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Business CLINING company with minimal investments. What services can be provided? How to calculate Cleaning Service Revenue

Relatively recently, a fairly new business activity appeared in Russia, which in the West has been developing dynamically in the West and has received recognition from numerous clients. We are talking about companies providing cleaning services. As an example of such activities, you can bring the service for cleaning private and corporate premises. Gradually, in our country, cleaning services are becoming more and more in demand. After all, the cleanliness of the office or apartment is a prerequisite for normal business or accommodation.

Cleaning concept

The first companies engaged in high-quality cleaning appeared in the markets of America and Europe. They quickly took the place of non-professional services.

Simple language? The Word itself denoting this service appeared with us relatively recently. It comes from the English word Cleaning, which in broad translation means the adoption of a set of measures, with the help of which the cleanliness of shopping complexes and offices, hotels and apartments, cottages, etc. Under this action implies work, the result of which is the absence of any pollution, spots , garbage and unpleasant odors both horizontal and on the vertical surface of the premises.

Why do you need cleanliness? The answer to this question is clear to everyone without any extra explanations. First of all, this is the health of people in the premises. However, if you take, for example, cleaning offices, then the cleanliness here has another, image side.

Often the appearance of the cabinet cleaned to the brilliance will be able to play not the last role in making the solutions necessary for the company, as it will be associated with the purity of intent.

What is included in the clining?

Professional cleaning - not just washing. This is a rather complicated process, which is the adoption of comprehensive measures that contribute to the purity of the room. Of course, washing the winds, as well as other glass items produced by water. But at the same time, the CLINING company service provides its own with a sufficiently wide range of equipment and devices. This includes special equipment to clean the surface under pressure, and special means necessary to eliminate specific spots.

For example, the chewing coating can be removed only by freezing. Cleaning companies use spray reduced temperature for these purposes. And similar solutions - a great set.

Basic list of services

What does the clinical company do? If we are talking about harvesting residential premises, then owners of private houses and apartments can count on the following:

  1. Rooms. This professional work includes washing floors and furniture, bathrooms and kitchens, chairs, carpets, etc.
  2. General cleaning. In this case, the standard list of services is added to the standard list of services and other furniture, the windows washing, cleaning the plinths.
  3. Cleaning premises after the repair work. Cleaning companies take a lot. It is not only a complete cleaning of an apartment or at home. They provide services for the removal of construction debris, as well as to clean the contamination formed when working with plaster and paint.
  4. Cleaning premises after a fire. These are cleaning services from Gary and soot. After the work performed by the cleaning company, the room fully will get rid of the consequences of this disaster.

In addition to apartments and private houses in professional cleaning, offices need. In such cases, the clinical company can provide its services on daily cleaning. It should be borne in mind that all employees of such a company are pre-instructed, how to competently care for the office equipment located in the premises.

Additionally, the clinical company offers services as follows:

  • Washing facade windows. If these are stained glass products of multi-storey buildings, then industrial climbers who have sufficient experience and work skills in such conditions are working to perform the task.
  • Care of the outside territory outside the building. It refers to the washing of facades, as well as the care of landscaping and storm plums.
  • Cleaning warehouses, which implies complete cleaning of rooms from pollution.

Idea for business

Many people working in ordinary organizations are often unhappy with the feeling of that very stability that is impossible without the daily execution of the same duties. This routine does not lead to financial satisfaction. Of particular changes in life conditions are not observed even in those periods when the employer increases a salary somewhat. One who is not satisfied with his life sometimes decides to open his own business. From the implementation of a conceived project, a novice entrepreneur can receive 3-4 thousand dollars a month, depending on the direction chosen by him. And here it is worth considering how to open a cleaning company, as this event is quite promising, not difficult and not requiring large financial costs.

A similar entrepreneurial idea is pretty simple. The clinical firm takes money from companies and individuals for the provision of services that they themselves are not able to.

Select settlement

Before many beginner entrepreneurs, the question of how to open a cleaning company from scratch. And for this you will need to develop a draft of this event, which is a business plan for the future company. It should be started with the description of this industry and the situation that has developed in the selected item.

To date, the cleaning direction is not yet fully mastered. That is why the level of competition is not too high here. However, everything will depend on the city. And in this case, it is worth considering the rating of cleaning companies offering their services in this village.

So, in the megalopolis, the competition indicator sometimes rises to 80%. And if you go to the consideration of the question, how to open a cleaning company in a small town, there are no such problems here. However, other obstacles can stand on the path of the entrepreneur. Indeed, in a small settlement, a massive demand for such services is hardly possible. And it will also deprive the company profit, even in the absence of competitors.

Registration of business

How to open a cleaning company from scratch? To do this, you will need to pass some stages of organizing your own business. First of all, the company must register with the infance bodies. When choosing an organizational shape, the best variants will be USN or AO. True, it will have to check the observance of certain conditions. So, when attracting investors, the proportion of capital nested should not exceed 25%. In addition, it will be necessary to plan an annual size of a total revenue within 60 million rubles. The staff should consist of no more than a hundred employees.

Only in the fulfillment of these conditions, registration in the tax service authorities will be successful. After that, it will be necessary to register with the Pension Fund.

Select room

The business plan of the cleaning company should consider the issue of the lease of the structure necessary for the work. A beginner entrepreneur should be borne in mind that for a similar company, the classic appearance of the office will be clearly inappropriate. The room should be selected so that in it can be kept specialized equipment. Here it should be provided for the office for the head and accountant. The room should certainly be shower. A separate hall for a meeting with customers does not need an entrepreneur. After all, the scope of work will be given directly at the facility.

To the one who first decides the question of how to open a cleaning company, it is worth keeping in mind that the planning of the leased structure should include the hall and the locker room, the bathroom and shower, office and storage room. Based on the specifics of the work, you can not pay attention to the location of the office. This will save on renting and choose a suitable building for yourself somewhere on the outskirts or industrial areas. The main thing is that all the necessary communications be suitable for it and it was equipped with a good entrance.

