Repairs Design Furniture

Our apple school garden. Apple-garden: Modern technologies where to buy landing material

President of the Association of Gardeners of Russia (Apppyum), Chairman of the Association of Sadovodov-Pitnikovodov (ASP RUS), Doctor of Agricultural Sciences

Candidate S.-H. Sciences, head. Department of Gardening and Landscape Architecture Michgaau

Method of laying intense apple orchard

The transition of horticultural households that began in our country with a different form of ownership to modern high-intensity gardens on weary clones, which is currently restrained by the high cost of their bookmarks and the need for expensive arrangement of the territory. The total cost of creating one hectare of the Garden, taking into account the irrigation network and the device, the Trellier reaches today 200 - 250 thousand rubles. Large cash is required for the purchase of high-quality planting material on slaboroscience. Its value is within 70 - 100 thousand rubles per hectare garden. The search for a radical reduction of costs for the purchase of planting material is conducted in many European countries. They are mainly focused on the preparation or planting material on the farmers themselves in their own farms. The problem of reducing the cost of planting material is becoming increasingly acute and in our country. In order to solve it, by us in one of the farms of the Rostov region at OJSC Krone-2 in the fall of 1997, a production experience was laid in order to work out the cost-effective technology of laying an intense garden with clone clones with subsequent eyepiece on a permanent place in the garden. This method allows for the shortest possible time with minimal financial costs for planting material (they are almost 5 times lower) to lay intense gardens.

Industrial Sort Apple Gloucester

In the transaction in the context of sorting combinations, the total losses were taken into account due to the death of catching before the eyepiece, due to the uncompressed peoples, due to the death of the eyepieces during the vegetation and other reasons. Particular attention was paid to high-quality indicators of the received single-air, and their compliance with the new inside the institute on new technologies grown at the institute on new technologies. Accounting was carried out at the end of the first season on 1.11.1999. In the experiment, more than 15,000 decodes of seven forms of supercaric, dwarf and semi-dwarf trunks lined up in the garden of 4.5 × 1-2 m are involved. Table 1 shows the percentage of the trees obtained with this method of bookmarking the garden.

Apple Sort Golden Delishes

Table 1

Output of annual apple trees when landing with gardens in the garden

Gloucester P 22. 69
P 59. 75
P 59. 57
Golden Delishes P16 73
P 2. 87
Florin M-9. 85
Red Chiff P 60. 41
Ligol. P 60. 87
Aidred P 60. 84
62-396 86
Red Croft P 60. 70
G Alla Mast. P 60. 81
Elstar 62-396 37
Yumured 62-396 78
Juroka 62-396 66
Ionagold detect 62-396 66
Yenika 62-396 62
NSR 05. 11
On average, all combinations: 72

Ligol - one of the new varieties of apple trees for industrial gardens

The total losses on average for all sorting combinations amounted to 28% of the lined trips (including 5 - 10% preserved dulling with re-eyepling). Such losses are explained primarily by the lack of a stationary irrigation network and the low obstacle of the eyes according to some variety-in-sized combinations. Excluding four in one or another degree of disadvantaged varieties of combinations of 18 medium total losses amounted to about 22%. At the height of annual trees, there were no significant differences, although Gloucester was clearly distinguished on P 59, Florin on the M9 and Gala Mast on P 60. On the diameter of the straps, Idared was highlighted on 62-396, Gloucester on P 59, Gala Mast on P 60 and Elstar on 62-396. The worst data on this indicator was observed in varieties of ionogold decodes to 62-396 and Red Chif on p 60. These zooming combinations have a diameter of the strain significantly inferior to all other options (Table 2).

table 2

Biometric indicators of annual trees of various varieties of apple tree combinations

Gloucester P 22. 4.5 × 1. 130 14
P 59. 148 16
Golden Delishes P 59. 125 14
P 16. 131 15
P 2. 131 14
Florin M-9. 140 14
Red Chiff P 60. 4.5 × 2. 113 P
Ligol. P 60. 125 14
Champion P 60. 111 13
Idared P 60. 134 15
62-396 137 18
Red Croft P 60. 122 15
Gala Mast. P 60. 140 16
Elstar 62-396 . 122 16
Yumured 62-396 . 128 14
Juroka 62-396 . 120 13
Ionagold Dec. 62-396 128 10
Yenika 62-396 130 13
NSR 05. 12,5 2,7
On average by: all overlooks 129 14 Dwarlia 129 143
semi-chilics 128 14

Apple Sort Red Chif

* The diameter of the stan was measured at a height of 20 cm (the eyepiece was produced at a height of 15 cm) above the ground level.

When booking intensive gardens, much attention is paid to the quality of the planting material. When laying this experience there were concerns that it would be difficult to receive well-developed trees in the first year with a branching crown and embedded fruit formations. However, the data obtained in the first year convincingly show the possibility of obtaining such trees (Table 3).

Table 3.

The number of fruit kidneys, total increase and desalinity of annual apple trees

4.5 × 1.
Gloucester P 22. 8 1,8 0,59
P 59. 8 2,0 0,83
Golden Delishes P 59. 1 2,5 0,76
P 16. 2 3,6 0,98
P 2. 2 2,7 0,77
Florin M-9. 6 4,1 136
4.5 × 2.
Red Chiff P 60. 8 0,8 0,55
Ligol. P 60. 6 0,8 0,45
Champion P 60. 2 1,3 0,48
Idared P 60. 15 1,7 1,08
62-396 5 4,0 1,18
Red Croft P 60. 10 2,9 0,97
Gala Mast. P 60. 3 3,7 1,10
Elstar 62-396 4 4,3 1,32
Yumured 62-396 4 2,8 0,73
Juroka 62-396 2 2,1 0,58
Ionogold dehosga 62-396 3 1,2 0,64
Yenika 62-396 4 2,7 0,67
NSR 05. 3,5 13 0,55
On average by: all overlooks 5 2,5 0,84
62-396 4 2,8 0,85
P 60. 7 33 0,77
dwarf 6,3 1,9 0,86
semi-parides 3,4 23 0,84

Fruiting of 4-year-old apple trees Gala Mast on the stock m9

* Only fruit kidneys were taken into account, formed on a central conductor with characteristic signs of rings. The stuffed and end fruit kidneys were not taken into account.

According to the total increase, variety-inoxy combinations of flurin on M-9 (4.1 m), Idared and Elstar on the stock 62-396 (4.0 and 4.3 m) were distinguished. The smallest number of branches and, accordingly, the total increase was recorded on the breakdown of P 60 in varieties of Red Chif, Ligol and Champion (0.8; 0.8 and 1.3 m) and at the variety ionogold decides to break 62-396 (1.2 m ). Differences in groups of catching (dwarfs - semi-dwaries) for this indicator amounted to about 22%. Accordingly, the same combinations were allocated on the area of \u200b\u200bthe sheet surface. The highest indicator had Florin varieties on M-9, Elstar and Idared at 62-396 (1.36; 1.32 and 1.18 m 2). The smallest area of \u200b\u200bthe leaves in the annual trees of the apple tree had Red Chif, Ligol, champion on P 60, Gloucester on P 22 and Juroka by 62-396. Interesting data was obtained and on the bookmark of fruit formations in annual apple trees. From the above average data on groups of trips, a direct dependence of the increase in the laying of fruit formations in apple tree trees was revealed to more slaughterhouses.

The first data obtained in this many years of experience are of some interest to evaluate this method of booking intensive garden. The final conclusions on the economic feasibility of the method of booking intensive plantations by landing the permanent place in the garden will be made later, according to the results of further research and observations.

A domestic apple confidently displaces Polish imports from the Ukrainian market. The last Bastion of the Polish product is the late spring, when Ukrainian apples are practically disappearing from the sale due to the worst quality indicators and storage conditions. The main driving force of the apple progress of Ukraine is not even financial resources that are invested in intensive apple gardens, but experienced agronomas practices that provide high-quality harvests of apples. One of these agronomists is Vasily Antonovich Shvets. He has the experience of bookmarking and growing not only 8 large apple plantations in Ukraine, but also two gardens in Poland.

I come from the Buchachian district of the Ternopil region, finished Umansky Agricultural Institute, the Faculty of Faculty of Faculty and Viticulture In 1994, I was very lucky for me that in 1993, thanks to the head of the head. Department of Professor G.K. Carpenchuk and (then) Associate Professor K.S.-H.N. A.V. Melnik (now - Professor, Dr. S.-H. Science, head of the department of fruit growing), I visited an internship in Poland. Our teachers wanted Ukrainian students to see the most progressive European practice and technology. Therefore, we fell into the most advanced farms in Poland - in the intensive type pilot gardens laid on the Dutch technology. That's exactly there I ripe the final decision to completely connect my life with horticulture.

