Repairs Design Furniture

Dersighted roofs of private houses: species, options, device. Independent design of attic: Formulas and photo designs Design Mansard project in a private house

The attic room of the modern house rarely remains a place to collect outdated trash. Successful planning of the attic allows you to increase the useful area on one or more rooms regardless of the number of lower floors. , the appointment of the premises of the role does not play.

Layout of all floors at home 9x9 with an attic

Planning at home 6x6 with attic

If you need an individual layout, the architectural bureau will fulfill any orders. Redevelopment of the old house makes it take into account the design features created earlier.

Examples of planning attic for small houses

  1. Untreated space. This drawing of the house 6x6 suggests a studio type. Below is a small hall in which the porch leads. From the hall you can, which occupies half the first floor. The second floor represents one studio room that can be used for various purposes and arrange in any style. The minus of this project is the lack of a bathroom, so in its original form the house is intended for temporary stay, in the role. Opinion is possible.

    Planning option 6x6 with a mansard studio

  2. Small but comfortable. assumes the presence of a bathroom. The kitchen and living room are divided into small partitions. The attic floor accommodates two bedrooms, a dressing room and a small hall. Convenient and compact room accommodation allows you to use a house for permanent residence of a small family.
  3. Strict symmetry. This drawing of the construction of 6x6 assumes the placement in the attic of two identical bedrooms separated by a small pantry. Such a house will successfully replace three-room urban apartment for a small family.
  4. Mansard for rest. This scheme for home 6x6 assumes the studio design of the lower part, and the attic is divided into separate zones, different in the area.

    Example of planning attic for relaxation in a small cottage 6x6 meters

  5. With all conviniences. Houses with an attic a little larger area: 6x8, 8x8 make it possible to equip additional. The dimensions of this fabulous house allow you to perfectly use a small plot. Distinctive features: compactness and, at the same time, all the necessary amenities thanks to the acceptable planning of the attic.
  6. Bathroom overlooking nature. Attic attic of this or 8x9 In addition to the three rooms, two of which have access to the balcony, accommodated with the window on nature.
  7. A lot of space. The area of \u200b\u200bthe farm house 8x8 or 8x9 can be divided into fewer individuals, large sizes: option for space lovers.

    8x8 house project with 2 bedroom attic

  8. A variety of forms. On a rectangular area to make a convenient layout that would comply with the requirements of convenience and aesthetics are always harder than in square. Nevertheless, there is nothing impossible. This drawing involves the asymmetric shape of one of the rooms on the attic floor. This option you can use in the case when redevelopment of the attic room is carried out.
  9. And again the classic. This drawing is 6x9 for fans of classical planning and amenities: the site of the attic is divided into small zones and includes bedrooms, a corridor and a bathroom.

Rules redevelopment

The construction of a new dwelling from scratch involves the presence of a ready-made project of arrangement of the whole house, including attic. The need for equipment or perestroika attic in the long-built house requires compliance with some rules.

  • Redevelopment requires a serious approach, as certain construction standards and rules exist. The scheme drawn up before the start of work on which the supporting structures and overlap will be marked, will greatly facilitate the task. The second thing you want to specify the scheme is the presence of windows, or the location of their possible device. And the third important task without which it is not to do - insulation and the presence of the necessary communications;
  • Roof type. Not every allows you to use as a residential floor.

    Dersighted floor roof diagram

    For the arrangement, the attics under the roofs are not suitable, the angle of inclination is less than 35. Loars of duplex with frontones, hip or semi-haul for this purpose are suitable as it is impossible if horizontal beams are not too low;

  • Beveled walls. Due to the roof of the roof of the attic floor, they are broken. There is no possibility to put any standard furniture on the beveled side, but this feature can be turned into dignity if you use non-hard councils:
  • Cross beams - interference or special style. If the height allows the ceiling beams, you can close and make the ceiling smooth and usual. But it is not necessary to hurry with this: successfully inscribed in the design of the beams can create a special flavor of the attic room. Create contrast or special style;
  • The feature of the location of windows:

In most private houses there is a problem of arrangement rooms on attic. In the tradition of our region, this room has always played the role of the technical floor, which is presented with the role of insulation and overseeing of furnace smoke. But gradually, with the advent of new materials and modern, homeowners began to understand that Mansard room - This is a great opportunity to expand the living or useful area of \u200b\u200bthe entire cottage.

It turns out, with competent insulation and ventilation, a living room, a bedroom, a bathroom or even a kitchen can be accommodated here, in general, any of the premises. At the same time, at your disposal will be the unique design of such a room, which will allocate it from a number of other similar.

Room design on attic

Planning room Design on Mansard It always begins, based on the roof shape, is the defining element for the entire appearance of the room. The roof can be a single and double, but can also be a tent and holm.

Accordingly, its inner surface will be significant differences and ideally, it is the configuration of the future and should be a leading argument when choosing a type of roof.

For example, for a single-table roofing or a wide two-tie current, the problem of mastering a low wall becomes, which in these cases can be literally half a meter high. Then, for the tent or hip design, there may be a problem with lighting, insufficient number of window openings, as the area of \u200b\u200bthe roof, and, it means, the premises are quite large.

The second recommendation is inextricably linked with the operational characteristics of the room, because for, say, the children's bedroom or bathroom there will be differences in humidity or warmth, air conditioning, and other things.

Therefore, it will be desirable to know in advance which functions will perform this residential area. Such knowledge will allow you to competently do exactly with such materials that are needed (and not all in a row, which will lead to unnecessary appreciation), and also make all the communications, how to organize forced ventilation or make warm floors.

The topic of ventilation should always be devoted to special attention when developing mansard Rooms Project, because we know according to the laws of physics, it is up to the whole warm air in the house and a room without good forced ventilation can simply be unsuitable for housing, especially since the ceilings in it are quite low.

Continuing the topic about the ceilings, we note that the appearance of the ceiling may be different and it does not depend on the selected method. Rather we are talking about the style of the room you want to observe.

The rafters and beams that remain in appearance is an excellent attribute of the style of Chalet or Country, they will give the place the desired mood of the real antique estate. If you are more like a classic or modern, then it is necessary to fully sew the ceiling with plasterboard, and after flying, paint or coat with monophonic wallpaper.

Fans of modern style, as well as minimalistic directions, will definitely give preference to suspended or tensioning ceilings, and even metal air ducts or unclosed communication boxes will seem in the subject of loft styles or industrial.

Mansard room rest

When the cottage area is small, then a dilemma appears, which room is placed in it. The room, indeed, is specific to operate and layout, but it has a unique romantic fler. For example, one of the benefits of accommodation in mansard Rest Rooms It is an opportunity to put a window over a sofa or another bed - then you can lying to admire the blue sky in the afternoon and on the starry sky at night. In addition, this room can save a significant area at the bottom that it would be more logical to give under the kitchen and dining room, that is, those zones that are used most often during and weekdays. But on the last floor can be climbed in order to just lie down, watch TV, play video games or soulfly talking for a cup of tea - for such living things it is enough for sure.

