Repair Design Furniture

Rules for the operation of railway crossings. Instructions for the operation of railway crossings on the tracks of industrial transport. Arrangement and equipment of crossings

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Purpose and classification of railway crossings

For crossing railways at the same level with automobile, city and other types of roads and passing through the railway tracks of urban, automobile and horse-drawn transport, agricultural, road-building and other self-propelled vehicles, driving livestock, as well as the passage of pedestrians, they construct railway crossings. The intersections of railways with motor roads at the same level are established by the head of the road. The passage of vehicles and self-propelled vehicles, as well as the passage of livestock across the tracks in unspecified places, is prohibited; The duty to monitor the fulfillment of this requirement rests with the employees of the railway transport.

The main requirement for railway crossings- this is their good condition and good visibility. Visibility is considered satisfactory when, while being at a distance of 50 m or less from the crossing, the train approaching from any side is visible at least 400 m away, and the crossing is visible to the driver at least 1000 m away. To ensure greater traffic safety, crossing the railway with roads is desirable do it at a right angle. In difficult conditions, this angle can be reduced to 60°.

The arrangement of crossings through the station tracks is possible only in places that do not affect the useful length of the tracks and active exhaust and running tracks. The device for moving in the necks of local stations from the side of the traction economy is not recommended, since this place of the station is the most loaded movement of locomotives and shunting work.

Within the station, it is desirable to place crossings between the input signal and the input arrow, this ensures free passage of vehicles in the event of an arriving train stopping at a closed input signal. In relation to turnouts, crossings are located at a distance of no closer than 5 m from the wits or from the root of the cross, which guarantees the switches from clogging. From the end of the passenger platforms, the crossing should be no closer than 100 m.

Railway crossings are divided into the following categories:

I - crossings at the intersection of the railway with motor roads of categories I and II; with streets and roads with regular bus, tram or trolleybus traffic; when crossing four or more main paths.

II - crossings at the intersection of the railway with highways of category III; with roads and streets having regular bus traffic, but with an intensity of less than 8 train-buses per hour during peak hours; with city streets that do not have trolleybus or bus traffic; with motor roads, when the largest daily work of the crossing exceeds 50 thousand train crews; at the intersection of three main paths.

III - crossings at the intersection of the railway with motor and horse-drawn roads with the highest daily work of more than 10 thousand train crews and satisfactory visibility and more than 1 thousand train crews with unsatisfactory visibility, if according to all other indicators they cannot be attributed to moving I and II categories.

IV - all other crossings at the intersection of the railway with low-traffic roads.

Crossings of categories I and II are routinely replaced by crossings at different levels (bypasses). It is not allowed to build new crossings of category I or open tram or trolleybus traffic on existing ones in any cases.

Depending on the intensity and speed of trains and road transport, equipment with automation devices and visibility conditions, crossings are divided into guarded and unguarded. Crossings of I and II categories and partially of III category are serviced around the clock by duty officers for crossings. Guarded are also crossings within the stations with a large shunting work.

Responsibilities of a moving attendant- Ensuring the safe movement of trains and road transport at the crossing. He must open and close the crossing in a timely manner, give the established signals, monitor the condition of passing trains and, in case of detection of malfunctions that threaten traffic safety, take measures to stop them.

Arrangement and equipment of crossings

Railroad crossings must be(Fig. 1):

  • typical reinforced concrete or wooden flooring;
  • entrances;
  • barriers blocking completely or partially the carriageway of the road, with signal lights on the barrier bars;
  • clearance gates (on electrified lines) with a width not less than the width of the crossing, and a height of not more than 4.5 m, in order to prevent the possibility of a break or short circuit of the contact wire with bulky loads;
  • warning signs "Beware of the train" from the side of the highway, installed 20 m from the nearest rail, and signal signs "C" (whistle) from the side of the approach of trains.

The width of the railway crossing is taken equal to the width of the carriageway, but not less than 6 m, which allows simultaneous two-way traffic. As an exception, until the reconstruction, crossings with a carriageway of at least 4.5 m may be preserved, but the passage of agricultural vehicles on such crossings is not allowed.

Rice. 1 - General view of the guarded railway crossing: 1 - crossing post; 2 - railings (fences); 3 - automatic barrier; 4 - spare barriers (manual); 5 - overall gate; 6 - warning sign "Beware of the train"; 7 - road sign "Railway crossing with a barrier"; 8 - culvert; 9 - columns; 10 - tubes for installing portable red signals; 11 - barrier traffic light; 12 - reinforced concrete floor slabs; 13 - signal sign "C"

Entrances to the crossing are fenced with posts installed on the sides of the highway. The columns, depending on local conditions, are installed for at least 16 m, and if the height of the entrance embankment is more than 1 m - throughout the entire length of such an embankment every 1.5 m. A railing is arranged between the railway track and the barriers. If livestock is often driven along crossings, then, if necessary, the railings are replaced by fences, and barrier nets are hung from the barriers.

Along the track rails for the free passage of the crests of the wheels of the rolling stock, gutters 75-95 mm wide and at least 45 mm deep are arranged; in curves with a radius of less than 600 m, the width of the gutter is increased to 110 mm. To prevent tractor caterpillars or metal sledge skids from shorting the electric rail circuits, the top of the flooring between the track rails is arranged 30-40 mm above the rail heads.

On each side of the crossing, the road must have horizontal platforms at least 15 m from the outer rail when the crossing is located in a recess (Fig. 2, but) and at least 15 m - on the embankment (Fig. 2, b). Approaches to the sites should not be steeper than 0.05 and should have an asphalt, concrete or stone surface.

Rice. 2 - Longitudinal profile of the railway crossing: but- in the recess; b- on the embankment

barriers installed on both sides of the crossing at a distance not closer than 8.5 m from the outermost rail. The height of the barrier in the closed position is 1.25 m. In case of two-way traffic on the crossing, the barrier must block on the right side for the movement of vehicles up to 2/3 of the width of the carriageway, and on the left side there may be an unblocked part of the road with a width of no more than 3 m. of the carriageway for at least 20 m from the barriers towards the road, “center lines” with a width of at least 0.1 m are applied with white paint. The lights on the barrier bars of the barriers, when they are closed, show a red light in the direction of the auto-drawn road, and when open - transparent white.

Barriers happen automatic action and manual control. When a train approaches at crossings with automatic barriers and automatic traffic signaling, a sound signal starts to operate, red flashing lights on the barriers and traffic lights that protect the crossing from the side of the approach of motor transport light up, and after a while, sufficient to remove cars from the crossing, the barriers automatically close.

Automatic alert signaling apply also at barriers of manual control. When a train approaches, it gives sound and light signals. The signaling start time is calculated so that the crossing can be released before the train arrives. Automatic signaling traffic lights are installed on the side of the highway on the right side no closer than 6 m from the extreme rail. All crossings of categories I and II must be equipped with a traffic light or sound alerting automatic signaling, and, depending on the intensity and speed of trains and road transport and visibility conditions, also crossings of categories III and IV.

The equipment of railway crossings with barriers is of great importance. traffic lights(Fig. 3), which are installed on the right side of the railway track at a distance of at least 15 m and not more than 800 m from the crossing. The red light on them is turned on by pressing a button if there is an obstacle to the movement of trains at the crossing. Entrance, exit, checkpoint and route traffic lights located at the same distance from the crossing can be used as barriers, if the visibility of the crossing from the place of their installation is provided.

Rice. 3 - Barrier traffic light

The mechanized barrier is actuated by the person on duty at the crossing. The normal position of automatic barriers is open; they are closed only for the duration of the passage of each train, and non-automatic - closed. These barriers are opened only when it is necessary and possible to let vehicles, agricultural vehicles or livestock pass through the crossing. In some cases, at crossings with heavy traffic, the normal open position of non-automatic barriers can be set.

All guarded crossings must have direct telephone connection with the nearest station or post (on sections with dispatcher centralization - with the train dispatcher on duty) or radio communication. All crossings of categories I and II, as well as the rest, if they are located near permanent sources of energy supply, must have electric lighting. The movement of bulky vehicles, agricultural, road, construction, low-speed and other machines and mechanisms through the railway crossing, the transportation of especially heavy loads (large factory equipment, powerful transformers, bridge trusses, and so on) are allowed in each individual case only with the permission of the relevant persons and under the supervision of a road foreman or foreman of the track, and on electrified sections with a height of the transported cargo of more than 4.5 m and in the presence of a representative of the contact network distance.



Ministry of Railways of Russia


The main requirements for the device, equipment, maintenance and service of railway crossings are given. The order of work and duties of the duty officer for the crossing are considered in detail. This Instruction cancels the operation of the Instruction for the operation of railway crossings dated August 19, 1991.


1.1. Railway crossings * - crossings of roads with railways at the same level - are equipped with the necessary devices to ensure traffic safety, improve the conditions for the passage of trains and vehicles. * In the future - "transfers". The terms used in this Instruction are given in section 7. Crossings are objects of increased danger that require road users and railway workers to strictly comply with the Rules of the Road of the Russian Federation, the Rules for the Technical Operation of Railways of the Russian Federation (PTE), the Rules for the Use of Highways of the Russian Federation and this Instruction. All organizations and persons using crossings must be guided by one of the main conditions for ensuring traffic safety: railway transport has an advantage in traffic over all other modes of transport. This Instruction applies to all operated and newly designed crossings. recommended for use at crossings of railway sidings of enterprises and organizations that are not included in the system of the Ministry of Railways of Russia.1.2. If there are overpasses, crossings located at a distance of 5 km or less from them are subject to closure in the prescribed manner. 1.3. Annually, in the period from April 1 to July 1, on all railways, in accordance with the procedure established by the head of the railway, a commission inspection of crossings by the leaders of track distances must be carried out; signaling and communications; power supply or power supply area; access roads of intersectoral enterprises of industrial railway transport (if necessary); office of the chief auditor for the safety of railway trains with the participation of representatives of the administration by territoriality, highway authorities and organizations maintaining roads, passenger and other motor transport organizations, as well as the State Automobile Inspectorate. also adjacent sections of the road (streets) in accordance with the requirements of the PTE, the Rules of the Road of the Russian Federation, this Instruction and standard projects of crossings. Other checks of the condition of crossings and approaches to them may be carried out during the year. In cases of unsatisfactory maintenance of roads (streets) on approaches to crossings, the head of the track distance makes a submission to the leadership of the local territorial body of the State traffic inspectorate to stop the movement of vehicles through such crossings until the roads are brought into proper condition i.e.


2.1. According to the location, crossings are divided into: public - at the intersections of public railways with public roads, municipal roads and streets; non-public - at the intersections of railways with roads of individual enterprises or organizations (regardless of ownership). Arrangement, equipment, maintenance and maintenance of crossings for non-public use are carried out at the expense of enterprises, organizations or authorities of highways and organizations that maintain roads using these crossings. The procedure for maintaining and servicing public and non-public crossings is established by the head of the railway. within the boundaries of the territory of enterprises (warehouses, depots, elevators, etc.) by roads intended to ensure the technological process of the operation of this enterprise, they are classified as technological passages and are not subject to accounting as crossings. The safety of the movement of rolling stock and vehicles on them is ensured by the administration of the enterprise. The procedure for the arrangement, maintenance and service, opening and closing of technological passages is established by the head of the railway. 2.2. Crossings on the operated railway network of the Ministry of Railways, depending on the traffic intensity of rail and road transport, are divided into four categories (Table 1).

Intensity of train traffic on the main track (total in two directions), trains/day

Vehicle traffic intensity (total in two directions), vehicles/day *

Up to 200 inclusive

Up to 16 inclusive, as well as on all station and access roads
* In given units. Note. 1. Category I also includes crossings located at railway crossings where trains move at a speed of more than 140 km/h, regardless of the intensity of vehicle traffic on the highway. 2. All other crossings (not covered by the table) belong to category IV.2.2.1. Level crossings are divided into regulated and non-regulated crossings. The regulated crossings include crossings equipped with crossing signaling devices that notify vehicle drivers about the approach to a train (rolling stock) crossing, or serviced by duty workers, as well as other railway workers who are instructed to regulate the movement of trains ( rolling stock) and vehicles at the crossing. These employees may be allowed to perform the duties of a duty officer for the crossing in accordance with the procedure established by clauses 1.7 and 1.8 of the Rules for the Technical Operation of Railways of the Russian Federation. Unregulated crossings include crossings that are not equipped with crossing signaling devices and served by crossing attendants and other employees who are entrusted with regulating the movement of trains (rolling stock) and vehicles at the crossing. The possibility of safe passage through such crossings is determined by the driver of the transport sports equipment in accordance with the Rules of the road of the Russian Federation.2.2.2. Equipment of existing crossings with crossing signaling devices is carried out by railways in accordance with annual and long-term plans.2.3. Maintenance of crossings equipped and not equipped with crossing signaling is installed by an employee on duty only at crossings *: traffic of trains with a speed of more than 140 km/h; located at the intersections of main tracks with motor roads on which tram or trolleybus traffic is carried out; Category I; Category II, located on sections with a traffic intensity of more than 16 trains / day and not equipped with automatic traffic signaling with a white-moon flashing signal (fire) and automatic monitoring of the malfunction of crossing signaling devices by the station attendant (train dispatcher). railway tracks; if the crossing of the II category has unsatisfactory visibility conditions, and in sections with a traffic intensity of more than 16 trains / day - regardless of the visibility conditions. In accordance with GOST R 50597-93, at crossings without an attendant, drivers of vehicles located at a distance of no more than 50 m from the near rail must be provided with the visibility of a train approaching from either side in accordance with the standards specified in Table. 2; if the category III crossing has unsatisfactory visibility conditions and is located on a section with a traffic intensity of more than 16 trains / day, and if it is located on sections with a traffic intensity of more than 200 trains / day - regardless of visibility conditions.

Table 2. Standards for ensuring the visibility of a train approaching a crossing

Note. When designing newly built and reconstructed public roads and access roads to industrial enterprises at crossings, visibility must be ensured in which the driver of a car located at a distance not less than the visibility distance from the crossing to stop the car (according to SNiP 2.05.02-85 "Automobile road") could see the train approaching the crossing at least 400 m away, and the driver of the approaching train could see the middle of the crossing at a distance of at least 1000 m. Maintenance of the remaining crossings by attendants is not necessary. 2.4. It is not allowed to reopen crossings on the public railway network: I, II and III categories; in sections with train speeds of more than 120 km / h; IV category when crossing three or more main railway tracks, when crossing tracks in recesses and other places where visibility conditions are not provided (Table 2 of this Instruction and Table 10 of SNiP 2.05.02-85 "Roads"), as well as in cases where crossings are required to be serviced by a duty worker. Reopening of crossings of IV category, except for those listed above, allowed (unless it is possible to find another solution) with the permission of the head of the railway in agreement with the State Automobile Inspectorate, the road management body and the organization maintaining the road. It is not allowed to open tram and trolleybus traffic at operated crossings. The reopening of bus traffic at crossings is allowed with the permission of the head of the railway, provided that the crossing is equipped with crossing signaling and the conclusion of the commission, the composition of which is defined in clause 1.3 of this Instruction. 2.5. Crossings with an attendant must be equipped with barriers, and duty on them is established, as a rule, around the clock. Round-the-clock duty should be carried out at crossings equipped with automatic, semi-automatic barriers and electric barriers. Non-round-the-clock work can be installed at non-public crossings, as well as at crossings of local importance. position, and emergency barriers, completely blocking the carriageway of the highway, are installed in a barrage position and locked with a lock. inspections and organizations that need this move. Crossings located on low-traffic railway access and station tracks * and equipped with horizontal-turning barriers must be equipped by railways with traffic signaling, controlled by a drafting or locomotive brigade. Prior to the equipment of crossings with signaling, horizontal-turning barriers are preserved and such crossings are not serviced by a duty worker. * Hereinafter - "access and station roads". The procedure for closing and opening horizontal-turning barriers or turning on or off the traffic signal is determined by the local instruction approved by the official on behalf of the head of the railway, in agreement with the State Automobile Inspectorate. Crossings located near the premises turnouts on duty, on duty at the railway station * (post), can be serviced by employees of the railway transportation service in the manner prescribed by the head of the railway, in agreement with the State Automobile Inspectorate. * In the future - "on duty at the station". 2.6. Checking the intensity of movement of trains and vehicles, the working conditions of crossings and reviewing their categorization are carried out by track distances according to actual needs, but at least 1 time per year. To establish the categories of crossings, the intensity of train traffic is taken from the train schedule, and the traffic intensity of vehicles is taken from the data of road management organizations that maintain roads, or chronometric observations of track distances. again) service by a duty worker. The list is agreed with the State Automobile Inspectorate *. * The departments (departments) of the traffic police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, the Internal Affairs Directorate of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Before stopping the service of the crossing, the duty worker must take the following measures: work has been done to equip the crossing with a device for monitoring the operation of automatic crossing signaling (if any) at the station duty officer (train dispatcher) ); the compliance of the state and equipment of the crossing with the requirements of this Instruction was checked and, based on the results, a conclusion was drawn up on the readiness of its operation without a duty officer for the crossing, agreed with the State Automobile Inspectorate; the relevant road signs have been replaced. The procedure for maintenance and operation of crossing devices at crossings, where the passage of rolling stock is provided in the presence of a railway worker, is established by the head of the railway. In such cases, coordination with the State Automobile Inspectorate is not required. clearly visible announcements for a period of one month with the text: "Moving from (date) without a person on duty" should be put up. 2.7. Closing of existing crossings, transfer, restoration of closed crossings (permanent or temporary) is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the head of the railway, in agreement with the highway management body, the organization containing the highway and the State Automobile Inspectorate. The territorial administration must be notified of this at least two months before the closing of the crossing. are blocked by barriers, and, if necessary, by ditches at a distance of 2 m from the barrier towards the railway tracks. Warning signs at the entrances and approaches to crossings remove and install information and guidance signs indicating the direction of the detour. At closed crossings, all equipment is dismantled. In the event of a short-term cessation of operation of crossings for the period of their closure, automatic devices are turned off, and the bars of spare barriers are set to a closed position for the movement of vehicles and locked. head of the track distance in accordance with the procedure agreed with the State Automobile Inspectorate. The procedure for dismantling structures, devices and equipment of closed crossings, their safety or reuse is established by the head of the railway.


3.1. All crossing arrangements must comply with the requirements of the Rules for the Technical Operation of Railways of the Russian Federation, these Instructions, standard designs, the Rules of the Road of the Russian Federation, GOST 23457-86 "Technical means of organizing traffic. Rules of application", GOST R 50597-93 "Motor roads and streets. Requirements for the operational state permissible under the conditions of ensuring road safety ", and when designing newly built and reconstructed public roads and access roads to industrial enterprises - and the requirements of the Construction Norms and Rules" Highways. SNiP 2.05.02-85 .In accordance with the requirements of GOST 23457-86 "Technical means of organizing traffic. Application Rules" the need to install transport traffic lights (type 6) at crossings is determined by the relevant regulatory and technical documentation approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia. In special cases, it is allowed, in agreement with the Ministry of Railways of Russia, to use transport traffic lights of type 1.1.1 - 1.1.3, 1.1.16 at crossings , Crossings should be located mainly on straight sections of railways and roads outside the cuts and places where satisfactory visibility conditions are not provided. between intersecting roads must be at least 60 °.The existing crossings, located at a sharper angle, must be rebuilt simultaneously with the reconstruction of roads. a horizontal platform or a vertical curve of a large radius, or a slope due to the excess of one rail over another when the intersection is in a curved section of the track. for the reconstruction and construction of new roads, approaches should be installed in such a way that for at least 2 m from the outermost rail the road in the longitudinal profile has a horizontal platform. .In difficult conditions (mountainous areas, city streets, etc. ) the profile of the road at the approaches to crossings can be individual, agreed with the State Automobile Inspectorate and road maintenance organizations or other owners of roads. When approaching the crossing of unpaved roads (without hard surface) for at least 10 m from the head of the outermost rail hard coating must be applied on both sides.3.4. Newly created protective forest plantations should provide drivers of vehicles at a distance of 50 m or less from the crossing the visibility of a train approaching it at a distance of at least 500 m.3.5. The carriageway at the approaches to the crossing and within its boundaries, as well as the decking, signal posts, railings and fences of the barrier or parapet type must comply with the typical design of the crossing. The width of the carriageway of the crossing must be equal to the width of the carriageway of the motor road, but not less than 6 m , and the width of the flooring in the places of cattle driving - at least 4 m. The flooring of the crossing must comply with the design approved by the Department of Track and Structures. The track under the deck can be on both wooden and reinforced concrete sleepers. On the outer side of the track, the deck should be at the same level as the top of the rail heads. It is not allowed to deviate the top of the rail head located within the carriageway relative to the pavement by more than 2 cm. Inside the track, the flooring should be higher than the rail heads within 1-3 cm. allowed. On operated crossings, before reorganization in a planned manner, the elevation of the flooring inside the track is allowed within 3-4 cm. Their ends, at a length of 50 cm, are bent inside the track by 25 cm. The width of the gutter is set at 75-110 mm, and the depth is at least 45 mm. 75-1.0 m from the flooring, fixtures in the form of metal tubes are fixed for installing portable train stop signals (red shield, lamp), as well as devices for determining the lower oversize of the rolling stock (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. A device for detecting lower oversize in trains:

1 - wooden plank measuring 140 ´ 1300 ´ 15 mm; 2 - bolt or roller; 3 - metal pin; 4 - sleeper

Note. 1. From vertical and horizontal displacement, the wooden plank is fixed with one bolt with a nut or a roller with a cotter pin 2. On the way with reinforced concrete sleepers, the pins are hammered into a wooden sleeper embedded in a sleeper box. (Fig. 2) should be located at a distance of at least 0.75 m from the edge of the carriageway. Guide posts are installed on both sides of the crossing at a distance of 2.5 to 16 m from the outermost rails every 1.5 m. barrier nets are hung from mechanized barriers. Crossing barriers are painted in accordance with the requirements of GOST 23457-86 "Technical means of organizing traffic. Rules of use." Road signs are installed at crossings from the side of the highway (color tab, Fig. 1).