Upon returning to Ukraine, I was offered work in the scientific station of gardening in p. Bear of Vinnitsa Vinnitsa. At that time, a new garden was laid there, as it was considered the most intense, on the IM-106 layout according to the 4x2 meters scheme. When I stated at the interview that it was considered an anachronism in Poland for a long time, and that in Poland are already collected by 40-60 tons in Poland Apples from hectare, the station employee asked me: "You do not confuse anything? Maybe centners, not tons? ".

Indeed, in Soviet times, the harvest of apples in the state farm was from 5 to 15 t / ha. Moreover, 10-15 t / ha were collected in the state farms in the Vinnitsa region.

Now the usual yield of apples in Ukraine is 40-60 t / ha. True, there are records and 80-100 t / ha. But the gardeners who received such results claim that they will no longer put such records: the trees are sorry. It is better to have every year to 60 t / ha than 100 times, and then spend 3 years on the restoration of trees.

Then, in the 90s, many managers of farms offered me to lay these the most "Polish" gardens, but there were no resources at that time. However, by the end of the 90s, the crisis in the economy reached such an extent that Ukraine could no longer be on the bookmark of the gardens of Ukraine. And I went to Poland - lay the gardens and make a family to life.

During work in Poland, it was very lucky to establish excellent relations with Polish gardeners, as well as work with Dutch specialists who became my best teachers. First of all, with Jan Halter, now, unfortunately, the deceased. He was a "star" gardening, and he knew from Belgium to Italy. And even now, when meeting with Dutch, German, Belgian, Italian gardes, the name of the Holler sounds like a password, like a pass to the elite world of European gardening.

Vinninika - Apple conservatism nest

Ukraine returned to Ukraine in 2002, and began working on the farm "Sadіvnik" of the Barsky district of Vinnitsa region. Much managed to do, but should note the extreme conservatism of local gardeners, which manifests itself now. In Soviet times, the fruit trust included 30 gardened state farms in the region. Now at least 20 of them have been preserved by changing only the form of property.

As a result, despite the presence of great potential in gardening, Vinnitsa region is now hardly the last on the use of modern technologies: there are still "squeeze" Soviet gardens.

And the locomotive of progress is now Bukovina. Back in Soviet times, local, involuntary guys made money on the supply of dried drains and fresh apples to Moscow. And now it is there that the best intensive gardens are laid, and there are no frankly weak projects. The Vinnitsa region dominates rather not in the apples themselves, but in the volume of apple concentrate - more than half of the total national production.

In Vinnitsa region there is still such a negative feature in the work, as a complete secrecy. I watched me like an idiot when I told everything that I knew. Jan Holter always said me: "Vasya, information is like fresh bun. And so that it is well sold, should always be the freshest. And then people will go to you, and not you to people to find out something. "

- What varieties do you work and what recommend laying out?

- There are varieties for the supermarket, "cash": Golden Delishes, Fuji, Gala, Clones Red Delishes (Redcap, Top Red, Sandage, Erolli Red Wang), Line of Jonagold, the most effective of which is the edge of John Prince. There is a local grade of Renet Simirenko, but he is inferior to his position due to a specific taste.

The following group is immune or resistant varieties. Their advantage is that they do not get sick, and require less chimrocessing. This is t. Naz. "Re-grades": Reada, Recalor, Reginradis, Remo, Renora, Reven, Rebella. Their main drawback is an acidic taste. These are technical varieties for processing.

However, dessert varieties were made from imune varieties: Topaz and his clone Red Topaz, Syrus, Moon, Orion. This is a grade of Czech selection. In addition, there is a Rubinol variety, and Florin - a variety that has already won a strong position in Ukraine. The newest grades, while little-known, but very promising varieties of Italian selection Modi, Smeralda,.

I want to separately emphasize that these varieties are probably the last, obtained by traditional selection. All that will appear new is already definitely gennometric products. This is especially true of such innovations like apples with red flesh. Humanity cultivates the apple tree from biblical times, targeted selection is carried out last 250 years, but never over all this time there has never been a mutation that gives the red color of the flesh - with the exception of individual reddish nets on the pulp of the fruit of the Gypsy variety. But as soon as genetic engineering appeared, it appeared as much as 5 grades with a red flesh! And the second generation has already appeared, with other paintings of the skin, but with the same red flesh!

- The most effective way is under the plant. But besides the landing itself, the apple trees themselves must first think about the supports. Recently, I see how hurricanes and storms are completely breaking like matches, concrete pillars for anti-possess grids - scatter at once on the entire area, as domino. Therefore, even before the landing should be thought of the purchase of reliable, tested concrete pillars, or acacia stakes. It would be worth thinking about it and forests to lay the landings of acacia on the stakes for the gardens. After all, acacia is a Ukrainian "iron" tree.

First of all, the watering system should be organized. For existing gardens, even on strongly and middle-grade, MM-106, M-54-118, M-26, and even M-7 and A-2. The apple trees on seedlings are reacting very positively on Watering: the quality and the number of fruits is improved.

If we plant an intense garden on M-9, M-7, or MM-106, the root system is in the surface layer of the soil at a depth of 40-80 cm. There is no need to produce a planing plowing to a depth to 80 cm. All soils, on Which are planted gardens, were exploded to a depth of 40-50 cm. Next - the usual plowing by 30 cm, cultivation, alignment. And then squeeze as convenient: under the shovel, plant or hydrobur.

Siderats are just perfect if you sow a year before landing, for example, mustard, Lupine or Vika. Siderats give up to 60 t / ha organic mass, and this is a very serious feeding of trees in the first years.

You can plant one-air, or two-year-olds - tweed bookbubs. Three-year-old seedlings are already the abundance of nonaliques of the nursery, and they need a special, more expensive care.

You can plant in spring and autumn, but in our zone I highly recommend only the spring landing.

The width of the rod is determined only by the technique that will work in the intense garden. At maximum intensification, can be sealing aisle to 2.8 m, but it is only in the presence of special tractors and techniques under such width. Therefore, the most common width is 3.2 and 3.5 m. Personally, I successfully "poured up" an apple tree on MM-106 3.5 m. But it works on the glorosal varieties such as Champion, Topaz, Eliza, Modi.

In the apple orchard intensive garden type, the trenches are stretched or before planting trees, or after. Before landing, it is recommended to lay a system of anti-shots. And the tolders themselves can be installed after landing. The distance between the columns is not more than 6-7 m. They tried to save somehow and put it after 11 m, but on the 4th year the wire has kept under the weight of 40-50 t / ha of fruits. I had to put additional supports. We use Belgian production with a thickness of 2.8 mm, it is withstanding to a gap to 900 kg.

Chemical treatment in an intense garden is held at least 15 times per season, and these are mandatory, insurance processing. Fungicidal treatments - 22-25 times, against brush and mildew. Impeal varieties are treated to 7 times - from mildew and wood diseases. Insecticides are added to all varieties up to 7 times.

The feeders are entered immediately in the tank mixture. In addition to calcium chloride, which is entered before harvesting to improve storage of apples.

Root feeding is carried out by nitroammophos, as needed by Selutyra and Urbamide. Nitroammofoska is better to make spring, at the start of the growing season. The tree first takes the nitrogen, and after 4-6 months. - Phosphorus and potassium. With the autumn making fertilizers, we lose nitrogen, and phosphorus and potassium plant is not yet needed.

- Are underground irrigation systems suit?

In Ukraine, such systems do not apply. I saw such a system in Poland, and then as experimental on one hectare. The main enemy is rodent. And in efficiency, it does not have any advantage over surface irrigation.

- What is the life of an intensive garden?

On average - 15-25 years. The intensive type garden comes out on the working volumes of the harvest and the first profit from the 5th year. Yields go around the growing up to 7-10 years. Then for 10-15 years, crops are stable. And after 22-25 years, they decrease. But the garden can be operated and 30-40 years. So, in Italy I saw an intense garden at the M-9 age of 36, and there are 60 tons of apples there. But in our conditions after 25 years, the yield drops sharply up to 15-25 t / ha. In the Netherlands and Belgium, the question is raised about the garden targeting when the yield is reduced to 40 t / ha.

After the emergence of the garden, a reclamation is carried out for 3-5 years, and a new intensive type garden is laid, preferably bone. It is undesirable to plant an apple tree after an apple tree or other seeds.

