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Induction heating with your own hands. Energy technique with current transformer. How to make an induction heater with your own hands Practical induction heater

Each owner country house Or the cottage, first of all, it takes care that in his home it is always warm and cozy.

Achieve such comfort helps a properly selected heating equipmentwhich would effectively heat the house and, at the same time, the costs of it were minimal. To date, the most effective heating systems They consider those in which electrical equipment is used for heating. We propose to consider an alternative version of electric heating.

Modern flight of technical thought allowed to create the new kind Electrical equipment for heating, which is called water. In this article, we will try to tell in detail about what this unit represents and what advantages it possesses, as well as we describe the technology of its manufacturing with your own hands. (About features induction heating You can read).

What makes it and how it works

Any induction heater consists of the main three components:

  • inverter that converts household electricity to high-frequency current;
  • inductor that creates an electromagnetic field;
  • the heating element by which water is directly heated.

The principle of action of the heater of this species is the consistent interaction of all its main components. In other words:

  • the inverter produces high-frequency current and gives it directly to the inductor;
  • the coil from a certain number of copper wire turns, which is inducer, creates a magnetic field, which is considered the cause of the appearance of vortex flows;
  • the heating element that is inside the inducer, under the influence of vortex currents well heated;
  • and as a result, the coolant, which is inside the heat exchanger, simultaneously hesitates, and is directly transmitted to the heating system.

As we see, the principle of operation of the unit of this species is quite simple, therefore, we can safely assume that the induction water heater has a number of advantages.


The positive characteristics of the induction aggregate include the following important points:

  1. Durability of use. Thanks to the not too intricate design, the induction heater can be uninterrupted to use for more than 30 years.
  2. Efficiency. Coefficient useful action The aggregate of this species is approaching 100%. In other words, all electricity is completely recycled in thermal energy, almost without loss.
  3. Convenience. Induction heater service does not require constant maintenance. This is achieved due to the fact that the electromagnetic field, in addition to creating heating, forms vibrations that do not allow the appearance of scale to interior walls Heat exchanger.
  4. Compactness. The heaters of this species have small dimensionsWhat contributes to their installation in the premises of any type.
  5. Silent. Induction units, thanks to their design, function is quite quiet.
  6. Ecology. The boiler of this species does not produce emissions. harmful products combustion, so do not require chimney equipment and ventilation systems.

According to reviews, the main disadvantage of such an aggregate is its high cost. But there is an optimal output - construct induction water heater with your own hands.

Required tools and materials

Retributing to make an induction aggregate with your own hands, first of all, you need to cook everything necessary materials and tools.

Their list is as follows:

Scheme and assembly procedure

Construction of the induction heater should occur according to the following sequential stages:

  1. Heating element. One of the ends plastic pipe Fixed with a metal grid. Then the stainless wire is cut by nipples into small segments that are tightly placed inside the pipe. It is very important to prevent emptiness. The second end of the pipe is also fixed with a metal grid.
  2. Inductor. A copper wire is wedged over the plastic pipe, which will create vortex flows. It is very important to know that the number of turns should be at least 90.
  3. Inverter. This device is constructed on thyristors, which make it possible to effectively convert ordinary electricity to high-frequency current. Thyristor inverter is the most an important component induction heater. It is also worth noting that a thyristor converter electronic controlwhich allows you to smoothly adjust the flow of current, and also reliably protects from emergency situations.
  4. Connection. When the induction water heater is completely mounted, it is directly connected to the heating system with ball valves and adapters.

Greeting the users of the site Radioshem. I recently had an idea to do. On the Internet, several schemes were found to build a device. From them chose the most, in my opinion, a simple assembly and configuration, and most importantly - really working.

Device scheme

List of parts

1. Field transistor IRFZ44V 2 pcs.
2. Ultra diodes fast UF4007 or UF4001 2 pcs.
3. Resistor for 470 Ohm per 1 or 0.5 W 2 pcs.
4. Capacitors film
1) 1 μF for 250V 3 pcs.
2) 220 NF by 250V 4 pieces.
3) 470 NF by 250V
4) 330 NF by 250V
5. Copper wire with a diameter of 1.2 mm.
6. Copper wire with a diameter of 2 mm.
7. Rings from chokes Computer power supply 2 pcs.

Build device

The specifying part of the heater is made on the IRFZ44V field transistors. Speaker of the IRFZ44V transistor.

