Repairs Design Furniture

We bring a new grade. Why yellow and dry leaves. Methods of rooting Cherenkov

We will tell how to cross the two varieties of one type of plants among themselves - this method is called hybridization. Let it be plants of various colors or differing in the shape of petals, leaves. Or perhaps they will be distinguished by flowering timing or requirements for external conditions?

Choose plants that quickly bloom to speed up the course of the experiment. It is also better to begin to choose unpretentious flowers - for example, on-line, calendulas or dolphiniums.

The course of the experiment and the diary of the observation

To begin with, specify your goals - what you want to get from the experiment. What desired signs should be new varieties?

Get a diary notebook, where you will write down the goals and will fix the course of the experiment from the beginning to the end.

Do not forget to describe in detail the starting plants, and then the obtained hybrids. Here is the most important moment: Plant health, growth intensity, sizes, painting, aroma, flowering time.

Flower structure

In our article, the flower will be considered as an example, you see it in the diagram and in the photos.

The appearance of colors in different plants can differ significantly, but mostly equally.

Pollination of flower

1. Start by selecting two plants. One will fatal, and the other - seed plant. Choose healthy and strong plants.

2. Carefully follow the seed plant. Choose a unspacial bud with which you will spend all manipulations, mark it. In addition, it will have to isolate before opening - Touching it in a linen light bag. As soon as the flower starts open, cut all the stamens from him to avoid accidental pollination.

3. As soon as the seed plant flower is completely revealed, transfer to him pollen From the pollinator plants. Pollen can be transferred with a cotton wand, tassels, or pulling out the flimer flower stamens and bring them directly to the seed. Pollen apply a seed plant flower pestle.

4. Put on the flower of the seed plant linen bag. Do not forget to make the necessary marks in the observation diary - about the time of pollination.

5. To progress, after a while, repeat the operation with pollination - for example, after a couple of days (depends on the flowering time).

Choose two flower - one will serve as a pollinator, another plant will become seed.

Immediately, as soon as the flower of the seed plant blooms, cut all the stamens from him.

Apply pollen taken from a pollinator flower, on a pestle of a seed plant flower.

Fullarted flower must be labeled.

Obtaining hybrids

1. If pollination has passed successful, Soon the flower will start slugging, and the wound will increase. Do not remove the bag from the plant until the seeds are matured.

2. Seeds obtained land as seedlings. When you get young hybrids plants, then highlight them a separate place in the garden or transfer them to the boxes.

3. Now wait for hybrids flowering. Do not forget to describe all observations in the diary. Among the first, and the second generation, there may be flowers exactly by repeating parent properties unchanged. Such instances take off immediately. Check with your goals and select among the new plants obtained Those that are most suitable for the desired signs. You can pollinate them either manually or isolate them.

Flower of the seed plant should be protected by a bag of textiles.

When you get seeds, land them on seedlings. Young plants place in boxes.

Carefully follow your new hybrid, write your observations into the diary.

If you decide to engage in new varieties seriously, you will be needed to advice a breeder specialist. The fact you will need to find out if you really brought new Sort Or go already a path that has already been laid. Competition in the field of creating new varieties is very high.

The same one who decided to experiment with hybridization as a home hobby, we wish to get a lot of pleasure from this classes, make a lot of joyful discoveries and finally give all your friends to gardeners a new variety of some wonderful flower called by your name.

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How to bring new apple trees

ANDvan Vladimirovich Michurin, the great converter of nature, said: "We cannot wait for mercies from nature; Take them with her - our task. " Sixty years of creative labor life Michurin gave the art of creating new varieties. He pointed out the way as you can create new plants.

This path of hybridization, or artificial crossing of various varieties of plants to obtain hybrids (possessions).

As known, fruit tree Without flowering, it cannot tie the fruit and give the seed. Only in the process of flowering, the pestle, the pestle is pollinated with pollen from the same or from another tree of the same breed and fertilization occurs. The seed arising in this way will be a carrier of signs characteristic of maternity and fatherly trees. And in hybridization, a person chooses producers intentionally, that is, with such properties, which he would like to give the future plant.

