Repairs Design Furniture

Bread maker instructions for use. How to use homemade bread maker. What is a bread maker? Already baked and chilled bread

Adzhika - this is a long-faced thing aged aclare snack. Most people are familiar with the tomato representative of this dish, but, as it turns out, it is possible to prepare it from many other ingredients. In this article, I will tell you how to prepare a delicious adjika from Zabachkov.

For these recipes, those overgrown with stackers are ideal for these recipes, which are not easy to find enough. According to the consistency, it will remind a zucchini caviar, but this taste will not compare with anything! Spicy, brass, incredible!

Adzhik is rich in vitamins and is not particularly calorie, which is considered a huge plus. In addition, it can be used as a sauce. For example, it will be a decent substitute for Ketchup.

Jars with this workpiece instantly ends after opening. The reason for this is a variety of vegetables, which produce an amazing taste. Be sure to try!


  • zucchini - 2 kilos;
  • tomato paste - 400 g;
  • picker Bulgarian - Polkulo;
  • punch sharp - 1 piece;
  • garlic - 2-3 medium heads;
  • salt cook - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • sugar sand - 200 gr;
  • olive or sunflower oil - 270 ml;
  • acetic acid is 9% - 100 ml;
  • water filtered - 150 ml.


1. Process the zucchini fruits from the peel and from the seeds, cut and skip the vegetable through the meat grinder. Also cut the Bulgarian Punch.

2. Stir scrolled vegetables with tomato paste, add sugar and oil.

Sweet and put cooking.

3. Pize the driver and wait for the boil.

4. After boiling, add the garlic mass and vinegar, and cook before ten minutes.

5. During the time the jars and after turning off the plates, proceed to overlapping and climbing.

Zabachk adzhik with tomatoes for the winter, simple recipe through a meat grinder

The meat grinder will significantly save your time, because you do not have to do long in the monotonous larch. Snack is preparing quickly and is obtained very tasty. Watch!


  • zucchini - 3 kilo;
  • tomato - 1.5 kg;
  • pepper sweet - shelter;
  • carrot average - shelter;
  • garlic - 4 heads;
  • sugar sand - 100 g;
  • vinegar 9% - 100 ml;
  • sunflower oil - 200 ml;
  • food salt - 40 g;
  • popper ground - 40 g.


1. Rinse vegetables, clean and remove excess one. Remove the skin from the zucchini is not necessary, if desired. Carrots should be cut into several parts, the Bulgarian pepper is divided into 3-4 quantity, the zucchini cut through any comfortable slices, tomatoes in half. Clean garlic.

2. All products, except for garlic teeth, rework with the help of a meat grinder. This vegetable mass is transferred to the pan.

3. There are also sugar and oil. Do not forget to pepper and salt. Remove gas tank and boil 40 minutes. After time, add garlic, asked for a garbber.

4. Pize the acetic essence, mix and lay out the already sterilized banks.

Acute adjusting from zucchini with tomato paste

Thanks to the neutral taste of zucchini, they are perfectly combined with the most different ingredients. The acuteness of this adzhika will superbly complement meat dishes with any sidebar. At least one jar must necessarily have its place in the house!


  • zucchini - 2 kilos;
  • tomatoes paste - 350 gr;
  • garlic - 2 heads;
  • sunflower oil - 270 ml;
  • lavrushka - at its discretion (6-8 leaves);
  • vinegar 9% - 100 ml;
  • sugar - 250-300 gr;
  • food salt - 6 grams;
  • pepper red ground - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • easy ground pepper - 1 h. spoon.


1. Rinse the zucchini and crush them into arbitrary parts. Scroll through the meat grinder.

2. Move the scroll mixture into the saucepan, add tomato paste, salt, sugar, butter and spices there. Mix well and stop on the flame.

Boil 35-45 minutes.

3. Remove the husks from garlic and skip it through the press. Also pass it into a saucepan, at the same time adding vinegar. Boil about ten minutes.

4. Turn off and fold over the treated banks.

Video about how to make adzhika with apples

The billet on this recipe will not leave anyone indifferent. Apples give Adzhik a special savory taste, it is not brightly expressed and this light shade fits wonderfully. Prepare and do not regret!


  • zucchini - 3 kilo;
  • bulgarian pen - shelter;
  • carrot - shelter;
  • apples - shelter;
  • garlic heads - 2-3 pieces;
  • tomato paste - 250 gr;
  • sunflower oil - a glass;
  • vinegar 6% - 100 ml;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. a spoon (you can slightly more, oriented to your taste);
  • paprika - 1.5 h. spoon;
  • sugar sand - 100 gr.

