Repairs Design Furniture

How to make sound insulation of pipes. Effective soundproofing methods of sewage pipes. Methods and materials

Residents of apartment buildings are familiar not by the problems with the problems of noise from the sewer riser. Many suffer extraneous sounds for years and is completely in vain, because it is possible to get rid of them in a literally in a few hours, significantly reducing the noise level.

What is needed for?

Unfortunately, the method that could completely get rid of the apartment from the sounds of flowing effluents does not exist, but there is an opportunity to reduce them to a minimum level. As a rule, silent pipes are either installed in the toilet, or spent sound insulation of existing pipes. The main task of all events for noise insulation of sewage pipes is as follows:

  • extinguish harmful vibrations of pipe walls;
  • fully eliminate any transmission of elastic pipe fluctuations on the overall design of the room;
  • reduce the level of hearing sounds of murling waters in the apartment.

Any sound insulation costs money, and the costs grow in a square depending on the degree in which it absorbs noise. In order not to sacrifice comfort and health, but at the same time not to spend extra, it is necessary to know exactly as much as possible how much you need to extinguish all the oscillations of sound waves.

Here you need to recall a course of physics. The intensity of sound is measured in Belarus, in practice it is customary to consider its tenth share - Decibel. So, the threshold of hearing is 0 dB, whisper or quiet voice - 20-30 dB, metalworking workshop or highway - 70-80 dB, rock concert - 90-100 dB, whining aircraft - up to 120 dB. When achieving sound indicators in 130 dB, pain occur, and at 140 dB, drummers are beginning to burst, and blood flows from the ears. From the foregoing, it is possible to make a simple conclusion - the soundproofing level of the sewage riser in the apartment should weaken the sound to a safe level - 20-30 dB.

Causes of noise

The causes of noise in the sewer pipes may be as follows:

  • insufficient strength of pipe walls;
  • the material from which the drain system is made;
  • illiterate location of pipes in the apartment;
  • poorly sealing seal.

The main source of unnecessary sounds in the sewage is the riser. The drain flows moving in it usually create quite strong vibrations that can cause substantial discomfort. Moreover, they can be unsafe for the physical and mental health of people living in the apartment.

The loudness of the sewage is depends directly from the floor of the building. The lower the apartment is, the greater the noise level in the overall riser.

It is quite simply explained - moving down, the wastewater come into contact with each other, as well as with various elements of the drain system and with the walls of the pipes. All this leads to the appearance of vibrations, which as water flows are transmitted to the main overlaps. In addition, drain waters come into contact with air, which is inside the riser. Moreover, the more intense the speed of the fluid movement, the louder the sound, that is why the inhabitants of the apartments on the first floors are more discomfort, rather than those whose apartments are located under the roof.

There are several types in sewage.

  • Drums. They occur when the water drops and its contact with the elements of the drain system. This kind of sounds can not be eliminated. The only thing experts advise are to reduce it to a minimum.
  • Air. They occur due to the tossing of water with air inside the pipe. This type of noise rarely occurs, and its intensity is weakly generated.
  • Structural. These are quite unpleasant types of sound variations, its source is directly the inner part of the pipes, the details of the sewer system, simpleness and overlap, which is everywhere in contact with the riser. They arise due to the transmission of oscillations from the pipe to the structural elements of the building. It is this type of noise that needs the most complete elimination, and from the point of view of the installation technique, it is quite simple to do it.

It is necessary to dwell on what can affect the level of unpleasant noise. In addition to the floor, this parameter affects the material from which the pipes are produced. According to experts, plastic products create noise much more severity than cast-iron. This is due to the high degree of mechanical quality of the metal. It consists of small particles that rub each other and thereby absorb the basic stream of vibration, which is the cause of audio effects. Another point is a raid, which is often formed on the inner surface of cast-iron pipes, it acts as a peculiar soundproofer.

But plastic does not have similar characteristics, which is why such pipes can be compared with the musical instrument, which actively transmits and the sound sounds themselves and reflect all the vibrations due to their runoff. In addition, the PVC pipes are not formed. On the one hand, it significantly increases their life, but on the other, it completely eliminates the possibility of the formation of any sound insulation layer of natural origin within the sewer system itself.

An important role is played by the thickness of the pipes. Than it is more, the better sound insulation. A similar pattern is observed in relation to the mass of the material - the larger the share of the material from which the sewage was performed, the higher its property effectively absorb decibels.

The location of the pipes can also play a role. From the point of view of noise insulation, the most correct will be the placement of sewage in the inter-storey space, outside the residential premises. When designing houses, it is strictly forbidden to pass the passage through interroom overlap. Only an inter-storey intersection is allowed, which allows to significantly reduce the level of vibration. The sealing gasket also affects the audibility of extraneous sounds. Often when carrying out repair and construction work to arrange the sewer system, an installation foam is used - this is a fairly common error, since the foam is not a soundproofing material, on the contrary, it even enhances the noise coming from sewage.

