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ST USTOBE. Card Ushtobe Detailed - Streets, Rooms of houses, Areas. More about the streets of Ushtobe on the map

Before you, the Ushtobe map with streets → Almaty region, Kazakhstan. We study the detailed map of Ushtobe with house rooms and streets. Real-time search, weather today, coordinates

More about the streets of Ushtobe on the map

A detailed map of the city of Ushtobe with the names of the street will be able to show all the routes and roads where the street is located. Station and Lenin. The city is located near.

For detailed viewing of the entire area, it is enough to change the scale of the online scheme +/-. On the interactive scheme of the city of Ushtobe with addresses and routes of the microdistrict. Move its center to find the streets of Abylai-Khan and Imankulov.

The ability to pave the route around the territory - the "line" tool, learn the length of the city and the path to its center, the attractions addresses.

You will find all the necessary detailed information about the location of the city infrastructure - station and shops, squares and banks, highways and alleys.

The exact satellite map of the Ushtobe (Ushtobe) with a search for Google is in its heading. You can use the search for Yandex to show the house number on the national map of the city in the Almaty region of Kazakhstan / Peace, in real time. Here

Ushtobe today is a major semireche district center, which in the fall of 2016 will be 78 years old. In 2012, 24,759 people lived here. If you contact the geographical director, Ustobe (Kaz. ҮSh Tөbe - Three Mountains) - a city in Kazakhstan, the center of the Karavsky district of the Almaty region, the railway station on the family of families - Almaty, 49 km north-west of Taldykorgan.

The birth of the Ushtobe, as well, and the formation of the Kathalsky district, are obliged to the frontiers of Turksib, who laid the late autumn of 1928 on the shore of the karatal the working settlement. It is from the beginning of the construction of the highway of the century, so the Turkestan-Siberian railway was called, a new life came to the Karaval valley.

From the once deserted steppe, which crushed the carved, where the lonely yurts of the Kazakhs were juting, the caravan road was running out, the area turned into a blooming region with its industry, small and medium-sized businesses and developed agriculture. The fertile soils of the valley, which had not previously concerned either coch, nor plow, became the place of obtaining high rice yields, onions, soybeans, other agricultural curtulines.

On the scale of changes that occurred in the region, such comparisons are spoken by eloquently. Now there are dozens of trains carrying thousands of tons of cargo through the Zastob railway station, and some seventy years ago, to get from Semipalatinsk to Almaty, the caravan would need to spend 80 days.

Seventy - eighty years for any city - the term is relatively small. Such is it for both Ushtobe. Some veterans are still alive, which had to lay the first foundations of industrial premises and residential buildings.

In October 1928, a narrow-chain was laid through the Kathalsk valley - a temporary road. The locomotive arrived, brought sleepers and rails, ballast, fasteners. On the shore of the karatal, where the railway bridge is now located, three yurts were delivered. In one, the foreman settled, to the other - a senior decontamine in the construction of the road, the third became the storeroom and the labor exchange. Thus, the first village appeared from Yurt, tents, dugouts, in which builders' temporary live, among which were Russian, Kazakhs, Ukrainians, people of other nationalities.

In 1927-1930, Nurmold Aldabermen, the future progress of collective farm construction and twice hero of socialist labor worked in 1927-1930 in the construction of Turksiba in 1927-1930.

But in 1929, Abylkhan Kasteyev is the future first Kazakhstani professional artist, labor activity began on this grand construction, which captured his imagination. Together with new friends, he did a mound, put the sleepers, snot the rails ... In the rare moments of rest, an impressionable, attentive and sincere artist, Abylkhan, made a new line of his creativity - guessing the inseparable connection of man and nature. Figures of the Casteeva of the initial period, simple and uncomplicated.

Taras Nikolayevich Poloynsky arrived at the construction of Turksib for the call of the Komsomol and immediately joined the tense rhythm of shock labor. After the end of construction, he remained working on the "piece of iron". For many years, worked by the head of the Ushtobe station, and all his life, which is noteworthy, lived on Turxibskaya Street. With gratitude, he recalled the years of his youth, considering himself involved in the Great Building of the first five-year plan and the primary in the Industry of Kazakhstan.

The first buildings of the future city were the buildings of the railway hospital, high school number 51, mail. But there was not a single tree throughout.

Meeting now with the pages of the history of the city, they involuntarily affect the purposefulness of his first residents, their hardworking, faith in the bright future.

The village gradually grows. The first club was located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe former OSA office. His walls were half in the ground. At the same time, a kennel was laid, where poplar saplings, maple, apple trees began to grow. In the center of the village was laid in the park of railway workers.

In the thirties, the village brought immigrants, which manually created a arytic network.

In 2003, the Ushtobe received a letter from the labor veteran, the construction of Dmitry Mikhailovich Stepanov, in which he told about that hard even and so that there were neither the conditions for the rapid economic and cultural development of enterprises and organizations, residents of Kathalsk Valley. In the envelope, the veteran has invested several pictures, which show the tents of the first-winners, the moments of their shock work. Now Dmitry Mikhailovich is in the Moscow region in the city of Troitsk and, despite the fact that since his difficult youth passed a lot of years, with excitement recalls the distant time. "Recently," he writes, "marks the 70th anniversary of the organization and began the work of the management of the construction of the irrigation system in the Karaval Valley -" Katabaski ". It was located on the territory of the current village of Frunze, and the collective farms located around the Ushtobe and the state farms were called construction sites, each of which had its own sequence number. "

Back in 1929, the Special Commission was looking for suitable lands for drawing in the Kathalsk valley. On the banks of the Karata River, a plot was sewn, on which the tests of various rice varieties were carried out in order to identify a variety suitable for the locality. In subsequent years, the collective farms created here became drawback.

The construction of the Kathalne irrigation canal began. Fertile soil, irrigated by water, gave the first abundant harvest of rice. At this time, a rice-water state farm was formed in the district.

As Labor Veteran recalled, the oldest rice model of the area, the hero of the socialist labor, Mikhail Isaevich Pankin, at that time they did not have the necessary equipment. To pour rollers for rice checks, had to carry the land on the flooring from the boards, on the wheelbarrows, wearing her stretches. It was hard, but how happy the first harvest!

During the first five years, the question about the socialist reorganization of agriculture. At the general meeting of the construction site construction site, the Ushtobe was decided to send the best people from among the proven and authoritative workers in the aules to participate in the creation of collective farms. Among the Commissioners from the railway workers was included Communist Ivan Tikhonovich Molchanov.

A lot of tests fell to the share of the Ushtobinians, there were fights with poor fragments, who decided to move to China.