Adzhika from zucchini (recipe in a slow cooker)

Machinery simplifies cooking process. You can calmly leave steal, not experiencing about what will nourish anything. With the help of a multicooker, your adzhik will get the same tasty, or maybe even better!


  • zucchini - 1 fruit;
  • tomatoes - 4 pieces;
  • pepper sweet - 250-300 grams;
  • carrot - 2 pieces;
  • acute pepper (chili) - 1 fruit;
  • sugar sand - 1 tbsp. spoon with a slide;
  • food salt - 1/2 Art. spoons;
  • odorless oil - 75 ml;
  • vinegar 9% is 1 tsp.


1. Well wash vegetables, give them a track. Remove the superfluous, close and twist everything through the meat grinder. Separately sell garlic with press.

2. Lay out the mass into the Multivarka bowl.

Put the extinguishing mode for one hour.

3. A few minutes before the end, pour acetic essence and add a compressed garlic.

4. After the required time, proceed to fill and clink the cans.

Having tried Adzhik once, you will definitely want to do it again. The variety and variation of the billets allow you to choose "the very" recipe that will definitely conquer not only you, but also loved ones. Cook in pleasure and pleasant appetite!

The device is difficult to use, but it is worth it to study the instructions once again and try to bake bread, as the process will seem not so complicated.

How to use it

Before use, the instrument must be placed on a refractory smooth surface. Put it at a distance of 10 cm from the edge of the surface and at least 5 cm from the wall and other devices and furniture. During operation, the device is heated and can lead to a fire if you do not comply with all security measures. Before use, make sure that the shape and blades for kneading dry and clean, without residual baking residues.

Adding all ingredients and their sequence should be observed strictly by recipe, otherwise it may affect the quality of the bread. As a rule, yeast at the initial stage should not come into contact with liquids, sugar and salt. From this fermentation process can begin earlier, so strictly follow the recipe. After all the ingredients are prepared and bombarded, connect the bread maker to the network and set the desired mode. She herself kneads the dough, raise it and bore bread.

When notching bread, use mittens, do not lean low and do not rely on the bread maker to avoid burns from steam and hot surface. Before washing the form, make sure that it has cooled. Collect details of the storage device are recommended to be dry so that all programs work in the future regularly. Also, you should not begin to prepare in the bread maker if it has not yet cooled. It will simply not turn on if it is hot.

Programs and functions

A set of programs in the bread maker depends on the complexity of the model. The more functions it has, the more expensive its price. You can purchase a cheaper model with a single bread baking function, but it can be small in size for the family. In more complex models of functions, many, you can choose the size of the loaf, put the timer and even choose the color of the crust. If you install a timer to a certain time, for example, 8-00 in the morning, try not to use perishable products such as milk and egg.

There are "main" and "fast" baking modes of bread. On the main mode, the bread maker mixes the dough, stands up. At rapid mode, bread bakes much faster due to a reduction in time to raise the test. Buanka is less lush, but it remains the same delicious. In the "Dough" mode, it is raised. Yeast dough can be used in a regular oven. On some models there may be special modes to knead the dough on pizza, the loaf and others. There are also modes for baking cupcakes or other restrained little things.

In some models there is a heating mode, which is very convenient if you need to leave and you do not have time to get baking from the oven.

Observing the simple rules of operation of the breadpage, following the instructions and recipes, you will always have a delicious bread on the table.

1\u003e White Bread

2\u003e Bread Fast Baking

3\u003e French Bull

4\u003e whole flour bread

Selection of the program

When the program is selected, the sequence of steps that are executed one by one are included.

MENU key selected one of the various programs. The indicator indicates the time

program execution. Every time you press the key with the number on the indicator panel

the transition to K.

next program, from 1 to 12

For each of the programs, the default installation indication is displayed.

Therefore, accurate installations are selected manually.

1. About grams of ma white bread, poses in labeled bread

on the pain of tire stooo re circuit tour for pcha any mu ki.

2. This program is equivalent to the fast program.

bread, but in fast baking mode. Mi-kish can

3. Program French Bull, Co from Wet

recipe for traditional french white

of bread.

4. The program of whole flour bread is selected for

baking bread from flour with bran.

5. This program is equivalent to the white program.

someone seem less air.

6. Sweet bread program, adapted for



of bread


7. This program is equivalent to the Sweet Program

bread, but in fast baking mode. Manyman can

someone seem less air.

8. The program of bread is very fast baking suitable

just-fast bread recipe

Baking (p. 13).

5\u003e Whole Flour Baking Bread

6\u003e Sweet Bread

7\u003e Sweet Bread Bread Baking

8\u003e Bread very fast baking

\u003e Cupcake

10\u003e Jam

11\u003e Fresh Dough

12\u003e Bakeing

9. Cupcake program allows baking manufacturing and

pies using dry yeast. For this

programs forms only the weight of 500 grams.