Transistors need to be put on a large radiator. If you install transistors to one radiator, then the transistors must be installed on rubber gaskets and plastic washers so that there is no closure between transistors.

Chokes are wound on rings from computer BP. Made from powder iron. Wire 1.2 mm 7-15 turns.

The capacitor battery must be 4.7 μF. It is advisable to use not one condenser, but several capacitors. Capacitors must be connected in parallel.

The heater coil is made on the wire with a diameter of 2 mm 7-8 turns.

After assembly, the device works immediately. It feeds the device from the battery 12 volts 7.2 a / h. The supply voltage of the device is 4.8-28 volts. With long work, the capacitors battery, field transistors and chokes are overheated. Current consumption idling 6-8 amps.

When entering into the contour metal subject Current consumption immediately increases to 10-12 A.

Simple induction heater consists powerful generator high frequency and a low-voltage contour coil, which is the load of the generator.

A self-excitation generator generates pulses based on the resonant circuit frequency. As a result, a powerful variable electromagnetic field of about 35 kHz occurs in the coil.
If you put a core from a conductive material in the center of this coil, then electromagnetic induction will occur inside it. As a result of frequent shifts, this induction will cause vortex currents in the core, which in turn will result in heat release. it classic principle Converting electromagnetic energy to thermal.
Induction heaters have long been used in many areas of production. With their help, you can make hardening, non-contact welding, and most importantly - point heating, as well as melting materials.
I will show you a simple low-voltage induction heater scheme, which has already become classic.

We will simply simplify this scheme and stabilions "D1, D2" will not be installed.
Elements that will be needed:
1. Resistors on 10 com - 2 pcs.
2. Resistors for 470 Ohm - 2 pcs.
3. Schottki diodes for 1 A - 2 pcs. (You can other, main on the current from 1 A and fast)
4. Field transistors IRF3205 - 2 pcs. (You can take any other powerful)
5. Inductor "5 + 5" - 10 turns with a tap from the middle. The thicker the wire, the better. Motal on a wooden circular stick, centimeter 3-4 in diameter.
6. Chokes - 25 turns on the ring from the block of the old computer.
7. Condenser 0.47 Igf. It is better to gain a capacity with several capacitors and no longer below 600 volts. I took at the beginning to 400, as a result of which he began to warm up, further replaced him with a composite of two consistently, but they don't do it, just at hand no more.

Production simple induction heater 12 V

Collected the entire scheme by mounted mounting, separating the inductor on the block from the diagram. The condenser is preferably located in close proximity to the conclusions of the coil. Not like me in this example in general. Transistors installed on radiators. Puting the entire installation from 12 volts battery.

Works great. The blade of the stationery knife heats up to the redness very quickly. I recommend everything to repetition.
After replacing the capacitor, they no longer worse. Transistors and inductor itself are warm if it works constantly. For a short time - not critical almost.

Induction heater is a high stage of the evolution of electrical appliances. Thanks to this device, you can significantly save energy consumption. The thermal generator used in this instrument is completely harmless, does not highlight the soot. For example, by efficiency, the heating boiler (the circuit of the induction heater is shown below) is inferior only infrared heaters. However, unlike IR devices, which are sold only in specialized stores, induction heaters can not only buy, but also collect them.

Such devices are several levels of complexity and destination, for example, for water and metal. Their devices, of course, differ, but the principle of operation is identical. The photo below shows a diagram of an induction metal heater, it is quite easy to assemble this device.

So, in this article, we will consider the process of assembling an induction heater from undergraduates, which can be found in the "bins" of any home master.

How does an induction heater work, made by hand?

The principle of work of the self-made heater is no different from the factory appliance. That is, the coolant circulates in the core, heating from its walls or content. It is heated due to the vortex currents generated by the winding.

Important: Polymer cores are stuffed with chopped wire!

In turn, the winding is screwed onto the core body and closes to the high frequency current. It is such an energy that can generate an alternating electromagnetic field - the root cause of the appearance of vortex currents in a fixed core (or its filler).

The induction water heater scheme presented below is often used in heating boilers.

An ordinary or more complex system based on a transformer and frequency converter can act as a high-frequency alternating current source.

It should be noted that with the right approach to the selection of the source and the formation of the winding, you can create a really effective device that will not work worse than the factory analogue. By the way, in its kit there is always an instruction and a circuit of an induction heater.

With your own hands we collect an induction device: Important details

To collect such a heater will be needed:

It is this device that will be a source of variable electric current High frequency feeding inductor.

