Repairs Design Furniture

What wallpaper to choose for a kitchen: pros and cons of paper, fliesline and vinyl canvases. What wallpaper is better - paper or fliseline? What photo wallpaper is better paper or phlizelin

Wallpaper selection plays an important role when creating a favorite indoor image and maintaining its functionality. Miscellaneous destination of rooms in the house determines the requirements for the wall covering and forms its own microclimate suitable for some materials and destructive for others.

In addition to traditional paper wallpapers, their phlizelinic and vinyl varieties obtained their popularity. They are used along with each other in the household sphere, but they differ straight on functionality.

The main parameters used when comparing wall coverings include:

  1. moisture resistance;
  2. vapor permeability;
  3. durability and wear resistance;
  4. durability;
  5. toxicity;
  6. simplicity of sticking;
  7. fitness to further processing.

Consider the details of the differences between the phlizelin and vinyl coatings.

1. Moisture resistance

Flizelin wallpaper is a nonwoven material, the basis of which is cellulose fibers. To keep them in the associated state, polymer adhesive compositions are used. Due to the high hygroscopicity of cellulose, such wallpapers are quite absorbed by moisture. It localizes their use of dry air and lack of moisture sources - bedrooms, halls, living rooms. Near the shell or shower cabin, Flizelin quickly comes in disrepair.

Vinyl wallpapers are available in the form of a moisture-proof polyvinyl chloride (PVC) canvas connected to a paper or fliselin substrate. Vinyl is a resistant material that can be washed not only with clean water, but also soap solutions. Only abrasive cleaning agents are incompatible with it, mechanically damaging polymer surface. Vinyl wallpaper - the second most popular material for finishing kitchens, bathrooms and bathrooms (after tiles).

2. Parry permeability

Despite the seeming monolithic content of concrete, up to 1/3 of the water vapor leaves the room through the walls. Due to the removal of vapors, moisture and "stiring" of air does not accumulate in the room. If a good ventilation system is established in the room, the requirement of vapor permeability loses relevance. To provide a favorable microclimate in a room with natural air circulation, wall coatings must pass moisture.

Video: Vinyl wallpaper

Flizelin wallpapers have the greatest vapor permeability. This contributes to the specific structure of glued fibers, which is quite spacious to pass the water molecules. Ordinary vinyl wallpapers are practically not allowed moisture, and collect it in the form of condensate on its surface.

There is a special foamed variety of vinyl having good vapor permeability. Its disadvantages include reduced water resistance, which prevents widespread use in the kitchens, bathrooms and bathrooms.

3. Strength and wear resistance

Thanks to the high mechanical qualities of polyvinyl chloride, the wallpaper is often glued in the corridors and hallways. The most resistant coatings are made of dense vinyl. They are difficult to damage even with long sliding contacts with metal clothing fittings.

Flizelin wallpaper is less resistant to abrasion and have less tensile strength (faster damage during sticking). With wet contact with the clothes, the top layer of such wallpapers quickly comes in disrepair. Before repairs in the apartment, it is necessary to determine the places in advance in which the flieslinic wallpaper is undesirable due to frequent and wet friction (wardrobe, entrance hall).

4. Durability

The service life of both coatings is comparable to each other, although small differences are still present. Fliseline wallpaper manufacturers guarantee their impeccable operation for 8-10 years (subject to protection against moisture and mechanical damage). Vinyl wallpapers serve a little longer - 10-12 years.

The fundamental difference for the service life is observed when operating conditions change - the level of humidity or intensity of foreign exposure. In the presence of external wear factors, vinyl wallpapers serve longer and look brighter than phlizelin, which faster burn out and lose their initial attractiveness.

5. Toxicity

It should be noted that universal or cheap methods for determining the toxicity of finishing materials do not exist. Verification of environmental safety Wallpaper conducted in specialized laboratories is available only at the level of large manufacturers due to the high cost and specificity of the equipment used.

From the point of view of statistics, the likelihood of the acquisition of flieslinic wallpapers excreasing toxic substances after sticking is significantly less than similar vinyl. As part of Fliselina as an outsider of "chemistry" there is only glue, practically unable to become a source of harmful substances after applying to the wall.