Many elements, the presence of which dictates us is physically difficult to put inside mansard. Layout of rooms In this case, it will be inextricably related to the creation of sketches for furniture of non-standard forms. It concerns so beloved by all angular or even a P-shaped sofa, chairs with high backs, fireplace shelves, a bookcase and other things. All this can be perfectly done, but only if they fit into numerous angles and will be proportionally with the roof in height.

Furniture to order is a fairly expensive event, plus, its manufacture will take longer than buying ready, but you can use the literally every centimeter of your small attic floor. In the photo in this section you can see examples of such a recreation area that is on the top floor.

A large sofa is becoming a central design element, which literally fills up all free space. Moreover, this happens both in very small attic with a low wooden ceiling, and in sufficiently spacious, where other items create all the prerequisites and for excellent parties (TV, a wide coffee table for desktop games or snack), And for fruitful work (desktop, books, musical instruments).

However, if you do not like big and noisy companies with long gatherings, you can still use as a place to relax the attic floor, even enough small size.

For this, different means are suitable: hung on the supports of a hammock, a rocking chair or just a soft set of seats will allow you to engage in your hobby or reading right under the window, a source of soft very useful for illumination.

Room on the attic photo

The next important placement, which we virtually positioned under the roof, will be sleeping room on the attic. PhotoYou will see below show how comfortable such a bedroom can be as far as all your aspirations about the perfect place to rest can be.

For the bedroom, which you panic use all year round is very important to spend correct. In this room there should be quite warm, but not hot, without excess moisture, which leads to the formation of fungus and other troubles. Therefore, under the roof, not only the insulation itself, but also other components of modern systems, such as a hydrobarier, vapor barrier film, and so on. It is also desirable to establish air conditioning, as the roof is very hot under the summer sun and sleep in the room without cooling may not be too comfortable.

As we said above, the most difficult part in the bedroom arrangement is not at all, but its filling of its furniture so that all the shortcomings of a complex form leveled. The most difficult case is when one wall has a minimum size, its height is within one meter.

Then you have several options, which is here to place, or it will be a bed, because when you lie, you definitely do not need a big height above your head, or, on the contrary, here you post the storage area with the built-in wardrobe, put the TV and so on. Examples of the development of a strong downhone roof you can look at the photo above and make sure that the form roofs Mansard Room Not a hindrance to be cozy and comfortable.

A separate case when the roof has a wide area, holm, half-haired or tent shape. Yes, it will significantly increase the cost of roofing work, several times, and the time to establish all overlaps and the insulation will leave more, but you will have the opportunity to do not one, but two rooms on the attic. It can be separate children's, and there may be room for the whole family, such as a bedroom and a living room, separated by the rebound.

In the photo you can see the project of such a designer solution, and that the sensation of space and freedom of such a wide attic is visually preserved, the partition is specially designed transparent.

However, it is not necessary to have a transparent partition, because if in mansard 2 roomsBoth of them can become absolutely autonomous premises, such as a secluded bedroom, as presented on other photos of the selection, equipped with its own spacious bathroom behind the wall or spacious.

Children's room on attic

Most of all like such high, non-standard premises are children, therefore, often this territory is in their possession and is given. Projects children's room on the attic A lot of enough, even the walls and not very high, but the area is large, so the bed, even not alone, and a place for games, and a working area with a desk and a computer. There is also a place for sports shells, a telescope, a shala or toy house and other children's joys.

In design girl Rooms on Mansard It is preferable to use bright, natural shades, the style of Provence or Country is suitable, an abundance of soft toys and home textiles.

Take care to mansard Room for Boy It was not too dark, it could cause depression. You can not only make so many windows like this will succeed, but also supply the room with additional artificial lighting.

Bathroom on attic

Weight of advantage bathroom on attic Makes us more carefully to look after such projects.

In the project, you can place a shower cabin or to take place with a partition for taking the soul, and also not to refuse yourself in a full-size bathroom. Moreover, it is she who can be better suitable for filling the space under the rod of the roof without losing the overall feeling of freedom and space, which are simply inconceivable in urban apartments.

Room on the attic: design and layout. 100 ideas

The abundance of ceiling beams, the bezed arch and windows "to the floor" are indescribed by the attic room visual space. Attic rooms in small country houses are used as additional storage sites: dressing rooms, storerooms, premises for seasonal sports inventory.

Harry stylistics

The design of the room in the attic depends on the tastes of owners, the total area and materials of the house, affordable budget.

The installation of washing and drying machines, massive steam generators in the attic saves the place on the first floor, allows you to choose a more massive and functional technique.

Owners of spacious houses are arranged in the mansard library, children's rooms, billiards, second living rooms. Such premises are combined with the "Second World" architectural solution, which combines common rooms on several floors into a single space.

The design of the attic implies the focus on the structural elements of the building:

  • beams;
  • window overlooks;
  • overlaps.
  • Roof. The finishing of metal tile, soft slate or rubberoid creates the appearance of a classic building, combines with a facing with natural or artificial stone, facade panels. Household owners in the style of constructivism and minimalism prefer flat roofs covered with metal tile.
  • The chimney completes the image of the house, allows owners to install a valid fireplace or cooking oven. Usually, the pipes are masked at one of the rods of the roof, the owners of houses in the style of the chalet have her in the center of the roof.
  • Window Pieces. The form and size of windows depend on the climatic belt, the architectural solution and the functions of the attic. For example, small attic storage premises are equipped with round "hearing windows". The owners of spacious bathrooms and children's rooms in the attic prefer high rectangular or Venetian windows. If the attic is used to relax and share the time of the owners and guests at home, panoramic glazing is applied.
  • Balconies and terraces. The windows in small attic arrangements above the garages and economic blocks are made up with grilles, a small protrusion allows the "French balcony" for plants in pots and pallets. Spacious attic furnish with terraces, balconies and glazed loggias.

Inside: Upper Half Premises

The arrangement of the attic room depends on the layout of the building, its functions and the total area. For example, side catering attachments are located above living rooms, kitchens and boiler rooms. Such an attic suggests small windows, full-fledged door loops, isolated walls. The interior style is made of design:

Window Pieces. Most attic is drawn up Dormers - inclined penetches into the height of the wall, which are smoothly plastered, complemented by Roman curtains. Duscal floors exclude the installation of eaves and curtains, so the window serves as the main source of light. Asymmetric roofs with high slots allow you to install windows without inclination. In this case, the installation of eaves, curtains, design of erkers with windows is allowed.

Ceiling finish. Depending on the construction materials, roofing beams can be wooden, concrete, metal. The aesthetic elements made of natural wood are the emphasis of the interior, such overlaps are stained with versions and varnishes of contrasting shades, the rest of the interior is formed around them. Owners of houses erected from concrete and slag blocks, in monolithic technology involve masking elements of overlapping.

Classic attic - a room under a bustling roof with decorative wooden beams, window openings are joined with a ceiling and are separated by texture plaster. The shade and style of the attic decor builds around these elements.

Inside: Lower Half

The walls and floor in the attic are separated depending on the level of room illumination, the selected interior style and the method of finishing window openings. For example, rounded Venetian windows in wide wooden frames are combined with plaster bright shades, parquet and laminate of more dark colors.

