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Technological process of manufacturing arbolit with aluminum. How to make arbolic blocks with your own hands. Liquid glass or sodium silicate

Production of arbolite blocks: 8 reasons for organization + 8 success factors + product characteristics + market research + recommendations for the choice of raw materials + technology + equipment equipment + 3 equipment supplier + organizational aspects + calculations.

A direct connection between the scientific and technological progress and the emergence of environmental problems is traced. Therefore, in the modern world, it was more and more attention to nature and the environment.

At the same time, the relevance and demand of the business for the manufacture of environmentally friendly building materials has become relevant. This type of activity includes the production of arbolite blocks, the main aspects of which we will be consecrated in this article.

How economically profitable to produce arbolite blocks?

Arbolit (in common arms, oprob concrete, wood bricks) due to their properties, operational qualities and purpose is counted for the class of building materials.

These components participate in its production:

  • cement;
  • crushed wood (sawdust, straw, chips, chips, etc.);
  • water;
  • chemical additives.

On the decision to open an enterprise for the release and implementation of arbolic blocks affects several positive reasons:

  1. Production occurs on simple technology.
  2. Business can be started first in small volumes and at home.
  3. Compared to the production of other building materials, the manufacture of arbite panels and blocks is not so financially expensive.
  4. If you find cheap raw materials, you can achieve low cost.
  5. This sphere is characterized by a large market market.
  6. The blocks of their arbolite marks high demand, the value of which in the season may exceed the proposal.
  7. Not bad payback periods.
  8. For the production of blocks is characterized by a long-term perspective and good profits.
To achieve economic efficiency from business on the production of blocks from Arbolit, you need to deal with a number of issues regarding the production process, product characteristics, analyze the market and competitive environment.

Arbolite blocks, the production of which is quoted OKVED 26.65 and 51.53.24, can be implemented without licensing activities. However, without a certificate of quality can not do. The organizational and documentation moments will take about 45-55 thousand rubles.

The factors of success will be:

  • providing enterprises with reliable and high-quality equipment;
  • hiring qualified workers aimed at high results;
  • clear adherence to technology;
  • the production of only high-quality arbolite blocks corresponding to the expectations of consumers and the requirements of the standard;
  • optimal price-quality ratio;
  • establishment of links with suppliers of raw materials and construction profiles, which will acquire block blocks by large parties under the contract;
  • the use of other sales channels, an active sales organization to other Russian entities or regions;
  • choosing the right positioning, competent marketing policy.

Characteristics of arbium blocks, product range

Also, arbolite blocks are assigned certain classes, based on their compression strength.

Gosstandart determines the production of blocks of such dimensions:

  • 50x40x25 cm;
  • 50x30x25 cm;
  • 50x20x25 cm.

Arbolite blocks are classified on heat-insulating type and structural.

The first type of material has low strength (400-500 kg / cubic meters). It is marked with the letter M5, 10, 15. Constructive blocks have increased density, therefore, and durability. These are arbolite products M25, 35, 50. The minimum limit of the density of such blocks is 500 kg / cube. m, maximum - 850 kg / cube. m.

Arbolite building materials can be issued monolithic or hollow.

Blocks are used for construction purposes. Arbolite thermal insulation finds their use as a heater of walls and soundproofers, structural blocks - in the construction of houses and other buildings of small floors.

Arbolite products have high utility, appreciated not only in Russia, but also abroad as a heat and energy-saving material.

The benefits of blocks are:

  • universality
  • ecology,
  • durability,
  • sound absorption
  • strength,
  • ease of construction,
  • thermal conductivity,
  • easy processing.

Due to universality, the production of arbolic products is beneficial for the construction of both private houses, industrial structures and for baths, cottages. Such blocks are used on marine coasts, in Siberia, etc.

Arbolite blocks have a porous structure, and, it means, the construction erected with their help is "breathing". Ceramzitobeton is inferior to arbolite blocks for thermal insulation indicators. Ovilk concrete preferences of brick, foam blocks, because It does not crack for large loads.

The main thing is not to exceed the maximum allowable norm. One block weighs 15-60 kg. Thanks to this, the foundation of structures is light, unlike brick buildings, which saves during construction work.

Since there are cement and other components in the composition of arbolite products, the blocks are not ignited, as a tree, cannot be rotting and damage to bacteria. If, getting onto a concrete, stone, brick, tree, disputes fungus are actively multiplied, it does not threaten arbolite blocks.

They are easy to handle, cutting through manual, gasoline, electric saw. There is no need for a preliminary drilling of blocks to screw the screws and lifting nails. Also, arbolite products are convenient in laying.

1. Market research in the production of arbolite blocks.

Arbolite blocks in the Russian Federation were popular at the end of the twentieth centuries, the beginning of the XXI centuries. Today, their production is also in particular demand, which is facilitated by the development of private low-rise construction.

There is a reorientation to build materials that would have not only standard characteristics, but also responded to modern requirements:

  • ecology,
  • operational treatment,
  • low weight
  • ease of operation,
  • energy efficiency.

Arbolite blocks meet the basic requirements, resulting in prerequisites for stabilizing demand. Production of arbolite goods in the territory of the Russian state has been established by a variety of companies.

Large market players who can compete are:

"Russian Arbolit" Represents a network of companies whose activities are aimed at developing technologies for the production of products from a wood concrete and arbolit, a production of special equipment (molding and pressed).

The range includes:
Penairbolitoy products,
Armoblocks and panels.

"Arbolit-Eco"Firm engaged in the manufacture of arbolic blocks of various sizes, design / construction of buildings.
"Chernovsky Arbolit" Samara company of the critical and construction direction.
"Lesdrevprom"Commercial organization specializing in stone, wooden house-building, reconstruction of objects, production of arbolic high-quality blocks, interior design / exterior, finishing and installation work.
"IL Arbolit"Izhevsk manufacturer of wood-cement blocks.
BorstroylesManufacturer of Arbolit and Lumber, which provides construction services from the same materials

In total, 83 companies are currently registered in Russia. Of these, 72 work in the Volga Federal District, 5 - in Central. 2 Proceeds in SFO, 2 more enterprises are located in Blagoveshchensk and the Amur Region (DFO). On the North-West, the Ural districts account for 1 firma.

2. What raw materials are used in the production of arbite blocks?

The initial stage of production comes down to the preparation of all components that will be based on arbolite blocks:

  • The filler is prepared from wood crushed, observing the proportion of 1: 2.
  • Make sure that woodworking products are dry enough. To achieve the necessary consistency, sawdust, chips are held about 4 months. on open air. They need periodic stirring and processing with a lime solution.

