for this it is necessary to collect data for about 150-200 for the completeness and increase of research reliability)

Anton, 11/16/2016 11:32 | Quality content in the mass!

Moiseeva N.P. And Dmitry K, look at the movie Resonance. Life in the ocean of microwaves on YouTube, very informative in this direction;)

Vyacheslav, 06.12.2016 01:01

Dear Moiseeva, I understand you, you want to justify your favorite Tsyatska, and you grab it for any straw, televisions, tablets to justify it. But a person told you, he personally measured the tension of electromagnetic radiation, and the rule was exceeded 10 times !!! What other arguments do you need? If you just do not believe him, well, in the end, this device yourself and measure Amy.

Moiseeva N.P. 06.12.2016 10:23 | GL editor

I am a metrologist. I'm not just enough for me that someone measured something. What device? What specific data are received? What was the stove? If a person does not want to answer such questions, he simply did not measure anything.

Andrey, 12/06/2016 05:48

We all live already among the electromagnetic fields, nothing can be done here, summarizes the author. So let's sleep with four phones under the pillow, cook on x knows what to live on the intersection of the LAP!

Ksenia, 12/13/2016 05:56

I do not use neither microwave, nor induction, nor Teflon nor a multicooker. I am preparing on the cooking panel with ordinary "pancakes". By the way, the kettle is ordinary enameled with a whistle. There is no dishwasher, and the phone is the usual dialer. From wonder techniques I use only the washing machine. And all this is not because there is no money, but from the principle. I work on two works, bring up two children. Everyone has time and feel great! And all of these inventions for lazy owners. Less need to sit on the forums, more families to do!

Murzilka, 03/09/2017 04:00

And why Moiseeva N.P. Does not trust the results that write in the comments, but trust the results from the advertising article of Hans? Are you indicated "information about measuring instruments and results in numbers"? The reference to the main material on which the article is written, Lucla.

Moiseeva N.P. , 03/13/2017 05:07 | GL editor

Victor, 03/29/2017 10:01

The problem is that metrologists and scientists cannot recognize the processes occurring with food. You consider calories, jouli, fats and so on. Food is not amenable to expressing in the formulas. Food should not be exposed to magnetic fields, waves and other nonsense. Then all this takes your body along with food. The problem is that things are essentially intangible - the scholars are regarded as a material object. Hence all the problems. I probably. Yes No, for sure, I say it is incomprehensible to you. But the recognized fact that bread requires human hands, and not machine mixing of the test. It turns out good, you know ??? So comparing fire and waves.

beloeugene, 04/07/2017 02:40 | private person

I draw the attention of the respected metrologist Moiseyeva, that the links you have given on the hair dryer are incorrect from the point of view of metrology, because the hairdryer uses directly low-frequency electrotocks to heated and the AM 50Hz is distributed around the hair dryer. Induction heating equipment uses 1000 times higher frequencies - transformed up to 100 kHz current. In this case, Amy average frequency arise, and this is not at all the same as low frequency. Metrologists are such excuses, as they say in Russian - are unlikely! Yes, and logic - now, they say, everywhere poisons and radiation - everyone chooses, how to poison yourself - purely marketing, and it is about the health of themselves precious, their children and relatives. Unfortunately, now the most authoritative experts and organizations (even Vozo !!!) have become so indecent to be faded in their conclusions that references to them, on the contrary, due to the registered nature lower the accuracy of their recommendations and research ....

Moiseeva N.P. , 11.04.2017 02:06 | GL Editor Site

To be accurate, then medium frequency begins from 300 kHz. The influence of low-frequency, the human body is now being studied by scientists. A detailed summary based on research analysis, as well as the priority tasks of WHO in this direction of research, are posted in the WHO Publication in the end of the article. Although, in order to understand the problem, you must at least believe someone ..

