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Painting of the wallpapers of different types - we paint without divorce. How to paint wallpaper: Tips and recommendations Is it possible to paint ordinary vinyl wallpapers

Now it is quite popular way to finish the walls in homes and apartments - wallpaper coloring. The advantages of this method of clearance of walls can be called:

  • exclusivity;
  • the ability to hide small surface defects;
  • uncomplicated ways of painting;
  • economy, as you can repaint wallpaper many times;
  • moisture resistance;
  • high wear resistance.

Painted wallpapers are not faded from the effects of sun rays, as ordinary analogs. They are resistant to physical damage. The painted embossed surface looks very exquisite.

The pasting and painting of wallpapers do not represent a great difficulty. This finish technology can learn almost every person. But first you need to decide which wallpaper, and what paint to use for this.

Now building materials stores are offered a huge range of wallpapers of different types, there are special fliesline wallpapers for painting, it is most often acquired for the upcoming repair. Choose rolls needed monophonic, and better white so that there is no color distortion when painting them. After you wake wallpaper walls, they need to give dry a couple of days. Collect fliesline wallpaper is better hard brush, it will make it easier to paint their embossed surface. Before starting work, you need to cover all surfaces with polyethylene in the room, then you do not have to spend a lot of time, removing paint from them.

How to paint: the choice of "wallpaper" paint

Now it is necessary to decide which paint paint wallpaper. From what colorful materials you will use depends the wear resistance of the finish, its appearance and durability of repair.

Wallpaper coloring is carried out only by water-based paint substances. You can use acrylic paints to work, as part of which solvents or other harmful components are not present, as well as water-emulsion paints.

When using water-emulsion, it is possible to choose any shade of the tinting. But before starting to paint the walls, it is necessary to practice it on a small area, and, just making sure that you have it well, and the color and properties of paint meet your requirements, you can start working.

Many specialists recommend using latex dispersion paint. This is a safe, eco-friendly material. But when it is used, it must be remembered that after depressurizing the package, its contents dry after a few hours, it must be immediately breeded with water and apply to the surface. The wall covered with this paint will dry no earlier than for three days.

Before use, latex paint is diluted with water. Six meters square requires liter of diluted paint. In most cases, it is not necessary to primitive wallpaper for painting, the main thing is that they are clean and dry.

How to paint: technology

In the production of flieslinic wallpaper, cellulose processed by special technologies is used. The canvas itself consist of two layers. To the surface of the wall, they are glued with the inner layer consisting of floselin. The outer layer of this finishing material is made of foamed polyvinyl. Fliselin wallpapers produce two types: do not require painting and painting.

Wallpaper with a homogeneous structure usually color only with the front surface applying a brush, a roller or a spacing. However, fans of experiments can produce phlizelin painting and more original way. In this case, the paint method is applied from the wrong side of the canvas directly before sticking. Due to its hygroscopicity, the fluelinine layer is soaked with a roller through and paint sticks out from the front side. In addition, the base roll itself is well painted, it is impossible to erase the paint from it, and from the polymer layer, the dye on a water-based is erased easily.

Idea: If the wallpaper is non-unique and you want to achieve an original contrast pattern on it, you can only paint the inner layer, then in places on the wallpaper where the top layer of the polymer is missing, the painted flieslinic substrate will be visible.

Tip: Flizelin wallpaper will look aesthetic if you first apply one layer of paint, and on top of it add another layer of another shade.

How to paint the wallpaper to everyone to solve yourself, all methods do not represent much difficulty, and anyone who does not even have professional skills in this matter can master them.

Types of wallpaper in painting and their features

Under painting you can use not only flieslinic wallpaper, but also paper, and fiberglass. Designed for dyeing rolls of different species have their advantages and disadvantages.

  • Paper wallpaper with embossed texture is impregnated with water-repellent compositions that allow them to be painted several times. It is an environmentally friendly and affordable material that is easy to glue and looks impressive on the ceiling, and on the walls. The disadvantage of paper wallpapers under the color can be called sensitivity to mechanical damage. In addition, they can not be washed.
  • Fliseline - easily glued, well hide the irregularities of the surface of the walls, it can be repainted several times, besides, they can be cleaned with a damp cloth. At the same time, their cost is relatively low.
  • Fiberglass - distinguished by high strength and durability. Made them from quartz threads. With such material it is possible to imitation of different textures.

The painted wallpaper is well absorbed by the sound, create the facilities, protect the walls from damage. The relief of the surface of wallpaper under painting can be chaotic or monotonous with the correct ton pattern. A chaotic drawing gives the wall a deliberate careless look. With a monotonous pattern, the wall surface looks strictly and officially. But you can always choose a gold middle. There are monotonous drawings that do not look even. You can also choose the wallpaper with a chaotic pattern that will be perceived not defiantly.

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    Vadim said (a):

    I bought a fliesline wallpaper under painting, Pissed. The review like burlap. Bought paint for wallpaper. Painted. And Vlip! It is painted without problems, the paint is good, shelled, but ... no matter how you painted the roller, the paint falls unevenly-somewhere thicker, somewhere thinner. When you look at the wall straight, everything is wonderful. And when along the wall, then everything is bad, somewhere paint glitters, and somewhere not. And the wall seems spotted. This is all due to the relief of the wallpaper. Put three already !!! The layer, and before the ideal as to the Moon. I put a bunch of money on the paint with a tinting and a mass of time to painting. So not everything is so simple. Before contacting this business, first think well and see how it turned out from others.

