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Reverse valve with a security group for a boiler. Boilers of indirect heating: types of devices, connection and strapping schemes. How does an indirect heating boiler work

One of the most rational and universal devices capable of providing a private hot water house, it is customary to read the boilers of indirect heating. In this article we will talk about the economic justification, principle of work, the installation scheme and the features of the operation of these devices.

How does an indirect heating boiler work

The device of flasks of indirect heating boilers is the same as in electrical or gas: a stainless tank with internal coating and thermal insulation. Instead of Tan, they have a coil-heat exchanger in them, according to which the hot water of the heating system flows.

It may seem that temperatures at 50-70 ° C will not be enough to heat the water, because there are much higher indicators in gas and electric water heaters. But at the expense of a significant area of \u200b\u200bcontact, the heating rate is not inferior to other devices, and sometimes it is even higher.

The device of the boiler of indirect heating with a coil: 1 - the inlet of cold water; 2 - the yield of hot water; 3 - protective anode; 4 - central heating entrance; 5 - thermal insulation; 6 - heat exchanger; 7 - the yield of central heating

In the boilers of indirect heating, too, there is a sacrificial anode, but the security group is usually incorporated into the design. Such a simplicity of the device on the one hand is characterized by a long service life, on the other, it requires a thorough approach to the compilation of the scheme of communications and strapping.

Corporate heating boilers require enough spacious room for installation. They preferably equip objects without an additional chimney or the presence of a water heating column in the gas supply project. In such cases, the only alternative is a double-circuit boiler, but in the summer it is uncomfortable, and the re-equipment of heating and DHW systems can fly "in a penny".

Varieties and selection of devices

In addition to the tanks of the elementary design, the boilers of a more complex device also exist, allowing some remarkable functions when integrating into the heating system.

One of the most sought-after functions is the use of a boiler as a heat accumulator. This is especially important when electrical heating with unstable power supply or during daily tariffs. Devices with heat accumulator mode have a significant container (more than 300 liters) and reliable thermal insulation.

Boilers with recycling system are considered more expensive, providing an instantaneous supply of hot water into the mixer. They have three nozzles to connect to the GWS system: one for the supply of cold water and two for the duct hot. Circulation is performed by a small built-in pump. The boilers of this type are less economical, but with their help you can organize a small contour of heating, for example, to install a towel rail.

Some boilers have the design of the "tank in the tank", the name itself speaks for itself. In external capacity there is a heating system coolant, in the inner - heated tap water. The advantage of such a design in a very fast heat heating, but due to the complexity of the device, such boilers are much more expensive than normal.

Boyler of indirect heating "Tank in a tank": 1 - Cold water inlet; 2 - the yield of hot water; 3 - central heating entrance; 4 - internal stainless steel tank; 5 - exit of central heating

Which heating systems use boilers

Virtually any heating unit can work in a bundle with indirect heating boilers, but the use of different-class devices has its own characteristics. In general, the more simple the boiler device, the more visually the scheme of work, but above the complexity of the strapping. For example, for a standard chimney boiler with a thermostat, you can independently select the location of the insertion depending on the configuration of the heating circuit. It is not so easy to do if there is an embedded heat pump, and electronically controlled boilers can malfunction when working during the summer period.

Solid fuel and liquid fuel boilers are impossible in the summer, but in winter it is one of the most acceptable options. Also, electric boilers of heating are also productive, for more convenience, they can be equipped with an additional thermocouple or automatic with remote sensors to adjust the water temperature in the tank.

It is most difficult to connect an indirect heating boiler to gravitational systems. With a slow circulation, water is not so effectively heated, and to use the pump, you should properly select the pins in the heating system so as not to break the mode of operation of heating. A faithful solution will be a sequential inlet in the return with a long bypass organization, in which the pump and the boiler are connected in series, and the check valve is installed on the flow branch.

Installation and scheme of the strapping of the boiler of indirect heating

There are three options for connecting to the heating system and all of them imply the installation of a boiler at a minimum distance from the boiler. It is necessary to have a boiler on a sufficiently solid base and strictly by level. The input of the coolant must be performed on top, the removal from the bottom. The fence of hot water, on the contrary, is performed on top, and feeding - bottom.

Option 1. The heating supply pipe is divided into two branches, each of which has a shut-off valve or a three-way crane. One branch passes through a boiler, the other shrinks the highway if the heating of water is not needed. This method is optimal with constant use of boiler or seasonal mode. In this case, you can adjust the temperature in two solenoid valves with self-return connected via a three-pin thermostat relay.