Rice. 2. Guide posts with flat ( but) and cylindrical ( b) surface:

1 , 2 - retroreflective devices, respectively, yellow (white) and red.

In accordance with SNiP 2.05.02-85 "Roads", when crossings are located in settlements and when a motor road with sidewalks approaches them, crossings must be equipped with footpaths by decision of the local authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the management of the distance of the way. If there is a crossing signaling at such crossings, the footpaths are equipped with an audible alarm, which additionally informs road users about the prohibition of movement through the crossing. At the approaches to crossings (color insert, Fig. 2; 3), permanent warning signs "C" are installed from the side of the railway about the whistle by train drivers, and from the side of the highway before all crossings without an attendant - warning road signs 1.3.1 " Single-track railway" or 1.3.2 "Multi-track railway" and other signs (color insert, Fig. 1). If there is a traffic signal at the crossing, signs 1.3.1 and 1.3.2 are installed on the same support with traffic lights, and in its absence - at a distance of at least 20 m from the near rail. Signal signs "C" are installed on the right side in the direction of train movement on at a distance of 500-1500 m from crossings, and on hauls where trains circulate at speeds of more than 120 km / h - at a distance of 800-1500 m. Before crossings without attendants with unsatisfactory visibility conditions, in addition, additional signal signs "C" should be installed at a distance of 250 m from the crossing (on sections where trains circulate at a speed of more than 120 km/h - at a distance of 400 m).3.7. Before crossings without attendants and not equipped with crossing signaling, if the drivers of vehicles located at a distance of not more than 50 m from the near rail are not provided with visibility of the train at a distance equal to the estimated distance of visibility of the road (Table 2 of this Instruction), as well as during production works at the crossing, a road sign of priority 2.5 "Movement without stopping is prohibited" is installed. The need to install sign 2.5 is determined by the commission (clause 1.3 of this Instruction). The place of its installation is taken in accordance with GOST 23457-86. Before such crossings until they are reorganized, in order to improve traffic safety, the head of the railway may, in some cases, establish a permanent limit on the speed of trains. 3.8. At the approaches to the place for driving cattle, at a distance of 20 m from the extreme rails, signs are installed with inscriptions in Russian and local languages: "Beware of the train! Place for driving cattle", and at a distance of 3-4 m from the extreme rail across the tracks for driving cattle - posts to prevent vehicles from entering the road. 3.9. On electrified lines on both sides of the crossing, road prohibition signs are installed 3.13. "Height restriction" with the number on the sign "4.5 m" (colored insert, Fig. 1) at a distance of at least 5 m from the barrier, and in their absence - at least 14 m from the outermost rail. 3.10. At approaches to crossings from the side of highways, in front of barriers, and where there are none, in front of a road warning sign 1.3.1 or 1.3.2, in accordance with the Rules of the Road, road warning signs 1.1 are installed. "Railway crossing with barrier" or 1.2. "Railway crossing without a barrier" at a distance of 150-300 m, and in settlements - at a distance of 50-100 m from the outermost rail and other road signs (color tab, Fig. 2, 3). Signs 1.1. and 1.2. must be duplicated on roads with three or more lanes for traffic in both directions, as well as on roads with one or two lanes for traffic in both directions, if the visibility distance of the crossing outside built-up areas is less than 300 m, and in built-up areas - less than 100 m. Works on the repair and maintenance of motor roads - entrances to public and non-public crossings to the ends of the sleepers of the near rails are carried out at the expense of the owners of these roads (Appendix 1). At the same time, work within 10 m from the ends of the sleepers of the near rails is carried out in agreement with the track distance in the presence of an employee authorized by the track distance management. 3.11. Crossings with attendants are equipped with barriers. The bars of automatic and semi-automatic barriers, as well as electric barriers, must be equipped with red retroreflective devices and have a standard length of 4; 6 and 8 m. The left side of the road with a width of at least 3 m is not blocked. If necessary, it is allowed to install the specified barriers of non-standard length. The order of equipment and operation of the UZP is established by the Ministry of Railways of Russia. Mechanized barriers, as a rule, must block the entire carriageway and have signal lights used at night, as well as during the day with poor visibility (fog, snowstorm and other adverse conditions). Signal lights installed on the barrier bars of mechanized barriers should be directed towards the highway: when the barriers are closed - red signals (lights); when the barriers are open - transparent white signals (lights). In the direction of the railway track - control transparent white signals (lights), both with the open and closed position of the barriers. . At the same time, mechanized barriers are located at a distance of at least 8.5 and not more than 14 m from the outermost rail; automatic, semi-automatic barriers and electric barriers - at a distance of at least 6; 8; 10 m from the outer rail, depending on the length of the barrage (4; 6; 8 * m). * If such a length of the beam is provided for by the project. To protect the crossing during the repair of the track, structures and devices, spare horizontal-turning barriers of manual action should be used, installed at a distance of at least 1 m from the main barriers in the direction of the highway and blocking the carriageway of the road for at least than the main ones. These barriers must have devices for fixing them in the open and closed positions and hanging a signal light. 50°. Strip width 500-600 mm. The end of the barrier bar must have a red stripe 250-300 mm wide. Bars of barriers are equipped with red reflective devices. 3.12. The normal position of automatic and semi-automatic barriers is open, and that of electric barriers and mechanized barriers is closed. In some cases, at crossings with heavy traffic, as well as at crossings transferred to the service of employees of other services, the normal position of electric barriers and mechanized barriers can be set open. In the normally closed position of the barriers, they open only to allow vehicles to pass in the absence of an approaching train. 3.13. To separate traffic flows in opposite directions (center line) on roads with two or three lanes in both directions, in accordance with GOST 13508-74 and GOST 23457-86, horizontal markings 1.1 are applied before crossings from the near rail to markings 1.12 (stop- line) and at a distance of 100 m from marking 1.12. Marking 1.12 is applied at a distance of at least 5 m from a barrier or traffic light, and in their absence - at a distance of at least 10 m from the nearest rail. To indicate the boundaries of traffic lanes, if there are two or more than for one direction of movement before crossings, at least 20 (40) m from marking 1.12, marking is applied. At crossings with duty officers, premises for duty officers should be built according to standard designs - buildings of crossing posts with an exit along the railway track towards the highway. Exits towards the railway track in the buildings of crossing posts must be protected by railings. 3.15. All crossings of I and II categories, as well as III and IV categories, in the presence of longitudinal power supply lines or other permanent sources of power supply, must have electric lighting. I category - 5 lux; Category II - 3 lux; Category III - 2 lux; IV category - 1 lux. The level of illumination should be brought to 5 lux according to the plans of railways, first of all, crossings of category II, then III and IV categories. roads and main streets of citywide significance, lamps must be installed in accordance with SNiP 2.05.02-85 "Roads". The power supply of crossing signaling devices must comply with applicable standards. At the same time, for an automation device with direct current track circuits, a battery reserve with a duration of continuous operation of at least 8 hours should be provided, provided that the power supply has not been turned off in the previous 36 hours. 3.16. Crossings with attendants must have radio communication with the drivers of train locomotives, direct telephone communication with the nearest station or post, and in sections with dispatch centralization - with a train dispatcher. The telephone call is supplemented by an external call (howler). 3.17. Level crossings are equipped with signaling devices in accordance with the Basic requirements for equipping level crossings with level crossing signaling (Appendix 2). unsatisfactory visibility conditions. 3.18. On roads before crossings equipped with crossing signaling, traffic lights are installed with two horizontally located and alternately flashing red signals (lights) having the following meaning (color tab, Fig. 5, a, b): the red signal (fire) is on - the movement of vehicles is prohibited; the red signal (fire) is off - the movement of vehicles is allowed only after the driver is convinced that there is no train approaching the crossing. Traffic lights are installed on the right side in the direction of movement of vehicles. In some cases (visibility conditions, traffic intensity) signals (lights) of traffic lights can be repeated on the opposite side of the highway. At separate crossings without a duty officer, according to the conditions approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia, a traffic signal with traffic lights with two alternately flashing red signals (lights) can be used and one white-lunar flashing signal (fire), signaling (color tab, Fig. 5, b ): red signal (fire) on, white-moon signal (fire) off - vehicle traffic is prohibited; white-moon signal (fire) on, red signal (fire) off - vehicle traffic is allowed; red and white-moon signals (lights) off - the crossing signaling is disabled or defective. Before crossing, the driver must make sure that there is no approaching train and give way if the train (locomotive, trolley) is approaching the crossing. The specific procedure for the actions of vehicle drivers when driving through a railway crossing is established by the Rules of the Road Russian Federation. In the event of a signaling shutdown or its malfunction, the nearest station on duty or the train dispatcher in sections with dispatcher centralization is automatically notified of the malfunction of the crossing signaling. DU-46, inform the duty officers of neighboring stations and the electrician of the signaling system about this. The electrician must take measures to eliminate the malfunction. The station attendant or train dispatcher via radio communication immediately sends a message to the drivers of trains following without stopping at separate points in the direction of the crossing about a malfunction of the devices automatics at the crossing and the need to follow it with special vigilance and a speed of no more than 20 km / h. For trains stopping at stations, written warnings are issued about malfunctions of the crossing signaling in the manner set forth in the Instructions for the movement of trains and shunting work on the railways of the Russian Federation. Automatic traffic signaling should be adjusted in such a way that the start of the stop signal in the direction of the highway is made in the time necessary for the early release of the crossing by the vehicle. At the same time, at the moment the train enters the approach section, at the traffic lights towards the road, flashing red signals (lights) are switched on, and acoustic signals (bells or bells) are also given to provide additional information to traffic participants about the prohibition of movement through the crossing. Turning off the red signals (lights) occurs after the train has cleared the crossing. When trains move in an unspecified direction on single-track sections equipped with automatic blocking, and along the wrong track on double- and multi-track sections, the red flashing signals (lights) are turned off after the train has vacated the approach section located behind the crossing along the train. Red flashing signals (lights) at traffic lights turn on from the moment the train enters the approach section and after a time determined by calculation, the barrier bars smoothly lower to a horizontal position. The automatic barriers must remain closed, and the red signals (lights) of the traffic lights must be on (burn) until the train crossing is completely cleared. When the train crossing is completely cleared, the barrier bars of the automatic barriers rise to a vertical position, after which the red signals (lights) at the traffic lights turn off. The opening of semi-automatic barriers and turning off the red flashing signals (lights) at traffic lights and acoustic signals is carried out by the duty officer at the crossing by pressing the "Open" button. When there is a traffic signal at crossings with an attendant on access and other tracks where the rail circuits of the approach sections cannot be equipped, red flashing signals (lights) of traffic lights turn on when a button on the board of the crossing signal is pressed. After that, the red light goes out at the shunting traffic light and the moon-white light turns on. When there are traffic signals at crossings without a duty officer, special traffic lights should be installed on the access roads in cities as barriers, signaling with red and moon-white fire. In these cases, the inclusion of a permitting moon-white light for a train (shunting train) to proceed through the crossing is possible only after turning on the red signals (lights) at the crossing traffic lights. After turning on the red lights at the shunting traffic lights, the red signals (lights) at the crossing traffic lights must be turned off. The specified dependence is carried out automatically using a shortened track circuit. 3.19. Traffic safety at crossings when returning from a haul and various movements of economic, working, recovery and other trains must be ensured in accordance with paragraphs. 4.13 and 6.3 of this Instruction. At crossings, the approach sections of which include station tracks, when the train departs at a prohibitory indication of traffic lights, the automatic traffic light signaling should be switched on by the station attendant by pressing the "Closing the crossing" button. At the same time, the train driver, when approaching the crossing, must proceed with special vigilance at a speed of no more than 20 km / h and be ready to stop if an obstacle to movement is encountered. The list of stations with such crossings is approved by the head of the railway and announced by order by the railway. At crossings located within or near stations and equipped with crossing signaling, station attendants should not allow a long time between the opening of exit signals and the departure of trains so as not to cause delays for vehicles at the crossing. The station attendant must give a notice of the crossing, turn on the alarm, notify the duty officer of the crossing about the departure of the train by phone or in another way determined by the local instruction. about this, as well as information from the train driver about the necessary conditions for passing the crossing, are established by local instructions. 3.20. The "Maintenance" button is intended to delay, if necessary, the duty officer on the crossing of the closing of the barriers (electric barriers) before passing under the bar of a large-sized vehicle and eliminating the breakage of the bar. At the same time, the delay time of the barrier by the crossing attendant should not exceed 5-10 s. , includes a barrier to transfer it to the open position. 3.21. At crossings with a guard on duty, a barrage alarm is set up. Entrance, exit, warning, pre-entrance, shunting, through and route traffic lights located at a distance of no more than 800 m and at least 15 m from the crossing, provided that the crossing is visible from the place of their installation, can be used as barrier traffic lights. If it is impossible to use the listed traffic lights, special barrier traffic lights are installed before the crossing at a distance of at least 15 m. Barrage traffic lights are installed on single-track sections on both sides of the crossing. On double-track sections - on the right track, and on the wrong track - in the following cases: with two-way train traffic on each track; in suburban areas with a traffic intensity of more than 100 pairs of trains / day. At crossings located within the boundaries of stations and near them, in sections of approach to which station tracks enter, where when the train leaves the station with a prohibitory indication of the input traffic light, the required notice time for closing the crossing is not provided when the train starts from its place, normally lit barrier traffic lights can be installed from the side of the station. In this case, when the train moves to the prohibitory indication of the traffic light and enters the rail circuit adjacent to the crossing, red flashing signals (lights) are switched on at the crossing traffic lights, and then, after a delay of time required for the vehicles to clear the crossing, the red light of the barrier traffic light is turned off. The list of such crossings is established by the head of the railway. The installation of barrier traffic lights when trains move along the wrong track is allowed on the left side of the track. in which the prohibitory indication of the barrier traffic lights for movement on the correct track is a stop signal also for trains following the wrong track. If the required visibility of the barrier traffic light is not provided, then in sections that are not equipped x auto-blocking, a warning traffic light is installed in front of such a traffic light, the same shape as the obstruction one, and giving a signal with a yellow light when the main traffic light is red and not burning when the main traffic light is extinguished. traffic lights must be equipped with devices for turning off the automatic locomotive signaling codes and switching the auto-blocking traffic lights closest to the crossing to a prohibitory indication in the event of obstacles to the movement of trains at the crossing. 3.22. Control boards for crossing signaling are installed outside the post of duty officer at the crossing in a place of good visibility of the railway track and the highway at the approaches to the crossing. On the control panels, depending on the type of crossing signaling, there are buttons and control lamps. Their purpose and procedure for use are determined by the project documentation and should be contained in the local operating instructions for the crossing. For two-story posts, a backup control panel can be installed on the outer wall of the first floor or on a separate post, on which there is a button to turn on the barrage alarm. 3.23. To give signals in case of a threat to traffic safety or the need to assist the duty officer at the crossing, depending on local conditions, special signaling means (flashing beacon and siren) can be installed at the crossings. The procedure for equipping crossings and operating such facilities is determined by the Department of Tracks and Structures in agreement with the Main Directorate of the State Automobile Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.


