Repairs Design Furniture

Layout of the garden and fruit garden: from the drawing to the landing of cultures in the examples. Layout of the country area - schemes of efficient and honest zoning (99 photos) Fruit garden in a private house

Most of our readers have a cottage or a plot that we definitely want to keep in order and beauty. Therefore, many begin to break down the gardens or gardens within the borders of the country area, as far as weave. But in order to make everything beautiful and efficiently, you need to know the rules and features. Some have a developed fantasy and are very like creative ideas, and it means that it will not be difficult for them. And what to do everything else? With this we want to help you. In this article, you will find advice on how the planning is carried out on their own, what rules exist how to find suitable plants and how to send them to dissolve how much the beds are needed and how to place them, taking into account your height. And also which decorative elements can be used and is it worth doing at all? We will place in the article Several photos that you can use to create your ideas.

To begin with, it is worth dealing with what planning and where to start it. Planning is the optimal breakdown for the site, which will ensure the most rational use of the useful area for crop beds. Only where to start? Many owners want to plant fruit trees on their household plot and split the garden, but the question arises, is it possible to combat it all? You can always combine and everything, just need to know how to do it right. Therefore, we would suggest you to start with the creation of your own unique idea of \u200b\u200bthe location of the beds, which will seem ideal to you.

In order to create something your own, look a few options for ideas on the Internet, photos on sites or in logs on landscape design. You can also find several video lessons on the basics of design. Please note that you can create everything with your own hands, but if you think it is difficult and painstaking, you can use the ideas of designers or their direct services.

Phased instructions for planning

We want to help you correctly organize a planning work in the country area so that there are no unaccounted moments. If you decide to make a complex of vegetable and fruit landings, then you should start with the planning.

  • Create an outline of your primary idea that will reflect the general features that you want to see on the plot. You can make a color scheme in two versions to see right away that your site will be present in the spring and autumn periods.
  • Calculate the size of the site in advance, find out how many in it across it (most often there are sections on 4 and 6). You should know not only the overall dimensions, but also some features, among which the sizes on which the plants can grow, landing should be carried out not very tight.
  • Come up with where you can arrange your garden. We want to say that many gardeners advise everything from the south side. If you do not have such a possibility, then try to make your place so that your place is sunny, but with shadow periods.

Plan where it is best to make a bed

  • Write a list of plants that you would like to see on your site. It can be both vegetable beds, fruit trees and decorative plants and flowers. Later we will tell about the most common schemes that exist at the moment.
  • Consult with experts or read about whether the plants you choose are compatible. To do this, you need to explore the needs of soil and fertilizer for each type of plants. As well as the frequency of their watering, the need for solar energy and the other.
  • Learn what acidity of the soil, whether there is groundwater, what is the relief, the orientation of the terrain relative to the sun.
  • Count how many beds you can create. Think in advance which processes do it yourself, and in what assistance will need.
  • Sit plants according to a certain order. Saplings cannot be in the shade, as well as bushes and low plants should be closer to the sun.
  • It is necessary to find out the timing of the fruiting of all trees and shrubs. And place all plants in terms of their maturation.
  • Make a photo of your work.

What should be denoted on the scheme which plants use?

What should be denoted in the scheme

Planting scheme should be developed as correct as possible and it can be easily made with your own hands, without the help of experts. In order for you all all taking into account and have not forgotten anything, we decided to develop special recommendations for you.

  1. To begin boarding, you should always have a photo of the site. Since you can not always be in close proximity, and your scheme will often demand it.
  2. Apply the location of the house on the scheme if the site is not yet built up, the estimated size and location.
  3. Mark not only the sizes of the household site, but also its distance from the boundaries of the site. If you decide to connect several types of spaces in one song, then it is necessary to designate which sizes will be each of them and at what distance they will be located.
  4. Pay attention to drawing all the colors. This is important solely for a decorative species. Thanks to this you can see from a new point of view.

What plants can be used for the garden?

For the garden, you can use any plants you need:

  • cabbage,
  • carrot,
  • potato,
  • cucumbers
  • tomatoes
  • greens,
  • beet,
  • eggplant,
  • pumpkin.

What are the plot planning models?

In order to designate only the main points of the landing, we decided to show you three main options for laying the garden and the inclusion of the garden. It is worth noting that the choice should be influenced not only the factor "liked", but also the relief of the plot, the amount of across, the estimated number of beds.