Materials varieties

The optimal solution that will make rid of the sewer noise is to move the riser. If you take it outside the apartment, then its sounds will not disturb households. However, these issues should be resolved at the design of construction work. As practice shows, such a system is not always equipped and not everywhere, even in new buildings. As a rule, the riser is placed in the bathroom or in the bathroom, therefore, within the framework of the article, only methods of increasing the sound absorption of pipes located on the residential space of apartment buildings are considered.

Methods for reducing the sounds passing for waste riser may be as follows:

  • install silent pipes;
  • spend soundproofing riser with their own hands;
  • use special clamps for fixing the pipe;
  • consolidate sound insulation material;
  • making a decorative box, stinging inside with soundproofing material.

Silent sewer pipes relatively recently appeared on the hammer. They differ in high density and a more thickened wall, as well as special components. Most often use such a filler as a microcalcite, chalk and limestone, that is, small fractions of grinding carbonate minerals. All this makes it possible to significantly reduce the sounds of merging waste. Such pipes are quenched not only noise, but also infrasound. However, the prices of them are much higher than on simple pipes from PVC, and they serve no more than two decades.

If the apartment already has a mounted system of sewer pipelines, and there is no possibility to replace it, then the yield is - it is necessary to use soundproofing materials. They will significantly reduce the severity of acoustic effects.

Noise isolation is carried out with various materials, and even a novice master can be performed. Most often, modern materials are used - these are foamed polyethylene, as well as porous rubber or isopropylene. Many acquire the mounting foam and completely in vain. It is an excellent conductor of sounds, so unpleasant effects can not only be reduced, but also, on the contrary, become more pronounced.

To minimize the sounds merging from the threads of the threads, it is worth paying attention to fasteners with special rubberized gaskets in the homutics.

Their use prevents the transmission of noise walls and, accordingly, reduces the vibration and the allocation of infrasound oscillations. The place where the riser passes, as well as in places of contact with overlappings, is obligatory compacted by porous rubber. It also helps to reduce the severity of the transmission of acoustic effect by overlappings and carrier elements of the building.

Not everyone likes the type of riser, wrapped with insulating material, in such an case you can equip the box and close it with decorative finishing materials. By the way, it will create additional noise insulation. However, it is not necessary to close the riser with the box, especially if the bathroom is a revision. In addition, it is necessary to provide free access to the water supply system, which most often passes almost close to the sewage riser, so that if necessary, repair the drainage tube. This is important when there is a breakdown or emergency, as it will help to ensure quick access to the place of damage and quickly eliminate all the shortcomings. Otherwise, you will have to dismantle the whole box and only then start repairing.

How to choose?

PVC is a material that in its physico-technical characteristics is already a very good insulating material. Its noise absorbing ability is well known, which is why when installing plastic pipes there is no need to use additional sound insulation. Nevertheless, such a need may occur if it is required to reduce the severity of vibration. In this case, the place of contacting the pipes with overlaps, regardless of which the material is used, should be dressed in a special sleeve. The space between it and the pipe itself must be filled with a sealant.

When conducting work on sound insulation of sewage, first of all, it is necessary to reduce the level of infrasound. This can be done with partial replacement of the riser or damping of all the riser as a whole.

The first option is optimal. When the riser is made of cast-iron pipes, then they can be replaced with plastic their individual parts, while fragments of the old pipe with crosses remain in their places, and the flight inside of these sites is removed by any means of type "Mole" or "noise". Between them are mounted segments of PVC pipes. In this case, the methods remain unaffected by the basic building structures, and the work on the replacement of cast iron plastic is significantly simplified, and the cost of such a repair is lower than if it was necessary to change the entire riser completely.

This method is good and "by sound", because in this case the pipe is divided into sections of about 3-5 meters long. This leads to a sharp drop in the resonant islands on the spectrum of sounds, and the gaps between these the most "islands" are wider than the resonant zone itself. Thus, the unpleasant sound is not only reduced, but also changes its character. From a psychophysical point of view, it becomes safe for a person. Another plus - when breakdown, you can easily replace one separate fragment.

If the riser is already replaced, it does not need to break it to establish chug-iron fragments with crosses. The whole riser of PVC pipes is well isolated from resonating structures as follows:

  • from walls with special damping clamps;
  • from overlaps with polyethylene glass with polyurethane foam. At the same time, it is not necessary to look for special cylinders on sale. In any store there is a large assortment of inexpensive "alternative" pipes for fan noise insulation, the trimming of which larger diameter can be used as a glass. To do this, you need to cut it vertically and "cover" the pipe. It should be borne in mind that filling the space between a glass and a pipe with something other than PPU is not recommended, since only polyurethane foam is able to reduce the level of sound waves.