4.1. Persons who have completed training under a special program approved by the Department of Personnel and Educational Institutions, agreed by the Department of Tracks and Structures, after passing the tests, are appointed to the position of a moving attendant. 4.2. The duty officer on duty during the shift must have with him: one box of firecrackers (6 pieces) to protect the obstacle that has arisen for movement; a signal horn for giving sound signals to railway workers; a police whistle for giving an additional signal in order to attract the attention of traffic participants; two signal flag (red and yellow) in a case, and at night and in case of poor visibility during daylight hours (fog, blizzard and other adverse conditions) - a signal lamp for giving visible signals. 4.3. The building of the crossing post must have: a duty schedule for the crossing; this Instruction; local operating instructions for this crossing with a card containing the necessary information about it (Appendix 3); an extract from the schedule of passenger and commuter trains indicating the time of departure of trains from neighboring stations ; Book of acceptance and delivery of duty and inspection of devices at the crossing; Journal of violations of the rules of passage through the crossing; wall clock, first aid kit, necessary tools, furniture, household equipment; traffic controller's baton and red armband; 4-6 m long cable for towing those stopped at the crossing vehicles; one portable red board and one signal light for each railway track crossed by the crossing; one spare portable red board and one spare signal light; one set of signal flags; a box of firecrackers (6 pcs.) on double-track sections and at least two boxes (12 pcs.) on sections with three or more tracks. In winter, crossings require it is possible to have a constant supply of sand or slag for sprinkling the carriageway of the crossing and pedestrian paths within the borders of the crossing during ice. transportation services - with the participation of station chiefs and is approved by the procedure established by the head of the railway. This instruction should be reviewed when changing the operating conditions of the move, but at least once every 5 years. An approximate content of the local instruction is given in Appendix 4.4.4. The duty officer on duty at the crossing must check: the railway track within 50 m from the crossing in both directions, the condition of the equipment of the crossing and all its devices, the presence of seals on the sealed devices, the presence and condition of hand signals, firecrackers, tools and inventory. About all comments , malfunctions of barriers, crossing and barrage alarms, telephone (radio) communications, as well as the eliminated malfunctions, an entry is made in the Book of acceptance and delivery of duty and inspection of devices at the crossing. If there is automation, you should write down: "Automation is working" or "Automation is faulty." the duty officer at the station (train dispatcher) and through him the road foreman (track foreman). About a malfunction of the crossing and barrage signaling and automatic barriers or electric barriers, as well as telephone (radio) communications, the duty officer for the crossing must immediately inform the duty officers of the nearest separate points (train dispatcher ). Until the malfunction is eliminated and the electrician is noted about it in the Book of acceptance and delivery of duty and inspection of devices at the crossing, it is prohibited to use faulty devices. 4.5. During duty, the duty officer for the crossing is obliged * : * For the duty of the turnout post and other workers who combine the functions of duty officers for the crossings, the duties for servicing the crossings should be established by the local instruction. Open and close the barriers in a timely manner and give the established signals, monitor the condition of passing trains. In the event of a malfunction that threatens traffic safety, take measures to stop the train, and if there is no signal indicating the tail of the train, report this to the station attendant, and in sections equipped with dispatcher centralization, to the train dispatcher; before passing a passenger train at a speed of more than 140 km/h stop the movement of vehicles at the crossing and close the barriers (regardless of whether they are automatic or not) 5 minutes before the train passes; stop driving cattle through the crossing before the train passes at least 5 minutes, and when a passenger train at a speed of more than 140 km / h - at least 20 minutes in advance; immediately protect the place of damage to the track that threatens the safe movement of trains with stop signals, and report this by telephone to the station duty officer or train dispatcher; prohibit stopping at the crossing of vehicles and other self-propelled machines and mechanisms, as well as stopping people and livestock; clean gutters for free wheel flanges and keep the entire area of ​​the crossing within its boundaries in constant cleanliness; monitor the good condition of barriers, alarm devices, warning and temporary signs for the passage of snowplows; light the lights at the crossing and barriers, turn on and turn off outdoor lighting in a timely manner and searchlight installations, notify the station duty officer (train dispatcher) of their malfunctions by telephone, who must notify the power supply distance about this; for 50 m in each direction from the crossing, with the exception of very active crossings, the list of which is established by the head of the track distance; follow the Safety and Industrial Sanitation Instructions for those on duty at crossings. It is allowed to perform work on the way and at the crossing only with closed barriers. The duty officer for the crossing must be at the crossing, open or glazed veranda all the time. He can enter the premises only after making sure that the crossing is free from vehicles and there are no trains approaching the crossing. In this case, non-automatic barriers must be closed. It is forbidden to leave the post or entrust the temporary maintenance of the crossing to other persons.4.6. When approaching a train, a separate locomotive, a track or other self-propelled vehicle or a trolley, the duty officer at the crossing, after closing the barriers, is obliged to check whether the tracks are clear at the crossing and on both sides of it, and get off the track when the train is at least 400 meters away from it. m, and for meeting trains traveling at a speed of more than 140 km / h, 5 minutes before the train passes (at the same time, automatic barriers must be closed by pressing a button). When meeting a train, you must face the track with a half-turn of your head towards the movement, as a rule , at the building of the crossing post (on an open or glazed veranda) at a distance of no closer than 2 m, and when a train passes at a speed of more than 140 km / h - at a distance of no closer than 4 m from the outermost rail and at least 5 m when a train passes , following at a speed of more than 160 km / h, give a signal with a wind horn (one long sound when an odd train approaches and two long ones when an even train approaches), give a signal when the track is free: in the afternoon - a folded yellow flag, at night - a transparent white light from a hand lantern; if it is necessary to reduce the speed of the train: unfurled yellow flag during the day; at night on hauls - a slow movement up and down of a hand lantern with a transparent white light, at stations - a hand lantern with yellow light; if there is no such lantern, by slowly moving up and down a hand lantern with a transparent white light. When meeting a train, the duty officer at the crossing must carefully inspect the rolling stock, use floodlights at night, if the crossing is equipped with them. make sure that there is no other train, locomotive or trolley following or on the adjacent track, then open non-automatic barriers and let vehicles or livestock pass through the crossing. deployed and keep it until the signalman appears, protecting the trailer or trolley from behind, or until the trolley follows the crossing and moves away from it by 200-250 m. 4.7. When a train, locomotive or trolley passes, the crossing attendant is obliged to give a stop signal in the following cases: if a malfunction is noticed in a passing train that threatens traffic safety: skidding wheels or emitting strong blows due to sliders, fire, burning axle boxes, threat of falling from the train of a person or cargo, etc. After passing the train, in which a skidding wheel pair or having sliders was found, the crossing duty officer is obliged to immediately inform the station duty officer (train dispatcher), road foreman (track foreman) about this and conduct a continuous inspection of the track within the area he serves; if a train following the wrong track of a double-track line does not have signals set in its head; if it is noticed that one train is moving towards another along the same track or one train overtakes another, a railcar or a track car (stop signal in the latter case is served only to the overtaking train); if stop signals are given to the driver from the train or from the track, and the train continues to move; in case of fire in the right of way, threatening traffic; in other cases, threatening traffic safety and people's lives. must inform the driver of this train (if there is a radio connection), as well as by telephone to the duty officer at the station and (to the train dispatcher). 4.8. At crossings equipped with semi-automatic barriers, their opening is possible only after the train passes through the crossing and the person on duty at the crossing presses the "Open" button on the control panel. If, when pressing this button, semi-automatic barriers are not transferred to the open position, and at crossings with automatic barriers, the latter are not automatically transferred to the open position, then before removing the seal and using the "Emergency opening" button, the crossing attendant must remove the seal from the button " Turning on the barrier" and press it, make sure that there are no trains on the approaches to the crossing, make an entry in the Book of acceptance and delivery of duty and inspection of devices at the crossing about a malfunction of automation devices and immediately inform the station duty officer (train dispatcher), and if possible, electromechanics of the CCB. After that, it is allowed to remove the seal from the "Emergency Opening" button and press it to move the barriers to the open position. The "Emergency opening" button must be kept pressed by the crossing attendant until the vehicle or group of vehicles passes under the barrier beam. By pressing the "Emergency Opening" button, the crossing duty officer turns off the traffic light and sound signaling for this time, forcibly opens the barriers and takes control of them. using the "Emergency opening" button, vehicles should be allowed to pass in small groups. message about the movement of the trolley, must monitor its passage, press the "Close" button and leave it pressed until the passage of the trolley through the crossing. also by pressing the "Close" button to turn on the alarm. If, after pressing the "Close" button, they do not close, then the crossing attendant must act in accordance with the procedure established by the local operating instructions for the crossing until the malfunction is eliminated. 4.9. If there are obstacles at the crossing that threaten traffic safety, as well as when the crossing is blocked by a fallen load or a stopped vehicle, the duty officer at the crossing acts as follows: if there is a barrier alarm, it immediately turns it on, for which it is necessary to remove the seal from the "Enable the barrier" button, press it and close the barriers. The inclusion of barrier traffic lights is checked by the bulbs available on the control panel of the barriers; after turning on the barrier alarm, he informs the station attendant or train dispatcher about what happened by phone, and if there is radio communication, informs the train drivers about the need to stop and about the presence of an obstacle at the crossing, other officials ( Appendix 5), after which he takes measures to eliminate it. An entry should be made in the Book of acceptance and delivery of duty and inspection of devices at the crossing and immediately reported to the electromechanic of the CCS. In cases where assistance is required, the shift attendant gives a general alarm signal with a wind horn or blows to a suspended metal object in groups of one long and three short sounds according to the scheme: ¾ × × × ¾ × × × ¾ × × ×. If there are special signaling devices at the crossing (a red flashing beacon and a siren), it also turns them on. personally inform the driver about the malfunction of the barrier traffic light, after which the driver has the right to follow the prohibitory signal of the barrier traffic light. 4.10. In the absence of a barrier signal or its malfunction, or when the control lights on the panel do not light up, the crossing duty officer must immediately install a portable stop signal on each railway track on which an obstacle has arisen (during the day - a red shield, at night - a lantern with a red light in both directions) , close the barriers, notify the station duty officer (train dispatcher) about the obstacle and at the same time find out whether the train has been sent from the station to the haul. The crossing duty officer, having received a notification from the station duty officer (train dispatcher) about the departure of the train for the haul, must run towards the train, giving a stop signal, and lay firecrackers at a distance set by the head of the railway, or in the place where he has time, in that number and on the adjacent path, if an obstacle is also found on it. Then the crossing attendant returns to the place of the obstacle and takes possible measures to eliminate it. In the event of a malfunction of the crossing signaling, the barriers are closed by the crossing duty officer by pressing the "Close" button. spare horizontal-swivel barriers and use them to let vehicles through the crossing until the malfunction is eliminated in accordance with local instructions. The duty officer acts in the same manner if the crossing is equipped with mechanized barriers. 4.11. In the event of a break at the crossing of the wires of the contact network or power wires crossing the railway tracks, the duty officer at the crossing must turn on the barrage alarm, close the barriers, protect the dangerous place with portable stop signals at a distance of at least 50 m from the place of the break, report the incident to the station duty officer (train dispatcher) and stay at the place of the obstacle until the workers of the power supply distance arrive, making sure that no one approaches at a distance of less than 8 m to the broken wires and does not touch the rails. 4.12. In the event of a traffic accident that occurred at the crossing or near it, the crossing duty officer is obliged to: take measures to ensure the safety of trains and vehicles; report the incident to the station duty officer (train dispatcher), as well as the police, the road foreman (foreman way) in accordance with the procedure established by local instructions, and, if possible, to the road management organization that maintains the road; provide first aid to the injured, and, if possible, call an ambulance. 4.13. The procedure for ensuring traffic safety when sending trains along the wrong track on stages where crossings are equipped with automatic devices for the movement of trains only along the right track is established by the head of the railway. In this case, one should be guided by the following provisions: in the production of track and other works, when the operation of the automatic traffic signal at crossings serviced by duty officers is violated, the automatic barriers must be controlled manually using the buttons on the control panel. Barriers must be closed at this time. They are opened for the passage of vehicles only in the absence of trains, about the approach of which the duty officer at the crossing should receive a notification from the station duty officer. In the absence of telephone communication at crossings serviced by duty officers, as well as unattended, but temporarily taken for service, a temporary telephone (radio) connection must be established. Station duty officers (train dispatchers) must notify the duty officers at the crossings in advance about each train departure. on the crossing for the period of organization of two-way train traffic on one track on two- and multi-track sections during track, construction and other works, as well as when trains depart on the wrong track in order to regulate traffic for each crossing serviced by attendants (permanently or temporarily), must be specified in the local instructions. Drivers of trains sent in the order of adjustment along the wrong track are required to follow crossings equipped with one-way devices: with attendants - at a speed of no more than 40 km / h; without attendants - no more than 25 km / h. At the same speeds, drivers of locomotives of utility, recovery and other trains must follow the crossings when returning from a haul along the wrong track. In all cases of following the wrong track (during the production of track and construction works or in order to regulate traffic, etc.), train drivers, in accordance with the requirements of the Instructions for signaling on the railways of the Russian Federation, must give an alert signal several times with one long, short and long whistle locomotive according to the scheme: ¾ × ¾ ¾ × ¾ ¾ × ¾.4.14. Only with the permission of the head of the track distance is it allowed to move through the crossing of heavy, dangerous and bulky goods. machines and mechanisms, the dimensions and speed of which are determined by clause 15.3 of the Rules of the Road and clause 15 of the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety, approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation of 10/23/1993 No. 1090. An application for a permit must be submitted to the head of the track distance no later than 24 hours before transportation. The application must specify the width and height of the vehicle, and if there is a road train, its length. If necessary, the head of the track distance is obliged to submit an application for issuing warnings to trains in advance. The road foreman (track foreman) must ensure that the crossing is fenced with stop signals in accordance with the Instructions for signaling on the railways of the Russian Federation and monitor the passage of these vehicles. On electrified sections with a vehicle height of more than 4.5 m, the head of the track distance informs the head of the power supply distance in advance (indicating the date of the vehicle’s passage), the latter establishes the possibility of passing the vehicle according to the height of the suspension of the wires of the contact network from the level of the rail heads, overhead lines, group grounding, waveguide from the surface of the carriageway of the highway within the boundaries of the crossing and allocates a representative for observation. 4.15. The duty officer for the crossing is obliged to demand from all persons using the railway crossing, the steady implementation of the established rules. In case of violation of the rules of passage, the duty officer at the crossing is obliged, if possible, to take measures to stop the vehicle, find out and record in the Journal of violations of the rules of passage through the crossing the vehicle number, time and nature of the violation. The procedure for collecting and transmitting information about violations of the Rules of the Road by drivers when passing through the crossing to the relevant organizations, as well as the term for their investigation and information on the measures taken, are established by the head of the track distance together with the territorial bodies of the State Automobile Inspectorate and should be contained in the local operating instructions for the crossing. 4.16. The shift officer reports directly to the track foreman. All orders to the shift officer should be given, as a rule, through the foreman of the track. In case of receiving an order from a superior officer, the shift duty officer is obliged to fulfill it, after which, by phone or in person, report this to the foreman of the route. 4.17. For failure to fulfill duties, violation of the Rules for technical operation, instructions for signaling. Instructions for the movement of trains and shunting work on the railways of the Russian Federation, these Instructions, the duty officer for the crossing is responsible in the prescribed manner.


5.1. The arrangement of roads for passing vehicles and driving livestock under artificial structures is allowed with the permission of the head of the railway track service. 5.2. When deciding on the passage of vehicles under artificial structures, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that their overall dimensions in the light must be at least: 7 m in width and 5 m in height for the passage of vehicles; 4 m in width and 2.5 m in height - to drive cattle. As an exception, in agreement with the head of the track service, it is allowed to arrange the passage of vehicles with overall dimensions of artificial structures * in the clear in width less than 7 m, in height - less than 5 m. * Artificial railway structures include bridges, overpasses, tunnels, etc. The arrangement of roads for the passage of vehicles under wooden bridges may be allowed as an exception only with the permission of the head of the railway track service. 5.3. In front of artificial structures with a passage height of less than 5 m, overall gates are installed (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Arrangements and signs in front of passages under artificial structures:

1 - road signs 2.6. "Advantage of oncoming traffic" or 2.7. "Advantage over oncoming traffic"; 2 - sign 3.13. "Height limit"; 3 - dimensional gate; 4 - barrier fencing; 5 - front faces of bridge supports.

The horizontal control bar of the overall gate is placed 20 cm below the height of the lower edge of the artificial structure. The overall gate (color tab, Fig. 4) is installed at a distance of 10-15 m from the artificial structures on both sides. In the case of an approach to an artificial structure of several highways, the marker gates must be installed in a place that excludes passage bypassing them. A road prohibition sign 3.13 is placed on the marker gates. "Height restriction", and with a passage width of less than 3.5 m and near wooden bridges, in addition, a road prohibition sign 3.14. "Limit Width". In the city, when it is not possible to install clearance gates, road signs 3.13. and 3.14. placed on an artificial structure in accordance with the requirements of GOST 23457-86 "Technical means of organizing traffic. Rules of use." priority 2.6. "The advantage of oncoming traffic", and on the other hand - the sign of priority 2.7. "Advantage over oncoming traffic." Indicated on a road sign 3.13. the height must be less than the actual overall dimensions of the passage under an artificial structure by 30-40 cm. The difference between the actual or indicated height may be increased depending on the evenness of the road surface. The width indicated on the road sign 3.14. must be less than the actual one by 20 cm. If the width of the passage under an artificial structure is less than the carriageway, then warning signs 1.18.1 - 1.18.3 "Narrowing of the road" are installed. In order to prevent damage to supports and other parts of artificial structures, depending on their structures and local conditions, barrier-type fences or high curb. Vertical markings are applied to the fences with black and white stripes in accordance with GOST 13508-74 "Road markings" and GOST 23457-86 "Technical means of organizing traffic. Rules of use." It is mandatory on both sides of bridges with wooden supports and under them fencing of supports and other parts from damage is installed deniya, if under such bridges the passage of vehicles is allowed. 6.1. The distances of the track ensure the proper maintenance of the section of the highway within the boundaries of the crossing, decks, the carriageway between the tracks of the crossing, insulating joints, connector rails on the hauls, clearance gates in front of artificial railway structures, under which the passage of vehicles is allowed, and other track facilities within the boundaries of the crossing. Track distances according to factory drawings manufacture bars of automatic barriers and electric barriers and provide crossings with them, replace mechanized and spare barriers, electric lamps in buildings of crossing posts and signal lights of mechanized barriers. barrage alarms, telephone (radio) communications, replacement of barriers with retroreflectors on them. Power supply distances ensure uninterrupted power supply to crossings, serviceability of external power networks, searchlight installations, automatic switching on and off of outdoor lighting, receiving and replacing electric lamps for outdoor lighting, including floodlights installations. Road foremen (track foremen), persons appointed to inspect the track, electricians, electricians for the operation of distribution networks when checking crossings should, in the scope of their duties, pay special attention to the condition of the roadway, gutters, decks, the operation of automatic and other devices (sound alarms, traffic lights, signal lights on the bars of barriers), the condition of relay and battery cabinets, lighting and, if malfunctions are detected, take appropriate measures to eliminate them .6.2. Repair of track devices at crossings is carried out in a planned manner by the forces of the track distance. During the overhaul of the track, as a rule, the overhaul of crossings should also be carried out. The scope of work during repairs for each crossing is determined taking into account local conditions by the head of the track distance with the preparation of calculations, and, if necessary, working drawings. for the performance of such work. Track work, in which the operation of automation at crossings is violated, must be agreed with the heads of signaling and communication distances. when, when performing work on repairing the track or arrangements at the crossing, the passage of vehicles is violated or hindered, the local government of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or the owner of the road upon an application issued by the distance of the track at least 5 days in advance before the performance of work, they must determine, in agreement with the State Automobile Inspectorate, the procedure for moving through the crossing or passing vehicles under the nearest artificial structures or other crossings. The closing time of the crossing for repairs should be determined by the work schedule (project, technological process, etc.). The installation of road information signs for the direction of detour of vehicles is assigned to the local government of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or to the owner of the highway. 6.3. Before performing track work, repairing automatic devices (barriers and alarms) at crossings, as well as when repairing automatic blocking or power supply devices that disrupt the operation of automation at crossings, the heads of the distance of the track, signaling and communications, power supply jointly develop measures to ensure traffic safety at period of work. If necessary, they organize additional briefings for crossing attendants, train drivers, station attendants, allocate additional workers to assist at the crossing, issue warnings about special conditions for trains to travel along the repaired crossing, etc. Responsibility for ensuring traffic safety during the performance of work at the crossing rests with the duty officer for the crossing. crossing traffic lights road sign Priority 2.5. "Movement without stopping is prohibited." Two such signs should be stored in a separate track distance box near the relay cabinet or near it. If the repair cannot be completed during the working day, then the performer of the work must report this, according to his affiliation, either to the head of the track distance, or to the head of the signaling and communication distance, or the head of the power supply distance, who must jointly decide, depending on local conditions, on the procedure for the operation of the crossing, after which they give appropriate instructions to the foremen of the track, electricians or electricians on the operation of distribution networks.6.4. Periodic inspections of the state and operation of track devices and automation equipment at crossings by officials are carried out in the time and manner provided for by the relevant instructions and instructions. briefing. The book of acceptance and delivery of duties and inspection of devices at the crossing should be checked at each check of the maintenance and service of the crossing: by the road foreman at least twice a month, by the foreman of the track - at least four times a month, as well as each time they visit the crossing. The results of the inspection and these orders should be recorded in the specified Book. When servicing the crossing by employees of the transportation service, such work should also be carried out by the station managers.6.5. Heads of track distances, signaling and communications, power supply and heads of the audit apparatus of railways personally and through employees subordinate to them must systematically monitor the condition and operation of crossings, as well as the quality of inspections and the implementation of planned measures to eliminate identified malfunctions. With the entry into force of this Instruction, the Instruction for the operation of railway crossings, approved by the Ministry of Railways of the USSR on August 19, 1991, TsP/4866, does not apply.

used in the Instructions for the operation of railway crossings of the Ministry of Railways of Russia

Automatic traffic light signaling - a system of crossing signaling, in which the passage of vehicles through the crossing is regulated by special crossing traffic lights with two red alternately flashing signals (lights), which turn on automatically when the train approaches a distance that ensures the early release of the crossing by vehicles, and turn off automatically after the train passes .Can be supplemented with a white-moon flashing signal (fire) at crossing traffic lights. Red flashing signals (lights) of crossing traffic lights are supplemented with acoustic signals. at which the transition of the barrier bars to the closed (horizontal) position is carried out automatically after the estimated time after the train enters the approach section and on sound and traffic signaling. The barrier bars are also moved to the open (vertical) position automatically after the train clears the crossing. Crossings equipped with automatic traffic signaling with automatic barriers are serviced by duty workers. is carried out automatically after the estimated time after the train enters the approach section and the sound and traffic lights are turned on. The transition of the barrier bars to the open (vertical) position is carried out by the duty officer at the crossing by pressing a special button. Public roads are state-owned extra-urban roads. They are divided into: public roads of federal property - federal roads; roads of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Departmental and private roads - roads of enterprises, associations, institutions and organizations, collective farms, state farms, peasant (farmer) households, entrepreneurs and their associations and other organizations, used by them for their technological, departmental or private needs. A driver is a person driving a vehicle, a driver leading pack, riding animals or a herd along the road. A driving instructor is equated to a driver. A forced stop is the cessation of a vehicle due to its technical malfunction or danger posed by the cargo being transported, the condition of the driver (passenger) or the appearance of an obstacle on the road. The main tracks are the tracks of hauls, as well as the ways of stations, which are a direct continuation of adjacent hauls and, as a rule, do not have deviations on turnouts. Crossing border. From the side of the highway - a line crossing the highway along the axis of barriers, and where there are none - along the axis of installation of road signs 1.3.1 "Single-track railway", 1.3.2 "Multi-track railway". On the side of the railway track (tracks) - a line crossing the track (tracks) at a distance of 50 m on both sides from the ends of the crossing flooring. Road - a strip of land equipped or adapted and used for the movement of vehicles or the surface of an artificial structure. The road includes one or more carriageways, as well as tram tracks, sidewalks, roadsides and dividing lanes, if any. people were killed or injured, vehicles, structures, cargo were damaged, or other material damage was caused. traffic lights, as well as entrance, exit, warning, pre-entry, shunting and route traffic lights equipped with the necessary dependence. means of categories 1 and 2 "In instructions for the transportation of bulky and heavy goods by road on the roads of the Russian Federation. A mechanical vehicle is a vehicle, except for a moped, driven by an engine. The term also applies to any tractors and self-propelled vehicles. Warning signaling is a crossing signaling system in which a notification to the duty officer about the approach of the train to the crossing is given by an optical and acoustic signal, and the duty officer switches on and off the technical means of fencing the crossing. for less than 5 minutes, and also for more, if necessary for boarding or disembarking passengers or loading or unloading a vehicle. Crossing signaling is the general name for signaling systems used at railway crossings. Pedestrian - a person who is outside the vehicle on the road and does not work on it. Persons moving in wheelchairs without an engine, driving a bicycle, moped, motorcycle, carrying a sledge, cart, baby or wheelchair are equated to pedestrians. An access road is a road intended for servicing individual enterprises, organizations, institutions (factories, factories, mines, quarries, logging and peat extraction, power stations, traction substations, etc.), connected to the general railway network by a continuous rail track and owned by the railway, organization and institution. Train - a formed and coupled train of cars with one or more operating locomotives or motor cars , which has set signals. Locomotives without wagons, motor wagons, railcars and railcars of a non-removable type sent to the haul are considered as a train. Train signals are signals used to designate trains, locomotives and other moving units. Traffic lane - any of the longitudinal lanes of the carriageway, marked or not designated by markings, and having a width sufficient for the movement of cars in one row. The carriageway of the crossing is a road element intended for the movement of off-rail vehicles within the boundaries of the crossing. stops of trackless vehicles and pedestrians. The traffic controller is a police officer, a military traffic inspectorate, an employee of a road maintenance service, a duty officer at a railway crossing, a ferry crossing, a vigilante, a freelance police officer who has the appropriate certificates and equipment (uniform or distinctions telny badge - an armband, a rod, a disk with a red signal or a retroreflector, a red lantern or a flag). It can be used only on access roads in cities when it is impossible to equip normal (estimated length) sections of approach. (connecting separate fleets at stations leading to container points, fuel depots, bases, sorting platforms, points for cleaning, washing, disinfecting cars, repairing rolling stock and performing other operations), as well as other routes, the purpose of which is determined by the operations performed on them . Parking - the deliberate cessation of the movement of the vehicle for more than 5 minutes for reasons not related to the boarding or disembarkation of passengers or the loading or unloading of the vehicle. Dark time of day - the period of time from the end of evening twilight to the beginning of morning twilight. for transportation by road of people, cargo or equipment installed on it. Heavy cargo - a vehicle whose mass with or without cargo and (or) axle weight exceeds at least one of the parameters given in Appendix 1 "Parameters of vehicles of category 1 and 2 "Instructions for the transportation of bulky and heavy goods by road on the roads of the Russian Federation. A railway crossing barrier device (UZP) is a device that creates a mechanical obstacle to the entry of vehicles to a crossing closed for traffic when a train (rolling stock) approaches it. Supplements automatic crossing signaling at crossings serviced by attendants. Road user - a person directly involved in the process of movement as a driver, pedestrian, passenger of a vehicle. Approach section - equipped with electric track circuits, located before the crossing, the length of which is determined by calculation depending on the speed of trains and the length of the carriageway of the crossing for advance notice to the crossing about the approach of a train and automatic control of the crossing signaling and barriers, if the crossing is equipped with them. road users) through the crossing. It consists of a barrier bar and a drive. When equipping a crossing with a traffic signal, barriers are a backup device that protects the crossing from unauthorized passage of vehicles (passage of road users). Depending on the methods of actuation, barriers are divided into the following types: automatically after the estimated time after the train enters the approach section and the red signals (lights) of the crossing traffic lights turn on. The barriers are transferred to the open (vertical) position also automatically after the train clears the crossing. In this case, the red signals (lights) of the crossing traffic lights are turned off; semi-automatic - the transition of the barrier bars of the barriers to the closed (horizontal) position is carried out automatically when the train enters the approach section or when the signal is opened for the train and the route is closed or by pressing a special button by the station attendant. The opening of the barrier bars of the barriers (transferring them to a vertical position) is carried out by pressing a special button by the duty officer on the crossing; electric (electric barriers) - the transfer of the barrier bars of the barriers to the closed (horizontal) position is carried out by the duty officer on the crossing after receiving an alert signal by pressing a special button. The opening of the barrier bars of the barriers (transferring them to a vertical position) is carried out by the crossing duty officer by returning this button to its original position after the train has cleared the crossing; (horizontal) position; horizontally swivel (spare) - barrier bars in the open position are located parallel to the carriageway of the highway. To stop the movement of vehicles, the duty officer for the crossing (or another employee performing the duties of the duty officer) blocks the carriageway of the highway with barrier bars, moving them manually.


