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Big portions of vegetables harm the figure. List of the most harmful food figures. Is there analogs of forbidden products

If you fail and keep a passive lifestyle - should not be surprised at excess centimeters on the waist and the development of various diseases. No wonder there is a saying: "We are what we eat."

From what kind of products are used in food, the type of hair, skin, nails, the general condition of the body and well-being depends. Therefore, the first step to beauty and health will be the right, balanced nutrition.

In this article, I will talk about the most harmful products, taking into account their popularity, regularly used by the majority of people.

13th place. Margarine.

That they would not say manufacturers, margarine can not be useful. Any kind of this product has high calorie.

Margarine is poorly absorbed by the body, slows down the metabolism and the process of digestion. And when heated, he also acquires carcinogenicity, which is known to cause malignant education.

12th place. Salted nuts.

Recently, salt nuts are increasingly used as a daily "snack" by all categories of the population - children, students, office workers. But few people think about the fact that the large amount of salt contained in them causes a fluid delay, problems with joints, the pathology of the cardiovascular system.

Nuts can only eat natural, in raw form, and observing the measure.

11th place. Beer.

Without harm to health and appearance, it is possible to drink only 500 ml of beer a week, with just real beer, welded in all technologies. All that above this rate will entail obesity and cellulite, as well as a hormonal background failure in women.

If you wanted to drink this alcoholic drink - give preference to "white" varieties produced by brewery. They contain quite a lot of fiber and cause less damage to the body.

10th place. Crisps.

Bright label, pronounced taste, crispy sound - chips have become a popular snack and delicacy. However, they contain a high amount of fats and carbohydrates that contribute to the emergence of over-step problems and obesity. They are rich in carcinogens, and hydrogenated fats entering the body with this product increase the rate of formation of cholesterol plaques in the blood vessels.

Scientists also found out that chips can cause damage to the psyche, as they are addictive with the possible development of compulsive syndrome.

9th place. Melted cheese.

Melted cheeses and various sandwiches are abounding with preservatives and dyes.

The same applies to cottage cheese masses, which in addition to everything is also enriched with sugar.

Often using similar products you get fatty skin, gray face, cellulite and, to top item, problems with digestion.

8th place. Sweet yogurts.

Contrary to the fact that advertising imposes to us, the use of yogurt does not benefit health. Under the factory production, useful bacteria simply do not have time to grow, they are replaced with artificial.

Such a product contains in its composition various sweeteners, stabilizers, antioxidants, thickeners and flavors, and its large part is sugar.

So if your menu has yogurts - you should not be surprised not only to growing weight, but also the occurrence of diabetes mellitus. Healthy alternative factory delicacy will be kefir or rustic fresh yogurt, mixed in a blender with any fruit (of course, without adding sugar).

7th place. Soluble broth cubes and soups from packages.

Due to good taste and ease of use, broth cubes and dry soup mixes are firmly included in the life of most families.

However, such products are unsuitable for proper nutrition. They contain many additives, harmful to health, and due to the presence of taste amplifiers you eat much more than you really need.

The soluble broths and soups poison the human body to toxins and cause addictive.

6th place. Coffee.

Coffee not only depletes the nervous system, but also exacerbates cooperosis, increases gastric acidity. Of course, 1-2 cups of fragrant drink threat carries. However, non-valid use causes gastritis and ulcers.

The most dangerous view is soluble coffee, it fills the body with slags and displays too much fluid from the body.

Dry skin, yellow teeth, acne on the face, unstable weight - all these are negative consequences of excessive coffee use, reflected in appearance.

Scientific studies have shown that three and more cups of beverage per day can lead to a reduction in breast and raising the risk of breast cancer.

5th place. Suggage.

Carbonated water is characterized not only by high calorie. It also wipes calcium from the bones, leads the desired fluid from the body and annoys the stomach, thereby provoking diseases associated with digestion.

You should not use various "vitamined" drinks and sweet juices from the packages. The first, in fact, are the same soda, which adds a bit of vitamins, which do not reduce the damage applied by the product.