    Rimma said (a):

    We already had the experience of sticking phlizelin wallpaper, but they did not have to paint. When they decided to make repairs in the bedroom, they also chose phlizelinovy: take it all simple. But decided to paint. They painted painted, without any problems, but no one told us that it was necessary to choose a special paint. Now I have traces of the child's oily hands on the walls. Perhaps my. And no wash. The oil was absorbed into the wallpaper specifically. The husband's girlfriend-builder-said that it was necessary to take some kind of special. Paint, which is more expensive, but it ished and resistant to stains. Who would say before ...

    Tamara said (a):

    We bought an apartment with already glued wallpaper. In the hallway I did not like their color - dirty blue, there was no time to translate, decided to paint. What kind of wallpaper - I do not know, but in my opinion, phliselinic, and obviously not under painting) painted with a roller, water-free + kel, first the wallpaper swatched and they went with bubbles, but then dried and the hallway transformed! Dirty color turned into Beige, now I like everything. Only I had to drive 2 layers of paint, if one layer - the old color will not paint.

Wallpapers without a share of exaggeration are considered one of the most popular finishing materials. Buying them, we can always choose - give preference to ready-made canvas or choose the material to which you can apply paint. We offer to talk in detail about the second type of finishes.

Nowadays the market surprises with a wide range of materials for wall decoration. The drawing and color of the canvases have not been considered a defining factor for a long time, because each buyer can choose the original pattern, simply adding the selected pigment into the paint. Thus, the painting of wallpaper becomes the most affordable and simple method of changing the interior with their own hands.

Wallpaper painting - an affordable way to change the interior yourself

At the same time, such a finish has its limitations - it is impossible to apply more paint layers than this is indicated by the manufacturer. Glass equipment is considered the most durable and reliable - to apply the coloring compositions on such a painting wallpaper can be more than 15 times, and on the canvas, having a convex relief and large pattern - more than 20 times.

Paper wallpapers can be painted no more than 3 times. Subsequent application badly affect the structure of the finish, as a result of which holes are formed in it.

Often, beginners are trying to paint the dense wallpaper, made on the basis of vinyl, which are glued to the wall with the help of PVA glue. But experienced masters do not advise such attempts, except for painting children's drawings on the canvas.

Wallpapers for which the coloring composition can be applied is characterized by a more noble appearance. Among the main textures, such canvases are distinguished:

  • smooth;
  • with small patterns;
  • with large ornaments;
  • wallpaper with different relief.

Depending on the type of base and its technical characteristics, wall cloths are divided into:

  • glassworks;
  • fliseline;
  • vinyl;
  • paper with impregnation;
  • linker wallpaper - their relief is created by applying a special composition of chalk, flour, wood crust and wax.

Properly colored wallpapers can serve for a very long time

If you put the rolled wallpaper correctly, then such canvases are able to serve from 10 to 15 years. At the same time, the first tone should be done as lighter as possible so that after applying the paint, the base is not started. Further layers of paint should be darker base to tone.

Unlike conventional wallpapers, the canvas that cover the paint can be washed. Thanks to the protective layer, they will not fly away from moisture. This makes it possible to use such a decoration for registration of children's rooms, where the risk of blurring material is especially large.

On the bank with paint usually indicates the approximate flow rate per square meter

The total area includes the area of \u200b\u200ball walls and the ceiling, if you plan to paint and it. From these indicators, deduct the area of \u200b\u200bthe windows and add approximately 200-300 g of paint about the reserve. As a result, you will receive the overall surface area.

An approximate paint consumption per square meter is indicated by the manufacturer on the bank with the composition. Note that the paint from each manufacturer is characterized by the property to absorb and density, so it will be in different ways. "Standard" consumption is about 200 g / m 2. If the paint is applied in 2 layers, then this indicator will grow to 250 g / m 2. It is also important to take into account the property of the canvas absorb paint. Thus, wallpapers from paper and phlizelin absorb much more composition than fiberglass materials.

To paint the wallpaper with high quality, when choosing paint, pay attention to factors such as the material of the canvas and the function of the room in the house. Each type of base requires the use of a particular paint type.

You can paint paper wallpaper only with water-free paint. For flieslinic, the compositions based on water-dispersion components are suitable, and the latex or acrylic paint is used for glazes. On the wallpaper of Linner, specialists advise to apply an acrylic, wax or liquid paste based on oils.

Be sure to consider the type of room. So, acrylic paint is suitable for washable surfaces in the bathroom or kitchen. The surface painted surface is very easy to wash, as the protective film is formed on it. The canvas on which such compounds are applied will be worse to skip and absorb air, but they are not terrible steam exposure.

In open, brightly lit rooms apply latex formulations. They do not fade under the influence of UV rays, but you need to handle with them when cleaning you need to be extremely careful. Wallpaper After staining with latex compositions, it is impossible to wash, only dry cleaning is allowed.

When you also need to take into account the degree of turning of the coloring composition. Depending on this, experts distinguish matte, satin, glossy and semi-wave paint.

Satin paints having a moderate glitter are optimally suitable for the bathroom or kitchen. They are distinguished by high durability and reliability. Matte compositions perfectly hide wall defects and ceiling. They also cope well with excessive light. Glossy paints, on the contrary, visually increase the lighting. Often, experts are missing the embossed wallpaper matte paint to achieve a jacquard effect.