Video: Fliseline Wallpaper

The production of PVC uses a number of toxic components, traces of which can remain in the final product - formaldehyde, vinyl chloride, etc. Paints, applied to the vinyl surface at the factory and not fading in the sun, also sometimes have low environmental qualities.

Almost all budget versions of vinyl wallpapers when buying have an unpleasant smell. More expensive branded materials differ in the best side of the organoleptic indicators, but they are more expensive.

6. Easy to stick

The application of flieslinic wallpapers on the wall is much less labor, compared with vinyl. This is caused by the following factors:

  1. liminable fliesline density (g / m 2) leads to a decrease in the mass of the glued web;
  2. application of glue is made only on the wall. The wallpaper band remains dry, which facilitates the process of its docking with adjacent canvases;
  3. there is no need to hide defects and irregularities of the surface (simplifies the blending procedure). Disadvantages of walls requiring plaster when using vinyl wallpaper, become less noticeable under the relief structure of cellulose fibers;
  4. accelerated shaking of walls caused by greater fliesline wallpaper widths compared with standard rolls (1 m against 0.5 m).

7. The possibility of further processing

Vinyl wallpaper is usually represented by bright colors and patterns that are resistant to the action of sunlight. The catalog of the proposed drawings is extensive, but does not always satisfy the exquisite customer requirements. Painting of vinyl wallpapers is possible, but is limited to the requirements of the relief and monophonic light surface. Bright wallpaper can not always be successfully painted due to the high intensity of the initial color.

Flizelin wallpaper is suitable for repeated reps. The absence of a smooth surface makes it easier to hold the thick layer of paint capable of completely blocking the original shade. Many fliesline coatings, specially produced in a designed form, can be easily recognized in monophonic and repeated patterns. Change the color of the cellulosic coating is possible throughout the term of use. This allows you to completely transform Fomnatu, without crossing the new walls.

Presented wallpaper varieties are not distinguished by versatility. When choosing them, you should navigate the parameters and purpose of the room. Vinyl wallpaper are suitable for creating washable and wear-resistant surfaces. Fliselin coatings are optimal for sticking of bedrooms and living rooms, as well as creating their own extravagant drawings.

Apartment repair is a whole stage in a person's life. Getting a new apartment or a desire to refresh the situation, no matter. In any case, the project of the new interior is built in the head. Important stage - wall decoration. What to "wear" the room? The most common material for wall decoration is the wallpaper. Often the question arises, what wallpaper is better. We will analyze the two options - paper and phliselinic, more correctly, on paper and fliesline basis. We find out what their difference and similarity.

Benefits of paper wallpaper

Paper wallpaper is the most profitable, economical way to change the appearance of your room. Attracts their price, a wide choice of ornament, textures, quality.

Single-layered wallpapers (simplex) are simple paper wallpaper of various colors, can be impregnated with a composition protected from fading. Multilayer wallpaper (duplex) is stronger and more practical than simple. In these wallpapers, each layer is saturated with water and light-resistant solution.

Benefits of fliselin wallpaper

To begin with, we will analyze what flieslinic wallpaper is and what is Flizelin. This is a nonwoven material that consists of textile or paper fibers connected by a binding substance. Many women probably used it when sewing trousers, skirts, blouses. This material is well holding the form and is absolutely harmless. There are no differences between paper and phlizelin wallpaper.

How to glue paper and fliesline wallpaper

Before pasting walls, paper wallpapers need to level the walls from small scratches, bugs, cones. Wallpapers are too thin and, with a sticker, all surface roughness are visible. When working with a fliesline coating, the wall is also aligned, but small irregularities can be omitted, since this type of wallpaper is well hidden by poor-quality spatlement, small sinks of the surface covered surface. This is the first difference between paper and vinyl wallpaper.

Let's proceed to an important part. Wall pasting technology has the difference between paper and fliseline wallpaper. Using the first type of wallpaper, it is necessary to put the cloth with glue itself, give the wallpaper to soak and stick them on the wall. The pasting should be done extremely carefully, the impregnated paper has a property of rushing in the most unpredictable places. The second thing is worth expecting bubbles. It is also extremely difficult to deal with them, since there is a possibility to disrupt the integrity of the canvas. Paper wallpaper glued online. But, during wetting, paper is stretched and after pasting, when drying, gives shrinkage and, as a result, cutters in the seams that burst the cloth of the coating. Using the second type of wallpaper, with the surfaces of the surfaces with a smear wall, ceiling, etc. Special glue for heavy wallpaper, and then apply a dry roll of roll. These wallpapers glue online, not afraid that the wallpaper will be sucking, swinging, burst.