Wall decoration. Dersighted rooms have a high level of natural illumination, so the textured wallpaper of contrasting shades, panels from MDF and natural wood apply for wallpaper. Petrop wallpapers, frescoes, brickwork imitation, plaster stucco and carved wooden elements are suitable for decoring a spacious room. Exactly plastered walls create a minimalist interior of laundry, bathrooms, pantry, dressing rooms.

Flooring. It is possible to increase the soundproofing and insulation with natural materials: parquet, laminate, engineering board. This finish in bright shades visually expands the room. The use of cork floors, linoleum, ceramic tiles increases the strength of the coating, is used for economic premises.

The attic room can be used all year round, and it is necessary to take care of the installation of the heating system. Country housing owners in harsh climatic zones prefer to leave the floor unheated.

Owners of modest houses use attic for seasonal accommodation, while the heating system is not installed. Apply frost-resistant finishing materials (tiles, panels, plaster).

Household premises

Laundry, smokers, storage rooms, carpentry workshops in attic are distinguished by small windows, abundance of built-in wardrobes and storage tables. The decoration of such a room involves the installation of additional outlets, the arrangement of a small workplace.

The design of furniture for economic premises is most often built-in, cabinets and shelves are used in the height of the ceiling, baskets and containers with tools are placed on open spaces. Such attic is made in a separate door, the entrance is masked behind the staircase.

Dressing room and place for storing seasonal things

Miniature attic and premises with small roof slides are used to create built-in clothing storage systems, sports equipment, Christmas decorations. The decoration of the room involves the installation of LED lamps, modular boxes and shelves-transformers.

Mouncing-cloves are located in the center of the second floor, sometimes the owners are equipped with a nursing or bedroom for guests. The interior of this room is neutral, it is important for the convenience of finding the necessary things, compactness and durability.

Modular storage systems with drawers and retractable shelves are located on both sides of the entrance. The central wall occupies a large mirror installed on the facade of the built-in wardrobe. This solution is suitable for large families permanently residing in a country house with several generations.

Bathroom or sauna

Warm houses for permanent residence have spacious bathrooms, saunas, hydromassage installations. The room on the top floor is suitable for a guest bath, creating a small area for relaxation.

The room is separated by ceramic tiles, moisture-resistant panels or wood treated with non-toxic varnishes. The windows are installed double-glazed windows, curtains and dense curtains from materials with direct sunlight protection function.

The floors are separated by an engineering board, laminate or linoleum, resistant to temperature drops. If the attic is given to the sauna, the floor covering can be performed from refractory bricks, ceramic tiles, epoxy linoleum.

The choice of decoration style in the room depends on the selected materials. For example, the wood of soft rocks (birch, alder) has a honey tint and in addition to floral ornaments, it creates an interior in retro styles, Provence. Lighter materials and dense wood (oak, male, acacia) create an English-style room, you should install point sources of lighting.

Guest or main bedroom

Placing a zone for daily holidays in the attic room allows you to save space on the first floor. Such a solution is used by the owners of miniature houses with a combined kitchen and living room:

Sleeping place. The bed is traditionally placed opposite the windows, in the center of the room. Each of the inhabitants should be convenient to get to their place. On both sides there are bedside tables or dressers, night lights are fixed above the headboard.

Storage space. High ceilings in the attic allow you to build cabinets, set the rims for clothing storage, arrange the chest along the walls.

The interior is drawn up in bright colors, lighting tend to make point, divide it into zones. For example, several nightnamines, LED lamps and lamps allow you to adapt the level of illumination to the time of year, day, tastes of the owners.

Children's room

Children's in the attic requires the installation of the heating system. Choose large windows for better light illumination. The interior style for children is chosen in light colors, materials use natural, contamination-resistant. For example, the decoration of the walls of plaster plaster is convenient for regular repairs, hypoallergenne for kids. The room atmosphere consists of a working area, a place to relax and storage space.

  • Work zone. Depending on the age of the baby, the space may be limited to a playpen or a writing desk with a computer. This zone is recommended to be located next to the window, the light should fall on the left side. If a schoolboy lives in the nursery, it is advisable to install a modular transformer table, which will adapt to the rapid growth of the child.
  • Place for relaxation. Depending on the size of the attic, the sleeping place can be a folding sofa, a chair or a full-fledged bed. The dimensions are chosen on the increase so that the kid can comfortably feel indoors as they grow up. This furniture is placed opposite the entrance to the room, there are additional lighting.
  • Storage space. The abundance of built-in wardrobes, shelves and baskets will teach the baby to the ordered storage of things, free space for recreation, games and reception of guests. Modular systems installed indoors allow compactly place toys, clothes, books and techniques of the younger kid.

Owners of multi-storey buildings can arrange several rooms in the attic room:

  • library;
  • billiard;
  • cabinet.

Multi-storey houses with attic

The layout of such houses is less compact, they are designed to stay a few generations of one family, frequent reception of guests, the location of several functional premises. Attic attitude in such a house is used as a few full-fledged rooms.

The feature of the indigestion of the attic is an abundance of natural light that allows the use of dark furniture, wall decoration with natural wood panels, an abundance of metal accessories.

The interior is finished in the contrasting styles of Art Deco, classic French, English, colonial. If the roofing rates form high ceilings, it appropriately looks an ampir, palace interior, eclecticism. The rules for the arrangement of furniture and lighting depend on the purpose of the room.

Interior feature - abundance of natural light

Living room (only in the house or second)

The first floor of country buildings traditionally occupy shopping facilities and a kitchen-living room, designed for reception of guests. The second floor consists of several bedrooms and bathrooms, so the attic is used as an extra room for recreation of family members.

Household owners in several floors with compact layout create a rest room or a living room for the entire width of the attic room. It saves ground floor space, the room is isolated from common economic zones. The interior of the room is built around the main items of furniture.

  • Places for rest. Sofas, chairs, couches and puffs are recommended to be located in the center of the living room, around installing additional lighting items (flooring, chandeliers, sheds). Upholstery from light artificial or genuine leather will extend the service life of the furniture, combined with most styles. The selection of bright contrasting shades requires the decoration of the walls in the bright, one-photographic gamma.
  • Places for storage. Tables and dressers in the living room are located near the sofas so that guests can use the guests. Buffets, cabinets and showcases are installed along the walls to visually expand the space.
  • Decor. Depending on the style of the interior, the center of the living room in the attic can be an original chandelier, a fireplace (acting or installation), a coffee table, a bar counter.

Residents of country buildings in three and four floors are often arranged in the attic room of a narrower destination.


Recreation room with a massive table, covered with green cloth, suitable for a country house in classic, English or retro styles. Such attic is frozen with oak panels, the windows draw up dense curtains, the lighting is limited to small lamps with tissue lamps. The upper part of the walls and the ceiling complements the texture plaster, stucco, wallpaper of dense natural or artificial fabrics.

  • The size of the billiard table is determined by the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, most often the object of the furniture is located in the center, and the remaining zones along the walls. Above the table is installed chandelier.
  • The recreation area in the billiard room includes a number of chairs, tables, sometimes the room decorates the fireplace or bar counter. The home furniture is located near the windows, in the corners of the room.
  • The zoning of the billiard room is performed using shirms, bookshelves, lamps on long suspension, furniture accommodation in groups. For example, several sofas put around the coffee table.