Ivan VC, 04/19/2017 12:38

Dear, I agree with everyone on a little bit, well, just like Verk) And if seriously, we already use the most cool in all senses and for the price and in quality from Mile, but I am not satisfied with the quality of cooked food !! ! Something not something and something is wrong, it seems that we are etched in all areas, and there are only aesthetics and cleanliness on the stove, and the fact that in the pot itself everything can be burned and the stove is built-in and the most impaired - and The simplest protection against overheating is not !!! But the most important thing is that the quality of the cooked food is no! It seems that Amy affects the molecular composition in food and on the exits we get just a useless mass in the form of food, probably there and there is no useful substances! There is no so much about which many people say, the heating is so relatively quick, so that it is necessary to prepare normally with such a slab, then it is necessary to drop up to 5-6th and in- time it will be more than on all other species - which in 1000 times it is more useful than induction! I want to sell this piece of art and purchase a normal usual one, at least ceramics with a heating spiral !!!

Moiseeva N.P. , 04/19/2017 02:24 | GL Editor Site

I use the inductant slab for five years. Food prepared on it can be very tasty and tasteless. It all depends on the cook and the quality of products. Electric induction does not affect the taste and quality of dishes. Why do you think that "all other types of plates are 1000 times useful than induction"? Maybe not to change the stove, but just learn how to cook?

Ivan VC, 04/19/2017 11:29

Dear Moiseeva, thanks for the answer! I understand that you naturally do not imagine how I am preparing and we are in my family, but believe me- everything at the highest level, we are preparing mainly in the Russian-Franca-Italian style and on ordinary previously plates all the same dishes got to taste somehow Naturally, believe the word! You spell up depends on the cook and quality of products, it can even be not considered because even just the water is heated on this plate or brought to a boil has another taste in comparison with the fact that on the usual electric kettle the tefal - which is the same since 1994! Is there any research on the issue of the effect of induction plates on the composition of food and products?! Consistent that now all these organizations and corporations work only on the business in terms of apparently and in parallel with this as it were to legally reduce the number of people! In stores are full of products with GMOs, palm oils and fats, I have already silent about the microwave of which we do not use a common sense - and all this is almost one opera! Entering the store in view of the supermarket - we first look at the composition, and the mass of people is absolutely not to do the right of course the Chinese with their ancient proverb - we are what we eat! And about the ind. Expite feel intuition, which is not anyone!)

Stranger, 08/27/2017 02:14

Hello! I work with electricity. This is my life, I am almost always at the substation. In TP, there are transformers, at high voltages I come across all sorts of filters, reactors and TPs, this is not to mention the direct study from the LAM. I ridely, not a doctor, but my colleagues on average live no less than the rest. Unlike refinery workers, for example. : - / Do not be afraid of electricity, know the elementary safety rules!)

Stranger, 08/27/2017 02:17

Ivan VC, unfortunately it seems that intuition replaces your brain, well, or common sense at least

Igor, 03/26/2018 12:11

Good day. Very similar to the fact that Victor, I mean Dmitry or Nick, the same face is engaged in trolling, only not entirely understandable in the name of what (hurting is hurting). Even without being a metrologist, it is important for me to hear comments from people who lead at least some practical, life arguments, facts, numbers, and do not empty on all the forums their delusional speculation and bear heresy. And with such heroes who work in several works, raising children (apparently work at home), does not use the technique (facilitating and accelerating home routine) and there is still enough free time for myself beloved - big respect and respect :) but in general I want They say guys, if you want to live great, leaving away from the city, from the electrical engineering, leave to the mountains, breathe with clean air, drink key water, take food solely from nature and in no case do not expose no processing. Less meat - more than greenery;) Be healthy and happy!