Well, finally, it makes sense to get rid of harmless "rations" and "bullkanya". For this pipe is wrapped in a foam shell. It is quite simply mounted. It should be fixed, snap and fix the construction scotch. This method is ideal for smooth pipe. But if there are curvilinear surfaces on the riser, then you should give preference to polyurethane foam, which takes any required form. It is more expensive, so some users acquire foamed polyethylene, which is characterized by perfect sound insulation. However, this material is very short-lived, after one season he sharpens and, as a result, disintegrates.

It is necessary to think well, whether to use polyethylene, because sound insulation for a year or two is not installed.

Those who use mineral wool to improve noise absorption make a big mistake. Let's start with the fact that in accordance with the current sanitary standards, this material is categorically forbidden to use inside the residential premises. Since it highlights the mic champions, leading to skin diseases and problems with the respiratory system. And besides, the mineralization is absolutely not extinguished by infraser, so its use is not only dangerous, but also meaningless.


Soundproof sewer pipes is easy. With this work, even the novice homemade sample will cope with this work, however, you need to know some features of the installation technology. There are such three main means of isolation as:

  • the use of foam shell;
  • with the installation of a roll material;
  • soundproofing with mounting of a drywall box.

How is the insulation of the sewage riser? This is the actual task of many tenants who have sewage systems with the use of modern plastic pipes. Old cast iron pipes also published noises, but it happened only with new products. After some time, noise completely disappeared. The material of plastic pipes of sewage in the apartment in all indicators exceeds the cast iron analogues, including noise.

Figure 1. System of the sewer system with insulation.

What is the sound insulation

The insulation of sewer pipes in the apartment is designed together with the sewer system itself (Fig. 1). This is not a very difficult case that does not require the use of special tools. Noise isolation of risers can be made with their own hands with any person who can keep ordinary scissors. But for this you need to understand well why the pipe is noise. The following causes of noise are found:

  • shock;
  • atmospheric;
  • resonant;
  • vibration.

Impact noise appears when the water falls in a riser, which beats about the wall. Noise can be atmospheric when wind in plastic riser. Resonant noises are extraneous sounds reinforced pipe. Vibration - these are noise transmitting all sorts of oscillations of the building or its parts. The riser pipe is an excellent resonator of many sounds whose frequency can vary from several hertz to several dozen hertz. Sounds may occur during deformation of the pipe itself as a result of its bend, compression or stretching.

Figure 2. Polypropylene pipes.

Why plastic is noise, and the cast iron is not? Cast iron is an alloy consisting of microscopic grains that have a different composition. These grains are capable of rubbing each other and absorb foreign noises. Inside the cast-iron pipe quickly appears a flaw, which begins to perform the functions of sound insulation of the sewage riser.

Noise is taken to measure in decibels (dB). The noise of the motorway or metalworking workshop is approximately 70-80 dB. The noise of the rock concert or the work of a blacksmith-press shop - 90-100 dB. Modern jet plane on takeoff - 110-120 dB. At 130 dB, the pain threshold comes, 140 dB - blades in the ears. Therefore, the level of noise insulation of sewage risers must reduce noise at least 20-30 dB. Standard noise rate in the residential room - 26 dB.

Methods of noise insulation

The best insulation of sewage pipes is the absorption of noise by the pipe itself. Such products have been developed, which includes mineral powder plastics. It may be a microcalcite consisting of marble flour or powder. Instead of marble, dolomite, limestone and chalk are also applied. Such sound-absorbing products are characterized by thicker walls, color (white) and longitudinal labeling stripes of red and green rice. 2).

Figure 3. Plastic pipe with polyethylene glass.

Between them are inscriptions about the manufacturer, the magnitude of the weakening of noise and other parameters of the pipe. There are such materials quite expensive. The service life is approximately 20 years.

There are such pipes from several layers. Internal made of polypropylene with fillers. Medium - from polypropylene with minerals. The outer layer is the most durable, made of polyvinyl chloride. Procedure for installing pipes:

  • cuts a piece of pipe pipes;
  • sealing rings are placed;
  • the inner and outer surface is cleared of dirt;
  • silicone is applied to the end;
  • the pipe is inserted into the socket until it stops, then extended from it by 10 mm;
  • pipe attached to the wall.

Not every owner can buy such pipes. But it does not matter. Soundproofing of sewage pipes of conventional plastic and cast iron is also possible. Cast iron risers are removed in parts and washed with the means "Mole".

Figure 4. Fastening clamp for pipe.

  • no need to touch construction structures;
  • all work can be done with your own hands;
  • the costs of materials are not very high;
  • noise level decreases hundreds of times.

If the riser is assembled entirely of plastic pipes, it must be separated from the ceiling with a polyethylene glass. It consists of polyurethane filling filler (Fig. 3). From the walls of the riser is separated by special fastening clamps (Fig. 4). Replacing polyurethane foam in conventional foam or mineral wool will not give the result. Special clamp can be replaced with an insert from a car chamber or microporous rubber. With infrasounds, they cope not bad.