In Ukraine, seedlings and nurseries have already appeared, which comply with modern standards. First of all, it should be noted the seedlings of the Bakhmuta station.

Abroad, the best varieties, seedlings and nurseries - in Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy. And it is not necessary to be afraid of the Italian seedlings or varieties. Yes, in Italy, the period of vegetation for a month longer, but in our conditions they show themselves great and warm well. The main nuance: Italian varieties and seedlings, like others, should be planted only in the spring to give trees a year on adaptation. If he survive the first winter, then there is no problem. But the autumn landing is an unnecessary lottery. In one very well-known farm after autumn landing, there were from 5 to 30% of losses: the seedlings did not move after the winter.

- What do you say about the cherries? I see outside the window you have not only an apple tree, but also cherries.

Cherry is a wonderful culture. But it will initially be put on processing and under the combine collection. Here, 600 hectares of cherries were planted at the town of Lviv region. But they have freezing, and the production of juices, and the machine for knocking the bone.

- What is your look at the overall further development of the apple industry in Ukraine?

Honestly, I have a premonition that Ukraine for the last time has a good price of fruit and berries. And that is just because frosts in May dug harvest throughout Europe.

- And what to do? Plant intense gardens or not to plant?

First, it should be kept properly for what is already there. Secondly, only those who have a sufficient financial resource and experience in gardening should be laid down.

We should not repeat the situation 2002, 2005 or 2010, when the gardens formally laid down the state program of gardening support. And actually washed and cleared money. Under this program, instead of the gardens, the whole garbage from nursers, who could only find it. At first, they cleaned and buried the entire rotten twig from Ukrainian nurseries. Then - from Moldovan, then from Polish, and now they got even to Italian.

In practice, it looks like this: the first wagon will bring the perfect material, the second already calls questions, and in the third - indeed a bunch of moldy twigs, which was once seedlings. Moreover, this happens with the filing of a non-employee manager, namely the owner who takes cheaper. Of course, I as agronomist refuse to work with such material. The high-quality seedling in Italy costs 4.5 euro / pcs, but they manage to bring for 1.2 euros. But this is such a garbage, which is not found in Ukraine. So it is either money laundering, or some other scheme.

But those who are planning to really engage in breeding apples as a long business, I want to give a few tips:

The most important thing in this enterprise is: choosing a place for intense gardens! This is a lot of this, and is written in all literature in gardening. Exposition of slopes, wind rose, presence of natural, or artificial protective plantings, etc. But for some reason, most of those who want to have gardens neglect these rules, forgetting that the quality of the soil can be ordered, but the location of the garden is never!

  1. Plan the initially all financial resource so that it is enough to immediately for the entire work. And proceed from the fact that the laying of 1 ha intensive garden costs about 30 thousand euros.
  2. Do not be afraid competition. I hear the same argument for 25 years: it makes no sense to plant, because everything around the apple trees. It was talked in the 90s, and in 2000, and now. Remember that even if everyone is planting an apple tree, then not everyone will have this apple, and not everyone has enough patience to do it. And as a result, there is enough place on the market.
  3. It follows the apple garden to lay, only if from the very beginning to get ahead of competitors: to plant only the newest and best, but already proven varieties. There is no point in trying to compete in the market with old varieties: they are already an overabundance.
  4. Guide the principle of my Dutch teacher Jan Holler: "There is no place of greed and pity in the garden." Do not gread and let the trees that they need here and now: supports, water, fertilizer, processing, and so on. And in the same way, let you not tremble the hand to cake when it comes to change the garden.

Vadim Naninets

Smestyn, Ivano-Frankivsk region


1 Apple Band Business Plan We offer an individual development of business plans. One of the main tasks of the business plan is the construction of a chain of actions and the calculation of risks, but also worth noting a number of advantages. First, it will help you understand the promising direction, deal with what to start, will save from many mistakes, and save hundreds of hours of time. Our advantage is that we offer not just a business plan, but an entire infrastructure with the opening and registration of the company, accounting services, the help of highly qualified lawyers, and many other services, without which business turns into a lottery. Tel: +7 (495)

2 Contents: 1. Apple varieties 2. Organization of apple orchard 3. Collection and storage of apples 4. The cost and profitable part of the business plan of the project will seem what is the point of doing business on fruit, which is growing in the garden so much? But it turns out that the market is felt a shortage of clean, eco-friendly apples grown in all technologies. Apple business is convenient because there are a lot of different varieties of this fruit. Its cultivation can be organized in almost any countryside. Therefore, the first point of the business plan of this case should be the choice of a suitable variety of apples. 2.

3 types of apples with the most yields apple varieties are: antonovka ordinary; Sary-Sinap; Renet champagne; Boob; Zelenus; Calville snow; Renet Simirenko; Parmere winter golden. From the first four you can collect up to 500 kg of apples from the tree, from the rest of up to 300 kg. Slightly less prolific are the popular varieties of Renet Kursky Golden, "Astrakhan Red". Apple business is convenient for a variety of apples. They can be of various shapes, the colors of all possible shades of red, yellow, green. Weight and size also varies depending on the variety from 70 g to 400. Not to mention the aroma and taste characteristics from sour to sweet. Moreover, some varieties begin to be fruitful after the first year of landing. The most yield will be an apparel garden from varieties "Renet Champagne", "Zelenak", "Antonovka ordinary". Medium yield differ "Renet Kursk Golden", "Astrakhan Red". Which variety apples to choose for cultivation, largely depends on the market. Apples are used to prepare bakery products, jams, jams, wine, cider, vinegar. They are used everywhere in cosmetology, medicine. Not to mention the fact that they can be made fresh or dried in the markets, in stores, supermarkets just for food. Organization of apple orchard the cultivation of an apple orchard will require a land plot of at least 1-2 hectares. Of course, it is desirable that he is in an eco-friendly area. They will fit near the trees. Saplings are planted with rows at a distance of about 3 meters from each other. The best time to bookmark the garden Autumn. In order for the garden to begin to be fruit enough, brought business to payback, it is necessary to take care of it for at least three years. The health, fertility of each tree, the quality of the crop, and therefore the success of your business depends on the right landing. Plan of proper planting of trees: Overpace the plot. Drop the wells taking into account the desired distance. The wells must be the diameter of the roots of seedlings. Pour holes with water. Slightly trim the roots of a seedling, put them in the well so that the earth is completely covered. Fall asleep the well at the beginning of dry ground, then the earth from the wells, forming a place for irrigation. Hiding an apple tree. 3.

4 The next three years need to devote to the cultivation of the garden. There are several technologies: the cultivation of single-air and branched one-air, two-year beds and modified two-year-olds, Baum books and modified Baum books. The easiest way to do with one-air. It is enough for them in winter or in the fall to spend vaccination at an altitude of 5 15 cm and spring or autumn feeding. Nitrogen fertilizers are used as feeding for the garden. The greatest demand is two-year apples seedlings. To get them, you need to crop branches that are below 50 cm. And the upper shoots, leaving only one central one. The feeding is carried out by the same fertilizers in the same period. Book technology Baum suggests the cultivation of a conventional unbranched one-time. Then it is cut on the height of about half a meter, and the branched seedling is grown from the upper kidney. When the central branch is pulled out by 20 cm, it must be processed by the growth regulator and prize. The feeders are conducted in the same way. Growing on this technology gives advantages in yield. Thanks to the branched Crown from the tree, you can take up to 3 kg of apples for the first year, and on the second to 6 kg. And after 5 years, such gardens can give up to 350 centners with hectares. It is for this period that the maximum yield of the laid garden falls. Of course, that this plan worked, it is necessary to additionally provide him with proper irrigation, fertilizer, sunlight and proper trimming. Collection and storage of apples so that apples brought the planned income, you need to collect them correctly and store. Time for collecting usually falls for September, when the bone inside the fetus becomes brown, and the peel acquires a characteristic range of color. Moreover, winter and autumn varieties of apples distinguish the maturity removable and consumer. When it is time for their collection, they are still unsuitable for use. To do this, they need to repenter to the repository. Apples are harvested directly from trees with cool weather, and only manually. They should not be any damage and the fruit should be preserved. It is also necessary to shift from one container to another. The fruits raised on the ground quickly darkened in the "scored" place and begin to deteriorate. They should be collected separately and can be used for drying, preparation of jam, etc. Apples are collected and folded in boxes, preferably wooden. Fruits are folded by layers, each layer is separated from the previous sheet of paper. It serves as a substrate for fruits, and apples are also covered with top. But many do not shift apples with paper it is not always justified. For storage, it is not necessary to purchase special equipment. Keep the crop can be in the basement. It is important to ensure that the temperature in it retained about 0-2 degrees. The autumn and winter varieties are well preserved. They can be saved in the fresh form until April. four