Peter, 06/08/2018 05:15

It is alarming the fact that in the network full-full of "marketing" representations of the technology of induction slabs and not normal human feedback from the Ind.plift users with their long-term use. And besides, there are no passport details of AMI. In Japan, at one time (2006), there was even an appeal to manufacturers about declassifying these data. Would write in the instructions on the level of Amya and a man would have already decided then to him or not use this device. I was struck by such a marketing expression: the stove is safe if you do not "hug with it." That is, we were warned by it seems to be, and everything seems to be joking everything. No one will be with a stove hugging. And the fact that during cooking a person leans to the stove, uses metal devices to stir, is constantly near. With a limited space, it washes, cleans, cuts, prepares at a distance of 0.1-1 meter from the stove this is not interested in anyone. During the discussion, very clearly seen interested persons. Have a negative experience when buying an induction plate. No bias. Bought induction tiles on 2 burners instead of a gas cylinder. Gave us a tile, we gave a balloon with an old slab. In the process of work, it turned out, everything is great quickly (well, of course and quickly burns). But the subsequent symptoms made us abandon this slab: the nebula in the head, after long-term use, the headache and when it is located next to a long-working slab nausea. Then the feeling of gravity in the head remains even with a non-working plate but on the outlet. Clear thing that for measuring Amy and expert evidence will require a decent amount. Amy measuring instruments themselves are also silent and therefore for the average alone is not available, and wanted to remind the state. Moiseeva. Where did you get such a device, the device was found. In the dry residue: personal experience has shown that you need to go away from the induction plate, since it does not guarantee absolute security and health for any person (gently). Especially since experts advise work on an elongated arm from the plate, not more than 2 hours, with a prevention of long-staying people in the slab with increased electrosal sensitivity and compliance with additional precautions (centering of dishes and the use of large diameter). It is not clear one thing why all the same these devices are sold in our country.

Andrei, 08/26/2018 02:53

I thank the author for the article and all comments on it. I always try to collect the amount of opinions and already do your choice. Personally, I drew attention to myself the fact that there are no induction plates of eminent brands (at least in the top online stores of Ukraine). There is a lot of nonunes, but the branded slab was not caught. Therefore, I went to look for information on the network that it can restrain famous manufacturers from the desire to make a profit in the induction plates market. Thanks for analyzing research and information provided. I continue my indirect research.

Mikhail, 09/25/2018 04:28

I, 11/17/2018 08:06

WiFi GSM I Microwave harmful, and turn food and brain into porridge. It is possible if you use the technique according to the instructions, everything will be OK, but the quality of food, if it is also that and the microwave, no .....

Ivan, 11.11.2019 11:53

Is it worth the fear if the wall at the neighbor, the kitchen. From our side of the wall there is a bed, headboard just to the place in which the neighbor has an electric stove from the opposite side. The wall intersection and roughly speaking consists of four layers, - 20cm foam block, 25cm hollow ceramzite concrete block, 10 cm soft minvati, 25cm Hollow ceramic concrete block, well, by centimeter plaster on both sides. Total we get a wall with a thickness of about 72 cm, but with hollow elements. The type of plate at the neighbor is unknown, but if you assume the most hard version in the form of induction, is it worth worrying because of the bed location?

Natalia, 11/17/2019 09:53

Ivan, you read comments only? And those who frighten the people. Read the article. The effect of induction can be noticeable only at a very close distance, and it is not harmful.

The induction panel or plate will not leave an indifferent any hostess, which at least once tried to prepare on such a device. Such panels are distinguished by rapid heating, easy power and low inertia control. In addition, the undoubted advantage of such slabs is that they are automatically disconnected if they can be removed with a saucepan or frying pan. Such household appliances saves electricity significantly and is not a source of gas and open fire. Recently, more and more often you can hear about the dangers of an induction cooking panel for health, but you need to figure it out if there is no harm from it.

General description of induction slabs

Many hostesses dream of an induction plate. Such household appliances looks modern and organically fits into the interior of any kitchen. It is very easy to prepare on them and quickly, which is explained by the unique properties of these devices.

The principle of action of such surfaces is enclosed in the heating of kitchenware with special vortex flows. Such induction flows are recreated by the most powerful electromagnetic field of an increased frequency, which in some cases it reaches 100 kHz. The induction method has been used in the metallurgical industry for several decades. In the same principle, work and plates for domestic use are based.