  • 1 cubic. M Woody raw material watered 15% solution in a volume of 200 liters.
  • For 4-5 days, the crushed wood does not touch, and then mix up at least twice a day.
  • Such operations in the production of arbolite blocks play an important role, because Help sawdust to remove sugar leading further to rotting. Other chemical additives are used as an alternative to lime: liquid glass, calcium chloride, aluminum sulfate. Chemical additive is added to the arbolite mixture in liquid form.

The raw materials acquire in enterprises working in the field of logging, or make themselves with the help of pin-cutting. The size of wood raw materials for arbite blocks should be as small as possible, then it will be possible to achieve greater strength after a drying.

If you intend to organize a serial, it is better to purchase special equipment for drying, grinding wood. In order for the arbite blocks to be good, it is necessary to purchase chips of coniferous trees.

You can apply:

  • aspen
  • poplar,
  • alder
  • birch
  • maple,
  • ash.


  • ordinary cotton
  • olevish flax pieces
  • kenafa
  • cannabis
  • straw,
  • larch.

In the latter case, the volume of chemical supplies made in order to process woodworking waste increases in comparison with a 2-4 times applied to conifer.

For the production of blocks you need to buy high-quality cement. Focus on M400, M500. Sometimes there is sand in the recipe. It is also necessary to approach his choice. So that the blocks in production do not care, the sand take the river washed.

Production technology of arbite blocks: process features

The recipe for raw materials is not easy to determine. It must be done by an experienced technologist. Without his help, the experimental method can choose not the dosage of components and disrupt the entire production technology.

The raw material mass was developed in the ratio presented in the picture, in the Soviet Union. It is more economical, because Allows you to use a secondary filler that is obtained from chipboard.

Such a filler is not necessary to prepare, therefore, less energy resources are spent, the production of arbolite products becomes not so time-consuming, the ecology is improved due to waste disposal, the range of building materials is expanding.

Arbolite blocks can be made by 2 ways that it is worth considering in detail.

Method number 1. Tamping manually on the floor - the most economical

For the production of this method, a compulsory mixer is bought, a reservoir where it will be necessary to dilute chemical additives.

In addition, it will take tanks with a dimensional line to load the chips and cement into the mixer, the shapes of steel, which serve the place of the arbolite mixture. Forms, arbolit is transported by means of a trolley.

The surface of the floor on which this stage of production passes, as the formation of blocks, should be smooth, plywood or concrete. In addition, the company is provided by pallets intended for folding ready-made arbium blocks.

Method number 2. On the vibration machine with a prigumen is rational for large volumes of production.

These machines are difficult to find on the market, but you can agree with an industrial enterprise that the equipment makes your order.

  1. The mixer is immersed cleaned from the dirt chip, corresponding to the size and composition of the State Standard 19222-84.
  2. Note that wood sawdust cannot be used fresh! If you will independently cut the raw material, let him dry out a month after grinding.

  3. Then make a solution from chemical supplies and water.
  4. When this procedure is finished, the mixer is started. It is added to the resulting solution, chips are stirred for 20 seconds.
  5. Only after that you can proceed to adding cement. This is carried out in such a way that the cement mixture covered the entire area of \u200b\u200bcrushed wood.
  6. Within 3 minutes, the mass is well mixed. Water is no longer poured into the tank of the mixer, because This action will lead to the production of arbistic blocks of insufficient strength.
  7. Pallets have each other on the vibrating unit of the machine. They put one general form, which must be fixed for the production of blocks to the machine.
  8. After it is poured into it an arbolite mixture, and pressing with a loss of 30% of the former volume occurs.
  9. For some time, it is withstanding the mixture in formwork for solidification, then remove the blocks and leave in the warm room for 10 days. It is allowed to fold the blocks one to another in 3 rows.

To impose more arbolite products, there must be more days 7. Transportation is carried out two weeks after the production of arbium blocks, if the weather is dry. With rainy, raw weather - after 20 days.

So, the production of blocks from arbolit can be denoted by 4 main stages:

In order for the opilk concrete to be obtained high quality, it is necessary to organize input control of the incoming raw materials in production.

Equipment for the production of arbite blocks: technical equipment of the enterprise

The equipment is bought depending on which the production of arbolite blocks was chosen, based on the used raw materials and the desired release volumes:

Equipment Purpose
Machines do-2, RRM-5, MP-500 and analoguesFor cutting wood. More thoroughly crush the raw materials hammer mills, seporesses, aggregates of the DM-1 type.
Vibrostol.We are interested in cleaning chips from the bark, pieces of dirt, land.
Vane or cyclical enforcement mixersThey prepare a mixture for arbolite blocks.
Concreteradators / Kübel For the carriage of the finished solution to the forms.
Vibropresses Condor, Rifej, etc. To seal blocks.
Heat chambers With their help, they achieve complete hardening of arbolite products. They can be equipped with IR emitters, Tanni and allow you to set the level of humidity required for the production of blocks.
FormsThey are selected according to the dimensions of the arbium materials that you are going to make. They are not necessarily acquired, you can make it with your own hands from the boards with a thickness of 2 cm. After they are knocked in certain sizes, inside the layer of plywood, then lay a layer of linoleum / films.

If you do the production of blocks at home, you will need the next set:

  • the feeding table;
  • vibrationtol;
  • chips trap;
  • detachable metal forms and inserts attached to it;
  • shock-shaking table;
  • shredded wood dispenser, cement;
  • vibroforming machine;
  • installation raising forms;
  • pallets;
  • tray for receiving an arbolite mixture.

With such a list of aggregates, it is possible to achieve good production volumes (about 300 sq. M.). To accommodate equipment, you need 500 square meters. m Square. In this case, only 15-40 kW / h of electricity is spent.

In the case of industrial production in large volumes, it is better to buy a high degree of automation line that manufactures blocks from arbolit and includes all the necessary mechanisms.

Such equipment for the production of arbite blocks can be in different variations and configuration.

The standard complex includes:

  • concrete mixer
  • pinch
  • pallets,
  • drying chamber
  • press forms,
  • vibropress.

Production on powerful installations allows you to produce up to 800 blocks for one 8-hour shift. The cost of these reaches 1.5 million rubles.