In 1930, the first monument appeared in the center of Ushtobe - Granite Obelisk was installed on the site of the burial of local communations of Nikolai Prienno and Alexei Morozov, who died in battle with one of the gang, which moved through Akheskin Pass.

... For the elimination of the gang, rampant in the district, a detachment of volunteers from the workers of Turksiba and Ors, which was two hundred people were included. At the head of the detachment, the secretary of the nodal part of the beetles was supplied. Prix, Morozov, Amandos, Molchanov, Chiniev and others gathered at the meeting. It was decided to find out the location of the bandits and bypass them from the rear. Then, without entering the battle, close the road through the pass, and the Almaty Krasnogvardeisian detachment, which was walking in the footsteps, should fully complete the environment. For the assumption of Zhukov, the bandits were located in the area of \u200b\u200bAkheskinsky pass. In the evening, two communations - Nikolay Pronin and Alexey Morozov asked the commander to send them to intelligence. All night they were looking for a gang and at dawn noticed gunts cattle. Scouts lay down in the grass and began to watch the bandits. Suddenly, a Cossack Track drove from the opposite side. How did not resist communary, but the forces were not equal and they died heroes. Without waiting for the scouts, the detachment performed and soon discovered the corpses of Morozov and Pronin. The gang was surrounded and eliminated, and those who surrendered, devoted to a just court.

In 1930, the process of mass settlement of the Kazakh population unfolded in Kazakhstan. Local Kazakhs and the builders of Turksiba, Russian and Ukrainians of the Volga region and the central regions of the RSFSR became the first inhabitants of Ushtobe.

By November 1930, forty-three Kazakh nomadic families were settled in Ushtobe, but in the first place this village received fame in that he became the second homeland for Koreans deported to the Kazakh steppes from the Far East in the tragic 1937.

We will tell about one fate of thousands of thousands of migrant stories, which give bitterness and sadness. Her name of Tigai Sun Ok, and she - old-timeling Ushtobe today more ninety years. Tigayev's estate at the alley of Gagarin, house 2 - fenced, and a large bright gate in the frame of the blue paint, lead to a wide distance, and then a large, good, light and very cozy house. Here Grandma Sun OK lives with the daughter of Acea. Showing photos of families, headed under the glass and frame, our heroine begins to remember ...

First, in her eyes, the 15-year-old girl was taken away and taken to the uncertainty of the father and brothers. Then there was a queue: her with her mother and other families were planted into a dysfunctive silent car and were lucky somewhere far away from their native places. To Kazakhstan, they traveled a month. On the road ate rice pellets and burnt rice - "Nurundi". At that time, none of the Koreans of the Far East knew why they were brought in Ushtobe.

They lived in terrible conditions, used straw instead of mattresses and blankets, treated Mazani Kizyak, cleaned Armenians, engaged in agriculture. The local population is the Kazakhs, having learned that the whole families of Korean women, children and old people were thrown away from the village of Korean women, children and old people, they began to deliver food - pellets and milk.

So local helped us deported to survive, saved many of the hungry death, "recalls grandmother.

When the first collective farms appeared, Sun Ok (and at that time it was 17 years old) learned to drive tractor to work and at least somehow help his mother. At first, the fragile girl did not want to take tractor drivers, but she achieved his own and in two years deftly managed a large car not worse than his colleagues. All his life, she did not bend any work - she worked by a tractor driver, a militant, a cleverer of Arykov, was engaged in agriculture. Even in retirement, she continued to engage in public operation and headed the Council of Elders "Noindan" in the Karamatsky district.

Sun approached two sons and four daughters. The daughter of Osyya in the summer works in the field, grows rice in the local farming, and in winter it comes to market. She also continues the case of the mother - engaged in public operation. The grandchildren - their Sun Ok Ten, and the great-grandmothers eleven - have long grown and drove, who are where, but try to visit your beloved grandmother as often as possible.

The book "Forgotten songs about the main thing" (Korean folklore songs in the CIS) was written with the participation of Sun OK - publishers specially came from Korea to listen and record songs in its performance.

On the eve of the memory of the victims of political repression, celebrating the sad date - the 80th anniversary of the Holodomor and the 75th anniversary, the beginning of the deportation of peoples to Kazakhstan in 1937 in the Karaval district took place a solemn rally in honor of the bookmark of the monument "Cossack Halkina Main Algas". Its participants were representatives of state bodies, deputies of the Mazhilis Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, representatives of the diplomatic corps, ethnocultural associations, religious denominations, public figures, foreign guests ...

The opening ceremony of the monument at the foot of the Bastob Mountain was not chosen by chance. For Kazakhstan Koreans on the land of Kazakhstan "Bastoba" is the place where in 1937 the leg of immigrants came first. Ushtobe translated from Kazakh means "three hills". Of these, the Bastobe is the main hill.

Over the years of deportation, 62 ethnos were resettled in the republic. And the construction of another monument is a tribute to the memory and the debt of the victims of the nations who have found Kazakhstan new homeland.

After a minute of silence, flowers were assigned to the installed monument, and the treet was planted on the alley.

In the middle of the thirties, in the years of political repression, in its millstone, they were active, dedicated to the people and the case of the party, the Communists. Among them, Sh. Kozmanov and K. Konybayev - the secretaries of the Kathalsky district party. Subsequently, they were rehabilitated.

To reveal more difficult time, there are a rapid development, for example, such facts: it was in the second half of the 1930s that the most active development of the fertile dust valley begins, in 1939 there were 77 collective farms in the Karaval district, there were thirty-seven mills and krukroyshek. In the collective farms there were only ten cars "half-hour", a little more tractors and combines.

But in 1940, the population of Ushtobe served only three physicians.

The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 According to the destruction and human losses, it is not equal in the history of all wars.

In the first months of the Great Patriotic War, Railways Tourshiba railway workers were trained. Railway transport not only dodged the front with everything necessary, but also delivered raw materials and materials to defense plants. Train movement was translated into a special military chart.

The coherent work of railway workers is characterized by Tourshim's telegram dated December 29, 1941 against the NKPS of the USSR: "TURTSIB, at the annual plan of 25,1850 cars on December 28, 254623 wagons were loaded. Annual plan was performed early. Over the annual plan, 8,200 sugar beet cars are immersed ... 700 ferrous cars, 32,000 construction cargo cars.

A wide discussion in the republic received a letter of Kazakh warriors of the first Ukrainian front to their countrymen.

In response to the letter of Frontovikov, Kathalsk Valley's scrappers passed 93870 pudders of bread, which amounted to 257 percent to the plan.

Unparalleled courage in battles for their homeland showed Semirechenians in different periods of war, as part of different fronts and military units.