  1. Decorative model. This model is designed exclusively for fans of unpretentious management and assumes the presence of decorative plants and plantings. Most often, such a model is embodied in the form of a circle. Inside there are colors of flowers and only decorative plants (preferably high to show all the beauty). Outside, a certain "framing" of fruit plantings (currant, raspberry, strawberry) is created. Low shrubs are very often buying, which will not hide the decorative flowers too much. If the site allows, the fruit trees are planted from behind the semicircle (their quantity depends on the size of the model). For example, you can see photo landing on the Internet.
  2. Rectangular model. Its peculiarity is that here you are doing and garden and garden at the same time. Most often, the square is used for the cottage. The peculiarity is that you land a few beds of vegetables (how much weave the site). Nearby there are several beds of berry shrubs (currant, raspberry) selected according to your taste. For a better view, fruit trees are also placed, but a little distance. The peculiarity is that with all the abundance of species, a square or rectangular form is saved.
  3. Arbitrary model. Here, the shape and dimensions depend exclusively from acres and from your capabilities. The scheme is the same: combine several vegetable and berry beds with fruit and decorative trees. As you can see in the photo, only your fantasy plays the role here.

Planning is a very important thing, so we would like to give a few tips for those who will do everything with their own hands. First, it is worth noting that all natural-geographical factors of the site should be taken into account: dimensions, lighting, temperature differences. If the area under the garden has a small area, then use the method of vertical beds, on grids and supports perfectly feel cucumbers, beans, peas, tall tomatoes, etc. Always pay attention to the compatibility of garden plants, their need for lighting. Also, it is not necessary to use old trees for the site, saplings will be suitable for you. If you have become incomprehensible to some kind of process, then we recommend watching a photo on the Internet, there you can find the instruction on the optimal number of beds and the correct calculation of acres. Planning on your own very painstaking, but after you immerse yourself in the process, you will like it!

Garden and garden are essential attributes of any country area. To break them, you do not need to be an experienced gardener - it is enough to have minimal knowledge about the question and, of course, good instructions.

Let's start with the fact that it is much more complicated to make a garden from scratch, because it will grow no year, but a few decades, so you have to take into account many moments. Something perhaps will be planted not where necessary, and these mistakes later, these mistakes will be felt. For example, a common error of novice gardeners is the heightened root cervix seedling.

The process is quite laborious and consists of several important stages. We will get acquainted with the peculiarities of each of them.

The first stage. Choose a plot

The choice of a suitable area is paid to much attention - the relief, the type of soil, the depth of groundwater, is estimated, the degree of protection against wind and other important conditions. Due to agrochemical analyzes, it is possible to determine the level of soil acidity and the concentration of beneficial substances, which will continue to help with watering, feeding, as well as lime. Determination of the depth of groundwater running will determine the measures to minimize their negative impact. In a word, the garden laying should be carried out only after preliminary preparation, and the gardeners are required to know about some points of land evaluation.

Note! A number of additional activities will help even unfit for the trees to make suitable (for example, drainage).


Best of all the gardens grow on the slopes with a steepness of no more than 8 degrees. It is also important and the direction of the slope - it should be southern, and hence warm and well lit. You should not smash the garden in the depression, since water accumulates there and cold air is stared.

But the relief of most of the country areas is smooth, without depression and slopes, so you do not have to choose.

The soil

In fruit trees, as you know, a fairly powerful root system, which deeply goes vertically and is widely distributed on the sides. This means that the nutrient medium is required in large volumes. It is for this reason that garden crops develop in powerful soil that contains the required supply of elements, sufficiently (but not too) is moistened. Completely unsuitable in this case, the swampy, stony, strong-besened and clay terrain.

As for the subsoil, it should be moisture and breathable.

  1. Apple trees are required by black soil, samp or turne. It is important that the land is loose and wet, however, and excess of moisture of the apple tree is not transferred.
  2. Plums need moist and rich in nutrients with a drunken ground. They do not tolerate the deficit of moisture and dry air.
  3. Cherry is better to plant on not too steep slopes with a sudent soil.
  4. Pears will be best growing on light loamy ground.


The terrain with a high level of groundwater running is dangerous for garden trees, since in such places the plants do not live long. The roots, reaching water, are dying due to the deficiency of oxygen, the ends of the branches in the crown will dry, and later the knots. Plants grow very slowly and will soon die.

