Repairs Design Furniture

The designation of the ll 10 kV on the plan. Conditional signs. Most well-known high voltage isolation methods

State Standard of the SSR Union

Unified Technology Documentation System

Support , Clamps
And installation devices.
Graphic designations

GOST 3.1107-81
( Ct. CEV 1803. -7 9)

State Standard of the SSR Union

Unified Technology Documentation System

Support , Clamps
And installation devices.

Unified System for Technological Documentation.
Bases, Clamps and Installing Arrangements.
Symbolic Representation


( Ct. CEV 1803. -7 9)

GOST 3.1107.
-7 3

Decree of State At the USSR Domestic Committee on Standards of December 31, 1981 No. 5 943 Introduction

from 01.07.82.

1. This standard establishes the graphic designations of the supports, clips and installation devices used in the technological documentation. The standard fully corresponds to ST CEV 1803 -7 9. 2. For the image of the designation of the supports, clamps and installation devices, a solid thin line according to GOST 2.303-68 should be applied. 3. Designations of supports (conditional) are shown in Table. one.

Table 1

On and change support

Designation of support on species

smear and, rear

1. Offer and row
2. Movable

3. Floating

4. Adjustable

4. It is allowed to designate a movable, floating and adjustable support on the views from above and below to depict, as the designation of a fixed support in similar species. 5. Clamp designations are shown in Table. 2. 6. Double clamping designation on the front or coming from the coincidence of the points of the force application, it is allowed to portray as the designation of a single clamp on similar species. 7. The designations of the installation devices are shown in Table. 3.

table 2

Magnation clamp

Clamp designation on VI D Ah

in front, rear

1. Single
2. Dual

PRIM NEED. For double clamps, the length of the shoulder is falling in the developer, depending on the distance between the points of the application. A simplified graphic designation of the double clamp is allowed :. 8. MEDIA Clamping E device should be denoted by the combination of settings for installation devices and clamps (Reference Appendix 2). Note. For collet mandrels (cartridges), the designation should be applied. 9. Designation of supports and installation devices, except for centers, apply on remote lines corresponding to surfaces (reference applications 1 and 2). 10. To specify the form of the working surface of the supports, clamps and installation devices, apply notation in accordance with the table. 4. 11. The designation of the forms of work surfaces is applied to the left of the designation of the support, clamping or installation device (reference applications 1 and 2). 12. To specify the relief of the working surfaces (corrugated, threaded, Schlitseva, I, etc.) Supports, clamps and installation devices, apply the designation according to the drawing.

Tab Faces A 3

N Aimena in the mill

Mandes and E installation devices on the species

in front, rear, SPE X at the bottom

1. Center fixed

Without designation

Without designation

2. Center Rotating

3. Floating Center

4. Cylindrical mandrel

5. Mandrel Ball (roller)

6. Povenchet cartridge
Notes: 1. The designation of the reverse centers should be fired in the mirror image. 2. For the basics of x installation surfaces, it is allowed to apply the designation.

Table 4.

Names of the form s working surface

Designation of the shape of the working surface at all in and dah

1. Flat

2. Spherical

3. qi l indlic (ball)
4. pr and zirobatic
5. KO N
6. Rhombic

7. Trighed
Note. Specifying other forms of the working surface of the supports, clamps and installation devices should be performed in accordance with the requirements of the sectoral NTD. 13. Towing the Relief Relief of the Operations are applied to the designation of the corresponding support for the clamp or the installation device (Reference Appendix 1). 14. To specify clips devices, apply notation in accordance with Table. five.

Table 5.

15. The designation of the types of clips devices is applied to the left of the clamp designation (reference applications 1 and 2). Note. For g and droplasts x frames allowed to apply the designation E -. 16. The number of points of the clamping force application to the product, if necessary, should be recorded to the right of the clamping (reference application 2, pos. 3). 17. In schemes with several projections, it is allowed on separate projections to not specify the designations of supports, clamps and installation devices relative to the product if their position is uniquely determined on the same projection (reference application 2, pos. 2). 18. Schemes allowed several designations of the same names on each form to replace one, with the designation of their quantity (Reference Appendix 2, Pos. 2). 19. Deviations from the size of the graphic designations specified in Table are allowed. 1 - 4 and in the drawing.



Examples of applying designations of supports, clamps and installation devices in diagrams

Namely Wang Ie

Examples of assignment of supports of supports, clouds of mov and full-time sets

1. Center fixed (smooth)

2. Corrugated Center

3. Floating Center

4. Rotating Center

5. Reverse Rotating Center with Corrugated Surface

6. Povenchet cartridge

7. Loenet Movable

The energy industry has a very large problem in his hands: the professionals born in the period from the mid-1940s and until the mid-1960s are approaching the retirement age. And a very big question arises: who will replace them?