Boldly acted in battles with invaders in Belarus Grigory Romanovich Kharchenko from the station Ushtobe. In the partisan detachment named after Frunze, he arrived at the beginning of May 1943. In the detachment, he became a commander of the department, then the platoon commander. Under his leadership and with personal participation, two echelon enemy was fleeing. On July 8, 1943, on the railway Kobrin - Baranovichi from the explosives, laid down Harchenko, the locomotive was damaged and six cars with appliances were broken. The movement stopped at 17 o'clock. On August 4 of the same year, a locomotive and six cars with a living force were broken at the railway section of Malorveta. The movement stopped at 13 o'clock. With a partisan group, Grigory Kharchenko destroyed the enemy's coupling line three kilometers.

He fought the brave in the battles to eliminate the enemy garrisons and against the punitive detachments of the Nazis. For the manifestation of courage in the fight against the occupiers, G. Kharchenko was awarded the Order of the Red Star and the Medal "Partizana of the Patriotic War" I degree.

... Blue, bottomless sky Low leaned over cast silver Obelisk, made in the shape of a bayonet from the military rifle. It is installed in the square at High School No. 51 of the city of Ushtobe in memory of the teachers and students of the school who went to the front and not returned home.

It is impossible to read a laconic inscription on a polished marble plate with a laconic inscription: "Will in memory of teachers and students who gave life for your happiness of 1941-1945." Among 38 surnames - the names of Kuznetsova Ivan and Morozova Sergey, the heroes of the Soviet Union. Here about them and we will behave our story.

Our brother journalist, Oleg Golubno recalled how a few years ago, an organized celebration of the street named after Ivan Kuznetsov was held in Ushtobe. Then numerous guests came to the celebration.

We stood a little on the sidelines with the colleague of Ivan Zhuman Kabdoldayev from the Aksu district, the nephew of Hero Gennady Koshkarov and the Kazakhstanis writer Nikolai Andreevich Shakhov and talked about the life and feat of Ivan Kuznetsov. Collecting for many years material about the countryman to Kazakh Ivan Kuznetsov, I wanted to say, first of my mouth to hear about the details of the Hero's life path, "Oleg Golubneko shared. - I did not make a reservation, calling Ivan the Kazakh. By nationality, he is really Kazakh. But brought up in a Russian family, and hence the Russian name. Father Nuriddin died in the twentieth year. Mother because of severe illness could not raise his son. Summarized His Technical School No. 15 Irina Konstantinovna Kuznetsova and her husband Gregory were adopted.

The boy grew fortress, was vividly interested in mathematics, physics and chemistry. But the calling it was drawing. Until late evening, he sat over his drawings and drawings. And free time gave sports and music. Already from the fifth grade Vanya was the unchanging captain of the junior football team and trumpeter in the orchestra district club. Your passion for a former graduate of the 261 school brought to Almaty Physical Technical School.

After the end of the third year, the technical school Ivan Kuznetsov called on the ranks of the Red Army. It was 1940. In one of the letters from Brest-Litovsk, a young soldier wrote: "My dear, I received a news from you. I learned that everyone is alive, healthy ... I serve in the 131st artillery regiment in the Brest Fortress, participating in the release of the wall newspaper, in sports competitions. Soon the summer teachings will begin, and then again will have to live in a tent camp. I send you my portrait, who painted my friend-one-slang Mikhail Dimurin. He was called from Almaty.

In the event of the war, I do not worry about me, I will not bring. I love you hard! "

... The exit from Fort Sikorsky was a distant post. Divorcing changed the watch and headed into the guard room. And then the explosion suddenly heard. Shuddered the Earth. Glass flew in the soldiers' barracks. Someone shouted loudly, someone groaned. Kuznetsov saw Misha Sokolov's fragile from mine. Blood slowly flowed on his temple. Furious short explosions merged into a single incomplete hum.

In a rifle! - shouts sergeant. - All in the dungeon!

And when a man was gathered there by twenty-redarmeys, explained: "Everything is visible - this is the war. In this case, our task is to prevent enemy soldiers in the fort. Our fighter positions are the entire fort: basements and incaps. Take a defense! "

Meanwhile, enemy machine gunners rushed to the fort. They shot on the go. Someone shook someone: "There are car guns!"

Kuznetsov raised binoculars to the eyes. The light line of the eastern horizon was covered with black marine: clouded wrapped smoke over the casting of the railway and over the forest.

It was the first fighting baptism.

The rifle shots were distributed from everywhere. Three car guns fell immediately. The rest pressed against the walls of the barracks. The desperate shooting began. A few more enemy soldiers were killed, the rest retreated. It was the first victory.

The Germans hid out behind the shaft of fortifications. According to the team with rifles, the Red Army team rushed to where the fascists hid. They hit the automata. The Red Army women lay down and opened a rifle fire.

Almaty Pavel Semenovich Nikulko was not only an eyewitness of the feat of Ivan Kuznetsov, but he himself participated in this battle. He told so:

"Suddenly we saw: a manual grenade was struck near Ivan.

The first instinctive motivation is to jump, run off. But he helped himself. Mocked the long German garnet triggers after five to six seconds - the term is sufficient to jump and run off. Jump - the legs will die, lie - the head away!

Hens of fire were erupted from the Garl of the cannons. Pressing tightly to the ground, Ivan carefully watched the movement of the tank. The distance to it was reduced. Huge Mahina moved along the road and measuredly, stubbornly, as if the automatic was sitting in it, not a person. Kuznetsov slightly leaned forward. The distance was reduced. One hundred, fifty, thirty meters separates it from brilliant caterpillars. Another minute and they ...

The tank was green, stupid, in camouflage divorces, through an open front hatch, the driver's face was visible. He spoke Something in the microphone installed at the chin level. So he laughed and poked his hand towards running fighters.

I bow to the long trunk trunk, the car jumped through the funnel from the projectile and headed for a fighter. And then to meet the tank quickly darted Kuznetsov. In his hands he kept the bunch of grenades. The machine gun was followed, the second, the third ... But Ivan was in the so-called dead zone, the bullets flew over his head.

Martial art began. The car rushed at the brave. He darted to the side. A minute was critical. The driver unfolded the car in place, but the Kuznetsov turned out to be behind the tank. Superozing pain, raised to his knee, swung and wanted to throw a grenade bundle, but the wounded hand hung in the air. Then Kuznetsov took a bundle into another hand and slowly crawled to the glittering caterpillars. It is difficult to say how the wounded man managed to collect so much energy and superhuman tension in himself to make the movement towards the rumbling monster. But the fighter stubbornly continued to change forward. Pot Grad rolled his face, washing the blood on the forehead and cheeks.