If an apple tree landing is planned, then underground waters should be not closer than 2 m. For bone varieties (cherries, cherries, apricots), which have deep roots, this figure is 1.5 m. Finally, to disembark the berries, the depth of the underground Waters can be even less.

About satellites of fruit trees

Some forest trees grow under the same conditions as fruit. It was proved that if the oak, linden or maple is growing perfectly in the site or next to it, then fruit cultures will develop quite successfully. But alder and chests testify to the Plot wetland, which means it is required to pre-emphasize it. Thanks to all these features, you can find out whether the land is suitable for the garden.


Many gardeners know that the wind has a harmful effect on the garden. In winter, he blows up the snow from the ground, increasing the risk of freezing the root system. Large drifts around the perimeter destroy the crowns. As for the hot summer winds, they dry the soil and prevent normal insect pollination. Young landings swing the wind, because of which the roots of the seedlings are slower. Finally, with a strong impetuous wind, the leaves are not only broken and the branches break, but the trees themselves are lying.

A special danger sharp winds represent in the harvest years, when most of the day most of the fruit can crumble on the ground. In order to avoid all this, windproof is required - a great way to keep the harvest and protect plants from damage. For protective plants, it is best to use fast-growing trees and shrubs, but they will be effective only a few years after disembarking. Therefore, counter -ft protection should be taken care of at least two or three years before the garden bookmark. Also the role of windproofs can play economic buildings, natural hills and forest, located nearby.

More than others are suitable for windscreens such trees such as oak, poplar, birch, linden. If shrubs are used, then preference is better to give yellow acacia, rowan, flavory and rosehip.

Note! There are clear distances in which protective trees and bushes should be placed. For trees it is about 1-1.2 m (inside a row) and 1.5-2 m (between rows), for shrubs - 0.5-0.7 m and 0.7-1 m, respectively.

Stage second. Plot layout

Earth should be used rationally, and for weed plants and various pests should not be space. In other words, the plot must be densely planted. Fruit cultures need light, and their roots - in the ground nutrition. Moreover, with competent placement, the garden itself will be more attractive.

Before starting, you need to plan everything. As a rule, gardeners use the same accommodation schemes that may differ depending on relief features, climate and preferences of the gardeners themselves. One such schemes is shown below.

Of the eight-ten apple trees, five must be a winter grade, two - summer and two more - autumn. It is also envisaged to create a gazebo and recreation area, landing of floral crops.

Note! Pears, apple trees need to plant in 5-6x4 m from each other, while plums and cherries - somewhere in 3x2,5 m. You can land between the rows of tall cultures of the lowest representatives of the same varieties.

These low-spirited plants are less durable, their fruiting will end in twenty years. The crowns achieved complete development, it will become too closely, and from the trees you can get rid of.

Stage Third. Selection of landing time

In the central regions, the garden is better to plant early spring, i.e. before swelling the kidneys (this is especially important for cherry). In the south, the gardens are usually planted in autumn. What else is important, the spring landing should be carried out before the seedlings begin to grow, and in the fall - during the leaf fall.

We also note that before digging seedlings it is necessary to remove the leaves. The fact is that by the leaves, moisture evaporates in the plant, and if they are not deleted, the probability of successful survival will decrease. The leaves are removed carefully, while you need to try not to damage the kidneys.

Stage fourth. Preparation of soil

To obtain a good crop requires a deep arable layer of soil. As a rule, root systems of fruit crops go to the ground to a depth of 0.8 m, which means that the processing and fertilizer should be carried out. To do this, it is more expedient to use a small plantal plow.

Stage fifth. Seat selection

They need to be purchased in the nursery, which is located in the same region as the future garden, otherwise there will be a risk that plants will not come together. The roots must be branched, long (more than 30 cm), not subporn, on the cut - white. Quality seedlings have straight trunks, with smooth bark and without visible defects. Finally, Crown should consist of at least three-four well-developed branches that are directed in different directions, and necessarily with the conductor (i.e. leading escape).

As for the age in which the trees need to plant, the opinions of the gardeners are diverged. Some are planting adult plants (eight or nine-year-old), which are quickly fruiting, but cost enough, and it is difficult to plant them enough. Others buy two and three years, which are somewhat behind in fruit times, but they are cheaper.