organizations of the road economy, carrying out the maintenance of roads at railway crossings

(Prepared in pursuance of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 01.10.96 No. 1160 on the occasion of a diesel locomotive hitting a bus at a railway crossing in the Rostov Region on 26.09.96)

1. Appoint a person responsible for traffic safety at railway crossings.2. Participate in the annual (in the period from April 1 to July 1) commission surveys of crossings and roads on the approaches to them, take measures to eliminate the identified shortcomings within the time limits established by the commission.3. Keep records of the traffic intensity on the section of the road and its composition at the crossing point with the provision of annual reports in the prescribed manner. At the request of the track distance, provide this information (maximum level) to establish the categorization of the crossing.4. Participate in a commission survey of crossings in order to transfer them from those serviced by duty workers to unattended, as well as transfer from one category to another.5. Coordinate issues related to the opening and closing of crossings, as well as the establishment of the time of their work or temporary closure.6. Supervise the condition of sections of roads adjacent to crossings, ensure compliance with their regulatory requirements and carry out repair and maintenance work within the boundaries established by this Instruction, and finance these works.7. Coordinate the procedure for the movement of vehicles through the crossing or to bypass it when performing repair work at the crossing.8. Coordinate, within the limits of competence, the passage of oversized and heavy cargo on roads crossing crossings.9. Give an idea of ​​the distance of the way in case of detection of violations of the rules for the operation of crossings or facilities included in it, if this can lead to a deterioration in traffic safety conditions or impede traffic through the crossing of vehicles.10. Prepare proposals on the need to transfer the move from one category to another.11. Interact with the track distance in charge of crossings and promptly resolve all issues related to their safe operation.


for the equipment of crossings with crossing signaling devices

1. Crossings must be equipped with automatic devices according to standard schemes approved by the Department of Signaling, Communications and Computer Engineering.2. Types of crossing signaling and barriers for crossings are established by projects, taking into account the requirements of the Instructions for the operation of railway crossings, these Basic Requirements and local conditions (see table).3. The length of the approach sections should be calculated based on the maximum speed of trains, but not more than 140 km / h, established on this section and the minimum speed of vehicles in accordance with the Rules of the Road, but not less than 8 km / h with a maximum length of the vehicle 24 m. The estimated time of notification of the approach of the train to the crossing when developing projects for the automation device again or when it is reorganized is determined depending on the length of the carriageway within the borders of the crossing. At the same time, the estimated time for notification of the train approaching the crossing should be at least: with automatic crossing signaling, including those with automatic barriers, - 30 s; with warning signaling - 40 s. Note. The estimated length of the crossing is equal to the distance from the crossing traffic light (barrier), the most distant from the outermost rail, to the opposite outermost rail, plus 2.5 m - the distance necessary for the safe stop of the car after passing through the crossing.4. At crossings with attendants with heavy traffic of trains and vehicles, automatic crossing signaling, at the direction of the Ministry of Railways of Russia, can be supplemented with barrier devices that exclude the bypass of closed barriers and the entry of vehicles to the crossing in front of an approaching train.

Rice. 1. Road signs and signs installed at the approaches to crossings, cattle drives and artificial structures (GOST 10807-78 "Road signs")

Rice. 2. Location of crossing facilities with barriers:

but- outside the settlements: b- in settlements; 1 - the edge of the roadway; 2 - road sign 3.13 "Height limit"; 3 - spare horizontal-swivel barriers; 4 - guide posts 5 - railing (fence); 6 - drainage trays; 7 - wooden beams; 8 - counter rails; 9 - track rails; 10 - barrier traffic light; 11 - signal sign "C"; 12 - reinforced concrete slabs or asphalt concrete pavement; 13 - a tube or stand for installing a red shield and signal light; 14 - the building of the crossing post; 15 - traffic light crossing signaling; 16 - automatic barrier or electric barrier; 17 - road sign 1.1 "Railway crossing with a barrier"; 18 , 19 , 20 - road signs 1.4.1-1.4.6 "Approaching a railway crossing"

Note. 1. In parentheses are the distances from the crossing to the signal signs "C" at a speed of more than 120 km / h. 2. When placing duplicate road signs 1.1, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of clause 3.10 of this Instruction.

Rice. 3. Location of crossing facilities without barriers:

but- outside the settlements; b- in settlements; 1 - the edge of the roadway; 2 - drainage trays; 3 - counter rails; 4 - flooring made of reinforced concrete slabs or wooden beams; 5 - guide posts 6 - traffic light crossing signaling; 7 - road sign 1.3.1 "Single-track railway"; 8 9 - road sign 1.2 "Railway crossing without barrier"; 10 , 11 , 12 - road signs 1.4.1-1.4.6 "Approaching a railway crossing".

Note. When placing duplicate road signs 1.2, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of clause 3.10 of this Instruction

Rice. 4. Dimensional gates in front of artificial structures:

but- with a flat metal farm; b- wooden; in- with metal extensions; 1 - supports; 2 - metal farm; 3 - restrictive strips; 4 - metal chain or wire pendants; 5 - the carriageway of the road; 6 - solid center line; 7 - road sign 3.13 "Height fence"; 8 - metal extensions

Note. 1. At newly designed and rebuilt crossings, the distance between the edge of the carriageway and the support must be at least 1.75 m. at a 45° angle in strips 0.2 m wide up to a height of 2 m from the road surface. The width of the shield must not be less than the diameter of the support.

Rice. 5. Crossing traffic light at the crossing with an attendant ( but) and without attendant ( b)

Table. Crossing alarm devices.

Moving division, location

Type of crossing signal for vehicles

Railway signaling

Unattended by duty, on hauls Automatic traffic light signaling with a flashing white-moon signal (fire) In justified cases, special barrier traffic lights may be installed on double-track sections for trains following the wrong track.
Not provided
Unattended by a duty officer, at stations (except for those located on receiving and departure tracks) Automatic traffic signal Same
Unattended by duty officers, on access and other roads, including within the city, where approach sections cannot be equipped with track circuits of normal length Traffic light signaling with white-moon flashing signal (fire) Special traffic lights are installed with red and moon-white signal lights, controlled by the drafting or locomotive crews or automatically when the train enters special sensors
Served by a duty officer, on hauls Automatic traffic signaling with automatic barriers Traffic lights are being installed. Auto-blocking traffic lights located at a distance of no more than 800 m from the crossing, provided that it is visible from the place of their installation, can be used as barriers. In addition, it is planned to block the auto-blocking traffic lights closest to the crossing to a prohibitory indication.
Served by an attendant, at the station Automatic traffic signaling with semi-automatic barriers that close automatically and open at the touch of a button Traffic lights are used for the reception and departure of trains at the station, and in justified cases, barrier traffic lights or shunting traffic lights are installed, supplemented by a red light (there may be dwarf ones)
Served by an attendant on sidings where approach sections cannot be equipped with track circuits Traffic signaling with electric, mechanized or manual barriers Special traffic lights with red and moon-white signal lights are installed, controlled by a duty worker
On access roads, when at the crossing the procedure for passing rolling stock is established by the head of the railway, in the presence of the drafter, the locomotive crew, etc. traffic signal Special traffic lights are installed with red and moon-white signal lights, controlled by a designated worker
5. At crossings located at stations and near them, in the presence of routing, the inclusion of automatic traffic lights and warning traffic lights, automatic and semi-automatic barriers is provided simultaneously with the opening of station traffic lights and closing the route if there is a train in the approach section, and when the train departs and the shunting trains at a prohibiting indication of a traffic light - from pressing the button "Closing the crossing" by the station attendant. At the same time, the train driver, when approaching the crossing, must proceed at a speed of no more than 20 km / h and be ready to stop if there is an obstacle to movement. The list of such crossings is established by the head of the railway.6. To ensure the necessary notification time, a delay in the opening of output and shunting traffic lights is allowed. The delay in the opening of shunting traffic lights is not required if there is an estimated notification time.7. In cities before crossings that are not serviced by on-duty workers and located on access roads, in the presence of traffic signal crossings, special traffic lights should be installed as barriers, signaling with red or moon-white fire. At the same time, automatic mutual blocking should be provided, which guarantees turning off the red signals (lights) at the crossing traffic light only after turning on the red light at the barrier traffic lights, and turning off the barrier traffic lights in the presence of a notice of the approach of the train to the crossing - only after turning on the red signals (lights) at crossing traffic light.8. In justified cases, before crossings that are not served by attendants, located on hauls and equipped with notification devices only for trains following the correct track, barrier traffic lights may be installed along the wrong track.9. Crossings equipped with automatic devices in accordance with the Instructions for the Arrangement and Maintenance of Crossings dated May 18, 1985, TsP/4288, must be rebuilt in a planned manner in accordance with these Basic Requirements.



at a railway crossing of ______________ category __________________________ of the distance of the track ______________________________________________ of the railway. Location of the crossing: _____________ km __________________ picket section ___________________________, station ____________________________________________________________________ Type of use (general, non-common) ____________________________________________ Owner of the crossing _________________________________________________________________ Type of crossing (regulated, unregulated) __________________________________ Availability of attendants (with an attendant, without an attendant) ________________________________ Number of shifts _________ shift duration ________________________________; number of people on duty ____________________________________________________________ The crossing is serviced by duty workers of the service _____________________________ The crossing is crossed by the road (name) ________________________ _____________ km, ________________ category, _______________________ values. Normal position of barriers _________________________________________________ Type of crossing signaling _________________________________________________ Presence of barrier devices ____________________________________________ Visibility of the train to the driver: on the right side: odd train ____________________ m of even train ______________________ m on the left side: odd train _____________________ m of even train ______________________ m Visibility of the middle of the crossing to the locomotive driver: odd train ____________________ m number of even trains ______________________ m Number of trains/day. (total in two directions) _________________________ Number of cars / day. (total in two directions) _______________________________________________ Availability of passenger transport routes: Buses __________; trams _____________; trolleybuses ___________________. Maximum speed of trains: freight even ______________ km/h, odd ___________________________ km/h; passenger even _____________ km/h, odd ____________________________ km/h. The number of crossed tracks (main _____________________________________, station _______________________, other _______________________________). The crossing is located (embankment, excavation, curve, straight line) ____________________________ ; _____________ 19______

Data filled in ________________________________

Technical data of the move (equipment, device, etc.)

Norms according to GOSTs, rules, instructions

Factual data

The corner of the intersection of the railway and highway At least 60°
Longitudinal profile of the road with a horizontal platform, m 10 m
Longitudinal profile of the railway within the boundaries of the crossing Mostly straight section
The slope of the road for 20 m from the crossing Not more than 50%o
Visibility of a train approaching the crossing from the road at a distance of 50 m from the crossing, m: on the right side: an odd train of an even train on the left side: an odd train
even train 400 m round trip
Visibility of the middle of the crossing to the driver of the approaching train, m: odd direction even direction
Crossing carriageway width, m Equal to the width of the carriageway of the highway, but not less than 6 m
The length of the carriageway of the highway within the boundaries of the crossing, m
The width of the flooring in the places of cattle driving, m Not less than 4 m
Availability of footpaths
Underpass flooring material Wood, reinforced concrete, etc.
Road surface on the approaches to the crossing Similar to road surface
The length of the installation of signal posts, m:
on the right side At least 16 m from the outermost rail
From the left side
The length of the installation of railings, fences, m
Material of signal posts, railings, fences, etc. Reinforced concrete
Distance from signal posts, railings, fences, etc. to the edge of the carriageway, m Not less than 0.75 m
Availability of signs, pcs:
1.1. "Railway crossing with a barrier" 1.2. "Railway crossing without barrier" In cities and other settlements 2 units, on the road 4 units.
1.3.1, 1.3.2 "Single-track (multi-track) railway" 2 pcs.
1.4.1 - 1.4.6 "Approaching a level crossing" Outside settlements on roads of national, republican and regional significance and on other roads with visibility less than 300 m 12 pcs.
2.5 "Movement without stopping is prohibited" Before moving without a duty officer - 2 pcs.
3.13 "Height limitation" On electrified lines 2 pcs.
The presence of permanent warning signs "C" 2 pcs.
Availability of spare horizontal-swivel barriers At crossings with attendants 4 pcs.
The presence of a barrage alarm On crossings with attendants
Availability of additional special signaling means
Communication equipment: telephone radio
Crossing alarm:
type of barriers type of crossing signaling According to the project
The presence of control over the serviceability of the crossing signaling by the station attendant (train dispatcher) In accordance with clause 3.18 of these Instructions
Other devices and technical means According to a separate decision
Crossing lighting, lx I cat. - 5 lux; II cat. - 3 lux; III cat. - 2 lux; IV cat. - 1 lux.
Height of contact wire suspension (wires of other lines), m In accordance with PTE
Equipment with floodlights for the inspection of trains In accordance with PTE
The presence of a device for detecting the lower oversize of the rolling stock Attendant crossings
The presence of horizontal marking lines In accordance with the rules of the road

Actual data entered __________________________

(Date, signature of official)


local operating instructions for the crossing

1. Position of barriers.2. The procedure for using horizontally swivel (spare) barriers.3. Availability of means of communication and the procedure for using them.4. Availability and procedure for using crossing signaling.5. Availability and procedure for using barrage signaling.6. The order of actions of the person on duty at the crossing in case of obstacles to the movement of trains and vehicles at the crossing.7. The procedure for notifying the drivers of passing trains about the malfunctions that have occurred in the train or at the crossing.8. The procedure for fencing a suddenly arisen place of an obstacle at a crossing.9. Alert scheme for officials in case of violation of the normal working conditions of the crossing (Appendix 5 to this Instruction) .10. The order of actions of the duty officer for the crossing upon detection of damage to the bar of the lower oversize of the rolling stock.11. The procedure for using the crossing barrier device (UZP) .12. The procedure for the use of special means of signaling (red beacons and sirens) .13. The order of installation, maintenance and use of searchlight installations for inspection of passing trains.14. Section on safety and industrial sanitation, agreed with the district trade union.


notification of officials in case of violation of the normal working conditions of the crossing ____ km, ____ section ____ distance of the track (station)

Note. A specific scheme is drawn up depending on local conditions and types of communication.

Symbols: single line - telephone connection; double line - radio communication

Head of track distance



Department of Occupational Safety and the Environment of the Central Committee of the Independent Trade Union of Railway Workers and Transport Builders of Russia

on safety and industrial sanitation for shift attendants


1.1. This Standard Instruction sets out the basic requirements for safety and industrial sanitation in the performance of official duties by duty officers on the move. 1.2. The duty schedule for moving should not provide for more than two night shifts in a row for one employee. 1.3. When performing the assigned duties, the crossing duty officer must ensure high vigilance, prudence and clarity of actions, especially in the conditions of trains and vehicles passing through the crossing. 1.4. When working at night, as well as during the daytime in fog, snowstorms and other adverse visibility conditions, the crossing duty officer must have a hand lamp with a lit transparent white fire with two-way lighting. 1.5. In the local instructions for the duty officer on the crossing, there should be a special section on safety and industrial sanitation, developed taking into account the specifics, indicating precautions when working on the carriageway of the crossing and on the way, when going to and from work, as well as first aid methods for victims in case of traffic accidents and from electric current. The local instructions should establish the procedure for maintaining the track within the marshmallow at crossings with heavy traffic of trains and vehicles.


2.1. To follow to the place of work and return from work, the crossing attendants are obliged to follow a special passage route, as a rule, along the side of the subgrade or away from the railway track (hereinafter referred to as the track). Following the path is allowed in exceptional cases, if it is impossible to pass along the side of the road subgrade and the absence of another road. When following the track at night or during the day in fog, snowstorms and other unfavorable visibility conditions, the crossing duty officer must have a lit hand lamp with two-way lighting. . To pass through the territory of the station, one should use the established routes or wide inter-tracks, passenger or cargo platforms, pedestrian decks (bridges) or walk along the side of the subgrade. At the same time, it is necessary to carefully monitor the movements of the rolling stock on the tracks, be careful when overcoming obstacles in the area of ​​turnouts, limit posts, racks and repair installations of the wagon economy, ditches, trays, water-absorbing wells and other devices and structures of the station economy. right angle, after making sure that there is no movement along the way. Particular care must be taken when entering the track due to standing rolling stock (trains), near turnout posts (districts), passenger or cargo platforms and other structures and devices that impair the visibility of the tracks adjacent to them. It is forbidden to cross or run across the track in front of an approaching train (shunting stock), crawl under standing cars, cross over automatic couplers, as well as between cars that are closer than 10 m from each other. If necessary, cross a track occupied by rolling stock in all cases use transitional platforms or bypass the cars standing on the tracks, no closer than 5 m from the outer car. When crossing the track, you can’t put your foot on the rails, put your foot between the frame rail and the point of the switch or in the gutters at the root of the point and the cross.


3.1. The crossing duty officer is obliged to meet the train in the place established for this purpose (as a rule, near the building of the crossing post) at a distance not closer than 3 m from the outermost rail, standing facing the track with a half-turn of the head towards the movement. It is forbidden to meet the train while on the inter-track or adjacent track, as well as to stand on the carriageway. At train speeds of 141 - 160 km / h, the duty officer at the crossing must stop the movement of vehicles, self-propelled vehicles through the crossing and close the barriers 5 minutes before the passage of a high-speed train (regardless of whether the barriers are automatic or not). Having closed the barriers, the crossing attendant must make sure that the path is free at the crossing on both sides of it and, standing in a place determined for meeting the train, give the established signals. speed 141-160 km/h. the duty officer for the crossing must be at a distance of at least 4 m from the outermost rail. The train dispatcher is obliged to notify all station attendants of the section about all cases of delay of high-speed trains, and the latter notify the duty officers for crossings. If at the same time the high-speed train did not proceed at the appointed time, it is necessary to exercise special vigilance and, by telephone or radio communication, clarify the time of its passage from the station attendant or train dispatcher. 3.2. After passing the train, before entering the track for work, the duty officer for the crossing must make sure that there is no train, locomotive (pusher) or railcar following him or on the adjacent track. 3.3. When carrying out work on the track, the crossing attendants must carefully monitor the approaching trains on both the right and wrong tracks, and leave the track when the train is at least 400 m away. Under these conditions, it is necessary to position yourself facing the expected train, you can’t sit on the rails, the ends of the sleepers, the ballast prism, inside the rail track and between the tracks. side, being from the extreme rail not closer than the specified distances. Particular vigilance should be exercised in conditions of poor visibility. Work on the track and crossing is allowed only with closed barriers and there is information about the absence of trains approaching the crossing. 3.4. Crossing officers must keep the crossing post clean and tidy.


4.1. When working near the contact network with any long metal objects or devices, special care must be taken; the distance from these devices to live wires of the contact network and power lines must be at least 2 m.4.2. In the event of a break in the wires of the contact network or wires of power lines, you must not approach them at a distance closer than 8 m, and also touch the rails with anything. In these cases, the dangerous place should be fenced with stop signals and measures should be taken to notify the road foreman or the station attendant (train dispatcher) about what happened. 4.3. Do not touch foreign objects located on the wires of the contact network and power lines (pieces of wire, cables, parts of current collectors, broken wires for communication, signaling, interlocking, blocking (SCB) or lighting). If foreign objects are found on the wires of the contact network, it is necessary to act in the same way as when a break in the wires of the contact network is detected. It is also forbidden to touch directly or with any object the supports of the contact network, wires of overhead lines, parts of the roof or undercarriage equipment of electric rolling stock, as well as to the rail with a transverse break.


5.1. Firecrackers are filled with explosives, careless use and handling of them can cause an accident. Firecrackers must be kept in good condition, stored in special boxes mounted on the duty officer's belt, or in the room of the crossing post at a sufficient distance from fire and heating devices, that excludes their heating. The possibility of hitting firecrackers with a tool or other objects should be excluded. Defective firecrackers must be replaced immediately. After laying the firecrackers on the track, the crossing duty officer must move away from the nearest firecracker at a distance of at least 20 m so as not to get injured when the locomotive (railcar) hits the firecrackers. 5.2. It is forbidden to open firecrackers, subject them to blows, heat them up to solder the springs or paws.


6.1. In order to avoid being struck by lightning, it is necessary to stop work on the path when a thunderstorm approaches. Do not carry or carry a tool. In the event that a person is struck by lightning, before the arrival of a doctor, he must be given artificial respiration and an unopened heart massage.

from regulatory documents

1. Extracts from SNiP 2.05.02-85 "Roads"

Table 2. Coefficients for reducing the intensity of traffic of various vehicles to a passenger car

Vehicle types

Reduction factor

Motorcycles with sidecars
Motorcycles and mopeds
Trucks with carrying capacity, t:
over 14
Road trains with carrying capacity, t:
over 30
Notes. 1. For intermediate values ​​of the carrying capacity of vehicles, the reduction factors should be determined by interpolation. 2. The reduction factors for buses and special vehicles should be taken as for base vehicles of the corresponding load capacity. 3. The reduction coefficients for trucks and road trains should be increased by 1.2 times for rough and mountainous terrain.