Specialists advise novice to paint the wallpaper with water-making paint - it is easy to apply and the most durable. The most universal in use are acrylic compositions.

So that the painted wallpaper looked exactly as you plan, before work, experience the intensity of the color composition on the control sample. If the shade turned out to be too pale, then add a pigment. Make sure the number of pigments in each bank with the paint is the same.

To paint does not dry, open the bank should be immediately before work.

The algorithm of the upcoming work is quite simple. First of all, it is necessary, then the open walls decorated with wallpaper, and at the end are secondary walls behind the cabinets and sofas. In order not to stain the floor and interior items, they need to be covered with old newspapers.

Compositions for painting in open banks dry enough dryly. Therefore, to open and breed the paint should be immediately before applying it.

Before painting the wallpaper, you must prepare the necessary tools. First of all, you will need a painting roller - work with him will pass quickly and without problems. However, there are a wide selection of various tools in stores, and not knowing which one is suitable for painting the canvas, newcomers allow a lot of errors. For example, you can find rollers on sale:

  • with a long pile;
  • with short swallows;
  • velor roller;
  • fur roller;
  • tool from foam rubber.

For painting wallpapers need a roller

Each of the tools is designed for specific cases. So, a short pile roller will be easy to roll a relief image, while a long-pile tool will help deeply cry all the texture. The tool from the foam rubber leaves unpainted bubbles, if they touch smooth walls. You can also find tools with replaceable nozzles. Working with them, experts carefully check and rinse them and only then cover the paint canvas.

To paint the wallpaper for a further painting without divorce, experts advise you to buy a short pile roller. It will absorb the desired amount of paint and evenly distribute it on the surface.

For painting corners and hard-to-reach places, buy a couple of painter tassels. Drop the roller is needed in a special cuvette. To stir the composition with the solvent will be needed bucket.

Painting Fliselin wallpaper is a great opportunity to get the original design. After work, the surface will be imitate more expensive exclusive finishing materials. Also, such canvases look well on the wall and without painting, thanks to the embossed outer side.

If you can clean the cloth from this material, then use latex paint for painting, giving trim the protective layer. For work with such materials, a fur roller and a brush for hard-to-reach places is suitable. Painting of these wallpapers is carried out at least in two layers. When applied, do not hold the roller for a long time in one place, otherwise it will lead to the appearance of flops.

Fliseline wallpaper should be painted at least two layers

Under painting paper wallpaper needs to be properly prepared. To do this, the canvas is covered with a special impregnation, which does not give the paint to drain along the smooth surface. The optimal will apply one layer. However, if you made errors when applied, then the canvas can be covered with another layer. Before painting, make sure that there are no traces of glue on the seams of the finish, otherwise it will complicate work significantly.

Glassworks are considered the most durable material under painting. They are made of fiberglass. The most popular invoices among buyers are considered to be the "track", "Christmas tree" and "Ceatkin". They are ideal for repeated paint, which deeply penetrates the canvas fibers. Before painting glass, it will take to prim. After that, latex or acrylic composition is applied to the material. The color of these wallpapers is performed in two layers.

Vinyl canvas on a paper basis give a multi-layer paper texture. The cloth from this material also need to be primed. After drying, the primer needs to be dialed. To do this, use a long pile roller and a painting brush. As soon as the paint snacks a little, apply it for the second time. The last place is applied with a decorative layer, but if the web is not embossed, then you can do without it.

After applying and drying the primer layer, proceed directly to painting the canvas. To do this, pour the third part of the paint bank in the bucket and add a solvent. Mix the components thoroughly and break the mixture into the cuvette. Moch. Apply paints on the walls is best since the top and gradually dropping down.

Be sure to make sure that after application there are no flutters and inexplicated areas.

The paint is mixed with a solvent in a cuvette

As soon as the first layer is completely dry, proceed to apply the second layer. After painting large areas, start applying the composition in hard-to-reach places. To do this, lower the brush in the cuvette with the paint and start painting in the upper corner of the room. During painting, make sure that after the brush there is no villion on the wall.

After the second layer is completely dry, you can begin to design a web with a decorative layer. Before this we advise you to make an exemplary drawing of your patterns and follow it. Try to attach to your image a maximum of fantasy and creative approach so that the interior of your room is original.

After drying the third layer, you can also cover the trim with colorless varnish. It will be particularly relevant in the design of children's rooms, where it is unlikely to avoid mechanical damage to the finish.

To avoid problems when painting the canvas, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the advice of experts who will greatly facilitate the work of novice repairmen. When preparing the premises to paint the cavities, experts advise not only the floor and furniture items, but also windows, sockets and plinths from paint. After preparation, moisten the roller in a cuvette with paint. After that, be sure to ride it on the old newspaper so that there are no drips.

The color of the wallpaper under painting also plays a huge role. It is best to choose a white or light shade cloth. To equally apply the composition, experts advise to use paintopult instead of a roller.

If you can't get rid of pieces of old wallpaper, then hide their traces and errors of the walls by applying a matte paint to a new finish.

Before each who decided to repair, the question of which "wear" walls is inevitably. In this case, becomes a stumbling block. How to guess with texture, pattern and color scheme and also save? This finding in this case will be a painting wallpaper. Such a coating will last up to 20 years, appropriate in any interior, and you can update or change color if you wish every six months.