Not more than ten meters remained before the tank. Then the fighter Ivan Kuznetsov froze in place. Slowly lifted his head and looked there, where his comrades lay down, silently say goodbye to them. Raised his hand, showed a thumb - all, they say, in order, do not worry and do not worry. At the next second, Ivan Kuznetsov rushed under the tank.

There was an explosion ... "

So was performed by the feat of Ivan Kuznetsov. The first feat in the history of the Great Patriotic War, June 22, 1941.

Only twenty years, Sergey Ilyich Morozov was destined to live the pilot of assault aviation. And he lived with adequately. I was enough for these years to make a feat when protecting the Motherland.

In the book "Heroes of the Soviet Union - Kazakhstanis" (Publishing House "Kazakhstan", Alma-Ata, 1968, T.2) gives the biography of S. I. Morozov with a brief description of his feat. It says that S.I. Morozov was born in 1919 in the city of Buzuluk Orenburg region. At the eleven age age, he together with his parents moved to Kazakhstan, from 1934 to 1937 he lived in the city of Ushtobe, where he graduated from school.

In those years, - recalled the classmate Sergey Nikolai Gavrilovich Cossacks, - we were given one-time instructions or it was necessary to have a permanent order. Seryozha Morozov served as responsible for conducting a cultural change (each class during a big change prepared its concert program in turns per week). Sometimes he read poems. Especially Sergey loved the poems of the block and Mayakovsky. Block - he said himself - for the beauty of verse, Mayakovsky - for courage, ideologicalness.

The characteristic feature of Sergey was to protect the weak. If he saw someone offend the baby or a girl, never passed by. He was engaged in young students, trained them so that they grew strong and kind. Sergey loved children very much. The children answered him the same.

The main qualities of Sergey's character were perseverance and the ability to achieve the goal. When Morozov came to our class, he did not know the Kazakh language at all. He began to practice hard and by the end of the year she mastered the tongue. These of his qualities have always caused deep admiration and deep respect.

After school S.I. Morozov entered the Semipalatin financial technical school, after the end, which was aimed at work in Almaty regional-headed by an inspector. In 1939, he was drafted into the ranks of the Red Army, served in various aviation union, and when the war was killed, was sent to Tambov flight school. In December 1942 he graduated from the Tambov Military Aviation School of Pilots. Before sending to the front, Sergey Morozov arrived in Alma-Ata to say goodbye.

The meeting was short, "recalled N.G. Kazakov (he then was a student of the physico-mathematical faculty Kaz Gu), - only one hour. They talked about war, asked flight school. I envied him that he was going to the front, but they do not take us yet.

Neither Nikolai Gavrilovich did not know, nor Sergey Morozov, that this meeting was in their lives of the latter. And Seryozha Morozov will forever remain for them in the same young men as they spent it - young, beautiful, in flight form.

On March 27, 1943, the Junior Lieutenant Morozov arrived at the acting Melitopol Aviation Regiment. He became the pilot of the 807th storm airlock of the 206th assault air radio station of the 7th assault aviation aircraft of the 8th air army first of the southern and then the 4th Ukrainian Front. He had a chance to participate in many air battles. It seemed that fate kept his plane from the direct hit of the fascist projectile: he was twice with fighters and was damaged by the fire of anti-aircraft artillery enemy. But every time the pilot returned to his airfield, causing admiration for combat comrades. During his participation in the war, he made 70 combat flights to the storming of the clusters of military equipment and the living force of the enemy, making him big losses.

In 1943, stubborn battles went for the liberation of the city of Melitopol. When our troops stormed the reinforced border of the enemy on the Milk River, S. Morozov made 24 combat departures and destroyed four tanks, eight cars, thirteen firepoints.

On August 29, he was awarded the Order of the Red Star. On September 27, the junior Lieutenant of Frost at the turn of Genendberg-Voroshilovka four times raised the car into the air, destroyed the tank, three cars, dozens of enemy soldiers. For these fights, he received gratitude from the Military Council of the 44th Army.

In those days, Morozov's pilot had repeatedly had to fly to the exploration of the enemy's forces, to strike on tank clusters and artillery batteries. And again Sergey Ilyich Morozova, the command noted for the courage of the Order of the Red Banner.

Good luck smiled at him, she did not leave Sergey once to the last fatal departure on October 23, 1943. He bravely fought with enemies for the sake of life and peace on Earth.

In a premium sheet stored in the archive of the Ministry of Defense, it is extremely compressed about the last feat of our countryman: "October 23, 1943, performing a combat order for the destruction of tanks and cars, Morozov's plane during the attack was shot down. The car caught fire. S.I. Morozov sent a burning plane into a column of enemy tanks, repeating the heroic feat of Captain Gastello, died by death brave. " The report signed a commander of 807-Melitopol assault aviation regiment Major Funny.

Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of November 1, 1943 for the "Executional Performance of Communications Commmand on the Breakthrough of the Fortified Strip of the Germans and the liberation of the city of Melitopol and the courage and heroism" Junior Lieutenant Sergei Morozov was posthumously awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Also was awarded the orders of Lenin, the Red Banner and the Red Star.

In the combat characteristics of the air strike on the pilot S.I. Morozov there are such words: "Boldly and confidently went to the combat task. Disciplined. Required to yourself and subordinate. Enjoy a business authority among the personnel of the regiment. In the work is determined and initiative. Fly loved ... "

... loved to fly. Still, being a schoolboy, dreamed of Sergei Morozov about the profession of pilot. He had a special folder where he folded cuts about new aircraft, about the flights of Soviet pilots ... Loved to fly. And he loved his homeland. And when I performed my immortal feat, I did not think that he was a hero, but simply performed his son's duty. He also loved life.

Father and mother Sergey often wrote letters from the front. In Almaty, his sister Anna Ilinichna Tereshchenko, who keeps these brother's letters. In one of them, Sergei wrote: "Dear parents, I am glad that I found my place in life. Do not grieve, the fascists will still break, and if you have to die, die with the hero. "

Sergey Morozov was faithful to the oath - at a decisive moment in battle for his homeland, for the sake of the happy life of millions of people gave his life. The memory of this feat is immortal!

The Ushtobinskaya Earth gripped another hero, a wonderful son, breastfeeding a depreciation. This is Mitchenko, Nikita Andreevich (1910-1941) - arrows of the 4th company of the 2nd battalion of the 1075th rifle regiment of the 316th rifle division of the 16th army of the Western Front, Red Army, Hero of the Soviet Union (1942). He was awarded the Order of Lenin.

Nikita Mitchenko was born on April 3, 1910 in the village of Novovladimiro-VKA (Arsolinsky district of the Akmola region) in the peasant family. Ukrainian by nationality.