The furniture is chosen from a natural tree, accessories - metal of warm shades (bronze, brass). The traditional idea of \u200b\u200bthe billiard room is an English-style room supplemented by massive decor, textured materials, natural wood. Comable option is to combine the billiard room with a video game room, while the room is installed in the room.


A more versatile version of the premises for recreation combined with training is a library in the attic. A high ceiling arch and inclined windows allow you to arrange a traditional dusk room with floor racks to ceiling. A more modern version of the library in Scandinavian style includes white plaster, light wood furniture, textiles of contrasting shades.

  • Bookshelves. The central element of the library is recommended to be located along the walls, the width of the shelves should allow to accommodate two volumes in a row. The glazing option facilitates cleaning and looks more respectable. The center of the room is suitable for installing low tables and bedside tables in which magazines and newspapers are placed.
  • Place for reading. The desktop and reading chair are located opposite the window, several such zones are installed in large homes. It is recommended to use light modular structures that are easily moved all over the room.
  • Rest zone. Free library space is used to install upholstered furniture, flooring, volume chandeliers and lamps. Massive vases, figurines, candelabra, indoor fountains are appropriate looking in rooms decorated in retro styles, ampir, American classic.

Household owners have a library for the professional needs of one of the family members, transform it into the office or a common living room.


The workplace on the territory of the country house is necessary with a free schedule, remote operation, non-normalized mode. The location of the Cabinet in the attic allows you to retire, work with natural lighting most of the day, comfortably store massive equipment near the workplace. The furnishing of the room is based on the basic principles:

1 Convenience. The choice of furniture, equipment, the number of lighting reflects the features of the owner's work. For example, architects and seamies require massive tables with spacious countertops to accommodate drawings, fabrics, materials. The engravers work with abundant local light.

2 Mobility. Objects in the office should be easy to move. For example, tables on wheels, light shelves, collapsible chests and cabinets with retractable baskets facilitate storage of equipment and materials.

3 Neutrality. The situation in the office should not distract from work tasks, therefore it is recommended to moderately use a bright decor, contrast wallpaper and dark tones. The material of the porter is better to choose a light, freely transmitting light.

In the office spend most of the day, so the furniture must be convenient for long use, finishing materials should be chosen natural, non-toxic substances.


Miniature attic with a small number of windows are suitable for creating a gym.

  • Hall for strength training. This room is supplied with an additional ventilation system, set bright lighting, the walls are decorated with posters, finish with textured wallpaper, complement the TVs and the stereo system.
  • Zone for relaxation. In the interior it is recommended to use green, blue shades, focus on natural colors and natural materials. Hall for yoga, Pilates or meditations complement large windows, curtains of neutral shades.
  • Cardimone. The interior of such an attic includes space for recreation, sometimes a refrigerator for ice and fresh fruit is installed. Cardiovascular classes are long-term, a comfortable environment is needed.

The gym in the attic suggests storage of the inventory, at different times of the day. It is necessary to provide a comfortable temperature, it is recommended to provide climate control room and additional sound insulation.

Advantages of mansard premises

Most of the owners of multi-storey houses and single-storey buildings with an attic seek to use the room as a full room. The interior of the attic area depends on the interior throughout the house. Most often, the finish is performed in neutral colors, natural materials are used:

  • Saving space on the first floor. Regardless of the appointment, the room under the roof is located in the private area of \u200b\u200bthe house, has a relatively large female and allows you to place seasonal things, equip guests. The area of \u200b\u200bthe first floor is exempted for areas of recreation, additional bedrooms, installation of more massive and comfortable furniture. For example, the transfer of storage zone in the attic releases a garage space on the first floor.
  • Isolation of the room. Depending on the planning selected, the entrance to the attic can be located imperceptibly, not attracting the attention of guests. If the attic room is used as a working office, its location allows you to focus on working tasks. Sometimes attic is supplied with a separate entrance along an external staircase, creating a completely separate zone in a shared house.

  • Abundance of natural lighting. Large windows, located at an angle to the rest of the walls, allow you to do without additional lamps and chandeliers, interior in dark shades. For example, billiards and libraries in the attic are made by dark panels made of natural wood, they betray them saturated flavor.

Despite a number of advantages, the attic is not suitable for every country house, requires additional costs.


Household owners for seasonal residence and inhabitants of spacious buildings irregularly use rooms under the roof, some prefer to turn them into unheated storage room.

  • Relatively high heating costs. Depending on the materials of the house, the area of \u200b\u200bthe attic and the climatic belt, its heating costs can be very significant. For example, room with panoramic windows in the middle lane of Russia needs the installation of additional heaters. If the attic is used as a bedroom or children's room, costs will be regular.
  • The need to install and assemble furniture to order. Most of the houses are constructed with a large slope of the roof slopes, so the cabinets and shelves have an unusual configuration. Delivery and installation of furniture on the top floor requires additional expenses, the furniture is better to choose the national team.

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Buildings with - practical and very attractive idea for an individual site. The cost of arrangement of a residential attic is less than on the construction of a full-fledged floor, additional square meters will appear in the house. For the summer cottage, the most optimal option is. Projects, photos of successful interiors and recommendations of experienced builders - in our material.

Even a small attic transforms the facade of the house and make it unique

Under the attic one is understood by residential space under the roof. The roof for the arrangement of a residential attic should have a double slope, such that the height of the attic space was no less human growth at the highest point.

Important!The high ceiling must take at least half of the area. Smaller sizes will cause a person's uncomfortable sensations.

The outer wall of the residential attic consists of two planes: inclined and vertical. The vertical part is built from the main material of the house, inclined - consists of a rafted blood and inner trim.

For your information! Mansard in urban planning standards is considered a residential floor.

During the construction of a private house, many owners think about the question: give preference to the full floor or attic?

Advantages and disadvantages of country houses with an attic: projects with full floor or residential attic?

The main argument in favor of the attic floor is always available to the cheapness of its arrangement. Is it really? Cost reduction is due to the use of the roof skeleton design. In practice, the more roofing and, accordingly, more area of \u200b\u200bthe frame for the trim, the more profitable attic.

But it should be remembered, no matter how spacious is the attic, it in any case takes less useful area than the real floor. It turns out to make an attic room for accommodation, it is necessary to provide such an area of \u200b\u200bthe first floor so that it exceeds the attic minimum twice.

In order to create a normal microclimate in the attic room, it is necessary to provide a ventilation system with forced air supply. All these costs will fall on an additional burden during construction. In fact, savings will not be so significant.

Supporters of mansard construction noted that at home with such "figured" roofs look attractive. And designers add that the arrangement of a residential attic has many original solutions.

The maternity owners do not like when something disappears in vain. Including - an attic space. Some turn it into the landfill of unnecessary things. But in fact, a full-fledged working office can be accommodated here, workshop, bedroom or even a children's room.

Opponents of such an expulsion remind that the active exploitation of space under the roof worsens the state of the roof design and significantly complicates its repair.