Isolation of pipes and risers on direct sites is quite simple. Need a polyurethane foam, which is sold in stores in the form of narrow and wide mats. They usually have rolled into a roll. From the mat is cut down a piece of width sufficient to wind the pipe.

The pipe turns around, sound insulation material is fixed with scotch. A narrow mat is wound on the root of the spiral and also fixed with scotch. The sounds of the water in the sewage system will not be heard.


Often in the apartment heard the noise of water in the sewage. And not only its, but also neighbors on top and bottom, left and right. Sometimes it seems that water and uncleanness are about to get on the head.

Complex sound insulation of sewage is capable of getting rid of these noise.

This uses special noise insulating pipes, polyurethane foam and some other materials. Pipes are very expensive, and their service life is very limited. Therefore, at home, it is best to use polyurethane foam mats. The risers themselves should be attached to the wall every 1.5-2 m clamps with rubber inserts.

Residents with rich imagination and fans with benefit to visit the toilet room, studying fiction or Internet sites on a cell phone, it is not always pleasant to hear the sounds of falling water in the sewer riser. Typically, this problem occurs in new buildings, where modern building materials are used, and the only way out of the current situation is the insulation of the sewage riser.

There are several options for dealing with noise in sewage pipes of risers of apartment buildings, the choice of the most optimal method depends on the plurality of factors, including the material manufacturing material, the location of the toilet or bathroom, the complexity and cost of the work. To make the right decision, it is useful to familiarize themselves with the various ways to combat sewerage noise, many of which can be realized with their own hands, while saving some material means.

Fig. 1 Sewelation of noise-pouring pipes

The noise in the sewage riser is most often observed in apartment buildings, and if there are riser pipes from thin-walled materials, noise effects are present in individual houses. The causes of noise are the following factors:

  • Waterflow blows about the inner shell of the riser pipeline, the increased noise causes contact in the joints of the joints, deploying on the walls of the pipes.
  • Noise in the collision of wastewater flows falling down and incoming in the riser.
  • Incorrect installation, in which the pipes are bad or incorrectly fixed and as a result of vibrations come into contact with the outer surfaces of the riser channels, holes in the ceiling plates, causing noise. This type of noise is called resonant or structural, it is easiest to eliminate additional or high-quality fasteners.
  • The use of unsuitable pipes for riser sewage, this phenomenon is typical for apartment buildings of recent years of construction, where the sake of savings and simplification of installation are used in a thin-walled plastic polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or polypropylene (PP) pipeline.

Fig. 2 Examples of noise insulation foamed polyethylene

Possible options for noise insulation

Depending on the type of problem, there are several options to combat noise interference, the main of them:

  1. It has been established that noises caused by the passage of water flows for riser were practically not present in the houses of the old building due to the use of massive cast iron pipes, so one of the methods of its elimination is to increase the mass of the riser pipeline.
  2. The popular method is associated with noise insulation of the riser and includes a lot of different ways to combat noise using soundproof materials or engineering structures.
  3. To combat structural flaws caused by poor-quality fasteners of a riser pipeline, special.
  4. And the last, less common method of eliminating interfering sounds - replacing the light thin-walled polymer pipeline for a special noise insulation (an option from cast iron is not considered), similar products relatively recently appeared in the construction market.

Arrangement of noise insulation of sewage riser

When choosing the method of noise isolation of the riser pipeline, it should be proceeded from the conditions of its location, many works that can be carried out in an individual private house are not available or technically difficult to implement residential buildings. In some cases, the help of specialists or the presence of special construction tools, consumables.

Fig. 3 Design of silent pipes

Silent pipes

With the help of silent pipes, the level of noise reduces due to an increase in their mass, so they are a modern plastic analogue of a morally obsolete cast-iron pipeline. The silent sewer tube has standard sizes of outer diameter and coupling pipe, the thickness of its walls is increased, and the inner device differs from typical polymer analogs by the presence of an additional layer.

One of the varieties of the silent pipe consists of the following components (Fig. 3):

  • internal smooth wear-resistant polypropylene shell;
  • rigid and shockproof outer polypropylene shell;
  • the middle layer made of mineral polypropylene mixture (mineral - stone flour), giving the product a significant mass.

The market is difficult to detect silent pipes of domestic production (the only Brand of Polytron Stilte Plus from Ego Engineering), and the price of imported Rehau is quite high and is about 1500 rubles. For 2 row meters (900 rubles per 1 mp), which explains their absence in modern new buildings. Rehau products have a service life for at least 50 years and provide 30% absorption of sounds, mounted by pipe connections with rubber sealing rings.

Fig. 4 Application of clamps and rings when installing risers

Clamps and damper rings

To combat vibrations, the sewer pipeline is fixed into the walls using clamps equipped with elastic rubber lining, they usually constitute a bolted design of two parts. When installing, the main part is wrapped or clogged into a dowel, in advance inserted into the wall, lean the pipe to it and then press it with the second overhead part with bolts or latches.