5 The cost and profitable part of the business plan cost plan comes from the fact that 100 acres of land (one hectare) can be planted on average 250 trees. If you plant a two-year seedlings, then the next year you can get a harvest of about 8 kg of fruit from one tree. In subsequent years, yield will increase to about 10 kg. On average, the price of one seedling is 800 rubles. That is, a business plan should provide 200 thousand rubles. For the purchase of seedlings. The cultivation of an apple orchard requires constant soil fertilizer. For this use potash fertilizers and superphosphate. The plan for calculating their value proceeds from the cost of 30 rubles. On one tree. Total for 250 trees should be allocated 7.5 thousand rubles. on fertilizer. But it is difficult to fertilize not only the soil directly around the trees, but also the rest of the territory. This is not at least 4 thousand rubles. every month. Total for starting business will take at least 212 thousand rubles. And another 4 thousand monthly. Also, the expenditure plan should include a salary of crop assemblers and logistics costs. As for the profitable part, in the first year, removing 8 kg of fruit from each apple tree, you will receive 2 thousand kg of harvest. On average kilogram of apples costs 30 rubles. That is, with 2 tons you can rescue 60 thousand rubles. For the first year. In the future, income will grow to 75 thousand rubles. in year. It is possible to increase the revenue part by organizing the drying of the apples of the universal view. The drying goes well in the winter and spring periods. five

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[Email Protected]

MKOU half-Cheremkhovskaya SOSH. V. Grabina

Children's public association "Isaikina Zaimka"

Project "Our Apple Garden"

and Gribova Elizoveta

Project Manager: Chistova

Tatyana Stepanovna,

teacher of Russian language,

head of Doo "Isaikina Zaimka"

Justification of the project.

In MKOU, half-Cheremkhovskaya School of Tayshetsky district has been operating for many years a children's public association of the local history orientation of Isaikina Zaimka. The scope of the decade of wide. There are skills and environmental work, and forestry. We successfully participated in all-Russian, regional, district, local environmental promotions: "Green Russia", "more oxygen!", "The Future of Baikalia", "Pure Selo" and others.

But our main concern is to preserve the history of the native school, village, district. In the archive of the public association there are memories of students of 50-60 years on the work of a mug of young naturalists, about the internical work in the school garden, a flower bed. A wonderful fruit garden on a school area remembers many residents of the village of Haper-Cheremkhovo. Until last year, there was a lonely wild apple tree at the site of the former garden, but she also dried: whether he was from the insult, or from old age ...

We have studied the history of the issue.

In the 50s, Siberia began to actively produce gardens. Such was the policy of the party and government. Yes, and the people after the terrible war sought to live well-befell, more beautiful, richer. There were new zoned varieties of fruit and berry crops, frost-resistant, abundantly fruiting. The beautiful garden was laid in our school in 1950. Biology taught Solman Nadezhda Ivanovna. This tireless worker and the enthusiastic managed to make their associates and the director of the school, and the school team, and the Komsomol residents of the village. A friendly worked on clearing areas. Located three separate garden: with fruit trees (mostly apple trees of Siberian varieties), with fruit-berry shrubs (plum, cherry, cherry, cherry, currant, raspberry) and flower bed. The garden lived separately. At the beginning of the 60s, the garden is already well fruitful. The garden was proud school. But the construction of a new school building in the 80s ruined this beauty: demolished the building of the old school, cleared a huge construction site, apple trees hit the bulldozer knife.

The garden remained only on black and white photographs from the school archive. Considering these photos, we somehow came to the idea that it was possible to revive the story!

And we decided to grow a new school apple orchard.

School garden is an integral part of the school history, her legacy. This project allows students, teachers, parents to touch the historical past of the school, its true and future. Work in this project makes it possible to form and show patriotic qualities, active life position and develop the abilities of artists, designers, gardeners, researchers.

The apple-garden project is aimed at solving environmental, pedagogical and social problems. The project is long-term - the implementation period is not limited to the temporary framework.

Purpose: lay and grow an apple orchard on a school area; Create conditions for environmental education and education, increasing the social activity of students through the inclusion of them in practical activities on the design of a school territory.


Touch the historical past of the school, its true and future;

Explore the ecology and biology of apple trees;

To work out the technology of planting fruit trees and care for them;

Land seedlings of zoned varieties;

Sprinkle the dicks grown from seeds on the school area in order to further flow on them cuttings of varietal apple trees;

Plan an interelic work for further research;

Hold propaganda work on the basis of its activities;

Education of the sense of excellent in relation to the nature of the native land, hardworking;

Education of the general culture of the population, tolerance;

Development of creative thinking, research skills, communicative skills, ability to plan and analyze their activities, predict options for the consequences of their actions.

Project idea:Bookmark of school apple orchard.

The revival of the tradition of school gardening.

The main stages of the project, the implementation mechanism:

Stage 1 (2014-2015): Acquaintance with the technology of planting fruit trees and care for them. Selection of a garden landing. Filming the quality of the soil. Consultation with specialists and experienced gardeners.

Stage 2 (2015-2016): Preparation of a plot for apple orchard. Garbage collection. Preparation of landing holes. Locking seedlings and dichkov in the soil and subsequent care for them. Planning of inadmy work.

3 Stage (2016-2017): Vaccination of imports of zoned varieties apple trees with various methods. Care and monitoring them. The beginning of the internical work on the study of vaccination methods.

Summing up the interim results of the project implementation at each stage.

Research methods:

- The method of studying literary sources.Reading and analyzing printed materials on the question of interest. Use of knowledge gained to plan your own research and practical activity. Work with archival school funds (learning archival materials, official documents, statistical data).

- Observation method.Conducting phenological observations, given the productivity of plants, evaluating the decorativeness of plants, determining the stability of plants to diseases adverse weather conditions.

- Method of analysis and generalization.Analysis of observational data and a generalization of the material in the form of tables and schemes in order to implement research materials in practical activities.

- Use of search materials in the future school museum.

Project Initiative Group: Participants of Do "Isaikina Zaimka".

Target group of the project:pupils and teachers MKOU half-Cheremkhovskaya Sosh.


(s. Malinovka Cheremkhovsky district).

Project Implementation Plan:



Creating an initiative planning, preparation and implementation of the project.

Cleanova TS Head of Do

Negotiations with the school administration and the village at the lead of the land plot under the garden. Filming the quality of the soil. Consultation with experienced local gardener Kalyagina G. V.

Do "Isaikina Zaimka", teacher biology

Acquaintance with the technology of planting fruit trees and care for them.

Consultation with the teacher of biology Severina A.L.

DOO "Isaikina Zaimka"

Preparation of a plot for apple orchard: garbage cleaning, alignment and soil order

DOO "Isaikina Zaimka"

10-11 classes

Purchase of seedlings, growing from dichkov seeds.

Cleanova TS Head of Doo, Severina A.L., teacher biology

Students 5-6 classes

Preparation of landing holes. Locking seedlings and dichkov in the soil and subsequent care for them.

DOO "Isaikina Zaimka"

Students 7-8 classes

Presentation of the project in the rural house of culture and on the summer wellness site.

DOO "Isaikina Zaimka"

Introduction to the system of additional education of the school a mug of young biologists or naturalists. Optimization of environmental work in school

(work plan See application)

Biology teacher

5-11 classes

Planning of inadmy work.

Biology teacher

6-10 classes

The vaccination of the truncated varieties of apple trees in various methods. Care and monitoring them. The beginning of the internical work on the study of vaccination methods.

Biology teacher

Circiology of biology

Summing up the interim results of the project implementation.

At each stage.

Chistova TS, Head of DoO

DOO "Isaikina Zaimka"

Expected Result.

The theoretical and practical significance of this project is enormous. We believe that the results of the revival of the tradition of school gardening can be used to solve the problems of environmental and moral education not only children, but also adults.

As a result of the project, the school garden will be laid, the technology of planting apple trees has been worked out, seedlings and dips on the school area are planted, an inadatic work is laid.

This work has favorable prospects associated with changing the design of the school yard, the revival of the traditions of school gardening.

We, the authors of the project, are confident that, mastering the methods of cultivation of apple trees, schoolchildren and adults, residents of the Siberian village will not stop only on the school area. Arriving an apple tree at school, everyone will want to do the same at home. After all, all this can be done without special costs and devices.