Expert point of view

Yaroslav Galayko

Presenter Designer and Studio Head Ecologica Interiors

Ask a Question

"Psychologists warn that low attic ceilings make a person feel in a closed space, adversely affecting his psyche. Especially impressionable nature can even feel the attacks of suffocation due to low ceilings and beveled walls. It is worth thinking about this fact, planning a children's room in the attic. "

Supporters of a full-fledged second floor lead such a comparison:

AtticSecond floor
Limited in layout by inclined structuresHas full layout options
Complexity with the arrangement of full windowsLack of problems with the organization of natural lighting
The design of the walls and the ceiling of the attic does not allow to repair the roof freelyRoof maintainability and simplicity of roof design
The need to arrange a complex roofUsing the roof of a simple form
Need for forced ventilationUsing natural ventilation
Strong heating of the room on hot daysSaving the optimal temperature due to the presence of an attic space

Despite all these disputes and disagreements, projects of country houses with an attic and a veranda or garage are very popular. This is not surprising, because the rigorous construction is gaining huge popularity offers many options for such buildings, with great useful areas and various layouts. Consider the photo projects of houses with attic Read more.

Article on the topic:

The best projects of houses with an attic: photos with drawings

A good project of a residential building should take into account many factors:

  • the climate of the area in which the construction will be carried out;
  • features of the soil and landscape of the site;
  • the combination of house finishes with its surrounding buildings and terrain;
  • organization of the most comfortable living conditions for all family members taking into account their age and individual queries.

The finished project of the house with an attic is developed by professional architects with the participation of specialists of a narrow profile. It is important to think about not only the location of the rooms, but also the features of the placement of engineering networks.

For the summer cottage, the projects of a small area are suitable, 36 - 40 square meters. This space is quite enough to accommodate the kitchen and a spacious living room on the first floor and two compact bedrooms or a worker in the attic. Houses with an area of \u200b\u200bover 60 square meters accommodate a spacious living room, a bedroom and a kitchen on the first floor and rooms on the second.

For large houses, it would be ideal to build a terrace on which you can get out from the attic floor. From above, a magnificent view of nature will be opened.

Idea! If the house is provided for year-round accommodation, part of the roof can be glazed and use the area for the Winter Garden.

Country house with attic: Planning 6x6

With minimal area is not easy. The project of the country house 6x6 with the attic - the optimal choice. In this case, you do not have 36, but at least 50 square meters of useful area.

If the cottage is needed only for seasonal visits, such space is quite enough for a small family. Over time, the house you can make an extension if the number of family members will increase. What should be taken into account in the project at home with an attic 6x6:

  • maximum use of each centimeter area;
  • the number of people at the same time visiting the house;
  • age of family members;
  • the frequency of visiting the country area.

When planning at home 6 to 6 with a mansard, it is important to use all the space with maximum benefit. Traditionally, the center has a spacious living room having access to the bathroom and kitchen. All these rooms will completely take the first floor. In order not to be closely, the compact furniture is selected.

The kitchen should have two entrances: from the room and from the yard. Table setting in the summer gazebo will be much simplified, and it will be easier to cook on a hot day, manifest opening out the garden.

In this embodiment, placed in the attic. Here you can make two full bedrooms for owners and children.

For the bathroom enough four square meters. If the cottage is visited only in the summer, the summer shower can be organized in the yard. Lovers shake put on the Balca site. If you do not provide for a shower or bathroom in the house, you can leave three square meters to the toilet. The washing machine at the same time is installed in the kitchen.

Frame houses with an attic (6x6 projects) do not provide internal stairs. They are placed outside. This technique also allows you to significantly save space. For storage of things in the house, compact mezzanine should be provided.

Here is an exemplary plan of the house with an attic 6 to 6:

Specificity planning houses 9 by 9 with attic: Photo of successful solutions

House with a total area of \u200b\u200beighty square meters - a popular project. Builders note that this project has an optimal cost ratio and accommodation. The classic layout includes a bedroom, a kitchen, a living room and a bathroom on the first floor and two more or three rooms on the attic. They can be used as an additional bedroom or organize a workbook, creative workshop and spacious wardrobe.

Another option is the location of the rooms - in the layout of the house 8 to 10 with the attic. Photo Example of such a layout:

What should be aware of the layout of the house 10 for 10 with a attic: photo of the best ideas

One hundred square meters on the first floor and another seventy on the second - in such a house can permanently reside a large family. There is a place for individual rooms to children, bedrooms to parents, an office, a spacious living room and a kitchen. From the side of the house does not look huge. The projects of the house 10x10 with a foam block attitudes make an impression of compactness of placement on the site. But this is exactly the case when an external impression is deceptive.

There is enough space not only to accommodate the bathrooms on each floor, but even for the organization or baths right in the house. A comfortable staircase with a wide pass will make it easily raise bulky furniture.

In such a house, it is usually provided for a separate boiler room. If there is a ground floor in the house from foam blocks, laundry, heating devices, storehouse for storing inventory and home orders are accommodated here.

Sample planning:

Article on the topic:

In the article, we will consider in detail what the advantage of these designs, technologies varieties, the average construction prices, original projects, useful tips and much more.

Examples of interior design of houses with attic inside: photo

Even a small attic can be furnished so that it will fit all the most necessary. The inclined planes of the ceilings partially grind the total area, but you can use them for a stylish room design.

Projects of small houses with an attic usually suggest accommodation on the second floor of the bedroom. In the gratitude, it is logical to use the finish with natural wood.

If the attic occupies a significant area, the task is simplified. Niche between rafters can be used as zoning elements. In one - place a bed, to the other - the desktop at the window or a sofa for a rest. To the issue of the placement of the children's room on the attic floor it is necessary to approach especially carefully.

If the attitudes will be located on the attic, it is important to consider the lighting.

Another idea of \u200b\u200bthe planning of the house with an attic (photo below) is the placement of the wardrobe. Here you can build compact and convenient storage systems.

Tips for the construction of a single-storey house with an attic: photo of original ideas

The arrangement of a residential attic is most often concerned about the owners of small country cottages. Before deciding to such a project, ask to buy from your friends, owners of such a design. Suddenly you will suddenly feel the attack of claustrophobia or opposite will be impressed by the attic windows through which the clouds can be observed?

Here, if you wish, you can place a wardrobe, creative workshop, boiler room, gym.

Here are the options for organizing an attic space:

Special demand uses the garage and attic. This layout is extremely convenient. Especially this option will be assessed by residents of the northern regions who know what to warm up the car in a frosty day. When the garage is under one roof with the house, even if there is no central heating, the temperature will be significantly higher than on the street. And the car itself will be reliably protected from all weather popsicles.

What do projects of houses with foam blocks look like

Projects of houses with an attic of foam blocks, whose photos are presented to you, are very popular with the developers of individual housing. The reasons for such a demand is that at home from this material are very functional and looks thoroughly and luxurious. The cost of erection of such a design is lower than the cost of building a brick house.

The most, probably, the best way to increase the useful area of \u200b\u200byour own home is to replace the row roof at home on the attic. Thus, one, two or even three additional rooms can be purchased, without cutting an additional place on the site and not binding to very laborious processes of fillings of a new foundation and the construction of walls. And to learn how to make an attic correctly, you need to consider all the stages of its arrangement, starting with the calculations and ending with roofing roofs and finishing the resulting additional rooms.