After that, it is necessary to take it to winding it on the core body. This device will perform the role of the inductor. It is very important to connect the wires to combine with the terminals of the inverter, avoiding adhesions and twists. Based on this, the segment of this material used to form a core must have sufficient length. The number of turns is usually 50, and the wire diameter is usually 3 mm. The induction heater circuit shows the sequence of the compound of individual components.

Making a core

The role of the core is a conventional polymer pipe made of stitched polyethylene or polypropylene. These plastic varieties are withstanding the highest temperature. The bandwidth diameter of the core pipe should be 50 mm, and the wall thickness cannot be less than 2.5-3 mm. Then this item can be used as a caliber, to which copper wire, forming an inductor.

The approximate circuit of the induction heater is displayed in this picture.

The heating element of such a boiler will be a polymer core filler - chopped segments with a diameter of 7 mm. And the length of them cannot be less than 5 cm.

Build device on an example of a heating induction boiler

The process of assembling all these components in unified system as follows:

  • At first we take a cut polymer pipe, Lock it and wind up on top of the future core of 50 turns of a 3-millimeter copper wire.
  • Next, cut the core ends, leaving 7-10 cm from the edge of the wire to the taps.

Important: The circuit of the induction heater is performed in several stages, the sequence of which cannot be violated in any case. In order to avoid errors, you must follow the instructions in accuracy.

Machining induction heater own handsIt is necessary to worry about the safety of the device. This requires guided by the following rules that increase the reliability level of the general system:

  1. In the upper tee it is worth embeed safety valveWhile pulling the pressure. Otherwise upon failure circulating pump Core simply burst under the influence of steam. As a rule, the scheme of a simple induction heater provides such moments.
  2. The inverter is included in the network only through the RCD. This device is triggered in critical situations and will help to avoid short circuit.
  3. The welding inverter needs to be grounded, pulling the cable to a special metal circuit, mounted in the ground behind the walls of the structure.
  4. The housing of the induction heater should be placed at an altitude of 80 cm above the floor level. Moreover, the distance to the ceiling should be at least 70 cm, and to other furnishing items - more than 30 cm.
  5. The induction heater is a source of a very strong electromagnetic field, so such an installation you need to keep away from residential premises and private enclosures.


The induction heater made by its own hands will work not worse than the factory appliance. It is not inferior in performance, efficiency and safety, of course, if all the rules were followed.

And devices heat in the heated device is highlighted by currents arising in an alternating electromagnetic field inside the unit. They are called induction. As a result of their action, the temperature is raised. Induction heating of metals is based on two main physical laws:

  • Faraday-Maxwell;
  • Jojle Lenza.

In metal bodies, when they are placed in an alternating field, the vortex electrical fields begin to occur.

Device induction heating

Everything happens as follows. Under the action of alternating, the electromotive force (EMF) of the induction changes.

EMF acts so that the vortex currents flow inside bodies, which allocate warmth in full compliance with the law of Jowle-Lenz. EMU also generates alternating current in metal. In this case, thermal energy is released, which leads to an increase in metal temperature.

This type of heating is the simplest, as it is non-contact. It allows you to achieve very high temperatures at which you can process

To ensure induction heating, you need to create a specific voltage and frequency in electromagnetic fields. You can do this in a special device - inductor. It is powered by an industrial network in 50 Hz. You can use individual power sources for this - converters and generators.

The simplest low-frequency inductor device is a spiral (insulated conductor), which can be placed inside metal pipe Or wound on her. Passing currents heat the pipe, which, in turn, transfers heat in environment.

The use of induction heating at small frequencies is quite rare. More common processing of metals on medium and high frequency.

Such devices feature that the magnetic wave falls on the surface where it is attenuating. The body converts the energy of this wave into the heat. To achieve the maximum effect, both components must be close in form.

Where are used

The use of induction heating in the modern world is widespread. Scope:

  • milling metals, their soldering in contactless way;
  • obtaining new metal alloys;
  • mechanical engineering;
  • jewelry;
  • making small parts that may be damaged when applying other methods;
  • (and parts may be the most complex configuration);
  • heat treatment (handling of parts for machines, hardened surfaces);
  • medicine (disinfection of instruments and tools).

Induction Heating: Positive Features

This method has a lot of advantages:

  • With it, you can quickly heat and melt any conductive material.
  • Allows heating in any environment: in vacuo, atmosphere, non-current fluid.
  • Due to the fact that only the conducting material is heated, the walls, weakly absorbing waves remain cold.
  • In specialized areas of metallurgy, obtaining ultrapure alloys. This is an entertaining process, because the metals are mixed in in a shell of protective gas.