I would like to hope that the problem of reviving the traditions of Siberian Gardening will not leave our countrymen indifferent. To the movement for the beauty and wealth of the native land will join many more schoolchildren and adult lovers of nature, thanks to which our fertile Taucher Earth will flourish!

Having revived the school garden, we revive our spirituality.

Literature: 1. "ABC of Gardener"

2. Goncharova L.A. "Siberian apple trees"

3. Kychina V.V. "Colonidal apple trees"

2. Serov E.N. "Apple tree"

Appendix 1. Environmental Work Plan (annual)

p / P.




Session of the initiative planning, preparation and implementation of the project

School administration

Operation "School Yard". Organization and conduct of environmental subbooters


Cool leaders

Environmental campaign "We are for a clean village"


Competition of decorative creativity from natural material "I want to be friends with nature"

Every year, September, March

Teacher technology

"Living Nature" - Reading Conference

Every year, October.


Quiz "Do you know the land of Tayshell?", Dedicated to the Day of the Earth

Every year, February

Teacher of history

School Ecological and Local Lore Conference "Native Territory" paths

Every year, October.

Theatrical view "All living things should live" in the framework of the celebration of the Earth Day

Every year, April

Deputy. Director of BP

Ecological - biological erudite-auction "Flowers - earthly abstraction"

Every year, June

Head of the Summer Health Place

Environmental Photography Competition "Nature by the eyes of children"

Every year, November

Senior guy

Landing seedlings of trees (any) graduates of the current year

11 and 9 classes

Ecological Culture Day dedicated to the Day of Environmental Education

Biology teacher

Holiday dedicated to the World Water Day:

Water is an amazing substance;

Water - around us;

Water is familiar, mysterious, inexplicable;

Share "Blue Structure" (Fighting for Saving Freshwater)

Cool leaders

Conducting environmental shares and operations:

- "put a tree";

- "My childhood river";

- "Live, Rodnik";

- "Clean shores";

- "Flowerba of our yard";

- "Help birds in winter"

During a year

Summing up the intermediate results of the project implementation


Organizing Committee

Appendix 2. Speakers of the project:


Source of financing


MO POLOGO-Cheremkhovsky Rural Administration

Passport station "Garden. Apple tree "Location: Plot of group No. 6" Topolek "Quick description of the route: 1. Blond. 2. Strawberries 3. Bird feeders. 4. Mother of birds. 5. Collecting (calendula, cosmeya, velvets). Environmental signs and pointers are assumed. Use mode: excursion cognitive classes. Ecological strings. Relaxation. The route was developed: Shakhova V.I. Melnikova E.V. Station "Apple Tree" relevance. Apple tree is not in vain called the tree of love and fertility, because it patronizes youth, marriage and children, as well as crop. In the Christian tradition, this is a tree of knowledge. An apple tree since a long time belongs to honor, respect. Any education, whether it is an ecological, aesthetic, moral, should be the education of the heart, which also gives rise to feelings, thoughts and actions. This is spoken by all the great teachers of the world. The heart is a source of humanity in man. "The years of childhood is, first of all, the education of the heart" - wrote V. Sukhomlinsky. Environmental education of preschoolers without parenting is impossible. And the term is released for this small - seven years, then it will be extremely difficult to do it. In preschool age, assimilating the foundations of environmental knowledge is most promising, since it is at this age that a child perceives nature very emotionally, draws attention to such features of nature that an adult and will not notice. The child is able to surprise that he surrounds him. Nature is an amazing phenomenon, the educational impact of which is difficult to overestimate the child's spiritual world. Nature is the source of the first specific knowledge and joyful experiences, often memorable for life. The children's soul reveals in communicating with nature, an interest in the world around the world is awakened, the ability to make discoveries and surprise them. Help children see the peculiarity and the mystery of the life of plants, to understand the beauty of native nature and carefully treat everything alive. It is no secret that children of preschool age by nature of their researchers. The unattricible thirst for new impressions, curiosity, constant desire to experiment, independently look for new information about the world is traditionally considered as the most important features of child behavior. Research, search activity is a natural state of the child, he is tuned to the knowledge of the world, he wants to know him. Explore, open, learn - it means to take a step in the uncharted and unknown. It is the research behavior and creates the conditions for the psychic development of the child initially unfolded as a process of self-development. Communication of a child with objects of nature gives a bright emotional color of his daily life, enriches his experience of knowledge of others and self-knowledge, forms compassion for a living being, the desire to take care of him, joy and admiration from interaction with nature, i.e. Positive motivation for nature. When working with preschoolers, it is important for the moral aspect: the development of ideas about the intrinsicness of nature, an emotionally positive attitude towards it, the development of the first skills of environmentally friendly and safe behavior in nature and in everyday life: to cause interest in a specific object - apple tree; Call a desire to protect, defend, take care of him. To form a sustainable positive attitude to an apple tree, like a living being, to teach to take the habit to take care of it in the course of active activities, to form a sustainable desire to support, protect, protect; Help the children to realize such categories as sympathy, kindness, mercy, love for neighbor. Tasks: develop in children cognitive interest, desire to watch, explore, receive new knowledge, skills, skills. To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe life of the plant as a living being (it grows, develops, may be sad, healthy, sick ...), as a single holistic organism; structure; functions and appointment of its parts (root, bark, trunk ...); the effect of light, heat, water; Tree connection with other animals; the role of a man in the life of the plant; Environmentally competent behavior, human communication with a plant. Consolidate the rules and skills of environmentally friendly and competent communication with a living being; Exercise in the application of acquired knowledge and skills in the satisfaction of practical environmental activities. To introduce children with a plant - apple trees, learning to distinguish a tree (in the form and color of the leaves, by the presence of fruit), maintain interest in the life of the plant, teach preschoolers to enjoy communication with nature, to see her beauty. To give children an idea of \u200b\u200bthe garden, fix the name of the fruit, to raise the ability to behave in nature, show the value of fruits for human health. Enrich and expand the vocabulary of children; Bring up feelings of friendship and collectivism. - Develop communicability and ability to communicate with adults in different situations. Purpose: To acquaint children with a plant - apple trees, learning to distinguish the tree (in the form and color of the leaves, by the presence of fruits), maintain interest in the life of the plant, teach preschoolers to enjoy communication with nature, to see her beauty by means of cognitive-game activities. Estimated result: development in children of cognitive activity, creative abilities, communicative skills; promoting the creative development of children; development of emotional responsiveness; Harmonization of relations between adults and children is to realize such categories as sympathy, kindness, mercy. Annex number 1 Excursion "What grows in the garden" Appendix # 2 Conditions "Consider an apple tree" Appendix # 3 Abstract Claim "Contempt Apples in our garden" Annex number 4 Abstract Classes "Miracle Apple" Annex number 5 Poems about Apple and Apples Appeles 6 Riddles about Apple and Apples Appeles # 7 Proverbs About Apples Appendices # 8 Moving Games Appendix No. 9 Didactic Games Appendix # 10 Russian Folk Tale "Gus-Swans" Appendix №11 k.d. Ushinsky. "History one apple tree" Appendix №12 k.d. Ushinsky. "Spore of trees" Appendix No. 1 Excursion "What grows in the garden" Software content: Teaching to observe the phenomena of nature, analyze them, draw conclusions about patterns. Develop the knowledge of children about trees, the benefits of plants. Educating in children the need to protect nature, careful attitude to trees. Wordwork: trunk, fruit - to activate in colloquial speech. Demonstration material: leaves, fruits (dummy or pictures). Preliminary work with children: observation of trees for a walk, observation of insects, memorizing poems. Pre-work of the teacher: Writing an abstract, pre-work with children, preliminary inspection of the site for a tour. Travel training teacher. Guys, now we will go on an excursion. Today, we will have an excursion to the garden. Let's first remember how to behave in nature. Children. Keep quiet. Do not litter. Do not break the branches. Educator. That's right, children. I think you can go to the garden. (We go to the garden) tutor. Here is our beautiful garden. Look around what you see in the garden? Children. Trees. Flowers. Shrubs. Grass. Educator. What are these colors called? Children. Chamomile. Dahlia. Narcissus. Astra. Vasilka. Marigold. Educator. Right. And now I will make you a riddle. Listen carefully. "I worn from the heat carrier with himself. I warm the river "BUY!" - I invite. And you love for it you all me "tutor. What time of year is we talking about? Children. We are talking about summer. Educator. How did you guess? Children. Because in the summer you can swim, sunbathe. Now the time of year is summer. Educator. That's right guys. Well done. We have already said that trees and shrubs grow in our garden. Please tell me how to distinguish them? Children. Trees are high, and the bushes are low. Educators. More, what distinguishing features did you notice? Children. In the trees - the trunk, and the shrubs of the barrel is not. Educator. Okay. And who will say: are they like? Children. Yes, similar. They have branches, leaves, fruits, roots. Educator. Right. And now we will play with you. The game is called "from what tree sheet?" I'll show you the leaves, and you tell me from what tree or bush this leaf. (Showing apple tree leaves, currant, cherries, birch, gooseberry, rosehip.) Educator. And what is the name of the apple tree leaves? Children. Apple. Educator. And birch leaf? Children. Birch. Educator. Okay. And now another game. It is called "confusion". I'll show you a leaf and say, from what tree a piece of leaf. And you be careful, I can confuse them. Educator. Okay. Guys, maybe some of you knows riddles, poems about trees, shrubs. Child. Self with cam, red barrel. Purge - smoothly, and bit off - sweet. Children. Apple. Child. Blue uniform, yellow lining, and in the middle - sweet. Children. Plum. Educator. Well done, children. And what plants grow in our garden? Children. Berries grow. Educator. Guys, look, have a berry that you are visible? Children. Flowers are visible in the berry. Educator. Right. Do you know how the berries appear? Children. First, the flower, then the green berry, then the berry. Educator. Right. Berry is a fruit. Let's say together "the fruit" together. (Choral repetition). The trees also have fruits. What do you think are called the fruits of the apple tree? Children. The fruits of the apple tree are apples. Educator. And oak fruit? Children. Oak fruits - acorns. Educator. Well done. And now let's play again. The game is called "Find Fruit". I will show you fruit, and you guess what fruit it is. (Showing fruit). Educator. And what trees most often found on the streets of our city? Children. Poplar. Maple. Birch. Educator. People in the cities are planting such trees that grow quickly and not whimorated, do not fear urban air. Topol grows very quickly. In one summer, a tree grows with a height to the second floor grows from a small twig. What do you think the trees are needed in the city. Children. Clear air. To make a beautiful educator. To urban trees and shrubs, too, we need to treat carefully. After all, they help us very much. Guys, on this our excursion ended. Let's remember where we went? What did you know? Children. We went on an excursion to the garden. I learned a lot of interesting things about the trees, about flowers, shrubs. Educator. And what else learned? Children. Find out what the fruits are called. How trees and bushes look like. Educator. Right. Nature must be preserved. It is impossible to break the branches, scare birds. Trees, bushes, flowers, herbs we are just necessary. They are our friends and assistants. Today you all answered questions well. Let's say the Garden "Thank you" for introducing us to acquainted with my trees, flowers, shrubs. Appendix No. 2 conversation "Consider an apple tree" Purpose: Cause interest in a specific tree - Apple tree, develop cognitive interest, educate love and careful attitude towards your native nature. Misens with a cam, ruddy barrel, take it - smoothly, bit off - sweet. What is it? (Apple) Questions for conversation: Is it a fruit or vegetable? (children's responses). And where does an apple grow? (This is a fruit, grows in the garden, on an apple tree). Children, how is an apple born? (children's responses). The apple grows for a long time - from early spring to late autumn. In the spring of apple trees pleases with Beloroza gentle flowers. In summer, the flowers are transformed into small fruits apple. And who knows what the taste of the apple depends? (Estimated responses of children): if there were few sun, moisture, then the apple will be sour, not juicy. It is necessary to take care of him. That's right, so that the apple flows ripeness, it became a blush and juicy should take care of. But how to take care of an apple tree? (children's responses). Of course, water, loosen the earth, fight harmful insects, tapping the branches so that they do not break from the wind and from heavy fruits. The story "Gardener":       Sadovenok tells the children that the southern varieties of apple trees do not grow in Siberia, because they do not stand the harsh winter. Gardeners brought many varieties that grow well in Siberia; Such as Ranet. It is well tolerating the winter, however, they have small apples, but no less tasty. Our jablonka is also called Ranetka. (Apple tree view) is in an apple tree and merit in the treatment of man. In the English proverb, it is said: "On the day on the apple and the doctor is not needed." One apple is good, but better two or three. Very much in the apples of vitamins. Which of the forest inhabitants like to enjoy apples? Do apples eating pets? How? How does a person use an apple tree? What do you think is it useful to eat apples and why? As you understand the proverb: "On the day on the apple and the doctor is not needed"? Recall the fairy tales:   You know a lot of fairy tales and stories. Try to remember, in which of the bottom I met an apple tree and apples? "Gus-Swans", "Molding apples", "Sleeping Beauty", "Old Man and Apple Tree". Didactic game; "Magic Pouch" - children try to find an apple in a bag among other fruits, without seeing his mobile game "Apple". Children get up in a circle, transmit to each other an apple, choir pronounce a count. It was spinning, it swamped in a circle. Where it stopped, with the same faced. Go out, do not yaw, start your dance! A child who, at the end of the count, turned out to be an apple, fulfills an improvised dance under the Russian folk melody (audio recording - on choosing an educator). Appendix # 3 Abstract Classes on the topic: "Ripened apples in our garden." Purpose: 1. To know the children with seasonal changes in nature in the fall in the apple orchard garden. Give ideas about the structure of the apple tree and its fruits (barrel, branches, leaves, round shape, red, large largest, tasty, juicy apple). Maxue with soft paper properties. 