Here is an example from the work of I. V. Michurin. IN middle lane There are no trees of the European part of the USSR, which would combine a good taste of fruits and the ability to prolonged storage, that is, there are no winter varieties. To get such a variety, Ivan Vladimirovich came in this way. In 1903, several flowers for the first time of the bloomed young, six-year-old, the suture of the Ussuri pear, the small fruits of which are rude, were fertilized by pollen, taken from a pot of pear-piano - Italian variety with delicious and long-term stored fruits.

Of the five hybrids obtained from this crossing, according to Ivan Vladimirovich, "successfully connected both in the properties of the tree and in the qualities of its fetus the dignity of both plants producers." The fruits ripen late in the fall and are stored fresh to March (Bere Winter Michurina).

Another example. Currently, the Slavyanka variety is widely known by Ivan Vladimirovich when crossing Antonovka ordinary (Maternal variety) and the Renet of the Pineapple (fatherly grade), whose homeland is France. As a result of the hybridization, the beautiful flavor qualities of the rennet, its exceptional aromatics, it was impossible to be better combined with the winter hardiness of the Antonovka and a very significant fetus to the fetus (until spring).

How is the hybridization of plants? Young gardeners, especially working in circles, not only useful to know the technique of hybridization, but it is necessary to actively take part in the cropping of fruit trees.

The hybridization technique is. On the parent plant outlined inflorescences (so called groups of flowers that came out of one fruit kidney) with normally developing buds and remove the least developed, leaving two or three best. Buds ready to dismiss tomorrow, today it is necessary to open and castrate, that is, thoroughly pull all pollen bags thread or scissors.

In order for the castrated flowers with wind or insects, pollen from other flowers, processed inflorescences should be concluded in white gauze bags, gently and carefully knocked them.

Pollen from the Father's Futy Flower prepared a little earlier - in one or two days before castration. The discontinuity is ready to dismiss, but not yet blossoming bud, the pollen bags are torn off tweezers and fold them into a glass jar. The collected pollen is placed to ripen in a warm and dry place, but not on the sun. Pollen will soon ripen and falls out of the bags. In this form, it can persist, without losing vitality, month or more (this makes it possible to get pollen from remote zones in advance).

The next day after castration of the flower of the parent plant, in the morning, between 8 and 12 hours, pollination is made.

Pollen in the jar shake up and then the tip of the finger or a piece of rubber or cork, reinforced on the wire, is applied to the pistil.

After that, the inflorescence reincarnate to the insulator to protect the flowers, and subsequently marking and fruits from random damage. At the branch of inflorescences attach a label with a maternal plant and a pollinator variety, dates and quantities of polished flowers.

Each flower pollination must be repeated over the next three days.

In the future, as ripening, the fruits take off. Summer grades Give 7-10 days for final aging, after which seeds are chosen. The varieties that mature in a long lying are left for storage and choose seeds from them only when the fruits begin to deteriorate.

Selected seeds are stratified by the usual order and the spring is sown. However, with the stratification of seeds of winter varieties is impossible. It should be done in a timely manner. At the same time, of course, it is necessary to especially closely make sure that each group of seeds has its exact designation.

For greater success of hybridization, I. V. Michurin recommends proceeding from some provisions established by him.

So, the best result is obtained if the manufacturers are taken from different climatic, soil zones, from different reliefs, etc. The hybrids obtained from such crossing are easier to change to the direction you need when they are unusual for them.

Young apple trees that recently entered into fruiting, like adult trees, but with something weakened (arid weather, cold spring, affected by pests), have less chances to transfer their qualities a hybrid than plants in full strength of its development.

During the years with warm, moderately wet and quiet spring, there is the largest percentage of successful crosses. With such weather and properties the best varietiesdeveloped as favorable conditions warm climate, much more fully transmitted hybrids in our area.