Overcoming barriers to the use of energy from renewable sources

Despite certain achievements in recent years, energy from renewable sources is a very modest part of modern energy provision services worldwide. Why is it so?

Monitoring of electricity transmission in real time

The demand for electricity continues to grow and in front of the companies transmitting electricity, the task of the growth of throughputs of their networks occurs. It can be solved by the construction of new and modernization of old lines. But there is another solution to the solution, it is to apply network monitoring sensors and technology.

Material capable of making solar energy "amazingly cheap"

Solar panels made from long-known and cheaper than silicon material can generate the same amount of electrical energy as the solar panels used today.

Comparison of Elegaz and vacuum switches for medium voltage

The experience of the development of medium voltage switches, both elegase and vacuum, created sufficient evidence that none of these two technologies, in general, does not exceed the other. Deciding in favor of this or another technology stimulate economic factors, user preferences, national traditions, competence and special requirements.

Middle voltage and LS

Switching equipment of medium voltage in a metal package and categories of operational readiness loss (LSS) - categories, classification, examples.

What factors will affect the future of transformer manufacturers?

Regardless of whether you or sell electricity, or delivering power transformers outside the country, you are forced to deal with competition in the global market. There are three main categories of factors that will have an impact on the future of all manufacturers of transformers.

Future of medium voltage switching equipment

Smart networks seek to optimize the relationship between supply and supply of electricity. When integrating a larger number of distributed and renewable energy sources in one network. Is the medium voltage switching equipment ready to solve these tasks, or need to develop it further?

In search of replacement Eleginase

Elegeaz, has a number of useful characteristics, applied in various industries, in particular, is actively used in the high voltage electricity sector. However, Elegeaz has a significant disadvantage - this is powerful greenhouse gas. It is included in the list of six gases included in the Kyoto Protocol.

Benefits and Types of Krue

The electrical substation is preferably placed in the center of the load. However, often, the main obstacle to such a placement of the substation is the space required for it. This problem can be solved due to the use of KRRE technology.

Vacuum as an arc harvesting environment

Currently, in medium stresses, the exhausting technology in vacuo is dominated with respect to technologies using air, Elegaz, or oil. Usually, vacuum switches are safer, and more reliable in situations when the number of normal operations and operations serving short circuits is very large.

Choose a company and planning of thermal examination

If for you the idea of \u200b\u200ba thermal impetition of electrical equipment is new, then planning, searching for the performer, and identify the benefits that this technology can give is confused.

Most well-known high voltage isolation methods

The seven most common and well-known materials used as high-voltage insulation in electrical structures are driven. They indicate aspects that require special attention.

Five technologies for increasing the efficiency of electricity transmission and distribution systems

If you pay attention to the measures with the highest potential in improving energy efficiency, the transfer of electricity is inevitably inevitably.

Self-leveling networks come to Holland

Economic growth and increase in population increases to increase electricity demand, together with severe restrictions on the quality and reliability of energy supply, efforts are growing to ensure the integrity of the network. In the event of a refusal of networks, in front of their owners there is a task to minimize the consequences of these failures, reducing the failure of the failure, and the number of consumer disconnected from the network.

Equipment of high-voltage switches for each company is associated with significant investments. When the question arises about their maintenance or replacement, then it is necessary to consider all possible options.

Ways of developing safe, reliable and efficient industrial substations

The main factors that should be considered when developing electrical substations for the nutrition of industrial consumers are considered. Attention is drawn to some innovative technologies that can improve the reliability and efficiency of substations.

To compare the use of vacuum switches or fuse contactors in distribution networks of 6 ... 20 kV distribution networks, it is necessary to understand the basic characteristics of each of this shutdown technology.

AC generator switches

Playing an important role in protecting power plants, generator switches provide more flexible operation and allow you to find effective solutions to reduce investment costs.

View Through Switching Equipment

Radiographic inspection can help save time and money by reducing the amount of work. In addition, the time of the breakdowns and downtime of equipment from the client is reduced.

Electric substation thermal imaging

Elegaz in the electric power industry and its alternatives

In recent years, environmental issues have acquired a very large weight in society. Elegaz emissions from switching equipment is a serious component of climate change.

Hybrid switch

High-voltage switches belong to important electric power equipment used in electricity transmission networks to isolate the failure site from the working part of the electrical network. Thereby ensures the safe operation of the electrical system. This article analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of these two types of switches, and the need for a hybrid model.