Where glue paper and flieslinic wallpaper

Both of these can be glued in the rooms. When choosing, consider the following differences in paper wallpapers from phlizelin. In the hallways, a fliseline option (the possibility of wet cleaning) is preferable. Kitchen, bath, rooms with high humidity - should also be used on a flizelin-based wallpaper (simple wallpapers swept and depart from the surface). But in the nursery you can use any kind. On paper does not settle dust, which is important for the health of our Chad. But, do not forget that almost all the guys are still not to get rid of the drawings on paper, and the phlizelinic can quickly repaint in another color. Both are important for the nursery. Having considered the key moments of wallpaper of various structures, summarize.

The difference of paper wallpapers from phlizelinov:

Qualities that coincide with these types of wallpaper safety, environmental friendliness, air permeability (ability to "breathe" wallpaper), easy installation and disassembly.

The moments of the differences between fliesline wallpapers from paper - the service life (in paper term shorter), moisture resistance, the possibility of wet cleaning, the possibility of multiple painting, during wetting does not lose their shape and strength, relatively high price.

Without exaggeration, we can say that most often people choose wallpaper only by their aesthetic indicators - in color and drawing. This approach is justified if the finish is bought for a bedroom, a children's, living room and other rooms designed mainly to rest. But if you need to choose, other criteria should go to the fore. In particular, practicality and durability. What wallpaper is better to choose, based on these parameters: paper, fliesline or vinyl? And what are their differences? In this we will understand more. To your attention General requirements for kitchen wallpaper, pros and cons of the three most common types of facing and reviews about them, as well as the basic rules for choosing finishing for specific kitchens.

What should be the wallpaper for the kitchen?

First, let's determine what the requirements must be compliant with high-quality kitchen wallpapers. Five them.

  • Moisture resistance. This parameter is important for two reasons. First, in the kitchen a priori cannot avoid high humidity. Secondly, the wallpaper here is rapidly polluted due to regular cooking, so the finish should withstand at least the simplest wet cleaning.

Council. Choose a material with the "Wave" marking - this icon indicates moisture resistance. An even more practical option is a wallpaper with a "wave with a brush" marking, which can be rubbed.

  • Air permeability. The kitchen is a kind of working workshop in living conditions, therefore, to maintain a comfortable microclimate, the finish must provide good ventilation of the walls. The permeable wallpaper does not accumulate dampness and are not inclined to form fungus.
  • Light resistance. Wallpapers must be resistant to ultraviolet rays, otherwise they will very quickly burn out and spoil the aesthetics of the entire interior.

  • Fireproof. In the kitchen, as a rule, a lot of technical devices are used, so it is important that the wallpaper is racks for fire. This requirement applies not so much practicality, how much security, therefore it is not worth ignored.
  • Density. The more denser material, the less pores in it and, accordingly, the less dust and dirt accumulates in the finish.

And now we will consider the advantages of three types of wallpapers, which are most commonly used to finish kitchen walls: paper, vinyl and phliselin.

Paper wallpaper

The most common type of wallpaper - paper. They are completely manufactured from paper, without any other impurities. This causes both serious advantages and serious disadvantages of finishes. Let's start with advantages:

  • low price - cost much cheaper than any other types of wallpaper;
  • air permeability - allow the walls to "breathe";
  • ecology - do not contain toxic components;
  • easy stick - To bind the walls with paper wallpaper, it is enough to have minimal skills;
  • a large selection of colors and drawings - paper finish is characterized by a rich variety of design, so you can find a suitable wallpaper option for any interior. Moreover, due to the cheapness of the facing, it can be regularly updated, changing the appearance of the kitchen at wisdom.

Cons are no less significant than advantages:

  • instability to moisture - paper wallpapers can not be washed;
  • burnout in the sun - under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the facing quickly loses its original color and becomes dim;
  • rapid absorption of odors;
  • a tendency to fire;
  • dISTRIBUTY - Due to the above disadvantages, the maximum recommended use of paper wallpaper is 5 years.

