Repairs Design Furniture

Scrapbooking. How to make a decorative windmill from paper with your own hands. We make a vertical wind generator with your own hands for the house. Step-by-step instructions (video). Embodiment E: Self-made alternating current generator

In the process of creating this wonderful windmill, you will see that it is being done so simple and easy that it is even difficult to believe! You will even want to make 10 such windmills. Try.

Windmills are relevant at any time of the year. The main thing is that the street was windy. Such toys can be used for the game, and you can put on the balcony as decoration.

So, what you need:

  • bright paper (better with patterned or peas)
  • pencils with elastic at the end
  • stationery knife
  • rule
  • studs with multicolored ends
  • strong glue (better hot glue)

We start to do

To start, take the color paper and make a smooth square from it. Size you can adjust yourself.

Now the center of the leaf mark the cross (do everything for a ruler simple pencil). Leaving a small square around the cross, draw the lines as in the photo below. On these lines we will cut and important to small square Around the cross remained untouched. Be sure to slide the points near the lines (as in the photo below).

Now on the noted lines, we do cuts (do not forget about the center of the sheet, we do not cut it).

Now we wrap the corners of the square to the center (as in the photo below).

Now, perhaps, there will be the most difficult part of the work. It is necessary to impose this leaf to the pencil, curved tips to be tapered by a pin and then the same pin to put on a pencil elastic band.

Now for fixing the pin, apply a drop of hot glue (or silicone glue). This will also serve as protection for children so that they do not strike fingers.

That's it! Windmuck ready. Enjoy!

The wind turntable has long been one of the favorite fun of children of all ages. Even a small twinge of the breeze turns a multi-colored turntable, and the child is watched with great interest over her rotation.

The toy that the child did with her own hands will always be more expensive to him than that that got just like that. After all, he can proudly boast that he made this toy himself. Especially since it is very useful to do needlework, because it develops a small motility of hands and therefore crafts from paper or, chapter, crafts from the light bulbs are an excellent chance to improve the skills of a child, as well as for its development. Probably, you think that it is not easy to make such a toy like a wind turntable. Yes, nothing like that, everything is much easier than you think!

In order to make a wind turntable we need: pin with head, set of colored paper, scissors, wand and pencil.

The first thing you need to do is take two sheet paper sheet and cut out of each square. Most optimal size Parties take 20 centimeters. Then you will need to find the center of the square. To do this, read the two diagonals and at their intersection you will find the square of the square. Then, from the center of the square in each direction, retreat 1 centimeter and mark these indents.

Then take the scissors and cut the square on all four lines to the marks.

After, with the help of the pin, you need to pierce the hole in the center, as well as in the left corner of each of the resulting part. It is necessary that the turntable is easily and freely spinning, which is why you need to make a hole, a little sewn than the needle itself.

Then try to do a similar procedure with another sheet of colored paper, and only after the operation you have done, you can safely fold both squares together.

The left corner of each square is lowered to the center, thus the hole in the corner of each side coincided with the hole in the center.

Then fix this design with a carnation or a button to a wooden stick.

It takes no more than five minutes to make such a wind turntable. Imagine how much joy will receive a child from work done with you.

- Here is the topic of our today's article. Naturally, the child's interest does not subside, even the most interesting thing should take not very for a long time. So our homemade chipper from paper is just this decision.

To begin with, tell your baby about the windmill, about how people tamed wind and learned to use it for their needs. Then give a siblos piece colored cardboard Or dense paper and on your own example, armed with a ruler and scissors, start making a paper windmill with your own hands.

For too little kids it will be difficult, but years since 3-4 Your son or daughter will already be able to independently cut the scissors in advance from the line and the battered lines.

A very interesting article on how to make your own feeder for birds, read. Pernaya plush your homemade feeder and will be very grateful, especially in the cold season.

But what can be done from plastic bottles: Interesting ideas DIY DIY.

Tools for work

  • scissors
  • a hammer
  • button
  • double-sided flexible tight paper (suitable for photo)
  • board-substrate
  • wooden stick

Think some size will be your paper turntable. It is most convenient to work with squares whose asses are equal 15-20 cm. Tell the child how to measure required amount Cardboard.

How to make a turntable? Everything is simple. Cut squares. From opposite corners, spend two lines diagonally - so you will find centre. It remains only to cut the paper on the lines, not reaching the center a few centimeters.