Security and environmental friendliness of distribution equipment insulation

The purpose of this article is to cover the potential hazards for personnel and the environment associated with the same equipment, but not under voltage. The article is concentrated on switching and distribution equipment on voltage over 1000 V.

Functions and design of medium and high voltage switches

Advantages of DC in high-voltage lines

Despite the greater the propagation of AC during electrical energy transmission, in some cases, the use of a DC high voltage is preferable.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

Kazan State Architectural and Construction University

Department of Geodesyia

Selected conditional signs

Methodical instructions

To perform settlement and graphic work with students of students in the direction of "Construction".

Kazan 2012.

Compilers: V.S. Borovsky., MG Ishmukhametova

Selected conditional signs. Methodical guidelines for performing settlement and graphic works by students of the 1st day of day learning in the direction of "Construction". Methodical instructions comply with the State General Education Standard.

Kazan State University Architectural and Construction.

Sost: V.S. Borovsky, M.G.Ishmukhametova

Kazan, 2012 - 17 p.

Ill. 90, Table 1.

Reviewer: SNS, Associate Professor, KFMN Department of Astronomy of the Kazan State University M.I.Shpekin

With Kazan State Architectural and Construction University

In "Favorite conventional signs for topographic plans of the scale of 1: 500 and 1: 1000" "are given the conditional signs of the most common circuits and subjects of the terrain. They must be learned and know students studying at the university." Favorite conventional signs "are used when performing settlement graphic works and during summer geodesic practice for drawing plans for theodolite, tacheometric surveys, leveling in squares.

To draw the topographic plans and cards of smaller scales, conditional signs are used, as a rule, similar to appearance on the symbols for the scale of 1: 500 - 1: 1000.

In the "Favorite Signs" in the first column served serial numbers. Conditional signs are selected from the official publication "Conditional signs for topographic plans of scale 1: 5000, 1: 2000, 1: 1000, 1: 500" - M.: Subraser, 2002, approved by the RUCS RUSSIA. In the second column, the names of conditional signs and explanations to them are given, and in the third - an image of various signs and sizes. When drawing plans, the size of the conditional signs must be observed, but not shown.

When drawing out the first-scale conventional signs, the image objects should be placed perpendicular to the southern frame of the plan.

The position of the object on the ground must match the following points of the nearest sign:

a) for the signs of the right form (circle, square, etc.) - the center of the sign;

b) for signs with a direct angle at the base - the top of the corner;

c) for signs in the form of a promising image of the object - the middle of the base of the sign.

To draw out the conditional signs on the plans and cards, the mascara and watercolor paints of different colors are used. Colors are shown in explanations to conditional signs. If there are no such explanations, the symptoms are depicted in black ink.

Selected conditional signs

for topographic plans

scale 1: 1000, 1: 500

Title and characteristic of the topographic object

Conditional sign of the topographic object

Points of the State Geodesic Network

Points of the State Geodetic Network in the Kurgan

Points of the State Geodesic Network on Buildings

Points of geodesic chains of thickening and their numbers

Level reper and their numbers

Levels and Stamps Wall

Non-level referral referee

Time levels temporary

Crossing coordinate lines (green)


Residential fire resistant: (brick, stone, concrete)

1) additive;

2) above one floor

Non-residential fire resistant buildings: (brick, stone, concrete)

1) additive;

2) above one floor

Buildings Residential Neo-Heaven: (Wooden, Glaiby, etc.)

1) additive;

2) above one floor

The buildings are non-residential neo-skinned (wooden, glitstic, etc.)

1) additive;

2) above one floor

Building buildings

Buildings are destroyed and dilapidated

Ground floor height mark (inside circuit);

Earth marker at the corner of the house

1) stone with bottled domes;

2) Wooden with one dome

1) stone;

2) Wooden


Small buildings:

1) the garages are individual;

2) toilets


Unaffined (digit 2,5 - the height of the slope in meters)

Suns unoccupied (digit 102,5 - the height of the slope in meters)

Speaks fortified (digit 102,5 - the height of the slope in meters; The inscription is a way to strengthen)

Open developments of solid minerals (career, etc. (digit - depth in meters)


Electrical substations, transformer booths, and their numbers

Wells and wells combined with water towers

Electric lights on columns

Welding wells (hatches) underground communications:

1) without appointment;

2) on plumbing networks;

3) on sewage networks;

4) on heating networks;

5) on gas pipelines

Power lines (LEP)

on unanoxided territory

(Figures - Farm heights in meters, voltage in kV, number of wires or cables):