Industrial equipment can be bought from the following companies:

    "Arbolit" (

    The firm is ready to offer lines for the production of wood-cement blocks: the league-machine, Liga-7, Liga-8U, and others. Arbolit provides commissioning services, training for workers, the production of a trial party.

    The aggregates are characterized by simplicity and convenience of operation, compactness, low payback period, full use of wood waste, a small number of service personnel.

    "Russian Arbolit" (

    Since 2006, the company has been engaged in the design and sale of finished lines intended for the production of arbium products.

    The company's equipment is characterized by a moderate price, reliability, but small performance. It may not include chopper chopper. Installations are small, so calmly arranged in the low ceilings.


    The plant produces complexes for the manufacture of arbite panels and blocks, highly mobile and produced, easy to maintain.

What room can be equipped under the production of blocks from Arbolit?

Premises more economical to lease.

To complete the production cycle in normal conditions, the playground must have:

  • work premises (from 100 sq. M);
  • zone where the drying of the blocks will occur (approximately the same method);
  • place for storage (within 150 sq. M).

The territory will also need to be stored with wood raw materials, other recipe components, details. Source is enough twice less working.

In addition, it is necessary to place the director of the enterprise. Therefore, it is necessary to allocate in the room area for the offices of administrative, production personnel, under the restroom, and the office. The total area should not be less than 430 square meters. m.

Rental, on average, will cost approximately 85-100 thousand rubles. The fee is usually brought immediately for the first quarter.

The room selected for the production of arbolite products must satisfy a number of requirements:

When searching for premises, pay attention to those that are close to the sawmill. So you will ensure the production of a constant source of the raw material base, save on costs for its delivery.

An important factor affecting the selection of the site is the presence of transport junction. From the enterprise, arbolite blocks should be held without problems, and this also applies to the court of cement, lime.

You still need to say about several points in relation to the room:

  • It is desirable that its ceilings in the height be at least 5 m, otherwise you will have to be confused when searching for suitable equipment.
  • It is necessary to comply with a certain temperature, especially in the cold time (15-20 ° C).
  • At the same time, the building must correspond to the categories A, B fire safety.
  • If the entrepreneur has the opportunity to establish its own logistics, a garage for vehicles will be required.

Labor resources at the enterprise for the production of arbolite products

The number and composition of personnel affects what equipment was purchased.

There are complexes that are serviced by 3 people. Other plants manufacturing blocks from arbolit require an increase in the number of personnel - usually up to 5 people.

The work of the workshop of its owner norms itself in accordance with the Labor Code. Approximately 40 hours per week + 2 days off.

To ensure normal conditions for the production of arbolite blocks, you need to hire at least 4 people. In addition, the director of the enterprise is needed, the position of whom the owner can take on. Accountant services will be required.

Also in the state should be:

  • supply and Sales Manager,
  • technologist,
  • driver and movers for supplies blocks to customers.

How to organize the sale of arbolite blocks?

When the sale of arbolite blocks is carried out without intermediaries, the markup range is eliminated. Customer search is another important goal of the entrepreneur, because Quick payback and good profits can be achieved when selling all the blocks produced.

The demand for arbolic products falls at the end of autumn and appears when construction work resumes. To exclude downtime, you need to find wholesale customers and sign contracts for the supply of blocks with them.

Arbolite products acquire:

  • construction firms;
  • individuals;
  • hypermarkets and construction warehouses;
  • contractories.

If you reduce the cost of arbolite blocks and overhead, but not worsening the quality, you can sell them cheaper by 15-20% than competitors. So you will attract a greater number of buyers.

In promotion of business should be used:

  • In the first case, they resort to media, outdoor advertising, distribution of leaflets and booklets, exhibitions. Printing products need to be distributed in supermarkets and where there is a large cluster of people.
  • With online promotion, it is advisable to create your website (Landing), use contextual, banner advertising, targeting, social networks.

Try to stand out among competitors not only more attractive price for the block, but also various interesting offers. For example, let first customers get a sample free of charge. They will convince themselves as arbolite products and, most likely, they will have good reviews about you, and then the "sarafined radio" will make their job.

Investments in Arbium Blocks (Production)

1. Basic expenses in the production of blocks from Arbolit.

  • Business registration, certification - 45 thousand rubles.
  • Rental fee - within 300 thousand RUB.
  • Equipment costs depend on the option you choose. If buying a new line, costs will amount to about 1.5 million rubles. You can purchase aggregates separately, and used or in leasing. When buying equipment for the manufacture of blocks in parts will have to give up to 600 thousand rubles.
  • Raw materials should be taken with a stock - at least 1 million rubles.
  • Fot - 160 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising campaign (for the first 3 months) - 180 thousand rubles.
  • Preparation of the premises, purchase of furniture, PCs, MFPs and other office equipment (telephony, Internet) - 220 thousand rubles.
  • Communal - 80 thousand rubles.
  • Taxes - from 48 thousand rubles.
  • Unforeseen expenses - 100 thousand rubles.

If you summarize all costs, at least 3,633,000 rubles are needed to open the workshop for the production of arbite blocks. Monthly costs will be increasing in 1548,000 rubles.

Production of arbolite blocks.

What is arbolit? Pros and disadvantages of this business idea.

2. Revenues from production.

It depends not only on constant / variable costs, but also on production volumes.

When produced within a month, for example, 14 thousand units of arbolite products, revenue will be 2,380,000 rubles:

  • The implementation of one wall structural block (size - 30x40x60 cm) is carried out at a price of 170 rubles.
  • Net income will be equal: 2 380 000 - 1 548 000 \u003d 832 000 rub.
  • Business with good sales will pay off, on average, for 4-6 months.
  • Profitability - 35%.

Naturally, in practice, the numbers do not coincide with yours, since everything is averaged. These are approximate calculations. In addition, in each region its prices.

Strive for the development of competent sales policies, and then the production of arbite blocks will help you take a strong position on the market, increase profits.

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Thanks to modern economical materials, the construction of their house does not seem to be a non-abundant dream. Arbolit is considered one of the most profitable and reliable options. Arbolite blocks combine the best characteristics of stone and wood. They really do it with their own hands at home without the help of professional masters.

Properties of arbolite blocks

Arbolit is a lightweight concrete with large pores. The production technology provides that its composition includes an organic cellulose aggregate (rice straw, woody shot, cane section), mineral binder (cement M500), water and chemical goods - plasticizers, corrosion inhibitors, steamers. Blocks are used during the construction of residential, industrial buildings for coating, overlap, the creation of spatial structures carrying the base.