Then we take button In the form of a carnation, I pierce all four corners of our windmill, bend the corners, nail a button to the top of a smooth wand from the tree. Do not drive the button completely into the wood! Before leave the gap, because your turntable should spin.

So, we are going to make a small wind generator. It can be made at home. 90% of parts are made of plastic pipes and fittings, so it can be easily disassembled to transport and collect again. Let's start.

Making blades

To do this, you will need a plastic tube with a diameter of 8 cm and a length of 25 cm.
Cut it along the three equal parts. Each part is cut along at an angle and cut the blade from the obtained parts, as in the figure.
For the screw base, we take any round plate, the diameter of which is 6 cm.
We make three equilibrium holes in it and with small bolts and nuts buffam blade to the plate.

Production of the base

Based on and the mast of the wind generator, a screw is installed, a generator, tail and rotary mechanism. The basis is very simple. To do this, you will need a few short segments of plastic pipe and some fitting elements.
4 removal and 3 tees connect, as in the figure.

Making Tail

For normal operation of the wind generator, you need a tail. What is his appointment? The tail is needed for automatic rotation of the screw axis when the wind direction changes.
For its manufacture, you need to cut the plate of galvanized steel, make a slot in plastic pipe, insert a plate into it and secure all the bolt.

Case with generator

For the manufacture of the housing with the generator, you will need:
  • electrically conductive
  • plastic handle housing,
  • plastic tee
  • two bearings,
  • motor (generator) direct current on 3 V.

Insert the generator into a tee.
Secure bearings on a common axis.
As an axis, you can use the cut of the handle case.
One bearing must be attached to the tee.

Mini wind generator ready

Put the wind generator opposite the fan.
Connect the probe to the exit wires. Yes, the device will show that it is produced electricity. With an efficient generator, you can charge a 3-volt battery. In addition, in a similar way, you can make a larger wind generator, which can be charged a mobile phone.

The windmill made of paper is, perhaps one of the most interesting crafts. The child can supplement such such a mill already available toy town from paper, adding to him the flavor. Rotating wind blades will make it similar to the real.
What is a windmill? Modern child It is difficult to imagine that once, in antiquity, people used wind power in order to grind the flour from which the bread then baked. Windmill caught the wind with huge blades, the blades were spinning and rotated through complex design Special stone millstones, in which grain poured. Also, with the help of windmills, water pumping was made for ancient water pipes. Nowadays, such mills no longer exist. But their principle of operation is applied now. For example, in wind power plants. The wind rotates a blade, generating an electric current. But we retreated a little from the topic. Our article does not imply a tour of the story and discussion of the laws of physics, and only the manufacture of paper crafts. This is now talking about this ..

We make a windmill from paper

For the manufacture of a windmill from paper we will need:

  • Colored cardboard different colors
  • Pencil
  • PVA glue
  • Scissors
  • Empty rod from ballpoint pen
  • Stationery clips
  • Plasticine

We fold the cardboard as shown in the photo above (after having previously bend for gluing). First fold paper cloth twice, then repeat it again. The cardboard sheet is divided into four equal fragmentation lines. Folded four times bending across, retreating from the edge of about three centimeters. Thus, we form the roof of our future mill, as well as install the cutting boundary.

We glue the edges of the cardboard. We have a hollow parallelepiped with two open parties. Next: cut through four times from the open side by vertical lines of folding sides to transverse line bend On the other open side, we make slits in the same direction, a depth of about 1 centimeter and flex a bit of a sideways every four sides. This is the bottom of the design that will be attached to the base. Next, we take two opposite sides of cutting fragments, as shown in the photo in paragraph 6, and fasten them with each other with help stationery clips. Then we take two outer sides, and these two external parties Cover bonded with a clip, and glue. The improvised roof of the mill is ready. I pierce the design symmetrically from two opposite sides, and insert the rod from the fountain pen into it. From a dense white cardboard, we cut the blade of the necessary form and in the same way, (pushing) fasten them into the rod.

Fasting the bottom bent pieces with glue, fasten the mill to the bottom of the cardboard. So that the blades do not fall, fix them on both sides by plasticine balls. The basis can be decorated with your taste, plasticine or paper flower, grass, etc. The design itself can be painted with markers or paints or additional decorative elements.

How to make a paper mill / video /

Dutch paper mill

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We have got an interesting, wonderful layout of a windmill. This option is suitable for children's creativity never better. FROM alternative ways The manufacture of a windmill from paper can be found in the video complements to our article ..