What to do next in order to solve the question, how to open a cleaning company? For rented premises, it will be necessary to conclude contracts with organizations engaged in the maintenance of ventkanalov and garbage disposal. For office you will need fire alarm.

It is worth remembering that all of the above procedures are a very long process, so it's not worth tightening with them.

Buying equipment

What is needed to open a cleaning company? At the initial stage, this business is not very expensive. The main financial investments go to the purchase of equipment. However, it is not necessary to acquire it until the first orders are received. After all, the cleaning is a pretty specific business. Depending on the services chosen by the customer, it may be necessary in a variety of tools. That is why for a start it is necessary to communicate with potential customers, determined with the assortment of the necessary equipment and its value.

So, washing of glasses of the business center, as well as other high-altitude work will require not one hundred thousand rubles to the necessary devices. But to provide personnel with equipment for cleaning office space and other buildings, a much smaller amount will be required, within a few tens of thousands.

The business plan of the Cleaning Company should consider the list of the most necessary inventory, which will be needed to provide services in the first place. This list includes:

  • two sets for washing windows;
  • two double trolleys with a spin;
  • small inventory, such as mops and buckets, sponges and scoops;
  • two gathering machines;
  • rotary one-piece cleaning machine;
  • tray;
  • device for industrial drying carpets.

The above list can slightly adjust the entrepreneur itself. In addition, equipping can be purchased gradually. However, those who plan to make major corporate orders without the presence of the above equipment, to provide such services is simply impossible.

How to open a cleaning customer cleaning company? To do this, you will need not to forget about the business plan and about some details. So, it is important to consider the costs necessary for the purchase of professional cleaning products manufactured by well-known firms. The list must also have universal household chemicals, and substances having a narrow spectrum of action. In general, the entrepreneur should expect 150-200 thousand rubles. Attachments.

It will take to find a driver with a personal minibus. After all, it will take to carry a breakdown machine and industrial vacuum cleaners for work, and another inventory.

When buying equipment, you should not forget about office equipment. It will consist of two computers, a multifunctional printer and a mini-PBX. The list of additional equipment will need to make work desks for an accountant and director, kitchen equipment, a few chairs and cabinets for the locker room.

Personnel search

How to open a cleaning company? In a business plan of the planned project, you will need to reflect those nuances that should be taken into account when forming the staff of employees. It is worth considering the specifics that work will have, as well as the format of the company's activity. So, to fulfill the current and general cleaning of private housing and offices among candidates for vacancies of employees, some women can be considered. If the company's plans to carry out seasonal improvement of territories or cleaning premises after repair work, then men will need. And they should be as much as women.

The staff of the company that will offer customers a wide range of services should be:

  • two cleaners;
  • two subbands;
  • the brigadier at the same time performing the driver's work;
  • accountant.

At first, the general management of the company and customer communication entrepreneur must take over. Over time, two managers can be included in the staff.

Given the specifics of the company, preference is worth giveing \u200b\u200bto people under the age of 45. The exception is only a brigadier and an accountant. Candidates must be polite, sociable and necessarily responsible. It is also important that they are capable of rapid learning. This will allow the company to apply new products that are constantly emerging in the cleaning services market.

Business promotion

Under what conditions will it be possible to expect effective work of the cleaning company? In addition to accounting for all the upcoming expenses, you will need to pay great attention to advertising. Only a large-scale action allows you to significantly raise the rating of cleaning companies. It may include the manufacturer and distribution of flyers in transport and on the streets of the city, as well as in business centers. Pilons and bords located on the streets of the city will contribute to the involvement of individuals. Information about the company can be posted and reference agencies. The creation of the site will be appropriate.

To attract permanent major customers, it will be necessary to make a lot of effort. It will be necessary to consider potential customers among megamarkets and large enterprises. At the same time, with each of them, it will be necessary to periodically negotiate concerning continuous cooperation. However, it is worth it in mind that not every leader of a large company will decide in your favor. To do this, it will be necessary to achieve a certain fame. At first, it is worth considering cooperation with minor offices. And after that, gradually expand the circle of customers. Successes!

The main two questions that you must answer, opening the cleaning business: "What will my cleaners?" And "how to find customers?". From who you will work, and who will order, depends, "take off" or "not take off" your business. Everything else is secondary.

Since the commercial real estate cleaning market (offices, retail space) has long been engaged in large players, make a bet on harvesting residential premises. There are higher requirements for the quality of work performed, which means that the staff you will need more qualified. However, there is a sustainable opinion that cleaning comes down to "waxing", and everything can do it. Therefore, there will be hundreds of responses to any of your announcement about finding cleaners, but the proportion of people ready to work on high quality standards will be minimal. The recruitment, training, knowledge checks - all this will take you a lot of time.

From hundreds of responses will be, at best, 1-2 worthy candidate.

Investment size

The amount of investment varies depending on the large or small city you want to open a business.

In any case, it consists of several required points:

Rental room. There will be enough room about 50 m2, it is even less. The main thing is to separate the warehouse from the office part and ensure good ventilation of the room. An option from renting an apartment is possible, but undesirable, after all, cleaners will constantly come and leave, and it will not like it to the landlord. It is best to take an inexpensive free destination somewhere away from the red line or in a large office center. The location of the building does not matter. Office rental will cost you 10-20 thousand rubles per month.

Purchase of chemicals, inventory. If the client orders cleaning at home, he expects a specialist to make it better than he himself. Do not use domestic products (and the more client's personal funds), buy professional equipment and chemistry. Floors, glasses, plumbing, kitchen appliances - all this is washed with different chemistry, so take the chemistry in the range, for all types of pollution with which you are going to work. Minimum initial costs - 10,000 rubles, this is if you are not going to provide additional services, such as dry cleaning of upholstered furniture.

Remember that the main marketing of your enterprise is well-performed cleaning.

Step-by-step instruction

First of all, pick the room and, if necessary, make it repair.

Purchasing furniture, office equipment and install them.

Purchase all the necessary equipment and chemicals.