As for batch juices - they cause damage to the body with simple carbohydrates and excess calories. Packaged juices give birth to a feeling of hunger, therefore, you start to eat more that negatively reflects on the figure.

4th place. Mayonnaise.

Abundant refueling mayonnaise salads, you kill all the benefits of vegetables. This product delays fluid, stimulates appetite and has tremendous calorie.

The consumption of mayonnaise is fraught with problems with weight and rapid development of cellulite.

3rd place. Sausage.

Keeping sausages and sausages you encourage yourself to obesity and high pressure. Different variations of smoked sausages are rich in cholesterol and carcinogens.

Most of these meat products contains toxic and phenolic compounds, dyes and flavors. This product can only be on holidays, and better to exclude it from your diet.

2nd place. Bakery products.

Sweet buns, cookies, biscuits, used daily, favors the development of diabetes.

All kinds of cupcakes with dried fruits, bran or cereals also do not bring any benefit of beauty and health, and in addition, are also a very calorie product.

White Baton should also be excluded from the menu, but there is no whole grain bread - it is less caloriene, it contains fiber, vitamins and trace elements.

1st place. Fast food.

The leading position in our list of food harmful products is occupied by FASFUD. This category includes hamburgers, Belyashi, Patty, Potatoes Fries, Chebureks, Shawarma, Khachapuri, and others. This food is not worth buying even periodically, not to mention to eat it every day.

Fast food not only has a high calorie content, but also contains many carcinogens and high fat, significantly increasing cholesterol.

Refuse to harmful, but beloved and familiar food is always difficult, so try to find it an alternative.

Healthy food can be delicious and diverse, if you correctly approach this issue.

For example, sodes successfully replaces homemade fruit tea, freshly squeezed juice or water with citrus. Dry broths you will not need if you get cooking soups with lots of vegetables or mushrooms. The melted cheeses can be replaced by cottage cheese masses with greenery and spices, and mayonnaise - kefir or fresh yogurt with natural spices, and so on.

Such products will not only thorough hunger without harm to health, but also will give excellent well-being and a wonderful appearance.

1. Sweets. This category includes those candy and other sweet temptations from confectionery departments that contain an indispensable amount of preservatives, flavors, dyes and other unwanted components. Naturally, there are a lot of sugar in lollipops and marmalads, and this will not help to lose weight. If it torments an insurmountable thrust for something sweet, eat fruit and dark chocolate.

2. Succhands, chips and other similar temptations. In such products in indecentas, there are fats that are straightforward will lead you to excess weight. In addition, their composition includes taste amplifiers and carcinogens. Using products with such components, risk obtaining cancer or other serious diseases. Forget that they are terribly tasty, think that they are added to achieve such a "edible" result.
3. Carbonated drinks. No need to calm yourself, drinking a bottle of cola, that you will not heat the drink. After all, only 3 cups of sugar are hidden in one cup of carbonated drink. Is it worth it so not to love to drink such a sweet driver? It torments thirst - drink cold home harmlessly compotication with minimal sugar.
4. Bar chocolate. Listed this "murderous" yummy does not make no sense. Who does not know what the taste of "Snickers" or "Mars". They are like drugs, they want them also. As a result, we get a bulk tummy, extra centimeters on the waist and spoiled teeth.
5. Fatty meat. Fatty pork will not allow you to squeeze into the beloved dress or pants. So if you want to enjoy the mead, make a dish of chicken or rabbit. Also suitable for our case lean beef.
6. Sausage. If you can not allow you to buy an overhead and 100% high-quality sausages, do not buy them at all, replacing chicken or turkey with real meat. However, we have already talked about what meat is better to eat. Returning to the topic about sausage, it is worth noting that by 80% it consists of transgenic soybeans and spices. In addition, who knows there, what else falls into the meat grinder together with the specified ingredients.
7. Sauces, mayonnaise, ketchup. Where, without them, we add them to each dish. And then we wonder the problems with the intestines, the stomach and, of course, the figure. The specified additives contain all the same omnipresent flavors and preservatives. Mayonnaise is generally considered to be the leader among the calories. So if you want to fix the salad or add seasoning to meat, prepare the adjika or sauce yourself, such as sour cream or tomato. It will be delicious and safe for health.
8. Fast food products. I don't even want to discuss this stagger than our list - solid additions and incomprehensible components. There are no vitamins and trace elements and the trail in these high-speed purees and noodle. Such a food can be knocked down the appetite and at the same time to increase the fat mass.
9. Salt. From her at all costs it is completely refused, especially if you strive for weight loss. Judge yourself, if just one week to forget about what is in the light of the salt, you can reset a few kilograms.
10. Alcoholic beverages. All the dangers of alcohol are heard all, we will not repeat the long-known truth. For the figure, alcohol is solid destruction. The fact is that with the use of beverages with degrees, muscle growth slows down, so that the beauty of the body and speech can not be, everything becomes murderer and straws from ordinary wine or vodka.
Listen to these tips. Drink juices, eat natural useful products for the body, do exercise, add water treatments (preferably swimming) and your figure will be irresistible!