Types of wallpaper in painting and their features

Wallpapers for painting, as a clean artist's cloth, provide space for the embodiment of the most bold creative ideas. After painting, they can become an accent of the interior or successfully emphasize it with color and texture. In order for everything to work out how conceived, it is important to choose the right basis for the future masterpiece.

Wallpapers for painting have different base material and texture

Wallpapers intended for staining are wider than normal and much longer, two-three rolls are enough to pasting the middle room. Trade offers a choice for any demand. In order not to make a mistake, you need to take into account the main characteristics of the coating.

Material of manufacture

There are three types of wallpaper under painting:

  • paper;
  • fliseline;
  • fiberglass.

Paper consist of two layers impregnated with moisture-repellent composition. They are inexpensive, easily glued, but are short-lived and in density are inferior to other species. The resistance to abrasion is also lower.

Fliseline resistant to stretching and rupture, do not appear. The structure of the base is porous, passes the air, due to which the walls "breathe".The fliesline base is applied with a foamed vinyl pattern, so they are also called vinyl.

Their density is higher, and it allows you to hide small defects and irregularities of the walls - there is no need to carefully prepare the base before sticking. There are more expensive paper walls, but they will serve much longer, without losing their properties.

Fiberglass are made of fiber similar to glass. The most dense, wear-resistant and durable appearance, but also the most expensive. Well glued onto the wall, creating the effect of seamless cloth, hides all base defects. Pushes moisture and dust, fireproof and heat-resistant.

The features of the foundation must be considered depending on the purpose of the room and the microclimate in it.

  1. Because of small strength, paper walls do not stand in a children's and hallway. But for the ceiling, they are quite suitable.
  2. In premises with high humidity, it is also better to prefer fliesline or fiberglass.
  3. The strength and wear resistance of the fiberglass base allow it to use it even for office and public premises.

Another important characteristic is a texture.


Most often, wallpapers are made with a convex pattern on the front side, but there are also smooth. Considering that she will serve a coating at least 10 years, choose the appropriate texture:

  • smooth;
  • small drawing;
  • large pattern;
  • fabric imitation;
  • geometric pattern;
  • floral ornament;
  • floral pattern.

Take the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, its purpose, the interior and the color of the future coating. So, for the ceiling, a smooth base is suitable, with a small pattern or imitation of stucco. The spacious room looks a large pattern, the fabric imitation will create in the bedroom the atmosphere of heat and coziness, the geometric pattern is appropriate in the office, hallway or office.

The walls can be left and unpainted, it will not reduce the advantages of the coating. If the design implies color, approach the choice of paint responsibly.

Selecting paint

Paints are used for wallpaper paint:

  • water-emulsion;
  • water-dispersion;
  • latex;
  • acrylic.

Each type of wallpaper requires its paint:

  • paper preferably painting with water emulsion;
  • fliselinov is suitable for water-dispersion and water-emulsion;
  • gymelocoes are covered with latex and acrylic.

Such division conditionally. It happens that phliselinic coats latex or acrylic paint or fiberglass stained with water-emulsion. The choice depends on the room.

  1. Walls in the bathroom and in the kitchen it is better to cover latex or acrylic paint, it creates a waterproof film on the surface. Such a coating can often be washed, without fearing to damage.
  2. Latex paint should be preferred for the open sun of the premises. It does not fade and retains the original color for a long time.
  3. The water-level paint is washed off with water, this coating is not recommended.
  4. Water-dispersive water is not afraid of the surface covered with it can be washed.

Different paints and reflective ability:

  • glossy;
  • half-one;
  • matte;
  • satin.

Each type of wallpaper is suitable for its paint.

Glossy best reflects the light, creating the effect of a mirror surface. With it, you can compensate for the lack of lighting and visually increase the small space.

Matte will make imperceptible shortcomings and irregularities of the surface, well visible when painting glossy paint. Misses too bright light, create a sense of softness and comfort.

Satin has a moderate gloss, similar to a silk or atlas. Usually used in the kitchen and in the bathroom due to its wear resistance.

You can buy the finished paint of the color you like or tooling white, this service provides any construction hypermarket. It is easy to do this and independently by purchasing a caloring paste. But cooking paint needs to immediately at the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe room, otherwise the shade will be different.

Before buying the required amount of paint, take a small amount. In painting a wall or a piece of wallpaper, you can estimate the correspondence of the color to your expectations.

What you need for coloring

Before proceeding with color, prepare the necessary tools and inventory.

  • painting rollers;
  • brushes;
  • cuvette or paint bath;
  • malyary Scotch;
  • stepladder;
  • rafting to remove splashes.

Before you start work, prepare the tool

Separately, it is worth talking about the rollers - this is the main tool in painting. They differ in magnitude and by manufacturing material:

  • foam;
  • velor (short pile);
  • fur (with long and medium pile).

For simple coloring, two rollers will need: small and large. Little convenient to cry out the contour, the main work is large.

In order for the textured wallpaper to scroll through the entire depth of the pattern, it will take a roller with a pile of 1.5-1.8 cm. Turn only the drawing will help the velor roller with a short pile. For this purpose, it is possible to use the foam rubber, but it leaves the bubbles on the surface when staining.

Relief drawing is painted with a roller with a long pile

A brush is used to dye hard-to-reach areas, where the work of the roller is impossible. These are corners, gaps, plots behind pipes. It also scores the contour at the ceiling and floor.

Scotch will need to protect ceiling plinths, sockets, pipes, window slopes and so on. If the walls are painted in two or more colors, scotch tape denote the border.