1) high voltage LAP on reinforced concrete farms;

2) high voltage LAP on metal farms;

3) high voltage cable air power supply on reinforced concrete and wooden columns;

4) Low Voltage LAP on Metal and Wooden Poles





Power lines (LEP)

on the built-up territory:

1) high voltage LP on wooden farms;

2) high voltage LAP on columns;

3) high voltage cable air power supply on columns;

4) low voltage LP on wooden poles


Ground ( G. - gas pipeline IN - water pipes, TO - sewage, N. - oil pipelines; Pipe material - bET., art. and etc.; Figures - diameter of pipes in millimeters):

1) terrestrial on the ground;

2) on supports (numbers - the height of the supports in meters)

Underground pipelines:

1) pipelines with viewing wells (numbers - numbers and high-altitude wells; gL 1,2 - depth of pipe stopping);

2) pipelines laid next to one trench (numbers - number of gaskets);

Waste lattices

Pipelines are superworked on supports (washing green)

Pipelines on the bottom surface (washed with green)

Links and technical controls of air wired (telephone, radio, TV. etc.)

Masts, towers, radio repeater and television (numbers - their heights in meters)

1:1000 1:500

Dollae (brown stroke lines)

Construction sites


1) motorway (coating material - concrete);

cuvette green.

2) highways with an improved coating (asphalt); Cuvette green.

Passage parts of streets and sidewalks:

Wash pink color;

1) the passage of part of the streets with the presence of onboard stone;

2) the passage of parts of the streets without onboard stones;

3) sidewalks with solid coating;

4) sidewalks without coating

Roads without coating:

1) improved ground roads; Cuvette green.

2) ground roads (field, forest, country);

Roads in recesses (numbers - the depths of the recesses in meters); Cuvette green.


Uzpocole railways (purpose and rut width in millimeters)

Railways on bulk (numbers - the height of the embankments in meters)

Paths station


Pedestrian bridges over railways (letters - bridge material)

Horizontal (brown):

1) thickened (through this section height interval);

2) main;

3) semi-horizontal (half of the height of the section);

4) quarter-horizontal (in 1/4 sections height)


Skate direction signs (Bergshtri)

Marks heights

Earth cliffs (brown):

(numbers - depth in meters)

Pits (numbers - depth in meters)

Kurgans (numbers - height in meters)

Watercourses, coastline and marks of water cuts (height and measurement date), Border of sushi and water with green, washing blue color.

Brooks (width is not expressed on the scale of the plan) blue color.

Characteristics of watercourses:

2) width in meters (numerator), depth in meters and ground bottom (denominator)


1) on the total span structure (metallic, Kam. -Camed, ZBB - reinforced concrete, numbers - carrying capacity in tons);

2) small wooden;


The contours of vegetation, agricultural land, soils, etc.

Forest tree characteristics in composition:

1) deciduous;

2) coniferous;

3) mixed;

according to quality data:

4) the average height of trees in meters (numerator), the average thickness of the stems in meters (denominator), the average distance between the trees in meters (digit on the right), the breed of trees

Natural high forests

Forests Young (digit - average height in meters)

Forest sections

Shrubs separate groups

All objects on the ground, the situation and characteristic form of relief are displayed on topographic plans with conventional signs.

Legend on top photography

The main four types that are subdivided by conditional signs:

    1. Explanatory signatures.
    2. Linear conditional signs.
    3. Area (contour).
    4. Maintenance.

Explanatory signatures are used to indicate the additional characteristics of the depicted objects: the river sign the flow rate and its direction, at the bridge - the width, length and its carrying capacity, the road is the nature of the coating and the width of the carriageway itself, etc.

Linear conditional signs (designations) serve to display linear objects: LPP, roads, product pipelines (oil, gas), communication lines, etc. The width is shown on the topoplane of linear objects - boring.

Contour or area symbols depict those objects that can be displayed in accordance with the map scale and occupy the specific area. The contour is drawn by a thin solid line, intermittent or depicted as a point dotted. Educated contour fill with symbols (meadow vegetation, wood, garden, garden, shrub thickets, etc.).

To display objects that cannot be expressed on the map scale, use the bore-based conditional signs, while the location of such a bump object is determined by its characteristic point. For example: the center of the geodesic point, the base of the kilometer pillar, the centers of radio, TVs, pipes of factories and plants.

In the topography, the displayed objects are customary to be divided into eight main segments (classes):

      1. Relief
      2. Mathematical foundation
      3. Soils and vegetation
      4. Hydrography
      5. Road network
      6. Industrial enterprises
      7. Settlements,
      8. Signatures and borders.