Fear causes food that becomes immediate poison: overdue canned food, mushrooms, fugu fug. However, their consumption is to avoid easily - it is enough to exercise caution. The most harmful products are killed slowly, gradually. They settled in the tissues, accumulate in the cells and are imperceptibly allowed the body from the inside.

The most harmful health products

That food is the greatest danger that, ultimately, affects well-being. The most harmful food for health is well hidden under bright packages and calling slogans. Among them:

1. Tomato sauce in tin banks - contains a high percentage of sugar provoking diabetes and heart disease;

2. Delicates of beef and pork - at the production stage, preservatives, nitrates and sodium are added to them. Effect of these substances: oncopathology, disorder of the work of the endocrine system, reduce the ability to learn in children;

3. Sunflower oil - Trans-fats added to the product: Alzheimer's syndrome provocateurs, cancer, diseases of vessels, pathological obesity;

4. Margarine - despite the alternativeness of the product alternative to fatty butter, margarine contains components that violate the elasticity of vessels and negatively affecting cholery levels;

5. Hot dogs are harmful to a combination of salt and toxic food additives, which causes the development of malignant formations;

6. Ready potato chips are made with the addition of acrylamide. The latter is a breast cancer catalyst, prostate, intestines;

7. Artificial sugar substitutes - are designed to add the necessary taste in drinks and pastries for those who sits on a diet. In fact, these sweeteners accelerate the development of diabetes, increase the risk of hypertension and metabolic disorders.

8. Grilled meat products - Many diets developers advise such a form of heat treatment, but in the process of roasting aromatic hydrocarbons and amines, increasing the likelihood of activating pancreatic cancer cells;

9. Products made of soft varieties of wheat - sources of fast carbohydrates, which in the shortest possible time cause a jump level of glucose. The pancreas have to function "at the limit", stable metabolism and a vented result - diabetes;

10. Herring in vinegar or wine - only the oil can save the freshness of the product. The remaining preservatives contain substances, more suitable for the chemical industry;

11. The "Mars" bar is significantly higher in terms of harmfulness of the negative impact of its fellow. Stimulating the powerful influx of blood to the brain, becomes a provocateur stroke;

12. Marshmallow, marmalade, lollipops - these products were useful when natural components were added to them. Now the chemicals contained in sweets harm all organs in the human body;

13. Industrial Mayonnaise - In the manufacture, a colossal amount of fat is applied, which negatively acts on the blood circuit system.