1 - Cold water supply; 2 - shut-off reinforcement; 3 - Mesh filter; 4 - check valve; 5 - security group; 6 - heating radiator; 7 - Heating boiler; 8 - boiler security group; 9 - circulating pump; 10 - three-way crane; 11 - electromagnetic valve; 12 - expansion tank of the DHW system; 13 - Hot water to consumers

Option 2. The feed pipe has a branch to which the circulating pump and the boiler are connected, on the other hand, the connection is made to the reverse stream tube. The pump is turned on through the thermostat relay circuit, thus, when the water temperature drops inside the boiler, it activates the forced circulation and accelerates heating. The heating circuit has its own pump mounted on the feed pipe after the location of the boiler. This option is optimal if the boiler is used infrequently or water temperature is required lower than in the heating system.

1 - Cold water supply; 2 - shut-off reinforcement; 3 - Mesh filter; 4 - check valve; 5 - security group; 6 - Circulating pump of the GVS system; 7 - the thermostat of the boiler; 8 - radiator; 9 - heating boiler; 10 - boiler security group; 11 - heating circulation pump; 12 - expansion tank of the DHW system; 13 - Hot water to consumers

Option 3. The boiler is sequentially connected to the boiler feed pipe through the circulation pump. With such a connection, the boiler always operates in the heat accumulator mode, the option is optimal for devices with recycling. The presence of bypass connecting the output of the coolant from the boiler with the reverse of the boiler makes it possible to use the DHW system in the summer.

1 - Cold water supply; 2 - shut-off reinforcement; 3 - Mesh filter; 4 - check valve; 5 - security group; 6 - bypass; 7 - heating radiator; 8 - heating boiler; 9 - boiler security group; 10 - circulating pump; 11 is an expansion tank of the DHW system; 12 - Hot water to consumers

With any connection scheme, you must install lock fittings on all the nozzles of the boiler and the circulation pump. Connecting the boiler to the GWS system necessarily requires an installation from the water supply of an expansion tank with a membrane to compensate for the pressure of heated fluid. On the cold water supply pipe to the security group, a mesh filter must be installed and the check valve.

Operation and service

Every 2-3 years, the boiler requires a maintenance complex by analogy with electric water heaters: washing the tank, the removal of scale, replacing the sacrificial anode when it is thinning by more than 50%, replacing the gaskets. The inspection with the removal of the technical flange of the tank is reasonably held in the summer period in the complex with the maintenance of the heating system. Washing chemicals of the heating circuit and the boiler heat exchanger should be performed separately using the appropriate cleaning tools. Otherwise, these devices are very unpretentious.

Cumulative water heaters of indirect heating are one of the most economical aggregates. The convenience they provide the owner is difficult to overestimate.

Operation of such a water heater in winter gives substantial savings, because it requires a connection to the heating boiler. At the same time, warm and hot water enters the house. To assess the effectiveness of the water heater of this type, it is necessary to consider its advantages and disadvantages, as well as study the device of the boiler of indirect heating and the principle of its operation.

As already noted, the main advantage of such a device is high performance and heating rate. Consider the other advantages:

  • Water heater of indirect heating works without connecting to the electrical network;
  • There is no contact of water with a coolant;
  • The possibility of uninterrupted hot water supply;
  • The water heater device allows you to connect multiple sources.

Making a choice in favor of the boiler of this type, it should be remembered that, despite numerous advantages, the cost of installing an indirect heating water heater is sufficiently high. This is explained by the fact that for its installation, it is necessary to pull a separate pipeline from the boiler and equip it with additional devices.

Like other accumulative water heaters, an indirect heating boiler is, in fact, a large thermos, inside which the warming circuit is installed. The design of this water heater includes the following items:

  • External casing with fastening elements that allow you to install the device to the floor or secure on the wall;
  • Internal capacity (tank);
  • Polyuretheni isolation;
  • Thermoelectric sensor or thermostat;
  • Security group;
  • Airlighteners;
  • Heating contour;
  • Recycling circuit (installed in a number of models);
  • Tubular electric heater and its binding (in combined models);
  • Magnesium anode.
  • Supply and consumables.

By choosing a boiler for the house, you will not be able to not see the difference in price between models, very similar to each other. First of all, this is due to the material and method of manufacturing an internal tank, design (floor or wall), the presence of additional contours and security devices.

Exterior casing

The housing of the accumulative water heater is most often made of steel sheet or durable plastic. In the outdoor models, the designs include supporting legs, and in the walls - brackets for fastening the device on the wall. The space between the inner tank and the outer casing is filled with rigid polyurethane foam, which is an excellent heat insulator. On the outer surface of the casing, a thermometer is installed to monitor the water temperature.