Stage Sixth. Preparation of saplings

The procedure consists of two uncomplicated steps. Consider them.

Step 1. Roots

The largest roots are tricked so that the area of \u200b\u200bthe cut "watched" to the bottom of the pit. To do this, you need to use a garden knife (not a secateur, since it kneads wood and does not give an even cut). If the seedlings were obtained in the fall, but they will fall in the spring, then after trimming them, they are immersed in a clay solution and burned into the ground (this will prevent drying).

Step 2. Crown

The length of the roots of dug-in seedlings does not exceed 35-40 cm, while their large (roots) part, and this is about 70%, remains in the ground. But the above-ground part remains the same, because of which the trimmed root system can no longer be properly "feeding". Therefore, the branches in the crown should be trimmed about a third of the length.

Note! It is more convenient to cut branches after landing - so a person will be able not only to see their placement relative to each other, but also to perform work with two hands.

Stage Sixth. Sleeping of landing holes

During the first two years after landland, the roots are within the landing pit, and therefore, moisture and nutrients are used from there. Therefore, at first, young plants should be provided by the best conditions for development.

The diameter and shapes of the landing pits can be different, but in order to uniform and correct development of the roots, it is advisable to make round pit, tapering down.

Note! It is the opinion that on clay soils, the bottom of the pit needs to be covered with a sandy "pillow", and on sandy - clay. It is allegedly necessary for water delay. In fact, everything is wrong.

Pits under the spring landing should be prepared in the fall, while for autumn - about a month. Moreover, in the first case, in front of frosts, the pit should be filled with fertilous land, but not tampering.

Stage seventh. Landing

Immediately make a reservation that the root necks are not worth it - when the soil will fall, they should be in short with its surface. In principle, the landing is the most important stage, the yield, the observing and life expectancy of trees depends on it. Errors allowed here to eliminate in the future quite difficult, and sometimes it is even impossible.

A deep landing is considered the most common mistake, it is possible to detect only several years later. Raise a deeply planted tree is difficult, and the novice gardener with this will definitely not cope, moreover, he can even ruin the plant.

Note! If the groundwater is too close to the surface, it is impossible to plant plants in the pit - instead, the soils are created. For this purpose, the landing site is immediately picked up, then the hills of a fertilous land are poured onto them (width - 100 cm, height - 45-50 cm). Saplings are planted on such chilms and are tied up to wooden pegs.

A few words about the landing board

When landing sites are marked, and stakes are ready, you can start directly to the cup. In order to avoid disruption of rectinity in the center of each pit, you need to drive count.

It is not easy to perform this "on the eye", so you can resort to one simple device - the so-called landing board. For its manufacture, a board with approximate dimensions of 200x15x2 cm is used. In the middle of one side of this board, the cutout of the triangular shape is done. Similar cutouts are done along the edges, 75 cm from the central, as shown in the images.

Such a board will allow you to install pegs to which seedlings will be tied, exactly in the center of the holes. Next, the plants are attributed to the pegs as shown below.

After landing behind the trees, it is necessary to care for, fertilize them and water, but here it all depends on specific species of trees.

Video - Features of the care of fruit trees

Creating a vegetable garden

Ideally, the garden should consist of beds located in a sunny place and protected from winds planted from the north with fruit trees, as well as comfortable broad tracks. Make a garden from scratch is not as difficult as the garden, but with certain difficulties you can still encounter. It should be started with preliminary preparation.

The first stage. Choosing a place

Place for the garden must comply with certain requirements, read them.

  1. The garden should be located in a sunny place. It is important that the plants be under the sun at least six hours a day.
  2. Also in the selected place should not be strong winds or, as an option, the windshield described above will be equipped.
  3. The beds must be at least ten meters from the trees and buildings.
  4. Finally, the selected plot should be even and located on the hill.

Note! If the garden is with a bias towards the south, then the crop will be early, while on the northern slope of the fruits will be kept later than usual. Western and oriental slopes are also suitable for the garden.

In the lowland, it is not worth breaking the beds, since water will accumulate there. If there is no other way out, then you should take care of the system of drainage grooves, and the beds themselves do not lower than 20 cm.

As for lighting, it is not easy to regulate. The only way to get rid of the objects shadowing the garden (with the exception of the Northern side). That is, the trees do not need to plant. But if they serve as protection against wind, then it is necessary to at least proper the crowns so that they do not discard the thick shadow.