The most harmful products for the figure

The modern trend of ideal forms encourages carefully to control their diet and abandon food causing fat deposits. List of the most harmful products spoiling a beautiful body:

14. Sugar is a clean and classic source of fast carbohydrates. Provoking obesity, it also causes addiction and increases the risk of violation of the functions of the heart muscle, arteries, veins;

15. Glaze - the diversity of modern baking is covered with sweet icing. This is done for beauty and improving taste. However, the sugar content in "Namazka" significantly exceeds the number of rafinades in sweet tea. Regular consumption of donuts and boots with glaze - a direct path to the loss of a beautiful figure;

16. Ready-made gas stations - fascination with these additives provides regular entry into the organism of a corn syrup containing a high level of fructose. The addition to the vague figure can be developed diabetes;

17. Energy bars are a wonderful exit for bodybuilders to quickly fill the energy spent. The latter is obtained from fast carbohydrates, therefore, in combination with the cheerfulness, it is likely to get several additional centimeters on the waist and hips;

18. Products from catering restaurants - differ in amazing taste due to amplifiers, as well as other chemical additives. Most often in one product combines fats, fast carbohydrates and proteins - a great way to quickly recover.

The most harmful products we drink

To drink, it should also be treated with great attention - no wonder nutritionists recommend drinking 1.5-2 liters of liquids per day, having in mind simple water, even without gas. The same experts were drawn up the top of the most harmful products entering the body in a liquid form:

19. Sweet soda - consists of dyes, preservatives and sugars. Negatively affects an emotional background, hormonal balance, blood level glucose, condition of skin cover and teeth;

20. Alcohol is a controversial drink, because many studies confirm the benefit of a pair of glasses of dry red wine. However, if you drink everything, every day and in unlimited quantities, the effect will appear extremely quickly: intoxication of the body, the surplus of calories, dehydration, liver disease, vessels, deterioration of the skin, violation of sexual function, depression, increased aggressiveness, loss of depression behavior;

21. Industrial juices - the main components of these beverages are very far from natural, and the amount of sugar exceeds the necessary norms. Driving from drink is the development of various gastrointestinal diseases, including a stomach ulcer.

These products at once use will not cause serious harm to the body, but if you make them the basis of your diet, the probability of deterioration of health and appearance is not far off.

Power specialists made up the rating of the most harmful products. In the "black list" and those products that nutritionists are so often recommended to us. Do you know what foods are dangerous for our body?

Harmful products are capable of causing not only extra kilograms, but serious illnesses. Many products that have fallen into the list of "dangerous" often become the causes of manic depression, headaches, acne rashes, poisoning and allergic reactions. Reception of harmful write in small quantities, can be useful for the body. But an overdose threatens big trouble. Let's see what foods are in the ranking?

The leader of the list of steel chips and Ghazing. In the distance 1853 in the city of Saratoja Springs, Indian-Metis George Kram cooked the first potato chips. He cut the finest slices of potatoes and roasted to the crunch. Soon the Cartushki in Satoogki began to produce in the package. The popularity of chips is growing every year. They are a favorite delicacy of children and adults. Modern chips are dangerous to health with their preparation and composition. In chips, many concern - substances provoking the appearance of cancer tumors. They also contain fats that contribute to increasing blood cholesterol, which in the future can lead a heart attack and stroke.

Eating chips in large quantities may soon affect the figure. Once you will notice that the "Boc" and the favorite jeans became small.
The abundance of dyes in the gas can cause allergic reactions and severe abdominal pain. Do not perceive gas production as an ordinary liquid. It has no nutrients as you might think. Ghazering as well as chips can cause serious harm to health.

Fast Food

The most delicious food it is the most harmful. In FasFud, there are all sorts of burgers, hot dogs, shawarma, potatoes, mayonnaise and so on. All this food is very calorie and there are no useful substances in it. For example, our favorite burgers prepare from a dubious protein where soybeans are added, many preservatives and synthetic dyes. In general, what is not only stuffing in meat minced meat so that we as possible as possible additives! It is these additives that spoil our digestive system and stretch the stomach. Fasfud is able in a short time to spoil even the most perfect figure. Therefore, it is better not to get involved in "fast food."

III sausage and canned

A lot of preservatives, synthetic dyes and flavors are added to the sausage, as in the FASFUD. And our favorite sausage is made not only from natural meat, as we think, but also from leather, cartilage and fats, which remained from the animal. The same ingredients are added to the sausages.