The inner tank of the water heater places increased requirements for the corrosion resistance of the material from which it is made. In addition, constant temperature differences are put on its own conditions. Therefore, when developing boilers, manufacturers pay special attention to the material of the inner tank. The most resistant option can be considered a stainless steel tank, however, this material significantly increases the cost of the device.

Steel tanks with anti-corrosion glass fluid coating have proven well. The layer of such material is obtained by spraying and firing at high temperatures. Components that are included in the protective composition are leveling the temperature coefficients of the expansion of steel and glass fluorofore, which does not allow the coating cracking when the temperature drops.

The coating of the inner tank enamel is characteristic of low-cost appliances. Accordingly, their service life is the smallest among the entire line of water heaters. Remember this, making your choice.

Heat Exchanger

The warming outline is a spiral of the optimal shape made of steel or brass tube. Such a heat exchanger can be installed both at the bottom of the tank, and evenly distributed throughout the volume.

Some water heaters are equipped with two heat exchangers - one of them is connected to the boiler, and the second to the thermal pump or geocollector. This scheme allows you to additionally save energy resources. Sometimes the heat exchanger is the cylindrical container installed inside the water heater tank.

Magnesium anode

To protect the elements of the boiler installed in the inner tank, serves a magnesium electrode. The principle of operation of this element is based on the substitution of electrons involved in ion exchange, with its own. This prevents corrosive and rapid wear of the water heater parts. The same magnesium anode is destroyed and requires periodic replacement.

Feed and consumables

The cold water supply pipe is located below the tank and has a divider to reduce the turbulence of the flow. Such a scheme prevents mixing cold and hot water. The tube for the selection of heated fluid is installed on top and has a length that allows you to use the most heated upper layer of water. The horizontal boiler of indirect heating can have the right and left connection of the consumable and feed line. Accordingly, the nozzles of floor boilers are located on the right or left pane.

Protection and control equipment

To control the heating process, the boiler is the thermostat installed in the submersible sleeve, which passes through the inner tank and relates to the surface of the heat exchanger. This scheme allows you to most accurately measure the heating temperature.

The security group is a safety valve that serves to reset the pressure exceeding the maximum value. In models with a penny, a thermostatic relay and thermostat are additionally installed for its protection.

Other design elements

Some boilers are equipped with tubular electric heaters (Tanes) and are symbiosis of indirect and direct heating water heaters. Such devices are called combined. The installation of the TENA allows the use of a combined device in the summer as a conventional electrical heater, which significantly increases the heating boiler resource. The popularity of such a design is evidenced by numerous reviews of owners who have made their choice in favor of combined floor water heaters.

How does an indirect type water heater

The principle of operation of the boiler of indirect heating is based on the physical phenomenon of heat transfer. The hot heat carrier from the heating boiler passes through the heating contour and gives part of its heat water in the inner tank of the water heater. The heat exchange surface in this case is the walls of the circuit tubes. In other words, an analogue of the radiator is installed inside the tank, which warms the water supplied to the floor boiler.

When connecting the boiler, the diagrams are adhered to, on which cold water comes from below, and the hot pipe is removed by the top nozzle. The coolant from the boiler should come on top, and return to the heating system from the bottom. This scheme gives the largest efficiency.

Outdoor and wall boilers equipped with a recirculation system make it possible not to drain part of the water from the "hot" crane, because in the pipeline with hot water there is a constant movement of heated fluid. This includes a separate outline with its pump. The boiler strapping with the recirculation system allows you to install a heated towel rail on this branch.

Connection scheme

Depending on how the boiler operates a boiler, one or two-circuit, selects the circuit of its inclusion.

With a three-way valve

The circuit of connecting the combined boiler to the two-circuit boiler necessarily provides for the installation of a three-way valve on the highway.

Depending on the signal coming from the thermostat installed in the floor boiler, this valve is partially or fully opened, redirecting the coolant stream from the heating system to the heating outline of the water heater. When the water is heated to the set temperature, the thermostat gives a command to closing the three-way valve and the hot coolant stream stops.

Such a scheme has proven itself when working with wall gas boilers equipped with a circulating pump and control unit. Such a two-round boiler on the team coming from the thermostat of the combined boiler can control the three-way valve, and in the summer time helaces the main burner for heating the coolant.

Video with comments on the installation of an indirect heating boiler, see below:

With two circulating pumps

Connection diagram to a single-mounting boiler requires the installation of an additional pump that feeds the coolant to the warmer circuit. At the same time, the thermostat of the boiler manages both circulating pumps. In fact, such a binding implies parallel operation of contours, even though a hot water branch and has a priority advantage over the heating system.