As mentioned earlier, the location of your office does not have a value. The main thing is to select the format of your interaction with cleaners. If they, for example, will ride for orders on public transport - look for a place near stops. If on personal transport or taxi - the location will not be so important.


To open your cleaning business, you must first decide on the legal form. IP will be the best option. As for the tax system, the optimal option will be the UTII (provision of household services). If UNVD does not work in your region, then choose USN (6% of income).

When registering in the tax, specify the code 74.70.1 OKVED ("Cleaning and cleaning of residential and industrial premises and equipment") and OKPD-2 ("Other cleaning and cleaning services not included in the selected groups").

The activities of the cleaning companies are not subject to licensing, but it is necessary to fulfill the implementation of GOST R 51870-2014 "Professional cleaning services - Cleaning services." Carefully learn this document - all standards for providing these services are written in it.

In addition, each cleaner should have a nurse. The list of analyzes is similar to the list for employees of life (for example, beauty salon).


Is it profitable to open

According to our calculations, the company engaged in the cleaning of residential premises even in small (from 50 thousand people) The city in six months of his work can reach a stable profit of about 70,000 rubles. In a million pione, this number will reach 250 thousand per month through the same six months of work. But this is possible only under the condition of competent hiring and promotion of the enterprise.

* The calculations use average data in Russia

1. Summary of the project

Objective of the project- Opening of the cleaning company in Rostov-on-Don. The main source of income of the institution - payment of services for professional cleaning of premises. The Cleaning Company offers a wide range of services in the field of professional cleaning in commercial and private premises.

The target audience- corporate segment presented by shopping and entertainment centers, offices, restaurants, cinemas; Private segment.

TO benefitsthis business should be attributed:

The demand of this type of service;

Relatively low level of competition, low threshold for market entry;

The predominance of the corporate segment allows you to enter into long-term service treaties, which guarantees a stable income.

Investment costsin the amount of 1,578,400 are aimed at purchasing specialized equipment, the purchase of a car, the development of the sales office and the formation of the working capital fund. The payback period of the project - 11 months. Profitabilitybusiness in the first year of work will be 12%.

2. Description of the industry and companies

The market of cleaning services in Russia appeared relatively recently - about 25 years ago, thanks to the arrival of major foreign companies. The introduction of cleaning services began with Moscow and St. Petersburg - these local markets still remain the leaders of the domestic market of cleaning services and occupy almost 60% of the total volume.

The activities of cleaning companies are a set of measures aimed at cleaning and maintaining purity in commercial and private premises. Recently, this type of service is becoming popular, which is due to the demand for professional care for premises, problems in organizing their own cleaning services, active construction, fashion for outsourcing.

The annual growth rates of the Russian market of cleaning services are 30%. The Moscow market demonstrates an increase of 68% and the market volume is more than 15 billion rubles per year. The turnover of the Russian Cleaning Services market at the beginning of 2016 was 222.13 billion rubles. Today, in the regions of Russia there are about 1,500 companies, in Moscow and St. Petersburg about 700 companies.

According to statistical studies, in 2016, cleaning services entered the top 5 of the most demanded services in the domestic market.

The growth in demand for professional cleaning leads to the continuous expansion of the client base. Commercial real estate service is 80% of the entire market. To date, the main users of the services of cleaning companies are shopping and entertainment centers. But in the segment of individuals, these services are just beginning to acquire popularity.

Fig. 1 - Structure of the client base of the Cleaning Companies

The dynamics of entering commercial areas reflects the possibility of expanding the circle of potential customers. The peak of the commercial space entered into operation was recorded in 2014, and in the last two years there is a decrease in the indicator. However, during the crisis, many companies optimize their costs, among which were the costs of service personnel. So, they supported the demand for the cleaning services market those companies that abandoned the hiring of traditional cleaners in favor of outsourcing. This step, according to experts, can bring savings of 20% for the company. Therefore, even with the arrival of the crisis on the commercial real estate market, the cleaning business continues to develop dynamically. Recently, the demand for cleaning services provides government organizations that make the choice of cleaning companies through competitions, auctions, and so on.

Fig. 2 - Dynamics of the area of \u200b\u200bcommissioned commercial buildings in Russia

Competition in this market is growing very slowly, the threshold for logging to the market is quite low. As statistics show, in recent years the number of cleaning companies remains unchanged: new companies come to the market annually, but the same and leaves him. The main trend in the market of cleaning services is the consolidation of companies and expand the range of services, due to which market growth occurs. At the same time, small enterprises survive, since they are able to flexibly and promptly respond to changes in market conditions. The profitability of this business is in the range of 12-15%.

Ready ideas for your business

This business plan is designed to open a clinic company in Rostov-on-Don, so the local market of cleaning services should be analyzed. According to the results of the search query, there are 58 cleaning organizations in the city, of which the highest rating is assigned: "CleanOffice", "Master Glitter" and "Certain Desire". Listed companies are serious competitors. It is recommended to explore their price policy and a list of services to form our own competitive advantages.

In this way, cleaning business has the followingpros:

1. The market of cleaning services is in the stage of active growth. Cleaning services have long been familiar to the potential consumer and have experience in successful use in various regions of Russia;

2. The foundation of the client base is legal entities, so at a high level of corporate services, you can count on long-term cooperation, which will provide a company with a stable income;

3. Relatively low level of competition, low threshold for market entry.

3. Description of goods and services

Potential customers of the cleaning company are both individuals and legal entities. Target audience in the services segment of individuals - families with income levels above 30 thousand rubles for housing harvesting; In the service segment of legal entities - commercial objects of various purposes to maintain cleanliness and care of the premises.

The complex of cleaning services should be formed, based on the target audience and demand for certain types of services. According to statistical data, a complex daily cleaning is occupied by the largest share, in second place - cleaning the adjacent territory, garbage removal, cleaning after repair.