Paint is poured into the cuvette or bath. The ribbed surface helps to completely impregnate the roller and remove the surplus paint from it.

Before pouring paint to the cuvette, put on her package. You do not have to wash off the bath after work.

What you need to know before staining

  1. The painted wallpaper should be completely dry after sticking. Usually it takes 2-3 days.
  2. The first time the coating is painted at least two times. The second layer is applied only after complete drying of the first, drying time is indicated on the paint packaging and is at least an hour.
  3. Gymelocoes Before painting, it is recommended to brand, this information is indicated in annotations. Fliselin and paper additional processing is not required.
  4. Remove all flags of fliesline wallpaper all traces of glue, otherwise the paint will be blown unevenly.
  5. Consider that when staining in a few layers, the final color will be more saturated. Therefore, the first layer is recommended to do a little bit of next.
  6. Paint should have a liquid sourceal consistency. If necessary, dilute the paint with water or solvent and mix thoroughly to uniformity.
  7. The optimal temperature for painting works - 17-22 0 S.

Prepare everything you need, proceed to work.

How to paint: how to work

  1. Release the room from overall furniture. If there is no such possibility, cover it with a film.
  2. Puck your scotch all the elements that should not be painted.
  3. Ship the floor with protective material.
  4. Putting work clothes, headdress and gloves so as not to be laundered from paint.
  5. So that there are no pile from new rollers on the surface, ride them in painting tape, the pork will remain on the adhesive surface.
  6. Pour the paint in the cuvette so much so that it fill in the recess, but did not cover the corrugated surface.
  7. Staining start top. Skin the circuit with a 5-7 cm wide width around the ceiling perimeter. Use the stepladder.
  8. Ride a small roller in a cuvette so that it is completely soaked in paint. Surplus Remove the corrugated surface.
  9. Skin the walls along the ceiling on the roller width.
  10. Change the roller on the big, soak it with paint.
  11. Color the walls from top to bottom with vertical movements. Try to apply the paint evenly, and not to impregnate the basis.
  12. Purchase hard-to-reach places and space to the floor with a small roller and a tassel.
  13. After drying the paint, apply the second layer.
  14. Remove the splashes of the wind.
  15. After working, rinse the rollers and brushes and dry them.

Ceiling design with wallpaper has its own characteristics. The canvas are glued perpendicular to the window line so that the joints are not noticeable. For the same purpose, they paint the ceiling with smooth lines along the canvases.

At first, the trigger is scoring the perimeter along the walls and the angles, then the entire surface rolled the roller. Start painting in the room from the ceiling, and then go to the color of the walls.

Paper wallpapers do not like excess moisture. When staining, do not soak their paint strongly.

Wallpapers give an infinite space for creative fantasy. Simple staining the possibility of this coating does not end.

Non-standard decoration of sailed walls

Wallpapers Painting make it possible to arrange the walls with several colors, apply gradient color, apply a drawing, highlight the texture and much more.

Selecting texture

Coloring technique allows you to highlight the drawing on the wallpaper, make it volumetric. You can do this in several ways:

Method 1

Suitable for flizelin-based wallpapers. As already mentioned, this type of foundations are painted and with an inside. Paint will be shifted from the front side and create a background for a convex pattern. The drawing is left white or painted with a velor roller with a short pile of a longer or light paint, but you can use another shade.

Method 2

Instead of inside, sometimes painted in a bright color wall under the wallpaper. The base is muffled the color, make it softer and allocate a factory figure. As with the first way, the drawing is painted by another shade or leave white.

Method 3.

Fresh-colored wallpaper is slightly wiped with a damp cloth, removing the paint from the drawing. It is necessary to act neat and without push. After drying wallpaper, the drawing is painted in another shade.

Staining in several colors

It is used to highlight one or several zones, adding bright accents, creating an intended style of interior or just for self-expression.

Combine colors on defined rules:

  1. The combination of related colors (lilac with gray, mint with blue and others).
  2. Gradient staining, that is, different shades of one color from intense to pale or vice versa.
  3. Sharing colors with a combination of contrasting shades (red with green).

To create a harmonious contrast will not prevent the knowledge of color. If this is not your strength, follow the rule: use only those combinations that are found in nature and do not combine more than two colors.

You can combine colors vertically, horizontally or diagonal - the choice depends on the target set. For zoning, a vertical combination is used, horizontal or diagonal is often used to implement designer ideas.


This technique is used to highlight several functional zones in one room. For this purpose, a combination of saturated color is used with a softer shade - gradient.

Staining of walls in different colors gives the room uniqueness

Will one of the walls of another color or all the walls of different shades depends on your interior vision. This reception is used to highlight the recreation area or the workplace in the communion. If there is a niche or protrusion indoors, beat them with another tint.

Horizontal or diagonal separation

A classic version of the horizontal separation of the wall: the lower one third of the same color, the upper two-thirds - the other. They can be simply separated by a smooth border, or to arrange molding, border, ornament, mosaic and what will tell fantasy.

But no one forces you to stick to exactly this option. The border can also take place in the middle of the wall, above, below or almost under the ceiling. This is your home and you decide how it will look like.

It is not necessary to make the boundary line. Make it with a wavy, blurred, broken or radius separating the wall diagonally, combine horizontal and vertical lines and stripes.

The boundaries of different colors are covered with scotch, to keep the purity of the lines. 10 minutes after staining, the tape is removed.