The feature of the work of induction surfaces is that for cooking you need to use special dishes. Only the bottom of such dishes is equipped with special elements that can absorb the magnetic field, which is formed when the tile is turned on. The dishes should have pronounced ferromagnetic qualities, only in this case the induction surface will work most effectively.

The uniqueness of induction cooking panels is that they give useful energy by almost 90%. If you compare a similar household appliance with a gas or electric oven, you can detect a significant difference. The efficiency of the electric stove reaches only 70%, and the gas is barely reaching 50%.

Induction slabs help save not only electricity, but also time spent on cooking.

What harm carries induction

Since the invention of the first induction household plates, more than 20 years have passed, but now they can be found not in every home. This is explained by the fact that many hostesses do not want to equip the kitchen with such innovation technique, fearing that the electromagnetic field seems to be a danger to health.

Scientists conducted an in-depth study of the principles of work of such type plates and concluded that harm from such devices is no more than from the classical gas stove. Arguments in favor of the safety of induction cooking surfaces look like this:

  • Induction plates produce a minimum electromagnetic field that does not carry any negative impact for the human body.
  • Household furnaces can absorb the energy produced by them.
  • The radiated magnetic field is directed locally and is limited only to the bottom of the dishes.

During the conducted studies, control measurements were carried out by electromagnetic radiation at different distances from the enabled hob. So, it was revealed that in a distance of only 30 cm from the stove, the magnetic field indicator was zero.

A huge disadvantage of these slabs is that when buying it is right away, it is worth buying all the kitchenware, which is required for the preparation of products. The new utensils should be exclusively metallic, have a ferromagnetic bottom, the diameter of which must be fully approaching the diameter of the burner.

With caution it is worth using induction tiles to people who have a pacemaker in the heart. Electromagnetic radiation can greatly worsen the operation of these devices, which will lead to a deterioration in human health, which is dependent on the normal operation of medical devices.


Induction cooking panels are economical, practical and very durable food preparation devices that are inherent in a number of intellectual abilities. When cooking food on such a stove of time, it is necessary significantly less and no harm to health. The advantages of induction cooking surfaces can be defined as follows:

  • Electricity is saved significantly. Food begins to prepare immediately after turning on the plate, and the surface automatically turns off after the saucepan was removed from the burner.
  • Safety. Induction panel recognizes dishes made of metal. If you put the dishes from porcelain or plastic on the burner, then the stove is not heated. Albeit hands on such a stove is unreal. Only the bottom of the dishes is heated. While the panel remains a little warm.
  • Comfort. Even with the long operation of the slab, the air temperature in the kitchen remains unchanged.
  • Practicality. The induction surface is very easily cleaned by contaminants. This is due to the fact that particles of food, when hitting the burners, do not burn. In many cases, it is enough to wipe the panel with a wet cloth and only if the pollution is strong, a special gel can be used.

In addition, induction surfaces have many interesting features. This is the control of the degree of heating of the plate, the function of the timer and the booster mode, when power moves between two working hardware.

A good induction panel is not seeing that everything worked well, an experienced master must install it.

How to choose the slab

For the purchase of a new cooking panel to bring only joy, it is worth knowing certain selection rules:

  • A good induction surface has several power modes. Ideally, they should be up to 20.
  • Well, if the furnace provides intense heating mode.
  • The plate should be provided for the temperature control mode and the possibility of moving the power between the two burners.
  • The panel must very quickly cool and not be dangerous for family members.
  • The stove model is selected according to the kitchen interior. It should not be sharp corners.
  • It is necessary to immediately determine where the stove will stand and in accordance with this pick it up.

Most recently induction furnaces with spherical burners were invented. A similar surface is an analogue of living fire, a special cast-iron boiler requires for cooking.

The induction cooking surface is forbidden to put next to any metal objects.

Based on all data on induction plates, you can draw conclusions that they do not at all pose a danger to human health. Such devices need to be used with caution only to those people who have a pacemaker. It must be remembered that the safe distance from the person to the plate should be at least 30 cm. Be sure to use a special dishes.