  • In comparison with other types, induction does not pollute the environment. If in the case of gas burners Pollution is present, as well as in the arc heating, the induction will exclude, due to the "pure" electromagnetic radiation.
  • Small inductor size.
  • The possibility of manufacturing an inductor of any shape, this will not lead to local heating, and will contribute to the uniform distribution of heat.
  • Indispensable if it is necessary to heat only a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe surface.
  • It is not possible to configure such equipment to the desired mode and adjust it.


The system has such minuses:

  • Independently install and adjust the type of heating (induction) and its equipment is quite difficult. It is better to contact the specialists.
  • The need to accurately compare inductor and workpiece, otherwise there will be insufficient induction heating, its power can reach small values.

Heating with induction equipment

To arrange individual heating, one can consider such an embodiment as induction heating.

A transformer consists of two types of windings: primary and secondary (which, in turn, is briefly closed) as an aggregate.

How does it work

Principle of operation of a regular inductor: Vortex flows pass inside and sent electric field On the second case.

So that water passed through such a boiler, two nozzles are added to it: for cold, which comes, and at the outlet of warm water - the second nozzle. Due to the pressure, water is constantly circulating, which eliminates the possibility of heating the inductor element. The presence of scale here is excluded, since constant vibrations occur in the inductor.

Such an element in service will be inexpensive. The main plus is that the device works silently. You can install it in any room.

Manufacturing equipment alone

Installation of induction heating of great complexity will not be. Even the one who has no experience, after careful study, can cope with the task. Before starting work, you need to stock up the following necessary elements:

  • Inverter. It can be used from welding machineHe is inexpensive and will be the necessary high frequency. You can make it yourself. But this is a time-consuming time.
  • The heater housing (for this fit a piece of plastic pipe, induction heating of the pipe in this case will be the most efficient).
  • Material (wire with a diameter of no more than seven millimeters).
  • Devices for connecting the inductor to the heating network.
  • Grid for holding wire inside inductor.
  • The induction coil can be created from (it must be enamelled).
  • Pump (so that the water is fed into the inductor).

Equipment manufacturing rules on their own

In order for the installation of induction heating to work correctly, the current for such a product must correspond to the power (it should be at least 15 amps, if required, then it is possible.

  • The wire must be sliced \u200b\u200binto pieces of no more than five centimeters. It is necessary for efficient heating in a high-frequency field.
  • The housing must be in a diameter no less than the prepared wire, and have thick walls.
  • For mounting to the heating network on one side of the structure, a special adapter is attached.
  • On the bottom of the pipe you need to put the grid to prevent the wire loss.
  • The latter is needed in such a quantity so that it fill in all the inner space.
  • The design closes, the adapter is set.
  • Then construct the coil from this pipe. To do this, wind it already harvested. The number of turns must be observed: at least 80, a maximum of 90.
  • After connecting to the heating system, water is poured into the device. The coil is connected to the harvested inverter.
  • Install the pump for water supply.
  • Mounted temperature controller.

Thus, the calculation of induction heating will depend on the following parameters: Length, diameter, temperature and processing time. Pay attention to the inductance of entourage to the inductor of tires, which can be much more inductor indicators.

About cooking surfaces

Another use in home use, except the heating system, this species Heating found B. warm panels Plate.

This surface has the form of an ordinary transformer. The coil is hidden under the surface of the panel, which can be glass or ceramic. It passes the current. This is the first part of the coil. But the second is the dishes in which cooking will be made. At the bottom of the dishes are created by vortex currents. They warm at first dishes, and then the products in it.

The heat will be allocated only when the surface of the panel will be teddown.

If it is absent, no action occurs. The induction zone of heating will correspond to the diameter of the dishes put on it.

For such plates need special dishes. Most ferromagnetic metals can be consumed with induction field: aluminum, stainless and enameled steel, cast iron. Not suitable for such surfaces only: copper, ceramic, glass and made of neferromagnetic metals of dishes.

Naturally, it will turn on only when suitable utensils will be installed on it.

Modern plates are equipped with an electronic control unit, which allows you to recognize empty and unsuitable for use of dishes. The main advantages of cooking are: safety, ease of cleaning, speed, efficiency, efficiency. On the surface of the panel can never be burning.

So, we found out where this type of heating (induction) is used.