Especially important, Ivan Vladimirovich attached to those influences what a hybrid plant undergoes in the first years of life. The plasticity of the young hybrid is very large, the durability of the inherited signs weakened new atmospherewhich is now a hybrid plant. Therefore, the education of a young hybrid is of great importance.

Care for the trees in a hybrid nursery, soil processing, pest control should be carried out on a high agrotechnical level. However, in cases where one of the manufacturers is southern grade, fat soil is excluded. Hybrids giving on such a soil growth, are optimized. Only pumped into skinny soil, hybrids are resistant to frost.

The fertilizer of the seedlings, says Ivan Vladimirovich, should be proceeding only when they begin to lay their fruiting bodies. Enhanced nutrition must be continued during the first three to five years of fruiting, when all the characteristic of this quality plant is defined. In addition, it is necessary to hold the seedlings of hybrids from the development of a large number of small branches by the piece of side branching, to direct the movement of juices to the sequencies.

To withdraw your Tomato variety, call your name and leave it to descendants is not such a problem. To do this, it is necessary to purchase seeds of any rare, exotic, super-harvest varieties and begin to cross them (to purchase seeds of more than 250 varieties of tomatoes in our online store.

All work can be divided into two stage - work In the greenhouse (2-3 years), and after the steady variety-bureaucratic, on making it to the state register (usually 4-5 years).

So let's start from the first stage.
Since the tomato plant is routine and self-polishing, then before crossing it is necessary to remove the stamens in the flowers of the mother plant (which you will apply your father's pollen) with a small tweezers - it is perfect for this. This operation is correctly called castration. The flower needs to be left left, and the tweezers must be in right hand. First, the petals are discharged to the sides, and then neatly pluck the stamens, trying to take them for the very bottom. This operation should be done very carefully so as not to damage the flower pestle.

Most suitable time For polling - from 6 to 11 hours of the day.
Pollen is collected from flowers torn from the father's grade immediately before the pollination. It is desirable to take it from the flowers, which are already revealed by the second or third day, and choose those whose stamens are painted brighter.
Then you need a tweezers to separate a separate boot, sucking it with a tweezers from the inside. Pollen should stay on a tweeze, it is clearly noticeable. Then the pollen is transferred to the pistil. Two or three hours she germinates.
The surveillance operation is easier to carry out in the greenhouse, there you will not interfere with neither the wind or insects. Crossing must be done on the very first two brushes.
Since the flowering of tomatoes occurs unevenly, then castration and pollination are carried out within two weeks.

To collect more pollen to pollinate the desired number of flowers, you need to tear the discontinuished flowers, separating anthers from them and put it on clean white paper. After a day, paper is neatly folded so that nothing could get enough sleep, and they tap it a little so that the pollen disconnects. Then unfold paper, the anthers are removed, and the pollen are gently assembled with the blade in one place. Pollen are moved into the glass tube, insert the tampon from below from above, before pollination, one tampon is removed and the flower pestle is lowered into the open hole. In such a tube, it is easy to adjust the supply of pollen, moving the lower tampon to the top. You just need to know that pollen can be stored one or two days, no more.
On the bush where you spent pollination, leave only these, polished flowers, and the rest that will appear are removed.

Tomato - the plant is self-aluminum, and self-pollution between varieties without intervention is very rare, so the varieties can maintain their physicity in an unlimited time, especially since the pollen of tomatoes is considered very heavy and even with a very strong wind in 50 cm may fall, but no further. Therefore, it is not necessary to fear if you planted a lot of varieties that they will lose their varietal qualities, this will not happen. Ideally, of course, to remove new varieties, it is better to have a small but separate greenhouse for each.

The second stage is sometimes more complex and not even always solved for gloomy practice. In order for your variety to become a full range, it must be made to the state register of breeding achievements.