Collectons of conditional signs for maps and topographic plans of various scales are created in accordance with such division on objects. Approved state. By organs, they are united for all topographic plans and are required when drawing any top-to-top shooting (top photography).

Frequently encountered conditional signs on the top photography:

Points of state. Geodesic network and thickening points

- Land use borders and taps with land signs at turn points

- Buildings. Figures indicate the number. Explanatory signatures are given to indicate the fire resistance of the building (W - residential neo-heating (Wooden), N - non-residential neudesome, KN - Stone non-residential, KZh - Stone residential (usually brick), SMZH and CMN - Mixed residential and mixed non-residential - Wooden buildings with fine facing Brick or with floors built from different materials (the first floor is brick, second wooden)). The dotted line displays the building.

- Sucks. Used to display ravines, highlights of roads and other artificial and natural shapes of relief with sharp height differences

- Poles of LPP and communication lines. The conventions repeat the shape of the pillary cross section. Round or square. Reinforced concrete pillars in the center of the conventional sign point. One arrow in the direction of electrical conductors - low-voltage, two - high-voltage (6kv and higher)

- Underground and overhead communications. Underground - dotted line, overhead - solid. Letters indicate the type of communications. K - sewage, G - GAZ, N - oil pipeline, in - water pipe, T - Heat industry. Additional explanations are also given: the number of wires for cables, the pressure of the gas pipeline, the material of the pipes, their thickness, etc.

- various square objects with explanatory signatures. Desert, Pashnya, construction site, etc.

- Railways

- Car roads. Letters indicate the coating material. A - asphalt, sh - rubble, C - cement or concrete slabs. On ground roads, the material is not indicated, and one of the sides is depicted by dotted line.

- Wells and wells

- Bridges across rivers and streams

- horizontal. Serve to display the terrain. They are lines formed during the cross section of the earth's surface with parallel planes through the same height change intervals.

- Heights of characteristic points of terrain. As a rule, in the Baltic height system.

- Various wood vegetation. The prevailing breed of wood vegetation is indicated, the average height of trees, their thickness and the distance between the trees (density)

- detached trees

- Shrubs

- Various meadow vegetation

- Writing with reed vegetation

- Fences. Fences Stone and reinforced concrete, wooden, stakenat, Rabitz Mesh, etc.

Frequently used cuts on the top cover:


N is a non-residential structure.

Well - residential.

KN - Stone non-residential

Kzh - stone residential

P. - Building

Found. - Fundam

CMN - mixed non-residential

SMG - mixed residential

M. - Metallic

elaborate. - Destroyed (or collapsed)

gar. - Garage

T. - toilet

Communication lines:

3p. - Three Wires on LEP Post

1KAB. - one cable on the post

b / PR - without wires

tr. - Transformer

To - sewage

CL. - Sewelation of Livnevaya

T - Heatwork

N - oil pipeline

cab. - Cable

V - communication lines. Number of cables, such as 4V - four cables

n.D. - Low pressure

s.D. - average pressure

v.D. - High pressure

art. - Steel

chug. - cast iron

beth. - Concrete

Area conditional signs:

p. pl. - Construction site

og. - Obrica

empty - Dust


A - asphalt

Shch - rubble

C - cement, concrete slabs

D - Wooden coating. Practically does not occur.

dor. zn. - Road sign

dor. decree. - Road sign

Water objects:

K - Kojmovets

sC. - Squabina

aRT.SKV. - artesian well

inquish. - Vodkachka

bass. - Pool

vDH. - reservoir

clay. - Clay

The symbols may differ on the plans of various scales, so it is necessary to use conditional signs to read the topoplane for the appropriate scale.

How to read conditional signs on topographic shooting

Consider how to correctly understand what we see on topographic shooting on a specific example and what will help us .

Below is a topographic closure of 1: 500 private house with a land plot and adjacent territory.

In the upper left corner, we see the arrow with which it is clear how the topographic is oriented towards the north. On topographic shooting, this direction may not be specified, since by default the plan should be oriented to the top to the north.

The nature of the relief on the territory of the shooting: the plot is smooth with a slight decrease in the south side. The difference between heights from the north to the south is approximately 1 meter. The height of the southern point of 155.71 meters, and the northernmost 156.88 meters. To display the relief, the heights covering the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe top photography and two horizontals are used. Top thin with a 186.5 meter marker (not signed on the top photography) and the south-thickened south of 156 meters. Any point lying on the 156th horizontal mark will be exactly 156 meters above sea level.