Stage second. Planning

In most cases, it comes to the garden only after everything else is ready. Only the land plot remains where the beds need to be broken.

Start follows from the preparation of the plan. What should I add to it? First of all, you need to designate the number of beds, as well as decide on their form. It is advisable to make a bed of a square or rectangular shape, but if desired, the garden can be divided into sectors. You also need to be somewhat elevated (about 15-20 cm, although the height can be more) so that when processing plants it is not too loaded with the back. The width of the beds is usually somewhere 80 cm.

In addition, in the plan, it is necessary to highlight the place for the tracks (for this distance between the beds should be at least 40 cm), as well as small areas for water and inventory tanks. Such tanks, by the way, are needed when landing crops that love warm watering. Most expenses have to arrange the tracks.

Note! It is not necessary to use the rubberoid or slate when the rubberoid is located - these materials are highlighted in the soil harmful substances, which is why the harvest can be dangerous to health.

It is still required for a compost heap, where plant and organic waste will be folded. Two years later, these waste will overtake and serve good fertilizers.

Stage Third. Registration

If the lawn is on the place of future beds, then the selected area needs to be dipped. There may be several options, but the most effective (and at the same time and expensive) is to cut the upper layer of the turf (no more than 3 cm) and the subsequent uniform scattering of the mixture consisting of sand, peat and manure. Then the area is drunk and the beds are created. Another option is to switch the Earth so that the upper layer went about the 15-centimeter depth, and in the first year they grow potatoes on it.

The procedures for designing a garden look like this.

Step 1. Initially, according to the plan, pegs are rush around the perimeter of the garden, the rope is stretched.

Step 2. Then the soil is prepared by one of the methods described above.

Note! The location of the cultures must be changed annually, otherwise the harvest eventually will become worse, and the soil will become unsuitable for growing.

Step 3.. The soil is breaking. It needs to be made soft and air so that the plants easily boil.

Step 4. Denote borders of the beds. This can be done with the help of the same pegs and ropes or land around the perimeter of perennial plants.

Step 5. In the end there are tracks. They can be filled with gravel or lay out tiles (in the second case, the earth is rambling and covered with a layer of sand, after which laying).

Stage fourth. Plant landing

After creating the beds and tracks, you can start planting plants. In order to avoid any problems in the future, you need to follow the compatibility rules shown in the image below.

That's all. As it turned out if you do everything correctly, you can comfortably equip the house, garden and garden with your own hands. More useful information can be found in the video material below.

Video - Planning of the garden and breakdown of beds

Many of our compatriots have their own country sites or cottages. Rarely which land owner does not use the opportunity to raise its own agricultural crops to pamper themselves with natural food. However, the dachensors are not always satisfied with the location of the plantings on their hundreds, which affects the convenience of cavering around the garden, and, accordingly, on the harvest.

Development of a project site and laying of a garden for 6 hundred

The planning of the garden and the garden on the country site is also important as correct, so this step on the way to the court housing should be paid to special attention. To successfully produce the garden and garden design, it is necessary to make up on paper.

On the plan, in addition to the house or country facilities, it is necessary to arrange all the necessary settings that are planned to be grown.

There should be a place for fruit trees and shrubs, and for vegetables, as well as for decorative colors. For the convenience of collecting harvest and caressing behind plants, the land is recommended to divide into several parts.

The decorative platform should be located closest, in order to constantly please the owners and decorate the house, and the fruit-berry and vegetable area should be distinguished from the house for a while.

Option Landscape Design Landscaping

The layout of the garden and the garden begins with the choice of a suitable place near the house. In order for the choice to be performed correctly, some existing conditions should be analyzed:

Selection of space for fruit and berry crops

Sobbar when choosing a place for certain shrubs is extremely undesirable, and can lead to a bad harvest, so the preparation of the plan for the location of fruit-berry plantations will help to avoid it. When drawing up a plate of 10-15 acres, it is necessary to consider the following:

Location on a plot of decorative plantings

For many dacnons, country plot is not only a place for growing crops. Most urban residents are chosen outside the city to relax from the daily fuss, so the favorable situation is very necessary for them.

In order for the restoration of forces after a heavy labor week, the most productive should be responsibly referring to the layout of the decorative garden. Consider key points to which it is necessary to pay attention to the organization of the site:

Planning OGOR

Without a garden, no area for a country house is not to do.