This is a finishing material made of compressed cellulose fibers. Externally, fliesline is somewhat reminds of paper cladding, but according to quality characteristics, it exceeds it essentially. Such wallpapers can have both smooth and textured foamed surface.

Pluses of Fliselin Facing:

  • Moisture resistance - the material does not swell under the influence of water, so it can be washed.
  • High strength - finishing is resistant to random mechanical damage. But this advantage concerns only materials with a smooth surface.
  • Stability to direct sunlight - wallpapers are not fused under the influence of ultraviolet and for many years retain their original appearance.
  • Air permeability - the wallpaper passes the air, which eliminates the appearance of mold under the lining.
  • Fire resistance.

  • The possibility of repeated staining.
  • Easy pasting - wallpapers do not drive around and do not bubble, so do not cause trouble in work. In addition, for pasting, it is necessary to apply adhesive composition only on the wall, which significantly accelerates and facilitates the process.

Cons of flizelin wallpaper also have:

  • facing with a textured surface collects dust, so needs to be careful and regular care;
  • fliselin wallpapers are several times more expensive than paper;
  • the upper layer of textured wallpaper is unstable to mechanical damage, so dents and scratches can remain on the facing.

Under vinyl wallpaper, combined canvas with a paper or fliesline base and facial vinyl coating are implied. They can be several types: foamed, smooth, solid, flat. Of all these options in the kitchen, it is not recommended to use only foamed wallpapers, since they cannot be washed. The remaining three types are quite suitable for kitchen premises. And they have a lot of advantages:

  • good mask irregularities and cracked walls;
  • without problems can be wet cleaning;
  • not subject to mechanical damage;

  • can be painted up to ten times;
  • do not fade in the sun;
  • can imitate absolutely any materials - ranging from textiles and ending with snake skin.

The main disadvantages of vinyl facing:

  • Airsproof - Wallpapers do not miss air, so to provide a pleasant microclimate in the kitchen, it must be regularly ventilated.

Council. In order for such a cladding, the mold is not started, the wall must be pre-before pasting, to be treated with an anti-grib.

  • Complexity in pasting - the vinyl wallpaper glued is much more complicated than phlizelin and paper: first, the adhesive composition must be applied on the canvas, and on the wall; Secondly, the wallpaper is stretched under the influence of glue, but after direct gluing they can "sit down", so the canvas are difficult to dock together.

We select wallpapers for the kitchen

When choosing a finish, it is necessary to take into account not only the qualitative indicators of wallpaper, but also the peculiarities of the kitchen itself.

If you have a small room at your disposal, give up dark cladding with a large print - it will make the space even more miniature and compound. Better pay attention to light monophonic cloths with a small pattern or pattern.

If you have very low ceilings in your kitchen, use wallpapers with vertical stripes - they will visually increase the height of the room. But the horizontal strip will help to visually expand the space, as if spreading its walls. In order for the vertical or horizontal print to you quickly mischievous, choose a low-contrast lining with shades that smoothly flouring each other.

If the kitchen windows come out on the north side, the walls are better to cry with walls of warm shades to make the space more cozy. It can be peach, cream, light grassy.

As you can see, all three discussed types of wallpaper - paper, phlizelin and vinyl - have their own fundamental differences. And if you want to choose a truly high-quality finish, you should not neglect these features - they will directly depend on the functionality and comfort of your kitchen.

How to choose a kitchen wallpaper: Video

Wallpaper for kitchen: Photo

Wallpaper selection has long been one of the most responsible repairs moments. It is at the time of choosing wallpaper there are numerous quarrels and rewriting. It is from him that the appearance of the room will depend on it, her mood and atmosphere in it.

But choose a beautiful color - it is Polwy. Many consider it precisely the external component of wallpaper main, forgetting about the material from which wallpaper is made. But the right choice will allow you to save not only nerves during the operation of wallpaper, but also money due to the fact that they are not necessary to cross every couple of years.

Nowadays, there are a huge variety of materials from which wallpapers are made. AIF.RU will help you choose the one that is suitable in your case.


Paper wallpaper

One of the most popular in Russia still remains paper wallpaper. True, many consider them already morally outdated. Explain why.