Daily cleaning includes a dust wip, cleaning mirrors, cleaning floors. Cleaning the adjacent territory involves washing windows, facades, garbage removal, snow cleaning / leaves / herbs (depending on the season), maintaining the purity of architecture elements. It is also proposed general cleaning, under which it means to remove contaminants from the walls, washing plinths, removing local pollution from various surfaces, cleaning of intercutric seams, washing windows, and so on. Special attention should be paid to such a type of services as cleaning after repair - recently this type of service is in demand. Cleaning after repair includes: the removal of construction waste, washing windows from the plaque, careful removal of dust from various surfaces, strong contaminants, washing floors, cleaning furniture, washing chandeliers, etc.

Some cleaning companies offer special programs and types of services. As such services, there may be cleaning before the birth of a child, washing advertising structures, cleaning after holidays, outstaffing (personnel rent) and others. The presence of such specific types of services highlights the company in the market. Many cleaning services expand the range of services, offering customers a dry cleaning of furniture and carpets, disinfection of the room or the provision of home assistant.

Ready ideas for your business

The spectrum of cleaning services is quite wide, but is limited by money, since many services assume the presence of expensive equipment. At the initial stage of creating a cleaning service, it is recommended to choose basic services, namely:

Daily cleaning of premises - from 5 rubles / m 2

General cleaning of premises - from 50 rubles / m 2

Cleaning furniture and carpets - from 40 rubles / m 2

Washing windows - from 20 rubles / m 2

House assistant - from 45 rubles / m 2.

In general, a set of services is individual for each client. The contract is drawn up with an indication of the list of necessary services, the price of which can vary depending on the scope of work.

4. Sales and Marketing

Marketing Promotion of the Cleaning Service may include a number of activities oriented to different target audience:

1. Direct marketing will be effective in the corporate segment. For advertising, you will need to prepare distribution material. You can also carry out a cold challenge of the circle of potential customers.

4. Creating a site that allows the potential customer to independently explore the list of services and price list.

When planning an advertising campaign one should consider what criteria for the selection are guided by potential customers. The most significant are: the cost and range of services provided, reputation in the market, personnel qualifications, flexibility of the work schedule. These parameters should be paid attention to presentations and other promotional materials.

Ready ideas for your business

Promotion tools can be different - it all depends on the target audience and the budget allocated for advertising. Most of the Cleaning Business Owners recognize that the most effective way of promotion is the "Sarafan Radio". In order for it to start working, ask first customers to leave a review about the company - in return to offer some kind of bonus, for example, a discount in the next handling. Loyalty programs should be developed, implying shares and discounts in constant cooperation. Conclusion of regular service contracts will provide a company permanent employment staff. Apply the environmental equipment for cleaning - recently there is a fashion for "eco-friendly cleaning".

Another tool used in the marketing is an analysis of the price policy of competitors. Table 2 presents the comparative characteristics of three major cleaning services in Rostov-on-Don. Based on the data collected, you can form our own prices for each type of service and develop a marketing strategy. For example, in the Rostov market in a small share, the service "House Assistant" is presented in a small share - to include such a list in the list, no additional costs for the purchase of special equipment will be required. And in the case of low demand for this type of service, the employee will be able to perform another type of service.

Taking into account the average market value of services and prices of competitors, a price list was formed:

Daily cleaning of premises - from 10 rubles / m 2

General cleaning of premises - from 70 rubles / m 2

Cleaning the room after construction and repair - from 70 rubles / m 2

Cleaning furniture and carpets - from 80 rubles / m 2

Washing windows - from 115 rubles / pc

House assistant - from 50 rubles / m 2.

Table 1 - Cost of Cleaning Services in Rostov-on-Don

To promote the cleaning service in Rostov-on-Don, it is planned to hold an advertising campaign aimed at informing residents of the city about the opening of the Cleaning Service. Advertising will be carried out on the radio for 2 weeks. The cost of 1 minute of advertising on the radio in Prime Time is an average of 3,500 rubles. The minimum number of repetitions per day is 6. The duration of one advertising message is 30 seconds. Based on these parameters, the advertising company on the radio will cost an average of 88,000 rubles.

Attracting corporate clients is planned to be carried out by showing the presentation of services at a personal meeting. In this presentation, it is necessary to reflect the main advantages of transmission of outsourcing, as well as the main advantages of your company, which are beneficial to you from competitors.

We also plan to create a website and nemine to develop a logo and company name. These costs will be about 20,000 rubles.

An additional advanced tool will be distributed by leaflets and placement of ads in the city. Development of the layout will be 1000 rubles. Print 1000 pieces of flyers of one-way format A6 - 3200 rub. Total This advanced tool will cost 4,200 rubles.

5. Production plan

To accommodate the company's sales office, as well as the storage of all equipment, it is necessary to rent a room with an area of \u200b\u200b40 m 2. The cost of renting such a premises in Rostov-on-Don is about 25,000 rubles.

Sales is calculated as the average for the city with a population of more than 500 thousand people. Based on the standards, on the day, the employee removes 600-800 m 2. If there are 4 employees working on changing, the maximum load per month is 11,250 m 2 at an employee or 45000 m 2 for the entire state of cleaners. The average price of the service is 50 rubles / m 2. When loading equal to 50%, the monthly revenue of the company will be 22500 * 50 \u003d 1125000 rubles. It is planned to go to such indicators on the fourth month of work of the cleaning service.

6. Organizational plan

To implement the project, LLC is expected to register LLC. Tax form - USN with the object of taxation "Revenue" at a rate of 6%. Types of activity according to OKVED-2:

81.1 Activities for integrated premises

81.2 Cleaning and cleaning activities

43.39 - Post-country cleaning

96.01 - Washing and chemical cleaning of carpet and textile products.

Licenses for the provision of this type of service is not required.

Registration of all necessary documents takes up to 1 month and costs about 6,000 rubles.

To achieve the planned sales volume, a staff of 6 employees are required. Cleaning work schedule from 8:00 to 22:00. The work of the cleaner is shifted. The labor wage foundation is 141,000 rubles per month, taking into account social payments 183,300 rubles.

