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Cross lines on the wrist. What do the bracelets on the wrist - chiromantia

Hiromantia pays great attention not only to the dominant traits on hand. The minor lines on the wrists are played important role.

They are also able to tell a lot about the fate of a person. The wrists usually have clear drops. There may be 3 or 4. Chiromantia similar lines calls bracelets or rosettes. Sometimes they are called Venus bracelets.

Chiromantia claims that the strips complement the life lines. Dashs are able to add to 20 years of life each. In this regard, we can say that the holders of four strips will definitely live long, perhaps even more than 100 years.

What are able to tell the rosettes?

Bracelets in the hands hint not only at how much life will last. Their meaning allows you to understand which one may be this fasch. If the rosettes are clear, clear - it will be possible to live not only long, but also happily. It turns out to achieve well-being.

The wrist lines were also called royal. Chiromantia makes it possible to understand not only the meaning of the strips themselves. You can figure out what the space between them means.

If there is clear bracelets without single wrinkles, roughness - life will be filled with calm, sincere happiness.

Weak and torn invasses mean a difficult life, the presence of stressful situations. Strips are responsible for a specific area.

Bracelets on the wrists at the top symbolize health status. The second strip foreshadows the receipt of wealth, luxury. The third is tightly connected with personal relationships, victories on the love front.

First damn

The lack of clarity in the first line, various interlacing, bends mean the availability of problems that are closely related to health status, possible complications.

A solid feature, her smooth species foreshadows what to work his head, without applying physical efforts.

The most important value of the bracelet has for girls. It is recommended attentively to take this line. You can see the curved arch - the birth will turn out to be complex. In some cases, this sign foreshadows the absence of children. A bad sign can be considered to repeat the pattern and on the second wrist. It doubles the value.

A similar symbol can be found in men. Its value is also associated with childbearing function.

Second rosette

Line whose value is closely related to financial issues is the second. When it is constantly interrupted - wait for problems that affect the well-being, welfare.

If the chain can be seen on the line - the bracelet owner prefers to risk, check good luck. He is not only able to quickly earn money, but also spends them at high speed.

Divorcing the second feature means receiving wealth. However, it will be possible to achieve this only in old age. Now there is no time to rest.

Third Rosette

The third line is characterized by clarity, smoothness, has no curvature? You are predetermined to meet a person who will respond with mutual feelings. There will be no problems in the love sphere.

If there is a large space in space between 2 and 3 strips - the relationship will be able to build a short. And the more distance, the longer the wedding is to wait.

Intermittent bands means the occurrence of quarrels, conflicts with a close man. But these problems will succeed successfully overcome. There are on the line of points, cross or lattices - patterns acquire a negative value. Possible parting or divorce.

What will sign signs?

The presence of island on the line, located at the top, carries mostly a negative value. He means a problem that does not allow you to give birth to the baby, get pregnant. If a person faced it, it is necessary to thoroughly reconsider life, to figure out what is done completely wrong.

The presence of a similar symbol on the second wrist doubles the importance of unpleasant events. The emerging turmoil can be called karmic in such a situation.

If the island is located on one hand - only you are to blame for your problems. However, they will be able to deal with them if you start to act in a timely manner. You can overcome any problem, lines and signs are only a predisposition, and not a diagnosis.

Triangles located next to the devils mean that you will be able to achieve happiness. Numerous problems will be able to overcome, as things will accompany the luck. You can get a good inheritance, acquire respect and increase the reputation.

The chiromantia doubles the value of the symbol if inside the cross or asterisk. Author: Alexey Kharkov

It is paid to the value not only by the main lines on the palm, but secondary. For example, bracelets on the wrist are considered in detail. They are also called rosettes. What do the bracelets on the wrist in the Chiromantia? Consider in detail all the existing values.

In the Hiromantia line on the wrists, additional information about a person's life is carried out, are a continuation of the main one. Each bracelet is calculated by a period of 25 years. If there are 4 rosettes on your hands, it means a long-life long life. Also on the lines on the wrists, you can identify the quality of life of a person - what fate it is destined.

If the lines are clearly outlined, the human life will be prosperous, the disease will be part of the party. Also consider each line separately:

  • the first talks about health and professional activities;
  • the second shows the material sphere;
  • the third will tell about love relationships.

Consider the value of the wrist bracelets separately.

First line

It is at the bottom of the palm. What is the meaning of the first line on the wrist in the chiromantia? If the line is exactly contrary, it means that everything will be fine in the business sector and the field of health. Rales and intersections of the line with small dashes, as well as torture talk about problems in this area. A person will work hard to extract himself for food. Work is likely to be related to physical labor.