Paper wallpaper can also be different: single-layer or two-layer. But in any case, they retain all their drawbacks. First, they do not belong to the most durable types of wallpapers - it concerns both the operation and the moment of sticking wallpapers on the wall. Secondly, paper wallpapers are very susceptible to environmental impact - they are glad to absorb moisture, can change the color under the influence of different factors, and when direct sunlight hit, they are prone to fading. Thirdly, paper wallpapers are practically not amenable to washing - if something fell on them, then it will remain almost forever.

But there are paper wallpapers and an indisputable plus. By and large, this plus is the only one. We are talking about low cost. It is for the cheaper Russian people who love paper wallpaper. This factor can work only with careful handling of paper wallpaper. Otherwise, their short-life and the frequent need for replacement level any savings when buying. Another plus of paper wallpapers is environmental friendliness. They do not distinguish any harmful substances into the air.

Such wallpapers are recommended to be used either with a very limited budget, provided that there are no small children in the family who can stain wallpaper, or animals capable of breaking them. It is also not recommended to glue paper wallpapers in wet rooms and in the kitchen due to the fact that they can be deformed from moisture and change color under the influences of by-products when cooking.

Vinyl wallpapers

Vinyl wallpapers are becoming more and more popular in our country. The people make a choice in their favor due to their practicality. With a huge amount of advantages, they practically do not possess minuses.

The only disadvantage that can be found in vinyl wallpaper is their relative high cost, if compared with paper wallpaper. But thanks to the practicality, in which the service life of vinyl wallpapers can easily reach 10 years, they may be even more economical than paper.

The advantages of vinyl wallpaper include their practicality. First, they are very durable and may even be exposed to strain. Secondly, the vinyl wallpaper do not even endure wet wash. There are several types of vinyl wallpapers - from those that can be carefully wiped, to those that are withstanding the cleaning session without any problems.

Vinyl wallpapers are called so thanks to the upper layer, which is made of vinyl. He also gives them positive qualities that distinguish them from paper wallpaper. The basis for which the vinyl surface is applied and which will be glued to the wall, most often make up the same paper. Less often, more practical phlizelin is also used as the basis, but this significantly affects the cost of wallpaper.

There are practically no restrictions on the use of vinyl wallpaper. However, we recommend to avoid using them, like any kind of wallpaper, in the bathroom. When used in wet rooms, in the kitchen, as well as the perspective of frequent wet cleaning in the room, it is better to choose wallpapers that are more resistant to this very wet cleaning. This can be determined by special labeling on the package, which is indicated by the amount of waves from one to three. The more waves, the more resistant wallpaper to moisture. If the wallpaper shows a wave with a comb, then for washing, you can use either a brush with a cleaning agent, or a vacuum cleaner with a function of wet cleaning.


Structural wallpaper

Structural wallpapers are recently popular. This wallpaper on a paper or fliesline basis, which is specially structural embossed pattern. These wallpapers are intended for painting. That is, after they are pasted on the wall, they must be painted. This allows the structural wallpaper to be selected by almost any interior.

Also, the advantages of structural wallpapers include the fact that instead of crossing them, they can be simply painted - in the same or even in another color. The structural wallpaper on the flieslinic basis can withstand up to 12 layers of paint. On a paper basis - up to 7 layers of paint. They are durable and very wear-resistant. Another plus is easy to use - wash the wallpaper can be anything, as if you wash just a painted wall.

The minuses have only a little cheaper species of these wallpapers on a paper basis. In addition to the smaller amount of paint layers, which they are kept, they are also not recommended to glue in wet rooms due to paper properties that can easily absorb moisture.

Such wallpapers are most often used in offices and hotels, where there is no special claim for the Issirm, and the practicality is appreciated primarily. Structural wallpapers, with painting, of course, the pleasure is not from cheap, but thanks to their practicality and in a long term they turn out to be a very economical option.

Glass equipment

Similar to the properties with structural wallpaper are glass windows that are made of intertwined fiberglass. Due to the weave of the threads, a volumetric pattern and relief is created. A layer of fiberglass can be applied on a paper or fliesline base, so directly glue onto the wall.

The advantages of these wallpapers compared with structural wallpaper can be attributed even greater strength, as well as the ability to smooth the surface to which they are glued. In some cases, they may even close small cracks and potholes. The paint is applied on top. Gymelomes are more fireproof compared to the rest of the wallpaper.