In order for all the work to be successful, first of all, it is necessary to make sure that the existing walls are already available (if the add-in will be built in the old house) are able to withstand an additional load. From this factor will depend, whether it is worth it such a construction site, and if so, on what kind of mansard roof the roof will be better to stop.

It should be noted that the load on the bearing walls will increase significantly - due to the larger number of rafters, due to the mass of the interior decoration of walls and gender, windows and doors, insulation systems, as well as all elements of the interior filling of indoors. All indicated factors suggest that it is necessary to start with the choice of the optimal design of the attic, from the calculations, the preparation of the project and the drawings of the future superstructure.

Types of mansard sudries

According to the current building standards, the attic is considered a room under the roof, having a height from overlapping to a skate of at least 2500 mm. If this parameter is less than the specified border, the room is considered an ordinary attic.

  • If the vertical racks that determine the height of the walls of the room have a size of 1500 mm, then the attic space can be considered a full-fledged floor.
  • Half-valor name is called an attic room in which there are no vertical racks, or if they have a height from 500 to 700 mm.

The basis of any roof design always laid triangles with their "tough" structure

There are several kinds of mansard add-ons, but the most popular of them are high duplex and broken designs. Their popularity can be explained by simpler calculations, relatively simple installation work and ease of operation. In third place, after duscal and broken structures, you can call a single-sided version of the Kyrgyz Republic, which is also sometimes used to arrange the attic. Unfortunately, this type of superstructure can be applied in each design of the house, as it requires not only the reconstruction of the roof, but also raising the height of the already constructed walls, which significantly increases the load and on them, and the foundation.

If a new home is erected, and the second floor is planned in the form of a attic, then a single-sided version of the King of Kr sushi is well suited for this purpose. In addition, it will help to save on the roofing material.

More complex designs - dome, four-tight, as well as with different console protoles arranged in roofing rods (single-level and multi-level), are extremely rare and only in exclusive projects, as they have a complex and engineering calculations, and in the installation.

The figure below the numbers show:

1 - Double attic.

2 - Nonfather Mansard

3 - single-level console attic

4 - Multi-level attic.

Double mansard

An attic room under d.a tight roof, which is arranged at an angle between the skates at 80 ÷ 90 degrees on the skate, may well be converted to the attic. To create full-fledged residential premises under it, it will take a number of necessary reconstructions, for example, it is not very often without strengthening the attic overlap. All these alterations and plus to this - the necessary insulation will certainly "eat" a significant part of the useful space under the roof, so you should not expect the rooms in such an attic to be spacious and with high ceilings.

Of course, if the dimensions (length and width) of the house are quite large, and the roof has a significant angle of inclination (45 degrees or even higher), then after reworking it will be possible to count on a relatively spacious indoor room.

Loaven roof

The room under the scan of the attic roof will be much more spacious and with a rather high ceiling. This attic can be quietly divided into two separate rooms.

Interior of the attic, made by "broken" type

The broken roof has four planes of the skates. They have them at different angles - the upper skates are called the skate, and the lower side are sideways. They, mostly, and play the role of the walls.

This kind of attic roof is somewhat more complicated in the design and installation, but the result will delight spacious rooms and respectable appearance at home.

Single-level console mansarda

This kind of attic has an even more complex design than the previous one, as it implies the displacement of the attic space in one or the other side.

Using this option, the attic of the attic can be obtained spacious premises, much larger in the area than under the dust roof.

The design of a single-level attic roof can repeat not only a double, but also a single-sided version - it will depend on how much it is supposed to make a console beyond the attic and lift it the ceiling.

Multi-level superstructure

Multi-level design is most complex in design and installation. In its development and erection, you will definitely need the help of qualified specialists. Opportments for the levels of attic spaces are different rafting systems and overlaps, which are combined with the main one. The multi-level system involves the location of the rooms at different levels of the attic room, which is why the consoles must be located exactly that way.

Choosing the most desirable kind of attic, it is necessary to determine if its arrangement is possible on old walls at home, or will have to strengthen them. Therefore, you need to carry out accurate calculations and make a project.

Basics of the rafting construction of the roof

Most of the roofs and the attic on this issue are no exception, has one of two types of the rafter system, or their combined option. Each of these species has its own characteristics that depend on the location of the bearing walls of the structure.

Hanging system

The hanging rafter system is determined by the fact that it has a support only on two outer capital walls located along the length of the building, in which there are no internal capital partitions.

Such a system is used, provided that there is no more than 13 ÷ 14 meters between capital supports. In any case, this design gives a fairly load on the walls and the foundation of the station.

To loosen the loads in this system, various references are applied elements - Rigel, grandmothers, pumps, tightening, racks and other details.

For example, grandmothers are suspended by tightening the entire system to the skate bruus, and the saws pull up overlapping beams to the rafter feet.

For the attic overlap in this system, you need to use thick bars, logs or boards that are installed on the edge. Their thickness can be determined by the table shown in this publication by taking the distance between the points of the support as a basis.

To when using a hanging system, the overlapping was reliable and durable, you need to carry out accurate calculations, and if it is difficult to do it difficult, then it is better

Sliding construction

The utilization system is characterized in that it has supports not only on external capital walls, but also on the inner partitions that have a foundation.

Therefore, starting the construction of the house in which the attic is planned, we need to think over the location of the internal capital partitions in advance.

For the house with an attic, the sleeve system is the best option, since the overlapping house beams will be firmly and securely fastened on the walls and partitions.

When erecting the broken design of the roof of the attic, the combined version of the station of the ropyl system can be used, that is, the use of elements of both hanging and a slotted system.

Mansard design

By drawing up a project for the construction of any kind of attic, it is recommended to consider it in different projections to clearly determine the location of all reference elements. Having calculated all the attacks of the attic, they need to immediately contribute to the project.

Based on the calculations produced, places and methods of installation of all elements of the construction system are determined. The calculation is also needed to accurately determine the materials of the materials and their parameters for the construction of the attic.

Design elements

Any of the wooden structures of the attic roof consists of certain elements that communicate with each other with connecting nodes having various configurations. To better understand the design of these compounds, it is recommended to draw each of them, and when installing work, it is necessary to have this drawing drawing at hand.

The design of the naked roof of the roof includes the following components of the system:

  • Mauerlat - elementmanufactured from a wooden bar and laid on the capital walls of the structure in its length. It serves to evenly distribute the load from the design of the rafter system on the wall and the foundation. Mauelalat is installed and pinned with rafting legs. This element is mounted both in double and in the broken design of the roof of the attic.
  • The beams of overlappings that are stacked on the capital walls of the structure and are the basis for the future floor of the attic and the ceiling of the first floor, as well as to set the entire rafter system.
  • The rafter foot consists of one straight element - Bruck or the boards in the doubles of the roof, or from two parts - in the broken design. In the broken roof roof, the upper part, fixed on the horse, is called the skate, and the bottom, which forms the walls of the attic, is called side. Obviously, the side foot will be installed on the ultimate principle, while the upper skate rafter - usually becomes hanging
  • For a skate, a timber or a board of a certain thickness is used. Sometimes do without it, connecting the upper skate parts of the rafter feet, which form a horse.
  • Racks are supporting elements of the system. They support rafting legs and remove part of the load from the walls and the foundation of the structure. The racks will later become a crate for the walls that will be installed in the process of finishing the attic.
  • Skis or other elements installed diagonally are additional backups that fasten the rafters and retaining beams, making the design of the system more reliable.
  • Between the rafter feet for rigidity are installed bars, called intercremile runs - they also give the system hardness.