If women on this line have a fold in the form of the arch, it means that they expect heavy childbirth. In the ancient girls with such arches on the bracelet, they were not watched, because it was a faithful sign of death from childbirth. And what does a similar arch on the wrist of a man? This is a faithful sign of infertility - so approves the Hiromantia.

Islands on this line in a woman denote infertility. If the islands are located on both hands, the problems of infertility are genetic. The island on one hand is Polwy, with the help of modern medicine you can fix a lot. Oslands on two hands is a more serious problem, but it should not be lowered.

What denotes the outline of the line of the links of the chain? If the first rosette on the hand looks like a chain, then it expects a hard life, full of cares for feeding and scribble bread. If the lines are flat and rises up, it means that a person awaits wealth.

Second line

The second bracelet designates material wealth. Accordingly, if you see the bracelet break, it means that there can be no talk about anything. A person will make a maximum effort, but it will not be able to escape from the chain of monetary problems and debts.

If the bracelet without breaks, but looks like links chains, this person has money to flow through the fingers. It can also be a sign of a fans of a financial adventure, a player or just an amateur risk. A person can become a regulatory casino or play cards for money. No matter how much he won, everything will leave as shock.

If the second bracelet was revealed, it means a happy old age - respect and material well-being. A good sign is a triangle on bracelet - this is a symbol of monetary success, to obtain an inheritance or large material benefit.

Third line

If the bracelet looks smooth and clearly defined, a person awaits strong mutual love. As a rule, it will be the only marriage for life, although there may be exceptions. How to find out how old a person will enter the marriage union? This will tell about the distance between the second and the third bracelet - the wider, the later marriage.

Also on the third bracelet you can consider additional signs:

  • points talk about separation;
  • lattices - about breaking relationships;
  • crosses - about loss of beloved;
  • triangles - a symbol of a happy relationship.

Fourth line

If you have another line on your hand, except for the three main things, then there is a long life to live. This is a symbol of long-livers. Can I see this line in young people? No, it is manifested only after thirty years.

So, the bracelets on the hand of Chiromantia considers both the main with the palm lines. Now you can independently determine your destiny, considering carefully wrists.

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When they talk about the chiromantia, it is often identified with the study of arcs, which are located on the inside of the human palm. But it is not so. The value of the wrist on the wrist in the preparation of the prediction is also large. The appearance and distance between them can tell a lot about the state of health, financial position and personality relationship.

The role of lines on the wrists in the Chiromantia

The lines on the wrist in the Hiromantia call the bracelets of Venus or rosettes. Usually there are 2-3 such bands on the hand, but there are cases when there may be 4. Many people believe that these arcs are a continuation of the line of life - one of the most important bands in the Chiromantia. Each of them is responsible for this or that stage in the life of the owner, so the more such bracelets, the longer the time to be given to man on Earth will last.

It is also of great importance how these 4 lines on the wrist look like and whether they are connected. In appearance, the rosette defines not only the approximate duration of the personality life, but also what it will be, with what difficulties will have to face a person on his path. If all the rings are long and clear, the person is waiting for a long, filled with happy moments, life.

Each bracelet Venus is able to tell about any of the spheres of human life:

  1. The first rosette is responsible for physical condition and health.
  2. The second talks about the material well-being and living level.
  3. Third lines are guessing for love.

The distance between the rosettes is also of great importance, and the features and stripes on them indicate that their owner will have to face many difficulties.

First bracelet

The appearance of this rosette can tell a lot about the state of health of their owner. She also played a large historical role for women. It is said that in ancient Greece, they necessarily draw attention to how the first line on the wrist of the bride looks like. So determined how strong the girl is strong and straightened if it can have offspring. During divination on this line it is worth paying attention to the following items:

  1. A straight and smooth bracelet means that his owner has high intellectual abilities and good health. This person will be able to independently choose between physical and mental labor, to do what he soul.
  2. If the line bends, it is interrupted or is the interweaving of small lines, it means that it is worth paying attention to the health of the owner. It expects many difficulties associated with physical condition.
  3. If there is a protrusion on the line that reminds the arch, it may be a sign of infertility. For women, it may also be a warning about complex pregnancy or childbirth.

Health Worst Signs on Rosette

The problem of infertility is one of the most relevant these days. The reasons for the fact that a man or woman is not able to conceive a child can be the most different. In order to determine the source of the problem, you need to pay attention to the signs that are present on the first rosette on the wrist.