After studying in elementary school, worked in the collective farm. From 1935 he lived and worked in the village of Ushtobe Katalsky district of the Almaty region. In June 1941, he was called to the Red Army, in October of the same year sent to the front.

On November 16, 1941, the Dubosek Volokolamsky District of the Moscow Region Nikita Mitchenko, as part of a group of tank fighters, participated in the reflection of numerous enemy attacks, during which 18 enemy tanks were destroyed. This fight, where Nikita Mitchenko fell in the death of brave, entered the story as a feat of 28 Panfilov Heroes.

On July 21, 1942, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Mitchenko Nikita Andreevich was posthumously awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union for the exemplary fulfillment of combat missions on the front of the fight against the German-fascist invaders and the courage and heroism manifested.

In 1966, in Moscow in honor of Panfilovtsev, the street was named in the North Tushino district (Heroes-Panfilovtsev Street), where the monument was installed. In 1975, the memorial in Dubosekovo was built in their honor.

In the village of Nelidovo (1.5 km from Dubosekovo, a monument is established and the Museum of Heroes-Panfilovtsev has been opened. In the city of Almaty there is a park named after 28 Guardsman-Panfilovtsev with monument in their honor. The mention of the 28th 2 people of brave sons "Moscow was also included in the song" My dear Capital ", which is now the anthem of Moscow.

The name of Nikita Mitchenko was called the vessel of the Ministry of the Marine Fleet and the school in the village of Sary-Obinsk of the Arshalyn district.

About the life and feat of another hero of the Soviet Union from Ivan Vasilyevich Kosenkov, we told in the sketch "Cavalier of the Golden Star, or the last hero" last 2015, in honor of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory.

At least, heroic and dedicated labor was brought to the victory of the workers of the deep rear of the Kathalsk Valley. National concern for the front manifested itself in the collection of means for arms for the Red Army. The collective farm peasantry of the republic gathered funds to create a tank column "Kolkhoznika Kazakhstan" and the air compound "Soviet Kazakhstan". The names of many patriot-collective farmers who made large amounts of money knew the whole republic.

Here are just two eloquent examples. Telegram: "Moscow. Kremlin. Tov. Stalin. Following the example of the best patriots of our country and seeking to help our glorious Red Army, all I can, I bring my savings from the bottom of my heart - to the Tank Column Building Foundation. Let the fascist reptiles feel in their skins the mighty rage of the Soviet people against the fascist barbarians ... Orazai of Bucklev, chairman of the Kzyl-Bulak collective farm of the Karatsky district.

The chairman of the collective farm "Far East" of the Karatsky district of Shin Hen Moon introduced 120 thousand rubles to the Defense Fund. Komsomolka Kolkhoza "Bes-Agach" Zalshenkenova passed 38 pounds of bread from personal reserves, Sophia Lee from the FRUNZE collective farm - 60 pounds.

The collective farmers of the Kathalsky district, by February 10, 1942, gathered 11418 pieces of warm things, including boots - 2718, semisobkov -215, hats-893, cotton jackets - 426 and made money for the purchase of warm things -100 thousand rubles.

Representatives of the Korean Diaspora, inappropriate to the difficult fate, thanks to its hard work, perseverance and the help of the Kazakh people, survived, and made their dedicated labor to the victory in the Great Patriotic War. In those war years, from 31 heroes of the socialist labor of the district, twenty-eight were Koreans.

The nationwide concern of the working out of the rear warmed the defenders of the Motherland into the crackling frost and inspired them to new utilities. It is not by chance that Marshal G.K. Zhukov noted in his memoirs: "Strikes, boots, tufts, warm underwear - all this is also a weapon. Our country dressed and warmed up their soldiers. " (Zhukov G.K. Memories and reflections. M., p. 360).

In March 1942, a children's house for orphans was opened at the Ushtobe station - children of railway workers, whose parents died in the front-line strip and on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War.

23 May1944 Gode - Decree of the Council of Cases. SSR No. 3235, on the basis of a simple MTS, the plant was opened, subsequently - URIRMZ - Ushtobinsky experimental repair and mechanical plant (agricultural machinery and repair of agricultural machinery).

At the first regional party conference, which opened on March 7, 1945 in the city of Taldy-Kurgan, it was noted that the Kathalsky district was among the first to fully accounted for a state of bonochoplas and passed several thousand grain puddles to the Soviet Army Foundation.

On June 19, 1961, the village of Ushtobe was assigned the status of the city of district importance (by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Kazakh SSR), the Ushtobinsky City Council was formed.

In the mid-60s of the twentieth century, the Ushtobinskaya Yurtovaya (URT-Yurt-building) factory was created, the only one in the union space. Her products were widely used in animal husbandry, in construction workers, recreation areas, as well as in 1988, during the tragic Sporty earthquake, the Ushtobinskaya Yurts became temporary houses for victims of underground elements. At the time of the Soviet Union, the Factory was honored with the Golden medal for its products at the USSR of the USSR. Currently, a project to restore the unique mechanized production of URT, affected in the 1990s.

Among well-known countrymen it is appropriate to name Borovkova Vasily Nikolayevich (1934-2007) - a deserved worker of agriculture Kaz. SSR, General Director of the Semipalatinsky Department of Forestry in 1976-1997 As well as Arslan Satubaldin (Ry.1984) - Kazakhstan football player, Aktobe goalkeeper; Sergey Filimonova (Ry.1975) - Kazakhstani weightlifter, worldwide record holder in category up to 77 kg, owner of the Order "Curmet", silver winner of the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, Winner Asiada-2002, Bronze Media Prize-1998, European Champion (1995), a multiple champion of Kazakhstan in heavy athletics, a well-deserved masters of sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2004); Vladimir Sedova (Rod. 1988) - Kazakhstani hard-coatlette, world champion in the weight category up to 94 kg., 2014 World Vice-Champion in the weight category up to 94 kg .. at the 2008 Olympics, which took the fourth place in the category of 85 kg.

The city has a Muslim mosque and the Orthodox Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk Temple (since 1947).

... is inexorably time. Like a violent wind burst into our life market. During the transitional period, many enterprises of the Ushtoba have undergone great changes, some of them closed, others changed the product profile, a lot of new production has opened. The Association of Entrepreneurs has created, a computer center with an Internet access is organized, its own page is opened. Incubator of small businesses operates in Ushtobe, fairs are held free jobs and vacancies.

Subjects of small business mastered the production of new types of products. Katal-Balyk LLP (director B. Raimbekov) mastered the production of fish processing and fishing and fishing flour, OJSC Ushtobinsky Rezavod (Director B. Baitaev) - Recycling of residential quartz and production of plastic doors and windows, Aydin PC (Director P. Semenihin) produces dairy products in Tetrauakakaka, Bakerybabinat LLP (director S. Raqzhanov) is occupied by the production of bread and bakery products in vacuum packaging.