Figure on the wallpaper

It is not as difficult as it seems. There are various techniques, some of which are even available to beginners.

Method 1 - Using a special roller with a convex pattern

The roller is similar to the usual, but consists of two parts: one textured, with a pattern, the second rubber.

Using a roller on monophonic wallpaper. Figure is applied

Before applying the wallpaper on the walls, practice on an unnecessary piece of wallpaper so that the pattern does not smear and its elements coincided. For beginner artists, it is better to place the wall on the strip, otherwise the drawing can move, will break it with rhythm.

Trade offers textured rollers with different patterns

Video: drawing pattern textured roller

Method 2 - use of the stencil

Stencil can be purchased ready or do yourself. It is made of thin plastic, films or cardboard. The drawing is easy to find on the Internet and print on the printer.

  1. With the help of copy paper or tracing, transfer the drawing to the workpiece under the stencil.
  2. Sharp the stationery or construction knife cut the pattern.
  3. Seam the wall to draw the leng smooth.
  4. Attach the stencil to the wall with painting scotch.
  5. Foam foam sponge to the paint and press the surplus.
  6. Softwalling movements apply paint on stencil.
  7. Drawing drawing using the stencil - the occupation is painstaking, but exciting

    This process is painstaking and unprecedented, but the result is worth the effort. Yes, and the occupation is creative, fascinating.

    Method 3 - Using stamps

    The finished stamps are sold in stores, but you can use the remedies. The foam sponge, a cork from a bottle, broom and even ... Hands will help to apply a unique pattern on the wallpaper. Practice on wallpaper remnants to be confident as a result.

    The stamp is evenly covered with paint and pressed against the wall. The paint should not be too liquid, otherwise it will flow and the drawing will be blurred. Insufficient paint will not leave a clear imprint, excess will smear the drawing.

    You can create an abstract pattern with a tampony method. Welding movements sponge pressed against the wall in chaotic order.

    Method 4 - painting with your own hands

    Circles, rings, squares, triangles - the simplest pattern on the wallpaper can be created for everyone. So you can make a panel or place items throughout the wall area.

    A little harder to draw a full-fledged picture. In this case, the home projector will help. Lesson with the image bring to the device, and the resulting projection on the wall is simply circled with a pencil. If you have artistic abilities, you can try to draw a picture and independently.

    Draw a picture on the wallpaper and your own exhibition hall will appear.

    The elements of the picture are covered along the contour of scotch, the drawing is painted with a sponge or tassel. The main condition of success is accuracy.

    Features of staining of different premises

    Fantasy fantasy, but it is desirable that the color and drawing of the wall coating correspond to the functional purpose of the room.

    Living room - face and front room at home. Here you can give the will of fantasy and the flight of creative thoughts. Just consider that the whole family is going to make in this room and guests are accepted. It is important that everyone is comfortable in the created space.

    The bedroom is hidden from prying eyes and belongs only to you. This is a resting place, which means the interior should not bother or irritive. It is better to make a wall in pastel colors with a nonsense pattern.

    The interior of the nursery implies bright and joyful colors. Here are appropriate image of fabulous characters or cartoon characters.

    Leave one plot unpainted to the younger artists draw, without fear of complaints. Artistic then will easily paint, providing a clean canvas for new creations.

    Gallery: ideas for decoration of rooms with wallpaper under painting

    1. After staining, the wallpaper can be coated with a layer of acrylic varnish. It will secure the colorful layer, protects from moisture and will allow washing the wallpaper.
    2. Paper wallpapers are designed for 5 repainting, phlizelin and fiberglass are withstanding to 10.
    3. Overloaded paint wallpaper will lag behind the walls.
    4. The more colorful layers, the less relief drawing is noticeable.
    5. Latex and acrylic staining allows you to wash the wallpaper without fears to damage them. These paints create a waterproof film.

    Wallpapers Painting provide ample opportunities for interior designs in different styles. Showing a fantasy and putting hands, you can give your living space individuality and originality. Fantasize, create and embody your ideas.

There are a huge selection of paints and varnishes. In this manifold, even a professional is easily lost. The article discusses the choice of paint for wallpaper and painting methods.

What is the paint for wallpaper?

Qualitatively glued wallpapers for painting can be painted any modern paint used for walls. Water-soluble paints are often used, i.e. Such water is used as a solvent. They practically do not smell, drier quickly, using special bases and additives, paints provide a wide range of consumer characteristics. Divided into acrylic, latex, polyvinyl acetate, water-emulsion and water dispersing. Each species have pros and cons.

  • Acrylic. Basic component - acrylic resins. Form a wear-resistant moisture-resistant coating in the sun. The most expensive among water-soluble paints.
  • Latex. Produced on the basis of latex. Create a durable washing film of the coating, have good wear resistance, however, exposed to burnout. Also, the film hides small surface defects.
  • Polyvinila acetate. Also called PVA paints are also produced based on PVA glue. There are fewer species, almost non-fatty.

Not so long ago, specialized paints appeared on sale, such as Dulux Easy, allowing to paint absolutely any kind of wallpaper.

They are divided according to the degree of gloss on matte, semi-wax, semi-man and glossy. Most of the paints are sold white, various shades can be given with the help of special pulling makeups or smoked when purchasing, selecting the shade in the directory.

What wallpaper can be painted?