If there is a circle or island on the line, then in the appearance of this sign you can find out how deeply rooted the cause of misfortune:

  1. The sign appeared on the left wrist, it means that a person should pay attention to his state of health, consult a doctor with a request for treatment. In this case, infertility can be both congenital and acquired as a result of an unhealthy lifestyle.
  2. The circle sign on the left wrist indicates the owner on the fact that due to the dismissive attitude to its nutrition, the state of physical health can not have children. In this case, it is also worth contacting a professional for help.
  3. The most difficult consider the situation when a similar sign appears on the right, and on the left hand at the same time. Medical assistance will not help here, the reason for infertility is rooted in the karmic memory of the genus of a person. In order to get rid of the problem and start a full-fledged, happy family, a person should pay attention to its spiritual development.

Second bracelet

The second line on the wrist determines the financial position of the person and its social status. In order to form a full-fledged picture, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  1. The rupture on the line means that a person is waiting for constant problems with material well-being. The owner of such a feature does not know how to distribute its expenses, often takes duty and cannot be returned.
  2. The chain on the line speaks about the owner that it nourishes a special passion for risk and adventures. It is not attached to money and things, easily gets and gives.
  3. The strip splits at the end - this is a sign of the fact that on the slope of his years a person will receive material benefits and glory.

Third bracelet

This rosette is inextricably linked with the heart line on the palm. With it, you guess for love, determine when a girl or boyfriend comes to get into what family life will be. To do this, you need to turn into the following modifications and signs on the line:

  1. A solid, long and bright strip predicts a long and happy relationship, full of love and mutual understanding.
  2. On the line there are gaps or it is short, it means that the frequent conflicts and quarrels are waiting for a couple. But despite these problems, people will still be together.
  3. On the bracelet Venus there are signs such as a cross, a grid or point, this is a warning that relationships for the sign holder will end with heavy loss. The cause of separation can be a large-scale conflict or even the death of the lover.
  4. The distance between the second and the third rosette is also of particular importance. On it, you can determine how soon a person will meet his soul mate. The more this distance, the more late the Union will be.

Fourth Bracelet.

The appearance on the wrist of the fourth line from the most pressing time is considered a very rare and important sign. If the three main bracelets on the hand of a person complements one more one, then we can safely say that this particular is waiting for a long and happy life. The owner of this rare sign is everywhere and in everything will be accompanied by luck.

Additional signs and features rosette

In addition to the main rosette on the wrist, which tell about the state of health, position in the society and personal life of the owner, there are many secondary lines. They depart from the main bands and have a big impact on their meaning:

  1. The line that departs from the ring on the wrist and stretches to the hill of Mercury, and they are connected to each other - one of the most unpleasant characters. It is a harbingers of a hard period in human life, big losses and deprivities. This feature has a special influence on the material well-being of the host. He is waiting for ruin and need.
  2. The trait is moving towards the base of the Mars Hill or the Sun, the person is waiting for wealth, wealth in everything, a high position in society and even glory.
  3. The lines aimed at the lunar bug predict their owner a large number of travel and moves. Determine how much person in life is waiting for trips, you can by the number of small lines.
  4. The strip directed to the hill of Venus is a prediction of marriage by calculation. The owner of such a line will not be able to find his second half, but even so the family will be strong, and the Union is long.

Branches from bracelets Venus

It is worth paying a separate attention to where branches are directed from Rosette, as they look, etc. Directed up the traits are a good sign - they predict their owner a brilliant career and high position in society, success in endeavors.

The feature directed to the moon bug says that a person can achieve heights in the field of art. If the string stretches to the Hill of Mercury, then the best choice will be working with applied sciences.

If the feature is directed towards the bug of Venus, it will be accompanied by a career ladder.


Hirology makes it possible to determine what the main spheres of human life will be. For this, people look at the "rings" covering wrists. Usually such bracelets on hand are 2 or 3, but in special cases it can even be 4. They mean a lot during a divination by hand.

All this time, we studied with you the main lines of the palm, but do not forget about four lines on the wrist. Many chiromers pay attention to these lines, and concentrated on the palm. In this article, we will consider with you the value of the lines on the wrist.

What do the lines on the wrist mean

4 Main lines

If you look around, you will find on your wrist 2-4 lines, which are also called bracelets, they can be clear, and can be calm, intertwining or intermittent. Basically, most people on the wrist can see two lines. All 4 lines have a very small number of people.

The top line is responsible for human health. Her outlines will help you understand whether you are experiencing health problems that you have weak and so on.

The second line is called the line of success or wealth. She is responsible for the financial component: Do you have debts, do you have problems with money, will your profession and business will bring good income, whether you often go to risk how lucky you are and so on

The third line is a line of love. What awaits you in a relationship how much you are loved if you have real love for life - all this can be seen on this line.