Table 2 - Cleaning Company and Fot

Qualified personnel is the main key to the success of the Cleaning Service. That is why it is necessary to pay special attention to the selection of personnel. The most appropriate candidates are responsible, conscientious women and a man aged 25-40 years. Cleaning specialists must be interchangeable. For each cleaner, overalls are provided - the average cost of one set is 2000 rubles.

If the entrepreneur plans to expand business, he should consider the cost of training personnel. Currently, various courses and schools of cleaning have been created in Russia, which provide training programs and advanced training personnel. Training 1 person will cost an average of 3000 rubles.

It is also necessary to purchase a truck that will deliver cleaners and all the necessary equipment for the provision of services. The cost of Gazelles used approximately 300,000 rubles.

7. Financial plan

The financial plan includes constant and variable costs. To start the project, it is necessary to calculate the amount of initial investment. To do this, you need to decide on the cost of equipment and equipment.

Table 3 - Initial Investments

Initial investments for opening a cleaning company are 1,578,400 rubles.

Table 4 - Equipment purchase costs



Cost 1 thing, rub.

Total amount, rub.


Industrial vacuum cleaner

Gathering machine

Professional Hair Dryer for Carpets

Cleaning cart

Bucket on wheels

Other harvesting equipment

Detergents (household chemicals)

Kit for washing windows and office equipment

Steam cleaner

Sweeping machine

Clothing for cleaners

Car Gazelle



The purchase of equipment will be 945,200 rubles, and the cost of arrangement of the office on average - 65,000 rubles.

Table 5 - Monthly expenses

Thus, monthly expenses in the amount of 3,46348 rubles were identified. The cost of services consists of monthly expenses and the cost of the equipment used. The average cost of cleaning 1 m 2 - 31.5 rubles. For a volume of 22500 m 2 per month, the cost of work will be 708750 rubles.

8. Evaluation of efficiency

The payback period of the project at initial investments in 1578400 rubles is 11 months. The net monthly profits of the project when leaving the planned sales volumes will be about 100 thousand rubles. It is assumed that the output on the planned indicators will occur on the fourth month of the functioning of the cleaning service. Profitability of sales in the first year of work - 12%.

9. Possible risks

To estimate the risk component of the project, it is necessary to analyze external and internal factors. External factors include threats associated with the economic situation in the country, markets. To the internal - the effectiveness of organizing management.

List the main risk factors When creating a cleaning company and ways to respond to threats. External risks include:

Increase the cost of services, which entails a decrease in margin income. Level risk is possible by creating an order of charge for the cost, which will allow to compensate for cost growth without increasing the cost of services;

The opening in the city of direct competitors entails a threat to the loss of customers, dumping, marketing costs and advertising. It is possible to reduce the influence of this risk in the formation of its client base, creating loyalty programs, the conclusion of long-term exclusive service contracts.

To the internal factors risks include:

The low level of personnel competence can lead to sales drop, deterioration of business reputation and the fierce of competitive struggle. Reduce risk will allow an effective training system and personnel motivation;

Seasonality of the business entails a decline in sales, an increase in non-cost-covered personnel. Level risk is possible with the help of promotional proposals, the organization of the time of weak loading staff training;

Equipment breakdown entails suspension of activity and loss of part of the profits. Avoiding this threat will allow planning equipment and cooperation with reliable manufacturers of equipment.

Cleaning is a premises cleaning activities on a contractual basis. There are three main directions: one-time cleaning (for example, apartments after repair), regular service of enterprises (office centers, hypermarkets, etc.), specialization at specific services (carpet cleaning, car wash, etc.)

To make a job faster and brought more profits, especially in a small town, it is worth staying on a universal version. So you will quickly get the client base and get fame among customers.

In the cleaning market now, the washing of stalk, general cleaning, guidance after repair and construction, cleaning of carpets and upholstered furniture is most in demand.

check in

To start on clean, you need to open up LLC or IP. Suitable codes OKVED: 74.70.1 - "Cleaning and cleaning of residential and industrial premises", 90.00.3 - "Cleaning the territory and execution of similar activities."

The quality of services must comply with GOST R 51870-2002 on the harvesting of buildings and various structures.


The office of the company for cleaning apartments and other rooms should be placed in a residential area or closer to the outskirts of the city, the location in the center is not necessary. The client rarely arrives in the office, usually assessing the volume of work and the conclusion of the contract occur on the territory of the customer. Own space is necessary for interviews with employees and storage inventory.

It is enough room with an area of \u200b\u200b20-25 square meters consisting of two rooms. The first is the workplace of the manager, the second - under the inventory and the washing machine. Monthly rent will be $ 300-350.

Equipment for Cleaning Company

For service of apartments and small offices, a minimum kit consisting of manual inventory is sufficient. But for cleaning the premises of commercial purposes, production and retail space will need special harvesting machines.

Cleaning equipment

To fully equip, you will need:

  • Poloming machines (3 pieces) - $ 3000. Good manufacturers - Cleanfix, Karcher, Columbus, Lavor, Fiorentini;
  • Industrial vacuum cleaners (4 pcs.) - $ 400. Metabo, Karcher, Einhell, Bosh, Enkore;
  • Towers (2 pcs.) - $ 370. MINT, KARCHER;
  • Steam cleaners (2 pcs.) - $ 200. SINBO, ROLSEN, ENDEVER;
  • Machine for drying carpets - $ 450. Cleanfix, Numatic, Tennant, Truvox, Chaobao;
  • Special trolleys on wheels (6 units) - $ 400. "Vermop", Cleanfix, TTS;
  • Cleaning shoulders on the wheels with a spin (5 units) - $ 280. Bol Equipment, Baiyun Cleaning, TTS;
  • Ordinary Veser (10 pcs.), Mops Flat MOG (4 pcs.), Scrapers, napkins and rags for wiping dust, brushes for washing windows, garbage bags - $ 250;
  • Washing machine - $ 250. Bosh, Ariston;
  • Washing agents and household chemicals (cleaners, care products for various surfaces, carpet and upholstery cleaning, etc.) - $ 800. This is a reserve for several months. Popular manufacturers: Econom, AntiCID, "Chemithee", "Tana".