Four identical crosses located through the same distance in the shape of a square are visible on the top selection. This is a coordinate grid. They serve to graphically determine the coordinates of any point on the top cover.

Next, we describe what we see from the north to south. In the upper part of the topoplane, two parallel dotted lines with the inscription between them "Valentinovskaya st." And two letters "A". This means that we see the street with the name Valentinovskaya, the driving part of which is covered with asphalt, without a border (as it is dotted lines. With a curler, a solid, indicating the height of the border or two marks: top and bottom of curb stone).

We describe the space between the expensive and fence of the plot:

      1. It passes the horizontal. The relief decreases towards the site.
      2. In the center of this part of the top segment there is a concrete pillar of the power line, which departs cables with wires in the directions specified by the arrows. Cable voltage 0.4kV. Also on the post hanging the lamp of street lighting.
      3. To the left of the pillar we see four wood of broadcast rocks (it can be oak, maple, linden, ash, etc.)
      4. Below the post, parallel to the road with a branch towards the house, an underground gas pipeline was laid (yellow dotted line with the letter d). Pressure, material and diameter of the pipe on the top cover is not specified. These characteristics are specified after agreement with gas economy.
      5. Two short parallel segments encountered in this section of the top segment are a conventional sign of herbal vegetation (discharge)

Go to the site itself.

The facade of the site is fenced with a metal fence with a height of more than 1 meter with a gate and a gate. The facade of the left (or right, if you look from the side of the street to the site) exactly the same. The facade of the right area is fenced with a wooden fence on a stone, concrete or brick foundation.

Vegetation on the plot: lawn grass with separate pines (4pcs) and fruit trees (also 4 pcs.).

On the site there is a concrete pillar with a power cable from the post on the street to the house on the plot. From the route of the gas pipeline, there is a subterranean gas to the house. The underground water supply is connected to the house from the side of the neighboring site. The fencing of the Western and southern part of the site is made of chain grid, oriental - from a metal fence with a height of more than 1 meter. In the southwestern part of the site, part of the fences of the neighboring sites from the chain grid and a solid wooden fence are visible.

Buildings on the plot: in the upper (northern) part of the site is located a residential one-storey wooden house. 8 This is the house number on Valentinovskaya Street. The floor mark in the house is 156.55 meters. In the eastern part to the house, a terrace with a wooden closed porch is attached. In the western part, there is a destroyed extension to the house. Next to the northeastern corner of the house there is a well. In the southern part of the site there are three wooden non-residential buildings. One of them is attached canopy on the pillars.

Vegetation in neighboring areas: on the site, located east - Wood vegetation, west - herbal.

On the plot of south of the residential one-storey wooden house is visible.

So this way Help to get a fairly large amount of information about the territory on which topographic survey was conducted.

And finally, here's what this topography, applied to aerial photographs:

People who do not have special education in the field of geodesy or cartography can be incomprehensible with crosses on maps and topographic plans. What is this conditional sign?

This is the so-called coordinate grid, the intersection of integer or accurate coordinate values. The coordinates used on the maps and topoplas may be geographical and rectangular. Geographic coordinates are latitude and longitude, rectangular - these are distances from the conditional origin of the coordinates in meters. For example, state cadastral records are conducted in rectangular coordinates and for each region used its own system of rectangular coordinates, characterized by the conditional principle in different areas of Russia (the Moscow region coordinate system is adopted). For cards to large areas, geographical coordinates are usually used (latitude and longitude that you could also see in GPS navigators).

Topographic shooting or topography is performed in a rectangular coordinate system and crosses that we see on such a topoplane are places of intersection of round coordinate values. If there are two top photographs of the neighboring sites in one coordinate system, they can be combined on these crosses and get topographic surveys at once to two sections at which you can get more complete information about the adjacent territory.

Distance between crosses on the top photography

In accordance with the norms and rules, are always located at a distance of 10 cm from each other and form the right squares. Having measured this distance on a paper version of the top segment, it is possible to determine whether the zoom of the top segment is met when printing or photocopying the source material. This distance should always be equal to 10 centimeters between adjacent crosses. If it is significantly different, but not by a number of times, it is impossible to use such material, as it does not correspond to the stated top segment.

If the distance between the crosses differs at times from 10 cm. Most likely, such a top cover was printed for some kind of tasks that do not comply with the initial scale. For example: if the distance between crosses on the top photography 1: 500 Scale - 5cm, which means it was printed on a scale of 1: 1000, distorting all the conditional signs, but at the same time having reduced the size of the printed material that can be used as a review plan.