The modern industry offers several types of wallpaper specifically designed for painting different from the usual lack of printed pattern. They are divided according to the material on the linker, glass windows, phlizelin, vinyl and paper.


Linker is a coating for walls with a strongly embossed structure, made by applying a special mass of natural materials to the tissue or paper base, for example, wood flour and flaxseed oil. The drawing often imitates stucco. Due to the strong relief, it is difficult to score with rollers, it is recommended to paint with a kraskopultum. It has a dense structure, wet cleaning is allowed. You can repaint several times.

Glass equipment

Produced from fiberglass. The fiberglass threads are intertwined in a special way to obtain figures of different textures, then impregnated with a special composition for giving stability, usually a mixture based on modified starch. Advantages and features:

  • Do not burn.
  • Do not support burning.
  • Easy wash.
  • Due to the woven structure, air circulation does not interfere.
  • Multiple repainting.


Fliselin is a nonwoven cloth based on cellulose bonded by a special polymer. Due to the special structure of fibers, phlizelin wallpapers have various textures, including volumetric. However, smooth wallpaper for painting is also widespread, stitching which, you can do without time-consuming finish putty.


With a vinyl coating applied to the front side. More functional than simply fliseline. You can repaint up to 10 times.


Wallpaper Painting from paper is different from the usual lack of drawing and multi-layered. As a rule, it is 2, less often 3 layers of paper glued together. A filler can be located between the layers for making an invoice. The least expensive of all wallpapers for painting, however, the most "capricious" during operation are afraid of mechanical damage and moisture. Very uncomfortable when gluing, because The glue is applied to the cloth, which turns and can sprawle in the hands.

How to paint the wall, covered by wallpaper

The variants of staining of walls, plated wallpaper, differ depending on the area under painting, the variant of the selected composition and the method of the blasting - the brush or the paintopult.

How to choose paint

Depends on the purpose of the room in which the repair is made. For example, in the kitchen or in children, it is important to use the washing paint, allowing frequent wet cleaning and resistant to detergents, in the corridors of public buildings - having high wear resistance, in medical institutions - special paints with antibacterial effect, etc. Rules for choosing paint for wallpaper and when choosing paint for covered walls are the same.

What roller paint

The roller can use any, but the manufacturers of paints recommend using fur or velor with an average pile (6-10 mm) for this type of work (6-10 mm). For an additional decorative effect, a factory roller can be used to apply the second or third layer of the primary shade, or to apply a layer of another color.

How many layers of paint will need

It is usually enough 2 layers, but, for example, when painting in light pounds of a dark base may be required to apply 1-2 additional layers.

Phased guide

For painting the walls will need:

  • Roller (180-300 mm, the wider - the better, however it is important that the roller is comfortable to hold).
  • A narrow thin roller or brush to drive corners.
  • Painting bath with a special roller rolling surface.
  • Facade spatula width of at least 250 mm.
  • Malyary Scotch.
  • Mixer for paint.
  • Capacity for stirring paint if independently plated is planned.
  • Wet rag.
  • Broom or vacuum cleaner.

First of all, it is clear the base from dust by a broom or a vacuum cleaner.

It is necessary to carefully check the quality stickers of wallpaper, special attention is paid to the seams.

Poor cursed seams will disperse when drying paint. Detected defects on the wallpaper are recommended to sharpen with a putty on a wood or acrylic sealant. Seams can be put on the paint, which will be painted.

Paint should be thoroughly mixed. It can be slightly diluted with water.

If the paint is for yourself, it is necessary to scroll immediately all the necessary paint volume in one container to avoid difference in shades.

Initially, the angles are stained with a narrow roller or brush, then a wide roller is the main plane of the wall. It follows horizontal movements with the maximum possible amplitude, without changing the pressure on the roller. The roller movement speed is chosen by the experimental way, quickly enough to avoid the flows, but at the same time so that there is no spray. While painting one wall it is recommended to avoid pauses. If the bands were bad or sticky - apply another layer.

It is recommended to paint a piece of wallpapers, wait until the paint is driving, attach to the surface that is planned to be painted and see how this shade will look like on this wall. You can also smoke in the store a small jar of paint volume in the selected shade, and look at the place.

If the adjacent plane fails to be sealed with a painting tape, for example, when the base is weak to protect the surface, the facade spatula is used. The blade of the spatula is installed in the angle, the plane is tightly pressed against the protected surface, the desired area is neatly painted by a narrow roller or brush.

In, as in any other construction work, there is nothing complicated, but the accuracy and adherence to the manufacturer's recommendations are important.

Useful video

Although the painting of wallpaper may seem rather unusual idea, in many cases, pre-clarify which wallpaper you can paint, this is a very practical solution. The stains, cracks and scratches appearing on the wallpaper, or simply the bored color often almost "shouting" about the need for repair. Painting wallpapers, you can save money and time, while the room will again look aesthetic.

What wallpaper can be painted?

Over time, wallpapers are losing their attractiveness and fade. Their drawing can just get bored with residents. However, the prospect of riveting wallpaper, plastering, laying tiles, any other global event does not seem inspiring. Fortunately, it is not always necessary.

If the wallpaper is relatively good condition, then by attaching some of the work, you can extend their service life, painting old wallpapers. The two elements are important: the type of base and paint.