It cannot but rejoice that the products of the city of Ushtobe and, together with him, the Karavskaya Valley enjoys permanent demand both in Zhetisu and beyond. Most of the population is engaged in agriculture. It is not necessary to talk about rice and onions, but, say, the BakeryTine TOO is a supplier of bakery products for the establishments of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic, dairy products regularly enroll in the Taldykorgan and Almaty trading network. Tamas LLP provides services for the construction of irrigation networks in East Kazakhstan, the construction of Almaty-Astana road was led.

Somehow in a conversation with the locals, I called the Ushtobe station, I was immediately corrected: "We are a city!"

Indeed, the city of Ushtobe lives and works a full-blooded life. Thanks to the joint

Ushtobe is a small town in Almaty region, on the katar river. First of all, he is known for becoming the second homeland for Koreans deported to the Kazakh steppes from the Far East in the tragic 1937. Somehow, in a conversation with the locals, I called the Ushtobe station, the locals were offended and corrected: "We are a city!"

Acquaintance with the Ushtobe began with the stationary area, on which taxi drivers are spinning, ready to take you into the coming villages and cities for the minimum fee. For example, one place in the car to Taldykorgan (about 50 km) costs only 500 tenge.

In the Ushtobe itself it is also more convenient to move on a taxi. The challenge and travel in the city will cost a maximum of 200 tenge. Official taxi drivers in the city are a bit, mostly "private traders" - local taxis for additional earnings.

So I met Andrei Moskalev, who was born and grew up in Ushtobe.

In the summer on the fields we work, chipping and hoe. Products from the field we hand over to the dealers, or we are visible to the nearest cities, for example, in Almaty. And in winter there is no work, so I sit down for the ram, which still remains to do.

Andrei organized me a tour of the city sights, all about everything we left for 15 minutes.

The main "tourist" places here are the inscription "Ushtobe" at the entrance to the city and ...

In the time of the USSR, the agricultural machinery plant worked in Ushtobe and the unique Yurtain-building factory in the country. In 1988, the Ushtobinskoy Yurts even sent to Armenia, where they became temporary houses for victims of the destructive Spitaxe earthquake. Now these enterprises do not work. Most of the population is engaged in agriculture. Maximum salary in the fields - 1000 tenge per day. And in the summer youth agreed to work and at all for 750 tenge, and this is given that the working day lasts from early morning and until late night.

Another feeder for the Ushtobinians is a bazaar. It is located on the stationary area, fenced with iron containers and not heated. In winter, many do not go to work due to cold, and more persistent do not complain - it is necessary to somehow earn a living.

Mistress shop with fruit lily kim - certified engineer. In 1995, she lost his job and went to the market, since the "vitamins" has been traded. Like most local Koreans, she is a descendant deported from the Far East. Her grandmother with his father was sent, suspected of espionage, without the right to return.

By the way, fruits in the Ushtoba are imported, from Almaty. Apples and tangerines stand from 250 to 350 tenge per kilogram.

In general, prices are not very different from Almaty. Potatoes - 80-100 tenge.

Meat - from 1300 tenge.

To get a more complete view of the level of local prices, I visited a few more institutions. During the day in the Ushtobinsky computer club there are few people, but in the evenings, youth is going to be gathering here, which loves to play with friends in "Shooting" on the net. An hour of such a game will cost 60 tenge, as in the old good times, when computer clubs have just begun to appear in Kazakhstan.

Sungat comes to play a computer club every two days. His favorite game is GTA, in which you can absolutely unpone to steal other cars and kill people. Like many boys of his age, he dreams of iphone and apad.

In the beauty salon at the hotel "Bakhyt and Co." (very popular among the locals), it is possible to trim and inexpensively. Women's haircut with stacking will cost 500 tenge, and men's 300.

Tatyana Kim, the daughter of one of the victims of repression, has been working in the cabin for 7 years. Dreams of accumulating money and move with her son in Almaty.

Cafe "VIP" is located in the city center and is considered one of the best.

Prices differ significantly from Almaty. For 500 tenge you can order a meat dish.

And for 100 tenge - almost any garnish.

Delicious dinner in the best restaurant of the city cost me 1012 tenge.

However, now the cafe is experiencing not better times. Victoria works here for a long time and says that they used to ensure all the congresses of regional akims and went to advanced training courses in regional centers.

And now in the best city cafe, Friday evening goes like this.

Ushtobinsky Melkvinkinat is one of the main suppliers of flour in the area.

The company was fully upgraded and now processes up to 100 thousand tons of grain per day.

Handmade work here has long passed the past, tells the main mechanic combine Oleg Pak. For more than 12 years, he is responsible for the technical side of production.

The whole complex of work is washing, processing, cleaning and processing of grain - controlled on the main control panel. The dispatcher carefully monitors the work of each workshop and only if necessary, specialists intervene.

The main electrician of Nekrasov is one of the old-timers of the Melkombinat, it works here for more than 13 years and personally controls the control process from the main console of the plant.

It was interesting to observe how this car cleans flour from different garbage, which can get there in the production process.

On these weights, flour is automatically weighed and packed in bags.

The Head of the Security of Yevgeny Lee is responsible for safety at the plant and monitors the checkpoint. He is a native collapse in the third generation, his grandfather and grandmother also sent here during the Stalinist repression of 1937.

In 2009, the first greenhouse appeared in the Ushtobe. Its construction financed the Government of South Korea, after the President of the Koreans Association of the Almaty region voiced this idea at the World Korean Congress living outside Korea, which was held in Seoul.

Now only cucumbers are grown in the greenhouse, Cherry tomatoes were still grown.

Gauhar in winter works in a greenhouse, and in the summer - in the field. Obviously, she likes to work more in winter, in "greenhouse conditions", although this work is also not the lungs.

Kim Hack Sud came from South Korea and for 2 years he lives in Ushtobe. It was sent for training and consulting local greenhouse workers. Mr. Kim still does not know either the word neither in Kazakh, nor in Russian and communicates with the help of translators. By the way, he does not receive a salary in Kazakhstan.

The Korean specialist shows how the soil heating system is arranged. Thanks to this small instrument, the temperature in the greenhouse is always supported above 20 degrees.

"San Sanych" works in a greenhouse in several positions: he and watchman, and electrician, and with a seedy will help, in general, and the shvets, and the reaper ... the crop recently removed and now plan new seeds.

The crop of cucumbers is collected twice a year. When cultivation does not use any chemical additives, and fertilize rice rice stems. Unfortunately, greenhouse cucumbers cannot compete with imported price. Their cost is more expensive, and local residents always prefer to the low cost of quality.