10. The program jam, predicted on only for





11. The program is fresh dough, not intended for

baking. It is designed to knead and

lifting any yeast dough, for example,

pizza test.

12. The baking program is designed exclusively

during 10 to 60 min. in increments of 10 minutes. for

obtaining bright, medium or dark gold

crust. It can be used:

a) in combination with the program for yeast dough

b) for heating and obtaining crisp on

already baked and chilled bread.

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le baking chilli ba.

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Use of bread machine

Bake delicious and useful bread at home recently has become very popular. Modern bread maker makes the whole cycle from the kneading before baking in automatic mode. In order for the result of the work of the technique to be justified, and baking well rose and proceeds, it is necessary to follow all the cycle parameters when starting. So how to use bread maker for baking quality homemade bread?

For beautiful and fragrant baking, good multifunctional bread maker will not be enough. Special attention should be paid to the preparatory stage of the stove to work, the sequence and quality of the ingredients used. The main recommendations of the proper operation of the equipment are the following factors.

  1. Proper placement Breadmakers. It should not stand on a draft or near the working burners - the outer temperature affects the quality of the bread. For example, it may be bad if the furnace is in a cool place and on the contrary, too climb when it is hot.
  2. The form in which the ingredients fall asleep should be without residual baking. It is necessary to check, and if necessary, remove all crumbs.
  3. Ingredients Frozen room temperatureunless otherwise provided by the recipe.
  4. Stick to the dosage and sequence specified in the recipe. For these purposes, any bread maker is equipped with measuring bowl and spoon. An important point of adding yeast: they should not touch the liquid ingredients immediately when loading. Mixing should pass evenly during the kneading.
  5. Include bakery to the network and you can only install the mode after all products are laid.
  6. You can control the process of baking bread only at the stage of the kneading test. At the moment when the technique mixes the ingredients, you can open the lid and see if the consistency is sufficient to leave the dough. If necessary, add flour or water.
  7. About the completion of the process stove warns sound signal: You can take mittens and remove the hot shape with bread. If the bread passes a little to the walls, then it should be inserting the form, knock the shovel along the bottom.
  8. It is possible to run the bread maker to a new baking cycle only after complete cooling, as this will affect the rate of preparation of the test to baking.

Problems when baking and solving them

Recipes of drums that are attached to the bread maker are not always thoroughly. Sometimes baking may not work when replacing some ingredients or not compliance with proportions.

When choosing a form, it is necessary to take into account on what weight of the bread is calculated by the recipe.

What problems may occur when baking homemade bread? Consider the most common errors and advice on their elimination.

Frequent problem: do not rises bread. In this case, there may be many reasons:

  1. The main stimulator of the growth of the test is yeast. It is important to follow so that they are fresh.
  2. The quick baking mode was launched, and the time was not enough to suit the dough well.
  3. During the loading of the ingredients, the salt connected with yeast, which weakened their action.
  4. Flour must be enriched with oxygen. In mandatory, it is necessary to sift and use only a quality product.
  5. None in the recipe of sugar, which activates yeast.

And if bread rose and fellThis may indicate the following:

  1. Bread maker stands on draft.
  2. The dough was too rising due to the large amount of yeast. Rationally when using the same recipe for the next time you use faster baking mode.
  3. The dough is too liquid. You can adjust the consistency of flour.
  4. Lack of salt.

Strong gorgeous crust It is formed when the sugar is re-published. The stroke process can be adjusted by the "weak crust" and "sweet bread" mode. If it is formed too hard or even rubber crust, It is possible to add slightly more oil to the original recipe or replace part of the water with milk.

Bread not completely embarls? This problem may have several sources:

  1. The volume of the kneading does not correspond to the form for baking.
  2. Multicomponency in the recipe can make the dough very fat. This usually occurs in the presence of such ingredients, like cream, butter, nuts.
  3. The lid could not be hermetically closed, or the bread maker stood in a cold room. If it is impossible to drop additionally the room, it is necessary to make the recipe to choose a longer baking program.

It happens that the candies, raisins and nuts distributed unevenly In the test or have too large pieces. This process must be monitored and timely fall asleep additional ingredients. If you do it in advance, they manage to grind, and adding at the last moment will not allow them to mix them with the test.

If the bread turned out to be too dry, it may indicate a violation of baking technology. The boob dry faster with long cooled and with a lack of fatty.

Breadmaker is very comfortable and easy to maintain technician. The ideal feedback is achieved during its operation in compliance with certain rules. Correctly specified parameters and a good recipe will allow bread maker bake delicious crisp bread.