Varieties of wallpaper

There are many different types of wallpaper on the market, each of them is characterized by different strength, texture, way of use. Major varieties:

  • paper wallpapers - the least durable, but also the cheapest, it is advisable to apply in rooms that are not subject to pollution and damage, such as, for example, a bedroom and a living room;
  • vinyl wallpaper is resistant to frequent washing, recommended for household premises, kitchens and bathrooms, can be painted;
  • wallpaper from fiberglass is very resistant to mechanical damage, so it is necessary to apply them in the hallways and corridors, after pasting staining t. special paints, resistant to multiple washing and cleaning;
  • wallpaper type "RAUUHFASER" - wallpapers are designed for painting with acrylic paints, which must give a wall to a certain texture (it is achieved due to the added wood fiber), you can repeatedly repaint;
  • wallpapers Textile are made of various materials (for example, silk or flax) on a paper or acrylic basis, they give the interior warm, the original character, fit for the living room, bedroom, office, do not get scer;
  • vellar, cork, wallpapers - perform decorative functions, are used, mainly as an accent or addition, they rarely cover all the walls, these walls are not as painting;
  • fliselinic was created as a result of the combination of cellulose and polyester, which gives the flexibility and properties to the wallpaper, which are inherent in the fabric, due to this well adjacent to the wall, gluing occurs without any hassle.

Thus, it can be seen from this list that you can easily paint wallpaper type "Raufasezer", vinyl and fiberglass wallpapers. But is it possible to paint paper wallpaper? Yes, you can paint paper, fliesline and old vinyl wallpapers, provided that they will be defatted and glued in places where they are lagging behind the wall. Well, of course, choose the appropriate paint.

Most economically both financially and in terms of labor costs, paint wallpaper with water-level paint. It is inexpensive and easy to use and has a wide color gamut (you can cook any color).

Selection of paint

Choosing which paint to use should pay attention to both its properties and the end result achieved with its help. The main parameters that paint should have:

  • environmental friendliness harmless to dwells;
  • easy use - Application should not cause any difficulties;
  • strength - paint should be resistant to mechanical damage, not to be covered by cracks;
  • light resistance - color saving for a long time;
  • resistance to moisture - can be washed, not surviving for the preservation of the painted surface.

Alkyd paints are made on the basis of polyhydric alcohols and acids. Form a durable, aesthetic coating. For these paints, glitter is characterized, rapid drying, good wetting of the surface in the surface. This option refers to sufficiently cheap paints. It is characterized by resistance to the effects of temperatures, oils and detergents.

Painting of old wallpapers of almost all species is possible by water-making paints. In case of divorce after the first application, to improve the effect, it is enough to apply the second layer of paint.

To paint paper and old vinyl wallpapers, latex paints are very well suited, which do not require double dyeing, as the latex form a kind of coating and hides the flaws perfectly.

Acrylic - water-dispersion paint based on polymers. It is convenient to use - the thickness is easily adjusted by the addition of water, the desired color is achieved by adding pigment dyes. Paint is resistant to moisture, well transfers surface texture.

It is also important to choose to choose the degree of gloss paint. Painting paper wallpapers that served some time is advisable to matte or satin paint. Options with glossy and semi-wave paint are unacceptable. For example, even if the surface looks smooth, then after staining its glossy paint, there will be a previously inconspicuous defects.

Wallpaper painting methods

Deciding whether it is possible to paint paper wallpaper, and learning what and what can I do, still the question remains - how to paint old wallpapers? Several options. Brush or roller applies to the most popular ways. The use of roller accelerates work.

If the wallpaper has bulbs, a long pile roller is suitable. In turn, a special gun is needed for spraying color. This method allows you to cover the entire wall with a uniform thin layer of paint, while maintaining the texture.

To simplify your work, you should endure everything too much. Objects, the movement of which is associated with certain difficulties, need to be covered with film or old newspapers, it is also worth entering

and with the floor.

  1. Method of spraying. When using a pistol for painting walls, the structure of the wallpaper will be completely saved. The gun draws very precisely, evenly distributes the paint, covers the wall with a thin layer. Due to this, each convexity will be saved and emphasized.
  2. Paint wallpaper brush. For color painting with convexities, you need to apply a brush with a short, thin synthetic pile. Applying paint on the wall, only vertical or horizontal movements should not be performed. Brush should be made of circular movements so that each convexity is covered with coloring composition from all sides. If the paint is too thick and leaves the band or blurs the invoice, which is especially important for paper wallpaper , It is necessary to dilute it. The required consistency can be balanced. To do this, you can add a small amount of water to the can with paint, mix and check whether liquid paint is enough on small fragments or in inconspicuous places that will be subsequently hidden for furniture.
  3. Coloring roller. All the roughness of the wall, in particular, the bulges of patterns on the wallpaper, requires the use of a long pile roller, which should be vertically, and then diagonally to the right and left - so that the paint filled all the recesses in the wallpaper texture.

Patterns for painting are preferably used on ordinary wallpaper without relief. Due to the convex patterns on the surface of the wallpaper, painting patterns are loosely adjacent to the wall, the paint can flow and form. Because of this, on wallpaper with a rich embossed texture, they are better not to use them.

Before painting paper wallpaper, it is necessary to prepare them - to cover the water-repellent means, put the retarded areas. Pruning before painting should any wallpaper. Painting is interestingly shown in the video:

Anyone in one way or another came across painting works and completely believes that there is no special difference between the paints. However, before using water-repellent formulations, primer or paint, it is advisable to get acquainted with the instructions that manufacturers are placed on the package. This will help to avoid unpleasant surprises and will save nerves.