Each worker requires a set of workwear: overalls, T-shirt, headdress, gloves (mothers and rubber). At six cleaners will need about $ 180-200.

Furniture and machinery

It is not whatever you need to open a cleaning company. The office requires racks for storing tools and consumables, cabinets, two tables with chairs for director and administrator, computer, telephone, printer, chairs and sofa for visitors. It will take about $ 800.

How much money is needed To equipping a cleaning company? Taking into account detergents and clothing for employees we get a starting amount at 7300-7400 $.


At the initial stage there are enough eight employees. This is the director (he is the owner of the company), the administrator on the phone and 6 cleaners. One cliner serves an average of 500-900 square meters. m. Square for the working day, if we are talking about office or shopping centers. About 100-200 square meters. m. - In the case of residential objects.

Important tips: With Cleanners, it is worth entering into a material value agreement (otherwise, in the case of damage to the property, the responsibility will fall on the office) and with orientation to one-time orders it is not paid out, but percentage of the fee (25-30%).

Accounting can lead an outsourcer. The monthly wages fund (excluding salary of the Owner's Director) - 2000 $.

Search for customers

The best customer search channels: creating and promoting your website, paid ads, direct contacting potential customers. The owners of private apartments, of course, do not call, but you can offer our services to various companies and institutions. These are office and business centers, shopping and entertainment centers, warehouses, manufacturing enterprises, restaurants, shops, objects after the end of construction work.

Costs and profits

How to open your cleaning firm and how many tools will need to invest? Capital expenditures:

  1. Registration - $ 70;
  2. Equipment - 7400 $
  3. Office rent for three months forward - $ 1000;
  4. Creating a website and advertising - $ 200.

TOTAL - 8700 dollars. Permanent spending (rent, salary, consumables, advertising) - $ 3000.

Cleaning service costs $ 0.7-0.9 per square meter area. On average, the general cleaning of the apartment is estimated at $ 100-200, an office - at $ 150-250, a production workshop - from $ 300. These are rates for one-time work. By entering into an agreement on an ongoing basis, you get a stable order, but do a good discount.

Regularly serving 2-3 companies and performing 15-20 one-time orders per month, you can rescue about 4000-4500 $, net profit - in the area of \u200b\u200b1000-1500 $ per month.

Build - a promising idea for any city with an active business life, where people do not have time for independent guidance of order. This type of business is good because it is easy to scale, increasing the staff and expanding the client base.

How to open a cleaning company in Russia: a brief overview of the market + necessary equipment + personnel search + initial investments + business advertising methods + useful tips.

Clean - pledge of health. Professional approach to providing cleanliness is the key to success in this business.

The grandmothers cleaners gradually go into the past ...

Demand, albeit "sleeping", it seems to be in Russia, because how to open a cleaning company Alone, more and more people are conceived. We'll figure it out today.

What you need to know before opening a cleaning company?

First, it is necessary to deal with the concept of "Cleaning", which in Russia still sounds unusual and different people invest different meaning in it. This is no longer just cleaning.

Some perceive the cleaning company as the same grandmother-cleaner, which has passed certain courses and can be meaningful, but without a system and modern equipment, sweeping or carrying the mop along the floor. Yes, such services also have demand in the lower price segment.

In 2014, the "Measurement" market, but in 2018, as experts believe, will begin to grow again. Conclusion: To be successful tomorrow, you need to prepare for increased demand today. So, it's time to think about how to open a cleaning company.

So, in 2014, the market for the Cleaning services of Russia was estimated at $ 200 million. Moreover, 150 of them accounted for Moscow and Moscow region. Even up to 30 million - on Peter, and the rest is the other regions.

Since then, professional clining has learned on the periphery, because the market began to slowly align, which opens up new perspectives in the event of economic growth throughout Russia.

We choose the target audience under the cleaning company

Having understood with the region where we are going to open a cleaning company, you need to understand, under what client it is worth doing. If rude, then the client can be either corporate or private. Corporates are divided into offices and premises of mass accumulation of people (TRC, theaters, cafes, etc.).

To understand how such a client will help such a "cheat sheet", which shows who spends most of all at the cleaning of premises in Russia:

As you can see, the apartment cleaning takes no more than 3% of the market together with theaters and restaurants that cope with cleansing procedures on their own.

Hence the conclusion: open the cleaning company can be exclusively with the orientation on the corporate client, and the service of the physical is worth developing as an auxiliary direction.

Having understood with the target audience, you should estimate the range of services that you will have. All of yours will depend on it, since all this requires personnel, equipment and consumables.

From infographics it follows that opening a cleaning company, dealing only by cleaning the premises and territory, is not too profitable - most combines this activity with something else.

The reason is that the Russian market is only formed, and it is impossible to bet on some one segment, it is better to take 2-3 directions and develop them in parallel.

How to open a "modest" Cleaning Company: Approximate Business Plan

You can open a cleaning company with a well-thought-out business plan.

Therefore, we prepared you examples. Then compare the indicators of the shallow company providing services of dry and wet cleaning of premises, with a large company so that all differences can be clearly visible.

So, to open a small cleaning company of a modest scale, which does not have any exotic services like the supervision of a fleet, but is engaged only by cleaning the premises, it is necessary to be "in the topic".

If you are already a specialist in this matter, you will not need courses, otherwise you will have to spend up to 20,000 rubles on them.

Passing courses, first of all will have to officially register your business.

If you want to work like an IP - your business, but it is believed that real profit in the business cleaning business can be obtained only if you open a cleaning company (on a simplified tax system) with 1-2 employees besides you.

This will allow you to work more flexibly with staff, while maintaining the benefits of small businesses, such as lower tax rates, government grants, reducing the cost of renting premises, etc.

Cleaning is good because, according to the laws of Russia, this activity does not require any certification. Before opening a cleaning company, it is necessary to learn GOST R 51870-2002.