2. Having designed to design a collective landscape composition with a support on the semantic context of the background picture, made by the teacher. Develop the imagination, master the action of "COMPLETEMENT" - to learn to see the apple in different color lumps of paper. Create a new, more "apples", identifying them in color. 3. Creating children to flicker with your fingers with soft paper into large lumps and limitably "include" them in the context of a given song. 4. Together with the desire to work together with peers on the background composition, transforming and complementing it. Speech material: It is big, red, tasty and sweet (apple). Round, ruddy. I'm a rastic on the branch. They love me adults and little babes (apple). Demonstration and distribution material: 1. Apple-garden (made on a large sheet of rolled paper) - an image of three large apple trees. On each tree 2-3 apple-colored round lumps: on the first trees, red apples, on second-yellow apples, on the third green. 2. Bugly canteen napkins of red, yellow, green colors - 3-4 leafy of the small size of each color for each child, adhesive pencils. Claudion: The teacher unfolds a paper roll in front of children with an image of an apple orchard and fixes on the tables shifted together; Then calls for children and attracts their attention to the image of an apple orchard, activates the attention of children and attracts their attention to the image of an apple orchard, activates the attention of children. Questions for children: What is shown here? What do you see here? What is it? (This is the garden). What is it? (This is a tree). What? (Here branches). On branches what? (Apples). What's there? Children view the picture in detail, they call everything shown on it. The teacher clarifies, then the apples of a certain color grow on each apple tree that apples on the trees are now small. The tutor makes riddles to children, then suggests to make so that there are many apples on the apple tree. To do this, roll colored balls and cross them on the crown of apple trees. Children work beyond the tables. First, they together with the teacher are viewed paper napkins: dried and flowers (red, yellow, green) and actions with which you can make from each napkin apple different color (red, yellow, green apples). The teacher helps children to smith paper, roll tight lump-apples made of paper napkins. Possible comments during the work of children: -the, take a red napkin. -What is it? Katya that you took? (Napkin). - Katya, what color did you take a napkin? (Red) - Roma, give you a green napkin? What color is the napkin in your hands? (Green) - Maine napkins. -What did we get out of the napkins? (Lump-apples). - How much apples do we succeed? (Lot). - Lisa turned out a big apple, and what? (Small). Children are invited to get up from behind the tables and approach the background composition "Apple Garden". First you need to place paper "apples" on the crown of apple trees, considering their color (identify apples in color), then help the teacher glue lumps with glue. Children working standing. Question and comments: Educator: Guys, what will we do next? We will glue our apples. We glue them on the crown of the twigs of the apple tree. Masha will stick apples. Our "apples" from paper we will stick like that! That's what apples on the apple tree appeared. What are they? What size? What color is this apple? What color are these apples? The teacher shows children technical techniques for working with adhesive pencil. Children admire the work done, rejoice in good harvest of apples, invent affectionate words about apple trees and apples, about the resulting picture. Outcome. Questions on the topic. Appendix No. 4 The abstract of integrated cognitive development classes and manual work. Topic: "Miracle Apple". Tasks: Expand the presentations of children about apples, conditions of their cultivation, variety of varieties; Consider the skill of explanatory and evidential speech of children, to promote the enrichment of the speech of children with the words - the names of the varieties of apples, apples dishes; Continue to expand the prospects for the development of the search and cognitive activity of children, by including them into mental and transforming actions; Develop motility hands; Relieve careful attitude towards nature. Preliminary work. Conversations about fruit trees. Reading fiction: V.Suteev "Bag of Apples", "Apple" R.N.S. "Molding apples", R.N.S. "Gusi-Lebedes", R.N.S. "Ivan-Tsarevich and Gray Wolf", E. Blaginina "Yablokalka", R.N.S. "Havroshchka", I.Tokmakova "Jablock", I.Akim "Apple". Material and equipment: a tray with apples 3-4 varieties, the video of the growing of apples, "apple varieties", "apples dishes". Boards for modeling, stacks, plasticine of red, green, yellow, brown, plastic base of an apple, apple dusting. Travel course. Educator: Guys, today I have brought you some objects to you, and what you need to guess yourself. Tell me how to guess objects, without seeing them (the assumptions of children). First we will try to guess the smell (the educator gives children to sniff the apples hidden under the napkin). (Children express assumptions). To determine the most accurately, let's even take it (children to the touch determine the items and express assumptions). Well done, you correctly expressed assumptions, but to be fully confident in the correctness of our assumptions, I propose to guess the riddle: myself with a cam, ruddy barrel. Purge - smooth, bit off - Sweet (apple). Children: Apples. Educator: And apples are fruits or vegetables? (children's responses) Educator: Guys, in which Russian fairy tales, the stories mentioned this fruit. Children: "Geese - Swans", "Ivan - Tsarevich and Gray Wolf", "Bag of Apples", "Apple". - Where do apples grow? (On apple trees, in the garden). - What do you think, did you always grow an apple tree with us? Where did they come from? - At first there were wild grades of apples and they grew in Central Asia. Scientists worked for a long time, and culturally brought out of wild grades. And the birthplace of the apple - Greece. From the Greeks and Romans of the apple tree appeared in Europe, and then settled around the world. Our country can be rightfully called the apple edge. - What do you think, what does the taste of apples depend on? The assumptions of children (the taste of apples depends on whether they are ripe or not. Unripe apples of tasteless). Educator: So that the apples have grown ruddy and juicy, a person must take care of the apple trees on which they grow. Which of you knows how to care for fruit trees? The assumptions of children (trees need to water, loosen under them the land, fertilize, trim dry branches. In order to fight harmful insects, fruit trees spray with special solutions). Educator: Tell me, and where fruits appear on the apple tree? (Children express assumptions) Educator: First, in the spring or autumn you need to plant an apple seedlock. When he is growing, and this happens not so fast, after 2 or 3 years in spring on a young apple tree bloody-pink flowers with a tender smell bloom. Their fragrance attracts bees that are sitting on the flowers, drink sweet floral nectar and transfer pollen on their shaggy paws from a flower on a flower. After a few days, the flower petals fall out, and fruits begin to grow from their base (wounded) - small apples. For the summer, they increase in size, poured with sweet juice, twisted in the sun. Educator: So ripe apple. Look at them (puts the tray with apples of different varieties on the table). Do you think that these apples are not like each other? What is the difference? Children: They are distinguished by the form (round and oval), size (large and small) and color (yellow, red, green). Educator: That's right. And they are distinguished by the taste. Now we will try, what kind of taste they are, are you all the same? (The tutor cuts off from each grade on a piece, the children describe the taste sensations). Guys, tell me why all apples have a different taste, color, shape, magnitude? Children: Because they rose on different apple trees. Educator: Yes, gardeners brought many varieties, which differ not only by the shape and taste of fruits, but also the time of their maturation. Some sleep in the summer - these are early varieties, others - in the fall, they are called late or autumn. Each variety has its name. And I suggest you watch different types of apples. Educator: What do you think, is it useful to eat apples and why? Children: There are many vitamin in them. Educator: That's right, in the apples there are many substances you need. They have sugar, vitamins, acids, mineral salts. In order for you try apples, I cut off a piece. Let's see what happened on the cut. The slicing place was darkened. All because the apples contain a lot of iron. Iron is such a vitamin necessary for human health. He painted our apples. I suggest to play the game "Apple." Children get up in a circle, transmit to each other an apple, choir pronounce a count. It was spinning, it swamped in a circle. Where it stopped, with the same faced. Go out, do not yaw, start your dance! The child, who, at the end of the county, turned out to be an apple, performs an improvised dance under the Russian folk melody. Educator: Tell me, what dishes can be cooked from apples? Children: from apples boiled jam, compote, jumped, pies. Educator: Now we will see how many beautiful and delicious dishes are prepared from apples. Educator: And now we will make a very interesting handicraft. Choose plasticine of the color, how will your apple be. Then we need to make a cake, disk from it. To do this, roll plasticine into the ball and flatten it. Take a plastic workpiece and join our cake to it, except for the site where the fruit and leaf. Excess plasticine we will remove the stack. Then take a small piece of plasticine of another color and join the bar. Then make a leaf and leg. We put the second workpiece on top and press. We had a beautiful apple. From it you can make a medallion (shows). Guys, go out into the circle, show some kind of apples you have turned out. Tell me who you want to give them. - Guys, and what's new and interesting you learned today about the apples that you remember most and you will definitely tell me at home. "I was very nice to talk to you, work and I want to treat with tasty apple juice." Appendix No. 5 Poems about apple trees and apples "About apple trees and apples" Umpantia-beauty fruits - summer gift. Yak-blinds-beauty fruits are tastier. Green and red, useful, beautiful, squeezed fragrance - try each glad. On a wonderland, the fruits of fruits are useful row, at the end of the christmas summer overlook the parade. And then they go to the boxes and baskets, and the stores come to us immediately. Author: Iris Review "said an apple" said an apple to his branch: "Give me the will, a twig, let go of the easiest. Round, ruddy, sink and rolling and again on the apple tree grumbled. " Replied a twig: "Wait three days. You will become more fortunate with me. I'm welcome you, with honey I will like, I shake your cradle in the evening. And you rushing from the tree - a