Table 10. The smallest driver visibility distances for stopping a car

Estimated speed of a single vehicle, km/h

The greatest longitudinal slopes of the road,% o

The smallest visibility distance for the driver to stop the car, m

Note. The smallest visibility distance for the driver to stop the car should ensure the visibility of any objects having a height of 0.2 m or more, located in the middle of the lane, from a height of the eyes of the driver of the car 1.2 m from the surface of the carriageway.

2. Extracts from the Rules of the Road of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation of October 23, 1993 No. 1090 and entered into force on 01.07.94

6. Traffic lights and traffic controller

6.2. Round traffic lights have the following meaning: a red signal, including flashing, prohibits movement. 6.9. A round white-moon flashing signal, located at the railway crossing, allows the movement of vehicles through the crossing. When the flashing white-moon and red signals are off, movement is allowed if there is no train (locomotive, railcar) approaching the crossing within sight. 6.10. The signals of the traffic controller have the following meaning: Arms extended to the sides or lowered: from the side of the chest and back, the movement of all vehicles and pedestrians is prohibited. 6.13. With a prohibitory signal of a traffic light (except for reversing) or a traffic controller, drivers must stop in front of the stop line (sign 5.33), and in its absence: before the railway crossing - in accordance with clause 15.4 of Rules 6.16. At railway crossings, simultaneously with a red flashing traffic light, an audible signal may be given, additionally informing traffic participants about the prohibition of movement through the crossing.

8. Start of movement, maneuvering

8.11. U-turn is prohibited: at railway crossings.

11. Overtaking, oncoming traffic

11.5. Overtaking is prohibited: at railway crossings and closer than 100 m in front of them.

12. Stop and parking

12.4. Stopping is prohibited: at railway crossings, in tunnels, as well as on overpasses, bridges, overpasses (if there are less than three lanes for traffic in this direction) and under them. 12.5. Parking is prohibited: closer than 50 m from railway crossings.

15. Movement through railway tracks

15.1. Drivers of vehicles may cross railway tracks only at railway crossings, giving way to a train (locomotive, trolley). 15.2. When approaching a railway crossing, the driver must be guided by the requirements of road signs, traffic lights, markings, the position of the barrier and the instructions of the person on duty at the crossing and make sure that there is no approaching train (locomotive, trolley). 15.3. It is forbidden to enter the crossing: when the barrier is closed or starting to close (regardless of the traffic light signal); when the traffic light signal is forbidding (regardless of the position and presence of the barrier); when the signal of the person on duty at the crossing is prohibited (the person on duty is facing the driver with his chest or back with a baton raised above his head , a red lantern or a flag, or with arms outstretched to the side); if a traffic jam has formed behind the crossing, which will force the driver to stop at the crossing; if a train (locomotive, trolley) is approaching the crossing within sight. In addition, it is prohibited: the oncoming traffic lane of vehicles standing in front of the crossing; to open the barrier without permission; to transport agricultural, road, construction and other machines and mechanisms through the crossing in a non-transport position; also tractor sleds. 15.4. In cases where movement through the crossing is prohibited, the driver must stop at the stop line, sign 2.5 or traffic lights, if they are not present - no closer than 5 m from the barrier, and in the absence of the latter - no closer than 10 m to the nearest rail. 15.5. In case of a forced stop at a crossing, the driver must immediately disembark people and take measures to free the crossing. At the same time, the driver must: if possible, send two people along the tracks in both directions from the crossing for 1000 m (if one, then in the direction of the worst visibility of the track), explaining to them the rules for signaling a stop to the driver of the approaching train; stay near the vehicle and give signals to the general anxiety; when a train appears, run towards him, giving a stop signal. Note. The stop signal is a circular movement of the hand (during the day with a patch of bright matter or some clearly visible object, at night - with a torch or lantern). The general alarm signal is a series of one long and three short beeps.

19. Use of external lights and sound signals

19.2. The high beam must be switched to low beam: in built-up areas, if the road is lit; when passing oncoming traffic at a distance of at least 150 m from the vehicle, as well as when the headlights are periodically switched more than the driver of the oncoming vehicle, the need for this will show.

23. Transportation of goods

23.5. Transportation of heavy and dangerous goods, non-decontaminated containers, the movement of a vehicle whose overall parameters with or without cargo exceed 2.5 m in width, 4 m in height from the surface of the carriageway, 20 m in length (including one trailer), or protruding beyond the trailing point of the vehicle clearance by more than 2 m, the movement of road trains with two or more trailers is carried out in accordance with special rules.

24. Additional requirements for the movement of bicycles, mopeds, horse-drawn carts, as well as the passage of animals

24.6. When driving animals across railway tracks, the herd must be divided into groups of such size that, taking into account the number of drivers, a safe passage of each group is ensured. 24.7. Drivers of horse-drawn carts (sledges), drivers of pack, riding animals and livestock are prohibited from: leaving animals unattended on the road; driving animals across railway tracks and roads outside specially designated areas, as well as at night and in conditions of insufficient visibility (except for cattle drives on different levels); to lead animals along the road with asphalt and cement concrete pavement if there are other ways.

3. Extracts from the Basic Provisions on the admission of vehicles to operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety. (Approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 23, 1993 No. 1090)

12. Officials and other persons responsible for the technical condition and operation of vehicles are prohibited from: releasing onto the line vehicles that have malfunctions with which their operation is prohibited, or re-equipment without an appropriate permit, or not duly registered, or not having passed the state technical inspection; allow drivers to drive vehicles who are intoxicated (alcohol, drugs or otherwise), under the influence of drugs that impair reaction and attention, in a sick or tired state, endangering traffic safety or persons who do not have the right to drive by a vehicle of this category: to direct tractors and other self-propelled vehicles on caterpillar tracks for movement on roads with asphalt and cement concrete pavement.13. Officials and other persons responsible for the condition of roads, railway crossings and other road structures are obliged to: maintain roads, railway crossings and other road structures in a safe condition for traffic; take measures to timely eliminate obstacles to traffic, prohibit or restrict traffic in certain sections roads when their use endangers traffic safety.15. Relevant officials and other persons, in cases stipulated by the current legislation, in accordance with the established procedure, coordinate: the transportation of heavy, dangerous and bulky goods; the movement of road trains with a total length of more than 20 m or road trains with two or more trailers; ...

4. Extracts from the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Introduction of Amendments and Additions to the Code of the RSFSR on Administrative Offenses".
(Adopted by the State Duma on June 24, 1997)

From Article 115. Violation of traffic rules by drivers of vehicles

Crossing a solid marking line separating traffic flows of opposite directions, violating the rules for driving through railway crossings, with the exception of those specified in part seven of this article, or failing to provide an advantage in traffic to drivers of vehicles or pedestrians who have such a right - entails a fine in the amount of one up to two times the minimum wage. Driving through a railway crossing with a closed or closing barrier, a prohibiting signal of a traffic light or a prohibiting signal of an officer on duty at the crossing, as well as stopping or parking a vehicle at a railway crossing - shall entail the imposition of a fine in the amount of five times the minimum wage or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of three to six months.

Article 126-1. Violation of the rules for the transportation of dangerous, bulky and heavy goods by road

Violation of the rules for the transportation of dangerous, bulky and heavy cargo by road transport - entails the imposition on drivers of vehicles engaged in transportation, a fine in the amount of one to three times the minimum wage, and on officials responsible for transportation, a fine in the amount of ten up to twenty times the minimum wage.

Article 131. Damage to roads, railway crossings and other road structures

Damage to roads, railway crossings, other road structures or technical means of traffic control, as well as deliberate obstruction of traffic, including by polluting the road surface - officials from five to ten times the minimum wage.

Article 134. Violation of the rules for the repair and maintenance of railway crossings and other road structures

Violation of the rules for the repair and maintenance of roads, railway crossings and other road structures in a safe condition for traffic or failure to take measures to timely eliminate obstacles to traffic, prohibition or restriction of traffic on certain sections of roads, when their use endangers traffic safety - persons responsible for the condition of roads, railway crossings and other road structures in the amount of five to ten times the minimum wage.

Article 134-1. Failure to comply with the instructions of the State Automobile Inspectorate

Failure to comply with the instructions of the State Automobile Inspectorate to eliminate violations of rules, regulations and standards related to ensuring road safety - entails the imposition of a fine on the heads of enterprises, institutions, organizations or other officials in the amount of two to three times the minimum wage. failure to comply with the previously issued order of the State Automobile Inspectorate - shall entail the imposition of a fine on the persons specified in the first part of this article in the amount of three to five times the minimum wage.

Article 157-3. Carrying out activities subject to licensing in transport without a special permit (license), violation of the conditions provided for in the license

Carrying out activities subject to licensing in transport without a special permit (license) - entails a fine on citizens and officials in the amount of two to five times the minimum wage. Violation of the conditions provided for in a special permit (license) - entails a fine on citizens and officials in the amount of from 0.5 to two times the minimum wage. The same actions committed repeatedly within a year after the imposition of an administrative penalty - entail the imposition of a fine on citizens and officials in the amount of three times the minimum wage with the suspension of the special permits (licenses).

Article 165

Malicious disobedience to a lawful order or demand of a police officer or a people's guard, as well as a military man in the performance of duties to protect public order, as well as failure by drivers to comply with the lawful demand of a police officer to stop the vehicle, leaving the scene of a traffic accident by drivers in violation of traffic rules or evading from passing, in accordance with the established procedure, an examination for a state of intoxication, - entails the imposition of a fine in the amount of from three to five times the minimum wage, or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of two to three years (for drivers of vehicles), or correctional labor for a period of one to two months with the deduction of twenty percent of earnings, and if, due to the circumstances of the case, these measures are deemed insufficient, - administrative arrest for a period of up to fifteen days.

Article 209-2. Bodies of the Russian Transport Inspectorate

The bodies of the Russian Transport Inspectorate consider cases of offenses provided for in Article 157-3 of this Code in terms of licensed transportation, forwarding and other activities related to the implementation of the transport process in automobile, river, sea, air, rail transport and in the road sector. Consider cases of administrative offenses and impose administrative penalties on behalf of the Russian Transport Inspectorate are entitled: their deputies - a fine for citizens in the amount of up to five times the minimum wage, suspension of a special permit (license) or its annulment; heads of branches of branches of the Russian Transport Inspectorate - a fine for citizens and officials in the amount of up to two times the minimum wage; Chief inspectors of the bodies of the Russian Transport Inspectorate - a fine on citizens and officials in the amount of 0.5 of the minimum wage.

Article 231. Evidence

Evidence in a case of an administrative offense is any factual data on the basis of which, in the manner prescribed by law, bodies (officials) establish the presence or absence of an administrative offense, the guilt of this person in committing it and other circumstances that are important for the correct resolution of the case. These data are established by the following means: a protocol on an administrative offense, explanations of a person brought to administrative responsibility, testimonies of the victim, witnesses, expert opinion, indications of special technical means, material evidence, a protocol on the seizure of things and documents, as well as other documents.

Article 238

In order to draw up a protocol on an administrative offense, if it is impossible to draw it up on the spot, if the preparation of a protocol is mandatory, the violator can be delivered to the police or the headquarters of the people's squad by a police officer or a people's guard. movement, rules for ensuring the safety of goods in transport, fire safety rules, sanitary and hygienic and sanitary and anti-epidemic rules in transport, the violator can be delivered by an authorized person to the police if he does not have identity documents and there are no witnesses who can provide the necessary data about him, as well as if he does not have the necessary documents for the vehicle.

Article 285

The fine must be paid by the violator no later than fifteen days from the date of delivery of the decision to impose a fine, and in the event of an appeal or protest - no later than fifteen days from the date of notification of the dismissal of the complaint or protest. In the absence of independent earnings for persons aged sixteen up to eighteen years of age who have committed petty hooliganism or violation of traffic rules, a fine shall be collected from parents or persons replacing them. otherwise not provided by the legislation of the Union of the SSR and the RSFSR (as amended by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR of April 5, 1989 - Vedomosti of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, 1989, No. 15, Art. 369).

1. General Provisions. one

2. Classification of crossings. The procedure for determining the category of crossings. 2 3. Arrangement and equipment of crossings. 5 4. Organization of work and duties of the mover on duty. 12 5. Basic requirements for the passage of vehicles and driving livestock under artificial railway structures. 18 6. Maintenance and repair of crossings. 19 7. Terms used in the Instructions for the operation of railway crossings of the Ministry of Railways of Russia. 21 Appendix 1 Requirements and rights of organizations of the road sector, carrying out the maintenance of roads at railway crossings. 24 Appendix 2 Basic requirements for equipping crossings with crossing signaling devices. 24 Appendix 3 Level crossing card 31 Appendix 4 Approximate contents of a local level crossing operation manual. 33 Annex 5 An approximate scheme for notifying officials in case of violation of the normal working conditions of the crossing. 33 Appendix 6 Standard instruction on safety and industrial sanitation for duty officers on crossings .. 34

Extracts from regulatory documents

1. Extracts from SNiP 2.05.02-85 "Roads". 36 2. Extracts from the Rules of the Road of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 23, 1993 No. 1090 and entered into force on 01.07.94 37 3. Extracts from the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles for operation and duties of officials to ensure road safety (Approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 23, 1993 No. 1090) 39 State Duma June 24, 1997) 39

Active Edition from 29.06.1998

"INSTRUCTIONS FOR OPERATION OF RAILWAY CROSSINGS OF THE MINISTRY OF RUSSIA OF RUSSIA" (approved by the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation on 29.06.98 N TsP-566)

3. Arrangement and equipment of crossings

3.1. All crossing arrangements must comply with the requirements of the Rules for the Technical Operation of Railways of the Russian Federation, these Instructions, standard designs, the Rules of the Road of the Russian Federation, GOST 23457-86 "Technical means of organizing traffic. Rules of application", GOST R 50597-93 "Motor roads and streets. Requirements for the operational condition permissible under the conditions of ensuring road safety ", and when designing newly built and reconstructed public roads and access roads to industrial enterprises - and the requirements of building codes and regulations" Highways ", SNiP 2.05.02- 85 . In accordance with the requirements of GOST 23457-86 "Technical means of organizing traffic. Rules of application", the need to install traffic lights (type 6) at crossings is determined by the relevant regulatory and technical documentation approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia. In special cases, it is allowed, in agreement with the Ministry of Railways of Russia, to use transport traffic lights of the type 1.1.1 - 1.1.3, 1.1.16, 1.1.17 at crossings.

3.2. Crossings should be located mainly on straight sections of railways and roads outside the cuts and places where satisfactory visibility conditions are not provided.

Crossings of railways by roads should be carried out mainly at right angles. If this condition cannot be met, the acute angle between the intersecting roads must be at least 60 degrees. Existing crossings, located at a sharper angle, must be rebuilt simultaneously with the reconstruction of roads.

3.3. At existing crossings for at least 10 m from the outermost rail, the road in the longitudinal profile must have a horizontal platform or a large vertical curve, or a slope due to the excess of one rail over the other when the intersection is in a curved section of the track.

The longitudinal slope of the road approaches to the crossing for at least 20 m in front of the site should be no more than 50 thousandths.

During the reconstruction and construction of new motor roads, the approaches must be installed in such a way that for at least 2 m from the outermost rail the motor road in the longitudinal profile has a horizontal platform.

Road approaches to the crossing over a length of at least 50 m should be designed with a longitudinal slope of no more than 30 thousandths.

In difficult conditions (mountainous areas, city streets, etc.), the road profile at the approaches to crossings can be individual, agreed with the State Automobile Inspectorate and road operating organizations or other road owners.

When approaching the crossing of unpaved automobile roads (without a hard coating), a hard coating must be applied on both sides for at least 10 m from the head of the outermost rail.

3.4. Newly created protective forest plantations should provide drivers of vehicles at a distance of 50 m or less from the crossing the visibility of a train approaching it at a distance of at least 500 m.

3.5. The carriageway of the road at the approaches to the crossing and within its boundaries, as well as the flooring, signal posts, railings and fences of the barrier or parapet type must comply with the standard crossing design.

The width of the carriageway of the crossing must be equal to the width of the carriageway of the highway, but not less than 6 m, and the width of the flooring in the places of cattle driving - not less than 4 m.

The flooring of the crossing must comply with the design approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia. The path under the flooring can be both on wooden and reinforced concrete sleepers.

On the outer side of the track, the flooring should be flush with the top of the rail heads. It is not allowed to deviate the top of the rail head located within the carriageway relative to the pavement by more than 2 cm.

Inside the track, the flooring should be higher than the rail heads within 1 - 3 cm. With rubber-cord or polymer flooring material, lowering the inter-rail flooring below the level of the rail heads is not allowed.

At operated crossings, before the reorganization in a planned manner, the elevation of the flooring inside the track is allowed within 3-4 cm.

Depending on the design of the deck according to the standard design, counter rails can be laid within the deck to ensure unimpeded passage of rolling stock wheelsets. Their ends, at a length of 50 cm, are bent inside the track by 25 cm. The width of the gutter is set within 75 - 110 mm, and the depth is at least 45 mm.

At crossings with attendants inside the gauge of each track (on single-track sections - on both sides), at a distance of 0.75 - 1.0 m from the flooring, devices in the form of metal tubes are fixed for installing portable train stop signals (red shield, lantern), as well as devices for determining the lower oversize of the rolling stock (Fig. 1)<*>.

Barrier posts, masts of traffic lights of crossing signaling, fences, railings and guide posts (Fig. 2) should be located at a distance of at least 0.75 m from the edge of the carriageway. Guide posts are installed on both sides of the crossing at a distance of 2.5 to 16 m from the outermost rails every 1.5 m.

To drive livestock at crossings, railings or barrier-type fences made of reinforced concrete, wood or metal 1.2 m high are installed, and barrier nets are suspended from spare barriers.

Crossing barriers are painted in accordance with the requirements of GOST 23457-86 "Technical means of organizing traffic. Rules of application."

At crossings from the side of the highway, road signs are installed (color tab, Fig. 1).

Before such crossings until they are reorganized, in order to improve traffic safety, the head of the railway may, in individual cases, establish a permanent restriction on the speed of trains.

3.8. At the approaches to the place for driving cattle, at a distance of 20 m from the extreme rails, signs are installed with inscriptions in Russian and local languages: "Beware of the train! Place for driving cattle", and at a distance of 3-4 m from the extreme rail across the tracks for driving cattle - posts to prevent vehicles from entering the road.

3.9. On electrified lines on both sides of the crossing, road prohibition signs 3.13 "Height restriction" with the number on the sign "4.5 m" (color tab, Fig. 1) are installed at a distance of at least 5 m from the barrier, and in their absence - at least 14 m from the outermost rail.

3.10. At approaches to crossings from the side of highways, in front of barriers, and where there are none, in front of a road warning sign 1.3.1 or 1.3.2, in accordance with the Rules of the Road, road warning signs 1.1 "Railway crossing with a barrier" or 1.2 "Railway crossing without barrier" at a distance of 150 - 300 m, and in settlements - at a distance of 50 - 100 m from the outermost rail and other road signs (color insert, Fig. 2, 3).

Signs 1.1 and 1.2 must be duplicated on roads with three or more lanes for traffic in both directions, as well as on roads with one or two lanes for traffic in both directions, if the visibility distance of the crossing outside built-up areas is less than 300 m, and in built-up areas - less than 100 m.

Repair and maintenance of motor roads - entrances to public and non-public crossings to the ends of the sleepers of the near rails are carried out at the expense of the owners of these roads.

At the same time, work within 10 m from the ends of the sleepers of the near rails is carried out in agreement with the distance of the track in the presence of an employee authorized by the management of the track distance.

3.11. Crossings with attendants are equipped with barriers.

Bars of automatic and semi-automatic barriers, as well as electric barriers must be equipped with red reflective devices and have a standard length of 4, 6 and 8 m.

Automatic, semi-automatic barriers and electric barriers must cover at least half of the carriageway of the highway on the right side in the direction of vehicles. The left side of the road with a width of at least 3 m is not blocked. If necessary, installation of the specified barriers of non-standard length is allowed.

At crossings with heavy traffic of vehicles, as well as high-speed traffic of passenger trains, special devices for blocking railway crossings (UZP) from unauthorized entry to such crossings of vehicles can be used. The order of equipment and operation of the UZP is established by the Ministry of Railways of Russia.

Mechanized barriers, as a rule, must block the entire carriageway and have signal lights used at night, as well as during the day with poor visibility (fog, snowstorm and other adverse conditions). Signal lights installed on the barrier bars of mechanized barriers must be directed towards the highway:

when the barriers are closed - red signals (lights);

at the open position of barriers - transparent - white signals (lights).

In the direction of the railway track - control transparent - white signals (lights) both in the open and in the closed position of the barriers.

Barriers are installed on the right side on the side of the road on both sides of the crossing, so that their bars in the closed position are located at a height of 1 - 1.25 m from the surface of the carriageway. At the same time, mechanized barriers are located at a distance of at least 8.5 and not more than 14 m from the outermost rail; automatic, semi-automatic barriers and electric barriers - at a distance of at least 6, 8, 10 m from the outer rail, depending on the length of the barrier bar (4, 6, 8<*>m).

<*>If such a length of the beam is provided for by the project.

To protect the crossing during the repair of the track, structures and devices, spare horizontally - rotary barriers of manual action should be used, installed at a distance of at least 1 m from the main barriers in the direction of the highway and blocking the carriageway of the road no less than the main ones. These barriers must have devices for fixing them in the open and closed positions and hanging a signal light.