Initial investment in the cleaning company

It all depends on the scale of your future activity and the market segment, which you have chosen for yourself. In general, 290-350,000 rubles are sufficient for the mediocre cleaning company in Format. start-up capital. For IP - 70-90,000 rubles.

It is believed that in Moscow such an investment pays for 8-10 months. That is, less than a year. For a full-fledged cleaning company providing a whole range of services, 2-3000,000 rubles will be required, and the payback in the presence of regular customers will be about a year.

It should be understood that the cleaning of premises as a business is too heterogeneous. Companies working in a pair with five star hotels receive a very serious income, but also the quality of cleaning services is the highest.

Low qualifications from supermarket staff, and the average - among the average business centers. All this must be taken into account in advance, calculating the level of initial capitalization.

Why start cleaning business in Russia?

Before opening a cleaning company, specialists recommend checking the ground, talking to local entrepreneurs: whether they need cleaning, what kind of cleaning they need, how much they are willing to pay, etc.

Otherwise, it is possible to be not a lot, because demand is not consolidated. Such is the specificity of the cleaning business, that the "sarafined radio" and personal dating here always stand in the first place.

The most important expenditure for a small cleaning firm is the office, although at the initial stage you can do without it without it. The modern level of technology development allows you to work in the "home office" mode, and to clean the customer.

If the clinling "office" is completely small, from one person, then you can simply answer your own mobile phone without breaking away from cleaning. Open a cleaning company in such a format is the easiest way. However, if you plan to go to the cleaning business for a long time, then without the office can not do.

The optimal office should have such premises: the Cabinet of the Director (you can meet the clients there), the room for staff (first of all managers), a warehouse for inventory and workwear, as well as a separate room for washing machines and drying drums.

Even if you do not intend to provide dry cleaning services, we will have to wash the overalls constantly, especially after every dirty cleaning, as guests requires GOST and common sense - who will hover a cleaning woman who herself looks like a zamouhushka?

Thus, for a modest office there will be enough office with an area of \u200b\u200b15-20 square meters. M. According to market participants, it is necessary to navigate to premises with a price from 1000 rubles per meter square (that is, 15-20,000 rubles per month).

You should not search for an office in the city center, you can and on the outskirts - you leave for customers for cleaning, and not they for you. So, in its own convenience, you can sacrifice the sake of savings.

1) Equipment for Cleaning Company

This is one of the most problematic moments at the start of the Cleaning Company in Russia. Some advise to buy only new equipment, while others are recommended for starting to limit the used equipment, they say, the main quality of the quality of personnel and consumables, and not the technique.

Choose that you closer, but still mops and rags must be clean, otherwise the client will be dissatisfied.

Consumables and simple Russian-made equipment are available in a wide range.

The mandatory set of equipment for a small company in Russia is as follows:

NameExpenses (approximate)
1. Flat MOP (Mop)1,500 rubles
2. Professional trolley with prescrat function, mesh for solutions and cleaning compositions, garbage bag.From 6,500 rubles
3. Scraper500 rubles
4. Suchet's napkins200 rubles
5. Vacuum cleaner with wet cleaning function20,000 rubles
6. Window cleaning kit2,000-3,000 rubles
7. Optionally: a gathering machine (instead of a vacuum cleaner with a wet cleaning function, replaces 1-2 employees)70,000-500,000 rubles

Total: 31,700 rubles (without a glowing machine). When buying a cheaper vacuum cleaner, you can meet at 30,000 rubles.

Alone, workwear can be washed at home. If you have a car, then the question is resolved, if not, then you will have to cooperate with someone.

Many people organize this business specifically under one customer - for example, a business center, where they themselves rented a small room or get permission to store equipment in the subsoil with the consent of the building owner.

2) We select personnel for cleaning company

If you are at the start and intend to clean the cleaning alone, then this item may not even read. Otherwise, you will need to hire 1-2 cleinners. Most likely, you will have to pay for newcomers, which will cost 4,000-25,000 rubles. Consulting services provide major cleaning firms.

The course includes both training for working with machinery and safety grounds when working with poisonous substances.

In addition, employees will teach how correctly, according to the system, carry out cleaning, what are the types of cleaning, the wet cleaning differs from dry using a vacuum cleaner or a gathering machine, etc.

That is, at the exit, get a full-fledged Cleanner - an expert in cleaning any type.

The work of the ordinary Cleanner is considered low-qualified, therefore it is not paid very high, although personnel deficit in Russia contributes to the fact that real specialists with experience can do not checkered.

To start business, you can focus on employees who are ready to work for 10-15 thousand rubles per month + premium.

You can also find someone for the minimum salary, but then, most likely, the quality of cleaning will suffer, because the same grandmothers, which often do not understand the technique, will go on such a salary, and they will have to work with technologically advanced and modern equipment.

To understand whether it is time for you to expand, there is a formula according to which one Cleener is able to qualitatively remove the territory of 9,000 square meters. m. For 8 hours of working day, an employee can remove about 800 square meters. m (in office centers - 500 square meters. m).

Calculating the Square of the "Run" of employees, you can find out if you have enough hands. If people are less than required, then the quality of cleaning will suffer.

3) We are looking for clients in your cleaning company

The optimal option, if you found a customer in advance, under which you will create your business, but only then you will scale it, hiring new employees and purchasing additional equipment for cleaning other types.

Market players argue that the optimal option for small cleaning companies - sarafanny Radio or "Presentations": Go to the offices and see where the dirtier all, suggests them to make cleaning for free or for half a favor, subject to revocation (video video) on your site either on specialized resources.

You can also leave your handouts near the entrances to the business centers or the shopping center.

This though does not give high conversion, but for free (while they will not lead competitors). A more thorough advertising campaign will be too expensive.

Many are trying to master promotion of cleaning services in social networksBut how efficiently it is difficult to say.

Much more justified is considered contextual advertisingwhich is shown to the target audience: if a person is looking for a cleaning office, introducing a request "cleaning of premises in Moscow", then your ad will be shown.