Original option for furnaceing the garden in the country

Particularly hardworking is grown on it, everything is possible to accommodate, while others only provide themselves with fresh greens to the summer table. Be that as it may, when planning vegetable beds without drawing up a plan, can not do. Consider the main features of the planning of the garden:

  • Taking into account that most vegetables are light-friendly, it is necessary to provide them with sufficient light;
  • Special attention should be paid to watering the beds. To do this, it is necessary to provide a system of automatic irrigation, or simply install the capacity for collecting rainwater;
  • It is necessary to think over the location of the plantation in such a way that it was convenient to get to the middle of the bed. The optimal width is 1.2 meters;
  • The distance between the beds should be convenient for movement. As a rule, the width of the tracks do no less than half a meter;
  • In order not to climb the plot of cut from tops and leaves, you should think about creating a compost pit.

How to start forming your garden? How to position the trees and shrubs in the country?

The garden at all times was considered an excellent decoration of anyone. And one of the miracles of the world - the hanging gardens of the Semiramides - were truly magnificent and unique creation. There are several thousand slaves behind these gardens around the clock. Now the gardens are planted mainly in order to provide themselves with berries and fruits for the winter. It is very important to glorify the garden correctly, since on a small plot of land I want to place as many of all possible trees, shrubs, berries as possible, etc. The yield of fruit trees depends on various factors, and therefore, when placing the trees, it is necessary to take into account not only natural conditions But the biological features of each type of fruit culture.

❧ Mesopotamus King Uruk Gilgamesh (beginning of the 3rd millennium BC. Er) was famous for his gardens. Domestic courtyards were shady and had a lot of flower. Fruit trees in the gardens have rejected a variety of exotic varieties. Surrounded by date palm trees were pools. In the elutors in the distant corners of the gardens, bulls, lions, ostriches and monkeys were divorced.

For example, placing trees in the garden plot, it is necessary to remember that different cultures impose different requirements for light. There is a general rule for plants planning in the country area. The height of plants should increase from the south to the north. In other words, in the southernmost part of the site you need to plant vegetable crops and strawberries, and in North - apple and pears. In the middle of the site place average rocks, such as cherry, plum, as well as a variety of berry shrubs.

In addition, planting various fruit cultures on its summer cottage, you should pay attention to the fact that in the future, when the trees grow up, they did not occur with their neighboring garden sites. Having plant trees on the site, observe certain rules - so, the distance from the trees to the borders of the site should be at least 3 m. And at a distance of 1 m from the border (fence), several raspberry bushes, currant or gooseberry can be planted. These cultures feel good with partial shading.

Among other things, you need to place plantings on the site in such a way that they do not interfere with the air movement. If the site is too tightly planted by trees, it will interfere with the cold air outflow, which in turn will lead to severe trees wintering conditions. It often happens that trees and shrubs are dying from frosts even in the most frosty winters on tightly planted sections.

Severe two main garden planning styles: Regular (or geometric) and landscape (or natural).

With regular planning, the landing garden is placed symmetrically with respect to the main axis of the composition, while the rectinity of the rows and paths is also observed, the same distances between the trees of one species are supported. At the same time, you can choose the scheme of planting fruit trees as a square and rectangular, or even place the trees in a chess order on the site. Trees lined with a chess way use solar lighting. If the site is located on the slope, then the rust of the rows should be made across the slope. Square scheme is suitable for areas having a square or almost square form. Rectangular placement is suitable for sites that have an oblong configuration. There is also a variety of rectangular scheme. It is characterized by a wide-armed dense planting of plants, and, unlike the rectangular trees, the trees are imprisoned more tight in the rows, but there are quite a large space between the rows.

If you like the natural style more, when the plants grow as they wish themselves, then the second style of planting plants is suitable for you - landscape. Using this scheme, you can put plantings on your site as you want. Trees and plants located on a free style plot make a plot more attractive. In addition, the use of landscape style provides a wide use of a variety of decorative plants. Landscape style is very well suited for those sites that have natural irregularities, small slopes and depressions, etc. All these features of the relief can be used to create an interesting landscape composition on your garden plot.

Thinking on which fruit trees you will plant on your site, the apple tree should be paid to special attention. In Russia, an apple tree is probably the main fruit culture that is unpretentious to weather conditions and gives a rich harvest.