Canned food is also harmful to digestion. In one can, canned food contains an average of 15 grams of salt, which exceeds the rate permitted for the need of 6-10 grams.

IV fast cooking noodles

As part of instant noodles include preservatives that are able to cause the destruction of the liver and intestinal disorder, stabilizers and thickeners, they can provoke kidney cancer and liver, emulsifiers can also cause stomach disorder, food dyes and taste amplifiers - nerve disorders, allergic reactions and even damage brain. The whole range of diseases in one pack of fast cooking noodles!

V mayonnaise and ketchup

Ketchup contains stabilizers, emulsifiers, conservates, sugar and chemical dyes.
In mayonnaise, a large number of transgins that are able to "push out" natural components from our cells, like omega-3 and omega-6-fatty acids. The use of mayonnaise leads to an increase in the risk of developing diabetes and excess weight.

Vi chocolate bars

Chocolate is useful only in small portions, when you want to raise my mood. It is useful to eat per day no more than 50 grams of sugar. Frequent use of chocolate bars can lead to diabetes, obesity and oncology. Among other things, in bars a large amount of calories in combination with chemical additives and dyes. Before you eat on the day 2-3 sneakers or bounty, think than it can threaten you.

VII Cupcakes and Cakes

As a rule, cakes, cakes with cream, saturated with sugar and transgenic fat - guarantees disruption of metabolism and overweight. They don't have absolutely no benefit!

VIII alcohol

About the dangers of alcohol for the human body, you can write a whole book. Brain impairment, impaired psyche, liver destruction, oncology and other terrible diseases threatens excessive alcohol consumption. Drinking people are purposefully lingering their health, thereby living an average of 10-15 years less.
Alcohol is quite calorie - 7 kcal per 1 gram.

IX Coffee

You can drink coffee per day 2-3 cups, but no more, if, of course, do not want to drain your nervous system and earn insomnia.

X Popcorn

The corn itself does not represent any hazard for health, unless has a high calorie content - about 330 kcal per 100 grams of the product. Popcorn becomes harmful to the body due to salt, sugar, oil, dyes and taste amplifiers.

Harmful products are able to cause not only extra kilograms, but also severe diseases, so if possible, the number of such products should be limited. Learn to speak harmful products "No"! Watch your diet and you will have excellent health and a good figure!

Well, in fact, not all products in our twenty are so hot, but some are even cold, but on caloric content and the content of harmful substances - it would be better to eat hot, dessert and compote, which constantly snacks, dinner and dined our " Heroes. "

And it is not necessary to smear the nose and dissuade the way of life and employment: most of the well-looking "stars" too, like you, do not live in an ecologically clean forest, but in the very city. And they have a lot of affairs. But they are in themselves the strength is not there, so they look beautiful. And why there are some products harmful to health and beauty - I will try to explain accessible and simple.

First place: chips, anakoma, dochiar, soluble soups

Chips are not just a high-calorie fat snack, without which it is possible and live, but also a direct threat to the figure and health.

Judge for yourself: the shock dose of the transhirov will provide you with cholesterol plaques, irritating the gastric mucosa "fillers and simulators of taste" may well lead to diseases like gastritis and gastric ulcers. So chips lovers may well become "chronicles" on cardiology and gastroenterology.

Eating chips is connected with a number of vital inconvenience. Over time, your taste receptors are adapted to substitutes and fillers, and you just stop perceiving food without seasonings.

In addition, chips are a direct threat to your psyche. Exactly! The American psychiatrist Roger Guld in his research of food dependencies noted that chips are addictive as, for example, cigarettes. This type of food behavior is quite capable of developing into a compulsive syndrome. The latter - when a person eats everything that is not pinned, and can not stop any effort, nor will, nor mental, nor analytical. It is treated in a psychiatric hospital, predominantly medicated.

The soluble noodles does not contain useful substances, but it is abundantly stuffed with such ingredients as palm oil, which is not intended for eating. We are allocated in one column with chips by the criterion of artificial imitators of taste.