Conducting the main calculations of the attic

It is quite difficult to develop a horiar roof project yourself, since this process tr egits certain knowledge and skills to design and conduct specific architectural calculations. If you make mistakes, the design of the attic will be unreliable, and besides, it can damage the walls and the foundation of the building.

In the calculations, everything should be taken into account - from the beginning of the construction and to the decoration of the premises

However, if not too complex design is conceived, you can try to cope with your own.

Calculation of the height of the skate

The size useful Square The attic room depends on the height of the roof ridge, and the latter is determined by the selected slope slope - than this angle is less, the lower the ceiling and, respectively, less effective area attic room.

N \u003d.L.× TG.α

N. - height of the skate;

L. - ½ the width of the structure (if it comes to a bunk symmetric roof);

α - The angle of inclination of the rafting system.

Scheme - for clarity

As an example, you can substitute the above data in the formula:

Build size 8 × 10. m, block angle 30 °, Tangent 30 ° \u003d 0.58

H \u003d 8/2 × 0.58 \u003d 2.32 m.

The height of the skate will be equal 2,32 m.

Very detailed, with all possible nuances and the necessary reference tables, the process and all related other parameters are set forth with a separate publication on this particular issue.

Square of the indoor site of the attic

The technique used to determine the area of \u200b\u200bthe attic space will provide the ability to calculate the number of necessary material for the construction of the rafter system, for insulation and finishing. Especially accurate calculations are important if the attic will be used to arrange additional residential rooms, as they require special design.

Typically, the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe room under the roof is calculated, that is, and useful, and the so-called "deaf". Residential space is limited to installed racks that will be the basis for mounting and finishing the walls of the walls. The zone behind them is considered deaf, that is, most often not used.

The total area is calculated simply enough: the width of the soles from both sides is added to the width of the building. The resulting amount is multiplied by the length of the structure.

The area of \u200b\u200bresidential space is also easy: for this you need to measure the width of the attic space between the racks installed under one and another roof slide, and multiply the resulting parameter for the attic length from the front to the front.

Roofing area

To decide in advance with the number of roofing material, it is necessary to calculate the total area of \u200b\u200bthe roof rods.

If it is decided to establish a broken or even more complex design, it is necessary to calculate the area of \u200b\u200ball roof departments. To do this, it must be divided into separate geometric shapes, and then calculate the area of \u200b\u200beach of them and fold the results.

For those who do not remember the formula for the calculation of flat figure areas, the "Cheat Sheet" scheme is given.

Single-sided roof area

If a single attic roof, then it is possible to calculate its area using the formula: SABCD \u003d LCD × LBD.

The area of \u200b\u200bone slope - there is nothing easier

Pay attention to the drawing. During calculations, not only the length and width of the rafter design of the skate is taken into account - it is impossible to forget about the eaves from all sides.

Double roof

With a symmetrical arrangement of the roof rods, it will only be multiplying the value obtained by two times to calculate the bartal roof.

For example, take the same example as considered above. The size of the structure is 10 × 8.m. The angle of the skate is 30 °, the height of the Kind \u003d 2.32 m. It is easy to determine and the length of the rafted - S.

S \u003d n / sin α \u003d 2.32 / 0.5 \u003d 4.64 m.

Svet carnome accept 0,7 m, frontal sv 0,7 m. According to a single-table roof formula, the area of \u200b\u200bone slope is calculated.

(10 + 2 × 0.7) × (4,64 + 0.7) \u003d 60.88 m²

Then, to get the total area of \u200b\u200btwo slopes, the resulting result is multiplied by two.

Q \u003d 121.76 m²

This technique is designed to calculate the solid surface of the skates, excluding windows, ventilation and chimney channels.

If the roof has a very complicated design, it is better not to risk and still ask for help to professionals that will produce the necessary calculations using special computer applications.

When used, slate, soft roof, other profile materials, you can use a simplified calculation formula.

Throw away from the picture:

So, the following formula is applicable to calculate:

Q. \u003d K × (in + 2a) × (L + 2C)

Q.- the required amount of roofing;

IN The width of the building (along the frontal wall);

BUT - Width of the planned cornis of the roof;

L. - the total length of the building;

C. - Width of the side skes of the roof.

TO - This is a coefficient that takes into account the angle of inclination of the skate with respect to the horizon (α). By and large, it is a trigonometric function of sessions (SEC) equal to the reverse value of COsα.

In order not to delve into the theory, it is easier to bring the coefficient table TO In the absolute, that is, the numerical dimension:

Angle of inclination, degreesCoefficient K.Angle of inclination, degreesCoefficient K.Angle of inclination, degreesCoefficient K.Angle of inclination, degreesCoefficient K.
1 1.0002 18 1.0515 36 1.2361 53 1.6616
2 1.0006 19 1.0576 37 1.2521 54 1.7013
3 1.0014 20 1.0642 38 1.2690 55 1.7434
4 1.0024 21 1.0711 39 1.2868 56 1.7883
5 1.0038 22 1.0785 40 1.3054 57 1.8361
6 1.0055 23 1.0864 41 1.3250 58 1.8871
7 1.0075 24 1.0946 42 1.3456 59 1.9416
8 1.0098 25 1.1034 43 1.3673 60 2.0000
9 1.0125 26 1.1126 44 1.3902 61 2.0627
10 1.0154 27 1.1223 45 1.4142 62 2.1301
11 1.0187 28 1.1326 46 1.4396 63 2.2027
12 1.0223 29 1.1434 47 1.4663 64 2.2812
13 1.0263 30 1.1547 48 1.4945 65 2.3662
14 1.0306 31 1.1666 49 1.5243 66 2.4586
15 1.0353 32 1.1792 50 1.5557 67 2.5593
16 1.0403 33 1.1924 51 1.5890 68 2.6695
17 1.0457 34 1.2062 52 1.6243 69 2.7904
35 1.2208 70 2.9238

Return to our example:

Q. \u003d 1,1547 × (8 + 2 × 0.7) × (10 + 2 × 0,7) \u003d 123.74 m²

With considering overwear Slate sheets - it turns out almost the same as in the calculations carried out by another method. Of course, on the advice of experienced builders, to the area obtained when it should be added to add another 10 ÷ 15 more %

(The figure shows a bartal roof, however, the formula is fully suitable for calculations with the required level of accuracy for single-table or hip roofs. True, with the reservation - the holm roof the steepness of the main and side skates must match. If not, the calculation is carried out for each Couple scolov separatelyand then the value is summed).

Total weight with tropical system and roofing

Equally, it is equally important to correctly select the optimal material for roofing and properly do the crate under it. This calculation is carried out taking into account the length of the rafted and the angle of their slope.