This material resistant to mechanical damage has good vapor permeability - 0.11 mg / m · h · Pa. It allows you to make the consumption of materials, much less solution. It will be durable, easy, cheap, protected from rotting. It is important that with an increased load, the product does not crack, and compress.

Council Proraba: Replacing brick masonry Arbolitus will reduce the mass of the building 7-8 times.

Depending on the density, arbolite blocks are manufactured as thermal insulation (class B0.35; B0.75, B1), structural-heat insulating (class B1.5; B2; B2.5) and construction material (B3.5).

The advantages of arbolite blocks

  1. High thermal insulation (thermal conductivity - 0, 07 - 0, 17 W / MK), fire resistance (does not support combustion within 0.75-1.5 hours), frost resistance.
  2. Fast masonry and good density up to 600 kg / m3.
  3. Ecology (80-90% consists of wood chips).
  4. Low hygroscopicity (badly absorbs moisture).
  5. No need for additional insulation.
  6. There is no extra load on the foundation, since the mass of the building is reduced, low shrinkage level (0.4-0.5).
  7. The composition of the products provides good adhesion with finishing materials.
  8. Products are perfectly amenable to modeling (cutting, fixing fasteners).

Council Proraba: The cost of 1 m² of the wall of a residential house from Arbolita will cost several times cheaper than when using other materials with similar specifications.

Technology for creating arbium blocks with their own hands

Make arbolite blocks with your own hands at home quite real. But it must be borne in mind that their technical characteristics may differ from those that will be from factory products according to GOST19222-84, CH 549-82.

The first stage of block production is the manufacture of wooden sawdust, chips. Optimal dimensions:

  • length 30-60 mm;
  • width 2-10 mm;
  • thickness up to 10 mm.

For the neutralization of sugar in the wood in the factory conditions, sulfate aluminum is used, and in our case, sawdust is dried in the sun at least 40-80 days. To accelerate the process, they are spied with a 1.5% solution of calcium chloride with a calculation of 200 liters per cube chip.

Then, in order to cleanse from the garbage, the workpiece is passed through the sieve. It must be soaked in a mixture of water and liquid glass (as an option: mix portland cement and plasticizer). An alternative way is to choke the chips in the harees (5: 10%) for 3 hours. After strokes the liquid, it can be used for the knead. Production of the composition occurs in the concrete mixer in the proportion of 1: 2: 6 (cement, sand, sawdust). First combine sawdust with water, then liquid glass and cement are added. Mass should be plastic and homogeneous.

In order for the blocks to be a correct geometric shape, the mixture is poured into metal forms (20 cm * 20 cm * 50, 30 cm * 20 cm * 50 cm), lubricated with petrogen, crumpled by linoleum or covered with film and lubricated with liquid soap. The masters advise to lay out the mass of stages, every time, a well-trambia layer.

The solution after placing the form is shaken to eliminate air. Saving time and improve the result at home using a special machine for arbolic blocks. One side of the block can be decorated: pour cement mortar from above, fix tile fragments, create relief. After a day, the product can be removed from the form. Then the blocks must be dried several weeks at a temperature of at least 15 ° (this is an important condition). If the surface will be flawed, it is additionally grinding. If necessary, reinforcement is carried out. oscillating from 50 to 200 r. a piece.

Arbolit is one of the best wall materials for the construction of low-rise buildings, the construction of high-altitude structures of the frame structure. The recipe for its composition is not very complicated, and when compliance with the process of process, the necessary proportions, the products will be solid and reliable, even if they are made with their own hands.


Arbolit is a lightweight concrete used for the production of building blocks.

It includes:

  1. Sulfate-resistant high-quality cement (Portland cement).
  2. Mineral binding components.
  3. Wood waste - sawdust, chips, chips, in connection with which the arbolit received another name - a trees.
  4. Rice straw.
  5. Cellulose organic raw materials.
  6. Water.
  7. Chemical reagents.

The latter, in turn, have a significant impact on the qualitative characteristics of the material, such as porosity, timing of solidification, etc. Instead of Portland cement, liquid glass or ash can be used as an option.

The scope of application depends on the material density parameter. With a density of 500-800 kg / m 3, it is used to facilitate small buildings. If this indicator below, the arbolit is used as a heat insulator. In this case, it is produced in the form of sheets.

From here flowing the main advantages of this material:

  1. Low thermal conductivity saves funds during the cold season. 30 cm Wall made from an arbum block, perfectly retains heat.
  2. Strength depends directly from the density of the material. With an indicator of 600 kg / m3, the arbolit is not inferior to gas and foam concrete.
  3. The plasticity is due to the content of wood waste. Due to this, it does not occur, and a small deformation does not produce material destruction.
  4. For arbite walls in the pouring of the reinforcing belt, there is no need for What greatly facilitates the construction process.
  5. Frost resistance allows you to withstand up to 50 cycles of freezing and thawing, increasing the service life of up to 50 years.
  6. Low carbonization shrinkage.
  7. Sound insulation properties are slightly higher, than any other building materials.
  8. A light weight Allows you to simplify the process of building the foundation.
  9. Ecology due to the presence of natural components.
  10. Durability.
  11. Fire safety. Despite the fact that the composition includes wood materials, the arbolit does not support combustion.
  12. Resistance to rotting The formation of mold and fungi due to the lack of dampness. Arbolith not only absorbs moisture well, but also gives it.
  13. Paro and breathability. Walls from this material "breathe" providing natural ventilation.
  14. When building, arbite blocks are easy to handle - they are well shoe, drilled. In addition, in the process of plastering, the need for a reinforcing grid is disappeared.
  15. Cheap value Determined by the value of the components of the elements.
  16. Wear resistance Resistance to mechanical damage.

Another undoubted advantage of this material is the ability to produce it yourself with your own hands. Dimensions can be adjusted.

Production of blocks do it yourself

For home production of arbolite blocks, first of all, it is necessary to prepare equipment:

  1. Capacity for the mixture.
  2. Falling table.
  3. Vibrating table for tamping mass.
  4. Forms detachable for molding blocks of necessary sizes.
  5. Metal pan.
  6. Concrete mixer is necessary for faster and high-quality solutions.
  7. Machine for chopping chips.
  8. Drying chamber.
  9. Shovel.