In places of passage of the pipeline through inter-storey plates, it is additionally sealed and protected from contact with the surface of concrete floors of thermal and sound insulation for pipes. For these purposes, rubber rings, tube insulation segments (shell) from foamed polyethylene, mineral wool, extruded and conventional polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam is used.

Fig. 5 Sound insulators on a bitumen-polymer basis

Soundproofing materials

Noise insulation of the sewage riser can be carried out by special sound insulation materials used in the construction industry and automotive technology (soundproof, pholoisol). Usually, they are a rolled or sheet material on a bitumen-polymer basis, one side of which is treated with adhesive composition for fixing to the surface, and the second has a foil layer for insulation of the sticky bitumen and reflection of infrared radiation.

Bituminous processing sheets have a tangible mass and work according to the principle of sound absorption due to an increase in the weight of the sewer pipeline, when they are installed, the pipes are glued with a sticky side of the insulator and pressed it to the surface with a strong rubber roller, for reliability, additionally fix the tape, wrapped around the pipe.

Fig. 6 Pipe heat insulators for suppressing noise on risers from minvati and their installation

Heat insulation materials

Any thermal insulator for pipes at the same time is a good sound absorber, the insulation of the sewer tube in the toilet is carried out by special tubes with a longitudinal slot or cut along the shells of a suitable diameter. Usually, soft materials tightly adjacent to the pipeline are used for soundproofing the sewage riser, the most popular of which are insulators based on foamed polyethylene (foamophole, energyflex). Sometimes they use glass gamblers or mineral wool shells, which, due to the high thickness, has a high noise absorbing ability.

Note: In view of the stiffness, it is ineffectively using a shell of solid polystyrene foam insulation - when vibrations, they are well transmitted sound.

It is not necessary to use the finished tube insulation, to obtain the desired effect, the sound insulation of the sewage pipe can be carried out by materials in rolls or sheets. When installing, the roll or sheet is wrapped around the pipeline and fixes on its surface with sticky ribbon or screeds, one of the good options is the use of self-adhesive materials.

Fig. 7 Options for riser plasterboard boxes

Sound-insulating boxes

It is difficult to detect an urban apartment or a country private house, where the sewer pipeline is available for the external review, it is usually hiding in a box or niche, stitching them with moisture-resistant plasterboard. From above, the plaster is lined with ceramic tiles to impart the surface of the aesthetic appearance, access to communications provide left small hatches with opening doors.

Such a design, in addition to performing the functions of hiding engineering communications, performs a soundproofing role, absorbing noise from the sewer riser.

To combat very noisy pipes, if they are impossible to replace them (the situation with the tenants of the first floors of multi-storey houses) use a combined method in which noise insulation of the sewage riser in an apartment building is performed using a box and overhead or thermal insulator on the pipeline.

Fig. 8 Use of mineral wool insulators

How to make sound insulation yourself using noise insulation materials and boxes

The situation when the tenants of the lower floors of the recently commissioned high-rise buildings suffer from noise in the sewage riser, it is found quite often in cases where the conventional thin-walled pipeline is used from gray PVC instead of expensive cast iron or silent pipes.

To suppress noise, the most effectively use the combined method is to wind the pipe with soundproofing material and mount the drywall box, which is installed in the overwhelming majority in apartments and private houses. To coating a riser pipeline, one of the above sound insulation methods are used using sheet materials on a polymer-bitumen basis, roller-type tube insulation or a suitable diameter shell.

Noise insulation of the sewage rising in the apartment does not represent difficulties, winding work (dressing of shells) and the fastening of the insulator takes a few minutes. After preparing pipes, it is possible to start the installation of a plasterboard box, to perform work, you will need a special and standard building tool: perforator, a corner machine, a metal level, a dowel with fastening screws and screws for screwing drywall, roulette, pencil, as well as profile and drywall itself. Usually, the operation on the device of a plasterboard box is carried out by trained specialists, most often they are mounted before laying tiles themselves Tileniki or carpenters of carpentry specialties.

For an unprepared homeowner, even if there is a necessary tool, it is quite difficult to carry out these work with high quality, the main problem is the hatches for which it is necessary to make a crate and install them at the level of the lower seam of the tile, which will be subsequently focused, to impart a lined surface of a harmonious and aesthetic species .