In accordance with the decision-making regulations on the application for the admission of selection achievement to use: p.1. Selecting achievements (varieties of plants, animal breeds), hereinafter referred to as "grades", declared for admission to use, must meet the requirements of the difference, homogeneity, stability and economic utility. P.2. ... If the grade is discrepancies, the requirements of the inspection, uniformity or stability of the registration department And state stations make a proposal to the expert commission on the rejection of the application (the test of similar varieties for economic utility is terminated). P. 11. From the state register of breeding achievements admitted to use, to the exception of the variety: - For which the originator (applicant) stopped working to maintain a variety , the production of original seeds, payment of duty for maintaining in the state selection of breeding achievements.

Translated all above on a simple language, we get the following:
1. A new grade of vegetables or colors which one or another company wants to include in the State Register should: a) differ something from the already submitted; b) from year to year to give the same yields (to be homogeneous and stable) b) to have a high yield (be economical useful)
2. If the grade of vegetables or colors does not correspond to paragraph 1 - it will not be included in the State Register.
3. Making a new variety of colors or vegetables in the State Register costs money.
4. Maintaining the varieties in the state market, also worth the money (i.e., if the annual duty is not paid - the variety, no matter how good it is, will exclude from the state registry).
5. The amount of payments for making / maintaining grade of vegetables or colors does not depend on its sales. Where are the new varieties come from now, for a complete understanding of the situation, we will consider where new colors or vegetables are appearing on sale. Immediately I want to note that in spite of everything, in our country, selection works are still held and new varieties are revealed. But new varieties are removed very little, and from them only the units are the stage of commercial production and reach the counters. Therefore, in an overwhelming mass, Russian packaging companies purchased ready-made seeds of flowers and vegetables in the West, bring them in Russia and packaged on color packages. These seeds and appear on sale in stores and online seed stores. Sometimes they are sold under the "native" names, but often a company-a packer buys not the same grade, but different varieties Vegetables or colors of one zottochip and comes up with it one of its name - something "super-sonor" and "envisage-wonderful". From here it follows that:
1. If, for example, 2 different companies purchased seeds of vegetables or colors of the same variety in the west, packaged them and gave them each of their name, then both varieties in the State Register were made to be not possible by definition, because They are completely identical.
2. If, for example, a packaging company buys seeds in the west not a specific variety, and different varieties of the same zerotatch and sells them under its one name, then in the State Register it cannot be made, because Hemogeneous and unstable.
3. If, for example, the purchased seeds of one or another variety of vegetables differ in non-high yield, and the color or form of the fetus, then in the State Register it can not be made, because Economically useless.
4. If, for example, the planned or real sales of seeds of colors or vegetables of any variety is not great, it makes no sense to make it in the State Register, because A duty for making, unfolded on the number of package sold and very much will raise their cost.
5. If, for example, seeds of vegetables or colors of the same variety sell several companies, despite the fact that the company made this grade in the State Register does not receive a copyright with them, then it is not sufficient to maintain this variety in the state market, because They pay money, and the rest use it for free.

Try and even if you do not get documents to your variety - Believe the process of creating something new to you for many years.

Doing the houses of selection, how to find out if a new grade turned out? I can tell a lot about Gloxia, although I just started to be interested in them. Most of all fascinates what you can engage in pollination and from the resulting seeds to grow new varieties. And otherwise everything is very simple. The main sterilization of the soil for planting seeds (I do it in the oven) and cover the leaf with a guy for rooting. And two more factors:

1) the light mode is good to choose lighting, especially in conditions without artificial illumination;

2) Watering mode Water should cover the entire surface of the substrate, and not only half of it.

Following the error, I came to the following:

To place its gloxinia on the southern windowsill, but in the summer, I act in the old Tulle;

I use fitila watering (Especially convenient and effectively this for a large collection).

Doing home selection, how to find out whether a new grade of the plant turned out? Do I need to somehow register it to assign your name? And if so, how to do it? What organization to contact?

Many amateur flower products receive seeds, and then seedlings from their home plants. But in order for them to become official varieties, you need to do a great job. When pollination of flowers, you must fix, from which pairs are obtained seeds. Next, it is necessary to choose from all seedlings those who have well distinctive features, and not only decorative qualities (flower size, its shape, color), but also the number of flowers, the duration of their flowering, form and quality of leaves, general form Plants, resistance to diseases, etc.