It is also necessary to prepare all the material for the production:

  1. Wood chips thick no more than 5 mm and 25 mm long.
  2. Sawdust.
  3. Cement.
  4. Sulfate aluminum or calcium chloride.
  5. Hairted lime if the previous two reagents did not turn out.
  6. Water.
  7. Liquid glass.

In addition, it is necessary to provide a place for production. The area depends on how many blocks will be made. For example, for the production of 350-450 m3 solution, the area of \u200b\u200b500 m2 will be needed.

Forms can be made it yourself using wooden boxes with a removable bottom. To subsequently, the block can easily be removed from the form, it is recommended from the inside it is recommended to climb the linoleum. Optimal dimensions 25x25x50 cm. With such parameters, it is much more convenient to work not only at the production process, but also when the walls are erected.

You can use boards with a thickness of 2-3.5 cm, from the inside to decide their plywood 5 mm thick. The latter, in turn, paste the film or linoleum.

Thus, having prepared the equipment and all materials, you can proceed to work. At the first stage of work, wood waste is prepared - sawdust, chips. Then cement or liquid glass and water is added. The solution is stirred carefully and stacked in forms.

One of the conditions for obtaining high-quality arbolit is strictly compliance with the production technology.

Production technology

First you need to prepare wood material, its share in the composition of arbolita to 90%. To obtain its main component - chips - wood is processed on a special tremor cutting machine. In order to reduce the process, chips and sawdust are added (up to 20%).

Wood contains sucrose, which negatively affects the strength of the material and can cause rotting. For its neutralization, wood blanks need to be treated with chemical reagents. In their quality, speaking calcium chloride or sulfate aluminum. Their volume should not exceed 4%. If these elements are not available, you can use the haired lime. In this case, a 15-chart solution is used in a ratio of 200 liters per 1 m3. Wood is soaked in this solution for 3-4 days, stirring from time to time.

You can get rid of sucrose by another way. For this, wood blanks dried in the fresh air for 4 months, constantly turning over. After drying, they must be sifted to remove garbage.

The material prepared in this way is then mixed with cement and water in a ratio of 4: 3: 3. Stir the solution is expedient with a concrete mixer. Manually produce this process for the production of a large block of blocks a very time-consuming task.

At the next stage, the mixture is poured into prepared forms. This process is made in several stages. Bay in shape part of her solution shake it, tram. Then another portion of the mixture is poured and also tram. So as long as the entire form is filled.

Filled forms are left for 2-3 days for drying. After the concrete is slightly grapped, the shapes are covered with a film. After this time, the form is released, the blocks are stacked under a canopy and dry out until the final hardening of 3-4 weeks. You can use them in construction only after final drying.

Using blocks

Arbolit is widely used in the construction of low-rise buildings both industrial and housing. In private construction, it can be used to erect two-storey buildings, hozpostrok, garages. The basic condition in this case is the absence of a structural load. Mark Arbolit has important here.

He also finds its application in the construction of fences, any fences. But in this case, additional finishes will be required by any material that has good adhesion with arbolite.

The blocks with a size of 30x20x50 cm are used to erect exterior walls. For internal, it is better to use blocks with a size of 20x20x50 cm.

The construction process from arbium blocks is performed much faster than the brick. The first with which you need to decide - the construction of the foundation. Most often, the ribbon type is used in this form of the building material. An ideal option is a slab foundation at which the consumption of the cement mortar is slightly lower.

After the main works providing for a layer of waterproofing, the laying of arbolic blocks begins the laying plan of the Communications. First, they are laid out in the corners, exitting vertically and horizontally with a building level. Then the rope is stretched from the angle to the angle, and then the masonry is performed. Blocks lay down hole.

Each row is reinforced with a metal grid.

The solution uses cement and sand in a 2: 1 ratio. By adding perlite to a solution, it is possible to avoid the formation of cold bridges. This problem is solved and with the help of polyethylene strips.

Cement mortar can be replaced by special glue or mounting foam. But this option is quite expensive, although very effective in terms of thermal insulation.

  1. Neutralization of sugar contained in the wood is a prerequisite for obtaining high-quality and durable arbolit.
  2. The addition of antiseptic properties to a solution to a hawed solution is provided by arbolitis, and the liquid glass will give the material of moisture resistance.
  3. To avoid drying the blocks, they need to be water from time to time.
  4. Before proceeding with the laying, the blocks must be sprinkled with water. Otherwise, they will absorb moisture from the solution.
  5. The arbolite mixture is necessary to mix very carefully. It will keep it from the bundle.

Production of arbolite blocks by their own hands the task is simple. But at the same time it is necessary to strictly observe all the recommendations, it will help to avoid negative consequences.



Marketing research .
Sales products.


Production technology of arbolit.

Arbolit or as they say in the people of "opilk concrete" is made from cement, sawdust (chips or straws), sand by mixing them into solution and the natural drying of the material in special forms. To increase the strength of the manufactured blocks / bricks, they are subjected to shrinkage on a special vibrationan.

It is thanks to its operational qualities, Arbolit acquired such popularity as affordable, inexpensive building material. At first glance, the simple technology of manufacturing such a building material is tempting in terms of opening a business. However, it should always be remembered that any business consists of a variety of trifles, without which it is impossible to achieve a successful result. Therefore, the selection of raw materials in this production plays a far from a latter role. For example, sand should not be "washed", so as not to give the shrinkage of blocks during production.

Cement is purchased to the most recent and stored in hermetic packaging until the very beginning of production, because it is very hygroscopic and even being in a dry room without moisture access, it absorbs it from the air and will not be suitable for production, if a little time stays outdoors. And finally, chips (straw, sawdust). Rather, its condition and size. If the plant component is wet, then such negative processes will develop in such a brick as: rotting, decomposition, insect appearance, etc.

About the amount should be said that the smaller the size of the sawdust (chips, straws) is the stronger after a drying may be such a brick. This is by the way is its positive feature - a little restoring the form after a mechanical impact, and also not to give cracks. After all, the smaller the particle sizes in such a material, the more they will fall into the volume of such bricks, and thereby increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe grapped surface between the components. If you summarize the above, it turns out that the size of such particles should be as thinner and smaller as possible, and they should be very dry.

An alternative option to reduce the humidity of the organic component is to use lime. In solution, the organic is kept for several days. This option is economically acquitted only in small-scale production, or in the production "for itself", and does not allow reduced costs and overhead. For mass production of Arbolit blocks, it is necessary to additionally have a special machine for the production of chips and drying.