Knowing the top segment, you can determine how much the distance in meters on the ground corresponds to the distance between the adjacent crosses on the top selection. So for the most frequently used scale of the top segment 1: 500, the distance between the crosses corresponds to 50 meters, for a scale of 1: 1000 - 100 meters, 1: 2000 - 200 meters, etc. This can be calculated, knowing that between crosses on the top photography 10 cm, and the location in one centimeter of the top photography in meters is obtained by the division of the valve valve to 100.

Calculate the scale of the top segment in the crosses (coordinate grid) in the event that the rectangular coordinates of the adjacent crosses are indicated. For calculation, the coordinate difference is necessary for one of the axes of the neighboring crosses to multiply by 10. On the example of topographic survey, we in this case, we will, in this case, we obtain: (2246600 - 2246550) * 10 \u003d 500 ---\u003e The scale of this shooting 1: 500 or in one Santimeter 5 meters. Also calculate the scale, if it is not specified on the top selection, you can at a well-known area on the ground. For example, at a well-known length of the fence or length of one of the sides of the house. For this, a well-known length on the ground in meters is divided by the measured distance of this length on the top selection in centimeters and multiply by 100. Example: the length of the house wall is 9 meters, this distance measured by the line on the top selection is 1.8 cm. (9 / 1.8) * 100 \u003d 500. Top segment - 1: 500. If the distance measured on the top selection will be 0.9 cm, then the scale is 1: 1000 ((9 / 0.9) * 100 \u003d 1000)

Application of crosses on the top photography

The size crosses on the top photography Must be 1cm x 1cm. If the crosses do not correspond to these sizes, then most likely the distance between them is not respected and the scale of the top segment is distorted. As it was already written, in the crosses, in the case of topographicing in one coordinate system, you can combine topographic surveys of neighboring territories. Use crosses on top photography designers to bind objects under construction. For example, for the removal of the buildings of the buildings, the exact distances on the coordinate axes to the nearest cross, which makes it possible to calculate the future of the exact location of the projected object on the ground.

Below is a trap fragment with the specified values \u200b\u200bof rectangular coordinates on the crosses.

Scale of topographic shooting

Scale called linear dimensions. This word came to us from German, and translated as a "dimensional stick".

What is the scale of topographic shooting

In geodesy and cartography, the term is understood as the attitude of the real value of any object to the image of it on the map or plan. The value of the scale is recorded as a fraction having a unit in a numerator, and in the denominator - the number indicating how many times the decrease was made.

Using the scale, you can determine which segment on the map will correspond to the distance measured on the ground. For example, moving around the map, scale 1: 1000, one centimeter will be equivalent to ten meters traveled on the ground. And on the contrary, every ten meters of the terrain is a centimeter of the card or plan. The larger the scale, the more details the card, the more fuller it displays the objects of the area, applied to it.

Scale - one of the key concepts topographic shooting. The variety of scales is explained by the fact that each type of it, focused on solving specific tasks, makes it possible to obtain plans for certain size and generalization. For example, large-scale land survey is able to provide a detailed display of relief and objects located on the ground. It is done in the production of land management works, as well as in engineering and geodetic surveys. But she will not be able to show objects on the same large area as small-scale aerial photography.

The choice of scale, first of all, depends on the degree of detailing the map or the plan required in each case. The larger the scale used, the higher the requirements for the accuracy of the measurements produced. And the more experience should have performers and specialized enterprises that perform this shooting.

Speed \u200b\u200bspecies

There are 3 types of scale:




Scale of topographic shooting 1:1000 It is used in the design of low-rise construction, with engineering surveys. It is used to compile workers' drawings of various industrial facilities.

Smaller scale 1:2000 Suitable, for example, for detailing individual sections of settlements - cities, towns, countryside. It is used for projects enough large industrial structures.

On scale 1:5000 Make up cadastral plans, general plan of cities. It is indispensable when designing railways and highways, laying communication networks. It is taken as the basis in the preparation of small-scale topographic plans. The scale is smaller, starting with 1: 10,000, apply for plans of the largest settlements - cities and towns.

But the highest demand is used by topographic survey on scale 1:500 . The spectrum of its use is quite wide: from the master plan for construction, to ground and underground engineering communications. Large-scale work is required only in landscape design, where 1:50, 1: 100 and 1: 200 ratios are necessary for a detailed description of the area - separate trees, shrubs and other similar objects.