If the water heater is connected according to the diagram with two pumps, before each of them necessarily install the check valve to exclude the mixing of the coolant streams (see the diagram above).

Connecting a cumulative water heater to the heating boiler, be sure to perform the safety condition of its operation - the thermostat temperature of the boiler must be below the temperature at which the boiler automation turns off the heating of the coolant.

In the event of an emergency increase in gas or water pressure, a security group is used to protect the heating system. Buy a security group for heating follows anyone who wants to protect their boiler or water heater from a premature breakdown. It is a combination of three devices - a pressure gauge, safety valve and air vent. The pressure gauge is needed to control the pressure level in the system - the red arrow indicates a division corresponding to 3 atmospheres as the maximum level of pressure. At the highest point, an air vent, which eliminates excess air in the system. Finally, the function of the safety valve in the security group is to prevent excessive pressure in the event that the expansion tank does not work.

Security groups for boilers Require the correct installation, otherwise the ill-conceived actions will lead to the failure of the heating system. The security group is installed on the supply in such a way that the cutting crane is behind it. If this is a closed heating system, then it is necessary to arrange a security group so that when one of the three elements fails, it was easy to replace it.

Boyler Safety Groups 3/4

Boyler Safety Group 3/4 from Brass - One of the most common and purchased. In our catalog you will find security groups with other connection diameters - 1, 1/2. A security group for the boiler is installed at the inlet of cold water in the direction indicated on the housing. Any boiler has such a parameter as a working pressure that depends on the pressure in the entire pipeline system. When heated, this pressure may increase by a few atmospheres, and excess water will put pressure on the walls of the boiler. The security group controls the pressure in the boiler so that it does not rise above the norm.

Buy Safety Group for Heating - Prices

The security group for the heating system is quite accessible, and it is pleasantly combined with the impeccable quality of the goods. Compact combination of pressure gauge, safety valve and air vent is available to everyone and is necessary, especially if you use a boiler with a volume of more than 50 liters. To choose and buy a security group for the boiler, contact our specialists in the phone indicated on the site.

All information on security groups - price, models and more can also be found on the site.

Greetings, my dear readers! In one of my articles, I described the principle of work. But there are such devices designed to work with indirect heating boilers and accumulative water heaters. This short post I will devote the description of the principle of their work. Let's start with what we'll understand why it is needed.

Why do you need a boiler security group?

The boiler security group (abbreviated GBB) is installed instead of a standard safety valve on the inlet of cold water. The question arises: "Why change sewing on soap, if already have a valve?". The point is that in case of failure of the thermostat, water inside the water heater or boiler can boil and pressure will begin to grow very quickly. If you don't drop it sharply, an explosion will occur. GBB has a greater bandwidth and can quickly reset the excess water, preventing damage to the container.

In addition, GBB has a built-in check valve, and many models are also equipped with drain or cutting ball valves. Let us consider in more detail the group design on the example.

Technical device of the boiler security group.

The modern market presents many manufacturers of reinforcement for water supply. Each of them is trying to attract the buyer with different technical solutions, so the single design of the GBB does not exist. I will show you one of the possible options from the Italian manufacturer Caleffi:

Decoding designations in the picture:

  1. The inlet of the cold water is a thread with a diameter of 1/2 or 3/4 inches.
  2. The check valve is needed so that hot water is not mixed with cold through the "rear porch".
  3. Threaded connection to the boiler.
  4. Shut-off ball valve - needed to cut off.
  5. Connection for a pressure gauge - if you are interested in the pressure of water at the inlet, then you can unscrew the plug and put the pressure gauge.
  6. Safety valve - recesses water when the threshold is reached.
  7. The key for manual drain - when it is turned, the safety valve also opens and water from the tank flows into the sewer.
  8. Thread 1 inches for a siphon connection (depicted in the figure below).
  9. Air hole hole.

When installing a security group, together with the siphon, it is possible to make a beautiful neat drain right into the sewer. It looks like this:

This is one of the possible design options for the GBB, and this is far from the most expensive and complex. For example, the German company Stiebel Eltron produces a model called ZH 1, intended for tanks with a volume of 200 to 1000 liters. It looks rather strange, but has a large set of desired features:


It has a shut-off valve, a reverse and safety valve with a drain nozzle as well. The latter is needed in order to remove the effect of external pressure on the water heater. She was done very high quality, but the price of her "cosmic". At the time of writing, she cost 14,000 rubles !!!