Fig. 9 Installation of plasterboard box - the main stages

If the height of the surveillance of the audit hatch does not matter and the homeowner has a necessary construction tool, you can sew a niche or make a box yourself using the following sequence of plating operations of a single standing pipe:

  • With the help of the construction level, mark the laying on the floor, side walls and the ceiling with such a calculation so that the distance to the pipe is at least 50 mm.
  • The segments of the directing profile of the PN of the desired size are cut and screw it to the floor, walls and ceiling with screws. To do this, the profile is applied to the markup line, drill the hole through it through it in the concrete plate and scores a hammer of a dowel with a self-tapping screw.
  • After fastening the adjacent guides, it is installed on the corners a vertical support consisting of one or two (to increase the stiffness to be fastened together at an angle of 90 degrees, the sections of the rack metal of PS) profiles by screwing them with self-draws.
  • Upon completion of the installation of vertical guides, there is a horizontal crate of PS profile segments that are screwed to the vertical supports on the corners and near the walls, the distance between the sections should not be more than 600 mm.
  • Then carved from the sheet cabartone sheets of the panel of the required size, they are screwed to the profile with self-draws with a screwdriver with a step of no more than 150 mm.

Fig. 10 Silent sewage

Soundproofing of the sewage riser is relevant in modern apartment buildings of high floors, where the pipeline is made of thin-walled PVC pipes, making loud noise when the wastewater is passed. To combat this negative phenomenon, silent pipes, rolled or tubular noise insulators, insulation, which are placed in plasterboard boxes along with the riser are used.

Reduce the level of foreign sounds and increase the comfort of living allows the insulation of the sewage riser. It is recommended to do in private houses and apartments in high-rise buildings.

Why is the noise sewage?

Outsided sounds coming from the sewer system are not allowed to fall asleep or simply annoy it. Therefore, many housing owners in high-rise buildings are interested in how effective and if possible, inexpensive insulation of sewage pipes in the apartment is performed. There are no special difficulties here. Now the construction market offers a lot of materials for pipelines. But before starting work on the noise insulation of the systems of interest to us, it should be understood by which reasons it makes an annoying man hum. The emergence of extraneous sounds in sewage is due to the following factors:

  • Vibration of pipes, their internal defects, poor-quality fixing of individual elements of the system. Such noise is called resonant or structural.
  • Leakage of water from cranes, high (compared to the calculated) speed of movement of waste on the riser. This is already the so-called atmospheric noise.
  • The appearance of deposits in the pipe, which leads to a decrease in its diameter.

There is also a concept of shock noise. It is formed in cases where the sewer pipes come into contact with adjacent pipe products (for example, water supply) or with wall surfaces.

The volume of sounds published by the waste system depends on which pipes were used for its arrangement.

Previously, cast-iron products were installed in most homes and apartments. Such pipes had a greater thickness. Due to this, they absorbed the annoying sounds. There was no need for additional noise insulation of pipelines. The situation has changed when cheaper and simple and plastic products and plastic products (PVC) appeared on the market. They undoubtedly have a lot of advantages, but are truly loud. This was the reason for the fact that the sound insulation of sewage pipes in the apartment was required by many people.

How to get rid of extraneous sounds during the operation of the waste system?

Immediately, let's say that it is impossible to completely eliminate the causes of the noise formation during the functioning of the sewage. But it can be achieved a significant decline. This is achieved by two ways:

  1. 1. Installation of special silent pipes.
  2. 2. Performing measures aimed at sound insulation of the existing pipeline.

Silent pipes are products from plastic materials with a special structure and thick walls. When they were operating, the probability of the appearance of vibrations is reduced to virtually zero. Such pipes have a three-layer structure - an external polypropylene shockproof layer, reinforced high-strength medium and wear-resistant internal. Silent products reduce the volume of foreign sounds from the sewage to a minimum. But their cost is high. Yes, and mount such pipes can be possible only during overhaul or in cases where the apartment or house is placed by engineering systems from scratch.

The second version of the noise insulation of the waste system is simpler and rational. Reduce the sound level by:

  • Installation of high-elastic rubber sleeves in the transitions of the sewer pipe.
  • Fixation of individual sections of the pipeline to wall surfaces with special clamps that are equipped with rubber pads.
  • Insulated pipes and a riser in the toilet created specifically for these purposes with materials.

Coatings that are ideally suited to protect the sewage from noise, we will look at the next section. Carefully read it. Then you can competently choose the best material for noise insulating activities with your own hands.

Noise insulation of PVC and polypropylene sewer pipes in the apartment is performed by different materials. At the same time, rolled films, soundproofing tape and products made of foamed polyethylene are most popular. Important! Do not use for noise insulation mounting foam. She is able to severely transfer sound oscillations around the house or apartment. This option of protection against noise will bring more problems than benefits.

The most efficient material for noise insulation is polyethylene foamed. He will not only protect you from outsiders, but also will also exclude the likelihood of the appearance of fungi and mold in the toilet, condensate on the sewer pipes. In addition, such a coating performs the function of high-quality heat insulator. Foamed polyethylene is produced in the form of a film with inner and outer layers. There is one nuance here. If you want to achieve the maximum result of soundproofing events, take the material with a rigid outer layer. Such a coating will be operated for a truly long.