Of the minuses - high cost. Therefore, glazes are predominantly used on an industrial scale - when finishing large hotels, office and shopping centers, hospitals and other institutions.

Textile wallpaper

Textile wallpapers are considered the most beautiful and most prestigious of all types of wallpaper. Complies with the status and price tag: they are one of the most expensive wallpapers.

As it follows from the name, the top layer of such wallpapers is made of textiles, which is then applied to paper, and more often - on the fliesline base, since no one is going to save on textile wallpaper.

Pros of such wallpapers have already been listed - status and beauty. They create an atmosphere atmosphere of a noble house in which representatives of the highest class live.

But these wallpapers and indisputable minuses have. They, albeit durable, but very impractical. As with paper wallpaper, everything that falls on them is, and remains on them. A small amount of clean water, of course, they can forgive - then they will simply dry. But if it is a liquid with dyes, the paint will forever remain on the fabric, and it will be impossible to wash it, as a shirt, it will be impossible - it will only be left to cross. Also, textile wallpapers are subject to long exposure to direct sunlight - burn out. Therefore, in premises with textile wallpaper, noble twilight reigns.

Most often, textile wallpapers are used in living rooms intended for reception of guests, as well as in bedrooms, in which it can be allowed to afford a twilight and practically excluded damage to any liquids and other packing substances.

When choosing wallpaper, not only design should be taken into account, but also the material from which they are made. In the article, we will look at three main types of wallpaper, each of which has its pros and cons. Not everyone will fit anywhere in the house. Today you will learn the difference between paper, phlizelin, vinyl wallpaper and can easily choose you need.

Paper wallpaper

Despite the development of technology and entering new types to the market, paper wallpapers do not go downstairs, are widespread and popular. This is a classic genre.


  • cheap - All minuses of paper wallpapers are leveled low price
  • a wide range of - Giant variety, many shades, patterns, textures, drawings, they can be smooth and relief, mimic some materials (silk, pile, plaster)
  • well passes air - Paper wallpaper "Breathe", so in the room there will be no stuffy, it also prevents the appearance of fungus
  • eco-friendly - produced from natural materials, do not distinguish harmful substances, safe for health


  • short-lived - grabs for 3-5 years
  • quickly fade - You can not hang on the walls, where the sun gets, otherwise the paints fade
  • it's hard to glue - To kill high quality, you need to be a specialist with extensive experience
  • easily damage - Pets quickly scratch paper wallpapers and lead them to an unequal view.
  • unstable to abrasion - Soon you will notice scorching near the switches, in the corridor in places of contact with outerwear, etc.
  • easy dumps - Well absorbed dirt and smells, it's easy to plant a spot, while you can not wash, only cross the dirty pieces
  • it is impossible to wash - do not tolerate water, it is easy to rush (except for special washable paper wallpaper)
  • fear moisture - due to low water resistance not suitable for the kitchen and bathroom


  • Single-layer. The simplest and cheap, but are short-lived, do not hide irregularities, it is easy to rush, they are very difficult to glue.
  • Multilayer. More dense and durable, can be relief, the wall defects are better, it is easier to glue.
  • Washable. This is a two-layer wallpaper impregnated with a special composition, which makes them relatively waterproof. "Washing" are called conditionally, they should only be wiped with a damp cloth.

Where to glue

Paper wallpaper is best suited for premises with a low degree of load, with a small crossway, where the strength is not so important, but you need beauty. These are bedrooms, living rooms and children.

They are also suitable for bedrooms and children's rooms due to their environmental friendliness and breathability.

You may be useful

Fliselinova wallpaper

Flizelin wallpaper is homogeneous material, velvety and smooth. It is made from cellulose fibers sometimes with the addition of synthetic fibers and textiles. Technology is similar to paper wallpaper.

IMPORTANT! Do not confuse with vinyl wallpaper having a fliesline base.