Choosing the varieties of fruit trees, it is necessary to take into account the fact that a certain variety of any breed can be grown on the site only under the condition that the trees of other varieties grow in the neighborhood at a distance of no more than 50-70 m. Otherwise, the trees of the same variety will not have pollination and the cropping of fruits.

Choosing berry cultures, you can pay attention to berries such as garden strawberries, in the spacious, called strawberries, black, red and white currant, gooseberry, and raspberry. Strawberry is good because it is reproduced easily and begins to bring fruits for the second year after landing. Currant, especially black, very rich in vitamins, and therefore several bushes of this culture should grow at each garden plot. Raspberries also grow pretty quickly, so if you want to get a harvest of berries as soon as possible after breaking the garden, then start with these cultures. And if we talk about volumes (harvest, then the richest harvest is collected from red currant and gooseberry bushes.

❧ Scientists have found that fruit trees that grew near the heating mains are faster and better develop, unlike the trees of the same breeds and varieties that grow in other places. I wonder if it is possible to grow a garden that will give a rich harvest, in a short time, if you mount the root heating system?

Hutting a variety of berry cultures on the garden plot, it should be remembered that they can be placed under the trees only when the seedlings of fruit trees have just planted and very small. As trees grow from under them, berry shrubs should be removed, as it makes it difficult to fight pests and diseases. If there are any buildings on the plot, it is better not to plant fruit trees or shrubs too close to buildings. Over time, when cultures grow out, they can make it difficult to approach to buildings, in addition, even a low structure will shadow trees or shrubs, delaying their growth.

Having planting fruit trees, pay attention to the fact that it is best to plant trees of each culture separately. This is necessary to optimize the fight against pests and diseases of plants. Since it sometimes happens that the timing of the spraying of the trees of one rock coincide with the time of fruiting other breeds. Given that in the garden plot, all work on the care of fruit trees is carried out manually, you can leave aisle not very wide.

Planning a garden on the household plot, you should well consider all moments associated with planting fruit shrubs and especially trees, because the garden is laid once and for many years.

When planning a garden, it is necessary to take into account the following:

❧ Which breeds of fruit shrubs and trees are suitable for this climate region;

❧ In order not to make a mistake with the varieties of plants, it is best to evaluate their yield in advance. This will help determine the number of seedlings;

❧ Wanting to get rich yields, it is necessary to take into account that the placement of nearby trees of different varieties of one period of ripening will ensure cross-pollination during the flowering period, which in turn will lead to a guarantee of a good harvest in the future;

❧ It is best to find out information about the compatibility of various varieties of fruit trees and shrubs, since the neighborhood of some crops can lead to a decrease in the harvest;

❧ In order to avoid problems with the placement of trees on the site, you can pre-create a landing scheme on the plan. Draw a plot plan on paper, cut from another sheet of paper. Circles of the desired diameter that will designate shrubs and fruit trees. For example, an adult apple tree of the Antonovka variety has a crown diameter, on average equal to 3 m. So, when planting an apple tree of this variety, it is necessary to calculate, at what distance you can plant fruit trees from other breeds or shrubs;

❧ It is useful to know that from the south-west side of any structure is created, as a rule, a very good microclimate, which is expressed in long-term illumination and protection against cold winds. And this means that the temperature regime here will be the most optimal for thermal-loving plants;

❧ If the groundwater on your site is closed to the soil surface, then use this circumstance in your favor. On the plot with a similar location of the groundwater, shrubs can be planted or break the garden on it;

❧ When landing a new garden on site, you need to remember about the crop rotation. If you put a young apple tree in place of the emergency, it will be bad to grow.

The optimal option is the advance planning planning in the garden plot. But if in addition to the garden, the buildings are also planned, then break the garden, of course, follows the construction work. Otherwise, the technique will help the recently planted trees and equal to the land of strawberry plantation.

Inexperienced summer houses, disembarking our own garden, often complain that it does not have that abundance of fruits on which they were calculated. And the trees begin to cut down, replacing them with super-modern seedlings. But in poor fruiting in 90% of cases, people themselves are to blame! Probably the landing was made chaotic, according to the principle "the more, the better," there was no layout of the garden, and the result is useless toe trees.