good way, the apple on the apple tree no longer grow. " Author: S. Marshak "Jablock" Little apple tree in my garden. White-pre-grade everything is in bloom. I put on a dress with a white border. Little apple tree, seek with me. Author: Irina Tokmakova "Here are the apples so apples, on glory" Here are the apples so apples, for glory! I can say that the best fruits on the whole earth, the only ones. Miracle! Color as amber Ile gold. Like clean, transparent and shiny! As if the sun, admiring them, leaves his rays in them. And taste! Not that sugar il honey, - much thinner, above ... Author: N.M.Yuhavikov Appendix No. 6 Riddles about the apple and apple tree itself with a cam, a red barrel, you touch - smoothly, bit off - sweet. Answer: Apple weighs a branch of a bunker on the branch, shines his ruddy side. Answer: Round apple, ruddy, I'm racing on a branch. They love me adults and little children. Answer: Apple juicy, fragrant, ruddy, magical. In the trees we grow. Answer: Round apples, ruddy from the tree I'll get it, I will put on the plate, "eat, mommy," - I will say. Answer: Apple I am a ruddy nesting lot from friends, wait, I will wait when the doll will fall in the grass itself. Answer: The apple as long as it was small, it did not fall, but grown - fell. Isn't it ridiculous? Answer: Apple Ploy in the autumn garden Miracle - Balls hang. Reddish, ripe side by kids on a tooth. Answer: Apple dear Worm! You do not eat my barrel. I get the guys. Fidget, chali! Answer: An apple is not a mother-in-law, and heded the hotel. Answer: Apple tree is a miracle tree, on the tree - balls: in summer - green, in the fall - ruddy. Answer: Apple tree application number 7 Proverbs about apples. What is the apple tree, such and apples. An existence of apples - not scrap of branches. In someone else's garden, apples are always sweeter! From above cute, yes with the Nutra rotted. That apple tree did not grow up, so that its worms did not sharpen. About Michurinsky hybrid All Europe says. Apple seed knows her time. The soul is not an apple, it is not divided. The apple never falls far from the tree. Do not shake apple trees, as long as green: matures itself. Apple's phraseologis are nowhere to fall (about the big color). An apple of discord (what gives rise to a quarrel). Appendix No. 7 Moving games "Get an apple" The number of players: 1-6 people. Inventory: Threads, apples. At the branches of trees or on other items at different height, trees apples. Ask children to jump and get apples. "Apple dance" Number of players: 2, 4 or 6 people. Inventory: Several apples. Children become against each other, holding an apple between foreheads. Under the funny music of the noise orchestra couple try to fulfill any dance movements. If the apple falls, the couple comes out of the circle. "To the title tree of the run" Purpose: to train in the rapid finding of the named tree; fasten the names of the trees; Develop a quick run. Game Stroy: Choose driving. He calls a tree, all children should carefully listen to what a tree is named, and according to this to run from one tree to another. Driving carefully follows children, who will run no to the tree, takes on the bench of the fines. "Find a leaf, like on a tree" Purpose: Learning to classify plants on a specific feature; Develop observation. Game Travel: The tutor divides the group into several subgroups. Each suits well consider the leaves on one of the trees, and then find the same on Earth. Teacher says: "Let's see which team will find the right leaves faster." Children begin searching. Members of each team by completing the task, going near the tree, the leaves of which they were looking for. The team wins the team that will gather near the tree of the first, or the one that will collect more leaves. "Who will gather soon?" Purpose: learning to group vegetables and fruits; Relieve the speed of the reaction to words, exposure and discipline. Games: Children are divided into two brigades: "Gardeners" and "Garders". On the ground is lying to vegetables and fruits and two baskets. At the command of the teacher, the brigades begin to collect vegetables and fruits each in their basket. Who collected first, raises the basket up and is considered the winner. "Such a sheet - fly to me" Objective: Develop attention, observation; exercise in finding leaves in similarity; Intensify the dictionary. The course of the game: The teacher with children is considering the leaves falling from the trees. Describes them, says what tree they are. After a while, she distributes leaves from different trees located on the site, and asks to listen to him carefully. Shows a sheet from a tree and says: "Who has the same piece, run to me!" Appendix №8 didactic games "What is growing?" Purpose. Teach children to understand the processes occurring in nature; Show the dependence of everything alive on Earth from the state of vegetation cover. The course of the game. The educator calls various plants and shrubs, and children choose only those that grow in this area. If we grow - the children clap your hands or jump in one place (the movement can be chosen any), if not - the children are silent. Plants: cherry, apple tree, palm, rosehip, currant, apricot, raspberry, orange, lemon, pear, pineapple, etc. "Learn, whose sheet." Purpose. Teach children to learn and call a plant on the sheet, find it in nature. The course of the game. Collection of leaves who fell from trees and shrubs. The teacher proposes to learn from which tree or shrub sheet and find the proof (similarity) with unqualified leaves having a variety of shape. "Find a pair." Purpose. Develop thinking in children, intelligence. The course of the game. The teacher distributes to children on one sheet and says: "The wind blew. All leaflets scattered. " Hearing these words, the guys are circling with leaves in their hands. The teacher gives the team: "Once, two, three - Find a couple!" Everyone should stand next to that tree whose sheet holds in his hands. "GARDENER". Purpose. Fasten the knowledge of children about the appearance of some trees and shrubs (barrel, leaves, fruits and seeds). The course of the game. The "gardener" is chosen, the rest of the children are his assistants. They came to help him collect seeds for new landings. "Gardener" says: "There is a lot of apple trees in my area (cherries, plums), let's type seeds." "Gardener" can only describe a tree without calling him. Children are looking for seeds, collect them and show the "gardener". Wins one who more scored seeds and was wrong. D / and "decomposition apples" application №9 The tale of geese-swans lived an old man with an old woman; They had a daughter and a little son. - Daughter, daughter! - Mother said. - We will go to work, bring you a bun, saving a dress, buy a handkerchief; Be smart, take care of the brother, do not go from the yard. Senior left, and her daughter forgot that she was ordered; I planted the brother on the grass under the window, and he herself ran to the street, played, thickened. The geese swans flew out, picked up the boy, took place on the wings. Girl came, look - Bratz not! Abnul, rushed there and here - no! Click, poured by tears, lifted that it would be bad from the father and mother, - the brother did not respond! Ran into a clean field; Gus-swans darted in the distance and disappeared behind the Dark Forest. Gus-Swans for a long time for himself badly glory, a lot of slower and young children were slandered; The girl guess that they took her brother, rushed to catch up with them. Fucked, fled, standing stove. - Stove, stove, tell me where geese flew? - Eat my rye pupbug, - I will say. - Oh, my father's pashushki is not eaten! The oven did not say. Running further, standing apple trees. - Apple trees, apple trees, tell me where geese flew? - Eat my forest apple, - I will say. - Oh, my father and garden do not eat! Running further, there is a dairy river, rigorous shores. - Dairy river, sour shores, where are the geese flew? - Eat my simple kiselik with milk, I will say. - Oh, my father and cream do not eat! And for a long time she would run around the fields yes to wander through the forest, yes, fortunately, the hedgehog caught; She wanted to push him, afraid to be frowning and asked: - Hedgehog, hedgehog, did not see if Geese flew? - Won there! - indicated. Boiled - standing the hut on the curiped legs, it is worth it. In the hut, Baba Yaga sits, a housing face, clay leg; Sit and brother on a bench, playing gold apples. I saw his sister, burst, grabbed and worn; And geese for her in the chase fly; Call the villains where to go? Milk river runs, ferrous shores. - River-Mother, hide me! - Eat my kiselik! Nothing to do, ate. The river was planted under the beings, geese flew. She came out, said: "Thank you!" - And again runs with a brother; And the geese has grown up, fly towards. What to do? Bed! There is an apple tree. - Apple trees, apple trees, hide me! - Eat my forest apple! Quickly ate. Apple trees packed her with branches, covered with leaves; Geese flew. Came out and again runs with a brother, and the geese saw - so for her; They completely fly, they beat the wings, that and look - from the hands will cut out! Fortunately, on the road stove. - Majar stove, hide me! - Eat my rye pie! The girl is as soon as the pie in his mouth, and herself in the oven, sat in Ustzo. Geese flew-flew, smoked-kept and flew away. And she ran home, yes it was still good that he managed to take away, and then the father and mother came. Appendix No. 10 k.d. Ushinsky. "The history of one apple tree." The wild apple tree grew in the forest; In the fall fell from her sour apple. Birds embarged an apple, bored and the grains. One grain only hid in the ground and left. The winter was launched in the spring under the snow, and in the spring, when the sun harvested the wet ground, the grain began to germinate: he was put down the root, and the two first leafs were kicked up. From the intermediate leaflets ran the stalk with a kidney, and green leaves came out of the kidney. The kidney kidney, a leaf behind the leaves, a twig behind the twig - and years after five, a pretty apple tree stood on the place where the grainbed fell. He came to the forest a gardener with an intercession, saw an apple tree and says: "Here is a good tree, it will be useful for me." Apple tree trembled, when the gardener began to dig it, and thinks: "I disappeared at all!" But the gardener dug the apple tree carefully, the roots did not damage, moved it to the garden and put in good land. II caught up with an apple tree in the garden: "I must have a rare tree," she thinks, "when I was transferred from the forest to the garden," and having fun around on ugly hemps tied with rags; She did not know that he had to go to school. Another year came a gardener with a curved knife and began to cut apple trees. Apple tree trembled and thinks: "Well, now I completely disappeared." Cut off the gardener with all the green top of the tree, left one Prenok, and he was still split from above; In the crack stuck a gardener young escape from a good apple tree; Closed the wound with the smear, knitted with a cloth, furnished a new cluster with spicy and left. III twisted apple trees; But she was young and strong, soon recovered and merged with someone else's branch. The twig of the juices of strong apple trees and grows quickly: throws the kidney behind the kidney, the sheet behind the sheet, drives out the escape of the escape, the twig behind the twig, and the year after three bloomed with white-pink fragrant flowers. Oops white-pink petals, and a green marking appeared in their place, and apples were made from the verse; Yes, no wildcles, but big, ruddy, sweet, crumbly! And such a pretty successful apple trees, that from other gardens came to take from her shoots for the rail. Appendix №11 k.d. Ushinsky. The argument of the trees argued the trees of themselves: Which of them is better? Here Oak says: - I have the king to all trees! My root deeply left, the trunk in three girth, the top in the sky looks; I have cut-down leaves, and the buccias seemed to be poured out of iron. I do not bow to Buryam, do not be sad before the thunderstorm. I heard an apple tree, like oak boasts, and palloon: - Don't have a lot of boasts, the tanish, that you are great and tolstick: but grow on you alone, pigs on fun; And my rosy apple and the royal table happens. Slisses a pine, a needle top shakes: - Wait to do, "says, - boiling; Winter will come, and you will both stand naked, and my green spines will remain on me; Without me, there were no people in the cold side to live; I will go to them and the stoves, and I ran out.