There are absolutely simple models that are essentially an improved version of the standard safety valve for water. Earlier, I wrote about why he leaks and how to deal with it.

For those who else have any questions, I post a video from Valtec. There, too, everything is available to explain:

Well, now let's go to the question of choosing this node in the store!

How to choose a security group for a boiler?

  • First, find out for what pressure is the capacity of your boiler. Otherwise, you risk to arrange yourself a flood house or an explosion.
  • Thread diameter - if you have an ordinary storage water, you need a group with a diameter of 1/2 inches. On the boilers of indirect heating it will be 3/4.
  • The presence of a plum connection - many groups of groups are made with a threaded connection to connect the sewer corrugation or go with a siphon included, as shown in the figure above.
  • Additional features - manufacturers love to delight buyers with all sorts of "buns" of the type of lock valves and pressure gauges.
  • Material - GBB should be made of brass. Do not consider other materials.
  • The manufacturer is your business here. I more like European manufacturers, but among the "Chinese" there are high-quality copies.


The boiler security group is a dear thing, but necessary. In general, on all things you do not need to save for your safety. In this case, spending a few thousand rubles will save you from big trouble, where serious injuries are not excluded and even a deadly outcome. Eliminate this risk (even if it is small). I have everything on this, waiting for questions, comments and likes in social networks!

2016-12-25 Evgeny Fomenko

Safety kits for different firms

The security group for the boiler of indirect heating the VALLIANT manufacturer consists of the following parts:

  • Check valve.
  • Two shut-off cranes, before and after the check valve.
  • Excessive pressure valve.
  • Fitting for connecting a pressure gauge.
  • Drainer.

Connects to cold water water supply. It is used for indirect type VAILLANT VED H 27/7 int, VIR 150/5, Unistor VIH R 120 (how to connect a temperature sensor to the vaillant boiler read). In the case of pressure in the water supply system, less than 5 bar is used art. -№473, if the pressure is more than 5 bar - art. -№474.

If the water is too dirty, you need to install the filter before it. For water heaters, Buderus use SG 160S security group, which is usually supplied with a water heater.

It includes a number of details:

  • Case with check valves.
  • Running adapter.
  • Shut-off and shift check valve.
  • Safety valve.

The housing and compounds are made of brass-resistant disinfect. You can install both horizontally and vertically. When choosing a place of installation, you need to leave free access to the device nodes.

It is applied with the following models: Buderus Logalux SM-200/5, SU200 / 5, SMH 400/5 W. Watts manufacturer makes fittings and additional devices for boilers and water heaters.

Watts equipment set consists of several elements:

  • Automatic air vent.
  • Manometer.
  • Safety valve.
  • Shut-off ball valve with 90 degree closing-opening.
  • Water guide preventing splashing.

The nodes are mounted on the steel console. Mounted in a vertical position above the boiler. The design is quite compact, made in a brass case. Once a month it is recommended to scroll the handle of the safety valve counterclockwise for flushing it. Withstands the temperature of the water to 120 degrees. Suitable for Baxi boilers. It is considered one of the most reliable manufacturers.

The set of a firm with a properm consists of a pressure gauge with an aluminum dial with a range of operating temperature from -30 to 120 degrees, air vent and safety valve. Shows this pressure in the system and, if necessary, drains the extra liquid. When installing, you should consider the direction of movement of the aqueous stream, which is shown by the arrow.

The ACV kit except the security group contains a specialized mixing valve and an expansion tank. Suitable for SMART manufacturer water heaters. If you decide to replace something or adjust, it is important to remember that the water is hot and there is a danger of burning burns.

Meibes Equipment additionally includes a decorative drain funnel, MEIBES ME 6915B.80 PE safety valve for 8 bar and adjusting throttle. Suitable for devices of up to 200 liters. Installation should be engaged in specialists.

If several boilers are combined in the system, the OSO equipment is suitable. Designed for increased pressure and having an additional duplicating valve.


When heated, water in the indirect heating device is expanding and put pressure on the walls of the tank. To prevent destruction and gap, a security group is established. It allows you to control the pressure inside the tank and, if necessary, merge excess water.

When the water pressure reaches a certain boundary value, which depends on the settings, the constipation opens and the water is automatically drained, lowering the pressure. It is also a protection against the body break when the thermal sensor and water heating is too much.

If you do not install the Security Group, in the event of a heater breakage, the firm may refuse you in warranty obligations. It usually comes with a boiler, but you can also buy it separately. The price of it varies from 700 to 4000 rubles, depending on the parameters of the device and reliability.