I was treated with fresh products, and passed with you a gift for Almaty residents - a package of crispy cucumbers.

Local Gymnasium School No. 51, which is the name of the hero of the Soviet Union Sergey Morozov, looks inconspicuous.

But it is equipped very worthy, according to the latest requirements of the education system.

However, in school, the traditions are honored: there is a museum of combat fame, and at the end of the school year the best class is awarded the Morozov Cup.

This year, the school administration gave the opportunity to order each class at its discretion. Pupils of this class 9 have chosen strict tones.

And parallel - on the contrary, bright.

Grade 10 student ordered in Almaty. Girls gladly posed, and it was clear that they were very pleased with their appearance. In addition, the problem with the ruffers, who previously refused to wear a single school uniform.

I had the opinion that the young Ushtobinians love their school and their city, but, like many teenagers at their age, dream of breaking out of the depths, go to Almaty and continue studying there. They are worried about their future, they are afraid to stay without promising work.

The only opportunity to continue education in the Ushtobe itself is a professional lyceum number 16 of the Kathal region. Now 305 people are studying in the lyceum.

Five specialties: electric gas boar, tractor drivers, electricians, mason, chefs.

By the way, the student of the lyceum in the local dining room is fed completely free. The guys are not so much dependent on parents while they acquire a profession and cannot earn themselves.

In the tradeline, much attention is paid to sports. Especially in honor of volleyball, weightlifting and boxing. The volleyball team has repeatedly won the regional championships, and the weightlifters and boxers took part in international competitions.

Lyuba is the future cook, enters the team lyceum on volleyball. Volleyball is her second passion after cooking, she often participates in competitions. And the profession of cook decided to master more for himself, wants to learn how to prepare her husband and children for his future.

Galina Ten physical education teacher teaches in a lyceum of 11 years and says that the Ushtobe and, in particular, this gym has brought many worthy athletes. By the way, Vladimir Sedov's weightlifters - World Champion of 2009 and Sergey Filimonov - Silver medalist of the 2004 Olympiad comes from this city.

My story about the Ushtobe would be incomplete if I did not go to visit at the address: Gagarin Alley, House 2.

Here the grandmother Tigai Sun OK lives, and it is considered a living legend of the Ushtobe.

In 1937, by order of Stalin, 172 thousand ethnic Koreans were evicted from the border areas of the Far East and were deported to Kazakhstan. People were exported by wagons and planted in a naked steppe, they had no roof over her head, no warm things. The Koreans struggled their housing with their bare hands, many could not stand and dangle from jubilate frosts.

Now at this place a 10-minute drive from Ushtobe is a memorial of memory and the grave of those who could not survive the harsh winter of 1937.

Sun OK survived in those heavy times and to this day lives in the Ushtobe. Now she is 92 years old. Despite his age, the grandmother remembers the events of those years as if it happened yesterday.

At first, in front of the 15-year-old girls were taken away and taken away in the unknown direction of her father and brothers. And then, their mom and other families were planted in a unknown silent car and taken away from their native places. To Kazakhstan, they traveled a month. On the road ate rice pellets and burnt rice - "Nurundi". At that time, no one knew why they were brought in Ushtobe.

They lived in terrible conditions, used straw instead of mattresses and blankets, treated Mazani Kizyak, cleaned Armenians, engaged in agriculture. Kazakhs, having learned that in ten kilometers from the Ushtobe, whole families of Korean women, children and old people were thrown on the erased lands, they began to wear them - cakes and milk. So local helped deported survive, saved many of the hungry death, "recalls grandmother.

When the first collective farms appeared, Sun Ok (she was 17 years old) learned to drive a tractor to work and at least somehow help his mother. At first, the fragile girl did not want to take on courses, but she achieved his own and after 2 years he managed a large car worse than his colleagues. All his life, she did not bend any work - she worked by a tractor driver, a militant, a cleverer of Arykov, was engaged in agriculture. Even in retirement, she continued to engage in public operation and headed the Council of Elders "Noindan" in the Karamatsky district.

Sun approached two sons and four daughters. The daughter of Osyya in the summer works in the field, grows rice in the local farming, and in winter it comes to market. She also continues the case of the mother - engaged in public operation. They live in a large, bright and very cozy home.

Grandchildren - their Sun Ok 10 and 11 of the great-grandfather - have long grown and drove, who are where, but try to visit your beloved grandmother as much as possible.

Last year, our heroine suffered a fracture of the hip bone, and due to the fact that the bone misfortune missed, the grandmother moves around the house with the help of walkers. But it does not prevent her from being independent. When I saw my grandmother tries to go to another room, barely moving with the help of walkers, I suggested her help. But the daughter of Asya wandered me and said that Sun Ok can be offended - she was used to doing everything herself! And this secret is her longevity.

Grandma gets clippings from newspapers, photos of his youth, tells about missing relatives, who could not find ... And when she gets tired, then the conversation supports her daughter, who carefully keeps everything in mind that heard from his mother.

The book "Forgotten songs about the main thing" (Korean folklore songs in the CIS) was written with the participation of Sun OK - publishers specially came from Korea to listen and record songs in its performance.

The curved pages in the book are those songs that Sun Ok sang the creators of this song collection. And in this book of such pages more than thirty!

In this family, the traditions are very careful, so living for so many years in Kazakhstan, Sun OK prefers to talk in his own language. All children are also free to own Korean, but grandchildren already know him a little worse, but they are trying to speak their ancestors with her grandmother, so as not to offend her.

So our conversation with Sun went on Korean, and Asya was a translator. By the end of the meeting, the grandmother was tired of answering my questions, turned to me and in Loman Russian said: "And let me better sleep."

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In Ushtobe, he drove only for the fact that it would see how the Kazakhs live in a private city, and not some Regional Center. There are no attractions in the Ushtobe, but the real unstable life of the people is visible. I saw what I was expected to see - life spins around the market, the enterprises do not work, the entire housing fund is above 3 floors lying around in the ruine and, if possible, understands building materials. But the trip was interesting, though tedious.

23.5 thousand people live in Ushtobe. Russian persons almost do not meet. City status from 61st year. Ushtobe was known for the only factory in the USSR and the Institute of Yurtostroy. Now does not work. From the working enterprises by impressions - railway and meat processing plant.

Ushtobe walks minibuses and taxis from Taldykorgan. Go 1 hour. All transport arrives on the square with the railway station, the bus station and the market, not far from the city center. Immediately after arrival, it was climbed to the high-altitude dominant area that would look around. Pedestrian bridge through the railway track:

Parally goes 2 bridges - pedestrian and old with disassembled canvas. Now keeps the pipeline:

Ushtobe - railway station with passenger communications. You can leave in Almaty, and in Astana, and in Karaganda - anywhere in Kazakhstan, if desired. True railway in Kazakhstan in a very broken state and trains go slowly.