Location for production.
A huge role in choosing a place of production plays the location of sources of raw materials and their availability. Such production is to refer to the class of raw materials and energy-intensive, so for a successful start on the market, such components of both sand, chips (sawdust, straw) ideally should not have a "shoulder" of the court, or "shoulder" should be very small. If possible, be free. Free sand mining in district centers or near the villages are not uncommon.

And you can take ready-made sawdust from the sawmill, where they are waste production. If some of the components are missing or difficult to accessible, then you need more weigly approach the choice of the place of future production. An ideal place when choosing a small district center (where there is a depletive working force) located on the borochier terrace (where the deposits of ordinary free sand), or near the sandy quarry and the working sawmaker (for access to layers), convenient transportation (for blocking blocks And the court of cement with lime). If the construction of a microdistrict is scheduled nearby, there is a construction of private houses, that is, all chances for a successful business project.

If we decided on the choice of the future place of production, you should think about the organization of the technological process.

Business organization - workshop for mini production of Arbolit.

Attention! Start your business for the production of arbolite blocks, we recommend, not yourself, namely, for a franchise! Since there are many underwater stones in this business, on which you will leave more finance, and psychological fatigue than, than with the support of professionals with a promoted brand!

If the business is planned not as a one-time, and long-term should be thought of the production room. From its ideology of construction will build placement of the production line, the delivery, storage of raw materials, storage of finished products will be built. Requirements for production premises are as follows: insulated non-residential premises up to 5-6 meters high, and 25 meters sizes. The embankment of the room can be performed by mineral wool or foam, to maintain the optimal temperature (up to 15-20 degrees Celsius) in winter. This is necessary for uniformly graze of finished brick blocks.

The glazing of the room should be at the level of 5-7% of the fencing area (the total area of \u200b\u200ball walls). There must be at least two gateway chambers: for receiving raw materials and shipment of finished blocks and one entrance / exit for personnel. By production you can accommodate the easily mounted hangar, the old brick barn, the barn, just to comply with the requirements described above.

The room should have a protected (grounded) power supply line by 380 volts, capable of "sustaining" several three-phase electromotors that work simultaneously. This requires a gasket of the corresponding electrical wiring cross section at least three / four consumers (electric motor). Due to the increased fire hazard (presence of drying, dry chips or sawdust with straw), the room must comply with the category of fire safety type A or B. that is there to be equipped with special fire extinguishes sensors, automatic fire extinguishing.

The advisory nature is placed a button to call a firefighter calculation of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the event of a fire. Also in particularly dangerous places, the room is equipped with fire hydrants and fire extinguishers (foam and acid). In the work area of \u200b\u200bthe staff, the room is equipped with a special tambour gateway, which in the case of ignition cuts off the open flame and allows you to leave the room personnel.

With the request to the room we figured out a little, now it is worth highning one of the important components of the manufacturing process - equipment or production line.

Each machine, as in general, the entire production line is responsible for one production task. Each machine to reduce the cost of the production process and facilitate operation can be made with their own hands. However, for large series, such a line is not suitable due to low production capacity.

Let us dwell on each in more detail.
Skoporez or industrial chopper chips (straw, sawdust) is a drum shredder, in the drum of which, on the axis there are several tool knives and so-called hammers for automatic feeding of raw materials for grinding (old boards, branches, wooden gorny, etc. ).
Knives and hammers themselves are surrounded around the perimeter with a special inner drum with perforation, through which the finished chip wakes up. The outer drum of sheet steel serves as protection against waking up and the separation of chip fragments. The drum is mounted on a frame with a three-phase electric motor and belt drive with a starting device (start button and a set of condensers). After primary preparation, the chips will be dried either naturally, or in a special dryer.

Dryer for arbolite chips.
Drying is the second after squeezing operation to prepare chips to the finished condition. The high operational characteristics of the arbolite block depend on its quality. Visually drying is a double drum with a diameter of about 2 meters. The external drum has a perforation and a warm air for drying from the heat gun is served through a flexible sleeve or asbestos tube. The inner drum rotates and stirs the chip, and also does not allow fire from the flow of warm air. The drying volume allows for one day shift to prepare (dry chips) by 90-100 blocks of arbolit. The higher the thermal gun consumption (optimally up to 3 kW), the faster the drying process will pass.

The following in the production cycle is involved in a solution. The solution of the production mixture of arbolitis is a cylindrical shape with a side vertical system for loading the components of the arbolite solution and the lower system of unloading the prepared mixture.

A vertically above the diabell is located up to 5 kW with a gearbox with a small gear number (optimally 20: 3, 10: 1.5) and the system of blades (blades) struck for mixing the mixture. The volume of the Chan is calculated on the basis of the necessary production capacity of the day shift. Mini production implies a party to a number of up to 500-1000 pcs. ready-made arbium blocks for one shift. For such a volume, it will take Chan to 5 cubic meters.

Depending on the density (mark) of arbolite blocks, the raw material mixture is prepared in the following proportions. Mark of density of arbolite 5 (density of 300-400 kg / cubic meters). In terms of the composition of the mixture: one part of the cement, the sand is not added, sawdust - 15 volume parts, lime 1.5 parts. Mark of density of arbolita 10 (density of 600-700 kg / cubic meters). In terms of the composition of the mixture: one piece of cement, one part of the lime, 1.5 parts of the sand, 12 pieces of chips. Arbolite density brand 15 (density 900-1100 kg / cubic meters).

In terms of the composition of the mixture: one piece of cement, 0.5 lime, 2.5 parts of sand, 9 volume parts of sawdust. Arbolite 25 density brand (1200-1300 kg / cubic meters density). In terms of the composition of the mixture: one part of the cement, the lime is not needed, 3 parts of the sand, 6 volume parts of sawdust. In all brands of finished arbolit, water is added so that the consistency of the solution is brought to the "sour cream" level, as they speak in the people. Therefore, for each case, the volume of water is selected first experimentally on the experimental series, and later measured on the finished volume.

The molding dispenser of arbite bricks is a replacement form to fill the volume of such a "brick". The form itself is performed from steel with pens on sides and upholstery inside the form (film, linoleum at a thin end) and removable top and bottom covers. The form may look like several bricks in several rows and their amount in the form directly depends on the volume of production.

The size of the molding dispenser depends on the size of the vibrationtol.