Barriers of barriers (main and spare) are painted with alternating stripes of red and white, inclined (when viewed from the side of the road) to the right horizontally at an angle of 45 - 50 degrees. Strip width - 500 - 600 mm. The end of the barrier bar must have a red stripe 250 - 300 mm wide. The bars of the barriers are equipped with red reflective devices.

3.12. The normal position of automatic and semi-automatic barriers is open, and that of electric barriers and mechanized barriers is closed. In some cases, at crossings with heavy traffic of vehicles, as well as at crossings transferred to the service of employees of other services, the normal position of electric barriers and mechanized barriers can be set open.

In the normally closed position of the barriers, they open only to allow vehicles to pass in the absence of an approaching train.

3.13. To separate traffic flows in opposite directions (center line) on roads with two or three lanes in both directions, in accordance with GOST 13508-74 and GOST 23457-86, horizontal markings 1.1 are applied before crossings from the near rail to markings 1.12 (stop - line) and at a distance of 100 m from the marking 1.12.

Marking 1.12 is applied at a distance of at least 5 m from the barrier or traffic light, and in their absence - at a distance of at least 10 m from the near rail.

To mark the boundaries of traffic lanes, if there are two or more lanes for one direction of traffic, before crossings, at least 20 (40) m from marking 1.12, marking 1.3 is applied.

3.14. At crossings with duty officers, premises for duty officers should be built according to standard designs - buildings of crossing posts with an exit along the railway track towards the highway. Exits towards the railway track in the buildings of crossing posts must be protected by railings.

3.15. All crossings of I and II categories, as well as III and IV categories, in the presence of longitudinal power supply lines or other permanent sources of power supply, must have electric lighting.

In accordance with the norms of artificial lighting of railway transport facilities, RD 3215-91, the illumination within the crossing must be at least: I category - 5 lux; Category II - 3 lux; Category III - 2 lux; IV category - 1 lux.

The level of illumination should be brought up to 5 lux according to the plans of the railways, first of all, crossings of the II category, then III and IV categories.

In necessary cases, to inspect passing trains, crossings are equipped with floodlights.

At crossings located on express roads and main streets of citywide significance, lamps must be installed in accordance with SNiP 2.05.02-85 "Roads".

The power supply of crossing signaling devices must comply with current regulations. At the same time, for automation devices with direct current track circuits, a battery backup with a duration of continuous operation of at least 8 hours should be provided, provided that the power supply has not been turned off in the previous 36 hours.

3.16. Crossings with attendants must have radio communication with the drivers of train locomotives, direct telephone communication with the nearest station or post, and in sections with dispatch centralization - with a train dispatcher. The telephone call is supplemented by an external call (howler).

3.17. Level crossings are equipped with signaling devices in accordance with the Basic requirements for the equipment of level crossings with level crossing signaling devices (Appendix 1).

First of all, signaling devices should be equipped with crossings with bus traffic, as well as those located on the main tracks with heavy traffic of trains and vehicles, high speeds of trains, poor visibility conditions.

3.18. On roads before crossings, equipped with crossing signaling, traffic lights are installed with two horizontally located and alternately flashing red signals (lights) with the following meanings (color tab, Fig. 5a, b):

the red signal (fire) is on - the movement of vehicles is prohibited;

the red signal (fire) is off - the movement of vehicles is allowed only after the driver is convinced that there is no train approaching the crossing.

Traffic lights are installed on the right side in the direction of movement of vehicles. In some cases (visibility conditions, traffic intensity) signals (lights) of traffic lights can be repeated on the opposite side of the road.

At individual crossings without an attendant, according to the conditions approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia, traffic signaling with traffic lights with two alternately flashing red signals (lights) and one white-moon flashing signal (light) can be used, signaling (color tab, Fig. 5b):

the red signal (fire) is on, the white-lunar signal (fire) is off - the movement of vehicles is prohibited;

white - the moon signal (fire) is on, the red signal (fire) is off - the movement of vehicles is allowed;

red and white - moon signals (lights) are off - the crossing signaling is disabled or defective.

Before crossing, the driver must make sure that there is no approaching train and give way if the train (locomotive, trolley) is approaching the crossing.

The specific procedure for the actions of vehicle drivers when driving through a railway crossing is established by the Rules of the Road of the Russian Federation.

In the event of a signaling disconnection or its malfunction, the duty officer of the nearest station or the train dispatcher in sections with dispatcher centralization is automatically notified of the malfunction of the crossing signaling.

The station duty officer or train dispatcher, having received a notification, must make an entry about the malfunction of the automation at the crossing in the journal of the DU-46 form, inform the duty officers of neighboring stations and the electrician of the signaling system about this.

The electrician must take measures to eliminate the malfunction.

The station duty officer or the train dispatcher via radio communication immediately transmits a message to the drivers of trains traveling without stopping at separate points in the direction of the crossing about a malfunction of the automation devices at the crossing and the need to proceed with special vigilance and at a speed of no more than 20 km / h.

For trains that stop at stations, written warnings are issued about a malfunction of the crossing signal in the manner set forth in the Instructions for the movement of trains and shunting work on the railways of the Russian Federation.

Automatic traffic signaling must be adjusted in such a way that the start of signaling a stop in the direction of the motor road is made in the time necessary for the early release of the crossing by the vehicle. At the same time, at the moment the train enters the approach section, at the traffic lights towards the highway, flashing red signals (lights) are switched on, and acoustic signals (bells or bells) are given for additional information of traffic participants about the prohibition of movement through the crossing.

The red signals (lights) are turned off after the train has cleared the crossing.

When trains move in an unspecified direction on single-track sections equipped with automatic blocking, and on the wrong track on double- and multi-track sections, the red flashing signals (lights) are turned off after the train vacates the approach section located behind the crossing along the train.

Red flashing signals (lights) at traffic lights turn on from the moment the train enters the approach section and after a time determined by calculation, the barrier bars smoothly lower to a horizontal position. Automatic barriers must remain closed, and the red signals (lights) of traffic lights must be on (burn) until the train is completely free of the crossing.

When the crossing is completely cleared by the train, the barrier bars of the automatic barriers rise to a vertical position, after which the red signals (lights) at the traffic lights turn off.

Opening of semi-automatic barriers and turning off red flashing signals (lights) at traffic lights and acoustic signals is carried out by the duty officer at the crossing by pressing the "Open" button.

When signaling at traffic lights at crossings with a person on duty at the access and other tracks where the rail circuits of the approach sections cannot be equipped, the red flashing signals (lights) of the traffic lights turn on when the button on the crossing signaling panel is pressed. After that, at the shunting traffic light, the red light goes out and the moon-white light turns on.

When signaling at traffic lights at crossings without an attendant on the access roads in cities, special traffic lights should be installed as barriers, signaling with red and moonlight-white fire. In these cases, the inclusion of a permitting lunar-white light for a train (shunting train) to proceed through the crossing is possible only after turning on the red signals (lights) at the crossing traffic lights. After turning on the red lights at the shunting traffic lights, the red signals (lights) at the crossing traffic lights must be turned off.

The specified dependence is carried out automatically with the help of a shortened track circuit.

3.19. Traffic safety at crossings when returning from a haul and various movements of economic, working, recovery and other trains must be ensured in accordance with clauses 4.13 and 6.3 of these Instructions.

At crossings, the approach sections of which include station tracks, when the train departs at a prohibitory indication of traffic lights, the automatic traffic signaling should be switched on by the station attendant by pressing the "Closing the crossing" button. At the same time, the train driver, when approaching the crossing, must proceed with special vigilance at a speed of no more than 20 km / h and be ready to stop if an obstacle to movement is encountered. The list of stations with such crossings is approved by the head of the railway and announced by order by the railway.

At crossings located within or near stations and equipped with crossing signaling, station attendants should not allow a long time between the opening of exit signals and the departure of trains so as not to cause delays for vehicles at the crossing. The station attendant must give a notice of the crossing, turn on the alarm, notify the crossing attendant of the departure of the train by phone or in another way determined by the local instruction.

In the event of malfunctions of automation devices, the regulation of train traffic, the departure of trains on the right and wrong track, the procedure for notifying the duty officer of the crossing about this, as well as the information of the train driver about the necessary conditions for passing the crossing, are established by the local instruction.

3.20. The "Maintenance" button is intended to delay, if necessary, the duty officer on the crossing of the closing of the barriers (electric barriers) before passing under the bar of a large-sized vehicle and eliminating the breakage of the bar. At the same time, the delay time of the barrier by the duty officers at the crossing should not exceed 5 - 10 s.

At crossings equipped with semi-automatic barriers, the "Maintain" button is also used to open the barrier:

the duty officer at the crossing, pressing this button after the train passes through the crossing and releases the approach section, turns on the barrier to transfer it to the open position.

3.21. At crossings with a guard on duty, a barrage alarm is set up. Entrance, exit, warning, pre-entrance, shunting, through and route traffic lights located at a distance of no more than 800 m and at least 15 m from the crossing, provided that the crossing is visible from the place of their installation, can be used as barrier traffic lights. If it is impossible to use the listed traffic lights, special barrier traffic lights are installed before the crossing at a distance of at least 15 m.

Barrage traffic lights are installed on single-track sections on both sides of the crossing. On double-track sections - on the right track, and on the wrong track - in the following cases:

with two-way train traffic on each track;

in suburban areas with a traffic intensity of more than 100 pairs of trains / day.

At crossings located within the boundaries of stations and near them, in the areas of approach to which there are station tracks, where when the train departs from the station with a prohibitory indication of the exit traffic light, the required notification time for closing the crossing when the train starts moving from a place is not provided, from the side of the station can be installed normally lit traffic lights. In this case, when the train moves to the prohibitory indication of the traffic light and enters the rail circuit adjacent to the crossing, red flashing signals (lights) are switched on at the crossing traffic lights, and then, after a delay of time required for the vehicles to clear the crossing, the red light of the barrier traffic light is turned off. .

The list of such crossings is established by the head of the railway.

The installation of barrier traffic lights when trains move along the wrong track is allowed on the left side of the track.

At crossings located on hauls of double-track sections and equipped with barrier signaling for movement only along the correct track, the head of the railway provides for a procedure in which the prohibition indication of barrier traffic lights for movement along the correct track is a stop signal also for trains following the wrong track.

If the required visibility of the barrier traffic light is not provided, then in sections not equipped with automatic blocking, a warning traffic light is installed in front of such a traffic light, which is identical in shape to the barrier and gives a yellow light signal when the main traffic light is red and not burning when the main traffic light is extinguished.

All crossings with an attendant located on a section with automatic blocking, regardless of the presence of barrier traffic lights, must be equipped with devices for turning off automatic locomotive signaling codes and switching the automatic blocking traffic lights closest to the crossing to a prohibitory indication if obstacles for train traffic occur at the crossing.

3.22. Control boards for crossing signaling are installed outside the post of duty officer at the crossing in a place of good visibility of the railway track and the highway at the approaches to the crossing. On the control panels, depending on the type of crossing signaling, there are buttons and control lamps. Their purpose and procedure for use are determined by the project documentation and must be contained in the local operating instructions for the crossing.

With two-story posts on the outer wall of the first floor or on a separate rack, a backup control panel can be installed, on which there is a button to turn on the barrage alarm.

3.23. To give signals in case of a threat to traffic safety or the need to assist the duty officer at the crossing, depending on local conditions, special signaling means (flashing beacon and siren) can be installed at the crossings.

The procedure for equipping crossings and operating such facilities is determined by the Department of Tracks and Structures in agreement with the Main Directorate of the State Automobile Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

79. Infrastructure owners or owners of non-public railway tracks equip railway crossings with technical means designed to ensure the safety of the movement of railway rolling stock, vehicles and other road users, maintain sections of roads located within the borders of the railway crossing, in accordance with the requirements of these Conditions and technical regulations in force in the road sector.

Infrastructure owners or owners of non-public railway tracks ensure the proper maintenance and operation of barriers, crossing and barrier signaling, replacement of barrier drives, proper maintenance and operation of telephone (radio) communications, uninterrupted power supply, serviceability of external electrical networks, searchlight installations, automatic switching on and off of outdoor lighting , receiving and replacing electric lamps for outdoor lighting, including in searchlight installations.

80. The repair of track devices at railway crossings is provided in a planned manner by the owner of the infrastructure or the owner of non-public railway tracks. During the overhaul of the railway track, the overhaul of railway crossings must be carried out. The scope of repair work for each railway crossing is determined taking into account local conditions by the owner of the infrastructure or the owner of non-public railway tracks with the preparation of estimates.

Works on the maintenance, repair, overhaul and reconstruction of the flooring and the carriageway between the tracks of a railway crossing, the installation and dismantling of temporary road signs are provided by the owner of the infrastructure or the owner of non-public railway tracks.

Work on the maintenance of sections of roads located within the boundaries of railway crossings is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law of November 8, 2007 N 257-FZ.

Repair, overhaul and reconstruction of sections of roads within the boundaries of railway crossings (with the exception of the flooring and carriageway between the tracks of a railway crossing) are carried out by the owner (owner) of these sections of roads in agreement with the owners of the railway tracks.

Repair of automatic (semi-automatic) barriers, electric barriers, crossing and barrier signaling at railway crossings is carried out by the owner of the infrastructure or the owner of non-public railway tracks.

In cases where, when developing measures for the implementation of work on the repair, overhaul or reconstruction of a railway track or technical facilities at a railway crossing, the traffic pattern of vehicles changes, the owner of the infrastructure or the owner of non-public railway tracks at least five days before the performance of work must determine the procedure for the movement of vehicles through the railway crossing, detour routes and, in agreement with the owners or other owners of highways (which is in charge of the detour route), ensure the installation of TSODD, including those indicating the detour route.

After making a decision to change the traffic organization scheme and / or introduce restrictions, the authorized body notifies the relevant departments of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia of the decision and sends the TMP.

81. Before performing track work, repairing automatic devices (barriers and signaling) at railway crossings, as well as when repairing automatic blocking or power supply devices that disrupt the operation of automation at railway crossings, the owner of the infrastructure or the owner of non-public railway tracks develop measures to ensure safety movement for the duration of the work. If necessary, they organize additional briefings for workers servicing the railway crossing, train drivers on duty at railway stations, allocate additional workers to assist at the railway crossing, issue warnings about special conditions for trains to travel along the repaired railway crossing. Responsibility for ensuring traffic safety in the course of work at a railway crossing rests with the duty officer.

If it is impossible to complete the repair work within the set time, the work contractor reports this to the owner of the infrastructure or the owner of non-public railway tracks, who, depending on local conditions, decide on the procedure for the operation of the railway crossing, after which they give appropriate instructions to their employees, notify the relevant departments State traffic inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia with the application of the work schedule.

82. Periodic inspections of the condition and operation of track devices and automation equipment at railway crossings by officials are carried out in the time and manner established by the owner of the infrastructure or the owner of non-public railway tracks.

The book of acceptance and delivery of duties and inspection of devices at a railway crossing should be checked at each check of the maintenance and service of the crossing: by a road foreman at least twice a month, by a track foreman at least four times a month, and also every time they visit a railway crossing.

The results of the check and these orders are recorded in the indicated book.

83. Infrastructure owners or owners of non-public railway tracks should systematically monitor the performance of official duties by employees serving railway crossings, the condition and operation of railway crossings, as well as the quality of inspections and the implementation of planned measures to eliminate identified malfunctions.

Instructions for the operation of railway crossings on the tracks of industrial transport



Ministry of Transport

Russian Federation

N AN-47-r




General provisions

1.1. A railway crossing is an intersection at the same level of a highway with railways, equipped with devices that provide safe conditions for the passage of rolling stock of railway transport and vehicles.

Crossings are objects of increased danger, requiring strict compliance with the established rules from road users and workers of industrial railway transport.

Persons using crossings are obliged to comply with the main condition for ensuring safety when moving along the crossing: rail transport has an advantage in movement over all other modes of transport.

1.2. This Instruction applies to operated and newly designed non-public crossings constructed at the intersections of industrial railway transport with internal roads.

1.3. Crossings at the intersections of industrial railway transport with public roads, as well as crossings located at the intersection of railways of the Ministry of Railways of Russia with internal roads, are classified as public crossings and are classified, equipped, operated in accordance with the current Instructions for the operation of railway crossings of the Ministry of Railways Russia (approved by the Ministry of Railways of Russia dated 29.06.98 N TsP-566).

1.4. Crossings at the intersections of industrial railway transport with motor roads of organizations, regardless of departmental subordination and forms of ownership, are classified as non-public crossings.

1.5. The opening of new and closing of existing railway crossings is carried out by order of the head of the organization (hereinafter referred to as the organization) in accordance with the requirements of this Instruction and in accordance with the developed projects of crossings.

1.6. For each crossing with an employee on duty, an instruction for its maintenance should be drawn up, taking into account the local operating conditions of this crossing.

The following services are involved in the preparation of the instruction: tracks, signaling, centralization and blocking (SCB) and communications, a contact network, as well as the head of the station when the crossing is located within the station or when the crossing is serviced by employees of the organization’s operation (traffic transportation) service.

The instruction is approved by the head of the organization and is reviewed when changing the working conditions of the crossing or making changes to the crossing signaling, but at least once every 5 years.

1.7. Twice a year (in spring and autumn) commission inspections of crossings are carried out by a commission, the composition of which is established by the head of the organization.

The commission includes the head of the railway transport department of the organization (head of the organization of industrial railway transport), heads of departments (services) of the track, signaling and communications, contact network (power supply), the traffic safety auditor (the person acting in his capacity), a representative of the road maintenance organization services.

Based on the results of the inspection, an act is drawn up, in accordance with which measures are developed to bring the structures and devices at the crossing in line with the regulatory documentation and this Instruction.

If necessary (natural disasters, flood waters, heavy rains, etc.), other checks of the condition of crossings and approaches to them can be carried out during the year.

Commission inspections of crossings in accordance with clauses 1.3, 1.4 of this instruction (public crossings) are carried out with the participation of representatives of the junction railway and the State Inspectorate for Road Safety (STSI).

2.1. Crossings located on the territory of organizations, depending on the intensity of rail and road transport, are divided into four categories: I, II, III, IV (Table 1).

Table 1


¦ Intensity ¦ Intensity of vehicle traffic ¦
¦ movement through ¦ (total in two directions), auth./day. ¦
¦ moving (total +————+———-+—————+————+

¦in two directions), ¦ Up to 100 ¦101 - 500 ¦ 501 - 1000 ¦1001 - 2000 ¦
¦ trains/day. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦

¦ Up to and including 8 ¦ IV ¦ IV ¦ IV ¦ III ¦

¦ 8 - 24 ¦ IV ¦ IV ¦ III ¦ II ¦

¦ 25 - 38 ¦ IV ¦ III ¦ II ¦ I ¦

¦ 39 - 52 ¦ III ¦ II ¦ I ¦ I ¦

on hauls with a traffic intensity of 39 or more trains per day when crossing roads with a traffic intensity of 1001 or more vehicles per day;

at stations where regular shunting work is performed, carried out according to the technological process of the station during half of the work shift, when crossing roads with a traffic intensity of 1001 or more vehicles per day;

at hauls and stations where organized rail or road transportation is carried out:

a) people, dangerous goods;

b) fire-liquid metals and slags at the intersection with highways with a traffic intensity of 501 or more vehicles per day.

on hauls with a traffic intensity of 8-24 trains per day at the intersection with highways with a traffic intensity of 1001 or more vehicles per day;

on hauls with a traffic intensity of 25-38 trains per day at the intersection with highways with a traffic intensity of 501-1000 vehicles per day;

at stations where shunting work is carried out regularly, when crossing roads with a traffic intensity of 101 - 500 vehicles per day:

at stages and stations where organized rail or road transportation of fiery-liquid metals and slags is carried out, at the intersection with highways with a traffic intensity of 101-500 vehicles per day;

on hauls with a traffic intensity of 39-52 trains per day at the intersection with railways with a traffic intensity of 101-500 vehicles per day.

on hauls with a traffic intensity of up to 8 trains per day at the intersection with highways with a traffic intensity of 1001 - 2000 vehicles per day;

on hauls with a traffic intensity of 8-24 trains per day at the intersection with highways with a traffic intensity of 501-1000 vehicles per day;

on hauls with a traffic intensity of 25-38 trains per day at the intersection with highways with a traffic intensity of 101-500 vehicles per day;

on hauls with a traffic intensity of 39-52 trains per day at the intersection with highways with a traffic intensity of up to 100 vehicles per day;

at hauls and stations where shunting work is carried out regularly, when crossing roads with a traffic intensity of up to 100 vehicles per day;

at stages and stations where organized rail and road transportation of fire-liquid metals and slags is carried out, at the intersection with highways with a traffic intensity of up to 100 vehicles per day.

2.2. Checking the traffic intensity of rail and road transport, the working conditions of crossings and reviewing their categorization should be carried out at least once every 5 years by a commission whose composition is established by the head of the organization.

An extraordinary check of the categorization of the move is carried out when the traffic intensity of road or rail transport changes due to the commissioning of new or reconstructed production facilities, changes in freight flows in the organization due to changes in the technology of the main production, etc.

2.3. At newly built or reconstructed production facilities, it is not allowed to open crossings of categories I, II and III, which provide for organized rail or road transportation of fire-liquid metals and slags.

2.4. Crossings are divided into regulated and unregulated.

Regulated crossings include crossings equipped with crossing signaling devices that notify vehicle drivers of the approach to the crossing of a train (rolling stock), or serviced by duty workers (crossing attendants), as well as other employees of railway transport who are assigned to perform the duties of a crossing duty officer.

These employees must undergo training and pass a knowledge test in the amount established for the position of a moving attendant.

At separate controlled crossings, it is allowed to serve two or more closely located crossings by one duty officer, provided that they are well visible and equipped with barriers controlled from one place.