Soundproofing tapes also enjoy well-deserved popular among domestic consumers. They are very easy to work with them. All activities for the shower toilet are performed with their own hands. It will be enough for you to wrap in several layers of sewer pipes or a ribbon of such a ribbon to get rid of the annoying hum of the system. Only one thing is important here. The ribbon should be wrapped as tight as possible. In addition, when choosing the described material, it is necessary to pay attention to the value of the decibel that can absorb the coating. This indicator just determines the efficiency of using sound insulation tapes.

You can use to protect the sewage from noise and traditional rolled insulation. At a price, it is cheaper than more modern materials (ribbon foamed polyethylene), and the effect of its use is often no worse. Rolled materials are wrapped around pipes, and then fixed with a clamp of plastic and adhesive aluminum ribbon.

Noise insulation Rims - the main source of hum

Most often, foreign loud sounds and vibrations come from the riser. It is through it that the estates from all apartments pass. Therefore, there should be noise insulation with your own hands. Caliation should be made carefully and with knowledge of the case. We describe the entire execution algorithm.

First of all, it is necessary to choose a sound insulation material (focusing on the recommended coverage). Cut it in size sizes. The insulator is obliged to fully overeat the main sewage pipe. If rolled products are used, they must enhance the riser of the mustache. After installing sound insulation, be sure to secure it with a building tape. Roll materials, as noted, are recorded by a special ribbon of aluminum. Foamed polyethylene is recommended to additionally strengthen the fasteners of plastic or tightly tied with thin but durable wire. When installing fasteners, withstand the distance between them in the range of 0.25 m.

In principle, there can be a complete riser on this noise protection. But if the area of \u200b\u200byour toilet is large enough, it makes sense to disguise the pipe in isolation so that it does not spoil the interior with its low-rotory appearance. This can be done using either the arrangement of a plasterboard box. The latter of these designs will be additional noise protection.

The installation of the box is carried out like this:

  • Locked on the wall surface the size of a masking structure. Important moment. From the root of the walls of the box must be distant by 55-60 mm.
  • Install, using dowels or self-tapping screws, metal profiles for marked areas.
  • Another profile product is fixed from the wall to the floor. The location of its location is determined by the intersection of lines, which is a perpendicular to two previously installed profiles.
  • Put the jumpers (distance between them - about half a meter) on a metal frame.
  • We screw the plasterboard sheets to the skeleton made. Council. Purchase moisture-proof products. For use in the bathrooms, they are preferable to normal according to characteristics and. Do not forget to cut a small window. It will perform the function of the observation hatch.

The space between the riser and the box can be filled with mineral wool. But remember that it will play the role of the heat insulator. From foreign sounds of Minvat does not protect. The optimal option is to fill the voids of all the same foamed polyethylene. Noise isolation costs in this case will increase. But the effect of them will be stunning. Unpleasant sounds from sewer pipes will cease to disturb you and members of your family!


Cast iron or plastic?

Disadvantage: The appearance of structural noise.

What needs to be done, or what to enclose the sewer pipe so that there is no unpleasant noise?
What materials need to be purchased to implement the full noise insulation of the fan pipe?
These and other issues related to getting rid of noise in the pipes in the kitchen, in the toilet, bathroom and in general with sound insulation works in more detail in this article.

Types of noise and causes of their occurrence

In modern sewer "acoustics" there may be various sources of noise and the causes of their appearance.

The most common are:

  • noise of resonant origin. The sounds are based on the phenomenon of resonance, where the plastic pipes themselves are the resonator;
  • atmospheric sounds. They arise during the penetration of air flows in;
  • vibration noises. Their occurrence is associated with the specifics of the construction of the sewer system in which each item sounds the same as the whole pipeline. Vibrate not only risers, but also knees, connections, fastening clamps;
  • shock type noises. Refer to the most loud and unpleasant. All that falls into the sewer system, falls from a certain height, which is formed by a loud sound. Such a sewer vertical can be compared with the resonant oscillating system.

About sound-absorbing pipes

You can solve the problem simply and quickly: install the sewer system from silent pipes. After such a procedure, resonant sounds disappear, and the reduction of noise in the house or apartment is reduced to zero.

The main external difference of silent pipes from ordinary gray plastic is white.

Such products have the logo of the manufacturer and thickened walls, on which the sound insulation index is indicated. The higher it is the less noise level in an apartment or a private house.

Comfortable is considered a sound insulation index from 40 dB and more.

Making soundproofing sewer pipes apply special technology using special polymer or natural materials.

The design of products is preposed the presence of sound-absorbing layers with a certain amount of mineral powder, for the manufacture of which marble flour is used. The resulting composition is capable of extinguishing the waves of the infrasound range.

The disadvantages include high cost of products. But if you consider how many nerves and health in general will save such white silent designs, we can conclude: they are worth it!

On the basic conditions of noise insulation

In the plumbing there are rules for laying pipelines to neglect which it is impossible. Otherwise, living in your home will not be completely comfortable. It is about preventing the possible appearance of foreign sounds. This most likely refers to the Aza plumbing, and not to sound insulation. With their observance, 80-90% will be reliable noise insulation of the fan pipes 100 (and other diameters) of the toilet, bathroom, kitchen.