If the seedman for most of these signs is better known varieties, you must propagate it to have it sufficient number specimens, and check at the same time how well it breeds and how accurately transmits and retains his signs. Only after that you can call your alleged variety and transfer the application to the Sorotture Commission. Experts will be checked, whether such a name was used earlier and whether the variety corresponds to the standard requirements. After that you will receive documents for authorship.

Among the amateur gardeners there are people, truly enthusiastic horticulture. The cultivation of the crop ceased to be for them in itself, they go further and try to invent something their own: for example, special methods of agricultural engineering or withdraw their own variety. Create a new variety of tomato for glood-lovers seems to be a very complex task. Let's try to figure it out: Is it really?

In the picture: The structure of the tomato flower: 1-petal; 2-stamps that have grown in the cone; 3 - Pestka Stil; 4 - column inside the pestle; 5 - maritime; On the left - the pestle is stilts inside the stitching cone, on the right above the cone.

Tomatoes relate to self-polishing plants. Therefore, to bring the new grade, artificial fertilization is necessary. The flower consists of a stamen with anthers (male organ) and pestle (female organ). To obtain a new variety on the parent plant, you need to choose the yellow-green bud (slightly opening) and cast the stamens (plugging the stamens), leaving a pestle with a stigger. At the same time, it is important not to damage them and isolate with cotton.

At one time this operation is carried out no more than two flowers of one brush. The remaining flowers are removed! The next day, on the father's plant in the morning (up to 10 hours), they take pollen from the anthers on a well-discontinued yellow flower and apply with a cotton or soft tassel on an isolated flower of a maternal plant. This polished flower is covered with cotton. Do not forget to sign the date and name of parental varieties.

Pollination is not always successful, so the operation is repeated at least 10 times in other brushes. Optimal temperature germination pollen 20-30 degrees. At a temperature of 8-12 and 35-40, pollen becomes sterile and not able to produce fertilization. It is successful to pollination, will be seen in a week. In pollarged flowers will begin to grow marks, and inrectated falls.

After harvesting, the seeds of these fruits will be hybrids of the first generation. Next year, when cultivated from these seeds, identical signs are manifested - hybrid alignment. The following generation takes splitting on various forms of parental signs. Of the variety of received seedlings, it is important to choose those plants that will be the most yields, tasty, and most importantly, to meet your requirements. And only in the third generation varietal features are fixed. It is necessary to closely follow the plants and choose only those that are not split at varietal signs. Seeds with these plants will be given the beginning of a new variety that you have created.

Now let's talk how to choose parental lines. There is an arbitrary choice here. The main aspect on the withdrawal of a new grade is: omitability, yield, disease resistance and reduced temperature. It all depends on your imagination. In the first generation of hybrids, in most cases, the parent plant is similar. The progenitors of many varieties and hybrids are generally accepted varieties: de Barao, a bullish heart. Cosmonaut Volkov, Wolveye Heart, Giant Novikov. When removing a new variety it is difficult to collect all top Qualities Tomato. If you bet on yield, taste is lost. So that the new grade does not hit the phytoofer, parent lines are necessary (better father) choose during the disease of the plants.

In 2008, I brought a very tasty high-yielding grade bag. The weight of the fruits reached 1 kg. Fruits of dark red, sweet, fleshy, in the brush 4-6 fruits. The plant of the intederminant type, powerful, resistant to drought and disease. Recent fruits collected in November. I won't tell about the parents of this variety. Let it be my secret, but I spent a selection work for one year. Material to select parental lines I have a huge: I have a large number of Amateur selection varieties. In the collection of more than 500 varieties and hybrids. More than 30 brought himself. Each season I plant about 200 varieties, and only units are casting. I also have outstanding raspberries (up to 10 g) and strawberries (strawberries) Weight weight 50 - 100 g. All Copta repair (fruit all season). I also have hybrids of high-yielding cucumbers and potatoes, which is not to taste a beetle.