The vibrotol is a steel table commensurate with the size of the dispenser, which is spring-loaded and connected to the bed (the main heavy table). A trailer motor up to 1.5 kW is mounted on the bed, an eccentric (cargo with a displaced center of gravity) is imposed on the axis. When turning on which systematic vibrations of the top of the table occur. Such manipulations are necessary for better shrinkage in the forms of the solution of arbite blocks and the exclusion of mechanical and external flaws of blocks in after the form is removed. Drying of finished blocks.
Drying for ready-made bridges of arbolit is necessary for the speedy drying of the blocks and the receipt of the freight. The drying itself should be placed after drying for the chips, from which the hot spent air would flow. In the summer, it is enough to use an open site near the work room under the roof or a canopy from the rain.

Bunker for cement and sand.
The cement and sand bunker is performed from a leaf cold-rolled sheet in the form of conical square or rectangular tanks with a narrowing from the bottom to supply raw materials on the feed line.
The feed line of raw materials is needed for the convenience of work and are a conveyor with a rubber ribbon. The length of the ribbon is set based on the conditions and dimensions of the production line.

Set of personnel to work with production line. One unskilled specialist is capable of a daily shift at the production line to produce 90-100 raw blocks. Therefore, if a small amount of production is assumed, it is sufficient to hire one worker. Which will consistently perform production operations. If the production volume is more than 100 blocks per day, you should hire from three to five hired workers. All hired workers are obliged to pass the courses of fire preparation and know how to behave in the event of a hazardous production.

Marketing research.
Marketing research begins before production. Study of the sales market of finished products begins the choice of the so-called target audience. Or otherwise - who will sell.

Arbolitis as a material in large construction sites is not suitable due to the small characteristics on the compression of this product, as well as due to the small amount of products produced. Arbolitis and its production are performed on the basis of the appropriate GOST. However, GOST can be refined under its higher requirements for finished products to get a competitive advantage.

For advantage over competitors, it is worth thinking about the production of arbolite blocks that do not require plastering. And immediately lay in blocks raw materials for production together with plaster or special unit around the perimeter, which will prevent moisture penetration. The second direction can be simultaneous coloring of blocks in the form of multi-colored paint at the request of the customer, or make several special forms with ornament and simultaneous staining. Winter greenhouses can become a promising direction of use of arbolit.

Arbolit perfectly fit into the bearing walls, floors, the arched structures of greenhouses. Due to excellent thermal insulation properties and low prices, the arbolit can easily compete with traditional construction materials.

The main target audience that such blocks may be offered are private traders who themselves build their homes, small contracting organizations that perform the construction of cottage villages and eco-leaves. Do not be limited to the target audience of residential buildings, production of mafes (small architectural forms), fast builded stores, sheds, farms, etc. must also be present during marketing research.

As a rule, such people are very well versed in the intricacies of construction, and private owners are read enough and informed from construction forums. Therefore, a person who will offer such a specialized material should be able to explain the advantages of arbolic blocks, their benefits to other materials (high mechanical performance, heat resistance), and important - price.

It is the price, along with quality now playing a paramount role, especially if you consider the target audience of buyers, which refers to the economy class. The price must be at least 15-20% (and better up to 35-40%) below a similar class of building material. To achieve such a price, it is necessary to reduce overhead costs and cost of finished products. Here the prices and costs of raw materials are issued on the fore.

When calculating the advantages of arbolite, it is necessary to calculate the thermal loss of the wall, insulated by foam, mineral wool or another insulation and a similar wall of arbolit without additional costs of the insulation. Skill and intelligibly explain to potential customers the difference and benefits between the wet and ventilated facade. Arbolit needs to additionally plaster - it imposes additional costs for operating.

Perhaps a good marketing stroke would be the sale of such blocks at cost. The purpose of such sales is to gain customers with ready-made houses from Arbolit.
The accumulation of finished arbium houses will lead to an increase in the popularity of such material. After all, the finished warm house and good customer feedback sometimes cost more than the widest advertisement. And "Sarafan Radio", no one has canceled communication through specialized forums.

To date, there are several problematic issues related to advertising. And it is the right advertising company that can solve these issues. First, arbolit or arbolite blocks still have a low ability to recognize the population. Therefore, the advertising company should begin with a pure sheet and be aimed at the general public. It is possible to build a small advertising house / cottage in the exhibition or expo center. If the means allow you to make several such houses and transport them from one place to another.

Advertising booklets and product examples send to all nearby supermarkets within a radius of at least 100-200 km and agree on the conditions for the spread of their products. At first, trading even to zero. Come up with a throwing advertising slogan, for example: "Arbolit is not aibolit, get used to win everything." Conduct several demonstration performances with advertising amateurs. It is worth consider a dealer network or use the services of marketers on the ground throughout the country. Use standard dealer advertising programs and encourage fields.

Separately, the direction of trading via the Internet should be developed. The online store opens up the opportunity to trade with the whole country, not even having representative offices in the field. It is important for only the solution to the issue of transport logistics under the delivery of blocks directly to the construction site or to the place specified by the client.

The second problematic question is the impossibility of producing arbolite blocks in large volumes, at the beginning of the article is indicated on an alternative way to reduce the cost of such blocks by reducing the value of raw materials, to help in this business indirectly can a good advertising company.

A third question is considered a low competitive offer in the production lines market. It is because of the small number of advertising proposals and a non-developed production base (namely, fully automatic lines without human participation) is not possible on a sharp decrease in the cost of blocks.

Finally, the fourth problem is a sufficient weighty primary investment advertising this business project.

Sales products.
Product sales at first it is better to organize through the Internet at profile sites, forums or your personal specialized site. And the production is not starting until not to do at least one order, otherwise there will be a waste of funds and the finished products will not be in demand. As orders loaded, you can organize a small warehouse of finished products and hire either railway carriage (more than 500 km) or auto-fuet (with shoulder up to 500 km).

If it is planned initially selling on a dealer network to then organize warehouses with finished products from each dealer. For the purpose of promptly satisfy customer requests. However, this path at times increases the size of the investment of this kind of business project.

Investment and payback to mini production.
Direct investment in the production of arbolita lion share is spent on the production line. The price of the average line for the production of Arbolit varies from 50 thousand rubles to 500 thousand. This price does not include adjustment, delivery and installation of this equipment that will cost another in the amount of 50 to 100 thousand rubles.

For the full operation of the production line, it is necessary to have a supply of raw materials for more than 1 month of work, based on the requirements for products. Costs for raw materials at current prices are at least 600 thousand rubles. You can save on raw materials if you deliver it in the form of waste (sawdust, chips) or make it yourself.