  • durable paper - will serve 8-10 years
  • strong paper - In addition to cellulose, the wallpaper includes binding polymers that provide them with greater wear resistance.
  • elastic - Do not fear shrinkage of the new home and the appearance of cracks
  • wide defects and irregularities - optionally glue phlizelin wallpaper on the perfectly prepared surface, due to the density they will hide small irregularities
  • eco-friendly - produced from natural materials, do not distinguish harmful substances
  • well passes air and moisture - thanks to air and vapor permeability in the room will not be stuffy, and on the wall under the wallpaper will not appear mold
  • possess a small noise-raising effect
  • easy to glue - Do not go to any comparison with paper, flieslinic wallpaper is very easy to glue, in the process do not break
  • do not change the form when moisturizing and drying - do not swell, do not sneeze
  • easy to shoot - just get it up from the edge and remove wallpaper from the wall
  • you can glue the other wallpaper on top of them - Flizelin wallpaper is optional to shoot, the brand is new directly to the old
  • you can paint - any phlizelin wallpaper can be painted in a sense they are created for this


  • high price - cost above not only paper, but also vinyl wallpaper
  • easy dumps - Well absorb dirt and collect dust
  • fear moisture - Flizelin wallpaper is not suitable for rooms with big humidity
  • easily damage - poorly opposed mechanical exposure, children and pets quickly spoil the appearance of wallpaper
  • modest assortment - In stores you will not meet a lot of variety, because the phlizelin wallpaper is more often intended for painting; usually they are smooth, although there are embossed, more often a monophonic, rarely colored


With a small, medium and high density - the more denser, the easier it is to glue.

  • Smooth, embossed, with texture, embossed, with a pattern.
  • Under painting and ordinary.

Where to glue

It is best suited for premises with a low degree of load, with a small permeability, where the strength is not very important. Due to the fact that they are made from eco-friendly materials and pass the air well, phlizelin wallpapers will come to the place in the bedroom and children. It will also be a good option for the living room, as they can be painted in a beautiful color, draw interesting patterns, etc.

It is not worth spending money in vain and glue phlizelin in the kitchen, in the hallway and especially in the bathroom. Long they will not live there.


There are two layers, the basis is paper or fliesline, and the coating is vinyl (it is polyvinyl chloride or PVC). This top layer makes the wallpaper very durable. And thanks to the properties of PVC and production technologies, vinyl wallpaper is distinguished by a large variety and beauty.


  • the richest range - on the market are presented in a variety of colors, shades, with various drawings, patterns, ornaments, textures and reliefs, for any design and for every taste; Vinyl wallpapers perfectly imitate not only fabric, suede, silk, skin, but also stone, wood, tile, plaster
  • durable - faster you will be thrilled than the attractiveness will lose
  • unbelievable - champion in strength, not afraid of scratches (you can even rub with a brush), do not abradiate over time
  • do not burn - Vinyl wallpapers consist of non-combustible materials, which speaks of their favor in terms of safety
  • hold heat - can be considered as an additional thermal insulation material
  • do not fade - absolutely not afraid of the sun, perfectly fit for rooms on the sunny side
  • do not fear moisture - vinyl wallpapers are distinguished by moisture resistance, they are nicking steam and water, they have water-repellent properties
  • resistant to pollution - do not absorb dirt, push fat
  • you can wash - All pollution can be easily laundered, as vinyl is not afraid not only moisture, but also aggressive detergents and brushes
  • relatively easy to glue - By labor intensity of sticking, vinyl wallpapers are between multi-layer paper and phliselin; glued easily, but they do not like too uneven walls and require the use of special glue ("for heavy wallpaper")


  • Hot stamping . The most common. They are distinguished by a wide variety of decors. Very durable and moisture-resistant.
  • Silkography. Like silk. In the manufacture of silk and synthetic threads are used. Wallpapers have a spectacular appearance with glitter. Do not glue on uneven walls!
  • Foamed vinyl. Relief wallpapers with soft texture. Well coped with the irregularities of the wall, but the humidity is poorly tolerated. Perfectly imitate various materials. It is not bad to pass the air.

Where to glue

The vinyl wallpaper is ideal for the kitchen and bathroom, as they are not afraid of moisture, do not absorb smells and easily wash. By virtue of its strength and resistance to abrasion, they are perfect for the corridor, hallway and again the kitchens that are places of high patency and load (except for wallpaper from foamed vinyl). And thanks to a wide variety of designs and beauty, Vinyl will decorate your living room.

It is better not to use this kind of wallpaper in the bedroom and children's, because They are not eco-friendly enough, do not let the air and there is a threat to the appearance of fungus.