Is it possible to find a healthy replacement? She was already found! Tanya Zuckerbrot, a nutritionist of the Miss Universe contest, writes in his blog that instead of chips and fatty cheeses at a party to put celery, carrot salsa or low-calorie degreased popcorn, which is preparing in the microwave. If you want potatoes exactly - tear thin slices of this vegetable in the same microwave, slightly fueling with olive oil and sprinkled with greens and onion rings.

And the anacomes are worth trying, for example, a rice noodle with homemade shrimp, chicken and vegetable sauces. In the office - wearing a normal meal from home or go to the dining room.

Second place: smoked sausages with high fat

The problem of smoked sausages is not that they are a real cholesterol bomb, and not even in the fact that in a modern supermarket it is rather problematic to find a sausage, which is not necessary with the help of smoke smell simulators that carcinogenic.

Their main harm is that millions of people every day put them on the morning sandwich, and the system of consumption is able to destroy the health. Moreover, in some families, sausage is considered almost meat, and therefore it is uncontrollably eaten by children and people with chronic diseases.

Nobody pays attention to any 480-560 kcal per 100 g smoked sausage, nor the fact that this product is a snack for a festive table that can be eaten about once a year. So sausage is actually a national disaster.

Healthy replacement: oddly enough - also sausage. Or rather - high-quality carbonade or chicken ham, made according to GOST and wrapped in a natural way.

But these products are also "limited benefits", and there are more than 2 thin slice per day in the first half of the day, they should not be.

Third place: sweet bells and cookies

Eating easily digestible carbohydrates without ballast substances, and even the seasoned fairing of glucose, is a direct path to diabetes mellitus. In our country, it is customary to chew them for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and it is the frequency of use that increases harm to health.

Healthy replacement: whole grain buns or loaves with a small amount of jelly or jelly on fructose.

Fourth place: Salty nuts

It is harmful due to the increased maintenance of salt - the provocation of hypertension, as well as its "reprints". It is unknown, by whom and how they roasted there, it is quite possible that the fats in them became transgira.

It is harmful doubly nuts in the glaze. Read - hypertension plus diabetes with long-term systematic use.

Healthy replacement: cashew, raw almonds, walnuts - without salt and sugar and no more than 7 things for one snack.

Fifth place: Margarine

Remember, no matter how easy it is, it does not change the essence. The silence derivative and oleomargarine "inherited" from its ancestors a high calorie content, poor digestibility, the ability to slow down the digestion and metabolism. And being heated repeatedly - also "bonus" as carcinogenicity.

In addition, the "light" varieties are a direct path to overeating, because it seems that we can eat them more.

Healthy replacement: for roasting - any natural vegetable oil. And it is better to buy yourself a wok, and fry in it with a minimum oil for a maximum of pleasure. For sandwiches - low-fat cottage cheese with greens or fruits. For porridge - a tablespoon of low-fat yogurt.

Sixth place: Sweet and artificially sweetened soda

The advantage of the latest only is that they do not contain empty calories. Otherwise, the stomach mucosa is irritated, stimulate the production of gastric juice, when it is not necessary, which provides a straight path to ulcers, wash out calcium from the bones well and remove the necessary liquid from the body as well as their calorie brothers and sisters.

Healthy replacement is cold tea, preferably homemade, or dining mineral water with a slice of lemon, orange or lime.

Seventh place: mayonnaise

This word female half of the population should be read as "cellulite". High calorieness, the ability "ingenious" to delay the liquid plus the ability to stimulate appetite.

Healthy replacement: Any low-aluminous yogurt with a teaspoon of mustard.

Eighth place: Classic Cakes, Fatty

White refined flour plus fat, plus sugar equals obesity, second type diabetes, risk of heart disease.

Healthy replacement - yoghurt cakes. Not more than two pieces of 150 g per week.

Ninth place: factory low alcohol cocktails

We read the section on gas production, add the risk of developing alcoholism and strong stimulation of appetite. And a low place in the ranking is due only to the fact that sensible people in their mass do not drink.