Category I and II level crossings should be regulated.

The need to regulate the movement of vehicles at crossings of other categories is established by the head of the organization.

Unregulated crossings are called crossings that are not equipped with crossing signaling devices and are not serviced by crossing attendants or other employees of railway transport who are entrusted with the performance of their duties in the prescribed manner.

The possibility of safe passage through such crossings is determined by the driver of the vehicle in accordance with the Rules of the Road of the Russian Federation.

Unregulated crossings include category III and IV crossings.

2.5. In addition to the crossing signaling, the service of category I crossings by the duty officer is organized.

At crossings with satisfactory visibility conditions, it is allowed, with the permission of the head of the organization, to maintain a crossing signaling without a duty officer for the crossing.

In accordance with GOST R 50597-93 "Roads and streets. Requirements for the operational state permissible under the conditions of ensuring road safety", satisfactory visibility conditions are visibility at crossings without an attendant, when drivers of vehicles located at a distance of no more than 50 m from the near rail, the visibility of the train approaching from any side must be ensured in accordance with the standards specified in Table. 2.

table 2

¦Maximum movement speed ¦5 - 10¦11 - 15¦ 16 - 25¦26 - 40¦41 - 70¦
¦ trains, km/h ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦

¦ Visibility distance, m, ¦ 25 ¦ 50 ¦ 100 ¦ 150 ¦ 250 ¦
¦at least ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦

2.6. In order to ensure traffic safety at category I level crossings located at hauls and stations where organized (regular) rail or road transportation of people or dangerous goods is carried out, the following requirements must be met:

2.6.1. Crossings located on sections with slopes steeper than 0.0025, creating a danger of rolling stock leaving in the direction of the crossing, must be protected by safety devices - dropping shoes, dropping wits or arrows.

The control of the safety devices must be carried out by the person on duty at the crossing, while the indications of the traffic lights of the crossing signaling in the direction of the vehicles must be in mutual hostile dependence with the position of the safety devices, in which the movement of vehicles along the crossing is possible only when the safety devices are set to reset.

2.6.2. Crossings located in sections with approaches with long descents, as well as at stations limiting such hauls, in the necks of which these crossings are located, are fenced with catching dead ends according to special projects.

The control of the crossing signaling and the turnout of the catching dead end is carried out by the person on duty at the crossing, while ensuring mutually opposite dependence of the readings of the crossing traffic lights and the position of the arrow of the catching dead end.

In cases where, due to local conditions, it is not possible to install safety devices and safety dead ends, the organization, together with a specialized design organization, develops organizational and technical measures to ensure the safety of the movement of rolling stock and vehicles at the crossing, or a decision is made to close the crossing, and draw up relevant act.

2.6.3. The organization must develop long-term plans that provide for the re-equipment of existing category I crossings with organized (regular) rail or road transportation of people or dangerous goods in accordance with the requirements of clauses 2.6.1, 2.6.2.

2.6.4. The procedure for the operation and maintenance of safety devices and catching dead ends is established by the operating instructions for the crossing.

2.7. The list of crossings serviced by an employee on duty, and the duration of their protection during the day, is established by the head of the organization.

In the event of a break in the maintenance of the crossing by a duty worker, the barriers are set to a position prohibiting the movement of vehicles, and the spare barriers that completely block the carriageway of the highway are set to a barrage position and locked.

Drivers of vehicles must be notified about the mode of operation of such crossings by the heads of the relevant services of the organization.

2.8. Crossings located on low-traffic areas and station tracks and equipped with horizontal-turning barriers must be equipped with traffic signaling, controlled by the drafting or locomotive crew.

Prior to the equipment of crossings with signaling, horizontal-turning barriers are preserved and such crossings are not serviced by a duty worker.

The procedure for closing and opening horizontal-turning barriers or turning on and off the traffic signal is established by an instruction approved by the head of the organization.

2.9. Crossings located near the premises of on-duty turnout posts, those on duty at the station (post) can be serviced by employees associated with the movement of trains and shunting work.

The list of such transfers and the procedure for the work of the employees serving them is established by the head of the organization.

It is allowed to serve two or more closely located regulated crossings by one duty officer on the crossing, provided that there is good visibility and equipped with barriers controlled from one remote control.

2.10. The procedure for transferring crossings to operation without an attendant is established by the head of the organization.

2.11. Before terminating the service of the crossing, the duty worker must take the following measures:

2.11.1. — work was carried out to equip the crossing with an automatic signaling control device (if any) at the station (post) on duty;

2.11.2. – the compliance of the condition and equipment of the crossing with this Instruction was checked by a commission chaired by the head of the organization to check the readiness of its operation without a duty officer for the crossing;

2.11.3. – dismantled automatic, semi-automatic barriers, electric barriers and other devices related to the maintenance of the crossing by the duty worker;

2.11.4. — replaced the corresponding road signs;

2.11.5. – instructions were given to locomotive crews and special rolling stock crews on special vigilance when approaching the indicated crossings;

2.11.6. - are displayed on the approaches to the crossing on the right side on the side of the highway at least 15 days before the departure of the duty officer for the crossing, clearly visible announcements "Moving from (date) is transferred to work without a duty officer for the crossing."

2.12. At closed crossings (permanently or temporarily), the flooring is dismantled, the entrances to the crossings from the side of roads at a distance of at least 10 m from the extreme rails along the entire width are blocked by barriers, and, if necessary, by ditches at a distance of 2 m from the barrier towards the railway tracks.

Warning signs at entrances and approaches to crossings are removed and information and indication signs indicating the direction of the detour are installed.

At closed crossings, all equipment is dismantled. In the event of a temporary cessation of operation of crossings for the period of their closure, automatic devices are turned off, and the bars of the spare barriers are set to a position closed for the movement of vehicles and locked.

At the entrances to the closed crossings, the track service builds platforms for turning vehicles.

The procedure for dismantling structures, devices and equipment of closed crossings, their safety or reuse is established by the head of the organization.

3. Arrangement and equipment of crossings

3.1. The construction and equipment of crossings must be carried out taking into account the requirements of the Rules for the technical operation of industrial railway transport, approved by the order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated 29.03.2001 N AN-22-r, this Instruction, the Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation dated 10/23/1993 N 1090, standard projects of crossings.

When designing and constructing new crossings, it is necessary to take into account their category and the requirements of SNiP 2.05.07-91 "Industrial transport".

3.2. Crossings organized for the needs of construction are constructed and equipped by construction organizations according to special projects approved by the head of the organization.

3.3. Crossings should be located mainly on straight sections of railways and roads, outside the cuts, turnouts in places where satisfactory visibility conditions are provided.

Crossings of railway tracks by motor roads should be carried out mainly at right angles.

It is allowed to arrange crossings within the transfer curve of the turnout, as well as the intersection of the railway track with a motor road at a smaller angle, but not less than 30 °.

At existing crossings for at least 10 m from the outermost rail, the road in the longitudinal profile must have a horizontal platform or a large vertical curve, or a slope due to the excess of one rail over the other when the intersection is in a curved section of the track.

The longitudinal slope of the road approach to the crossing for at least 20 m in front of the site should be no more than 50 °.

In difficult conditions, the profile of the road on the approaches to crossings can be individual, which requires additional coordination with the road maintenance service of the organization.

At the approaches to the crossing of unpaved automobile roads, a hard surface should be laid on both sides for at least 10 m from the head of the outermost rail.

3.4. The carriageway of the motor road at the approaches to the crossing and within its boundaries, as well as the flooring, guide posts, railings and fences must comply with the standard crossing design.

3.5. On the outer side of the track, the flooring should be at the same level with the top of the rail heads, and inside the track, in order to avoid closing the track circuits and damaging the rails during the passage of tractors, rollers and other machines and mechanisms, it is located 30 - 40 mm higher than the rail heads.

The flooring can be made of reinforced concrete slabs, asphalt concrete, wooden beams, old-fashioned rails, etc.

Depending on the design of the deck, according to the standard design, counter rails of track rails or special rolled stock are laid within the deck to ensure unhindered passage of wheel sets of rolling stock.

The ends of the counter rails on a length of 50 cm are bent inside the track by 25 cm. The width of the gutter should be 75 - 100 mm, and the depth should not be less than 45 mm.

3.6. The width of the carriageway of the crossing must be equal to the width of the carriageway of the motor road, but not less than 6 m.

At crossings with an on-duty worker inside the gauge of each track (on single-track sections - on both sides), at a distance of 0.75 - 1.0 m from the flooring, devices in the form of metal tubes are fixed for installing portable signals to stop the rolling stock (red shield, lantern).

3.7. The motor road at the approaches to the crossing must have a fence: railings, guiding posts between the railway track and the barrier.

Guide posts and railing posts are placed on the sides of the highway every 2.5 m; the post closest to the track (the end of the railing) should be located at a distance of 2.5 m from the outermost rail.

Racks of barriers, masts of traffic lights of crossing signaling, railings and guide posts are located at a distance of at least 0.75 m from the edge of the carriageway.

Guide posts are installed on a section with a length depending on local conditions, but not less than 9 m from the extreme rails along the highway.

The height of the guide posts or railings from the surface of the carriageway of the highway should be 0.7 - 0.8 m.

Crossing barriers are painted in accordance with the requirements of GOST 23457-86 "Technical means of organizing traffic. Rules of application."

3.8. At crossings with heavy pedestrian traffic, walkways are arranged according to standard designs.

If there is a crossing signal at such crossings, the footpaths are equipped with an audible alarm, which additionally informs pedestrians about the prohibition of movement through the crossing.

3.9. At the approaches to crossings from the side of the railway track, permanent warning signs "C" are installed about the whistle of locomotive drivers, and from the side of the highway before all crossings without a duty worker - warning road signs 1.3.1 "Single-track railway" or 1.3.2 "Multi-track railway" (Fig. 1 - not shown).

If there is a traffic signal at the crossing, signs 1.3.1 and 1.3.2 are installed on the same support with traffic lights, and in its absence - at a distance of at least 6 m from the nearest rail, and from the edge of the carriageway to the edge of the sign at a distance of 0.5 - 2.0 m.

Signal signs "C" are installed outside the station on the right side in the direction of travel at a distance of 100 - 300 m from crossings, depending on local conditions.

3.10. At the approaches to crossings from the side of highways, in front of barriers, and where there are none, in front of the road sign 1.3.1 or 1.3.2, in accordance with the Rules of the Road of the Russian Federation, road warning signs 1.1 "Railway crossing with a barrier" or 1.2 "Railway crossing" are installed without a barrier" (see Fig. 1 - not shown) at a distance of 50 - 100 m from the outermost rail.

3.11. In case of unsatisfactory visibility of approaching trains before crossings without on-duty workers and not equipped with crossing signaling, as well as during work at the crossing, a priority road sign 2.5 "Movement without stopping is prohibited" is installed at a distance of at least 10 m from the outermost rail.

The decision to install such a road sign is made by the head of the organization after inspecting the crossing with the participation of the relevant services.

3.12. On electrified sections, on both sides of the crossing, clearance gates are installed with a passage height of not more than 4.7 m (Fig. 2 - not shown).

At crossings where the movement of heavy vehicles is organized, the height of the clearance gates may be higher than indicated. In all cases, the height of the clearance doors must be less than the height of the contact wire suspension by 0.5 m.

Dimensional gates are installed at a distance of at least 8.5 m from the outer rail, and in the presence of barriers - at least 5 m from them towards the highway, and at crossings not serviced by an attendant - at least 14 m from the outer rail.

The supports of the clearance gates are installed at a distance of at least 1.75 m from the edge of the carriageway of the highway.

On the clearance gates above the middle of the carriageway of the highway, a road sign 3.13 "Height restriction" is hung with the number on the sign "4.5" m.

The upper crossbar of the clearance gate is painted with straight transverse stripes 0.2 m wide in black and white, and the restrictive strips are painted with red and white stripes.

The supports of the clearance gates at a height of 2 m from the surface of the carriageway of the highway are painted with black and white inclined (at an angle of 45 °) stripes 0.2 m wide.

The location of devices and equipment at crossings is shown in fig. 3 - 5 (not given).

3.13. Crossings serviced by on-duty workers are equipped with barriers.

Bars of automatic, semi-automatic barriers, as well as electric barriers must have red reflective devices and have a standard length of 4; 6 and 8 m.

Automatic and semi-automatic barriers and electric barriers must block at least half of the carriageway of the highway on the right side in the direction of vehicles. The left side of the road with a width of at least 3 m is not blocked.

If necessary, according to local conditions, it is allowed to install the specified barriers of non-standard length.

Mechanized barriers, as a rule, must cover the entire carriageway of the highway and have signal lights used at night, as well as during the day with poor visibility (fog, blizzard, snowfall, etc.). Signal lights installed on the barrier bars of mechanized barriers must be directed towards the highway:

at the closed position of barriers - red signals (lights);

at the open position of barriers - transparent-white signals (lights).

In the direction of the railway track - control transparent-white signals (lights), both in the open and in the closed position of the barriers.

Barriers are installed on the right side on the side of the road on both sides of the crossing, so that their bars in the closed position are located at a height of 1-1.5 m from the surface of the roadway. Wherein:

- mechanized barriers are located at a distance of at least 8.5 m from the outermost rail;

- automatic, semi-automatic barriers and electric barriers - at a distance of at least 6; 8; 10 m depending on the length of the barrier beam (4; 6; 8 m - if such a length of the beam is provided for by the project).

3.14. To protect the crossing during the repair of the track, structures and devices, spare horizontal-turning barriers of manual action should be used, installed at a distance of at least 1 m from the main barriers in the direction of the highway and blocking the carriageway of the road no less than the main ones. These barriers must have devices for fixing them in the open and closed positions and hanging a signal light.

Barriers of barriers (main and spare) are painted with alternating stripes of red and white, inclined (when viewed from the side of the road) to the right horizontally at an angle of 45 - 50 °. Strip width 500 - 600 mm. The end of the barrage must have a red stripe 250-300 mm wide. Bars of mechanized and spare barriers are equipped with red reflective devices.

3.15. The normal position of automatic and semi-automatic barriers is open, and that of electric barriers and mechanized barriers is closed.

In some cases, at crossings with heavy traffic of vehicles, as well as at crossings transferred to the service of other services, the normal position of electric barriers and mechanized barriers can be set open.

In the normally closed position of the barriers, they open only to allow vehicles to pass in the absence of an approaching train.

3.16. If it is necessary to separate traffic flows in opposite directions (center line) on a road with two or three lanes in both directions, road markings are applied in accordance with GOST R 51256-99 "Technical means of organizing traffic. Types and main parameters. General technical requirements".

The need for applying horizontal markings and the procedure for applying them is established by a commission chaired by the head of the organization.

3.17. At crossings serviced by a railway worker on duty, premises for duty officers should be built according to standard designs - buildings of crossing posts, which, as a rule, are located at a distance of 3.5 m from the extreme rail of the railway track and from the edge of the carriageway of the highway.

When one attendant serves two or more closely located crossings, the building of the crossing post is placed in such a way that conditions for good visibility of these serviced crossings are provided from it.

The crossing post must have an exit along the path towards the highway. Exits towards the railway track in the buildings of crossing posts must be protected by railings.

3.18. Crossings of categories I and II are equipped with electric lighting. The need for lighting crossings of III and IV categories and the degree of illumination are determined by the head of the organization, taking into account local conditions.

Illumination of crossings should be at least: category I - 5 lux, category II - 3 lux.

3.19. Crossings with on-duty workers must have direct telephone communication (or radio communication) with the nearest station, radio communication with train locomotive drivers (if they are equipped with such communication), and in sections with dispatcher centralization - with a train dispatcher.

The telephone call is supplemented by an external call (howler).

3.20. The use of standard crossing signaling systems at industrial railway crossings is established by a commission, the composition of which is determined by the head of the organization.

Types of crossing signaling and barriers for crossings are established by projects, taking into account the requirements of this Instruction and local conditions of transport operation.

3.21. On roads before crossings equipped with crossing signaling, traffic lights are installed with two horizontally located and alternately flashing red signals (lights) that are important (Fig. 6 - not shown):

the red signal (fire) is on - the movement of vehicles is prohibited;

the red signal (fire) is off - the movement of vehicles is allowed only after the driver is convinced that there is no train approaching the crossing.

Traffic lights are installed on the right side in the direction of movement of vehicles. In some cases, according to local conditions (visibility conditions, traffic intensity, etc.), signals (lights) of traffic lights can be repeated on the opposite side of the highway.

3.22. At crossings without an attendant, traffic signaling with traffic lights with two alternately flashing red signals (lights) and one white-moon flashing signal (light) can be used, signaling (Fig. 6):

the red signal (fire) is on, the white-moon signal (fire) is off - the movement of vehicles is prohibited;

the white-moon signal (fire) is on, the red light (signal) is off - the movement of vehicles is allowed;

red and moon-white signals (lights) are off - the crossing signaling is disabled or defective.

In the event of a disconnection of the signaling or its malfunction, the duty officer of the nearest station (or the train dispatcher in case of dispatcher centralization) is automatically notified of the malfunction of the crossing signaling.

The procedure for notifying locomotive drivers and regulating the movement of vehicles at the crossing is established by the relevant instruction.

3.23. Automatic traffic signaling must be adjusted in such a way that the start of the stop signal in the direction of the motor road is made in the time necessary for the vehicle to clear the crossing. At the same time, at the moment the train enters the approach section, at the traffic lights towards the highway, flashing red signals (lights) are switched on, and acoustic signals (bells or bells) are given for additional information of traffic participants about the prohibition of movement through the crossing.

The red signals (lights) are turned off after the train has cleared the crossing.

When trains (shunting trains) move in an unspecified direction on single-track sections equipped with automatic blocking, and on the wrong track on double- and multi-track sections, the red signals (lights) are turned off after the approach section located behind the crossing along the train is released.

Red flashing signals (lights) at traffic lights are switched on from the moment the train enters the approach section and after a time determined by the calculation, the barrier bars of the plans are lowered to a horizontal position.

Automatic barriers must remain closed, and the red signals (lights) of traffic lights must be on (burn) until the train is completely free of the crossing.

When the crossing is completely cleared by the train, the barrier bars rise to a vertical position, after which the red signals (lights) at the traffic lights turn off.

Opening of semi-automatic barriers and turning off red flashing signals (lights) at traffic lights and acoustic signals is carried out by the duty officer at the crossing by pressing the "Open" button.

At crossings, the approach sections of which include station tracks, when a train departs at a prohibitory indication of traffic lights, automatic traffic signaling should be switched on by the station (post) officer on duty by pressing the "Closing the crossing" button.

At the same time, the locomotive driver, when approaching the crossing, must proceed with special care at a speed of no more than 15 km / h and be ready to stop if an obstacle is encountered.

The operating procedure for such crossings is indicated in the relevant instructions.

3.24. At crossings with an on-duty worker that are not equipped with track circuits, the station (post) duty officer by telephone (or in another way) notifies the crossing duty officer of the departure of the train.

The procedure for notifying, turning on and off the crossing signaling is established by the relevant instructions.

3.25. At crossings located within or near stations and equipped with crossing signaling, station attendants should not allow a long time between the opening of exit signals and the departure of trains so as not to cause delays for vehicles at the crossings.

The station attendant must timely submit a notice of the crossing, turn on the alarm, notify the crossing attendant of the departure of the train by phone or in another way determined by the local instructions.

3.26. At crossings with on-duty workers, a barrage alarm is set up.

Entrance, exit, warning, shunting, through and route traffic lights located at a distance of 15–300 m from the crossing can be used as barrier traffic lights, provided that the crossing is visible from the place of their installation.

If it is impossible to use the indicated traffic lights, special barrier traffic lights are installed before the crossing at a distance of at least 15 m and not more than 300 m, depending on the visibility conditions.

In the event that, due to local conditions, it is not possible to maintain the indicated distances, the installation site of the traffic lights is determined by a commission chaired by the head of the organization.

The indications of the barrier traffic light must be visible to the driver of the train approaching the crossing at a distance not less than the braking distance with full service braking.

Barrage traffic lights are installed on single-track sections on both sides of the crossing. On double-track sections - on the right track, and on the wrong track - in the following cases:

on double-track sections equipped with two-way blocking;

while regularly moving on the wrong path.

Installation of barrier traffic lights on the wrong path is allowed on the left side of the path.

At crossings located within the boundaries of stations and near them, in the areas of approach to which there are station tracks, where when the train departs from the station with a prohibitory indication of the exit traffic light, the required notification time for closing the crossing when the train starts moving from a place is not provided, from the side of the station can be installed normally lit traffic lights. In this case, when the train moves to the prohibitory indication of the traffic light and enters the rail circuit adjacent to the crossing, red flashing signals (lights) are switched on at the crossing traffic lights, and then, after a delay of time required for the vehicles to clear the crossing, the red light of the barrier traffic light is turned off. .

The procedure for servicing such crossings is established by the relevant instructions.

At crossings located on hauls of double-track sections and equipped with barrier signaling for movement only along the correct track, the head of the organization establishes a procedure in which the prohibition indication of barrier traffic lights when moving along the correct track is a stop signal also for trains following the wrong track.

If the required visibility of the barrier traffic light is not provided, then in areas not equipped with blocking, a warning traffic light is installed in front of such a traffic light, the same shape as the barrier, and giving a yellow light signal when the main traffic light is red and not burning when the main traffic light is extinguished.

Crossings with an on-duty worker located on sections with automatic blocking, regardless of the presence of barrier traffic lights, are equipped with devices for switching the nearest automatic blocking traffic lights before the crossing to a prohibitory indication if there are obstacles to the movement of trains at the crossings.

3.27. Control boards for crossing signaling are installed outside the building of the crossing duty officer in a place of good visibility of the railway track and the highway at the approaches to the crossing.