The lamp under roofing material can be sparse, mixed or solid. For example, metal tile, professional flooring or slate is fixed on a rarefied crate, and a soft roof - only on a solid one.

Choosing a roof, you need to get information about its operational characteristics. It is from them that will depend on the durability and reliability of the roof design. The roofing material should also be selected taking into account the specific region and its climatic conditions, especially such factors as temperature differences and strong winds.

An important factor is the weight of roofing, especially if the attic roof is installed on the old walls. Therefore, it is necessary to estimate the weight of the roof in advance and find out how much the load on the building structure will increase, and whether it is permissible.

Roofing roofing materialBlope roofMaterial weight kg / m²
Slate sheets from asbestoscent with an average profileFrom 1:10 to 1: 211
Slate with a reinforced profileFrom 1: 5 to 1: 113
Bituminous tileFrom 1:10 and more6 - 8
Soft roof taking into account solid crateFrom 1:10 and more9 - 15
Galvanized metal sheets with single foldFrom 1: 4 or more3 - 6,5
With double foldedFrom 1: 5 or more3 - 6,5
Ceramic tileFrom 1: 5 to 1: 0.550 - 60
Cement-sand tileFrom 1: 5 to 1: 0.545 - 70
Metal tile.From 1: 5 or more5 - 7
OndulinFrom 1:10 and more3 - 3,5

Most often, a soft roof or ondulin is used to cover the attic, as these materials are one of those who have the most insignificant weight and are easy to install.

For example, it is possible to calculate the weight of 1 square meter of the roof, where Ontulin is used for the coating, considering the crate and the insulation - sprayed polyurethane foam. To do this, you need to find the amount of weight of each of the materials and multiply to the coefficient 1.1 (this coefficient takes into account the overlap on the adjacent sheets of roofing material).

  • Weight with a platen crate, 20 mm thick (plywood or OSP) is 14 kg / m².
  • Insulation - polyurethane foam, 100 mm thick, has a middle weight 3 kg / m²
  • Middle Weight Ondulina - 3.3 kg / m²

We get in the amount:

(14 + 3 + 3,3) × 1,1 \u003d 22.3kg / m²

To calculate the total weight load of the roof on the wall, you need the weight of one square meter to multiply into the area of \u200b\u200bthe entire coating. In our example it will work:

M \u003d 123.74 × 22.3 \u003d 2751.82 kg.

A lot - almost 3 tons gives only a very easy roofing coating with a crate and also a very easy-to-see insulation.

But it is not all! The roof has snow loads in winter, plus to this - wind pressure, year-round. These parameters are also necessarily accounted for in the calculations of the necessary wooden elements of the construction of the rafter system and the beams of overlapping, and when taking into account the total load of the roof design on the walls and the foundation of health.

- Then, the entire system is closed by a vapor barrier film that is fixed on the lags with brackets.

- The boards or plywood sheets can be laid on top of it.

- The decorative coating is laid on them - it can be linoleum, laminate, parquet board and other materials.

Additional insulation can be created by setting under the decorative coating electrical cable or infrared warm floor. These opportunities are better to read separately in the article dedicated to

  • If the floor is mounted on the beams of overlapping, you will have to work on the ground floor side.

- On the side of the lower room on the beams of overlapping, the boards are mounted. It is desirable that they are even, you can even use a sex board for the draft floor.

- After that, a vapor barrier film, which will close not only the draft floor, but also the beams of overlapping are laid on these boards from the attic.

- The top of it is laid and attached to the beams another layer of vaporizolation.

- Then, on this coating perpendicular to the beams and lags are fixed.

- There is another layer of insulation between lags, it is better to choose mineral wool for it, as it, painting, is tightly installed between the bars, not leaving emptiness.

- Then it is also worth covering vapor insulation material.

If it is decided to cover the floor with one of the decorative coatings, then the plywood sheets are larged on top, and then laminate, linoleum or other materials are placed on them. Again, nothing bothers in this case, for example, film heating floor.

Installation of insulation on the walls and the ceiling of the attic

Having finished installing the floor, you can move to the insulation mounting on the walls.

- If the material in mats are chosen for this process, then before laying it, the lines of vapor insulating material are fixed on the rafyl.

It is fixed in such a way as to close all the space and deepen it between the rafted.

If vaporizolation is fixed on the other side of the rafted, then the mats will self to hold on between two wooden surfaces.

- If one of it is selected, then it is not necessary to fix the vapor barrier film. It will be enough waterproofing, which is used on the rafter outside the design.

Spraying polyurethane foam - quickly and efficiently, but requires special equipment and skills

To use such insulation technology, it is necessary to have special technological equipment, or have to invite a specialist who will make work in one day. Independently to carry out this operation without any experience - to perform work without prejudice to your health, you need to know the process technology and have the necessary protective devices.

After carrying out insulation, the walls are carried out.

Prices for popular types of insulation


Finishing of Mansarden walls

Before starting the walls of the walls, it is necessary to resolve the issue with electrical wiring, the cable of which should be well insulated with two-layer corrugated pipes.

After the electrical cable is made, you can safely begin the installation of the finishing material.

For decorations, wooden lining, drywall or a fane with a beautiful texture pattern is usually used.

For any indicated materials, it is desirable to make a cutter from the sections in the section in a section of 20 × 70 mm. These guides are fixed in increments of 500 ÷ 600 mm. In addition, the lattice from the rivers becomes the basis for fastening the finish, it also forms a ventilation gap between the finishing material and vaporizolation.

  • It is easy enough. It makes the walls smooth and neat, ready for staining, pasting traditional wallpaper or even to apply liquid wallpaper.

Therefore, the trimming of plasterboard needs to be chosen by the homeowners who like to change the interior design of the premises often.

  • Finishing the walls with lining - more than a long and time-consuming process than. For such a trim, the prettier with the above parameters is also perfect. The only thing you need to think about is the direction of the clask boards, that is, it should be located vertically with the horizontal orientation of the crate and vice versa.

If desired, after mounting, wood can be covered with a water-based varnish or give it a deeper color by using a veil.

Wood is an amazing material that is able to create a special atmosphere in the room with the fragrance of the forest, which has a positive effect on the structure and well-being of residents. That is why natural lining is very often chosen to cover the floor, the walls and the ceiling of the attic.

Video: Insulation of the attic room and finishing his clapboard

  • You can come up with a beautiful trim from plywood. But only if It will not be topped with paint, then you need to choose high-quality material having a beautiful natural pattern. Plywood is mounted much faster than the lining, and makes the walls smooth, closing the large surfaces at once.

This material can be covered with varnish, paint or by any kind of wallpaper, but you can leave the walls and in kind, only thoroughly cleaning the possible defects in the form of sticking uplooking or burrs.

The attitudes of the attic is a rather laborious and complex process that requires high experience in the construction craft. If there is no one for anyone about the above-described technological operations, then it is not necessary and to take it yourself - it is better to invite to fulfill the works of professionals. They will get rid of unnecessary problems and build the attic of the attic at the project's conceived owner of the project.

Video: An example of the construction and finishing of the attic