For this you need:

  • securely fix pipeline highways. It is recommended for every 1.5-2.0 m to place one point of attachment. Optimum option: if the element of the pipeline has a length of up to 1.5 m - then one fastening, and if more than 2 m - then 2 fasteners;
  • use factory clamps, in no case are homemade wire parts;
  • apply steel fasteners with rubber elastic gaskets;
  • if the riser is fused, then you need to additionally install the required number of fixtures. It is easier to carry out in the process of the construction of a private house, although it is possible to make such a procedure in the finished apartment;
  • gently close the holes through which risers pass through the overlap. For these purposes, it is not recommended to use the mounting foam. Accordingly, the construction standards and rules of polypropylene risers should pass inside the polymer sleeves, the diameter of which is 7-10 mm larger than the diameter of the pipe. The remaining gap must be filled with non-aggravated materials;
  • the sleeves can be replaced by the thick (4-6 mm) elastic shell, the effect of which will not be worse than the polymer part. It is impossible to use construction tape for these purposes, even if you wind a lot of balls;
  • when mounting, ensure that the pipe can move by 5-7 mm up-down, because when heated it will expand both around the circle and height. The optimal seal is a stone wool.

Important! Starting to design a private house, keep in mind that in no case the drain highway should not adjacent to the residential room. In high-rise buildings, this condition is taken into account.

A possible option that sounds make not only plastic risers, but also sound insulation elements of pipeline structures.

In such cases, independently, with their own hands perform additional sound insulation, so that the sewer system functions silently.

Qualitatively to sound insulation of sewage or fan riser, water pipes can be using:

Important! When using roll or tape insulators, it is necessary to cheat them tightly to avoid the appearance of air bubbles under the wound layer. Otherwise, the soundproofing of the sewage riser will be poor quality, since the air is an excellent sound conductor.

Today to buy material for noise insulation of fan pipes is not a problem.

Before you begin to acquire insulators, you need to accurately decide:

  • with the material, the choice of which depends on the place of self-insulation;
  • with the number of noise insulator.

Based on this data, given its financial capabilities, you can buy the necessary noise insulation for pipes.

Alternative insulation materials and methods for ensuring high-quality sound insulation

Application of automotive noise insulator

Everyone can perform with their own hands with noise insulation of the fan pipe using non-traditional insulators.

In particular, an excellent option to ensure high-quality sound insulation of the fan pipe - a car noise insulator.

Characteristic property: multi-layered. More often than others use 2 layer insulators, including foil and bitumen.

A sticky side is applied to the riser with which you first need to remove the anti-adhesive paper. This material easily copes with the vibrations that appear in the sewer systems.

Foamed rubber Kaiflex

High-quality sound insulation of the sewage riser can be carried out using the Kaiflex foamed rubber. It is an innovative material of which foresees the presence of closed cells. It was used to produce foamed rubber of synthetic origin.

His advantages:

  • high thermal insulation properties;
  • low thermal conductivity coefficient;
  • strength and reliability.

Failure: Designed for noise insulation of heating stands and. But the material has been successfully used for noise insulation of fan pipes in the apartment.

The isolation of Kaiflex found its use in sound insulation of pipeline systems in industrial buildings, in private construction.

The use of high-quality fastening clamps-dampers

Fastener Hombra

The main difficulty with the noise-insulating tuning of the fan sewer pipe in the toilet is that it is difficult to isolate or wind the risers in the places of passing through the overlap.

The fastening clamps on the walls should be kind of dampers, are able to divide the pipes with the building structure. Otherwise, no insulation will help terminate the spread of shock and vibration noise.

Therefore, not to remove the fasteners installed on the wall, which can cause noise, it is necessary to immediately secure them on the wall.

"Right" fasteners are clamps with the presence of rubber rings, capable of extinguishing any vibration.

By tuning the risers, you only partially solve the problem of getting rid of noise. For extraneous sounds in the system, it is not necessary to take careless measures. This method is expensive. After all, in order to replace the usual Pipe "White", the consent of the neighbors, which is not always solved positively.

Placing a riser in the box

You can solve the "noise" problem in this way: a securely isolated pipe to sew in the box (if there is such an opportunity), fill it with sound-absorbing material. Inexpensive, but reliably.

For noise insulation of the cabinet itself, foamed polyethylene, polyurethane foam sound insulation. After that, with the help of ceramic tiles, drywall or plastic panels, gently sew the outer surface of the box.

Important! The presence of damping fasteners and acoustic junctions at the level of overlaps are the main conditions for good sound insulation of sewage risers.

All materials for sound insulation of fan and sewage risers are designed to clean the vibrations of risers and prevent the transmission of oscillations of the sound-free type on the walls of the rooms.