For topographic survey on 1: 500, the average errors of the contours and objects should not exceed 0.7 millimeters, no matter how difficult the nature of the area and relief. These requirements are determined by the features of the application area in which include:

    engineering communications plans;

    drawing up very detailed plans for industrial and economic structures;

    improvement of territory adjacent to buildings;

    breakdown of gardens and parks;

    gardening of small sites.

Plans are depicted not only relief and vegetation, but also water objects, geological wells, orientation points and other similar buildings. One of the main features of this large-scale topographic survey is the application of communications that are necessarily agreed with the operating services.

Top photography with your own hands

Is it possible to perform topographical shooting of your own sector with your own hands without attracting a specialist in the field of geodesy? How difficult to perform the top photography on your own forces.

In case the topography is necessary for obtaining any official documents, such as building permit, providing property or lease of a land plot or obtaining technical conditions for connecting to gas, electricity or other communications, you will not be able to provide top photography made by hand. In this case, the topographic shooting is an official document, the basis for further design and to fulfill it have the right to carry out only specialists who have a license to carry out geodesic and cartographic works or consisting in relevant these types of work of a self-regulating organization (SRO).

Perform top photography with your own hands Having special education and experience is almost impossible. Topographic shooting is a rather complicated product in the technical plan, requiring knowledge in the field of geodesy, cartography and the presence of special expensive equipment. Possible errors in the resulting topoplane can lead to serious problems. For example, the incorrect definition of the location of the future structure due to poor-quality top photography can lead to a violation of fire and construction norms and as a result of a possible court decision on the demolition of the structure. Top photographing with rude errors can lead to an incorrect location of the fence that violates the rights of the neighbors of your land and as a result of its dismantling and significant additional costs for the construction of it in a new place.

In what cases and how can I pull the top photography with your own hands?

The result of topographic shooting is a detailed area of \u200b\u200bthe area, which displays the relief and detailed situation. Special geodesic equipment is used to apply to the plan of objects and terrain.
Devices and tools that can be used to perform the top cover:



  • high-precision geodesic GPS / GLONASS receiver

    three-dimensional laser scanner

Theodolite is the cheapest version of the equipment. The cheapest theodolite costs about 25,000 rubles. The most expensive of these devices is a laser scanner. Its price is measured in millions of rubles. Based on this and topographic surveillance prices, it makes no sense to acquire your own equipment to perform the top photography with your own hands. The rental option remains. The cost of renting an electronic tacheometer begins with 1000 rubles. in a day. If you have experience performing the top photography and working with this equipment, that is, it makes sense to rent an electronic tachometer and make the top photography with your own hands. Otherwise, not having experience, you spend quite considerable time to study complex equipment and work technology, which will lead to significant lease costs exceeding the cost of this type of work by an organization with a special license.

For the design of underground communications on the site, the nature of the relief is important. Incorrect definition of the slope can lead to undesirable consequences when laying sewage. Based on the foregoing only possible option. top photography with your own hands This is a compilation of a simple plan on a plot with existing buildings for simple landscaping of the territory. In this case, if the site stands on the cadastral register, a cadastral passport with a form B6 can help. There are accurate dimensions, coordinates and angles of rotation of the boundaries of the site. The most complicated measurement without special equipment is the definition of angles. Available information about the boundaries of the site can be used as a basis for building a simple plan of its site. The tool for further measurements can serve as a roulette. It is desirable that its lengths were enough to measure the diagonals of the site, otherwise, when measuring the lengths of the lines in several methods, errors will accumulate. Mounting measurements To compile the plan of the site can be carried out if there are already installed boundaries of your site and they are fixed with integrated signs or coincide with the fencing of the site. In this case, for application to the plan of any objects, several measurements of the lengths of the lines from the landmarks or corners of the site are performed. The plan is electronically or on paper. For the paper option, it is better to use millimeter paper. The boundaries of the site are applied to the plan and use them as a basis for further constructions. The distance measured by tape measure is laid off from the corners of the site and in places of crossing the radii of circles corresponding to the measured distances, the location of the required object is locked. The plan thus obtained can be used for simple calculations. For example, the calculation of the garden occupied by the garden, the preliminary calculation of the required building materials for additional decorative fences or gaskets of garden tracks.

Taking into account the foregoing, we can conclude:

If the topography is required to obtain any official documents (building permit, cadastral record, urban planning plan, planning organization scheme) or residential design, its implementation should be entrusted with an organization that has a relevant license or consisting in a self-regulatory organization (SRO). In this case, performed do it yourself top photography It does not have legal force and possible errors when conducting it, unprofessional can lead to disastrous consequences. The only possible option top photography with your own hands This is a compilation of a simple plan for solving simple tasks on a personal site.