On the control panels, depending on the type of crossing signaling, buttons and control lamps are placed. Their purpose and procedure for use are determined by the project documentation and must be contained in the operating instructions for the crossing.

4. Organization of the work of the mover on duty

4.1. Persons who meet the requirements for applicants for work in industrial railway transport, for positions related to the movement of trains and shunting work, are appointed to the position of a moving attendant.

They must undergo a medical examination to determine suitability for the relevant work, training in a special program and testing the knowledge established for this profession, as well as the rules and instructions, including job descriptions and operating instructions for the serviced crossing.

4.2. The duty officer during the shift must have with him:

signal horn for giving sound signals to railway workers;

a police whistle to give an additional signal in order to attract the attention of traffic participants;

two signal flags (red and yellow) in a case, and at night and in case of poor visibility during daylight hours (fog, blizzard and other adverse conditions) - a signal lamp for giving visible signals.

4.3. The building of the crossing point must have:

moving schedule;

operating instructions for this crossing;

book of acceptance and delivery of duty and inspection of devices at the crossing;

wall clock, first aid kit, necessary tools, furniture, household equipment;

traffic controller's baton and red armband;

a cable 4-6 m long for towing vehicles stopped at the crossing;

one portable red board and one signal light for each railroad track crossed by the crossing;

one spare portable red shield and one spare signal light;

one set of signal flags.

In winter, at crossings, it is necessary to have a constant supply of sand or slag for sprinkling the carriageway of the crossing and footpaths within the borders of the crossing during ice.

The operating instructions for the crossing are drawn up by the head of the track, signaling and communications service, and if the crossing is located on the territory of the station, with the participation of its head and approved by the head of the organization. This instruction should be reviewed when changing the operating conditions of the move, but at least once every 5 years. Approximate contents of the instructions are given in Appendix 1.

4.4. The duty officer on duty at the crossing must check the railway track within 50 m from the crossing in both directions, the condition of the crossing equipment and all its devices, the presence of seals on the sealed devices, the presence and condition of hand signals, tools and inventory.

All comments, malfunctions of barriers, crossing and barrage alarms, telephone (radio) communications, as well as eliminated malfunctions, are recorded in the book for the acceptance and delivery of duty and inspection of devices at the crossing (Appendix 3). If there is automation, write down: "Automatic is faulty".

The duty officer for the crossing must immediately inform the duty officers of the nearest separate points (train dispatcher) about a malfunction of the crossing and barrage signaling and automatic barriers or electric barriers, as well as telephone (radio) communications. Until the malfunction is eliminated and the electrician is noted about it in the book for the acceptance and delivery of duty and inspection of devices at the crossing, it is prohibited to use faulty devices.

After the elimination of each malfunction, the duty officer for the crossing must make a corresponding entry in the book for the reception of duty and inspection of devices at the crossing.

If a detected malfunction that threatens traffic safety cannot be immediately eliminated on its own, the crossing duty officer is obliged to protect the dangerous place with stop signals, close the movement of vehicles through the crossing and immediately notify the station duty officer (train dispatcher), who, in turn, informs masters (foreman of the path).

4.5. While on duty, the duty officer must:


For those on duty at the turnout station and other workers who combine the functions of those on duty at crossings, the duties for servicing crossings should be established by the instruction.

open and close barriers in a timely manner and give the established signals, observe the condition of passing trains. In the event of a malfunction that threatens traffic safety, take measures to stop the train, and if there is no signal indicating the tail of the train, report this to the station duty officer, and in sections equipped with dispatcher centralization, to the train dispatcher;

immediately protect the place of damage to the track, threatening the safe movement of trains, with stop signals, and report this by telephone to the station attendant or train dispatcher;

prohibit stopping at the crossing of vehicles and other self-propelled machines and mechanisms;

clean the gutters for free passage of wheel flanges along them and keep the entire crossing area within its boundaries in constant cleanliness;

monitor the good condition of barriers, alarm devices, warning and temporary signal signs for the passage of snowplows;

light the lights at the crossing and barriers, turn on and off the outdoor lighting in a timely manner, notify the station duty officer (train dispatcher) of their malfunctions by phone, who must notify the power supply distance about this;

fix bolts, anti-thefts, clear the path of snow and grass, remove foreign objects from the path, straighten the ballast prism and inspect the path for 50 m in each direction from the crossing;

follow the instructions for safety and industrial sanitation for those on duty at the crossings.

It is allowed to carry out work on the way and at the crossing only with closed barriers.

He can use the available premises at the crossing only if the crossing is free from vehicles and there are no trains approaching the crossing. In this case, non-automatic barriers must be closed.

It is forbidden to leave the post or entrust the temporary maintenance of the crossing to other persons.

4.6. When a train, a separate locomotive, a track or other self-propelled vehicle or a trolley approaches, the duty officer at the crossing after the barriers are closed must check whether the tracks are clear at the crossing and on both sides of it, and get off the track when the train is at least 200 meters away from it. m.

When meeting a train, one must stand facing the track with a half-turn of the head towards the movement, as a rule, at the building of the crossing post (on an open or glazed veranda) at a distance of no closer than 2 m from the extreme rail, give a signal with a wind horn (one long sound when an odd train approaches and two long ones when an even-numbered train approaches), give a signal when there is a free path: during the day - a folded yellow flag, at night - a transparent white light of a hand lamp; if it is necessary to reduce the speed of the train: unfurled yellow flag during the day; at night on hauls - a slow movement up and down of a hand lantern with a transparent white light, at stations - a hand lantern with yellow light; if there is no such lantern, by slowly moving up and down a hand lantern with a transparent white light.

In order to maintain traffic safety, when meeting a train, the crossing duty officer must carefully inspect the rolling stock.

After the train has passed, it is necessary, without getting out on the track, to make sure that there is no other train, locomotive or railcar following or on the adjacent track, and then open non-automatic barriers and let vehicles pass through the crossing.

After the passage of a traveling wagon, a traveling trolley or a removable railcar, the duty officer at the crossing must replace the yellow folded flag with a red unfolded one and keep it until the signalman, the guarding the trailer or trolley appears from behind, or until the railcar follows the crossing and moves away from it by 200 - 250 m.

4.7. When a train, locomotive or trolley passes, the crossing attendant is obliged to give a stop signal in the following cases:

if a malfunction is noticed in a passing train that threatens traffic safety: wheels that are skidding or emitting strong blows due to sliders, fire, burning axle boxes, the threat of cargo falling from the train, etc. After passing the train, in which a skidding wheel pair or having sliders was found, the crossing duty officer is obliged to immediately inform the station duty officer (train dispatcher), road foreman (track foreman) about this and conduct a continuous inspection of the track within the area he serves;

if one train goes towards another along the same track or one train overtakes another, a trolley or a traveling car (in the latter case, a stop signal is given only to the overtaking train);

if stop signals are given to the driver from the train or from the track, and the train continues to move;

in case of fire in the right of way, threatening traffic;

in other cases that threaten traffic safety and people's lives.

On the noticed malfunctions in the train, the duty officer for the crossing must inform the driver of this train (if there is a radio connection), as well as by telephone to the station duty officer (train dispatcher).

4.8. At crossings equipped with semi-automatic barriers, their opening is possible only after the train passes through the crossing and the person on duty at the crossing presses the "Open" button on the control panel. If, when pressing this button, semi-automatic barriers are not transferred to the open position, and at crossings with automatic barriers, the latter are not automatically transferred to the open position, then before removing the seal and using the "Emergency opening" button, the crossing attendant must remove the seal from the "Turn on" button barriers" and press it, make sure that there are no trains on the approaches to the crossing, make an entry in the Book of acceptance and delivery of duty and inspection of devices at the crossing about a malfunction of automation devices and immediately inform the station duty officer (train dispatcher) about this. After that, it is allowed to remove the seal from the "Emergency Opening" button and press it to move the barriers to the open position. The "Emergency opening" button must be kept pressed by the crossing attendant until the vehicle or group of vehicles passes under the barrier beam.

By pressing the "Emergency opening" button, the crossing attendant turns off the traffic lights and sound alarms for this time, forcibly opens the barriers and takes control of them.

After removing the hand from the button, the crossing signaling and barriers should automatically turn on and the barriers should be transferred to the closed position.

When using the "Emergency opening" button, vehicles must be passed in small groups.

The order of information of the duty officer at the crossing about the movement of trains in the event of a malfunction of automation devices at the crossing and in all cases when railcars are moving due to their possible non-shunting of track circuits is established by the instruction.

The crossing duty officer, having received a message about the movement of the trolley, must monitor its passage, press the "Close" button and leave it pressed until the passage of the trolley through the crossing.

In the event that the crossing alarm is not working, and the automatic or semi-automatic barriers are not closed, the crossing duty officer must also turn on the alarm by pressing the "Close" button. If, after pressing the "Close" button, they do not close, then the duty officer for the crossing must act in the manner prescribed by the operating instructions for the crossing until the malfunction is eliminated.

4.9. If there are obstacles at the crossing that threaten traffic safety, as well as when the crossing is blocked by a fallen load or a stopped vehicle, the duty officer for the crossing acts as follows:

if there is a barrier alarm, it immediately turns it on, for which, after removing the seal, presses the "Enable barrier" button and closes the barriers. The inclusion of barrier traffic lights is checked by the bulbs available on the control panel of the barriers;

after the barrage alarm is turned on, he informs the station duty officer or the train dispatcher about the incident by phone, and if there is radio communication, he informs the train drivers about the need to stop and about the presence of an obstacle at the crossing, after which he takes measures to eliminate it.

The breaking of the seal from the button "Turning on the barrage alarm" should be recorded in the book of acceptance and delivery of duty and inspection of devices at the crossing and the electrician of the signaling system should be called.

After the removal of obstacles to traffic or a malfunction at the crossing, the barrier traffic lights must be extinguished.

If the red light of the barrier traffic light does not go out, the crossing duty officer is obliged to close the barriers and personally inform the driver about the malfunction of the barrier traffic light, after which the driver has the right to follow the prohibitory signal of the barrier traffic light.

4.10. In the absence of a barrier signal or its malfunction, or when the control lights on the panel do not light up, the duty officer for the crossing must immediately install a portable stop signal on each railway track on which an obstacle has arisen (during the day - a red shield, at night - a lantern with a red light in both directions ), close the barriers, notify the station duty officer (train dispatcher) of the obstacle and at the same time find out whether the train has been sent from the station to the haul or not.

In the event that a train leaves the station, the station attendant must warn the train driver about the obstacle at the crossing.

The crossing duty officer, having received a notification from the station duty officer (train dispatcher) about the departure of the train to the stage, must go towards the train, giving a stop signal. After the train stops, the crossing attendant returns to the place of the obstacle and takes all possible measures to eliminate it.

If the crossing signaling fails, the barriers are closed by the crossing attendant by pressing the "Close" button.

If automatic barriers are not closed (damaged) when the button is pressed, then the crossing attendant is obliged to protect the crossing with spare horizontal-turning barriers and use them to pass vehicles through the crossing until the malfunction is eliminated in accordance with the instructions.

In the same order, the crossing duty officer acts if the crossing is equipped with mechanized barriers.

4.11. In the event of a break at the crossing of the wires of the contact network or power wires crossing the railway tracks, the duty officer at the crossing must turn on the barrage alarm, close the barriers, protect the dangerous place with portable stop signals at a distance of at least 50 m from the place of the break, report the case to the station duty officer (train dispatcher) and stay at the obstacle until the arrival of power supply workers, making sure that there is no access to broken wires at a distance of less than 8 m and does not touch the rails.

4.12. In the event of a traffic accident that occurs at or near a crossing, the duty officer is obliged to:

take measures to ensure the safety of trains and vehicles;

report the incident to the station duty officer (train dispatcher), road foreman (track foreman) in accordance with the procedure established by the instruction;

provide first aid to the injured, and if possible, call an ambulance.

4.13. The procedure for ensuring traffic safety when sending trains along the wrong track on sections where crossings are equipped with automatic devices for the movement of trains only along the right track is established by the relevant instructions for servicing the crossing, taking into account the crossing signaling system used.

In doing so, it is necessary to be guided by the following provisions:

in the production of track and other works, when the operation of the automatic traffic signal at crossings serviced by duty officers is violated, the automatic barriers must be controlled manually using the buttons on the control panel.

Barriers must be closed at this time. They are opened for the passage of vehicles only in the absence of trains, about the approach of which the crossing duty officer must receive a message from the station duty officer.

At crossings not serviced by duty officers and equipped with automatic traffic signaling, duty must be established for the period of train movement.

In the absence of telephone communication at crossings taken temporarily for service, a temporary telephone (radio) connection must be established.

The procedure for the actions of those on duty at the crossing for the period of organization of two-way train traffic on one track on two and multi-track sections during the performance of track, construction and other works, as well as when trains depart on the wrong track, must be indicated in the operating instructions for the crossing.

4.14. Only with the permission of the head of the track service is it allowed to move through the crossing of heavy, dangerous and bulky goods, machines and mechanisms, the size and speed of which are determined by clause 15.3 of the Rules of the Road of the Russian Federation and clause 15 of the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the duties of officials on ensuring road safety, approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation of October 23, 1993 N 1090.

An application for a permit must be submitted to the head of the track service no later than 24 hours before transportation. The application must specify the width and height of the vehicle, and if there is a road train, its length. If necessary, the head of the track service is obliged to submit an application in advance for issuing warnings for trains.

The road foreman (track foreman) must ensure that the crossing is fenced with stop signals in accordance with the Instructions for signaling on industrial railway transport, approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated 30.03.2001 N AN-23-r, and monitor the passage of these vehicles.

On electrified sections with a vehicle height of more than 4.5 m, the head of the track service informs the head of the power supply service in advance (indicating the date of the vehicle’s passage), the latter determines the possibility of passing the vehicle according to the height of the suspension of the wires of the contact network from the level of the rail heads, overhead lines, group grounding, waveguide from the surface of the carriageway of the highway within the boundaries of the crossing and allocates a representative for observation.

4.15. The shift officer reports directly to the track foreman.

The procedure for reporting to the crossing duty officers about cases of violation of the Rules of the Road is established by the local operating instructions for the crossing.

The track services of the organization, according to factory drawings, manufacture bars of automatic barriers and electric barriers and provide crossings with them, replace mechanized and spare barriers, electric lamps in the buildings of crossing posts and signal lights of mechanized barriers.

5.1. Services (workshops) of the track of the organization ensure the proper maintenance of the section of the road within the boundaries of the crossing, decking, carriageway between the tracks of the crossing, insulating joints, rail connectors, clearance gates and other track devices within the boundaries of the crossing.

Services (workshops) of the way of organization according to factory drawings manufacture bars of automatic barriers and electric barriers and provide crossings with them, replace mechanized and spare barriers, electric lamps in buildings of crossing posts and signal lights of mechanized barriers.

The organization's signaling and communication services ensure the proper maintenance and operation of barriers, retroreflectors on bars, crossing and barrage signaling, telephone (radio) communications, replacement of barriers with retroreflectors for them.

The power supply services of the organization ensure uninterrupted power supply to crossings, serviceability of external power networks, searchlight installations, automatic switching on and off of outdoor lighting, receiving and replacing outdoor electric lamps.

Road foremen (track foremen), persons appointed to inspect the track, electricians, electricians for the operation of electric networks of the organization, when checking crossings, should, in the circle of their duties, pay special attention to the condition of the carriageway, gutters, decking, to the operation of automatic and other devices (sound signaling , signals of crossing traffic lights, signal lights on the bars of barriers), the state of relay cabinets, lighting, and if faults are detected, take appropriate measures to eliminate them.

5.2. Repair of track devices at crossings is carried out in a planned manner by employees of the track service. During the overhaul of the track, as a rule, the overhaul of crossings should also be carried out. The scope of work during repairs for each crossing is determined taking into account local conditions by the head of the track service with the preparation, if necessary, of working drawings.

The repair of the carriageway of the motor road, the flooring and the carriageway between the tracks of the crossing may be entrusted to third-party organizations if they have a license to carry out such work.

Track works that violate the operation of automation at crossings must be agreed with the heads of the signaling and communication service.

Repair of automatic (semi-automatic) barriers, electric barriers, crossing and barrage signaling at crossings is carried out by employees of the signaling and communication service.

The closing time of the crossing for repairs should be determined by the work schedule (project, technological process, etc.). The installation of road information signs for the direction of detour of vehicles is assigned to the track service or another organization that performs repair work.

5.3. Before performing track work, repairing automatic devices (barriers and signaling) at crossings, as well as when repairing automatic blocking or power supply devices that disrupt the operation of automation at crossings, the organization’s track, signaling and communication, power supply services develop joint measures to ensure traffic safety at the period of performance of the relevant work. If necessary, additional briefings are organized for crossing attendants, train drivers, station attendants, additional workers are allocated to assist at the crossing, warnings are issued about special conditions for trains to travel along the repaired crossing, etc.

At crossings without on-duty employees (track foremen, electricians or electricians who perform work) for the duration of work, road signs of priority 2.5 "Movement without stopping is prohibited" at crossing traffic lights must be installed on each side of the crossing. Two such signs must be stored in a separate box of the track service at the building of the duty officer for the crossing.

In case of complex repairs, the work manager draws up a project for the production of work, which is agreed with all the services of the organization involved in the work.

5.4. Periodic inspections of the condition and operation of track devices and automation equipment at crossings by officials are carried out in the time and manner prescribed by the instructions of the relevant services.

Heads of the track service must conduct at least 1 time per quarter sudden inspections of the work of the duty officers for the crossing and conduct the necessary briefing.

The book of acceptance and delivery of duties and inspection of devices at the crossing should be checked at each check of the maintenance and service of the crossing: by the road foreman at least twice a month, by the track foreman at least four times a month, and also every time they visit the crossing.

The results of the check must be recorded in the specified Book of reception and delivery of duty.

When examining the crossing by employees of the traffic service (transportation, operation), such control work should also be carried out by the heads of the station and the traffic service.

6. Terms used in the "Instructions for the operation of crossings on the tracks of industrial railway transport"

Automatic traffic light signaling - a system of crossing signaling, in which the passage of vehicles through the crossing is regulated by special crossing traffic lights with two red alternately flashing signals (lights), which turn on automatically when the train approaches a distance that ensures the early release of the crossing by vehicles, and turn off automatically after the train passes .

It can be supplemented with a white-moon flashing signal (fire) at crossing traffic lights.

Red flashing signals (lights) of crossing traffic lights are supplemented by acoustic signals.

At crossings with an attendant, automatic traffic signaling is used with automatic or semi-automatic barriers.

Automatic traffic light signaling with automatic barriers is a system in which the transition of the barrier bars to the closed (horizontal) position is carried out automatically after the estimated time after the train enters the approach section and the sound and traffic signals are turned on. The bars of the barriers are transferred to the open (vertical) position also automatically after the train clears the crossing.

Crossings equipped with automatic traffic signaling with automatic barriers are serviced by duty workers.

Automatic traffic light signaling with semi-automatic barriers is a system in which the transition of the barrier bars to the closed (horizontal) position is carried out automatically after the estimated time after the train enters the approach section and the sound and traffic lights are switched on. The transition of the barrier bars to the open (vertical) position is carried out by the duty officer at the crossing by pressing a special button.

Highway - an engineering structure designed for the movement of vehicles.

The main elements are: subgrade, pavement, roadsides, artificial structures and furnishings.

Internal road and internal railways - a road and railways located on the territory of organizations and separate production facilities of the organization or between them.

Forced stop - stopping the movement of the vehicle due to its technical malfunction or danger created by the transported cargo, the state of the driver (passenger) or the appearance of an obstacle on the road.

Moving border. On the side of the highway - a line crossing the highway along the axis of barriers, and where there are none - along the axis of installation of road signs 1.3.1 "Single-track railway", 1.3.2 "Multi-track railway". On the side of the railway track (tracks) - a line crossing the track (tracks) at a distance of 50 m on both sides from the ends of the crossing deck (Fig. 1 - not shown).

Railway crossings of industrial railway transport - crossings of internal roads with internal railways at the same level, which are equipped with devices that ensure traffic safety and throughput.

Barrage signaling - barrage (for trains and shunting trains) traffic lights installed before the crossing and controlled by the duty officer on the crossing.

Traffic lights closest to the crossing, as well as entrance, exit, warning, pre-exit, shunting and route traffic lights, equipped with the necessary dependence, can be used as barriers.

Alert signaling is a crossing signaling system, in which the notification to the duty officer about the approach of the train to the crossing is given by an optical and acoustic signal, and the switching on and off of the technical means of fencing the crossing is carried out by the duty officer.

An organization is a legal entity that has separate property in ownership, economic management or operational management and is liable for its obligations with this property, can incur obligations from its time, be a plaintiff and a defendant in court, has an independent balance sheet or estimate.

The organization of industrial railway transport is a transport organization that provides transport services on contractual terms of the organization, including consignors, consignees, counterparties, regardless of their organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership.

Stop - the deliberate cessation of the movement of the vehicle for a period of less than 5 minutes, as well as for more, if necessary for boarding or disembarking passengers or loading or unloading the vehicle.

Crossing signaling is the general name for signaling systems used at railway crossings.

A subdivision of an organization's industrial railway transport is a workshop, service, brigade, etc. within the organization.

Train - a formed and coupled composition of wagons with one or more operating locomotives; having set signals. Locomotives without wagons and special self-propelled rolling stock sent for haul are considered as a train (see PTE PT).

Train signals are signals used to identify trains, locomotives and other vehicles.

Traffic lane - a longitudinal strip of the carriageway along which vehicles move in one row.

Crossing carriageway - a road element intended for the movement of trackless vehicles within the borders of the crossing.

Industrial railway transport is a complex of technical means and structures of non-public railway transport that provides transport services for production processes and the provision of transport services, as well as communication with other organizations and public transport.