Paid ways to promote premises cleaning services will cost 10,000 rubles per month.

Do not forget about fixing all agreements with the customer in advance, right up to the smallest detail. It is advisable to describe not only the types of cleaning, but also the fixation of property rights so that you then have not accused of the stealing of personal belongings.

Therefore, pre-prepare forms of contracts, indicating the list of your services and deadlines. The contract usually sign up for a quarter or year, but there are one-time payment.

* An example of a typical contract for the provision of room cleaning services

What is the return on the microclining business?

The price for 1 square meter of professional cleaning in Moscow starts with 50 rubles square meters. m, although semi-professional cleaning can be found and cheaper. In large business centers, the price may even be 100 rubles / sq. M and above, but it is not worth counting on it, because such clients serve only well-known major brands.

... First you have to dumping, otherwise there will be no orders. So it costs to navigate for 30-40 rubles / sq. m.

Costs at a minimum: 30,000 (equipment for cleaning rooms) + 15,000 (office) + 20,000 (Personnel: 1 Cleener + accountant on outsource) + 10,000 (advertising on the network) \u003d 75,000 rubles in the first month and 40-50 thousand rubles per month.

Revenues: 50,000 (30 rubles per 1 square meter. M Cleaning \u003d 1667 - It is so much square meters that you need to remove a month for payback to yourself and one assistant). It is excluding taxes.

If you intend to work more thoroughly and are ready to spend on high-quality equipment (the same breakdown machine), rental of the car, expand the staff, to do a full self-advertising, the starting capital of 300-350,000 rubles will pay off approximately 5,000 square meters. m harvesting per month.

If you consider the scale of business centers and retail space, then this figure looks quite acceptable, but your competitors can work there, therefore it is better to prepare for the wrestling for the client.

Standard marginality in business cleaning business - 25-35%, depending on the services provided: one-time general cleaning are expensive, but they are rarely ordered in Russia, and weekly cleaning gives a small, but regular income.

Thus, regular cleaning of a three-bedroom apartment in Moscow will cost 4,000 rubles, and the general cleaning after repair is almost twice as many - 7-7.5 000 rubles. In general, the average clinical company pays off in 9 months, taking into account the crisis.

How to open a cleaning company with a chic?

As promised, the indicators of a tiny cleaning company are comparable to the giant industry, which directly from the start purchases its own cars, has a large staff and is ready to provide services for cleaning any complexity.

How to open such a major firm in Russia? Principles are all the same as before, therefore we will not repeat, but the costs are higher. Such companies usually create a hotel room or companies that serve large housing complexes and shopping malls.

To open the cleaning company in this segment, the staff will be at least 12 people:

Imported equipment for wet and dry cleaning of all types to open a clinical company of this level, also flies into a penny:

Total costs: 1 628 000 rub.
Equipment for cleaning
Wide spectrum services
Name Price Number of Cost in rubles.
Rechargeable gathering machines
for dry and wet cleaning
180 000 1 180 000
Cable gathering machine for
dry and wet cleaning
34 000 5 170 000
Network gathering machine for dry
and wet cleaning
105 000 2 210 000
Industrial vacuum cleaner for dry and
Wet cleaning
25 000 10 250 000
Putters30 000 2 60 000
Professional hairdryer for
Drying carpets
20 000 3 30 000
Cleaning carts and buckets on
Wheels for dry and wet cleaning
20 000
Cleaning equipment for dry and
Wet cleaning
30 000
Detergents, household chemicals 50 000
TOTAL: 1,000,000 rubles.
Computers, Office equipment, Furniture
Name Price Number of Cost
Laptops- - 60 000
mini PBX (4 Tubes)- - 15 000
MFP (printer + scanner + fax)- - 15 000
Furniture (tables, chairs, sofa)- - 38 000
TOTAL: 128 000 rub.
Name Price Number of Cost
The car "Sobol" 2008 1 300 000
VAZ 2104 2011 in. 1 200 000
TOTAL: 500 000 rubles.

Taking into account the costs of advertising, business registration, damping equipment for dry and wet cleaning, etc., without which it is impossible to open a large cleaning company in Russia, the final estimate will look like this:

Article Expenditure on Cleaning CompanyThe amount in rubles.
TOTAL:2 200 000 rub.
Registration of activities in the IFTS12 000
Acquisition of equipment for dry
and wet cleaning, computers and
Office equipment, office furniture,
detergents, vehicles
1 628 000
Set of personnel (advertising)10 000
Current funds (financing
Activities before paying backup)
450 000
Conducting an advertising campaign100 000

With an amendment for inflation and the devaluation of the purchase of equipment for dry and wet cleaning and hiring staff can do and at all at 3,000,000 rubles.

With the projected payback of the project in 550,000 rubles per month, it is necessary to maintain about 15-20 corporate clients (this is approximately 100 orders for dry and wet cleaning monthly).

From this video, you will learn how to create a successful

cleaning company with an income of $ 3,000-7,000:

Summing up the features of the opening of the cleaning company

Investments in a small cleaning company can be filled in a couple of months with an average yield of cleaning of 35%, the average company - for 8-10 months at yields at 25-30%, and in the case of a large-scale success, a profitability of 20-25% is considered to be 12-15 months on payback.

In fact, this market is very unstable. If you are lucky to get a large order for dry and wet cleaning, for example, a large state structure, then even a large cleaning company can be painted very quickly - literally for a couple of months.

But reverse result is also possible - small orders at high expenses. The most important thing is a preliminary analysis of demand in the segment and a settlement where you intend to work.

So find an answer to the question " How to open a cleaning company? " Not so difficult. It is much more difficult to calculate everything in advance, analyze the "sleeping" demand for dry and wet cleaning, to determine the optimal advertising channels, etc.

The cleaning itself is far from the most difficult thing. But if all this is done correctly, the result will not make yourself wait: In this area, the payback is one of the fastest, because in the US and Europe is considered one of the most attractive investments.

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