Healthy Replacement: If the whole thing is in the magic bubbles - champagne cocktails with strawberries or cherry juice. Again - two servings per week, but better and safer drinking dry wine.

Tenth place: boiled sausages, fatty and sausages

Cholesterol, increased pressure, obesity - this is synonymous with the words "sausage with a spit". Especially die in this regard, mommies who refill children with sausages.

Healthy replacement: low-fat varieties. Eat "Doctoral" three times a week on a piece of breakfast, if you can not say sausage "while".

Eleventh place: McDonalds, his hamburgers and pies together with Potato Fri

Healthy Replacement: The Healthy Fast Food is called a green chicken breast salad, a sauce separately (throw away!). A healthy sandwich can be bought in Sabweier, just take the separation and as a dressing of breast, low-fat ham, teriyaki or mushrooms.

Twelfth place: Pizza semi-finished, lasagna-semi-finished, dumplings, any semi-finished product, except frozen vegetables and fruits

Why? And it is not known that the manufacturer put there to reduce and speed up the cooking process. Yes, and fats in such dishes are three times more than necessary.

Healthy replacement: change the strategy. Want pizza? Go to a decent pizzeria, and better in an expensive Italian restaurant, and eat a piece there, enjoying the entourage and taste of dishes, and not its number. Once a week.

He suffered a passion on dumplings? Prepare their homes, only with chicken breast and mushrooms, and freeze about the reserve. Ideally, if the flour is from wheat solid varieties.

Thirteenth place: cream cheese or sandwich paste along with a sweet curd mass

It is charged with preservatives, dyes, and the latter is also sugar. Synonym Sandwife with melted cheese every morning sounds like "oily skin, dim color, poor digestion and".

Healthy replacement - homemade cottage cheese pasta with vegetable and fruit fillers.

Fourteenth place: soluble coffee

No matter how much it costs - the body slaps and is a powerful diuretic. Too strongly derives fluid from the body. In the mass of its disgusting taste. 3 in 1 buy your "sworn girlfriend", empty her thighs will become flabs in 30 years.

Healthy replacement: Natural espresso or latte in small doses (2 cups in the morning).

Fifteenth place: yogurts factory, sweet

It does not matter with or without fruit, and what kind of fatality they have a cocktail of milk sugar and ordinary sugar. Plus, most people consider the product of a healthy nutrition and eat without measure, and then surprised where the excess weight and diabetes of the second type.

Healthy replacement: Buy an inexpensive kefir from the local manufacturer and fresh fruit. Stir into the blender.

Sixteenth place: canned meat and fish

Dead and useless, almost everything. And the fish, in addition, flooded with oil under the urban.

Healthy Replacement: Choose canned food with the smallest shelf life and fat content. And better learn how to cook.

Seventeenth place: crab sticks, crab meat

I carried out separately, since most considers them a product of healthy food. Remember that it is "imitation of crab meat." With all the "subjectable" consequences in the form of taste amplifiers, flavors and dyes.

Healthy replacement: crabs and seafood, of course.

Eighteenth place: beer

In general, beer is not harmful. If only you can limit the bottle of 0, 33 l 2 times a week. Otherwise, beer knocks down the hormonal background of women and causes cellulite and obesity despite the relatively small calorie content.

Healthy replacement: Go to the beer bar with your own brewery and try "white" variety. He will deliver an additional fiber to the body, but it's still not to get involved.

Nineteenth place: Sweet juices from packages

Juice is the food, not water. And not even food, but seasoning. Otherwise, the source of simple carbohydrates and excess calories, as well as an appetite stimulator.

Healthy alternative: a glass of fresh juice included in the daily caloric content of nutrition.

Twentieth place: white rice, salted fish

Do you like rolls and consider them healthy food? Or just rice on the side dish? Remember, it is a direct path to constipation, fluid delay, cellulite and excess weight. In addition, rolls have a high glycemic index and therefore stimulate appetite in subsequent meals

Healthy alternative: brown rice, bass. Fish grill. Rolls eat one or twice a week; As the main dish in the sushi bar, select Salemie from salmon or crab.