Video: how to plan the country's cottage

Creating a garden, as well as creating a house, begins with the design. Remember how the building project is chosen: study climate, terrain, the presence of free square, family members, etc. And only the accounting of all factors allows you to create a comfortable and warm home.

How starts the garden

The garden also begins with the study of the Earth, on which plants and climate will have to live, which directly affects the number of fruits. If the soil is too clay or one sand, it is necessary to enrich it with chernozem, peat and other useful components, which will depend on the roots.

In the climate, the main factor destroying fruits is frosty winters, spring late frosts and excess moisture. Therefore, it is necessary to select the range of trees, based on the climatic conditions of a particular area.

Choose trees

Apple trees, pears, allycha and cherries of local selection are the most resistant trees. They adapt almost in any area and fruit if not annually, then in a year.

Southern Guests - Apricot, Peach - are afraid of raw spring, because early flowering at high humidity does not end with pollination. Pollen along with moisture settles to the ground. Dangerous and spring frosts, which are just falling on the apricot color.

The cherry absolutely does not tolerate short-range waters, and if not to perform amelioration, in a couple of years it will figure it out. The raw spring also imposes his imprint: the fruits crack and rot, not having time to mature.

Therefore, selecting the range of trees, consider their future performance. Whether it is necessary to take precious meters on five to six hundreds of trees that can give fruit every six years (under optimal weather conditions!). Is it no better to go to the nearest supermarket and buy a couple of kilograms of apricots or peaches, which in the season will not be very expensive, and in the garden only those plants that will ensure the seven vitamins in the garden?

We make markup

To decide how many trees to plant and how to do it right, it is necessary to draw all the available and planned on the paper: a house, a bath, a gazebo, fence, electric poles with wires (if any) and old trees that do not plan to irrigate.

Garden on a small summer cottage

Why do you need it? Each object towering over the Earth discarded the shadow that affects the development of nearby plants. Trees, bushes, garden plants will begin to stretch into the area of \u200b\u200bpermanent lighting, spending their strength not to lay the fruit, but on the struggle for the light. It will continue until the top will not be higher than the barrier. And since the house or bath will not always grow trees, then the fruit you will not wait even after 10 years. Therefore, in its plan, mark the number of each construction, as well as the side of the world. Shadows will be located from the West and the East from the objects, narrowing to the south. Draw a seat with strokes where the shadow of more than half of the day will be. This distance is half the height of your buildings.

Everything that turned out to be shaded on paper is not suitable for the garden. There you can lay tracks, make a flowerbed, break the lawn, pond, etc. So that the trees gave a harvest, the shadow zone is excluded from the plan of the future garden.

Looking out plants

First decide how many trees and shrubs are planning to plant. If pears, apple trees do not want to cut, then we can "sit down" with a maximum of 7 trees. Why not thicker? Because as they grow, they will begin to discard the shadow, preventing each other in normal development.

If the pruning is still planned, the number of trunks can be increased to 15 (per hundred). The most "advanced" dacnis should be embarrassed on the column forms of trees, which are planted with an interval in the meter.

Option layout of a rectangular area with garden and garden

It should be noted!
Pruning reduces the amount of fruits only in cherry and apricot, because they are located along the entire twig. They are not accepted. The remaining trees in pruning are very needed. The fruits from this will become larger, unnecessary branches will not take the light. It is best to keep trees in the amount of about 2 meters, forming a crown as a ball or a flat wall (if you plant trees near the fence).

Trees are planted in four meters, if it is planned to restrain them in the area of \u200b\u200bthe 2 m shape of the ball, and three meters, if you land the wall. Distance between shrubs (currant, gooseberry, etc.) - 1.5 m.

Rows must be located south to the north. So plants will discard less shadows, and you can plant shadowerous cultures in the aisle.

Planning OGOR

Modern garden layout and garden ceased to be strictly rectangular. And all because the straight corners are inconvenient to go through, moving with a wheelbarrow. Therefore, garden tracks and garden beds are placed as such a form so that it is convenient to walk with the inventory. Interesting examples of the planning of the garden and the garden can be sprinkled from other dacms, on the Internet or specialized directories.

But there are general laws that should be followed so that the minimum of the beds gave maximum harvest.

Those owners who did not suffer with layout are tormented with the cultivation of garden crops. Thoroughly, Pophots once, planning a garden and a garden, you will relieve yourself from excess work.