For the construction of cottages, country houses, cottages, garages can be used inexpensive arbolit. The technology of its production differs depending on the conditions in which the material is located. Arbolit make both at the factory and do it yourself. With independent making, certain proportions of raw materials should be observed in order to achieve its high strength. Arbolit has several advantages, among which it is worth highlighting low cost, minimal thermal conductivity, ease of production, natural components. From such a building material will make the block, panels and slabs of the necessary forms. Bay the mixture into a formwork, you will receive a monolithic arbolit, which is used to build out the external bearing walls of low houses in two or three floors and partitions, as well as the heat and sound insulation building material.

In this little review, we will consider the nuances for the production and use of arbolite blocks at home.

Opolk concrete is made of three main components:

1. Portland cement or sulfate-resistant mixture (its pozzolane can not be added);

2. Modifying additives and organic filler, which supplies a timber processing industry. These can be sawdust, fine chips, needles, chips, crushed bark and solid stems of C / X cultures;

3. Chemical additives that regulate the porosity of the arbolit, accelerate the hardening, increase bactericidal properties and make the material more durable.


Arbolit with your own hands is easy to do at home, just the bay of the form pre-produced by a mixture. The technology is distinct, it is enough to know the proportions of the components. This procedure can be performed independently at the facility, saving money for the transportation of building materials. Of the disadvantages that are characterized by arbolit, only high moisture absorption in the range of 50-80% is called. Due to low moisture resistance in zones with high humidity, waterproofing and high concrete foundation will be needed. But the advantages of the Arbolite block has a mass:

1. Multifunctionality - suitable for different construction works, you can give the necessary form by sawing.

2. Economy - this building material is made of waste, and high thermal insulation allows you to spend less on heating;

3. Heat resistance, despite the content of wood waste;

4. With due processing, it is not affected by microorganisms;

5. Provides sound insulation;

6. Uniform lightweight material, indispensable on problem soils and in seismic zones;

7. Perfectly holds fasteners and light fittings for finishing.

It should be noted that not all kinds of wood are suitable for adding to the arbolit: for these purposes, the waste of coniferous and hardwood is suitable, except beech. The use of the latter is not allowed.

What do you need to work?

The manufacturing technology implies a choice among two options: with large financial investments and budget. The first implies the purchase or rent of special equipment, including spitting for the manufacture of arbolit, stirrers, traam, shapes and furnaces for drying finished products.

The second option will be useful to those who are interested in the manufacture of arbolit at home for private farm. From the equipment you will need only a concrete mixer. The technological scheme according to which the arbolit is created, at the first stage involves the preparation of the filler. To do this, it is necessary to take only dry waste of woodworking, because wet wood is gaining water and swells, and this is capable of serving a non-uniform drying, in which the tree can be deformed and destroyed.

To protect yourself from rotation processes, clean the filler from microorganisms. The first step on which the blocks of arbolite are produced will be the processing of the mixture with lime solution. For each cubic meter requires 2.5 kg of cement and 150-200 liters of water. After that, wood waste is kept for three days, stirring regularly.

As chemical additives, you can use hawed lime, calcium chloride or sulfuric acid aluminum in a ratio of 2-4% of the amount of cement. For such purposes, liquid glass is used in a proportion of 9-10 kg per cubic meter of arbolit.

The second stage provides for the manufacture of the form where the arbular block will be stored. From the necessary tools and raw materials, we will need:

  • boards and bars;
  • hacksaw;
  • to choose from: plywood, steel or linoleum;
  • nails and hammer;
  • pencil and ruler.

The form for opilk concrete consists of the bottoms and side walls that we sell from the boards of the desired size. It is better to make collapsible containers to relieve the platform. It is convenient to make a long shape with jumpers, where a tree can be made in large quantities at the same time. The finished products for storing the material are necessary from the inside to strip plywood, a thin sheet of iron or steel. There are also factory devices at which an arbular block of a complex design will come out, but if you are making building materials only for yourself, these are extra expenses.

Proportions and manufacturing technology

The instruction according to which the arbolit in 1 cube is carried out, the following proportions of the materials are assumed: 250-300 kg of filler, as many portland cement and 400 liters of water. The ratio of components is regulated depending on specific tasks: for example, for insulation and partitions in cement homes, you can take less. If you add more, the arbolit will become stronger, but harder. With the introduction of liquid glass, the block will be solid, but also fragile. The proportions of chemical additives are discussed above.

When the preparatory work is finished, go directly to the process of kneading arbolit. According to the technology, first in the concrete mixer, we fall asleep purified from the ground, leaves and other impurities filler, and after poured it with a solution of water with chemical jacks. The arbolite mixture must be pre-mixed, and only after that you can pour a portland cement in a small amount. The instruction will help you adhere to the technological process. It is better to mix the ingredients gradually, and not all at once to avoid the appearance of lumps.

The form where the arbolit will be stored, must first be lubricated with lime mortar. Next you need to put a mixture there, it is thoroughly tumped by layers. To make a lightweight block, you can insert a tree bar shape to obtain voids. If necessary, it is easy to make it yourself and its weighty option for bearing walls, adding reinforcement.

If desired, it will be released independently make a decorated block from Arbolit. To do this, on the bottom of the form you need to lay stones and pour them with a concrete solution with a thickness of about 2 cm. Then the arbolite mixture is manufactured by a classic method. In this process, it is important that the arbolite block remains in the form of at least 24 hours, and then stored under a canopy for drying, which, depending on the temperature, can last about two weeks. In order for the unit to acquire maximum strength, it is recommended to put it in a wet state under the film for final hydration at a temperature of 15 ° C for 10 days. To ensure long operation, try not to allow the Fresh Block to cool below 0 ° C. Ovilkobeton in the summer in the heat will not dispel and crack during drying, if it is periodically sprayed with water.

If the time allows, the first approach is better to do small to check the ratio of the ingredients, the properties of the arbum block and determine the fit for specific purposes. The finished trial batch unit is checked for reliability. To this end, the testing scheme is being developed, during which it passes the test on the possibility of cutting with different tools, perforation, gluing, withstanding weights. When observing some inconsistency of blocks, the tasks must be corrected by the proportions of the composition.

Prepare a sufficient forms, you can organize the production of arbolit at home with a volume of about a hundred blocks per day. This will be enough for you to ensure the uninterrupted process of construction. The manual will help comply with the proportion of components, if the arbolite mixture is made with their own hands to implement private construction plans.