The infinite part of the city did not imagine interest - a non-communal private sector. Although in the central part of the buildings above the trees were not observed.
Station in the Ushtobe constructivist forms:


In general, I was surprised by the number of representatives of constructivism, albeit in most rectified, for such a small and non-mentioned town.
Well-groomed house per railway. Most likely the station administration.

The market part of the station is in the destroyed state. The sorting hill seems to not work. Formulations sorted by the ChMEZ. Yes, and the goods are already less than before - most (it is even possible to say everything in a short exception) the enterprises of the steel.

The locomotive depot is standing with stamped windows, closed and inside empty. Maybe too not working. The right of the depot shows the remnants of the elevator (as it seemed).

Quarter of residential buildings near the meat processing plant. They are alive. Basically, all buildings up to 3 floors remained populated, everything is higher - almost completely abandoned.

Main Highway Cities. Streets are very deserted. Side streets are often without coating.

There are even a couple of cross-shots with traffic lights. Non-working. But, surprisingly not broken. I noticed that disassembling on metal and just the destruction of the abandoned in the city unpopularly, it may just have nowhere to pass, and maybe people are.

The central market produces depressing impression. For some reason, I did not work at the weekend.

The 2 highest houses in the center are residential, although they look bad. Basically, the heating of apartments is individual, i.e. The furnace :) And he also drown out. This out of 5 stores sticks out a lot of pipes and walls in black coal flips. The view is terrible in general.

The main city boulevard seemed behind the market. As it turned out, all the most interesting and well-groomed buildings are pinned along it. Boulevard begins the club. Probably the former DC.

The old modern food store continues. On the weekend is also closed.


Near the Prodmatmag is the central department store quite standard Brezhnev forms. Pretty well-groomed and even open on day off.

In the center of Boulevard 2 monuments of historical personalities.

Balpyk Bi (1694-1784) - the leader of the tribe of Jalair, Orator, Judge. Information about Escradi Bi did not find any information. Probably, too, the leader or the conqueror - more like a face.

Some administrative building. The administration of the district and the police seem.

All children's facilities in the city are maintained in good condition. Sadik:

I liked the school building most on the boulevard. Architecture resembles cubism, although it may be a post-war building. Because of the abundance of trees, it was not possible to remove the trees.

Near the school Obelisk to the deceased teachers and students in the war.

Strange circumcised arch leading to the central area:

The boulevard ends (more precisely geographically starts - I didn't go to the other side) a beautiful well-friendly monument to the Komsomolets.

The boulevard rests on the bus station on the same area. View from Komsomol members:

The building of the bus station is quite interesting with a narrow deaf facade and high cantilever inserts. Inside dark and empty.

The facade of the house leaving the central area:

The central square itself is large, empty, uninteresting. Right in the frame of the concrete scene.

Saraine type cinema on the square. Abandoned. Although judging by the plastic windows, he tried to restore it, but did not come out.

Akimat of the city (mountains. Administration). Also a representative of the rebuilt constructivism, although simple. The reverse side of the building is not covered with siding and the source forms are visible, but for some reason not photographed.

The central park is located at the cinema. I thought it would be the most trash place in the city, but I was mistaken. The park is quite well maintained, with benches and urns, lots of monuments, including new ones.
Grave Pronin and Morozova:

Despite the rejected signs, it is not difficult to learn personalities in the jackets:

Sweded memorial in memory of the deceases in the war. Listed all the dead residents of the district.

Interesting memorial in memory of the victims of political repression.

Monument to Afghans. The bronze bullet between the two plates was stolen. It was necessary to put granite.

The rear side of the park lost approximately 1/4 of the fence. Ushtobe seems to have lost all the collapse of the Union more than half of all.


School more:

Installation on the topic of the railway. What exactly was dedicated to did not find out. Maybe a narrow silent was once in the area.

Well, the most crowded place in the city was the same area. Women sellers and peasants and Taxi drivers gathered on the new formed market.

In the second part of the Ushtobe, abandoned houses, destroyed housing fund.

Ushtobe. Kazakhstan, Almaty region pilot221 Wrote in July 4th, 2011

Ushtobe is a city since 1961 with a population of about 24 thousand people. An hour's drive from Taldykorgan (center of Almaty region). Railway station between Almaty and Semipalatinsky. Earlier, a number of enterprises worked in the city: Agricultural Plant (repair base), meat processing plant, URTAYA factory (the only one in the Union). Now all this is not, the residential foundation collapsed, only Kazakhs remained in the city, and the meaning and purpose of the city's existence is not clear.

The actual report about the part of the city of Ushtobe according to the subject of the community.
Report about another living part of the city link \u003e\u003e

At the Central Park, an interesting building seemed through the trees. I went to him. The territory has discovered the design of absolutely incomprehensible. Whether the villager is in the former, or the crane. But, surprisingly, not cut into metal. If someone has considerations what it is - report.

The building is similar to school or, rather, the technical school.


The overlap seemed to be wooden. Nevertheless, the metal beams of overlapping from the walls are doring.

When the building was an integer, I think it was quite interesting.

With constructivist elements.

After leaving the abandoned house, I headed at the main line, decorated with flags to the microdistrict, which I noticed even at the entrance to the city by taxi.

Having passed on the road a kilometer and a half realized that it was not in vain.

The neighborhood is built up mainly by 5-storey buildings, most of which are abandoned. Among them, like islets, there are painted 2, 3-storey residential buildings. In the background, satellite antena - residential 3-storey house.

Houses are mostly not very disassembled, but metal cut off.

But some houses are disassembled on building materials to the foundation.

Panel houses, you can say, lucky more. Disassemble them to building materials will not work. According to this, the windows are not laid, but parapets from the balconies are cut and the roof is dismantled.

Here is the neighborhood throughout the microdistrict. The deserted house is quite alive.






Probably the newest house in the Ushtobe. Year of construction - 1990. Maintain him in good condition to residents, probably helps the life-affirming inscription "Spring" in Fassada.

To whom Spring, and to whom individual heating in a semi-red house.

And this house just struck me. The windows are embedded in the inner walls.

Only carrying walls remained in the house, all partitions are brought down, ragling and nested instead of windows.

And why lay the windows from the first to the top floor? Isn't the first enough? Maybe due to weather conditions - that the house was slower than destroyed.

This is the city of Ushtobe. Like many others - thrown into the mercy of fate and steppe winds. Although the residents themselves often do not want to live in high-rise buildings.