The fourth line is a big rarity. If you find this bracelet, rejoice - you are waiting for a long happy life, you would like to kiss luck and you easily manage to cope with all the difficulties in life.

Now we will consider the value of each line on the wrist separately and in more detail.

Health Line

Value line

  1. If your line is straight, deep and clear - you have good health and good immunity. You quickly recover and almost never feel serious health problems.
  2. If your line is weakly defined, thin and blurs, intertwined, then you often experience health difficulties. You are very often tired, feel broken. It is recommended to reconsider your lifestyle, go to proper nutrition and play sports
  3. If the woman's health line in the wrist center is greatly bent up like an arch, then it may be difficult to give birth. If an island is observed in the form of an oval - it is difficult for you to get pregnant. Remember that the chiromantia only warns the possible problems so that you can analyze your life, change the lifestyle, engage in your karma

Success line or wealth

Value line

  1. If your second line on the wrist is interrupted, it means that you are experiencing financial difficulties, fall into debts and you can not turn out to stabilize the material component
  2. If your line is intertwined and looks like a chain, you like to risk, but at the same time do it wisely, when exactly sure that everything will work out. Thanks to this quality, you always know how best to make money, where you are waiting for success and in which industry is best to open your business
  3. If this line is splitting - in the future you are waiting for an abundance

Line love

Value line

  1. Here on the same scheme - if the line is smooth and clear, you are happy (or you will be happy) in relationships or marriage
  2. If the distance between the second and third line is large, it speaks of a later marriage. The more distance - the later will be marriage
  3. If you consider the break on the third line. This means a serious conflict with a loved one, perhaps even divorce

Line longevity

Value line

The fourth line is found in a very small number of man. Congratulations to you if you have this line, you will live a very long lucky life, and you will always be accompanied by luck.

With the help of Hiromantia, the character of a person, his actions and important life events can be considered. This is only 1% of all knowledge. If you want to learn more about the lines on your palm to read your destiny and the fate of others, send Dmitry Lakshmi Vkontakte

Not only the lines on the palm can tell about the fate of a person, but also bracelets on the wrist. At the base of the hand, three clear lines are visible (sometimes four), which are called "Bracelets" or "Rosettes" .

Also on the Internet you can meet another name of the lines - venus bracelets. What line and what does it mean? I tried to figure it out ...

And so, for a start, each of the three (and sometimes four) lines are responsible for its area in life. The most top - A sign that can tell about human health. Second - about wealth, and third Bind with heartfall.

First line

If a the first line has a fuzzy outlineBlurred or bended in different directions, you have health problems. And it also symbolizes the vital difficulties. You may need to revise your lifestyle and focus on exercise.

In the case when the first rosette is smooth and smoothAll in life will be easily able to easily, without much difficulty, and luck to accompany in life.

What does the first line for women mean?

If a curved arch is clearly visible on the female wrist, then difficult childhood is coming. Also, this line can talk about infertility or that the woman will not be able to give birth to a child. This sign is especially strong if it is repeated and on the second bracelet.

In ancient Greece, girls with such a sign did not get married at all, as they often died during childbirth. But now medicine is strong, so do not fear. Hiromantia does not scare, but warns of possible problems.

Similar sign can be seen and on men's hand which also foreshadows possible problems with conception.

Second line

The second line on the wrist is responsible for the material well-being of a person. If it is intermittentThat person can expect financial difficulties, debts and so on.

If the chains are visible on itYou are a risky person who boldly challenges life and is not afraid of difficulties. All earned money you can go in one evening and do not regret this actions.

If bracelets, especially the second, split, That in the future wealth and fortune to collapse.

Third line

The third line is responsible for mental deeds - love. If on your wrist stands out clear and smooth line, then wait for big and mutual love. Such people will have no problems in relations, scandals and quarrels.

If between the second and third line a considerable distance, Most likely, marriage will be at a sufficient late age. The larger the distance between the lines, the later the relationship will be legalized.

If bracelets are interrupted,this is a sign of quarrel, perhaps parting with loved ones. If on the third line you noticed a point or cross, most likely you have to lose a person. He may simply disappear from your life or die.

Fourth line

But this last line can not be seen from all people. But if you entered the number of lucky with the fourth rose on the wrist, you are waiting for a long life. And you can congratulate you with 100 years.

There are cases that the man on the wrist is only one line and many beyond the alarm: "What awaits me? I have no future?". Do not worry, most likely, you are still too young and your further life depends on the current actions and decisions.

All in your hands!